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Blind Rage

You wound me deeply, finding some kind of perverse pleasure in it, and I am thinking of all the things I want to say... do, while you stand there in the doorway, lazily smoking your cigarette.

There’s a self satisfied smirk twisting your lips and I close my eyes, picturing myself slapping it from your face, hearing the resounding crack, letting it echo through the halls of my mind, and feeling the fulfillment of my hand connecting with your cheek.

I can almost taste the delicious feel of my palm to your skin as the smile dies from your eyes, and I want that; want it so much I can feel it coursing through my veins, but I will not give you the satisfaction. I won't let you move me to violence; I’d sooner resort to that than tears. I am determined to never surrender... never ever fucking surrender that!

You look to me with a smug coolness that makes me get up and pace the floor, and that is a path that is too well worn and deeply grooved, so I throw on clothes and grab my keys, meaning to do whatever I must to fill this emptiness.

I fumble through my drawers, tossing this and that aside, digging for the cross that I never leave without. Finding my precious memento, I press it to my lips and murmur a quick prayer, knowing that I will need my very dear friend that it once belonged to, with me tonight.

With my eyes still closed, I turn to leave and crash directly into you. I was unaware that you have been watching me, waiting for me to reach my breaking point. Pulling me to you hard, you tilt your head down and kiss me. Everything in me wants to give in to you, but I wrestle myself free and run through the door, bolting out into the night; not knowing where I am headed and not caring. The only thing I know with certainty is that I must, must escape you.

I jam the key into the ignition and offer up a fervent prayer as I push the accelerator to the floor,

"C'mon! Start baby! Start!"

The engine roars to life: wings to my wounded soul. I fondle my treasured cross, car wheels screeching, as I pull out onto a road that may never end.

I drove blindly for nearly an hour, racing the highway and weaving recklessly, before finally stopping at a bar near the edge of town. Knowing that I need to collect, as my new speeding ticket will attest to, I utter an oath, get out, and slam the car door behind me.

I order my first drink, your drink, and inhale the wonderful liquid, feeling it sting my eyes as it burns all the way down my throat. I've never had hard liquor before but I think to myself, "All demons exorcised by degrees." I roll my eyes and toss my head back, swallowing hard to inhale the shot of Wild Turkey in one mouthful. By my fifth drink I stop counting and place an order for another, when a voice cuts me off.

"I've got that."

I turn to see a cowboy standing close behind me. Removing a bill from his wallet, he speaks without looking at me,

"Hello miss. Are you alone?"

The question stuns me momentarily and I consider my options.

"Y, yes" I stammer and look away, really feeling just how truly alone I am right now. I wince in my seat and offer him a ?thanks,? hoping that he will go away and leave me to the insanity of this night.

I really want, need, to fall into a tolerable, drunken anger. Needing to at least have the solace of that, and then that voice,

"So what's your name, cutie?"

By now, I am fiercely trying to hold it together, and failing. Without forethought, I spit out my acid reply,

"My name is fucking force of nature that you don't want to fuck with tonight cowboy!"

I light a cigarette, praying that he will leave me to my rage.

"Whoa, little miss! Who pissed you off?"

But I am in fine form this night, and I promptly replied,

"Mad at the world, cowboy."

Nonetheless, his eyes are smiling, quite obviously amused at my discomfiture.

Well that's good. I'm not from this world." He said, beginning an old pickup line.

I shoot him a warning glare and lift my purse onto my shoulder. One more person wanting anything from me right now, might be the thing that shoves me over the edge. I gather my keys and cross, and turn to leave.

Feeling the blood drop from my face to my feet, I realize that this may not have been the night to slam hard liquor, so I steady myself at the barstool and straighten my back.

Trying to appear as dignified as I can, I walk quickly past the cowboy, in a less than straight line, and head down the hall to the door. I am almost free, almost in the clear, when I feel a large hand clamp around my upper arm, spinning me around.

I look directly into his eyes, where he can see the venom in mine.

"I can tell that you've got a determination, little miss, but I don't want you to be driving around in your condition."

Automatically, I rifle through my mind for the best assurance that I'll be fine and open my mouth to voice it.

"Let me just take you back to my place for the night." He says kindly,

but I whirl on him, glaring daggers into his eyes and then bolt for the door, but he has a firm grip on me and I am stopped in my tracks.

"I promise. No funny stuff. Scouts honor."

My skin is prickling as I am bristling at the large hand keeping me from...

"From what,? I questioned myself silently.

Just for a moment, I relent. Seeing me relax just a little, cowboy tries again.

"Look, I'm not gonna take advantage of you. I can see you are fit to be tied, but don't get any ideas or I’ll have to hog tie you."

Finally, I chance a look at the speeding ticket in my partially open purse and heave a troubled sigh. He can see that I am defeated.

"Wait right here. Let me pay the bar tab and I'll meet you right back here," he orders as he begins to walk off. Then he turns back, in one step.

"Give me your keys." He demands.

He holds out his hand, palm up, and I realize that I am less afraid of him, than I am of what I'll face driving drunk and furious, so I dig into my bag and hand the keys over.

Cowboy walks away without a backwards glance and I bang my head against the wall, wondering how I got myself into this fine fix. Then I pull my cross out and palm it, muttering a prayer under my breath.

"Stay with me my angel. I need you."

Cowboy returns and wordlessly takes my hand. I freeze and then wrench my fingers from his, but he just smiles softly and opens the door for me. I slip into the seat of his truck with some unease, but he is careful to keep his words soft and his movements slow.

I smile to myself, briefly thinking, "First battle won."

But remembering that he still has my keys. Then, finally, I take a deep breath and exhale, feeling like it may be the first time I've breathed all night.

"What's that ya got there?" His eyes are on my hands.

"Nothing. None of your damned," I ground out, but my voice trails off as I realize that cowboy has been nothing but kind to me and likely doesn't deserve my rage, so I struggle for a slightly kinder reply.

"Never mind. Just keep your eyes on the road cowboy."

Just then a smile lit up his face.

"Okay, little miss. We’re home."

He unlocked the door and held it open for me. I stepped inside his log cabin with trepidation.

"Don't be afraid. Just make yourself to home," he said as he hit the lights on.

I stood in the middle of the room, rooted to one spot, with thoughts racing; wondering how many bedrooms he has and how many beds, but there was something comforting about the place.

He gestured toward the couch, with a bowing motion, his arm outstretched, and it brought a smile to me.

"Nice to see your pretty smile, little miss."

Assailed with the rage and pain that brought me here, the smile died on my lips.

"I'm going to get wood for the fire. Can I get you anything?"

But I don’t really hear him; I am lost in the reliving of my last experience of you. I sat silently, on the edge of the couch, as he went back outside and reentered again, arms filled to capacity with logs.

He lit the fire and I watched him make his way into the kitchen that seemed almost too small for his tall, stocky frame. I hadn't taken notice earlier, of how he towered over me and I am somewhat surprised that I wasn't astute enough to be very afraid of him.

After disappearing into the kitchen for sometime, cowboy reappeared with two drinks. Approaching cautiously, he handed one to me and took a chair facing me.

He seems so relaxed, so comfortable, and the air is crackling with the contrast to my tension. I sat, still silent, staring into the fire; images of you in the arms of someone else assaulting me, seeing the words I’d read in black and white: "Meet me at the Motel-6 near you." I squeeze my eyes shut and shake my head, trying to force you from mind.

When I finally look up, I realize that cowboy is gone. Hearing kitchen noises, I got up and went to investigate, then found him in the kitchen with milk and Kailua on the counter.

"You like mudslides?" He asked cheerfully.

I nodded my approval and returned to the couch, hugging my knees against several kinds of coldness, and unable to stop shivering.

Cowboy returned with both drinks in hand. Sitting them down gingerly on the hearth, he walks slowly towards me. Before I realize it, I’m on my feet. He has my shoulders in hand, gently steering me across the room, to sit in front of the fire. He then joined me at my side, close enough to be touching, but making no move to put his arm around me. I return my attention to the flames, making a concerted effort to burn you from my soul, knowing I would happily leap into the fire if I thought it would drive the pictures from my eyes.

Failing that, I began drinking heavily enough to stay somewhat sedated.

"Want to talk about it," he asked without looking at me.

Dragging my thoughts back to the cowboy at my side, I stumbled,

"Huh? What?"

"Do you want to talk about it?" He queried again.

I stare harder into the flames and form the only response that I have.


"I realize that you are going through your own personal hell, little miss. Might help to talk about it."

His eyes were filled with compassion, but I have no voice for this yet. I draw a deep breath and hug my knees tighter, while we sit together in silence for hours. Cowboy does not move, except to refill our drinks on a steady basis, and the last time he returned, he sat next to me, extending his arm around me.

"May I," He asked quietly.

I wasn't sure that I had it in me to care anymore. Declining to answer, I looked down into my glass, stirring the ice cubes with my little finger, a small but necessary distraction.

"What's your name?? he asks.

I grimace slightly and reply, "I told you."

"Oh C'mon. Give a guy a break, okay? ‘Fucking force of nature that you don't want to fuck with tonight cowboy’ is too long to fit on your driver’s license!"

I can feel the amusement in his voice and it makes me giggle at the picture of us; me there in the bar, so small at all of 5"1", verbally blasting this very tall, muscular cowboy, and it makes me laugh out loud for a second. Then he is smiling into my eyes.

"Well let me in on it!" he grins.

?I was just picturing our 'scene' at the bar," I smiled.

"Yeah! Scared the hell outta me," he responded, nearly falling backwards laughing.

Finally, I am laughing and I let him pull me a little bit closer, but then turned my eyes back to the hearth.

"Please don't do that." It is almost a whisper.

"Do what?" I queried softly.

"Please don't retreat back into yourself. I just got you to laugh for the first time. I like your laugh, little miss."

Genuinely smiling now, and still playing with my ice cubes, I reply, "I like yours too cowboy."

Cowboy reaches to tilt my chin up and places a soft kiss to my lips, and I am instantly aware of the heat given off by the fire, and the heat that he is giving off.

Suddenly filled with nerves, and some guilt, I pick up my glass and jump to my feet, but the floor rises up to meet me and I am sprawled on the rug. Laughing heartily, he helps me to a sitting position and picks up our glasses.

"Better let me get those, little miss."

Then he takes our glasses into the kitchen.

Feeling terribly foolish, the color rushes to my cheeks, I make a serious effort to stand. Watching from a distance, cowboys quickly returns to gently, but firmly, push me back down to the carpet.

"I told you. Don't get any ideas or I’ll have to hog tie you," He teases me.

Still blushing furiously, I tease him back. "You wouldn't!"

As he returns from the kitchen, he asks, "Wouldn't I?"

Without thought, I respond "You wouldn't dare!"

"Try me." He states, cutting me off.

His tone is now dead serious and his eyes are burning into mine. I hesitate for a long moment before breaking the tension.

"You're such a kidder cowboy!"

?And you are no match for me, little miss," is his staunch reply.

There is no anger in his voice, but an authoritative determination that floors me. I am opening and closing my mouth, trying to form words that will convince him that he doesn't scare me; something that will make him believe that I am in complete control, regardless of what condition I'm in.

Then I square my shoulders and level my gaze at him.

"I can take you anytime, anywhere, cowboy," I said, gritting my teeth for effect.

I hold his stare with my own, not even daring to blink, and then he stands, hauling me over his shoulder in one swoop of his arms. He walks toward the bedroom as I land my fists to his back, squirming and pushing against him, but fighting a losing battle against his strength and my inebriation.

"I'll scream," I threaten to the best of my drunken ability.

"So scream," he responds with no intimidation.

"Wh, What," came my confused response.

"You're in the woods, little miss. No one will hear you."

With that, he threw me down on the bed while I was still sputtering. I fought for a dignified position on the bed, never taking my eyes off of his.

"You can glare at me all you like, but you better do as I tell you," he commanded.

My rage returns in full force.

"You arrogant! Hateful! You actually think! What gives you the right to," but my voice trails off, not knowing how to finish.

"What gives me the right is that you are my charge for the night, and somebody's got to control you."

His slightly amused tone grates on my nerves and I lock my jaw. Chin set defiantly, I am prepared for an all out war, but he peels off his shirt and walks purposefully towards me, as I clench my fists.

"Give up, little miss. You can't win."

He is calm and controlled in the face of my frayed nerves and fuming ire, and it grates on me.

With one more step I lunge at him, full body weight contact, but he does not stumble. He picks me up and dumps me, unceremoniously, back onto the bed. Then he holds me down at my shoulders and warns,

"Don't move."

His angry eyes search mine for compliance and he finally let go. For a moment I wonder if not moving is the better option, knowing that I can barely stand but when he returns with restraints, I push back onto the bed and prepare for an all-out, no-holds-barred, fight-to-the-death. Seeing blood in my eyes, he smiles derisively,

"Normally I like a fiery woman in my bed, but you are a little too much of a handful, little miss," and he leans into me. Unable to free myself from the grip of my inebriation, I am throwing punches, flailing, slapping at him, and cursing a blue streak.

"Fuck this cowboy! Fuck you!"

?If you must," he responds with a smirk that I wanted to slap from his face.

Then I suddenly feel my palm connect and I am filled with instant gratification.

"God that was good," I scream, but his smirk turns into a grin.

"You're a little spitfire. I didn't expect to have this much fun tonight, but the fun is over, little miss," he states matter-of-factly.

That being said, he lunged with precision, catching my foot midstream to his family jewels.

"Nice try," he says without emotion, and then drags me to the edge of the bed while I struggle, with what little might I have left.

"You won't get away with this," I scream but, somewhere inside me, I realize the futility of my argument. Still, I persist.

"Stop now cowboy, while you still can," I warn loudly.

Then I throw myself into a last ditch effort to escape; twisting, fighting and writhing, until he slips restraints over my wrists and ankles, with a noted certain ease.

Then he binds me to the bed while I’m still fighting, knowing that it is a losing battle, but struggling nevertheless. Then he holds me down firmly, letting me push and pull, trying the restraints with everything I'm worth. Suddenly, he presses a gentle kiss to my lips as the last of my fight is draining.

We stayed like that for some time, his lips to mine, murmuring softly,

"Let it go now, little miss,"

And suddenly I could feel the fire all the way in this room.

Finally I collapse, surrendering to his kisses, and with none of this making sense, he deepens a kiss that makes me panic. With nothing left but my voice, I use it.

No! No! Nooooo!" I shriek.

"Shhhhh." he whispers, and I’m completely confused.

My voice gets smaller while I’m lost in all of my tormented emotions.

"Nooo," I groan at him.

"Shhhh," He continued.

"No cowboy." I whispered weakly.

Gently, he repeats, "Shhhh."

I nearly crumble as his lips set me on fire, but I know I won’t go down without a fight, and I struggle for the final time; flailing and lashing out as best I can, being restrained, and he let me fight it out.

"Shhhh. Let it go now," he whispers, again and again, as he kisses me softly.

Still kissing me tenderly, he begins to strip away my clothing, still whispering as I struggle lethargically.

"Shhhh. Don't fight me. Don't fight anymore." His voice is soothing and somewhat seductive.

"No." I fight to reply.

"Shhhhh," he continues.

Then he kisses me deeply, stealing my breath as my blood begins to boil, and without breaking the kiss, he tugs the last piece of fabric from me and cups my face in his palms. I feel his stare lay waste to my determination, as strokes the curve of my waist.

Fire courses through me at his touch, but I fight for some logic through my exhausted, drunken haze; trying to find the surface to break through.

Again he whispers, "Shhh. Don't anymore. Shhhh."

He moves slowly then, standing to strip from his jeans, and then stretches out to lie against me. His hardness against my thigh is nearly more than I can stand. He parts my lips for a deeply hungry kiss, and finally, I return his kisses with passion.

Suddenly, I’m overwhelmed with the need to feel his hands on me, all of me, and then I do. His fingers and palms explore me, squeezing my breasts lightly, caressing the flat of my belly, while his lips trail kisses down my neck and shoulder.

Then I’m lost in him; in what I’m feeling; what he’s making me feel, and my pussy is soaking wet as he slides his fingers down to stroke my hard clit. My breasts ache with every rise and fall of my breathing, while his lips and tongue suckle my nipples into hard pebbles and my labored breathing comes faster

He feels every inch of me, leaving nothing untouched, with his hands, his fingers, and his lips. Moving lower, he kisses me down one thigh and up the inside of the other, until his hot breath comes to rest at my pussy. Then he hesitates, long enough to draw a whimper from me, as he touches his finger to me there and spreads my aching cunt lips.

He slides his fingers up and down my slit, as he slowly moves closer, and then his lips are on me; his lips sucking my clit while he strokes me with the tip of his tongue, drawing small whimpers from me.

His hands hold my hips firmly as he drives his tongue into my smoldering cunt; darting in and out of my pussy, and driving me into white hot desire. Then he suckles my clit harder as he presses his finger into me, and I cry out with need of more; needing him to fill me with all of his hardness, needing him to quench this burning desire.

?Ohhh yesss! Yes!?

Then he slips two fingers into my tight, little, pussy. Unsatisfied with less than my everything, his fingers wiggle hard and deep inside of me, while the heat of his breath pounds against me. His tongue laves my clit, forcing me into a delirium I've never experienced, and I’m am whimpering and writhing with renewed vigor.

Then he drags his wet fingers to my lips and then I suckle them, slowly drawing his fingers into my mouth, as he pushes the head of his cock to my burning cunt. Barely entering me, at first, I close my eyes, drawing on any strength I might have left.

Then finally, he thrusts his granite erection into me, fast, deep, and hard, as he kisses away the scream that is rising in my throat. The, slowly, starts to withdraw, teasing and taunting me, forcing me to arch my back to pull him deeper.

Then he stops, and I am too far gone to understand, until he asks,

"What do you want, little miss," knowing that this evening’s trauma is the furthest thing from my mind now, he is asking me to say the words.

Having reached the end of my tether, and craving him with a vengeance, I shout,

"Fuck me, damn it all! Fuck me, please!"

Then he drives his steel-hard cock into me as deeply as he can, burying himself up to his balls, in my hot, wet, snatch, thrusting harder with every stroke, pummeling me over and over, while I’m twisting and writhing beneath him. My whole body is shaking as my orgasm builds, and I let myself feel every ounce of his intensity. I let him push me beyond myself, until my scream split the air and he shudders on top of me.

The full, firm, length of him is throbbing hard inside of me, as my pussy contracts around his cock, with both of us still pushing and thrusting, refusing to stop until we’re too both spent to go on.

Finally, he claims me in a kiss that envelopes my soul, gently clipping my wings in that moment, and then holding me close as he removes my bonds. We both quickly entwine, wrapping our limbs around each other, as we let our breathing slow, just as the sun rises in the window and a whole new day begins.

By Wildfire8470

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Blind Date

Cassie stood and once again went into the kitchen to check the clock. It showed the time to be a quarter after nine, only ten minutes from when she last checked. She sighed and went back out to join her family in the conclusion of the movie. She smiled at her husband trying unsuccessfully to assuage his anger at her for interrupting the movie once again. Cassie couldn't help herself. She was dying to get to bed, to bed and with Paul. It had first started about 3 months ago. Cassie and her...

2 years ago
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Blind Obedience Chapter 10

Because jewel was on her period, she asked if we could reschedule her overnight stay for the following weekend. "I would love to sleep with you, Master, but I don't want to get your bed all messy," she said.We were both a little disappointed that we wouldn't be spending the weekend together. jewel had been so excited at the idea of sleeping over. But these things do and will happen and so I tried to make the best of it, for both our sakes. "It's okay, slut, we will just have that much more fun...

3 years ago
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Blind Date

Copyright© 2005 'Please Dad!' My son pleaded. 'Do your own dirty work.' I replied for the fifth or sixth time. 'It's not my fault. It's Tess's. As usual.' He moaned. Tess was his older sister and as was usual with my eldest child, she was trying to organise his life for him, whether he appreciated it or not. This time she had arranged a blind date for her single brother and had bullied him into agreeing to meet one of the sisters of a work colleague of Tess. I could hear her...

3 years ago
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Blind LuckChapter 06

I wake up to the alarm and I smile at my two living blankets. They’re lying there with their eyes open and are watching me while grinning from ear to ear - I’m damned if I know what Candy thought she was doing. Pulling my arms out from under them I toss the cover back to sit up. While Jo is trying to work out what I’m up to I half dive and half roll forward to get off the bed to race to the bathroom. As I start the shower I hear Candy laughing in the bedroom. I’m finished just when Candy and...

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Blind LuckChapter 07

I wake up just after six and have my morning wash before waking the ladies to tell them they’ve got twenty minutes to get ready for breakfast. It’s a fun madhouse. I enjoy watching them scrambling to get washed and dressed in that short time. They’re still in various stages of partial dress when there’s a knock on the door. They rush for bedrooms while I check the door. It’s Room Service with the Deluxe English Breakfast for twelve I ordered by phone before I got in the shower, so I open the...

2 years ago
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Blind Leading BlindChapter 3

I lay there next to Justine with Diane on her other side and reflected on how my life had made such incredible changes in such a short time. I had been shaken out of my comfortable life as a nobody by an ugly little blind girl. Now in the space of a few months I had taken two cherries and fallen in love. I did love Justine; I knew it after just one date and one time in bed. "I don't know about you two, but I'm hungry," said Diane. "What kind of groceries did you buy today,...

3 years ago
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Blind Date5

It had been a lovely evening. I’d been set up on a blind date, not surprising really, I’d grown up becoming shyer and shyer with the opposite sex (surprising since when I was younger I was as forward as you could possibly get). I’d expected my date to be fairly ordinary, that’s what you expect from blind dates at least. But when we’d met she was heaven sent, tall, slender, athletic body topped with a face that could launch ten ships if not a thousand. We spent the evening in a bar. ...

4 years ago
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Blind date with a BBW

“Don’t look at me,” she whined, covering her breasts with one arm, and clamping her legs together. “Turn out the light.” I shook my head. “No, Baby, I like looking at you. Just the way you are. Now open up… surrender the pink.” She moved her legs apart, revealing more of her crotch. I reached down and lifted one of her knees, pulling it up and pushing it back toward her. Her pussy lips appeared, swollen and wet. I moved forward, letting the head of my cock brush against her vulva. “Mmmm,” she...

2 years ago
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Blind Love Ch 01

Even before she said hello, Daniel knew that Sophie had entered the room. Inhaling deeply, he breathed in the fruity scent of her shampoo, heard the soft tread of her footsteps on the kitchen floor. Clearing his throat, he said ‘Hey Soph.’ He didn’t see it, but the sound of his voice made her jump, but he could hear that she had been startled when she replied, ‘Oh! Daniel! Hi!’ He chuckled softly. ‘I scared you, didn’t I?’ ‘No you didn’t!’ she protested. ‘Of course I did, I can hear it...

3 years ago
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Blind Date

The second dates are always the favourite of mine, the second date will determine what happens next in the liaison. Once the first date over-pleasantries and pretext over false niceties are out of the way the real fun can begin. Incidentally, Janey seems quite a nice girl if a little unsure of herself, both of us had already worked out that we would get along from the site that we were members of. This was confirmed at the social evening that turned out to be effectively the first date. I had...

4 years ago
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blind date

Hello to all,I've always been a shy person and never been on a blind date till now.One of my friends had set me up with one of her friends as a blind date her name was Jane and I was to meet her at the club down the road.The shyness kicked in I didn't know what to expect but I went along with it anyway.I was sitting in the bar nervously looking for her when my phone rang it was a message from Jane wondering where I was so I sent a message back saying I was at the bar.When I looked up from my...

5 years ago
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Blind Date

Since Erin’s break up with Tommy she had almost become a recluse. Everywhere she went people would ask "Where's Tommy?", and were surprised to hear they had split up, telling her that they had always made such a wonderful couple. But they didn't know the real Tommy, did they? They didn't have to put up with Tommy insistently asking if he could tie her up to have sex with, and getting irritable when she said "NO". All they ever saw was the happy face he always had on outside the apartment....

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Blind room game

Hi gals and guys, this is Sintoo here from Mumbai, aged 30. The real incident which is going to narrate you was my first and most memorable one. I have always been involved in incest. I had sex with my cousin Guddu, when I was 19 and she was tenderly aged 18. I, her brother and she have to play different games like, doctor-doctor, house, office, etc since we were children. And since then I have to feel the sensation in my rod when Guddu has to touch me. But the real thing happened when I had...

2 years ago
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BLIND By Rhayna Tera, copyright 2020 Warning: If you don't like reading transgender-related fiction, then stop reading now. Author's Note: None. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. RT MOVING A change is as good as a holiday. Or is it 'a rest'? Regardless, it was time for...

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Blind Obedience Chapter 6

jewel lay there on my OB/GYN table struggling against the rising tide within her. I could tell she was fighting valiantly because I saw the strain on her face, the curled fingers as they clawed at the armrests, and the sheen of sweat on her body from the effort she was putting out.Since this was only the second time we had been together and the first time we had really done anything sexual, I decided to take it a little easy on her. Besides, I had other things in mind for my playtoy. She begged...

4 years ago
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Blind Lust

Copyright© 1997-2003 A clever young man named Eugene Invented a jack-off machine. On the twenty-third stroke The fuckin' thing broke And beat both his balls to a cream. Lora knew she was being followed. It was evident to me, as she became nervous and crashed into more objects and people. Her cane snapping back and forth seemed to help her little from the small accidents she had. The long curly mane of blond hair whirled about as the woman seemed to try to get a fix upon me while...

3 years ago
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Blind Mans Bluff

My name is Matthew McConnell and I am a voyeur at heart! I can't help it I just love to stroke my cock while spying on beautiful women. I left home early and hiked up into the Shenandoah Mountains heading for my favorite spot, Blind Man's Bluff. I was standing well back in the tree line, waiting for her to show up and I was already totally naked. I had my new Nikon digital at the ready with a 125mm telephoto lens focused and in place. She always comes up to the Bluff from the western trail...

2 years ago
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Blind Date

"You need to get laid. He's handsome, he's got muscles, he's sweet and funny. Best of all, he's got this monster between his legs. I had cramps for two days after the first time. But god, it was worth it." "What about Henry?" Betsy grinned knowingly. "Henry, well-" She gave Sandra an odd smile. "Listen, Mark is a whole 'nother experience. He's discreet, too." "Betsy, you're so bad." Sandra smiled patiently and turned back to the financial reports. They were casual friends;...

2 years ago
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Blind Leading BlindChapter 4

I walked into the bedroom and saw Diane and Cathy sitting on the bed. Diane was naked and Cathy was topless. Diane was fondling one of Cathy's breasts and sucking on the other. Cathy was rubbing the back of Diane's head and had a bemused look on her face. As I walked into the room, Diane lifted her head from Cathy's tit and faced over in my direction. "Justine was right Aaron, Cathy really does have big tits, and boy are they fun. I can't wait to see how she tastes." "Don't you...

1 year ago
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Blind date

Tyler couldn't believe this girl!!! She was beautiful, smart, , and witty, but talk about dominant, he could hardly get in a word edgewise!!! Even her name sounded exotic, Geneva Berk, now who had ever heard of anyone with a name like that, except maybe for someone in central casting!!! He had been on quite a few blind dates in his day, but nothing had prepared him for someone like Geneva Berk!!! "So, Ty," she asked while lighting up one of those long, thin, feminine cigars, "are you really...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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Blind love

Kelly was a 35 year-old attractive woman. She lived together with her daughter. Her job was to look after handicapped people and she really loved it. It was important for her to help those persons as far as she could. One day she got a new person to care for. His name was Joe, 22 years old and blind since his birth. Joe´s mother had died and the young man was now alone in his house. He worked in a sheltered workshop and was brought back home in the evening. This was the time when Kelly came to...

First Time
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Road Rage

Lissette was having a bad day. It had started that morning, when she had woken up with a terrible headache. Then, going outside to pick up the newspaper, she had stepped in a pile of poo. Some asshole had let his dog take a shit right in her driveway. It hadn’t gotten any better at work. At noon, she had opened the refrigerator to discover that some jerk had stolen her lunch. During her afternoon break, the obnoxious new guy from accounting had been badgering her for a date yet AGAIN, despite...

2 years ago
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Rhode Rage

Rhode Rage – By James PendergrassTable of Contents:Chapter One – Eat SoapChapter Two – Her KneeChapter Three – CFNMChapter Four – Hair Brush Meets Male AssChapter Five – Remote ControlChapter Six – Kristin’s Friend SvetlanaChapter Seven – Anyone for Tennis?Chapter Eight – Cum Chortling DayEpilogue – Finished Off(Disclaimer:  This is a fictitious tale intended solely for adults aged 18 or older.  Like all my novellas, the characters depicted are all 18 or older.  The author does not necessarily...

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Taking the ClassChapter 2 Tuesday Afternoon 3PM Rage

Moments later, a soft, timid knocking on her door startled Alaina upright. When she saw who it was, she experienced—for the first time—what it meant to have one’s vision go red. WHY IS HE HERE? Why the fuck is he here? “You.“ she said. She glared at the intruder, her entire being suddenly filled with more fury than she’d thought possible. Her hands clenched at the comforter on her bed. Her face flushed. I’ll kill him. I’ll fucking kill him! “Uh. Hi, Prez,” said Will White. His voice was...

4 years ago
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The Rogues Harem Book 3 Rogues Passionate HaremChapter 30 IronHot Rage

Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! Prince Meinard I was so greedy for this new power my daughter had developed. Even as she battered me with the balls of purple energy, driving back my body with each hit, I craved it. I yearned for this ability. What other secrets of imbuing had the priests of Krab shown her? Why had I never thought to patronize the followers of the very God whose blood gave me this ability. “You know you want to be my sweetling again,” I said, falling to my...

3 years ago
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Blind sweetness

——————————————————————————– In the Ashford Academy of Area Eleven, there lives a young girl and her brother who wander the halls of this educational facility as if it were their own home. The students and faculty know that if one could see the young, handicapped girl, they will know that her caring older brother is behind her, following closely. She is Nunnally Lamperouge, a lost princess of just fourteen blinded by misfortune and crippled by conspiracy. Her brother is a prince of the Kingdom...

3 years ago
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Blind Trust

Your mind swirled with thoughts. Work, him, rope, blindfolds, you wanted to trust, but you couldn’t, could you? Is it possible that you could give up control? You and he had discussed it several times. You wanted to, but you just weren’t sure. Being tied up is not what bothered you, it was what you couldn’t you see that worried you. As you pulled into the parking space of the Hotel, you knew you had to do it. Or at least you had to try, just once.He saw you drive into the parking lot. He...

2 years ago
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Why Do the He Then Rage

Why Do the He Then Rage? by commentator He had just come back from Vegas and was wandering the shore of his small beachfront home when out of the corner of his eye he saw it. A flash of light on a piece of glass. He strolled over to where he saw the flash and saw a bottle nearly buried in the sand. "Damn tourists and their littering , " he grumbled and dug the bottle out. It was old and still had a cork in it. He yanked on the cork and fell to the ground as a beautiful...

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Blind Mans Bluff

Its 11.30pm on New Years Eve and the party is swinging, everyone’s in good cheer or maybe ‘spirit’ would be a more accurate description? The wine and beers are flowing freely, Tina has just spilt a champagne cocktail all down her pushed it breasts in her black wonder bra and some guy is eagerly obliging to clean it off with his tongue he pulls her top down to taste lower as her eyes roll back with the pleasure. I smile to myself as I feel someone approach behind me. ‘Anyone for blind mans...

3 years ago
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Blind Violation

By: DamonX ([email protected]) Blind Violation By damonx Amber shivered as she was led into the room. A million things were going through her head. She wondered how many men were in the room with her and what they were thinking. The blindfold prevented her from seeing anything and there was an uneasy silence. She was nervous. Nervous and afraid. What were they going to do with her? Her mind raced. She thought of what she must look like being led by a leash...

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Blind Faith Ch 05

Chapter 5: Anne Re-Pays her Debt It was almost two months later when I got a phone call from Anne, she had been sunning herself at an exclusive resort. She was sorry she had not spoken to me earlier. I was magnanimous, I understood. Anne needed me and she would not say what for. I suspected that she was setting up a belated congratulations and thank you party for me. I agreed that I could take a few days off and be at her house that Friday evening. I asked how long I would need off. ‘Oh a few...

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Blind Faith Ch 07

Chapter 7: Anne’s Promise Fulfilled. Anne looked very sad, on the verge of tears. We sat in the quietest corner of a Pub’s restaurant. I asked her what was wrong. ‘Bill has run off with Jane!’ Anne really did sob then. ‘Silly Bastards both of them, it will never last. I am shutting up for a while and going on a cruise but before then I need your body for a day perhaps two this Saturday and Sunday. After your last performance you may need to take Monday off as well.’ ‘Not another football...

3 years ago
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Blind Date

Allie walked into the restaurant, looking for her blind date. Her friend described him as “The Sexiest Black Man Alive,” but she didn’t quite believe it. She was just about to ask for Andy, when she caught his eye. She couldn’t hear what the waiter was saying, she didn’t even know what she was doing. She crossed the floor, grabbed Andy’s hand, and had him follow her outside. “Well, hello there,” Andy said. “Hi…Sorry, I am usually not this blunt and assertive, but your eyes had me enraptured,”...

4 years ago
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Blind Date

It was only a blind date. Nothing expected. Instead, it was incredible! Helen’s friend had asked her to come out to the pub to meet some guy. He was her current lover’s mate who was just in town for the night. Could she just come out to make things even? Not much of a pub goer, but happy to help her friend, Helen agreed to be picked up at 7:30pm. When the phone rang at six she hadn’t even started getting ready. There would be a change of plan. Mark, the mate, was collecting her in fifteen...

2 years ago
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Blind Date with Catwoman

“Oh come on.” You mutter as you cancel out the call you were dialing at the sound of the doorman's buzzer in your apartment. Shoving your cell into your coat pocket you hold down the answer button on your digital intercom and answer, “Yes?” “Dr. Anderson, a Ms. Kyle to see you, she says you have date.” “I thought her name was Novak.” You wonder to yourself, “and she is over an hour early.” “Dr. Anderson, are you there?" The intercom interrupts your pondering. "Should I let Ms. Kyle in?” “Yes,...

3 years ago
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Blind Date

"Stupid rat's nest." You mutter staring into your bathroom mirror as you wrestle with your dirty blonde hair that has always been too thick to primp easily. Your blind date will be over within the hour and though you have some trepidation, there is also excitement, but at the very least you will look your best. Being in your mid thirties and recently divorced after a decade long marriage, this is your first date in years. It feels strange getting back into the game after such a long time, and...

3 years ago
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Blind Ecstasy

Samantha unlocked the door to the house after a long day of coaching gymnastics, intent on only one thing—sitting down in the recliner and doing nothing for at least half an hour. She took a step inside and was surprised to see a paper bag at her feet. A note is pinned to the side, so she reach down to remove it. The note is short and to the point. A smile crosses her face as she scanned the page.After reading the instructions, Samanthas slid her leotards to the floor and stepped out of them...

4 years ago
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Blind Date

You have to watch a lover to seduce them, to truly reach their core and gain that most intimate of surrenders, to hold their shivering form in your arms, replete by the power you have had over them. It starts on the day you see them, see them for the first time as prey for this sensual hunt, this game of shared pleasured and playful intimacy. Our game started the day I met you, the day your scent first surrounded me, your fleeting touch made goosebumps ripple along my skin. It is a game I have...

Quickie Sex
3 years ago
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Blind date

While I was going through a nasty divorce, I found myself spending more and more time at my c***drens caregivers house with her and her family. Quickly becoming really good friends. Their names are Brenda and Steve. Every now and again, Her husbands friend John would stop over and they would mostly hang out in the garage. They would usually have a few beers and bullshit for a couple hours. I found John attractive, and very intrigueing. He seemed mysterious to me, and made me very curious about...

2 years ago
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Blind Date

(This is my first effort in many years hope you enjoy it)The blind date had gone well, a nice meal, a few glasses of wine. Patty was a beautiful woman sort of between BBW and SBBW and very well proportioned. The conversation over dinner was enjoyable covering many topics. I love a few glasses of wine, but Patty seemed to like them a lot more and had at least two glasses to my one. The thought occurred to me that I may have to help her to a taxi or at the very least I would get to drive her...

3 years ago
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Blind date

Nate's going home lonely, like he has for years. Wondering what went wrong these last few years. Cause he hasn't had a date or any one nighty stands. Its not he isn't tried cause lord knows he has, he even tried to pay once for this cute red head!!but his luck is changing he can feel it he has a blind date who said no rules. they are meeting tonight in a fancy motel. they have never met just exchanged emails she says she is sexy as hell and wanted to know if anything goes??he said that's ok and...

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