Mercenaries 1
- 2 years ago
- 17
- 0
The following morning there were some thick heads. The party had gone on well into the early morning. Donald and Isabella rose, and Brianna helped her dress. They went down for breakfast. It was here they were brought up to date with the state of the town. Bishop Rathbone explained about the state of the church, and Father Jonas.
“Get some people, and get it cleaned up. I would like to have a service of thanksgiving, as soon as possible. Ask around if folk have things they’d like to donate, even if it’s only on loan.”
Bishop Rathbone nodded. Nathaniel was next. He told them of Jeremiah and his reports of plague in Wykefield.
“That’s disturbing. People will flee. They will bring the plague with them. That’s how it spreads. We will need to set up a quarantine area, downstream of the town.”
This was agreed. After they had finished breakfast they set up a room as a study. Demitris reported on the state of the town.
“Well, sir, apart from the sore heads this morning, most of the populace seem overjoyed with the situation they find themselves in. Most of the storehouses are fairly full. We seem to have sufficient stocks to see us through to harvest. There are several places where we were not allowed to go. Guthrum forbade it. One of them is the basement, here in this building.”
“Very well. Let’s go and have a look and see what we have down there, shall we?”
Donald went and fetched an axe. Demitris looked at him.
“Excuse me sire, but why the axe?”
“The door might be locked. Do you have the key?”
“Well, no sire, I don’t.”
Donald smiled and waved the axe. “I do!”
They made their way down to the cellars. The door was, of course, locked. They searched through some keys they had found on Guthrum’s body. None of them fit. A few swift blows of Donald’s axe soon removed the problem. They stepped inside to discover a veritable treasure trove. The room was stacked from floor to ceiling with valuables. There was boxes filled with coins, bolts of fine silks and cottons. There was jewellery stacked from floor to ceiling.
“Well, it looks like the town treasury won’t have a problem for the foreseeable future.”
Demitris looked at him. “Sire, this treasure is yours. Are you not going to claim it?”
“Why should I? I have enough to last me for many years, why would I want more? Tell me, what am I going to do with it? Lock it in a room and come down once in a while to look at it?”
Demitris laughed and said, “I never though of it in that way. You are right, of course. Once a man has enough to live on, why hoard more? He cannot spend it, all he can do is lie in bed worrying about someone trying to steal it.”
Donald went over to a box of coins. He pulled out a bag and filled it. He gave it to Demitris.
“Go and pay for the clothes and shoes my wife wishes to order for the children. Make sure each one has a good pair of boots, a good shirt and trousers ... or a dress for the girls ... and a good coat. Also ask about any craftsman that had his tools stolen or damaged. Make sure he has enough to replace them. I have plans for this place. We’ll need all the skilled craftsmen we can lay our hands on.”
As they were about to leave, Donald spotted a pair of multi-socket silver candlesticks. He went over to retrieve them.
“I think I know someone who’ll be glad to see these.”
“They’re from the church! Father Jonas was beside himself when they were stolen. I’ve never seen him more upset.”
“Well, I think I know just the person to return them. Come on, there’s someone I want you to meet. By the way, don’t mention what we’ve found will you?”
They went off to fine Bishop Rathbone. They found him over at the church. He, along with several others, were busy cleaning.
“Bishop, I have found something that you might be able to use,” Donald said as he held up the candlesticks.
Father Jonas saw them and exclaimed, “The candlesticks! How? Where? It’s a miracle!”
“We found them at the residence. These and a few other things were left behind in their rush to leave.”
Father Jonas fell to his knees giving thanks, and praising God for the miraculous return of the candlesticks.
Donald pulled the Bishop to one side and asked, “Is he alright?”
“Yes, he’s had a very traumatic experience. Finding these, I think, will be the first step on his recovery.”
“Good, now there’s someone here I’d like you to meet. Bishop Rathbone, this is Demitris, my steward,” Donald said.
“Pleased to meet you, my good man,” The Bishop told him, shaking him by his hand.
“Errr, likewise Bishop. I very pleased to meet you, very pleased indeed!”
“I think we’ll be working together a lot. We wish to hold a service of celebration, to mark the defeat of Guthrum. As you can see, much of the church’s decoration has been taken. If you could find some tapestries or paintings that would be suitable then we would be eternally grateful.”
Demitris racked his brain. He knew of a weaver in town, perhaps he had something. He certainly had enough money at his disposal. There was also Gerard, the painter. He’d ask him if he could paint something. He knew that Gerard could certainly use the money.
“I’ll go and have a word with a few people, and see what I can do. No promises, now, but I’ll certainly try my best.”
“We cannot ask more than that. Thank you, my son,” the Bishop said, and held out his hand. Demitris kissed his ring.
Donald nodded to the Bishop who smiled back. He and Demitris continued with the tour of the town. They visited the weaver. They told him of the Bishop’s request.
“My Lord, I do not have anything, at present. It would take me at least three months to have something like that ready.”
“I see. Could you have it ready for harvest?” Donald enquired.
“Possibly, but it would mean putting all my other work on hold.”
“If you took on some helpers to do the less difficult or complicated work? Would that help?”
“Yes, but where am I going to get these workers?”
“The women of the bandits. They are going to need work. If they don’t work, then they will starve. If they don’t have food then they will steal. If they steal, then I will kill them. Do you wish to see women hanging in the square just because they and their children were hungry?”
The man looked horrified. “No! No I would not! That would make you no better than the people you replaced!”
“No, they would be criminals. They would be thieves. The fact that hunger drove them to it is of no relevance to the victims. If they had work, well then there is no need. So. I ask again, would you be willing to employ some of these women and children?”
“Well, if you put it like that of course I will. Send them along. I could use three.”
“Good. Now then, I don’t expect you to pay their wages at first. I will pay the first month. Tell me how much.”
The man’s jaw dropped. He was going to get the biggest commission of his life, also he was getting helpers and their wages would be paid for the first month! He liked this new ruler! He thought quickly, two shilling a week, three workers, four week ... He added it up quickly in his head.
“Thank you, Sire. That is most generous, most generous in deed! The wages will be twenty four shillings. It will be two silver crowns for the tapestry.”
Donald nodded at Demitris. He retrieved the money from his pouch. He handed it over to the astonished man.
“If you need any more, or if it takes longer to do the work, or you need more workers, just let me know. Remember, if you are fair with me then I’ll be fair with you. What you have charged for the tapestry is very reasonable, so are the wages for your workers. I like that.”
“I’ll send some women to you. Choose those you need. Let me know if there are any problems,” Demitris told him.
“I will, you can count on me Sirs, yes indeed,” The man told them, shaking their hands for all he was worth.
Next they visited the painter, Gerard. They told him what they were after. He looked at them thoughtfully.
“I may just have something. Please wait here.”
He disappeared into his studio. He returned a few minutes later with a magnificent painting of the last supper.
“Will this do?”
“It’s magnificent! It will look resplendent up behind the altar,” exclaimed Demitris.
“Yes, it’s wonderful. The Bishop will be pleased. I’ll let them know. We can dedicate it during the celebration service they are planning,” Donald explained. “How much are you asking for it?”
“I cannot accept less that two gold crowns for it,” Gerard told them.
“That is a lot of money. I can see how much time and effort you have put into it. We’ll take it. Demitris, pay the man.”
Gerard stood dumbfounded as Demitris pulled two gold crowns from his pouch. Never had he seen so much money. He could now settle his debts and he and his family could enjoy life again.
They returned to what he now found himself considering his home for lunch. He found Isabella there. He asked her how her morning had gone. She told him how she had, along with Lieutenant Alan, David and Henry, been touring the town. She had been speaking to the women of the town and had found that now that the ever pervading threat of molestation and rape had been lifted, spirits were much higher. Their main priority now was feeding their families, especially the families of those killed. Donald told her of the weaver and how he had paid him to take on three women. She turned to him and smiled.
“I knew you would come up with something.”
“The thing is, those bandits stole everything they could lay their hands on, but for the most part it’s still here! Once they had stolen it there was nothing they could do with it! We’ve even found the candlesticks that were stolen from the church. There’s a whole room in the cellars that is full of treasure. We’ll use it to fund the rebuilding of this place. The thing that concerns me is the reports of plague in Wykefield. There is war in the north, and plague in the south. We are caught in the middle. We will need to prepare. We will need to build granaries, build up the stores and grow as many crops as possible. We need to build up our defences, who knows what or who we might have to deal with.”
“What are you talking about?” Isabella asked him
“If you have war, there are always displaced people. They are desperate, frightened and hungry. It’s the same when you have plague. People are terrified, and then they flee. They bring the disease with them. An area needs to be set aside for them. They need to kept there until we know they are disease free so they don’t spread it to everyone else in the town. It needs to be downstream from the town, so as not to spread their taint to the water that supplies the town.”
“I suppose you have already thought of where you are going to get the labour you need for these projects haven’t you?”
“Oh, that’s easy. We have the prisoners and their families. The prisoners will be given a simple choice, work or die. If they do not work I will simply remove their heads. Their families will be given a similar choice, work or starve. If the women have work, they can feed their families and won’t have to whore themselves. I’m sure they will be glad of the choice. When the refugees arrive, they will be given the same choice: work, or move on. I have few doubts which they will chose.”
“I’m sure they will! Well, you seemed to have taken care of most of our problems, what do you intend to do this afternoon?” she teased him.
He smiled at her. “This afternoon we are going to have a tour of this town. I want to get a real feel for the place. So far I feel I have only just scratched the surface. There is a lot more that needs doing.”
“I’ll get everyone together and we’ll get going then.”
It was quite a crowd that accompanied them that afternoon. They included Gordon and Henrietta as well as Nathaniel, Paul and Peter. Samuel also accompanied them along with Demitris. They first went through what was left of the merchant’s quarter. There were still merchants there despite the deprivations of Guthrum and his men. They reassured them that they would be left in peace to trade and that taxes would be reasonable. He also promised to keep accounts of how the taxes were spent, and every year the accounts would be made available to any who wished to see them.
The merchant’s were amazed at this. Usually the taxes were paid in order for the rulers to live a life of luxury. To actually see where the money was being spent was unheard of!
Next they went to inspect the defences. They consisted of a wooden palisade than ran around three sides of the town. The forth was defended by the river which was not only wide and deep but also had steep banks. Donald inspected the palisades. They were broken down and badly in need of repair and/or replacement.
“We’ll need to replace most of these, however what I would like to do is to have a trench dug around the town to provide a moat. We could have have drawbridges with gatehouses to start with, and then build a new wall behind it. This would give us a cleared killing field between the two walls. We would be able to have drawbridges connecting the two walls enabling us to effectively trap any attacker who managed to scale the first wall.”
An original story by starrynight. To all my readers. I hope you enjoy the story in these difficult times. As always, comments on the story, including what you would like to see next are greatly appreciated. If you have additional ideas for stories that you think I would be interested in writing, or would just like my opinion or help with, don't hesitate to PM me. Wishing you all brighter, happier, and sexier times. Enjoy: Zach was breathing heavily, his chest heaving as he inhaled and...
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Hi, This is my first experience & only one till date. I am 5’10”, athletic built guy from Chandigarh, currently staying in New Delhi. I am working in MNC. I moved to Delhi 2 years back. I took a rented accommodation in one of the posh societies in South Delhi. I used to go to evening walk in the park in our society. One day, while I was about to go out, I saw a beautiful woman in the opposite flat. She was on phone. She looked slim & sexy in t-shirt & pajamas. Thereafter, I used to check her...
The Rapper and the Sportscaster: The Rapper and the Sportscaster – Down In the Dumps The Sportscaster in the Urban Jungle The Sportscaster in Psycho Hell The Sportscaster – BAD Girl The Sportscaster – Skinned Please Rate and Comment Alex stuck three fingers in her mouth and pushed her skin down her throat. Gag you fucking whore. Karin gagged with her flesh and the fingers in her throat while the brutal fucking continued. Finally she threw up violently. Even as she...
Walter went to the bathroom and took a long piss. He came back,still nude, and laid on a bench. He though about his girlfriend. and fucking last night. Kim said she had fucked before but didnt wanna do anal. Walter laid there and thought about it. She was also very tight but he thought why would she be tight after poundings by at least 2 dicks. Then walter thought what it must be like to stick a rock soilid cock in his girlfriends ass all lubed up. at this thought his dick cam to...
I retired from law enforcement when I was 50 yrs old. My wife and I rented out our house and moved to Washington State. I got a job on the docks as a longshoreman in Seattle and after a year I had a “Fuck this” note on my kitchen table. My wife had left me and took my truck to move herself back south. I sat at the table and thought ‘it’s over.’ There was a loud knock at the door and I figured it must be some of my longshoremen buddies pretending to be cops again. They like to tease me about...
Hello guys. Me prince , 21 from bombay, handsome nhi hu nahi koi ladki line deti hai lekin apni batose fasa leta hu ladkiyon ko. This is my first story so plz ignore all my mistakes.Ye baat kuch din pehle ki hai mere clg me ek seema (name changed) karke ladki thi vo mujhe bhai manti thi aur me bhi usse bhai manta tha.Hum dono sab jagah sath me ghumte the.Aur humara bonding bhi acha tha lekin kabhi humne ek dusre koi aisi nazronse nhi dekha tha jaise abhi dekhte hai.Uska breakup hua tha kuch...
Seven Years a Woman by Holly Sharp. Seven years ago, Shane Turner became a wanted man. Losing his balaclava during a bank robbery led to him becoming the subject of a relentless nation-wide manhunt. With every police officer in the country chasing him and with a substantial bounty on his head, Turner did the only thing he could do: hide. For seven years, this man has hidden himself away in the last place anyone would ever think to look: under the makeup of a woman named Bonnie...
Normally due to lack of sleep with her disturbing him in the night as was her habit which she also would do with me, and even thou he was young he had high pressure problems he used to sleep or dose off at any given time, which he used to do at office also as he told me. It was only on three occasions that he really came out the door as usual making sound when it was opened, I was fucking her doggy as usual in the kitchen as she bending on the kitchen parapet, he happened to come out when I had...
The police station had not undergone as many changes despite its importance to the Vagran cause. The only obvious change to the building was the shiny new sign under the station motif it read: Dedicated to the servants of the people by its Corporate Sponsors Drexel Pharma. Inside the briefing room the session was just getting underway. Blakey called the role to each name there was an associated 'Yo' or whoop in reply; Anita, Greta, Julie, Merrill, Ada and Joelle "Permission requested for...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Never try to do it in real live!!! Me and my twin brother James just had our sixteenth birthday recently and it was a day I will never forget. All that day my family had been acting stranger then usual. mom and dad kept on giving each other these sneaky little looks like they were up to something, but I had no idea what I was in store for that night. We had a big party. All of our friends and family came over and wished us a happy birthday and gave us...
IncestMy god ... Is that... ? It can't be. I didn't know Stacy Kiebler had a twin sister. I know dim bar lighting plays tricks, so I HAVE to get closer to those fabulous legs. When she left her escort and wobbled slowly to the bar, I wiped my drool and moved toward her. Despite her towering height, she had to scrunch up onto the high stool and rest her heels on the bottom rung. Her snug black skirt climbed from a few inches above her knees to far up her long, sexy thighs. When she twisted slightly...
"What did you think of Laddie and his tongue?" Bill asked as he watched Tammy wolf down her scrambled eggs and home-fried potatoes. Tammy grinned sheepishly. "You saw." She blushed and finished the eggs. "Breakfast was delicious!" "Do you want anything else to eat?" he asked, a sly grin on his handsome face. "I couldn't eat another thing." She stretched, her tits jiggling back in place as she lowered her arms. "I'm full." "What about Laddie?" He pointed to the beautiful...
Drinks and food were found and gleefully consumed, and the exhausted and emotionally drained refugees began to relax enough to shut their eyes and join our tired knights and centaurs in an increasingly deep slumber. Barry grabbed his Grendel and a light pack with just a canteen and a dozen extra spare magazines, along with a few Russian export quality frag grenades. I was happy with my ‘Precious’, the barrel of which was still gently warm to my loving touch, and we marched off to the west,...
I’ve been a police officer for just over 20 years and I’m in my mid 40’s. I’ve seen a lot of crazy stuff but never been part of anything as crazy as what occurred last June. My new partner was a young guy in his late 20’s. He is big, black and built and had the reputation of being a womanizer. In fact he constantly bragged about the women he fucked and the size of his cock, which I’ve seen while showering and changing into his uniform and he looked quite hung. One of the things my partner...
I woke James up with a slow sensual blow job. His big black cock had been in me,or in my hand since last night.I slid down and started licking his thick shaft,kissing his tummy ,and licking and caressing his balls. He was starting to wake up but not fully awake yet,as I started licking around the head he started moaning and opened his eyes. I smiled at him and told him to just lay back and enjoy.By now there was ample precum and I touched my tongue to it, and let it make a long thread while he...
EroticI knew that I should have left the house sooner but didn’t count on my neighbor, Tina , stopping by for a ‘short visit.’ She just kept talking, no matter how many times I told her that I had to go! Now I’m stuck in traffic on the highway and I don’t want to miss your train. You’ve been away on business for months and I can’t be late! I am gripping the wheel frantically, as my fingernails dig into my palms, ‘Damn the luck! Damn you, Tina,’ I curse under my breath. Finally, traffic is moving...
Seth Gamble, a pool service worker, arrives at a new client’s house and knocks at the front door. Strangely, no one answers. Rather than leave without completing his work, Seth heads to the back of the house to see if the owners are by the pool instead. When he approaches the pool, however, he is pleasantly surprised to see Lexi Luna, his client’s wife, sunbathing. She’s lying on her front, her plump and juicy ass out for anyone to see, barely concealed by her skimpy bikini....
xmoviesforyou“Get your ass in here, Josey,” Mirra told me as they pulled me through the window by my arms. “Mother, I want you to meet Josey Ruiz. I just met him earlier tonight and he’s already the best friend I’ve ever had in this whole wide world – and Mother, he wants you to like him as much as I do,” Mirra said to the woman standing next to her. “Josey, this is my mother, Willie Mae Greesey.” Her long shiny black hair is hanging straight, wet, and down to her shoulders. She’s wearing a short house...
This is an account of my second experience of swinging with my wife Gwen. It will focus primarily on what I saw happen to her rather than me. Perhaps I will write later just about me and maybe Gwen will relate her side of the story someday. But for now, this is about her. Our first swinging experience occurred several weeks ago after twenty-two years of marriage. It was an evening that was some time in the making and our choice of David and Gloria as ‘first time’ partners turned out to be...
SwingerThis is a work of adult fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, places, or events is purely coincidental. Readers who have reached the legal age of consent in their jurisdictions are welcome. This story may NOT be reproduced or posted anywhere without the express written permission of the author. Simonnedanielle1204 - All Rights Reserved. Synopsis: Paul is an absurdly small and definitely curious fifteen year old. He has this irresistible urge to discover, up close and...