Electives Ch. 04 free porn video

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Chapter 4 Meeting Brian’s friends and his family.

Ginny Driver Stapleton was not your typical widow. She didn’t have any gray hair, her skin was wrinkle-free, and she didn’t pal around with other widows. Once she stopped wearing the silver band signifying that she had been married, she looked like any other single girl, carefree and happy.

She didn’t try to hide the fact that her boyfriend was younger, and a college student. She insisted that I accompany her to teacher functions and never once did she warn me to ‘act mature’ or to ‘dress appropriately.’

One Sunday afternoon, we attended a wine and cheese party at the home of a fellow teacher and her mate. Barbara and Clifford went with us, but I made sure we separated from them as soon as we were inside. Clifford’s overbearing personality was a major turn-off for me. I didn’t understand what Barbara saw in him. What surprised me was that Ginny never said anything negative about him.

Ginny introduced me to her fellow schoolteachers, and was not fazed when some of them remembered me from high school.

‘He’s a college junior,’ Ginny explained to my former teachers, when they asked what I was doing now, adding. ‘He’s also an automobile salesman.’

She told me to select cheese from one table, while she stood in line to get two glasses of wine. I watched her chatting with the hostess, point to me, smile, and accept the two glasses of wine.

We went into the backyard, and found a bench. It was a fall day, leaves were falling, and the air was crisp.

‘Thank you for coming with me. I know this must be terribly boring for you.’

I shared the small plate of cheese with her, and we sipped our wine.

‘Thank you for inviting me to tag along with you. It’s never boring when I’m with you.’

She selected a wedge of cheese, and fed it to me. ‘May I ask you for a big favor?’

‘There’s nothing that I wouldn’t do for you. Your wish is my command,’ I said, smiling to show that I was being sincere.

‘Will you go with me to my brother’s house during Christmas break?’

‘I don’t know how much time I can get off from work, but sure, I’ll go with you if I can.’

‘It only needs to be a few days.’

‘I’m sure I can manage a few days.’

‘I want you to meet Brian and his family. I want them to meet you, too.’

‘I’d like nothing better, but isn’t he away on assignment?’

‘He promised Amanda that he’ll be home for Christmas. She and Phillip are counting on him being there.’


I waited until Thanksgiving morning to approach my grandfather about taking a few days off to go to Ginny’s brother’s house. I needed to know because Ginny was coming to our house for dinner, and I’d promised her that we would make plans for our trip that day. Barbara was going to be with Clifford’s family.

As was his custom, my grandfather put me through the third degree. I don’t think that he objected to my taking a few days off. He was using my request as a means to get another point across, he maintained that my relationship with Ginny was hindering my effectiveness at work. He also wanted to make sure that Millie and Herman were okay with my taking a few days off.

My grandmother interceded. She pointed out that the end of the year was never a busy season for the used car business. ‘Anyway, Ginny is a lovely girl. She doesn’t complain when Randy works late. I say that you should let him honor her request to visit her brother’s family.’

Ginny arrived, wearing a long skirt, and a colorful blouse. She helped my grandmother finish preparing dinner, and then we sat down to enjoy a bountiful meal. I waited until we were alone in my room to give her the good news.

‘We can leave early on the twenty-third, and we don’t have to be back until noontime on Saturday, the twenty-ninth. I have to work the late shift that day, but we’ll close early on New Years Eve.’

Ginny was counting on her fingers. The twenty-third and the twenty-ninth would be travel days, but it would leave five full days for us to spend at her brother’s house. She tackled me, and wrestled me to the bed.

‘You make me very happy,’ she said, kissing me on the lips, the forehead, and back to my lips.

If I hadn’t stuffed myself with turkey and pumpkin pie, I would have turned her over and made love right there in my room. We made plans, what time we would leave, how long it would take to drive the four hundred and fifty miles, what clothes we would pack, and when we would shop for gifts to take with us.

Over the weeks leading up to our trip, Ginny continued to tell me how happy I made her. One of the ways I made her happy was sexually. She hadn’t been married very long, but even I could tell that her sexual needs had not been met the way I was meeting them. She declared that our twice per week trysts in her bedroom brought her to new heights of ecstasy. I was looking forward to our trip, and she was too.

I really did try to apply myself at the used car lot, but I must admit that sleeping with Ginny for six nights in a row was occupying a good portion of my time.

Millie kidded me about going away with my girlfriend. ‘Just remember that I expect you to show up on time, and ready for work on the twenty-ninth. Do I need to remind Ginny to take it easy on you the night before?’

‘Ginny’s already warned me that we’re going to take it easy every night. She’s concerned that she makes too much noise when she becomes excited.’

‘That’s no fun. She should learn to let go. Sex is a means of self-expression,’ Millie said.

‘She wouldn’t like my telling you this, but Ginny takes on a new personality when she’s having sex. You’d think it was a different person to hear her.’

‘Have you stopped to think that it could be you that brings out the best of Ginny?’

Two kids pulled up in a beater, and walked toward a 2005 Pontiac. I went out to meet them, and when they said they were just looking, I went back inside to resume our conversation.

‘I hope you won’t think I’m bragging,’ I said, looking at Millie. She shook her head, slowly, wanting me to continue. ‘Ginny says she never made noise when she was with her husband. She says everything I do is new to her, but really, I’m running out of stuff to try.’

Millie’s head swiveled to the right, directing her attention to the two kids. One of them was trying to open the driver’s door to the Pontiac. I watched as Millie darted out to the lot, asked the two kids what the fuck they were doing, in a nice way of course, and waved to them as they drove away.

‘I’ll bring you a book,’ Millie said when she came back inside. We changed topics, and didn’t speak of my sex life with Ginny until I’d had time to study the book. Our trip was soon approaching, and I was anxious to try some of the techniques illustrated in Millie’s book.


My grandfather surprised me by handing me the keys to a two-year-old Mercury. I’d never seen the car on the lot, but he assured me that it was in top condition.

‘Keep within the speed limit, and you’ll use less fuel. It should give you and the young lady a comfortable ride,’ he said, walking away before I could thank him.

My grandmother woke me at five A M. She packed a snack while I was having my breakfast. ‘Call us if you run into trouble or need anything,’ she said. Like when my grandfather handed me the keys to the Mercury, I was speechless. I thanked her with a hug.

Barbara had gotten up early to see us off. She informed me that Ginny was not quite ready, and that Clifford was still in bed.

‘I’m glad you’re going with Ginny to visit her brother’s family. I know how badly she wants to see them, but I don’t believe she would have gone alone if you couldn’t go. She couldn’t stand to be separated from you, not even for a few days.’

‘I’m glad that I’m able to please her. I’m looking forward to our being together for seven d
ays and six nights.’

‘Don’t push her too far, Randy. She’s lived a sheltered life.’

Assuming she was speaking of sex, I became defensive. ‘I don’t push her.’

‘Yes, you do. I hear her when you’re together. She was never like that with my brother. Danny was gentle, you’re an animal.’

What right did she have to compare me to her brother? I wanted to retaliate. ‘I’ve heard you and Clifford. Is he an animal?’

Barbara smiled. ‘Clifford’s different. He’s a cuddly teddy bear.’

I was about to remind her of the way she’d shrieked the night I’d heard them in the room across from us. She’d made it sound like Clifford was a grizzly bear. But our conversation was cut short by Ginny’s appearance. She greeted me with a kiss, handed me one of her bags, and said it was time for us to leave.

She was impressed by the car I was driving. ‘Your grandfather must love you very much,’ she said.

I didn’t know it at the time, but her comment about my grandfather was her way of leading in to what she wanted to talk about, my childhood.

‘I suppose he does,’ I said, wondering if I should tell her that he had a strange way of showing it sometimes.

‘Your grandmother must love you very much, too,’ Ginny observed when she saw the bag of goodies my grandmother had packed for us to snack on.

‘Oh, yeah,’ I said, trying to count all the thoughtful things my grandmother had done for me over the years.

‘How long have you lived with them?’

This subject had not come up before. It wasn’t something I liked to talk about, but I couldn’t refuse to tell Ginny about my childhood. She was the one person that deserved to know everything about me.

‘As you know, I was born October the twentieth, nineteen hundred and eighty-seven to Randolph and Melissa Jansen.’

‘Does that mean you are Randolph, Junior?’

‘Technically, but I’ve always gone by Randy.’

‘I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt,’ Ginny said, looking apologetic, like she was anxious for me to continue.

‘My dad was in the Reserves, and his unit was called to active duty a few days after Iraq invaded Kuwait. He was killed two days before my fourth birthday.’

‘Oh, my God! He was killed on my birthday…sorry, Randy, I won’t interrupt you again.’

I looked over at her, saw how she was blushing in embarrassment. ‘You were eight years old that day. I’ll bet you were as cute as you are now.’

‘No way, I wore my hair in pigtails, and I was overweight,’ she confessed, and then she thought of something. ‘That made your mom a widow, like me.’

‘Year, it was just my mom and me until she remarried.’

‘So, you’re an only child. Do you have any uncles or aunts?’

‘No, my dad was an only child, too. I’ve got a couple of step-brothers. The guy my mom married is older. He’s wealthy. I think that’s what attracted my mom to him. They had a baby when I was ten so I’ve got a half-sister, too.’

‘When did you come to live with your grandparents?’

I guess my grimace caught her attention. ‘Randy, if it bothers you to talk about it, I’ll understand.’

‘Ginny, if anyone deserves to hear my story, it’s you. I don’t mind talking about it. The next two years were more than I could take. My step-brothers treated me like shit, I didn’t get along with my step-dad, and my mom gave all of her attention to the baby. I got to the point that I hated every one of them, including my mom. I acted out my frustration in school, and my step-dad convinced my mom that I needed to be sent away. I was happy when my grandparents offered for me to come live with them, but I didn’t know what I was getting into.’

‘Your grandparents didn’t mistreat you, did they?’

‘They never laid a hand on me, but I’d rather take a beating that listen to one of my granddad’s lectures. He let me know that he was dissatisfied with the work I was doing in school. He got me a tutor, and when I didn’t improve, he fired the tutor, and sat with me every night while I did my homework. This went on until I started hanging around the used car lot. My grandmother wasn’t pleased when I came home with grease on my clothes, but it suited my granddad fine. We had something in common, cars, and if I didn’t show up at his lot when he thought I should be there, he actually came looking for me.’

‘I thought you said that you didn’t start working there until you were sixteen?’ Ginny asked.

‘That’s when he started paying me. Before that, I just hung around and watched. His lectures continued, but now they were on how to listen for a transmission that is going bad, or how to feel shimmy in the front wheels. He stopped paying attention to my grades, and guess what? My grades improved.’

‘Do you communicate with your mother?’

I shook my head. ‘She sends gifts for my birthday and at Christmas. I send her a thank you note, and then, invariably, I get pictures of her new family. She has step-sons that were born when she was ten or eleven years old, and she has a daughter that was born when they were twenty-one and twenty-two.’

‘She must be interested in you. Does she ask how you are doing or if you have a girlfriend?’

‘I wrote once about my job at the service station. She called me a grease monkey, and then went on for a page and a half about a dance recital her precious daughter was in.’

‘I don’t think we should talk about this any more, Randy. It’s making you upset.’

I laughed. ‘It would have upset me when I was younger, but I avoided talking about it. I don’t mind telling you about my earlier days. You see me for what I am today, stable, happy, and in love.’

Ginny smiled at me, but she didn’t ask any more questions. Instead, she began talking about her brother, Amanda, and Phillip.

‘Brian’s been gone from home for four months. I sympathize with the situation our parents have put him in, but he laughs it off, like he doesn’t mind being put in the middle. Sometimes he complains about the unreasonableness of the others who are representing the heirs, but at other times I believe he’s enjoying himself.’

‘How many people are representing the heirs?’ I asked.

‘That’s where it gets funny. I think he’s torn between hating them, feeling sorry for them, and being protective of them. For instance, there’s a bleached-blonde who represents the food pantry. Her vote is only three percent of the total, but sometimes her three percent is all Brian needs to swing the decision his way.

‘Brian’s vote is forty-four percent, but it’s often canceled by the lady representing the former husband of our dad’s aunt. They’ve been living in the same house all this time, and almost never speak, except when others are present. Brian must be warming up to her though, because he found out that her name is Paige.

‘The man representing the church where the elderly couple worshiped almost always casts his vote with Paige. That leaves the lady that represents the public library. Brian can usually count on her siding with him, but it depends on how the bleached blonde votes. Sometimes, he makes it all sound like total chaos. Other times, he sounds so frustrated that I feel sorry for him.’

‘It sounds like he knows who he can depend on, and who he can’t. Is that everyone?’

‘No, there’s the attorney’s assistant. Brian’s description of her makes her sound like a sexpot.’

‘Doesn’t he have a girlfriend? I seem to recall that he’s on the verge of marriage.’

‘That’s changed. Not a word of this to Amanda, mind you? Brian doesn’t want her to know that things have cooled between him and Marian, but she’s hinted to me that she knows that Marian is being unfaithful.’

‘Unfaithful?’ I asked, beginning to think that what I was hearing sounded like a soap opera.

‘Brian has a good friend. She operates the café, which is in the same building as the hardware store. It’s leased to the Leach brothers. Henrietta told Brian that she saw Marian coming down
the stairs from the loft where one of the brothers lives. Marian had some excuse for visiting one of the Leach brothers, but Henrietta didn’t believe her. Since then, she’s seen them together a few times.’

‘Which Leach brother was it?’ I asked, almost certain that I knew the answer.

‘I don’t know. Brian didn’t name him.’

‘Was it Mark?’

‘Mark, yes, I think that’s it, how do you know his name?’

‘Max is married, although I wouldn’t be surprised if he was having an extra-marital affair.’

‘How do you know their names?’ Ginny asked. It was no longer idle curiosity. She was becoming animated.

‘Max and Mark Leach are my step-brothers,’ I said, wondering if they were taking turns fucking Brian’s girlfriend.

Ginny shook her head, bit her lip, and became quiet. We stopped to fuel up and get something to eat.

‘I’m glad we had that talk, Randy,’ she said, when we were back on the road. I smiled at her, saying that I was glad, too.

We arrived at Brian’s house about two PM on the twenty-third of December. Ginny was pointing out the buildings where the flea markets were housed when the kids came running out to meet us. Amanda and Ginny hugged, Ginny introduced her to me, and then hugged her nephew, who was reluctant to show his affection for his aunt.

Inside, we met Mary, the kid’s grandmother. After asking if we were hungry, and our saying that we were not, Mary said that we were to take Brian’s room. Amanda led the way upstairs, Ginny and I followed her, and Phillip followed us.

I could tell that Ginny and Amanda wanted to catch up with the news, so I asked Phillip if he would show me the market, which he seemed happy to do.

All the dealers knew Phillip, but I don’t think he remembered their names. He didn’t know how to introduce me, but once I explained to a couple of the dealers that I was his aunt’s boyfriend, Phillip told the others that I was Randy, aunt Ginny’s boyfriend. That’s how he introduced me to John Larkin and his wife, Judy. John took me for a tour of the two buildings that housed the dealers, and then into the third building where goods that had just arrived were stored.

‘I’ve been working for Brian and Peggy since I was a senior in high school, and I appreciate the confidence he’s shown in me, but we all miss Brian around here. He gets along much better with the dealers than I do. They love him.’

‘I’ve heard a lot about him, but I haven’t met him yet. Ginny wanted to visit Brian and his family, and I couldn’t turn her down.’

I didn’t know how to approach the subject of the Leach brothers, but I had to talk to someone about them. I decided to blurt it out. ‘I just learned that Max and Mark Leach operate the hardware store. They are my step-brothers.’

John was non-committal. He nodded his head, and watched me. I was almost certain that he knew about Brian’s girlfriend being seen with one of them. We waited each other out, until he felt pressed to say something.

‘Would you like to see them? I’ll show you where the hardware store is if you do.’

I hadn’t thought about seeing Max and Mark. My mother had married their father, and they had a child together. I held no affinity for either of them. ‘Thanks for the offer, but I don’t think so.’

‘I can understand why,’ John said.

Why had he said that? ‘You know more than you’re letting on, don’t you, John?’

‘I’ve heard things. This is a small town, and people talk. I just hope that I’m not the one that has to tell Brian.’

‘Don’t worry. He already knows.’

John smiled, looking relieved. Now that it was out in the open that we were on the same track, he didn’t mince words. ‘Was it Henrietta?’

‘Yes, but she may not know the whole story.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘When they were in college, they boasted about screwing each other’s girlfriends. They may be up to their old tricks.’

John howled. ‘Are you going to tell Brian?’

‘I don’t know. How do you think he would take it?’

John was thoughtful for a moment. ‘Maybe we should wait and see how it plays out.’

I agreed. John guided me back to Judy’s booth where Phillip was hanging out, and we went back to the house. Ginny wanted to spend some alone-time with her nephew, so Amanda and I placed the gifts we’d brought under the tree. As Ginny had said, Amanda was a perceptive young lady. She told me how she and her mother had come to live with Brian, how they had expanded their business, how she had first lost her grandfather, and then her mother. She held nothing back. She repeated several times that she was looking forward to having her dad at home, even if only for a few days.

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Hi a reader, my name is Arjun (not real name) as most of my friends are the readers of this site. This is the first time I’m going to write my experience in any site. So errors are to be pardoned by respectful readers. Let me start I’m from Kerala. I’m 23 years old. I’m going to narrate my experience happened last year September, exactly 2nd Sept 2005. I had a friend named Sujna who studied with me from 11th standard. She is average but nice structure, lean, sharp eyes 5’7” tall. We joined same...

2 years ago
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Change of Luck

Jason Lewis had considered himself one of the luckiest men in the world before that night. He had been lucky enough to marry the most gorgeous woman he had ever met. His wife Kelly stood 6 feet 2 inches tall and had the measurements of a playboy bunny at 36c 24 34 with an angelic face to match. At thirty three she still turned heads even in a room filled with women fifteen years younger than her. She had given him two wonderful children and was a wonderful homemaker as well. On top of all that...

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Once with Black Never Look Back

I'm Lisa, a half European brunette of 31 years of age. I'm married to a lovely white guy. But some strange reasons we parted 4 year ago since then I am living with my Boy friend and now I'm working as a marketing consultant, travel a lot around the world. Although I love my boy friend, our sex life is somewhat boring, so I use my short business trips as a way to escape a little and enjoy brief sexual encounters that leave me sexually satisfied but without carrying any complications, guilt or...

4 years ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 395

I got the phone call at 4PM. I am sure that the judge had been giving it some really deep thought all afternoon. I could check back, but I would bet that court was not in session that afternoon. No matter how it played out, he got one point for sheer balls. He wasn't hiding out and hoping it would just go away. Of course he knew it wouldn't, and then there was that good ole male ego. I could always count on male ego to make men act like teenage boys. "Ms Stone this is Judge Timmons," the...

3 years ago
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My Hollywood actress Aunt

Hi, to all XHAMSTER readers. It is always very exciting in sharing about my various sexual experiences. Now this is the story of having sex with my aunty when I visited our home town to attend a marriage. I was doing my second year in the college.When I reached my aunt’s house, I saw it was filled with people ever were. My aunty greeted me with smile and put my luggage in her room and asked me to fresh up. Since I travelled the whole night, I went straight to the bath room and took a nice...

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MotherDaughter TwosomeChapter 6

Lani Walker made her way slowly along the steep grade of the path leading from the Chapel down the hill to the Village. Her face was dirty, caked with dust that had mingled with her tears and left dry little rivers running down her soft cheeks. Her beautifully white body was scratched and bruised from the lashings of tree branches and undergrowth that had torn at her completely naked body as she had run hysterically from Moses' cabin after being completely humiliated at the hands of Moses...

1 year ago
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Orally Pleased

Written By Poppet: For LushStories ONLY! Orally Pleased I seem to always wake up before my boyfriend and today of course is no different. I turn to face him and watch him sleep; he looks so peaceful and innocent. I can’t help but look at his face and his half covered body as he sleeps. He is so handsome and his features are strong but when he’s sleeping he looks so different but still hot as ever. I run a finger over his arm and down over his torso ever so lightly. He stirs, moving to lie on...

Oral Sex
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Master Pc the James Olsen Saga Part IIChapter 24 The Next Task

One of the things that Jim had done when he crashed the FMCA’s computer system was to steal the software they used to monitor Master PC activity. When he got home after a very successful series of seminars in Washington, he began to work on the software, improving it, adapting it, and making it operable on his laptop. Then he set to work finding out who else had discovered the magic program. He also announced his retirement from his state job and endured the inevitable retirement party with...

4 years ago
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A Visit to Bikini Beach

This is a spoiler for my story "A Bikini Beach Summer". Please read that one first. A Visit to Bikini Beach by Daphne Xu This is a spoiler for my story "A Bikini Beach Summer". Please read that one first. Disclaimer: The Bikini Beach universe and its principal characters are copyright 2001 by Elrod. Any comments about Bikini Beach, how it works, what it does, by characters other than Anya or Grandmother are potentially non-canonical and wrong. As this story is told...

3 years ago
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Army Wife

We had been married 3 months and I was so happy. Marriage was even better than I had expected. Bill was only the 3rd guy I had dated and he was by far the best. He was tall and lean and moved with an easy grace. He was dark complexioned, like he must have Italian or Spanish blood in him, and as the saying goes, "tall, dark and handsome," that's my guy. When he received his draft notice we decided to get married right away. His first posting was Fort Chimo for training. We were fortunate to...

1 year ago
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NaughtyAmerica Lana Rhoades VR 23099

You want a little fuck toy for the night? You’ve got one. Lana Rhoades is here to make you happy, however you’d like. She starts off by whispering in your ear and telling all the naughty, dirty things you can do to her — you should do to her. She wants her holes filled, and you’re the man to fill them! The stunning brunette tells you to take off your mask, and when you do, you’ll nearly fall over in your chair. Lana in lingerie is a very dangerous thing…just make sure you please her, and she’ll...

1 year ago
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My First Sexual Experience In Malaysia

In the year 2000, me and gal, a distant cousin with 34c size breast perky nipples, slender body. Used to visit her often…One of the weekends, she told her family that she was attending a team building session in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) and we hooked up overnight in a beach hotel. We had a good time at the beach. I decided to take a step forward and started teasing her body here and there during times at the beach. She kept on smiling. My hands used to “Accidentally” touch her at the breast...

1 year ago
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The Captains Wife Chapter 4

Chapter 4 - The Red Devil I must have slept. It was dark and I vaguely saw a large man standing before me. He was wearing a beautiful red cape with black trousers and vest. A thin rapier hung free at his side, and I could see a pistol and a several daggers on his belt. His face was narrow and thin, his red hair heavy around his head and face, his beard a well-trimmed goatee and a bushy mustache. His eyes gleamed at me and he smiled triumphantly as I awoke. He was quiet handsome I thought,...

1 year ago
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TeensLoveBlackCocks Emily Blacc Revenge Is A Dish Served Black And Hung

Emily Blacc is a beautiful brunette with a dipshit boyfriend. When she learns that hes been cheating on her, her first thoughts turn to revenge. What better way to get revenge than through porn? And who better to fuck than her boyfriends roommate? In a short black skirt and clingy shirt, she sets her trap and calls him over to help get some heavy boxes out of the back of her car. He falls for it, hook line and sinker, but seems confused when he only finds one box. Why did she call him over...

4 years ago
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Culture Shock Ch 09

It was still dark. And silent.   It felt like about four A.M. Elaine was lying on her stomach. She couldn’t see the alarm clock, but she didn’t want to know the time. One hand was between her legs, but it wasn’t moving. It was… reassuring. She wasn’t really aware of it. Remembering the fleeting images she’d dreamed, she put them together in her mind. Gary had picked her up after college. He was waiting for her, leaning on some nondescript sports car.   He’d embraced her and she’d melted. His...

1 year ago
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Test To become a whore

My first encounter with a whore and a Pimp – How it has begunIt was a sunny Sunday, short after lunch and I went out for a walk and decided quickly to pay my girlfriend a short visit. She is living in the centre of Berlin, close to the Oranienburgr Strasse. I took public transport and called her by mobil phone that I am on the way. She felt sorry because she also has left her flat to visit other friends.The Tram has reached the tram stop and I went out. It was already late afternoon and getting...

3 years ago
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TemptationChapter 4

It took the girls almost no time to get home. Surprisingly, no one else was there, and the girls took advantage of the situation. Maddie barely got her door closed and locked, before Yumi was undressing her. The blonde girl was also surprised when she was pushed down onto her bed, by a minimal amount of force. "You okay?" Maddie asked, and Yumi just nodded. "I just want to pay you back for the other night." Yumi said, in a slightly sultry voice. Maddie just blushed. She wasn't aware that...

4 years ago
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Charleys Wild Night Part Two

I was bent over so far that my forehead was resting on my knee, I didn’t know who it was who was fucking me this time, Callum or Sam. Each time I tried to turn round to see I was shoved back the other way. I didn’t really care, I was enjoying myself too much. I moaned, the sound echoing off the tiles of the bathroom making it sound as if I was embroiled in a full on gang bang. My unknown lover pulled his cock out of me right to the huge pulsating head, paused and then thrust it back inside of...

2 years ago
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The Halloween Party

Saturday, October 31st, 1998“So, is it possible to put this stuff on without opening your mouth?” Mitch asked as he delicately attempted to apply mascara to his eyelashes for the first time.“No, it’s not,” Heather answered simply from the bathroom doorway.  “Are you about ready?” she questioned. “We’ve been ready for thirty minutes.”“I’ve never done anything like this before.  I’m worried I’m going to look totally stupid,” Mitch responded.“Turn around, let me take a look,” Tracy encouraged as...

3 years ago
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My Aunt Barb Chapter 2

A couple of months later my mom, Barb and I were scheduled to run our first half marathon. We'd been training up from our usual 10k runs and felt confident we could complete it. I was burning up the runs with a pace of 8:30 minutes per mile while mom and Barb were getting it done at about 10:00 minutes per mile. The race was on a Sunday in downtown Portland. Barb insisted we stay the night at her place and walk to the start line at Waterfront Park less than a mile away. That sounded good to us...

3 years ago
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Family Beach Party Turns X Rated Part 16

True Story, Anal, Black, Consensual Sex, Cuckold, Cum Swallowing, Exhibitionism, Gay, Group Sex, Mind Control, Oral Sex Author's infos Gender: male Age: N/A Location: N/A Introduction: continuing story about Greg and his wife Sandra Now Family Beach Party Turned X Rated Part 16. Previously in Chapter 15 We finished eating and went upstairs to get ready to go to the game. For some reason I felt sticky as well as stinky. I was surprised after I showered Sandra wanted...

4 years ago
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Monstrous night

In front of here is what can only be described as the hideous monsters we worried about slithering under our beds as children. Lurking in our closets. He stood at least three times her height, and even get started about his girth. He stood there immodest, unclothed as any creature should be. She couldn’t help but glance at the pelvis. She couldn’t comprehend what creature this was. Where she was. What was happening. She felt an overwhelming sense of dread, and arousal as her eyes are...

2 years ago
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New Beginnings The Maid Part 2

"So..." she breathed, "you don't have any problems I could help out with at all?" John didn't dare move. He felt like his cock might explode if he did. Here he was, in a hotel room, with a sexy young blonde with her hand around his hard cock. He'd never been in a sexier situation. "Fuck!" he cried out. "You and your ex-wife, any chance of you patching things up?" "N-no. Definitely not." Natalia's pussy flooded her panties at that. "Good," she said, throwing the blankets off of him. His cock was...

Straight Sex
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Here Kitty Kitty

I came home from a long day to find my kittykat curled up on the couch waiting for me to come Here Kitty Kitty ? SFCityDom ? 2006 Coming home from a long day, I find my kitty-cat curled up on the couch waiting for me. As I walk to the couch, she raises up.? I stroke her on the head and scratch under her chin and she grinds her head into the palm of my hand. I kneel down in front of the couch and she moves closer to me and I give my kitty a kiss on the nose. She is a very spoiled...

2 years ago
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My Husbands friend

Marco was only supposed to stay a couple of weeks. He is a friend of Mike’s from his old schooldays. Marco is French and comes to England every now and then to see mike. They both take it inturns, with Mike going to stay in France on the return visit. Marco is fairly well off and doesn’t need towork, unlike Mike and I, who still have to make a living. During his stay we would both go off to workduring the week and leave him to his own devices, getting together on the weekends and evenings...

1 year ago
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BangBrosClips Blake Blossom Hot Neighbor Wants Cum

Blake Blossom has perfect timing when she runs into Sean Lawless and his wife isn’t home. She’s honest about about wanting to fuck him. He just wants to go inside so he doesn’t get into any trouble. She follows him and interrupts his relaxation after work with some ass shaking. He’s fed up with her savage attempts to get him to fuck her and lets her inside to let her know. She doesn’t care and pushes him on the bed so he can suck her tits. He enjoys sucking her...

3 years ago
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Loving Neighbor Aunty Part 8211 2

Hi indian sex stories dot net friends, I am back with the second part of the story. This part is especially dedicated to the lady readers, who gave their feedback and encouraged me a lot after reading the first part. I will be narrating the story such that I will be giving tips in between. Follow them to reach out to the core of pleasure. OK coming to story. We both were all tired after two consecutive sessions. We both slept for almost an hour fully nude hugging each other on the bed. Then she...

2 years ago
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nancy out pt 2

Rushing through the usual routine of getting showered and dressed, the memories come back one by one. Her knees going weak, her pussy flooding with heat and dampness an idea comes to mind. Coming out of the bathroom she reaches for her cell phone to call in sick.“Hey Mr. Cockhold, I don’t think I’m gonna make it in this morning. I’m just not really feeling up to it today. Just take it out of my sick days.” “I will sir, thank you”Setting the phone down on the dresser she looks back at the bed,...

4 years ago
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Negro Stud in Marital Bed

I was still in a deep haze, in bed as I began to awake. My legs were up in the air, still wearing my nude coloured stockings and suspender belt. Jazz my 13” equipped Negro lover was helping himself to my puffy, fuck battered pussy, from the night before! Before I had properly awakened he was 13” deep and pumping into me, balls slapping my pussy lips. I felt as if I was in a dream, but this time I was really cuming off, G spot orgasming. Jazz was holding my stocking clad legs wide apart and...

1 year ago
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A day with my sister

One day you and your sister Missy are home alone. She tells you that she is going to take a shower and to knock if you need anything. You wait a little bit and hear the shower turn on and so you go into the bathroom. You tell her that you have to go pee. You go pee and then go to leave and you hear her call your name.

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Bernies Back Room 4 Yvonne

For no particular reason, not one that I consciously admit anyway, I've always thought that the name Yvonne was erotic. It conjured up thoughts of a femme fatale, a siren calling ancient seafarers to her rocky shores, a temptress flitting behind a sheer veil. Then the Yvonne of my masturbatory dreams walked into the used bookstore that serves as my cunt web. Not that I ever managed to get enough use of that back room with the bed; most of the time, I had to flog Peter The Great something...

2 years ago
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Lucky David 2

While I was staring at myself in the mirror aunt Audrey was busy taking photographs they then had me stand in various poses while the camera clicked away, Gillian then opened a powder compact and had me hold it in my left hand she then uncapped the lipstick I was wearing and put this in my right hand 'now pout your lips and put the lipstick to your bottom lip and hold the mirror up so you can see your lips, good now don't move,' aunt Audrey dashed around me taking pictures from all angles...

3 years ago
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Heathers Hiding

“Oh you bastard that fucking hurts like hell!”“We’ll have no more of that foul language Mrs Reid, you’ve agreed to be punished and punished you shall be.”After only the second stroke Heather Reid knew she was in trouble. A further ten was quite unthinkable, but that was what she had agreed to – twelve strokes of the tawse across her bare bottom and thighs as an alternative to being reported to senior management, an action that would almost certainly result in her dismissal. It was so unfair....

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The ProdigalTwentyfive

THE LIMO WE RENTED for the night was the closest thing to a city bus there was in shiny black. The twenty-two of us fit with no problem. When we pulled up to the curb, it felt like a Hollywood opening. People gathered just to see how many people would get out of the massive limo. It was an oversized clown car. The party seemed to double when we all walked into the gallery. Some students leave for the summer without attending the gala. After all, school is officially out for the summer at...

3 years ago
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Hindi Wali Deepika Madam Ki Chudai 8211 Part 1

Sabhi pyare dosto ko mera dono hath jod kar namshkar. Mera naam Yogesh Kumar hai. Meri umar 55 saal ho gyi hai, meri height 5’7 inch hai. Mera weight 121 kg hai. Main kafi acha hatta katta ek mard hoon. Main ek mast mola mard hoon. Jo aaj bhi apni wife ko roj chodta hai. Meri wife ki umar 52 saal hai. Hum dono ke do bache hai, ek ladka aur ek ladki. Mere bete ki umar 27 saal hai aur meri beti ki umar 24 saal hai. Un dono ki shadi ho chuki hai. Main apne ghar ke pass ek govt. school me ek...

3 years ago
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BetrayalChapter 52

David Chang fingered the MP-5 hidden under the receptionist's desk and tried to suppress a yawn. Earlier in the evening, Max had insisted Chang take his team and lock down the Three Crosses Rehab Center. After the Sheriff had called in a report about two dangerous fugitives on the loose, the staff had quarantined the patients to their rooms and turned the facility over to Chang's squad. The four men under his command were concealed from sight, while he sat at the receptionist's desk. For...

1 year ago
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What a Weekend

Typical Day, One Fine Night I woke up with my wife's leg draped over my face. It took a moment to orient myself. I had fallen asleep in her crotch last night. She was still asleep and breathing softly. I moved very slowly out from under her leg as not to wake her. It didn't work at all. She woke up and greeted me as she always does with that smile and a good morning. She jumped up to be the first in the bathroom. I waited and she came back in and laid down on the bed. I looked over and...

1 year ago
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GotMylf Katie Morgan MILF Libido On Valentines Day

This year, Valentines Day has MILF Katie Morgan all hot and bothered and ready for a pussy pleasing surprise. She soaks herself in a bubble bath and waits for our stud to show up with his meaty member. When he finally presents his prick, the voracious MILF gets to work, stroking it with her soft hands and licking it with her hungry tongue. She bends over and lets him plow her doggystyle as her toes curl in pleasure. Then, she grinds her hips on his dick to enjoy an orgasmic cock ride, and takes...


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