My Secretary Mrs Moon
- 2 years ago
- 57
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Warm night in the Solipaz hills was less solid than Ransome Farrell expected. Stars spackled the velvet above far as eyes saw. From north relentless perimeter lights demarcated the maquiladoras and silhouetted the Mexican city’s downtown.
Distant brightness aside, Farrell had been correct about area illumination. Those few working streetlamps half-heartedly chased darkness in crapshoot patterns.
Random TV glow, weak houselights squeezed through hovel wall cracks or past puckered curtains, while opened and shut doors briefly spilled rectangular floods onto the dust. Almost 50, Farrell could still distinguish shapes from night.
Dark clothing helped obscure him. A black baseball cap, its insignia removed, covered his head. Lest its luminous face possibly reveal him, Farrell’s timepiece bunched in his pants pocket. Besides a gun he also toted a walkie-talkie and flashlight. The weapon steeled the small of his back, while clips affixed communication against his belt. He carried a flashlight with truncheon heft and length. Farrell had silenced his walkie-talkie. Its lowest volume setting notwithstanding, any inadvertent squawk might surpass the clarity of the muezzin’s call atop a minaret. No need to alert the devout. Or faithless.
If the killer or killers adhered to his, hers, its, or their pattern, tonight would be the strike date. First night of a new moon. A western progression from which a ‘U’ developed then repeated. Celestial certainty determined death. All those numbing calculus courses and there he was playing shaman.
Of all three variables in play he remained stationary. The second ascended in something of a straight line. The third, the wildcard, well, that could intersect anywhere between two fixed points.
Farrell knelt against one of the barrio’s few stockade-fence houses. An alley between plots offered a vantage perpendicular to the street. His arrival muted the cicadas’ night songs. He didn’t bother about roaming dogs sniffing him out. During his earlier daytime reconnoiter he saw no trace of strays. Obviously coyotes (the four-legged yipping kind, not the two-legged smugglers) had cleansed the immediate vicinity of canine competitors. Feral cats too.
At the pocked street’s lowest point the road’s last working streetlamp. The killing zone sloped upward into a nebulous boundary some 200 yards distant. Although inhabited by the humilde, los narcos ruled past that part of the bluffs. Even the coyotes knew better than trespass.
A young woman volunteered as the ‘attraction.’ Or rather, if matters went awry, sacrifice.
Maria was her name. One more Mary in a remorseless country full of suspect virgins. When not working second shift, the 22-year-old serviced Grady the plant manager.
Short, bird-thin, strong features intensified her broad brown face, necessary long jet-black hair included, Maria fit target profiles. For tonight, Farrell and a local tanner had sculpted body modifications which anticipating the assailant’s focus should’ve prevented Maria’s fatal victimization.
Merely as a courtesy, Farrell sounded out Grady about the prospective trap. His calculations satisfied the executive. Farrell’s numbers added up and lineal thinking mollified Grady. Seeking to improve margins, the plant manager volunteered hiring several gunmen who’d salt the prospective kill zone.
Farrell refused his offer. The fewer people involved, the less likely their prey might get spooked. Also it would just be Farrell’s luck that Grady’s rented guns should cross the local narcos. Mexico already suffered enough free-fire zones.
Moreover, Farrell already had assistance. Dependable assistance. As a lark he briefly considered dragooning Inez as his accomplice. She wouldn’t be in much risk but the job would be crucial. Farrell wondered how she might’ve reacted had he invited her to be his ‘moll.’
Inez projected ‘adventuress.’ A modern-day version at least. All she lacked were pith helmet and jodhpurs. Designer pith helmet and jodhpurs.
Convincing Maria to perform as bait was easy. Willingly as she agreed, payment could’ve derailed the scheme. Maria wanted more than money. She also demanded a green card. That was far beyond Grady’s pay grade. However with company chairman Roderick Quinn off the administration’s shit list, Maria’s request became doable. One or two phone calls to New York and Farrell added the promise of that document to her pot of gold. Therefore not only did she have greater incentive to live, but collect as well.
The unknown attacker tasked Farrell. Using Maria as chum ought have drawn a sooner than later response. During day both sides of the pitted road provided blinds from which to lunge. Now in the quiet darkness the whole street facilitated death.
Such a lifeless night would’ve been better suited fucking Inez. The thought of her started a boner.
After their first night together Inez let him sleep deep into day. Upon waking her hotel room’s toasty atmosphere, the hot sheets especially, reminded Farrell of his tumbleweed Arizona boyhood.
Despite the churning ceiling fan only desert summer air flamed through thrown open windows. Funny thing was until he matriculated in college in what he certainly considered a big city, Farrell never would’ve realized such conditions as discomforting. The campus’ ubiquitous climate control not only cooled, it also spoiled him.
Before he fully gathered his surroundings, Farrell mused about innocence just being perfumed ignorance.
He’d been laying on his side. Farrell rolled onto his back and took stock. Facing him Inez sat at the writing desk. Legs crossed, she wore a shirt, unbuttoned, more as a sop to modesty, likely the one from yesterday, and nothing else. She hadn’t brushed her bedhead into order yet. Lack of excessive vanity bolstered his esteem of her. A morning glory smile sold him completely.
Farrell asked the time. The late morning hour she gave was one more sign that when it didn’t nip at his increasingly slowing heels, age occasionally taunted him from ahead. The prior day hadn’t been so strenuous nor had he drank all that much. Had he?
He stretched his arms. Warm between those walls limited his joints popping and cracking. Doing the same in his own cooled hotel room might’ve scared lumberjacks.
‘Did I talk in my sleep?’ Farrell asked.
‘No,’ Inez said. ‘And you don’t snore either.’
‘We should both be thankful for those little mercies.’
Farrell rolled upright and sat on the bed edge eying her. Spread on the desk behind Inez a clear pitcher containing orange juice, two glasses, an open laptop and her digital camera. Unbidden she filled a glass and passed him the beverage. While sips of the lukewarm juice further revived him, Inez unwound a curious string.
‘I took advantage of you,’ she said.
‘Did you?’ he answered. ‘It was quite an enjoyable offense.’
Inez pondered momentarily. His true meaning became clear.
‘Ah, not like that,’ she said. ‘While you slept … Has anyone ever told you how you look asleep?’
‘It’s been a while since I’ve been close enough to a woman long enough to have her ask. Are we that close already? After one night!? My, you work fast.’
Flustered, smarting from his tease, Inez clarified herself. ‘You may regard this as unthinkable, but while you slept I photographed you.’
‘Oh,’ Farrell said, ‘that’s worse than unthinkable. It’s unconscionable!’
Facetiousness escaped Inez. She became quite honest and forthcoming. Almost to the painful point where Farrell felt intercession necessary. Indeed Inez was a West Coast girl. She said his face had a lot of character.
‘You mean it’s lined,’ Farrell said.
Still seeing him through the aperture, Inez continued. ‘Your body reminds me of driftwood. Long, hard, smoothed by waves.’
Feeling far more impish than impressed, Farrell said, ‘So, I’m human flotsam? I
s this bed the beach? Where’s the seaweed?’
Inez smirked. ‘Hey, mister, you’re really not helping the creativity process here. Come. Let me show you.’
She faced her laptop and booted up. Farrell’s ass off the mattress, he clambered from its towel-empty side, the one their repeated screwing hadn’t stained. He kneeled just behind her left shoulder.
Inez’ twist toward the desk let her unbuttoned shirt gape apart. Both benefited from her excellent posture. Plumb straight between the top of her birds nest into her coccyx. Though not gravity defying, Inez’ large tits jutted pert and alert, their pink devilishly small nipples squinting outwards. Below her overhang a tight midriff. Tamed pubic curls sprouted between her lap. She’d hooked her feet around the chair’s rear legs.
Naked proximity and the damp clappers clinging between his own legs had Farrell tugging himself into comfort. No way she’d have known how good it felt to have free-dangling balls. Inez certainly pretended ignoring Farrell’s steadily rearing meat. About the latter her simper and squirming bottom tipped him.
After Inez keyed in ‘my pictures’ thumbnails filled the screen. He asked what she scrolled through.
‘Recent shots,’ Inez said. ‘On the set. Up in the hills.’
She randomly stopped and commented. Sometimes she even enlarged a thumbnail. Set pictures were candid, the accompanying commentary incisive. Pictures of young Mexican mothers, however, carried every indication of having been posed and lighted for highest emphatic effect. She emphasized contrast.
The movie shots typified insouciance. Her barrio frames were to elicit then magnify need. An affluent empathizer could expend his or her sympathies upon worthy downtrodden subjects at a safely removed distance.
Inez’ portraits couldn’t have made any clearer that these women were impoverished and had few recourses for escape. Smudged continually needy infants and toddlers thickened their prison walls. Such were the images which compelled soft touches to dig deep and contribute out of First World guilt.
Inez spared few techniques towards elevating her subjects’ dignity. That was quite a feat in itself. Off the pedestal, in the everyday, Farrell would’ve regarded them casually. If at all.
Mexico accelerated time’s effects. Especially on women, after marriage, childbirth. How many young, sweet, sharp seductresses had he watched break, seemingly overnight?
Without fail brown formerly slim, girlish bundles of sex became and remained hectoring two-legged baby-making barrels. Looking at them, their misbegotten, misbehaving squadrons of straggling children, Farrell troubled understanding how one-time lovely, light-stepping senoritas meekly abandoned allure and deserved attention for heavy-stepping stoutness.
Prior to decline they were lusted after and justifiably hounded. Now tits flattening across torsos, pleasing curves vanished beneath cylindrical measurements, firm bodies forever cushiony, what stoked their husbands? Memories? Obligation?
Farrell might’ve mentioned some or all his observations to Inez. However, after doing so she’d slander him as sexist. She’d find his objectification mortifying. Then worrisome because of her own body’s future.
His terrors remained unspoken. Harmony better than candor. Nor did he laugh at Inez’ artistic myopia. Neither did he volunteer any hard-edged lessons about life below the border. Although having slept together, they were nowhere close enough to share honesty. Yet. Yet? Her scrolling reached him, her morning’s work.
Farrell wished he were vain. The missing attribute would then lend him a self-critical eye. Rather, he was too objective to appreciate himself. What aspect hadn’t Inez captured of him?
His image wallowed in rumpled linen. Such purity drew out the Argentine and Mexican sun upon his face, neck and arms. Her foreshortening lens transformed his lean muscle masses into monumental flesh. Morning sun’s progress and his instinctive evasion of its rays gave Inez facial angles both peaceful and sinister.
Unlike the female sex’ mystery, the male member discouraged pleasant similes. Labia and flower petals were plainly exchangeable, if not outright complementary. Plenty of O’Keeffe’s confirmed that.
The penis, though, fixed metaphorically, well, what paeans did it inspire? Beginning in Paradise the penis, its associations, despite protestations of compulsion, was disreputable. Inez had photographed his with incipient menace.
Its calm repose fooled no one. Those misery scars streaking his hose indicated prior violence. Doubtlessly something it’d provoked. Probably something of the initially unspeakable excruciating variety. The kind which once they really thought about it might jar mindful viewers.
Joking, Farrell asked, ‘These aren’t going on the internet, are they?’
Inez turned. Her voice carried severe prognosis tones.
‘I’d hoped to speak to you about possible exhibition. In a gallery, not on some smutty web site. You see it’s still in discussion, a preliminary phase actually. Um, a compilation of recent works …’
‘Some of my …?’ he said.
Hurriedly Inez said, ‘Not just yours. Work from the past year.’
The irony struck Farrell as complete. Months ago he shifted heaven and earth to maintain a low profile. Since then life rendered caution unnecessary. Her suggestion of public display — in this case extreme public display! — intrigued him. It also frightened him. The exposure, the judgments, could either be rewarding or offer ridicule. Confident as he was of himself, Farrell’s was not the physique of some cut and buffed 20-something. Fit as he kept, his five decades lived-in body would be cropped, enlarged for minute evaluation.
Indecisive, Farrell stalled. ‘Um, I notice you don’t have any shots of my balls. Kind of incomplete without them, huh?’
Inez shook her uncombed tumble of hair. ‘I hate playing down any part of the body but scrotums and what they hold rarely get good responses.’
He asked why not.
‘Damned if I know,’ Inez said. ‘Damned if anybody knows. Maybe they remind too many people of figs. Or maybe they’re just ugly.’
‘Figs …?’ Farrell said.
‘Figs,’ she repeated helpfully. ‘Or ugly.’
‘I prefer ‘ugly’ to ‘figs,” Farrell said. ‘Even ‘big figs.”
Inez shrugged. ‘Who wouldn’t?’
Farrell chose risk. He allowed Inez use of his image. She squealed in delight and awkwardly hugged him. He nearly lost his balance. Finished smothering, Inez babbled something about ‘signing releases.’ He gently interrupted.
‘We don’t need any. You have my okay. We shake on it and that’s that.’
She looked at his hand as if it were an alien appendage. Her hand tentatively folded into Farrell’s.
Aware of her trepidation, feeling hesitancy through her grip, he added, ‘But, uh, if you need something ironclad legal, I’ll sign your papers when time comes. There will be no misunderstanding between us. It’s just other people we have to look out for.’
Relief eased across Inez’ face. She peered into his crotch. Although flagging somewhat Farrell’s cock retained sufficient anger. Inez unhitched her feet off the chair legs and swiveled 90°. He straightened before her.
Inez cupped his nuts in her unsure hands. In consoling tones she addressed Farrell’s testicles.
‘Sorry, boys, but you do nothing for me.’ That said, Inez bent forward slightly, gazed at him from waist level, slid palms along Farrell’s meat and coaxed bone from flesh. Stiffened, veins extended, scars prominent on skin, his dick in her grasp resembled a primitive weapon. Before sucking him, she rolled his rod against her cheeks and jaw.
She mouthed him a little at a time. Each ingress got inquisitive tongue swabs. Her surveys were thorough. Towards the end they became sloppy and loud.
Inez perched close-legged allowing him to inch closer
while she swallowed farther. Her own hands rested on the mass above his gluts. Sometimes her fingertips pinched his skin.
Before the pull that mashed his turtle into her throat, Farrell gently steadied himself upon her shoulders. His palms quickly moistened the loose fabric covering them.
Her draws on his cock were deliberate. So much so Farrell’s hot and heavy balls dripped sweat down Inez’ chin. The insides of his thighs began trembling during the thoughtful synchronization of her tongue, teeth and timing. He liked she brought him along agonizingly.
Mouth open, eyes closed, head tilting back, the sound of his own breathing reached Farrell’s ears. Her efforts matted drool on his pubic carpet. Trying to remain flatfooted he nonetheless arched towards Inez.
She’d revved him enough. Time to drive. Inez strengthened her pulls, picked up the pace. Her bobbing quickened and she suctioned more insistently.
Farrell squeezed his eyes shut, clenched his teeth and concentrated. Inez’ sucking cock was first-time splendid. He rewarded himself when one when long second mounted another. But so immersed in the present he lost count. Prolong it as he tried, Farrell succumbed to inevitability. His reserve burst.
Farrell’s seed leapt into Inez’ gratifying mouth. He groaned thankfully. Through his flood she maintained her fervor. Only when his spume weakened and his rigidity faltered did Inez slow her task. By the time her palms quit resting on Farrell’s lower back his cock had regained pliancy. His hamstrings barked too.
He stumbled backwards and opened his eyes. Sweat rolled off his forehead and stung sight. His fingers wiped away the wages of their exertion. Farrell looked down at Inez. She cleansed her mouth with sips of orange juice. Rather than spit she swallowed.
Farrell couldn’t remember the last woman who’d blown him minus latex who hadn’t spit. It’d been so long he figured either some high school homecoming queen or service time cooz angling for another really big tip last gulped his goo. Inez must’ve seen amazement in his face because she transformed tidying up into coquetry.
Lashes of her copper eyes finished batting, corner of lips daubed, their mixture of jizz, perspiration and saliva back-handed off her chin, Inez insisted he returned the favor:
‘Now kiss me!’
Joking as she was, hers remained the kind of request which had he been drinking would’ve spat through his nostrils. Even then crouched in night, dividing the unknown, Farrell grinned and shook his head at her precocity.
He liked Inez was serious but didn’t take herself with utmost seriousness. If she kept that up, she might could keep him interested. Scuffing feet along the street returned him to the present.
If Farrell strained, weak distant maquiladora lights vaguely outlined Maria’s head and shoulders. It must’ve been her. According to the plan, Grady dispatched her 30 minutes ahead of second shift change. Maria’s head start meant less likelihood of another homeward bound worker possibly falling victim.
Maria’s guardian himself had snuck into position an hour before her departure.
During preparations Farrell asked whether other hourly workers commonly used flashlights. Where the question never would’ve occurred to Grady, Farrell’s esteem grew in Maria’s eyes. He’d proven himself more than just another gringo.
No. The local poor didn’t carry flashlights. While such devices would’ve brightened journeys home, the money for batteries could’ve been better spent. Therefore, familiarity and sharp vision sufficed.
Though this wasn’t Maria’s barrio she resided in similar circumstances. To lessen the strangeness or maximize the uncertainty of her new surroundings and heightened conditions, Grady fed her a greenie. Should matters pan out, the amphetamine ought have overridden any fearful immobility. Farrell wanted her hair-triggered wired.
She clutched a whistle. The moment attack occurred reflexes should’ve prompted reaction, her alarm and his response. Unless of course this one night the killing method changed.
Leavening the night’s special situation, a boyhood friend of Farrell’s collected Maria at the factory gate then deposited her below where Farrell waited. Company collectivos usually gathered and disbursed workers, but one dropping off a single passenger instead of disgorging many might’ve struck wrong notes all over the place.
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A mottled carpet of leaves flew off the blacktop in the rear view mirror and then fluttered back to earth like butterflies descending on a field of sage. Just another hour, he thought. Brady turned his baseball cap around and depressed his right foot, the force of acceleration driving him deeper into his seat. With a push of a button, fresh air rushed into the cabin to the hum of a sliding glass panel. Brady didn’t know that the corners of his mouth had curled upward. He was hundreds of miles...
InterracialI had always been a closet cross dresser. For as long as I could remember I would sneak into my mom and sister's room when they weren't home and try on their clothes, make-up and jewelry. I would pretend I was woman, trying on different clothes and living my life as if I had been born a woman. I guess this is what made me susceptible to the disease in a way. My name is Jack Levitt and I attend community college. I am straight but just liked the idea of being a woman. It turned me on I...
Getting out of the shower, I run the towel down my clean, wet body. Even as I dry my skin, my body betrays me, and I can feel the moisture reappear between my legs. As you come into the bathroom, I smile. “Almost ready, kitten?” “Yes, Master.” You step behind me, your body aligning itself with mine. I am trying to brush the tangles from my hair as you take a step closer to me. “You can finish that in a minute. Pull your hair up and close your eyes, kitten. I have a surprise for you.” ...
BDSMNow, seeing the Earth in its entire splendor, as his little sister Himawari toured the castle of Toneri Otsutsuki carelessly, the boy had to retract his words. Still, since Boruto arrived he has learned nothing at all. The Otsutsuki was not much help either, and his parents spent more time in the room they were given than researching with the hamburger fanatic. "I don't even know where they are." Boruto mumbles, following his sister. Babysitting is not what he expected to do on the moon....
PrologueShe turned the radio off and looked at the dark afternoon sky. Almost at once the rain spattered on the windowpane and left tears shaped droplets. Tears; did she read somewhere that c***dren were told that rain was formed from the tears of angels crying for the sins of c***dren? Or did her mother tell her that in an effort to convince her to be good. She still believed in Angels but she had found more positive ways of being ‘good’, whatever that was. She crossed the room and opened a...
The sun had begun to set on another warm day which made the orange and yellow sky look pretty over the clear water. It reflected the beauty of the evening. In the time Kai had been here, it never failed to awe him. He looked around and saw small white figures walking in the distance. They were enjoying the ambiance of the peaceful scenery too but they did not approach or come his way and for that he was grateful. He stood on the decked balcony of his little beach cabin and turned back to the...
i had been in this forest with my family for a few months now and i pracdily new every iche of it. our cabin set on a hill out looking the forest below. i loved the sight of the moon on the water, at a younge age my greatest joy was looking at the moon. i had my dack painnt my room full of smbols and creature having to do with it. mermaid, unicorns and above all werewolves. i stood and made my way back to the cabin i was in view of my home when a branch broke only feet from me. now most of you...
A vampire can only reproduce on a Friday the 13th, under a full moon, and the female has to be a virgin. Passion, lust…love, it doesn’t matter the kind of fuck, as long as the female becomes impregnated. We’re prepared for it during our schooling, but it could happen at any age in our lives, provided we are sixteen or over, and that it’s the right date and moon cycle. Of course, we never get to choose who we fuck for the first time, it’s always the males who decide. My boyfriend planned to...
As his mind rose from the sweet numbness of unconciousness he noticed but one thing. Pain, the first thing he felt when he woke up was pain, both physical and emotional. His body felt as if it had been abused as a punching bag, he was sore all over. As his mind cleared he noticed that he could not recall what had happened to him. "Where... where am I?" As the young man carefully opened his icy blue eyes the first thing to greet him was the light of the Gibbous Moon shining on him. Beeing bathed...
As his mind rose from the sweet numbness of unconciousness he noticed but one thing. Pain, the first thing he felt when he woke up was pain, both physical and emotional. His body felt as if it had been abused as a punching bag, he was sore all over. As his mind cleared he noticed that he could not recall what had happened to him. "Where... where am I?" As the young man carefully opened his icy blue eyes the first thing to greet him was the light of the Gibbous Moon shining on him. Beeing bathed...
The day started like most other Saturdays. My husband and I worked around the house while the k**s played in the pool. At about noon, as I was making lunch my sister called me. She wanted us to come out to the beach, saying it was far too beautiful a day to waste working. She did make a lot of sense so after talking to my hubby we all changed into our swim wear and headed off to meet my sister at her beach.She was right. The beach was gorgeous. My husband boogie boarded with the boys...
When the moon hits just right, everything around you takes a turn, for the good or bad. It's hard to do, but when it happens you better watch out and be careful who bares witness of anything you might regret at a later time. Here is a story of the two couples who had a little too much fun during a full moon. It was about 10 p.m and the two couples, who was really buzzed, wanted something fun to do and just let loose. So Nikki, Kris, Kristy, and Megan decide to go swimming,but they didnt have a...
A half-hour later over one hundred from the shelter showed up in the parking lot in front of Lockheed’s building in Texas. “Oh, it’s warm and there’s no snow.” Jenny smiled as she took off her heavy jacket. “If you had a choice, where would you like to live?” John asked as they walked up to the steps to the big front door. “With you!” Jenny said. There at the door was Keven Humphreys, The new President of Lockheed International. “Mr. President.” Kevin shook hands with the...
“Well, we are well past GalNet range.” Circuit said sitting behind his console. He had insisted to come along, as this was a real Karthanian freighter and not my own marvelous ship disguised as one. I had contemplated taking the Tigershark, as the Janus mask could have been easily adjusted, but I wanted Har-Hi to have all its resources available, as I was convinced he had to face more than just old-fashioned atomic bombs. “Might be as well, Mr.Circuit. It will prevent me to call back every...
David Brennon sat with his glass of whiskey in hand, as the memory of her rolled painfully through his head and heart. He remembered her last day of life, what she looked like, how she smiled at him that morning as she left, and her scent. She was gone before his day had finished. An aneurysm had taken her, without warning or reason vibrant one moment and still the next. He took a long pull from the ice-laden glass and let it sear the pain from his heart. He lost faith with so many things in...
You lean back in your desk chair with a smile on your face, listening to my voice on the phone held to your ear. ‘Don’t work too hard, Darling.’ I say the words in a teasing voice, knowing you will. ‘I’ll be waiting for you when you get home.’ ‘Is that a promise?’ You ask me quietly. ‘You know it is.’ I sit in silence knowing you are thinking about what my promise might hold for you. ‘I’m counting on it, Baby. Leave the light on for me.’ You hang up the phone softly as your mind wonders...
A bolt of lightning lit up the window, illuminating the pouring rain outside. Audrey braced herself for the thunder that was sure to follow closely behind. Remembering back to her childhood, she counted the time between the lightning strike and the thunder crash aloud. “One… two… three… four….” Thunder boomed overhead, shaking the house, rattling the windows, and making Audrey jump even though she had been expecting it. Illuminated by the nearly full moon and the intermittent strikes of...
Monster SexYou're lying on the bed, blindfolded, and shivering in anticipation. Your hands and feet are tied to the bedposts, opening you up for me completely. You hear me walk in, rustling around, and you shudder, feeling excited, waiting for my touch. You feel half of the bed sink a little, and you know that I'm on the bed with you, ever so close. My breathing is slow and heavy. You then notice my breath on your neck, and I slowly, sensually, nibble your ear. I glance down and notice your nipples are...
Straight SexIsn’t it strange how when you least expect it, the unexpected happens in life. And so it was that I decided to cut my journey if half, en route to my annual holiday destination. The thousand mile drive would normally require getting up at four a.m. and only arriving after seven p.m., that evening. That’s why I figured that cutting the journey in half would simply make the experience far more enjoyable. I had also never stayed in the small town that served as the halfway point.Arriving at a...
Gay MaleWe were just cruising along the country roads out near my house, when we looked each other in the eyes. what I saw was the most beautiful face and the most beautiful brown intelligent eyes, I knew that she was growing tired of just going around in a grid pattern following roads. I switched my truck into four wheel drive so we could make it through this next spot that could have gotten us stuck. once we were through we found ourselves getting out of my truck. I left the music playing but very...
It was a hot summer's night in middle of August and I was walking back home from the shopping centre, walking along the pavement. I stopped suddenly and looked around me and saw just occasional vehicles driving past. I sensed someone behind me so I whirled around but nothing or noone was there.My heart was pounding against my chest as I slowly began to walk again when I heard the click click of someone's shoes on the pavement behind me. Once again, I whirled around and once again there was no...
SupernaturalYou lean back in your desk chair with a smile on your face, listening to my voice on the phone held to your ear."Don't work too hard, Darling." I say the words in a teasing voice, knowing you will. "I'll be waiting for you when you get home.""Is that a promise?" You ask me quietly."You know it is." I sit in silence knowing you are thinking about what my promise might hold for you."I'm counting on it, Baby. Leave the light on for me." You hang up the phone softly as your mind wonders what I...
Leo Moon By Naughty Venus Allow me to introduce myself. I’m Jo. I have this fetish I’d like to share with you, woman to woman. I form platonic relationships with heterosexual men so that they will tell me all about their sexual experiences with other women while I masturbate. Recently, my friend Bit had quite an interesting weekend down in Tennessee a few weeks back and here’s what he had to say. "I was working as a bus boy in a restaurant down in Tennessee back in 1986 when she walked in to...
Love StoriesFly me to the moon Let me play among the stars Let me see what spring is like On a-Jupiter and Mars In other words, hold my hand In other words, baby, kiss me Fill my heart with song And let me sing for ever more You are all I long for All I worship and adore In other words, please be true In other words, I love you Fill my heart with song Let me sing for ever more You are all I long for All I worship and adore In other words, please be true In other words, in other words I...
Benny and Rita, a mid-twenties couple, were classic friends-with-benefits. They’d met in a college science lab and found a number of common interests. They hadn’t even dated when Rita simply asked, “Are you busy tonight?” When Benny said he had no plans, he was a bit surprised with the question “Would you come over and fuck me then?” There was no thought process needed for his answer, having been in no intimate relationship for quite a while. He arrived at her dorm room on time and Rita...
My new wife was still somewhat of a mystery to me, even after dating a year and being married for six months. But women always had been anyway. This was different though. Every month, at the time of the full moon, she would go away at dusk and not return until daybreak, exhausted. She insisted on doing this and never with an explanation. She just said, “Trust me and love me.” I did and she seemed to really appreciate that. Finally, I couldn’t stand not knowing any more. I followed her as she...
It took a few minutes for both Daiyu to get dressed with a Xuanwu looking the other way. Sárkány went and put his armor back on. He unsheathed his sword when he was ready. Daiyu felt embarrassed at the lovemaking that took place to have a tortoise come walking in. Xuanwu promised not to tell anyone what happened. “Hmmm,” Xuanwu thought out loud. “Might not want to use the club since the doorway is narrow. We already got a dragon to take the fight up close. Might want to use the repeater...
So I spent most of my time reading. Since nobody bothered me they never knew that I always read erotic novels which I’d swipe from my cousin and legal guardian’s book case. He had so many; he’d never miss any if I took one at a time. My favorites were about taboos, forbidden arts of intercourse with animals, relatives, and on a fictional basis, creatures from other planets or dimensions. Currently I was reading one about this vampire guy seducing this love struck teen. Think of it as an...
My fiancé Ben is taking a nap with Luna sleeping on his chest after spending most of today on an extension-ladder painting the intricate gingerbread work on the second story of our house. Luna is our four month old female beagle puppy, we bought her to celebrate our engagement. Goodness, our little dog follows Ben everywhere. Luna would have climbed up the ladder to be with him if she could, they look so precious sleeping like this. I need to wake Ben soon, we plan to shower together before...
Fly Me to the Moon -or- The Great Doritos Bandito Caper Copyright© 2010 by Stultus Synopsis: Deputy Rick Dawson knew that someone (the infamous Doritos Bandito) was stealing trucks full of the tasty junk food — but why? Little did he realize that in order to solve this mystery he’d have to spend a night dancing under the stars. A short screwy tale of love and tasty triglycerides. Sex contents: Some Sex Genre: Romantic Science Fiction Codes: Slow, MF, Alien Anal Probes Originally Posted...
Once In A Blue MoonBy: Londebaaz Chohan“Just shut up, bitch. I have always fucked you hard and long but not today. I have another important appointment to keep and I have decided to finish you rather early”. This was Prof. Murphy talking to his assistant teacher Mr. Edgar Vanesa. “But Prof. you are killing me, what the fuck; you are not giving me time to adjust for your god forsaken length and the girth”. Whispered Edgar as Prof Murphy had him bent over the arm of the office sofa and rammed his...