Jade And Her Sugar Daddy Adventures
- 4 years ago
- 45
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"Can you sing?"
The question caught James a bit off guard. She was not prepared for it, and so blurted out the first thought that came to mind, an old joke that she always used when people asked her that in auditions.
"Only if you don't mind somebody who sounds like Frank Sinatra." It came out rehearsed, casual. Of course it was totally inappropriate, a fact that was not unnoticed by the questioner: a longhaired drummer who went by the name of Colin.
"Seriously, can you sing?" He repeated the question after a brief guffaw that was shared by the other three members of the band James was auditioning for. She had replied to a note in the local student newspaper that had requested rhythm guitarists to audition. So far James had heard four other guitarists prior to her turn. Three had sucked, and the band knew it. One of them was all right but had a nasty tendency to try to steal the limelight. For her own turn, James had decided to play it casual, not trying to shine too much, but to show basic and consistent competence, with a bit of brilliance tossed in.
"Reason is," Colin repeated, his eyes roaming over James' body, making her feel very exposed and uncomfortable, despite the jacket and jeans that she was wearing. Try as she might, she still had a hard time whenever any male looked at her body. "We kinda need another singer. Sherrie smokes," He nodded towards a dark haired girl who was in the process of lighting some evidence of that fact, "so she's no good. I'm no Phil Collins. " He shrugged casually, stating the fact like he simply accepted it.
"Well, I'm not really..."
"Look, I know that it wasn't in the audition notice, but can you just..." He let the comment hang, looking at her expectantly.
James took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. She had been the choir in the past life, but it had been years. Something simple, she tried to think. Something that nobody expects you to do in an audition.
She sang "Stairway to Heaven." The archetype of the cheesy guitar audition piece. She started weak, unsure, but when her voice failed to crack at the high notes like it used to in her male experience, she became more confident, finishing the final "and she's BUYING a staaaaaairway... to HEAVen..." to absolute silence.
"She's in." Mumbled the lead guitarist from the back; a rather overweight guy who James remembered went by the name of Mike.
"Hey, uh can either of you two guys do better?" Colin turned to the remaining two guys who had shown up for the audition. One of them thought so, and proceeded to prove that he was wrong with his totally fascinating rendition of "I'm too Sexy". James hadn't realized that that song COULD be played on a guitar.
As the remainder of the auditioners filed out, James glanced around the backyard in which he had been performing. Open-air auditions were a bit more difficult than a garage band audition, but then again, this wasn't a garage band. Well, they played in an attic, not a garage. So technically he figured that they were an attic band.
James had heard them at a local party and had not been totally impressed. They had potential, sure, but then again every band has "Potential". Mostly they did covers of Metallica and Bon Jovi, but had added their own twist. That twist was Catalina, their Violinist. In fact Catalina had been more of a draw than almost all of the remaining members. She was a bit of a waif, who had been apparently been playing the violin since she was eight years old. She was technically proficient but not really experimental. Typical for a child prodigy. James snickered slightly at that last thought, since she fell into that category herself at sixteen.
"You wanna jam a little?" Sherrie asked, picking up her bass. As she did so, James couldn't help but notice the stylized sun tattoo on the small of her back. "I mean, fuck, welcome to the Fish Slapping Dance and all that shit, but I got tired of listening to crap and I'd like to play a LITTLE today. Unless Mikey over there wants to complain that he's tired again."
"I'm getting over Mono! Deal with it." Mike shot back from his chair where he cradled his guitar. "I can jam for a little bit, but I have a test Friday and need to study. You guys are just lucky that I had time to do this audition."
"You've had a test every other fucking Friday for the past fucking year. Either you have the hardest fucking professors on the face of the planet or your sitting in your room pulling your..." Sherrie continued, shooting a fierce gaze from her brown eyes in Mike's direction.
"HEY!" Catalina barked, pulling Sherrie's attention to her. "Can you please leave my boyfriend alone and just play?"
The air in the room was getting tense, with Catalina glaring at Sherrie with murder in her pale blue eyes, Mike curling into a ball in his chair, and Colin snickering, his hands interlaced behind his head. Apparently, things in Fish Slapping Dance were not exactly hunky-dory.
Unable to take any more of the tension, James decided that she would just start playing. She quickly raced through her memory trying to remember a song that she knew which included a violin part. Before she consciously thought about it, she began playing "The world I know". A basic rhythm part, but it was workable. Halfway through the initial riff, James realized that the song wasn't out yet. However, it did not seem to shake any of the other band members, who merely listened, trying to get the beat.
The tension left the room as Colin nodded along with the notes, and began to match the beat that James had set. It was jamming, and as the other members of the band joined in, the tension in the room began to leave. It ended up being a pretty good jam session. About an hour long, and a nice introduction to the rest of the band. After playing along with them for a while James was able to get a good feel for their playing style.
Catalina was conservative, exactly as James had pegged her at the party. However, her relationship with Mike was not something she would have expected, since Catalina, with her thin waifish form, blonde hair and pale blue eyes was nearly the polar opposite of large, dark haired Mike.
Mike, well, was lazy. James hated to admit it, but that was exactly how his playing sounded, and exactly how he acted. He played lead guitar, but used riffs that James recognized from recent radio: No innovation, no style. It wasn't that he was BAD, but he wasn't the type of material that you lead a band with. However, James had played with enough of his type to know how to grit her teeth and bear it. Perhaps in a little while, after they had played together a little longer, she might offer some "friendly advice."
Colin was a solid drummer, his style reminding James of Ringo Starr in his Beatles days, minus the nose. His long brown hair was nice and attractive, which James forcibly restrained herself from noticing, or tried to at any rate. With her own long hair, she thought about how nice it would be to run her fingers through...
Another thought that she immediately cut off, instead focusing on Sherrie, the Bass player of the band. A bit older than the rest of the band, a senior at the school. She cursed like a sailor, wore two obvious tattoos, not counting the one on her back that James had seen, and had no qualms about giving her opinion to anyone and everyone. Technically competent, with a flair for improvisation, she was by far the best member of the band as far as being a "band member" went. If one could look past her outward spikes, it was very easy to see where much of the strength of the group lay.
The jam session slowly broke up, with James being given a copy of the rehearsal schedule by Catalina, who apparently was the one responsible for such things, which made sense seeing as she was renting the house with Mike and Colin, as well as a note with the next performance. James noted absentmindedly that it was at a frat party on Halloween, opening for another college band that went by the typical college radio name of Oedipus and the Mama's Boys. Delta Tau Delta. The name of the fraternity sounded familiar, but she put it out of her mind as she collected her guitar and left the house, walking to the local bus stop.
When she arrived back at the dorm, she was greeted by Mallory at the front door of her room. Mallory grinned expectantly, her face beaming at James with a look of expectation.
"Did you get in? Tell me everything!" She smiled, her face lighting up.
"Yeah, I got in." James smiled back, "but it's not like there was a lot of competition."
"Doesn't matter! When's your first show? I gotta see it!" Mallory grinned at James, nearly squealing. Suddenly, she lunged forward and grabbed James in an embrace.
It was an innocent hug, but James suddenly stiffened, her chin starting to tremble as she felt Mallory's body against her. The soft pressure of her breasts against James' own was intensely pleasurable, and James felt almost like she was melting with the feelings. She was terrified. The feelings of pleasure from this new contact was frightening, and she was unable to move, and not wanting to. The conflicting impulses ran through her mind as Mallory hugged her.
Of all the things that you could say about Mallory, James knew that stupid was not one of them that you could say with any accuracy. She noted James' response, and released her pressure, taking a step back.
"Maggie, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..." Her eyes were soft, apologetic. James was still in shock from the contact, her eyes roaming over Mallory's figure, noting her long red hair, and having those same thoughts about running her fingers through it, that she had regarding Colin's long...
The exhilaration of getting into a band, and a great jam session, combined with these new strong feelings of sexuality were almost overwhelming. James' legs felt weak, her body feeling soft all over, and ready. She softly licked her lips, realizing that she was staring, and that Mallory knew it. She breathed deeply, turning her gaze to the side. She slid the case for her guitar off her shoulder and placed it gently against the wall, not looking at Mallory. She knew exactly what had just happened, and she did not want to make Mallory any more uncomfortable than she probably already was.
"Maggie, can I ask you something?" Mallory's voice was soft and nervous, from over James' shoulder. James composed herself, to look at Mallory, who had seated herself on her bed, and was looking a James with an unreadable expression on her face.
"Yeah," was James' soft response. She found herself almost unable to breath properly. No matter how deeply she breathed, she felt out of breath, like she had just run a mile.
"Are you gay? I mean, it doesn't bug me if you are, but I mean, I don't think of you like that." Mallory was speaking fast, nervous. "You're my friend. I mean, we've only known each other for a little while, but I like seeing you happy. I just don't think that I..." She left off the comment, seeming unsure how to continue.
James sighed, realizing that she was definitely attracted to Mallory. She wanted her in that way, but didn't want to ruin their relationship. She was still technically a virgin, since she didn't figure that her male experience counted. Hell, she was even a masturbatory virgin. The last thing that she needed to do was to use a body that she didn't have much experience with, in a way that she absolutely no experience.
"I don't know." James' voice was small, and quiet. "I'm well, not very experienced with..."
"Duh, you're sixteen!" Mallory's voice was suddenly a bit more confident. "I mean, sure you're taller than me, and can play the guitar like a demon, but you're still only sixteen years old. I have a boyfriend back home, so I'm not really available, okay? So, I guess no more hugs if you react that way."
Those five seconds had been some of the most pleasurable of James' new life. The thought of no more contact, after such a thrilling introduction, seemed almost unthinkable. The disappointment must have shown on James' face, since Mallory continued.
"I still wanna be your friend! Don't get me wrong here. We just stay friends, okay?" With that Mallory stood, and moved to the side of James, hugging her about the shoulder. The touch was still pleasant, but much less intimate than the original contact: still warm and friendly. It did not affect James in the same way, but still caused definite attraction.
"Friends." James sighed. "Definitely friends. But just don't... well, in that way, you know?" She was nervous, and it definitely showed.
"Check. Now, subject change, what are you wearing for your Halloween costume, since you've gotta do something cool for your first show?"
Checking herself out in the mirror, James had to admit that Mallory had some wicked sense of style in costumes. The Wicked Witch of the West might be a bit corny, but at least the makeup was professional quality. (Of course it had been borrowed from a girl down the hall with a Drama major. One thing that James truly appreciated about Mallory was her ability to use her large network of friends.)
Of course, Mallory hadn't gone with a typical look for the costume. Gone was the shapeless black dress, replaced with a pair of black jeans and t-shirt. Combined with the black snakeskin leather jacket that had been found for a steal of thirty dollars at a thrift store, the effect was that of the witch's cuter, younger sister. The black beret was nice too, James acknowledged, and combined with the rest of the costume did not look inappropriate.
Yet another first for James was dying her hair jet-black. The color was definitely out of character for her, but a fun little change of pace. In her previous male life, she had never once dyed her hair. The feel of her friend's hands in her hair had been a bit of a thrill, since James had begun to accept the fact that she was attracted to Mallory.
Despite that acceptance, James had also accepted that she would never take their relationship to another level. She still caught herself checking out an attractive male occasionally, but was less reluctant to drag her gaze away. She rationalized this by acknowledging the looks as what they were. Looks. She recalled checking out men occasionally as a man. Constant paranoia of mere observation would do nothing for her except make her paranoid. She had other things to worry about.
Finishing up the final preparations, James left the bathroom, and proceeded to her room. Mallory was not in there, but since they were going to be meeting in the lobby later, she hadn't expected it. She also hadn't expected the small envelope with the word "For Maggie" on it. Smirking, she opened the envelope and found a small card inside. She studied it for a moment, before realizing that it was an ID card. It had her picture on it, stated that she was twenty-one, and was not obviously a fake. In addition, inside the envelope was a small note.
We might want to do something else after your set, if the party sucks. Happy Unbirthday!
The gift took James totally by surprise. She hadn't been drinking at all during her college experience so far, for the very rational reason that it was illegal. She had never owned a fake ID in her life. Shrugging, she slipped the card into her pocket. It might come in handy at some point.
With a final adjustment of her hat, James proceeded down the elevator to the lobby, lugging her Amp in both hands. Mallory, dressed as a classic sexy Vampire, greeted her with a friendly wave, and proceeded to aid her carrying the equipment out to Mallory's car.
"Thank you!" James stated, as they piled in the car.
"For what?" Mallory asked, starting the engine.
"The ID." James explained.
"Oh, that's not for you, that's for me." Mallory grinned, showing a pair of fake fangs. "I got sick of staying away from the clubs because you couldn't go."
"You coulda just gone with your other friends." James shrugged.
"Yeah, but then I wouldn't be able to corrupt a poor innocent. BLEAH!" Mallory finished the final statement with a playful extension of her tongue. The effect, combined with Mallory's naturally pale skin made her look nearly demonic, as well as very attractive.
They stopped at a one of the local sororities to pick up one of Mallory's friends from rush, named Beth. She was dressed as a nurse, which was a bit cliché, but then again, what was Halloween but Cliché?
Finally, they arrived at the party, which was at the Delta Tau Delta house. The street was packed, with cars lining the street for blocks on either side. Eventually they parked, and Beth and Mallory helped James drag her equipment down to the house.
As they arrived at the house, James was struck with a realization of exactly where they were. They were at the house. THE house. Where it had happened. Where she had been brutalized seven years ago. Seven years ago, and tonight.
How could she have forgotten? James had never forgotten that date for years. She had remembered everything, and the memory had been a permanent imprint in his mind. Why had it left?
Because it wasn't important, she realized. It hasn't happened yet, and it won't happen. She shook of the momentary fear that ran through her body, a chill searing the lower portions of her stomach. She would not let memories of a life that had not yet happened ruin her new life.
"Maggie? You ok?" Mallory asked, looking at Maggie with concern.
"I'm fine." Maggie stated, pushing the fear away. If she was going to make her life right, now was the time to make that stand. "Goose walked across my grave."
There was already music playing in the backyard where the band was to set up. A large stereo was blasting out a song that Maggie remembered as the Goddamn Bee Girl song. Damn MTV videos...
So far only Sherrie had arrived to set up on the small wooden stage in the back of the yard, and she greeted Maggie with a nod and a curse. Her Goth costume was less of a costume than a simple intensification of her standard method of dress, but it didn't seem inappropriate.
"Fuck. They're late, again." Sherrie was pissed, and it showed on her face. "I swear to god, if Mike gives me that "studying" excuse again, I'm gonna shove a textbook down his fucking throat."
"No, there they are!" Maggie pointed over at the opposite fence, where the top of Colin's face showed. Apparently they were trying to open a locked gate to the backyard.
"FUCK! One second." Sherrie growled, moving over to speak to a frat boy who looked more sober than the others. He nodded as she spoke to him as he moved through the party to the gate. A few minutes later Mike, Colin and Catalina arrived on the stage. Rather, a College guy, an Immortal, and a Kitty Cat.
"Where's your costume?" Maggie asked as she looked around for Mallory who had left as she set up, spotting her and Beth over by the drink counter, getting themselves refreshment.
"Oh, I'm a serial killer," Mike replied brightly, "Don't you know..."
"They look like everybody else..." Four people around him chimed in.
"Lame Mike. Really Fucking Lame." Sherry growled, as the three latecomers began to set up.
"Oh like a Goth's really original." Mike shot back, before moving off. "I'm getting a drink, anybody else want one?"
"Soda for me." Maggie stated, as she scanned the crowd. Not the worst crowd, and the drinks they'd already obviously consumed were going to help their reception. She looked about and noticed one of the frat guys tapping his watch nearby. They were about ten minutes late starting already.
About five minutes later they were ready. A rather drunk fraternity member walked up to the microphone, whacking it with his hand to get attention.
"Hey, Kill the stereo! Dude! YEAH YOU! OFF! NOT UP, OFF! Drunk asshole..." That elicited a laugh from the costumed crowd. "Okay, I know everybody wants to hear our main band here, " he pulled a crumpled piece of paper from his pocked, glancing at it before continuing, "Oedipus and the Mama's Boys. " There was a small cheer from the crowd at this point. "But before that, I wanted to let you drunk bastards know that there's a new... uh... exhibit at the rock'n'roll hall of fame. It'sh called GET OFF THE STAGE" he shouted the last few words directly at Maggie and Sherrie, "A tribute to opening actsh..."
The crowd roared at the last joke, drawing yet another "fuck" from Sherrie. For her part, Maggie took it in stride. It was typical for the opening act to get dissed.
"Sho, without further ado," the fraternity member yelled, "Here's Fish Slapping Dance!"
Maggie knew that one of the worst mistakes a band can make at this point is to assure the audience that they were in fact going to do a good set. The audience doesn't show up to hear you whine, and with the final word of the band name she immediately began the opening riff of "Highway to Hell". It was a good song, high energy, and with that intro, they needed something to grab the audience fast.
Well, usually it was. If Mike hadn't sleepwalked through his part, they could have really made an impression. However, on the chorus of "Highway to HELL" he mumbled along. His guitar work was identical to the original. She could have just grabbed the guitar track from the album and it would have been as useful. At least the other members of the band did their best. AC/DC with the addition of a violin had an interesting sound.
The applause that followed was subdued but present. It could have been so much better, and Maggie knew it. She had been singing, playing, and trying to work the audience. If he had just...
"Mike," she said, covering the microphone with her hand, "Can you wake up and FUCKING PLAY!"
"Chill out, oh Vicked Vitch of Da Vest." Mike raised his hands, pointing to the audience. "You think these drunks care about how good we play?"
Catalina broke in, ready to defend her boyfriend.
"Can we just get back to the songs? How bout that new one you were playing?"
Maggie groaned internally. She had stupidly played an older song from her previous life at rehearsal, not realizing that it wasn't out yet. All of the other members had loved it, insisting that she teach it to them. It was a simple tune, but fun and easy to play. With a silent apology to Tom Petty she began to play "Mary Jane's Last Dance".
Never mind the fact that the song was a bit slower than a second song should be. Never mind that the song was written by a man singing about a woman. At least Mike couldn't screw this one up, since the guitar part wasn't put on tape yet, so he had nothing to copy from. Of course he simply did a copy of the lame guitar work that he had done in his rehearsals, but at least it was something that Maggie could cover for.
The audience reaction was initially typical for an "original" song: bored indifference. The crowd's mood remained at that level, until Maggie hit the line about a girl and a party dress. That got several of the frat boys hooting with obvious glee at the thought. It at least got more attention. Finally finishing the song up, she noted that quite a bit more of the audience was paying attention.
Catalina seemed less defensive after the crowd's acclaim. The rest of the band was also happy with the response to an "Original" piece. For her own part, Maggie felt like shit. She didn't want to be stealing other people's music to get noticed, but the error was simply that.
The set continued. The band's usual pattern was to do a cover, then an original, then two more covers, then an original. Since they only had an eleven song set, which resulted in four originals. The ended up doing two Metallica covers next, safe and dull ground, before doing Mike and Catalina's incredibly sappy love duet. That original nearly lost them the audience, so they followed up with a couple of recent pop tune covers, which won the audience back.
Maggie was rapidly becoming uncomfortable under the makeup, trying to give the best performance that she could. She only had four songs to go, but she noted that Mike was screwing around again. He'd been supplied with beers by one of the frat members, and had been drinking them between every song. For her own part, Maggie hadn't touched the soda in the plastic cup yet. She wished that she could wipe her brow but knew it would screw up Mallory's hard work. She had caught glimpses of Mallory during the performance and saw that she was enjoying it.
"Hey, Maggie." Sherrie elbowed Maggie as their seventh song ended. "Let Mike sit out on this next one. You got anything you can do?"
Maggie immediately thought of a song. She couldn't remember if it was out or not. At this point, she didn't care. With Mike drinking his beer, she immediately moved back to Colin, informing him of the rhythm. He shrugged, but began the simple tempo. She looked over at Mike, motioning him to sit down. He shrugged in response.
Listening to the beat, Maggie slowly strummed her guitar in the first three chords of the song.
"I hate the world today..." Maggie began.
She put herself into it, giving an extremely powerful rendition of Meredith Brook's "Bitch". She took it a step further as well, instead of a basic guitar solo, like in the original; she stretched it out, using every skill that she had learned in her life, both previous and present. She moved, crossing the stage whenever she wasn't singing, and playing to the crowd. Sherrie's backup on the bass was perfect, not identical to the original, but in time, and in tempo.
The response from the crowd was phenomenal. It started small, but continued to get louder and more enthusiastic as the song went on. The response was not to the music so much as it was a response to Maggie's playing, and the energy that she gave off. She knew it, and could feel it.
It had only happened once before in her previous life. The fear and pressure of performance giving way to a glowing internal feeling that just hungered to give out as much as possible. It was the closest thing to heaven Maggie had ever experienced in her life as James, and it had happened at one performance before. It was here again.
The song finished to a rousing round of applause. Maggie basked in the feeling for a moment longer, before turning back to look at the rest of the band. There was a broad smile on every one of their faces. Well, almost every one. She couldn't see Mike's face, since he was drinking another beer.
"Fuck yeah!" Sherrie glowed, raising her hand for a high five, which Maggie easily completed. Catalina had even joined in during the song, giving a bit of a different feel than memory had served.
"Whatever, can I play again, Oh Vicked Vitch?" Mike slurred the sentence, standing up to take his place at the front of the stage. For an instant, he seemed ready to elbow Maggie out of the way, but thought better of it.
"I don't know, CAN you?" Maggie shot off, before turning back to the audience.
"You know that costume is really appropriate, witch, but you know, I'm the guitar wizard around here." Mike puffed up, beginning the first notes of one of Eddie Van Halen's guitar solos.
The crowd got into the song, but during it Mike was clearly trying to outshine Maggie's performance, playing much more proficiently than he had previously shown. Maggie realized that Mike wasn't trying to just outshine her; he was trying to win over the audience. In essence, Mike had turned this into a contest.
They finished up the cover, Mike beaming at Maggie with a snicker. He clearly thought that he had shown her a thing or two. For her own part Maggie couldn't resist the challenge. The crowd was warming up to the rivalry being shown on the stage, many of the fraternity members cheering for him, while an equal number cheered for Maggie.
For a moment, Maggie felt James' presence, strong in her mind. She could almost hear her old male voice whisper, "Kick his ass".
Caught up in the moment, Maggie raised her fist up to her cheek, smiled sweetly at Mike, and extended her middle finger.
The crowd loved it, and Maggie turned to begin a new song. She didn't even bother informing the other members of the band what it was. Fortunately the song began with an extended guitar solo, so the others would have to catch up.
"Cliffs of Dover" by Eric Johnson. It was hard, a very hard piece to do right. Almost anybody could get the notes right, but to complete it properly required timing, as well as a hell of a lot of sheer talent. Slowly, the remainder of the band managed to catch the beat and chime in. Maggie, for her part, hit every note perfectly. The song went on, before she finished it with an extended vibrato, looking at Mike with the same sweet smile.
"Just call me the guitar witch, then." Maggie stated, close enough to the microphone that it echoed across the small backyard. The party had turned into nearly a concert, with more people paying attention to the stage than to each other.
The remainder of the band was somewhat silent. Atypically, Catalina was not immediately jumping to her boyfriend's defense, while Colin and Sherrie looked on with sheer amusement. It was obvious that this was the culmination of a long series of events among the other four members of the band.
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Miley stewart had been posing as the teen pop sensation Hannah Montana for as long as she could remember. She knew the basically every guy in the country wanted to fuck her. Some guys had even gone to her shows and begged her to take her top off on stage, but miley knew her dad would kill her if she even thought about that. Miley on a few occasions had found herself rubbing her wet cunt and eating her sweet juices. But one day things changed Miley had walked into the house and threw her blonde...
Beth stepped out of the secret tunnel into the center of the Labyrinth, her shoe catching a rock and sending it skittering across the cold stone. Up above, a large gemstone shone like a tiny star, warming the entire room to a comfortable temperature. Large tables were covered in different magical items in various states of disrepair, and rats moved around in the shadows, carrying what looked like rocks of different sizes. Ratu was leaning over a stack of books, her kimono hanging open and...
I couldnt believe how fast she could go from a sitting position to a full run in just a few feet. And how fast she could stop at the door to her room. I almost shoved her on through it or planted my teeth in the top of her head. "Oh shit. You have to go back and wait a few minutes, I want to get ready." "Ready?" "Yes, this is a once-in-a-lfetime thing; at least for me. It'll only take me a few minutes, and you can pour some of that wine for us." I poured the cheap wine into a...
She was working the dildo in my mouth like it was her real cock and she could feel all of the moves and thrusts. Her body moved like this was natural for her to be shoving a cock in a man's throat. She coached me at times by telling me to move faster or slower. At times, she grabbed me by my ears and would make thrusts, in and out, just like she wanted so that she could control the feeling and edge around an orgasm."You wait till I get this dick in your ass. It's gonna feel so good you're going...
A full moon hung heavy in the summer night sky. It was like a scene from a moviebut the reality of it was brought home to Graham by his heightened sense ofarousal and the majesty of the individuals before him. He had been selectedfrom a long list of applicants to witness a special ceremony like none other.The Southern Regional Obeah Society was having a rites of passage ceremonyfor one of its most exalted members. To the outside world, the organizationwas nothing more than a Black BDSM group...
Major General Edwards 1:06 am, November 4th, 2006 7:06 pm November 4th, 2006 (local time) The Marine General representing the Committee was beginning to wonder if he wouldn't rather fight a hopeless battle against all powerful aliens bent on wiping out all life as he knew it. At least then he'd know more about what to do. None of his training ever covered the situation he was in now. Now some of the politicians were embracing a force that the country was technically at war with. I guess...
I looked in the mirror, and immediately started to check myself out. for someone who has been living in the woods, i looked drop dead gorgeous. i had C34 tits, nice, firm and round, a nice, firm ass, my hips could bewitch a man in seconds, and my skills in the bed were par none. despite being in the woods, i saw many men in the woods come by. I started to make coffee, when i wanted to go outside. since i live in the middle of the woods, i could go out naked, and so i usually did. today...
Today started out with a long ass drive out to the desert to pick up super cute and sexy Jane Fuck’n Rogers. Let me Fuck’n say she’s a Fuck’n hottie with a body! Schwing alert! Trust me the long ass drive was will worth it. Jake thought so too wasting no time getting her naked to check out what god blessed this sunflower with and blessed she is. You’ll notice Jane is all smiles today and for good reason. It’s 3some day and I’m not sure who’s more...
xmoviesforyouIt was late, the day long over and I was just trying to get myself tired enough to actually sleep.The house was quiet, except for the deep breathing of my sleeping dog and the soft sound ofthe wind outside. My evening cup of tea forgotten beside me, I stretched my arms and shouldermuscles as I let out a small yawn. ''Getting there'', I thought. I decided I may as well grab mylaptop and watch a relaxing video from my bed, I'd fall asleep eventually. Once in the bedroom,I stripped to my boxers...
Emily was jolted awake by the sound of her alarm clock ringing. It was 7:48 - almost time for school. She tried to fall asleep again, desperate to go back to her dream. It was the same dream she'd been having every day for three weeks now. It involved her having hot, passionate sex with her English teacher, Mr Collins, whom she had been infatuated with since she met him about half a year ago and was slowly falling in love with. The dreams were always the same: him and her, in his bed, him...
Straight SexWarm night in the Solipaz hills was less solid than Ransome Farrell expected. Stars spackled the velvet above far as eyes saw. From north relentless perimeter lights demarcated the maquiladoras and silhouetted the Mexican city’s downtown. Distant brightness aside, Farrell had been correct about area illumination. Those few working streetlamps half-heartedly chased darkness in crapshoot patterns. Random TV glow, weak houselights squeezed through hovel wall cracks or past puckered curtains,...
As Joan kissed Paul, she played with his cock, waiting for it to harden again. She had just swallowed his cum but looked forward to being fucked by him, something she had thought about every waking moment since yesterday when these former lovers had met again after twenty years. She was soaking wet from sucking his cock and could hardly wait for that moment when he penetrated her soft, wet folds. Paul pulled Joan’s dress the rest of the way off, leaving her only in a garter belt, stockings and...
'Half true-half fantasy' kind of story. It starts slow but gets hotter as the story moves on. Since most of the details are true, you'll find some paragraphs of description, conversations, and real life effects. I did rush it on for the convenience of my readers when the characters are talking on the phone. I hope you'll like the story. I'm eagerly waiting for your feedback. Enjoy! ~ Erotica Lover --------------------------------------- It all happened because of two character flaws in me. If...
Straight SexThe Cab Driver The following experience did nothing for me except it made me get off. I thought you gay guys might like it.It all started the other night when I met this chick at the local bar near where I live. She was there celebrating Christmas with her work colleagues having drinks. Things were going pretty good, when I asked her if I could buy her a drink. She immediately agreed. She already looked like she had had enough to drink, but I decided, “What the heck”. It was Christmas, and it...
Second Coming #4: Pulling Teeth By Valerie Hope THE NBARU EMPIRE HAD NEVER had anything like it before, in all its history. Their society grew from nomadic groups and hunting parties, and their leaders were those who were strongest, fittest and most ruthless, those able to either destroy or checkmate their enemies in their rise to power. No one being ever excelled ? all things were done for the glory of the clan, and now the Empire. So the Fuzzies were completely unprepared for...
A few hours after he fell to sleep Jamie Sloane opened his eyes to find himself flying. High over the village and the surrounding countryside he soared upward toward the thick dark clouds above. The water stored in those clouds started to drench him to the bone and he found it odd that his balls weren’t about to drop off considering how cold it must have been up there. Still, despite the immense height, thick rain clouds and English weather he was comfortably warm. Finding no other option since...
Beth pushed my hand from within her and she sank down into the water, coming back up to float on her back. Her gorgeous swollen and puffy nipples pointed to the sky. Her shaven pussy, now visible to me between her splayed legs, still exhibiting the red swell of excitement. Fran similarly pushed my hand from between her legs before she moved up the board. She nibbled on my ear, sending goosebumps throughout my body and mind as I continued to drink in the visage of her daughter. She...
IncestHello dosto ye meri real life story hai. Mai Mumbai main rehta hu. I provide complete body massage to ladies and couples. In case you are interested, you can ping me on . I’m available in Mumbai any day. I can come to Pune also. Main gigolo service bhi deta hun. Main ab story pe ataa hu. Mai actually MNC me job karta hu, but extra income ke liye massage bhi karta hu. Main regular gym me jaane ki wajah se fit aur good looking hu. Mumbai me job ke liye aane ke baad maine Locanto pe add dal di...
Tom and Silkie have been teasing each other for weeks about sex they are both so aroused by the story she told about her birthday, Now the teasing is a thing of the pastNo Anesthetic for Love@2014 Sylvia had been groping me a little before she finished telling me the birthday story. Now we were in her bed, in the soft April afternoon light, with no place that either of us had to be anytime soon: Silkie was still sittting across the room, fully clothed: "I can't believe that you didn't have your...
Please leave comments so I can improve my writing style and skill!I called Samantha today to see if she wanted to take a ride out to the car show this weekend. We’d had some trouble connecting after our last outing. She was always going one direction and me another. Hot damn, Samantha called back and said she would love to. On Saturday morning I pulled into her drive and she came bouncing out the house in a little sun dress that left little to your imagination. I was surprised to see her...
Love StoriesHorace had been with the company a long time. I looked up to him as he had knowledge that I needed to know. Whenever I asked him for help, he gave it to me. I often invited him to have dinner with my wife and me, but it never seemed the right time. It was a Friday and an incredibly hectic week. So I was surprised when he said, almost out of frustration, "Paul, how about you and I go for a drink.""Let me call Maryann first. I could use a stiff drink."Horace smiled and said, "Any particular place...
Gay MaleHello ladies and gentlemen, this is Rohit writing here for the first time. I have been a reader of Indian sex stories for quite some months now. So, now I have decided to take up the pen and be an author of a real sex story that happened with me almost a year back. Before I start, let me give you a quick intro. I am Rohit as you have read, and aged 26 years and staying in Bangalore since 2016. Currently, I am working in Bangalore itself and is well-paid off I would say. I am a fun loving and...
Hi reader, this is my fantasy sex story of getting cuckold by my friend and his wife in front my wife. Hope you all enjoy this sex story and please give me more feedback to encourage me. Please give feedback at My name is Mohan. I’m 26 years old. My wife is the same age as me and her name is Pooja. She is very homely type girl. We were living a middle-class lifestyle but my wife always dreams for a luxurious life. She is very much addicted to shopping. I won’t earn much money from my work but...
Hi friends, iam mahesh this is my first story and i want to share the story which has started a year back and is still continuing, this is between me and my friends wife Kavitha who also happens to be my friend as she was also of my age i know her for about 8 years now through her husband, i used to got their house whenever my friend used to be there and after few visits i was comfortable talking to her she is white in complex and her height was 5’4 and would roughly weight 49 to 53 Kgs my...
Kyle’s phone rang and Maddy watched with excited anticipation, expecting it was Lori returning his calls. She quickly became concerned as Kyle’s expression changed. He didn’t say much, mainly listening to the caller.He hung up and sat in stunned silence before Maddy snapped him out of his daze.“That was the police. They’ve been looking for me all afternoon. Lori’s been involved in a multi-car accident. The police officer said she’s in hospital and believes she has just gone into surgery.”Maddy...
CuckoldBridget and I had been flirting since the day she started at work. With a personality like hers, it wasn't hard to like her. Very outspoken, almost too loud at times, sarcastic, funny, off the wall, and dirtier than most girls I'd ever worked with. We hadn't been working together that long which made it even more fun. She simply said what she felt like saying, if it offended someone, she would smile, smirk, and go "whoops. Did I say that out loud?" and everyone would laugh.What I did not...
TeenA summary of some alternative interpretations of common medical terms: ARTERY - The study of fine painting BARIUM - What you do when the medical process fails CAESAREAN SECTION - A district of Rome CONGENITAL - Friendly DILATE - To live long A MINOR OPERATION - Digging coal MORBID - A higher offer NODE - Was aware of POST OPERATIVE - A letter carrier URINE - Opposite of "You're out" CAT SCAN - Search for kitty CAUTERISE - Made eye contact with a...
Dr. Rochelle Stewart yawned as she walked through the parking garage. It was 6:09 a.m. and she had just finished an overnight shift in the emergency room at Mercy Memorial Hospital. It had been a busy night - two stab victims, a pediatric ear ache, one boil laceration, three patients from an automobile collision, a heart attack, and a serious gunshot wound. She had done everything she needed in the fast-paced environment to stabilize all of them and then move those that needed surgery to trauma...
Destiny watched the monitor screen as the robots inside the super-clean room assembled the tiny parts. Jonlee stood behind her, impatient with her presence. As Technology Director of this super-secure electronics factory, he didn’t like prying visitors, even ones admittedly as good-looking as Destiny. He had protested vigorously against the visit, citing the risks of revealing trade secrets but he had been over-ruled. Destiny’s soft voiced questions were probing and insightful. ‘How do you...
A Chosen Fate By: Monsta Edward Smith was having a sandwich at a diner during his lunch break. The salty gooey cheesesteak at Ned's diner called to him from time to time. Even though his doctor would likely recommend against it, Edward sometimes answered the call. Ed was only 24 years old but he already had elevated blood pressure. He wasn't overweight by much, he just had a high stress sedentary job. His wonderful newlywed wife had been gently urging him to improve his health ever...
© 2002 The sweep second hand inched ever so slowly. "I swear they must slow these clocks down after lunch", Carrie spoke under her breath. "Five... Four... Three... Two... One! Come on Kel we're out of here!" As she flipped the switch on her computer. "Carrie, you are not supposed to do that. You're supposed to wait for it to shut down" "I don't care Kel, you flip the switch and its on, you flip the switch and its off. Instant just like that. Besides I don't have the patients...
I have known him for a long time. He was introduced to me by my boyfriend at the time. They worked together at a company in Bangalore and sat side by side at their computers. My relationship with my boyfriend was an online one and I thought it would go far. His friend quickly became my best friend. But then the relationship between my boyfriend and I began to fall apart and one day split completely. My best friend and I continued on with our relationship even through the end of his and my X’s....
So i was just coming downstairs on a good looking sunny morning, when my mother started yelling my name."Jimmy! Jimmy!" she cried out from the kitchen."What? What?" i yelled back as i entered the kitchen.My mother stood there in the kitchen, in a blue bikini top, holding in her big saggy mature tits, and a matching sarong, busy cooking breakfast, and replied "Don't disappear this morning! i need you to go get me bits for the BBQ today!""When did i become your personnel gopher?" i asked...
The setting for the story in my mind is similar to the mid-1700’s of America, if not really. The setting is still primitive, still wild and raw, still largely untamed, and in some places seemingly inaccessible simply due to geological formations. Outside the larger cities along the sea coasts, the economy of the inhabited, ‘civilized’ if you will, land is largely on the backs of slavery. The racial makeup of the characters in unimportant and purposefully not defined. White, black, native...
Part 16A Quiet moment in the world of darkness Rachel woke up in a nice soft warm bed. It must be a hospital, she thought because there was the regular bep bep sound of one of those monitoring machines you always see in hospital rooms. But as she looked around the room she felt more like it was a fancy hotel, and it sure smelled nice. The bed was not the usual hospital contraption; it was a big regular bed. There was a bunch of medical stuff next to her, but the rest of the room was well...
Hey guys, this is Darksied gonna narrate a story which is part reality and part fantasy. Hope you guys like and would appreciate your feedback at , so coming back to the story- our family just moved from Mumbai to pune so you know the hassle you have when you move to a new place and all.. So we moved to a society comprising of row houses which is kinda like 2row houses stuck and then some space and then the same pattern follows. So during our first day we had aknock I opened the door and saw...
Natasha La Piedra joins us this week for a special update. This chick craves cock more than anything else. So much so that we decided to get her two guys to properly fuck her. Alberto Blanco and Tommy Cabrio were the ones in charged of stretching her pussy. On top of her insidious lust for cock, Natasha likes it rough. She kept begging for them to fuck her harder and harder. Natasha got fucked in several different positions making her cum multiple times. Finally, this all culminated with two...
xmoviesforyouI was to narrate the second reason of why I wasn`t uploading stories regularly. Well, I was in a relationship. The guy doesn`t know about me and my parents. but the relationship in general is more or less good. You see, I`m now used to being a dirty slut for someone, being called names: slut, whore, bitch, and used to being naked and drink cum. In this relationship however, I`m not a slut. And I`m not being touched by my parents anymore. Well, they stopped 4 days ago and I`ve been going out...
A feature of our love making was talking about her allowing another man to play with her tits and pussy. This sort of talk got her immensely wet and usually resulted in her having a massive earth shattering climax which would last for nearly five minutes with what I called her "after shocks". Outside of the bedroom, I often brought up the subject of her experimenting in this way, but she always said there would be no way she would do it. It was fun talking about it in bed, but it just was not...
Wife LoversBY PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 CHAPTER 1 As we all woke the next morning, the agent in charge assured us that there were no issues throughout the night. He let me know that the FBI was reducing the number of agents by half starting today. While that made Jill a bit nervous, I felt fine with it. We began to open the security shutters and allow the morning daylight to enter the house. I asked John to go back to finding a company to replace all the windows in the house with bullet-resistant,...
I have just met a new man, Josh, four years younger than me. Lots of flirtatious banter and questions on our first dinner date. “I prefer a well hung man. I love being licked and teased,” I confide. “Do you consider an eight-inch man well hung? What part of your body do you like being licked?,” he teases back. “You look magic in those heels and tight, green leather slacks,” he tells me on our second date. “They would look even better around your ankles.” “Do it for me then,” I whisper as...
For the first time in my life, I was really looking forward to going to church. My encounter with Bob and Sally had given worshiping a whole new meaning for me. For the first time in my life, I had experienced a taste of heaven while sitting in church. Just thinking about what Bob had done with Sally and me while my husband preached fire and brimstone from the pulpit had me insatiably horny all week. All I could think about all week was how much I wanted to feel his touches again. All I...
Group SexSo, in you come stomping your feet, yelping about how everything you just cleared is covered again and there is nobody in the room to pity you or voice words of appreciation. You stomp louder before taking off your boots. The sweaty sock stays in the boot and your foot hits the cold melted snow, just adding to your miserable moment of the morning. It could have been a nice day, but jo time was cut short by the weather and you have to follow a schedule. You throw your hat on the counter where...
There I was, still impaled on a shemale's cock, one belonging to what was supposed to be my sissy slave, wearing her bra, her cum on my cheek along with my post-fuck smeared make-up, and my cum running down the full length mirror. "I fell" wasn't the best explanation for what happened, but it was all I could think of with my step-father's hulking frame looming over me. I knew I was fucked...well more fucked than already, but I still hoped for some miracle to save me. "You...fell? I'm...
It was late in a summer evening and Celestia's sun was drifting down over the canopy of the Everfree Forest. The young dragon had recently had his twentieth birthday and had therefore been allowed by his older sister to explore the Everfree by himself. A task he quite often used to gather gems for his beloved Rarity, often alongside her but sometimes when she was busy or if he wanted to surprise her he went alone. Today was one of those days. "It's getting late though." He thought to himself,...
It's tough in a recession; all the jobs at the top of the food chain get squeezed so the most skilful of employees take jobs they are overqualified for. This then cascades down the ladder until you get to my level: a supervisor at engineering plant. When I was made redundant and went looking for work, it was almost impossible to get a similar job. After all, who is going to employ someone to be a supervisor when they could get a skilled manager or even a deputy manager for the same...
The next week went by in a blur. So many things happened so fast that it all ran together.The next day Dave left for work as usual, and soon afterward Sharon left, too. Misti wasn't at home, and Bill and Billy went out to the farm to get things lined up as to what they would do first and care for the livestock. Cathy and Carol were sitting in the kitchen. They hadn't seen each other in a very long time and wanted to get re-acquainted. So many things had happened sinc they had last seen each...
“Arctic?” Sylvia Foster asked her husband in March of 1970, “Will you be cold?” “Not particularly,” George replied. “I’ll only be at Colville in the summer, after all. It’ll be warmer than it is outside right now. But I will be lonely.” There was a solution for that. “Well, why can’t I go along? Would we go broke if I stopped waiting tables for the summer?” “Not at all. We’ve been saving up the trust payments for expeditions like this. And, after all, we decide how that money is to be...
Depressed? Over five thousand years ago, Moses said to the children of Israel, "Pick up your shovels, mount your asses and camels and I will lead you to the Promised Land." Nearly 75 years ago, (when Welfare was introduced) they said, "Lay down your shovels, sit on your asses, and light up a Camel, this is the Promised Land." Today, the Government has stolen your shovel, taxed your asses, raised the price of Camels and mortgaged the Promised Land! Now, in Canada, we can only retire at...