Prissy Poodle 2 free porn video

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PRISSY POODLE 2 by Throne Sunday morning I awoke to find Regina setting up a dog crate at the foot of the bed. She also had a bag from the pet store, which was sitting on her vanity chair. I got off my dog bed but stayed on all fours without being told to. She muttered a distracted 'good girl' while finishing the set-up of the cage. Then she spread a blanket across its floor and pointed at the open door. "Come on, good girl. Go into your cage and Mommy will give you some nice touching." I didn't speak because I knew she disapproved of that. The promise of being touched by my wife's talented hands was irresistible. I ducked my head as I entered the portable kennel and then turned to roll onto my side so she could reach my chest. But then her cell phone rang. Regina slammed the door and locked it. I whimpered with disappointment. She picked up the bag from her chair and sat there, wearing just panties and a top that barely covered her full bust. I ogled her hungrily and my tongue lolled out of my mouth. "Curt," she said cheerfully. "Are we still on for tonight? What, my good girl? Well, she's still getting used to some changes I've made, so I thought we might stay here tonight. Have an evening in," she added, with promising warmth. I was horrified but did nothing. All I could think about was that chastity and my desperate need. The phone chat went on for half an hour, with my wife complimenting Curt's good looks and implying that she knew he was well endowed. Jealousy overwhelmed me but I was still in the grip of my wife's new control. When she was finally done she crouched down alongside my crate, giving me another stirring view of her. Then she reached between the bars and cupped my balls in her hand. Any thoughts of protest that had been germinating in my mind were instantly gone. I pushed back toward her and made wordless sounds of appreciation. She gave me a familiar 'good girl' and then said, "But we really need a proper name for you. You know, something like Fifi or Poupon. Do you like either of those?" Her face turned stern as she went on, "And a good girl doesn't try to talk. A good girl barks when she wants her Mommy to listen." So I barked. I didn't want Regina to withdraw her hand. She asked me, "Would you like to be called Fifi? Poupon? No? How about Mimi?" As she said the last name she tickled the base of my binky, just below the chastity, and I barked. "Awww, she wants to be called Mimi. How cute. I bet Curt will like that name." My wife decided that she wanted me to be perfect for when Curt arrived. "After all," she pointed out, "if he's not happy with you I might have to lock you in the garage. Mimi wouldn't want that, would she?" I made a sad sound. She had me communicating with a made-up canine vocabulary. To get me ready she made me follow her to the bathroom and climb into the tub. Then Regina washed me all over, again raising my sexual temperature. She dried me with a huge towel and I followed her back to the bedroom. Looking me over, she said, "I really want you to have that narrow poodle waist, so let's try something I ordered on-line." She reached into the bottom drawer of her dresser and came out with... a corset? Oh no. I wanted to object but my puppy whimper didn't dissuade her. "I'm doing this for your own good, Mimi. Now lie on your back I can put it on you." She worked it up my legs and got it around my middle. Then she commanded, "Roll over" and had me get back on all fours so she could begin tightening it. Regina didn't stop until it was as snug as she could get it. I felt like I was being cut in half but when I dared to speak, getting as far as, "But honey..." she smacked my nose and hushed me. I understood. Speaking would cost me punishment. Then she had me sit up, not the most comfortable posture with my waist so compressed, and began to apply make-up, explaining, "I want you to look like a real prissy sissy poodle, Mimi. We wouldn't want Curt to feel threatened by you, now would we? I made a wuff noise and nodded agreement, even though I couldn't see how any real man could be scared by me in my current state. My wife worked happily, applying cosmetics to my cheeks, eyes and lips. Then she produced a pair of oversized false eyelashes and put them on me. She had me walk around on hands and knees, telling me to put a bit of sashay in my hips. She wanted my presentation to be perfect. I meekly complied and, after a few tips from her, had everything the way she wanted it. Then she opened the closet door to reveal the full length mirror on its inside. Looking at the bottom portion of the reflecting surface, I was horrified to see my image. Not only was I hairless and pink-skinned, but with my squeezed midriff, poodle hairstyle, and made over face, I resembled a cartoon dog. It was six kinds of humiliating. After the initial shock it struck me that Curt was going to see me that way. I wanted to crawl away and hide, which I guess was a typical canine reaction. All too soon our doorbell rang. My bride surprised me with a pink dog leash and collar, the latter studded with rhinestones. She fastened the collar around my neck and led me toward to the living room. When she opened the front door I looked up at Curt, a handsome man in an expensive suit and overcoat. He had a full mustache and, despite being neatly shaved, a hint of beard shadow that suggested how hirsute he was. He peered at me for several seconds and then burst out laughing. I cringed. I panted nervously. My wife gave him a warm hug and he returned it with enthusiasm. Then she moved her face closer to his and he kissed her, at first lightly but then, when she rubbed her heavy bust against his broad chest, with mounting ardor. All I could do was wait for them to finish, like the obedient dog I had become. He draped his coat over the back of a chair. My wife led me into the den where she had placed a small oval rug for me to curl up on. When she pointed me to it I went and made myself inconspicuous, or as much so as I could. The two of them sat on the couch and chatted. She suggested ordering Thai take-out and having it delivered. Curt said that would be fine but because it might be spicy they shouldn't give any to the dog. Me. My wife mentioned that my name was Mimi, which produced fresh laughter from her date. The two of them kissed a few more times and began to fondle each other. I writhed inside at the sight of my wife encouraging him to paw her as she did the same to him. I got a break when they ordered the food, waited for it, paid, and went to the dining room with the large bag. I was unhappy to see that my wife had gotten me two bowls, for water and food. She said, "Thirsty, Mimi? Go ahead. Take a drink, baby." With my cheeks hot pink, I went and lapped up some water. She snickered and Curt chuckled. The corset hurt. As they sat, Curt said, "I almost forgot. I bought a chew toy for Mimi." He went to his overcoat and returned with a long thick, flesh-colored dildo, which he held out to me. In total shame I slunk over to him and took it between my teeth. When I was back on my rug I reluctantly licked and chewed it. Of course it wasn't made for being bitten, so I was careful not to leave any marks on it. My wife thought his gift was hilariously funny and said so. He told her he had just gotten an idea for something even better, that he thought he could have made for me, but that he would wait and make it a surprise. Then, as I lay there, exposed, demeaned, and still mouthing that awful dildo, they relaxed and enjoyed their meal. Afterwards they watched some TV. At one point my wife put on a show about pets and made me watch along with them while dogs were taught tricks. She was inspired to have me sit up, lie down, roll over, beg and bark. Then they watched an episode of a reality show about cheating spouses. Of course, this episode had to be about a wife's infidelity. I couldn't miss the appropriateness of it as she snuggled against Curt and her hand drifted to his crotch. Soon she had him unzipped and was working free his cock. Just my luck, he was hung like a bull. I shuddered as she kissed and licked his impressive organ. Then they mutually decided it was time to move to the bedroom. She took my leash and led me to the crate to lock me inside. I cowered there while they undressed each other in front of me. Then they got onto the mattress and my view became limited. But I had no trouble hearing them as they talked dirty to each other and she kept complimenting him on his magnum cock. The foreplay went on and on but eventually they proceeded to the main act. She got on top -- maybe so I could see more? -- and rode him happily. Then she laid on her back and he made love to her expertly, lasting much longer than I had ever been able to. I remained in my cage, my penis in its own prison, while he experienced the privileges now denied to me. They climaxed together. It was sheer torture for me to listen to them. And then they rested. After a while my wife got up and unlocked my crate. She snapped her fingers and gestured for me to come out. Regina sat on the side of the bed and put her feet well apart, giving me a view of her parted pussy lips and the mess of spunk between them. She told me, "Look what Mommy has for Mimi. A yummy treat. Doesn't puppy want to lick up all this nice tasty cream? Hmmmm?" I was revolted by the idea of lapping another man's cum from her body, but by then I was so broken in spirit and, I'll admit, desperate for any form of sexual contact, that I went straight to her and began to lick. Curt sat alongside her and grinned at the spectacle I was making of myself. They kissed passionately as I continued to clean up the thick salty deposit. He handled her breasts and she rubbed his balls. I blinked and was aware of the picture it made, with those absurd eyelashes. At long last my wife had a mild orgasm from being tongued so much and, after I licked her through a long afterglow, declared me to be done. In the weeks that followed she kept me in my Mimi role. Curt visited often. The other gift he had thought of turned out to be a tail for me. It consisted of a dildo that got shoved up my butt, its head big enough that it wouldn't come out unless someone tugged on it. There was a poodle puff of hair on its outside end. The body of it was a spring, so it swayed and 'wagged' all the time. The lovers regularly played out variations of the first night's scenario. Regina would exaggerate my cosmetics even more to amuse her lover. She had me lick her before sex to get her ready for him. I was always kept bowed and beribboned, as feminine as she could make me. My male ego dwindled to almost nothing. I was half mad from lack of sex. Then, one afternoon, she made me an offer. Regina would take me out of chastity for an hour if I would sign some documents that Curt had prepared, so that she could handle our finances without having to consult me about anything. "After all," she pointed out, "I'd feel pretty silly talking to a French poodle about my money. I softly made a bark of agreement. As I signed the papers I could see that I was forfeiting any and all claims to our assets. But I was in such a state that I didn't challenge her. When they were all done she had me get on my rug in the den. Then, I was unhappy to see, she produced a pair of handcuffs. Regina snapped an order at me to put my 'front paws' behind my back. I sat up on my knees and did as I was told. When the cuffs were on she went and got the key to my chastity from its hiding place. "Now you're free, Mimi," she congratulated. "What would you like to do?" I didn't want to upset her and cause trouble, but I needed to convey that I had thought I was going to be allowed an orgasm in exchange for all the wealth and property I had just transferred to her. I made small sounds that I hoped would send my message. She looked at my girlish face with feigned incomprehension. I pointed my chin toward my crotch. In desperation, I humped my hips, which cost me discomfort because I was in one of my growing collection of corsets, a lacy red one, and it was the tightest yet. Regina let me humiliate myself some more before she at last said, "Oh, I see. Mimi wants to have doggy sex. Is that right?" I gave her my best bark of agreement. "Well," she said musingly, "how can we do that? I don't want you rubbing up against anything in the house. I know. Let's take Mimi into the yard." I protested with my eyes but she just got a leash, a black and yellow striped one, and clipped it to that day's decorative collar. I followed her on my knees, to the sliding glass doors and into he yard. "How about if Mimi plays her naughty game with that big rock at the edge of the garden? Is that where Mimi wants to rub her binky?" The idea was disgraceful but I hadn't had relief in too many weeks. I went to the jutting rock and mounted it, then began mock intercourse, telling myself that it would be worth it to ejaculate. My corset pinched and the rough stone scraped at my tender member but I refused to quit. Several times I brought myself to the edge but I couldn't get past that point. Then I felt my orgasm approaching. It was getting closer and closer. I looked at the woods that faced me, making sure no one was strolling there and would see me in my moment of supreme shame. Then, just as I was about to cum, I heard a voice behind me. "What IS that doggie doing?" Curt asked in an amused tone. I froze. My erection wilted and my penis shrank to its smallest dimensions which, in my case, are very small. The two of them embraced and kissed, their hands running all over each other. I could only back away from the rock and whimper. Regina laughed at my plight and showed me the chastity tube, saying, "Time to put this back on, Mimi. I hope my little sissy poodle didn't hurt her binky too much." As she locked up my binky I felt a final weight of defeat settle over me. But there was still more, and worse, to come. She went and poured them each a glass of white wine. They sat on wrought iron chairs with soft cushions on their seats and backs. How long had it been since I had been on a chair? I wasn't allowed on the furniture. My wife was so lovely, so incredibly sexy, but I knew her body wasn't for me and never would be again. Curt told her, "Remember that piece of property you gave me the deed to, so I could make inquiries? Well, I took it to an investor friend and pointed out to him the potential of the neighborhood it's in. The entire area around it is already being developed. He wants to buy it and here's the figure he's willing to pay." He showed her a slip of paper and her eyes went wide. She said, "With that much money I would never need any other income." He said meaningfully, "Yes, so if there was anyone here with a job, you could call their company and put in for an early retirement. Not that you'd need more money after this sale, but a partial pension couldn't hurt." She told him, "How convenient that a certain retirement package was put into my name recently when I had some papers signed." I was devastated. My wife would be wealthy and I would have nothing. I had lost my manhood and every penny I had owned. The house and cars were in her name. She could throw me out and leave me with nothing. Regina must have read my mind because she said, pointedly, "It will be a new life for me... and my Mimi. Of course I'll keep her, so long as she behaves perfectly. I wouldn't want to have to place her with someone who might mistreat her. And I don't want to have to have her fixed. But I'm sure she won't give me any reason to do anything like that." The next week, after the sale of that property went through, Curt gave me another gift. This time it was 'paws' that bent my feet forward uncomfortably and rendered my hands useless. He and my wife took me for a long walk through the woods, without a leash, telling me to sniff anything I found interesting and rub up against trees if I had an itch. I did both those things to stay in character and with the hope that demeaning myself might earn me some small rewards. We heard voices of several guys who sounded rather effeminate. I hoped desperately that they wouldn't come in our direction. The idea of them seeing me was nerve wracking. Luckily we missed them but Regina said they sounded like some fellows who shared a house nearby. Curt suggested she should invite them over sometime. I didn't know if he was serious. After that I wore the paws for part of every day, usually with my tail. The possibility of having those guys visit remained a possibility. It has been six months since that afternoon in the back yard. Regina and Curt like to go out a lot. They have several dog sitters who take care of me when they're gone. There's a big Swedish woman named Helga who is harsh with me. She likes to swat my bare bottom with a rolled up newspaper. She has taught me a new walk, which is even more swishy. She takes me for strolls on a sandy path that runs through the woods and I'm always scared that someone will spot me. There have been several near exposures. Then there's a gay man, Jimmi, who sits me and fusses with my hair and make-up. He also loves to give me baths and gets much too free with his hands. The worst is Tyra, who is a pre-op transsexual. She brought a bra with her that gathers and pushes up the softness of my chest, making it appear that I have tiny breasts. Then she put a fake pussy over my chastity and glued it in place. She even sold Regina on the idea of leaving it there, so that now I look more female than male. My hairless, rosy body is always on display and I'm never allowed to escape my Mimi identity. Curt never ceases to be entertained by my hopeless situation. I think the idea of me, Regina's husband, being so conquered, gives him a sexual kick. And I know that keeping me this way gets my wife aroused and makes her bed time with Curt better. Plus, she can't get enough of my licking before and, worst for me, after. So that's it. I'm a smooth-skinned, super-feminine, prissy poodle. I'm horny all the time and my wife still goes out of her way to tease me with her curvaceous body. And every time I dare to imagine that my life has gotten as awful as it possibly can, they dream up something else to make it even worse. What frightens me the most is that I'm getting addicted to it all and, eventually, might come to crave what I now despise. Imagine becoming a total sissy poodle with no chance of ever returning to your male identity. And loving it. THE END?

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Hello indian sex stories dot net friends, main vicky singh phir se haazir hoon apni nayi story ke saath joh hai “Mom as escort-5”,jinhone meri pichli 4 series padhi hai unko main thanks, kehna chahta hoon for like my story.Ab story par aata hoon,jaise pichle part mein aap sabne padha hoga ki kaise shahbaaz ne meri mummy ke saath roughly sex kiya tha aur uske baad mummy agle 2 din tak rest karti rahi.Unke office ko khulne mein bas 3 din bacha tha isliye woh jaldi se normal hona chahti thi. Ek...

3 years ago
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Altered Fates Disguise For Life

Altered Fates DISGUISED FOR LIFE by Jennifer Adams ©Jennifer Adams Bob had everything he and his children would need packed into the trunk of his car when he went to pick them up for the week-end. He had planned it all out. He would pick them up from Shelly like it was going to be a normal week-end visit. Then instead of taking them to his rented house they would just go west and start over, just the three of them. It was a desperate act, he knew, and if he were caught...

4 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 419 Wet and Wild

“I need to go find us a place to stay for the night and somewhere to eat dinner. You can get out to stretch your legs, but don’t walk away from the bus. I will be back as soon as I can,” I told them. I walked toward the no-tell motel office. Instead of going in, I walked into the breezeway. I hurried on over to the waterpark. “My name is David Jones. I have a busload of kids I’m taking to live at my foster care complex about six hours away. These kids have had a hard time with life, and a...

4 years ago
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Moms Laptop Part 6

It was Katie’s mom’s third time in our house since the COVID outbreak, all in the past week. I called her Jen, short for Jennifer (which is her real name). We had been talking for a half an hour, mostly about recipes and cooking, when she said, “Katie told me you watched your son masturbating.”I made a face, kind of a frown. “She told you that?”“Yes,” Jen said. “Is it true?”“Well… I mean, that’s not something to talk about, is it? Although I guess my question means yes, so, yes, I saw him do...

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The Handyman Part III

Tom came back that evening with his quotation. Carla had mentioned to Jo about getting him to give them a quotation for the shed lighting but she never expected him to return with it so quickly. She left the two of them together to discuss it while she went to attend to the children. Tom gave her a smile as she left them. No doubt he was thinking about earlier. Carla was too. The picture in her mind of her laying back in the chair, legs splayed and Tom using her knickers to wipe his cum off her...

Wife Lovers
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Spass einer Vermieterin

Susannes Ehemann gehören mehrere Häuser. Die meisten davon hat er in kleine Wohneinheiten teilen lassen, die er an Studenten vermietet. Überteuert versteht sich. Die Verwaltung dieser Wohnungen überlässt er Susanne. Susanne hat eh nichts in die Ehe mitgebracht, sie sah nur einmal sehr gut aus und hat sich damals eine überhebliche Arroganz angewöhnt, weil sie dachte, ihr Aussehen hielte ewig. Inzwischen sieht Susanne zwar immer noch sehr gut aus - aber sie ist keine 18 mehr. Doch die Bürobotin...

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Aggybook 2Chapter 64

McCock called his staff meeting to order. The layout was unusual in that McCock sat at the middle of one long side of the table with his people crammed closely together along that side and nobody sat on the other side; that side was occupied by the two tiers of projections of the full staffs of 119, GmBH, GMBH, Bollard Line and those from The Manor House on Gorgipest. McCock welcomed them and asked Sir Henry Bollinger to present the intell update of events. Sir Henry started his summary at...

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Mausi Aur Unke Baccho Ke Sath

Mein mithoon ek nayi kahani kelar aaya hu. Ye kahani mere mausi ke parivar aur mere beech jo ghatna ghati uske baare mein hai. Mere mausi ke parivar mein masaji , mausi aur unke do bacche ek ladka aur ek ladki. Bhai behen se chota tha.   Baat tab ki hai jab garmi k chuttiyan chal rahi thi. Mein final year mein tha aur mere mausi ka ladka dhruv. Mein 21 ka tha aur wo 16 ka. Maine to pehle hi sex ka anubhav kar liya tha apni teacher ke sath. Mein straight hu. Par ek baar dhruv ne kuch paisa kiya...

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The Skate ParkER

The Skate Park—ERMatthew ?----------Matthew?------wake up Matthew ! Wake the fuck up !!“what the fuck are you yelling at “ ? I asked the question with no idea yet whom I was talking to—or even where I was. “hey dudes—he's awake” a familiar voice shouted. Several people, including a few in all white came into my room. Wait—this wasn't my room. “OK what the fuck is going on”? Calmly Mr. Dillon—and watch your language please. You are in the ER.“What” ? “You took a fall at the skate park—you've...

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In Car Entertainment

In Car Entertainment Jack turned onto the motorway and put his foot down. They’d got a long way to go and the light was fading fast. Not that he minded driving in the dark. In some ways it helped him to concentrate. It was just that Jill usually fell asleep and he got bored. He put a disc into the CD player and turned the volume up. “Too loud,” Jill shouted and immediately turned the volume down again. “Spoil sport,” Jack responded. “And you’re driving too fast. Slow down.” Jack checked...

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Playing havoc with the authorities

1. Investigation Sean swivelled on his desk chair and looked at of the 5th floor window. From his corner he could look at either way to get a view of Edgware road, to the north or the south towards Hyde park. If he looked down close up from either window he would see the pub, news agents and the Bakerloo line tube station across the road. He was always amazed at how many red buses could be seen in each direction. A glance to the far right and you would see the large hotel across the...

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Hot Invigilator Became Sex Partner

Hi I am Ramesh, 19 year old doing my degree in reputed university in Bangalore… i am doing my second year degree.It was happened a year ago during my Preparatory exams on that day i had a tough exam i have gone with tension to the exam hall.Suddenly a teacher came to the exam hall WoW she is so sexy ….. She was beautiful…. She is white in colour … with extremely massive boobs and hot butt… She wore a saree that day.. as she wont take any subjects for me so i am her for the first time .. after...

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Taking in gramps

My grandparents lived in a beautiful colonial home near downtown. My grandpa was an active senior, he went to the gym regularly and was active community Elks member. While my grandma was usually a stay at home, plant and play in her precious garden. One summer night a severe thunderstorm hit the downtown area. My grandpa was away with his Elks lodge planning for the upcoming Fall town fair, by the time he got home there were fire trucks surrounding the block. My grandparents house was struck by...

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She Wanted A Threesome With Another Guy

My girlfriend Paula and I had been dating for about six months when she finally agreed to move in with me. She was by far the best looking girl I had ever dated and men would often tell me how hot she was.She was petite, around five-feet-two-inches tall, with a delicate soft face, hazel eyes, a nice round ass and ridiculously large boobs. Her long brown hair accentuated her slim figure and she would often wear high heels and short skirts to show off her gorgeous legs.Not long after she moved...

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Earths CoreChapter 25 Snatching Collateral

In this moment, Zax contempt for The Almighty was indescribable and his hatred insufferable. Immediately, he sent a faint stream of dark attribute energy into Niel’s sea of consciousness. The dark attribute energy formed shapes that combined together inside Niel’s soul, creating a closure within a closure for the small imitation of his Inner Panorama and the strain of Godly Retribution lurking in it. “Niel”, Zax released a stifled breath. He ruffled Nie’s hair and pushed his head down,...

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Dear Will

Pushing the food around my plate, hardly satisfied, I am hungry, starved indeed. But unable to taste a morsel. It’s only been a week, yet the days seem to go by like years, waiting. ‘I hope he can write soon,’ thinking to myself, looking over the dessert trolly parked all too close to my corner table. The stout waitress, hovering over me asking, ‘Would you care for anything from trolly dear?’ ‘I’m sorry, did you say something?’ I say eyeing the older, heavyset woman. ‘Yes, would you like...

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The Descending of Jessica Ch 12

Several months ago, I hinted at an epilogue to wrap everything up. Unfortunately, this has turned into not only another chapter but probably should have been two or three. Oh, well. If you haven’t read the preceding chapters, you probably should or none of this will make any sense. If, on the other hand, you want to plow right in then have at it. I make no promises as to whether the continuity will make any sense to you, but you are welcome to try. As always, all names have been changed. Some...

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Purple Drank 2

This has been a long time... I started to come too... it was that type of groggy sleep, where you cant really move your body, or your head, and you just slowly open your eyes. My head was aching slightly, but nothing to worry about. I looked down and saw Nancy's back, blocking the view of my Mother. I could make her out as Nancy's body shifted, but couldnt quite see anything...yet.So there were the two mothers... Nancy's hand still slightly over my Mother's, and both still grasping on the thick...

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RPGs In Heaven Contributors Welcome

You Died. This was not the end however, it was just the beginning! You, like almost everyone else, went to hell: and were punished for your sins in the most appropriate way possible: you had to live through all the negative consequences of each of them unto the seventh generation, over and over again, until you finally truly repented and were contrite for all of them! Eventually, when that happened: you were washed clean in the blood of the lamb and taken to heaven, where you waited in a kind...

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ReginaldChapter 15

“Ah.” Reg was reticent. “I admitted that you were my girlfriend, Frances.” “I have no problem with that, my darling boy. There must have been more.” Prudence interrupted, “I told Mrs Compton that my tutor was also my boyfriend, when I was talking with her. I didn’t mean to, but it just slipped out. I was so proud of that status.” “From what little I heard, it was a lot more than that, you lot. Give!” Reg told her, “I was called to see Dr Henderson after classes, and he said he had heard...

1 year ago
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Devin and Nikki jb original

Devin padded across the living room floor towards the kitchen. His quest was standing at the cutting board in a billowing shirt and yoga pants that hugged every curve slicing cheese. Wrapping his arms around Nikki’s waist he gently caught a tendril of hair that escaped the pony tail. Gently he removed the elastic freeing the bound tresses. Nikki smiled as he moved the hair and started kissing her neck sending small shivers up and down her spine. He had just showered and smelled, well he...

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Conjugal Vegas

In almost every respect, I'm an ordinary thirty-seven-year-old guy, tall but not too tall, good looking but a chiseled jaw short of handsome. I've got my health but not much wealth. I'm just to the right side of being a median average male.My job is as a curator at a natural history museum in California. My passion is digging for fossils in places no one would visit unless they are a scientist or deranged. Come to think of it, the two are synonymous. Who else would hike four miles into the...

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Pleasured Principles AlphaChapter 5 Lost and Found Jamies Diary

We've been friends for a long time and he's such a wonderful listener, and makes me feel so comfortable when we're together. Why he never made a move on me was frustrating. I know I dropped hints. How can somebody who is so observant not see when a woman wants him so much she's nearly throwing herself at him? Damn it, this is getting unbearable. He's not a big man on campus, but he's well known around town. He can't go anywhere without meeting friends, or friendly acquaintances. Hell,...

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Body Rentals The Hidden Story

Body Rentals - The Hidden Story Written for an original commission, posted on Outfox Stories by NightOwl005, reposted with permission. I My heart was pounding in my chest as I picked up the helmet from my sister's room. I was confused at first when I came in yesterday to see her fondling herself like that, but then I saw Sarah on the bed with this helmet on. I've heard of these before but never have I thought that Elle would be interested in this kind of thing. I looked at...

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Hooking Up with my French Teacher Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

I was inspired to learn the French language as I was completely inclined towards the arts and literature of the European countries. My parents had insisted on taking private French language coaching so that I could focus without any distractions. My French teacher Adam was a young, hot and tall French guy. He was lean as per his height but somehow his features made him look very mature and sexy. I had started developing a crush on him from the beginning of our tutoring sessions due to his...

Real Hookup
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Living Room Quickie

During the summer holidays I was able to get a lot of time off work due to problems with the plumbing at the building I worked in, giving me a few weeks to kick back and relax. On a sunny Saturday afternoon I invited two of my good friends around, Lucy and Mark, for a quick catch up. We were well into our conversation when Mark said that he was going to get a few beers in from down the road. He said he would be five or so minutes, so Lucy and I allowed him to leave the room and out the front...

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TouchMyWife Jordan Maxx Slutty Cheerleader Cosplay Wife 8211 Horny Halloween

My wife Jordan & I are at a Halloween party, getting frisky in the bathroom. She’s dressed in a cute cheerleader outfit, her nipples popping right through her shirt. As we’re fooling around, I propose bringing in a party-goer in a football player costume to tackle my wife. She is intrigued and hesitantly accepts. Luckily for her this guy has a big cock & my honry wife can’t help but suck on it til she gets all wet. He pulls her panties down and fucks her doggystyle....

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Rain Helped To Get Dream Come True

Hi All, I am a regular reader of ISS and finally decided to write my story. Let me introduce myself 1st. I am let’s say PK 35 years old boy from Baroda Gujarat with a height of 5.11 and handsome in looks as females say. The female involved in the story is 37 years old 5.7 height bit bulky with an amazing pair of boobs and a great ass, damn hot and sexy. She knows how to please a man and wat a guy requires. Let’s say her name is A We had met 6 months back through a common friend, the day I saw...

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Henrys Love

It was 6:30 am as I left my home as usual. I got in my car and headed off in the direction of my workplace, only today would be different. I had booked a day of annual leave unbeknownst to my wife. I was finally going to meet someone whom I had never met before. We had become good friends’ online, very close and intimate friends in fact discussing sex and trading very explicit photos. I never thought that we would be able to meet for real. My online friend and fantasy lover lives on the west...

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A Time for a Change

Time For A Change by Paul1954 Cambridge University lodgings, 14th November 2008 Daniel Kerslake, twenty on years of age, was studying in his University lodgings in the town of Cambridge, Eastern England, when a postman delivered a registered package bearing his name. He was a little surprised by it as he was not expecting anything important at this particular time and he put it to one side whilst he resumed his studies. His exams were coming up shortly and, being single...

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My Neighbor Angie Pt1

As my wife Krista and I backed from the driveway, our new neighbor-to-be came bouncing out of her house to say hello. Although a co-worker of Krista’s, I had never met Angie. A slim, bubbly red-head with a raspy southern voice, she immediately hit my soft – and hard – spots. We hadn’t even made an offer on the house but I knew we would and that Angie was a must-do. We bought the house and moved in about six weeks later. After a long day of unpacking, Scott and Angie invited us over for a...

1 year ago
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Unfulfilled Fantasies

"Tell me," she said, "do you have any unfulfilled fantasies?" "What?" I replied taken somewhat by surprise by her question. "You must have," she said with a sexy smile, "everybody does." "So?" I said. Even her smile was getting my pants tight for she was something else. "Well, I have the power to make some of these fantasies come true," she said. "Yeah," I leered. "Oh yes," she smiled again. "I promise that if it's within my power, I will do anything you want...

2 years ago
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How I Came To Be Me Part 5 Finale

Monica and I continued being BFFs having coffee from time to time and running. She signed up for the 10k program which surprised me, that little vixen was hooked on running. She even signed on for the half marathon before we ran the 10k goal race. The 10k was more of a fun run. Instead of racing for time, we did intervals the entire six point two miles. Running fast then walking, we played leapfrog with a couple of other ladies talking to them when either of us would catch the other if that...


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