Remix, Chapter 3: Melody free porn video

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Remix, Chapter 3: Melody By Brevdravis Getting his braces removed didn't hurt as much as he remembered. Of course, the last time that he had this procedure, his mouth had been a ravaged chunk of beef, with metal sticking into it at odd angles. The metal was still there, but the lack of injuries greatly lessened the inevitable discomfort. James ran his tongue over the teeth that sat solidly in their sockets. Apart from one tooth that jutted slightly on the lower left side of his mouth, his smile was nearly perfect. "It looks nice." Anne commented as they left the orthodontist's office. "Yeah, it feels a lot better without the piano wire in there." "You're just so lucky. We thought you'd have to be in braces for at least the rest of college." He had been. James recalled that the only way he had gotten them off was to enlist. The Navy had not been too keen on a sailor wearing braces to basic. James spent the drive home thinking. The morning had already held some unpleasant surprises, not the least of which had been trying to find a pair of pants that fit. Almost every pair that he owned was now extremely tight in the upper portions. Although his height had not changed, the proportions of his lower extremities had. He had eventually given up and selected a pair of sweatpants, much to his mother's chagrin. The changes were indeed subtle. Looking in the mirror, James could still easily recognise his own face. It was the little ways that he had changed that were starting to bother him. His eyes, for example. It wasn't anything major, but the way they seemed to draw his gaze bothered him. He recalled an old class that he had taken in sculpture where they had attempted to recreate the eye of the statue of David. The depth of the eyes had been exaggerated in order to enhance the masculinity of the figure. Now, James realized that the structure of his eye sockets was changing in precisely the opposite direction. Where before he could press the heels of his hands into his eye sockets without applying pressure on the eyeballs themselves, now the slightest force brought the feeling of impact to them. His nose too had lost a slight amount of definition. Where before it had been a precise line from his forehead to slightly above his lips, it now was more of a curve. Combined with the forward progress of his eyes, it gave him a softer look to his rounded face. If anything, he was starting to look like the stereotype of a gay man. When they returned to the house, James' first thought was of food. Although he had already eaten this morning, a ravenous desire was sweeping through him. He began to fantasize about steaks. No, not steaks, fajitas. Large ones. Bell peppers and onions. Maybe a side of refried beans, with some guacamole covered nachos to boot. He contented himself with a meatloaf sandwich, which was the fastest thing he could slap together in the kitchen. "You're eating like a pregnant woman," Anne noted when she saw James digging in the bottom of pickle jar after downing his sandwich. "It's not my fault. I'm just hungry." "Uhm, James, have you lost weight?" Anne's question took shape as she stared at her son, her eyes roaming over his form. "I don't think so. My jeans don't fit anymore." James replied through bites of a pickle slice. "I don't think that has much to do with your weight, honey." Anne smiled at his response. Her face had a knowing look on them. "Can I ask you something?" "Sure." James rinsed the empty jar in the sink, peeling the label off. He placed the now clean jar in to the diswasher, along with the plate that he had made the sandwich on. "Have you noticed any major changes yet?" Anne looked directly into James' face. "No, not really." James lied. He rooted in the refrigerator, looking for something to fill the tiny empty spot that still remained in his stomach. He settled on a small strawberry yogurt. "Well, I have. " Her response to his omission did not give any hint of anger. She was treating him like the child that she thought he was. "I think that you're going to be very beautiful, James." "Huh?" James ceased his search for a utensil as his mother?s words made their impact. "I don't really care about that, mom. Right now I just want to get through this, and is there a fricking spoon in this house?" "Try the dishwasher. I think you should think about it, James. It's not a bad thing to be pretty." "Mom! Look, the last thing I want to worry about is my looks." Opening the dishwasher, James found a spoon that didn't look too repulsive. He washed it off in the sink, using a small bit of dish soap. "I've got enough problems with classes, and now this rush thing, and oh by the way, have we figured out how we're going to be explaining that I'm a girl to the college?" "Yes. We're treating the forms they sent us as a mistake. I put the corrected ones in the mail this morning. Since you're already accepted, I just said that there was a typo on your original paperwork." Anne answered, leaning against a nearby counter. "Typo? How the hell did you pass me off as a girl with a typo?" "Watch your language. I just went with your middle initial. I said that it should be M. James Fletcher instead of James M. Fletcher." "Oh. Wait." James paused, halfway through the small carton. "What does the M stand for?" In his own name, it stood for Michael, which was not exactly a girl?s name. "Margaret." Anne replied, rather blas?. "It would have been your name if you'd been a girl." "Margaret? You were actually going to name me Margaret?" James groaned. Of all the names he could have been stuck with Margaret was one of his least favorites. "Don't talk with your mouth full. You can go with Emmjay if that makes you more comfortable." Anne offered, trying to come to some compromise. "Oh, Great. A little Scottish chick with the name of a professional basketball player. That'll go over real well." The sarcasm dripped from his voice. "James. I'm trying to help you here. You can't go by your other name." "And why not?" "Because no sorority is going to accept a woman named James. That's why not. I am not happy with you going off in this state as it is. I am not going to have you throw away your safety for your vanity!" "But mom...." James checked his voice. He was actually starting to sound like he was sixteen again, right down to the speech pattern. He guessed it was true that you end up reflecting the expectations of others. "No buts. You can either do what I say on this, or you can spend a year at MPC." That was a threat. James loathed the local community college, since the vast majority of the students there were nothing but slackers who had been attending classes since the early eighties. He had actually had to take several classes there during one of the periods when he was home. The thought of dealing with that again was hideous. "Yes, mom." James sighed in defeat. He finished the yogurt, and tossed the empty carton into the trash. He started towards the front of the house. "Where are you going?" Anne asked, stopping him in his tracks. "For a walk." He replied, beginning to move again. "Be careful. I expect you home in two hours, young lady." "What did you call me?" James asked, whipping his attention back to his mother. "I'm sorry, James. It's just that from behind....." Anne explained, somewhat embarrassed. James ran his hand through his long hair and shrugged. He figured he might as well get used to it. He turned and walked to the front of the house. He left through the front door, started down the driveway. He noticed his mother's husband loading several items into the large tan truck in the front of the property. At James' approach, Randall turned and tossed off a slightly sarcastic greeting. "Hey, Margaret!" The voice of Randall brought a surge of anger to James. He moved past the working man, flipping him the finger as he did so. Not waiting for the response, James walked down the sidewalk in front of the house. The sidewalk was even, since the street he lived on was a cross street. He continued on for about a block, before turning to his left and crossing the street along the main boulevard. There were not as many cars on this road as there were deeper in town, but the road saw a fair amount of traffic. As he walked, James saw the city hall on his left, and the city police department across from it on the right. The local fire department and library completed the rest of the block, setting the perfect small town atmosphere. About a block after that was the main thoroughfare of Alvarado Street. James hurried on, until he stood at the corner of the street. Alvarado Street was about three blocks of stores on a one way avenue. Most of the shops catered to tourists, but occasionally there was something that a younger person could be interested in. Apart from that and a coffee and donut store, unless you were interested in knickknacks, there wasn't much. He strolled along the sidewalks, noting the tourists snapping pictures of everyone and everything. Occasionally words in a foreign language would reach his ears, but for the most part the conversations were recognizably American. Before he knew it, James had reached the end of the street. The convention center at the end of the street was not very interesting, and unless he really felt like smelling dead fish there was no reason to walk down to the wharf. Besides, there was a very good chance that if he continued on, he might run into one of the Rats. The Alvarado Rats were just bored kids, like he himself had been. This particular summer he recalled that he had gotten into trouble by shoplifting along with the rest of them. That incident hadn't yet occurred, and if he had his way, James would not let it occur this time through. He turned and began to walk back up Alvarado street. About halfway up, James spied the awning of Abinante's music. The store had gone through many changes over the years, eventually selling out to a chain called Music Unlimited. For now though, there it was. Looking through the large shop windows, he could see instruments of various types. Along one wall, set across from the counter was a wall of guitars. James felt an almost overwhelming urge to go in. "I'm just looking." He told himself as he pushed the door open. A small bell on the opposite side of the door clanged softly as he pushed it open. "Can I help you, miss?" The stocky man on the other side of the counter asked. James brushed the hair out of his face and shot the clerk a withering look. "Sorry. Can I help you, sir?" The man asked again. "Yah, I'm in the market for a guitar." "Oh, alright. Well, tell me if anything interests you." The clerk stated, staring at James. James knew that he was a suspected shoplifter already. Turning his attention to the wall, his eyes flitted over the wall of guitars. The vast majority of the instruments were marked up to ridiculously high prices. Even the Japanese Fenders had prices over two hundred dollars. Well, if you're going to look, might as well look at the best. "Can I take a look at that Les Paul?" James addressed the clerk, who had been boring holes into James' back with his gaze. "That's a very expensive guitar." The clerk said, making no move towards the wall. "I just want to hear how it sounds." "I'll need to see some ID." The clerk demanded, looking at James imperiously. Normally, James would have been insulted by the clerk?s manner, but the urge to play a few notes was rapidly becoming overwhelming. He fished in his back pocket, and produced a well worn student ID, which he handed to the clerk. "Do you have anything else? Driver's license? Credit Card?" The man asked, looking at the ID like he had been offered a diseased rat. "Give me a break man, I?m not going to smash it." James sighed, trying to think of a solution. "Here, take my wallet." He flipped the entire package to the man, who accepted it with the same trepidation that he had show to the ID alone. "All right." He replied after a few moments thought. "This is the only time though. Next time come back with your parents." "Deal." James nodded eagerly. He just needed to play a little. The itch in his fingertips had been growing since the previous night. Using a long rod that had been secreted behind the counter, the burly clerk lifted the instrument from the wall. He lowered it down and gingerly handed it to James, as if expecting the youth to bolt the instant he let go of it. When his expectations were not met, he grudgingly pointed to a small stool next to an amplifier. James moved, and sat down, whereupon the clerk handed him an output jack. James looked at the amp as it was turned on, snickering slightly at the "ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY, NO STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN" sign above it. A slight moment of feedback, and the he was ready to play. James momentarily considered playing the long version of Stairway, just to piss off the clerk, but thought better of it. With a smile he began slowly, picking out a few notes, before finishing it off with a powerful A chord. The sound was clear and precise, and he closed his eyes as he began to run through a punk riff. He changed tempo and riffs rapidly, noting with some distress the pain in his fingertips as he played. At sixteen, James had never picked up a guitar, and while he might have the memory of how to play, his hands were not used to the abuse that the pressure of strings brought. He finished up with three quick chords in succession before shaking his hand, trying to get some blood flow back into the tips of his fingers. It would take a lot more practice. He looked up, noting that there were several other people in the store, some obviously listening to him, and others doing the same thing, but surreptitiously. He smiled, and then unplugged the Les Paul, handing it to the clerk. "Nice tone, but you gotta work on that amp. It was a little tinny." He commented, holding his hand out for his wallet. Not saying anything, the clerk handed James his wallet, before replacing the instrument on the wall with the pole. James shrugged, recalling that nobody likes a wiseass, and exited the store with the slight clanging of the bell in his ears. He looked down at his hand, noticing the imprints that the strings had made on the tips of his fingers. He shook his hand again, trying to get the residual pain out of them as he walked. The return walk home was dull as the walk down. He arrived home before his mother's deadline, appeasing her enough that she didn't feel the need to address him. After a quick snack, James returned to his room. For some reason, he had begun to get tired very easily. He lay down on his bed, only meaning to rest his eyes for a moment, since it was only six in the afternoon. Over the next twelve hours, which was how long James slept, small changes continued to occur. Bone structures that had been in place since his birth began to rearrange themselves in accordance with their new plan. As a minor effect, the snore that had been part of James' sleep pattern since he hit twelve slackened, and disappeared entirely. Silence filled the room, except for a groan or two as James tossed and turned from the nightmares that he was having. The nightmares were brief images, flashing back and forth as nightmares often do. He had a powerful image at one point of being shoved face down in a bed, and being unable to do anything about it. Then pain. Powerful pain as he felt himself being opened; taken. A flash and the memory gave way to another, of a face of a laughing creature. Then a vision of his fingers, bleeding as they tried to touch something that meant so much. The image was weak, indistinct. What was it that he wanted? Finally, the last image that left an impression on his mind was himself. He saw himself lying back on a floor, eyes wide open and staring blankly. He saw what could have been. *** When James awoke, the first thing he did was brush the hair out of his face. With some dismay, he noticed that his hair had grown during the night, and now reached to his tailbone. He immediately resolved to ask his mother for a haircut. The second thing that James noticed was that he was once again ravenous. He rolled off of his bed, and immediately headed down the stairs towards the kitchen. The smell of eggs cooking greeted his nostrils. "Morning, sleepy." Anne's back was towards him, as she stirred something on the stove. "You want eggs this morning?" "Please." James replied, moving next to his mother. "I'm starving." "That's great," Anne replied, turning to face him. "I was thi........" The spatula dropped from her hand as her mouth opened in shock. Her hand came up and she swallowed briefly. "James?" "What? I got something on my face? What are you looking at?" He asked, his mind still in a bit of a sleep fog. "Have you looked in the mirror this morning?" Anne asked, picking up the spatula again. Her view roamed over James's form. "Uh, no." James said, "But I know I need a haircut." "I think you had better go take a look." Shrugging, James tromped to the bathroom. He opened the door, and moved to the sink. He focused his eyes on the reflection in the mirror. As the image took form, he screamed. The face that screamed back at him was his own, but it had changed overnight. Panic tried to overwhelm him as his gaze swept over the eyes that he could recognise as his own. They had not changed, but combined with the new shape of his nose and eyebrows, brought a softer, more feminine look to his features. His jaw too had changed, losing some of the solid mass and becoming slimmer. He brought his hand up to run along his cheek, noting no stubble at all. At sixteen he had not had to shave much because the hair that had grown on his face was light colored, and did not show up easily. Now there was no need to do even that, as his hand ran along the smooth cheek. "JAMES! Are you alright?" His mother asked from the doorway. She must have run here as soon as she heard his voice. "I'm..... I'm......." James stared at the face in the mirror, unable to comprehend how fast the changes had happened. "I thought I had a month..." His mother came up behind him, and rested her hands on his shoulder. For a moment he felt like retreating from the touch, but the comforting feeling was welcome. He closed his eyes, feeling tears welling in them. "Margaret, you're beautiful." Anne's voice was calm, as her hands kneaded at the tension in his back. "Open your eyes, honey." "I can't." James replied, his eyes tightly closed. "I'm not Margaret. I'm James....." "James. Open your eyes." The voice was insistent. Unable to resist any longer, James opened his eyes, looking again into his reflection. His tears streamed down the face of the woman in the glass. His face. The long dirty blonde hair framed his face, the part on the left revealing the high forehead that no longer looked prematurely balding. His eyes, that was what hurt the most to look at. They had not changed, save for their prominence. They were now the main feature of his face, the sky grey color setting the tone for the remainder of his features. "You're beautiful, honey." Anne's voice was quiet, reassuring. James' quivering chin quieted as he listened to his mother?s voice. "I... oh, my god." He stared into the mirror again, ignoring the growling from his stomach. "James, you knew this was going to happen." "But not so soon!" His eyes strayed downwards, to the rest of his body. He saw no other major changes, but his face....... "You're alright. Come on, let's go have breakfast." "I look...... I can't...."James was unable to complete the sentence, staring into the face that he knew was his. The fear reflected in the eyes was obvious. Relenting, he allowed his mother to guide him to the kitchen table, where he sat, staring at his hands. They had lost a great deal of their mass, becoming slim with delicate digits. His arms too had lost much of their mass. He was still reflecting upon them when a plate of eggs and english muffins was set before him. "You must be starving, with what you went through last night." Anne stated, returning to the stove. Mechanically, James began eating. He found no joy in it despite his hunger, but he knew that his body demanded the food. "Don't stare at him." His mother's voice was a distant echo in the maelstrom of his thoughts. She had addressed his sister, who had just come into the kitchen. Elaine looked over at James, before replying to Anne. "He looks like a girl." Elaine's comment was a death grip on the obvious. "Yes, he does. Now let your sister eat her breakfast." Anne's change of pronoun affected James deeply. His mother had changed her thoughts of him totally. To her, he was now a daughter. It didn't matter that he still had the male equipment. He looked like a girl, and that was enough. "Hi Margaret!" Elaine's voice was cheery, as she stared at James. "I like what you've done with your eyes!" "Leave me alone." James replied, smearing strawberry jam on an english muffin. James, my name is JAMES, he wanted to scream. "Do you want to come with me and Julie over to the mall today? It's Saturday, you know." Elaine asked, her voice still taking that cheerful tone. "I would rather waltz naked through the fiery gates of hell." James replied sharply, before taking a huge bite of the muffin. "Elaine! I told you to stop bothering your sister!" Anne shouted over her shoulder. She finished preparing her own plate and sat down at the table. "Mom, you said to be nice, and I thought...." Elaine whined, trying to ingratiate herself. "Yes, I did. Now eat." Anne interrupted, doing exactly that herself. The rest of the meal went quickly, James scarfing down his food, making several trips back to the stove to fry himself a second, then a third helping. The hunger that had run through his nerves seemed to be lessening slightly, which was a good thing. "Margaret, what are you planning to do today?" Asked Anne after she had finished rinsing several plates. "Mom, can you not call me that, please?" James asked, trying desperately to distract her attention. "Fine, what do you want to be called? Emmjay?" James sighed. She knew exactly what he wanted to be called, and yet he knew that she would not do it. He was Margaret to her now. He had to make the best of it. " about......Maggie?" He offered tentatively. It was better than Margaret at least. "All right. Maggie. What are your plans today?" "I hadn't thought about it much, mom." He replied after a few moments of thought. "Well, I was thinking that you should probably get a lot of rest today. I think that Doctor Hubbard was a little off in his estimate." "I think I'll take a walk, if you don't mind." James tried. The last thing he wanted to do was spend the entire day cooped up inside the house. "Alright, we can do that. Did you want to go see the Theaterfest today?" Theaterfest? Dear lord. That was a fixture of the summer in Monterey. Down at the Custom House plaza, a local theater put on shoddy productions for the tourists. The plays ran the gamut from children?s fare to Shakespeare. It was something he had always looked forward to, despite the clich?d and trite jokes that were always tossed in. "That, uh..... That sounds like fun." James tried unsuccessfully to show some enthusiasm. "Great! It starts at noon, so we have time to get you a haircut if you'd like." Feeling the weight of the mass on his head, James nodded enthusiastically at that idea. At least it would ensure that washing his hair in the morning wouldn't take an hour. Perhaps he would look like a boy with a short enough haircut, like the Shakespearian heroines who did drag. James stood from his place at the table, and took his dishes over to the sink. He rinsed them quickly, and placed them in the dishwasher. With a final nod to Anne, he walked to the bathroom. Closing the door behind himself, he locked it, and then turned on the shower. The steam that rose quickly warmed him, a nice contrast to the normally chill air in the mornings of Monterey. He rapidly pulled the sweatshirt over his head, and followed it with the white t- shirt he wore underneath. As he pulled it up, he noticed a slight chill run through his spine as the cotton slid over his chest. Shaking his head to clear the feeling, he removed his sweatpants and underwear, before getting under the warm spray of water. He inhaled softly, feeling the warm water splashing across his skin. Taking a moment, James, ran the water over his face, wiping the last vestiges of tears out of his eyes, along with the sleep remnants that had collected there. He momentarily wondered if the water pressure had been increased, since he felt the impacts of the droplets of water more firmly than he was used to. After another moment, he thought of the scar on his wrist, and wondered what other marks might have vanished. He turned his attention first to his left elbow, where a sister of one of his friends had scratched him, leaving a deep slash. Apparently the slash had never occurred, because the skin was new as the skin on his wrist. Shrugging, he looked down to his right thigh, where a bike accident at ten had left a deep gash. That too was gone, but it was what was next to his thigh that caused the feelings of dread. He stared down at the juncture of his legs. His penis was still there, but it had shrunk. He swallowed, trying to calm himself, as he looked again. The item in question looked as though it had been immersed in frigid water for at least an hour. However, it had none of the traits that were normally associated with cold. He was merely flaccid, and smaller. At least an inch of his normal length was gone. It struck him less firmly than had the face in the mirror earlier. After that shock, the loss of this seemed merely an afterthought. He ran his hand down his stomach to grasp the member, feeling the same pleasure that always accompanied the touch. However, his phallus remained in its quiescent state. He stroked it softly, feeling some slight warmth, but no build up towards orgasm. His body remained dormant, no longer responding. "Shit." He murmured. Shaking his head, he grasped a bar of soap from a nearby dish, and began the process of cleaning himself. His mind was elsewhere as he worked, occasionally noting a place where the touch felt different then normal. When he was done, he turned the shower off, and stepped out of the tub. He quickly dried himself off with a towel, followed by squeezing the moisture from his hair over the tub. He shook the towel through his hair, leaving himself looking a bit like a wet dog. Grumbling, he reached for a comb, and spent the next half an hour attempting unsuccessfully to remove all of the tangles from his hair. Eventually he gave up, and traded the comb for a brush. Using that, he managed to quickly put his appearance into some semblance of order. He quickly dressed in the sweats, before taking a deep breath, and opening the bathroom door. "I will never bitch about a woman taking too long in the bathroom again," he said quietly as he headed up the stairs towards his room. *** To Be Continued....

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What Melody had said was, "It's not so bad, Dawn; you'll get used to the taste. Meanwhile, let me clean off both of you." Two heads whiplashed toward the doorway. There stood the mistress of the household, casually leaning against the door frame. I haven't described Melody Dean for you, have I? She stood a lithe five foot four, the extra few inches above some of her friends serving her to good advantage on the tennis courts. Without a moment's thought, Dawn could see that her blonde...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 2 StephieChapter 63 Playing a Melody

September 4 1988, Chicago, Illinois “Bill’s on the pole for today’s race,” I said when we arrived home from Saint Innocent of Moscow. “The race starts in about five minutes, so if one of you would fix lunch, I’d appreciate it.” “I’ll do it, Tiger. I don’t care if I miss them going around in circles the first 50 times!” “Darlington is an oval,” I said snarkily. “An egg-shaped oval.” “OK. I don’t mind missing them going around in an egg-shaped oval the first fifty times or so! Go turn on...

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SiobhanChapter 5 Monica and Melody

It was Friday; almost exactly eight weeks after Mishka first met Josella, when their world changed again. The shift started with an automobile horn sounding down their driveway. As the family rushed to assemble in the meadow fronting the cabin, a beautiful blonde (of course) with a smaller blonde beside her, drove up in a red Lexus and parked. The driver opened her door and the tall, tan beauty ran to the assembled women, laughing and crying, to be gathered into a heartfelt group...

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At home with Melody

This story is completely fictious! Chapter One From a distance Travis watched as a tall young woman walked the pavement outside a large college, with her shorter, less elegant, friend. Melody was considered by most on campus; too prim and proper; too out-of-touch; too rich; too untouchable for even the more popular of jocks. Still, she was undeniably beautiful, and no male failed to glance whenever she passed by. Travis didn’t careless what others thought about her character. To him she was the...

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Before I start I want to thank everyone who has gone before and inspired me to set my fingers to my keyboard. I doubt that I can match your efforts with identical quality, but I shall attempt it. There are far too many to list by name, so I'll leave everybody out and slight everyone equally. This is only part one, since I am posting this as I write it. This part is only the set up for the James/Maggie transformation, so I beg your indulgence for being long winded and a bit slow to get...

3 years ago
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Jake had been eyeing her all semester long -- the girl who always sat at the front of the class, eager to answer the professor's questions about literary allusions, metaphors and all of that other stuff that flew right over his head. If there was one good thing that came out of this boring, mind-numbing class, Jake thought, it was that he got to stare at her as she hunched over her notes, playing with her hair and biting her nails in concentration. How anyone could find this stuff interesting...

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Melody pulled into the driveway of her home, a home she loved, a home that was given to her by her "adoptive" family when she was a young girl. She was lucky, having a best friend in Danielle; she was as close to her as a sister. When she was ten-years-old she came over after school to do homework and have dinner with her best friend's family. Her life was changed for the better. Better wasn't a strong enough word. There wasn't one.She parked her car and sat back in her seat listening to the...

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Sweet Melody

She was still sitting alone on a bench inside the covered walkway where Lydon had left her four hours earlier. Her bemused thoughts could no longer grasp the situation; and this particular town centre had become a very lonely place. So how had this situation arisen? What was this girl with a strong American accent doing alone in an English town; and why was she acting so strangely? Perhaps Lydon should explain; after all it was he who had instigated this episode. Let me say from...

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As sad as it is to admit, some days I feel two or three times my age. That's pretty rough to say when you're only in your thirties, but with all the things I've had to do to make sure I hit each and every month's deadlines at work, I sometimes feel like I never shut off. I always seem to be worried about the things I have to deal with in the morning and trying to keep up with the next day's new batch of craziness.When I first started working I never took much time off. I didn't see the point to...

Oral Sex
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Becoming A Slut Wife Melody

I know that everybody wondered why one entire wall of my office was a mirror. I know there were people who proposed all sorts of silly reasons, chief among them the idea that I was so full of myself that I loved to sit at my desk and admire myself. But no one had ever guessed the real reason. Oh if they could only see me now. When Melody came to work for me as a secretary and receptionist she was just a young newly married woman who looked fresh and wholesome and had pretty much the look of...

3 years ago
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Triptych InterviewsMelody

Saturday, September 3 (After Chapter 10 of Triptych) MELODY: Melody Renee Anderson, age 19, born 23 January, sophomore, Student ID Number 9113507. aroslav: You're not a prisoner of war, Melody. I'm not going to interrogate you. MELODY: No sense of humor. Oh well. Whatcha wanna know? aroslav: Thanks. Are there any teens present who can hold a conversation without making me feel like an antiquated ass? MELODY: Aww. I'm sorry. I don't think you're an ass. aroslav: Oh? MELODY: Just...

2 years ago
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Harmony and Melody

Harmony and Melody By Cal Y. Pygia Harmony and Melody were lesbian lovers. Their real names weren't Harmony and Melody, but Gretchen Smart and Cynthia Howard. However, Harmony and Melody were a duet, and, as such, they thought, as did their agent, Mindy Swanson, that the duo needed stage names with more pizzazz. Like their same-sex orientation, their stage names added appeal to their cute faces and curvy figures. The fact that they actually could sing was almost an...

4 years ago
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RemixChapter 1

At the age of sixteen, James Fletcher rode a dirt bike into the hills of Hollister, California. At some point during that ride he lost control of his vehicle. Several hikers later found the bloodied teen lying facedown in the soil, and immediately summoned an ambulance. He had no recollection of what had occurred, and was later diagnosed as suffering from a nasty concussion which led to temporary loss of long term memory. For two days James lay in a hospital bed. His face had been severely...

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RemixChapter 2

The family meeting was called to order later by the Tribunal. Family meetings were supposed to be a calm, nonchalant affair, but what almost always occurred was James sitting in a chair on one side of the room, and his mother, his step-father, and his sister on the couch on the other. Over time, James had begun to think of this arrangement as The Tribunal. Seeing as how the other members of his family always seemed to agree on every subject, he had learned that the fastest way to get through...

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RemixChapter 3

James did not recall having any dreams. His hands came up to rub at his face as he recalled how he had collapsed into bed only a few moments after arriving home yesterday. The light streaming in the window brought home how long he had slept. It must have been only four or five in the afternoon when he went to bed the previous day. The reflected light on the roofs of the houses showed it was indeed morning. Sunday. James groaned at the thought. The last thing that he wanted to do was to...

2 years ago
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RemixChapter 4

Dinner at the Brandistock household was usually a semi-casual affair. Depending on the temperature, the family would either gather at the dining table, or near the fireplace. Heating in the old house was not exactly the most modern. The night was warm, however, and James joined the rest of her family downstairs at the table. The main course of the meal was a salad consisting of cold pasta and chicken. It was definitely a light meal, even with the slices of sourdough bread and the light green...

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RemixChapter 5

It wasn't the blood that freaked out James. Intellectually she expected the shock, and was prepared for it. It wasn't the cramps either, although they were a bitch and a half, creasing her lower stomach like a vise. No, the part about having her period that really pissed James off, was having to borrow a maxi-pad from her mother. Anne's smile at the request had been strange, half a smile and half a look of concern. Whatever thoughts were going through her head, she immediately dragged...

1 year ago
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RemixChapter 6

"Can you sing?" The question caught James a bit off guard. She was not prepared for it, and so blurted out the first thought that came to mind, an old joke that she always used when people asked her that in auditions. "Only if you don't mind somebody who sounds like Frank Sinatra." It came out rehearsed, casual. Of course it was totally inappropriate, a fact that was not unnoticed by the questioner: a longhaired drummer who went by the name of Colin. "Seriously, can you sing?" He...

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RemixChapter 7

Finals came quickly, with Maggie throwing herself into her schoolwork. Apart from her daily relaxation with her guitar, she did very little partying. It wasn't that she was afraid, rather that she was cautious. She avoided fraternity parties, tending to drift towards unofficial school functions. She began to think of herself as a social selective, rather than a social outcast. She had gained a nickname however. It was a common greeting as she walked down the halls, or met an acquaintance...

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Christmas Melody

Every year, my family spends Christmas week in a ski resort. One year it's Aspen, the next Vail, and so on. My junior year in college it was Steamboat Springs. The fates intervened. The week before Christmas, I broke my leg in a pedestrian way - falling on a slick sidewalk. I was going to be a limping lad for three weeks, at least. To top it off, I'd fallen leaving my girlfriend's apartment after breaking up with her. Ironic, isn't it? An emotional break and a physical one. Mom wanted to...

2 years ago
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The Sisters of Melody

Synopsis: When James was released from jail, after being arrested for murder, he didn't know his problems were only just starting, as a designer virus attacks his DNA and starts changing him into... what? The Sisters of Melody By Marianne Nettes It started when Janet opened the weekly newspaper at work. 'That bloke they want for murder looks just like you,' she said. She held up the Photofit picture for inspection, and I had to admit, the picture looked remarkably similar to...

3 years ago
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Unfinished Melody

‘Haven’t you ever done anything on the spur of the moment, Mom?’ Rachel gave her mother an exasperated look. Jill looked over the top of her reading glasses at her daughter. ‘I’m sorry. I like to know where I’m going, who I’m going with, little things like that. And I certainly don’t want to go somewhere by myself.’ ‘Live a little, Mom, take some chances in life. Don’t you get tired of being Mrs. Safe and Sound?’ Rachel was attempting to get her mother go to Jazz in the Park by herself. The...

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Michelles Melody

Melody and I met the first day of our freshman year of High School. We became instant friends and through our years of school, we ended up in a lot of the same classes and even ran on the track team together. Mel was absolutely beautiful, long blonde hair, the sexiest eyes and a smile that would just light up a room. Her body should’ve been in a museum, it was perfect in every way. The only physical difference between us was that my blonde hair was a little shorter, and my eyes being blue,...

4 years ago
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Karaoke Melody

This story was inspired by the Legacy Universe, and though not a part of it, I would like to thank Morpheus for the thought and creativity displayed in all of the writings posted here and other websites. I hope this story can do justice on its own Where to begin, that is never an easy question to answer. Particularly when the person saying it doesn't have a clue as to where or when things actually started. I guess the best place to start would be some Vital Statistics... I am, or...

2 years ago
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Michelles Melody

Melody and I met the first day of our freshman year of High School. We became instant friends and through our years of school, we ended up in a lot of the same classes and even ran on the track team together. Mel was absolutely beautiful, long blonde hair, the sexiest eyes and a smile that would just light up a room. Her body should’ve been in a museum, it was perfect in every way. The only physical difference between us was that my blonde hair was a little shorter, and my eyes being blue,...

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A Pretty Girl Is Like a Melody

(Dedicated to the legendary Roy Thomas, who would hopefully not be too mortified if he read this…) * In general, people driving up and down Highway 101 through Neptune State Park were treated to a peaceful, serene experience. The protected forests of the Pacific Northwest generally rang out with nothing more than birdsong and the occasional chittering trill of a red squirrel during the warm summer months, and although you could sometimes see cars pulled off to the side of the road for a...

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Der ungleiche Kampf war zu Ende. Ich spürte, wie mich die Schwäche zu übermannen drohte, während ich blutüberströmt auf die Knie sank. In der Ferne hörte ich das jaulende Geheul der Polizeisirenen, die sich rasch näherten. Um mich herum lagen zwei reglosen Körper, daneben wälzten sich noch zwei weitere vor Schmerzen stöhnend auf dem Boden. Dutzende Festgäste strömten in dem Moment aus der Halle, als die Polizei gleich mit mehreren Streifenwagen auf dem Parkplatz eintraf. Ich sah die vor Angst...

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Brothers melody

(Warning this story is about incest and is about other dirty fetishes like piss and scat, but that makes this more fun ^_~) "Rose, wake up Rose" a voice calls out to you as you sleep happily in your bed. You groan abit and open your cute purple eyes to see your older brother shaking you abit to wake you. "Come on Rose were gonna be late you damn fool" he growls abit. You always could tell he loved how cute and girly you looked for a boy, and he always snuck a look at you whenever you wore girl...

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How Are You Not Being NeglectedChapter 9 The total four chapters

We went to the bedroom and the bed was ready with pillows for the fireworks, what our ANR love would bring to us. I was no longer an ANR virgin so I was confident. Olga said, "If you want I could give you oral sex first, because my breast isn't yet full of milk and you'll be able to build up your own fluid." I told her, "I like that idea." "I gave you pineapple for lunch so your sperm will be very tasty for me. It's like what happens to my breast milk when I eat chili." My cock...

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An Ordinary Teenage Sex Life 2Chapter 21 Chapters End

JULY 2002, SUMMER CAMP Dawn, Adrienne, and I decided to skip this morning's hike. We were just too wiped out from the previous evening's post-dance orgy, me especially. And so it was that the two girls hung out in the main lounge at the lodge, chatting with each other while I reclined out on the deck, just resting my weary body. It was still quite cool in the morning, enough to require a sweater, so there wasn't anyone else outside with me. I enjoyed the solitude and the quiet sounds of...

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A Swapped Life Chapters 2527

A SWAPPED LIFE, Chapters 25 - 27 A young male engineer goes to an engineering conference and gets swapped with a teen unwed mother who did not finish high school. Story discusses how the new woman makes new friends, and copes with motherhood, her new parents and sister, her former boyfriend, and eventually with love and marriage. Story also discusses the struggles of the new man, whose family and educational background did not give him the tools to fit into the world of men, and of...

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A Swapped Life Chapters 1224

A SWAPPED LIFE, Chapters 22 - 24 A young male engineer goes to an engineering conference and gets swapped with a teen unwed mother who did not finish high school. Story discusses how the new woman makes new friends, and copes with motherhood, her new parents and sister, her former boyfriend, and eventually with love and marriage. Story also discusses the struggles of the new man, whose family and educational background did not give him the tools to fit into the world of men, and of...

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Footrints In The Sea Chapters 3 and 4

Footprints In The Sea - Chapters 3 & 4 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright © Frances Penwiddy 2015 Footprints in the sea is a work of fiction and any similarity to persons living or dead is coincidental. This novel is not considered suitable material for minors and is rated X Shipwrecked on an island in the South Pacific region known as the Desert and more than one thousand miles from the nearest known habited land and located between New Zealand and South America,...

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A Swapped Life Chapters 1921

A SWAPPED LIFE, Chapters 19 - 21 A young male engineer goes to an engineering conference and gets swapped with a teen unwed mother who did not finish high school. Story discusses how the new woman makes new friends, and copes with motherhood, her new parents and sister, her former boyfriend, and eventually with love and marriage. Story also discusses the struggles of the new man, whose family and educational background did not give him the tools to fit into the world of men, and of...

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Emerald Princess Chapters 15 v2

Foreword: In 2016 I began posting this story, Emerald Princess, set in the Whateley Universe. Real life happened, along with a major case of writer's block, and I stalled out in the middle of Chapter 21. Several people have tried to get me to return to this since I stopped, but I just could never get my head back into the story. Finally a new friend, Chloe, badgered me enough I decided to take another look at it. As a result I have managed to finish the full novel, which is...

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Kate Draffen Chapters 18 19

Kate Draffen By Swishy Hi there. Firstly thank you everyone for the amazing feedback. It has really spurned me on to write better and better. Unfortunately real life has a way of intruding and therefore I haven't been able to release the entire last third of the story as one large part but instead I will be posting two chapters at a time until Gemma's story is complete. These are chapters 18 and 19, the rest of the story (to a total of 26 chapters) will be coming out in regular...

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Author of THE SATYRICON - Gaius Petronius Arbiter (c. 27 - 66 AD) was a Roman courtier during the reign of Nero. He is generally believed to be the author of the Satyricon, a satirical novel believed to have been written during the Neronian era (54-68 AD). Tacitus, Plutarch and Pliny the Elder describe Petronius as the elegantiae arbiter (also phrased arbiter elegantiarum), "judge of elegance" in the court of the emperor Nero. He served as suffect consul in 62. Later, he became a member of...

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Swapped Life Chapters 16 18

A SWAPPED LIFE, Chapters 16 - 18 A young male engineer goes to an engineering conference and gets swapped with a teen unwed mother who did not finish high school. Story discusses how the new woman makes new friends, and copes with motherhood, her new parents and sister, her former boyfriend, and eventually with love and marriage. Story also discusses the struggles of the new man, whose family and educational background did not give him the tools to fit into the world of men, and of...

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Swapped Life Chapters 12 15

A SWAPPED LIFE, Chapters 13 - 15 A young male engineer goes to an engineering conference and gets swapped with a teen unwed mother who did not finish high school. Story discusses how the new woman makes new friends, and copes with motherhood, her new parents and sister, her former boyfriend, and eventually with love and marriage. Story also discusses the struggles of the new man, whose family and educational background did not give him the tools to fit into the world of men, and his...

1 year ago
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The Bet Chapters 1 3

The first thing you should know about this story is that it's long - very long! Don't let these first few chapters fool you. As the story becomes more complex, the chapters become much longer. When taken as a whole, my official word count for this version of the story is 1,159,450 words. If you do a little bit of research (such as at ) you will find that if this was a legitimate piece of printed published literature, it would stand...

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Footprints In The Sea Chapters 13 and 14

Footprints In The Sea - Chapters 13 & 14 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright © Frances Penwiddy 2015 Footprints in the sea is a work of fiction and any similarity to persons living or dead is coincidental. This novel is not considered suitable material for minors and is rated X I suggest you read Footprints In The Sea in chapter order so if you haven't read Chapters 1 and 2, please do so. Two doctors agree on their assessment after Charlotte attends a meeting and has...

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The Sisterhood of Athena Chapters Four and Five

Finally, here are the next two exciting chapters in my on-going saga. I want to thank reviewer 'anon' for his comment on 9/23/10 for inspiring me to finally get these chapters finished. I'd been just short of half done with these chapters for the better part of a year but between lack of initiative and wondering if anyone even cared if I kept going I'd just sort of let it fall through the cracks. I apologize to any readers that thought I'd given up on this series and just want to point...

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The Writers Secret Chapters 34

Thanks for all the wonderful comments on the first two chapters! Here are the next two chapters. It's time to teach Loren a bit about being Laura before their dinner party. The Writer's Secret (Chapters 3-4) by Ann Michelle Chapter 3: The Education of Laura As they settled on the couch, Stephanie slipped her feet out of her slingbacks and pulled her legs up underneath her. Loren sat uncomfortably on the other end of the couch with...

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Meeting Jenn Chapters 3

MEETING JENN Chapters 3 & 4 Note to the reader: Please read chapters 1 & 2 of 'Meeting Jenn: How I fell in love with my best friend.' All feedback and more ideas are welcomed. I'm working on Chapters 5 & 6 now and should be able to post it in a week. Thanks for reading... Indy CHAPTER 3; What next? I seemed to toss and turn through the night, I wasn't used to sleeping next to anyone. Jenny slept like a baby, at one point letting out a cute little snore. I...

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Footprints In The Sea Chapters 5 and 6

Footprints In The Sea - Chapters 5 & 6 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright © Frances Penwiddy 2015 Footprints in the sea is a work of fiction and any similarity to persons living or dead is coincidental. This novel is not considered suitable material for minors and is rated X Shipwrecked on an island in the South Pacific region known as the Wilderness and more than one thousand miles from the nearest known habited land and located between New Zealand and South America,...

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