- 3 years ago
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I flirt with the ladies. It is just something that I did. I did it without even thinking about it; it just came natural. None of them were ever going to take me up on anything I said and I knew it. Christ, I was fifty-two years old and the girls I flirted with were all in their twenties and were married or had boyfriends. Besides, they all knew my wife and thought that we were happily married.
We weren't. Weren't happily married I mean, and hadn't been since the day two years ago when I found her in bed with another man. Harry Wiggins had cut his hand on the job and the boss had me drive him to the emergency room at the hospital. It was close to lunchtime so while Harry waited for them to do whatever it was that they were going to do I thought I'd run home for lunch.
That was something that I had never done before because I only got half an hour for lunch break and the house was twenty minutes from work. There was a car that I didn't recognize in the driveway and I figured that Lois had some girlfriend over. I knew that wasn't so as soon as the front door closed behind me.
The loud, "Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me," coming from the bedroom upstairs told me what was going on. I walked up the stairs and down the hall to a chorus of "Oh yes, oh yes, harder baby, harder, don't stop, I'm almost there, don't stop now."
The bedroom door was open and I stood in the doorway and watched some man I'd never seen before fuck Lois from behind while she cried, "Oh yes baby, fuck me, fuck me hard. Jesus, I can never get enough of your cock baby, I love your cock. Give it to me baby, give it to me."
Her head was on a pillow and she was on her knees and from where I stood in the doorway I couldn't tell whether he was in her ass or pussy, but then it didn't really matter — it was still infidelity. They hadn't noticed me and I stood there debating on whether to wade in swinging or just yell out, "Honey, I'm home" and watch them scramble, but in the end I did nothing. I turned and left the house and went back to the hospital to wait for Harry.
I never did tell Lois that she had been busted. I just accepted the fact that she was an unfaithful whore and let it go. I had no idea how long it had been going on and no idea why. I had thought that we had a good marriage and I know, or at least I thought I did, that there was nothing wrong with our sex life. We made love three and sometimes four times a week, sometimes twice in a night and I was willing to do anything that she wanted. What was important however, is that the marriage was dead — not over, just dead.
Why not over? Because I didn't have the energy for it. I'd been married once before and my first divorce had ruined me financially and had made me into an emotional basket case for years. If I was thirty-five or forty I might have done it, but not at fifty. Why start over? Lois kept a clean house, was a good cook, and did the laundry and all the other things that a wife does to make life move smoothly. We didn't argue or fight so I just decided to settle for a comfortable existence. So I said nothing about what I saw and life went on.
The only change was that I stopped having sex with Lois. When she asked why I told her that I was having some problems and was seeing a doctor. After two months I told her that I had acute erectile dysfunction and that I couldn't get a hard on. Another two months went by and then I told her that I had tried everything that the doctor had suggested, but that nothing worked and she would just have to get used to the fact that the sexual part of our marriage was over. She wasn't really happy about it, but I really didn't give a shit about how she felt about it.
I didn't give up sex though. There was a woman I went to high school with and she had lost her husband in the First Gulf War and she supplemented her income by servicing a few select customers and I paid her a visit twice a week.
Lois and I were in the habit of going out for breakfast every Saturday and Sunday and we always ate at the same restaurant. The place was just around the corner from where I worked and I had lunch in there two or three times during the week. There was a waitress working there named Tiffany and she was a lot of fun to be around. A tall girl, almost six feet, and with a hard, tight body to die for. She had the goods and she knew how to dress to show them off. Low hip huggers and tops that emphasized her high breasts and flat stomach. She had a wild side to her and she had several tattoos and a piercing or two that she also loved to show off.
I got in the habit of flirting with her at lunchtime and after a couple of months we had developed a rapport. The flirting progressed from the simple to the borderline raunchy and Tiff gave as good as she got. She had a stud through her tongue and one day I said, "One of these days you are going to have to explain or better yet, show me what the purpose of that thing is."
She stuck her tongue out at me and said, "First you will have to show me that your health insurance is up to date. When I put you in the hospital I want to know that you'll be taken care of."
One day when I came in after not stopping in for a week she came up to my table and lifted her top to show me that she'd had her navel pierced and was sporting what looked like a diamond stick pin.
"You know Tiff, I have a barely controllable urge to kiss your belly."
"I'd let you, but then you'd want to see the one farther down and if I let you see that one I'm afraid you would have a heart attack. I can't afford to lose any of my good tippers."
This kind of banter went on for months and then one day I came in to find that Tiff wasn't her usual cheery self.
"Got a problem Tiff?"
She slid into the booth across from me. "My asshole boyfriend just told me to move out. He said he was moving to Durango and was going to sell the house. Then he told me that when he got set up there he'd let me know and that I could join him. No talking about it at all. Just get out and I'll give you a call when I'm ready for you again."
"You going to be all right?"
"Yeah, I guess. I can stay with my girl friend for a while until I can find a place."
Then she got up and went back to work.
From then on every time I'd see her I'd ask how it was going and I'd get an update. One Saturday while at breakfast with Lois I asked how she was doing and she said, "Okay, but me and my girlfriend aren't getting along all that well and I'm looking for another place to stay."
"I'd offer you the use of our spare bedroom, but I don't think Lois here would be too happy about it. It would piss her off to know I'd be chasing you around the house every chance I got."
I know what Lois was thinking when I said that. "Yeah, and when you caught her you could sit down and play checkers or something."
Lois might have been an unfaithful whore, but she did have a lot of good qualities and she found Tiffany a place to stay, at least for a little while. She had a friend who was going abroad for a month and who was looking for a reliable house sitter for while she was gone. Lois got Tiffany the deal. In retrospect I guess you could say that what finally happened Lois brought on herself because I doubt that it would have happened had Tiff not gotten the house sitting gig.
Once Tiff started house sitting things began to happen. Her car started having problems and I offered to stop by after work and take a look at it. It had a hundred things wrong with it and every night I would stop by and do a little work on it. Tiff would ask me in for coffee when I was done for the evening and since she was rather casual in the way she dressed around the house I had ample opportunity to see her flat stomach, the long supple legs, and a hint of tit every once in a while. In short, she pretty much kept my dick hard.
In addition to her various piercings Tiffany also had several tattoos, two of which I could never see all of. One was down so low on her belly that I could only see the top third of it when she wore very low cut hip huggers. The other was on the inside of her left tit and I could only see about an inch of it sticking up above her bra or bikini top. I started joking with her about what I would have to do to see the entire tattoo. She would laugh and say, "Only my lover gets to see all."
Then the month was over, Lois's friend came back, I had Tiffany's car running and it was back to just seeing her at the restaurant.
We kidded and flirted like crazy and some of the other regulars began to think that we had something going. One day one of them asked me how an old fart like me was managing to keep up with a young fox like Tiffany. It was only then that I realized that I wished I actually could.
Two days later Tiff slid into the booth across from me and told me that she had given two weeks notice.
"Dave called last night and said he was ready for me."
"Are you sure that you really want to do this? He screwed over you once; do you really want to move yourself three hundred miles so he can do it again? At least when he did it here you had some people you could fall back on."
She didn't say anything, just got up and went back to work. I saw her three more times before she was due to leave, but the kidding around and flirting were gone. I didn't realize what a hole her going was going to leave in me. On what was supposed to be her last day I stopped in to say goodbye, but she wasn't there. I'd brought a card wishing her good luck and I left it with one of the other waitresses in case she came in. It was still sitting next to the cash register two days later. I asked Becky if Tiff had not come in and she told me that Tiff would be back to work the following Monday.
"What happened?"
"You'll have to ask her."
I changed my schedule the following Monday. I left the house two hours earlier so I could stop and have breakfast on my way to work. Tiff was there and when she came to take my order she handed me back my card.
"Thanks, it was sweet of you, but I can't use it."
"What happened?"
"I listened to you. When I got to Durango the first thing Dave said to me was, "It's about damned time you got here." His attitude sucked and then I remembered what you said about how he had screwed over me once and how could I be sure that he wouldn't do it again. It took me three minutes to tell him I'd only made the trip so I could tell him goodbye in person and now here I am."
"What are you going to do now?"
"I'm staying with my Uncle Ralph until I can find a place."
"If I can help let me know."
She reached down and touched my cheek with her hand and said, "You're sweet Mike. Thank you; I'll keep it in mind."
It was two days before I saw her again and asked her how her search for a place was going.
"Not good, but I need to find something quick."
"Things not going well at your uncle's?"
"I'm not comfortable there. I don't know why, but I feel that I have to lock the bedroom door when I'm there."
That night when I got off work I went to see a friend of mine who managed some apartments. I found out that he had a couple of vacancies and I told him that I wanted one of them. I had to work hard to convince him that I wasn't setting up a little love nest and I don't think I managed to do it because all he said was, "Okay Mike, whatever you say."
"I'm serious Dave. She's just a good kid that I've taken a liking to and I'm just trying to help her out. She can afford the rent, but there isn't any way that she could put down the last month's rent and security deposit. I'll put those up. When I send her over here just rent her the place and don't tell her about that, okay?"
"Sure Mike, whatever you say" he said with a grin that fairly screamed out, "You old stud."
"I'm serious Dave. Don't tell her what I've done; that will only complicate things."
Same grin, "Sure Mike, whatever you say. My lips are sealed."
The next morning I left for work early and I stopped by the restaurant for breakfast. When Tiffany waited on me I told her that I had found her an apartment and I gave her the address and told her to ask for Dave. The next day Tiffany caught me coming in the door and she threw her arms around me and gave me a big hug.
"Thank you Mike. Thank you, thank you, thank you" and then she kissed me on the cheek. I was just a little embarrassed by it especially since the place was full of customers, but what really bothered me was the rock hard erection I got when she pressed her soft body into mine. I just hoped that she hadn't felt it.
I had worked for Mr. Maxwell since leaving school, and though it mightn’t suit everyone, I’d enjoyed the last twenty years. I like living where I was born, and small-town Scotland still places commerce a rung above the more recently-invented professions. I was already as good as manager of Mr. Maxwell’s shop, with a smooth path to succeeding him on his retirement, and in most ways life was good. I fished and shot, sailed, studied local history and took pictures, but never joined the clubs. I...
There Was This Girl 6 – Tiffany I was just on the way to pick up a new plane. New to me anyway, and I didn’t want to mess around with the service center when I left for home, so I stopped in at the Safeway just down from the airport near Fountain Road and Murray and ran in for some goodies. I’d spent the night in the hotel, flying in from Lambert the night before, which was Monday. It was already Tuesday. Time flies, right? Anyway, I went into Safeway, getting ready to veer left into the deli...
"Tiffany" "Curtsey for Henry Tim sweetie." Madge said with a giggle as I minced and swished around the living room in the frilly beribboned taffeta dress complete with a layered, white chiffon petticoat. I did as I was told then standing in front of Madge and her friend Henry I wobbled on the stiletto heels then knelt a feminine curtsey! "Isn't sissy boy just darling?" Madge giggled as Henry looked me over and stifled a giggle himself as he noticed my face reddening even through the...
This may be archived/posted anywhere. Just give credit where credit is due, thanks! Tiffany By Pretzelgirl She wears a pale violet sweater And I'm so glad I have met her. She tackles life so un-fettered. She's kind to all she sees. Hair hangs down across her eyes. Her baggy jeans are oversized. (And she has nicely rounded thighs!) Her name is Tiffany. She's not afraid to laugh. And she stands up on behalf Of the weak and low and needy. She is Tiffany. She...
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IncestYe meri ISS par pehli kahani hai. Agar pasand ayee to plzz mujhe mail zruur karna. Meri email hai Mai banagalore ka rahane wala hoon kam bhi karta hoon aur meri age 24years hai. Baat unn dinoan ke hai jub mai ek medical shop mai kaam karate tha .mere ek gaon se aaya tha tu mere liye ek kamare diya tha mere owner ka naam naganedra shetty tha unka biwi anitha(name changed) aur unka figure tha 34 30 34 dikaney bahuth kaubsoort thi aur unki umar lagabag 28yrs thi. Bade bhabhi jinka naam rashmi...
i think it's gonna better if i tell the story from the begining. When i was born my father was very happy to heard a has ason. İ guess lmost he doesnt know after happens. From the time after some situation happened about somethings wrong but my parents prefer didnt talk about that until i was twelve. the year at the begining of effective my hormones top so my body was begining the transform like a girl. espicially my breast my booty my emotional situation not different from my body. İ feels...
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I woke the next morning with a sense of disorientation. I wasn't in my own bed. I was sleeping in my parents' room. Someone stirred next to me, and I turned to see Laura, her dark hair splayed out over the pillow, still asleep. Memories of the night before flooded back and I was instantly hard. My God! It was one of my favorite fantasies come true. But I was nervous as well. Somehow, last night, I had influenced her. I had directed her with the force of my will. What if it had worn off...
Walker and Mindy sleep in the nude on Mindy Weekends. Neither one tries to hide it from me, which I decide to regard as mature on their part. One Saturday morning, the sheets were down and I appraised her. Not pruriently, I was simply curious what my son’s girlfriend looked like in the buff. She looked good. About to turn 16, Mindy had just the slightest hint of baby fat around her waist. Which she told us more than once she hated and was working furiously to get rid of. Fortunately that...
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Jim could not believe he had just fucked his step daughter. He had wanted to since he began dating her mom and now that they were married she was under his roof and his cock was always hard thinking of her. She had pouty lips that begged to be kissed and nice full tits under her tight t-shirt. His cock got hard when he saw the hard nipples poking against the fabric. Then there was that sexy ass. He just wanted to grab it with his hands and feel it so bad. Today he was just out of the shower...
Cute MILF Alison Rey loves making money almost as much as she loves sex. That is why she is such a huge fan of camming. She gets the best of both worlds as she fills her pussy up with huge dildos while a ton of pervy guys shower her in cash. But when one of her fans spams her with messages, Alison is a little weirded out. She challenges the guy to come over and talk to her face to face. But when he shows up, she cannot believe her eyes! He ties her up with some rope and then makes her gag on...
xmoviesforyouI have always liked the fact that Jamie’s friends enjoy hanging out at our house. That way I know what they’re up to and not out on the streets getting into some mischief. Plus, if he’s gone the house gets a little lonely and quiet since my divorce.Usually, they’re playing video games or watching sports like most seventeen-year-old boys but I like hearing them laughing and cutting up down in the ‘man cave’. I went downstairs to get some laundry done the other night and saw Jamie and three of...
IncestI have always had a high sexdrive and wanked a lot. I have been lucky enough in my life to have a decent amount of fun sex but have always been addicted to porn as well. Recently I have enjoyed taking a lot of c*ke and spending the night in wanking for hours and stopping myself coming until one almighty orgasm. I watch porn and chat to people about sex for hours. I know it is a terrible waste of life but I love it. Please tell me there is someone else out there like me?I regularly turn down a...
About mid march 2015 me and my wife had got into an argument over the idea of going to a swingers club. I liked the idea but she did not whatsoever. I had just gotten back from a business trip and most of my nights away I watched DP videos and Footjob videos jerking off each night but not cumming figured i'd build one up for my wife. But that wasn't happening. Later on that night she went to bed and I left to the bar. I figured I'd get drunk then go home rub one out and go to bed. When I was at...
Note to the reader: In this diary I will tell the true stories of my sexual encounters that have come about thanks to the Internet. Some more precise details such as names and places will be left out to protect other’s privacy, and mine, and also because they don’t matter, but otherwise I will try to be as accurate and truthful as possible. After my first experience with Ed, I took a break from looking for meetings through the Internet, mainly because I moved to a different country for a year....
Linus woke up normally, just as any other. But one thing felt odd, he felt a bit too loose - like after having a really good massage. He didn't think more about it besides it feeling really good, all of his normal stiffness was gone. He checked his phone but nothing interesting got his interest. After a few minutes, he decided that it was time for breakfast, so he sat up, placed his legs over the edge and sat there staring at his stomach. Normally his stomach was flat, with a bit of excessive...
FantasyI had gone to Baton Rouge, for a very boring conference there.Now I was driving back home at Savannah and I was feeling a bit tired after more than seven hours in the road. The sun was falling down and I really needed some rest before continuing the drive.I suddenly saw ahead a truck parking area with restrooms. So, without any hesitation, I pulled over and parked there.It was cold outside; but in my warm car, I reclined the seat just enough to provide some comfort to myself. I had parked near...
Jeff awakened in his bed, just as he had every day for more than a decade. Only this time when he awoke he was not alone. As he looked at the back of the woman who had climbed out of his bed as she made her way into the on-suite bath he smiled. At 49 he was looking at perfection. Bree was all youth. Long slender legs, flat belly, just a bubble of butt, strong shoulders, long luxurious hair. Bree was 18… and she was his only c***d.His mind whirled with thoughts as he laid back down and rolled...
It was time to take the fight to the Stypos uccubus Queen head quaters. You have spent many months preparing for this day. Thanks to the rebels within your villages, they were able to muster up a horse and some gear to aid you on your venture. Riding out a few miles from your village, you finally come acorss the large catherdral looking building in the middle of a large forest clearing. "This must be the place.. " You speak to yourself as he hop off of the horse. You look down and see that your...
FetishThe old man buckled the worn gunbelt around his thin waist with the ease of long decades of experience. He was dressed in a black broadcloth suit with a white silk shirt and worn, but shiny low heeled black boots. On his head was an old ten gallon hat it's crown circled by gold eagles. The gunbelt was old as well and shiny with age, the golden eagles inset into the belt and holsters had long ago been worn smooth from handling. The frontier Colts the old man wore had seen uncounted numbers of...
Breakfast the next morning was a somewhat drawn-out affair, with people coming into the kitchen in ones and twos. Jessica served up bacon, eggs, and toast to most of the family, although Toby and his grandfather settled for juice and coffee. “I’m going out to play some hoops, remember? If I eat now, I’m going to lose it for sure during the game.” commented her son. “Same here. I’ll grab something at lunchtime.” commented Bill. When they were finished, the boys put their dishes in the...
Mrs. Brown, the lady who lived next door to me for several years was an attractive woman in her early 40s. She lived alone and spent much of her time outdoors working around her house tending to her flower beds and the yard. She often hired me to mow her lawn and do other odd jobs to help her out. I never really paid close attention to her until I was mid puberty when my hormones were on fire, and I began to study her more closely and I found myself easily aroused in her presence. About a year...
Julie out on her own – with Mike – CD/TV/TS, MMLiving with my folks was OK, but when I finished college, like most k**s, I got a decent job and was eager to get a place of my own and taste more freedom … and COCK! (Well, most k**s want to taste opposite gender genitals, but you know what I mean.) Several of my friends had moved out earlier than I did, having not gone to college for a full four years, some not having gone to college at all, yet getting decent jobs through what they knew and/or...
Mike’s curiosity was beginning to feel uncomfortably like pure suspicion. He’d never had any reason to feel suspicious of Toni before, and he didn’t like the way it felt, but ever since he’d given her that hundred dollars she asked for a week ago she’d been acting strangely. Toni was going to community college, but also working a part-time job. It wasn’t that Mike minded giving his daughter some extra money when she needed it, but she was very evasive anytime he tried to ask what she needed it...
Hey, this is Aarushi again and this is another incest story about me for those who don’t know me and I am from Delhi and currently 24 years old. My figure is 32-26-34.I love incest and sex and this one is my fictional incest story. I hope you like it. Send your views to me at you can also check my Google plus account at My brother Sunny had sent his resume all over the country. He had his degree and was eager to get on with his life but I was...
IncestAuditions************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan April 2005The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.*************************************************Three or four times a year a sign saying ‘Auditions’ used to appear at the entrance to...
My husband Josh works for a IT company and is called away on business quite a lot. Today was no exception except today he was going with a work college named Steve. You see Steve had only started with the company 2 months before and this was his first trip interstate so he had to go with someone to show him the ropes. We meet Steve and his beautiful wife Joyce briefly when he joined the company but had not seen them since that day.Josh came home from work that faithful day and said he and Steve...
By Monday and Tuesday, we had gotten into the routine of being at the beach in the morning. Lunch at the picnic table. After lunch, Carol would find something to do with Steve for a couple of hours, and Brad and I would go to the cabin, go to bed for over an hour then shower. We would have dinner around 6:00, and then Brad would take off to find Barbara. Steve, Carol and I would play cards until it was time to retire for the night. Carol and Steve would have sex. I would masturbate, Brad,...
Catherine and I were sitting on the floor, using the bed as protection, should gunfire come through the rear windows. I held her and said, "It's Ok. We're going to be fine, but, remember that you don't know for sure if everyone in here with us is strictly on our side, so don't let anyone get behind you, no matter what." She gave me the look. "I'm the pro here. You DON'T have to remind me about simple things." I said nothing and waited for what she said to hit her. "Oh ... I HAVE...
I'm a 22 year old male that loves pantyhose. Just the sight of a woman in pantyhose can give me a hard on. I often go out with friends on the weekend and I'm always targeting the girls that are wearing them. Now I'm not bragging, but ever since jr. high I was aware of the fact that girls were attracted to me. I've never really had much of a problem picking up women but I do have a problem telling them about my fetish. They were probably able to tell anyway by the way I would caressed their legs...
I had spent the day thinking of just how great having sex with Corky was when the phone rang and there was Corky on the other end. "You free right now whore?" he asked me and I knew right off he was going to want more sex. "I'm free for you anytime lover" I replied. Joe had gone to work and I knew i would have the day to myself, but to have it with Corky again got my heart going even faster. "Get into something sexy and get your fuckin' ass down here" he ordered and as soon as I hung up I...