Halloween For Life Chapter 24 (Timeline 1) free porn video

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Halloween For Life (A Fan Fiction Continuation) Jordan Nicole is Born Chapter 24 Pain, confusion, nausea, loneliness. Jordan laid in bed, not moving, eyes closed, and tried to remember who he or she was, where he or she was, and how he got here. Jordan felt sore all over, with biting sharp pains in weird places. On his waist. Under his underarms. She felt trapped, isolated, and alone. Jordan could feel a fog cloud his mind, and had no idea how much time had gone by, but it must have been several hours. Jordan imagined that even Mr. Johanson, who had driven Jordan to the clinic, would assume that Jordan was home by now. Jordan thought back to those first few days in Phoenix before he had started his new job. He had just gotten a fabulous new job with tons of responsibility. Anna had good prospects (besides, accountants can work anywhere). They were on their way, westward ho. Life was good. Phoenix had seemed like such a relaxed (and warm) place to live - so different than stuffy, up-tight Maine. Everything had seemed possible. But now? I have had a hell of a time, Jordan Nicole thought to herself, miserably. For the second week in a row, she had a medical emergency. The first time was a laryngitis (probably with a dose of flu on top), and now this second time was this weird allergic reaction to the breast forms. I hope the new forms are hypoallergenic, she thought. Jordan Nicole just laid there for a minute, catatonic, feeling the pain throbbing. At this stage, Jordan was ready to just throw away the breast forms and say 'screw it' to the world. Nothing was worth this! What was he thinking, anyway, dressing up as a woman at his job? What a stupid idea this had been all along. Not that there weren't moments where it was nice. That moment when the machinist was deferential. Being taught football by the entire Cardinals offensive line. Reading a bedtime story to Bella. Being kissed by Angela. Being held by Matt... But no! Enough was *enough*! Jordan couldn't take even one more second playing this charade. He was just going to walk right out of the clinic and tell everyone he was Jordan, an ordinary man! And nothing was going to stop him this time! It was over. No more pretending. No more dishonesty. Jordan thought about all of the people he would hurt, all of the friends he would lose. Certainly Matt and Bella. Definitely Angela. Probably Jason. He'd lose his job. He'd be persona-non-grata in the Arizona manufacturing community he was sure of that. He only hoped it wouldn't affect Anna's job! They needed her job now more than ever. Suddenly, Jordan was overcome by a wave of despair and sadness. It all seemed so hopeless! Tears leaked from his eyes as he hugged the pillow tighter. "Jordan?" Jordan felt a hand on his shoulder. He opened his eyes. "Anna?" Jordan asked, tenuously. Anna, who had been watching Jordan from a bedside chair, got up and pulled Jordan into a hug. "Oh, Anna!" Jordan cried, as his wife gently cradled him. Jordan pressed his face into his wife's shoulder, smelling her familiar scent, and sobbed as a week's worth of pent up frustration and worry was finally released. * * * It had happened the night before. Anna was at a restaurant with Ray Santos. Anna had excused herself to go to the bathroom, and then after a moment Ray had done the same. He was there when she exited the bathroom. "You seem to be avoiding me lately, Anna," Ray observed. "Mr. Santos--" Anna said, backing away slightly. Santos moved in closer, standing uncomfortably close. "Ray." "Yes, Ray," Anna sighed. "I'm married, and... and..." Anna fumbled with the words, "and I know it sounds old fashioned, but I need to keep my marriage vows." "Yes, I know that's what you keep saying," Ray said smoothly, "but your body is singing a different tune." Ray moved his body closer, his face just an inch from hers. Anna looked up and somehow they were kissing. Ray pressed his body against her. She felt his hard cock against her hip and suddenly she was desperately horny.... as in dripping and panting horny. She wanted this. She wanted this more than almost anything in the world! Almost... "Stop! I can't!" Anna said, disengaging herself and pushing Santos aside. "I have to get the fuck out of here!" Anna muttered, muscling her way past Santos (who looked after her with an amused grin and grabbed her ass as she squeezed by). Anna walked out of the restaurant, waving to the other trainees and telling them that she wasn't feeling well. She fetched a cab to the airport where she discovered there were no flights back to Phoenix. So she rented a car. Angela had seem oddly subdued when Anna showed up at her apartment. Of course, it was 7am in the morning. Anna looked across the street at what was her own apartment. It looked normal, actually, except for the yellow caution tape which crisscrossed the front door. A piece had come off and was now flapping in the light morning air. "Jordan's not here," Angela said. "I... I think she's at the clinic." "The clinic?" Anna asked, shocked. "Yes, getting breast implants." She must mean breast forms, Anna thought, driving to the clinic. I *hope* she means breast forms! But why would Jordan have to spend the night at the clinic to get breast forms? But no. Apparently Jordan had experienced a bad allergic reaction to his first set of breast forms. Okay, so that explains it, Anna thought. Poor Jordan! But, my god, Anna thought, look at her! Her entire upper body was bandaged and contained in some weird support bra with special straps everywhere. She had an IV drip connected to her wrist. And her face! Jordan was barely recognizable. His face... HER face, was so clear and feminine, with gentle arched eyebrows and subtle softening. Had the allergic reaction done that? Made Jordan's face softer? And her hair looked so full and long. Platinum blonde curls of hair cascaded down over her face and shoulders, just bruising against the tops of her breasts. Had her hair grown that much in just a week? Or was it the result of the spa treatments? And then Anna saw Jordan start to cry. * * * After Anna stopped by, Angela went back into her apartment and sat at the kitchen table. She hadn't slept well the last couple of nights and she felt numb. "Jordan..." she said, for about the millionth time. Her heart ached for her roommate. She had forced herself to stay away for fear that she would say something too creepy. Something like 'I love you Jordan'... "Angela, snap out of it!" she said, slapping herself on the face. "This is not like you!" It had been a miserable couple of days, but she felt she was starting to climb out of her funk. Being alone in the empty apartment, not constantly trying to avoid or dodge her boss, had finally given her the breathing room to reflect on what happened at the slumber party. Jordan was out of her league, but a mile. There was no way she and Jordan would be anything but best friends. "Which is more than enough," Angela decided. Firmly and decidedly. So now what? Well, the 'fire recovery charity' party was on Tuesday and she still had a lot of shopping to do. Why not now? And maybe she should call Jason and encourage him to come with her? He could help her shop for Jordan! And even better, she could help Jason shop for a ring for Anna! Angela felt her juices start to flow again. * * * "Oh god, I hurt all over," Jordan moaned. For Anna, even after having talked on the phone almost every day, hearing Jordan's voice in person was surreal. It was so high and lilting! Of course, Jordan had told her that he thought it was because of the laryngitis, but now Anna had her doubts. It sounded too good. Too feminine and beautiful. "Well, you look awful," Anna supplied, deciding that now was not the right time to discuss Jordan's voice. "Thanks," Jordan said, sarcastically. "I love your bedside manner." "Oh Jordan, how I missed you!" Anna laughed. "I know it's only been a week, but honestly it feels like a year." "I know! I can't believe everything that's happened since you left. It feels like an eternity. There was the clinic, then Bella's party, and then the fire..." Just as he mentioned the fire, Jordan looked at Anna, eyes wide. "Oh Anna," he said, tearing up. "I am so sorry!" "Shush, shush," Anna said, comforting her delicate husband. "It was an accident. It's okay. We'll get through this together, okay?" "Okay," Jordan said, tremulously, his lip quivering. "I love you, Anna." "And I love you too." The two hugged for a long time, Anna sitting with Jordan on the hospital bed stroking his back and running her hands through his beautiful hair until Jordan settled down. As they sat there, a nurse came in, took Jordan's vitals, and then handed him some pills. "For your pain," the nurse said, simply. She watched, making sure that Jordan took the pills before leaving. Anna and Jordan held hands and sat together, saying nothing. "So now what?" Anna asked. "Let's get out of here," Jordan suggested. "Get out...?" Anna said with a conspiratorial whisper. "What... you mean just walk out?" "That's what I did last time." "Seriously? Shouldn't we wait for the doctor or the nurse or something?" "No. I want to get out of here as soon as possible. Besides which, it's just an allergic reaction. It's not like I had major surgery. I'm fine." "Well, okay." Anna helped Jordan get out of bed. "Oh, shit!" Jordan said, doubling over as he stepped onto the floor. "What?" "My stomach... it hurts!" "Jordan! Get back in bed!" "No! Please Anna, I just... I just want to leave and spend some quiet time with you, okay? Every minute in this place means another minute that I can't spend with my wife." Anna blushed and felt uncomfortable when she heard this Jordan say 'wife'. It was weird to hear a woman's voice say those words. "Well okay, Jordan, if you say so." Anna found Jordan's underwear neatly folded in a dresser drawer. "New Victoria's Secret undies?" she asked, looking at the lace 'cheekini' briefs. "Yeah, well, Rebecca picked them out for me," Jordan said. And then Johanson paid for them, he remembered. But he decided not to tell Anna that little tidbit. Jordan put on the briefs underneath the hospital gown. "It's the same sundress!" Anna said, delighted, fetching it from the closet. "You must have thought I was coming." "No, I just felt like wearing it," Jordan admitted, carefully removing the IV drip from his wrist and covering it with a bandage. "Oh, Jordan!" Anna gasped as Jordan stripped of the medical gown. "What happened to you?" Not only was Jordan's chest bandaged and strapped in with a special support harness, but also his midsection was bandaged and he was wearing a medical-style waist cinch. Jordan looked at himself in the mirror. He looked haggard and trussed up. With all of the bandaging and heavy support garments, he looked a little like a 1950's housewife modeling for a Playtex ad. "I guess the reaction must have gotten worse and spread over the rest of my body," Jordan reasoned. "I did eventually go into anaphylactic shock." "Oh, Jordan!" Anna pulled Jordan into another hug, feeling his support underwear as they hugged. "Maybe you should stay and talk to the doctor?" "No," Jordan persisted. "I really just want to get out of here and be with you. Please, Anna," Jordan pleaded. "Please help me escape this place." And so they carefully dressed Jordan in the sundress, pulling it down over his body. "Do I still have breast forms on?" Jordan asked, feeling his chest which seemed unnaturally heavy and full. "I don't know," Anna said. "Maybe it's just left over swelling and a bunch of bandages?" "I suppose it could be..." After a week of wearing Size DD breast forms, Jordan did feel lighter. Maybe it *was* just some swelling? Jordan stepped into the pink heels, and quickly brushed his hair as Anna fetched his purse and other things. "Look, a bag from Dr. Green," Anna said, holding up a shopping bag with the clinic's logo on it. "It contains some more bandages, another bra, another waist cinch, and..." she dug through the contents of the bag "a bunch of pills." "They must be pills for the pain and to help control the swelling." By now it was about 8:30am and the clinic was starting to buzz with more activity. As Jordan and Anna walked past the nurse's desk, the nurse on duty (a different one than before) looked up at them with weary eyes and smiled. Soon they were out in the main lobby with the marble floors, the water fountain and the sunny skylights and then they walked right out the front door. 'Well that was easy,' Jordan thought to himself. Checking her phone, Anna found a nice local hotel and spa. After a short drive, they checked in and put up the 'do not disturb' sign. "And now, sleep," Anna said, yawning. "I've been up all night," she explained. "It was a long drive." "Oh Anna, I love you!" Jordan said, as they both collapsed into bed. Jordan decided to leave on all of the support garments for now. "Thank you for being here. I... I can't tell you how much this means to me." The two cuddled up and quickly fell asleep. * * * "Hello?" "Jason!" Johanson's voice on the other side of the line was overly exuberant. "How is my favorite HR director?" "I'm your only HR directory," Jason reminded him. "Yes, well... So Jason! I need for you to come to a luncheon tomorrow. It's with one of our major stockholders, Rebecca Guertin. She's giving a luncheon for the members of the ACS Gala committee. Can I count on you to be there?" A luncheon? To Jason this sounded very strange and not a little bit fishy. Why would Johanson be asking him to a luncheon on Sunday? And why at the last minute like this? "By the way, Jason, I heard from Dr. Green this morning." "Dr. Green?" Jason said, his heart in his throat. "Yes. Apparently Jordan's surgery went perfectly. She now has a beautiful pair of Size-D breasts. I'm paying for them, of course." "Oh god, no..." Jason's heart sank through the floor. "How could you?" "Dr. Green says she asked for them. And guess what? Dr. Green was able to give her some liposuction as well. Now our Jordan will no longer have to wear that terrible corset she's wearing all the time." Jason slipped off his chair and sat to the floor, his overwhelming guilt a bitter taste in his mouth. "Jordan, with breast implants..." Jason shook his head, feeling awful for his friend. He had *no* idea that Johanson and Green were cooking this up. Jason had thought that after throat surgery things had spun out of control. But now this? "So Jason, how about coming to that luncheon?" Johanson asked. The implication could not have been more clear. Johanson was not-so- subtly reminding Jason that they were in this together. That they were cohorts in Jordan's transformation. "Yes sir," Jason said, feeling beaten. "And why don't you call your fianc?, Anna, and ask her to join you?" "ANNA?" Jason exclaimed, surprised. That was the last name he expected. "But, but..." he sputtered. "She's in Utah." "Apparently not. Dr. Green says that Anna visited Jordan at the clinic this morning and the two of them checked out together." "Oh my god..." Jason felt horrible. If Anna visited Jordan at the clinic, then both of them would know that Jordan had the surgery. If Jordan or Anna ever found out about Jason's role in his surgeries... Jason put that out of his mind. It was a scenario too awful to contemplate. "So, you'll call her?" Johanson said, "and invite her to the luncheon?" "Yes, sir," Jason said, defeated. * * * "Well, should we unwrap these bandages and see the damage?" Jordan asked. Jordan and Anna were finishing off a room-service lunch of pasta and burgers. "I want comfort food," Jordan had said, although he didn't eat that much. Jordan was wearing a fuzzy white hotel robe (with the Hotel logo stitched on the breast in gold embroidery) and was naked underneath except for the bandages and support garments. "Might as well," said Anna. Anna first removed the support-bra. Jordan tried to help (the hooks were in front) but Anna slapped his hands away. "Let me take care of you," she insisted. After removing the bra, there was surgical gauze wrapped around Jordan's torso, which Anna next carefully unwrapped. It took a minute because there was so many layers. But eventually, Anna undid the last wrapping and revealed... "Oh... Jordan," Anna said, holding a hand to her mouth. "Oh no..." "What?" Jordan asked. "Is there some swelling?" Jordan looked down. "No..." he whispered. "You have..." Anna started, but just couldn't finish the sentence. Jordan walked gingerly to a full-length mirror by the bathroom door. "I have... Oh Anna!" Jordan cried. "I HAVE BREASTS!!" It was true and undeniable. Jordan had breasts. Jordan reached up to touch them himself, still not believing as the woman in the mirror followed his movements. Then the touch...he felt it, it was real. They were real, but how? "Dr. Green!" Jordan hissed, suddenly furious. "He... he gave me implants!! Was it Angela? Did she tell him to give these to me?" "Maybe it's just swelling...?" Anna tried to say. "Anna!" "Okay, okay. Can you... I mean... what do they feel like?" Jordan gently reached up to cup his breasts. "Ow," he said. "They feel sore. And warm." Jordan started to slowly massage them. "I just can't believe it. No doctor would do this without permission! Did you sign something?" "Of course not! No wait..." a flash of memory came back to Jordan. "Okay, yes, I did sign something." "Did you read it first?" Anna asked, astonished. "No! My chest was itching like mad from the reaction, and... I was feeling... woozy." "Woozy? What do you mean?" "I..." Jordan looked around. He spied his pink purse. "The pills!" Jordan fetched the purse and dug out the antihistamines from Angela. "They made me feel weird. Like... happy. Catatonic. In a fog. Something like that." "Angela gave you these?" Anna said, anger in her voice as she opened up the pill bottle and put some of the pills in her hand. They were white and diamond shaped. "These are NOT antihistamines. I know this brand, and they look nothing like this. See? There's a picture of the pill on the bottle." "No, Angela didn't give them to me," Jordan explained. "I got them from the medicine cabinet. The itching under the breast forms was so bad, I had to do something about it." "Well, I think that Angela has re-used the bottle for something else," Anna said. "Who knows what these are." "Oh jeez..." Jordan said, with dawning comprehension. "I think these are the pills which made me so loopy the last time I went to the clinic." "How many did you have?" "When, last time or this time?" "Both times." "I had two last time, and I was barely able to function. And this time..." Jordan thought back. "Six?" "**SIX**????" Anna shouted. "Are you INSANE? Taking six strange pills? You could have DIED!" "I took two in the morning and four in the afternoon," Jordan tried to explain, feeling helpless and horrible. "They were only supposed to be antihistamines!" "Oh Jordan," Anna said, pulling Jordan into a hug. Anna was still wearing her hotel robe, so as they hugged, Jordan felt his nipples rub against the soft terry-cloth fabric and stiffen with excitement. 'Oh, that's nice,' Jordan thought to himself. His breasts had been completely covered for almost an entire week! And now they felt so sensitive to every little touch. But then, Anna put her arms around him. "Ow," Jordan said, pulling back. "That hurts." "Where?" "Here, under my armpits." Jordan raised his arm for Anna to look. "Oh my god," she said. "There are incisions here. Do you think... is this how he inserted the implants? All the way from your armpit to your breast? Is such a thing possible? And the incisions - they look WAY too small. My god if Dr. Green is able to do that, he really is a genius." "You mean the man who just mutilated your husband??" "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! It's just, I mean, you gotta admit, it's pretty amazing. This must have cost a fortune!" Suddenly Anna and Jordan looked at each other. "Who..." Anna said. "... the hell..." Jordan continued. "... is paying..." "... for all this surgery?" Jordan sat down heavily on the bed, wincing as his Size-D breasts bounced uncomfortably. "Oh my god," Jordan said, suddenly feeling like he was in the middle of a massive conspiracy. "It's not you, is it?" "NO!!" Anna said, horrified. "But... I remember the note from Dr. Green when I got the breast forms. It said: 'Talked to Anna, she agrees you need new breasts.' I just assumed that's you had told him I wanted breast forms, not implants." "It is!" Anna said. "Or at least I think it was." Suddenly, Anna had doubts. What had she said, exactly? Anna tried to reconstruct the conversation she had had over the phone with Dr. Green a week ago. "Oh my god, Jordan, what if I... I accidentally... I mean, I would NEVER tell Dr. Green you wanted breast augmentation surgery. But what if I said you wanted new breasts or something thinking meaning breast forms but that Dr. Green thought I meant... implants? Oh Jordan!" Anna's lip trembled. "What have I done??" she said. "Do you think..." More snatches of conversations at the clinic came to her. "When I called to check on you, they told me I was your medical decision maker. What if... what if..." Anna looked at Jordan, breathing hard, "what if I, somehow, if it was me that made the decision to give you implants! Oh, Jordan!!" Anna dissolved into tears. This time it was Jordan's turn to comfort Anna as she sobbed and felt the full guilt of her mistake. "It was just a misunderstanding," Jordan said, over and over. "You didn't mean it. I can get these reversed, I'm sure I can! It will be okay, Anna." "Will it?" she asked through tearful eyes. "Yes, it will," Jordan said. "But how?" "I don't know, but we'll figure it out!" "I wish we had never moved to Phoenix," Anna said bitterly, on the edge of another breakdown. "I had no idea that my idea of a Halloween costume would lead to all this. You believe me, don't you, Jordan?" "Oh Anna! Of course I do!" "It's been nothing but misery. Being away from you for this horribly long training, and having to endure that good for nothing busybody Angela--" "Angela's not all that bad, actually." "And the fire..." Jordan and Anna looked at each other for a second and an unspoken understanding passed between them. Anna pulled Jordan into a hug and the two hung onto each other for an eternity. * * * The barriers had fallen and now a flood of conversation burst forth. Jordan told Anna all about sneaking out of the clinic the first time and Bella's party and the manufacturing problem that he and Angela were trying to track down. Anna told Jordan all about Ray Santos' advances and the other trainees at the party, and the sorts of things she was learning at the training about the company and how they did things. But some things were left unsaid. Jordan hid his sessions with RoseMarie. And Anna hid how she reciprocated her boss' advances and how horny he had made her feel. And Jordan didn't tell Anna about how he was expected to do an interview on Tuesday. He still wanted to save that as a surprise. * * * Finally, Jordan stepped out of his support waist cinch and then unwrapped the bandages around his middle. "Oh, Jordan," Anna said, seeing his trim waist and hourglass figure. "So that's what Dr. Green meant," Jordan said, remembering his conversation with the doctor from the day before. "He said something about 'achieving something with a lot less fuss.' I guess he was talking about this." "You'll never need to wear a corset again," Anna observed. Jordan's waist was now trim and he had womanly curves from top to bottom. Jordan looked in the mirror with a more careful eye. Were his hips bigger? And his bottom? "No, it *must* just be an illusion from the much narrower waist," Jordan thought not yet recognizing the impacts of the hormones on his body. They both took a step back. "Dr. Green does amazing work," Jordan admitted. All the parts of his body were now in harmony. With the gaff on, Jordan looked like a young woman in every respect. "I have a beautiful body," Jordan said, out loud. "Yes, you do," Anna admitted, feeling a touch envious. Jordan's curves were now more pronounced than hers. His breasts were bigger, and his bottom curvier. In his head, Jordan could hear RoseMarie's affirmations. 'I love my body,' he thought to himself. 'I love this body. I love being a woman.' Jordan Nicole shook her head to clear it. The affirmations seemed to be getting stronger. But they were only plants, right? They were not things he actually believed... right? * * * Finally, Jordan and Anna laid in bed together and debated who was paying for Jordan's surgeries. They considered everyone. Jason, Angela, Tiffani, Matt Coleman, RoseMarie, Jordan's parents, even the mechanic David Guertin. But after all of their discussions and back and forth, there was only one obvious candidate. "It has to be Johanson," Jordan said. "It just has to be. I told you, Johanson is far too friendly." "But why?" Anna asked. "Why would he want to pay for your surgeries? I'm sure they are enormously expensive. I looked it up. Dr. Green is one of the premier plastic surgeons in the state." "I think he likes me," Jordan said, simply. "What do you mean, he 'likes you'? Does he 'like you' like you?" Anna asked, with a romantically suggestive emphasis on the first 'like you'. "Or does he just, you know, 'like you' like you?" Jordan laughed. I can't believe I'm having such a girly conversation with Anna! the thought went through his head. It was nice to be chatting with her like this. Like girlfriends. "You know, he 'likes me' likes me," Jordan said, with a shrug, implying that Johanson wanted to become his boyfriend. "You? Really?" "Hey!" Jordan said, incensed. "Are you saying that I'm not good looking enough?" Anna laughed. How could she be having this conversation with her *husband*?? she wondered. Arguing over whether or not he was good looking enough to attract a wealthy industrialist? It was like being with her roommate in college. "Okay, so what if he does 'like you' like you, and that's why he's paying for your surgeries. What do we do about it?" Anna asked. "We make him admit it and then nail his ass to the floor!" Jordan said, angrily. "He has to pay!" "He *is* paying," Anna pointed out. "That's not what I meant!" Jordan said. "He has to pay for this... this... hiding stuff and paying for my surgeries!" "But you signed the papers," Anna pointed out. "And I..." her lip started to quiver, but she controlled herself, "and I told Dr. Green you wanted breasts." "I don't care. I want to confront him." "But Jordan--" Just then, Anna's cell phone rang. She looked at the screen. "It's Jason!" "What's he want?" Anna picked up the phone and chatted with Jason for a second. "Hold on, Jason." Anna turned to Jordan. "What's this about a luncheon?" "Oh..." Jordan's faced burned with shame. "I, uh, agreed to go to a luncheon with Johanson." "Why would you do that?" Jordan wondered if he should tell Anna about how Jason had lost his temper and had become scary, and how Johanson had swooped in and calmed things down, just in time. "He said it was for a major stockholder who wanted to meet an 'up and coming' young employee." "Seriously?" Anna rolled her eyes. "Give me that!" Jordan snatched the phone away from Anna. "Jason? I'm not going to the luncheon." Jordan listened to Jason for a while. "I don't care if Johanson invited you or how important this is. I just don't want to go." Jordan listened to Jason some more. He was being very persistent. "Jason!" Jordan finally said. "Listen to me! I'm not going! Okay?" As Jordan continued to argue with Jason, he seemed oblivious of the feminine hand-motions that he was making to emphasize his points. But Nicole noticed. 'Just like my old college roommate,' she thought to herself. 'The one who talked more with hands than with her mouth. If I didn't know better, I would have sworn Jordan was born a she, that my husband was really a woman - and had always been a woman.' Finally, Jason seemed to understand. The two finished up their call and Jordan hung up. "Sheesh," Jordan rolled his eyes. "Now, where were we?" "How to confront Johanson about how he's paying for my surgeries." "Right. So what's your goal?" "Anna!" Jordan was incensed. "I want him to pay to have everything undone! I want my old body back! I want to get rid of these," Jordan gestured to his chest, "and go back to being a proper husband for my wife!" "Okay, but you know..." Anna bit her lip. She was going to say 'you make a more beautiful woman than you are a man,' but then she stopped herself. "But you know...what?" Jordan demanded. Anna debated whether or not she should bring up the possibility of Jordan remaining a woman. Already his body hair was permanently removed. His voice had changed - although perhaps that could be fixed. And now with this figure... "Nothing. Okay, so you want Johanson to pay to have your surgeries reversed. Fine. But first we have to know for sure, with actual proof, that Johanson is the one paying for your surgeries. Do you agree?" "Yeah, I guess. Listen, can't I just corner him and beat the truth out of him?" "You?" Anna laughed. "Have you seen your arms? Have you seen your body lately? Do you really think you can do *anything* to Johanson other than beat helplessly against his chest like a little girl?" "Hey!" Jordan said, feeling hurt. "What if you..." Anna said, and then paused. "What." Jordan asked, flatly, knowing that he wasn't going to like it. "What if you pretend to like them?" "What, the breasts?" "Yes, the breasts," Anna replied. "What if you pretended to like them and be thankful that you had them? Maybe if Johanson knew that you just absolutely 'loved' your breasts, he would come out and admit that he had bought them for you - you know - to take credit. You would sweet talk him." "Sweet talk...?" Jordan was aghast. "Anna! I want to go there and cut his nuts off. Okay?? And then torture him until he admits the truth!" "But we don't know it's Johanson!" "We do. It's Johanson." "But we don't know for sure. And we don't have proof. We need proof. Oh! Let's put a wire on you! Then we can record what he says! And then, when he finally owns up to the fact that it was him that did it, we'll have it recorded!" Jordan looked at Anna, understanding the plan fully for the first time. "Are you telling me that I have to keep dressing as a woman?" Jordan asked, feeling trapped. Here he had the perfect excuse to say 'fuck you' to the world and just walk away from this whole insane affair, and now Anna wanted him to keep dressing as a woman? Would he never, ever get to dress as a man again? Jordan felt his old life slipping away. Every time he felt like things were turning around and he could go back to being a man, it seemed like the situation conspired to move him two steps further away. And now Jordan was going to have to stay as a woman, with breasts and his new trim waist, and pretend to like it - no, pretend to *love* it - to Johanson and all the world, until Johanson admitted his part in the scheme. Jordan was going to have to stay Jordan Nicole for a while longer. "Only until we get Johanson to admit the truth, and get it on tape," Anna said. "This is absolutely ridiculous. And why would he do that?" "Well, you need to gain his trust, right?" "And how do I do that?" Anna grinned. "No...!" Jordan said. "You can't possibly mean..." "Why not?" "So, we're going to use me as bait?" "Deliciously feminine bait, yes." Anna looked at Jordan. Even though he was now a she, Anna could still read her expressions like she always could, and it was clear that Jordan was coming around. "Oh god, I can't believe I'm letting you talk me into this," Jordan moaned. "I am going to have to dress as a woman, and be nice and feminine for Mr. Johanson, to try and trap him into admitting he's the one who paid for my breasts." "And waist." "Right, and my new waist. Have I about got that right?" "That sounds right." "So, how, exactly, am I going to do this? I mean, okay, I dress up for Mr. Johanson. Then I, what, just randomly walk into his office and say: 'Hey I love my breasts?'" "No, silly, it has to be done naturally, so he doesn't get suspicious." "Like when?" Anna looked at Jordan, her eyes widening. "No!" Jordan said, as Anna picked up the phone. "I won't! Anna!!" "Jason?" Anna asked, into the phone. "Nooooo" Jordan moaned, trying to snatch the phone away from Anna. But Anna easily blocked him. "Yes, Jason, we spoke too hastily before. Now that Jordan and I have had a chance to talk it over, our answer is 'Yes!' Jordan will be certainly going to the Luncheon and I will happily attend it with you as well. We are looking forward to it." Jordan could hear relieved noises coming the phone. "I can't believe we're doing this," Jordan groaned, flopping onto the bed. Anna finished up her conversation with Jason and then hung up. "You go to sleep," she said to Jordan. "You need to rest up and get better for tomorrow. Here, have a pain pill. Dr. Green's instructions say that you can probably return to normal activities after a day or so, as long as you don't do any heavy lifting, so we should be OK going out tomorrow." "And what are you going to do?" Jordan asked. "Some research." * * * Later that night, Jordan having slept through most of the day, was feeling better. The acute soreness had subsided and now it was more of a dull ache. Jordan ate and sipped on ginger ale and snacks. He felt like he was gradually regaining his strength. Jordan thought he should be massaging his breasts, but the instructions left by Dr. Green specifically prohibited breast massage. 'Occasional, very, very gentle massage to ease pain is okay,' said the instructions, 'but nothing more.' What the instructions didn't say was that the implants were textured. This mean that they were designed to adhere and 'grow together' with the textures of the breast pocket. This would prevent movement and slippage of the breast form in the future. And while this was a good idea in general, it also meant that Jordan and his new breasts would, over time, become bonded together and more difficult to remove. Finally, Anna was done with her research. "I have the day all mapped out tomorrow," she said. "We'll have to get up early, but I think we'll have time." "Time for what?" "Well, we have to get some recording equipment, right? And also a new dress, of course. We'll want you looking especially fetching for Mr. Johanson tomorrow." Anna removed her jeans and T-shirt and slipped into bed with Jordan. She was now naked except for panties. Jordan was still wearing his support garments and (freshly changed) bandages. "Oh, Anna, do I really need to do this?" Jordan asked, sounding like a little girl, as the two laid facing each other. "Hush, Jordan, you'll be fine," Anna said, placing a light kiss on his cheek. "We just need to make you as feminine as possible for Johanson and this will all be over soon, I promise." "Well, then..." Jordan considered. "Maybe I should start using 'Jordan Nicole'." "What? What is that?" "It's my female name. Angela asked what my middle name was, and I said 'Nicole' - because I almost said 'Nicholas' and stopped just in time. So now, at least while I'm still dressing as a woman, maybe I should start calling myself 'Jordan Nicole'?" "Jordan Nicole." Anna said the name a couple of times. She then lightly kissed Jordan on the lips. "It's good, but it could be better." "Better?" "Yes, why not just Nicole?" "Nicole?" Jordan felt a lump in his throat. "You... you... you want me... you want me to start calling myself just 'Nicole'?" "Yes," Anna said, snaking her arms carefully around Jordan and pulling their two bodies together. Jordan thrilled at the feeling of her soft body against his, her soft, smooth skin slipping against his. "Don't you think that 'Nicole' is a much more feminine name than 'Jordan Nicole'?" "Well yes, but--" Jordan thought back to his discussions with Jason, and how they had called all of those hot women they saw 'Nicole', no matter their real name. And now here he was, about to become 'Nicole' himself. "Good," Anna said, kissing Jordan more deeply on the lips. "Then it's settled. 'Nicole' it is. You are now 'Nicole'. And I expect you to start telling everyone to call you 'Nicole.'" "Anna, stop! I don't want people to start calling me Nicole. This is going in the wrong direction!" "Nicole," Anna said, "do you want to be a woman forever?" "No! Of course not!" "Does a woman have breasts?" "Yes, but..." "Does a woman have a nice trim waist?" "Of course, but..." "Does a woman have nice arched eyebrows and smooth skin and a nice round bottom?" "What are you saying?" "I'm saying that you practically *are* a woman. Face facts. Don't you realize how expensive will it be to reverse all this? It's could be hundreds of thousands of dollars!" "No... you think?" Jordan said with a hushed whisper. "At least. So where are we going to get all of that money? And have a roof over our heads and food in our stomachs?" "So... I really don't have a choice then?" Jordan asked defeated, the realization of his situation finally sinking in. "No, Nicole honey, you really have no choice. You have to be Nicole for now. If we can't get Johanson to admit that he's the one who paid for the surgeries - with proof - and then be so embarrassed about it that he agrees to reverse it all... then..." Anna left the word hanging in the air. "Then I might be Nicole forever," Jordan said. "Or at least for a very long time." "I'm afraid so, honey." 'I'm Nicole,' Jordan thought to herself. 'My new name is Nicole.' Do I have to start thinking of myself as a 'she'? Do I need to start calling myself 'Nicole' inside my head?' "Oh, Anna," Nicole pulled her wife into a hug, (gingerly, since she was still very sore) and buried her face in her hair. Anna comforted her husband, stroking Nicole's hair and telling her that everyone would alright. "As long as we stick to the plan," Anna said. "It's really the only way, think you can be girl enough to be a man again?" As the two of them kissed, Anna's hands snuck down below the waist cinch and slipped into Nicole's panties, her fingers slipping in-between her buns causing Nicole to gasp and shiver. Jordan...started accepting Anna's logic and so desperately craved this attention. "Oh, yes, *please*," Nicole said, suddenly very horny. The two of them explored each other's bodies. Of course, Anna had to be careful and gentle because of Nicole's surgeries. After a while, Anna placed her hands on Nicole's crotch, and began to rub. It's hard to downplay how horny Anna was at this moment. She had been expecting to have sex with Jordan before leaving for training, but that had been thwarted by Jordan's first stay at the clinic. And then Ray Santos had been coming on to her, gradually breaking down her barriers, all weak. She needed a cock, and she needed it BAD. And so when Anna pressed her hand to Jordan's small, flaccid penis, she was primed and ready. She needed it. She needed it deep and long. "It's not working," Jordan said. "Wh-what?" Anna stuttered, not understanding. "Either the drugs or all this girly stuff, I don't know, but," Jordan explained. "I.... I haven't been able to, you know, get hard all week." "Oh, okay, no problem," Anna said, slipping her hands out of Jordan's panties. "I can still, you know, orgasm, though," Jordan explained. "I just rub it." "You mean, *like a girl*?" Anna said, astonished. "Yes." The admonition caused Jordan to blush a deep, deep red. Anna didn't say anything for the longest time. "I'm sorry," Nicole said. "Oh, Nicole," Anna responded, "It's okay. I understand. You've had a really hard week and two stays at the clinic. I... I was being unfair. Can we still... I mean, is it okay if we...?" Anna placed her leg between Nicole's and rubbed, allowing Anna to rub herself against Nicole's hip. "Oh... Anna... oh..." Nicole moaned. And so they kissed and rubbed and stroked until they both had a flowing, loving releases. For Anna it was nice, but not enough. She had really been looking forward to slaking her lust so thoroughly that she could go back to training with a well-used pussy and not feel so tempted when Ray Santos approached her. But it was more than enough for Nicole. It was even better than Jordan's prior orgasms, even better than when he was a man. The peak and intensity wasn't as high, but they seemed to last much longer and caused more of her whole body to vibrate, from neck to nipples to toes. She seemed more satisfied for longer after they were over. "I'm sorry about... you know," Nicole said later as they were cuddling. "I guess you'll just have to find ways to take care of yourself, until I'm fixed." "Really?" Anna asked, surprised. "You don't mind?" "Of course not!" Nicole said. "We all have needs. I understand that." "Oh, Jordan-- I mean Nicole! You really are the best," Anna said, pulling her husband/girlfriend into a long, warm kiss. * * * END Chapter 24

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Halloween Bash

Hey group, I thought this one up on the fly after my wife and I came back from a ghost hunt at an abandoned insane asylum. Now you know why I write what I do… Wanted to give you all a flash story just for the fun of it. I hope you enjoy it. _________________________________________________ HALLOWEEN BASH There is one holiday I like more than any other. Halloween. The fun of decorating your yard, kids running around collecting candy and wearing costumes is better than the other holiday...

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Halloween Surprise

I have to say that I firmly believed all of the above just a few short years back as summer ended and September led into October. At the time, if you recall, I was recently divorced and living in the city. I was doing fairly well in a managerial position at a small company my boss John had founded. It probably didn't hurt that I was seeing his wife on the side while he was working long hours at the office. It also didn't hurt that I was going out with a hot looking 23-year-old named Joyce....

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Halloween Personalities

"I should have followed my instinct and not attend that party," I said to myself as I entered my room and removed my Halloween costume.As I undressed I had to concentrate to clear the image of the full red lips and tiny pink tongue of the Corpse Bride licking and kissing the head of my cock. Just thinking about it caused my groin to stir."How did this happen?" I asked myself.It had not been a good end of summer. First, I lost my job and struggled to find another. By the time I did, I was broke...

4 years ago
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Halloween Personalities

"I should have followed my instinct and not attend that party," I said to myself as I entered my room and removed my Halloween costume.As I undressed I had to concentrate to clear the image of the full red lips and tiny pink tongue of the Corpse Bride licking and kissing the head of my cock. Just thinking about it caused my groin to stir."How did this happen?" I asked myself.It had not been a good end of summer. First, I lost my job and struggled to find another. By the time I did, I was broke...

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Halloween at Work

Halloween at Work This is a true story...sort of. It is also a completely original work by me, and should be remembered as such. Thank you. Laura _________________________________________________________ Almost a year ago, just after Halloween I was in search of a job. It just so happened that a former manager, and personal friend of mine was looking for another person to work for her at the store she...

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Halloween Swing Night

Halloween Swing Night by Tanya Fly "For the hundredth time, yes, Tommy, you can pull this off," Gina said as she applied the final touches of makeup to her husband's face. "You'll look great and all the girls are going to love it! You'll be the hit of the party, and very popular." "I don't know, Gina. What woman wants to have sex with a someone dressed like a French Maid?" Tommy smiled as he realized what he had just said. He knew that lots of women liked having sex with...

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Halloween Party

Halloween Party by Suzi (Johnson) Thomas "Hi, dear," my wife said when I walked into the house, "how was work?" "Not bad," I replied, "we landed that new account, so the boss was thrilled. What's new?" "We're invited to a Halloween party, a costume party, at the Peterson's Saturday night. Do you want to go?" In truth, we hardly knew the Peterson's, having been introduced by a friend of a friend, and we usually didn't really celebrate Halloween. "I guess so, sure, why not," I...

4 years ago
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Halloween Delight Part One

Halloween Delight; Part one: When I was young, I was only allowed to play in the basement. The upstairs was off limits to me as a play area. I could play in my room, but that was it, other than the basement. This was fine with me, as I found a lot to play with down there, and it was all mine. When I was either 5 or 6, I found a box full of dresses. They were from the late 1800's or the early 1900's and made of silk. They had full skirts that flowed to the ground and long sleeves....

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Halloween Cheerleader Fantasy

Halloween is supposedly a good time to be a TGirl, a time of year when society seems OK with a guy dressing and acting like a girl. Several times on or around Halloween I have walked through Macys or a mall and had salesladies call out "Nice Costume". Or, I as I go into a 7-11 or supermarket, and a couple walks by, the woman will smile and say to her boyfriend, "Hey, next year, let's dress you up as a girl". What's that all about? On the other hand, if my wife and I are invited to a...

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Halloween Spirit

Halloween Spirit By Morpheus I stood in the middle of the office floor, looking over the cubicles and office walls which had all been covered with Halloween decorations. The company of Danner, Dyson, and Dexler...or DDD as most people called it, had always supported holiday cheer, almost regardless of which holiday it was. But since Halloween was Mr. Dyson's favorite holiday, it tended to get a little extra attention. Today was Halloween but most of the employees were thinking...

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Halloween For Life Part 12

Halloween for life Chapter 12 I'm soooo sorry for being soooo late again with the next chapter. It's always something with me. =) I moved and it took forever for my internet and everything to get hooked up. I'm up and running now and hopefully no more long delays. Again, I would never just abandon a story so don't think that, no matter how long it takes me. ;) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Halloween For Life Chapter 12 Jordan...

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Halloween Humor

I often read jokes that make me laugh. Then I think about what a good and humorous story they could make. So I decided to write about a few of them. I hope you get a chuckle out of it, or at least a smile. A big thank you goes to Mistress Lynn for taking of her time to edit this story. **** Roy and Martha Simmons had been married for over forty years. Even though they were still in love, Martha always considered Roy a cantankerous old fool. Of course, Roy always felt Martha was an airhead,...

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Halloween and Batman

Just a short non-erotic story for Halloween. If you’re looking for sex, it’s not here. For the rest of the readers I hope you enjoy it. A big ‘Thank You’ to Estragon for making it a much better read. * I’m what most people would call a normal, non-descript type guy. I’m 5′ 10′, weigh 160 lbs. I’m not overly smart, but not dumb either. I’ve always been on the somewhat quiet side when it came to girls. In school I was the guy you never remembered in class. You would have to look in your...

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Halloween cd crossdresser

TinkerbelleMy sister , Candy, and I were fraternal twins, but looked nearlyidentical. Pretty much the same height weight and build. In high school,she was always teased about having small tits and I was always teasedbecause I was small, thin and had a big ass for a guy. Because of this wewere extremely close. Best friends really. We spent nearly all our timetogether.After college she became a consultant and I became a math teacher. Becausewe were so close, I spent lots of time at her house...

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HALLOWEEN NIGHT - OCTOBER 31st 2007 It's hard to believe it's been a year since that fateful night. Almost impossible to comprehend the changes that have occurred in my life, in my outlook on life, on who I've become...on what I've become...on the horrible things I've done...I'm going to drink from her breasts tonight...those beautiful orbs that are filled with thick, delicious creamy milk that her body has manufactured for my sister. Then I'm going to make love with her...unmasked at last.I...

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Halloween Party

Spells 'R Us: Halloween Party By Bill Hart The Lambda's Halloween party was tonight. Just about everybody, who was anybody, on campus would be there. CeeJay Larson hadn't picked out a costume yet. But then, he hadn't figured on being invited at all. His fraternity was the butt of some really weird rumors, so he'd been almost shocked when he and a couple of his brothers received invitations. He was looking for something unique. What he seen so far rummaging through through...

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Halloween Flirt

Halloween Flirt By Alice Barry I was just going to stay home and have a quiet night by myself when I received an email from my friend Debbie to come to a birthday party at her home on Halloween. I had been to her birthday bash before. She goes all out encouraging outrageous costumes for her Halloween birthday. I think I was invited because of my reputation for fantastic desserts, not for my friendship. Debbie and I had dated for a while several years ago, but it never went anywhere....

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