Remix, Chapter 7: Riff free porn video

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Remix, Chapter 7 : Riff By Brevdravis The public bathroom was a small room covered from top to bottom with small tan tiles. James quickly entered one of the small stalls, and slid her shirt over her head. Again struggling with the clasp to the bra, she suddenly remembered a trick that one of her old girlfriends had used. She wrapped the bra about her bare stomach, and deftly fastened the hooks. Smirking, she rotated the item around herself and then pulled it up over her breasts. Slipping her arms back into her shirt, she noted how she no longer felt the chill up her spine when she dressed. "Must have been the fabric running across....Oh great...." James thought, realizing that the chill was a sexual response. Like it or not, she was going to have to get used to the fact that she had more erogenous zones than she was familiar with. She fervently hoped that this newness would wear off soon, since constant sensation would be a nightmare and a half. Adjusting her shirt by tucking it back into the waistband of her sweatpants, James opened the stall door. She was alone in the bathroom, and took the opportunity to look at herself in the small mirror as she pulled on her one armed bomber jacket. Leaving the jacket open as she always did combined with the bra, gave an interesting look to her figure. It was a tad embarrassing actually, to note that the sides of the jacket acted similar to a frame around her breasts. Zipping it up halfway just accentuated the problem, and it was too hot to wear it fully closed. Shrugging, James just took it off. "Last thing I want to do is drag attention to my chest." James mumbled, looking to see if that solved the problem. It didn't. The polo shirt that she had chosen this morning wasn't designed for her current form. The t- shirt under it did minimize the shape of the bra under the thin fabric, but no matter what she did, her overall shape would be fairly obvious. Admitting defeat, James redonned the jacket. She figured that at least that way people would be looking at the missing arm first and her breasts second. Unless they're staring at my ass, James thought. God, how could women deal with the stares? She'd already had the same look from one or two passing men earlier in the day that she had had from Randall this morning. It wasn't pleasant. "You did it too, you jackass." James chastised herself. "They just seemed to ignore it. Learn to ignore." Of course, the walk along the pebbled concrete to the fountain alone was nerve wracking. Nobody hooted or hollered, but James felt like everyone was staring at her. If anything they should have been staring less, since she was now closer to looking "normal", but the feeling was still there. She half wanted to scream, wondering what every passing glance that a man or a woman gave her meant. She was actually starting to get afraid. Seeing her mother chatting with Julie and Elaine near the small fountain was a welcome relief. She quickened her step, rapidly closing the distance. Anne looked up as she noted James' approach, and raised a welcoming hand. "Well, you look better." Anne said, looking at James with that same appraising eye. James said nothing, following his mother as she led the small group towards the other large department store in the mall. Macy's had been there for as long as James remembered complete with the glass doors, bisected in the middle with wooden slats. The interior was similar to Mervyn's, but with a lot more glass cases. The salespeople here tended towards slightly more formal clothing as well, all accented with golden tinted nametags. Elaine and Julie raced ahead, towards a section fringed with off-white skinned mannequins. They seemed to be having a grand time as they were momentarily lost from sight. James looked at her mother with a questioning look, but made no comment as the two young teens raced back. James noticed with some trepidation that her sister was holding a jacket on a coat hanger. "Julie found this! Isn't it great?" Elaine grinned, holding the white leather jacket out to James. She took it with a skeptical eye, noting the fringe on the sleeves, and the fact that it seemed to be four or five sizes too small. It was, without a doubt, a very nice jacket for a girl. However, that was exactly the last thing that James wanted to wear, and after a moments contemplation, returned it to her sister. "Thanks, Julie.... but, uh.... no." James smiled apologetically at the girls. "I don't think I'm ready for something like that." "But it's sooooo nice!" Julie pouted, as she took the jacket back from Elaine. "At least try it on!" "I have to agree with Maggie, here girls," Anne commented, looking at the price tag. "I don't think this is really her style." "C'mon Missus Brandistock!" James winced at Julie's mention of his mother's married name. "I bet it'll look great!" "That may be, but I am not forking over two hundred dollars for a jacket that I doubt Maggie will wear. Did you girls get any other ideas that might be a little more reasonable?" At that, Julie walked away with the jacket, presumably to return it to it's rightful rack. Elaine grinned at James, and pointed towards a section that made her skin crawl just looking at it. "Juniors". "I'm a little tall for that, sis." James grimaced, looking towards his mother for a veto. Anne merely shook her head softly, before addressing Elaine. "Elaine, honey, I told you that we weren't shopping for you." Anne said gently. "We weren't!" Elaine nearly shouted, as Julie returned, sans jacket. "Yeah, we just thought that Maggie could use some stuff that looked good!" Julie aided Elaine's defense. They did make the perfect picture of innocence, and for a moment, James thought perhaps they were being truthful. Then she remembered who she was dealing with. "And it wouldn't hurt if you could borrow it occasionally, right?" James stated, looking directly into her sister's eyes. "Well, uh...." Elaine stumbled over her response, and James knew that she had hit right on the mark. "What kind of jacket do you want, Maggie?" Anne ended the awkward silence that had developed, by bringing the attention back to James. "Well, it's Idaho, so a winter jacket." James said, thinking about the cold weather that she had encountered on her first time around. It had been her first time in snow, and the memory of those white flakes drifting down made her ache for something warm. "I was kinda hoping for down...." "Oh, wow, I had one of those back when I was in college...." Anne smiled at the memory. "I don't think you want purple though, right?" "Naaah. How about one kinda like that green one I used to have as a kid?" James thought about the little green and yellow jacket that her mother had sewn for her back in the third grade. She had been the envy of all of the other little boys in class, because Anne had let her sew all sorts of cool patches on it. The memory was pleasant, of a time back before her life had gone to hell in a hand basket. "Can we check clearance?" Anne led the small group back towards a rack in the back of the department. "I remember having one of those on the camping trips I used to take up to Yosemite. We'd sit around a campfire in between climbs, somebody would always drag out a guitar...." Anne pawed through the rack as she spoke, eyes searching for the right item. "How bout this?" Elaine pulled a sky blue jacket with tan trim out from the side of the rack she was looking through. "That's nice." Anne commented, looking at the item. "Oh, it's great! Maggie, if you don't want it, can I have it?" Julie grinned, running her hands over the thick fabric. James actually didn't know what to think. It was a lot lighter in color than she was used to, and she kept imagining how it would look if it ever got dirty. The image wasn't exactly pretty. "I think you might want to try that one on." Anne said to James, as she continued to look through the rack. Shrugging, James removed her leather jacket and handed it to Elaine, trading it for the thick winter item. She slid first one, then the other arm into it, and zipped the bulky coat up rapidly. What immediately struck James was the feeling of warmth that took hold inside the jacket. It had to be down, since she could feel the movement of the feathers as she shifted slightly, feeling how her arms moved. It was definitely comfortable, but the California heat was rapidly making the simple try-on session intolerable. It would be a good item for this winter however. Maybe they had it in a darker color. After another five minutes of searching through the rack, James realized that if she wanted to get this jacket, she would have to get THIS jacket. The thought wasn't terrible, since it was definitely something she would enjoy wearing, if she could just get past the pastel color scheme. "It looks great, Maggie." Elaine grinned again. "See mom, I told you I wasn't shopping for me!" "Yeah, he doesn't even look a little bit like a guy." Julie blurted out, looking at James. "Uh...." James groaned at Julie's little gaffe. She didn't think anybody in the store had heard Julie, but she really didn't feel like being stared at as a freak for the rest of the trip. Fortunately, Julie seemed a bit embarrassed by her slip, and immediately busied herself looking though another rack. "What do you think honey? Get it?" Anne said, looking at James softly. She seemed to be thinking about something, perhaps a memory. "Yeah, sure. I think I'm going to pack it until Idaho though. That thing is warm..." James rapidly removed the jacket, before retrieving her own and putting it back on. "Good, the last thing I need is you freezing to death." Anne smiled, taking the coat from her. "Okay, three more things here and we're done." "Totally done?" James smiled at the thought. "No, done with Macy's." "Oh. What?" "Shoes, formals, and makeup." "WHOA! Hang on there Mom, you didn't say anything about THAT." "What? Shoes?" Anne asked, an amused expression on her face. "NO.... makeup...." James dropped his voice to a near whisper. "Maggie, it's nothing to be embarrassed by." Anne said, shooting a glare at Elaine that kept her from making whatever comment she was about to. "Mom, I uh..... This isn't optional, is it?" James asked the final question, already knowing what her mother would say. "Nope." "Then please don't make me look like Tammy Faye Baker, okay?" All three of the other women in the little shopping party chuckled at the last comment, seemingly sharing a private joke. James hoped that she had said the right thing. "No, don't worry honey. I don't even expect to get you very much. Just some subtle stuff for your formals. In fact, let's just get it over with right now." James found herself being led to the makeup counter. Her eyes roamed over the huge racks, noting how almost everything seemed to be some shade of pink. Well, no, not everything was pink, she corrected, looking at the dark blue dress worn by the extremely attractive woman manning the counter. James' eyes roamed over the figure who greeted them, noting the raven hair and the exquisite green eyes that drew her attention right from the start. "Hi. How can I help you today?" The woman behind the counter addressed Anne, and as she did so, James couldn't help but notice how her smile seemed far more genuine than that of the old lady at Mervyn's. "Well, Maggie here is going off to college, and would like to see how she'd look with something subtle." "Ok, Maggie? Hi, I'm Joyce. Why don't you have a seat and we'll see what works." Joyce pointed to a small chair that sat in front of a large mirror. She led the way, and James' gaze drifted to her ass. She momentarily noted how it looked in the dark blue skirt, before reminding herself that there was exactly nothing that she could do about it. "So what are we thinking here? I love your eyes, by the way." The woman moved in front of James as she sat in the chair. "Uhm, thanks." James said, looking back into the woman's sparkling green. If James had been a man again, she would never in a million years would have had the courage to even say one word to this enchanting woman. "They're new." James tried for a humourous comment, which in fact did bring a small smile to Joyce's face. "MOOOOM, can we go up and look at the formals?" Elaine's voice was distant to James, as she felt her attention being drawn to the woman who was scrutinizing her face. "Sure, but be back soon. What do you think, something light?" Anne looked back to the girls, who scurried away rapidly, before turning her attention back to the cosmetics salesgirl. "Yeah, maybe, I think that we should definitely accent her eyes though." Joyce nodded softly, before turning to rummage through a small rack. She came up with a small round case, and a tool that looked a bit like an oversized cotton swab. "Close your eyes." James did so, and waited as she felt a light pressure on her eyelids. It tickled, and she forced back a giggle. The movement of Joyce's hands was indeed pleasureable, stroking the tool back and forth across the sensitive skin of her lids. After another moment of her touches, James could feel something on her eyelids. If anything it felt like being slightly sweaty. It wasn't unpleasant, but would take a little getting used to. "Okay, open." Joyce's voice was calm, and when James opened her eyelids she saw no major changes in the mirror. A moment went past, and then she noticed the slight peach color on her eyelids. It wasn't a major change, but it brought even more attention to her eyes. "I think that's going to work." Joyce said, admiring her handiwork. "Are we going with that one?" "Definitely." Anne's response was quick, and Joyce placed the small round container on the table. "I don't think we need to go with too dark a rouge, since she's already got great cheekbones. How bout this one? Close please." James snapped her eyes shut as Joyce approached her face with an applicator that looked like an oversized paint brush. The touch on her face was gentle, and James thought about how if she had still been a man she would have probably have had to pay a huge amount of money for the kind of attention that Joyce was showing him to just sell a couple pieces of makeup. All too quickly, the gentle caresses of the brush were over, and James opened her eyes to see herself again. The rest of the session was similar. Joyce would select an item for its subtlety, and then spend a few exquisite moments touching James' face, applying it. James wanted to ask if she always went this far on a first date, but choked back the thought. Her mother was standing right there, and making lesbian comments would not make the time they were spending together any more pleasant. "Wow. I think that's going to work perfect. What do you think Maggie?" James thought she looked like a model. The minor changes that the application process had made brought out a beauty that James did not know that she possessed. Upon further reflection, her first thought was actually, hey, I'd fuck her. It was actually rather uncomfortable that that was the exact thought that she had been having with regards to Joyce as her mother again handed the credit card over for the items they were purchasing. James had thought that she had gotten over that whole teenage obsession with sex, but apparently her body wasn't going to let her get away without going through it again. "So, shoes or formals?" "Can we get some lunch, I'm actually getting pretty hungry." James said as they walked towards the escalators. "After we finish up here, ok? Let's do formals, since shoes are easy." Formals, as James should have realized from her mother's statement, were not easy. She lost track of the amount of times she trudged back and forth to the dressing room, after one of the little shopping group had insisted that she "try just one more." Dress was a dress was a dress. It got to the point where James almost didn't see herself in the mirror anymore, just a figure that her mother and sister were playing dressup with. Considering some of the items that her sister and her friend suggested, that might have been a good thing. Julie and Elaine seemed partial to fashions that were appropriate to a catwalk. Either that, or dancing on a pole, which James did not plan on attempting anytime soon. It brought her considerable relief when Anne vetoed several of them without even a preliminary try-on. After the ordeal of fabric and uncomfortable zippers, James found it a welcome relief when the final purchases were made. She wasn't even sure exactly which items her mother had finally chosen, since exhaustion was rapidly becoming the largest factor in her life. No matter how much James hated shoe shopping, she found herself actually looking forward to it, for the simple fact that she would allowed to sit down was extremely appealing. A quick trip down the stairs, and there they were at the shoe department. James allowed her mother to once again take charge of the proceedings, heading towards a large chair that seemed especially welcoming. She mechanically slipped her feet into each pair of sneakers that were presented, answering all questions with a non-committal grunt. It was when the shoes changed to ones that she was not familiar with that she began to speak up. "Wait, mom. I don't need heels on my shoes." "Maggie, you need at least one pair of pumps for your formals." Anne corrected her wayward daughter's comment with a shrug. "Mom, I'm five eleven. I don't think I need heels." James said again, trying to get away from this particular style of shoe. "Yes, you do." Anne said, fitting the dark shoes to each of James' feet in turn. James finally relented, as she had all day. There were more important things to fight about, after all. It wasn't like she was actually going to have to wear these things when she got up to Moscow, anyway. She remembered how she had been able to count on one hand the number of times she had worn one of the suits his mother had bought for him the last time around. Surely this time it wouldn't be any different. Heck, she hadn't even had to wear a suit once during rush week the last time. Two purses and another pair of shoes later, James relished the quarter pound hamburger that she had coerced Anne into purchasing. After the amount of work that she had done this morning, the simple chance to sit down and eat was incredibly refreshing. "So, I think we only have one more stop." Anne announced, in between bites of her own burger. "Great, then home, right?" "This has been so much fun, Missus Brandistock." Julie piped up, as she slurped at a large soda. "Do I get to do this when I go off to college?" Elaine asked, her eyes wide with the thought. "One at a time here girls." Anne held up her hand to silence the chattering. "Yes, Maggie. Thank you, Julie. Of course, Elaine." James waited a few minutes more, while she finished chomping on the large sandwich. Only one thing bothered her, and that was the amount of grease that dripped onto her fingers as she ate. She'd eaten here numerous times, and yet the grease had never bothered her half as much as it did today. "So, what's the stop?" James asked as she crumpled the greasy paper wrapper and tossed it onto the tray in front of her. "Vee Ess." Anne said, clearing her own tray away. "Excuse me? No. No. No. I think I heard you wrong there. You did not just tell me that you're taking me to a fricking lingerie store." James knew she was overreacting, but after the rest of the day, this was the last straw. "James, you need underwear for your formals." "I HAVE underwear. Okay? I don't need anything else." James had no idea why her mother wanted to take her into a store that sold underwear for the exclusive purpose of turning men on. Heck, when she was a guy, just walking past the display windows had often been enough to inspire a semi. Did her mother really think... "Honey, we need to get you something that isn't going to show a panty line. Plus you need a bra for that strapless dress we got you." "Fine, but Vee Ess? Come on mom, we both know what kind of stuff they sell there." "Have you ever been in there, Maggie?" "I don't have to, mom. I can see the display windows just fine." "Then you have no idea what they really sell in there." After a long argument, James finally relented. When they actually started trying on items, she realized that her mother had been telling her the truth. Victoria's Secret might have a great deal of risqu? items, but there was another side that men tended to forget about. Functional underwear was quite common once she got past the front few racks. James actually found that she did have a preference in underwear: avoiding butt-floss. The few items that she allowed her mother to coerce her into buying were fairly conservative, and actually would look fairly good if she ever found the occasion to wear them. Not that that was likely. James had no intention of ever letting the stuff touch her, but she was humoring her mother. Finally, they had finished. Anne and the two younger girls led James back to the car, her arms loaded with small bags. As they approached the vehicle, she immediately called out, "SHOTGUN!" Anne drove them all home, stopping briefly to drop off Julie. As the car pulled into the driveway, James noted Randall, unloading his truck again. She momentarily wondered if Randall actually ever got any work done, since all she ever seemed to see him do was load and unload the truck. With that thought, James began to remove the bags from the back of the car. She finished collecting the last of them, and began to walk up the driveway, when Randall called out to her. "Went panty shopping, James?" the sarcastic comment struck James hard. She looked down at the bags in her hands, and noted sadly that the Victoria's Secret bag was on the outside. Randall just couldn't let that one go, could he? "RANDALL!" Anne's voice was sharp, and it took James a moment to realize that she had indeed addressed Randall, and not her. James looked back, to see her mother staring at Randall with a murderous look in her eye. "What, honey?" Randall asked, dropping the tool he had been holding into the truck bed. He wiped his hands on his blue jeans, and spread them apart in a appeasing gesture. "Just a joke." James shrugged, and continued up towards the house. He had seen this conflict a few times before. Anne and Randall would fight over something he said, they'd go to their room, and the next morning, Anne would be in a good mood again. As an adult, James had figured out exactly what had most likely gone on in that room. "NO, it?s NOT just a joke. You have no idea how hard this was for Maggie. She worked harder at being a member of this family today than I have ever seen her do. You do NOT get to make fun of her because she bought underwear." The tone in Anne's voice was strange. James had heard that anger before, but it had always been directed towards herself. The fact that Randall was bearing the brunt of it was unusual, to say the least. James was half tempted to stay and listen to the rest of the conversation, but felt a hasty retreat would be the wiser course. As she opened the door and headed into the main room she could hear Randall stammering out some lame apology, and Anne's angry retort. She closed the front door behind her, since Elaine had already preceded her into the house, and went to the stairs that led up to her room. James dropped the shopping bags in a corner of her room, and lay back on the bed. She was tired, but a normal kind of tired. It had been a very long day, an all she wanted to do now was rest. Her right hand dropped to the basket near the foot of her bed, and fished in it for a moment, before coming up with an old issue of Mad Magazine. If she ever needed to laugh, now was the time. To be continued......

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RemixChapter 6

"Can you sing?" The question caught James a bit off guard. She was not prepared for it, and so blurted out the first thought that came to mind, an old joke that she always used when people asked her that in auditions. "Only if you don't mind somebody who sounds like Frank Sinatra." It came out rehearsed, casual. Of course it was totally inappropriate, a fact that was not unnoticed by the questioner: a longhaired drummer who went by the name of Colin. "Seriously, can you sing?" He...

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RemixChapter 7

Finals came quickly, with Maggie throwing herself into her schoolwork. Apart from her daily relaxation with her guitar, she did very little partying. It wasn't that she was afraid, rather that she was cautious. She avoided fraternity parties, tending to drift towards unofficial school functions. She began to think of herself as a social selective, rather than a social outcast. She had gained a nickname however. It was a common greeting as she walked down the halls, or met an acquaintance...

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How Are You Not Being NeglectedChapter 9 The total four chapters

We went to the bedroom and the bed was ready with pillows for the fireworks, what our ANR love would bring to us. I was no longer an ANR virgin so I was confident. Olga said, "If you want I could give you oral sex first, because my breast isn't yet full of milk and you'll be able to build up your own fluid." I told her, "I like that idea." "I gave you pineapple for lunch so your sperm will be very tasty for me. It's like what happens to my breast milk when I eat chili." My cock...

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Flight of the Griffin

Flight of the Griffin Life is a funny thing. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad, and sometimes it changes just when you think you've got it figured out. It's that last part that can really throw you or maybe it can give you a new direction depending on how you see things. Not so long ago, I was just some guy trying to figure out where I belong in the grand scheme of things. To be totally honest, I wasn't having much luck. I didn't feel like I fit anywhere. After twenty-six...

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KennedyChapter 9 Kennedy and the Sheriff

Kennedy's first clue that something was wrong was when she pressed down to lift up from the boat. Her shoulders and arms hurt. When she lifted the boat, beads of sweat popped out on her forehead and she fought not to drop the boat. Her back screamed in pain, her arms, shoulders... even her legs were in agony. She gritted her teeth and straightened up, the boat on her shoulder. Mr. Waterman's scull was floating loose a few feet away; he was nowhere to be seen. Kennedy's eyes came to light...

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An Ordinary Teenage Sex Life 2Chapter 21 Chapters End

JULY 2002, SUMMER CAMP Dawn, Adrienne, and I decided to skip this morning's hike. We were just too wiped out from the previous evening's post-dance orgy, me especially. And so it was that the two girls hung out in the main lounge at the lodge, chatting with each other while I reclined out on the deck, just resting my weary body. It was still quite cool in the morning, enough to require a sweater, so there wasn't anyone else outside with me. I enjoyed the solitude and the quiet sounds of...

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A Swapped Life Chapters 2527

A SWAPPED LIFE, Chapters 25 - 27 A young male engineer goes to an engineering conference and gets swapped with a teen unwed mother who did not finish high school. Story discusses how the new woman makes new friends, and copes with motherhood, her new parents and sister, her former boyfriend, and eventually with love and marriage. Story also discusses the struggles of the new man, whose family and educational background did not give him the tools to fit into the world of men, and of...

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A Swapped Life Chapters 1224

A SWAPPED LIFE, Chapters 22 - 24 A young male engineer goes to an engineering conference and gets swapped with a teen unwed mother who did not finish high school. Story discusses how the new woman makes new friends, and copes with motherhood, her new parents and sister, her former boyfriend, and eventually with love and marriage. Story also discusses the struggles of the new man, whose family and educational background did not give him the tools to fit into the world of men, and of...

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Footrints In The Sea Chapters 3 and 4

Footprints In The Sea - Chapters 3 & 4 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright © Frances Penwiddy 2015 Footprints in the sea is a work of fiction and any similarity to persons living or dead is coincidental. This novel is not considered suitable material for minors and is rated X Shipwrecked on an island in the South Pacific region known as the Desert and more than one thousand miles from the nearest known habited land and located between New Zealand and South America,...

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A Swapped Life Chapters 1921

A SWAPPED LIFE, Chapters 19 - 21 A young male engineer goes to an engineering conference and gets swapped with a teen unwed mother who did not finish high school. Story discusses how the new woman makes new friends, and copes with motherhood, her new parents and sister, her former boyfriend, and eventually with love and marriage. Story also discusses the struggles of the new man, whose family and educational background did not give him the tools to fit into the world of men, and of...

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BB 3 The Sheriff

Gary was pleased to see that Gretchen was waiting for him just inside the back door to the kitchen of the B&B. She opened the door and he stepped inside carrying a box full of Chinese food cartons. She took the box and placed it on the kitchen table. Then she spun, wrapped her arms around him and pressed her face into his shoulder. “Hi, baby,” he said. “Hi,” she replied into him. He gently grasped her shoulders and nudged them back so he could see her face. One look told him that she had done...

Group Sex
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The Standoff Miss Tiffany Saloon Owner Joe ORiley Sheriff

The year was 1882; the west had started to settle down and many of the old wild, rough and tough towns were no longer that way. Such was the small cow town of Apache Creek, AZ; at one time it was famous for being one of the roughest towns to drive cattle through. A town that use to be run by crooked Sheriff Williams, who looked the other way when cattle were rustled or a cattleman was robbed.Now it had settled down and the old sheriff was gone, replaced by Sheriff Joe O’Riley, an Irish bloke...

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Emerald Princess Chapters 15 v2

Foreword: In 2016 I began posting this story, Emerald Princess, set in the Whateley Universe. Real life happened, along with a major case of writer's block, and I stalled out in the middle of Chapter 21. Several people have tried to get me to return to this since I stopped, but I just could never get my head back into the story. Finally a new friend, Chloe, badgered me enough I decided to take another look at it. As a result I have managed to finish the full novel, which is...

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Kate Draffen Chapters 18 19

Kate Draffen By Swishy Hi there. Firstly thank you everyone for the amazing feedback. It has really spurned me on to write better and better. Unfortunately real life has a way of intruding and therefore I haven't been able to release the entire last third of the story as one large part but instead I will be posting two chapters at a time until Gemma's story is complete. These are chapters 18 and 19, the rest of the story (to a total of 26 chapters) will be coming out in regular...

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Author of THE SATYRICON - Gaius Petronius Arbiter (c. 27 - 66 AD) was a Roman courtier during the reign of Nero. He is generally believed to be the author of the Satyricon, a satirical novel believed to have been written during the Neronian era (54-68 AD). Tacitus, Plutarch and Pliny the Elder describe Petronius as the elegantiae arbiter (also phrased arbiter elegantiarum), "judge of elegance" in the court of the emperor Nero. He served as suffect consul in 62. Later, he became a member of...

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Swapped Life Chapters 16 18

A SWAPPED LIFE, Chapters 16 - 18 A young male engineer goes to an engineering conference and gets swapped with a teen unwed mother who did not finish high school. Story discusses how the new woman makes new friends, and copes with motherhood, her new parents and sister, her former boyfriend, and eventually with love and marriage. Story also discusses the struggles of the new man, whose family and educational background did not give him the tools to fit into the world of men, and of...

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Swapped Life Chapters 12 15

A SWAPPED LIFE, Chapters 13 - 15 A young male engineer goes to an engineering conference and gets swapped with a teen unwed mother who did not finish high school. Story discusses how the new woman makes new friends, and copes with motherhood, her new parents and sister, her former boyfriend, and eventually with love and marriage. Story also discusses the struggles of the new man, whose family and educational background did not give him the tools to fit into the world of men, and his...

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Deputy Sheriff

I was the oldest son of the Sheriff of duke Marish. Very few systems followed the old or I should say ancient laws and systems. While the empire had dukes owning systems, there were still elected governors. That was the side that normally ran the legal system but not here. The system government still hired and supported constables but they were not the only law. The duke had a sworn man that was his Sheriff. The Sheriff had an under sheriff in each district or continent or earldom. Each...

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The Sheriff

I am Steve a Deputy with my local Sheriffs Department. I am 29 years old 5’9” and weigh 165 lbs. My wife Sarah also works at the Sheriffs department she is 27 and a has 36DD breast. Sarah is a office worker. We have both been good employees and have not been in any trouble since we started working there. Although a scandal has ran through our small department with a couple people being indicted. On one Friday I received a phone call to go to the Sheriffs Department after my shift ended at 7 pm....

She Males
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The Bet Chapters 1 3

The first thing you should know about this story is that it's long - very long! Don't let these first few chapters fool you. As the story becomes more complex, the chapters become much longer. When taken as a whole, my official word count for this version of the story is 1,159,450 words. If you do a little bit of research (such as at ) you will find that if this was a legitimate piece of printed published literature, it would stand...

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Footprints In The Sea Chapters 13 and 14

Footprints In The Sea - Chapters 13 & 14 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright © Frances Penwiddy 2015 Footprints in the sea is a work of fiction and any similarity to persons living or dead is coincidental. This novel is not considered suitable material for minors and is rated X I suggest you read Footprints In The Sea in chapter order so if you haven't read Chapters 1 and 2, please do so. Two doctors agree on their assessment after Charlotte attends a meeting and has...

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The Sisterhood of Athena Chapters Four and Five

Finally, here are the next two exciting chapters in my on-going saga. I want to thank reviewer 'anon' for his comment on 9/23/10 for inspiring me to finally get these chapters finished. I'd been just short of half done with these chapters for the better part of a year but between lack of initiative and wondering if anyone even cared if I kept going I'd just sort of let it fall through the cracks. I apologize to any readers that thought I'd given up on this series and just want to point...

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The Writers Secret Chapters 34

Thanks for all the wonderful comments on the first two chapters! Here are the next two chapters. It's time to teach Loren a bit about being Laura before their dinner party. The Writer's Secret (Chapters 3-4) by Ann Michelle Chapter 3: The Education of Laura As they settled on the couch, Stephanie slipped her feet out of her slingbacks and pulled her legs up underneath her. Loren sat uncomfortably on the other end of the couch with...

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Meeting Jenn Chapters 3

MEETING JENN Chapters 3 & 4 Note to the reader: Please read chapters 1 & 2 of 'Meeting Jenn: How I fell in love with my best friend.' All feedback and more ideas are welcomed. I'm working on Chapters 5 & 6 now and should be able to post it in a week. Thanks for reading... Indy CHAPTER 3; What next? I seemed to toss and turn through the night, I wasn't used to sleeping next to anyone. Jenny slept like a baby, at one point letting out a cute little snore. I...

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Footprints In The Sea Chapters 5 and 6

Footprints In The Sea - Chapters 5 & 6 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright © Frances Penwiddy 2015 Footprints in the sea is a work of fiction and any similarity to persons living or dead is coincidental. This novel is not considered suitable material for minors and is rated X Shipwrecked on an island in the South Pacific region known as the Wilderness and more than one thousand miles from the nearest known habited land and located between New Zealand and South America,...

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A Lesbian Love Story Chapters 4 and 5 of 7

This is a continuation of the story I wrote for an XH user that challenged me to write a Lesbian Love story in the first person, meaning I need to write as if I was one of the women.I am relying on flashbacks based on the first chapter to make this more than a love story and more than erotic sexual contact between two women. So if you jumped into this story without reading the previous chapters you may be confused.This work, when completely posted, is over 40-pages long so breaking it up in...

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A Swapped Life Chapters 10 12

A SWAPPED LIFE, Chapters 10 - 12 A young male engineer goes to an engineering conference and gets swapped with a teen unwed mother who did not finish high school. Story discusses how the new woman makes new friends, and copes with motherhood, her new parents and sister, her former boyfriend, and eventually with love and marriage. Story also discusses the struggles of the new man, whose family and educational background did not give him the tools to fit into the world of men, and his...

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A Swapped Life Chapters 7 9

A SWAPPED LIFE, Chapters 7 - 9 A young male engineer goes to an engineering conference and gets swapped with a teen unwed mother who did not finish high school. Story discusses how the new woman makes new friends, and copes with motherhood, her new parents and sister, her former boyfriend, and eventually with love and marriage. Story also discusses the struggles of the new man, whose family and educational background did not give him the tools to fit into the world of men, and his...

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A Swapped Life Chapters 4 6

A SWAPPED LIFE, Chapters 4 - 6 A young male engineer goes to an engineering conference and gets swapped with a teen unwed mother who did not finish high school. Story discusses how the new woman makes new friends, and copes with motherhood, her new parents and sister, her former boyfriend, and eventually with love and marriage. Story also discusses the struggles of the new man, whose family and educational background did not give him the tools to fit into the world of men, and...

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Twin Switch Chapters 3336

Twin Switch Chapter 33-36 By Cheryl Lynn This is a work of fiction featuring an evil step-mother who is determined to switch the sexual identities of her twin step-children. I highly recommend that you read all preceding chapters before reading this one. The basic plot to Chapter 33 was written by Trish Simpson who did a wonderful job. Thank you Trish. Chapters 34 plus had a lot of help from Troxis. This story may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use not expressly...

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Mutual Benefits Chapters 1115

It was a miracle that the memories of that second date didn’t make me fail all of my finals. School should have been the first thing on my mind, but it came at a distant second place, after Morgan, and the time we got to share together at the movie theater. Any time I wasn’t texting her, I was thinking of her. Kevin of all people reminded me that I should study for the finals, though Mother also was glad to give her two cents as well. That said, I tried to be humble but I wasn’t delusional –...

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Exhibitionist Sister Chapters 4 6

This portion of the story covers chapters four, five, and six. If anybody has any feedback or requests in the comments, I'd be happy to hear 'em! A brief synopsis of the first three chapters if your'e starting out here: Brian and Ashley are dating. Madison is Ashley's sister. Madison is dating a girl named Alyssa. The four of them are having a movie night in Ashley and Madison's basement when Brian and Ashley break away to have sex. Nobody suspects anything initially. After the...

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BANGING AROUND BANGKOK: Chapters 4 – 8thanks to those who chose to like and comment, it helps.Chapters 1, 2 & 3 can be found here if you have not yer read them[/i]: AROUND BANGKOK: THE AMOROUS ADVENTURES MEOW MORRISONby: dookiewin/freshCHAPTER 4: DIPLOMATIC RELATIONSMy hand phone was ringing and it was one of those times when you just wished that technology hadn’t...

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The Class Project Chapters 17

Author's Note: This is a very slightly edited (cleaned up) version of the original 7 chapters of Class Project which I first posted to the newsgroup back in 1995. I've let this tale languish for a long time and I'm not quite the same person I was when I first started writing it. Recently I saw a hyperboard thread listing stories which need to be completed. Class Project was on at least one of those lists. Since then I've been working on the continuation and will be...

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Footprints In The Sea Chapters 7 and 8

Footprints In The Sea - Chapters 7 & 8 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright © Frances Penwiddy 2015 Footprints in the sea is a work of fiction and any similarity to persons living or dead is coincidental. This novel is not considered suitable material for minors and is rated X I suggest you read Footprints In The Sea in chapter order so if you haven't read Chapters 1 and 2, please do so. Charlie introduces Will to the passenger who has been hiding in the Pacific Wanderer...

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Adoptive Mother Final Grace does Sheriff

Breathing hard, as if just having gone through a training program, she couldn’t believe it. He did that, honestly? Max and I honestly, truly fucked like we did, she asked herself. He didn’t know better. This was his first time. He hoped, and it looked like that on his face, that he’d done okay. He wore that simpleton’s expression on his face, the one in which said to others did I do it right? “Wow Max” and she took another deep breath of air, “and you’ve…you’ve never had,” and she did it again....

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Adoptive Mother Final Grace does Sheriff

Breathing hard, as if just having gone through a training program, she couldn’t believe it. He did that, honestly? Max and I honestly, truly fucked like we did, she asked herself. He didn’t know better. This was his first time. He hoped, and it looked like that on his face, that he’d done okay. He wore that simpleton’s expression on his face, the one in which said to others did I do it right? “Wow Max” and she took another deep breath of air, “and you’ve…you’ve never had,” and she did it again....

Oral Sex
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I Shot The Sheriff

I Shot The Sheriff It was the first Halloween I was allowed to go trick or treating without my brother. I was going with a number of my school friends and one of their mother's so mom thought it would be ok. Andy had a new part-time job after school and couldn't get off until late. He blamed himself for everything that happened. I was excited to go trick or treating with my friends. I loved my Elsa costume and just wished my big brother Andy could have come with. I was getting tired...

3 years ago
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Trouble and Strife Chapters Three and Four

Chapter Three The next morning, wearing a clean and dry pair of jockey shorts, Charlie headed into the office where he was met by knowing looks from Simon and a hug from Beatrice. Beatrice was three years older than Charlie with a plump figure and an open, welcoming smile that spread all the way into her eyes. In her own way she loved both of the men she worked with but she found neither of them attractive. Preferring to gaze at the parade of young women that walked passed the...

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