A Trip to the Parlour
- 4 years ago
- 23
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Finals came quickly, with Maggie throwing herself into her schoolwork. Apart from her daily relaxation with her guitar, she did very little partying. It wasn't that she was afraid, rather that she was cautious. She avoided fraternity parties, tending to drift towards unofficial school functions. She began to think of herself as a social selective, rather than a social outcast.
She had gained a nickname however. It was a common greeting as she walked down the halls, or met an acquaintance for lunch. She made initial attempts to stop it, but there had been FAR too many people at that party to prevent it from spreading among the student body. She grudgingly accepted it, even when the student newspaper printed her name as "Maggie "Witch" Fletcher".
Maggie walked out of her final physics test with confidence. She had gone to every class, and completed every assignment. She knew, just like every other class, that she had passed, and passed well.
She wandered about the school, the light covering of snow on the ground crunching under her shoes. She drew her jacket about herself, the same one that she had worn for her Halloween costume. Combined with a sweater, it was plenty warm, and allowed her to keep a vestige of her former life, albeit adapted to her new circumstances. The one armed bomber had been consigned to its fate as a vest only two weeks earlier.
She reflected that she was going to be catching a plane back to Monterey the next day, and she had mixed feelings about it. On one hand, it would be a delight to see Elaine again, and to tell her all about the fun experiences that she'd had at college. On the other hand, there was Randall...
Randall. At the thought of the name, a cold shiver ran up her spine. He would be a problem. She momentarily thought about trying to live on the streets for the two weeks of winter break, before immediately jettisoning the idea.
There was no reason that he should have the upper hand when she returned. She had taught him a very strong lesson about pulling any moves on her. The more she thought about it, the more her confidence returned. Her mother might not believe her about what a scumbag he was, but Maggie no longer needed her to.
The pleasant thought still ran though her mind as she returned to the dorm and began to pack her traveling bag. She'd be home soon, and the future, well, the future could take care of itself.
"I'm not happy about the nickname." Anne commented as she and Maggie waited for the bags to arrive at the baggage claim.
"It wasn't exactly my idea, Mom." Maggie apologized, regretting sending the student newspaper review of her concert home. It had been a whim, just to show her mom what she had been up to.
"And the hair... You couldn't use a temporary?" Anne sighed loudly.
"I didn't think of it." Maggie spotted her bag, and hefted it over her shoulder as it arrived on the turntable.
"I am very happy about your grades, though." Anne smiled, as they made their way through the parking lot to the aged station wagon. "I half feared that you wouldn't go to class..."
And she would have been right, Maggie reflected, if she had been young, stupid, and obsessed with alcohol. She merely nodded as they drove towards the main Salinas-Monterey highway.
Being back in Monterey was surreal for Maggie. Apart from aborted attempts at independence, it had always felt like home. Now, it felt like she was being shoved back into a role which she no longer fit into. This last semester had been a break not only from her family, but a break from the constant cycles of failure that she had slid into in her previous life. Now the trees seemed foreign, the light a little too bright. It was a large combination of things that were small individually, but taken together, made the place feel alien.
Maggie went over various college anecdotes that she knew her mother would approve of as they drove home. There were more of course, but they weren't exactly the types of stories you told your mother. Maggie figured that a slightly censored version of her college experience would be the best policy.
Anne, for her part, merely nodded, giving the impression that she was rather lost in the memories of her own college days as Maggie recounted the stories.
"So did you meet any nice guys?" Anne suddenly asked out of the blue several hours later.
"Uh..." Maggie knew that she should have expected this question, but was too momentarily stunned to answer. She could barely believe that her mom would ask that. She knew that she had left out any discussion of guys in her stories, but hadn't thought that her mother would expect it.
"I'll take that as a yes." Anne smirked at her daughter. "Do you play in the band with him?"
"Mom!" Maggie exclaimed, realizing how ridiculously "Girly" she sounded, but at the same time not really caring, "Look, it's not like that. Really! I played with that band for ONE gig, and we called it quits."
"Why was that?" Anne asked, her voice taking on a critical tone.
"Creative differences." A creative interpretation, to be sure, but Maggie figured it was the best face she could put on it.
"Mmmhmmm." Anne commented, letting the subject drop. She seemed about to say more, but left the room.
Randall had not been home to greet her, she was relieved to see. Elaine had been quite quiet upon her return home, merely nodding to Maggie, before returning to her room and closing the door. It was a major change from the highly energetic girl that Maggie had left only a few months ago, and shook Maggie a bit.
Now, with Anne working on dinner, and Randall not due back for another hour, Maggie figured it would be a good time to speak to Elaine and find out what was wrong. Gently, she knocked on the door of her sister's room. When there was no response, she knocked again, a little louder.
This time, there was the sound of shuffling behind the door, before the door opened to reveal Elaine. She said nothing, merely widening her eyes in a questioning expression.
"Hi, Elaine," Maggie started, and when Elaine did not respond, continued, "I was kinda hoping I could talk to you. Is something wrong?"
"No." Elaine's voice was very quiet.
"You're sure?" Maggie asked, not believing her. "Because I haven't seen you this quiet in years. Got laryngitis or something?"
"I'm fine." The defensive statement reminded Maggie of herself. She recalled how she had only said such things when things were at their worst.
"Okay," She shrugged her shoulders, "Don't tell me. Just sit in your room, depressed. I'll come by to water you every once in a while."
"You won't believe me." Elaine stated, moving to rapidly shut the door.
"Believe what?" Maggie shoved her foot in the door, getting a slight pain as Elaine tried to slam it. "Hey, I got something YOU won't believe!" She looked over her shoulder. Anne was still in the kitchen. "I tell ya what. You tell me your story, after I tell you something totally crazy."
"Yeah, like what?" Elaine asked, her face taking on a slightly more animated expression.
"I gotta whisper it." Maggie leaned close to Elaine, "I used to be a guy!" She whispered urgently, acting like it was the most secret thing in the world.
Elaine tried to keep a straight expression, but a smile began to grow across her face. When Maggie screwed up her mouth and placed a finger under her nose, simulating a mustache, she burst into a peal of laughter.
"Oh my god..." Elaine gasped, "My brother is a girl! AIEEE!" Her voice got a little louder, but there was still that a twinge of sadness to it.
"Ok, Your turn." Maggie smiled, cupping her hand to her ear. "C'mon, we had a deal."
"It's just..." Elaine broke off, taking a deep breath, and looked around the doorway before she continued, "It's Randall."
Maggie felt the blood rushing through her veins. Randall, that son of a... She forced herself to remain calm, and continue to listen to Elaine. She couldn't jump to any conclusions.
"I mean, he's been acting kinda weird. Mom says that he's just under a lot of stress at work, but it's just..." Elaine acted slightly embarrassed by the confession. Her eyes looked to the left and right as she spoke.
"Weird, like weird how?" Maggie could feel her anger rising. Her mind flashed back to the hotel, and an unattractive image of Randall floated through her consciousness.
"Well, he keeps coming in my room." Elaine stated, "I mean, like all the time."
"For how long?" Maggie asked, shooting an angry look back at the kitchen. She couldn't believe that Anne thought it was appropriate.
"Only for a little bit, but it's really freaking me out. I mean, this one time I forgot to take out the trash, and when I got home he had dumped it all over my bed." Elaine said, "And I really hate it when he hits me."
"Spankings?" Elaine growled. For a fourteen year old? No, check that, Elaine turned fifteen last month. It was ridiculous.
"Well, he broke his knee at work a week after you left for college, and he's got a cane now." Elaine explained,
"So he hit you with the CANE?" Maggie exclaimed, her eyes wide.
"Mom said that it wasn't hard, but it hurt."
"Wait, MOM was there?" This was getting ridiculous. Anne was not that blind...
"Yeah, and he came into my room after that, told me he was sorry, and gave me a hug. But the hug was kinda, you know, weird." Elaine seemed to cringe after the last statement, as if expecting Maggie to laugh at her.
"Did you tell mom?" Maggie asked, feeling the anger boiling in her chest. Had this happened the last run through? She had been so tied up in her own life tab time, and so embroiled in her own problems...
"What, about the hug?" Elaine asked.
"She said that I was wrong."
"Wait, wrong?" The choice of word struck Maggie as bizarre.
"Yeah, she said that Randall wasn't like that, and that I shouldn't be acting like you." Elaine seemed calmer, but still slightly afraid.
"Well, I mean, flirting with Randall, then saying that you didn't." Elaine was very quiet now.
There was a lot of meaning in that last statement. He was saying that Elaine was flirting with him. Therefore, it was a lie.
"I'm gonna talk to mom." Maggie said, her anger turning into a calm determination. "I've had it with that asshole."
"Don't, please!" Elaine grasped at Maggie's arm. "I don't want to get in trouble again."
"You won't." Maggie moved forward, embracing her little sister in a tight hug. "I'm not going to let him do it again."
It had happened before, she realized. She remembered that year, and how when she returned from flunking out of college, how quiet Elaine had been. She had stopped seeing her friends, and spent so much time in her studies that it was scary. The vivacious fourteen year old had turned into a neurotic, reclusive fifteen year old. Maggie had immediately gone off to the military at seventeen, not staying to see what had happened, but she recalled Elaine at twenty-one. Always quiet, waiting for Randall to speak before she did. She had no boyfriend. She had no driver's license. She went to the local community college, and did poorly.
She released her sister, and walked toward the kitchen, where Anne was busily stirring something on the stove. Anne looked back at her daughter as she entered, smiled, then turned back to the work.
"It's not going to be ready for a little while. If you want to help, I still need to slice the bread." Anne commented over her shoulder.
Maggie looked at the counter, where a loaf of Italian bread still lay in it's paper wrapper. Shrugging, she began to open it as she spoke.
"We need to talk about Randall." There was definite ice in her voice, and she made no attempt to hide it.
"Ok, what about Randall?" Anne asked, taking in a deep breath and exhaling it.
"Your husband is going to molest Elaine." Maggie stated flatly as she slid the bread onto a cutting board.
Anne dropped the spoon, and spun around to look at her daughter.
"Excuse me, young lady. I do not think that you have any grounds to speak about Randall." Anne's voice was very angry, and Maggie could see the color rising in her face. "If Randall was going to molest Elaine, he would never have broken his nose running away from YOU."
So, Randall HAD said something about the hot tub incident. A lie, of course. Not saying anything about it to Anne had been a mistake. A bad mistake. Maggie was momentarily too stunned to speak as Anne continued.
"I don't know what crazy things you're thinking, but it's obvious that you are NOT adjusting to this situation as well as I thought you would be. I thought you might be able to get into a Sorority, not blow it like you did. I thought you might be able to find a boyfriend, and get some of these ridiculous feelings for Randall to go away. I thought that. It looks like I was wrong." She paused for a deep breath, " It looks like we're going to have to get you some help. Therapy, counseling, whatever. Look at they way you're dressed! Look at your HAIR!" Anne's voice began to get shriller, "And that NICKNAME. WITCH. I did not take you to Mass every Sunday for this. My GOD, who do you think you are? Seriously Maggie, WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?"
The pot on the stove began to boil over, as Anne glared at her daughter. The color of her face was beet red, and her hands were clenched into fists.
Maggie felt an odd sense of calm come over her. She stepped back from the counter. Her hands came apart, and looked at her mother, waiting for more.
"Finished?" Maggie asked, then without waiting for an answer, continued, "I don't know who I am, mom, but I know I'm happy. I also know that your husband is a liar. If he tries to lay a hand on Elaine again, I will stop him."
Anne rushed at Maggie, grabbing her at the collar and pulling the fabric into her fist. Her hand came up, smacking hard across Maggie's face. The fist at Maggie's collar yanked hard at the fabric, and Anne began to roar at her.
"LIAR?" Despite the rage Anne was showing, her voice seemed unsteady, as if she was trying to convince herself as much as her daughter. "You were the one who tried to seduce my husband. You're not even my DAUGHTER." The venom in the last word struck Maggie hard, drawing a strong sting in her stomach.
Maggie was bigger than Anne, but she resisted the urge to fight back, merely letting Anne do what she wanted. She merely looked back at Anne with a confident stare.
"Say SOMETHING!" Anne shouted, shaking the fabric in her fist. From behind her, Maggie could hear the hissing of the water impacting on the electric burner. "Say something, GODDAMMIT!" There were tears in Anne's eyes, as she stared at the girl in front of her.
"Will you listen?" Maggie asked quietly.
The hand at Maggie's throat slackened, then dropped. Anne breathed deeply, staring at her daughter. Quietly, she turned about, and turned off the burner on the stove.
"Talk." Anne said quietly, her eyes staring at the rapidly diminishing foam.
"I kicked Randall in the face, the day before rush." Maggie explained. "I told you before that he was making me uncomfortable, and he was trying to get close at the pool."
"But he wouldn't do that." Anne's voice was uncertain. "He said you grabbed him, and his foot slipped on the wet tile when he jumped out of the pool."
"No." Maggie looked at the back of Anne's head as she spoke, wishing that Anne would look at her.
"But..." Anne's voice cut off. There was silence for a moment before she continued. "I'm sorry, I thought... Oh God..." Anne's back shook gently. "... why didn't you tell me?"
"Would you have listened?" Maggie asked.
"YES! YES! OH GOD, YES!" Anne spun around, racing towards her daughter again. This time, she caught her in a tight embrace. "I would have listened!" She sobbed softly against Maggie's shoulder, before she continued. "No... No... I wouldn't have."
"That's why I didn't tell you." Maggie said, merely feeling the closeness of her mother. How long had it been since she had been this close?
"When he punished... When he HIT Elaine, I thought it was just..." She sighed, stepping away from Maggie. "It was borderline; I thought that was as far as he would go."
"Mom," Maggie stated, calmly, "He won't stop."
The sound of the front door opening was audible in the silence of the kitchen. It shut again quietly, and Maggie knew that Randall was home. The anger that she had pushed away came back, as she heard the sound of his footsteps along with a softer thump that must have been his cane, moving towards the kitchen.
"Hey, Anne? Elaine left her damn magazine in the front room." Randall's voice was annoyed, and the sound of a magazine being stuffed into a trash can followed his statement. "She does it again, and I'm gonna toss every single one of them."
Maggie said nothing, looking at the door. Anne's face was calm, as she wiped the last vestiges of tears away.
"See that James is home," Randall stated, stepping into the kitchen. The most noticeable thing was the brace on his left leg. The cane that he leaned on was a deep brown wood with a wooden handle running perpendicular to the main shaft. He said nothing further, merely opening the refrigerator and getting a tumbler down from the shelf nearby.
"My name is Maggie." Maggie said softly, looking at Anne. Anne said nothing, merely looking at Randall.
"I thought you didn't like that, James." Randall chuckled, pouring a large helping of a bottle kept in the freezer into the tumbler, along with a few cubes of ice.
"Things change." Maggie smiled with that comment.
"So, how was work?" Anne asked, changing the subject.
"Good." Randall responded. He took a deep swig of the drink.
"Good?" Anne asked, her voice taking on a skeptical tone.
"Good." He repeated, moving towards the front room. "I'm gonna go remind Elaine to keep her shit in her room."
The word hung in the air. Randall stopped, turning and looking at Maggie with an expression of annoyance.
"What?" Randall said, his hand lowering to lift the cane. His hand grasped it about six inches from the top. He pointed the end of the cane at Maggie as he took another sip of his drink. "You want to say that again, James?"
Maggie looked directly at Randall. She was as tall as he was, and stood her ground solidly. "I said no." She spoke again.
"And why not?" Randall took a step back into the kitchen. Leading with his bad leg, Maggie noted, probably getting ready for a quick swing.
Anne looked nervous, and spoke quickly. "Look, Randall, maybe you should just let it go."
"Are you talking back to me?" Randall asked, his voice taking on a hard edge. "One semester of college and you think you know everything." He was almost within an arms length now. He was getting ready for a swing.
"Don't try it." Maggie's eyes flicked to the hand that held the cane, and back to Randall's face.
"Don't try WHAT?" Randall asked, edging closer.
"Don't, Randall." Anne's voice was quiet, but there was a sound to it that bore a strong finality.
Randall's hand moved, and if Maggie had not been expecting the action, she would have caught the handle of cane right across her face. His hand moved through the empty space where Maggie jerked her head back. She needed to take several steps back to regain her balance but was otherwise unhurt.
Randall moved forward, his hand coming back for another swing. "C'mere." He growled.
"RANDALL, STOP IT." Anne's voice was harsh, as she grabbed at Randall's opposite hand. The drink spilled across the floor as he yanked his hand free.
The hand with the cane came around again, and Maggie knew she couldn't dodge it. Her hand came up, trying to deflect the brunt of the impact. The remainder of the force of the blow struck her on her cheek, causing a sore twinge, which continued to pulse for a moment after the strike landed.
Randall stopped at that point, looking at Maggie with an expression of triumph. "You mind your own business." He said. Anne looked at Randall with an expression of disgust.
"No." Maggie replied,
"You really are a slow learner." Randall snarled, his hand raising the cane again.
"And you're an asshole." Maggie taunted.
The cane came around again, striking high, as she expected. She ducked low, her foot lashing into Randall's leg brace. He howled with pain, losing his balance and dropping to his good knee. Maggie scurried backwards, rising back to her full height. Her fists came up, ready to ward off the next attack.
"RANDALL. STOP." Anne shouted, rushing to his side. "Stop it, RIGHT NOW. What are you doing?"
"Anne," Randall grunted, using the cane to raise himself back to his feet, "She kicked me. She kicked me in my bad leg. I can barely work as it is." He glowered at Maggie, then pointed at her with the hand that did not hold the cane. "You are about to be a VERY sorry little girl, James. C'mere."
Anne shook her head, looking directly at Randall.
"I said stop it." She stated. "I told you to STOP." The color that Maggie had seen in their earlier argument was coming back, and directed at Randall.
"She can't hit me." Randall snarled. "She CAN'T hit me."
"You really want to go for three?" Maggie asked, knowing that she was getting a bit cocky, and not really caring.
Suddenly, Randall moved, faster than Maggie expected. Before she knew it, Randall had pushed her back against the wall, slamming her hard against it. The impact stunned her for a moment, and she all she could do was watch as the cane came up, striking her a hard blow across the cheek.
"You think you're so tough?" Randall snarled into her face, pulling the cane back for another strike. "You still think so, James?"
Reflexively, Maggie brought her knee up, smashing as hard as she could directly into Randall's crotch. His eyes bulged, mouth opening, but no sound coming forth. His grip on her body slackened, and she shoved against him, pushing him back a step. Her leg came up, striking him in the brace once again, this time with as much force as she could put behind the kick.
The knee buckled. This time Randall did make a sound, a wail like a wounded seal. The anger still burning in her veins, Maggie pulled her hand back, forming it into a tight fist. She put every ounce of hatred that she held behind the punch that she drove into Randall's nose.
Randall, off balance already, fell backwards, his head smashing into the floor. He lay there, moaning softly, as Maggie looked down at him. She breathed heavily, the adrenaline burning though her. Her mother stood there, looking down at Randall with an expression of horror.
Maggie reached up to rub at her cheek. There was a feeling of burning on it, and she knew that she'd have a nasty bruise there in the morning. She exhaled a long ragged breath, stepping around the supine man on the floor, and walked out of the kitchen. She slowly moved through her house to her room, closing the door softly after herself. She walked to her desk, sat in the chair, and listened.
For a long while, there was nothing. Then voices. Quiet, then louder and louder. A scream of "GET OUT" loud and in her mother's voice. Then more shouting. A slamming door. In the distance, an engine revving. Then Nothing.
A few moments later, there was a knock, quiet but insistent at her door. She opened it, to the tearful face of her mother. Anne merely looked at Maggie for a moment, her eyes full of apology. Maggie said nothing, merely holding out her arms to her mother. They hugged, quietly, simply feeling the closeness of family.
"He's gone. He'll be back to pick up his stuff, but that's it." Anne said quietly. "I wanted it to work. I just... I never thought that he would..."
Maggie nodded, her hands patting her mother on the back.
They stayed that way for a moment longer, before Anne moved back, closing the door after her. The next thing that she knew, Maggie could feel the tears welling in her eyes, spilling out over her cheeks. She sat in her chair, leaning her head against the table. Her tears flowed out, her body shaking with deep, shuddering sobs. It was over. If nothing else worthwhile happened in her life, she had given her little sister and her mother a chance.
A chance to do things right.
"Can we start over, Witch?" Sherrie asked, her face showing an earnest expression.
"Start over, like how?" Maggie shrugged her shoulders, looking around the small coffee shop where Sherrie had asked to meet her. They were the "NEW" places to be, but if anything, Maggie felt out of place with the crowd.
"Look, I don't know if you heard, but I got thrown out of the fucking band too." Sherrie explained, "Catalina decided that they really didn't need a bass player, and Mike agreed with his fucking dick and kicked me out."
"That sucks." Maggie sipped at her mocha, looking out the store window at the snow frosted streets outside.
"So I was thinking, why don't we get together. I mean, every fucking gig we did after Halloween, somebody would ask where you were. It really pissed off that Mike, that fucking asshole." Sherrie smirked at the last comment, "And anyway, I was getting pretty fucking sick of doing covers of Metallica."
"So, like start a new band?" Maggie asked, "A bass player and a guitarist?"
"Well, yeah, we'd some more members. Fuck yeah. I've got a few friends though." Sherrie affirmed.
"Yeah, I could talk to some people." Maggie immediately thought of Mallory and the other girls on her hall. She recalled that one girl on the other end of the hall played keyboard. Not very well, but maybe she would work as a minor backup until they found someone better.
"So, you want to do this? I mean, shit, you're a great draw. Better than me at any rate." Sherrie shrugged, her hands tapping at a pack of cigarettes she had pulled from her pocket. "Hey, uh, you mind going outside? The fuckers won't let me smoke in here."
They moved outside, into the January chill. The contrast to the heated shop was noticeable, and Maggie pulled her winter jacket tight about herself. Sherrie lit up a cigarette, taking a deep drag, before she continued.
"So I was thinking. You're a draw. I mean, nothing personal, but you're fucking hot." Sherrie smiled at the last comment, running her fingers through her shoulder length dark hair. "So we put your name out there, as the lead, and we just play backup."
"But..." Maggie began to object.
"Fuck that shit, Witch. Yer the reason people will come to see us. Hot chick, can play the guitar like a monster, and actually sing too."
The singing ability had actually come as a bit of a surprise to Maggie. Her voice was much stronger than it had been as a male; more suited to her style of playing.
"Well, ok. Uhm, you want to meet this Saturday, with whoever we can get?" Maggie asked, then her face took on a mischievous tone, "I'd do it during the week, but I've got a test on Friday."
"So, I can come to your show, right?" Mallory asked, her legs swinging as she sat on the edge of the bed.
"Got five bucks?" Maggie smirked, finishing up her practice for the afternoon. One hour a day in the dorms was less of a torture now, since she had her bi-weekly rehearsals to look forward. True, getting the band together had been more of Sherrie's forte. Maggie felt a bit "along for the ride."
"Aww, c'mon. Maybe I can pay you another way..." Mallory grinned at Maggie, winking softly.
"Not cool." Maggie groaned, her stomach making the same twist that it always did whenever Mallory flirted with her. Despite her earlier comments, Mallory seemed to delight in tormenting her roommate. "You know that uh..." Maggie broke off, unable to think of a diplomatic way to end the comment.
"Aww, what? Does it drive you WILD with desire?" Mallory snickered, leaning back on the bed and stretching.
"Ok, knock it off." Maggie sighed, stowing her equipment.
"All right. It's just too easy to get you riled up..." Mallory laughed, moving to the door of the room. "I'm meeting Beth for dinner anyway. Catch you later, babe." She smiled again, blowing a kiss in Maggie's general direction. With that, she left, leaving Maggie standing alone in the room.
"And now I'm horny again." Maggie said to the empty room. She could feel the excitement in her body from Mallory's little show. Her mind knew that Mallory was just teasing her, but somebody needed to forward the memo to every other cell in her body. She felt so warm...
"Goddammit." Her voice growled. She suddenly felt close to tears. So frustrated. Why was she being teased like this? She flung herself facedown on the bed, breathing heavily.
Because she can tease you like this, her mind answered. Mallory likes the attention that you give her when she flirts with you.
She rolled onto her back, looking up at the ceiling. She yearned, ached, wanted to be touched. She moved her hand across her chest, stroking softly. The soft tingle that the contact brought was welcome, helping her clear away the thoughts of frustration and depression.
== False Positives == by Trismegistus Shandy This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial- Share Alike 3.0 United States License. Feel free to repost or mirror it on any noncommercial site or list. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/us/ ----- I pulled up to the gate and showed the guard my invitation; she waved me through and directed me to visitors' parking. At this angle, the Lamp didn't look as much like an old-fashioned Arabian...
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And it was truly a teaching experience. By virtue of her career experience, Colette’s sexual acumen was vast. In the fast-living environment of the airline industry, she had slept with numerous pilots and stewardesses, particularly when she and the other girls were young and new in the business, forced to share hotel rooms when they worked their way up the pay scale. Though Abby had been a sophomore in college when she spent that weekend with her sorority sister Gabbi Holman she chose not to...
Story when i was in degree first year that is the first day of college me and my friends went to college on time for our welcome all the teachers are at the enterance gate then i suddenly saw a beautiful lady welcoming all the students she was very fair and had a good structure by luck she came to my class and told the she is our class teacher i was very happy that she is my class teacher she ask all the students to tell their names all students told their names along with me as i was a...
Hi, this is Vicky, my age is 21 years and its now three years to this incident taken place. This event took place in 2012 and it completely changed my life. I am belong to a very rich family and my parents had died 2 years back, i am presently located in Bangalore for my studies and parents estate sends me a healthy money for my living. I am thin guy with quite a fair looking skin, basically we belong to Darjeeling and so my body as it has very less hairs and my friends keep teasing me that my...
I got a text at 11pm from Cheryl “hi its me Cheryl” I ignored the text in case it was her boyfriend playing games. 2 minutes later a second text “You probably think this is him, but its me. You fucked my ass while I sucked him, you scraped his cum off my tummy into my sloppy seconds cunt, its really me” I texted back “prove it” Seconds later a pic of her open wet cunt with a vibe appears on my phone. The pic date time was seconds ago. I believed it was her. I...
If you've read my previous stories you'll know I was sleeping with my mother in law several years ago. After a few months we decided it was wrong and put a stop to it. Although hard cos she was amazing in bed we managed to stop fucking, Fast forward a few years and me and my wife are having problems in the bedroom department after giving birth s year ago she went off sex completely I tried my best to be faithful but after several months I ended up fucking a local slag I confessed to my wife...
The bar fell into a hush when she walked in. Conversations stopped in a wave around the entrance, rippling out until the entire place was silent. Kanye blared from the digital jukebox but you could hear a pin drop. If she blushed, you couldn't tell; her cheeks were hidden behind deep black fur. The tip of her black tail, weighted down with a golden metal band, twitched, possibly in annoyance at the attention. Her raven black hair was tied in a delicate braid and nearly hidden in the...
The Birthday Gift Your birthday party had been great fun. We’d met some friends in our local. We’d had a good laugh, and maybe drunk a little too much. But hell it was your birthday. I hadn’t known what to get you for the occasion, I wanted it to be something memorable. But what? Clothes? I would choose wrong. Perfume? You had a dressing table full. Underwear? To easy! But what? Then your eyes had lighted onto something in the pub and I knew! I ...
I'm sure we all remember the story of Rebeca's embarrassment from Tales of Enf, side note I will be updating that story as well, school and life have been crazy! This is the story of Rebeca's continuing embarrassment, as well as the embarrassment of her friends, some new friends too, maybe :) Characters: Rebeca: Your average 21 year old, fairly tall, a brunette, with breasts that were large yet firm, and ass which fairly thick yet tight due to plenty of squats, old enough to drink, therefore...
Hi, I have been a long time reader of Indian sex stories, this is my first sex story ever. So I would love to hear your reviews (if I get any :p), I am 24 years old from a city in(M.P) any female who likes my story do let me know… my email is This story is about my neighbor, she is 33 years old married and has a kid.I moved into this locality 2 years back with my parents. My parents are both working so during weekdays I m alone at home, I m in a college, as I am in the final year, attendance...
I explained everything to Jack, and although he wasn't happy about putting his newly acquired sex life on hold, he agreed to abide by Mom's conditions. I worked all summer in anticipation of my next stock purchase. The next one wasn't going to occur for another eleven years. I would have plenty of time to amass the funds necessary to insure that we all would never have to worry about our futures. In 1981, a company called The Home Depot would go public and would drive all of the completion...
His hair was still its dark curly mess. Some of them in front of his eyes. His black square glasses framed his face perfectly. His skin the golden tan. His smile could make anyone happy. He was perfect. Sculpted from God's clay. And when I hugged him, I inhaled the wonderful scent of Old Spice. I had major puppy love for this kid. I swear I got wet every time I just saw him. But now I was sitting on the desk alone, listening to my iPod/reading. My scene had already gone on and I wasn't...
The latex wrapped cutie with the red ball gag seemed to be having a great time on the screen. It was definitely having an effect on my wife Kelly. We sat on our comfy bed watching the unnamed porn starlet, tied up and chained to a bed, get absolutely railed by another lady wearing a large flexible toy attached to her own body. They both seemed to be very happy about the situation, as their happy in some cases muffled gasps proved. Kelly also seemed to be very much enjoying the display,...
My dream girl stood before me, wearing that sexy "business" suit. The smile on her face was one of both tenderness and triumph. She'd planned this. But this was where her plan went horribly wrong. The blood rushed out of my brain, headed for parts south. Rebecca, I'm so sorry. Dick instantly took charge. I leaped across the room, taking her by the wrist, spinning her past me, throwing her to the bed. She squealed in surprise. A heartbeat later, I was sitting on top of her, grabbing her...
I conceived my son, John- Jarvis, close to midnight on the 23rd November 1816, in the White Hart Inn at Hampton Wick. I was naked, seated on the wide window sill of one of the bedrooms in the hostelry, with my legs spread wide apart and my knees up to my shoulders, as Elijah Greenaway, thrusting deep and purposefully inside me, loosed a stream of his seed into my more than receptive vagina. It was not the first time during the night he and I had reached an almost simultaneous climax, crying...
0001 - Tempro 0003 - Conner- Thomas 0097 - Ace - Zimmel 0098 - Lucy 0101 - Shelby (mother ship) - Lucie 0125 - Lars 0200 - Ellen 0301 - Rodrick 0403 - Johnathon 0667 - Marco - Brown 0778 - Jan 0798 - Celeste - Shelby (human) 0908 - Tara - Mara 0999 - Zan Ungrown - unnumbered 3 - onboard Tempro awaiting Shelby 1000 - Sherry - lost at the moment Zimmel just sighed when Lucie told him that they still had to find Sherry. “I’ve got one simple question for you.” He stated. “Just how in the...
I bought a present for my niece’s birthday last week but when we gave it to her, it didn’t work properly, so today… I took it back. The young lady on the customer service desk was about 22 and a really bubbly girl. So friendly, and I noticed, very pretty, with medium length blonde hair, lovely blue eyes, and a smile that would warm the coldest of hearts. She was dressed in the store uniform red fitted shirt, which accentuated her lovely figure, and tight black pants. I explained the problem...
BILLY I'd seen what mum needed as she proudly showed me the field, and to say that I was impressed would have been the biggest understatement ever. She'd done miracles!It cost me all the money I had and a bit more besides, thanks to my credit card, but when mum eventually surfaced, I'd already dug out the base for it."Is it in order for me to ask what you're doing?"I looked up and grinned, she was a vision in my tee shirt and nothing else but a tiny pair of very skimpy...
IncestIn my last story, I mention a bit about clubs. Well, sometimes I do go to clubs with my friends. And things tend to go south. I don`t go to these places that often but I can recall some good moments spent there. I like partying, I mean, who doesn`t. My way of party is, of course, slutty. I think that`s no surprise. My parents don`t mind that because being slutty is part of my nature and that I`m responsible enough to either say no or fuck. But with some alcohol and hours of dancing, it is hard...
Once he'd gotten the water ready he turned back to me and I could see that he already had half a stock. I was shivering a little as he easily lifted me off my feet and deposited me in the old clawfoot tub. The water felt nice and warm on my feet as he stepped in with me and pulled the clear shower curtain. He turned on the shower and after wetting himself thoroughly we switched places and I sighed as the warm water ran over my skin. As I showered Uncle Phil was soaping up a washcloth and...
"It's a VR chair," I said, walking around it. It looked like a dentist's chair, but with the hood that fit over your head. "The principal had read about using the Construct for some classes," the Girl's Counselor said. "The Construct people agreed to loan us one for the rest of the term. There's no charge, which he's absolutely thrilled about. I take it you know how to operate this thing?" "Not exactly. I know how to use it, but I don't know how to set it up." "I have a...
Patra looked at the forest. It was dark. She didn't know what to do so she yelled she wanted to stop. They were lost. She could feel it. Ebony looked at Patra. She was sure her mother was lost. She narrowed her eyes and sat on a patch of grass a little away. "I'm resting!" she gasped. Patra sneered. Ebony had been saying that for the whole duration of the trip. That was how Ebony had lost the map - she had laid down to sleep and it had blown into a river. Patra shivered. Then she...
Ths is my first story. Constructive feedback is welcome. MTSW – Mother Teacher, Sister Whore My name is Jason and I am average in nearly every aspect you can imagine. My height is average, maybe slowly above, have short brown hair and brown eyes and though I am quite strong and muscular I am not ripped. I am an average student and average at sports. The only thing I am above average is having sex, thanks to lots of practice. At the moment I am 21 years old and studying at...
Alex was giving it hell on Branden's cock while masturbating Doogan so hard that the kid could barely keep his balance. At least Branden had a head-hold to help support his wavering hips as the cock monger extended little mercy feeding his manic infatuation, undoubtedly supercharged by the Ecstasy high. Rising to my feet, I looked Jordie in the eye and placed my hands on his shoulders. Applying only the slightest pressure, the message became clear and he pulled away from me and began...
Ashley Aiden is trying to tutor Freya Parker and Sera Ryder, both of whom have things other than academics on their minds. The girls get together for the study session with Ms. Ashley. Before their tutor arrives, Freya trails her fingertips up Sera’s body from her miniskirt to her tits and suggests they do something extra special today. Unsnapping the top two snaps of Sera’s shirt, Freya sets the stage for sex. Aiden arrives looking sexy as hell. Freya and Sera both try coming on to...
xmoviesforyouAndrew had returned home for Christmas. Andrew is twenty-two, just under six feet tall with a good physique. At the moment he doesn’t have a regular girlfriend but that is not to say that he doesn’t have regular sex. Due to his good looks and fit body he has little problem pulling when the need arises. Andrew was a good son, he made sure he got home at least once or twice a term and always for all or part of the vacations.Andrew’s stepmother, Helen, is forty-three with a good figure. She was...
TabooWe had been building up to this for many months. She was the gorgeous account manager, I was the admiring customer. She had captivated me from the first moment we met, and countless texts, emails and phone calls later, I knew she was someone very special. Innocent on the outside, something much more intriguing on the inside. After a fabulous dinner, followed by a few drinks in one of those hidden bars that only the locals know in my town, she boldly told me it was high time I delivered one of...
Mercifully, the locked inner room was sound-proofed. It was blissfully quiet in the study. I sat down in one of the big chairs and caught my breath. There was a soft knock on the door and I said “Enter’ Jameson looked in from the door. “I thought perhaps I heard a disturbance, Master Jeremy?” he said politely. “All taken care of Jameson,” I stated. He nodded. “Ah Miss Leah, I presume.” he said. I nodded at him. “Sir, may I relate some history?In the great war we learned, when the Hun...
I have more. I post several times a day. At the link below I have references to other articles and pictures. http://eroticchristian.com/talking-about-porn-with-your-wife/ So you have used porn for years secretly. Your wife has caught you a few times and you sincerely promised to never do it again. But a few weeks/months later, you saw a link and... well. There you were. Then you started wondering why all men look at porn no matter how religious, Christian, or sincere they are....
She's Every Man's Dream Part One: The Choice of Change By Amanda Rogers Monday morning, Bart Hughes walked into his corner office with the goal to hire yet another hot sexy secretary. This would be his fourth one this year, and it was only July. He plopped down into his chair, eyed the temp that he had requested as she walked in with his coffee. She was pretty, but nowhere near his standards. "Thank you, that will be all," he said as she sat his coffee down and turned to...
August 28, 1991, Chicago, Illinois “Cindi and Chris are heading for a divorce,” Dave said as we sat drinking coffee at a coffee shop on Hyde Park Boulevard. “Well, shit. Have they gone for counseling?” “For over a year,” he said. “Fucking hell. And they got pregnant? Dumb!” “Yeah, not exactly the smart move when you’re having relationship troubles, is it?” “Let me guess, they thought it might help?” “It sure seems like it. Obviously, it only made things worse. She was holding it all...
I woke alone in my bed at the Marlfield mansion, feeling completely rested and relaxed. I was so comfortable and at ease that I just laid there completely nude on top of the covers, not wishing to disturb the perfect stillness and peace after having such a wonderful dream. My attention wandered around the room a bit, not really thinking of anything specific, just letting the objects in the room trigger whatever vague images and feelings they wished to give me. But when my eyes fell on the...
Claire was on the bed with her legs spread apart waiting for either Dan or Ed to slide between them. The black skin of her soft breasts, topped by dark aureole and bullet hard nipples, was very inviting. Both men were still feasting on her breasts unwilling to turn down the invitation. Ed was certain that she had the largest nipples that he had ever seen. Frustrated, she asked, “Won’t one of you get busy and fuck me?” “We’re too busy to fuck you at the moment. Your breasts need a lot more...
I caught her eyes at a newly opened club I had gone to with my then boyfriend and two of his friends to celebrate my 19th birthday. Taking advantage of the fact that my boyfriend was stuck in a long queue for the restroom, she approached me with a confident and assertive demeanour that commanded attention."Hi, what's your name baby?" she said.I was a bit bemused by this approach and it took me a while to realize she was a woman. She was about as tall as me, with deep brown eyes and short brown...
Throughout the day Vikki tried her best to brush up against her daddy as much as possible out of the view of the rest of her family. Will pretended not to notice, but it was becoming unbearable to the point that he was looking forward to bed time and even suggested an early night. He said it was to let his wife get some rest in the hope her condition would improve quicker.Vikki's mother had never seen her so daughter so happy about bed time, but she was still too ill to think anything of...
"Why down here?" Susan asked as I led her downstairs towards the basement shortly after she'd arrived home. "Because, I made a special little place up for us for one thing. But for another, just in case someone does come in, or come home unexpectedly, we have a quick way out, or rather I do anyway," I said grinning at her. "You might get away with being partially undressed being that this is your home, but I think someone coming in and finding me in a likewise state, might raise more...
Change of Fate, Part 2 By JRD IN OUR UNIVERSE, 500 YEARS AGO... They were known as the Marauds, a group of psychotic mages whose insanity made them immune to the effect known as The Scourge, the predecessor to Paradox, and these three were amongst the most powerful. They were known as Xedric The Destroyer, Eric the Annihilator, and Steven the Quick. Xedric was a Master of Forces. Eric was a Master of Life Magicks. And Steven was a Master of Time Magicks. And this was a council...
I met my friend Lesley during the first two weeks of working at Temptations. We were dancing on the same shift and I noticed the first few days I was there that the guys went wild whenever Lesley walked out on stage. She’s a slender, sexy girl with long, dark hair and small, hard nipples that drive the audience crazy. And her eyes…when Lesley stares at me with those beautiful eyes, I can almost feel her tongue burrowing up my pussy…but I’m getting ahead of...
I see Aragorn chasing me in the woods. It is me, only with one of those beautiful filters applied. My hair is smoother. Eyes are wider, brighter. Lips are plumper and the perfect shade of pink. Not a line on my face. You know what those filters do. Oh, and I have pointy elfin ears.He is almost upon me as I quiver with anticipation. The ruggedly handsome, long-haired, bearded ranger will fuck me when he gets his hands on me. How will he ravage me this time? Throw me on the ground? Pin me against...
HumorEvery so often Rebecca Volpetti and her partner love to disappear into their cottages dungeon where they have crazy roleplaying sex for hours on end. This time is no different. Like usual, David leads Rebecca, who has her hands bound together, out to the dungeon by a leash thats attached to a collar around her neck. After having reached the inside of the dungeon, David pulls a massive plug out from Rebeccas ass and replaces it with his cock. Over the next thirty minutes, David dominates Rebecca...
xmoviesforyouBlow Job for Daddy (MF, inc)by Tattletale (anon address)***Daughter comes home from college for summer vacation and catches her single dad masturbating in his bedroom.***"You had better stop now, honey. I don't think it would be appropriate for me to come in your mouth. Maybe you should finish me off with your hand."My beautiful daughter took her mouth off of my cock and smiled up at me. "Well, Dad, it wouldn't really be a blow job unless you came in my mouth, and it isn't like it would be my...
My Black Master came at our home that night. He said that his sexy black wife did not want anal sex; so Jamal warned me he was too horny and needed some sexual relief…But he wanted to feel my tight asshole…He added my loving husband could stay and watch as his huge black dick enjoyed my poor tight ass…After dinner, I got ready for my Master. I put on a sexy black dress, with black seamed stockings, no panties and a pair of sexy stilettos. I looked at myself in the mirror and knew my black stud...
When returned to Lin's Gan was waiting for us in the living room with exciting news. Some of the ladies have asked to make a weekend out of it and wanted to know if that was good with me. I took out my phone and gave Lin a good zap with the toy. She literally crossed her high heeled legs to stop from cumming. Gan looked puzzled and asked again about the ladies Game Weekend. I zapped Lin again and this time she fell on the couch. I hit her with high intensity long duration vibration as she...
It had only been three days since we moved into our new home. I loved the house. It was old and dated, but all it needed was a little love. During the process of moving I did notice some odd things going on in the house. I would put things down on the table, and they would disappear. I would close the closet door and it would be open, when I would reenter the room. I just blamed it on the wind or just my imagination. This particular night Mike had to work until the a.m. and I was going to be...
This story began when I went to clinic to have myself checked out.It is always better to make sure you don't have anything unexpected, since I been sleeping with all this women.I came out of a clinic and went to a café which was not so far away.I ordered a coffee and eggs and toast.I sat by the window.At first I did not notice anything at all but few minutes later I notice a girl was looking at me from outside .I smiled and I thought that was that and carried on eating my eggs and toast and...
For Daniella all was darkness. The sleep mask he had slipped over her eyes encased her in velvet black. Every other sense was heightened. She heard the soft whirr of the fan and the rustle of his clothing, as perhaps he crossed his legs or shifted in his seat. She smelled the honeysuckle through the open window and the sharp tang of cologne whenever he drew close. She felt the prickling of cooling sweat on her exposed skin every time the fanned air brushed her. And she felt the tautness of the...
0049 Special Bench – Bee and LuluIt was a typical scene in the park. Birds and trees and flowers were all about. A man and his daughter came strolling down the path. The girl and her dad were talking and smiling. However, this was not as typical as it seemed.Charlie and Bee were not related; they were neighbors… and lovers.The beautiful Beatrice, or Bee as she was called, was laughing because she was so happy to be out with her special boyfriend. The fact that Charlie was forty and she...
My encounter with an office slut. August 2010I had been doing the gardening for the Estate agency in London for about a year. The thing that first struck me about the contract when I took it on was that was that all the staff in the office were young attractive girls,I had to deal with these girls on a regular basis when briefed about the work, and it sure was a pleasant experience.One day I got a email form Holly to meet her at the office.I arrived at the time requested,Holly was late 40's ...
Aren't those just the cutest cotton bloomers, the woman at the beauty parlor complemented me. She had me take off my blouse so I wouldn't get it dirty when she did my hair all fancy. I'd left my shorts on and the woman noticed it was all a one-piece garment. I couldn't take it off unless I'd taken off my shorts as well. No matter, she said. She'd be really careful. Mother told Carol, the hairstylist, that it was a one- piece and she had one on as well. "Well, isn't that the cutest,...
They had dinner. This was when Steve presented the Pizza coupons to Paul. Paul took each one and looked at it. A "Yaakk" was issued after each. He put them in his pants pocket. This was the way Ed and Sally had conditioned him. He was aware he wouldn't be having pizza every day. When he couldn't stand it longer he would give a coupon to his mother. She would call Ed and he would bring it home for the meal that evening. Ed called Penny that night and asked if she and Cindy could be...
My dear readers, I’m afraid I have little time to reveal all the secrets which surround me. You see, there is a little time frame at night when a few inanimate objects, blessed with a name, are able to communicate with humans. It’s the only time when I, K. Buch, the most prolific traveler and writer amongst the plush owls, can pen my stories. However, I can see, hear, and remember everything from the day my name was given, three years ago. My mistress, a pretty Bulgarian woman, received me as...