Robin's Rage - 3 - Cocktails & Copulation free porn video

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“And you’re sure alcohol won’t interfere with your meds?” I asked over the phone a few days later.

“Certain. Not until I’m actually pregnant. Then I have to stop drinking altogether of course. My consultant says a little alcohol might even help me conceive if it makes me more relaxed,” Jackie replied without hesitation.

Jackie’s insemination-fest with Johnny was due to take place the coming weekend. By careful manipulation of our conversations over the past few days, I had managed to remind my friend that apart from owing me a treat for dealing with the repairs to her wall, if the weekend was successful and she really did get pregnant she would have to stop drinking alcohol straight away and stay off it until the baby was born.

The result was that the two of us were going for a ‘last boozy girly night out’ on the Thursday night before Johnny came home and the ‘great impregnation’ began.

Dinner at Mario’s restaurant was to be Jackie’s ‘thank you’ treat for my work with the builders, after which we would go on for some dancing in a nearby club. The tomboy in me loathed dancing almost as much as she loathed getting dressed up in girly clothes but some things just had to be done if my plan to get my beloved Johnny back was to succeed.

And I really wanted it to succeed.

“Then it’s a date,” I agreed with a grimace which of course Jackie couldn’t see. “One last night out before you get knocked up and the booze gets knocked on the head.”

“Should be great. One last binge!”

“Thursday night then. I’ll pick you up in a cab at eight. Right Sister?” I asked.

“Right Sister,” she replied enthusiastically. “It’s a date!”

I pressed the button to end the call. It had been the perfect response from Jackie; enthusiastic, open minded and above all, unsuspicious. I pictured her looking out of her window at the newly-mended wall; I pictured the two strong, gorgeous black builders as they had worked and as they had watched the posh blonde lady in the short dress who had flirted outrageously with them.

I began to dial a number which had been given to me very recently and which I had not dialled before.


“Wow, Robbie! You look... amazing!”

I beamed with pleasure at my friend’s reaction when she opened the door to me at half past seven on Thursday night. For a tomboy like me it hadn’t been easy to get ‘all dolled up’ as my father put it and I was still unsure how successful I had been.

My short dark hair had been trimmed and styled, I had shaved everywhere I thought Jackie might have shaved and was wearing a close fitting brand new dark blue dress that came half way down my bare thighs. Add to that my highest heels and carefully if amateurishly applied make-up and I felt as dressed-up as a girl should be for a night out.

I also felt as unlike myself as I had ever felt but this was probably a good thing; I was going to behave as unlike myself as I ever had or ever would.

Jackie of course took my breath away. Her long blonde hair fell in waves over her shoulders and across the scarlet material of her own even shorter dress which showed off her long, similarly bare legs to great effect. Her make-up was clearly much more expensive than mine and had been more expertly applied but at least I didn’t feel entirely outclassed.

Indeed, put us together and we were stunning; a female force to be reckoned with; almost the same height, almost the same dress size, almost the same build. Jackie’s boobs were larger than mine – whose weren’t – but as with my evening ‘walks’, I doubted anyone would notice when the time came.

We greeted each other with the usual air-kiss to avoid marring our make-up but the pleasure was genuine – at least on Jackie’s part. My tummy was full of butterflies for many reasons, not least being the strangeness of my girly clothes bought specifically for that evening.

“You clean up well,” my friend complimented me with a broad smile. “You should dress up more often. The guys will love it.”

I took the compliment as well as someone could who hated being dressed-up and followed Jackie into the kitchen.

“I hope you’re not planning to take that back pack with you,” she chided jokingly, indicating the small rucksack I had brought in.

“Don’t worry; even I’m not that stupid,” I grinned back.

I placed my pack on the kitchen counter, opened it and pulled out the small evening handbag that exactly matched my shoes – or so the girl in the store had assured me. Jackie seemed pleased.

“There’s hope for you yet,” she said indulgently. “What else is in there.”

“Well there’s the flat shoes I’m going to wear when these heels make my feet bleed,” I lied. “And of course there’s this.”

I pulled out a four-pack of chilled, pre-made mojito cocktails.

“I thought we should start as we mean to go on,” I grinned.

“What about the taxi?”

“I told him to drive around the block for half an hour. Get us a couple of glasses and some ice.”

By the time we were both sliding into the back seat of the cab, we each had two mojitos inside us and were feeling more than a little happy. Jackie was feeling happier than me, partly because as a tomboy barmaid I could handle my booze as well as most of the men I served, but mostly because when she wasn’t looking I had added an extra miniature bottle of tequila into her glass, half into each cocktail.

The taxi could have dropped us off directly outside Mario’s but I asked him to stop at the end of the road. This meant the two of us had to walk fifty yards or so along a busy street past several bars. The drinkers inside couldn’t fail to notice the two smartly dressed girls tottering along the pavement, one looking a little unstable.

Mario greeted us like long lost friends when we arrived at the restaurant, his wandering eyes almost popping out of his head at the sight of me in a dress, followed by a deep Italian appreciation of Jackie’s exceptionally well displayed figure.

We were shown to an intimate table for two against a side wall and enjoyed one of the most memorable dinners of my life. True to her promise, for Jackie money was no object so for the next hour and a half we enjoyed calamares, parma ham, calves’ liver and sea bass followed by a shared tiramisu and coffee.

Mario always prided himself on the quality of his wine so when he recommended a particular red from the region where he grew up there was no question of us choosing another. On the several occasions when my friend went to the Ladies’ Room, I was able to add a small amount of the most tasteless vodka I could find to the wine in her glass from a miniature I had concealed in my evening bag.

We chatted about everything two normal good friends should chat about – or as close as a non-girly tomboy like me could come to being a normal girl. As you would expect, foremost in Jackie’s mind was the coming weekend and her planned impregnation.

Her voice was already rather slurry and her movements clumsier and I smiled within as our host brought two large, complimentary Limoncello liqueurs to the table with our coffees.

“Won’t you get bored?” I asked when my companion had told me for the third time that they would probably not see the light of day during the coming weekend.

“Not with what I’ve got planned,” she replied then leaning close and dropping her increasingly slurred voice, Jackie told me about the lingerie she had bought in Bristol, the toys she had acquired online and the sex positions she had worked out ‘just in case he needs encouragement’ and to maximise the chance of conception.

I tried so hard to conceal the terrible pain I felt, hearing how the man I loved was going to make a baby in the belly of this fixated, determined woman instead of in mine. I bit my lip and ground my heels into the floor to distract myself but I’m sure, if she had been sober, Jackie would have noticed something was wrong.

Fortunately she was a long way from sober and was getting further away all the time, a situation which was made worse by my tipping half my glass of liqueur into hers when she bent over to retrieve her handbag.

Mario shot me a sympathetic look as a rather unstable Jackie took an inordinate amount of time paying the bill, fumbling with her credit card before we meandered our way between the other diners and out onto the street.

The cool air hit us as soon as the restaurant door closed. To my relief it sobered me up a little and seemed to do something similar to my friend because when I suggested we went on to a waterfront bar I knew to ‘make the most of her last night on the booze’, Jackie eagerly agreed. A few minutes later the two of us were perched on stools against the bar of one of the most notorious pick-up joints on the coast.

Jackie of course didn’t know this and was too tipsy to notice the predatory way the men in the room were eyeing us. I ordered a couple of cocktails on their ‘two-for-one’ Thursday night deal, slipping unnoticed an extra shot of vodka into my friend’s glass and the conversation resumed.

Jackie was definitely a planner; even before conception she had already decided which room in the cottage was to be the nursery, what colours it would be painted in and what furniture she would choose. Again I felt the pangs in my heart as I heard how, if she had her way, my beloved Johnny would be living the next eighteen years of his life.

My determination to prevent this grew stronger but I felt tears beginning to form in my eyes and excused myself for my own visit to the Ladies Room to check for any damage to my make-up.

On my return to the bar, I found my companion was no longer alone; two middle-aged men were standing either side of Jackie, glasses in hand and smiling. They had clearly just bought drinks for both of us because two long cocktails were standing on the bar. Jackie was clearly enjoying the attention; the men were probably in their early forties, suited and booted and, to be fair, quite attractive in a slightly oily, slightly predatory way.

It couldn’t have suited my plans better.

Much too tipsy to see through their flattery, Jackie was chatting animatedly to both men whose hands had already started to stray onto her arms and shoulders. Her voice was very slurred now and her eyes a little glazed but we let the two men keep us entertained for half an hour, their hands straying more boldly over Jackie’s legs and bottom as well as mine.

I hated this but it was a necessary part of my plan. Besides, have my bottom fondled was trivial compared with the things I intended to do later that night.

Half an hour and a second round of drinks later, it became obvious even to our over-friendly companions that Jackie needed to go to bed – her own bed – almost immediately. To their credit, our two suitors seemed to recognise this and didn’t object too much when I announced my intention to take her home.

One of them volunteered jokingly to help me put her to bed and for a moment I wondered whether this would be a welcome addition to my plan or a complication. Deciding on the latter, I made a few excuses and apologies and with the support of the two men led my highly unstable friend out of the bar and onto the pavement.

This time her inebriation was far beyond the help of any amount of fresh air so, leaning her against the shorter of our two would-be-seducers, I hailed a taxi. The driver was not impressed with my friend’s condition and reminded me that there would be a cleaning charge if she was sick inside the vehicle.

I thanked the two men profusely, easing their disappointment by passing them a small piece of paper with a mobile phone number scribbled on it in eye pencil. It was of course the number of the newly-acquired mobile registered in the name and address of the blonde woman who lived in Fiddler’s Cottage.

As the taxi rolled through the streets towards her home, my friend flopped heavily against my shoulder.


Jackie was totally compliant as I walked her up the narrow stairs and into the cottage’s guest bedroom though I had to support her several times as she stumbled on her way. Once in the room, it was obvious that she was on the verge of passing out so I quickly stripped her dress and tights from her before lying her down on the bed in only her bra and panties. Once on her back, these last two items of clothing were easily disposed of leaving her fully naked and unconscious.

I looked at her svelte, naked body on the crisp white sheet then swore under my breath; between Jackie’s thighs was, to my naive surprise, a fully shaven vulva. Clearly she wasn’t quite as sweet and innocent as I had believed – or maybe Johnny’s tastes had acquired a little more edge since he had gone to the city – but she had most certainly prepared herself for sex.

I cursed; this discovery meant I had to do the same, and had little time to do so.

Quickly stripping off my own dress and panties I ran through to the master bedroom’s en-suite bathroom. Within a minute I had located my friend’s razor and shaving foam. A moment later I had lathered up my own dark triangle then, my heart pounding in my chest, I carefully, gingerly began to shave away my pubic hair.

To my frustration, it was far, far more fiddly than I had expected, and took much, much longer. Though sparse, my pubic hair was wiry, seemed to grow in every direction at once and covered more of my body than I had realised. Whenever I thought I had finished I found another rough patch which required attention but eventually I had made my vulva as smooth as Jackie’s and smoother than it had been since puberty had struck years ago.

I have to confess that, had I been under less pressure, I might have found the process of revealing my secret places quite arousing but there was no time for enjoyment; this was strictly a necessary if unexpected part of my plan.

Rinsing the razor and replacing everything carefully, I returned to the guest room, gathered up Jackie’s clothes then, with one eye on my unconscious friend, stripped off what remained of my own clothes and pulled on those my friend has been wearing. The dress was a snug fit – I made a mental note to start running and lose a little weight – but within a couple of minutes I was ready.

After a minute or two fiddling with my blonde wig in front of the bathroom mirror and a moment’s adjustment of my make-up I was ready. I turned left and right, checking myself carefully.

Perfect! No-one who didn’t know us well would be able to tell the difference.

One last task, I took the three video cameras from my backpack and carefully placed them in the lounge so that all the main places – sofa, rug, chairs – were very well covered by their concealed lenses.

I looked around the rooms; it was ready. The cameras were all but impossible to see even if you weren’t as distracted as my guests would certainly be. I slipped on Jackie’s high heels, pulled her wrap around my shoulders and placed the three camera remotes on a small table in the hallway.

Then, tucking my friend’s handbag under my arm, I stepped out into the night leaving her upstairs, fast asleep on the bed behind a firmly closed door.

Robyn had become Jackie once again.


Outside, my luck was in; at the corner of the road I saw one of the village’s few taxis and hailed it. Sliding in as daintily inside as Jackie would have done did not come naturally to me but I think I was convincing enough. Similarly, talking in something close to her ‘posh’ London accent was hard for a local girl like me but by faking a slightly drunken slur I made a fair approximation to my friend’s style of speech.

The taxi took me a few miles down the road to a nearby village. It wasn’t far away but it was too boring a place for me to have visited very often so I was confident that no-one there would see me as anything other than the sophisticated blonde from London that I appeared to be.

As the taxi pulled into the car park I took a deep breath. The white van I had hoped to see was indeed parked in the corner. At least one of the workmen had accepted my invitation. The plan was still working! Nervously I approached the brightly lit door and pushed it open.

With ‘last orders’ approaching, the pub was quite busy but not too crowded. I smiled; plenty of witnesses but not so many people that my entrance would go unnoticed. I looked around for my ‘dates’ and within a few seconds had found them both sitting in a booth against the far wall. As soon as they saw me they both stood up politely and greeted me with a kiss on the cheek.

My eyes widened; they both looked every bit as gorgeous as they had in their overalls; more so in fact as they had clearly chosen their clothes to show off their well-toned bodies as favourably as possible. Gary went to the bar to get the drinks while the older, taller man, Carl settled me into the booth alongside him.

“We thought you weren’t going to show up,” he said with a delighted smile. “It seemed too good to be true and it was getting late…”

“We city folk keep later hours,” I said in as close an approximation to Jackie’s accent as I could manage. “And I always – always keep my promises. I hope you do too.”

I placed my hand on his thigh and left it there just long enough for him to feel it was more than an inconsequential pat. His leg was thick and muscular and for a moment the thought of what the rest of his body might look like passed through my mind. I shivered with nerves but fought to hide it.

A moment later Gary returned with the drinks and I released Carl’s thigh. He looked at me, puzzled; the poor boy clearly couldn’t believe his luck and suspected something was afoot. Surely pretty, sophisticated married women didn’t offer themselves to men they hardly knew in such an obvious fashion?

And yet there seems to be almost no end to male vanity; within a few minutes of chat and the surreptitious touching of upper thighs under the table, both Carl and Gary had convinced themselves that they must really be as irresistible as they had once believed, or why else would this be happening?

I did nothing to disabuse them of this impression; it suited my plan well and, after all, however distasteful it felt, I did plan to go through with my ‘promises’.

Throughout the conversation, I tried to keep a steady stream of innuendo going, but not so much that it became too light-hearted. They really were very nice, well-meaning boys; in a way it seemed cruel to use them in the way I intended, but then I reminded myself I really was planning to give them what they wanted.

There should be no complaints afterwards.

“I see you don’t wear a wedding ring,” Carl observed, giving me a meaningful look.

I snorted softly.

“When my husband wears one, I’ll wear one,” I replied, meeting his eye and thinking how very, very badly I wanted to wear Johnny’s wedding ring. “Besides, I’m nobody’s property. I’m my own woman.”

To me the words sounded false and stilted but my companions took them at face value.

“So what would your husband think if he knew you were with us tonight?” Gary joined in.

“Did you see my husband while you were at the house?” I asked.

Both boys shook their heads.

“Well neither did I!” I announced angrily then leaned close in over the table as if confiding a secret. “Between you and me, we’re supposed to be trying for a baby. I’m supposed to be at my most fertile this week and where is he? Playing fucking golf when he should be fucking me.”

I clasped my hand over my mouth as if I’d said something I shouldn’t. The two boys looked at each other and laughed.

“You’re not shy Mrs. Preston, are you?” Carl put his hand on my thigh. I didn’t move it away.

“I know,” I replied, slurring my words slightly; partly on purpose, partly because the drinks were starting to have an effect. “I’m sorry; it’s just that – you know – when a woman’s at her peak fertility, she goes a bit… crazy. I hope I haven’t embarrassed you.”

This time the look the boys exchanged was unmistakeable.

“Perhaps we… one of us could help you out Mrs. Preston,” Carl suggested as casually as if he was offering to carry a heavy shopping bag for me.

I paused, pretending to think it over.

“Let’s have another drink and I’ll think about it,” I teased. My plan was working perfectly.

Another round of drinks was bought as the bar closed; I tried hard to avoid taking in any more alcohol but they were insistent and I soon began to feel a little woozy again.

Knowing how vital it was that I remained in control, I took a deep breath and jumped in at the deep end.

“Well, it’s nearly my bed time,” I announced to my two new friends as I downed the last of my wine.

The two boys looked at each other as if trying to work out which of them would be lucky that night; which if either I would let take me to bed.

“Can I give you a lift home?” Carl asked eagerly, as if trying to get his bid in before his friend.

“Or I could drive you,” Gary added quickly.

I left a long pause as if I was making up my mind but I had known what I wanted long before I had entered the pub that night. I silently prayed that I would have the courage to see it through, that my video research would pay off and, finally, that it wouldn’t hurt too much.

Then I took the final step that would allow no turning back.

“I wondered if there was room in the van for all three of us. We could have coffee at my place or...”

The two boys looked at each other in amazement; clearly this had not been expected at all!

“Both us us?” Gary asked, his disbelieving eyes wide open.

“There’s plenty of room,” I replied ambiguously. “If you’re prepared to share.”

I had never seen two more astounded people in my life.


The van pulled to a stop outside Fiddler’s Cottage just before midnight. My heart was beating loudly as Carl gallantly helped me down from the cab and I led the way to the old front door. I turned the key and pushed it open, silently praying that there would be no sound from Jackie upstairs.

There wasn’t.

Still unable to believe their luck, the two men followed me into the hallway then into the large, comfortable lounge.

“Drink?” I asked, indicating the beers and spirits I had left on the table in preparation.

Both the men opted for cold beer and I began to pour two long glasses, feeling extremely anxious. As I handed the drinks over, I made plenty of contact with each of them as planned, but now the moment had come I was unsure how to start and neither Carl for Gary appeared to want to take the lead.

Looking back, I hadn’t expected the two boys to be so hesitant and so polite. I certainly hadn’t expected to have to make the running, but then what did I know about the world of sex? After all, the only cock ever to have entered my body was Johnny’s and even that had only happened once.

I had been counting on my online research – all those video clips I had watched – to help me know what to do once the sex had started and felt pretty confident I would cope, however painful and unpleasant it might be.

What I soon realised was that none of the videos had actually showed me how to get the sex started in the first place. If I had assumed anything, it was that the two boys would simply take over; all I would be expected to do was hang on for the ride.

Clearly there was more of the Gentlemen in them than I had expected. I would have to ‘play it by ear’ and hope that at some point the decisions would be taken out of my hands. I poured myself one last glass of wine then raised my glass.

“To the perfect end to a perfect evening. Happy endings!” I proposed using a term I had picked up online and hoping it was appropriate.

“Happy endings!” both boys repeated but still made no effort to touch me.

It was time to take the lead. My tummy alive with butterflies, I looked them both in the eye.

“Boys, I don’t want any misunderstandings here,” I began and could feel the disappointment in their body language, particularly Gary, the younger, smaller of the two.

“But we thought…” he began.

“And you thought right,” I interrupted. “You’re both being very polite and gentlemanly but I want to make a few things clear. I want you to fuck me. I want both of you to fuck me. I’m not going to scream ‘rape’ or claim you forced me afterwards. I want to you fuck me okay?”

The two tall, strong, confident men were so stunned they looked like they had been hit by a bolt of lightning. Both stood with their mouths open staring stupidly at me, the surprise package they hadn’t expected to receive.

“Have you boys done anything like this before?” I asked. Two slowly shaking heads told me they hadn’t.

Jesus! It was going to be down to me, a near-virgin to manage the first threesome any of us had tried. I tried hard to sound confident and in control like a seasoned swinger might.

“Well, it’s not too difficult as long as we all respect each other. But I have a couple of rules and they’re very strict, okay?”

Two large black heads nodded in unison, two broad, handsome black faces looked at my small white one.

“The first rule is that I make the rules, get it?”

Carl grinned.

“Don’t you girls always?”

I grinned back.

“Maybe, but it’s especially true tonight. I’m fertile this week right? So everything we do is covered – and I mean absolutely everything even oral. If there’s no condom; there’s no blowjob and definitely no pussy.”

Where all these new words were coming from was a mystery; I must have watched many more videos than I had thought. Perhaps the booze was helping my imagination. Whatever the cause, it was working on my two studs.

“Secondly, nothing that hurts me. If I say stop, you stop okay?” Again two heads nodded and smiled.

“Thirdly, don’t touch my hair at all and lastly, if you cum – and I really hope you’ll cum lots - you let me deal with the condoms. I’m ovulating; with my hormones this high, I’m not taking any risks of you boys breaking them and knocking me up by accident.”

I was amazed at how easy it was to take control; in what should have been an intimidating, almost dangerous position for a lone woman to be in, there I was giving the orders and having them accepted without question.

The cheeky tomboy in me was paying off again.

“Now the tough part is over, I’m going upstairs to... get myself sorted,” I said, my voice now more playful than stern. “Then I’ll come down and we’ll… we’ll see what happens, shall we?”

And with that I turned, pulled off my heels and padded up the stairs, wondering what I would come back to.

My heart was pounding as I reached the landing, amazed at my new-found confidence. I quickly slipped into the guest bedroom to check how my friend was. Thanks to the light coming through the open door, I could see that Jackie was still fast asleep on the bed, snoring quietly. I looked for signs of vomiting but there were none. She was just very sound asleep and looked as if she would remain so.

Closing the door silently but firmly, I went into the master bedroom and slipped off the dress I was wearing – Jackie’s dress. I brushed my wig carefully in front of the mirror then, still dressed in only my friend’s bra and panties, I descended the stairs once again, slipping my heels back on as I reached the lounge.

The door to the room was open but before I went in to face my fate, I pressed all three of the video camera remote control buttons that I had left on the hall table.

Then I took a deep breath, tried once again to calm the butterflies in my stomach and stepped inside.


I’m not sure who was more surprised, the two boys seeing me dressed only in lingerie and heels or me seeing what had to be the two most physically attractive men I had seen in my admittedly short life. Both Carl and Gary had undressed down to their boxer shorts – Carls’ white, Gary’s black and were standing nervously waiting my arrival. They seemed more nervous about being undressed in front of each other as they were in front of a woman.

There was already a very noticeable bulge in Gary’s shorts which was growing before my eyes. Carl’s shorts began to fill too as the two men gawped at what could only be called the blonde slut before them. As I had only seen one erect penis in my life, and that only passingly as it entered my body, the sheer size of these swelling cocks filled me almost with terror.

My chest went tight. ‘Keep your eyes on the prize’ I told myself over and over again as I desperately tried to remember the video clips I had studied so carefully.

“Shall we have some music?” I asked, turning on Jackie’s high tech wireless system, hoping that something appropriate would emerge.

Jackie must have been choosing the romantic accompaniment to her planned impregnation weekend because, to my relief, a low, slow, rock solid late-night bass issued forth from the concealed speakers. It couldn’t have been more perfect. Turning the volume up slightly but, I hoped, not loud enough to wake the sleeping Jackie upstairs, I rocked my hips from side to side and moved slowly towards Carl, the older and taller of my two soon-to-be-lovers.

“Shall we dance?” I asked, raising my arms around his neck.

“My pleasure, Mrs. Preston,” he replied, stressing the word Mrs and smiling as his hands fell to my waist.

I pressed my body close to his as we began to sway back and forth, our hips grinding against each other. I raised my lips to his and we kissed; the first boy to kiss me properly since my defloration in the sand. Carl tasted of beer as his hands began to massage my buttocks through my satin panties.

We kissed long and slowly, his tongue invading my mouth deeper than I had ever felt before. It took all my nerve not to appear surprised but I managed, sucking on it hard, nipping its end playfully with my teeth.

My body was pressed hard against his, hanging from his powerful, muscular frame as I had seen in so many videos. I felt his groin grinding against my lower belly, the presence of his erection becoming more and more obvious as it grew larger and larger.

Suddenly I was aware of a movement behind me and felt a second pair of hands on my hips and sides.

“Would you like to touch me too?” I asked Gary who had joined us.

“Yes please Mrs Preston,” he whispered, taking a lead from his friend Carl.

“Unfasten my bra!” I hissed.

I returned my mouth to Carl’s and felt his tongue once again enter my mouth as Gary’s hot breath and active tongue played with the soft skin between my shoulder blades. There was a snap and a release of tension as the clasp of my bra was unfastened and the straps fell forwards over my shoulders.

Gary’s hands snaked around my sides to cup my breasts, crushed as they were against Carl’s chest and he began to toy with my nipples. My own breath caught in my mouth as this new and exciting sensation rippled through me. No-one had played with my breasts like this before and yet there I was, gyrating slowly to low, erotic music, one boy’s hands inside my panties while another boy caressed my breasts.

It was the most erotic experience of my life up to that moment; I felt elated, aroused, delighted, beautiful and sexy all at the same time.

Reluctantly abandoning Carl’s soft, hot mouth I turned to face Gary, dropping my bra to the floor on the way. His lips were on mine in an instant, his tongue replacing his friend’s deep in my mouth. I sucked on it as Carls larger hands began to explore my body from behind. His palms were big enough to cup an entire breast which he did expertly; his hot breath on the back of my neck sent shivers down my spine.

Then I felt Carls’ fingers falling to my waist, then sliding around my panties to caress my freshly-shaven vulva. Even through the satin of my panties I could feel the difference being hairless made; every square millimetre of my newly-exposed flesh was alive and buzzing under his touch. One of Carl’s long fingers plunged own between my thighs and ran the length of my slit.

Nothing in my grossly inadequate sex life had prepared me for the unbelievable pleasure my first slow, expert fingering provided. Within seconds my whole body was trembling pressed between the muscular frames of my two new friends who both began to rub their crotches against me; one against my bottom, one against my tingling vulva.

In a desperate attempt to regain some control, I pushed the two men both slightly back then, as I had seen in so many videos, I dropped to my knees between them. My face was at groin level, their bulging shorts merely inches from my mouth.

Trying hard to remember all I had seen on my laptop, I turned to the larger bulge, Carl and slowly lowered his shorts. As the elastic waist passed his erection it suddenly sprang forwards and upwards, straight towards my face. It was only by bobbing my head away that I avoided being hit in the eye. A moment later I had done the same to Gary and they were both standing nearly naked, side by side in front of me.

I looked in amazement at the two monstrous tools I had uncovered. To my inexperienced eyes, they were simply terrifying; long, thick ebony shafts with paler, smooth, almost purple heads. Their appearance was enough to make even the hardened tomboy in me have second thoughts.

But I knew full well there was no way out now; with Jackie unconscious upstairs and two large, good-looking naked men in front of me I had no choice but to see it through, however daunting it might be.

Taking one mighty shaft in each hand I gently squeezed them, the first time I had held a man’s erect penis. They felt so strange, so different from what I was expecting; warmer, thicker, the skin soft to the touch, the shaft beneath firm to the point of being hard. I moved my hands up and down each shaft, my fingers tingling; my heart thumping. The skin slid over the shaft inside in a way I hadn’t even imagined. I squeezed each cock, feeling its owner tremble a little.

“That’s a good girl, Mrs. Preston,” Carl’s voice above me was low and breathy.

I slid my hands down the shafts and between the boys’ thighs, cupping the warm, loose sacks that hung there and playing with them through my fingers. The contents were larger than I had expected and much harder; I had always imagined a boy’s balls to be soft like my boobs but no; inside each sack were two firm egg-shaped lumps.

“Mmmm!” this time it was Gary’s voice that rang in my ears.

My fingers returned to the shafts and I began to pump my hands up and down, slowly at first then a little faster, the experience new and exciting as well as alarming.

“Not so fast,” Carl warned. “Take your time. We don’t want to cum before we fuck you and spoil it all.”

He was right; my new-found sexual persona had almost forgotten what I was there for. Being fucked was certainly what I wanted but it was a means to an end; I had to remember that.

“Pass me my handbag,” I said, remaining on my knees, raising my eyes to Gary’s and smiling.

The poor boy looked almost as uncertain as I felt but I mustn’t let him know. He passed it to me; I opened it and drew out two brand new condoms from the half dozen that I had concealed there.

“Remember the rules?” I grinned.

Realising I had absolutely no idea how to put a condom on a man’s erect penis, I passed one to each of my soon-to-be-lovers. There were soft tearing sounds, a little fumbling close to my face then Carl turned back towards me, his erection now covered in plastic from base to tip. I was pleased to see the loose bubble of latex hanging from his smooth head; that was where the prize would be.

Gary seemed to be having more difficulty rolling on his condom but eventually there were two, pale covered thick black shafts before my eyes. I took one in each hand again. They felt different in their sleeves, not as earthy, not as appealing but that wasn’t my problem right then.

Steeling myself for the part of the evening I had feared most, I rose on my knees and, slowly, with a cock in each hand, I lowered my head towards Carl’s mighty erection. Desperately trying to remember what the girls in my video clips had done, I stuck out my tongue and licked the top of his cock.

It tasted of plastic. I opened my mouth and took the head in. It felt large, warm and a little worrying but still very artificial. Even in my naivety I could tell that condom-covered sex was going to be second best but again I had to keep my eyes on the prize.

With my mind firmly fixed on the videos I had studied, I rose on my knees and took Carl’s cock deep into my mouth, my hand firmly gripping the base of his shaft. I licked its rounded end, pumping my hand gently up and down then, with my other hand I grasped the base of Gary’s smaller, thinner shaft and for what seemed an age I moved my mouth from one cock to the other and back, masturbating the two shafts, licking the two domed heads, the numbing taste of plastic always on my tongue.

The two men moaned softly as I licked and sucked their hard erections, my fingers falling from their shafts to the full dark sacks hanging between their upper thighs. At first I divided my attentions equally between them then as the noises coming from Gary became more eager and animated, I began to concentrate on his somewhat smaller penis and rather tighter scrotum.

“Mmmmm! Mrs. Prestonnnnn!”

Carl’s voice in my ear was low and sexy, making me feel sexy too. I released his cock and he moved back a little, allowing me to give Gary my full attention. I cupped the boy’s sack in one hand, pumped his shaft with the other and sucked his smooth head all at the same time.

I felt his body beginning to tremble and he lowered himself to the sofa where he lay back, his legs spread wide. I moved closer in on all fours, my bottom presented to the room as I began to pump his latex covered cock harder and harder.

“Ohhh Yesss! Suck my cock...” he moaned.

I sucked it harder and felt his sack become tighter in my fingers.

“Yessss!” he hissed. “Oh yessss!”

Carls’ voice joined his friend’s from behind my head.

“You’re such a cocksucker Mrs. Preston; a slutty little cocksucker!”

His harsh words made me feel even more lustful. I suited my actions to the name and began to suck in earnest, pumping faster and faster.

“Make him cum, Mrs. Cocksucking Preston,” Carl urged, his hands on my boobs, squeezing them until they actually hurt. “Show me what a slut you are!”

And I showed him! With all my limited ability, I worked on Gary’s slim black cock; lips, tongue teeth and hands all together in a crazy frantic effort to make this young man reach a climax.

It didn’t take long; within two minutes I felt his hands in grabbing for my hair to force my head down. Even in my aroused state I knew I had to protect my wig so I batted his fingers away before returning to his groin. Moments later I felt his body go tense, the muscles of his thighs contract and the round head of his cock begin to swell.

“OhmyGod! I’m cumming!” he croaked.

And then for the first time in my life, a man began to climax in my mouth. It was frightening, feeling his thick, hard shaft beginning to pulsate, knowing that ejaculation was either near or even happening.


As I bobbed my head up and down, I could feel Gary’s pulsing cock throbbing in my mouth and the balloon on the end of the condom filling with his semen. I pulled my head back, my hand still pumping his shaft to see jets of creamy fluid spurting from the tiny lips on the end of his cock. There seemed so much of it, far more than I had expected and as I lifted my face from the boy’s groin, feeling more than a little proud of myself, I could see the bag of yellow-white fluid dangling from the tip of his cock.

“Wow!” Gary was saying, his fingers stroking my shoulders as I leaned heavily on his spread thighs.

Wow was all I could think too! I had actually given a man oral sex for the first time and, if Gary’s demeanour was anything to go by. I had done a good job.

I had in fact become a real cocksucker.

Gary’s erection began to soften in my fist, bringing me to my senses. His hands went to his groin but I pushed them firmly away and addressed myself to the latex parcel he had just filled. Carefully, I began to slide the fullTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

Same as Robin's Rage - 3 - Cocktails & Copulation Videos

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Robins summer vacation

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Robin By Belinda Robin has been transformed to live her life fully; an unexpected gift from King Tut and Catwoman. It is a few week after Robin return to Gotham from the Ancient Egyptian city she was able to grow and mature... Robin is at Wayne manner. She likes her true role and life. Previously, Robin was glad to be a part of the dynamic duo. Even, the villains both Batman and her battled knew Robin was accommodating too much as a the boy wonder. There was an uneasiness,...

4 years ago
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Robin in Middle School

Robin's Continuing Story - Middle School It was the beginning of August and cheerleader practice was about to start. Twelve year old Robin Jacobson and her also twelve year old cousin Beth were let out at the school field by Robin's mom. Beth was wearing a pink t-shirt with a pair of blue shorts, with white sneakers. Robin was wearing a red t-shirt with a blue denim skort. Both of the girls were wearing nail polish, Beth with pink and Robin sporting a bright red. In actuality,...

4 years ago
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Robin and Jimmy Olsen Part 4 the date continues

Robin and Jimmy Olsen - Part 4 The Date Continues (finally) by Tawny Suede Just as Ollie and John began to wonder what was keeping their dates, they spotted the delectable pair of sissies returning from the rest room. When they reached the table, both men stood. Their politeness was rewarded by a brief kisses from the pretty lads. Each girlyboy also managed to run her hands across the crotch of her date and give each cock a gentle stroke! Robin and Jamie looked at each other and...

2 years ago
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Robin and Dee

"Have you ever tested your own cum before?" We were at a suburban dinner party and I was sitting next to a lovely woman about my age, mid-50s, wearing a high-necked, glittery dress that was very short indeed, with dangling earrings and a silver necklace. She was blonde with streaks of pink and was very impertinent with her questioning. I was there because my neighbors needed a single man to accompany this forthright guest, and the rest of the guests were couples. "Uh, well, not to...

2 years ago
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Robin Girl Wonder Part 3 Secrets and Gardens

ROBIN GIRL WONDER - part 3 - SECRETS AND GARDENS (Read parts 1 and 2 before this part, or you won't understand what's going on.) "You've been a very bad girl, Robin," Ivy said. "I don't appreciate you messing up my drug deal after all I've done for you." "That's not all I'm going to mess up if you don't let me go!" Robin snarled. Ivy laughed, "You're just adorable when you're angry, little one!" Robin fumed. "Okay, Ivy. You've caught me again. Now will you please tell me...

4 years ago
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Robin Girl Wonder Part 2 Knights and Lovers

ROBIN GIRL WONDER part 2 - KNIGHTS AND LOVERS This story is based loosely on drawings done by Fraylim. This is a work of fan-fiction that includes characters owned by DC Comics. It is not intended to damage their copyright in any way. Note: Read part 1 first or this won't make sense. The feminized Tim Drake stretched out in the sun by the pool at Wayne Manor. She was nude. Alfred appeared and cleared his throat to get her attention. "Would the lady like me to fetch her...

3 years ago
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Robin The Nanny

Robin The Nanny It was possibly the most incredible climax of my life. Cum kept shooting up into her forever. I lost track of how many squirts I had shot into her very talented pussy. I opened my eyes and looked up at her. I was totally mesmerized by her. At first all I could focus on were her big beautiful C-cup breasts. They were a full C-cup and they hung from their massive weight. They were capped with nice light brown areolas with hard nipples that begged for me to suck on them....

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*Author’s Note: Any persons engaging in any sexual activity are at least eighteen years of age. The chairperson was finishing up the announcements and then introducing her and the knot in her stomach tightened even tighter. She silently prayed to God to help her, to speak through her. ‘If I can help at least one person here tonight,’ she prayed. ‘Then it will be worth it, God. Please let me help someone else.’ She realized, with a smile, that the simple little prayer was so vastly different...

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Robin and Jimmy Olsen Part 2 Robin prepares Alfred beware

Robin and Jimmy Olsen - Part 2 Robin prepares, Alfred beware! by Tawny Suede The evening before the date in Part 1... Sitting in her resplendent suite of rooms in the Manor, Robin inhaled a slow drag from her cigarette. As she exhaled the stream of smoke, she admired her lipstick on the filter of the cigarette. It was funny. More than a year ago, when "he" was just "Dick", he was appalled by the idea of smoking. But then the big change had hit him and now he thought the sight of any...

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Robin and Jimmy Olsen Part 6 Commissioned

Robin and Jimmy Olsen - Part 6 Commissioned! by Tawny Suede "Miss Robin! Surely you can't be serious!" "Introduce us, Alfred! Just like any other guest arriving, we deserve to be introduced to the crowd!" demanded the lovely sissy! Robin and Jamie were dressed in very attractive summer dresses - Robin in blue and Jamie in green which accentuated his green eyes and emphasized his bright red hair! The dresses would have been beautiful on two young women, but were startlingly erotic...

4 years ago
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Robin Girl Wonder the reboot

ROBIN GIRL WONDER - the reboot I recently stumbled across Fraylim's wonderful "Miss-Adventures of Robin the Girl Wonder" drawings again, and decided to write a completely new version of my Robin Girl Wonder story. This time I'll faithfully stick to the storyline as presented in Fraylim's art. I enjoyed re-imagining this story and I hope you enjoy reading it. Here's a link to Fraylim's art online: It's fun and sexy. if the link...

2 years ago
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Robin on Patrol

A brightly lit full moon hung in the night sky as the shadowy figure moved across the low rooftops. A sudden flash of light reflected from an approaching car illuminated the figure for a moment, before he vanished once again in a blur of yellow and red. A distant clock tower began the long chime that would end in eleven. “Looks like it’s time to call it a night.” The dark-haired youth said to himself as he pushed forward a green glove on his hand and checked the time on the watch...

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