Miss Tessie s Saloon
- 3 years ago
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The year was 1882; the west had started to settle down and many of the old wild, rough and tough towns were no longer that way. Such was the small cow town of Apache Creek, AZ; at one time it was famous for being one of the roughest towns to drive cattle through. A town that use to be run by crooked Sheriff Williams, who looked the other way when cattle were rustled or a cattleman was robbed.
Now it had settled down and the old sheriff was gone, replaced by Sheriff Joe O’Riley, an Irish bloke from the Midwest – Chicago to be exact. When he answered the ad for sheriff, the town council immediately hired him because of his no-nonsense attitude. He had been on the job for six months and word got around about him and new settlers were coming into the town of Apache Creek, making it their new home.
The only one not happy with the new sheriff was Miss Tiffany. She was the owner of the Silver Eagle Saloon, which she had won in a poker game two years ago from the owner. Miss Tiffany also had her hand in the flesh trade. She ran a reputable place where a man could drink, play cards, and get fucked without worrying about being cheated or diseased. She and her three girls were high class and the whiskey was real, not watered down.
The sheriff did not harass her or her girls so that was not why she was unhappy with him. She was pissed because Sheriff Joe O’Riley had not dipped his stick in her honey pot. Hell, even old Sheriff Wilson had dipped his little stick every week until he had a massive heart attack in her bed when he was dipping.
“Miss Tiffany, that frown sure make you look ugly and ain’t no man going to fuck no ugly woman,” said Mac, an older black freed slave, as he leaned on the bar.
She looked at Mac’s serious face and laughed. “You are right,” she said as she smiled and made a face. “Is this better?”
Mac just looked at her and smiled. He had hooked up with her and her girls in Independence, MO when they needed a man to travel west with them three years ago. He was very protective of all four of them.
Mac was slow in the head but Miss Tiffany did not know if he was born that way or if something had happened while he was a slave. Mac never said, so she respected his privacy and did not ask. He was the one that kept the saloon clean by sweeping, mopping, and glass washing. Sometimes he even had to keep peace in the saloon.
Mac motioned for her to lean forward over the bar, and when she did, he kissed her cheek lightly and lumbered away.
Once Mac had disappeared into the back of the saloon her thoughts returned to her favorite subject – Sheriff Joe O’Riley. He was one fine specimen of a man – about six-feet-one-inch tall, built solid like a redwood tree, green eyes, and short reddish-brown hair.
Maybe she was misplacing her anger and it was her fault he had not dipped, she thought. She was not a raving beauty or tall and willowy like her girls. She was a little on the plump side, as her mother was fond of saying - God rest her soul – but was pretty in her own right. She stood only five-feet-five-inches, with grey eyes, and black hair to her waist that she kept pulled back and upon her head, and breasts of good proportion – a large handful.
She remembered Sheriff Williams always bragging she was a mouthful. In fact, she had proof of that since he had her breast in his mouth just before he went to meet his maker. When it hit, he bit her breast, requiring three stitches.
Almost as if her mind had conjured him up, Sheriff Joe O’Riley sauntered into the Silver Eagle.
“Just wanted to stop by and let you and your girls know that the Race boys have been spotted in the area. They are known to kidnap young ladies and have their way with them. Do not go anywhere without Mac after dark.”
“Thanks for the warning, sheriff,” Miss Tiffany told him. “Seeing as we are not busy how about a five-minute romp?”
“Sorry, but I am on duty,” he told her as he turned to leave.
“Being on duty never stopped Sheriff Williams,”
“I am not Sheriff Williams,” he called over his shoulder as he left the saloon.
“Sure in the hell not,” Miss Tiffany muttered to herself as she watched his ass, clad in tight denim pants, walk out the door. “Sheriff Williams definitely did not have an ass as fine as that.”
Soon it was the time of the bi-annual cattle drive and both were kept busy with the cowboys who invaded the town for two weeks. At the end of that time period, Miss Tiffany closed the saloon for twenty-fours to give her and the girls a much-needed rest. Even though she entertained some of the big bosses of the cattle drives, her mind was still on trying to seduce Sheriff Joe O’Riley.
On the day of rest, while she was sitting in the kitchen enjoying a cup of coffee, it hit her – the plan that would get the sheriff to dip his stick in her honey pot. Taking her cup of coffee, she went in search of Mac to deliver her message to a friend of hers.
As prearranged, a few days later Mac lumbered hurriedly to the jail. Throwing open the door, he saw the deputy sitting at the desk instead of the sheriff. Although he was slow, Mac remembered exactly what Miss Tiffany told him – the sheriff and no one else was to get the note.
Trying to calm his racing heart and breathing, Mac rambled, “I needs to deliver a mess… mess… note to the… sheriff.”
“He stepped out for lunch but I will make sure he gets it,” the deputy said holding his hand out for the note.
“Sheriff only,” Mac insisted stubbornly, holding tightly to the note.
Knowing he would not hand over the note, and having a soft spot for him the deputy said, “He is eating lunch at Ella’s Dinner.”
“Thank you, Deputy Ross,” as he left for the restaurant fast as he could.
Halfway to the restaurant, he saw the sheriff coming toward him. Waving the note in the air, Mac called out, “Important note just for you, sheriff. Take it 'cause I got to get back the saloon.”
Puzzled, the sheriff took the note and read the contents, then hurried to his office.
Rushing in he asked, “Ross, can you man the office for a few extra hours? I got something urgent to take care of.”
“Before you go, Mac is looking for you. I sent him to Ella’s Dinner.”
“I met him halfway back. That’s the urgent business I need to take care.”
As he headed to the livery to get his horse he reread the note, which read, “I have Miss Tiffany. To get her back, put twenty-five dollars under the rock at the entrance to the abandoned silver mine. There will be a note telling you where she is.”
Joe kind of thought it was a hoax with such an odd ransom amount so he stopped by the Silver Eagle to see if she was there first.
Seeing Mac wiping down the bar he asked, “Miss Tiffany here Mac?”
“No sir, she went out for a ride awhile back,” he answered. “Miss Gwen say note explain everything. That is why I had to find only you.”
With her not there and going for a ride, made Joe feel the note was legit; but why such a small amount? Checking to make sure he had the money he headed for the abandoned silver mine. He put the money under the rock and took out another note.
"Line cabin, 10 miles west.”
The sheriff wanted to stay around and catch in person but he felt the urgency to see if she was at the line cabin and okay. When he found the line cabin, he tied his horse off a few feet back. Taking his gun out, he approached cautiously on foot.
At the cabin, he moved to a window and quickly looked in. There was Miss Tiffany sitting in the middle of the floor, hands tied behind her back, feet tied together, blindfolded and a gag in her mouth.
From what he could observe from the window there was no one else in the one-room line cabin. Joe circled around it and saw a horse tied to a tree out back. He figured it was her horse but he was taking no chances.
Coming to the front door, he opened it slowly and stepped inside, scanning the room - empty except for Trisha.
It was at that moment, seeing her so helpless, that he felt a stirring of feelings for her.
Although she could not see, Miss Tiffany heard footsteps and could only hope it was the sheriff and not a stranger in the cabin.
“It’s me Miss Tiffany, Sheriff Joe O’Riley,” he said as he removed her gag and blindfold. “Hold tight a minute and I will have you untied.”
Once she was untied he helped her to her feet. She threw her arms around his neck and pulled his head down to hers so she could kiss him, her tongue demanding entrance. As if his mouth had a mind of its own, it opened and sucked her tongue in. Joe crushed her to him, his hand cupping her bottom.
Miss Tiffany continued to kiss him while she worked on the buttons of his shirt until she had it opened, thrusting her hands inside to play with his nipples. Joe fumbled with the small buttons on the back of her dress until he had enough free to remove her breasts from her chemise. Bending down he brought up one, then the other breast to suckle – almost causing her knees to buckle.
Joe scooped her up in his arms and carried her to the narrow cot in the cabin, laying her down gently. Stepping back he removed his hat and gun belt, putting them on the floor. He unfastened his pants and pulled out his cock. Miss Tiffany pulled her skirt and petticoats up to her waist, revealing to Joe that she was not wearing any bloomers.
Suddenly he shook his head and tucked himself back inside telling her, “Sorry Miss Tiffany but you have just been the ordeal of being kidnapped and left here trussed up like a Thanksgiving turkey. I want you but will not take advantage of you when you are in a vulnerable state. Now, cover yourself before I forget how to act like a gentleman. I will be right outside getting the horses ready.”
And with that, he grabbed his hat, slammed it on his head, fastened on his gun belt and went outside – leaving her on the bed, her bare pussy exposed and very frustrated.
“Damn his morals,” she said as she rearranged her clothes “Fucking bastard. Any other normal red-blooded American would have jumped on my honeypot in a flash.”
They rode back to town, getting there just as the sun was setting. Joe took her to the saloon and then took her horse to the stable with his.
When she walked into the saloon it was just starting to get busy. Gwen, one of her girls, came up to her and whispered, “Did the plan work?”
Miss Tiffany laughed and said softly, “If it had we would still be in that line cabin fucking our brains out. Well, back to the drawing board. I need to freshen up and I will be right back down.”
Gwen had never seen Miss Tiffany so consumed with the desire to fuck one man. Generally, she had the ‘fuck them and send them on their way’ attitude. Suddenly she was brought out of her thoughts as she heard glass break. Just as she looked at the sound she saw a beer mug headed at her head. She ducked but not before it gave her a glancing blow. When Mac saw her get hit, he became enraged and headed toward the culprit.
“Mac, “Gwen screamed, “no, don’t hit him. I am okay. Just take him to jail.”
Although Mac was old and slow in the head, he was strong from working as a blacksmith so he had no trouble throwing the man over his shoulder and began his slow lumbering walk to the jail. Gwen told the bartender to tell Miss Tiffany what had happened and followed Mac to the jail.
When Mac walked into the jail, he dumped the man on the floor and said, “This man hit Miss Gwen with a beer mug.”
Joe stood up behind his desk and was ready to ask the man what was going on when Gwen burst through the door, blood running from a small cut on the side of her forehead. Seeing the blood, Mac whipped out his hankie and handed it to her.
Gwen dabbed at the place and told the sheriff, “Not sure why he got mad but he threw a beer mug. I want to press assault charges, sheriff.”
“Red, you done messed up this time hurting one of Miss Tiffany’s girls,” Joe told him. “What got you so mad?”
“I earned me twenty-five dollars and my friend accused me of stealing it.” Red slurred
“Miss Gwen, Mac,” Joe began “we will let him sober up tonight and then file the charges.”
Gwen knew that the sheriff would lock Red overnight so they went back to the Silver Eagle.
“Sheriff, I did earn that money,” Red insisted. “Not only did I get the money, but Miss Tiffany let me fuck her.”
When Red said this, Joe asked, “Why would she pay you money Red?” although the whole picture was starting to become clear.
Red suddenly started to laugh and then passed out on the floor.
“Shit,” Joe muttered as he dragged Red back to an open cell to sleep it off. “Guess I’ll have to get my answers from Miss Tiffany.”
When his deputy came in two hours later Jim’s temper had just about reached its boiling point from thinking he may have been duped by Miss Tiffany but he managed to keep it under control when talking to Ross.
“Red is in the back sleeping it off. Got mad at Miss Tiffany’s and threw a beer mug, giving Miss Gwen a glancing blow. Otherwise all quiet.”
“See you in the morning, Joe.”
“I'll be at home if you need me.”
Joe was originally decided to go home and talk to Miss Tiffany in the morning but when he passed the swinging doors and heard the laughter something snapped inside and he wanted to see her now. Walking through the doors he scoured the room for her, finding her near the far end of the bar talking to Mac.
Walking up to them he turned to Mac and said, “Excuse me, but I need a few minutes alone with Miss Tiffany.”
Looking at Miss Tiffany, Mac waited until she gave him the nod before he moved across the room where he could still observe them.
“Well Sheriff Joe O’Riley, to what do I owe this talk?”
“Red, twenty-five dollars, and how he acquired it,” Joe said staring intently at her, unaware that he was staring into the eyes of a professional poker player. "And oh... he said he fucked you, so did he?"
“And pray tell, what does this have to do with me?” she asked innocently “I was in my room when it happened. Miss Gwen is who you should be talking to. And he may have been a client at one time.”
Leaning close he whispered in her ear, “If you do not want everyone to see me dipping my stick in your honeypot I strongly suggest we take it somewhere more private.”
At the thought of finally getting what she desired a huge smile came over her face. “My quarters are in the back. Come with me.”
She led him to her quarters and once the door was closed behind them, Miss Tiffany threw herself into his arms kissing him passionately, her fingers anxiously trying to unbutton his shirt.
Joe grabbed her hands and held them with one hand. “Hold on just a minute Miss Tiffany. We still have a matter of importance to discuss first.”
“Sheriff Joe O’Riley, nothing can be more important that dipping your stick,” she said as she tried to wiggle free so she could start undressing him again.
“Yes.there is. Your kidnapping, which I am beginning to believe was faked and Red helped you,” Joe stated. "For twenty-five dollars and a fuck."
Joe could feel the change in her body stance and the way it slightly trembled.
“I have no clue what you are talking about,” she said innocently
“Miss Tiffany, you have one chance to confess or suffer the consequences.”
When she just stared at him innocently, Joe continued to hold her hands in one of his as he led her toward the kitchen. Pulling out a kitchen chair Joe sat down and took her across his lap, delivering several blows to her ass.
“The truth,” Joe demanded as he brought his hand down again. “I don’t think I am getting through to you because there are too many layers of clothing protecting your bottom.
Reaching down he started gathering her skirt and several petticoats, flipping them over her head until he reached his target – her bottom, covered with bloomers this time, but they easily came down.
This time when his hand connected, Miss Tiffany let out a squeal of pain but refused to admit the truth so Joe landed another one a bit harder on her upper thighs. After several hard smacks, Joe was beginning to wonder if he would ever get the truth out of her when he felt something warm and wet on his inner thigh. Joe tentatively touched her honeypot and found her very wet.
He smiled as he realized he now held the key to Miss Tiffany telling the truth. She was bracing herself for more blows on her already stinging ass but when he ran his finger down her ass to her wet honey pot she almost wiggled off his lap.
Chuckling, Joe said, “Appears someone’s honeypot is very wet and needs a stick to stir it, like this,” as he slowly slid his finger inside, moving it back and forth.
Joe found her clit and rubbed it hard, sending her towards her orgasm. Joe took her to the edge and stopped, delivering two more hard smacks causing her to cry out.
Before either could say or do anything, a loud pounding was heard on the front door of her quarters. “Miss Tiffany, is everything okay? I heard you scream. You don’t answer me I am going to break the door down. No one is going to hurt Miss Tiffany or any of my girls.”
“If you don’t want Mac to see you in a compromising position with your ass showing, tell him you are okay,” Joe said softly
“Mac, we are okay. I just dropped a book on my foot. Go back to the bar. The girls need you to watch over them. The sheriff and I will be out soon.”
“Okay, Miss Tiffany,” Mac said as he shuffled off to the bar.
Once he was gone, Joe shoved two fingers up her honey pot, finger fucking her until just before the moment of release, then stopped and delivered two more hard smacks to her upper thighs.
“The truth,” Joe demanded again. “Tell me and I will dip my stick in your honey pot so hard and deep you will see fireworks when you cum.”
Unbuttoning several small buttons he finally had the front of her dress lose enough that her breasts popped free of her chemise. He reached under her and pinched a nipple while sliding a finger in and out until she felt like she was going to explode into a thousand pieces, but, as before, Joe stopped, his cock straining to get free.
That was her breaking point - she could not stand another 'almost cum', she needed the real thing.
“Okay! Okay, I hired Red to meet me at the line cabin to tie me up so it would look like I was kidnapped to get your attention. I had planned to seduce you, but I did not fuck him.” Miss Tiffany admitted. “Hell, I had to do something to get you alone so I could get you to dip your stick.”
“That is all you had to do,” he said as he let her up. “If you had just admitted it your ass would not be on fire.”
Standing up Joe removed his hat and gun belt, laying them on the chair, then began to remove the rest of his clothing while she stood there and watched, her eyes widening in amazement at his seven-inch thick stirring stick.
Looking at her, Joe smiled and said, “I sure in the hell cannot stir your honey pot with all those damn clothes on, or suckle your breasts right."
Miss Tiffany didn’t need another invitation as she struggled to get out of her clothes to join Joe in bed. Once in bed Joe rolled her onto her back and began to suckle her nipples, licking, and pinching her nipples, his hand dipping down to stroke her to make sure she was ready.
Nudging her legs apart with his left knee, he guided himself inside, giving her time to adjust to his length and width. He began a slow rhythm as she wrapped her legs around his waist. As he slowly brought them to the top, he leaned down, biting and sucking her nipples. Miss Tiffany had been with many men but none had ever made her feel the way Joe was doing.
Suddenly he grabbed her hands and held them above her head, nipping her neck as he began to thrust harder, the bed creaking with each hard thrust.
Miss Tiffany began to buck her hips as she found herself hurling over the edge, screaming, “fuck me, Joe! Stir my honeypot good!” as she felt herself explode into a thousand pieces, lights flashing in her mind, cunt quivering out of control as her body twitched and convulsed.
Her intense orgasm was too much for Joe to handle and he found himself spiraling out of control as he shot streams of cum into her twitching honey pot. Sated, Joe collapsed on top of her, kissing her lips, then rolled to the side, pulling her close as they rested.
Outside the door, too low for the ones inside to hear, a deep voice said, “Bout time Miss Tiffany met her match,” as he lumbered down the hallway to his room. He had his own honeypot waiting for him in his bed.
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I didn't write this story, but did enjoy reading it. I couldn't see it on here after a quick search so thought I'd share it. Hope you enjoy it as well.CHAPTER ONE:THE ONE WITH THE ANTS IN THE PANTSTiffany Daniels squirmed in her seat. Her delectable 16-year-old ass slid forwardand back, forward and back, rubbing against the wood. As she rubbed her buttagainst the seat, she crossed and uncrossed her legs.Tiffany Daniels, high school junior, cheerleader, princess tease, was antsy. Veryantsy...
Chapter 11: Tiffany, Clyda And Rayleena After giving Jordan and Cleo access to a larger room, Tiffany, Clyda and Rayleena managed to make it from the banquet hall to Tiffany's quarters without any further delays. Once inside Tiffany's quarters, all the formalities were dropped at once. Rayleena was out of her clothes first, and she sat on the edge of Tiffany's bed. Tiffany and Clyda watched her cock suddenly appear between her legs, and then grow to its full three-foot length, and become...
I didn't write this story, but enjoyed reading it elsewhere. Had a search for it here and couldn't see it so I thought I'd share it with everyone here.CHAPTER ONETHE ONE THAT GOES LIKE THIS:"We're on our own, cousin/All alone, cousin/Let's think of some games to play/Now the grown-ups have all gone away."- "Cousin Kevin," The WhoIt had been four months since Tiffany Daniels had been a toy.The gorgeous 16-year-old cheerleader had spent those four months trying tore-build her reputation at...
Tiffany was just for all general purposes your ordinary average teenage girl. She went to school, got good grades, liked hanging out at the mall on weekends, and was a fan of those dumb vampire movies. Often times she would put a streak of color in her hair only to find out that she was in trouble at school the next week for it. You'll find a dozen girls just like Tiffany at any mall every weekend around every corner. One thing however separates Tiffany from the rest of the crowd. Despite not...
IncestTiffany Completes Her Training and Is AuctionedCHAPTER ONE** Kaitee reads Tiffany's emails back to her, takes photos of her in a variety of sexy outfits then has her service a steady stream of men. **-------------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: This is the last of a set of three trilogies. It picks up where "Tiffany Gets Decorated" and "Tiffany Crosses the Color Line" left off. To learn more about these characters and how they got into this situation, you may...
Tiffany Taylor had grown up in a rough estate named Butterton, crime was rife in Butterton and there were gangs of youths on each street corner. Just about everybody who had grown up on the estate had turned to crime, d**gs or had ended up in prison. Throughout her c***dhood Tiffany hated living in Butterton and couldn’t wait to escape from the estate were she just never felt like she fitted in.Tiffany was the eldest of two sisters, her sister Sarah was three years Tiffany’s junior. The mother...
Summary - Tiffany becomes more daring with her brother and father. She learns she can affect her teachers and fellow students too. Previous Story Summary - Tiffany teases her older brother even more, and discovers her father is also affected by her charms. Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in...
SAVING AMY PART 3: TIFFANY ON TOP "Is there something wrong?" Mr Harper stood at the door, his handsome face creased into a frown of concern. Tiffany stared at the man who until a few months ago had been her former boss - or rather, Eric's boss. She had certainly never worked for him as Tiffany. And strangely, he didn't seem to recognise her as a feminised version of the young lawyer he'd fired for poor performance. "No sir," she managed to say. "Just a bit nervous." His face...
I returned home from the meeting in a good mood. The new client was pleased and had agreed to a long-term contract. I was pleased with myself for closing the deal. As I pulled in I saw Tiffany's Jeep in the driveway.I entered the house to find Pam and Tiffany in the kitchen. Pam was wearing her usual shorts and t-shirt. Tiffany was wearing a very short white skirt and a white tank top. Her huge breasts hung freely with her thumb-sized nipples showing through the material."Hello, handsome,"...
SwingersCharisma and Tiffany, Part 4 By Cal Y. Pygia While bathing her in the shower stall, before pissing on her and making her drink the warm, golden beverage she'd poured from her bladder, Charisma had planned to fuck Tiffany in the ass with the aluminum Little League baseball bat she'd brought into the shower stall with her for that very purpose. The bat would have opened the shemale's asshole even more than Charisma had when she'd fist-fucked Tiffany, inserting not only her fingers and...
Summary - Tiffany continues to tease her older brother and discovers her father is affected by her youthful charms as well. Previous Story Summary - Tiffany learned a naughty trick to play on her brother. Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. In real life, incestuous relationships,...
Hello guys pichli kahania aap ne padhi hi hogi, nahi padhi toh padhlo. Bohot maja aayega aapko. Kaise meri wife ki gand ki seal mere samne tut gayi. Aur kaise maine uske ander ki randi ko dekha. Ab aage meri wife aur mera rishta ab jyada khul chuka tha. I mean ham har baate share karte. Mai usko bolta ki muje wo ladki pasand hai, kis ke baare me kya sochta hu. Aur wo bhi share karti ki kiska pasand hai lund and all. Ab ye kahani hai kaise saloon me meri wife ki thukhayi hoti hai aur uske baad...
Eerie Saloon: Seasons of Change -- Winter By Ellie Dauber and Christopher Leeson Sunday, March 24, 1872 "Let us pray," Reverend Yingling, said, continuing with his Easter Sunday sermon, "that, on this glorious Easter morning, we, too, can find a new birth in the salvation of His own Resurrection. For, to share in the re-birth of our Lord is to be changed into a being of light and joy. Such change is the very hope -- the _only_ hope for our immortal souls." "And yet, not all...
Pablo talks with Don Luis. Red Tully talks to Abner Slocum and Dr. Upshaw about taking Abner to Philadelphia. Nancy starts her new job. Milt and Jane meet with Reverend Yingling. Milt and Jane marry. Roselyn advises Flora. Arnie talk to the Spauldings. The church board meets. Nancy gets a telegram. Trisha admits the truth. And lots more. Eerie Saloon: Seasons of Change - Spring By Ellie Dauber and Chris Leeson © 2012 Sunday, May 12, 1872 "Before we sing a final...
BABY TIFFANY By Betty Noone It was Christmas Eve and Jack Winston and his wife Cindy were relaxing, enjoying the fire in the fireplace after having opened the presents they gave to one another. They have been married for five years and were deeply in love. There were no children, and Jack knew that there could be none before they were married, as Cindy had a genetic condition that prevented her from getting pregnant. Jack was a vice-president and junior partner in an...
Tiffany Crosses the Color LineCHAPTER ONE** Tiffany's journey continues as she is turned into a black streetwalker. **NOTE: This trilogy picks up where "Tiffany Gets Decorated" left off. To learn more about these characters and how they got into this situation, you may want to read that series first - D---Kyung Mi -- Kaitee for short -- never ceased to amaze me. As a graduate level psychology student and academic prodigy, her knowledge of the human mind was stunning. And, as Tiffany's roommate,...
Part 1 Tiffany was furious with her parents. What were they thinking, sending her to this godforsaken place? She wouldn't have minded a summer in Rome or Paris but no, they had to send her to Istanbul. Just because she got in a little scrape back home in Tennessee, her parents decided that she should spend some time with her uncle, a career diplomat, and his Turkish wife. Istanbul! It was foreign to her in every sense of the word. The smells, the language, the cuisine and the customs were...
Tiffany sprinted from William’s office sobbing her eyes out and straight to the bathroom where she washed her mouth out with cold water. She brushed out the dried up cum that had become matted in her long locks and scrapped her hair back into a ponytail.She headed to her car and sped away from the haulage yard and back to her house where she enjoyed a nice hot shower, she desperately scrubbed her face and hair hoping that it would make the memory of what just happened in William’s office...
" ... but don't you think he's too young for that?" Mom asked and I held my breath waiting for his answer. "He's going to be thirteen," Dad said. "That's old enough, believe me." "I don't know," she sighed. "It's a lot of money and..." "When I was Josh's age, I wanted one more than anything else in the world," he cut her off. "My parents couldn't afford it, but we can. It'll be good for him, you'll see." "I hope so, John," she agreed reluctantly. They were quiet...
Chase + Tiffany lesbian scene One of the many sexual encounters of Chase and Tiffany Tiffany Andrews and Chase Walker first met in an orphanage at a very young age. Even though Chase was three year older than the other girl they both looked the same age. The parents of Tiffany were killed in a ski accident in Colorado, and the parents of Chase were murdered in New York; so they had something in common from the start. Because the girls didn?t have any other relatives there were put for...
Derrick pulled the car into the motel's parking lot. They had arrived at Corpus Christi at 4:30 P.M. It took them eight and half hours to get here from Dallas. Derrick looked over at his girlfriend sitting in the front seat aside of him. If all goes according to plan, this vacation will mark a new step in their relationship. He looked at his mother sitting in the backseat. Kathryn winked at him and blew him a kiss. Yes, he thought, it should be one helluva week. Kathryn said to the two...
Charisma and Tiffany, Part 2 By Cal Y. Pygia Tiffany's six cocks filled Charisma's six cunts and, although the sorceress was on top and, therefore, able to move faster and with more force and agility than the supine shemale, Tiffany, nevertheless, felt overwhelmed by the welter of sensations that had, as it were, laid siege to her consciousness, dividing her, as it seemed, into six selves, each of which was assaulted by the sea of emotions, physical sensations, and lust that...
This story involves a group of shemales who live on an island thatexists in our world, but they chose to remain mostly isolated. That's partof the reason I also call them amazons.The shemales in my stories have genitalia that start at JohnHolmes' size, and then get much, much bigger. (This is a work of fantasy afterall.) So if extreme size is not to your liking, I suggest you go elsewhereand pick another story.This story is copyrighted and may not be posted anywhere without myexpress written...
Charisma and Tiffany, Part 3 By Cal Y. Pygia Tiffany didn't hate Charisma, not exactly, although, the more she thought of how the sorceress had treated her, how she'd abused her, the more the shemale fumed. Not only had Charisma changed her sex, from shemale to female (and back again, thank God), but she had also equipped her with a half dozen cunts, including one in her forehead and one grown from the roof of her mouth, in which, with an equal number of penises newly sprouted from...
Kathryn was laying in bed, thinking about her son, Derrick. He was coming home from college tomorrow. She was ecstatic, after all she hadn’t seen him in almost three months, not since his second semester of college started; which meant, she hadn’t fucked him in over three months. He was twenty-one now and they had been having a sexual relationship for over three years. She wasn’t sure why she desired or craved him as much as she did. She wondered, why is sex with him so much better than with...
IncestCharisma and Tiffany, Part 1 By Cal Y. Pygia As a beautiful shemale, Tiffany De Vine had had a lot of superb lovers, both male and female, but she couldn't get Charisma off her mind. She'd met the sorceress when she'd bought one of the brassieres that Charisma had designed. Actually, as she found out later, it was the only brassiere that Charisma had ever designed. It was, Tiffany supposed, a sort of bait, and it had done its work; it had caught Tiffany as surely as any lure had ever...
Summary - Tiffany plays a naughty trick on her older brother. Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. In real life, incestuous relationships, particularly when an under-aged person is involved with a parent or adult, often causes deep psychological damage. This story is provided for...
This was turning out to be a weird night. Now, all of the sudden, some mysterious woman comes in the bedroom, and asked Amy who I am. "This is Tonya, you remember. I told you, about her," Amy replied."The one, you fucked in the sauna?" The woman asked."Yes, that one," Amy replied.The woman came towards us, and got down on her knees. I immediately wondered if, Amy had been cheating, with me. Then the woman, put her hand out."I'm Tiffany, and you are?" Tiffany asked.Tiffany? That name sounded...
AnalThe Metamorphosis of Tiffany Tom put the cap back on his beloved red lipstick and admired in his wife's vanity mirror his latest masterpiece. He blinked at his reflection which showed a semi realistic looking woman albeit a trashy one. His long false eyelashes setoff his smoky eye makeup perfectly. It was just the look he was going for. After years of surreptitious practice, he had cultivated a real talent for applying cosmetics. It had taken months but he now had the slutty...
Personal log (voice), J. J. Stone, captain of the Flying Dutchman, 1204 EST October 27th 2006. It was 12:04am. That is what my alarm clock said in those bright neon numbers the nearly blind could read at twenty paces. With my vision, I could not see them from further away than three feet. These thoughts I should not have running in my head. I should be having my post midnight fantasy about now. The noise that interrupted my sleep sounded again. I turned over and looked. There was a new...
I had knee replacement surgery. Big improvement. I could walk without pain. They didn't tell me the truth about the convalescence, though. It was much slower than anticipated. Based on their schedule, Tiffany and I had scheduled a week long Caribbean Cruise. Several weeks before the cruise, I realized that I wasn't going to be in tip top shape. When I took the pain meds, I was a zombie. Sleeping 20 hours a day. When I weaned my self from the meds, the pain was really annoying. Back to...
Gilbert unlocked the door to the apartment and walked in. It was Saturday morning, so he expected to be alone. His younger roommates spent every weekend visiting with their families. He had kissed his family goodbye six years ago, and never looked back. Well, almost never, he thought as he strode through the living room and into the kitchen. He opened the refrigerator and noted with annoyance that there were only two beers left. His roommates had once again left him hanging.Jason and Kevin...
188 AVIS AND TIFFANY Mutual pain My black lover Jerry called and told me he would be coming by to pick me up and he wanted me to dress in a blouse and skirt, no bra and with hose and ankle strap stiletto heels and to bring along my white sheer nightgown. As he drove up I went out to meet him, got in his car and leaned over and kissed him hard and long. As I settled back he looked at me, “You love me?’ he asked. “With all my heart” I replied. “You’ll do whatever I ask of you tonight?” he...
Tiffany looked out the window as the plane approached for landing. Florida looked so different from her home in Ohio. Of course she looked forward to the warmer weather.She was still surprised that her mother had allowed her to go and visit Uncle Dave. He was kind of the black sheep of the family passing on working on the family farm in favor of something to do with the internet.Most if the family had nothing to do with him except for Tiffany's mom. Over the years her mom had quietly slipped...
Monday, just after school Jacob sat in the unfinished command seat with his usual annoying calm. "Check the screens." I did. There were a bunch of cars boxing the ship in from all sides. I thought I saw something in common about most of the drivers. "System! Give me distance enhancement, ten feet." "Acknowledged." The ever-obedient computer replied. I could see the insides of those cars so clearly I thought I could reach out and slug those idiot drivers. But I could also see what...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Never try to do it in real live! This is the last, at least for now, in the Kathryn stories. If you have not read any of the others, I would suggest you read them before you read this. Keep the sending feedback, I enjoy getting it and try and answer all of them. I hope everyone enjoys this story as much as the others. Derrick pulled the car into the motel’s parking lot. They had arrived at Corpus Christi at 4:30 P.M. It took them eight and half hours...
IncestEerie Saloon: Seasons of Change -- Winter By Ellie Dauber and Chris Leeson Sunday, January 14, 1872 "Amy... Amy." Amy Talbot turned in the aisle of the church at the sound of her name. Laura was hurrying towards her amidst the crowd of people leaving at the end of the service. "Good morning, Laura, and how are you this fine Sunday?" "Pretty good," Laura answered, "considering. Can we talk a moment?" She slipped back into a pew. Amy nodded and stepped into the pew and...
Eerie Saloon: Seasons of Change -- Winter By Ellie Dauber and Chris Leeson Sunday, January 28, 1872 "I gotta tell you, little missy, you are one fine singer." The speaker was a tall, dapper-looking man in a dark blue frock coat. Jessie dimpled. "Thanks, and, please, call me Jessie." "All right... Jessie, and I'm Randolph... Randy, to you. And Randy _for_ you," he added with a wink. "You are as pretty as an ace-high straight." "Well, now, thanks for that, too." Her...
Eerie Saloon: Seasons of Change -- Winter By Ellie Dauber and Chris Leeson Sunday, March 3, 1872 Trisha pulled her nightgown off over her head and tossed it onto the bed before quickly stepping into her drawers. Church services began in about 90 minutes, and she wanted to get there early, to bask in the praise for the dance the night before. As she reached for her camisole, she looked over to see how Kaitlin was doing. "Trisha," Kaitlin said loudly, pointing, "what the devil is...
Eerie Saloon: Seasons of Change -- Winter By Ellie Dauber and Chris Leeson Sunday, March 10, 1872 "I will not do it," Arnie insisted. "I would not wear woman's clothes yesterday, and I will not do it today." Dolores folded her arms and scowled at her newly transformed cousin. "Si, Arnoldo, you will." They were alone in Teresa's room. Arnie had spent the night there, rather than sleep in her old room with her brother -- or with Dolores and her sisters. "Why should I?" Arnie...
Eerie Saloon: Seasons of Change -- Winter By Ellie Dauber and Christopher Leeson Sunday, March 17, 1872 Dwight Albertson glanced up at the clock as he raked in the cards for the next hand. "It's seven minutes till noon, gentlemen, which is when this game is supposed to end. Do you want to stop now, or are you all in for one more hand?" "Best ask Miz Kelly," Sam Hughes said with an angry snort. "Seems like she's got most of the chips." Bridget smiled. About half of the...