- 3 years ago
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I flirt with the ladies. It is just something that I did. I did it without even thinking about it; it just came natural. None of them were ever going to take me up on anything I said and I knew it. Christ, I was fifty-two years old and the girls I flirted with were all in their twenties and were married or had boyfriends. Besides, they all knew my wife and thought that we were happily married.
We weren't. Weren't happily married I mean, and hadn't been since the day two years ago when I found her in bed with another man. Harry Wiggins had cut his hand on the job and the boss had me drive him to the emergency room at the hospital. It was close to lunchtime so while Harry waited for them to do whatever it was that they were going to do I thought I'd run home for lunch.
That was something that I had never done before because I only got half an hour for lunch break and the house was twenty minutes from work. There was a car that I didn't recognize in the driveway and I figured that Lois had some girlfriend over. I knew that wasn't so as soon as the front door closed behind me.
The loud, "Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me," coming from the bedroom upstairs told me what was going on. I walked up the stairs and down the hall to a chorus of "Oh yes, oh yes, harder baby, harder, don't stop, I'm almost there, don't stop now."
The bedroom door was open and I stood in the doorway and watched some man I'd never seen before fuck Lois from behind while she cried, "Oh yes baby, fuck me, fuck me hard. Jesus, I can never get enough of your cock baby, I love your cock. Give it to me baby, give it to me."
Her head was on a pillow and she was on her knees and from where I stood in the doorway I couldn't tell whether he was in her ass or pussy, but then it didn't really matter — it was still infidelity. They hadn't noticed me and I stood there debating on whether to wade in swinging or just yell out, "Honey, I'm home" and watch them scramble, but in the end I did nothing. I turned and left the house and went back to the hospital to wait for Harry.
I never did tell Lois that she had been busted. I just accepted the fact that she was an unfaithful whore and let it go. I had no idea how long it had been going on and no idea why. I had thought that we had a good marriage and I know, or at least I thought I did, that there was nothing wrong with our sex life. We made love three and sometimes four times a week, sometimes twice in a night and I was willing to do anything that she wanted. What was important however, is that the marriage was dead — not over, just dead.
Why not over? Because I didn't have the energy for it. I'd been married once before and my first divorce had ruined me financially and had made me into an emotional basket case for years. If I was thirty-five or forty I might have done it, but not at fifty. Why start over? Lois kept a clean house, was a good cook, and did the laundry and all the other things that a wife does to make life move smoothly. We didn't argue or fight so I just decided to settle for a comfortable existence. So I said nothing about what I saw and life went on.
The only change was that I stopped having sex with Lois. When she asked why I told her that I was having some problems and was seeing a doctor. After two months I told her that I had acute erectile dysfunction and that I couldn't get a hard on. Another two months went by and then I told her that I had tried everything that the doctor had suggested, but that nothing worked and she would just have to get used to the fact that the sexual part of our marriage was over. She wasn't really happy about it, but I really didn't give a shit about how she felt about it.
I didn't give up sex though. There was a woman I went to high school with and she had lost her husband in the First Gulf War and she supplemented her income by servicing a few select customers and I paid her a visit twice a week.
Lois and I were in the habit of going out for breakfast every Saturday and Sunday and we always ate at the same restaurant. The place was just around the corner from where I worked and I had lunch in there two or three times during the week. There was a waitress working there named Tiffany and she was a lot of fun to be around. A tall girl, almost six feet, and with a hard, tight body to die for. She had the goods and she knew how to dress to show them off. Low hip huggers and tops that emphasized her high breasts and flat stomach. She had a wild side to her and she had several tattoos and a piercing or two that she also loved to show off.
I got in the habit of flirting with her at lunchtime and after a couple of months we had developed a rapport. The flirting progressed from the simple to the borderline raunchy and Tiff gave as good as she got. She had a stud through her tongue and one day I said, "One of these days you are going to have to explain or better yet, show me what the purpose of that thing is."
She stuck her tongue out at me and said, "First you will have to show me that your health insurance is up to date. When I put you in the hospital I want to know that you'll be taken care of."
One day when I came in after not stopping in for a week she came up to my table and lifted her top to show me that she'd had her navel pierced and was sporting what looked like a diamond stick pin.
"You know Tiff, I have a barely controllable urge to kiss your belly."
"I'd let you, but then you'd want to see the one farther down and if I let you see that one I'm afraid you would have a heart attack. I can't afford to lose any of my good tippers."
This kind of banter went on for months and then one day I came in to find that Tiff wasn't her usual cheery self.
"Got a problem Tiff?"
She slid into the booth across from me. "My asshole boyfriend just told me to move out. He said he was moving to Durango and was going to sell the house. Then he told me that when he got set up there he'd let me know and that I could join him. No talking about it at all. Just get out and I'll give you a call when I'm ready for you again."
"You going to be all right?"
"Yeah, I guess. I can stay with my girl friend for a while until I can find a place."
Then she got up and went back to work.
From then on every time I'd see her I'd ask how it was going and I'd get an update. One Saturday while at breakfast with Lois I asked how she was doing and she said, "Okay, but me and my girlfriend aren't getting along all that well and I'm looking for another place to stay."
"I'd offer you the use of our spare bedroom, but I don't think Lois here would be too happy about it. It would piss her off to know I'd be chasing you around the house every chance I got."
I know what Lois was thinking when I said that. "Yeah, and when you caught her you could sit down and play checkers or something."
Lois might have been an unfaithful whore, but she did have a lot of good qualities and she found Tiffany a place to stay, at least for a little while. She had a friend who was going abroad for a month and who was looking for a reliable house sitter for while she was gone. Lois got Tiffany the deal. In retrospect I guess you could say that what finally happened Lois brought on herself because I doubt that it would have happened had Tiff not gotten the house sitting gig.
Once Tiff started house sitting things began to happen. Her car started having problems and I offered to stop by after work and take a look at it. It had a hundred things wrong with it and every night I would stop by and do a little work on it. Tiff would ask me in for coffee when I was done for the evening and since she was rather casual in the way she dressed around the house I had ample opportunity to see her flat stomach, the long supple legs, and a hint of tit every once in a while. In short, she pretty much kept my dick hard.
In addition to her various piercings Tiffany also had several tattoos, two of which I could never see all of. One was down so low on her belly that I could only see the top third of it when she wore very low cut hip huggers. The other was on the inside of her left tit and I could only see about an inch of it sticking up above her bra or bikini top. I started joking with her about what I would have to do to see the entire tattoo. She would laugh and say, "Only my lover gets to see all."
Then the month was over, Lois's friend came back, I had Tiffany's car running and it was back to just seeing her at the restaurant.
We kidded and flirted like crazy and some of the other regulars began to think that we had something going. One day one of them asked me how an old fart like me was managing to keep up with a young fox like Tiffany. It was only then that I realized that I wished I actually could.
Two days later Tiff slid into the booth across from me and told me that she had given two weeks notice.
"Dave called last night and said he was ready for me."
"Are you sure that you really want to do this? He screwed over you once; do you really want to move yourself three hundred miles so he can do it again? At least when he did it here you had some people you could fall back on."
She didn't say anything, just got up and went back to work. I saw her three more times before she was due to leave, but the kidding around and flirting were gone. I didn't realize what a hole her going was going to leave in me. On what was supposed to be her last day I stopped in to say goodbye, but she wasn't there. I'd brought a card wishing her good luck and I left it with one of the other waitresses in case she came in. It was still sitting next to the cash register two days later. I asked Becky if Tiff had not come in and she told me that Tiff would be back to work the following Monday.
"What happened?"
"You'll have to ask her."
I changed my schedule the following Monday. I left the house two hours earlier so I could stop and have breakfast on my way to work. Tiff was there and when she came to take my order she handed me back my card.
"Thanks, it was sweet of you, but I can't use it."
"What happened?"
"I listened to you. When I got to Durango the first thing Dave said to me was, "It's about damned time you got here." His attitude sucked and then I remembered what you said about how he had screwed over me once and how could I be sure that he wouldn't do it again. It took me three minutes to tell him I'd only made the trip so I could tell him goodbye in person and now here I am."
"What are you going to do now?"
"I'm staying with my Uncle Ralph until I can find a place."
"If I can help let me know."
She reached down and touched my cheek with her hand and said, "You're sweet Mike. Thank you; I'll keep it in mind."
It was two days before I saw her again and asked her how her search for a place was going.
"Not good, but I need to find something quick."
"Things not going well at your uncle's?"
"I'm not comfortable there. I don't know why, but I feel that I have to lock the bedroom door when I'm there."
That night when I got off work I went to see a friend of mine who managed some apartments. I found out that he had a couple of vacancies and I told him that I wanted one of them. I had to work hard to convince him that I wasn't setting up a little love nest and I don't think I managed to do it because all he said was, "Okay Mike, whatever you say."
"I'm serious Dave. She's just a good kid that I've taken a liking to and I'm just trying to help her out. She can afford the rent, but there isn't any way that she could put down the last month's rent and security deposit. I'll put those up. When I send her over here just rent her the place and don't tell her about that, okay?"
"Sure Mike, whatever you say" he said with a grin that fairly screamed out, "You old stud."
"I'm serious Dave. Don't tell her what I've done; that will only complicate things."
Same grin, "Sure Mike, whatever you say. My lips are sealed."
The next morning I left for work early and I stopped by the restaurant for breakfast. When Tiffany waited on me I told her that I had found her an apartment and I gave her the address and told her to ask for Dave. The next day Tiffany caught me coming in the door and she threw her arms around me and gave me a big hug.
"Thank you Mike. Thank you, thank you, thank you" and then she kissed me on the cheek. I was just a little embarrassed by it especially since the place was full of customers, but what really bothered me was the rock hard erection I got when she pressed her soft body into mine. I just hoped that she hadn't felt it.
I had worked for Mr. Maxwell since leaving school, and though it mightn’t suit everyone, I’d enjoyed the last twenty years. I like living where I was born, and small-town Scotland still places commerce a rung above the more recently-invented professions. I was already as good as manager of Mr. Maxwell’s shop, with a smooth path to succeeding him on his retirement, and in most ways life was good. I fished and shot, sailed, studied local history and took pictures, but never joined the clubs. I...
There Was This Girl 6 – Tiffany I was just on the way to pick up a new plane. New to me anyway, and I didn’t want to mess around with the service center when I left for home, so I stopped in at the Safeway just down from the airport near Fountain Road and Murray and ran in for some goodies. I’d spent the night in the hotel, flying in from Lambert the night before, which was Monday. It was already Tuesday. Time flies, right? Anyway, I went into Safeway, getting ready to veer left into the deli...
"Tiffany" "Curtsey for Henry Tim sweetie." Madge said with a giggle as I minced and swished around the living room in the frilly beribboned taffeta dress complete with a layered, white chiffon petticoat. I did as I was told then standing in front of Madge and her friend Henry I wobbled on the stiletto heels then knelt a feminine curtsey! "Isn't sissy boy just darling?" Madge giggled as Henry looked me over and stifled a giggle himself as he noticed my face reddening even through the...
This may be archived/posted anywhere. Just give credit where credit is due, thanks! Tiffany By Pretzelgirl She wears a pale violet sweater And I'm so glad I have met her. She tackles life so un-fettered. She's kind to all she sees. Hair hangs down across her eyes. Her baggy jeans are oversized. (And she has nicely rounded thighs!) Her name is Tiffany. She's not afraid to laugh. And she stands up on behalf Of the weak and low and needy. She is Tiffany. She...
Tiffany By Callie Messenger I went to the door. I was alone in the house because it was school holidays and my parents were both in work. Sis was in college. So it could only be the postman or someone. Only it wasn't. Standing in the doorway was a stunning blonde woman in a figure hugging red dress. She was looking right at me with her bright blue eyes, only looking up at me because of the step. Her bright red lips began to move. "Are you Jason Grant?" I nodded mutely. "I...
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'Fuck that exam was brutal,' I think to myself as I leave the exam room.Thank God it was the last one I’ll ever have to write. I had just written the last exam of my university career and am set to graduate in a couple months. It feels good to be done after four years and I can’t wait to get home. I broke up with my girlfriend a little over a week ago because I found her with my roommate’s cock in her mouth. I had packed all of my stuff the night before so that I could grab it and go this...
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Hello ISS readers. I am new here.After reading a few stories here I got to realize I am not the only one who has been into something very unexpected. Well about me I am a young professional who is really into married women.So don’t hesitate to contact me > Trust me you will be satisfied like never before. Here is my erotic experience with my cousin Chachi, Shweta(name changed) Moving on to the story. It happened when my family was on a vacation to Singapore and Bali. I come from a very affluent...
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Hello, My Dear Readers. Thank you for all the positive feedback on the previous parts. Before I get into the story, I would like to say that the series ‘Sexting My Mother’ is nearing its end. And, my biggest, and most punctual, work till date, is heading towards its climax. The next part will, in all probability, be the last episode. I know there will be a few who are disappointed about having no ‘real sex’ in this story. I am sorry to say there won’t be any of it, even in the final episode. I...
IncestMy wife was out of town for the week, which left me without much to do besides watching TV or catching the basketball games on the radio. So when rush hour hit, I headed to a nearby bar and sat at the rail to check out the traffic, ordering a gin and tonic to pass the time. It was an upscale crowd - yuppies, business men like myself, you know the type. As I swiveled my barstool around, getting a quick 360 of the clientele, I realized there was a woman sitting next to me. A good- looking...
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The Saturday morning after a pleasurable Friday afternoon where I allowed my husband to have his way with me, he arrange with his parents to look after our daughter the Saturday night so that him and I could have the night to ourselves. He told them that we were meet up with friends for a birthday although that wasn't altogether true at all. His parents were rather excited to have their grandaughter daughter over for the night and at about midday my husband, my daughter and I got into his car...
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I hadn't been in his cab for more than a half hour when the driver who picked me up, brought up the subject of sex to me."Last week, I had a guy and girl riding with me and they both liked giving me blow jobs. And, you know, if I closed my eyes, I couldn't tell the difference of which one was sucking me off. They were both excellent at sucking cock.""That sounds like you had a fun ride," I replied.The fact that I was a cute cross-dressing boy made the solution simple to me. My trucker was about...
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I mean I just wanted to visit my friend after a long time, have a good time and then come back. Instead, life decides to make things interesting for you. I mean, Nisha could have just worn all her clothes and come out. Now I am sitting on the toilet with my jeans and underwear down. My cock is rock hard after seeing her sexy body. Did I ask her to show her milky white skin wearing a small bra and jiggling her boobs in front of me? All I could do was hold my cock and jerk off, spitting a thick...
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So we were walking through the forest one day. My father was out fishing and looking for a good spot next to the river while I lingered behind him. That day I wore Dr. Marten's boots, black nylons, a black thong that was more like a string, a short black skirt, no bra (had smaller tits back then), a t-shirt, and a blue hoodie with a "daddy's girl" print on it.He finally found a spot and started fishing. I was quite bored and the book I brought was not interesting. Finally I had to go to pee so...
Casey was angry. The fastidious little man in the three-piece suit and horn-rimmed glasses across from him was fussing with the papers spread all over Casey desk. He couldn't hide his agitation when he growled, "Come on Mr. Timmons, I have been back here in the station for over three hours. I was supposed to get off over an hour ago at 8:00, and I have a date. Wilfred Timmons was cleaning his glasses when he said, "Don't be inpatient Mr. Jones. All of the paperwork has to be in order, fuel...
I had been riding with a new horse trainer for a couple of months when I was a teenager. He was one of the top trainers and he was also one of the most handsome men I had ever seen. He was around 6 foot 2 and very muscular. he had dark black hair with a hint of graying at the temples. Even though I had always been attracted to him I dismissed it as a schoolgirl crush and told myself that a wealthy good-looking guy like that would never bee interested in me. (boy was I wrong) I mean I was a very...
First TimeEine weitere Story aus der Feder meines Freundes - dies mal aus der anderen Perspektive des Cuckoldings. Ebenfalls frei erfunden und auf Englisch.---So the thing is that I actually never really cared much for other men. I was happy in the relationship I was in so I never understood the concept of cheating. So I never did. Having a history of checking my husbands browser history, looking for the porn he'd watched however, I stumbled across something called cuckold porn. The strange thing was...
Tuesday morning rolled around with Brian feeling better than ever. After the usual morning clean up and breakfast routine he headed down to the garage, before remembering that he never got his car from lot at work. "What an idiot" he thought to himself as he walked up to the main floor and called for a cab with his cell. He directed the driver to work and then read his mind for a bit while watching the city go by out the window. "Man, I hate this job! I can't believe I went to...
The accident had happened near the ranch owned by the elderly couple, so the woman rode in the back of the wagon while Fire Bringer drove it. The woman had been distracted by her concern for her husband, so she did not see what Fire Bringer did to replace the broken wheel. He made extensive use of TK to do the repair, and the job was completed in only a few minutes. There was not much that the medicine of the time could do for the man, so Fire Bringer did not use any of his skills to get to...
This chapter will make more sense and keep you in the flow of the story if you read Chapter 1 Constructive comments and emails are requested and very much appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment on my work. ******************* I’m glad my traveling days are over at least for a while, Lewis Randal said to himself. It was 2007 and he was finally home, well as close to a home as he’d had the last three years. It had been a long, hard, and sometimes painful journey. His...
I’ve been trying to arrange a hookup with this really hot guy named Danny for a few months now, but our schedules have never synced well enough to organise meeting up. I met Danny at a club a while back, and while we had a bit of fun, we didn’t get the chance to go as far as I would have liked! As we were texting, Danny mentioned that his band were playing in a club about a mile from where I live, so naturally the ideas started swirling around in my head.It turns out Danny couldn’t come after...
“No sir, your son has a chance to survive without it, however slim, and we are in desperate need of his machine for those who cant.” Said another. This was bullshit! No one was switching me off, I tried to say ‘What yo sayin fool’, you know to try and make the whole ‘returning from the dead’ thing abit more funny, but nothing happened. So I tried to throw my arms about, but nothing happened, I was starting to panic, then I thought that that might be a good idea, make my heart rate increase...
I woke up early Friday morning. Earlier even than my normal time. I got my pile of soggy towels into the laundry and since I was down there, did my morning upper body workout. I wanted to run outside today though. Screw the treadmill. I threw on my running gear and headed for the edge of the property. It was still very early in the morning and the sun hadn't even made it over the hills to the east. There was still dew on the grass and shrubs and I reveled in being able to lock onto little...
Hi, this is Ajit again, coming back with a new part of this story series. I hope you liked the previous parts. So without wasting your time, I will directly enter to this part. Manali: Mujhe kya karna hoga, yeh batao. Rahul: Aur kuch na sahi at least masturbate karwa do mere, please. Mere penis ko apne hath se pakad kar tab tak hilao jab tak yeh semen ko release na kare. Agar mere penis ko tumhare komal hatho ki sparsh milne ki naseeb ho toh shayed yeh rock hard penis jaldi pighal jaye aur...
A usual family that consisted of three persons moved from a small town into a big city. They were Clair, Tom and their 15-years-old daughter Kate. The life in the big city was much harder that they had ever expected. The family had lived well at their home town but here, in the big city, everything was out of control. Like Clair, Tom couldn’t find any work at all. it seemed that everybody wasn’t interested in their skills. No matter how hard they tried, nothing made it. On top of...
Tanya loved her parents bathtub. They had installed a massive, old style with the clawed feet, porcelain tub. The end away from the tap and outlet rose higher than the sides of the tub and was sloped back. There were folds in the sides of the tub where you could rest your arms, and just soak. The tub was set in a nook, with a louvered window right beside it. The window had a wide sill, convenient for holding drinks or books or whatever. There was a shelf on the wall near the tub that...
I park in front of John’s apartment. Marissa is sitting next to me and i can see she is very nervous. She’s about to go up into the apartment to have sex with my friend John. Well, my friend is paying me to have sex with my sister. I turn to look at Marissa and she turns to look at me. Her eyes are teary and she is visibly shaking. My arm goes over her shoulder and i bring her close to me. “Don't worry, honey. John is a good guy, he won’t hurt you.” I give her a smile. “I don’t know what to...
I don't really know how to start this. I don't really think that I should be writing this down but I don't know where else to put it. It's been driving me up the wall for the past 24 hours and if I told anyone I know then I would probably end up in a psychiatric ward or something. But since it has been tearing me up inside so much this seems like the best thing to do. I doubt that many of you will believe me but that is your choice. It's been happening to me so I know its true and I don't...
February 9, 1985, Milford, Ohio “Do you mind sitting in the waiting room for five minutes while I talk to Doctor Mercer about Angie?” “That’s fine,” Elizaveta replied as we walked through the door of the building where Doctor Mercer had her office. We went upstairs and into the waiting room and Doctor Mercer greeted us. Elizaveta sat on the couch and Doctor Mercer and I went into her office. “Elizaveta will join us after we talk about Angie,” I said. “You don’t need any private...
I had gone with my sweet wife to a Christmas party at her office.A while later, I started flirting with one of her girlfriends and lost track of Anita. The party was fine and I got several drinks hearing the loud music, before I noticed my sexy wife was out of sight there.As I began looking for her, one of her mates told me he had seen Ana at the upper floor. I went up and finally found her own office.My wife was there inside, passed out onto a couch.She was sprawled out with one leg on the...
Ida handed me the dildo and left me to soak in that lovely tub. I heard the doves and train whistles. I closed my eyes.Roger and Woody went home, Ida took then in the chicken coupe de ville and came home in the early hours of the next morning. "There were a few stops they didn't pull out when they were playing the organ for me, so I showed them. I hope you didn't mind.."I wanted to see both of them again, have some fun, have some SEX, but, somehow, I got caught up in events down there, and I...
you start your adventure in a warm tavern bed. sunlight streams in through the curtained windows, and a warm fire crackles at the foot of your bed. this was the inn where you chose to stop after a long day of travelling. the innkeepers had welcomed you with open arms, offered you all the food and drink your weary heart desired, and prepared your room whilst you warmed up by the fire. most of the evening had involved telling the people at the inn stories of your travels, every set of eyes in the...
BDSMThe women did not know what happened at first. One by one they woke up on the the floor of what looked like an old, abandoned warehouse. Just a few hours ago, they were on the big stage of the 2013 Miss universe competition. Now they lay on the floor with their hands tied behind their backs and gags in their mouths. Some tried to call for help, or scream in panic, but their gags muffled any sound they made. The women did not hear any noises they came to expect from such a big city like Moscow....
Pretty Girl's Curls 1. I was saddened when I heard that my Aunt Rose had died but puzzled by the news that I was needed at the reading of the will. My Aunt and I had been distant relations at best, and except for one summer that I stayed with her when I was ten, we had seen each other only two or three times in the years since. Don't get me wrong. I loved Aunt Rose dearly. She was a sweet, sweet woman. For years she had run her little beauty salon which she called Pretty...
My regular meetings with Mrs. Taylor continued into the following year when I was in Sixth Form. Although I hadn’t chosen to do French, I had kept in contact with Wendy and we managed to see one another outside school every four to six weeks, depending whether or not her husband was home. I was spanked each time, having confessed to Auntie Wendy what I had failed to do over the previous few weeks or for admitting having misbehaved or for simply making things up. Generally, this was my admission...
SpankingShit! It was my little sister Carrie. My spoilt little brat of a sister. The daughter my mother had always hankered for. The one she dressed in pink, treated like a porcelain doll, a little princess. When the fuck did she suddenly grow up? Being four years apart and me being a teenage boy I never took much notice of her. She was always much smaller than me, always the centre of attention, whilst I crept off to the shadows to “Do my own thing”. Gone was the “Bob” hair cut, the pretty...
The Staircase By Michael Alexander The light from the window cascaded downward into a thousand glittering fragments,spilling out across the dark stained steps of the staircase. It was the light,and the knowledge that he was at work, that almost gave her the courage todescend into the half-lit darkness below. Her fingers tightened on the carvedbanister and her knuckles whitened under the pressure. What dark secret didhe possess so utterly that the very though of broaching the borders of...
After the wedding had finished my girlfriend and I got in a cab to go back to the hotel where we were staying for the night.She was very drunk, and I was still feeling horny.I was able to give her pussy a good fingering while she dozed on my shoulder in the back of the cab, I caught the driver looking and he said was I enjoying myself.We got to the hotel and I had to nearly carry her to our room.She woke up a little when I got her on the bed, she kissed me and told me to get my cock out.Well I...
Sarah woke late the next morning to the sound of the doorbell. She quickly stepped into a pair of her sexy new knickers and pulled a silk dressing gown over her shoulders before running down the stairs. Looking through the security glass in the door Sarah could see a young man in overalls at the door, feeling very daring Sarah opened the door without closing her dressing gown at the front so that her large breasts were only partially covered by the thin fabric. As soon as she opened the door...
Vincent 'Vinnie' Stanier slowly opened his eyes; his body ached and was completely wet from the puddle of cold, green, pungent water he was lying in. On top of that, his head ached with a throbbing that was hard to ignore. He reached up to touch a bruise on his forehead. It felt about the size of an egg, was badly grazed and stung as he made contact, leaving traces of blood on his fingertips. He struggled painfully to his feet, woozy and unsteady. Looking around, all he could see were four...
"Well if you want to play games," he growled as he cuffed her hands behind her, "here's a game for you."She had been bothering him incessantly to come and play a board game with her, finally stripping down naked to try to get his attention. Her ploy had worked. She squirmed and giggled, then let out a little shriek as she suddenly felt the crop come down on her ass.It bit into her several more times and she began to lose her smile as she became preoccupied with the stirring between her legs....
SpankingCoyoacan Mi Amor Ch. 2 The story so far: Online lovers Dan Lissner and Dafna Greenbaum finally have a chance to meet while Dan is on a business trip to Mexico City, where Dafna lives and works as a math teacher at an exclusive private school. This is a big step for a couple wondering how to take a fulfilling but sometimes frustrating virtual relationship to the next level of intimacy. They learn to their dismay that works sometimes gets in the way of pleasure. However, Dafna has her own way of...