New Slave Monica free porn video

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Max Colton is a CEO of a large international company and a member of an elite private BD/sm club. After attending several of the club's functions Max had observed many of his friends and members had female slaves serving them with pleasure and loyalty for nothing more than than care, protection and support. The slaves were provided with a nice place to live and all their needs for services ranging from domestic duties to sexual service for their Master. After talking to several of the slave masters Max decided he wanted to own a slave of his own. He lived alone in a large modern home that any one would be proud to own.

Every one of the masters he talked to about this told him he should have a place and equipment to discipline a slave. Telling him no matter how much he cared for his slave there would be times she would need to be punished or disciplined to keep her performing her duties without hesitation and completely. He was told even the best of slave girls tend to get comfortable with her master and begin to take liberties becoming less diligent in performing her duties thinking that he could be handled by her. I was advised to impress on her that he is in control and she will be punished for any infractions of his rules or her duties.

With his new found knowledge of a Master/slave relationship he set forth to acquire BD/SM equipment and started the conversion of his basement into a dungeon with a spanking bench, bondage table, ceiling hooks, pulleys, chains and cells to hold a slave in solitary if needed. The more he got into preparation of his dungeon the more he thought it could double as a play room for his pleasure. He is not a sadist by nature but the more he learned from the experienced masters the more he realized that having complete control of a beautiful woman aroused him.

He had his basement converted and added some instruments of pleasure to the racks of disciplinary instruments. About a week after the completion of his dungeon Shawn, a friend which had been a member of the club for a long time invited him to his home for dinner to discus some business which they were involved. Shawn happened to be the owner of two slave girls in his home. Max accepted his invitation and arrived at Shawn's home at the appointed time. He rang the door bell and was surprised when a young petite woman opened the door and smiled at him. She greeted asking if he were Mr. Colton? He advised her that indeed he is Max Colton. She took his coat and hung it in the coat closet near the front door and ask him to follow her.
He took note that she wore a tight fitting starched blouse that showed her breast without showing any skin, a short dark blue skirt which barely covered her beautiful well rounded little ass, white stockings with four inch black heels. As she walked in front of him the skirt raised up a little revealing she wore no panties.

She escorted him to the den where Shawn sat on an over stuffed chair with a drink in his hand. Shawn stood and greeted him with a hand shake and looked at the young woman calling her Mary telling her to bring Max a scotch on the rocks. Mary replied yes sir and turned hurrying from the den. She shortly returned with a drink and sat it on the table in front of the chair Max now sat in talking to Shawn. Mary ask “Sir, may I do anything else for you.” Shawn told her nothing at this time. Mary turned, walked to the door and dropped to her knees facing Shawn and sat with her hands behind her back eyes watching Shawn in case he need anything. After a short time Shawn looked at Mary telling her he and Max needed another drink. Mary quickly stood with a yes sir and scurried out of the den. She returned shortly with two drinks on a tray. She sat one on the table in front of Shawn and turned to set the second drink in front of Max. As she sat the drink on the table it slipped from her tiny hand and spilled on the table and Max's trouser leg.

Max saw the immediate fear in the young woman's eyes as she attempted to clean his trouser leg with a towel. Max looked at Shawn and notice his face had turned red and his eyes looked cold. Mary finished cleaning Max's trouser leg as best she could turned toward Shawn dropping to her knees, head down, hands behind her back telling saying “ Master, your useless slave is very sorry. Please have mercy on your useless slave.”
Shawn told Mary to look at him. She raised her eyes to look into Shawn's eyes. He told her that she had embarrassed him in front of his good friend and college. I told her to go tell Cloie to tell him when dinner is ready and for Mary to go to “The Room” and prepare and wait for them to finish dinner before he would deal with her for her clumsiness. Mary's eyes teared up and she replied “ Yes, Master” and left the room.

Shortly after Mary was dismissed a beautiful petite black girl dressed the same as Mary came into the room with a fresh drink for Max and advised Shawn dinner is ready to be served. Shawn thanked her and stood telling Max they should move to the dinning room . Max noticed in the dining room the large table had two places set for a meal and on a table near the side wall a platter with steaks, a bowl of mashed potatoes, a bowl of gravy, a covered platter with hot bread and a bowl of salad place neatly on the table. As he and Shawn sat down Cloie sat a plate of food in front of Shawn taking the empty plate. She then turned to Max and ask how he liked his steak cooked. He told her medium well.

She took his empty plate and moved to the food table and returned with a plate with a delicious perfectly prepared steak, potatoes, gravy and two side dishes with bread on one and salad on the other. She ask what dressing he wanted on his salad and quickly retrieved a container of ranch dressing for his salad.

He and Shawn enjoyed their meal talking about some business issues while Cloie waited on her knees hands behind her back in front of the food table. Max commented on how impressed with Shawn's ladies. Shawn told him that he demanded respect and discipline at all times. He told Max his slave girls would do anything to please him and it broke their hear if they disappointed him in any way. Max ask if he could talk to Cloie. Shawn agreed and Max ask Cloie if she willing served Shawn. Cloie told Max yes she loved Shawn very much and would do anything for him at any time with pleasure because he cared for her and Mary providing them with any thing they needed including punishment which she and Mary accepted because they needed it to better serve him. Max smiled and told Shawn he just had to know why the girls were so obedient to him.
Shawn told him they did so because they were his family as well as his slave and for the most part they very seldom needed punishment.

Speaking of which I have kept Mary waiting long enough and need to get her punishment over with so she and I both can stop dreading it . He saw the surprise look on his face and told him yes he hated punishing his girls as much as they hated the pain. As he stood starting toward the door to his basement he told Max he might want to witness Mary's punishment for embarrassing him. Max curious as what to do in a case like this he accepted Shawn's invitation to witness the punishment. As they entered the basement which was equipped very similar to his own Max saw Mary naked, a ball gag in her mouth, blind fold over eyes, a spreader bar holding her legs wide apart and her wrist connected with steel cuffs hooked over a hook hanging from the ceiling beam holding her hands well above her head. Shawn smile and said good girl, Mary. Even though muffled by the ball gag he could tell she thank her Master.

Max saw tears escaping under the blindfold and felt sorry for the girl hanging so helplessly from the ceiling beam. Shawn moved to the chain looped through the pulley on the beam and pulled it stretching Mary's arms higher making her stand on her tip toes. Shaw told Mary that her punishment for such an infraction last time was ten lashes with the flogger so he was going to give ten lashes with the flogger and five with the cane. Mary whimpered and said yes thank you, Master for punishing your worthless slave girl although it was garbled speech from the ball gag.
Max ask Shawn curiously who had restrained Mary. Shawn smiled and said she did. Shawn picked up a thirty inch flogger from the table at the side of the room and walked to Mary.

He ask her if she were ready and received a reluctant nod and a muffled yes thank you Master. He told her to count the lashes and stepped to the side and swung the flogger hard striking Mary across the back of her shoulders, she jerk in her restraints and screamed into her ball gag and said one. Shawn waited a few seconds before striking her with another lash just below her shoulders. Another scream and a quite two came from Mary. Shaw would wait a few seconds each time striking her across the back eliciting another scream and a count. Each lash was perfectly landed just below the last working it way down her back and ass. The last lash landed at the lower part of her ass and the top of her legs. Mary hung limp in her restraints sobbing with her body trembling from the pain in her back and ass. Shawn stepped in close to her with his mouth near her ear kissing her on the neck telling her he was very proud of her and kissed her on the neck and shoulder as she tried to move into his kisses smiling behind her ball gag.

Shawn stepped away from the sobbing girl dropping the flogger on the table and picked up a flexible cane. He walked back to Mary and ask if she was ready for the cane. She started to cry harder and said yes thank you Master. Shawn swished the cane through the air in front of Mary not hitting her two or three times making Mary jerk in her restraints and gasping each time. He swung the cane hitting Mary at the top of her cunt mound making Mary scream an ear piercing scream and raising her knees up to her stomach trying to take the pain from the cane. She dropped her feet back to the floor and said one thank you Master. Shawn hit her twice more across the stomach area with the same results each time but she did not miss a count. He then struck her across the under side of both tits. Max thought she was near passing out from the pain of the last blow. Shawn waited for her to settle down from the pain in her tits. As she did settle he struck her hard across the top of her beautiful perky tits. It took her twice as long to stop screaming long enough to count and thank her Master.

Shawn turned and angrily threw the cane at the table next to the wall and walked to Mary. Max thought he could see a tear in Shawn's eye as he tenderly wrapped his arms lightly around Mary and told her he was very proud of her for enduring the punishment for him and he loved her very much. Mary whimpered and leaned into his shoulder with her head. He stepped back and caressed the tears from her cheeks and began to release her restraints. He removed the gag and blindfold picked her up in his arms as she put her arms around his neck and kissed him on the cheek before resting her head on his shoulder. He carried her up the basement stairs gently. As he carried her past the kitchen area he told Cloie to bring the healing balm to his room. Cloie replied yes Master and hurried down the hall. Shawn carried Mary into his bedroom and softly lay Mary on his king sized bed. Cloie entered the room and stood just inside the door holding a jar of some type of salve.
Shawn looked at Max then to Cloie and told her to tend to Mary and prepare her for bed and she would sleep in his room tonight so he could keep an eye on her. Cloie smiled and said with pleasure Master.

The next few days Max thought about what he had seen at Shawn's and had mixed feelings if he could do what Shawn had done. He thought about how the girl had taken her punishment as if she were proud to take it because she deserved it. He also thought about the love and affection that both the slave girls seemed to have for their Master, Shawn. He also thought how proud seemed to be of both his slave girls and the love he had for them.

After thinking about it very several days Max decided he wanted the same thing Shawn has. With this thought in mind he placed an add in the paper for a domestic employee. He received seven replies to his add the second day the add was out. He scheduled interviews with with four of them after studying their resumes. The first three applicants did not impress him much. The fourth applicant arrived five minutes before the appointment time and was dressed in business casual attire. She was 5ft 5in tall, with 34B breast, small waist, and beautiful perfect hips. She had a sexy classy look about her. Her beautiful long black hair, sparkling green eyes and a great smile that could melt any man's heart. He wanted to hire her for her looks alone but restrained himself to make sure she had the personality he was looking for.

During the interview he ask what kind of pay she expected for keeping his home clean and preparing his meals as well as doing all his laundry. Her reply was “What ever you think is fair, Sir” Max ask her if she would be willing to come to his home for dinner and discuss the job in more detail. She agreed and he told her 8:00pm Friday. He interviewed Monica on Monday and set a meeting at his home on Friday. After ending the interview and Monica left Max thinking he wanted her for his slave. He did not want to abduct her and break her to submission even though it might be fun. Some of the information he got during the interview like she was living with a friend in a crowded apartment until she could get a place of her own and the way she responded to the fact that the job included room and board, she did not have a specific salary in request and she had stated she would do anything for the chance to work for him.

The more he thought about it the more he felt that she had something to hide or was running from something. On this assumption he took the glass she had drank from carefully putting it in a protective baggy. He had connections that he could use to find out anything on anyone discreetly. Made a phone call and less than hour a man entered his office and took the glass telling him he would have the information on the young woman within two days. Max handed him an envelope with cash from his safe and the man left with a thank you. Max add all the information he needed on Monica on Wednesday afternoon and smile after reading the file. He felt he had all the information he needed to make Monica a willing slave.

Max heard the door bell ring promptly at 8:00pm. When he opened the door Monica stood before him with a beautiful smile, a thigh high black skirt, tight fitting button up blouse, four inch black heels and her hair pulled back hanging down below her shoulders. He could see the outline of her bra under the tight blouse showing perky breast and nipples. He stood aside and welcomed her into his home. They went directly to the dining room where he had set two dinner settings. He pulled her chair out as she seated to the side of the table. Max set at the end of the table. They talked about insignificant topis while they ate.

Finishing their meal Max rose from his chair offered his hand to Monica and led her into the den. Telling her to sit any where she liked and went to the wet bar for a drink asking her if should would like something to drink. She accepted his offer. Handing her a drink and sitting down in a plush chair across from her he took a sip of his drink and looked at her intently. The way he looked at her made her very nervous. She rose rolling the glass in her hand back and forth. Max spoke her name causing her to tense up slightly. She looked into his. He told her that he had done a back ground check her. Smiled nervously looking into his eyes thinking she had successfully covered her past identity well.

Max began by telling her he knew that her name is not Monica but actually Judith. She began to tremble and looked at him with fear in her eyes. He smiled and told her not to worry. He continued to tell her he knew that she was a convicted felon that had slipped the clutches of the law to avoid twenty years prison time. He told her he knew that she had members of a drug ring looking for her for payment of missing drugs or the return of same. He informed her he knew if they found her and if she could not pay them they would most likely kill her or force her into prostitution to pay the debt.

He ask if he was correct in his assumptions. She was almost in tears and nodded her head yes and started to beg him not to turn her in for fear of the drug ring getting to her in or out of prison and end her life. She was crying very hard now telling him she was not guilty and that her boy friend had got her into the mess. Max felt sorry for her believing that she was probably a victim here.

Max calmed her down and told her he had a solution if she were willing to accept the terms. Monica looked at him confused at what he was asking her but she ask what terms. Max explained to her that he had several friends that was in a Master/slave relationship with willing girls to serve as slaves for love, protection and care from their masters. He continued to tell her that they were a very happy and the girls would be well taken care if anything happened in their relationship to terminate it. He paused and studied her expression which seemed to show a peak of interest in what he was saying.

He continued by telling her that he was seeking his own live slave girl. She gasp and then ask what is proposed and was he asking her to agree to be his slave girl. He smiled and told her if she agreed their would be strict rules and reward as well as punishment. She ask what did he mean punishment for what. He explained any disrespect to him as her Master, breaking any rules or hesitation to comply to any order he gave her would result in different degrees of punishment. She ask if she would be expected to perform sexually for him and wanted to know more about any methods of punishment. He informed her she would be expected to serve him sexually or any other way that he wished from her and that he would show her the methods of punishment once she agreed to sign the contract between them.
Max continued to tell her if she agreed to the contract and willing submitted to him he would be in completer control and she would do nothing without his permission. In return he would provide for her anything she needed to make her life happier and easier. He would protect her from any danger of being found by the law or the drug ring searching for her for as long as he owned her but she would be free to go any time she felt like leaving.

She sat looking at him in deep thought for several minutes thinking. She had always been happiest when acting as the submissive in her relationships and always seemed to connect with dominant men. She thought to herself that she could handle any pain for punishment as long as it did not injure her or kill her. In fact thinking about being his submissive and being used and punished by him was making her feel a tingling her body and pussy. After she broke out her trance of thinking about the proposal she looked at him with a gleam her her eyes and ask when she could move in and where the contract is.

Max ask her if she was excepting his proposal and agree to obey him and abide all his rules and accept any punishment he deemed necessary. She smiled and said in a clear confident voice “Yes” Max told her he would take her to her apartment to get her belongings and move her into her room tonight. She smiled and told him her belongings were out side by his drive way. He almost laughed with joy. He helped her with her luggage and let her settle in her quarters which was a large ground floor room with a king size bed and a large modern tiled bathroom. She was very surprised and thrilled with her new home. He walked out of the room telling her when she finished to meet him in the kitchen and not to take more than 30 minutes. She replied “OK”. Max turned and looked into her eyes with a domineering stare telling her she would address him as “Sir” until such time that he felt she had earned his slave collar. When and if that happened then she would address him as “Master”. Monica looked at him dropped her gaze toward the floor and answered “Yes, Sir”.

Twenty minutes later Monica appeared in the kitchen with a concerned look on her face. She stood near the table where Max was seated as if waiting for her next command.
Max told her to have a seat. She did and her pushed some papers to her telling that it was the contract and that she should read it completely before signing it. She had a worried look on her face looking at the papers and back to him. Max told her there is always an initiation of a new slave to educate her of the punishment that could befall her. He suggested that she take the initiation before signing the contract. She agreed and he told her to leave the contract on the table and follow him. He led the way through the basement door down the stairs into the finished basement. As they entered Monica's eyes became as large as quarters looking at the equipment. She saw hooks, chains, manacles, ropes, pulleys on the walls and ceiling beams. A post with leather cuffs at the top, middle and bottom in the center of the room, a leather covered bench with a lower shelf, a leather covered table with leather cuffs attached to chains at the top and bottom of the table and straps at even intervals from the bottom to the top. She assumed to restrain a person preventing as little movement as possible. She looked at Max with mixed feelings of fear and excitement. Thinking about being restrained to in this room being punished and used started to arouse her. She could not believe the thought of pain had such an effect on her.

Monica jumped when Max told her to undress. She remembered one rule was no hesitation to any command and immediately began to unbutton her blouse taking it off and letting it drop to the floor, next her bra joined the blouse then her skirt and panties. She started to remove her heels and he told her to keep them on. She stood before him naked and started to cover her sex and breast with her hands and arm. He told her no hands behind your back. She obeyed immediately blushing. Max slowly walked around her admiring her beauty. He smiled and told her he thought she was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen. Smile still looking at the floor and said “Thank you Sir”

Max ask if she were ready to experience a taste of punishment she said yes Sir in a shaky voice feeling the mixture of fear and excitement battling in her mind and body. Max pointed to an eight foot square wooden frame to the other end of the room telling her to stand inside the frame, feet apart and hands on the back of your head. She slowly moved to the frame and position herself as instructed but was told to turn an face him. She obeyed and he stepped to her dropping to his knees he attached a leather cuff to each ankle, one to each leg above the knee. Moving to here left side he pulled a chain attached to her left ankle cuff and pulled the chain forcing her to widen her stance and hooked the chain on a hook. He did the same to the knee cuff. Moving to the other side he repeated the process forcing her into a wide stance so that she could barely maintain her balance on the four inch heels. She felt the cool air on her spread open pussy and realized she had become aroused leaking pussy juice which was now dripping to the floor between her wide spread ankles.

Stepping behind her he attached both her wrist with leather cuffs pulling the attached chains forcing her arms up and out putting tension on her arm and leg muscles. With his mouth near her ear she could feel of his warm breath on her ear and neck sending chills down her body ending in her twitching wet pussy. He whispered in her ear. You can stop this at any time by saying mercy. If you say mercy I will stop and release you and you can and will go back to you previous life. Do you understand. “Yes Sir” Thank you Sir. He covered her eyes with a soft leather blindfold and tied it tight behind her head. He ask if she needed a gag. No, Thank you, Sir.
We will begin then. He walked to a cabinet on the side wall and chose a thirty inch leather flogger and a cane. She stood listening to his movements and began to tremble from the fear of what he was about to do to her. She heard his foot steps as he walked to stand to the side and behind her. Monica you will count each lash, thank me and ask for another. If you do not count or lose count we start over for ten lashes. Do you understand what I am telling you. Yes Sir.

She heard the swoosh of the flogger as he swung it though the air. She tensed expecting the pain but he did hit her. She relaxed and swoosh crack the flogger landed hard across the back of her shoulders. She jerked in her restraints and scream from the pain. One thank you sir may I have another please. He smiled and struck her again just under the marks of the first lash. Again she pulled on her restraints screaming louder than the first time. Two thank you sir may I have another in a very shaky voice sobbing and breathing hard trying to endure the pain in her back. After he landed the fifth lash she counted and before he could land the sixth he heard her say “Sir”. Max thought she was about to use her safe word and he would lose her for ever and felt a knot in his stomach. Yes slave do you need to speak? Sir may I have the gag now? She thought with the gag she would have something to bite on to endure the pain. He smiled and pulled a large ball gag from his pocket and forced into her mouth. Without warning he lashed her again across the middle of her back. She screamed into the gag biting down it causing her jaws to hurt. Six thank you sir may I have another. The pain was becoming bearable and she felt her pussy juices flowing onto the floor. She felt the heat building in her body and rushing to her pussy. Three more lashes across her ass and the orgasm was right on the edge. When he lashed between her legs across her pussy she erupted with an orgasm but still counted before going limp in her restraints. She hung in semi consciousness, breathing ragged and her body shaking like she was having convulsions.

As she hung limp in her restraints Max dropped the flogger on the table and picked up the cane. Moving in front of her limp body he stood waiting for her to regain composure When she did he ask her if she wanted to use her safe word. No sir. Thank you sir. You will make a very good slave, Monica. She felt a surge of pride at his words and tried to smile around the ball gag. With out warning he struck her hard across her lower abdomen. She jerked in her restraints and screamed bloody murder. She did not count but he let it slide. She was still twitching and whimpering from the pain when he struck her again a little higher across her abdomen. Again she screamed with the agonizing pain thrashing in her restraints.

He let her calm a little before striking her again across the front of her rib cage causing her to thrash in her restraints screaming and crying tears running down her cheeks under the edge of the blindfold. The next blow hit her across the underside of her tits making them bounce. She did not scream as loud this time and he saw her body tensing up pushing her pussy out toward him. He struck her again across the top of her tits making her erupt in a body wracking orgasm cum squirting several feet out onto the floor. He let her finish her orgasm and relax into her restraints step in close to her telling her it was over and ask she was alright. She nodded her head sobbing from the pain in her body and said “Yes sir, thank you sir.”
He released her restraints catching her as her legs gave way. He picked her up holding her close with her naked body and breast pressed into his chest. She wrapped her arms around he neck resting her head on his shoulder tears running on to his shirt as he carried her to her room. He laid her on the king size soft bed leaving the contract beside her and walked out of the room.

Max went to the den made him a drink sat in his chair turning on the television. He stared at the screen thinking about how he had hurt Monica and had become very hard while doing it. He kept thinking about her little petite body thrashed and the sounds of her screams. He realized he had a sadistic streak he never knew he had. He decided then if she agreed to be his slave he would have to control the urge to hurt her for no reason. After an hour he shut the tv off and went to the kitchen. He prepared dinner for both of them. He sat at the table to eat his meal giving her more time to recover from the punishment session in his dungeon. Finished with his meal he filled her plate with steak, potatoes, salad and a bowl of mixed fruit on the side. Thinking about her beautiful body and the punishment session as he put her plate on a tray with cold water he felt his cock get hard making him want fuck her hard and deep. He decided after what she had just endured for him he would wait until tomorrow to satisfy his lust for her.

She had not slept while she was alone in her room but read the contract still sobbing from the pain in her body. She smiled as she completed reading the contract describing all rules and explaining a slaves kneeling position for her Master. She thought of the pain and pleasure she had experienced at the hands of the man that wanted her for a slave and smiled. She thought that she had finally found her place and felt the need to please him to earn his collar as his life time slave. She felt safe and content with the idea of having someone to protect, love, and care for her. She even felt the need to be punished to make her a better slave to please her new master. She heard his foot steps approaching in the hall to her room. She painfully scurried to the floor and assumed the described slave position facing the door. She knew she was not to speak without permission or if ask a question. As he entered her room with her dinner he was shocked to find her kneeling with her sore ass on her ankles with her naked legs spread giving him a clear view of her pussy which start to get wet as he approached her door. Her body still burned from the cane on the front and the flogger on the back but she was determined to earn his collar as soon as possible and tried to ignore the pain.

Max almost dropped the tray of food when she maintained the slave position and raised the signed contract offing it to him. She never raised her eyes from the floor but heard him set the tray on the table beside the door and take the signed contract from her hands. Checking to se that she had signed it his heart jumped with pride and happiness. He told her that she had made him very happy and that he would live up to his end of the contract. He told her that he brought her dinner and she could stand and eat. She raised her head to look into his eyes and noticed the bulge of his hard cock in his pants. She stood and looking at him said “Sir”. Yes slave do you have something to say? Sir would you please fuck your slave? His cock twitched in his pants and he told her to get on the bed. As she crawled on the bed she ask “ Which hole do you want to fuck first Sir. He thought “this girl is way to good to be true” and could not keep from smiling. I will take your hot tight pussy first, slave. She immediately turned on her stomach and pulling her knees under her she raised her but up with her head on the bed and reached back to spread her pussy lips wide open for him. She felt the cool air on the moisture in her cunt at the same time. Max removed his clothes and moved on the bed behind her with his hard eight inch cock pointing at its intended target. She moaned when she felt the head of his cock touch the opening of her cunt and let out a little squeal as he rub the head down her slit pressing on her clit. He felt like he could not hold his cum long and quickly shoved his cock into her wet hot cunt making her squeal with pleasure as he fucked her pussy hard and deep. She felt the orgasm rushing to her cunt and beg for permission to cum. Max felt his balls tighten and slammed hard into her holding his cock eight inches deep in her cunt releasing his cum in her and told her to cum for him. Her orgasm hit hard as she felt his cum against the inner walls of her cunt and he told her to cum for him. She collapsed on the bed with him on her back cock buried balls deep in her cunt. They lay together until his cock went flaccid and slipped out of her cunt letting their mixed juices run out of her twitching pussy.
Slave, you have made me very happy. She smiled and closed her eyes as he spooned her.


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The Drive With Kay and Monica

Waking up to the sound of the waves, I feel your head on my chest. Carefully, I raise my head and look around and see people jogging on the beach. I then look over to where Monica had been cuddled into you when we fell asleep, however, she was no longer there. Feeling you wiggle closer, I take you into my arms and kiss your beautiful lips. I get up and pack all the items we no longer need into the trunk of my BMW. Since its a beautiful day, I lower the top. I kiss you deeply. As I go to open...

3 years ago
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Aunt Monica

Author?s Note: This story is heavily inspired by another, called Summer Slave by Masteries. In particular there is one scene that was almost lifted from that story to transplant into this one: this is meant only as the highest form of flattery, as I found it so powerful upon first reading it and wondered what would happen if something similar happened to a girl with less?inhibited captors. Please send any comments to Goddess_Agony @ yahoo dot comChapter 1 ? New HomeAngela found herself staring...

1 year ago
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Miserable Monica

Monica was the senior secretary, and the oldest of the female staff, in the company I was working with. Monica was in her late forties and had been with the firm for over twenty years, longer, in fact, than the office junior, Emma, had been alive and she was as miserable as sin. Now whether she had always been like this or it was something that her, rather turbulent, life had forced upon her was open to debate, and it must be admitted that we did debate this on a Friday lunch-time down at the...

4 years ago
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 Monica and I met in our freshman year in college. We had both enrolled in the same history class and she occupied the seat beside me. We'd frequently make small talk while waiting for class to start, and It wasn't long before we became friends. Very good friends actually. We looked out for one another, studied together, watched movies, had dinner and went drinking together. We had sex, hot torrid sex. The kind of sex that... No, that's not true at all. We never had sex. We never even kissed,...

Love Stories
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Me and wifey kissing and fondling neighbors Monica

This story is the background information for this gallery: this day we had been introduced to some party d**gs during parties. The past year however we got a little bit sick about going to raves as the public had changed. So we changed to ‘own-House’ parties where we invited a befriended couple or two and used some pot, (herbal) XTC or the alikes. We felt pretty comfortable staying home, listening to music, talking...

2 years ago
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The Shiny LadiesChapter 9 Monica

Siesta was almost over when there was a knock on the door. Monica Torres yawned as she got up off her sofa to answer the door. She walked past her little classroom where she taught Dos Alamos' five kids (six when Rosa showed). There was a second knock just before she answered the door. At the door was the strangest thing she had ever seen. Standing in front of her were two naked women. One was a Hispanic, the other was a white teenager with blonde hair. They stood there, nude, without any...

4 years ago
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My first Monica

Lets start with the main supporting character Monica, she was 4 ft 8 in tall, around a 30 c cup size, slim but had lil belly fat, thighs were shaped just right, very toned calves, half japanese and half african american, pretty brown eyes that had golden speaks in them, brunette hair down to her mid back. A little back story, I had moved to the state of washington, she lived in the house next door. She lived with her older brother and sister, and mother and younger brother, as was typical for...

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Defloration of Monica

Monica was my close friend. We used to be friends right from our school days. We used to share all secrets between us. I got married first with one of my classmates whom I loved. He was a strong virile man. We went to Mumbai after marriage. Monica came to Mumbai to spend some time with us. All three of us were almost same age and had a very nice time together. We were totally free and open in our talks and had no inhibitions touching each other. Since the apartment was small with only one...

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Introduction: Scott meets up with his old friend Monica after a decade. Monica, what can I say about her, shes my good friend, a constant companion, and my long term crush. She also happens to be gorgeous and full of energy, being a geek and dancer she has a unique blend of down to earth along with an unabashed fit body. Shes around 56 or something not skinny with soft baby fat over hard muscles from her dancing and exercises. She has dark thick hair which she kept short around shoulder length,...

2 years ago
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Blame It On Monica

Well, I couldn’t blame it on anyone else!I mean, there I was, off on a course for a few days, staying in a sleepy little archetypal English village. Next door was a pub, next to that was the church, dating from the 1100s, next to that another pub. One called the Swan, the other the George and Dragon. The Bed & Breakfast overlooked the village green - more typically English would be quite impossible to imagine. Except that the housekeeper in my old English Guest-house was actually Hungarian....

1 year ago
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Letter from Santa Monica

LETTER FROM SANTA MONICADear Shoeblossom:I go into Grandpa’s room, worried because I know he’s upset with me—I’m a bad girl, and deserve to be punished! I’m wearing my drop-seat pink Dr. Denton footie pajamas, and Gramps looks very displeased with me.?Nipper? he says, as I climb in his lap, ?You’ve been touching yourself and having impure thoughts, and Grandpa doesn’t like that.? Grandpa takes up his big wooden hairbrush, and I protest, crying that I’ve been a good girl. Oh no please no.But...

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The house was dark when I awoke. Looking at the clock on the cable box told me why, 2:17 AM. Normally, I would just go back to sleep and hopefully pick up where I left off with the girl I was dreaming about. Unfortunately, I heard something in the house. Carefully, I got out of bed to check it out. My wife is mean as hell if she gets woken from her 15 hour long sleep. We have three kids and another one is sleeping over tonight so I went to see what was going on. Black as the night was in the...

3 years ago
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Anything For Georgetown Part nineHoulihan has sex with Monica

She stripped down to nothing. Houlihan wasn’t thinking of anything except ravishing her flesh, because she had infuriated him. Had disobeyed him. He brought out the paddle and feather, and had her lay across his desk, as before. He started at her ankles, this time, slowly drawing the feather up and down her legs. This time, he brushed his fingertips and the feather up the insides of her legs. She moaned. It was all about gentle ovals, inching ever higher, ever so slowly. He stood up and...

2 years ago
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First Lust With Monica

Hello friends, this is my first story. as i am a regular reader of iss and i really enjoy the stories available on it in which some of stories are true but some may be imaginary. i dont want to take much time of you, but before writing my FIRST TIME SEX STORY i want to explain myself. i am a person who is good in looking neither very handsome nor very bad, i am physically fit and can give pleasure to any girl. my email id is n you can search me on FB by same email id. This is the story when i...

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Blame It on Monica

Well I couldn't blame it on anyone else! I mean, there I was off on a course for a few days, staying in a sleepy little archetypal English village. Next door was a pub, next to that was the church, dating from the 1100's, next to that another pub. One called the Swan, the other the George and Dragon. The bed & breakfast overlooked the village green — more typically English would be quite impossible to imagine. Except that the housekeeper in my old English Guest-house was actually...

3 years ago
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ButtFucked in Santa Monica

myself to pack a bag and run away. Looking for what, I don't know. All I knew was that I didn't want to be around my mom and dad. We lived in a Los Angeles suburb and we spent many years going to Santa Monica on the weekends for fun on the beach and pier. I always felt good when we visited that place, So it was there that I decided to run away to. Being a typical surfer kid, I fit right in at the beach like I belonged there. Or at least, I looked like I belong there. You know,...

2 years ago
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Sleeping Monica

Introduction: Panty Play While Monica Sleeps I want to start out by saying that ALL of my stories are written for my best friend Monica. They all were specifically written for her and Im now sharing them as she believes theyre worthy of being posted. In this story Im telling it directly to her. As I wake up, I can feel the fabric of your shirt against my back and around my stomach&hellip, looking down at your hand, just laying there on my breast. I reach over, setting the babies aside, then...

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Monica should have been on top of the world. The 25 year old was a rising star at the local news station, having had a wonderful combination of looks (she was 6’0 tall and had a luscious 38E-28-36 frame wrapped in flawless mocha skin), charisma and an ability to look past the obvious and find the heart of a story. She’d only been working at the station for a year and her editor was already talking to her about being an anchor woman. The problem was her husband, Malcolm. The two had met in high...

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Sisters in Slavery prequel chapter 02 A teenaged slave girl learns her true place

- - I must note before the story starts this is a prequel to Sisters in Slavery that tells the story of the owner of the Sisters Master Robert Sanders coming of age and becoming a master within The Organization leading up to how the Brothel was started. As such there will be some new characters introduced that may or may not be in future chapters of the main story. This also means that all of the established female characters will not be appearing in this part of the story. - - Part...

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Family EnslavedChapter 4 SlaveParents

"Undress me, Slave-Daddy," I told my father. "Yes, Mistress," he replied and there was eagerness in his voice, as well there should be, considering I'd been the distant object of his incestuous desires for almost ten years. My mother was recovered from her orgasm, which was something akin to spontaneous human combustion, I thought with a smile. It had happened suddenly and without any real physical stimulation of her sex, but she might have cheated. My attention had been focused on my...

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Family EnslavedChapter 2 SlaveMommy

"It's so nice having lunch together, just the two of us again," my mother smiled at me. "Yeah," I smiled back. "I was gone too long, Mom. I'm sorry about that." We were downtown, in a nice little restaurant after doing some shopping together. It had been a long time since my mother and I had done this sort of thing, and we were both enjoying it. I was surprised that I felt no guilt over what I'd done with my dad the previous night and I wondered if he'd followed my instructions...

2 years ago
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African Slave Queen enslaved media babe

The theatrically over decorated general gripped his podium tighter and tighter The theatrically over decorated general gripped his podium tighter and tighter. His orchestrated news conference was turning sour. It had supposed to have been his moment on the world stage to impress to show everyone what a great and generous leader he was; but now this. All the cameras continued to focus on his glistening black forehead. ?I?ll repeat my question,?came the annoying voice of the young...

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The Kings Temporary SlaveChapter 11 My day with the kitchen slaves

Three days later I thought I was up to working as a household slave provided they realised I could not do heavy work and would not be subjected to further punishment. Consequently at 5 a.m. the following morning a eunuch came and took me to meet Georgina in the main kitchen. She was a large, stern looking woman possibly of Turkish origin. She looked at me with some disdain but she'd obviously been told I was no longer a slave and now had access to the king so she tried to hide it. As usual I...

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Anything For Georgetown Part nineHoulihan has sex with Monica

She stripped down to nothing. Houlihan wasn’t thinking of anything except ravishing her flesh, because she had infuriated him. Had disobeyed him. He brought out the paddle and feather, and had her lay across his desk, as before. He started at her ankles, this time, slowly drawing the feather up and down her legs. This time, he brushed his fingertips and the feather up the insides of her legs. She moaned. It was all about gentle ovals, inching ever higher, ever so slowly. He stood up and...

2 years ago
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Temptations of Monica

My Name is Monica Rodriguez; I’m currently a senior in high school and at the top of my class. I’ve always been school first as in regards to my social life but now that high school is coming to an end, I’ve been branching off into the social world being that it’s a house party, bon fire, or even the occasional club scene (Thank you fake I.D). Now as for my appearance I’m original from Puerto Rican and have the darker skin to prove it, have long dark hair stopping just before my lower back and...

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Answer For Monica

I went through my regular routine of getting ready to go out. Shower, facial, fingernails, toenails and gotten a Brazilian wax. I wanted to look great for tonight. I know how many men are going to be there and all eyes will be on me. I love the feeling of being the center of attention, makes me wet just thinking about it. I love cum and cock, so it was a natural thing when I came across Bukkake. I get as much as I want of both!!I got to Mark's place feeling so incredibly sexy. Mark's wife...

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Sexy Monica

Let me introduce myself. I am 26 years of age, muscular body, and dusty complexion. But I have attractive features. This is a true incident that took place in my life. I just finished my schooling. I was enjoying my vacations. One fine day I receive a phone call. The voice was very sweet. I handed over the phone to dad as it was for him. Later dad told me that we are expecting guest at our place they are coming from pune. I asked who are they and dad told me they are some far off relation to...

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slaver or collecter Anna becomes a slave

A few weeks go by, we are all packed and headed for the airport. Omar's private jet taxis over to us, the door opens and the ladder comes down,we go inside. Anna is wondering who we know who has their own jet. Hours and hours later we are landing in Dubai. The limo picks us up then a hour later we are at Omar’s palace. Omar comes out and escorts us into his living room, there sits Sasha and Jane in their burkas. Omar introduces everyone, then says Anna it is so nice to meet you, I...

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New Slave PlanetChapter 5

Brianna followed Peter and soon ended up in a huge room decorated to give it an atmosphere of an upscale lounge. Men were sitting on chairs and sofas located around the room and were being served by naked servants. The two girls gasped in shock at the first sight of naked men and women serving drinks with everything on full display. They always gawked at the sight of the naked woman and girls who sat in the men’s laps, calmly acting as if was completely normal act when it was far from it,...

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New Plantation Slave

John Childs remembered the first time he met Mr. Harken. It was early spring in 1819, and he was working as a hand for the Overseer. John thought nothing of him and paid him little attention. To John he was just another hired hand. Although he was a white hired hand, he was still treated as such. John did not know of the harsh discipline he enjoyed when Mr. Franks left. When Mr. Franks was moved to the cotton plantation, Mr. Harken took over as Overseer. John was now riding in the back of a...

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Gary had always been close with his father. Since he was little, they'd done everything together, from going to the movies to eating at the restaurant. The two had never strayed apart, they'd always been getting closer and closer together, until finally Gary and his father realized they were in total love with each other, not just loving each other. Gary was 19 when they first realized it. His mother was out of the house for the day, and Gary was lounging around, reading a novel. It was his...

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A Routine EnslavementChapter 3 The Slavers Career

Here I will lay out how I, William Steelforth, progressed from the unqualified slavery enthusiast I was in high school to the qualified slavery advocate I had become as managing partner of the agency which bore my name. After high school, the next opportunity to have an animated exchange about my ideas with a teacher came in a discussion with Professor Petersen, my philosophy teacher, in my sophomore year of college. Unlike my high school civics teacher, he was actually a proponent of...

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New slave

"Stand up, turn around and touch the floor with your hands, spreading your legs" She obeyed and he was pleased to see that she could touch the floor. Her cunt was clean shaven, had plump lips and a clean slit. Overall, it was a pleasing cunt. Her ass was round and dimpled and looked like it could take some punishment. "Stand and face me" She again obeyed, although this time she did not bow her head and look at his cock. She looked him right in his eye, showing her defiance in her...

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Family EnslavedChapter 8 SlaveSister

"I just can't believe he cheated on me," Cheryl sighed. "I mean, we just got married, you know?" I nodded sympathetically. We'd spent much of the afternoon talking about BDSM, or I'd talked, I should say. Cheryl had asked a lot of questions and I'd done my best to answer them. But her mind kept wandering back to James and his infidelity. It was going to take some time before she could forgive him We were sitting at a small round table in a hotel bar after our lunch, the same hotel...

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New slave in Laws chapter 2

She said you will do no such fucking thing. She looked at Nicole sitting beside me and asked what the fuck are you doing. Nicole spoke up and said I’m obeying my master. Patty got really mad and yelled I thought we talked about this. We agreed we wouldn’t stand for that and would work together to stop him from doing this shit. Nicole shot back o bitch you decided that. I’m sick of you deciding for me and treating me like shit. Patty turned bright red with anger Oh she said but you will let...

1 year ago
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Are story begins. You have a slave standing with his cock and balls confined it your new toy. The ankles are secured at the bottom and the hands are cuffed behind his back. He is mouth gagged as well and possible a blindfold. That's slave number one. As for slave number two, he is in front of the device with his hands behind the back of the first slave and secured together.His knees are secured to the upright. Slave number 2 has slave number ones cock in his mouth and his head is taped in that...

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Stephanies SlaveryChapter 8 Runaway slave

"Bitch! Bitch! Bitch! She's here; she can look after her precious son. I can't take any more of this." Throwing a few items into a bag, she went to David, "I'll pick you up in the morning if you wish to go into work SIR. I'll bring the car back then if you don't. Good night SIR." "No Steph, don't go..." Stephanie could hear him calling to her as she closed the door. Her phone rang a few minutes after she'd entered her old flat. It now seemed a cold and uninviting place but at...

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New Slave PlanetChapter 14

“Oh please master, don’t put that nasty thing in my bottom. It’s way too big and besides, putting it in my bum is too nasty. I’ll suck you off or let you fuck my pussy like the other masters, but please not back there. It’s not right. It’s not natural.” Emma’s third pick up of the night, and the one that would be spending the remainder of the night with her, ignored her frantic protests. Instead, he continued to push an oiled finger in and out of her tight bum hole and warned her to be quiet...

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Slave of her slaves 1

She is extremely sexy. So young. Only eightteen, one month and a day as I write.She is extemely pretty. So yummy. Only a pity that her character has black spots.She is extremely playful. So funny. Only a pity she aims to abuse her hot spots.She is extremely smart. So cunny. Only a pity for her I finally find weak spots.How sexy, surprising, hot and horny is she? Right after we met we got both very wet!How sexy virtual sex we had, when I was licking her pretty very wet teen sexy twat.How sexy...

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New Slave PlanetChapter 3

Brianna and her daughters woke up hours later, stretched and shook the sleep out of their heads, totally unaware of the chips implanted in their heads, and the plan to enslave them. “Wow, we must have slept off jet lag,” Brianna groaned. She stretched and noticed her top was slightly out of place. She pulled it down, thinking it must have happened during her sleep. She gathered her girls on the sofa and again promised them you would keep them safe, no matter what. “Now, you stay here and keep...

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Diary of slave steve

Synopsis: This powerful story is about Female Domination. Steve is enslaved by the beautiful Goddess Samantha. She has her slaves crawl for her, worship her, suffer for her and they love every painful moment. THE DIARY OF SLAVE STEVECHAPTER 1 (PROLOGUE) I have been commanded to write a journal depicting my life with my Mistress and Goddess, the Supreme and Radiant Samantha.  I worship and obey her every whim. But it wasn't always that way in the sense I had no predisposition or inclination I...

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Whereas Guenter H., Legally identified by passport no. … issued on … by …, Retired business executive, born on …, 1947 in …/Germany and living at … in D-xxxxx L…, Known in the net as slave gunnarsub and registered as Sklavennutte Guenter in The Slave Register under Registration Number 326-878-134, thereafter for purposes of this document, called "SLAVE" has agreed to give up voluntarily all legal, civil, and human rights in order to become the unlimited slave property of the OWNER and whereas...

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From Society Girl To Slave

From A Society Girl  From A Society Girl To A Slave Anonymous     Chapter I   All the inhabitants of the villageof Kronink in Scotland know the castle of Kelingtonwhich stands majestically a few miles outside of the village, and which neverfails to draw all the visiting tourists who are struck by the mysterious charmof its old-fashioned towers looming at the horizon and surrounded by the thickvegetation of an immense park. In that castle lived Lord Kelington, the heir of an oldScottish family...

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How Jenna became a slave

How Jenna’s journey as a slave beganJenna had always been brought up as a proper girl. She was shielded by her parents in aspects of her life. Now at the age of 19 she had just gotten her first computer with internet access. She could not wait to go upstairs and use her pc with the internet. But she was stuck helping her mom with the cleaning of the house for her moms work guests that where coming over. Jenna’s mother came into the room at 6:30 and said she could do what she wanted for the rest...

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A Routine EnslavementChapter 8 The Slaver Helps a Dancer

Immediately after the jury retired to deliberate Stephanie's case, the SlendaBond attorney and I retired to the VIP club in the courthouse to await the verdict. We discussed the fact that the longer the jury was out the better our chances of achieving at least a partial enslavement of Stephanie. If the jurors were having trouble reaching a verdict they would probably settle on a compromise verdict where at least we would have Stephanie under an indenture for 5 or 10 years. That might satisfy...

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Newlywed Slaves

Newlywed Slaves By billy69boyWe had a spring wedding, and we couldn't be more in love. Our bliss was extended when we quickly found our first apartment. But it wasn't just an apartment: we were now the proud renters of half a duplex house that was attached to our dear elderly landlady's half of the house. Edna had lost her husband a few years back, and she seemed pleased to have a newly married couple as her next door neighbors. We became fast friends, and even though she had relatives living...

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Blue collar Master white collar slave

Blue collar Master, white collar slave. 3by 2NN  This story depicts homosexuality and very extreme S&M. If you are aminor or this offends you, go elsewhere now.  PrologueI sit on the couch in my owner's house, dressed every bit theslave I am. My body from the tips of my toes to my eyelashes iscompletely and permanently hairless, smooth, soft and beautifullytanned. My upper body is clad in a thin, soft and pink rubber T-shirtand my ass is clad in a pair of outrageously short and...

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Submissive slave

Submissive slave Kara was lost. All the men she dated just seemed superficial and bland. She needed more or less, she didn’t know. Then she met Phil. He owned his own company and was into the import and export of goods from Africa and Indonesia. He was the most confidant man she had ever known but until she landed the secretary job she only knew his name and his reputation as a businessman.  On their first real date they ate a lite dinner and he invited her to his place. They had had lunch in...

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Breakingin Slave Kevin

Key-words: MMM/m Slavery, gay sex, rape, abuse, forced labor, torture  and scatologyBreaking-In  Slave  Kevin? 2011 by Masostud,  the right resides with the authorNote: This is a work of fiction. All persons and names are coincidental. Who feels insulted by descriptions of hard-core slavery and dirty abuse by scat-scenes is requested to leave this story unread. You have been warned.Summary: The gay Kevin (19) was devoted to dominating men. He went deliberately into the fangs of two strong-build...

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Slave Traders

The time was late in the spring and we were on a late night drivein the countryside watching for all of the new spring animals that wereborn. We spotted a doe that was grazing in the cool grass. My sister and I were on our spring break from college and didn'twant to spend our time in the local bars looking for men. We love natureand watching all the new growth that rises from the dead of winter. As we spotted the new doe, we left the safety of our car to geta closer look when we heard...

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MsC Master slave Colony

MsC, Master slave Colony While reading the Sunday paper my slave/wife noticed an interesting ad for a unique D&s lifestyle retirement community in the desert southwest that gave a website address for interested couples.   This is a fulltime, retired, non outside employment community.  She showed it to me and said, let’s go check it out to see if it is what we are looking for.  I went to the computer and entered the address that the paper gave.  MsC came up with two links below on the page. One...

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