Halloween For Life Part 12 free porn video

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Halloween for life Chapter 12 I'm soooo sorry for being soooo late again with the next chapter. It's always something with me. =) I moved and it took forever for my internet and everything to get hooked up. I'm up and running now and hopefully no more long delays. Again, I would never just abandon a story so don't think that, no matter how long it takes me. ;) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Halloween For Life Chapter 12 Jordan listened as he heard a song play inside his head. "Who's playing music?" he thought drowsily. "Is that Taylor Swift?" His thoughts continued as he started to hum and then finally sang along with the familiar tune. "That's what people say...Mmmm Mmmm, That's what people say. But I keep cruising, can't stop, won't stop moving." Then the music stopped and Jordan awoke abruptly. He was disorientated and lying down on a bed. He turned his head from side to side in the dimly lit room to determine where he was. As he sat up an immediate pain shot to his stomach. Clearly, lying flat had been keeping the pain at bay, but now, jerking his body had awakened a queasy and uneasy feeling. He placed one hand on his stomach and held it there with some pressure hoping that the pain would pass. Besides the dim of the room, Jordan realized that his eyesight was blurry. The blurriness was becoming a common factor with Jordan when he woke up, so he was used to it. Slow movement seem to be the key as Jordan felt that the stomach pain was subsiding. Still holding a hand to his stomach, he used the other hand to rub his eyes. Gently, he used his index finger and thumb to rub both of his eyes at the same time but something around his wrist caught his attention. He pulled his hand away and looked at the bracelet around his wrist. Jordan's eyes were more clear as he widely opened them remembering being in the wheelchair at the clinic when the nurse snapped the hospital bracelet around his wrist. Still trying to get familiar with his surroundings to figure out his whereabouts, Jordan twisted slightly backwards, towards the head of the bed spotting a long florescent light bar hanging at the head of the bed with an on and off pull string. As he stayed in the twisted position he once again irritated the pain in his stomach. He faced forward again and took a few deep breaths. With determination, Jordan quickly turned towards the pull string and reached his arm over to grab it. Catching it on the first try he was able to pull the string as the light above his bed went on. With the light now on, his eyes shot directly to his arm where he saw an IV was inserted into his vein. He followed the line and saw that it was fed under the pillow and finally leading to a drip that was hanging next to his bed from a metal stand on wheels. "What the hell?" he said inside his head. Jordan swallowed and was quickly reminded of his sore throat and loss of voice. He made a painful face after realizing his sore throat was still there, but felt the pain was a little weaker than it had been earlier. Jordan forced himself to swallow a few more times, thankful that the pain wasn't as harsh as it had been. Jordan hadn't coughed, or sneezed since he had woken up and assumed that Dr. Green had gotten rid of his cold. Jordan smiled at that but still didn't attempt to speak so he wouldn't irritate his throat any further. Jordan felt something poking at his side in the bed with him. He pulled at the item and immediately thought what he was looking at was a TV remote with a cord attached to it. Jordan looked closer and saw that the remote was for his bed so that the head or leg area could be raised. Jordan saw a button on the remote that read 'NURSE CALL' "Thank God! I have to find out what's going on," he thought to himself. He was just about to push the button but stopped himself with a second thought. "I should try and figure things out first before I call a nurse," he thought. "Who knows what they'll do if I call a nurse in and they see that I'm upset and can't speak. They might give me something else that will knock me out," He thought waiting was a better idea. So the stomach pain wouldn't flare up, Jordan slowly pulled himself up more towards the head of the bed. He reached an arm behind him to prop the pillow to his back and did so, with only minimal pain. Jordan felt better sitting upright and he could see the whole room from where he sat. He remembered again about being pushed in the wheelchair and thinking at the time that the clinic looked much like a hospital, so he concluded that he must be in a patient's room at the clinic. Looking down he saw that his body had been covered by a single white sheet. Jordan hadn't felt the weight of his long hair on his shoulders and saw no stray hairs in front of his face. He immediately put his hands up feeling the top of his head. His hands were met by his long hair that he could feel was tied up into a high ponytail. Still puzzled, as he tried to make sense of what had happened to him another thought came back to Jordan. "Angela's pills!" he remembered. "That must be why I'm having trouble remembering," he thought as he really didn't know what he had taken. "..and what time is it?" he further questioned looking towards a large bay window almost next to his bed. The shade was drawn blocking the outside but Jordan could see in between the cracks that it looked like the sun was starting to set. "It must be later in the day," he sighed. "I wasted the whole day here," he thought as he began to search the walls for a clock. Jordan saw nothing on the walls, only a TV that hang on one corner of the wall. The night stand next to the bed was another common place for a clock but after he glanced at the night stand he felt stupid for doing so. "There's not going to be a clock there, you idiot!" he belittled himself. "This isn't the Embassy Suites." For the first time, he tried moving his legs that were under the sheet. They felt sore and tingly and he cringed as he realized that his legs were asleep. He immediately began working on getting the feeling back in them but felt the numbness throughout his whole lower half of his body. He started rubbing his legs and was making a slight rocking motion with his upper body. It occurred to him that he didn't feel the corset around his body. A thought came back as he remembered waking up in the salon and talking to Reba. "My face!" Jordan worried, as he put his hands on his cheeks. He remembered Reba had said she did more electrolysis on his face. "I have to look in the mirror," he thought and realized that he had to make his way to the bathroom. He pulled the covers off from his body with a puzzled look, seeing that he no longer had on what he originally wore when he first entered the clinic. Instead, he was wearing a large nightshirt from home. He recognized the purple VS long cotton shirt that Anna had bought for him. It reached down to just above his knees but was riding up revealing his hairless legs. A slight smell of Victoria's Secret perfume was in the air. Jordan brought the large cotton night shirt up to his nose and immediately realized that was where the feminine scent was coming from. Missing was the tightness hugging his body so Jordan pulled out the neck of the shirt and glanced at his body underneath. His suspicions were correct as the corset that had been around Jordan's body since this charade had started was gone. "This is crazy!" Jordan thought. "When did I change clothes?" He questioned as he continued to rub his smooth legs up and down. Some feeling started to return to his legs but it was the pins and needles feeling. At the same time, Jordan felt his stomach starting to get irritated again. He continued through the pain to try and regain full feeling in his legs. He brought his hands up to his waist and began to work his hands down to his legs. Jordan immediately jumped as he touched an area on his side that was painful. He put a finger to where he felt the pain. "Oooh, that's sore too," Jordan thought as he pressed at the painful spot. Once again he got the nauseous feeling. Jordan couldn't see the area on his skin that he was pressing but if he could, he would indeed see a light bruise on his body. It had been the spot where Dr. Green had injected Jordan with his first dose of female hormones. He looked around the room which didn't take too long being so small. Besides the IV that was next to a nightstand, there was a chair, which sat in front of the large window. There was another door in the room, which Jordan suspected to be the bathroom looking up at the ceiling Jordan followed a track that surrounded his bed which a curtain could be drawn for privacy purposes, but at the moment, it was open. The chair in front of the window was large and cushioned and it had a blanket draped over it. The blanket is what caught Jordan's attention as he saw that it lay in disarray on the back of the chair. It looked like someone had recently used it. Next Jordan looked at the table that was next to his bed. On the top, Jordan saw his note pad and a pen, a container of water with an empty glass and mug next to it. Jordan's attention was drawn to the mug. It had a spoon in front of it with a tea bag wrapped around it. Jordan recognized his wife's actions. "Anna was here," Jordan thought with excitement. "I hope she's still here." His first thought was that maybe Anna just stepped out for a minute and left behind her purse or something to show that she would be right back, but having already inspected the room, Jordan saw no sign of her presence or that she would be returning soon. "Maybe under the bed," He thought as he slowly leaned over the side of his bed. Jordan hadn't seen anything of Annas, but he did spot his floral overnight bag that he entered the clinic with. Thoughts that he would be staying over at Angela's house that night resurfaced into Jordan's head which was followed by a disgusted face. At that moment, all the lights on the ceiling came on. Jordan looked up at them and then towards the doorway as he heard a familiar voice enter the room. "Now why would such a beautiful face have on such a sour puss?" Dr Green joked and smiled as he approached Jordan's bedside. Jordan shot a sarcastic smirk at Dr. Green's comment and watched him walk towards his bed holding a file in his hand. He placed the file down on Jordan's bed and then he grasped both of Jordan's hands together. "It is so good to see you again, and awake!" he exclaimed squeezing Jordan's hands. Jordan immediately felt uncomfortable with the doctor's actions. "I may be dressed as a woman, but I'm still a guy," Jordan thought in his head staring down at the doctor's hands. "You gave us a little scare. You had a very high fever and passed out," It was explained to him. "You've been in and out of consciousness but this is the first time I've seen you awake and sitting up," The doctor explained. Jordan listened as another piece of the mystery came into light. "That's right! I woke up in the salon area and then must have passed out there," Jordan remembered. "Firstly, How are you feeling dear?" he said sincerely staring into Jordan's eyes. Jordan overlooked the doctor calling him 'dear' and just shook his head up and down to show that he felt fine. He used his hands to point to his throat to show that he still couldn't speak, but it was also a good excuse for him to pull his hands away from the doctor's grasp. "Ah, Still don't have a voice, huh?" Dr Green asked as he took a thermometer out of his white doctor's coat, uncapped it and slipped it into Jordan's mouth under his tongue. He then turned to the night stand and retrieved Jordan's pad and pen and handed it to Jordan. "It's good that you were able to rest your voice. It had to regain it's strength," He continued. "I'm sure you have a lot of questions for me. since you've been out," the doctor said. Jordan wasn't really paying much attention to the doctor's words, he was just happy be able to write a note. He nodded at the doctor's words while opening the notepad. He began to write as the doctor kept track of the thermometer time with his watch. Jordan wrote quickly so that the doctor wouldn't leave and miss his opportunity to communicate. Jordan opened his mouth and the doctor removed the thermometer from it. "No more fever," he stated. Jordan just finishing up his note turned the paper towards the doctor as Dr. Green read out loud what Jordan had written. "Why am I feeling pain?" Dr. Green mumbled. Instead of answering Jordan directly the Doctor's sprang to life as if a lightbulb went off in the doctor's head. "Oh, right!" he exclaimed as he pressed his hands against both pockets on his coat searching for something inside. "I have pills for you to take," the doctor explained, while finally retrieving the pills from the right side of his coat. Dr. Green produced two prescription bottles and handed them to Jordan. Jordan grabbed the two bottles together and turned them so that the label faced him. He saw that both labels said Miss Jordan Ross. He placed them in his lap and glanced up at the doctor who was pouring water from a container into a glass. He leaned back over and handed the glass of water to Jordan. Dr. Green then grabbed one prescription bottle opened it and took out 1 pill and then recapped the bottle. He repeated this with the 2nd prescription bottle. He held up the small pink pill to Jordan first. "This pill is to be taken twice a day. He then placed the pill into Jordan's hand. "Place the pill under your tongue and just allow it to dissolve," The Doctor explained. Jordan looked at the doctor confused. The Doctor smiled back. "Don't worry about anything, this is all fully covered." Jordan hadn't thought much about his insurance coverage until it was just brought up. He was confident that everything would be covered now that he worked for a great company with great benefits. "We've still got a lot to do but you're going to love how you feel once we're done," the doctor continued. Jordan stared at the pink pill that Dr. Green had handed to him. It reminded him of a smaller version of a heartburn pill that he had taken before. Jordan glanced up at the doctor again who was holding the other pill in his hands waiting for Jordan to take the first one. He watched Jordan's hesitation and realized he was confused. "Do you remember our conversation, Jordan?" he asked. Jordan hadn't and shook his head 'no' to the question. "You wanted my help and wanted to feel more comfortable in your body," he started. Jordan looked blankly at the bed as he tried to remember. "Remember, in my office. That's when I told you that I knew your secret..." The doctor leaned in closer. "..that you were male," he finished saying in a lower tone. Jordan's mind clicked as Jordan remembered feeling embarrassed at Dr. Green's announcement. "That's right! Now I remember," he thought in his head and the doctor saw that Jordan's face revealed that he was remembering. "Oh good, you remember," the doctor said relieved. "If this pill has been helping me feel better, then I'm in," Jordan thought as he placed the pill under his tongue where the doctor explained. "Very good," the doctor said. Had Jordan looked at the prescription bottle for the pill that was just given to him, he would have thought differently about the doctor's 'help'. Jordan had just placed a strong female estrogen in his mouth. The doctor's goal that he partially explained to Jordan in his office was to start Jordan on female hormones so that he would no longer need to wear the corset to give him a more feminine shape. The doctor had grabbed Jordan's file and started to write down the dosage that he just gave to Jordan. After a few minutes, he looked at Jordan again and asked, "All gone?" Jordan opened his mouth and showed the doctor that the pill was completely dissolved. "Excellent, Jordan! One more to go!" he said handing Jordan the second pill. The doctor jumped when at the same time his cell phone buzzed and rang. "Excuse me a minute," the doctor said as he retrieved his phone from another pocket from his white coat. He pressed the answer button and turned away from Jordan. "Hello? This is Dr. Green. Jordan still had a lot of questions for Dr. Green. With the doctor on his phone, he had some time to ponder his next question. Firstly, without thinking or waiting for the doctor's approval, Jordan popped the other pill into his mouth and swallowed it with a mouthful of the water. He set the water back on the nightstand and picked up his pad and pen once again. Jordan really wanted to know where Anna was, so that is what Jordan began writing. He had started writing the word 'Where', but was briefly distracted by Dr Green who walked close to his bed still talking into his phone. Finally, Jordan looked back down at the paper and saw what he had already written. He paused for a few minutes and deliberated inside his head some of the questions he wanted to ask. One question stuck in Jordan's mind that was more important than any other. Jordan flipped the pad to another blank page and started writing a new question as the doctor continued to talk. When Jordan was finished, he turned the pad around and faced it towards the doctor so that he could see his message right away. The doctor had moved to the doorway of Jordan's room with his cell phone pressed against his ear to hear better. Still engaged in conversation he managed to read the note that Jordan was holding up. Dr. Green read, "WHEN CAN I GO HOME?" to himself. Jordan had thought his question carefully. He still desperately wanted to know where his wife was but without his voice, it seemed to him that the doctor would always be sidetracked with every question he wrote down. He figured all other questions would be answered in time but first he had to get out of this room. The sooner he was out of there, the better. Dr. Green processed what Jordan had written down and smiled. He motioned his index finger towards Jordan, letting him know that he would be another minute. The doctor started back towards Jordan's bed as he heard Dr. Green finishing up his conversation. ".. let me know when you admit him. Yes, uh huh. Goodbye." The phone call was finalized and he placed the phone back in his coat pocket. He smiled again at Jordan's note. "I see you are antsy to finally get out of here, but I think seeing that you just became coherent, we should keep you here to monitor," he started to say. Jordan looked at him and rolled his eyes. He immediately started to write again. He wrote quickly and ripped out the page that he had written and handed it to the doctor just like he had done in his office. As Jordan began writing again a second note. Dr. Green read Jordan's note. "Please Doctor, I feel fine now." He smiled back at Jordan who saw that he already had a second note ready for him to read. "I promise I'll take my pills, I just need to get out of here," the doctor read. Dr. Green hesitated and gave Jordan an 'I don't know' glance. "Let me just give you a clean bill of health and then we'll talk about a few things and then go from there, OK?," The doctor said as he gently put his hands on both sides of Jordan's chin. He slightly tilted Jordan's head back. Jordan figured that the doctor was feeling his neck for swollen glands due to the sore throat. As it turns out, the doctor was looking for any visible swelling around Jordan's neck due to the trachea shave that he had performed. He moved Jordan's head slightly to the side and then turned his head the other way. "I've been monitoring your healing and I have to say that it looks very good," he said as he reached into his front pocket of the doctor's jacket and took out a pen light. He pressed a button on the side and a light went on. He shined the light into Jordan's left eye and then did the same to his other eye. Jordan adjusted his eyes as the doctor turned the light off and held the pen vertically in front of Jordan's eyes and said, "Very good." He shot a confused look at the doctor. "I'm just following protocol and making sure everything is ok following your high fever and the fainting," the doctor assured him. Jordan was just anxious to be out of the hospital bed and done with the clinic, so he followed Dr. Green's instructions. "Now if you could follow the pen with your eyes only. Keep your head still," he explained. Dr. Green slowly moved the pen back and forth in front of Jordan's eyes. Jordan did as instructed and only followed the pen with his eyes. After about three passes, the doctor smiled and stated, "Excellent." "Are you able to move your legs?" he asked. Jordan put his hands together up to his head. He closed his eyes and made an 'asleep' action. "Well that's understandable," the doctor said. Jordan again made a puzzled look. He watched the doctor walking towards the room that Jordan thought was the bathroom and disappear behind the door. Jordan's thoughts were confirmed as the doctor walked back over with a round mirror that he placed in Jordan's lap. Jordan looked down at the mirror placed in his lap, but he hesitated grasping it. He stared at it for another minute as thoughts raced through his head. He remembered Reba explaining the work that she did on his face and wasn't sure he wanted to see his reflection as a nervous feeling came over him. He looked up at the doctor who was waiting for him to pick up the mirror. "Take a look!" the doctor tried to hurry him along. Finally, curiosity got the better of him and Jordan slowly brought the mirror up to eye level. His eyes immediately widened as he saw the reflection in the mirror. Firstly, Jordan noticed that he had no makeup on his face. Jordan's eyes went straight to what stood out the most and what he was most afraid of. His eyebrows were more thinly arched than they were before. They were neatly shaped and styled into a woman's eyebrow. He was amazed at how the eyebrows really changed his look. He also noticed that his eyelashes looked different.. He didn't remember Reba saying anything about them, but he thought that they looked longer than before his trip to the clinic. He turned his head to the side and thought that it looked like they were also curled upward. His eyes searched his face for any signs of hairs but he found none. He brought the mirror closer to his lips and he saw a difference in them also. To him, they looked thicker than he had remembered. He also looked closely at his upper lip and saw no signs of hair sitting there either. Jordan stared without any expression for a few minutes taking in his reflection. "How am I ever going to look like me again?" Jordan thought. He knew he was going to be stuck with this feminine appearance for awhile, at least until he could find another job and make stop making salon appointments. Lastly he faced the mirror up to his hair and saw that a light blue scrunchy stood out in Jordan's bleached hair as he saw it was indeed tied back and neatly held into a high ponytail. Jordan couldn't imagine that he could look more feminine than he did before his visit to the clinic, but somehow they did accomplish that. He was mesmerized with his reflection and couldn't tear his eyes away. He brought a hand up to his cheek and touched it with his long, still perfect French tip nails. "Oh my God!" Jordan thought not able to tear his eyes away from his almost unrecognizable face. The doctor smiled thinking Jordan was pleased. He watched Jordan run his fingers across his cheek and then down his neck. "As you can see, it's very smooth," Dr. Green noted. Jordan's mind went to the smoothness of his skin as he thought that was what the doctor was referring to. Unbeknownst to him, the doctor was actually pointing out how smooth Jordan's neckline has become from the procedure. "There's no visible marks and your skin looks beautiful," he explained. Once again, Jordan thought that the doctor was speaking of the electrolysis that was done to his face and was commenting on how there was no longer any redness. Jordan couldn't believe how far he had come in this charade in a short time. "I'm never going to have hair on my face again." Jordan had seen enough and finally set the mirror back into his lap. "I want the nurse to come in and take out your tube in your arm and then, well lets just see," the doctor announced and picked up Jordan's file again and began writing. He set the file on the table next to Jordan's bed. The doctor leaned into the bed and grabbed at the remote that Jordan was examining before the doctor's visit. He pressed the nurse call button and almost immediately a woman's voice came over an intercom above Jordan's bed. "How can I help you?" the woman asked. Dr. Green raised his head and began speaking loudly, "Hello Mae, it's Doctor Green in Jordan Ross' room. She is awake and everything seems to be fine." He began smiling at Jordan. "Could you please get her paperwork together and come in to take out her IV," The doctor explained. Jordan had a million things running through his mind at the moment, but everything disappeared when it sounded like the doctor was going to let him leave. Even hearing how Dr. Green had referred to him as a 'her' didn't detour Jordan's mood and he realized it wouldn't be long before he would see his wife. "I would like Dr. Crosby to have a one on one session with Miss Ross before she leaves, can you please call her now?" Dr. Green said not making eye contact with Jordan. "Thank you Doctor, right away," the nurse responded. Jordan stared at the doctor with his mouth open as he realized that his stay at the clinic would be a little longer. He waited for the doctor to look at him but Dr. Green once again went for his file. Quickly, Jordan grabbed the pad and pen again and flipped the pages until he got to a blank one. Jordan started writing furiously, but was interrupted when Dr Green placed his hands over Jordan's and stopped his hand from writing. Jordan looked at the doctor who was looking apologetically at him. "You don't have to waste the paper Jordan, I'll explain everything in a moment," the doctor said. Jordan was quickly filled with anger and thought about screaming at the doctor in his male voice, if only he had a voice. He didn't know what to do, so he threw down the pad and pen onto the bed. He looked back up waiting for Dr. Green's explanation. "I have to see another doctor now?" Jordan cringed as his eyes coldly stared the doctor down. Before an explanation could be given, a female nurse's voice sounded from the doorway. "Knock knock!" she announced her presence. The doctor once again held up his index finger telling Jordan that he would explain in just a minute. An older, slightly grey haired nurse walked towards Jordan's bed. She carried a small first aid bag that she placed next to Jordan. The nurse walked to the side of Jordan's bed towards the IV stand. She opened up the medical kit and pulled out some white medical gauze. She cut a piece of the rolled gauze and then grabbed Jordan's wrist. Slowly, she pulled out the needle from Jordan's vein and held the area with pressure with the piece of gauze that she had cut. Jordan looked back up at the doctor and waited but clearly Dr Green wanted to begin the discussion when the nurse was finished with Jordan. "Did miss Ross get her medications Doctor?" the nurse asked still holding pressure on Jordan's wrist. The doctor smiled. "Yes I just gave them to her." Jordan took a deep breath to tried to stay calm but with all the female pronouns being thrown around when referring to him, it was hard to control his anger. The nurse took Jordan's other hand and put it over the gauze. "Just hold this with some pressure for a minute, dear," she said smiling. Next, she squatted beneath Jordan's bed and immediately came up with the overnight bag that Jordan walked in with. She put it on the end of Jordan's bed by his feet. "You can get dressed in your regular clothes, when the doctor is finished talking to you hon," the nurse explained. "Just pull the curtain around the bed for some privacy." She walked back to the side of Jordan's bed. Once again she went into the first aid bag and pulled out a large band-aid. She ripped open the package, then moved Jordan's hand to the side and put the band-aid over his injection spot. Finishing up, she walked to the end of Jordan's bed, "Dr. Crosby is ready and just waiting for your call," the nurse said as she finally walked towards the door. "Thank you nurse," the doctor replied. Jordan disregarded any of the nurses comments because he knew he wasn't going to be leaving right away. Meanwhile, he never took his eyes off the doctor. He wanted to know why he had to be seen by another doctor. Jordan watched as it looked like he was going to get his answer as Dr. Green took a seat on the edge of the bed. The doctor took a deep breath. "Look Jordan, I really think it's in your best interest if you speak with someone," the doctor began. "Or in your case, listen to someone." The doctor chuckled at his comment. The doctor noticed that Jordan hadn't smiled, so he continued to explain. "We have a therapist on site..." Dr. Green started again. Jordan sighed and threw his hands up in the air. "I know, I know. I can understand. No one likes to be recommended to talk to a therapist, but in your case I think you should speak with her. Her name is Vanessa Crosby, she works here with us and she is one of the finest psychologists in the area" Doctor Green continued to explain. "She's so easy to talk with and I promise it'll feel like you're talking to an old friend." Jordan folded his arms angrily listening to the doctor's explanation. "She can help put a lot of things in perspective and make you feel at ease and more comfortable with the way things are for you at work and at home." Jordan turned his head away and faced towards the wall. "It's not easy looking in the mirror and not liking the person that you see. Everyone here at the clinic just wants to help you, be happy with the person that you are including Dr. Crosby," The doctor put his hand on Jordan's shoulder. Jordan shook his head back and forth angrily as the doctor spoke. "Up until now, you've only had Anna to confide in," the doctor began. "..But now that she has left on her trip I think you should just listen to Vaness..." Quickly, the doctor stopped mid sentence when Jordan turned quickly towards him in a surprising action. Jordan's eyes grew wide and his mouth opened wide. Dr. Green looked puzzled at Jordan's actions. Jordan's hands were shaking as he frantically picked up the pad and pen once again. Flipping through the pad looking for a blank sheet of paper. Finally finding one, Jordan began to write and then quickly turned the pad towards Dr. Green to show him what he had written. The doctor looked at the paper which Jordan had written, "ANNA LEFT???" Dr. Green widened his eyes when he processed the words that Jordan had written down. He sighed. "Oh my God Jordan, I'm so sorry." Jordan's eyes burned with rage as he flipped the notepad to another blank page. He wasted no time quickly writing another note and facing it towards the doctor just like before. Dr. Green looked at Jordan's message again and read out loud. "But it's only Wednesday." Dr. Green saw the seriousness of the situation and how angry Jordan had gotten, even more than before. He sighed deeply. "I'm afraid, my bedside manor hasn't been the greatest, Jordan," He stated, placing his hand over Jordan's hand again. Jordan quickly pulled his hand away this time. The doctor sighed again realizing his mistake. "The first thing I should have informed you of was that you had passed out with a very high fever and were in and out of consciousness for awhile," He looked into Jordan's eyes. "The nurses tell me that Anna was here the whole time while you were out." Jordan shook as he didn't even search for a blank piece of paper and wrote a new note right next to his last note. He faced the pad towards the doctor which he read aloud, "What day is it?" Dr. Green shook his head, "I'm sorry Jordan," sighing again. "It's Friday night. Anna left this morning," he revealed. Jordan felt like he was just hit by an 18 wheeler as he quickly realized that he lost 2 days. Jordan sat still with no expression staring down at the bed. Then suddenly sprung into action and swatted the pad and pen off the bed and flying into the wall. He started to scream from inside his throat. Doctor Green stood up from the side of the bed and tried to calm Jordan down. "Please Jordan, don't strain your throat." Jordan didn't stop his tantrum there. The mirror was the next item that he swing his arm at, as it too hit the wall and smashed into pieces. Dr. Green moved quickly to the other side of the bed and grabbed the nurse call button and pressed it. "Yes doctor?" the voice called. "I need Jordan Ross restrained immediately," Dr. Green yelled into the speaker. The doctor moved to the end of Jordan's bed. He watched Jordan kneel and lean over to side table. He sweeped his arm across the top of it, making the glass, and mug smash onto the floor. Jordan started pounding his fists on the mattress where he sat as Dr. Green tried to talk reason to him. "Jordan! Listen to me. I'm sorry I didn't tell you directly when you woke up, but it wouldn't have made any difference," the doctor yelled. "I saw Anna this morning before she left. She was explaining to me that she had to leave, she had no choice. Jordan's face was red from anger as he paid no attention to the doctor's words. He threw his pillow off the bed towards the doorway and then stopped. The pillow landed at the feet of two male nurses running into his room at they same time. Jordan paused for a minute as he stared straight at them. Jordan kicked his overnight bag off the end of his bed knocking it to the floor just as the two men rushed towards Jordan's bed. Immediately the two men were able to hold Jordan's arms easily. Jordan continued to try and squirm his body but his movement was decreased with both men holding him down. Jordan's stomach started to hurt again as he was laid back onto his pillows. Nurse Mae entered the room next holding a needle. Jordan's eyes widened as she approached. He was helpless as he watched her uncap the needle and puncture his skin with the point. Jordan immediately calmed down watching the nurse push down the plunger. Immediately Jordan's body went limp. The two men let go of Jordan's arms while Dr. Green returned the pillow to the head of Jordan's bed. The two men safely guided Jordan's head back on the pillow and fixed his ponytail so that he wouldn't be lying on it. The two men moved to the end of the bed along with the nurse. Dr. Green hovered above Jordan's face as Jordan tried to focus. "I'm sorry Jordan," he said sincerely. His words would fall on deaf ears as Jordan's eyelids began to close. The same music began to play as Jordan closed his eyes. "That's what people say, Mmmm Mmmm, That's what people say, Mmmm Mmmm, but I keep crusin...can't st..." Jordan briefly sang the tune in his head and then stopped as the contents of the syringe had done their job of knocking Jordan out. "What is that? I heard that earlier when I brought in clean blankets," nurse Mae questioned. Doctor Green looked down and saw Jordan's overnight bag. He knelt down and flipped the bag over as it was upside down. The Taylor Swift song was still playing as Dr. Green brought the overnight bag back up to the end of Jordan's bed and began to unzip it. Once he opened the bag, Dr. Green saw all of Jordan's clothes in a pile, and sitting to the side of the clothes was a cell phone with the Taylor Swift ringtone. He looked at the caller ID and saw that it read Anna. He quickly pressed the answer button and brought the phone up to his ear. "Hello Anna?" the doctor said. Anna was puzzled who's voice it was answering the phone. "Yes, hello. Uh, I was uhh." Anna stumbled and then collected herself. "I'm trying to reach Jordan?" Anna said. She quickly, with better judgment thought that she better not say 'her husband' just in case someone who didn't know that Jordan was a male got a hold of the phone. She had hoped to hear her husbands voice or even silence which still would have been her husband answering, but someone else answering her call threw her off. Dr. Green chuckled. "It's Dr. Green from the clinic. We spoke briefly this morning," he said. Anna smiled on her end of the phone. She immediately thought of early in the day at the clinic when she met the doctor. She thought he was very nice and helpful, he had told her that he knew Jordan's secret and had told her that he wanted to help in anyway he could. When she was leaving he promised her that he would take good care of Jordan. "Hello Doctor," Anna laughed. Thank God! I didn't know who would be answering," Anna was relieved that it was the docor. "I bought Jordan a phone before I left and stuffed it inside his bag. I've been dialing it since I've left but no one answered up until now," she explained. "I guess he still isn't up?" she questioned. Dr. Green sighed. "I'm afraid not." Dr. Green watched as Nurse Mae was propping Jordan's pillows and then pulled the blanket up to his neck. Near Jordan's bed, the two men who held Jordan were in the room too, cleaning up the mess that Jordan had made from his outburst. "Uhh, Jordan was awake earlier only briefly though. He had passed out again," The doctor said as the nurse gave Dr. Green a nasty look. "He was coherent and alert though when he did wake up. We are very hopeful that the next time he wakes up it will be for good," The doctor explained as he looked towards the two male nurses, they too gave the doctor a glance. The doctor thought in his head that he wasn't going to worry Anna by explaining what had just taken place in his room. He wanted her to trust that Jordan was in good hands at the clinic so that she could focus on her business trip. "I was really hoping to talk to him tonight. I hate the way I had to leave, and that I couldn't put the flight off. I was hoping for more time with Jordan before I left but my company had the flight booked and I couldn't ask my boss to change the date. Could you please explain that to Jordan when he wakes up and asks where I am?" Anna sadly explained. "Yes dear, I will do that. I'll explain everything. I'm sure Jordan will be understanding about everything," The doctor said out loud as nurse Mae once again gave the doctor another look with raised eyebrows Dr. Green smiled. "I don't want to keep you from anything Anna, but I just wanted to tell you that I wish we would have been able to speak in person before you left. I wanted to talk about a few things," the doctor said. "I have a few minutes now. What did you want to talk about?" Anna replied. Dr. Green walked with the cell phone over to the side table and picked up Jordan's file. He flipped it open and went through some of his notes from his conversation with Jordan. The doctor walked out of Jordan's room and into the hallway. "I was talking about Jordan's working situation with him. Jordan had said that you had mentioned that you wanted him to get breasts so that the clothes for work would fit better," he explained to Anna. Anna chuckled into the phone. "Wow! I guess saying it so many times hit home," She replied, thinking back to the number of times that she brought up breast forms for Jordan to have glued to his chest. She promised him that they looked and felt just like real breasts and would help him to pass more confidently as a woman. She also told him the clothes that he bought would look better on his body with the forms attached. "So, you did have this conversation with him. I just wanted to confirm it," the doctor replied. "Oh yes, we had that talk alright and he was on board when we last spoke," Anna replied. "I just wanted to make sure that we were all on the same page. We would do the process right here in the clinic. We are one of the top acclaimed clinics on the west coast and Jordan is my patient so I would be personally involved with every aspect of Jordan's breasts. We have a website explaining everything along with a question and answer section. If you did have any questions or concerns about anything or if you just wanted to read up on the procedure you can check it out," Dr Green explained. "No doctor Green, I trust you'll take care of Jordan. I'm pretty sure he'll feel more confident as a woman once he sees how wonderful it is to have breasts," Anna replied. "I agree. Jordan did feel a little uneasy talking to me, but I think we have everything worked out. I was hoping to get him in here by the end of the month so that we could get him taken care of. I will contact you on the exact dates," the doctor explained. Anna smiled. "That would be great! Thank you doctor, tell Jordan I will talk to him soon," Anna said and then hung up. "Take care Anna, be safe," Dr. Green said hanging up the phone. Not thinking Dr Green slipped the phone into his white doctors coat as he made his way down the clinic hallway. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * END OF CHAPTER 12

Same as Halloween For Life Part 12 Videos

1 year ago
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Halloween Party

Halloween Party by Suzi (Johnson) Thomas "Hi, dear," my wife said when I walked into the house, "how was work?" "Not bad," I replied, "we landed that new account, so the boss was thrilled. What's new?" "We're invited to a Halloween party, a costume party, at the Peterson's Saturday night. Do you want to go?" In truth, we hardly knew the Peterson's, having been introduced by a friend of a friend, and we usually didn't really celebrate Halloween. "I guess so, sure, why not," I...

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Halloween Party

Spells 'R Us: Halloween Party By Bill Hart The Lambda's Halloween party was tonight. Just about everybody, who was anybody, on campus would be there. CeeJay Larson hadn't picked out a costume yet. But then, he hadn't figured on being invited at all. His fraternity was the butt of some really weird rumors, so he'd been almost shocked when he and a couple of his brothers received invitations. He was looking for something unique. What he seen so far rummaging through through...

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Halloween for Life Chapter 26 Timeline 1

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Halloween for Life Chapter 14 Timeline 1

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Halloween For LIfe Part 2

Anna felt bad about abandoning Jordan like that. She did think that they would be able to have a spa day together. She had no clue they would separate them like this. As she walked with her stylist she confided in her. "My sister is just a little nervous about who works on her hair, and face. We're new around here and she just doesn't want anything real drastic done," Anna explained. "Could you just pass that information along to her stylist so that she'll feel a little more...

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Halloween Trick or Treat Surprise

Chapter 1 –Susan Charity Event To my surprise Susie my wife of 15 years comes home from one of her many business trips. She is all excited about a Halloween costume party fund raiser, for non profit that supports women studies. The invitation states, the best couple for this evening will receive a free weekend in Bermuda. She wants’ us to go as couple switching genders.  Let me explain, when we got married years ago, she was an extremely sexy size 12, 5’ 5” with fantastic curves, huge D cups...

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Halloween and the Salon Stylist

Halloween 2014 "Halloween and the Salon Stylist" "Oh just sit down Tommy and hush. You said we could dress you up as a woman and you agreed to work this way all day today. It's Halloween silly," Shelly said holding the cape and waiting for him to sit in the styling chair. The other girls in the shop stood and watched as they giggled in anticipation of Tommy's transformation. It was early in the morning and all the stylist and the nail tech were all here to...

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Halloween Sisters

Halloween Sisters By Carol Collins It all started innocently enough. I, Jim Stone, was very busy on a project for work and barely remembered giving my beautiful but mischievous wife permission to select my Halloween costume when she selected hers. It was a decision absence mindedly made that would affect the rest of my life. I finished my ten-hour a day seven days a week project two days before Halloween. I planned on...

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Halloween Story Things that go Bump Bump Bump In the night

Later on Belisa stood out on the side walk, waiting for her friends to pick her up. She didn't really take Halloween very seriously so she just decided to wear her favourite dungarees with a red T-Shirt and white shoes. She just wanted to be comfortable, have a laugh and dance anyhow. Crystal and Amy arrived in an open top car. "Hey, Belly!" Called Crystal, a slender young blond who was in the front side seat. "Don't call me that, you know I hate that!" Replied Belisa half laughing,...

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Halloween For Life Part 3

Anna grabbed the Victoria's Secret bag with Jordan's male clothes in it, she unzipped her purse and quickly threw in some scissors, cold cream and a box of tissues. She grabbed the apartment keys and raced out the door. She made her way down the apartment complex stairs and reached the sidewalk. She was glad that she put on a pair of sneakers so she could move faster as she started to run in the direction that Jordan had walked in. Her mind raced as fast as she did as she tried to...

1 year ago
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Halloween party

After our little trip up north I could see Anna was getting deeper and deeper into the whole swinging idea. She preferred to meet people for sex rather than go to a club or hotel and pick someone up. I agreed with her and we quickly became frequent visitors of swinging websites. We got chatting to few other couples from various parts of the country and were planning some arrangements to meet up.During this time we were also receiving e-mails from Susan and John about future events at their...

1 year ago
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Halloween for Life Chapter 28 Timeline 1

Chapter 28 - Halloween For Life (A Fan Fiction Continuation) "Interview day." Jordan walked down the hall to Johanson's office. The entire day would have to be focused on just one thing: Preparing for and getting to the interview. There could be no other distractions or complications. "Make or break," Jordan said to himself. "Make or break. Make or break. Need to focus. No distractions." Jordan was in no mood to dress 'especially sexy' for Johanson today. Today was about the...

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Halloween Miracle

Halloween Miracle By Debbie L Traffic was heavier than normal as Billy Tanner drove to his little sister's school. He knew he would be late and hoped that the afterschool-care coordinator would be patient with him. She had in the past. He pulled the old station wagon into the parking lot fifteen minutes late and was out of the driver's side door almost before coming to a full stop. Fortunately, Cindy Tanner was still there, being watched by Michelle, the coordinator of...

1 year ago
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Halloween Creep Night

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1 year ago
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Halloween Howlers

Halloween is a time where some take to scaring people, others TP, toilet paper the trees in several of their teacher’s yards. And, still there were those, eighteen years-old, adult in age, only more mischief making minions who egged the windows and front doors of yellow yolk and white gooey, messes. But, even more cavalier and rather striking was the farce some of the female ‘click, ‘leaders made a farce of the legal liquor age and brought along the ones who would sniff their butts to be...

2 years ago
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Halloween Party

After two weeks of begging my step-mom, she had finally allowed me to go to a Halloween party. She was very protective of me and was worried about me getting exposed to drugs and alcohol. An important fact she didn’t know was that it wasn’t a normal Halloween party. At sixteen years old, losing my virginity was all I was trying to do. Everyone would be wearing costumes with masks and it was sure to result in lots of sex.The party would take place in a house with about a dozen rooms and the only...

3 years ago
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Halloween Surprise

While attending a party, man meets a woman dressed as a dominatrix...but is it just a costume?Halloween Surprise.Let me start off by saying that Halloween is for k**s. I would tend to think that most of you adults on this site would have to agree. It is not like I am anti-Halloween or anything, that would be far from the truth. Believe me, I thoroughly enjoy seeing the little ones come to the door dressed in their colorful costumes. Even better when they come to the door escorted by their hot...

3 years ago
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Halloween After the Party G

Halloween: After the Party- G Author's Note: Seems that there was room for a sequel by request. I wrote the other sequel first and discovered that the story changed a lot because of the way the other story ended. It was more than just deleting sex scenes and fixing transitions. They are different people. I was nervous as I approached the door to Starbucks. I could see my hand shaking as I reached for door handle. I don't know why I was so nervous; it was a first date, sort of. I mean...

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Halloween A Pussycats Tail

"The Literotica Annual Halloween Story Contest is on!" I smiled wistfully as I read the announcement on my computer screen. I loved erotic stories almost as much as I loved writing, but I unfortunately lacked the talent to combine my two interests together. While it was easy enough for me to write about things that I had personally experienced, when the time came to make something up, my mind would inevitably run into a blank, unscalable wall. A sparse and unexciting sexual history...

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Halloween 2000

HALLOWEEN 2000 By Cathy_t_ I had been unemployed since the end of April and had been assigned, by Social Services, to work off my cash grant from Welfare, at a Senior Citizen's Day Care Facility. I found, rather rapidly, that I actually enjoyed being there and helping the residents. We would play games with them and keep them interested in life in general by coming up with projects for them to do. Not big projects, mind you, but small things that would test their memories and...

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Halloween Surprise

Let me start off by saying that Halloween is for kids. I would tend to think that most of you adults on this site would have to agree. It is not like I am anti-Halloween or anything, that would be far from the truth. Believe me, I thoroughly enjoy seeing the little ones come to the door dressed in their colorful costumes. Even better when they come to the door escorted by their hot looking moms. Not that I would ever even consider using a kid's costume as a conversation starter just to make way...

3 years ago
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Halloween for Life Chapter 25 Timeline 1

Halloween For Life (A Fan Fiction Continuation) Chapter 25 Lunch Dates? "Nicole." The voice was soft and musical. Who was 'Nicole' ? And why was someone calling for her? "Ni-ico-ole." "Ohhhmmmm, nice," Jordan responded as he felt soft lips on his. He opened his eyes to see his wife, Anna, smiling down at him. "Oh, Anna..." Jordan sighed, "I love you." "I love you too, Nicole," Anna said. 'Nicole, who's that?' Jordan wondered. But then he remembered. Am...

3 years ago
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Halloween For Life Part 4

Anna was in the kitchen setting the table. The stir fry had just finished cooking and as she turned the knob on the stove top, she heard a woman's voice talking. At first it was far away but it soon sounded much closer. She heard the front door open and close and continued to hear the female voice. "..and that's all I was going to do tonight." Was the end of the conversation that Anna had heard as she grabbed her beer bottle and walked toward the front door. As she entered the...

4 years ago
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Halloween Murders

There is no sex in this story and doesn’t necessarily a have happy ending. Murders rarely have happy endings. A big ‘Thank You’ to Mistress Lynn for editing this story and making it a much better read. **** Dexter was dressed up as a cowboy. ‘Why are you carrying a sports bag,’ his wife asked. ‘I’m Doc Holiday from ‘Gunsmoke’, and this is my medical bag.’ Marsha was dressed in a bridal gown, with a veil and tiara. Dexter knew it meant more than just wearing a costume. It was for the...

3 years ago
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Halloween Masquerade Disguise Ch 01

I call my mother, Julie, her twin sister, Jennie, my sister, Jessica, and my sister-in-law, Joanne, the Witches of Eastwick. Yeah, I know there were only three witches in the movie, Cher, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Susan Sarandon, but I expanded it to four to encompass my four female relatives. Definitely, the four of them are witches. Don’t get me wrong. I mean that in a good way. I love them all. Still, they are witches and their witch like behavior worsens, especially around the Halloween...

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Halloween and the Goblin

Introduction: Wife gets ravished by a horny goblin Halloween and the Goblin By rodeotexas November 2012 The young attractive couple, Kate and Dan, had recently purchased the huge old Victorian house. They knew it would be a huge renovation project but have plans to operate it as a bed and breakfast. Dan was an architect and Kate an Interior Designer which enabled both of them to work out of the house. It was the grandest house on the block but sorely in need of restoration. Three months...

2 years ago
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Halloween Night Encounter

I would like to relate the story of one of the best Halloween nights I had ever experienced.It occurred the year that I had auditioned and won the role of Count Dracula for a local amateur theater. I met her after the opening night performance, she introduced herself as April.Now with the exception of her long honey blond hair she bore a remarkable resemblance to famed Hammer movie star Barbara Steel. She told me how much she loved the play and my performance during our first meeting and we...

4 years ago
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Halloween Trick Or Treat

Halloween Trick Or Treat Part One Halloween Trick Or Treat Part One Linda Taylor felt her skinned ass intently it hurt her to walk, her raw red, paddled ass scraped against the bottom cheeks of her Halloween Costume and with a whimper of sheer misery it dawned on her the wetness in her panties was the bright red blood the Vampire craved on Hallows Eve, however in this case it was her butt that had given up the blood.? As the coed recalled the nightmare and the trick she had taken part...

3 years ago
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Halloween Night With Jill

I told Jill the dreamlike story that night as we lay in bed. Initially, she was quite jealous and a bit angry, even though it was obviously a dream. There was no other possible explanation.In her anger, Jill repeated, "How could you cheat on me after all of our years together?"But, as I told and retold the story, she listened more closely. She realized that if it was real, then they had some apparent power over me. Then there was the fact that I went after her, choosing her over them in the...

3 years ago
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Halloween and the Goblin

By rodeotexas November 2012 The young attractive couple, Kate and Dan, had recently purchased the huge old Victorian house. They knew it would be a huge renovation project but have plans to operate it as a bed and breakfast. Dan was an architect and Kate an Interior Designer which enabled both of them to work out of the house. It was the grandest house on the block but sorely in need of restoration. Three months before Halloween they had moved in with their two huge but loveable...

4 years ago
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Halloween Costume Treat

Halloween Costome Treat Here comes another Halloween Party at the Scene, a local nightspot that is a very popular dance club for the under 30s crowd. I am 45 but my wife is 25 and loves to go to the club with her ol' college friends. Every New Years Eve and Halloween time, the club turns up the heat and my wife Casey and I have never missed those hot nights since being married 4 years ago. It's difficult getting a reservation but Casey seems to know the owners well enough to secure our party...

1 year ago
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Halloween on Stanworth Street

I heard them chanting over again, “Go ahead- go in there. I bet you won’t do it.” They were supposed to be my friends, but every Halloween they dared me to go into the old Stanworth Street warehouse. It’s not entirely their fault. Every year, I say I’m going to go in and every year I chicken out. This year will be different. Tonight is Halloween and I’m going to satisfy my curiosity.I know people say the house is haunted, but people say many things to make it sound as if they’re privy to...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Halloween With Shelly

I'm Tony. I have been retired for the past five years. Sixty years young and living by myself since my wife's death two years ago. Sure, I still get horny sometimes but at my age it's pretty easy going without sex. An occasional masturbation session satisfies me for a week or two. I have to admit that it's lonely sometimes. There are only so many books you can read or movies you can rent. Once in a while one of my old co-workers will stop by for a coffee or maybe a beer. So I am not...

3 years ago
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Halloween Eve The Party

My wife Sue has a very high sex drive which I was made aware of when we were dating. Though I satisfy her sexually, she needs more. In other words, she is a nymphomaniac. I was reluctant at first, but over time I understood her need to seek out other partners. She would always come home and give me the details of her encounters, which always lead to long nights of love making. Its Halloween eve, my wife Sue is 5’6′ tall with long black hair reaching down to her shoulders. She is dressed as a...

1 year ago
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Halloween Eve The Party

  My wife Sue has a very high sex drive which I was made aware of when we were dating. Though I satisfy her sexually, she needs more. In other words, she is a nymphomaniac. I was reluctant at first, but over time I understood her need to seek out other partners. She would always come home and give me the details of her encounters, which always lead to long nights of love making.Its Halloween eve, my wife Sue is 5'6" tall with long black hair reaching down to her shoulders. She is dressed as a...

1 year ago
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Halloween party

I love Halloween. My family have always had fun with Halloween since I was a k**.I have recently returned home to my parents after being away at college the last four years. My parents have lived without k**s for the last two years so it has been a transition for them to have me back in the house. My parents have had a great Halloween party for years. People go all out and dress up in costumes. There are so many people that dress up in total disguise so you don't know who is in that costume.So...

1 year ago
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Halloween Four 24102016 Abergalersquos Party

Halloween Four, 24/10/2016: Abergale’s PartyPulling up into her driveway Abergale got out of her car and noticing that something had been left for her in the mail box. Opening it she took out a single unstamped envelope addressed to her and shoved the envelope unread into her jean pocket. Walking into her kitchen she threw her bag in the corner and opened the envelope she was dumbfounded to find a party invitation that Rosa had promised her when they met in the car park the day before. ...

2 years ago
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Halloween At The Grange

My name is Bethany, I’m gay, single and ready to mingle.~~~~~~~~I picked up the mail from my doormat as usual. Flicking through the bills, junk mail and flyers, one letter caught my eye. It was addressed to me and marked private and confidential, it stood out from the others because it had a small Halloween pumpkin face on the reverse. Other than that, there was no clue to reveal its origin.I placed the other letters on the hall-stand and proceeded to open my mysterious letter.Inside was an...

1 year ago
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Halloween Deception

Why is it when people share stories about losing their virginity, it sounds like a fucking fairy tale? If you just dig a little deeper and you learn the truth is nowhere near close. Oh, and don’t get me started on the bullshit stories people write about how when a girl is deflowered by the man of her dreams, making it sound like a loving gesture of passion and romance. Ugh!It’s said you remember the first and you remember the worst. Well, I will never forget my first or my worst. It definitely...

First Time
4 years ago
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Halloween Bride

This is a true story. The incident took place on Halloween in Columbus, Ohio. Nothing has been changed to embellish the story. I hope you enjoy it. Hugs, Kelly Davidson * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Here I was, parked outside a Wal-Mart on this cool, cloudy day Halloween morning trying to gather up the courage to follow a dream. It wasn't the fear of going into the store dressed that was stopping me. I had scoped out the place the night before in regular clothes (skirt...

4 years ago
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Halloween Revenge

Tom's story. The invitation arrived in the post a week before Halloween, it was a very fancy invitation hand delivered by a personal courier. I was surprised because I didn't know of any parties and trust me as an ex jock I knew pretty much every party going on. I tore open the envelope. Dear Tom, I hope you will do me the honour of coming to my Halloween party. The party will of course be fancy dress and begins at seven at the address in the header. No need...

1 year ago
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Halloween for Life Chapter 18 Timeline 1

Halloween for Life Chapter 18 : Any Given Sunday Jordan could feel his heart sink, and his breathing became deeper, and the whole world seemed to black out around him. Jordan looked up at the door to his apartment. Hoses of various sizes were snaking into the front door from the emergency equipment parked on the street. He tried to run up the stairs to the front door but was blocked by a policeman. "Sorry, miss," the policeman said, gently, but firmly. "No one is allowed...

3 years ago
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Halloween Bash

Hey group, I thought this one up on the fly after my wife and I came back from a ghost hunt at an abandoned insane asylum. Now you know why I write what I do… Wanted to give you all a flash story just for the fun of it. I hope you enjoy it. _________________________________________________ HALLOWEEN BASH There is one holiday I like more than any other. Halloween. The fun of decorating your yard, kids running around collecting candy and wearing costumes is better than the other holiday...

2 years ago
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Halloween Surprise

I have to say that I firmly believed all of the above just a few short years back as summer ended and September led into October. At the time, if you recall, I was recently divorced and living in the city. I was doing fairly well in a managerial position at a small company my boss John had founded. It probably didn't hurt that I was seeing his wife on the side while he was working long hours at the office. It also didn't hurt that I was going out with a hot looking 23-year-old named Joyce....

1 year ago
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Halloween Personalities

"I should have followed my instinct and not attend that party," I said to myself as I entered my room and removed my Halloween costume.As I undressed I had to concentrate to clear the image of the full red lips and tiny pink tongue of the Corpse Bride licking and kissing the head of my cock. Just thinking about it caused my groin to stir."How did this happen?" I asked myself.It had not been a good end of summer. First, I lost my job and struggled to find another. By the time I did, I was broke...

4 years ago
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Halloween Personalities

"I should have followed my instinct and not attend that party," I said to myself as I entered my room and removed my Halloween costume.As I undressed I had to concentrate to clear the image of the full red lips and tiny pink tongue of the Corpse Bride licking and kissing the head of my cock. Just thinking about it caused my groin to stir."How did this happen?" I asked myself.It had not been a good end of summer. First, I lost my job and struggled to find another. By the time I did, I was broke...

3 years ago
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Halloween at Work

Halloween at Work This is a true story...sort of. It is also a completely original work by me, and should be remembered as such. Thank you. Laura _________________________________________________________ Almost a year ago, just after Halloween I was in search of a job. It just so happened that a former manager, and personal friend of mine was looking for another person to work for her at the store she...

1 year ago
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Halloween Swing Night

Halloween Swing Night by Tanya Fly "For the hundredth time, yes, Tommy, you can pull this off," Gina said as she applied the final touches of makeup to her husband's face. "You'll look great and all the girls are going to love it! You'll be the hit of the party, and very popular." "I don't know, Gina. What woman wants to have sex with a someone dressed like a French Maid?" Tommy smiled as he realized what he had just said. He knew that lots of women liked having sex with...

3 years ago
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Halloween Delight Part One

Halloween Delight; Part one: When I was young, I was only allowed to play in the basement. The upstairs was off limits to me as a play area. I could play in my room, but that was it, other than the basement. This was fine with me, as I found a lot to play with down there, and it was all mine. When I was either 5 or 6, I found a box full of dresses. They were from the late 1800's or the early 1900's and made of silk. They had full skirts that flowed to the ground and long sleeves....

4 years ago
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Halloween Cheerleader Fantasy

Halloween is supposedly a good time to be a TGirl, a time of year when society seems OK with a guy dressing and acting like a girl. Several times on or around Halloween I have walked through Macys or a mall and had salesladies call out "Nice Costume". Or, I as I go into a 7-11 or supermarket, and a couple walks by, the woman will smile and say to her boyfriend, "Hey, next year, let's dress you up as a girl". What's that all about? On the other hand, if my wife and I are invited to a...

1 year ago
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Halloween Spirit

Halloween Spirit By Morpheus I stood in the middle of the office floor, looking over the cubicles and office walls which had all been covered with Halloween decorations. The company of Danner, Dyson, and Dexler...or DDD as most people called it, had always supported holiday cheer, almost regardless of which holiday it was. But since Halloween was Mr. Dyson's favorite holiday, it tended to get a little extra attention. Today was Halloween but most of the employees were thinking...

3 years ago
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Halloween House Party

I swear, Halloween is the best time of year for horny guys like me. Girls seem to love dressing up as sexy pirates, sexy devils, or sexy anything, really. The following story took place that night… but it’s not scary at all. My friends Michelle and Cassie and I decided to do a group costume this year for some frat Halloween party. The girls dressed as two schoolgirls and I made myself up like a strict teacher—shirt and tie and ruler. Michelle, Leigh and I have been friends since Freshman...

2 years ago
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Halloween House Party

I swear, Halloween is the best time of year for horny guys like me. Girls seem to love dressing up as sexy pirates, sexy devils, or sexy anything, really. The following story took place that night… but it’s not scary at all. My friends Michelle and Cassie and I decided to do a group costume this year for some frat Halloween party. The girls dressed as two schoolgirls and I made myself up like a strict teacher—shirt and tie and ruler. Michelle, Leigh and I have been friends since Freshman...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Halloween for Life Chapter 20 Timeline 1

Chapter 20 - Halloween For Life (A Fan Fiction Continuation) ANOTHER DAY IN THE LIFE OF JORDAN Tuesday morning. Jordan woke up before the alarm this time, turned it off and lay in bed thinking. Yesterday had been a long, busy day, and today would be too. Jordan thought again about what had happened in Mr. Johanson's office the night before. It was so confusing in so many ways and he was having a hard time understanding it all. It felt full of deep meaning - but what sorts of...

2 years ago
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Halloween for Life Chapter 24 Timeline 1

Halloween For Life (A Fan Fiction Continuation) Jordan Nicole is Born Chapter 24 Pain, confusion, nausea, loneliness. Jordan laid in bed, not moving, eyes closed, and tried to remember who he or she was, where he or she was, and how he got here. Jordan felt sore all over, with biting sharp pains in weird places. On his waist. Under his underarms. She felt trapped, isolated, and alone. Jordan could feel a fog cloud his mind, and had no idea how much time had gone by, but it must...

2 years ago
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Halloween Humor

I often read jokes that make me laugh. Then I think about what a good and humorous story they could make. So I decided to write about a few of them. I hope you get a chuckle out of it, or at least a smile. A big thank you goes to Mistress Lynn for taking of her time to edit this story. **** Roy and Martha Simmons had been married for over forty years. Even though they were still in love, Martha always considered Roy a cantankerous old fool. Of course, Roy always felt Martha was an airhead,...

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Halloween and Batman

Just a short non-erotic story for Halloween. If you’re looking for sex, it’s not here. For the rest of the readers I hope you enjoy it. A big ‘Thank You’ to Estragon for making it a much better read. * I’m what most people would call a normal, non-descript type guy. I’m 5′ 10′, weigh 160 lbs. I’m not overly smart, but not dumb either. I’ve always been on the somewhat quiet side when it came to girls. In school I was the guy you never remembered in class. You would have to look in your...

3 years ago
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Halloween cd crossdresser

TinkerbelleMy sister , Candy, and I were fraternal twins, but looked nearlyidentical. Pretty much the same height weight and build. In high school,she was always teased about having small tits and I was always teasedbecause I was small, thin and had a big ass for a guy. Because of this wewere extremely close. Best friends really. We spent nearly all our timetogether.After college she became a consultant and I became a math teacher. Becausewe were so close, I spent lots of time at her house...

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