- 2 years ago
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A few hours after he fell to sleep Jamie Sloane opened his eyes to find himself flying. High over the village and the surrounding countryside he soared upward toward the thick dark clouds above. The water stored in those clouds started to drench him to the bone and he found it odd that his balls weren’t about to drop off considering how cold it must have been up there. Still, despite the immense height, thick rain clouds and English weather he was comfortably warm. Finding no other option since he couldn’t control his prolific ascent toward the heavens, Jamie resigned himself to go wherever he was going.
The nineteen year old strangely found that he didn’t mind too much that he was hurtling up toward the upper atmosphere. In all honesty he wasn’t thinking about it a great deal. It was almost as if he were in some kind of trance. Eventually he popped up into a large cavern within the clouds. The recess was surrounded by nebulous walls that were constantly moving into odd new shapes. Perched upon one of these wisps of vapour was a figure he recognised.
It was Allison, still dressed in her bar-maid outfit with the tablecloth tucked into the hem of her skirt. When he popped up she turned her head and patted the space beside her causing tufts of the cloud to escape and dissipate into the air. She turned her perfect head to look at Jamie and flashed him a dazzling smile. The boy floated over and took his seat in the sky next to the stunning beauty. It felt like he was sitting in a whole lot of cotton wool. After sitting down next to her he found that his face was flushed with colour. He remembered all of his clothing had been left back down on earth in Sonya’s room so he was a little self conscious.
‘Hey sweetie.’ Allison purred. ‘How was she?’
‘What? H-how do you know about…?’ The question trailed off as the boy regarded the woman like she might explode at any minute.
‘Don’t be shy Jamie. I know everything you got up to tonight. Oh and well done!’ She gave him an approving pat on the back before stroking her hand down along all those muscles that had taken root there apparently overnight. ‘Nice. You know I didn’t think you’d take to them so fast. What was I saying?’ She asked no one in particular. ‘Oh! That’s right! Well done on getting rid of that little virginity problem you had. You know, I knew Sonya had a wild woman locked inside her but even I wouldn’t have guessed she was that wild.’ Her legs were hanging from the edge of their thick cloudy seat. He noticed she’d taken off her boots and her bare feet were swishing back and forth beneath them, breaking up the cloud into ethereal wisps. They interlaced with her toes as she dallied with them and left him to form a response.
‘I…Hey wait a second here. That was supposed to be you in that room! You set me up didn’t you?’ Jamie accused. Then after a moment he added. ‘And what do you mean by you didn’t think I’d take to them so fast?’ The boy looked a lot more puzzled than angry at her. He’d also started to wonder just what the hell they were doing sat in the middle of a cloud. People didn’t sit in the middle of clouds dammit!
Allison seemed to notice that he’d started piecing what was currently happening together. Taking the tip of his chin into her hand she turned his head to face her and pressed her mouth against his. The scintillating nature of her slightest touch was magnified a hundred fold by her kiss. Jamie found this out and immediately lost all concern for his cloud sitting. Before he could put his arms around her however she relaxed the kiss and pulled away. Jamie seemed a little stupefied after that and his eyes remained closed and mouth pursed whilst he tried to regain his bearings.
‘Sorry about that Jamie. You were waking up and I’m not ready to let you go just yet.’ The ‘waking up’ comment didn’t have time to register in Jamie’s brain. She didn’t want to let him go! That’s all that was important to the boy right then. He regained enough of his sense and calm to speak again.
‘Why weren’t you there?’ He asked, slightly hurt that she’d tricked him.
Allison looked right into his eyes for a long moment. Something in that enchanting stare of hers seemed conflicted until she finally looked away. ‘Jamie didn’t you ever wonder how I knew your name before you told it to me?’
‘Nope’ Jamie replied honestly. Though now he thought about it he hadn’t told her his name that night. Before he could think to ask her why that was however, she told him.
‘I’m a goddess.’ She stated very matter-of-factly.
‘Darn right you are!’ Jamie confirmed, taking a moment to look down over that perfectly proportioned body of hers.
Allison actually blushed at that little comment. ‘No you silly, I mean I’m a real goddess.’
This gave Jamie a moment’s pause before he answered. It wasn’t everyday you met a crazy person who lived in a cloud after all.
‘Ok, so why are you cleaning tables? I mean I didn’t know goddesses were such micromanagers.’ He asked the question in the most serious tone he could muster.
‘Hey!’ Allison turned and prodded him sharply in the side with her finger. Jamie shooed the finger away with his hand. He was very ticklish. ‘I was cleaning the tables so I could meet you. You let me out of my bottle so I wanted to see what kind of person you were.’ She responded, turning her head to look down as the cloud beneath them divided to reveal they were currently floating over a large city. It was London. He recognised the Thames snaking its way through the middle of it. They sure had come a long way in a short time. He’d been in York when he flew out the window after all.
‘Were you the nice smell that came out of the bottle?’ Jamie asked using the kind of logic one tends to only when they’re dreaming.
‘I was. I’m glad you liked it.’ She said, her smile returning as if he’d paid her a very flattering comment. Seeing the woman smile made Jamie smile too but he didn’t really know why. Then something occurred to him and his expression changed to a slightly annoyed one.
‘I was stood there for five hours!’ He exclaimed. ‘I couldn’t feel my hands or my feet I was that cold!’
‘Well…well you should have thought of that before you opened the vial!’ The stunning little goddess suddenly seemed overly defensive. Folding her arms beneath her breasts she turned and faced away from him.
There was a long moment of silence between the two and it didn’t seem like it was going to lift until Allison lowered her head a little.
‘I’m sorry. I was just really happy to be out of there. I mean you try living in a glass vial for over a millennium, it’s not very nice. I just couldn’t resist pouring out all at once. I wanted to feel the world again instead of just cold glass.’ She lowered her hands to slip into the fluffy clouds at her sides and turned her head to look at him again. He was surprised to see her eyes glistening with tears. Feeling his heart start to plummet back down to earth he reached out instinctively to put his arm around her shoulders. She leaned in against him but she didn’t cry. ‘Thanks Jamie. After I regained my senses I realised you were stood there and I had basically frazzled you. Gods shouldn’t pass through humans. It’s really not good for you. So it took a little while to fix you up right again, with a few improvements of course. After I did I made myself a body, which took me some time, before I went to go see you at the inn. I wanted to see if you were a good person.’ She rubbed her cheek against his shoulder and a little happy smile came back to her lips. ‘You were a good person. I also noticed you were down on your luck though and very lonely. So I introduced you to Sonya and fanned the flames of desire between the both of you. Well you did most of that actually…’
‘Wait…you’re saying I made Sonya sleep with me?’ Jamie’s voice had a hint of panic in it. If he’d just turned into some kind of rapist he was going to throw himself off the next bridge he hap
pened to come across.
‘No!’ Allison’s eyes opened wide in shock. Clearly the very idea of forcing someone into sex was highly disturbing to her. ‘Jamie I wouldn’t let you go around raping innocent women!’ She reached out and took his hands in hers, looking into his eyes again very seriously before she spoke.
‘I’m Arianrhood, Sjöfn, Venus, Aphrodite…every goddess associated with love or fertility ever known is usually born of someone catching me doing what I do.’ Allison explained to him. ‘I encourage love. I fan the flames of desire and let people who are good for each other feel free to do what their hearts want. You’re good for Sonya. She wanted you too, all she needed was a little push. She was basically emotionally blackmailed into having sex with a college boyfriend. He took her virginity and then ran off to the hills when he heard she was pregnant.’ Allison then leaned back before spitting up into the air in a very un-ladylike manner. Jamie thought that was a little gross even as he watched it hurtle down to earth. ‘That’s going to hit him on the head on his way home from work.’ Allison said with a rather evil smirk. Then she looked back over to Jamie and continued her story. ‘Anyways after him Sonya just lost faith in love and hid behind those big brown woollen sweaters of hers and the huge glasses too. She’s had a bit of a crush on you for a while though but wouldn’t let herself act on it. So I got you two naked together and then gave her that little push. Let her overcome her fear for a little while and she got her faith in men restored and you got laid. I’d call that a win for everyone.’ Allison finished talking, looking down again at the city below them and starting to swing her legs back and forth once more.
‘So wait sec here…’ Jamie pinched the upper part of his nose and closed his eyes as he took in all this new information and tried to figure it all out. ‘…you’re a real goddess. Aphrodite or whoever…’
‘You can call me Allison sweetie.’ The woman said, leaning in to give him an affectionate kiss on the cheek.
‘Allison then…and you just got me and Sonya to live happily ever after because I let you out of that old Roman glass bottle?’ Jamie privately thought his life had certainly got a lot weirder in the past day.
‘Yep! Well I suppose whether or not you live happily ever after is up to you Jamie. See I can’t do nearly as much as I used to and the world needs more love. I’ve only been out of there a couple of hours but no one seems to trust each other anymore. Men and women often miss a good thing when it’s staring them in the face. They go after people that they’re told have to be interesting because they have a motorbike or they wear the right clothes rather than the ones they actually find interesting in the first place. They marry for security or convenience or even because they just don’t think they can find anyone more suited to them. So you’re going to be given a little power of your own and we’ll see if you can make love a little more commonplace in this modern world of yours. Sex is supposed to mean something sweetie. It’s not meant to be used to sell cars, clothes or bloody coffee mugs. It’s also not just a pastime, no matter how much people like to pretend it is.’ Allison finished her little speech and then seemed to notice something down on the earth miles beneath them.
‘Oh crap is that the time!? You should be getting back Jamie.’ The goddess looked at him with those starry blue eyes of hers. Then her eyes fell down into his lap where his cock was standing up to attention. Jamie found it was very difficult being anywhere near Allison without getting an erection. ‘Spread that love around sweetie. Sonya won’t mind if you fuck other women…no woman ever will. Just please don’t be an asshole about it.’ Allison then scooted a little closer to him and her left arm snaked around his shoulders whilst her right fell into his lap.
He gasped as he felt the woman’s delicate fingers wrap around his shaft. Then he heard a giggle of pleasure right by his ear and felt her warm wet tongue lick his earlobe. A sweet familiar scent filled his nostrils and he was going to speak up to ask more questions until her soft hand gently started caressing his cock. At first he felt only the tips of her fingers pass against the firm helmet one at a time. Then those fingers fastened around his hardened shaft and slowly started to stroke along its length. She had soon coaxed a trickle of sticky white precum out of the tip to trickle over her fingers. He shut his eyes tight, the pleasure was unlike anything he’d ever felt. Unlike the previous night with Sonya he had no control over the intense feeling her touch brought with it. Then finally he felt her kiss his neck and heard her whisper something in his ear.
‘Wake up’
Jamie opened his eyes to find himself back at the inn. The whole thing had been a dream. Oh god what a dream though! Thinking that he was sure to have messed up his sheets he moved his hands up to wipe the sleep from his eyes. Who would have thought that of all the women in the world he could have sex-dreamt about that Sonya Vickers was the one he’d pluck out of the ether? He had to admit she’d been amazing in the dream though. Of course he’d never stand a chance with her in real life…probably couldn’t get her to take those glasses off. Then there was that gorgeous sex goddess too. If only he’d managed to stay asleep long enough to get a shot with her. Well he supposed he had better fish around for his clothes and prepare for another day of picking at freezing wet mud. Oh joy. Then he looked down and realised that his backpack wasn’t there beside the bed where he’d left it. Neither was his wallet or his watch! He’d been robbed!
And who the bloody hell was humming that cheerfully at this time in the morning!?
Jamie turned his head to see Sonya stood at the mirror in some skin hugging little under-shorts. She had a content smile on her face whilst she put in some earrings and hummed along to a tune she’d discovered somewhere in the back of her mind. Jamie watched that gorgeous round ass of hers bounce along to the beat beneath the little shorts.
Ok so he wasn’t dreaming and they were both still in her room. That was why his things weren’t there. They were still in his room down the hall. He’d spent all night thoroughly pleasuring this gorgeous hidden jewel of sex appeal and then he’d dreamt about Allison all night. He wasn’t deluding himself now after all. He didn’t, however, rule out the idea that he might have died and gone to heaven.
He was admiring her long tanned legs thinking that they might have gotten a shade of darker, richer bronze since the previous evening when she noticed he was awake.
‘Hey there lover,’ She said with a cute little smile after she’d turned around. Her small breasts gave a little bounce as they faced him. ‘you kept me up all night long. It’s one in the afternoon. The rest of the group will wonder what we’ve been up to all morning.’ She slipped back onto the bed. The sheets were ruffled from the previous evening’s exploits. They’d had to throw the quilt off the bed since it was so wet with sweat and cum and just use the under-sheet. ‘I think I’ll say I discovered a long, thick phallic object amongst the student’s discoveries. It looks to have been made back in the nineteen eighties of a unique substance that has the properties of both rubber and steel.’ Her smile was highly mischievous as her hand slipped under the sheet to touch what was currently beneath the tent he’d made around his crotch. ‘I’d say steel at the moment.’
Jamie laughed and caught the slight glimmering of one of her earrings. He reached out to slip her silky dirty blonde hair behind her ear to see it better.
‘They were my mum’s.’ She explained before he could ask her where she’d got them. ‘I usually keep them in my bag as a kind of good luck charm I guess.’
‘They look good on you. You should wear them more often.’ He said. A slight tint of colour flushed through h
er cheeks. Turning on his side Jamie leaned forward and kissed her good morning. Their lips met and melded into a slow smouldering greeting that lasted a few minutes longer than he’d probably intended it to. Still if you were going to waste time he decided that was definitely the best way to do it.
After they kissed each other good morning Sonya planted two other kisses on his neck and chest. Her silky lips felt great against his skin and he watched her as she pulled the bed sheets over her head. Of course he could still see the ‘bump’ of her head beneath the sheets. He gave a little chuckle at her playfulness this morning that turned into a groan as he felt her hot breath on the tip of his cock.
The breath was soon accompanied by a warm wet tongue gently teasing at his cockhead as she tasted it for the first time. Jamie’s breathing started to get a little heavier, his heart beating faster in his anticipation of his first blowjob. What Jamie didn’t know was that this was her first time at this too. After the previous night she had wanted to taste his cum since the stuff smelled so damn good. It wasn’t as if it was a perfume or anything but instead it reminded her more of an appetising meal cooking on the stove. By the time he’d slipped out of her for the last time that night however she couldn’t move she was that exhausted, let alone do anything else.
With the sheet pulled over her head Jamie couldn’t see what she was up to. He could only feel her breath gently blowing against his length and her tongue occasionally lick at the tip.
‘Sonya, that feels so good.’ He encouraged her with the compliment. Soon after he gave it he felt her lips give the end of his length a playful kiss before wrapping around the shaft. If it wasn’t for his new self control skills he would have shot his load right into her mouth there. Still he concentrated and the intense pleasure she was causing in his dick maintained instead of overflowing. The entire head of his cock sank down into her mouth. He felt the light touch of her teeth for a moment before she opened wide to suck a few more inches to rest against her tongue. More of his cock was sucked up between those hungry lips of hers until he felt the entrance to her throat. She gagged immediately, not being able to deepthroat and not knowing how much she could take. He felt her breathing heavily around his shaft and slid his hands under the sheets to let his fingers stroke through her hair reassuringly.
She might have stopped then and mounted him since she was a little embarrassed that she could only take two thirds of his dick into her mouth. Wanting to give him as much pleasure as he’d given her the previous evening, she continued to suckle on him for a little while longer. Then she tasted something unlike she’d ever tasted before against her tongue. It was the most delicious, juiciest, thickest, stickiest hottest drink she’d ever had. The taste was indescribable, one moment she could almost swear it was strawberries, then chocolate, then honey, then whiskey but it was never quite any of those things. That was when the light sucking noises that Jamie had been hearing turned downright obscene. As she drank more and more of the steady trickle of his precum from his long hard dick she started to feel a familiar itch deep inside the hot pink folds of her pussy.
Jamie now had a fist of her hair in one hand and a fist of the bed sheet in the other. Moving his hand along with her head as it bobbed up and down against his crotch. She’d started sucking in a way that he felt she might suck his balls right out of his cock. It felt incredible in itself but her tongue was also furiously alternating between licking at the slit of his dick and teasing out more of his cum by swirling over the sensitive spot on the underside of its mushroom shaped head.
Jamie pulled the sheet aside to reveal the gorgeous mother of two giving him an incredible blowjob. Her eyes were closed tightly as she sucked on his hard-on with vigour. One of her hands reached up to grab his thigh and steady herself whilst her other reached beneath. She slipped her fingers beneath the hem of those little shorts of hers and started rubbing her pussy. The itch had evolved into a full blown inferno of arousal by now. Seeing the lewd display of the gorgeous slender woman sucking up his cum made him groan.
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At Kelly's Farm Megan and Amy drove out into the country to Kelly's farm. Both girls were looking forward to going riding. While Megan went riding often, it had been quite a while since Amy had been riding. A friend's family had horses and every once in awhile, Amy would get to go riding. Amy wasn't that good, but she could ride without too many problems. Finally, they arrived at the farm. Megan drove down the road and parked next to the barn. The two girls got out of the car and as...
My feet automatically hit the ground a full second or two before I, Heidi the summoned one, am functionally awake, only peripherally processing the approaching whirring of chopper wings, and a full second or two before my Blackberry blasts annoying code red noise. 140 seconds later I stand fully dressed, backpack secure, primary weapon securely holstered under my arm, poised between Richard and Elle, Beth and Kevin standing firm to our left, watching the chopper’s red lights bleed through the...
HI, I am Raj, 6 ft with good looks and i am from Hyderabad and work in a software company. This is a story where I describe how I seduced my MIL and how the fun started. These are the true incidents happened between me and my MIL My parents stated looking for matches for me and we selected on good looking girl. As my father in law died long back My family and my MIL arranged our marriage and it was done with lots of celebrations. It is a custom in our area that after marriage for 1st night,...
IncestMarta chooses a booth where she can sit with her back to the wall. She has transformed back into the ninja look and I smile inwardly at our shared secret. I've never masturbated in a room with another woman, not even with Kyra when we were college roommates, although I heard her doing it many times. "Do you know that you snore softly, Cate?" "Yes, I'm told that only happens after good sex, like last night. Do you know you snore when we fly in private jets?" "Assault choppers, too. I try to...
FetishThis was just a little quickie that I threw together for the holiday, though it isn't one of my better ones. My Muse is still hiding under the bed, pouting after the loss of Excalibur Principle II. A Family Gathering By Morpheus As their car pulled into Uncle Jack's driveway, 10 year old David smiled faintly to himself, his hand inside his coat pocket, firmly clutching the object inside. He looked out the window towards the house and tried to keep from giggling, filled with...
“Good morning, I am Doctor Will Morris,” I said to the assembled class. “I assume you are all here for subject 6.710, Introduction to Computer Engineering. If anyone is in the wrong place, I suggest now you leave quietly, and get to wherever it is you should be.” I looked around the lecture theatre, there were maybe two hundred and fifty people, none of whom looked like leaving. Most of them had been in the previous lecture, the introductory lecture for Computing 1A. The challenge we had...
I write my experiences for my tumbler blog, this is two that happened incidents a few days apart, but i combined them for this.The other night my wife and I ate dinner at her coworker's house (Ashley). we usually BBQ over there on weekends. her husband Joe owns a landscaping company. Ashley is I dyed blonde about 5’6" 180 to 200lbs she has a bit of a belly but big ol’ double Ds kinda jiggly and a nice ass and thighs for having 4 k**s. whenever we are over she wears a low cut tight shirt and...
Look into my eyes. Does what you see there scare you? It should, because I’m going to turn you into something you never dared to dream about, I’m going to make you say things you’ve never heard yourself or anyone say aloud and I’m going to make an animal of you. You’re going to be scared for me because I’m allowing you to lose control, all the things that you know to be right and wrong, don’t exist now. Your primal animalistic urge is going to take over your being and abuse your moral decency...
FetishWe woke around 4 pm and had a very late brunch. We sat talking about the future and both decided that I had taken Karen as far as I could possibly take her. This resulted in us spending several hours on the internet looking for a way forward for Karen. Several emails later, we had narrowed down the search to three possible new masters' for her. One was in Leeds, South Yorkshire, another was in Liverpool, Merseyside and the third was in Harrow, Middlesex. Karen could not make her mind up as...
We left the Citadel in stages. Rogard would have his sneaks in front and behind as we traveled. It was hard to believe that our group now consisted of fifteen. There would be the seven of us traveling in the main body and two sets of two sneaks ahead and the same behind. The King of Thieves had his stronghold in the southern mountains; he kept it there because it was nearly impossible to attack with a standing army. Thieves, being the counterpart of sneaks, simply melted away when they...
I pulled my gray dress up my body and my sister zipped it. The purple, blue, and pink flower design on the back hid the zipper well enough. My hair had the perfect amount of Pouf in it, and I was ready to go. Tommy’s red Chevy pickup truck turned into the driveway and he hopped out. Tommy stopped in front of his truck to fix his tie. He wore the classic black tux, a gray vest, and a gray and white striped tie. Once he was all spiffed up he headed up to the Victorian style house and knocked on...
Mrs. Abernathy Goes To Florida By Cheryl Lynn This fiction story is for personal download only. Any other use forbidden unless approved by the author. Nothing in this story should occur in real life as it contains forced feminization, nonconsensual sex and severe humiliation. It's not for the sweet/sentimental reader or for those underage. Comments/suggestions are appreciated and can be sent to [email protected] Mrs. Abernathy Goes To Florida Mrs. Abernathy went into...
I try to avoid her but it’s impossible, she calls out my name across the crowded shopping mall. “Paul, hey Paul, I thought it was you, are you trying to avoid me or something?” I would have loved to be honest and say yes, but I’m too much of a soft touch to be so blunt. “No, no Jill, just didn’t recognise you, you’ve changed your hair, looks good.” Jill is my ex-girlfriend, Nikki’s’s Mother, Nikki split from me about a month ago now, not taking it too well when I confessed I had been having sex...
PRELUDE Arthur Holden was looking out the window in his master bedroom into the backyard of his East Hampton estate. He could see his gay 20 year old son Douglas standing with two of the house staff Miguel and Estefan. Miguel at 23 and Estefan 22 were strapping young men who were both well endowed. The three of them had their swim suits down around their knees and they were all sporting erections. Douglas had a cock in each hand jerking off the two Brazilians. Estefan was stroking Douglas’s...
It was the worst Saturday and Sunday in my life. Ever! Monday took forever to come. Never before was I so eager for Monday. Monday meant I returned to worked. I was a high school teacher so normally Monday was by far my least favorite day of the week since it meant I had today and four more days until the next weekend before I could escape from my students. I couldn't wait for this Monday however. "Candy!" I chastised her several times already in today's class. "You can't listen if...
"Good afternoon Mr. Sparrow," Gary said with a smile. "Gary. What can I do for you?" I asked. It was too early for the leaves to start falling, and too late to mow my lawn. "Can I come in?" "Alright," I said and let him in. Gary sat on the couch and handed me a piece of paper. I took the paper and sat on the adjacent couch and opened it up. It was an invoice. A 600 invoice. "This is a 600 invoice," I said shocked. "yes sir." "That's pretty pricey for yard...
We were up and working out early. I was thinking that I would like a little more of a workout like last night's, but kept right on walking on that damn treadmill. It was a pleasure to get back to lifting some weights, followed by demonstrating how to skip rope with a fake leg. I still need a real peg leg for sports and some fun things. We swam hard for almost thirty minutes, until Bobby caught my good ankle and said, "Will you stop, for crying our loud. Jesus, we quit ten minutes ago." It...
Shock to the System By Julie O Edited By Amelia R Chapter 1 August 23, 2012 7:55 PM "We can't thank you folks enough," wearily exclaimed Dr. Thomas Edwards. "The hurricane took down all the power lines and the hospital is in ruins." Just twenty hours earlier, Alexandria, a Category Five hurricane had ravaged the Virgin Islands. "We're glad we could help. It was pretty difficult getting in here. We're fortunate that the helicopter could find a place to land,"...
When Ann and James came down to join her several minutes later, they were both smiling broadly and holding hands. Nancy couldn't help but smile herself as she thought to herself that they had no idea that she knew why he was smiling like that. "So, did you guys have any plans for today or are you just hanging out with us?" Nancy asked. Ann looked over at James with a silent question, and then replied, "We really hadn't made any plans for today. The party doesn't start until 8 o'clock...
"Master! Master!" Sweetly moans the petite, red-haired catgirl that you are plowing from behind in the doggy style position; her back obediently arched while her long, red tail frantically moves from side to side. Her tight, dripping wet cat pussy lovingly clinging to your cock, guiding it deeper and deeper into her tunnel with every thrust of your hips. "Look at thossse fucking ballsss!" Giggles a raspy but femenine, exotic voice behind you; a voluptuous snake-lady (or lamia, to be more...
FantasyAaron walked into his first class, English, and was stopped by his teacher. She was a pretty woman. About 5’ 7” with short blonde hair and an average size chest. “Aaron I want you to stay after to retake a test for me.” She looked him straight in the eye. That always made him nervous. “Yes ma’am.” He walked by and went to his seat. The day went by sluggishly as usual and finally ended. Aaron left his last class and walked into his Ms. Stuarts room. She was sitting at her desk, legs...
*** Jake’s big blue eyes were glued to the floor. His heart raced like a steam train pounding out of a dark tunnel at full speed. His emotions were all over the place. He tried to look up at Daniel who was still stood in front of him in silence. Jake wondered what he was thinking as he tried desperately to make sense of the situation. The truth was Daniel was stunned at his own words. He had been trying to say that very sentence of months but he never could. He felt like a huge weight had...
"It's okay if you fuck him, Barbie. I let him know that. You'll be with him more than I will for a while, and it's clear that there's a special bond between you." "That's not going to happen, Cate. This special bond is mutual respect, not something you should feel threatened by. Besides, he'll be drained dry by the students." "I didn't offer only his cock, Barbie. If his ass becomes irresistible, take it, I'm not threatened by it." "Well, that's a kind offer, but I'm not going to risk wearing...
MasturbationAnne didn't know Tommy is engaged to Ashley. Monday at about 3:15PM I got home from work. The phone rang. I answered it. The person said, "hi Anne, my name is Ashley. I am Tommy's fiancé."I said,"I know Tommy but I didn't know he had a fiancé.Ashley said,"Tommy gave me an engagement ring two months ago."I said, "He never said anything about being engaged."Ashley said, "I need to talk to you. Can we meet someplace?Can you meet me in an hour at Chaz's Bar and Restaurant?"Ashley...
StraightSlim Poke is on the couch with his girlfriend, when her daughter, Riley Reed, walks in to show them her new cheerleading routine. Slim gets a little more than a show and cannot keep his eyes off her. He nervously looks back at his girlfriend cooking in the kitchen, when Riley asks him to pull out his dick. She wanted to verify that he in fact had a huge cock like her mom always told her that he had. Riley pulled his monster cock out and tried to see if she could slide it far down her throat....
xmoviesforyouWhen my husband and I were dating, he was the most loving man. He was so pleasant and always complimented me and made me feel so wonderful. We dated for a year and really got to know each other before we married.He wanted us to explore our sexuality when we dated. I knew that we'd marry, so I agreed for him to take my virginity. He made sure my first time was very loving and wonderful. After that, he wanted sex more and more every time we were together. We married about six months after he took...
I awoke early, much too early for a Saturday. The sun was just peeking over the horizon, but I needed to pee, urgently. I had been disoriented, and I had almost jumped in fright when I had become aware of the body snuggled up to me. Then yesterday’s events came back to me, and I realized that the body belonged to my – roommate? Friend? Lover? I slowly extricated myself, careful not to wake her up. She groaned quietly when I put her arm back onto the bed, but she didn’t stir. In slow motion, I...
By Thursday morning, Ted had no doubts about seeing Michelle again. After yesterday afternoon’s exercise and her text message, he believed that this situation would continue until it burned out. He laughed to himself thinking that as hot as it had been, it could burn out pretty quickly.Throughout the morning his mind kept slipping away from the work in front of him. He continued to see images of the curvy Michelle watching him stroke his cock. That image would be replaced by one of her...
SeductionCo worker told of his younger years. He was one of the first black officers in the area. he also worked at a department store part time. Country farm k**s would come to town and shop. He in uniform was a sight for some of the black farm girls. Not seen a black cop before and the offers came in. One was a black girl who had 11 brothers. She told him to pick her up on Sunday at the end of her road. Do not drive to her house, her brothers would not let her go. So he picked her up in his new car...
Waking up in the morning and looking at you sleeping, I can not disturb your sleep and surrender fantasies. Rolling over on her tummy, you've opened me his elastic buttocks. You love when I caress the anus hole. During these caresses your desire is particularly strong. You're breathing hard and presses her ass to my hand. Fuck you ask as soon as I am able. I undress you and watching with delight as my cock jumps languishing towards your pussy. Do you love my huge tool and every time squealing...