Monica and Sandi
- 2 years ago
- 39
- 0
It was Friday; almost exactly eight weeks after Mishka first met Josella, when their world changed again. The shift started with an automobile horn sounding down their driveway. As the family rushed to assemble in the meadow fronting the cabin, a beautiful blonde (of course) with a smaller blonde beside her, drove up in a red Lexus and parked. The driver opened her door and the tall, tan beauty ran to the assembled women, laughing and crying, to be gathered into a heartfelt group hug.
Mishka, content to let the hen party run its course, picked up his rifle, and walked with Mikey over to see the child so hastily abandoned by the woman. As the smaller blond exited the car, Mishka stared in shock. It wasn’t a child. He was an LGM - a little green man - straight from *Fredric Brown’s Martians, Go Home! Well, not quite straight from, this one had hair resembling a blond fright wig and bulging blue eyes. Mishka didn’t recall those features as being described by Brown. He hoped this humanoid creature wasn’t as wacky as Brown’s creations.
Be that as it may, Mishka was relieved when the man stepped forward, and instead of calling him ‘Mack’, offered his hand and said, “Hello. Monica is unable to pronounce my name so she calls me BEM. That seems to make her happy, so please feel free to use it. My people call themselves a word meaning ‘Seeker’ in your language.”
[*Author’s note: During my teen and early adult years, Fredric Brown was one of my favorite authors, and Martians, Go Home! is still one of the funniest science fiction books that I’ve read. ‘Mack’ and ‘Toots’ were the universal names Brown’s Martians called all Earthlings.]
That, of course, was Siobhan.
commanded Josella.
came Siobhan’s answer.
Mishka decided to take charge and move the two new arrivals inside the cabin for refreshments and further discussion.
As they entered, Sampson and Delilah took one look at BEM, and they both ran under the sofa - much to their dismay when he was seated above them. Jackie, on the other hand, treated him like a long lost brother. After allowing mostly appropriate but overly enthusiastic doggie greetings, Susan took Jackie to the door and exiled him for the duration. While attention was focused elsewhere, the feline contingent took the opportunity to make an escape into Mikey’s bedroom.
In the hour or so that followed, Siobhan sat cuddled on Monica’s lap, and the companions shared their histories and learned that Monica was the only living survivor that BEM and his fellows had found during their weeks of searching. Apparently, there had been other survivors, but as feared during their own analysis, the youngest could not survive long without help. None of those initial survivors had been the victims of violence from other survivors, but there were accidental deaths and suicides.
Monica Eslaleche was a psychologist in private practice in Savannah. When found, she had been in despair. One morning, she had wakened beside a dead lover - a not-so-close friend but still a lover, and the rest of the world was also dead. Her ‘twin-sense’ told her that her sister survived - somewhere. Only her search for her twin sister kept her going until BEM’s team found her sitting on a bar’s patio trying to get a shot of tequila into her resisting stomach.
“You didn’t know you were pregnant, did you?” blurted Siobhan. she looked at Mishka in apology.
“Wait! I’m pregnant?” the astonished Monica asked. “How ever would you know?”
that was Susan.
“We seem to have acquired the ability to communicate mind-to-mind. Not exactly telepathy, because when we want, we can see, hear, and feel what each experiences,” said Susan. “It makes for heavenly sex, but that comes later. Turns out that the ray of sunshine you are snuggling has even more abilities that we haven’t discovered, yet. She says you are pregnant with a little girl, so you are.”
Siobhan drew Monica’s head down, and whispered, “I was wrong - you’re going to have twin girls.” She used her talent and echoed the statement to the rest of the family. Mikey didn’t need to know yet, so she did not worry that he could not ‘hear’ her.
Monica hugged the youngster tightly and whispered, “Thank you, Honey. Thank you so very much!” Tears ran down her cheeks.
“So, BEM,” Mishka stated, “Tell us how you speak our language so well, and more importantly, what you know about these new talents we’ve acquired.”
“First, my people have been observing you for over forty years. We speak or can translate any language that has been broadcast using your television or radio. Second, you need to know that my people have much the same talents that you described. We’ve long known that the ability is a male-female thing. There must be a ‘Prime’ - a fully mature male - at the center in order to establish a ‘Nexus.’ The first linking may be caused by sex - particularly loss of virginity - shared emotional trauma, continued propinquity, and the like. Normally, there must be emotional attraction. Except in very rare cases, rape or coercion will not do it, and when found out, the Prime is severely punished.”
“Once there is a Nexus, propinquity and shared affection is enough to add another female if she is not closely associated with a male - physical maturity is not much of a necessity. Theoretically, a Prime could bond with a newborn girl, but we take precautions to prevent that from happening. Any of the factors that would establish the Nexus, when continued or added, will definitely strengthen the bond. Once ‘critical mass’ is attained, adding an associated immature male becomes not only possible, but if the other criteria are attained, inevitable.”
“On the other hand, an unbonded, mature male would be out of luck,” the green man stated. “He’d need his own Nexus - his own harem - and could not join an existing Nexus.”
“Then, there is Siobhan,” BEM continued. “She is unique. I think her proximity to Mikey before and during their mothers’ labor, and especially during their actual birth, enabled the establishment of latent links with him and Matilda - maybe with others. Only Matilda and Mikey were there, so we won’t know for sure; but what we do know, is that your Sunshine is even more special than ever anticipated.”
Mishka wondered how BEM knew anything about Matilda, Mikey, and Siobhan, but held off pursuing the thought in favor of the current flow of information.
“There is more,” BEM added. “You’ve probably noticed that after your Nexus formed, you have more stamina, strength, and faster healing if you are injured. If you have not, you will. Youngsters in a Nexus mature earlier - mentally and physically.” He looked significantly at Matilda and Mikey, and went on. “If your abilities and experiences are similar to ours, and we think they will be, we also postulate a mild telekinesis - TK, if you will - ability as your Nexus matures.”
“Wait!” demanded Mishka. “How do you know all this? And explain the ‘elephant in the room,’ how did humanity happen to die all at once as your people appear on the scene?!”
LGMs can blush. BEM’s hue changed from emerald to Kelly green. He looked down and said softly, “We did it. At least a renegade group of our people did it. They wanted to exploit your planet. Among other things, they were working to make you more compliant. Their machinations backfired, and most of you died.”
He looked up, met each of their eyes, and stated, “We are sorry, so very sorry that we did not know in time. The three associated Nexuses have been apprehended and sequestered. They await the time when you will examine their actions and specify justice. As do we,” BEM added. “We were negligent and share their guilt.”
The family instantly linked and Matilda spoke for them all. “Monica, you can’t link with us yet; but will you join our family, share all with us, and withhold no secrets?”
Monica pulled Siobhan tighter, and nodded, “Of course.”
“May we speak for you, bearing in mind that you may object or add to what we say to BEM?”
Monica agreed and Matilda began in measured tones, “First! You will spare no effort or resource to find and succor any surviving humans.” Matilda stipulated, “You may use humanity’s resources like radio, Internet, and cell phones to aid this search, and you are required to use the beings who perpetrated this murder, BUT no member of your race is to benefit in any way from any of Earth’s natural or artificial resources.” She looked at Monica and stated, “There is reason to believe that Monica’s sister survived this disaster, and your efforts to find her should expand as if your own life and that of your personal Nexus depends on finding her.”
“Second! Earth’s resources are to be conserved, preserved, and held for the sole use of a revitalized and returning humanity. Part of that will be the gathering of all dead humans and respectfully burying or cremating them. When you find living humans, you are to respect their wishes in this matter.”
“Third! Your people are to refrain from shaping humanity’s destiny. You may protect us from a catastrophe such as an asteroid collision, but you are not our friends nor mentors, and you will never be until such time as humanity makes a conscious decision to accept you as such. That decision will not be made soon.”
“At some future point, when we are certain that all remaining humans are found and can participate, we will meet and decide justice for those who actively participated in this genocide.”
“Finally, you or your representative will meet with us weekly, maybe daily at first, to inform us of the progress towards meeting these requirements. The evening meal would be an acceptable time, and if you can digest our foods, you should plan on eating what we prepare. If not, bring anything you deem suitable.”
Josella looked at the chastised alien, and said, “BEM, it is not our intent that your children and families should suffer. We know it is a heavy burden, and we hope both species learn from it. Part of your reports to us must inform us on its effects on your people, and we will respond as we deem appropriate.”
Mishka added, “Right now, we aren’t in a forgiving mood, and who knows if we, or any other survivors, will ever be. You determined guilt and placed justice in our hands. You folks will just have to suck it up and live with it.”
BEM looked unhappy, but nodded in agreement.
Mishka added pointedly, “Before you go, we need to also set up some sort of system for order and supply. We’ll be pretty self-reliant, but we had been resigned to eating canned or prepared foods, but fresh meat and vegetables should be doable for you.” He had a thought and asked, “You folks are not vegetarian or anti-meat are you?”
BEM indicated that they were not, and promised to have a system in place when he next met with them.
As BEM followed Mishka’s implied directions and prepared to leave, Josella turned to Monica and asked, “Are you still sure you want to join us? Would you rather continue your search for your sister? You could do both, you know.”
Monica’s response surprised them. “Mishka, are you sure you want to raise another man’s children? I want to stay, but I will not burden you with my girls if they are unwanted!”
Mishka stood, crossed to the anxious woman, and pulled her up into his arms. “Our girls! Our very much desired and welcome children. When you are into our Nexus, you will know beyond any doubt how welcome and desired the three of you will be.”
“Then I still accept,” Monica replied. “BEM and his crew are capable of searching without me. They may even be faster and more thorough without needing to cater to me and my impatience.”
When the newly expanded family trooped out with BEM to fetch Monica’s things, he was almost licked to death by an excited terrier. The LGM could barely see over the steering wheel, but as he drove away, Monica explained, “He only needs to drive down to the grocery. Most of his Nexus are waiting for him there.” She added, “He didn’t want to arrive in one of their vehicles and create unnecessary anxiety. There’s enough drama already.”
“Amen to that!” Josella declared for them all.
The remainder of the day was spent acclimating and assimilating Monica into the family, their environs, and projects. An early agenda item was sleeping arrangements. The king bed was going to be far too small for this evening, and unless things changed, they would be sleeping piled one upon another after Melody was found.
Mishka took Matilda in the pickup and headed to the crossroads and her house. There, they found several strange vehicles parked in front of the grocery. Four strangely dressed and obviously female Seeker were gathered around BEM, gesturing while clearly having a silent discussion. Stopping next to the group, he lowered his window and asked, “Is there a problem?”
BEM looked frustrated and replied, “You told us that we may not personally benefit from our stay on Earth, and we are trying to decide where to set up our family’s facilities so that we can be near to assist and communicate with you.”
Mishka looked a question to Matilda and heard,
Mishka regarded BEM while exiting the pickup and said, “First introduce me to your ladies, and then we will figure things out.”
BEM complied, first giving each name in their own language, then explaining the meaning and significance. Mishka and Matilda greeted each in turn; Mishka introducing them to a new custom by bending over each hand and softly kissing it.
Introductions complete, Mishka addressed the problem, “There are four known bodies here at the crossroads. Two are the mothers of Matilda and Mikey, one is a friend, and the other was a delivery driver. About a mile down the road is a church and graveyard. Take the bodies and respectfully bury them there. Our Nexus has already performed the desired rituals for the parents. What the others might desire is unknown, so respect is all that is required.”
He pointed to the house that he had not yet entered. “In that house is one of the bodies. Once it is removed, you may if you wish, use that house as your Nexus’s base of operations while you are here with us. You may modify its interior and furnishings to meet your needs. Will that be satisfactory? We wish the other two houses to be cleaned and then preserved as they are.”
BEM nodded and glanced with a guilty look at a silver Miata parked beside the red Lexus. It was clear that he, or perhaps his women, desired that vehicle. The size made it seem more appropriate for LGM, so Mishka smiled and told them, “Yes, the Miata is yours to use as well. We have a maxim, ‘Bind not the mouths of the kine that tread the grain,’ meaning don’t be stingy with those that help you.”
He shrugged, and continued, “The reason for our visit is that after you left, we realized that our bed is not big enough for our growing family. Can you easily find a furniture store and bring us a pair of king mattresses and box springs? Stearns and Foster would be the preferred brand. If you brought three different models, we could pick those that work best for us, and you could use the rest for your Nexus.”
BEM nodded agreement. Mishka added, “Two four-poster bed frames would be good as well. If you can’t have them by our dinner meeting, a set from that house would do until tomorrow.” He pointed to Matilda’s home, where he knew no body lay.
The pair of humans, mission accomplished, nodded to the assembled Seeker, mounted the pickup, and departed to learn more about their new sister-wife.
Sex with Monica was far beyond anything the Nexus had previously achieved. She wasn’t a slut, but she was older than the other women, and had experience. The sex act - acts really - were magnificent, but that wasn’t the only thing. With Mishka inside her, Monica achieved her first cum of the evening and popped into the Nexus. Her many additional cums were shared by all. Apparently the Nexus had achieved some level of critical mass, because along with Monica, two glows also joined - unformed personalities - but they were there.
But another surprise and gift with that first cum was, Melody joined the Nexus with a brass band playing.
There was little to no sleep that night - by anyone. Monica lay between Mishka and a rotating platoon of cuddly warm and loving bodies. She and Melody traded stories, and Melody was welcomed into the Nexus by proxy - the physical process was to happen as soon as possible.
When the Nexus learned that Melody was in Key Largo, Mishka proposed a beach excursion to retrieve her.
Melody wanted to know and Monica explained, then told her,
Melody replied,
Planning continued, and somewhere in the discussion Monica mentioned how happy she was that Melody was an OB nurse, she being pregnant with twins and all.
There was the glow of dawn before the last person drifted into sleep.
Breakfast was later than usual, but not too late. Sampson and Delilah paraded across the bed, purring loudly and batting faces to ensure their humans knew that they were loved, and that their feline owners were hungry. Mishka stirred, visited the bathroom, released the anxious Jackie from his basement prison, and made coffee. THEN, he fed the cats. He failed to make his point to the felines.
‘I’m never going to get used to this,’ he told himself as his bevy of scantily clad beauties drifted into the kitchen for coffee or tea, ‘and I’m glad of it.’
appeared in his head as at least one of his ladies picked up his thoughts.
Monica felt no need to explore the Seeker’s shuttle; she’d seen and ridden in it when she was found in Savannah. It, along with the appearance of Little Green Men, had been quite a shock. Now she was blasé about the ‘how’ and focused on a speedy reunion with her twin. The two were constantly chatting and devoting their remaining attention to learning about their new family and abilities.
Jackie was all into the ride and bounced around from window to window, waiting in vain for someone to open them so he could stick out his head. Sampson and Delilah? They were in cat carriers and were not at all pleased.
The remainder of the family was fascinated. Despite the great difference in height between humans and Seeker, the seats were adjustable and actually comfortable. Mishka’s legs weren’t folded under his chin; he could get used to this.
They had packed a picnic basket for the two-hour plus flight, but ended up eating from the provided buffet of Seeker foods.
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Monica Singh was 40 years old, independently wealthy to begin with and stinking rich after her parents passed away leaving her millions in inheritance. She was a tall, well built woman who worked out regularly and was muscular in almost a manly way. She was also a dominate lesbian and dream and fantasized of having a slave girl she could own and sexually use whenever she pleased! Living in New Delhi, India, she knew that she could not be public about her sexual preferences and more so about her...
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I stepped out of the station with my colleague Monica. The tagline under the town’s name read: the birthplace of the industrial revolution. I felt like I was walking into a history lesson. Monica glanced at her smartphone then pointed down a desolate high street. It’s fair to say I never like working away, especially in towns like this. northern and industrial. As we began to walk I looked around me at the neo classical architecture. It would have been an impressive introduction, but the shop...
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Please read my previous parts for continuation. If you like to reach out to me, write to me at All my clients are very discreet with their naughty sides. So obviously our interests are also maintained discreetly. Any girls and aunties who are interested to make some money and also enjoy the fun, reach out to my email id. Also, any husbands who like to see there wife or girlfriends getting fucked? Let me know. Thanks for all those who wrote to me and it was overwhelming. I tried to...
The next day, Monica went back to the filming studio and they got ready for the next scenario in their adult porn film project. This time she was going to be seduced by Larry's girlfriend and the two of them were going to engage in girl/girl sex for the camera. This fuck scenario would be shot on another set -- this one supposedly the house and master bedroom where Larry lived and Monica had been sent over to meet with his live-in girlfriend and the two of them end up in bed. It was the warm...
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I got in late, somewhere in the hazy place between late night and early morning, but the heat had not let up. The inside of the house was just as dark and humid as the outside, and I waded through it as I made my quiet way from the door to the kitchen, fumbling a little until I saw the light peeking from around the corner. As I said, it was hot, so it figures that my sister would be looking for something cool to drink. She was silhouetted in the light of the refrigerator, wreathed in the vapor...
After Monica had left, Houlihan got up from his chair and changed into his sweats. He always brought an entire change of exercise clothes to work every day. He’d put himself in a precarious situation, but among the faculty and administration, Monica O’Toole caused mixed reactions. She was one of their brighter students, but her reputation baffled and even ashamed them. It was known that she was picking on Brenda Hartley, Brenda seethed under the verbal jabs, but hadn’t gone to school...
After Monica had left, Houlihan got up from his chair and changed into his sweats. He always brought an entire change of exercise clothes to work every day. He’d put himself in a precarious situation, but among the faculty and administration, Monica O’Toole caused mixed reactions. She was one of their brighter students, but her reputation baffled and even ashamed them. It was known that she was picking on Brenda Hartley; Brenda seethed under the verbal jabs, but hadn’t gone to school...
Fetish"Jaggi, I have to lay off you. I have no job for you anymore. There is only one man's job in my office now as business is bad. So Hamid will have the job and you will lose it" I said as I thought of beautiful sexy wife of my employee. I had met her at an office party and since then she was on my mind. Jaggi's wife Monica must be 24 or 25, 5 feet 5 inches, wheatish complexion and nice body. She had her hair cut short like a boy's and wore tight jeans and tighter tops. I had often seen the swell...
I want to start out by saying that ALL of my stories are written for my best friend Monica. They all were specifically written for her and I'm now sharing them as she believes they're worthy of being posted.This one is my favoriteIt’s mid-October of senior year, with the smell of fall break in the air; time for several friends and me to head cross country for the week. We decided we wanted to go somewhere memorable and have an unforgettable experience. There had been a long debate over where we...
“Jaggi, I have to lay off you. I have no job for you anymore. There is only one man’s job in my office now as business is bad. So Hamid will have the job and you will lose it” I said as I thought of beautiful sexy wife of my employee. I had met her at an office party and since then she was on my mind. Jaggi’s wife Monica must be 24 or 25, 5 feet 5 inches, wheatish complexion and nice body. She had her hair cut short like a boy’s and wore tight jeans and tighter tops. I had often seen the swell...
Monica had quickly gotten more and more confident in her newfound career as an adult photo model and porn star. She'd never envisioned her life would take such a direction, but now she felt so confident with her own physical beauty and she'd quickly discovered that her innate sexual skills and tastes seemed to be what turned her audiences on bigtime. When Monica met with her producer and director after returning from her successful home visit, she found herself confronted with one of the...
© Copyright It was a few days before spring break in my senior year of high school, when I first saw Monica as a sexy lady. She was about 40 years old, and always had a very sweet smile on her light, skinned face. She had, short brown hair with streaks of blonde running through it. Most times, a very big smile and a little sparkle in her eye for me. Being a dumb shit 18 teen year old high school guy with hormones going wild for my fellow female students. I never really noticed. Monica,...
Monica began to pick up the pace of her porn film acting, and she soon found the studio publicists standing ready to help her get more publicity and visibility to further enhance her rapidly budding porn actress reputation and public following. One thing the publicists found much easier with Monica than many porn film actresses was the fact that she'd come to the business with a reputation already established. In one meeting, one of her female publicists told Monica that not only was she an...
Note: Over a year ago, Mark gave Monica the command to do whatever filthy things her husband wants. Thanks to b0b for beta reading this. Saturday, June 7th, 2014 – Monica Jephson – Tacoma, WA I woke up bound, the sunlight streaming through the window. My bladder was full, urgent. My husband, and master, snored next to me. I turned my head, trying to ignore the sun and my bladder. It was still early; Jonathon wouldn't want to be woken up before eight, and he would be most displeased if I...
Monica had been pursuing her new career in porn films for nearly six months when she got that phone call she'd longed for, but now that it arrived, she wasn't sure if she wanted to talk to him or not. Bill had disavowed any connections with her after their sexy activities had become known but now that Monica had established a national reputation as a very sexy woman and a very accomplished porn film actress, Bill couldn't resist trying to make contact again. "Hello, Monica," Bill said...
"Ummmm... this is really weird. A moment ago I honestly wasn't feeling the urges. And now, I think I am again." "But you were able to take all of it off to shower. That is so weird." "Yeah I don't get it either." Things were building rapidly, and she could see it on my face. "Oh dear. Do we need to get you dressed again?" "Uh, yeah, please. It's building up really fast." "Okay, but let me get you some clean things to wear. Just try to hang on for a minute." She went down to...
Waking up to the sound of the waves, I feel your head on my chest. Carefully, I raise my head and look around and see people jogging on the beach. I then look over to where Monica had been cuddled into you when we fell asleep, however, she was no longer there. Feeling you wiggle closer, I take you into my arms and kiss your beautiful lips. I get up and pack all the items we no longer need into the trunk of my BMW. Since its a beautiful day, I lower the top. I kiss you deeply. As I go to open...
BDSMEra prin 1985 pe vremea comunistilor. Aveam 16 ani si inca nu cunoscusem nicio fata. In acele vremuri abia aparusera aparatele video la noi. Nu era usor in acele vremuri sa procuri un astfel de aparat si mai ales de filme. Se obisnuia sa ne strangem mai multi la cineva acasa sambata seara sa vizionam filme. Cine a prins acele vremuri stie despre ce vorbesc. In acele vremuri aveam un grup de prieteni, iar unul dintre ei avea un aparat video si sambata ne starngeam cu totii la el acasa sa vedem...
This story is completely fictious! Chapter One From a distance Travis watched as a tall young woman walked the pavement outside a large college, with her shorter, less elegant, friend. Melody was considered by most on campus; too prim and proper; too out-of-touch; too rich; too untouchable for even the more popular of jocks. Still, she was undeniably beautiful, and no male failed to glance whenever she passed by. Travis didn’t careless what others thought about her character. To him she was the...
IncestIt was late, and the minutes passed slowly. Midnight had been long ago, it seemed, and yet the night remained in that timeless hollow that are the wee morning hours. The lamp beside me was burning low and I flipped the page of my textbook, shifting ever so slightly. Against my chest, Monica stirred, and for a moment the words became gibberish and all I felt was her soft breast rolling against my skin, all I smelled was the vague fragrance of her shampoo. I watched her face as she blinked awake,...
I would like to share my experience which I had while I was working in US. As the guest house allotted to me by my office is far from my office I stayed at a house near my office. There was a couple named Vishal Reddy and his wife Monica Reddy. They had a 2 year old baby girl. They had rented the side portion of the house only because Vishal lost his job and were finding it difficult to meat their ends. I saw Vishal was moody fellow but Monica was calm & working very hard going to job and...
IncestMonica had never really thought her new career as a porn actress would go as well and as far as it had since she'd made her first contact with the adult film executives. Now she knew that she was definitely very popular in the business where men and women enjoyed watching and knowing about young men and women who used their bodies to sexually satisfy themselves and their audiences as they had sex in front of the cameras. Monica thought back to her days in college when she'd contemplated an...
December 27 was bitterly cold. Monica picked up Nick at his home. As usual, he used the excuse that he was helping someone study. He didn’t want his parents to know he was a bodyguard. He got in Monica’s Mustang and they headed off towards Sycamore Forest, a subdivision of mini-mansions on the southwest side of the city. Trees bordered the neighborhood, giving it an air of seclusion, and one had to drive a quarter of a mile before seeing the first house. Tim’s house was on the far side of the...
FetishAfter all the discussions and bedtime talk it was time for me to push things a little further to actually happening. An American navy fleet came to town from the Middle East unleashing some 5,000 sailors onto the city. I suggested Monica should have a girls night out.After all the bed time talk and confessing of my fantasy to see the woman I loved with other men and Monica somewhat taking an interest, or should I say more than an interest, in the possibly of getting it together with a man other...
Author?s Note: This story is heavily inspired by another, called Summer Slave by Masteries. In particular there is one scene that was almost lifted from that story to transplant into this one: this is meant only as the highest form of flattery, as I found it so powerful upon first reading it and wondered what would happen if something similar happened to a girl with less?inhibited captors. Please send any comments to Goddess_Agony @ yahoo dot comChapter 1 ? New HomeAngela found herself staring...
Monica was the senior secretary, and the oldest of the female staff, in the company I was working with. Monica was in her late forties and had been with the firm for over twenty years, longer, in fact, than the office junior, Emma, had been alive and she was as miserable as sin. Now whether she had always been like this or it was something that her, rather turbulent, life had forced upon her was open to debate, and it must be admitted that we did debate this on a Friday lunch-time down at the...
"Yes we had the talk, and he knows about what happened. But there's something that you don't know, and we don't really understand it. Somehow, his desire to wear panties has been extended to other kinds of lingerie as well." Kallie let out a giggle, and Jackie looked confused. "Wait, mom, how could that happen? What kinds of other stuff?" "Well, I think it probably applies to any lingerie, but the only real evidence we have is that night gown that you bought yesterday." "Wow, I...
This story is the background information for this gallery: this day we had been introduced to some party d**gs during parties. The past year however we got a little bit sick about going to raves as the public had changed. So we changed to ‘own-House’ parties where we invited a befriended couple or two and used some pot, (herbal) XTC or the alikes. We felt pretty comfortable staying home, listening to music, talking...
Jake had been eyeing her all semester long -- the girl who always sat at the front of the class, eager to answer the professor's questions about literary allusions, metaphors and all of that other stuff that flew right over his head. If there was one good thing that came out of this boring, mind-numbing class, Jake thought, it was that he got to stare at her as she hunched over her notes, playing with her hair and biting her nails in concentration. How anyone could find this stuff interesting...
It was a Saturday morning and the door bell rang. I went to open it but Melinda had beaten me to it. Opening the door she screamed, “hey look who’s here. Monica.!!.” I was equally surprised to see my wife’s sis, so asked her what brought her here. They all stay about 500 miles from us. We keep in touch over the phone. Visits had been quite minimal. “I had a week’s off from my job and thought of visiting you all” chirped she. The sisters had a lot of things to catch up. So they left me to myself...
IncestMelody pulled into the driveway of her home, a home she loved, a home that was given to her by her "adoptive" family when she was a young girl. She was lucky, having a best friend in Danielle; she was as close to her as a sister. When she was ten-years-old she came over after school to do homework and have dinner with her best friend's family. Her life was changed for the better. Better wasn't a strong enough word. There wasn't one.She parked her car and sat back in her seat listening to the...
Monica and I met in our freshman year in college. We had both enrolled in the same history class and she occupied the seat beside me. We'd frequently make small talk while waiting for class to start, and It wasn't long before we became friends. Very good friends actually. We looked out for one another, studied together, watched movies, had dinner and went drinking together. We had sex, hot torrid sex. The kind of sex that... No, that's not true at all. We never had sex. We never even kissed,...
Love StoriesA road on Chaos would likely be charitably considered an improved trail on Earth or Cassandra – maybe. The one traveled by Monty was seldom more than a pair of ruts and barely wide enough for a wagon plus, perhaps, a rider. The ruts were typically wide, as there had been no Roman Legions to standardize axle or wheel sizes. Trees, or at least scrub, usually closed in on the road except where it bordered or ran through a meadow – or where it bordered farm fields near towns. Now, Monty rode the...
Monica was really enjoying this business of making adult films. She'd never envisioned that it could be so fun to actually have sex in front of a camera and know that her naked body, and her sexual activities with the other porn film actors would be seen by an untold number of people, and Monica found it extremely hot and arousing to know that she'd have such a wide audience for doing something that she was loving so much. Monica made more and more porn films and she found herself in even...
We looked at each other across the breakfast table and sipped our coffee. Neither of us wanted to be the first to speak, but both of us had a lot to say and I guess neither of us knew where to begin. Monica had somehow unwittingly become the center piece in a gangbang the previous evening and even though it should have been obvious to her from the way I had fucked her when everyone else had done with her that our marriage was not in danger, she still had cried and begged for forgiveness all...
Max Colton is a CEO of a large international company and a member of an elite private BD/sm club. After attending several of the club's functions Max had observed many of his friends and members had female slaves serving them with pleasure and loyalty for nothing more than than care, protection and support. The slaves were provided with a nice place to live and all their needs for services ranging from domestic duties to sexual service for their Master. After talking to several of the slave...
Siesta was almost over when there was a knock on the door. Monica Torres yawned as she got up off her sofa to answer the door. She walked past her little classroom where she taught Dos Alamos' five kids (six when Rosa showed). There was a second knock just before she answered the door. At the door was the strangest thing she had ever seen. Standing in front of her were two naked women. One was a Hispanic, the other was a white teenager with blonde hair. They stood there, nude, without any...
Monica had known early in her teen years that sex and sexual pleasure were something she was always going to want more of and to really enjoy. She'd had several very hot and lusty sexual relationships but none perhaps as hot in its own way as the one she'd enjoyed with Bill. But, the one thing Monica had always wanted more than anything was sex -- hot lusty fucking both sucking her lover's cock and having him thrust his hard cock inside her pussy and fuck her until they were both consumed...