Over The Hills And Faraway, Book 5. Paying The PiperChapter 13: Cock Ups And Cocktails free porn video

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Ms. Suzannah Weston and I crossed swords again a little over a month after I joined MilSys. Progress of new starters was monitored by their respective Project Leader, so one morning, when John Rudry told me to report to Ms. Suzannah Weston, and knowing my file had been sent to her office, I assumed she wanted to check my work. I could face scrutiny from my Project Leader with quiet confidence; John was impressed with my work, having two of the test programs completed, and being well into the third and final program.

Ms. Suzannah Weston kept me waiting outside her office, where I chatted to her PA, a well preserved woman in her 50's by the name of Vera. Eventually I was summoned into 'The Presence'. She didn't glance up or acknowledge my entrance but continued reading a document on her desk.

"Good morning, Miz Weston. Shall I come back when you are not so busy?"

I can be sarky when it suits.

She flushed, probably with anger rather than with embarrassment.

"Mister Desmond, I'm afraid your work is not up to standard, and if you can't complete these introductory programming tests on time I will be forced to terminate your contract."

Her outburst puzzled me. Surely John would let me know if my work wasn't up to scratch.

"What exactly are the faults in my programs?" I asked.

"Programs?" she said incredulously. " You've not even completed the first one."

She flung a file, with my name on the cover, across the desk. I opened the file, which contained a single sheet of coding. I turned the sheet over and found Samantha Lawson's name written at the bottom of the page. Problem solved. Samantha's test paper was in my file, presumably mine were in Samantha's file.

I turned around and walked towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Ms. Suzannah Weston's voice rose several decibels, and octave, with her question.

"I'm going to get the author of this coding so you can tell her what you told me. If you examine this sheet of paper closely you will find Samantha Lawson's name." Then I stuck the boot in. "You were so keen to get rid of me you didn't bother to check who actually wrote it."

I slid the file back across the desk at her and left the room, winking at Vera as I passed her desk.

That night in The Grapes I recounted my contretemps with Ms. Weston to the gang of Shona, Rebecca, Tommy and Maureen.

"She's one arrogant bitch," Shona said, "and you should make an official complaint and demand an apology."

"Mistakes do happen" I said, "and I don't want to start a new job by complaining about my boss."

"Don't let them take advantage of you," Rebecca said.

"Hasn't anyone ever taken advantage of you?" I enquired.

"Only those who I want to," she said, with a wicked little grin on her face, which caused me to examine her more closely.

I estimated Rebecca's age to be somewhere near 25, and although not particularly pretty she was attractive in the way of all young women. She stood about 5 feet 4 inches tall, being a little overweight for her height, and possessed a pleasant voice and smile. The maxi coat she habitually wore she kept on, even in the The Grapes, but would undo enough buttons to reveal an oversized baggy sweater worn beneath, making it impossible to gauge what sort of figure she had.

The girl was definitely coming on to me, and as nothing had yet developed with Shona the thought of available young female flesh presenting itself gave me a pleasurable glow in my balls.

Next morning when I got into the office there was an envelope on my desk, containing a handwritten letter from Ms Suzannah Weston.

Dear Mr Desmond

Please accept my apologies for my behaviour of yesterday. You were right to point out my failure to examine the paper in detail, and I did jump to the wrong conclusion. Let me assure you I hold no vendetta towards ex-military personnel in general or to you in particular. However, my experience is that ex-servicemen do not always reach the standard required by Military Systems PLC.

That no way excuses my lack of professionalism or courtesy towards you, and I hope you will accept this apology in the spirit it is given.

Yours faithfully

Suzannah Weston

Well, what could I do? I went up to her office, where Vera told me Ms. Suzannah Weston was at an all-day meeting at MoD.

"Goodness knows what time she left the envelope on my desk this morning." Vera said. "She had to be at MoD by eight, and to call in here before driving into London would mean her leaving her flat about five."

I showed Vera the letter, and she explained. "An ex-serviceman on her team let her down badly at a presentation, and she received a severe reprimand in consequence. I reckon she lost her trust in servicemen then."

I wrote a quick note accepting the apology and left it with Vera. Even Military Systems PLC can make cock ups. No more need to be said.

That evening Maureen was missing from the group when I made my usual visit to The Grapes. "She's gone to Watford for a couple of nights to baby sit for our daughter. There's some big dinner dance she and her husband are attending." Tommy didn't seem too bothered his wife had left him for a couple of days as he recounted the reason for her absence.

It was Pub Quiz night, and with Maureen missing I took her place on the team. I sat between Shona and Rebecca, and at various times during the evening a hand from each would land on my knee. I even received a kiss from Shona when I answered a particularly difficult question correctly. Unfortunately, Shona was divorced with an 8 year old son, and had to leave when the quiz finished as her babysitter wouldn't stay past 9.30 p.m.

Soon after her departure Tommy finished his pint and declared, "I'm off to the chippy for me supper."

That left me and Rebecca sitting thigh to thigh on the bench seat. I asked what she would like to drink, and I was gobsmacked when she replied, "I'd like a long slow comfortable screw up against a wall."

She giggled at my amazed expression and explained. "It's a cocktail; perhaps I'll get one later, meanwhile a white wine would be lovely."

I went up to the bar thinking on what she said. All the signs pointed to shag in prospect, and I was well up for that.

We left arm in arm at closing time. Rebecca lived near the canal, and we walked along with her prattling on about the quiz. Turning a corner we entered a dark back alley, with a long, high, rough stone wall on one side and the backs of factory units on the other.

"Here's the wall" Rebecca said, "so what about my long slow comfortable screw?"

With that she put her arms round my neck and thrust her tongue down my throat. Before I could reciprocate she pulled away from me, fully unbuttoned her coat revealing a baggy sweater and, incongruously, a short, flouncy raa-raa skirt underneath. She was bare legged. Rebecca backed up against the wall, drawing me onto her, and as our groins met and my prick swelled into life, she jumped up, wrapping her legs around my waist.

We kissed, our tongues tango tangling. After five minutes of intensive, invasive, French kissing she pulled her mouth away from mine to whisper, "push up my skirt and pull down my panties."

No sooner said than done, and her pair of cheapo Primark knickers soon dangled from one of her ankles, both of which were locked firmly around my back.

I am not at my best with a knee trembler, especially with my weakened leg, but she found a slight ledge on the wall which took most of her weight. With her skirt well up around her waist I had free and easy acess to her cunt. I like to prime a female with tongue and finger before insertion, but Rebecca was in too much of a hurry to have a length of hot throbbing dick inside her for any foreplay. She had me unzipped in a trice, and her hand quickly led my prick into her honey pot, lubricated or not.

I eased slowly into her tight, dry, cunt, with Rebecca assisting me gain deeper entry by lifting her body up and sliding down on my rapidly hardening prick.

I penetrated further, thrusting up as she bore down. We started moving in unison, gasping together as hard prick invaded soft twat.

I felt moisture as her juices began to flow, oiling my piston, which gradually built up speed as I plunged deeper into her.

Rebecca had been moaning and whimpering with pleasure for some time — hearing a woman making those sounds of sex always turns me on — now she started whispering in my ear: "Yes, yes, that's it, right there. Oh yes, oh yes, aahh."

This encouragement made me redouble my efforts, and I drove in fast and furious, grunting loudly as I delved further into her clutching cunt.

She groaned louder; her climax building as I rammed into her — and then it all went pear shaped.

"Oh yes, Daddy. Fuck me harder, Daddy. I love it when you fuck me hard."

I froze in mid thrust — Daddy? What the fuck was that all about?

Rebecca, realising I had stopped in shock, pretended it was my name she called out. "Desi, don't stop. Do it harder, Des, I'm coming, Des ... Oh, Oh Oh."

She kept thrusting against my diminishing prick, and had such a head of steam my lack of wood was no barrier to her reaching her orgasm.

She came with a shudder and a final shriek.

She kissed me, climbed off my now flaccid and shrunken prick, and pulled her skirt down. "You can keep my panties as a souvenir," She said, and handed them to me. I was so flabbergasted at what had occurred I took them, put them in my pocket and thanked her. We continued walking towards her place, with her still prattling on about the quiz and other inconsequential topics.

I remained in a shocked silence, never having experienced anything like that before.

"I'm sorry you can't come in, but my flat mate will be asleep. Thank you for a lovely evening," Rebecca said when we arrived outside her house. She raised herself up on tiptoes and gave me a long hard kiss before going in, waving as she shut the door.

I walked home in a daze, and a state of sexual frustration.

One of the drawbacks to Mrs Jackson's B+B was having to go out for an evening meal. The next day I went to The Grapes for some pub grub straight from work. "I can recommend the hot pot," Tommy said, also having to fend for himself with Maureen away. I joined him at his table, and ordered two pints while waiting for my grub.

"Did Rebecca give you the 'long slow comfortable screw up against a wall' performance last night?" He asked. He grinned at the surprise showing on my face and continued, "She's lived around here for about six years, and has shagged every male from the age of sixteen to sixty five in West Drayton using that act, me included." He took a long swig of his pint. "I would be grateful if you kept that last piece of information to yourself."

I nodded my agreement. "Did she call out 'Daddy' with you?"

"She carries out the same routine, and says the same things each time; even uses the same place on the wall." He laughed. "It must cost her a fortune in knickers."

"Being called 'Daddy' put me right off my stroke." I said, supping deep at my pint. "I didn't get to shoot my load, and went home with lover's bollock."

"I was lucky," he said. "I'd been tipped off about the Daddy bit, so I kept on shagging. I never missed a beat, and fired both barrels into her." He finished his pint. "Want another, Des?" he asked. I declined, as I was about to tuck into my food.

"Anyway," I said with a mouthful of hotpot, "now I know what to expect I'll be OK next time Rebecca asks for a long slow comfortable screw up against a wall."

"That's the trouble," Tommy said sadly," she never shags the same bloke twice. She is one weird girl to be a social worker. They are supposed to sort out people with hang ups. She must have a whole heap of sexual problems."

"Just my bloody luck. Oh well, I will need to redouble my efforts with Shona."

Tommy shook his head. "Shona is in a heavy relationship with a married bloke on site. Guthrie has been shagging Shona for about three years, ever since she took the job in the post room. He is well married, and there is no way he will leave his wife. Her family are posh and wealthy, and Guthrie lifted himself a long way up the social ladder by marryong into that family. He was as rough as a bear's arse before he married."

"Is that Alan Guthrie, the Site Director?"

"That's the bloke. He lived in digs here for several months before buying his big place near the river." Tommy went on. "He used to take Shona on trips abroad, but he doesn't do that as often now as he has a new piece of stuff in tow; his PA is his latest bit of spare. I feel really sorry for Shona. She knows what a shit Guthrie is, but still drops everything, including her knickers, when he calls."

Tommy finished up his pint. "Well, Des, I'm off. I'll probably see you tomorrow." As he turned to leave he stopped and faced me.

"Now I recall, it was Guthrie who told me Rebecca calls out Daddy when she's being shagged. He and Shona were shagging on a regular basis at the time, but he couldn't resist a bit of extra cunt from Rebecca. What a gobshite."

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Chapter 13: Cock Ups and Cocktails Videos

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 5 Paying the PiperChapter 7 A Man of the Law

On the following Wednesday afternoon I spent a considerable time wandering aimlessly around the higgledy-piggledy building of Lincoln's Inn before eventually finding my way to the chambers of the barrister, an eminent Queen's Counsel, who would be defending me in court. Vincent Avery-Preece was a large, well-built, man with a leonine head of hair. He looked and sounded something like Richard Burton, an actor from way back in the 1960s, and I learned later he modelled himself on how Richard...

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 5 Paying the PiperChapter 24 Curds and whey hey hey

If you ever get an opportunity to visit the Seychelles then seize it with both hands. They are a veritable paradise on earth — rather in ocean — the Indian Ocean to be precise. The islands, 115 of them, are a riot of beaches of pristine white sand, swaying palms, blue lagoons, smiling friendly natives, and a local cuisine which is a fusion of French, Indian, Chinese and African. Gemma and I stayed at the Lotto Hotel complex on Praslin Island, the second largest island of the group, in a...

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 5 Paying the PiperChapter 36 Iron in the Soul

June 2nd, 2009. Bourne Mansions; Iver, Buckinghamshire. I rolled off a star-fished Annamarie and got to my feet. I was covered in sweat, confusion, embarrassment and depression. It had started so well. Then, about five minutes into what had been an experience of supreme bliss for us both, my tungsten steel prick melted like a snowball in a furnace. One minute Annamarie was moaning in mounting rapture as I ravished her G spot with every thrust, and then nada, zilch, sod all. I stared...

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 2 RelationshipsChapter 12 Pricilla the Prick Teasing Pupil

After serving breakfast, and Pippa, in bed I had managed to put things right between us. I now had to telephone Professor Nicholls and apologise for my behaviour at the reunion, as it was he who had organised the event. The phone rang for some time but eventually the receiver was picked up. "Yes!" said a rather terse and abrupt sounding Professor. It sounded like he had been interrupted doing something rather important, and strenuous, judging by his heavy breathing. I identified myself and...

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 2 RelationshipsChapter 16 Operation Granby Kuwait November 1990March 1991

We flew out from RAF Brize Norton on the 14th November in some huge Yank aircraft, a Galaxy I think, they all look alike to me. As I sat in my relatively comfortable seat I thought of the last time I had gone to war; in a luxurious cruise liner no less, the QE II. Of course we had travelled squaddie class and didn't have white coated stewards waiting on us hand foot and finger. It took nearly 5 weeks to get down to the Islands, and I made some good mates amongst 3 Para, my travelling...

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 2 RelationshipsChapter 7 The Courtship of Phillipa Goddard 29th December 1987

It was just a little after 11 am when I rang her door bell. She opened the front door immediately. "I was thinking you wouldn't turn up." She was flushed and agitated, "it would have been all my fault, I shouldn't have badgered you over those bloody silly names." I handed her the book I had bought at W H Smith's on the way over to her house. "I stopped to get this." It was a paper back copy of ' Death to the French' She gazed at me for a few seconds then threw her arms around my...

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 4 Soldiering OnChapter 15 Deacutejagrave Vu

We had expected to return to York when our tour of duty in Bosnia was over, but the bastards at MoD sent us to bloody Catterick. There were two good reasons why that posting was not well received by the Erbs. The first because most of us were looking forward to re-establishing relationships with the fair maids of York, or in Russ Stilkins' case the fair maids of Nippon. The second reason was that, for those of us 'rejected' by 2 RGJ, it would be returning to face their derision. Since our...

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 2 RelationshipsChapter 14 Annabel the Arrogant Accountant June 1990

A week before my birthday, I got a letter from the Inland Revenue. Dear Sir We find that you are in tax arrears, to the sum of £2376.76. A member of our Accounts Retrieval Department, Ms Annabel Fanshawe –Smythe, will be calling on the 12 June, at 4pm, for your arrears. Please have all your invoices, receipts and bank cheque stubs available for Ms Fanshawe -Smythe to peruse. Yours sincerely Mike Hunt I showed the letter to Pippa. "I don't understand it, my tax is dealt with by the...

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 1 IntroductionsChapter 7

The battalion did another 3 month deployment to Northern Ireland in September 1986, this time I did the full tour, but as we were based in Belfast we had a better time of it. Our main task was supporting the police; this was an easier job than rural patrolling in 'Bandit Country' but still wasn't without its dangers. The main difference was that we were able to fraternize with the locals, who were predominantly Unionists, without the constant fear of gun or bomb attack. There were always...

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 4 Soldiering OnChapter 25 Afghanistan

On September the 11th, 2001, I was in Colchester on the promotion to staff sergeant course. On the 11th of October I was on the Uzbekistan/Afghanistan border. I had flown out from RAF Brize Norton on the 17th of September, and the horror and shock of what I had seen on the television in the sergeants mess lounge at Kirkee barracks on the 11th was still imprinted on my brain. Lectures that morning had finished just before twelve thirty, and I and a couple of others on the course had lingered...

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 3 Paradise Regained and LostChapter 12 Ellse

With the reunification of Germany, and the gradual breakup of the Soviet Union, the role of the British Army Of the Rhine (BAOR) was under review. It didn't make much difference to 1st Green Jackets; we still had manoeuvres and schemes to take part in, and we continued with the training already scheduled, which had been designed to combat an attack by the USSR, a now non-existent foe. I was far too busy for the next 2 weeks in getting my platoon into shape for a forthcoming exercise, to...

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 3 Paradise Regained and LostChapter 17 Court Martial

According to military law my offence could have been dealt with by my Commanding Officer, Lt Col. Renshawe-Todd, holding a Summary Hearing. After making his judgment he could then have awarded the punishment merited by my crime, a possible prison sentence of up to 4 years. However, Sweeney had been present at the scene of my 'crime' and so was unable to take part in any legal action against me, other than that of a witness. It had therefore been decided that I would be dealt with by a...

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 2 RelationshipsChapter 9 Life with Pippa January 1988October 1990

As I picked Pippa up from the armchair her mouth had fastened on mine like a love struck limpet. Our tongues delved into each other's mouths, sliding and slithering, as we gave ourselves over to the passion that had been building up since the day we had first met in the White Star cafe. Our teeth clashed; we gasped for air as we kissed, sucked, and licked. I carried her towards the staircase, in a rather ungainly fashion, her arms around my neck and her legs gripping around my waist like an...

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Nandita To Nandini

Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete fiction.my self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 4 Soldiering OnChapter 6 A Christmas Story

The flight back to the UK was uneventful, other than that Harry Ledbetter wasn't on board the plane. Captain Miles Shepard had turned up at the airport with my leave pass and my movement orders, and informed me that Harry was doing the rounds of the embassies, talking to military and political attachés about the Somalia situation. Harry was going to stay in Nairobi over the Christmas period, in case any other developments occurred in Somalia. I hoped he managed to evade the clutches of...

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 4 Soldiering OnChapter 13 Execution

I was probably the only person in #4 section that greeted 'reveille' at 0600 with any sort of enthusiasm. I was eager to get to grips with my task but the rest of the lads were hung over and shagged out. Although four Bugsy Girls had been reserved for the section's exclusive pleasure only four of us took advantage of the girls' considerable expertise and charms. I had remained celibate, while Chaz Bowyer, Doc Watson, Tabby Catesby, Fin Wayke and Budgie Finch had local girlfriends, who not...

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 4 Soldiering OnChapter 7 Catterick Camp

The train travelling north was jammed full of Jocks going back home for Hogmanay. There were no seats in the second class coaches, but plenty were available in first class if you'd had the foresight to take out a second mortgage to afford the exorbitant price, plus the late booking fee. Bizarrely, if you upgraded to first class at the station before boarding the train you didn't have to pay a booking fee. I stood in the vestibule by the bogs, with a crowd of drunken Scotsmen, all the way to...

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 2 RelationshipsChapter 4 December 1987 The end with Emma

I walked back to barracks, there was no public transport Sunday mornings in Aldershot and there were no taxis cruising. It didn't matter as I needed to sort things out in my mind, and I did that best when stepping out at light infantry pace. I thought I might be in love with Emma. I had told Annalise that I loved her, not long after our first bout of lovemaking, but she had laughed, kissed me and said. 'You are in love with the thought of being in love, sweetheart' Maybe it was the same...

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 2 RelationshipsChapter 5 The Courtship of Phillipa Goddard 23rd December 1987

I walked back to the barracks with my head spinning as I struggled to take in the fact that Emma had gone. She must have known a fortnight ago that it would be our last meeting. That could explain her somewhat feverish sexual activity- had she wanted something special to look back on? Who was the other employee from her firm who had disappeared with her? Phillipa hadn't said but I assumed it to be a male as I couldn't imagine Emma without a pliable male companion. Had he been shagging her...

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 3 Paradise Regained and LostChapter 2 Tossa del Mar

We flew into Barcelona on the 26th May. We had booked a week at a hotel at Tossa del Mar, a small coastal village about 25 miles to the north of the city. A car from the hotel met us at the airport and as we drove along the coast road I understood why the area was called 'The Costa Brava', The Rugged Coast. Tossa del Mar had escaped the over-development suffered by other coastal villages as it did not have the large beaches of the Costa Blanca or Costa del Sol. Instead, the small secluded...

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 2 RelationshipsChapter 13 A Dalliance with Debbie May 1990

March and April went by with Pippa waiting to hear how her thesis had been received. She knew it could take up to 4 months to complete the review procedure, but had hoped that friends in the various universities where the thesis was being reviewed would get some idea of how things were going and let her know. "How will they know which is yours?" I asked, "I thought your thesis was entered anonymously." "They are but I've told my friends the title, so they should pick up any news by...

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 4 Soldiering OnChapter 12 The Plan

Bravo Company was accommodated in an abandoned school, which would have probably been attended by the Bosnian Serb children of Bugs as it was just across the road from the Russian Orthodox Church. The school was a two story, fairly modern structure, and had plenty of classrooms and offices, allowing each section of the company their own room. Added to this was an assembly hall that could house the complete company; a kitchen that allowed the company cooks full rein of their expertise,...

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 4 Soldiering OnChapter 5 She Who Must Be Obeyed

On arrival at the British High Commission Office in Nairobi I was set to writing a report of my assessment on the operation of the mortar platoon. Harry went off to do the same for the logistical component; although I knew he was eager to get down to writing his paper laying out the details of the current, and future, situation in Somalia. I soon had typed up my report; basically all I said was that the mortar element of the infantry battalion had done a fully professional job, and that...

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 3 Paradise Regained and LostChapter 15 Addiction

We met at 2pm on the first Monday after Christmas, in a car park in Celle. I was off duty on the day she had specified and I wondered how she knew I would be available for our tryst. Dead on time her BMW drew into the car park, she beckoned me over and I received the full tongue and face sucking treatment as soon as I had sat down in the car. She then drove, one handed, to an autobahn rest station about 15 miles towards Hanover. We booked into a room and I joined her in what can only be...

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 1 IntroductionsChapter 5

I never found out where Annalise came from, anything about her family, or even how old she was. I gathered that she had been born in the German Democratic Republic, or East Germany as it was generally known. I learned all my German from her, and eventually, when I spoke it well enough, I realized her accent was from the east. Germans often remarked on my Silesian accent. Lying in bed between your teacher's thighs, buried up to your balls in her warm welcoming twat, is the best way to learn a...

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 4 Soldiering OnChapter 9 The ERB

A few weeks after my unintended appearance at the dogging Oscars with Dilys I was called into the company office. There was a new infantry battalion being formed, and I was one of the 'lucky' ones chosen to make up the numbers. It is a well-known fact that when MoD call for 'volunteers' for new units the battalions get rid of all those men who pose a bit of a problem to them; not just the stupid, but the barrack room lawyers, the womanisers, the drunks, or those like me, who had been...

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 1 IntroductionsChapter 4

Two months before the day of our wedding Miriam told me that she had miscarried and had lost the baby. I was home on leave and at her house when she made the announcement. Her parents had made themselves scarce when I arrived, and I had thought they were leaving us love birds alone for our benefit, but of course they just wanted to be out of the way when the news was broken. "So there's no need for you to marry me now." Miriam said, looking gravely at me-she was a solemn little piece, not...

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 3 Paradise Regained and LostChapter 16 I meet my Waterloo

Six days after my birthday Ffion and I were sat together at a table in the opulent surroundings of the Officers Mess dining room in Trenchard Barracks. We had met on every one of the intervening six days, taking foolhardy risks of discovery as we made love where ever and whenever we could. We had even made love in Ffion's house, when Gareth and Geraint were away for the night at some motor cycle rally. I had crept into the house through the garden, after Ffion had left the gate in the panel...

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