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Finals came quickly, with Maggie throwing herself into her schoolwork. Apart from her daily relaxation with her guitar, she did very little partying. It wasn't that she was afraid, rather that she was cautious. She avoided fraternity parties, tending to drift towards unofficial school functions. She began to think of herself as a social selective, rather than a social outcast.

She had gained a nickname however. It was a common greeting as she walked down the halls, or met an acquaintance for lunch. She made initial attempts to stop it, but there had been FAR too many people at that party to prevent it from spreading among the student body. She grudgingly accepted it, even when the student newspaper printed her name as "Maggie "Witch" Fletcher".

Maggie walked out of her final physics test with confidence. She had gone to every class, and completed every assignment. She knew, just like every other class, that she had passed, and passed well.

She wandered about the school, the light covering of snow on the ground crunching under her shoes. She drew her jacket about herself, the same one that she had worn for her Halloween costume. Combined with a sweater, it was plenty warm, and allowed her to keep a vestige of her former life, albeit adapted to her new circumstances. The one armed bomber had been consigned to its fate as a vest only two weeks earlier.

She reflected that she was going to be catching a plane back to Monterey the next day, and she had mixed feelings about it. On one hand, it would be a delight to see Elaine again, and to tell her all about the fun experiences that she'd had at college. On the other hand, there was Randall...

Randall. At the thought of the name, a cold shiver ran up her spine. He would be a problem. She momentarily thought about trying to live on the streets for the two weeks of winter break, before immediately jettisoning the idea.

There was no reason that he should have the upper hand when she returned. She had taught him a very strong lesson about pulling any moves on her. The more she thought about it, the more her confidence returned. Her mother might not believe her about what a scumbag he was, but Maggie no longer needed her to.

The pleasant thought still ran though her mind as she returned to the dorm and began to pack her traveling bag. She'd be home soon, and the future, well, the future could take care of itself.

"I'm not happy about the nickname." Anne commented as she and Maggie waited for the bags to arrive at the baggage claim.

"It wasn't exactly my idea, Mom." Maggie apologized, regretting sending the student newspaper review of her concert home. It had been a whim, just to show her mom what she had been up to.

"And the hair... You couldn't use a temporary?" Anne sighed loudly.

"I didn't think of it." Maggie spotted her bag, and hefted it over her shoulder as it arrived on the turntable.

"I am very happy about your grades, though." Anne smiled, as they made their way through the parking lot to the aged station wagon. "I half feared that you wouldn't go to class..."

And she would have been right, Maggie reflected, if she had been young, stupid, and obsessed with alcohol. She merely nodded as they drove towards the main Salinas-Monterey highway.

Being back in Monterey was surreal for Maggie. Apart from aborted attempts at independence, it had always felt like home. Now, it felt like she was being shoved back into a role which she no longer fit into. This last semester had been a break not only from her family, but a break from the constant cycles of failure that she had slid into in her previous life. Now the trees seemed foreign, the light a little too bright. It was a large combination of things that were small individually, but taken together, made the place feel alien.

Maggie went over various college anecdotes that she knew her mother would approve of as they drove home. There were more of course, but they weren't exactly the types of stories you told your mother. Maggie figured that a slightly censored version of her college experience would be the best policy.

Anne, for her part, merely nodded, giving the impression that she was rather lost in the memories of her own college days as Maggie recounted the stories.

"So did you meet any nice guys?" Anne suddenly asked out of the blue several hours later.

"Uh..." Maggie knew that she should have expected this question, but was too momentarily stunned to answer. She could barely believe that her mom would ask that. She knew that she had left out any discussion of guys in her stories, but hadn't thought that her mother would expect it.

"I'll take that as a yes." Anne smirked at her daughter. "Do you play in the band with him?"

"Mom!" Maggie exclaimed, realizing how ridiculously "Girly" she sounded, but at the same time not really caring, "Look, it's not like that. Really! I played with that band for ONE gig, and we called it quits."

"Why was that?" Anne asked, her voice taking on a critical tone.

"Creative differences." A creative interpretation, to be sure, but Maggie figured it was the best face she could put on it.

"Mmmhmmm." Anne commented, letting the subject drop. She seemed about to say more, but left the room.

Randall had not been home to greet her, she was relieved to see. Elaine had been quite quiet upon her return home, merely nodding to Maggie, before returning to her room and closing the door. It was a major change from the highly energetic girl that Maggie had left only a few months ago, and shook Maggie a bit.

Now, with Anne working on dinner, and Randall not due back for another hour, Maggie figured it would be a good time to speak to Elaine and find out what was wrong. Gently, she knocked on the door of her sister's room. When there was no response, she knocked again, a little louder.

This time, there was the sound of shuffling behind the door, before the door opened to reveal Elaine. She said nothing, merely widening her eyes in a questioning expression.

"Hi, Elaine," Maggie started, and when Elaine did not respond, continued, "I was kinda hoping I could talk to you. Is something wrong?"

"No." Elaine's voice was very quiet.

"You're sure?" Maggie asked, not believing her. "Because I haven't seen you this quiet in years. Got laryngitis or something?"

"I'm fine." The defensive statement reminded Maggie of herself. She recalled how she had only said such things when things were at their worst.

"Okay," She shrugged her shoulders, "Don't tell me. Just sit in your room, depressed. I'll come by to water you every once in a while."

"You won't believe me." Elaine stated, moving to rapidly shut the door.

"Believe what?" Maggie shoved her foot in the door, getting a slight pain as Elaine tried to slam it. "Hey, I got something YOU won't believe!" She looked over her shoulder. Anne was still in the kitchen. "I tell ya what. You tell me your story, after I tell you something totally crazy."

"Yeah, like what?" Elaine asked, her face taking on a slightly more animated expression.

"I gotta whisper it." Maggie leaned close to Elaine, "I used to be a guy!" She whispered urgently, acting like it was the most secret thing in the world.

Elaine tried to keep a straight expression, but a smile began to grow across her face. When Maggie screwed up her mouth and placed a finger under her nose, simulating a mustache, she burst into a peal of laughter.

"Oh my god..." Elaine gasped, "My brother is a girl! AIEEE!" Her voice got a little louder, but there was still that a twinge of sadness to it.

"Ok, Your turn." Maggie smiled, cupping her hand to her ear. "C'mon, we had a deal."

"It's just..." Elaine broke off, taking a deep breath, and looked around the doorway before she continued, "It's Randall."

Maggie felt the blood rushing through her veins. Randall, that son of a... She forced herself to remain calm, and continue to listen to Elaine. She couldn't jump to any conclusions.

"I mean, he's been acting kinda weird. Mom says that he's just under a lot of stress at work, but it's just..." Elaine acted slightly embarrassed by the confession. Her eyes looked to the left and right as she spoke.

"Weird, like weird how?" Maggie could feel her anger rising. Her mind flashed back to the hotel, and an unattractive image of Randall floated through her consciousness.

"Well, he keeps coming in my room." Elaine stated, "I mean, like all the time."

"For how long?" Maggie asked, shooting an angry look back at the kitchen. She couldn't believe that Anne thought it was appropriate.

"Only for a little bit, but it's really freaking me out. I mean, this one time I forgot to take out the trash, and when I got home he had dumped it all over my bed." Elaine said, "And I really hate it when he hits me."

"Spankings?" Elaine growled. For a fourteen year old? No, check that, Elaine turned fifteen last month. It was ridiculous.

"Well, he broke his knee at work a week after you left for college, and he's got a cane now." Elaine explained,

"So he hit you with the CANE?" Maggie exclaimed, her eyes wide.

"Mom said that it wasn't hard, but it hurt."

"Wait, MOM was there?" This was getting ridiculous. Anne was not that blind...

"Yeah, and he came into my room after that, told me he was sorry, and gave me a hug. But the hug was kinda, you know, weird." Elaine seemed to cringe after the last statement, as if expecting Maggie to laugh at her.

"Did you tell mom?" Maggie asked, feeling the anger boiling in her chest. Had this happened the last run through? She had been so tied up in her own life tab time, and so embroiled in her own problems...

"What, about the hug?" Elaine asked.


"She said that I was wrong."

"Wait, wrong?" The choice of word struck Maggie as bizarre.

"Yeah, she said that Randall wasn't like that, and that I shouldn't be acting like you." Elaine seemed calmer, but still slightly afraid.


"Well, I mean, flirting with Randall, then saying that you didn't." Elaine was very quiet now.

There was a lot of meaning in that last statement. He was saying that Elaine was flirting with him. Therefore, it was a lie.

"I'm gonna talk to mom." Maggie said, her anger turning into a calm determination. "I've had it with that asshole."

"Don't, please!" Elaine grasped at Maggie's arm. "I don't want to get in trouble again."

"You won't." Maggie moved forward, embracing her little sister in a tight hug. "I'm not going to let him do it again."

It had happened before, she realized. She remembered that year, and how when she returned from flunking out of college, how quiet Elaine had been. She had stopped seeing her friends, and spent so much time in her studies that it was scary. The vivacious fourteen year old had turned into a neurotic, reclusive fifteen year old. Maggie had immediately gone off to the military at seventeen, not staying to see what had happened, but she recalled Elaine at twenty-one. Always quiet, waiting for Randall to speak before she did. She had no boyfriend. She had no driver's license. She went to the local community college, and did poorly.

She released her sister, and walked toward the kitchen, where Anne was busily stirring something on the stove. Anne looked back at her daughter as she entered, smiled, then turned back to the work.

"It's not going to be ready for a little while. If you want to help, I still need to slice the bread." Anne commented over her shoulder.

Maggie looked at the counter, where a loaf of Italian bread still lay in it's paper wrapper. Shrugging, she began to open it as she spoke.

"We need to talk about Randall." There was definite ice in her voice, and she made no attempt to hide it.

"Ok, what about Randall?" Anne asked, taking in a deep breath and exhaling it.

"Your husband is going to molest Elaine." Maggie stated flatly as she slid the bread onto a cutting board.

Anne dropped the spoon, and spun around to look at her daughter.

"Excuse me, young lady. I do not think that you have any grounds to speak about Randall." Anne's voice was very angry, and Maggie could see the color rising in her face. "If Randall was going to molest Elaine, he would never have broken his nose running away from YOU."

So, Randall HAD said something about the hot tub incident. A lie, of course. Not saying anything about it to Anne had been a mistake. A bad mistake. Maggie was momentarily too stunned to speak as Anne continued.

"I don't know what crazy things you're thinking, but it's obvious that you are NOT adjusting to this situation as well as I thought you would be. I thought you might be able to get into a Sorority, not blow it like you did. I thought you might be able to find a boyfriend, and get some of these ridiculous feelings for Randall to go away. I thought that. It looks like I was wrong." She paused for a deep breath, " It looks like we're going to have to get you some help. Therapy, counseling, whatever. Look at they way you're dressed! Look at your HAIR!" Anne's voice began to get shriller, "And that NICKNAME. WITCH. I did not take you to Mass every Sunday for this. My GOD, who do you think you are? Seriously Maggie, WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?"

The pot on the stove began to boil over, as Anne glared at her daughter. The color of her face was beet red, and her hands were clenched into fists.

Maggie felt an odd sense of calm come over her. She stepped back from the counter. Her hands came apart, and looked at her mother, waiting for more.

"Finished?" Maggie asked, then without waiting for an answer, continued, "I don't know who I am, mom, but I know I'm happy. I also know that your husband is a liar. If he tries to lay a hand on Elaine again, I will stop him."

Anne rushed at Maggie, grabbing her at the collar and pulling the fabric into her fist. Her hand came up, smacking hard across Maggie's face. The fist at Maggie's collar yanked hard at the fabric, and Anne began to roar at her.

"LIAR?" Despite the rage Anne was showing, her voice seemed unsteady, as if she was trying to convince herself as much as her daughter. "You were the one who tried to seduce my husband. You're not even my DAUGHTER." The venom in the last word struck Maggie hard, drawing a strong sting in her stomach.

Maggie was bigger than Anne, but she resisted the urge to fight back, merely letting Anne do what she wanted. She merely looked back at Anne with a confident stare.

"Say SOMETHING!" Anne shouted, shaking the fabric in her fist. From behind her, Maggie could hear the hissing of the water impacting on the electric burner. "Say something, GODDAMMIT!" There were tears in Anne's eyes, as she stared at the girl in front of her.

"Will you listen?" Maggie asked quietly.

The hand at Maggie's throat slackened, then dropped. Anne breathed deeply, staring at her daughter. Quietly, she turned about, and turned off the burner on the stove.

"Talk." Anne said quietly, her eyes staring at the rapidly diminishing foam.

"I kicked Randall in the face, the day before rush." Maggie explained. "I told you before that he was making me uncomfortable, and he was trying to get close at the pool."

"But he wouldn't do that." Anne's voice was uncertain. "He said you grabbed him, and his foot slipped on the wet tile when he jumped out of the pool."

"No." Maggie looked at the back of Anne's head as she spoke, wishing that Anne would look at her.

"But..." Anne's voice cut off. There was silence for a moment before she continued. "I'm sorry, I thought... Oh God..." Anne's back shook gently. "... why didn't you tell me?"

"Would you have listened?" Maggie asked.

"YES! YES! OH GOD, YES!" Anne spun around, racing towards her daughter again. This time, she caught her in a tight embrace. "I would have listened!" She sobbed softly against Maggie's shoulder, before she continued. "No... No... I wouldn't have."

"That's why I didn't tell you." Maggie said, merely feeling the closeness of her mother. How long had it been since she had been this close?

"When he punished... When he HIT Elaine, I thought it was just..." She sighed, stepping away from Maggie. "It was borderline; I thought that was as far as he would go."

"Mom," Maggie stated, calmly, "He won't stop."

The sound of the front door opening was audible in the silence of the kitchen. It shut again quietly, and Maggie knew that Randall was home. The anger that she had pushed away came back, as she heard the sound of his footsteps along with a softer thump that must have been his cane, moving towards the kitchen.

"Hey, Anne? Elaine left her damn magazine in the front room." Randall's voice was annoyed, and the sound of a magazine being stuffed into a trash can followed his statement. "She does it again, and I'm gonna toss every single one of them."

Maggie said nothing, looking at the door. Anne's face was calm, as she wiped the last vestiges of tears away.

"See that James is home," Randall stated, stepping into the kitchen. The most noticeable thing was the brace on his left leg. The cane that he leaned on was a deep brown wood with a wooden handle running perpendicular to the main shaft. He said nothing further, merely opening the refrigerator and getting a tumbler down from the shelf nearby.

"My name is Maggie." Maggie said softly, looking at Anne. Anne said nothing, merely looking at Randall.

"I thought you didn't like that, James." Randall chuckled, pouring a large helping of a bottle kept in the freezer into the tumbler, along with a few cubes of ice.

"Things change." Maggie smiled with that comment.

"So, how was work?" Anne asked, changing the subject.

"Good." Randall responded. He took a deep swig of the drink.

"Good?" Anne asked, her voice taking on a skeptical tone.

"Good." He repeated, moving towards the front room. "I'm gonna go remind Elaine to keep her shit in her room."


The word hung in the air. Randall stopped, turning and looking at Maggie with an expression of annoyance.

"What?" Randall said, his hand lowering to lift the cane. His hand grasped it about six inches from the top. He pointed the end of the cane at Maggie as he took another sip of his drink. "You want to say that again, James?"

Maggie looked directly at Randall. She was as tall as he was, and stood her ground solidly. "I said no." She spoke again.

"And why not?" Randall took a step back into the kitchen. Leading with his bad leg, Maggie noted, probably getting ready for a quick swing.

Anne looked nervous, and spoke quickly. "Look, Randall, maybe you should just let it go."

"Are you talking back to me?" Randall asked, his voice taking on a hard edge. "One semester of college and you think you know everything." He was almost within an arms length now. He was getting ready for a swing.

"Don't try it." Maggie's eyes flicked to the hand that held the cane, and back to Randall's face.

"Don't try WHAT?" Randall asked, edging closer.

"Don't, Randall." Anne's voice was quiet, but there was a sound to it that bore a strong finality.

Randall's hand moved, and if Maggie had not been expecting the action, she would have caught the handle of cane right across her face. His hand moved through the empty space where Maggie jerked her head back. She needed to take several steps back to regain her balance but was otherwise unhurt.

Randall moved forward, his hand coming back for another swing. "C'mere." He growled.

"RANDALL, STOP IT." Anne's voice was harsh, as she grabbed at Randall's opposite hand. The drink spilled across the floor as he yanked his hand free.

The hand with the cane came around again, and Maggie knew she couldn't dodge it. Her hand came up, trying to deflect the brunt of the impact. The remainder of the force of the blow struck her on her cheek, causing a sore twinge, which continued to pulse for a moment after the strike landed.

Randall stopped at that point, looking at Maggie with an expression of triumph. "You mind your own business." He said. Anne looked at Randall with an expression of disgust.

"No." Maggie replied,

"You really are a slow learner." Randall snarled, his hand raising the cane again.

"And you're an asshole." Maggie taunted.

The cane came around again, striking high, as she expected. She ducked low, her foot lashing into Randall's leg brace. He howled with pain, losing his balance and dropping to his good knee. Maggie scurried backwards, rising back to her full height. Her fists came up, ready to ward off the next attack.

"RANDALL. STOP." Anne shouted, rushing to his side. "Stop it, RIGHT NOW. What are you doing?"

"Anne," Randall grunted, using the cane to raise himself back to his feet, "She kicked me. She kicked me in my bad leg. I can barely work as it is." He glowered at Maggie, then pointed at her with the hand that did not hold the cane. "You are about to be a VERY sorry little girl, James. C'mere."

Anne shook her head, looking directly at Randall.

"I said stop it." She stated. "I told you to STOP." The color that Maggie had seen in their earlier argument was coming back, and directed at Randall.

"She can't hit me." Randall snarled. "She CAN'T hit me."

"You really want to go for three?" Maggie asked, knowing that she was getting a bit cocky, and not really caring.

Suddenly, Randall moved, faster than Maggie expected. Before she knew it, Randall had pushed her back against the wall, slamming her hard against it. The impact stunned her for a moment, and she all she could do was watch as the cane came up, striking her a hard blow across the cheek.

"You think you're so tough?" Randall snarled into her face, pulling the cane back for another strike. "You still think so, James?"

Reflexively, Maggie brought her knee up, smashing as hard as she could directly into Randall's crotch. His eyes bulged, mouth opening, but no sound coming forth. His grip on her body slackened, and she shoved against him, pushing him back a step. Her leg came up, striking him in the brace once again, this time with as much force as she could put behind the kick.

The knee buckled. This time Randall did make a sound, a wail like a wounded seal. The anger still burning in her veins, Maggie pulled her hand back, forming it into a tight fist. She put every ounce of hatred that she held behind the punch that she drove into Randall's nose.

Randall, off balance already, fell backwards, his head smashing into the floor. He lay there, moaning softly, as Maggie looked down at him. She breathed heavily, the adrenaline burning though her. Her mother stood there, looking down at Randall with an expression of horror.

Maggie reached up to rub at her cheek. There was a feeling of burning on it, and she knew that she'd have a nasty bruise there in the morning. She exhaled a long ragged breath, stepping around the supine man on the floor, and walked out of the kitchen. She slowly moved through her house to her room, closing the door softly after herself. She walked to her desk, sat in the chair, and listened.

For a long while, there was nothing. Then voices. Quiet, then louder and louder. A scream of "GET OUT" loud and in her mother's voice. Then more shouting. A slamming door. In the distance, an engine revving. Then Nothing.

A few moments later, there was a knock, quiet but insistent at her door. She opened it, to the tearful face of her mother. Anne merely looked at Maggie for a moment, her eyes full of apology. Maggie said nothing, merely holding out her arms to her mother. They hugged, quietly, simply feeling the closeness of family.

"He's gone. He'll be back to pick up his stuff, but that's it." Anne said quietly. "I wanted it to work. I just... I never thought that he would..."

Maggie nodded, her hands patting her mother on the back.

They stayed that way for a moment longer, before Anne moved back, closing the door after her. The next thing that she knew, Maggie could feel the tears welling in her eyes, spilling out over her cheeks. She sat in her chair, leaning her head against the table. Her tears flowed out, her body shaking with deep, shuddering sobs. It was over. If nothing else worthwhile happened in her life, she had given her little sister and her mother a chance.

A chance to do things right.

"Can we start over, Witch?" Sherrie asked, her face showing an earnest expression.

"Start over, like how?" Maggie shrugged her shoulders, looking around the small coffee shop where Sherrie had asked to meet her. They were the "NEW" places to be, but if anything, Maggie felt out of place with the crowd.

"Look, I don't know if you heard, but I got thrown out of the fucking band too." Sherrie explained, "Catalina decided that they really didn't need a bass player, and Mike agreed with his fucking dick and kicked me out."

"That sucks." Maggie sipped at her mocha, looking out the store window at the snow frosted streets outside.

"So I was thinking, why don't we get together. I mean, every fucking gig we did after Halloween, somebody would ask where you were. It really pissed off that Mike, that fucking asshole." Sherrie smirked at the last comment, "And anyway, I was getting pretty fucking sick of doing covers of Metallica."

"So, like start a new band?" Maggie asked, "A bass player and a guitarist?"

"Well, yeah, we'd some more members. Fuck yeah. I've got a few friends though." Sherrie affirmed.

"Yeah, I could talk to some people." Maggie immediately thought of Mallory and the other girls on her hall. She recalled that one girl on the other end of the hall played keyboard. Not very well, but maybe she would work as a minor backup until they found someone better.

"So, you want to do this? I mean, shit, you're a great draw. Better than me at any rate." Sherrie shrugged, her hands tapping at a pack of cigarettes she had pulled from her pocket. "Hey, uh, you mind going outside? The fuckers won't let me smoke in here."

They moved outside, into the January chill. The contrast to the heated shop was noticeable, and Maggie pulled her winter jacket tight about herself. Sherrie lit up a cigarette, taking a deep drag, before she continued.

"So I was thinking. You're a draw. I mean, nothing personal, but you're fucking hot." Sherrie smiled at the last comment, running her fingers through her shoulder length dark hair. "So we put your name out there, as the lead, and we just play backup."

"But..." Maggie began to object.

"Fuck that shit, Witch. Yer the reason people will come to see us. Hot chick, can play the guitar like a monster, and actually sing too."

The singing ability had actually come as a bit of a surprise to Maggie. Her voice was much stronger than it had been as a male; more suited to her style of playing.

"Well, ok. Uhm, you want to meet this Saturday, with whoever we can get?" Maggie asked, then her face took on a mischievous tone, "I'd do it during the week, but I've got a test on Friday."

"So, I can come to your show, right?" Mallory asked, her legs swinging as she sat on the edge of the bed.

"Got five bucks?" Maggie smirked, finishing up her practice for the afternoon. One hour a day in the dorms was less of a torture now, since she had her bi-weekly rehearsals to look forward. True, getting the band together had been more of Sherrie's forte. Maggie felt a bit "along for the ride."

"Aww, c'mon. Maybe I can pay you another way..." Mallory grinned at Maggie, winking softly.

"Not cool." Maggie groaned, her stomach making the same twist that it always did whenever Mallory flirted with her. Despite her earlier comments, Mallory seemed to delight in tormenting her roommate. "You know that uh..." Maggie broke off, unable to think of a diplomatic way to end the comment.

"Aww, what? Does it drive you WILD with desire?" Mallory snickered, leaning back on the bed and stretching.

"Ok, knock it off." Maggie sighed, stowing her equipment.

"All right. It's just too easy to get you riled up..." Mallory laughed, moving to the door of the room. "I'm meeting Beth for dinner anyway. Catch you later, babe." She smiled again, blowing a kiss in Maggie's general direction. With that, she left, leaving Maggie standing alone in the room.

"And now I'm horny again." Maggie said to the empty room. She could feel the excitement in her body from Mallory's little show. Her mind knew that Mallory was just teasing her, but somebody needed to forward the memo to every other cell in her body. She felt so warm...

"Goddammit." Her voice growled. She suddenly felt close to tears. So frustrated. Why was she being teased like this? She flung herself facedown on the bed, breathing heavily.

Because she can tease you like this, her mind answered. Mallory likes the attention that you give her when she flirts with you.

She rolled onto her back, looking up at the ceiling. She yearned, ached, wanted to be touched. She moved her hand across her chest, stroking softly. The soft tingle that the contact brought was welcome, helping her clear away the thoughts of frustration and depression.

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It's your senior year of high school and the last thing you want to worry about are your grades. However, you are on the verge of failing your history class and that would prevent you from graduating with the rest of your class. Fortunately, the class is taught by an attractive young woman named Ms. Turner. She's new to the school, so you hope that she's not wise to your scheming ways and might cut you a break. Determined to raise your F to a D, you wait until school is over on a Friday...

4 years ago
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In Her GenesChapter 11 Jeanne

By January 3, David, Melanie and Josh were back in L.A. They had all gone to the New Year's Eve gig of the Clearwater Posse and had great fun. Of course, with David in his wheelchair, there had been no dancing. Melanie spent most of the night with her small tushy parked in David's lap. A few snide remarks and veiled accusations were made, but there was also a great number of people who were genuinely happy when David did a brief demo of his improving leg control. That night, Melanie also...

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Christmas selection box

Christmas selection boxThe following options could have been available this year if you had been in the right place at the right time.After a hard final few days preparation for the Christmas family get together, she was drying herself after a quick shower and getting ready for an early night when the phone rang. Being divorced and middle aged she was not prepared for late calls on Christmas eve, particularly when she did not recognise the number. Something inside her said “its Christmas” so...

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The Kennedys 37 Exhibit M

Of course, Kiki has lots of pictures, and videos of herself, they were all over the internet, and her website. I never wanted to be on that side of the camera, but now I knew that Kiki wanted it, I thought about it. Then we talked about it, I had lots of reservations about the idea, but Kiki came up with a plan I could live with. I never liked the idea of being naked (or fucking) in front of men, but women are no problem for me (now). Kiki said we could have Tina and Dana, the videographers,...

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Strange Neighbor Turned Into Fuck Friend Due To Weed

Hi, ISS lovers.How are you doing? I had been a fan of ISS for past 9 years. I am an avid reader but this is my first story. Since this is my first time, hope you’ll overlook the errors. I’ll describe myself a bit, I’m a 24 with 5’11” of height and holds an average 7″ manhood. I am a mechanical engineer doing Marine engineering in Kolkata from Northeast. I use to have a beautiful GF but we broke up due to long distance relationship, as I couldn’t give her the time which any girl desires. We were...

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Aunt Catherine and Nephew

Catherine and Joey laid out for about a half hour and then Catherine turned over on her belly asking Joey to spray suntan lotion on her back. She untied her top to get a even tan telling him to behave as he agreed to spray her back.Joey cock was oozing pre cum as he stared at her tight firm ass. Spraying her back, ass, and legs. Moving to the front so he would have a perfect view he poured his whole glass of ice water on her back.Cat screamed from the cold shock coming to a sitting position in...

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Amazing Alyssa laughed as she ran ahead, short skirt just skimming the tops of her long thighs. She looked back over her shoulder at Phillip, who was coming close behind her, then rounded the corner. The walls on either side of her were higher then her head. It had started when she had decided to visit the renaissance festival this weekend. The ad she had seen on TV was so inviting. So she had made her plans and was there when the cannon went off this morning. It was everything she had...

1 year ago
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Becoming a School SlutChapter 51

Yes, I did have an email waiting from her. It had one picture attached, so I looked at the picture first. It was a photo taken of that little girl Meagan who had to go with Mistress for one night. The picture showed her on her back with her legs spread wide. But, what I saw was that she had her mouth full of shit and it looked like she was chewing it. That was gross. I quickly deleted it and looked at Jimmy. I asked, “Did she eat it all?” He said, “I didn’t want to tell you what happened...

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mind controller chip 5a

HI Babe I see you have been enjoying yourself while I was away. She went bright red. What do you mean. I have kept my eye on you via the security cameras. Oh my god no. What did you see. Its ok I did wonder if you would try to hook up to shep. How was it. Oh No I dont like to talk about it. Turn your inhibitions up a bit. So you can talk to me. Oh no can we just go and fuck. Ok then we will talk. I ineed to show you something. Grabbing the USB hub and heading upstairs. We got to...

3 years ago
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Die Unterschlagung

Silvia und Timo sind frisch verheiratet. Weil Silvia schon von ihren Eltern immer sehr verwöhnt wurde, verlangt sie auch in ihrer Ehe einen gewissen Luxus, und sie erwartet, daß Timo das nötige Geld verdient. Sie selber hat noch nie gearbeitet und hat es auch nicht vor. Timo kann in seinem Job aber leider dieses Geld nicht verdienen. Weil er Angst hat, Silvia sonst zu verlieren, hat er diverse Male Geld seines Arbeitgebers unterschlagen. Das Geld aus diesen Unterschlagungen hat er Silvia...

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Russian FolktaleChapter 6

Nick's brain was fogged by the excruciating pain. His body was twisted in the unrelenting immobility of burning agony; his mouth was a frozen gaping rictus. The bare sheet on the bed was stained with his sweat, bile, and pathetic drips of urine. The once white canopy pressed down on his tortured limbs even if they never touched. His voice had gone hoarse from screaming a day ago, at least. His lips were split and bleeding; a drop of spittle burned the skin at the corner of his mouth. Nick...

2 years ago
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My Sunday With You Part 1

Sunday morning. I awake to the exquisite sensation of you mouthing my cock. For several minutes I lie there, savoring the touch of your lips and tongue. Your movements are unhurried, almost deliberate. It’s as though you’re practicing an erotic form of Tai Chi, each motion enacted with a timeless devotion for perfection. Every gentle swipe and lick from your tongue, each delicate buss from your lips, is done to a quiet rhythm, its beat known only to you. There is no urgency or need as your...

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Forbidden FantasiesChapter 7

As they lay on the bed Karen told Bill Taylor has been sexually active for over a year. When she turned fifteen she asked her mother for birth control. According to Karen, Taylor’s first love was a seventeen-year-old boy and he was demanding more than oral sex. It was a bit of an eye-opener for Bill to find out his daughter had been sucking cock since she was fourteen and started fucking her boyfriend after she turned fifteen. Karen had decided that it was better to agree to get her birth...

1 year ago
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Scat Gold

ScatGold? When it comes to the different types of pornography and all that crap, I am actually very open-minded, and while I might not enjoy the site I am about to suggest, that does not mean that some of you weirdoes will share that opinion. This is a site called, and honestly, that should be enough to tell you what the fuck you can expect to see on the site, right?For those who never heard about the genre 'scat' or get easily disgusted should probably stay away from this place. The...

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Fostered Care Ch 03

Shaun and Ms Tiann, under the shocked, unrelenting stares of the younger students who had watched the entirety of their heated exchange, quickly got dressed and went their separate ways. They refused to acknowledge the girls, hoping that perhaps they might go away and that would be the end of it. But news travels fast in high school, and by the time Shaun had tidied himself up and joined his mates on the window sill upstairs in the maths building, the story had reached Brad and Jarrod. ...

4 years ago
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Alene Ravens New Life Year IIChapter 7

‘Did I lock the door?’ Nadia thought to herself as her car stormed down the highway ‘It doesn’t matter, I have to get to... ‘ Her thought abruptly ended as she noticed an oncoming car and turned the wheel at the last moment. “Stay focused Nadia, Alene’s counting on you,” She ordered. After everything Alene told her happened she couldn’t stop thinking: ‘Who is this Paula? What does she want with us? Who is this Angie and what’s her plan?’ “Take the next left,” her GPS declared and she did as...

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Sucking Blue Collar Cock in a Storm

I was born and raised in Minnesota and was lucky enough to find a job near my hometown after college. I progressed quickly in my career as a mechanical engineer with my company. My wife, Sue, and I and our two kids enjoyed a great lifestyle there. We were active in our church and had many friends that we had known since we were in elementary school. That meant we were very conservative in our dealings with friends in our community. We also had a conservative sex life and had only had sex with...

3 years ago
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So we get a hotel room, and I get a little vodka to drink for myself. Little did I know there was some friends coming over. When they get there the guy is drinking with me, and his girlfriend says that she's going to get one of her friends. I really didn't pay no mind to what she said cause I asked if her friend was going and everyone said no. So while his girl is gone we drink all the vodka that I had. And she brings more and the female that everyone said wasn't going. They drink on the vodka...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 15

Tuesday morning breakfast was finished by 0730. Vicky and I were in Robert’s office with Andy. The rest of the girls were in their offices upstairs. Lorrie was still using her corporate office and not the one at Morton Field with the baby and the increased threat level caused by the bounty. With Lorrie here that meant that most of the security was here or could be in training. Most of Andy’s new members to OPS team were at Fort Smith or on the way. Robert and I went over yesterday’s dark...

2 years ago
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Amy is interviewed for the job at Mrs Potter

Amy had got back from university and desperately needed to find a summer job. Her mum's best friend Jean Potter owned a ladies shop and she asked whether she might have a job for her for a few weeks. Jean Potter had known Amy ever since she was a baby and asked her to pop into see her and they would have a chat.Jean suggested she called in after the shop had closed the following evening. It was a nice summers evening and Amy was dressed in a t shirt, short skirt and sandals when she tapped on...

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An Autumn ChillChapter 4

Turns out Mike caught wind that Kristin was at the party with another guy. That Mike had been "snubbed" by not being invited to the party was only fuel for his fire. How he found out that Kristin was with another guy was never really uncovered, though she wasn't really subtle in whom she was flirting with. Word travels fast in high school, and by the Monday following the party everyone had heard that Mike caught Evil Brody trying to rape Kristin and, being the heroic ex-boyfriend, Mike...

3 years ago
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07 Home 2Chapter 43

Present – Maria – In the equipment room Even though Liz and my Princess Boss try to convince me, I'm still not sure at all about this bogus, mumbo-jumbo that my Princess Boss can connect to Ben. Bullshit! But I decide I will humor her for now – hell, she's been wounded and I sure don't need to get her upset right now. Ivan (now that is one annoying kid) comes over and hands my Princess Boss a picture. Jens gets way too excited for her condition and remarks, "Ivan, that looks exactly...

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The Wanderer and His First SlaveChapter 2

Then, five minutes later, I was left with a single spiked wheel in my pouch, and a small, angrily-looking woman beside me. "Sure you don't want a leash for her?" The official looked at me with something approaching sympathy in his eyes, now that he had his money. "My friend, for this one I would strongly recommend it..." I shook my head and awkwardly walked back into the vast maze that is Braghia with the woman beside me. She was indeed very short, and her bald head bobbed so low that...

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WatchingChapter 4

Mary walked up to my door, and opened it and said. "Come on you two we have a bed inside, besides, I want some of this." With that she reached in and moved her hand to my pussy. Moaning I opened my legs for her fingers. Bill broke the kiss and said, " Let's get inside. I got to fuck this hot bitch. You want it, don't you, baby?" All I could do was moan in ecstasy as Mary's fingers worked on me. I finely managed to say, "Yes" and I started to move out my car as Mary and Bill were...

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His Special Fetish Ch 2

David lay naked on the bed, his cock not so impressive now. I stood before him in my cum soaked blouse, seamed nylons and suspender belt and my black satin panties. My wet satin panties. My pussy was aching to feel David's cock so I was about to find out just how much my new clothes turned him on.“David, just look what you've done to my pretty blouse.”“I'm sorry, I couldn't help it.”“Did you enjoy it?” I asked smiling.“You don't know how long I've wanted to see you dressed like that and to do...

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Doing MandyChapter 26

"Mandy, I want you to do something for me," I said as I was talking to her on the telephone. I want you to make sure that when I'm there at your house late this afternoon, your husband manages to find us in bed together. I'm not asking you to do this, Mandy; I'm fucking telling you to do it, OK?" I said in the normal tone of voice that I knew it took to get something across to Mandy, my dizzy blonde mistress, as a non-negotiable issue. "OK, Tom, I know what you're saying," and Mandy...

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Beginning Of The Magic With ExClassmate Rashmi

Hi everyone. My name is James. I work for a IT firm and regularly travel around the country and abroad. Please read my previous stories KING-QUEEN COMPETITION – An Exciting Truth Or Dare On The Way To Mumbai – Uni Girl In Australia – An Extraordinary Summer Experience – A Non-Fiction Naughty Truth Or Dare Game – And do email me on with your reviews or otherwise. It has been around 10 years since I did my PGDM from this institute in Pune and I was working a Canadian client in Hyderabad,...

3 years ago
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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 3 DiscoveryChapter 11

ELEAR NORTHERN TEMPLE SITE "They gained access to the Temple through a rear delivery door my Queen." The Elven Holy man spoke as he watched Dysea and Isabella move around the small vault like room. There were over a dozen scrolls encased in the clear glass containers and spaced at even intervals throughout the vault. Three of them were now smashed and empty, but the others remained untouched. "They made their way down here and entered the vault. Only a bio-signature password can open the...

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My Fetish is Fur gay theme

This story/adventure is about 80% true and 20% fictional. But it is all based on real experiences in my life. Because fur tends to be very expensive. I got into trapping as a boy because I needed a way to gratify my overwhelming fur fetish. From day one I fell deeply in love with fur and the magical power it has over me. However, I was trapping coyotes, fox, beaver and raccoons in upstate New York near Lake Placid (Adirondack Mountains). Unfortunately, there is not much of a return for all the...

1 year ago
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AllGirlMassage Marie Mccray Serene Siren My ExBoyfriends Mom

Marie McCray, a visibly upset teen girl, shows up at her ex-boyfriend’s house. However, when Serene Siren, her ex’s mom, answers the door and tells her he’s not around, Marie quietly says she’ll leave. Serene, moved by how upset Marie is, invites her in until the boyfriend returns, since he and Marie were supposed to talk. While they wait, Serene strikes up a conversation with Marie, learning that her son broke up with HER. Serene reflects that he’s a bit of a...

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Wife Fucked in a Chicago Jazz Club

I’ve been sharing my horny wife Kathy for several years now and have a great sex life. Late last summer Kathy and I decided to go to Chicago for a few days to do some shopping and enjoy the city. Kathy had never been to Chicago and I’d told her about the great downtown area. On the third night there we decided to go out to a nice restaurant and then go to a Jazz club later in the evening. Kathy got ready for the evening and slipped on the little black dress she brought and a pair of...

1 year ago
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An unexpected seduction 3

She got out of bed gingerly, wincing as the movement brought on searing pain through her lower body. Those two men had really worked her over, and as good as it had felt at the time, she needed some pain meds now. She felt uncomfortable to be alone in Jack’s room; the stillness in the air telling her she was probably alone in his apartment. She wondered for a second where her two lovers had gone, but a small part of her was relieved that she didn’t need to face them again right away. She...

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What kind of fap does Fapello offer? That’s honestly the main question I pose when it comes to any porn site, and I imagine you’re the same. After all, one man’s sack of garbage is another man’s stack of sperm-covered nudie mags. This is 2022, though, so unless you’re too old to understand the internet, you probably don’t even own a single old-time skin rag. No, modern times call for modern pornography, in which case you’ve come to the right place.The era of social distancing has changed the...

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My House GuestPart 2

Maybe you have already read the first part of my story having my younger black friend visit me while the wife was gone, I am 76 and he is 55, a good build, with nine inches of heavenly black cock, fully six inches around.After we had arrived at the house and shared many kisses while undress one another, then taking a shower, we went to the bedroom. What I had left out in the first part was, that while we had a good 69 going, my wife called to tell me of her safe arrival. We talked on the phone,...

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NFBusty Susane Barts Perfect Pair

Susane Barts is decked out in a sheer shirt that lets us admire her big boobs in their bra and her firm ass in its thong. After rubbing down her bigtit knockers, she shakes her ass so that Leon can admire the jiggling delight. Then she lifts her bra to free her titties, tempting Leon to worship her breasts. Leon is definitely up to the task that Susane has set for him. He leans forward to suckle her big areolas and rock hard nipples. Then she pulls out Leon’s stiffie so that she can rub...

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The Pact A Master PC TaleChapter 51 for A Little Side Trip

Chuck, Melissa and Darren pulled their rental car into the lobby of a nice airport Hilton, where they were to meet Holly by prearrangement. “Why here?” asked Darren as he fished to heavy bags out of the trunk. “Holly hasn’t been anywhere in some 25 years. This was the only hotel she remembered near the airport,” he said. They walked up to the desk and confirmed their reservation. “What room is our friend, Miss Compton, in?” Chuck asked as he fumbled for his wallet. “She is in 414, right...

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Daddys reawakening Chap 8

Introduction: This story is pure fiction. All characters depicted are 18+. Chapter 8 – Coping It had been 3 weeks since my older sister Jackie had moved in unexpectedly. There was lots of crying and she was very clingy and looking for constant attention and affirmation. I knew that she was dealing with a major life crisis, her husband had cheated on her, asked for a divorce, and kicked her out, and she found all of that out in one day. All of that news hit her like a ton of bricks, and she...

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BecChapter 42 Tuesday

I smiled up at Liz as she made her way up the aisle of the school bus. “Hey!” “Hey!” She dropped into the seat beside me with a thud. “Listen, I have to tell you about dinner with the DiMartinos.” “Why? What happened?” “Oh, not much. Just call me Little Miss Hand Grenade. I came, I saw, I went kaboom!!” “You didn’t!” “Un huh. Which reminds me. We’re making friends with Melissa.” “We are?” “We are.” “Is that a good idea? If we even talk to Melissa, her sister gets all...” She held...

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To partheno agoraki

Δεκαπέντε ώρες ταξίδι με το καράβι δεν είναι εύκολο πράγμα. Αλλά δε μπορούσε να γίνει αλλιώς. Φοιτητής εγώ, ήμουν αναγκασμένος να το κάνω αρκετές φορές το χρόνο. Είχα συνηθίσει να κοιμάμαι για να περνάει η ώρα. Μερικές όμως φορές η ώρα περνούσε σχετικά ευχάριστα στο σαλόνι του καραβιού αν πετύχαινες ευχάριστους ανθρώπους. Πότε με συζήτηση, πότε με χαρτιά. Σε αυτό το ταξίδι είχαμε μαζευτεί 4-5 άτομο άγνωστα μεταξύ τους και η συζήτηση είχε ανοίξει για τα καλά. Το ταξίδι ευτυχώς ήταν πιο υποφερτό...

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A Panty Boy in Paradise Part One

I wasn't sure how it was going to go. My new client hadn't given me any specifics. But I was excited about the glamour of being on a yacht with a rich older man and his young crew. We would be sailing for the weekend to the Bahamas and I would have my own cabin to sleep in and take naps during the day. All expenses, including the lingerie and bikini bathing suits I would wear, were paid for.When I arrived at the dock to go on board, I was greeted by three handsome young men who all were very...

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Rupitas Revenge

Rupita’s husband of six months was away on a business trip. He had been gone three nights which was the most they had been apart since their wedding. From the shy virgin at the wedding, she had learned to enjoy sex and the separation had her dreaming about it in her sleep. But this night she was awakened in the wee hours and realized that it was not a dream-erection sliding in her yoni. It was not her husband’s either! It could only be her father-in-law that had come up behind her as she slept...

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Proud Slave GirlChapter 10

The attendant nearest the Lady Fortescue was holding a vast sunshade over the Mistress's head, completely keeping the Great One out of the scorching heat. Now Francine knew why she was to walk back with the Mistress! She would be carrying the great weight of this all the way, as well as walking barefoot over sharp stones. Shit! But why would A Great Lady be walking all that distance? Then Francine saw the horse. "Kneel Oh miserable worm! Let me use you to mount my noble steed." The...

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Accidental Foursome Part 3

In Part 1 we met ‘Adam and Eve’ and engaged in our first foray into the wonderful world of group sex. In Part 2 I had my first experience at making love to another woman. the adventure continues… We arrived at the bar and found a table in a corner with no other people really close. The waiter came over and took our drink order and Greg and I sat back to people watch, one of our favorite past times when we go out. We had been there about 20 minutes when we saw a younger couple come in and sit...

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KristinChapter 10

The limo drove up to a 44-story building on the east side of Lexington Avenue and the doorman raced to open the door for Kris and me. At the same time the chauffeur got out from behind the wheel after first electrically popping the trunk lid. We only had a few of our things with us; most would be coming over from Teterboro by truck. “Tom,” I said, speaking to the doorman, “I would like you to meet my fiancée, Kristin Collins. Needless to say, I’m sure you will treat her with the same care...

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Busted Axle RoadChapter 23

About thirty miles from the Defenders of Gaea office, but not far at all from Harris' home, Jenny Easton lay nude on a massage table, while Blake kneaded her back. Blake's big hands on her back made her feel wonderfully relaxed, perhaps the best she'd felt in a couple of days. In addition to being her masseur, bodyguard, driver and housekeeper, he was her friend, perhaps the only real friend she had in southern California, but not her lover. It was a matter of a little pride for Blake...

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The Curer 2220 part 2

“VERY ready, Master!” Replied Belinda with enthusiasm. “Yes... Master...”, replied Tiny Slut tentatively. She knew what she signed up for... or at least what her family signed her up for. “MmmhhmmmMMMM!”, Elsie replied excitedly with her lips wrapped around my cock. “I’ll begin with Tiny Slut. The pills you were required to take at check in will allow a tremendous amount of elasticity and should last for a few hours. I’m sure you’re also feeling their additional affects... they ARE a...

4 years ago
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Reality Check

Copyright © 1997 and 2002, Phil Phantom Richard was keenly aware that Alice was in one of her moods. When she wanted to talk in the nude, sitting up in bed with her finger lazily stroking through her very wet slit, he knew he was in for a rough ride. The ride would end with a crash or the best sex ever. Either way, the ride was never boring. She said, "I think Jack lusts after my body, and I would not be the least surprised if he initiated something if things get nasty when the guys come...

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Becoming My Old Neighbour8217s Playgirl 8211 Part 1

Hi all, Gayathri here. My boyfriend Vikram and I are here with a story that happened to me a while back with my neighbours. It was an awful start to the weekend where there was no power supply. I tried to do something to keep myself engaged but just couldn’t do it for some reason. I suddenly heard the sound of the kids in my neighbouring household shouting and playing. So I decided to step out and check what it was all about. The neighbours were Muslims. We are an orthodox family with a whole...

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Keeping Guard Ch 03

I got my answer almost immediately: yes, John was very good at kneading. As soon as I threw the ingredients together I put him to work on the early steps of baking bread. His strong hands turned the stiff dough with ease, and he was able to finish in half the time it would have taken me. Unfortunately, I was quick to discover that John was not very good at much else in the kitchen. ‘Great, now we leave that down by the oven to rise,’ I said once he had finished with the bread dough. ‘Now we...

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Daddy and the Park Walk

I had been told what to wear and where to go so there I was in the local park at 9.30pm it was dark but several street lights lit the path quite well and I had been told where to walk by my Daddy who was a right kinky bastard .... I had 'dressed' as ordered and teetered along the path in my 5'' heels holding my skirt in both hands I raised it to my waist to expose my pantied cock framed by my stockings and I clipped along the path my cock swayed lewdly infront of me hard and...

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The Upper Floor1

I was minding my own business in my club, on the upper floor you understand, the one reserved for gentlemen. I was relaxing after dinner, reading the evening newspaper. Whiling away the time until supper, It was the year the Titanic sank, 1912. Leather chairs and oak panels, the smell of tobacco heavy on the air, talk of the Kaiser and of impending war were rife around the tables as our hostesses catered to our every need. Milly, Molly, Moira, Melissa, Mary, their names all started...

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