Breaking Monica Ch. 03 free porn video

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Mr. Tim Jones was nearly livid. Pacing the bank floor and pausing to glare out the front door. Just about furious. Checking his watch every minute or so and getting more and more worked up. It had been a morning already. First someone broke into his car the night before. Those bastards took his stereo, his laptop, everything in the glove box, and even took his seat covers. All that and a broken window into the mix. And that was in the better part of this quiet and cozy small town.

Then, his loan officer called at a perfect time to tell Tim he quit. Out of the blue just gone. Not coming in. Never coming back. Might as well have told Mr. Jones to go fuck himself. In that one instant Tim’s workload had doubled. And it had taken forever to find a qualified loan specialist in the first place. Just lovely.

Now, on top of everything else, both of his tellers were late. Both of them. Not a few minutes late either. The bank was already open and Tim had to turn away a customer, because he couldn’t open a teller’s till without the teller there. That nearly sent him through the roof but what would finish him nicely is if they were going to be much later. Tim had a meeting with some prospective business clients in half an hour and if his girls didn’t show up, oh my God there was going to be hell to pay and the Devil himself would be collecting.

Maybe getting his dick wet wasn’t worth this stress. He let Jenna get away with this because of her talented mouth and now it seemed Monica was fair game too but holy hell this was becoming a bit much.

That thought gave Tim pause though. Monica did have a damn tight pussy. And now he would be having it again. Biting his lip, Tim thought about the skills Jenna had with her tongue. Suddenly he wasn’t so angry. So they were both a little late. No big deal. He would deal with them. Now how could he work it. How should he work it. Hmmm. Do them one at a time, or somehow figure a way to have them both at once. For Tim Jones it was a foregone conclusion that after this episode of tardiness his cock would definitely be inside them both, and that thought brought a smile to his face. Yes it was good to be the Tim.

Monica dragged herself out of bed and dragged herself through the shower and dragged herself to work. Late. Again.

She felt exhausted and giggled to herself at the reason why. She had spent the last two nights masturbating. Rubbing herself into a frenzy, over thoughts of Jenna mostly. Jenna with the lush breasts. Jenna the flirt. Jenna the tease. Jenna the whore. Just thinking about her now made Monica quiver. She had never felt this way about anyone in her life before, much less a girl. Maybe she could get some rest tonight, but unless Jenna took the day off work that wasn’t really an option. She always did something that stuck with Monica and kept her on edge throughout the day until she was ready to explode. And in fact, as Monica pulled into the bank parking lot for work, there was Jenna. Just as late as Monica and looking every bit the sex goddess Monica thought her to be. It was going to be a long day.

Jenna stood by her car waiting as Monica pulled in. With a smile and wave she greeted her fellow teller. Monica nearly shook her head at what Jen was wearing this time. A skirt that could almost be described as a belt, with a belt almost as wide as her skirt. Over that a spaghetti strap top that was silky and white and did nothing to conceal the fact that Jenna wasn’t wearing a bra. Her pendulous bosom wiggly and jiggly and making Monica almost whimper with desire. For her own part Monica once again went out of the norm and was wearing a lovely floral print dress. Just a bit longer than mid thigh length which was for her a bit daring. Though lately she felt maybe she would go even shorter. Like Jenna would. Short and sweet.

As they walked in to work late, they were greeted by Mr. Jones the boss man. Jenna was nonplussed but Monica kept her eyes down and bit her lower lip. Tasting her own cherry lip balm. She knew what was coming and actually kind of hoped she would be naked in his office within the hour, but it wasn’t to be. Mr. Jones was already late for his meeting, and only let the girls know they were in deep trouble before he departed. Grumbling about how things needed to be dealt with. Jenna and Monica both watched him leave, then giggled and went about the start of the banking day.

Later that same day…

Chucky loved this road. Bumpy and twisty and perfect. He gunned his engine again, and whooped as his wheels left the ground. Chucky loved this road and he loved his dirt bike. His job as a ranch hand not so much, but today was a good day. Payday. A trip to town and to the bank and maybe get to see that hot blonde that worked there. Definitely a good day.

Chucky had been working that blonde for a few weeks now. Not much time away from the ranch, but every time he could get to town he popped in to talk, flirt, and otherwise get to know her. Usually tried to time it so that Monica girl was at lunch. She always wanted to get his attention.

And that was fine with Chucky. She was cute in her own way, and he figured he would back burner that brunette until he needed an easy piece of ass at some point. And at some point he would. And then it would be on. On like donkey kong. So yeah, that Monica whatever would definitely get it and get it hard but for now, Chucky was all about that blondie. That blondie Jen. Meow.

Chucky twisted the throttle hard, his dirt bike kicking up rooster tails and dust and sending pebbles into the stratosphere. With another whoop he jumped up and popped a wheelie and laughed insanely. The prospect of seeing the blonde and maybe seeing her tonight or this weekend sending a thrill straight down his spine. Yes Chucky was in a killer mood, and he left the ranch and work far behind.

Jen and Monica worked through the morning, doing their teller activities and such, as bank employees are thrilled to do. Not too busy a morning and after their lunch hour the girls settled in to ride out the clock and finish the day.

Tim Jones came back from the meeting and grumbled a few things at the girls before locking himself away in his office. Monica and Jenna looked at each other, then burst out giggling. Somehow they knew he wasn’t happy and assumed the meeting didn’t go his way. At that point neither girl could imagine what was going to happen later. So it was they passed the afternoon and when Jenna told Monica to look outside, there was a note of excitement in her voice.

There came Chucky the ranch hand. Monica’s mouth went dry and her heart started beating a little faster. There was the object of her latest fantasies. The object of her desire. Her latest crush. The only thing that got Monica more wet these days was Jenna, but that was her own little secret. And here came Chucky.

Jenna couldn’t help but to giggle as Chucky came swaggering into the bank. Standing a good six feet tall at least, with his sandy brown hair and all his muscles, Chucky was like some kind of golden Adonis. Burnished skin, calloused hands, and not lacking in the bulges everywhere. Yeah Jenna would love some of that. If it wasn’t for mousy little Monica that is. The thought of a three way crossed Jenna’s naughty mind and as she was thinking this, Chucky came to her teller window.

Jenna, being the girl she was, didn’t even think to tell him she was on break and didn’t think to send him to Monica. So while Monica watched, unable to take her eyes of the two of them, Jenna and Chucky flirted outrageously. Talking in hushed tones and Jenna bursting out giggling every time something was said, Monica strained to listen. For a good fifteen minutes this went on, and by the end Monica was rubbing her thighs together and squirming. Then, as she watched, he
r heart barely up to the strain of it, Jenna gave Chucky her number. Monica could barely believe it since Jenna knew she had such a mad crush on the ranch hand, but to Monica’s surprise and confusion, Jenna pointed at her and whispered something to Chucky. He looked at Monica and nodded yes with a smirk before leaving. As he turned to go he gave Monica a rogue little wink and she nearly swooned. Biting her lip and waving goodbye like quite the smitten schoolgirl.

Chucky left and Jenna was about to lean in and tell Monica what was going on when Tim Jones came out of his office. It had been a rare day for him, and he was determined to make something, anything, good happen. And he knew just what it was he wanted. He had pushed his luck with both of these teller girls and got away with some very unprofessional behavior, so he knew he could pretty much do whatever he wanted with them. And for Mr. Jones, that was exactly what he was going to do.

‘Jenna, Monica, it’s nearly closing time and once were done balancing and reconciling, lock the front door and see me in my office. Both of you,’ he told them. His tone brooking no disagreement. Then he disappeared back into his office leaving Jenna giggling and Monica nervously looking at her.

‘Don’t worry Mon, we will probably just be getting yelled at for being late this morning,’ Jenna said. Then she giggled. ‘Just need to get it over with. We have a date with your ranch hand tonight,’ she finished with a giggle in a slightly higher pitch.

Again, Monica nearly swooned. Some part of her brain must have heard the part about ‘we’ have a date and not ‘you’ have a date but at that moment she wasn’t thinking clearly. The part of her mind that created fantasies was already working overtime, and she could just imagine what dating Chucky would be like. She felt giddy and excited and didn’t really stop to think why Jenna would say they were both going on a date with him. That would be crystal clear soon enough though.

The last part of the afternoon flew by. Both tellers tap tap tapping away at keypads to balance their tills and reconcile the day’s transactions. Nothing much was said as Jenna was making plans in her head, and Monica was trying not to think about Chucky. A few authorized changes and a few reports sent to the boss and right at five thirty Jenna was locking the front door of the bank. She looked at Monica and nodded as Monica stood and they headed for Tim’s office.

Sitting at his desk with his fingers steepled, Tim Jones watched Jenna and Monica walk in. Monica looking a bit nervous and Jenna all smiles. He looked from one to the other then back again. Letting the suspense and the tension build up a bit. After the day he suffered, it was good to finally take control of something. And that’s exactly what Tim Jones planned on doing.

‘So you were both late this morning girls, and we delayed our opening and furthermore, I had to turn away customers,’ Tim told the contrite bank tellers. Monica lowered her eyes and Jenna merely smirked. Jenna knew how this was going to play out, and she was fully prepared to suck and fuck to appease her boss. But her boss had other ideas.

Since he had fucked her, Tim Jones couldn’t get the image of Monica’s body out of his mind. He masturbated to the image at least a few times, and now here was a delightful opportunity to have her again. Jenna had been fun and she was very skilled with her mouth but she was too easy. Any bimbo that would suck a dick at a job interview would only be fun for a while, but this mousy little teller was much more fun in the long run. Tim had ideas and fantasies of corrupting her, and bringing her down to Jenna’s level of depravity.

‘Monica, it seems your punishment didn’t take. Perhaps another lesson is in order,’ he told her. His eyes boring straight into her and making her quiver in nervous sexual tension. She looked up at him then quickly lowered her eyes again. Her big doeful brown eyes.

‘And as for you Jenna, this certainly is your chance to make you own amends for your attendance issues,’ he then said. Directing his attention to the busty blonde teller but talking more to her tits than to her face.

Sitting back in his plush office chair Mr. Jones looked both girls over, appraising them. Thinking about how he wanted to do this, he noticed the thick black leather belt Jenna was wearing, and an inspiration came to him like a light bulb turning on. Inspiration to turn this into a delightfully kinky session. Just like in the movies.

‘Since my punishing you didn’t seem to work Monica, perhaps this will,’ said Mr. Jones with a smirk. ‘Jenna, strip her.’

As Monica looked at him in surprise and shock, Jenna giggled and told him, ‘It would be my pleasure Mr. Jones.’

Jenna turned to Monica with a smile and started. First she unbuttoned the cute sundress Monica was wearing. Slowly and one button at a time, but with practiced ease considering her long pink nails. Monica stood stock still as Jenna pushed her dress off her shoulders and it fell to the floor. Mr. Jones watching with a smile, his fantasy about to happen. Well one of them anyways.

Jenna got down on one knee and gently lifted each of Monica’s dainty feet, removing her sensible flats while at the same time freeing her puddled dress and tossing it aside. Tim nodded in approval as Jenna looked at him, and Monica leaned forward just a bit to rest her hands on the edge of the desk.

Jenna then stood and got behind Monica, while Tim watched. Monica facing him and only the desk between them. Her body directly in front of his roaming eyes. So it was to his immense pleasure that Jenna unclasped Monica’s bra and slowly slid it off her pale shoulders. Monica bit her lip and quivered as her creamy and pert tits jiggled out. Jenna tossed the silky bra aside and cupped Monica’s naked breasts. Lifting them up for Tim to get a nice look.

As Tim made eye contact with Jenna, she winked and slowly disappeared behind Monica as she sank to her knees. Taking Monica’s panties down with her. Monica stepped out of them with a soft whimper, completely naked now. Her landing strip a joy for Tim to see. Standing back up, Jenna tossed the skimpy panties on the desk in front of Mr. Jones and he happily pocketed them. Another pair of hers to add to his new collection.

‘Now Monica, I think it’s time to be punished,’ Mr Jones said. Looking and speaking directly to Monica’s stiff nipples.

‘Yes Sir,’ Monica said dryly. Her voice just above a whisper. Tim grinned and sat back in his chair, looking relaxed.

‘Jenna. That belt you are wearing,’ Tim said, addressing the buxom blonde harlot. ‘Remove it and use it to teach Monica why we do not come to work late.’

Monica again gasped in shock as he said that, and her mouth dropped. She thought she was in that office to get fucked, and maybe suck some dick, but this was something entirely unexpected. So much so that she didn’t hear Jenna say, ‘It will be my pleasure Mr. Jones,’ as she unbuckled and pulled off her belt.

The first lash came quickly, making a nice red stripe across the pale globe of Monica’s left cheek. A sudden sharp breath was all Monica had time to do before her right cheek earned a matching stripe. Tim Jones was painfully hard now, and pulled it out for all to see. Monica couldn’t take her eyes off the thick veiny shaft, remembering what it felt like inside of her and wanting it inside of her again. Tim slowly stroking it. Up, and down, and back up again. A small trickle of clear precum running down over his fingers.

As Jenna started smacking Monica with the belt, making her wince and squeal, and making her tits bounce, Mr. Jones stroked that long shaft slowly. Deliberately teasing Monica as she took her punishment. Jenna was no stranger to being whipped with a belt, and was well aware of how painful it could be. So since she wasn’t a total bitch, after the first two good smacks Jen wasn’t putting too much behind them. Enough to make M
onica gasp and squeal and tiptoe, but not enough to really hurt. For Monica though, this was a new experience, and the stinging was exquisite. Each hit having a cumulative effect until her bottom was rosy and singing like a canary in a gilded cage.

As she was being spanked, Tim made her say a few things just for fun. Naughty things that were so out of character for the demure bank teller, that Tim almost came with each phrase uttered. Things like how she was sorry for being late and would do anything to make up for it. How she loved watching his cock. How she was in love with his cock and wanted to worship it with her body. He even made her confess to wanting to fuck Jenna. He made her say the word fuck instead of phrases like make love or have sex. That brought a giggle and a look of surprise from Jen, and she gave Monica a quick and painful slap on the clit for her confession.

By now Monica had received something like twenty of the so called lashes to each of her pert little cheeks and was fair glistening. And quite nearly salivating over the sight of Tim’s hard cock, which was now shiny and wet with precum. She was nearly begging to be fucked and nearly ready to hump his leg just to cum. The desire evident in her big brown eyes. In her longing pout and in the way she raised her ass up now to meet Jenna’s belt. Her pale skin flushed and her nipples once again bullets for her valentine.

Tim Jones continued to slowly stoke his throbbing cock, his own lust quickly overtaking his self control. Leaking precum had made the veiny shaft slick and wet and his hand easily quickened its pace as he watched Monica bounce, jiggle, squeal, and moan. Jenna noticed the change in him and stopped spanking Monica long enough to reach down and give her clit a quick pinch. The resulting gasp and squeal from Monica put Tim over the threshold of his restraint.

Originally Tim had planned on having Jenna suck him for a bit, and then he was going to finish inside Monica’s sweet and tight pussy, but it was already too much. So with an animalistic grunt he suddenly stood up and grabbed Monica by her short brown hair. Pulling her roughly until her body was flat against his desk and her dainty feet were on tiptoes. The roughness made Monica gasp and open her mouth wide in surprise, and it brought a giggle and a woohoo from Jenna.

Monica had never really been much of a cocksucker in her life. She had tried it, and sometimes did it for an old boyfriend that always wanted a blowjob, but it wasn’t something she made a habit of. Much less the ending goal of actually sucking a guy off. In her life Monica had never tasted sperm, and never had a wad in her cute mouth. So it was a bit of a test for her, as she opened her mouth to gasp, when Tim Jones pushed the first three thick inches in and unloaded. Jenna already knew, and Monica quickly found out, the facts of Tim’s particular ejaculate. He didn’t spurt and he didn’t shoot. That’s not to say it wasn’t a respectable amount as in fact it was quite thick and quite plentiful. However, it oozed out in one thick viscous blob almost all at once. Suddenly Monica found herself with a mouthful of cum. All over her teeth and all over her tongue. Realizing what had happened Jenna quickly bent over Monica as she was bent over the desk, and placed her hand over Monica’s mouth tightly. Telling her to swallow and be a good girl about it, as Tim stood back and took deep measured breaths.

It was all too much for poor inexperienced Monica of course. She choked and gagged on the thick wad as she tried not to drown from it. The end result is known in some circles as the Chinese Dragon. Of course Jenna was part of those very circles so it was extremely funny to her. Even Tim had a good laugh, despite his disappointment at not getting his cock inside Monica.

So with Jenna having her hand clamped tightly over Monica’s mouth as she choked and coughed, the result was disturbingly and vulgarly hilarious. Tim’s thick wad blew out of Monica’s nostrils and out of her nose like dragon breath with each choking cough, and sprayed all over his desk. All over Monica’s nose and Jenna’s hand. Making quite the sexily disgusting mess to the tune of Jenna and Tim’s laughter. Jenna giggled and said, ‘Ewwwwww,’ but didn’t really mean it.

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ButtFucked in Santa Monica

myself to pack a bag and run away. Looking for what, I don't know. All I knew was that I didn't want to be around my mom and dad. We lived in a Los Angeles suburb and we spent many years going to Santa Monica on the weekends for fun on the beach and pier. I always felt good when we visited that place, So it was there that I decided to run away to. Being a typical surfer kid, I fit right in at the beach like I belonged there. Or at least, I looked like I belong there. You know,...

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Sleeping Monica

Introduction: Panty Play While Monica Sleeps I want to start out by saying that ALL of my stories are written for my best friend Monica. They all were specifically written for her and Im now sharing them as she believes theyre worthy of being posted. In this story Im telling it directly to her. As I wake up, I can feel the fabric of your shirt against my back and around my stomach&hellip, looking down at your hand, just laying there on my breast. I reach over, setting the babies aside, then...

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Monica should have been on top of the world. The 25 year old was a rising star at the local news station, having had a wonderful combination of looks (she was 6’0 tall and had a luscious 38E-28-36 frame wrapped in flawless mocha skin), charisma and an ability to look past the obvious and find the heart of a story. She’d only been working at the station for a year and her editor was already talking to her about being an anchor woman. The problem was her husband, Malcolm. The two had met in high...

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Anything For Georgetown Part nineHoulihan has sex with Monica

She stripped down to nothing. Houlihan wasn’t thinking of anything except ravishing her flesh, because she had infuriated him. Had disobeyed him. He brought out the paddle and feather, and had her lay across his desk, as before. He started at her ankles, this time, slowly drawing the feather up and down her legs. This time, he brushed his fingertips and the feather up the insides of her legs. She moaned. It was all about gentle ovals, inching ever higher, ever so slowly. He stood up and...

2 years ago
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Temptations of Monica

My Name is Monica Rodriguez; I’m currently a senior in high school and at the top of my class. I’ve always been school first as in regards to my social life but now that high school is coming to an end, I’ve been branching off into the social world being that it’s a house party, bon fire, or even the occasional club scene (Thank you fake I.D). Now as for my appearance I’m original from Puerto Rican and have the darker skin to prove it, have long dark hair stopping just before my lower back and...

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Answer For Monica

I went through my regular routine of getting ready to go out. Shower, facial, fingernails, toenails and gotten a Brazilian wax. I wanted to look great for tonight. I know how many men are going to be there and all eyes will be on me. I love the feeling of being the center of attention, makes me wet just thinking about it. I love cum and cock, so it was a natural thing when I came across Bukkake. I get as much as I want of both!!I got to Mark's place feeling so incredibly sexy. Mark's wife...

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Sexy Monica

Let me introduce myself. I am 26 years of age, muscular body, and dusty complexion. But I have attractive features. This is a true incident that took place in my life. I just finished my schooling. I was enjoying my vacations. One fine day I receive a phone call. The voice was very sweet. I handed over the phone to dad as it was for him. Later dad told me that we are expecting guest at our place they are coming from pune. I asked who are they and dad told me they are some far off relation to...

1 year ago
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Sleeping Monica

In this story I'm telling it directly to her. As I wake up, I can feel the fabric of your shirt against my back and around my stomach… looking down at your hand, just laying there on my breast. I reach over, setting the babies aside; then place my hand on top of yours, very gently manipulating your hand with mine, acting like our hands are attached… cupping my hand around yours, causing you to squeeze my breast, then letting go. Cupping your hand again, but this time raising my hand off...

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Serving Mistress Monica

He was a submissive crossdresser with a definite lean towards forced femme, domestic/maid service and feeling helpless. She was a Dominant T.V. with years of experience and a penchant for inescapable bondage Although he considered himself hetero, this wasn't about sex, but about submission and he figured who better to know what makes him tick. They had corresponded and discussed meeting, but it always seemed to fall through, mainly due to them living 4 hours apart. Her in page AZ,him...

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I was only there because I was a witness to the accident. I had dropped off a clothing donation down at the nearby collection site and was approaching the train tracks when the lights started flashing, the bell started ringing and the arms slowly dropped. Actually, I probably could had darted across before the gates got low enough to impede me but I played it safe and stopped, noticing that two cars traveling in the opposite direction zipped through. Since I wasn’t in a hurry I shrugged it...

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Breaking And Entering Expanded

Breaking And Entering - Expanded By Mary Beth Sanford Synopsis: Matt's first Breaking and Entering under California's Penal Code 459 was accidental and a tranquilizer dart screwed that one up. His second another residential, tripped an alarm. After both it was becoming obvious he was either going to need to quit breaking into homes or check them first to make sure they didn't have little girl clothes that fit him. Editors Notes: This is the promised expansion of the original...

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Breakingin Slave Kevin

Key-words: MMM/m Slavery, gay sex, rape, abuse, forced labor, torture  and scatologyBreaking-In  Slave  Kevin? 2011 by Masostud,  the right resides with the authorNote: This is a work of fiction. All persons and names are coincidental. Who feels insulted by descriptions of hard-core slavery and dirty abuse by scat-scenes is requested to leave this story unread. You have been warned.Summary: The gay Kevin (19) was devoted to dominating men. He went deliberately into the fangs of two strong-build...

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Housebreaking a new pet

My heart was pounding something fierce, beating in rythm with the sound of my heels click-clacking over the sidewalk. I tried to tell myself not to be nervous, but I couldn't kid myself - there was plenty of reason to be nervous. For one, what I was planning to do was actually dangerous, regardless of how many safeties I had agreed upon with my source, my contact on the inside. But the tingling crawling from my neck over my spine into my nether reaches also stemmed from a different kind of...

4 years ago
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Housebreaking the Kitten

Swirling images. Dark.Silence.Daytime? Nighttime?Should I be somewhere?Eyes, opening. Darkness still.It must still be early morning, Shampoo thought to herself. Plenty of time to sleep, to rest, to ...That dream! The Amazon could only recall bits of it, fragments of memory as if it took place eons ago, the way dream memories usually are. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to block out the images that floated behind her closed lids and drift back to the sleep from which she had awoken. A dream...

1 year ago
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Breaking And Entering

Breaking And Entering By Mary Beth Sanford Copyright © 2020 Mary Beth Sanford All rights reserved. This story or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means--electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise. Mary Beth Sanford First Draft Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious...

2 years ago
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Breaking Up Isnt Hard I Am

“I have to say, this really has to be my very favorite breakup ever.” I stretched out my body, so that my fingertips just touched the headboard and my toes touched the base of my bed. Then I rolled back over, so that my thigh was draped over Kate’s legs. As I propped myself up on one elbow, I watched my other hand slowly whisk across her breasts and stomach. “I’m totally serious,” Kate said firmly, looking directly at the ceiling. “We’re finished. I can’t see you anymore.” I had suspected...

Straight Sex
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Breaking All The Rules part 3

Tuesday morning back at my house I awoke in a spooning position, with Marley Paterson’s bare ass cheeks grasping my stiffening prick. Her ass cheeks felt so damned inviting. I found myself wanting to roll her over on her perfectly flat tummy, then slowly force myself inside her snug pussy from behind, so I could wake the beautiful young teen with a hot early morning fuck. For some reason since these events began, starting at the high school then winding up at my house wrapped in the arms...

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Breaking All The Rules part 2

As the evening went on I couldn’t get the X rated threesome I had with Marley and Jenifer off my mind. Let alone that my old high school sweetheart Andria Baker, who just happens to be the principal of Eagle Lake High, and just happens to be Jennifer’s mother, and a married woman at that. She wants to have a weekend affair with me while her husbands out of town this weekend. This of course makes things even more complicated, but Very interesting. Now I’m walking through my empty home...

2 years ago
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Breaking Brittany

Breaking Brittany1: The Break-In2: Breaking In3: Broken In1 – The Break-InWith one final jab of the paperclip, the lock opened.Vince eased the door open and peered through the crack. The front foyer was dark. He slipped inside, shutting the door behind him.The soles of his boots thudded softly against the hard wood floor as Vince crossed the foyer into the dining room and, seeing no light, moved to the living room.Still nothing. He headed upstairs.The door to the master bedroom was ajar. Vince...

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breaking him in

He looked at the breast forms and shook his head slowly. They would fit his bra perfectly. His bra, he couldn’t believe that he had gotten used to saying "his bra". She had broken him in to the wearing of "his bra". She had broken him in to the bra, the panties, the stockings, the shaved legs, the women’s shoes. The painted toe nails and now she was adding the forms to the list of humiliations. He wanted to protest but didn’t, he had learned that to protest would only had time to his sentence...

1 year ago
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BREAKING & SELLING SARAH WITH MY FREINDS HELP It was a rainy day in November, I was sitting down in front of my computer jerking off to images of hot blonde women being hogtied and fucked thanks to my best friend john who sent them to me by e-mail, John and another friend Rowan were calling around to hang Out at my house, my parents were away for the weekend so the only ones at home were Sarah and me, Sarah was my 15-year-old sister 3 years younger than me and it was...

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Breaking Kay

Over the years I’ve had the opportunity…no… the privilege of painting the most exquisite canvases, but Kay was the most unique and challenging. I remember her sashaying into the room with that ‘All that and a bag of chips’ attitude. I knew from simply looking at her that she’d never had to beg, never had to work at getting any man to do her bidding. She was perfection personified and she knew it, from her deep raven locks to her dainty feet and all the space in between. He, of course, was not...

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Breaking Kay

Over the years I've had the the privilege of painting the most exquisite canvases, but Kay was the most unique and challenging. I remember her sashaying into the room with that 'All that and a bag of chips' attitude. I knew from simply looking at her that she'd never had to beg, never had to work at getting any man to do her bidding. She was perfection personified and she knew it, from her deep raven locks to her dainty feet and all the space in between. He, of course, was...

3 years ago
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Breaking Up Breaking In

"Hey handsome! I missed you," she said, moving across the room with a cute-almost stumble. She wrapped her arms around me, but I stood rigid. She must have felt that, sensed something was wrong, because her smile began to fade. Her lips still stayed stretched up, but her eyes started to fill with worries. "We need to talk, Serah." Breakups are nasty. I didn't want to hurt Serah, but then I also didn't want to be with her anymore. She was gorgeous, don't get me wrong: around...

4 years ago
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Breaking Up and Making Up

Breaking Up And Making Up "Well, Nobody's Perfect!" Joe E. Brown "Some Like It Hot" Nikkie Silk Chapter One Danny stood at the bar and looked around the pub. It wasn't his usual, but this one had looked bright and warm from the outside on a gray, rainy day. The after work rush wouldn't start for a couple of hours or so yet, so there were only a few old boys who looked like regulars, nursing their pints and looking miserable, cursing the smoking ban. A couple at a table in the...

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Breaking Sara

Alex finished his third set and slowly stood, rolling from the bench to the floor. He had just finished working on his shoulders and arms; cardio was next, followed by some pull ups to work on his back. He wiped the back of his neck with a towel, and casually looked towards the check-in counter at the far side of the gym floor. There she was, right on time. She flashed her brilliant smile to the boy behind the counter and gave him a flirty little wink as he handed her the sign in...

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Breaking Hema 8211 Part 1

The entire story is a fiction, all characters are fictions. The story contains lot of forced sex scenes, people who are not okay with that, don’t read the story. This is my first story, please excuse the typos and the grammatical errors. I apologize if the story is a bit long. Feedback to Breaking Hema – Part 1 Mr. Swaminathan is a 50 year old man who lived with his wife Ambika in a suburban town called Avadi in Chennai, he worked as a manager in a reputed bank. Swami came from an extremely...

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Breaking all the rules Chapter I

He came across a message from one of his favorite playmates and paid special attention. “Click on these two links,” she suggested. “I think you will like them!” Based on his experience, she knew exactly how to please him, so he happily clicked on the first link. As he began to read first about an interesting individual and then about his philosophy on life, he became enraptured. “Anyone who thinks like this guy is worth getting to know,” he mumbled to himself as he read. Rock found...

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Breaking the Rules

I woke up one morning and came downstairs to find pet making breakfast. I sat down to the table and read the morning paper she had placed on the table. One of her duties is to put the morning paper at my place so I can read it before going to work. I was reading it when she put breakfast in front of me. Something was strange - normally, I get a perky "Good Morning, Master!" from my pet, but today she was quiet and reserved. I didn't think much of it at the time and went on about getting ready...

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Breaking In

I am not entirely proud of what I did, but put yourself in my shoes for a minute and maybe you shall understand. See, I have been working overtime at the managerial aspects of my work lately, so my sleep schedule is completely broken. But at least that night I am getting a nice, relaxing sleep. It is the first one I had had for weeks, in fact. Or at least, it would have been, were it not for the fact that I was rudely jolted out of sleep by a sudden, loud crash coming from downstairs. Here is...

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Breaking Point Ch1116

11. Accelerated Reform "Your mental make-ups are the contents of your everyday thinking; they carry a charge that can either transform, reform or destroy you. Watch your thoughts, they determine your life!" -- Israelmore Ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes ***** Rodriguez made his way to Ray's rooms. He half expected Barker to be dressed in feminine clothes but was not completely disappointed to find his captive in another feminine track-suit. "Good morning Miss...

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Breaking the Friend Zone with Anal and Assworship

My best friend from the group was a girl named Eva. She’s two years older than me and we met when we were little. She’s always been a beautiful girl; purely Irish with blonde hair and a thicker, but not fat, build. She was also always the troublemaker of the group – the first to come up with a stupid idea like borrowing her mom’s car without a license, wandering off around town without telling our parents, and doing all sorts of things that got me in trouble. As we grew older and entered high...

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breaking Sarahs will with my freinds help parts 1 and2

It was a rainy day in November, I was sitting down in front of my computer jerking off to images of hot blonde women being hogtied and fucked thanks to my best friend john who sent them to me by e-mail, John and another friend Rowan were calling around to hang Out at my house, my parents were away for the weekend so the only ones at home were Sarah and me, Sarah was my 15-year-old sister 3 years younger than me and it was my job to “baby-sit” her for the weekend even though she was old...

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Breaking Drake Ch 03

Drake woke up to the command ‘Out.’ He looked around, not sure what was going on. Once again the command was given, and this time he realized Raell was out of the wagon and they were standing in front of a massive house. He got up, but Raell was already walking away, his ties in her hand. Drake was yanked out of the wagon, right onto his scraped chest and hands. He yelled, but scrambled up. He didn’t want to get dragged any more than he already had. He followed her around the house and to a...

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Breaking The Rules Part 1

So There I was at a very good friends Wedding Reception, and was having a pretty decent time as well. I was contemplating leaving when, Elaine I very refined Lady that I had met earlier in the very long morning, Approached me withan Extremely Beautiful Young lady, somewhat less refined than herself. Who she introduced to me as her Daughter Raylynn, I replied Wow ! What a Beautiful Name for such a Beautiful Young Lady, as I shook her hand she said why thank you.You two have a lot in common...

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