Nandita To Nandini
- 4 years ago
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Tiffany Completes Her Training and Is Auctioned
** Kaitee reads Tiffany's emails back to her, takes photos of her in a variety of sexy outfits then has her service a steady stream of men. **
NOTE: This is the last of a set of three trilogies. It picks up where "Tiffany Gets Decorated" and "Tiffany Crosses the Color Line" left off. To learn more about these characters and how they got into this situation, you may want to read those stories first. There is a single flashback called out in this chapter. It's NOT a device I use often so please forgive its intrusion. I thought it was important to establish a little context - D
Kaitee lost no time establishing her absolute dominance over Tiffany.
After the scene at the club last night, it wasn't difficult at all. Tiffany had offered herself completely, with no reservations or hesitation:
"Tiffany? Tiffany? What are you doing, my sister?" She started softly, sounding shocked and confused. I stood on the sidewalk and watched, Tiffany's back was to me, I had no idea whether or not she knew I was there. It didn't matter. This was Kaitee's show. "You've been drinking. You are drunk. You dishonor yourself and me. And your clothes, look at yourself. And your makeup. Are you trying to be a whore? A Mexican hooker?" Tiffany was crying and kept reaching for Kaitee, sobbing "I can explain...I can explain..." but Kaitee was relentless. "And earlier today! What did you do to yourself? Your hair was braided -- what do they call it? -- cornrows? And the padded pants. You looked like one of those black girls we saw on Hollywood Boulevard, the prostitutes. Why would you even dress up like that? ... Unless...unless you..."
Tiffany fell to her knees now, wrapped her arms around Kaitee's legs and cried, "no! No! I...I..." but she had nothing to say. She couldn't tell Kaitee what was really going on and she knew it. I could turn the pictures over to her family, to the school, to everyone she knew. Her life would be destroyed.
Kaitee waited a long time before she spoke again. Tiffany slid further down, now kissing her feet, the ankles and insteps, blubbering and begging her to forget what she saw. I looked at Kaitee and she looked at me and nodded. She mouthed, "just another few minutes" and I nodded. She was playing Tiffany expertly. Letting Tiffany punish herself was far more effective than anything Kaitee or I could do to her.
Finally, Kaitee said quietly, "are you ashamed of your heritage? Of *our* heritage?" Tiffany whimpered. "Is that why you are tanning yourself so darkly? Why you wear those Hispanic slut earrings? Why you were wearing those horrible pants this morning? Were you out all night? Walking around trying to make men think you are a black girl?" She paused and let it wash over Tiffany. "Or a Mexican?" She crouched down and stroked Tiffany's hair. Tiffany moaned. "What are you going to do at school tomorrow?" She pulled Tiffany's hair, tilted her head back and looked into her eyes. "Will we call you a new name? Are you Maria now? Or LaDonna? Will you be dating only black men now?" She let go of Tiffany's hair and her face fell forward, the tears flowing freely onto the pavement. Kaitee delivered the final blow. "Do you want a new roommate?" Tiffany jerked up, threw her arms around Kaitee, pulled her close, crying loud now, "No, no, Kaitee, I love you, I want to be yours, I need to be yours, I want to be your slave, I've always wanted to be your slave. I want you to own me, you own me, body and soul. I love you..." she broke down into tears, buried her head in Kaitee's shoulder. Kaitee stroked her hair and looked at me.
I watched as Kaitee gently pushed Tiffany away and walked out of the club. Tiffany got up and followed her while dozens of eyes stared after her. This beautiful, dark-skinned Asian princess with the long, thick black hair had humiliated herself in front of them and now had to parade herself past them to follow her new Mistress out into the street. They laughed and pointed and she turned red with shame.
Kaitee flagged a taxi and the three of us rode back to their dorm room in silence, Tiffany sitting between us, back straight, eyes lowered, one hand resting on each knee, palms up. Her knees were parted, her crotch would be visible to anyone who looked. She hadn't been told to sit like that, didn't need to be. It was a posture than all Korean women knew as a punishment pose and found terribly humiliating. A cardinal rule for "respectable ladies" in Korea is to "keep the legs closed and never allow a direct view of the space between the legs." This position -- called "charu" from some obscure Korean dialect -- violated all rules of proper female presentation. Even whores found it demeaning and charged considerably extra if asked to take it. Kaitee knew the effect it would be having on Tiffany -- a girl raised to respect her heritage as a deep and integral part of her personality.
When they got to their room, Kaitee really turned it on. She stood in silence with her back to Tiffany for five full minutes before she spoke.
"You say you love me and want to give yourself to me completely?"
"Kyung Mi, Mistress, yes. As long as I have known you, I have wanted nothing but more than to be with you. I have wanted it with my whole heart and soul. I will commit myself to you completely if you will have me."
"Tiffany, sit down. I need to say a few things to you."
Tiffany stepped to one of the chairs and sat down, assuming the "charu" position again.
"Tiffany, you have been acting in an unacceptable manner of late. For quite a while actually." Kaitee stood with her back to Tiffany. I watched Tiffany squirm slightly in the chair but she kept her mouth shut. "I have read your emails. I have smelled the room, rich with your scent, when I came in late in the evening. I have seen the flush of your cheeks and neck after you have performed your vile deeds for your Internet lovers."
Kaitee stopped and let it all sink in. I watched calmly. Tiffany was frozen in place but her eyes were blinking more rapidly and I could tell she was processing it all, wondering how much Kaitee actually knew. Her feet shifted slightly -- an unforgivable offense in the position but hardly one I was going to reveal to Kaitee.
"I would like to read some of them back to you and let you comment on them." She walked across the room and picked up a black folder, opened it and rifled through the papers inside. "Tiffany, did you write this:
" my soul i wish to be taken and pierced in other places without my consent, against my will...a nose ring, lip ring, nipples and pussy lips, aiiiiiiiiiiiiii...i am so close right now, i could easily cum if i tried!! so close...Sir, do you chat? this is going so fast my brain and pussy are spinning!..."
I smiled, I remembered it from quite early on, before our first chat. Back before I'd even decided if I believed Tiff2004 was really a woman or a man trolling. She did have a way with words.
"Yes, Mistress, I did write that."
"There are so many more. Where to begin?
"...Kaitee can order me to dress totally sexi and slutty, which is the exact opposite of how i usually dress..." Kaitee turned to Tiffany. "How could you write that? You always dressed like a party girl when we went out. You were the center of attention, always showing skin to the white boys, flirting like a whore, taking their drinks and smiling at them. And then, this...
"...maybe black leather, hotpants, throw away all my bras, aiiiiiii! And last night, Sir, I was talking with an online friend who is so totally sexi hot. i was thinking of being collared and leashed, forced into very high heels and being led nude with her into a public setting. i know this is impossible but it is my fantasy...
"Is that still your fantasy, little whore?"
Tiffany sniffled and shook her head. "No, Mistress, not any longer, Mistress. I wish only to be respectable now. I want to be whatever you want me to be, Mistress." I smiled at Kaitee. We both knew she was trying to regain some sense of control over the situation but failing.
"Enough with the 'Mistress' pretense, Tiffany. You will address me as 'Ma'am' from now on."
"Yes, Ma'am," she parroted.
"...i found some things on the Internet about rope harness and i could be forced to wear this under my clothes at school and the same goes for collar. i love the idea of her changing my walk as though my ankles are chained with 12 inches of steel and so my step is shorted. I have to walk one foot directly in front of the other, which is a really slow sexi model walk. that is so different from the way i walk now, which is kinda just typical. i could be plugged with these chinese jade of metal balls that bang inside my pussy and aiiiiiiiii, this makes me so hot I am juicing! i could be denied my cum until i end up begging for release, that step of begging is the breaking point of my otherwise conservative, obedient daughter personality..."
Kaitee stepped closer and leaned into her face. "Your 'obedient daughter personality'. Interesting."She paused. "When was the last time your parents saw you, Tiffany?"
"It has been weeks, Mist...Ma'am."
Kaitee dropped the papers on the floor and abruptly slid her hand up between Tiffany's thighs. When her fingertip reached her clit, Tiffany's eyes closed and she moaned. I watched Kaitee massage her gently until Tiffany's legs started to shake and her breath quicken.
"Are you going to cum for me, dear?"
Tiffany nodded, her head shaking quickly up and down. Kaitee turned to me and said "give me her cell phone." I opened her purse and took it out, handed it over. Tiffany watched, moaning and squirming in her seat as Kaitee pressed the buttons. She grabbed the arms of the chair and squeezed tight as her body got closer and closer to orgasm.
Kaitee handed the phone to Tiffany. "Tell your mother you want to visit her tomorrow," Kaitee said.
"Mistress, please, it is the...the middle...of the night, she'll want to...know cal...calling so late," she managed to say, her arousal fogging her mind. I saw Kaitee's hand moving between Tiffany's thighs again and her other hand slid down the front of her dress, tugging at Tiffany's piercings.
"I can't, please, I...hello, m...moth...mother?" Tiffany's body was starting to shake now as Kaitee tugged harder at the barbells and rubbed quick, small circles around her clit. "No, mo...mother...I am...well I come..."
"Yes, you may," Kaitee said with an evil grin. Tiffany dropped the phone and jerked back and forth in the chair, her hips shaking, gasping for breath as Kaitee expertly brought her to a series of three short but intense orgasms. Kaitee removed her hand and walked to the bathroom while Tiffany picked up the phone and tried to calm her mother down. "No, mother, no, everything is fine, I just dropped it, no, mother please don't worry, I am fine, I am fine." She did her best to come up with a reason for calling her mother at two in the morning, finally lied that she missed home and could she come by tomorrow afternoon. She hung her head forward on her chest and cried, her hands gripping her knees tightly.
Kaitee came back into the room with two glasses of ice water. She handed one to me and sipped from the other. "Well, that should do away with any conflict you have about being the 'conservative, obedient daughter'. What kind of daughter cums while her mother is on the telephone?" She took another drink of water than picked up the papers again.
"...instead of hoop earrings, they are hoops with a word like slut or whore inside the hoop. i am never allowed to hide them so our first stop next week is a hair salon where i get a do that is short maybe even goth or mohawk so i cannot hide them!!!!!!! i so wish i was at my place so i could cummmmmmmmmmmmm..."
"Tiffany, you are an imaginative little chang nyeon, aren't you? Oh, I'm sorry, that's right, you are trading your heritage to fuck black men, aren't you? I should perhaps just call you 'ho'?"
"No, no, that is not true, Ma'am, that is not true, he made me do those things with the padded pants and the cornrow do and the..." Tiffany sobbed as she tried to maintain some shred of her fleeting dignity. Kaitee let her cry herself out then started right back in again. She was a fucking master at this.
"...another idea from gor i thought of ... 'gor' again, Tiffany? ... on the way over...being auctioned. i totally juice to the idea of being naked and evaluated like an animal by buyers, talking about me, my good points and bad and what they think would improve me..."
"It was a fantasy, Ma'am, it was a fantasy."
Kaitee leaned closer, put her face close to Tiffany's. "A Korean lady never indulges a fantasy life, that is the husband's perogative and his fantasies are lived out on her. Isn't that how you were brought up? Your body is not your own, it is your husband's. So your fantasies should be his, not yours. You see, even in your mind, you have turned your back on your upbringing, you parents, your ancestors." Kaitee walked around Tiffany, touched the bare, deeply tanned skin of her shoulders. "Look what you have done to your body. Look how you have discolored yourself to attract African and Latin lovers. What will your parents think of your color?" Kaitee pulled back her hair and ran her finger along Tiffany's piercings. "What will they think of these?"
Tiffany panicked then, spun around and threw herself on the ground again, hugging Kaitee's ankles and begging her not to make her face her parents like this.
Kaitee took Tiffany's arm and led her to the kitchen table. There were three stacks of papers and a pen already set out there. Through tearful eyes, Tiffany signed without even asking what they were. Kaitee told her to go into the bathroom and clean up, then return naked and knelt in the bedroom at the foot of the bed. Tiffany went off and Kaitee stacked the papers then held out her hand. I shook it.
"She has just assigned the remainder of her savings to me. She has also signed a petition to withdraw from all classes. But, best of all, she signed a Power of Attorney that gives me the right to make any legal decisions on her behalf from now on."
I stood awed and a little afraid. "She has, in effect, signed her life over into your hands."
Kaitee just nodded. A chill went up my spine.
Kaitee waited in the kitchen for twenty minutes before she went into the bedroom, snacking and chatting with me about movies. It was a little eerie, how casually she took all of this. As if she'd done it before. She put the cheese tray back in the fridge and wiped her hands, led me into the bedroom.
Tiffany had knelt there the whole time, arms folded behind her back, eyes straight ahead. Kaitee smiled and said, "you see? I didn't even tell her to assume the position and she did. It is those books she read, she had an addiction to them. It's adolescent and immature." She turned to Tiffany. "But very useful. Isn't it, dear?"
"Yes, Ma'am."
"I found the little dildo in the shower yesterday," Kaitee taunted. "Would you like it back?"
", Ma'am," Tiffany stammered. "I...I mean, yes, Ma'am, please I would like it back." I sensed immediately what was going on. Tiffany was frozen, worried that Kaitee would find out she was already holding a replacement inside her. Kaitee smiled. She and I both knew better.
"Well, if I give it to you, will you put it in?"
", Ma'am, please, may I not..." Tiffany managed. No doubt her mind was racing, trying to figure out what to say next.
"Do you have something to tell me, Tiffany?"
" already wearing one, Ma'am."
"What do you mean 'wearing', Tiffany?" She was masterful. Making her say it would push Tiffany further down into her shame.
"I...already have a...dildo inside me, Ma'am."
"I already have a...dildo in my butt, Ma'am."
"In your ass."
"In my ass, Ma'am."
"That's better. Honesty. We must always be honest, Tiffany. Weren't you raised that way?"
"Yes, Ma'am, I was."
Satisfied, Kaitee told Tiffany to stand up. She did, her arms still behind her back.
"Tiffany, do you know why we are stretching you? Tiffany, are you still a virgin?"
"You know I am, Ma'am. I swore to my parents."
"But you are doing other things your parents would not approve of, aren't you?"
Tiffany hung her head and quietly said, "yes, Ma'am, I am."
"Tiffany, are you still a virgin?"
"Yes, Ma'am."
"You have never had a penis inside you?"
Embarassed, Tiffany said softly, "no, Ma'am."
"And, your backside...?"
Tiffany hung her head lower and started to cry.
"And, your backside...?"
"It was only once, Ma'am..."
"How many men, dear?"
She sobbed freely now. "There were...three..." she became agitated now, her words flooding out. "It was only one time. It never happened again. I had no choice, I..."
Kaitee raised her finger to Tiffany's lips and she stopped talking. "It is all right, dear. You need to get used to it. The men you have chosen to sleep with will only want to use you that way. You know that, don't you? Unless they choose to breed you but that is a different subject. That is why we are using these graduated sizes to stretch you slowly. The men you are courting will have...excessively large equipment."
Tiffany squeezed her eyes shut, I watched her squirm as Kaitee's words sank in. Kaitee waited before she started talking again.
"Dear, you have made quite a bit of money using your body to service those lawyer friends of yours, haven't you?" Tiffany turned and looked at me but quickly turned her head back to face Kaitee. "Now, you are going to make some money for me. I have presold several pictures of you in sexy underthings. There are more over there," she pointed to a stack of boxes on a dresser. "You will model them for us, we will take photographs and send them to the man who runs the website. Oh, and one more thing, you will write a description for each one and we will post them together." She opened the top of her laptop and pressed the power button. "Now, we want descriptions that will make women want to buy the outfit and make men want to masturbate. You'll enjoy that, won't you? Knowing men are masturbating while looking at your body?"
Kaitee smiled. She knew it would be disturbing for someone with Tiffany's upbringing to write about her own body, but how much more it would bother her to imagine men masturbating to those pictures. She was right, Tiffany turned bright red from both shame and anger.
"I won't do it," she said.
"Tiffany," Kaitee said then paused. "Didn't we install Skype for your parents the last time we visited?" She turned the laptop keyboard toward her and pressed "Contacts". Tiffany heard the tones as it dialed her parents' home. She leaped for the keyboard, cancelled the call. She just stood with her head down, tears dripping on the keyboard.
The first outfit Tiffany put on was a tiny string bikini panty and a half-cup bra. Most of the fabric was skin-toned except for the half-cups of the bra and a stripe down the center panel of the panty. I knew from our chats that this was the first time her underwear showed this much flesh and she had a very difficult time keeping her hands from covering herself. For all her bravado, for all her teasing, she was very, very conservative underneath it all.
Kaitee made her parade around the room a few times, took several photos, then told her to stand at the desk and type a caption to post with the photos. She wrote: "The green bikini style emphasizes the slave gyrl of the harem. Green is popular among arab sheiks, so this gyrl has been captured by slave traders and sent to the mideast. She thinks her life will be easy, but soon she will be collared and those conservative stud earrings replaced by more appropriate slave rings. Notice her saucy look, a half grin which will be soon wiped off her face fosur!"
Kaitee read it, replaced the word "fosur" with "forever" and nodded.
"Not bad. You came up with an entire fantasy in just a few seconds. You're going to make someone a very, very good slave."
Tiffany turned and gave me a panicked look. It was the first time she'd seriously considered what her future might be. What did it mean though, "make someone a very, very good slave?" Was it possible that Kaitee would actually auction her off to some kind of kinky group?
"Put on the next outfit," Kaitee said. "And fix your makeup between shoots." Tiffany removed the tiny green outfit and opened the next box. It was a single piece of black fabric, very much like a one-piece swimsuit. The entire back was exposed except for a small thong-like strip and a waist band. The front was cut so the entire belly to the hairline was exposed, including more than half of each breast. A small silver chain held the two sides in place, just barely covering her nipples. Her small breasts fell out of the outfit twice as she walked back and forth across the room, learning how to hold herself in the suit. She checked her makeup, brightening the ruby red of her lips, then put on the show while Kaitee took photos.
She closed her eyes, thought for a minute, then wrote: "We have here an ensemble to please any Master. Goreans would approve that the slave's belly is completely exposed in the black strapped monokini. Should you chose to pierce her navel, you can hang your initials and they will be evident and prominent. The relatively high thigh cut and ample crotch hint of a conservative master and a more mature slave, but should you prefer, a similar bikini could be purchased, assuming your slave has the breasts to accentuate. How about a simple dog collar to round out this tasty treat?"
Kaitee read it, shook her head and read it again. She turned calmly and told Tiffany to put her hands behind her back. Tiffany obeyed and Kaitee slapped her across the face, back and forth, a total of six times. Tiffany's eyes watered and tears ran down her face. "You are not writing cute copy for Frederick's of Hollywood. You are helping me decide which outfit you will be wearing on the auction block. Please try to be more serious."
Tiffany trembled again, looked at me again, got no response again.
"Next outfit."
Tiffany wrote: "...aiiiiiiiii, this slave exudes sexiness! She wears what appears to be an embroidered black bra, but the lacy skirt lingerie is enhanced with a white tie which can be quickly released. Once again, notice the wristlet, but more hottly are the vinyl boots. If she wishes to look hotter for her Master, she must wear thigh hi boots and large hoop earrings!!!..."
Kaitee nodded her approval, pointed at the next box. Tiffany changed more quickly this time and Kaitee took more than a dozen photographs.
"...You want nothing hidden, yet want to take your slave to the finest club and not get arrested, then try this strapless tight fitted spandex mini tube delight. It really is nothing more than an extended tube top. Her nipple piercings and thigh tats will be evident, and though our model is wearing flat sandals, the choice is yours. Sandals simply reveal more skin, but boots will draw wandering eyes to her naked crotch. We have many colors, but as always, black is our best seller..."
I watched Tiffany as she leaned over the table typing. She was correct, the dress was little more than a glorified tube top. And, being a skin tight stretch material, she might as well have been naked. Even thought I'd told myself I was going to be professional through the whole thing, I couldn't take it anymore. My cock was trying to rip its way through my pants and my balls were aching.
"Do you want her to suck your cock?" Kaitee asked. Tiffany's head jerked upward and she stared at me. She was perfect, her lips bright red and glossy, hair straight and raven black, tanned skin begging to be touched.
I just nodded.
Tiffany got down on her knees in front of me and undid my pants. It felt strange. It was the first time she'd touched me and the electricity shot through me. I hadn't really considered doing this, I was a hired gun training a submissive, a storyteller gathering material. But tonight, I was a guy with a hard dick and a warm mouth wrapped around it.
Tiffany pushed her face forward and back, lips loose around my cock, her hands around my backside. I tried to push into her throat but she pulled away. I told her to tighten her lips, which she did for a few seconds, then relaxed again. Slowly, it dawned on me -- she was awful at this. The poor girl's idea of a blowjob was "let him masturbate against my mouth". She had no finesse, didn't really offer to do anything and looked just plain bored. I wondered why the lawyers were paying so much.
After another ten minutes or so, I just stepped away and said, "thanks but that's enough for now." When I told Kaitee about it later, she laughed and said she'd have to do something about that later.
"Change your clothes again," Kaitee told her. Tiffany opened the next box, put on the outfit, paraded for the camera, then wrote: "...The heels accentuate her lovely thighs and make the brown laced cheeky the appropriate panty style for this slave. Notice how she thrusts out her breasts, as though offering them to her master to be whipped..."
"Enough," I said. While I enjoyed watching Kaitee put Tiffany through her paces, we had at least three more things on our agenda for today and I was getting nervous we'd run out of time. Kaitee gave me a dirty look but softened when I pointed at my watch.
"Tiffany, you have some housecleaning to do," Kaitee said.
"May I put my clothes back on?" Tiffany was more-than-naked in the thin lace bra and cheeky panty. Kaitee smiled and shook her head. "No, no point. You have a visitor coming in twenty minutes and he might as well see you in this as any other whore outfit I might put you in." Tiffany gave me a panicked, pleading look but I shrugged my shoulders. Kaitee was running the show now.
"You'll find a plastic trash bag in each of your three clothes drawers. Pack every article of clothing into those bags, tie them and put them by the front door."
"Wha...? You can't be serious," Tiffany protested.
Kaitee ignored her, walked to the closet and pushed aside the curtain. "When you're done, do the same for all of these clothes." She stepped to her side of the room and took a handful of hangars out of her closet. "Replace them with these." I stared and shook my head in surprise. Each hangar held what could only generously be called a dress. One was different though, it had a light grey pantsuit. I wondered what that was about and luckily only had to wait until later that same night.
"Kaitee, I can't go to class like this, I can't go to work like this, I..." Tiffany stopped talking as soon as Kaitee left the room. Over her shoulder, she called "you have eighteen minutes. Don't waste time."
Tiffany ran across the small room and knelt in front of me. "Sir, you gave me to her, you can take me back. Please, I cannot do what she is asking. This was not what I had in mind, I am not a slave, I was playing. I was flirting, I wanted to feel it for a few weeks then go back to my real life. Please, Sir, please."
I looked at her there on the floor, tears streaming down her cheek, nearly naked except for the beige lingerie that stood out in rich contrast to her deeply tanned skin. I believed her. I believed she thought this was a game, even through the glory holes and the pole dancing. But now she couldn't avoid it any longer -- this was real. Brutally real. She said she wanted to live the life of a slave, she said she felt a kind of inherited submissiveness that came with being a Korean woman, she came time after time reading stories and chatting online, the fantasies always about submission, humiliation, degradation. Now, the pictures were taken, the papers were signed and she was about to enter a life of complete servitude. In just a few weeks she'd gone from cocky, flirtatious grad student to a completely submissive sex toy.
If she wasn't such a lame cocksucker, I would have let her blow me right there. I shook my head at the thought, even *my* language was getting cruder. Was Kaitee affecting me as well, bringing out something deep inside that I wasn't really aware of?
"I am completely powerless here, Tiffany." I saw the shocked look in her eyes. "Completely."
"But, I thought you were having Tiffany help you with your games..." she stammered.
"No. It was never like that." I crouched down until we were eye-to-eye. I wanted to watch her as I spilled the rest of the story. "Kaitee orchestrated everything. She knew every step of the way. She prepped the girls at the tanning booth. She knew the woman at the glory hole bookstore. She chose the piercings and the tattoos. Kaitee has owned you for several weeks now, you are just only now finding that out." Tiffany shook her head through the entire talk. "I know she's been putting some kind of hormone in your water bottles too, the ones you take to class and the ones you drink at the gym." "Why?" "I have no idea. She never told me. She finds you interesting, Tiffany. But I doubt she'll keep you. She already has an Internet auction lined up and the bids for you, based only on your photos pictures -- and not even nude ones -- are already up in the tens of thousands of dollar."
"David, Sir, Master, please, please, this is wrong, this is illegal, sick, twisted..." she crept backward slowly on her knees, shaking her head and wringing her hands.
"Do you know what you signed earlier?" She shook her head. "You gave Kaitee complete control of all of your bank and credit accounts, your course registrations, and . . . more." I left it at that even while she kept begging. "You only have fifteen minutes until Curtis arrives. I suggest you clean out your drawers."
"Curtis?" she asked, half dazed. "Sir, it is nearly two o'clock in the morning."
"Just clean your room, Tiffany. Be a good girl." I got up and walked out, pulling the door closed behind me.
From two o'clock until four-thirty, Tiffany serviced a steady stream of men in her dorm room. I was banned from the room but Kaitee provided a cam and I watched everything calmly from one of her friend's rooms down the hall.
During that time, I counted a total of eleven men. In order, two blacks, one white, two Mexicans, one Asian, two Indians, another black man, then two more Mexicans. I was fascinated by Kaitee's presentation. For the two lone white and Asian men, she had Tiffany stand with her feet together, one of her three-inch heels flexed slightly outward, her makeup perfectly refreshed, hands in front of her, crossed casually to cover her crotch. She had soft-jazz playing in the background and left the room respectfully as Tiffany dropped to her knees and unzipped their pants.
It was completely different with the others. Kaitee left Tiffany's hair disheveled from the man before, her lipstick smeared, smears of cum on her neck and chin. She had Tiffany lay on her back on the bed, her head bent over the edge of the mattress, mouth open and inviting. She changed the music to the latest throbbing-bass channel she could find and stayed in the room, encouraging the men to push deeper and deeper into Tiffany's defenseless throat. Of the nine of them, only five really got into it, pushing deep and holding themselves in her throat until I worried she would pass out. When they finished, Kaitee made her use her hands and mouth to clean them before pulling up their pants and thanking them.
The worst part of it all for Tiffany was watching Kaitee say goodbye to them. She gave each of them a card with her telephone number and said, "if you liked it, tell your friends. We're setting up shop soon, just a little off campus."
When the last man left, Kaitee had Tiffany walk the bags loaded with her old clothes out to the dumpster, then told her to get some sleep. We had a long day ahead of us tomorrow.
Tiffany Taylor had grown up in a rough estate named Butterton, crime was rife in Butterton and there were gangs of youths on each street corner. Just about everybody who had grown up on the estate had turned to crime, d**gs or had ended up in prison. Throughout her c***dhood Tiffany hated living in Butterton and couldn’t wait to escape from the estate were she just never felt like she fitted in.Tiffany was the eldest of two sisters, her sister Sarah was three years Tiffany’s junior. The mother...
Tiffany Crosses the Color LineCHAPTER ONE** Tiffany's journey continues as she is turned into a black streetwalker. **NOTE: This trilogy picks up where "Tiffany Gets Decorated" left off. To learn more about these characters and how they got into this situation, you may want to read that series first - D---Kyung Mi -- Kaitee for short -- never ceased to amaze me. As a graduate level psychology student and academic prodigy, her knowledge of the human mind was stunning. And, as Tiffany's roommate,...
Part 1 Tiffany was furious with her parents. What were they thinking, sending her to this godforsaken place? She wouldn't have minded a summer in Rome or Paris but no, they had to send her to Istanbul. Just because she got in a little scrape back home in Tennessee, her parents decided that she should spend some time with her uncle, a career diplomat, and his Turkish wife. Istanbul! It was foreign to her in every sense of the word. The smells, the language, the cuisine and the customs were...
Tiffany sprinted from William’s office sobbing her eyes out and straight to the bathroom where she washed her mouth out with cold water. She brushed out the dried up cum that had become matted in her long locks and scrapped her hair back into a ponytail.She headed to her car and sped away from the haulage yard and back to her house where she enjoyed a nice hot shower, she desperately scrubbed her face and hair hoping that it would make the memory of what just happened in William’s office...
" ... but don't you think he's too young for that?" Mom asked and I held my breath waiting for his answer. "He's going to be thirteen," Dad said. "That's old enough, believe me." "I don't know," she sighed. "It's a lot of money and..." "When I was Josh's age, I wanted one more than anything else in the world," he cut her off. "My parents couldn't afford it, but we can. It'll be good for him, you'll see." "I hope so, John," she agreed reluctantly. They were quiet...
I had knee replacement surgery. Big improvement. I could walk without pain. They didn't tell me the truth about the convalescence, though. It was much slower than anticipated. Based on their schedule, Tiffany and I had scheduled a week long Caribbean Cruise. Several weeks before the cruise, I realized that I wasn't going to be in tip top shape. When I took the pain meds, I was a zombie. Sleeping 20 hours a day. When I weaned my self from the meds, the pain was really annoying. Back to...
Tiffany looked out the window as the plane approached for landing. Florida looked so different from her home in Ohio. Of course she looked forward to the warmer weather.She was still surprised that her mother had allowed her to go and visit Uncle Dave. He was kind of the black sheep of the family passing on working on the family farm in favor of something to do with the internet.Most if the family had nothing to do with him except for Tiffany's mom. Over the years her mom had quietly slipped...
CHAPTER ONE**Tiffany and David meet for her first humiliation in a restaurant.**Tiffany looked at me, her big, dark, almond-shaped eyes staring at me over the rim of the glass. It was her third glass of water -- lukewarm, no ice -- and she drank it in one long draw. Then, she set the glass on the table and lowered her eyes."Does that please you...Sir?" she said softly. There was just the slightest hint of anger in her voice. I smiled. It was silly, it still felt awkward, but it was feeling...
One event in my calendar that I always look forward to is Sabrina’s sexy girlfest. It coincides with her husband’s annual golfing vacation and enables five horny women to meet up at her delightful country house for a weekend of sexy female fun. We enjoy a simple diet of fruit, champagne and orgasms and when we're all in the hot tub together we share some of the highlights of our sexual encounters during the previous year. I use a small Dictaphone to record all the graphic details so it’s a bit...
HardcoreMark guided them to the Sky Bar on the highest deck. Obnoxious modern music was playing, but it wasn't too loud. After receiving their drinks, Mark commented. “ You are a great fuck. Your pussy is tight and you are flexible. You suck cock well too.” Tiffany smiled and looked down into her drink. Her head was reeling. She must have wanted this to happen. Why else the change of outfit? Something subconscious, she guessed. “Go into the ladies room and push two fingers as far up inside you as...
When I walked in, Tiffany was laying on my bed. When she had asked me what she should wear I told her to surprise me. She was dressed in the classical plaid school-girl uniform complete with an unbuttoned white blouse that barely covered her C cup breasts and her tight tummy on display for my viewing pleasure. Her legs were bent at the knees with white thigh-high nylons that came up and over her knees, covering her perfect long legs. The sexiest part was her plaid skirt that strategically...
I awoke from my drug induced nap just in time for lunch. I was laying on my back gaining energy when she opened the door. “Hey baby, I missed you.” I was stroking my cock and leering at her. “Nurse, I need some help here!” Tiffany had an expression halfway between a grin and a grimace on her face. “Just a second, let me visit the ladies.” She inspected her self and found a small semen deposit on her hair near the top of her head. She cleaned it with a washcloth and came over to the bed. “Well,...
Hay sweaty what do want to do for your birthday? Well mom the girls from my cheer leading squid are come for a sleep over can we get some pizza and can you get Dewitt out of the house for the weekend? He’s always trying to seek peeks at us when every the girls come over. Don’t weary sweaty I well handle him, my stepmom walked out tiffany’s room (my stepsister ) an striate in to my room with out knocking, there I was standing in front of the murrain naked with my cock in hand just jerking off...
Hay sweaty what do want to do for your birthday? Well mom the girls from my cheer leading squid are come for a sleep over can we get some pizza and can you get Dewitt out of the house for the weekend? He’s always trying to seek peeks at us when every the girls come over. Don’t weary sweaty I well handle him, my stepmom walked out tiffany’s room (my stepsister ) an striate in to my room with out knocking, there I was standing in front of the murrain naked with my cock in hand just jerking off...
Tiffany returned to the cabin as I awoke from another nap. We spent the afternoon walking around the ship and marveling at the number of things to do and see. Ice skating rink, sports bars, buffet, burger shop and of course bingo. But the wave machine was the most interesting feature. Powerful pumps created a moving current and people (mostly men) were lined up to try their skills. Many lasted only seconds before the current knocked them to the side of the tank, but some guys were pretty...
My name is Dexter Lannin. My wife is Tiffany. Tiffany is five-nine, two inches taller than me, a bit overweight, but voluptuous rather than fat; and she is cute. She's a brunette and wears her tresses a trifle longer than shoulder length. Me? As I indicated, I'm five-seven, one-fifty, brown-haired; but losing it I'm afraid. Well, whaddya gonna do. I'm a bouncer at a local country-western bar and dance hall. I was a fighter in my youth, golden gloves. Joined the Army when I turned eighteen,...
Tiffany by Regal It was almost closing time when the bell on the bookshop door dinged. A beautiful and voluptuous young woman entered, an urgent look in her eyes. She smiled slightly when she saw the clerk and let out a breath, but the look in her eyes remained. "Uh, hi," she said. "Sir? Do you remember me?" "Of course I do," he replied. "You're Tiffany." "Yes, but do you REMEMBER me?" she asked in a desperate voice. "Of course I do," the clerk repeated...
"Tiffany" After another week long vacation in New York City I was back on the plane headed south along the eastern seaboard. But we didn't get far because only minutes after take off we were diverted. Weather and delays had forced an overnight in Boston once again. After making the trip three or four times a year I had by now gotten used to the layovers. I got off the plane, then went to retrieve my luggage and was soon wheeling my suitcase down the concourse as I juggled my purse...
I had worked for Mr. Maxwell since leaving school, and though it mightn’t suit everyone, I’d enjoyed the last twenty years. I like living where I was born, and small-town Scotland still places commerce a rung above the more recently-invented professions. I was already as good as manager of Mr. Maxwell’s shop, with a smooth path to succeeding him on his retirement, and in most ways life was good. I fished and shot, sailed, studied local history and took pictures, but never joined the clubs. I...
Tiffany sat comfortably in the sporty red convertible's passenger seat. Dinner had been great, and the fancy restaurant had given her the perfect excuse to buy an expensive green dress. Normally her parents would have objected, but it was the day after her collage graduation and getting them to open up the purse strings for a graduation gift was easy. “Did you have a good time tonight?” asked Brandon, her date. Tiffany smiled at him enticingly and brushed her deep red hair behind her ear....
There Was This Girl 6 – Tiffany I was just on the way to pick up a new plane. New to me anyway, and I didn’t want to mess around with the service center when I left for home, so I stopped in at the Safeway just down from the airport near Fountain Road and Murray and ran in for some goodies. I’d spent the night in the hotel, flying in from Lambert the night before, which was Monday. It was already Tuesday. Time flies, right? Anyway, I went into Safeway, getting ready to veer left into the deli...
Tiffany stood at the window watching the rain come down. The rain always put her in a foul mood. At 25, she felt like a has-been, as if she had already reached the pinnacle of her life. 18 years ago she had won a state and regional championship in freestyle gymnastics. And then a year later she had won a U. S. championship, then a world championship. At fifteen, she had actually won a gold medal at the Olympics. She loved gymnastics and still worked out on a daily basis. She was still lithe and...
FetishOne of teacher of the student council was speaking on the phone with the principle. The teacher name was “Donald Smith” “Well there you go. I am confessing. I slept with my college student Tiffany and the little bitch now black mailing me. She been doing it for years Ms Henderson” Donald said talking on the phone “mmmmf” Ms Henderson said on the other end “What!!?” “Sorry unless you mmmm have any proof of that said pictures came from her, mmmmm you ooooo have to drop it. So far we only have...
BDSMWhen I was 18 and studying for my final exams I found I couldn't sleep. At first it wasn't too much of a problem; after all I needed to study hard if I wanted to get into the college of my choice.However after nearly eight days with only the occasional cat nap to keep me going I was starting to feel rather unwell.Certainly my Mom had voiced her concern about how pale and ill I looked but Dad told her I was a teenager and that I had exam nerves. He was right about that.It didn't help that my Mom...
I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...
I was rested and refreshed by the time Tiffany returned. She was exhausted. Her pussy was raw and her lips were puffy from so much cock sucking. I didn't know this, of course. “I need a little rest.” she said as she closed the bath door for a self inspection. “I feel pretty good, I'm going to head up to the surf bar.” I called through the door. “OK, have fun. I'll be in dreamland.” Tiffany answered. She was relieved to be alone for awhile and be able to rest and clean up from the...
"Tiffany" "Curtsey for Henry Tim sweetie." Madge said with a giggle as I minced and swished around the living room in the frilly beribboned taffeta dress complete with a layered, white chiffon petticoat. I did as I was told then standing in front of Madge and her friend Henry I wobbled on the stiletto heels then knelt a feminine curtsey! "Isn't sissy boy just darling?" Madge giggled as Henry looked me over and stifled a giggle himself as he noticed my face reddening even through the...
Sometimes I get frustrated over silly religious people, but then I remember how many porn stars religion has created. If it weren't for the poor parenting of churchgoers, how many bitches would be sitting fully clothed in an office somewhere instead of sucking cock on The Casting Couch? Thousands.More Mormonism, More-man-jismIt turns out authoritarianism isn't good for humans from a global level to an individual level. However, we need some personalized individual oppression so I can...
Twitter Porn AccountsIt was a normal day at work. I was tired and I called home to see if Tiffany needed anything on my way home. She said, "No, but that's for checking". Then I said, I will be home in a little bit. She mentioned that a friend from work was over and they were trying out some new drinks. I said ok, thinking nothing out of the ordinary and hung up. I got home in a little bit and came in the front door. I didn't see anyone. Looking around a bit, I started to wonder. Then I said, "I'm home". She...
I flirt with the ladies. It is just something that I did. I did it without even thinking about it; it just came natural. None of them were ever going to take me up on anything I said and I knew it. Christ, I was fifty-two years old and the girls I flirted with were all in their twenties and were married or had boyfriends. Besides, they all knew my wife and thought that we were happily married. We weren't. Weren't happily married I mean, and hadn't been since the day two years ago when I...
Auctioned. My world collapsed when on that fateful Friday afternoon where all twenty of my fellow colleagues and myself were assembled in the showroom to be told that we were all being made redundant. The cheque for two week’s severance pay wouldn’t last me long, for I’d only not long ago signed a rental lease on the flat, where I was at present now residing. I saw the stricken looks on the other's faces and knew that I had the same expression. I only caught a few words of our manager as he...
Gay MaleOnly an hour ago, she was with her boyfriend, Jay, in the living room. Her parents were out, dining with wine and steak for their anniversary. Tiffany wanted her first time to be gentle and sensual, like in those coming-of-age flicks. However her boyfriend, unlike her, was experienced in sexual intercourse. With a petite, five-foot, one hundred and ten pound body, she was an adept gymnast at her high school. Though she was a seventeen year old, her boyfriend was a twenty-three year old. He was...
This may be archived/posted anywhere. Just give credit where credit is due, thanks! Tiffany By Pretzelgirl She wears a pale violet sweater And I'm so glad I have met her. She tackles life so un-fettered. She's kind to all she sees. Hair hangs down across her eyes. Her baggy jeans are oversized. (And she has nicely rounded thighs!) Her name is Tiffany. She's not afraid to laugh. And she stands up on behalf Of the weak and low and needy. She is Tiffany. She...
George arrived eagerly in response to Erica's summons, but he was dismayed once he had been stripped and told to put on his rubber mask and ball gag by Deanna, to discover that there were half a dozen other slaves similarly masked, similarly naked, similarly gagged in the room he was shown into. He never really enjoyed sharing his experiences with other slaves. Even masked there was something too revelatory about the exercise for George's sense of embarrassment. When Deanna herded the...
Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...
Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...
That’s when Alisha noticed she was standing with another 3 women dressed in almost the same pink dress, same red lipstick. But the main part was everyone had the exact same necklace right with the diamond pendant dangling right between the breasts at the cleavage. All of them were high-end escorts, and she was among them now. “Oh, damn! What have I got into,” Alisha said. Alisha and the 3 other women were told to walk into the VIP lounge by the bouncer showing off his gun. Alisha quietly...
Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...
This is a true story based on real people and events, names have been changed of course...You could say I grew up very sheltered. Even when I started high school I was not allowed to date, go to parties or even listen to secular music. My parents were very religious and quite strict. I wasn't even allowed to talk to boys by myself. I go to an all girls catholic school. It's a lot of fun, but it sucks not having any guys around. But I like my friends and enjoy going to school.I'm turning into a...
Tiffany Comes Calling by Deputy Duffy Part 1 I got a call from my cousin Tiffany one night. It had been years since we'd spoken. She grew up around these parts but moved away years ago. It was an awkward conversation. I knew she wanted something, but she just couldn't seem to spit it out. She finally said that she'd write me. A week later, I got a large tan envelope containing some papers...old papers. I started reading.... ******************************** It's me again....
Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...
Auctioned. My world collapsed when on that fateful Friday afternoon where all twenty of my fellow colleagues and myself were assembled in the showroom to be told that we were all being made redundant. The cheque for two week’s severance pay wouldn’t last me long, for I’d only not long ago signed a rental lease on the flat, where I was at present now residing. I saw the stricken looks on the other’s faces and knew that I had the same expression. I only caught a few words of our manager as he...
There was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...
He watched them as they sat sipping their colorful drinks and flirting with male guests and hotel employees alike at the Garden Cloud Lounge. They were undoubtedly four sisters, all in their late twenties and thirties, and attractive. They were obviously American, and they laughed as they tried what little Spanish they knew on the young waiters. He had seen groups like this many times. Their often affluent husbands allowed them to have "Girl's Time Off" now and then. It worked out on both...
Andrea On Her Own (Part 3 of Andrea's Stand) A Note Before: If you have not read parts 1 and 2, please go back and do so. I have spent some time trying to develop the characters involved and a brief description of the plot so far will not help you much. Chapter 1: Needing More I leaned back in my chair and stretched. It had been a long hour and a half finishing the homework from my calc. class. As I stretched I felt the sweater pressing against the breast forms and glanced...
I was at the swimming pool with a couple of friends and my cousin. I was 15 at the time, My Cousin, Mark, being 13 and my friends John, 14, Steve, 14, and Henry, 16. We were all drinking beers we asked a guy to buy us at a local grocery store, and were relaxing. We were all chilling in our shorts, with all our upper halves revealed, with John and Mark were the only ones to have six packs. Everyone was drinking, we were having a blast! 20 Min Later, we walk over to the Jacuzzi, and sit down...
This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...
IncestThis introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...
IncestSant Ghoshal-Anand Goswami ‘pahunche huye’ siddh purush ya mahatma hn.Sundar Van ke ghane jungle me Aadiwasi basti se sata unka ‘Slddhashram’ h.swami ji vese to Raam Bhakti ki rasik shakha Sakhi Sampraday ke bhakt hn lekin vo Shiv Bhagvan ke nagn rup ke upasak bhi hn.Isi liye unke Ashram me ghuste hi ek sundar Shiva Ling sthaapit milta h. kaha jata h ki yeh ”Swaymbhu Lingam” h, arthat iska nirman kisi kaarigar ne nahin kiya, ye to uska apne aap bana prakritik rup nitya ling h. Swami ji ke...
Mandy's sickest stories - Mandy reloadedAuthor: SickoChickMandyAuthor's email: mandydarkfantasies [at] gmail [dot] comTags: F/f, torture, snuff, feet, nc, cannibalismProofread by EmmaPNote, that English is not my native language, so my writing will surely have many grammatical and syntax errors just as improper usage of expressions. I can only hope someone will still find it exciting. Be aware, this is graphic, brutal and extreme. I read it after writing and scared of myself.DisclaimerThis...
Andrew Running (part 1 of Andrea's Stand) Chapter 1: Running I called my Aunt Clara from the bus station. She didn't seem that surprised to hear from me and when I explained why I was there she told me to walk a couple of blocks to the local diner and get myself a cup of coffee. She'd pick me up in about half an hour. I sat and sipped chocolate milk and tried to eat a pastry while I glanced nervously out of the window waiting for my father to show up and force me into his...
by Millie Dynamite Jaden and I meet a few weeks after he transferred to the Naval base just outside of town. I sat on a bar stool sipping my Pappy Van Winkle when this tall African-American man in full dress uniform sat next to me. He whore captain’s bars. He possessed an air of authority. I nodded to him when perched on the next stool. He returned my nod with his own acknowledgment, in a deep voice he said, “Yo.” He spoke without looking at me. “I’ll have bourbon, make it a shot of Evan...
This is a story about seduction and transformation that’s written about a real-life sissy named Brandon Hippel, Brandon’s a cute little limp-wristed sissy-faggot from Abington Pennsylvania that loves to be humiliated and exposed online. She loves feminization, crossdressing, being exposed online, humiliation, anal play, degradation, being captioned, taking pictures, and talking to new people, so feel free to contact her through these various social media; Her kik is; HumiliationSlut2Her email...
Armand Wilson sat in his home office/study sighing. From the office, things had looked pretty good; business was on track, and Sharon appeared to be handling her new situation well. But in the car on the way home, Armand began getting bad vibes, and when he arrived at his mansion, things were even worse. Everyone on staff was walking around as if on eggshells. It took Armand about twenty minutes' worth of snooping, but the situation resolved itself -- the Hernandez' quarters were an armed...
by Oediplex 8==3~ The sweetest mom discovers her boy is both convenient and delightful. [She also recounts when her dad fucked her at nineteen!] Like the name of Madame DeVille's moniker, Cruella, some names fit the personality they are bestowed upon. Disney came up with that evil woman's apropos handle. My mother's folks named their only child, a daughter, Candy. This was shortly before the infamous 1968 movie was out. Though there were aspects of mom that paralleled the...
I Ubered to my auction carrying several outfits in a garment bag. I wore jeans and babydoll T-shirt in case someone wanted to fuck the girl next door.Nicolette ushered me into makeup as soon as I walked in. Within an hour she had me presentable. I wore a beautiful emerald green velvet corset with black lace accents and matching green pumps, black thigh high nylons, and panties with garter straps attached.“I don’t look like a virgin,” I observed in the mirror, a high class hooker from an...
HardcoreWell, now it's time for school. Candace and I go to a small high school, not private, but because we are so rich, it is not exactly public either. The students have been screened by my fathers' security teams; they are all exceptionally bright, well mannered, not prone to causing trouble, and to add ice cream to the pie, all are very good looking. There are 40 students, 20 boys and 20 girls. When the school was larger it had state champion quality teams in boys basketball, girls volleyball...
I glanced at my watch. I noticed it was almost 4:30 in the afternoon. The underground parking garage was filled with cars, but as of now no one else was around. Most folks were still working inside the building. That was just the way I wanted it. I was leaning against the trunk of my rented car, which had the hood up. There was nothing wrong with the vehicle. It was just a good way to stake out the place. Anyone who happened to notice me would think I was just some unfortunate guy having car...