Aphrodisia Ch. 02 free porn video

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A few hours after he fell to sleep Jamie Sloane opened his eyes to find himself flying. High over the village and the surrounding countryside he soared upward toward the thick dark clouds above. The water stored in those clouds started to drench him to the bone and he found it odd that his balls weren’t about to drop off considering how cold it must have been up there. Still, despite the immense height, thick rain clouds and English weather he was comfortably warm. Finding no other option since he couldn’t control his prolific ascent toward the heavens, Jamie resigned himself to go wherever he was going.

The nineteen year old strangely found that he didn’t mind too much that he was hurtling up toward the upper atmosphere. In all honesty he wasn’t thinking about it a great deal. It was almost as if he were in some kind of trance. Eventually he popped up into a large cavern within the clouds. The recess was surrounded by nebulous walls that were constantly moving into odd new shapes. Perched upon one of these wisps of vapour was a figure he recognised.

It was Allison, still dressed in her bar-maid outfit with the tablecloth tucked into the hem of her skirt. When he popped up she turned her head and patted the space beside her causing tufts of the cloud to escape and dissipate into the air. She turned her perfect head to look at Jamie and flashed him a dazzling smile. The boy floated over and took his seat in the sky next to the stunning beauty. It felt like he was sitting in a whole lot of cotton wool. After sitting down next to her he found that his face was flushed with colour. He remembered all of his clothing had been left back down on earth in Sonya’s room so he was a little self conscious.

‘Hey sweetie.’ Allison purred. ‘How was she?’

‘What? H-how do you know about…?’ The question trailed off as the boy regarded the woman like she might explode at any minute.

‘Don’t be shy Jamie. I know everything you got up to tonight. Oh and well done!’ She gave him an approving pat on the back before stroking her hand down along all those muscles that had taken root there apparently overnight. ‘Nice. You know I didn’t think you’d take to them so fast. What was I saying?’ She asked no one in particular. ‘Oh! That’s right! Well done on getting rid of that little virginity problem you had. You know, I knew Sonya had a wild woman locked inside her but even I wouldn’t have guessed she was that wild.’ Her legs were hanging from the edge of their thick cloudy seat. He noticed she’d taken off her boots and her bare feet were swishing back and forth beneath them, breaking up the cloud into ethereal wisps. They interlaced with her toes as she dallied with them and left him to form a response.

‘I…Hey wait a second here. That was supposed to be you in that room! You set me up didn’t you?’ Jamie accused. Then after a moment he added. ‘And what do you mean by you didn’t think I’d take to them so fast?’ The boy looked a lot more puzzled than angry at her. He’d also started to wonder just what the hell they were doing sat in the middle of a cloud. People didn’t sit in the middle of clouds dammit!

Allison seemed to notice that he’d started piecing what was currently happening together. Taking the tip of his chin into her hand she turned his head to face her and pressed her mouth against his. The scintillating nature of her slightest touch was magnified a hundred fold by her kiss. Jamie found this out and immediately lost all concern for his cloud sitting. Before he could put his arms around her however she relaxed the kiss and pulled away. Jamie seemed a little stupefied after that and his eyes remained closed and mouth pursed whilst he tried to regain his bearings.

‘Sorry about that Jamie. You were waking up and I’m not ready to let you go just yet.’ The ‘waking up’ comment didn’t have time to register in Jamie’s brain. She didn’t want to let him go! That’s all that was important to the boy right then. He regained enough of his sense and calm to speak again.

‘Why weren’t you there?’ He asked, slightly hurt that she’d tricked him.

Allison looked right into his eyes for a long moment. Something in that enchanting stare of hers seemed conflicted until she finally looked away. ‘Jamie didn’t you ever wonder how I knew your name before you told it to me?’

‘Nope’ Jamie replied honestly. Though now he thought about it he hadn’t told her his name that night. Before he could think to ask her why that was however, she told him.

‘I’m a goddess.’ She stated very matter-of-factly.

‘Darn right you are!’ Jamie confirmed, taking a moment to look down over that perfectly proportioned body of hers.

Allison actually blushed at that little comment. ‘No you silly, I mean I’m a real goddess.’

This gave Jamie a moment’s pause before he answered. It wasn’t everyday you met a crazy person who lived in a cloud after all.

‘Ok, so why are you cleaning tables? I mean I didn’t know goddesses were such micromanagers.’ He asked the question in the most serious tone he could muster.

‘Hey!’ Allison turned and prodded him sharply in the side with her finger. Jamie shooed the finger away with his hand. He was very ticklish. ‘I was cleaning the tables so I could meet you. You let me out of my bottle so I wanted to see what kind of person you were.’ She responded, turning her head to look down as the cloud beneath them divided to reveal they were currently floating over a large city. It was London. He recognised the Thames snaking its way through the middle of it. They sure had come a long way in a short time. He’d been in York when he flew out the window after all.

‘Were you the nice smell that came out of the bottle?’ Jamie asked using the kind of logic one tends to only when they’re dreaming.

‘I was. I’m glad you liked it.’ She said, her smile returning as if he’d paid her a very flattering comment. Seeing the woman smile made Jamie smile too but he didn’t really know why. Then something occurred to him and his expression changed to a slightly annoyed one.

‘I was stood there for five hours!’ He exclaimed. ‘I couldn’t feel my hands or my feet I was that cold!’

‘Well…well you should have thought of that before you opened the vial!’ The stunning little goddess suddenly seemed overly defensive. Folding her arms beneath her breasts she turned and faced away from him.

There was a long moment of silence between the two and it didn’t seem like it was going to lift until Allison lowered her head a little.

‘I’m sorry. I was just really happy to be out of there. I mean you try living in a glass vial for over a millennium, it’s not very nice. I just couldn’t resist pouring out all at once. I wanted to feel the world again instead of just cold glass.’ She lowered her hands to slip into the fluffy clouds at her sides and turned her head to look at him again. He was surprised to see her eyes glistening with tears. Feeling his heart start to plummet back down to earth he reached out instinctively to put his arm around her shoulders. She leaned in against him but she didn’t cry. ‘Thanks Jamie. After I regained my senses I realised you were stood there and I had basically frazzled you. Gods shouldn’t pass through humans. It’s really not good for you. So it took a little while to fix you up right again, with a few improvements of course. After I did I made myself a body, which took me some time, before I went to go see you at the inn. I wanted to see if you were a good person.’ She rubbed her cheek against his shoulder and a little happy smile came back to her lips. ‘You were a good person. I also noticed you were down on your luck though and very lonely. So I introduced you to Sonya and fanned the flames of desire between the both of you. Well you did most of that actually…’

‘Wait…you’re saying I made Sonya sleep with me?’ Jamie’s voice had a hint of panic in it. If he’d just turned into some kind of rapist he was going to throw himself off the next bridge he hap
pened to come across.

‘No!’ Allison’s eyes opened wide in shock. Clearly the very idea of forcing someone into sex was highly disturbing to her. ‘Jamie I wouldn’t let you go around raping innocent women!’ She reached out and took his hands in hers, looking into his eyes again very seriously before she spoke.

‘I’m Arianrhood, Sjöfn, Venus, Aphrodite…every goddess associated with love or fertility ever known is usually born of someone catching me doing what I do.’ Allison explained to him. ‘I encourage love. I fan the flames of desire and let people who are good for each other feel free to do what their hearts want. You’re good for Sonya. She wanted you too, all she needed was a little push. She was basically emotionally blackmailed into having sex with a college boyfriend. He took her virginity and then ran off to the hills when he heard she was pregnant.’ Allison then leaned back before spitting up into the air in a very un-ladylike manner. Jamie thought that was a little gross even as he watched it hurtle down to earth. ‘That’s going to hit him on the head on his way home from work.’ Allison said with a rather evil smirk. Then she looked back over to Jamie and continued her story. ‘Anyways after him Sonya just lost faith in love and hid behind those big brown woollen sweaters of hers and the huge glasses too. She’s had a bit of a crush on you for a while though but wouldn’t let herself act on it. So I got you two naked together and then gave her that little push. Let her overcome her fear for a little while and she got her faith in men restored and you got laid. I’d call that a win for everyone.’ Allison finished talking, looking down again at the city below them and starting to swing her legs back and forth once more.

‘So wait sec here…’ Jamie pinched the upper part of his nose and closed his eyes as he took in all this new information and tried to figure it all out. ‘…you’re a real goddess. Aphrodite or whoever…’

‘You can call me Allison sweetie.’ The woman said, leaning in to give him an affectionate kiss on the cheek.

‘Allison then…and you just got me and Sonya to live happily ever after because I let you out of that old Roman glass bottle?’ Jamie privately thought his life had certainly got a lot weirder in the past day.

‘Yep! Well I suppose whether or not you live happily ever after is up to you Jamie. See I can’t do nearly as much as I used to and the world needs more love. I’ve only been out of there a couple of hours but no one seems to trust each other anymore. Men and women often miss a good thing when it’s staring them in the face. They go after people that they’re told have to be interesting because they have a motorbike or they wear the right clothes rather than the ones they actually find interesting in the first place. They marry for security or convenience or even because they just don’t think they can find anyone more suited to them. So you’re going to be given a little power of your own and we’ll see if you can make love a little more commonplace in this modern world of yours. Sex is supposed to mean something sweetie. It’s not meant to be used to sell cars, clothes or bloody coffee mugs. It’s also not just a pastime, no matter how much people like to pretend it is.’ Allison finished her little speech and then seemed to notice something down on the earth miles beneath them.

‘Oh crap is that the time!? You should be getting back Jamie.’ The goddess looked at him with those starry blue eyes of hers. Then her eyes fell down into his lap where his cock was standing up to attention. Jamie found it was very difficult being anywhere near Allison without getting an erection. ‘Spread that love around sweetie. Sonya won’t mind if you fuck other women…no woman ever will. Just please don’t be an asshole about it.’ Allison then scooted a little closer to him and her left arm snaked around his shoulders whilst her right fell into his lap.

He gasped as he felt the woman’s delicate fingers wrap around his shaft. Then he heard a giggle of pleasure right by his ear and felt her warm wet tongue lick his earlobe. A sweet familiar scent filled his nostrils and he was going to speak up to ask more questions until her soft hand gently started caressing his cock. At first he felt only the tips of her fingers pass against the firm helmet one at a time. Then those fingers fastened around his hardened shaft and slowly started to stroke along its length. She had soon coaxed a trickle of sticky white precum out of the tip to trickle over her fingers. He shut his eyes tight, the pleasure was unlike anything he’d ever felt. Unlike the previous night with Sonya he had no control over the intense feeling her touch brought with it. Then finally he felt her kiss his neck and heard her whisper something in his ear.

‘Wake up’

Jamie opened his eyes to find himself back at the inn. The whole thing had been a dream. Oh god what a dream though! Thinking that he was sure to have messed up his sheets he moved his hands up to wipe the sleep from his eyes. Who would have thought that of all the women in the world he could have sex-dreamt about that Sonya Vickers was the one he’d pluck out of the ether? He had to admit she’d been amazing in the dream though. Of course he’d never stand a chance with her in real life…probably couldn’t get her to take those glasses off. Then there was that gorgeous sex goddess too. If only he’d managed to stay asleep long enough to get a shot with her. Well he supposed he had better fish around for his clothes and prepare for another day of picking at freezing wet mud. Oh joy. Then he looked down and realised that his backpack wasn’t there beside the bed where he’d left it. Neither was his wallet or his watch! He’d been robbed!

And who the bloody hell was humming that cheerfully at this time in the morning!?

Jamie turned his head to see Sonya stood at the mirror in some skin hugging little under-shorts. She had a content smile on her face whilst she put in some earrings and hummed along to a tune she’d discovered somewhere in the back of her mind. Jamie watched that gorgeous round ass of hers bounce along to the beat beneath the little shorts.

Ok so he wasn’t dreaming and they were both still in her room. That was why his things weren’t there. They were still in his room down the hall. He’d spent all night thoroughly pleasuring this gorgeous hidden jewel of sex appeal and then he’d dreamt about Allison all night. He wasn’t deluding himself now after all. He didn’t, however, rule out the idea that he might have died and gone to heaven.

He was admiring her long tanned legs thinking that they might have gotten a shade of darker, richer bronze since the previous evening when she noticed he was awake.

‘Hey there lover,’ She said with a cute little smile after she’d turned around. Her small breasts gave a little bounce as they faced him. ‘you kept me up all night long. It’s one in the afternoon. The rest of the group will wonder what we’ve been up to all morning.’ She slipped back onto the bed. The sheets were ruffled from the previous evening’s exploits. They’d had to throw the quilt off the bed since it was so wet with sweat and cum and just use the under-sheet. ‘I think I’ll say I discovered a long, thick phallic object amongst the student’s discoveries. It looks to have been made back in the nineteen eighties of a unique substance that has the properties of both rubber and steel.’ Her smile was highly mischievous as her hand slipped under the sheet to touch what was currently beneath the tent he’d made around his crotch. ‘I’d say steel at the moment.’

Jamie laughed and caught the slight glimmering of one of her earrings. He reached out to slip her silky dirty blonde hair behind her ear to see it better.

‘They were my mum’s.’ She explained before he could ask her where she’d got them. ‘I usually keep them in my bag as a kind of good luck charm I guess.’

‘They look good on you. You should wear them more often.’ He said. A slight tint of colour flushed through h
er cheeks. Turning on his side Jamie leaned forward and kissed her good morning. Their lips met and melded into a slow smouldering greeting that lasted a few minutes longer than he’d probably intended it to. Still if you were going to waste time he decided that was definitely the best way to do it.

After they kissed each other good morning Sonya planted two other kisses on his neck and chest. Her silky lips felt great against his skin and he watched her as she pulled the bed sheets over her head. Of course he could still see the ‘bump’ of her head beneath the sheets. He gave a little chuckle at her playfulness this morning that turned into a groan as he felt her hot breath on the tip of his cock.

The breath was soon accompanied by a warm wet tongue gently teasing at his cockhead as she tasted it for the first time. Jamie’s breathing started to get a little heavier, his heart beating faster in his anticipation of his first blowjob. What Jamie didn’t know was that this was her first time at this too. After the previous night she had wanted to taste his cum since the stuff smelled so damn good. It wasn’t as if it was a perfume or anything but instead it reminded her more of an appetising meal cooking on the stove. By the time he’d slipped out of her for the last time that night however she couldn’t move she was that exhausted, let alone do anything else.

With the sheet pulled over her head Jamie couldn’t see what she was up to. He could only feel her breath gently blowing against his length and her tongue occasionally lick at the tip.

‘Sonya, that feels so good.’ He encouraged her with the compliment. Soon after he gave it he felt her lips give the end of his length a playful kiss before wrapping around the shaft. If it wasn’t for his new self control skills he would have shot his load right into her mouth there. Still he concentrated and the intense pleasure she was causing in his dick maintained instead of overflowing. The entire head of his cock sank down into her mouth. He felt the light touch of her teeth for a moment before she opened wide to suck a few more inches to rest against her tongue. More of his cock was sucked up between those hungry lips of hers until he felt the entrance to her throat. She gagged immediately, not being able to deepthroat and not knowing how much she could take. He felt her breathing heavily around his shaft and slid his hands under the sheets to let his fingers stroke through her hair reassuringly.

She might have stopped then and mounted him since she was a little embarrassed that she could only take two thirds of his dick into her mouth. Wanting to give him as much pleasure as he’d given her the previous evening, she continued to suckle on him for a little while longer. Then she tasted something unlike she’d ever tasted before against her tongue. It was the most delicious, juiciest, thickest, stickiest hottest drink she’d ever had. The taste was indescribable, one moment she could almost swear it was strawberries, then chocolate, then honey, then whiskey but it was never quite any of those things. That was when the light sucking noises that Jamie had been hearing turned downright obscene. As she drank more and more of the steady trickle of his precum from his long hard dick she started to feel a familiar itch deep inside the hot pink folds of her pussy.

Jamie now had a fist of her hair in one hand and a fist of the bed sheet in the other. Moving his hand along with her head as it bobbed up and down against his crotch. She’d started sucking in a way that he felt she might suck his balls right out of his cock. It felt incredible in itself but her tongue was also furiously alternating between licking at the slit of his dick and teasing out more of his cum by swirling over the sensitive spot on the underside of its mushroom shaped head.

Jamie pulled the sheet aside to reveal the gorgeous mother of two giving him an incredible blowjob. Her eyes were closed tightly as she sucked on his hard-on with vigour. One of her hands reached up to grab his thigh and steady herself whilst her other reached beneath. She slipped her fingers beneath the hem of those little shorts of hers and started rubbing her pussy. The itch had evolved into a full blown inferno of arousal by now. Seeing the lewd display of the gorgeous slender woman sucking up his cum made him groan.

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Don't let the tital fool you, it's no game , at least to me. My wife has always cuckolded me our entire marrage. She had sex when ever and with who ever she wished. At first I had no idea I was a cuckold. I just thought my blonde hair blue eyed wife was extra sexy. She always dressed sexy , acted sexy, and even flirted with most of my friends. My house was a popular hang out. It wasn't strange for me to come home from work and see one of my buddy's truck in the drive way. When I went in the...

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Fatmans Slave

FAT MAN?S SLAVE FAT MAN?S SLAVE ??????? It all happened one day when I was walking to school which I am a freshman 13 years old and 110 lbs, 5 ft 2 inches tall. I had only been I n school for 2 months and had walked the 8 blocks cutting through an alley to my eye I saw all kinds of house hold stuff on the ground I look up at the window above me the window was broken. I knew then that I should have ran but I figured that I would see if any one was hurt in side as I slowly walked to the...

3 years ago
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Ties That Bind

Marcus Avilius looked up from the scroll he was deciphering when the woman walked into the room. It was tedious work pulling the hidden messages from the benign looking scrolls, and the fact that the messages were routine status reports made it all the more droll. He probably should have taken a break hours ago, but duty pushed him to finish the work. He certainly did not need the distraction that the woman would likely cause. The woman walked to him without a word. With a knowing smile, her...

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Getting bred by Baron

This K9 experience was with my first full-time partner [after leaving home]. I was in my late twenties at the time and living in a small house in the country. I was looking for a dog; friends told me about someone who wanted to give away a larger than normal, four year old, Siberian Husky because they just couldn’t take care of him. I made arrangements to go look at him and meet the people one day.These were people that didn’t deserve to have a dog; especially one like Baron. I found him in...

4 years ago
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The Awakening Part IV

The Awakening By Michele Nylons Part Four - Michele Returns The woman is slim. She is wearing a cerise satin blouse, black leather skirt and black high-heeled pumps. Flesh-toned fully-fashioned stockings sheath her long well defined legs. She is wearing a blonde bob, her bangs direct your gaze to heavily madeup eyes, and she's wearing glistening ruby-red lipstick. She is mature but sexy in a sluttish sort of way. She lowers her face to a semi-tumescent penis and slowly takes...

2 years ago
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Two gay teens My first fuck

We walked back to his house after school like we had had a few times before. After finding each other, our afternoons together were spent sucking each other's cocks and exploring each other’s young bodies. Everything is so new and exciting when you are young. As we got closer to his house, he stopped talking, not that we ever talked a lot, but I could tell something was on his mind. No one was home, like normal and we found ourselves in his room again. He didn’t talk, but took off his clothes...

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Couple makes mistakes in Vegas

This story happened to me (us) at the end of June in Las Vegas. I am nervous and a little on edge. I was told by a friend to write it out and submit it to this site and another one like it. He feels that others on this site may have gone through something similar and would be able to give advice and feedback over what to do about all of the surreal events. My name is Mitch and my wife's name is Megan. We are from Ohio and have been married for 5 years . We have 2 boys ages 4 and 2 and our...

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The One

I was horny and buzzed from something I’d smoked earlier. Really horny. And looking for something, though I didn’t yet know what it would be. For me that’s part of the fun: not knowing, that excitement you get from not being sure what will get you off. So I searched through the rooms, spending some time in a few that interested me, but having trouble finding the One, that one that would put me over the edge. Of course, it’s not always possible to find the One, but I almost always find something...

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Dads Physical by His Lady Doctor

My Dad has been a very healthy man much of his life. Therefore he did not have a doctor that he called his own for much of his life. He often told me that he was a very sickly child and must have had every cold and virus that a body could have and become immune to them. So it was rare for him to even go to a doctor. When he was about 40 he had an injury on his job that resulted in a cut to his finger that required a visit to the hospital for stitches. He then had to follow up that with visits...

1 year ago
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Cruising the Mediterranean

Through the open porthole the moonlight beams in. She’s full tonight and hanging heavy near the horizon, slowly pulling up as the night begins. I move towards the opening and catch the breeze blowing in. The moon sparkles on the water as I look out over the seascape. As I breathe in the fresh sea air, I also catch another scent, one of flowers and spice, coming down the outside of the ship and finding me. Slipping me into a little ecstasy from the way the scent soaks right through me, deep...

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jerk of routine turned into webcam fun

Hi sorry for my English wanted share a small fun of mine.it was December and finished collage for holidays did not plane anywhere to go so was home alone. Went out for some drinks saw some lovely ladies which made me horny I did not get any luck so head back home horny. i took my clothes off was walking around the house fully naked which made me even more horny wanted bust the load .planed of jerking off watching some porn instead wanted to try something new went online for a webcam chat .i...

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Mothers Manifesto Centre Of The StormChapter 2

I had spent a couple hours in the mall by myself - brooding and thinking, hating myself, hating my life. After the mall closed I made my way by skateboard to the back of the house, parking myself between two large garbage bins and waited in that dark cold alley. It was like Jason had explained, it was dark and empty as promised. He had even given me a slip of paper with the fucking alarm code on it. Too easy. Gord had reminded me to wear gloves and all I had was my old baseball batting...

3 years ago
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The Devils Pact Sidestory Mary and Diane in the Bathroom

Note: This takes place in Chapter 6 while Mark and Mary are eating dinner at the Japanese Steakhouse. There were still hours to kill before I made my Pact with the Devil, tonight. And I was nervous as hell. Mark suggested Samurai's Japanese Steakhouse out on Mountain Highway in Spanaway as a pleasant way to take my mind off my worries. The closer to midnight the worst my nerves became. I didn't think I could eat, but it sounded better than doing nothing. On the outside, the restaurant...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Abella Danger Big Booty Heavyweight Abella Danger Takes An Outdoor Anal Blasting

Jules Jordan gets Abella Danger’s ass poolside in this booty bonanza that blinds. The scene fades in on a folded Abella applying copious amounts of oil to her grand gluteus (By the way, it’s a shame somehow that Abella’s ass is so spectacular. It can cause you to forget that she has tremendous, perky natural tits and a sly, fresh face). The neon green nets and string thong are loud but can’t compete with that Danger donka-donk. Once her ass is fully sheened, Jules has Abella begin a booty...

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Episode 111 a vanilla weekend

Hi my name is Amy, I’m roughly nineteen and a student at Southampton. My boyfriend Will is away for the weekend, and I’m already getting frustrated. You may know my big sister Annie, better known as Anna Dominatrix, who always loved to boss me around when we were younger.My first memory of watching her having sex, other than masturbation - which we always did together under the bedclothes, was when she brought a girlfriend home from school.They were naked in the back garden - I don’t think...

4 years ago
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AnnetteChapter 19

They lay spooned together, both naked with Harry's hand cradling her breast. Harry fell asleep almost immediately but Annette could not. Emotionally and physically drained, her brain was still whirling. She was clean. The thought went round and round in her head. She had known she was. Her mother had told her so. Sharon had very forcefully told her so and she acknowledged that they were right but she still had not quite believed it. But Harry had proved it. He had kissed her 'down there'....

4 years ago
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Champagne For Two

Every fiber of my being stands on edge, leaving me floating through the livingroom as I light the candles. Thoughts of my husband brought me to this deliciously heightened state of arousal. The things I am about to do go beyond the mere sensuality of love making. They are the kind of dirty, naughty thoughts a woman usually doesn't share outside the confines of her boudoir.For twelve, wonderful years, my husband has made me happier than I could have ever imagined. I knew he was the one, even on...

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It was now towards the end of the school year. My gymn teacher Miss Crawford asked me if I want to help her coach a girl's soft ball team. Since I harboured a little crush on her I immediately said yes. The thought of spending time with her made me dizzy. It became the primary fantasy while I masturbated in the bath tub, while my older brother Nick pounded on the door demanding that I stop hogging the bathroom. Since I shared a room with my younger sister Alicia I had no real privacy. Under the...

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Snake Part 10

Snake 10 ? by: Beverly Taff Jackie and Ellie shared the driving to Seattle whilst Sissy sat securely strapped by the seatbelt in the back seat. She realised fearfully, that the straps were necessary for she could not have sat upright unsupported for long. Despite the essential support of her corset, her slender back and wasp waist would have soon tired from the frequent winding bends and lateral forces to her unsupported spine. Without the support of the harness, she would have...

3 years ago
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The Determined Man Part 7

Sorry for the huge delay in posting this update. Having thought I was near the end of the story and having said that Part 6 was the penultimate part, I then found that I had a lot more to write than I thought. I decided to wait until everything was actually finished before posting any more. We are now at that place, so here is Part 7. There will be 11 parts in total, so four more after this. I'll try to post a new one every few days. Chapter 16 He was immaculate. There was not a...

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Maries First DP

It was just a regular meet with Eric ( Mr. Thick)as he comes through on business every so often , Eric is our young friend whom we meet up with at times to play with and share my wife with , Marie my wife enjoys the fact that he has stamina is good looking and has a thick cock which fills her up nicely and makes her squirt.This time we had arranged to meet at hotel in our downtown area since Eric was staying nearby but there were no rooms available in his hotel , I got off work early that day...

1 year ago
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Boned By My Big Brothers

I stepped out of my small car and grabbed my shopping bags. I headed toward the little blue beach house that Mom and Dad had left me and my three older brothers last year before their tragic deaths from the boating accident. I didn't want to think about that, though. When I got inside and rushed upstairs to my room, I stopped in shock and accidentally dropped my bags on the floor. My big brothers relaxed on my bed, completely naked and stroking their big cocks while smirking at me. They were...

2 years ago
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Campervan Chapter 2

Before Kate Windsor reached her campervan, the darkness was lit up by a blinding flash; a bolt of lightning! Then came a bone-shuddering clap of thunder! The Diner block had been hit and began to burn! The wind continued to batter the place and Kate was transfixed as she witnessed a part of the diner collapse! She saw some people coming away from the mess of the building too! She made her way toward a small group of people who had gathered there. One of them was Winston, a tall well-built...

1 year ago
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Dealing With Aunt Delilah

Dealing With Aunt Delilah By Eric Who was inspired by Dale's great picture and caption. Chapter 1 Her Aunt Delilah was smiling sweetly at her as she approached Janet with the scissors but the old woman had a dreadful eagerness behind the smile. Why had she agreed to such madness? WHY? Janet wondered. Janet's mind flashed back a week ago when her father called her and her mother and two brothers into his study. To their surprise they found him almost tearing his head...

3 years ago
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Loss That Was A Gain

A soft story that builds up the heat! It was my twelfth birth anniversary and my father had brought some gift for me and asked where I would like to go for dinner. It was usual because he was the only parent that I had. My mom died in childbirth, thereon I was raised by my father with the help of a widow Neelam, who was in charge of our house and had arrived with my mom as a ‘dowry’. She was the only dowry that my father had accepted. Till he lived he used to call her ‘Dahej’ (the Dowry). My...

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At school, she was a very popular girl, head cheerleader, and dated the football team captain. She was always getting stared at by all the boys because she had grown so much in the past year. Just last year, she had knobby knees and was flat chested. This year, she had blossomed. Her first menstrual cycle came during the summer. Her mother had rented a limousine, and had taken her to a very fancy restaurant and bought her a new wardrobe. “Now that you are becoming a woman, you need to act and...

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10 Book OneChapter 5

Lucy Maddison looked at the report and said, "Shit!" It was not a ladylike exclamation but it presented her feelings adequately. Nancy Paddock said, "We have to tell Sheila." "I know but we just can't phone Stethbridge or even use Sheila's cell. You better use your cell and invite Sheila to a birthday party." "Ok." Two hours later, Sheila phoned Lucy. "Hello, Honey. What's so important?" "Can we talk?" "Yes we can, Dear." "We got our first case of possible brain...

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Lady Ariadne Punishes

The events in this story are true. They happened over 10 years ago, but it’s still a very fond memory. “Lady Ariadne” and I remain friends, though not a couple. My girlfriend, Ariadne, and I practiced S + M with me usually in the dominant role. When I spanked her just right, she orgasmed, a tremendous turn on for both of us. On the occasions I was the submissive, I’ve always hoped to come while being spanked. Ariadne and I had the best sexual couplings either of us has ever experienced. At the...

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Paris Passion at the Pluriel

We were back in Paris. It had been year since we were last here and had visited a few of the echangiste swingers clubs. The Overside had been our favourite. We had a lot of fun there and we were up for more this time. We had noticed the Pluriel Club around the corner from where we were staying and I checked it out on the web. It looked good so, with a plan in mind, Tom and I headed down there one night. It was quite busy when we arrived and we wandered around checking out the crowd. A mixed...

2 years ago
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Damsel in Need Lena

Brad and Lena were thrown together on a project to implement a new security system. Lena worked for the company, whilst Brad was an employee of the supplier. They were also years apart in age - he was 55 years old, and she was 23. She was single, and he was married. Lena was a petite blonde - just 5ft tall with a beautifully proportioned body having curves in all the right places. When Brad arrived, a number of the company’s staff wished him luck - after about the sixth person he asked “Why...

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The Visitors 3

July 4th (Independents Day) 12:30 AM. Kim never made it back to work, after four hours of a fuck fest there was no way she could go back to work. So all four of his decided to go swimming in the pool of course nude, nothing to hide or be bashful. All of has seen what each of us have, me an above average cock when hard about 10 inches long, Kim has very nice but a little small tits for my taste her breasts are 32 C. Amber and Ashley have breasts that are just perfect 34 C. All three of...

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ManuelFerrara Bella Rolland Takes Manuels Thick Cock Up Her Tight Ass

Manuel brings us another great POV scene featuring Bella Rolland. We open to their hotel room and Bella is already standing and grinding on Manuel’s french roll. Ferrara is no dip though, as he immediately turns the trollup around and plants his bread between her big buns. Bella has a bod worth the closeup camera angles. Her booty rumbles and waves when Manuel is underneath or behind. Miss Rolland gives her asshole up to Ferrara and we get a magnificent view of her twat and thighs as...

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NubileFilms Fiona Frost I Will Be Waiting

Fiona Frost is all alone and really wanting her boyfriend, Tyler Nixon, to keep her company. She invites Tyler over and then waits for him to join her. She passes the time by dolling herself up in a matching bra and thong, and by applying just a touch of makeup to really highlight all her cutest features. By the time Tyler arrives, Fiona is definitely ready to go. She gives him a bit of a striptease, playing up the way her bra makes her big boobs stand out even more and the way her ass looks...

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Before the EnergistsChapter 5 Sharp Dressed Man

Fitness for Boomers, Tuscaloosa, AL Mid-Afternoon, January 8, 2003 We departed Fitness for Boomers about three-twenty-five in the afternoon. Before we left, Kaleigh actually gave me a physically tangible birthday gift. After she pulled on her skin tight blue-jeans and pink cashmere sweater, sans a bra, she told me to wait while she ran out to the welcome desk. I had my socks and Marvin boxers on, and was half-heartedly looking for my tanned pants and South Carolina polo when she came back...

2 years ago
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What Happens in CarcosaChapter 6

I awoke the following morning with a painfully sore head at the mouth of a cave not far from Carcosa. My rifle and pistol were both still with me and I didn't sense any danger at all as I slowly and carefully walked down towards the town. My assailants were apparently gone and with only a cursory scan of the surrounding hills I somehow knew that for now I was all alone. The town had once again been burned to the ground, this time with gasoline, including all of the mobile home trailers of...

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