The Salon Assistant - Part 5 free porn video

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I stood in front of the king-sized bed and replayed what Becky had just said to me in my head. "Did I hear that right?" I thought to myself. 'Did Becky, gorgeous, stunning, sexy, boss-lady Becky just indicate that there was a chance that I would be sleeping in the same bed as her tonight?' Then I remembered that on the train journey here she had said that she would have more fun with me than anybody else that works in the salon. My teenage brain was putting two and two together here and getting sex. I was roused from my flawed arithmetic calculations by Becky announcing "Come on! Chop, chop! We've got no time to waste. I've booked the table for eight-thirty." "Table?" I enquired. "IKEA are delivering a flat-pack table at eight-thirty and we're going to spend the rest of the night putting it together." In the space of a few seconds the thoughts in my head had gone from nailing the boss to screwing a table top. Noticing the rather disappointed look that was on my face Becky quickly added, "We've got a table booked at the restaurant, silly. Now we both need to get ready so I'm just going to go and set up some things in the bathroom. Make yourself comfortable here and I'll be out in five minutes." Becky then took her suitcase into the bathroom and left me to explore the room. I briefly wandered around the room, picking up the room service menu, opening a drawer in the desk before examining the teabags that had been left next to the kettle. 'What the fuck is tomato mint tea? I'll bet if I look at the Best Before date on that it will say never!' I thought. I then stood in front of the television attached to the wall, looked at my watch and contemplated the possibility of turning it on. However I quickly dismissed this notion to leave my mind free to parse even further Becky's words and actions. 'What did she mean by where I slept would depend on how cooperative I was going to be?' However before my brain got a chance to respond with a rational and logical interpretation of Becky's intentions my penis barged its way into this internal dialogue and shouted 'Sex!' and 'Don't fuck this up for me four-eyes!' After several years of being mercilessly browbeaten by my penis, my brain retreated from its quest for the truth and started to find ways to justify caving into the demands of the bully in my boxers. 'Why don't you just go along with whatever she tells you to do?', my brain proposed. 'How bad can it be? I mean, she's already exposed the full femininity of your hairstyle to your mum and got you into a state of arousal in the middle of a busy hairdressing salon, whilst sitting next to your mum, as your mum volunteered the fact that you had a full-blown crush on a glorified dance teacher, who just happens to be nearly sixty. Oh, and did I mention that your mum was there? What's she going to ask you to cooperate with that will be worse than that?' As my brain was feeling pretty pleased with itself for rationalising its timidity, Becky stepped out of the bathroom and was a sight to behold. She was still wearing her full make-up from today but had divested herself of her clothes and was now wrapped in a purple, floral print satin kimono style dressing gown. The dressing gown had three- quarter length sleeves with a purple lace trim at the base of each sleeve and came down to just below Becky's knees. As I saw her I stood motionless, my brain fell silent and my penis was dancing around in my underwear shouting 'I fuckin' told you! I fuckin' told you! I'm going spelunking tonight!' "Right, we'd better start getting ready then, sweetie," Becky said. "Sit on the edge of the bed. I need to get your nails looking sexy for our dinner-date." In a satin induced fugue I did as she asked. Becky then dragged over the chair from under the desk in the corner of the room and placed it in front of me. She sat down, reached into the pocket of the nightgown and took out a small bottle. As soon as she opened it I recognised the strong chemical smell. It was a bottle of nail polish. This aroma acted like smelling-salts and immediately brought me back to something approximating my senses in time to hear her say, "Okay, give me your left hand, sweetie." I meekly obeyed and held out my hand for her without removing my eyes from Becky's face. Thankfully Becky didn't notice this because her face was a study in concentration as she sought to make my nails "sexy". My mind was aflame with thoughts of what Becky was wearing under her kimono. Was she wearing underwear or was she naked? I couldn't tell, but I could certainly imagine. These images running through my mind had been enough to render my penis speechless and defenceless so my brain took that opportunity to seize control of my actions and it started to move my focus down towards what was happening with my nails. Unfortunately, as I looked down, I noticed that the bottom of her gown had opened slightly, revealing an intoxicating amount of thigh. Even my brain was starting to get a hard-on. In a bid to act like a gentleman I tore my eyes away from Becky's silky-smooth thigh and that was when I noticed that she had already completed painting two of my nails. This was quite a sight to take in. The colour that Becky had chosen for this evening was not the discrete pink shade that she had first painted my nails with. This new colour was a deep, shiny, raspberry red. I looked on dumbfounded. In this new colour it was going to be very noticeable, probably from a distance, that I was wearing nail polish. Becky noticed me staring at my newly painted fingers and said, ?Like it?? ?It?s going to stand out. It?ll be obvious I?m wearing nail polish,? I said. ?That?s the idea,? Becky said as she gave me a smile of satisfaction. After a brief pause Becky added ?You know, after your behaviour today, I had serious doubts about bringing you here.? ?I just got a bit confused,? I confessed to her. ?I thought that?s what it might be. So I?ve decided to give you a second chance,? Becky then followed that up with, ?And to help you I?ve decided that you don?t have to call me Ma?am when we?re here. Understood?? ?Yes, Ma?am. Thanks, Ma?am,? I said, perhaps illustrating that I hadn?t quite fully grasped the degree of latitude she had granted me. ?Don?t worry about it. You?ll be showing your gratitude later,? she insisted. After another ten minutes or so Becky finished painting my nails and announced herself satisfied with the results by saying, ?Right, all done. Now don?t move from here until they?re dry. If I come out that bathroom and find you?ve smudged them there?ll be hell to pay,? I responded with a meek, ?Okay,? and Becky finished the conversation with, ?I?m off to make myself beautiful for our big date,? and then disappeared into the bathroom and locked the door behind her. For the next few minutes I simply stared at my newly painted nails. I was literally watching paint dry and it felt anything but boring. I think this was the most excited and scared I had ever been in my life. I could still see the sensuous sweep of the brush as it caressed each nail, leaving behind a glorious burst of colour at the end of my fingers. In any other context I would unreservedly love this raspberry red colour. However on my nails it felt like it was going to stand out against the beige background I like to stay in whenever I?m out in public. The panic this thought had started to grow in me was eased when it was replaced by a random recollection of something that Becky had said earlier. Had she really said that she was making herself beautiful for our date? ?Yes she did,' shouted my penis. ?So just let me do the talking and keep your boring mouth shut,? it warned. After about 20 minutes of staring at my nails and being warned not to cock this up by my engorged member I decided that was more than long enough for my nails to have dried. I gently dabbed my left index finger against the right to test my theory. To my great relief I was right. I then stood up and consulted my watch again. ?Hmmm, Strictly Come Dancing will be on,' I thought. I hesitated for a second before I decided to turn the television on and watch it. ?If I hear Becky coming out of the bathroom I can turn it off before she notices,? I reassured myself with. This caused me to ponder why I had said this out loud instead of just thinking these words, however with everything that had happened today that quickly got pushed to the bottom of the pile of mysteries that needed to be solved. After about five minutes of watching some third-rate politician being dragged round the floor by a surprisingly strong bundle of chiffon, fake tan and hair extensions, I eagerly anticipated my first glimpse of Shirley. When she appeared on screen she didn?t disappoint. Her hair framed her face in beautiful dark waves, her make-up was flawless and she was wearing a very simple, elegant, sleeveless pink dress. This image was further enhanced when she gave the politician and his dancing strongwoman a fairly scathing summary of their performance. I adored Shirley when she was like this. However even the prospect of viewing another tear-down being dispensed by Shirley wasn?t enough to hold me still in front of the television. I was in a heightened state of excitement and started to wander rather aimlessly round the room. That was when I caught sight of my overnight bag and this jolted me into action. ?I?d better see what she packed for me,' I thought. I picked up the bag, dumped it on the bed and opened it to examine the contents. I removed my clothes from the bag and laid them out on the bed to allow me to assess what my mum had decided would be suitable wardrobe for a weekend in Edinburgh. As I ran my eyes over her selection I had to admit that she had got it pretty spot-on. She?d packed my good shirt, my good jeans, two pairs of clean boxer-shorts, two pairs of socks, two clean t-shirts and my good shoes. She?d even remembered to pack some of my disposable contact lenses and a wash-bag with a toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss and a razor and shaving-foam. I ran my hand over my light stubble and decided that I wouldn?t be needing those this evening. I had to admit that my mum had done a pretty good job, apart from the pyjamas she had packed for me. My brain and my penis were both in agreement: those pyjamas would be staying firmly in the bag for the rest of this trip. After I hung the two clean t-shirts in the wardrobe I decided that, to save time, it might be a good idea if I started to get myself ready. I had no idea how long Becky was going to take getting dressed, although my mind had been drifting towards what was happening behind that locked bathroom door. I was having visions of Becky?s glistening body emerging from the shower and the water droplets gently kissing every part of her skin before they fell into the drain in an exhausted reverie. I soon realised though that if I kept up that level of fantasising that I was in danger of peaking before the action really began. I had a quick sniff of my armpits, decided that they passed the smell test with flying colours, and started to put my glad rags on. I even changed into a clean pair of boxer-shorts as an illustration of how keen I was to make an impression. After I had donned my clean underwear and socks, my jeans and my shirt and stood in front of the mirror. The reflection that stared back at me did not look like someone who was about to have sex with a woman as beautiful as Becky. I even started to think that I had misinterpreted some of the hints that Becky had been dropping. My confidence and self- belief was starting to evaporate when Becky emerged from the bathroom, pulling her suitcase behind her. When I saw her my brain and penis both made a grab for the smelling- salts. She looked absolutely stunning. She was wearing a blue, figure- hugging dress with a shift dress style bodice overlaid with velvet cutwork that gave the dress a round neck and full length sleeves. The velvet cutwork was so delicate and intricate it looked like lace. Her shoes were electric blue and had 5 or 6 inch heels with three straps across the top of the ankle, the mid-section of the shoe and the bottom part. My eyes were then drawn up and I could tell that she had re- applied and deepened and darkened all of her make-up. Her lipstick seemed to be a stronger shade of red, her eyelashes seemed longer, her eyeshadow was darker and more alluring and underneath it all her eyes and her smile invited attention, invited admiration, invited jaws to drop. I would?ve stared at that face for the rest of the evening if I hadn?t been snapped out my trance by Becky asking, ?So, what do you think?? Revealing my mastery of the art of seduction I responded with a high- pitched, ?Yeah. You look......good.? Undeterred by my teenage incompetence Becky then asked, ?What about my shoes?? as she raised a leg slightly to show off her glamorous footwear. ?Eh, yes, they?re really nice as well,? I stuttered. ?Guess what kind of shoes these are?? she asked. I pondered the question for a moment and then shook my head. ?Think about what your mum is wearing tonight.? I stood in silence for a second before Becky added, ?what type of shoes do women wear when they want to get some?? I hesitated for a second before the light-bulb came on and I excitedly asked, ?Are they your ?fuck me? shoes?? Becky nodded and replied with a grin, ?That?s right, sweetie. These are my ?fuck you? shoes. Right, it?s time for you to get changed, sweetie.? I looked at her quizzically and said, ?But I?m ready.? Becky then ran her critical eyes up and down me and said, ?Oh, I don?t think so. They don?t allow jeans in this restaurant we?re going to.? ?But I?ve got nothing else to wear.? Becky then gave me a smile and responded with, ?Don?t worry about that, sweetie. I?ve left what I want you to wear in the bathroom,? She then walked towards me in that dress and in those heels and leaned forward to gently brush her hand across my cheek. ?And while you?re in there have a shower and a shave.? ?Now come on, we don?t have all day,? she said as she ushered me into the bathroom. ?Oh, and I want you wear everything I?ve laid out for you. Everything,? Just as she said that I closed and locked the bathroom door. As I stood with my back leaning against the door I noticed that Becky had laid out a pair of shoes and a pile of clothes on the toilet seat. I took a closer look at the shoes and, on first inspection, these didn?t seem to be too bad. They were a pair of blue brogues with contrasting sections of shiny blue leather and suede. I then started to look at the clothes and the item at the top of the pile immediately jumped out at me. ?Is that a pair of women?s panties?? I thought. I picked them up, opened them out and immediately noticed the shape and the lace inserts on either side of the garment. They were definitely panties, I concluded. This then prompted me to inspect the pile of clothes further but, apart from a pair of strange, rather flimsy looking socks, I was delighted to discover that the rest of the outfit appeared just to consist of a shirt and a pair of trousers. Feeling slightly relieved I stepped into the shower and quickly soaped up my body, rinsed and towel-dried myself before stepping out of the shower with a towel wrapped around my waist. I then quickly applied foam to my face and shaved my light stubble before I set about the task of dressing in the clothes that Becky had laid out for me. I picked up the navy blue panties and immediately noticed how soft they were. I stepped into them and pulled them slowly up my legs until I had them fully on. The cut of these was very similar to some of the briefs I wore but, somehow, these felt very different. They seemed to gently cup both of my cheeks and had an overwhelming desire to squash down my penis and flatten down the front. This was a battle they were losing. I looked at the black lace inserts running down each side at the front of the panties and this little flourish left me in no doubt that I was wearing women?s underwear. The thought of this caused my penis to test their desire to impose their membership of the flat groin society on me. After I had spent an unhealthy amount of time running my hands over the surface of the pants I decided to put on the trousers that had been left out by Becky. I unfurled these and could see that they were tuxedo trousers, with a navy blue stripe down the leg and what appeared to be a contrasting navy blue cummerbund attached to the trousers. I pulled up the trousers and, again, noticed how much they seemed to cling to my waist and hips but then flared out to wide, almost billowy, legs. The other strange thing about these trousers was that the zip was on the side instead of the front. I zipped up the trousers and then set about pulling on the strange socks that had been left out. These black socks were really strange because, when I pulled them up to the top of my calf they became almost transparent. I had a brief, fleeting, thought that the material was very similar to the tights or stockings that girls would sometimes wear but I dismissed that thought as being no more than just a coincidence and started to put on the blue leather and suede brogues. I was definitely in more familiar territory with these, even if they were a bit more flamboyant than I would normally wear. Once I had laced these up I stood up and the wide bottom of the trousers covered virtually the whole of the shoes, with just a the toes visible when I stood still. At that point I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror on the back of the hotel door and a strange sensation went through my body as I examined my reflection. With the cummerbund these trousers sat slightly higher up my waist and this gave me an unfamiliar silhouette. The final thing I had to do was put on the navy blue shirt. I gently unfolded the soft, smooth fabric. The only time I had felt anything as soft and as smooth as this before was my gran?s silk-scarf collection. Just touching this sent tiny pulses of pleasure through my entire body. I slipped my arms into the sleeves and the pulses of pleasure changed into full-on lightning bolts as the sensation of this silky material against my skin overwhelmed my senses. After carrying out a thorough touch test by stroking the shirt against my skin I decided that it was good enough to wear and set about buttoning it up. This proved to be more of a challenge that I thought it would be as the buttons were nestled under a wave of fabric which continued down the length of the shirt. Once I had finished I took another look at myself in the mirror and could see that the shirt had a round neck with no real collar, two darts either side which extended down to just above my pectoral muscles, and a single ruffle which weaved its way down the middle of the shirt. This was not like any other shirt that I had worn so I wasn?t sure if I should now tuck it into my trousers or leave it hanging out. Rather than guess and get it wrong I decided the best course of action was to ask Becky. I emerged from the bathroom, still trying to fasten one of the buttons on the cuff of the shirt and, without raising my eyes from this task, I asked Becky, ?Should I tuck this shirt in or leave it hanging out?? Becky approached me and responded with, ?Don?t be silly, sweetie. That?s not a shirt. It?s a blouse. And you should always tuck it in.? On hearing Becky call what I was wearing a blouse I finished buttoning the cuff and looked up. When I did this I got the shock of my life. Becky had removed her gorgeous dress and was now wearing blue tuxedo style trousers with a contrasting cummerbund and a navy blue blouse with a round collar, two darts either side which extended down to just above her breasts and a single ruffle which ran down the centre of her blouse. She was dressed identically to me, apart from fact that she had tucked her blouse into her trousers and had kept her ?fuck me? shoes on her feet. ?But, but, but....where?s dressed the same as me. Well, apart from the shoes,? I stammered. She pouted and asked ?Disappointed you don?t have a pair of 'fuck you' shoes to wear? Give it time, sweetie." ?But...but....but I though women hated it when somebody was dressed the same as them?? Becky gave me a knowing smile and replied, ?Us girls don?t like it when another woman wears the same outfit as us. I love it when a boy does though. Now, come here and let me tuck you in.? Stunned by the sight that my eyes had just taken in I moved towards her in a daze and felt her hand reach round the side of me and unzip the trousers. When she did this she slid her hand inside, feeling the panties I had also put on at her behest. She smiled, leaned into me and whispered ?Good boy,? before starting to tuck the blouse into the cummerbund. Once she had finished doing this she zipped up the trousers again and, after making one or two slight adjustments declared herself happy with how things looked now. After a few seconds of staring at me and clearly pondering something she said, ?Wait here.? Becky walked over to the table at the side of the bed, picked up a bag and returned to stand in front of me. With her scent drowning my senses she said, ?You?ve got such beautiful eyes, sweetie. We just need to open them up a bit with some mascara.? ?Mascara? But that?s for...? I stammered. ?That?s for boys with beautiful eyes,? she interrupted. ?Now look up.? Without thinking I obeyed and looked up at the ceiling and quickly felt the mascara brush being dragged across my lashes. ?Look down,? she instructed. I complied again and felt another coat of mascara thickening, and lengthening my lashes. With my eyes still blinking and fluttering as I struggled to get used to my longer lashes, Becky told me to give her my right hand and I meekly extended it for her. I then watched through my new tunnel of lashes as she turned a bottle with orangey pink liquid in it, and the word ?L?INTERDIT? written on the side, upside down. She removed the stopper from the bottle and dabbed it against my right wrist. This action was repeated on my left wrist. Becky then moved closer to me, stared at me, keeping her eyes locked on mine until I flinched slightly when I felt the stopper from the bottle being gently dabbed behind my right ear and then my left ear. Becky bit her lip gently, and ran the top of her nail down my ear until she reached the lobe. ?Shame about your ears. But not everything has gone to plan today, has it sweetie?? she said before pinching the bottom of the ear forcefully enough for me to let out an involuntary, ?Ouch!? Looking at the time on her phone Becky said, ?Is that the time? Right, we?d better get moving.? ?Okay, I?ll just get my wallet,? I said. ?You won?t need your wallet, sweetie. I?m paying tonight. Oh, on second thoughts you might need some proof of age though if we?re going to have a drink or two.? ?I?ve got my driving licence,? I said and I immediately retrieved it from my wallet. ?Where am I going to put it though?? I asked. ?These trousers don?t have any pockets.? ?Give it to me. I?ll keep it safe for you,? said Becky. When I handed it over to her for safekeeping Becky glanced at it, smiled to herself, and then popped it inside her sparkly blue evening bag which she then promptly handed over to me with a ?Hold this for a second, will you sweetie?? Becky then moved towards the door of the room, opened it and gestured for me to leave first. I felt a bit strange as I left that room, in my blouse, wearing women?s panties and trousers and carrying a sequinned bag but I was being driven by some very strong primal urges to see this through to the end and to get my sweaty, naked rewards. As Becky closed the door behind us I held out my hand to return the bag to her but she walked straight past me and headed over to the lifts. I hurriedly followed behind her to find that she had already pressed the button and was now waiting for the lift to appear. After a few seconds of watching the arrow above the lift telling us that it was on its way the doors opened with a microwave oven style ping and revealed Becky?s amuse bouche for the evening. Inside the lift was an attractive, middle-aged, rather conservative looking couple. Their reaction to seeing me, carrying an evening purse, standing next to an identically addressed, identically coiffed, taller, middle-aged woman, was the exemplar for a discrete double-take. It was clear that they had noticed us and, as the doors closed behind, it?s fair to say that the you could?ve cut the atmosphere in that lift with a rusty spoon as it made its way to the ground floor. An atmosphere that wasn?t helped any when Becky ran her hand across my bottom and said, ?So glad you put on those panties, sweetie.? I could feel the heat rising in my face, a feeling that was confirmed when I suddenly noticed that I could see my reflection in the shiny, polished surfaces of the lift. This allowed me to see through the eyes of the couple we were sharing this brief descent with. Becky looked absolutely gorgeous in her heels, blue tuxedo trousers and navy blue blouse. And I looked like a poor, knock-off copy of Becky. I may have been wearing identical clothes but she filled hers with sexuality and confidence. I filled mine with anxiety and doubt. This anxiety was only heightened further when I noticed that clasping this sparkly blue purse in my hand only served to highlight my raspberry red nails. For the rest of the journey I inhaled the delightful scents that filled that lift and found myself wondering, ?Is that Becky?s perfume? The other woman?s perfume? Or is it my perfume?? Before I arrived at a conclusion on that the doors opened and the couple, now holding hands, quickly exited. However before they could make a complete getaway Becky said, ?Excuse me. Excuse me, please. Do you mind taking a picture of me and my boyfriend?? This plea stopped the couple in their tracks and, before they knew it, their Scottish politeness and overwhelming desire to avoid making a scene had agreed to Becky?s request. Becky was delighted and immediately set about making them even more uncomfortable by saying to me, ?Steph, sweetie. Can you give me my phone out of your purse?? This request further stoked my face furnace and I was now redder than a prostitute?s lighting arrangements. After a minute or two of awkward exchanges, and Becky refusing to accept that the first two pictures they had taken were the portraits she wanted to remember the evening by, the husband finally captured what Becky was looking for and they hurriedly left with Becky?s approval. After they had gone Becky took great delight in showing me what they had just spent the last few minutes staring at. She enjoyed highlighting how, in her heels, she was five or six inches taller than me. Although this was nothing like the enjoyment she got from zooming in on the picture and wondering if the couple had noticed her hand clasping my buttock, the bulge in the front of my trousers or how pretty my nails looked when contrasted against the blue sequinned purse. Thankfully, the walk through the reception area of the hotel on the way to the restaurant, proved to be slightly less eventful than the lift journey and we managed to make it to the restaurant without attracting any further unwanted, at least on my part, attention. Becky was greeted politely and courteously by the restaurant manager when she advised him of her reservation and we were quickly shown to our table at the back of the room. Thankfully, the lighting in the restaurant was fairly low-key, some might even say romantic, and we managed to sit down without anyone noticing, I think, the identical nature of our outfits. Feeling somewhat relieved by this I managed to gain enough confidence to lift my head and start to take in my surroundings. The restaurant was a mixture of corner booths and tables and the walls were lined in shiny red, lacquered wood with gold inlays, liberally interspersed with large, ceiling height mirrors. This was clearly not a cheap establishment and the clientele screamed money also. The restaurant was, more-or-less full and Saturday was clearly date night amongst the Edinburgh elite. It was almost exclusively tables for two that were on show and everyone had invested quite heavily, in both time and money, in looking their very best this evening. As I was contemplating this the waiter arrived at the table to take our drink order. ?I?ll order shall I, Stephie sweetie?? Becky asked. I nodded my agreement but Becky gave me a look which demanded a verbal response from me. And I knew what that verbal response was to be. ?Yes, Ma?am,? I whispered before my face started to match the colour of the red walnut panels of the restaurant. ?She said that I didn?t need to call her that when we were here,' I thought to myself. This sudden redrafting of the rules of engagement put me slightly on edge. ?We?ll have two glasses of chardonnay, please.? The waiter hesitated for a few seconds before Becky repeated her order. Following the second time the waiter hesitated again before he plucked up the courage to say, ?Sorry, eh, Ma?am. Does your....does your.... companion have proof of age with them?? ?Oh, silly me. Of course he does,? said Becky as she reached across the table to pick up her evening purse, take out my driving licence and hand it to the waiter. I then noticed the waiter look at the driving licence, look at me, and then look at my driving licence again with a bemused look on his face. Becky must have also noticed this because she offered up an explanatory, ?That picture was taken before he got his haircut. It?s much prettier now, isn?t it?? This left the waiter still a bit unsure of what he was seeing, and my eyes desperately trying to avoid his gaze. The waiter pondered his options for a second before taking the path of least resistance by handing the licence back to Becky and confirming her order back to her. Becky smiled at me and said, ?Hope you like chardonnay??? "Eh, don?t know, I don?t drink wine,? I responded. ?What do you normally drink, then?? asked Becky. ?Eh...water or Irn Bru,? I admitted. ?Irn Bru? You?re going to have to be a bit more sophisticated than that when you?re out with me, sweetie. I think you?ll like the effect chardonnay has on you. In fact, I think we?ll both like the effect that chardonnay will have on you,? said a smiling Becky. At that point the waiter arrived back at the table and placed the two large glasses of wine in front of us. Becky thanked him and then took a lengthy drink from her glass. She then nodded for me to start drinking from mine and I took a cautious sip from the glass. The taste was not to my liking and I must have screwed up my face slightly because Becky said, ?Funny, that?s the face I make when I drink Irn Bru. Have some more.? I took a larger gulp from the glass and this did nothing to undo my first impression. ?Ready to order?? Becky asked as she picked up the menu and started to look at the options. I followed suit and picked up my menu and started to look for the steak and chips option. After a few minutes of both of us hiding behind our menus when the waiter arrived and asked Becky, ?Are you and your dining companion ready to order, Ma?am?? I smiled slightly on hearing someone else address Becky as this but she quickly responded with, ?Yes, we?ll both have the grilled chicken and Caesar salad please.? I was a bit taken aback at Becky ordering my meal for me, especially when she simply smiled at me as if this was nothing out of the usual. However I said nothing and accepted that this was what I would be eating tonight. As the meal progressed and our wine glasses were emptied and refilled I forgot about how I was dressed, my painted nails, the mascara on my lashes and the perfume that occasionally wafted into my nostrils from behind my ears, and relaxed and started to engage in deeper conversations with Becky. I suppose that was probably the effect of the wine, or it could simply have been that, with her, here, my surroundings were a blur and she was the only part of the room that was truly in focus. Anyway, our conversation turned to the subject of relationships and love and I took that opportunity to ask Becky if she had ever been in love with anyone. This was the first time I had noticed any vulnerability as she looked down, contemplated my question and responded with, ?Just the once.? ?What happened?? I probed. ?We were together for about eight years. I thought he was exactly what I was looking for when I met him. But I suppose we just grew apart as he started to explore sides of himself that he?d hidden when we first met. That was an expensive lesson though. I lost half my business and it?s taken me a long time to recover.? Becky had clearly been hurt by this so I thought I?d try and lighten the mood a bit by saying, ?What about the taxi-driver? You?ve got his number.? This worked because Becky smiled and said, ?I have indeed got his number. Don?t think he?s quite what I?m looking for.? ?Have you tried dating apps?? I asked. ?I have, but they?re not quite for me. At best, you?ll get an off-the- shelf relationship from an app. My needs are a bit more....bespoke,? Becky said. ?Bespoke?? I asked. Becky expanded a bit further with, ?Made to measure and to fit me exactly. I?ve tried some specialist apps as well but the people you meet through those are a bit one-dimensional. I?ve realised I?ll need to make my own.? ?Dating app?? I enquired. Becky smiled. ?No, silly. Make my own partner. I?m just looking for someone with the right ingredients now. Then I?ll take those ingredients, mix them together in the right quantities and bake a cake. And if I like how that cake turns out then I?ll decorate it the way I want.? Becky paused for a second before adding, ?Does that make sense?? ?Not really,? I said, ?but all this talk about cakes has put me in the mood for dessert. What we having?? Becky smiled and said, ?Too fattening, sweetie. I?ll get the bill in a minute.? There was a brief silence to allow me to get over the dessert denial before Becky added, ?So what about you?? ?Me?? I responded. ?What about me?? ?I?ve told you about what I?m looking for,? replied Becky ?A non-fattening cake with no icing on it?? I joked. Becky ignored this and repeated, ?I?ve told you what I?m looking for. What about you? Why do you like older women so much?? The wine had relaxed me, but not enough to prevent this from causing my cheeks to burn. ?I?m not....I don?t....I?m....? ?Come on now, Stephie sweetheart,? Becky said. ?Be honest.? This plea for honesty hit home and I decided to, as best as I could possibly articulate, tell her why it was that I liked older women. ?I don?t know. Older women just seem more confident and assured and know what they want.? I then stressed, ?But it?s not just any older woman I go for. I like the ones that have looked after themselves. That are stylish and well-groomed and put a bit of effort into their appearance.? ?MILFs?? a smiling Becky added. I squirmed a bit before adding, ?Kind of, I suppose. Just as long as they don?t have children of their own.? ?Step-MILFs? I think your tastes are even more specialised than mine, sweetie,? Becky added. Thankfully, at that point, the waiter arrived with the bill and Becky halted the conversation to ask me to give her ?my purse? so that she could get her debit card. Once the bill had been taken care of Becky looked at her watch and announced ?It?s still a bit early. Fancy a nightcap?? This was more of an instruction than a question and we left the restaurant with me slightly less self-conscious and less sure- footed than when I entered. I followed Becky into one of the hotel bars and, as I entered, was taken aback slightly at the intimacy and opulence of our new surroundings. The walls were a mixture of exposed wooden panels interspersed with panels of very expensive looking floral wallpaper. The room was illuminated by a large number of highly-polished brass light-fittings with marble-topped circular tables surrounded by blue leather chairs filling the corners of the room. However, the real tone was set by the square bar which dominated the centre of the room. This wooden bar panels had been pained a very subdued shade of green that was subtly illuminated by accent lighting underneath the top of the marble counter that swept around the entire length of the bar. The bar itself was surrounded by what seemed like over a dozen red leather stools that looked like small islands surrounding a sea of booze. It was on one of those stools that Becky perched herself and then immediately tapped the top of the stool next to her to ensure that I had no doubts about where I was to sit. I perched on the stool and placed Becky?s bag on the bar in front of me. Within a few seconds of sitting down one of the barmen approached and looked at both of us before deciding that Becky was the one he should ask about the drinks order. ?We?ll have two strawberry daiquiris, please,? Becky said without hesitating. The barman looked at me and then back at Becky before reluctantly stating, ?Eh, sorry about this Ma?am. But I?ll need to see some proof of age for your....friend.? ?Please, don?t apologise,? Becky said before looking at me and, without saying anything, simply nodded to indicate that I was to take my driving licence out of her bag. After a second or two of fiddling with the clasp on the bag I managed to get it open and handed over my driving licence. The barman looked at the licence, looked at me, looked at the licence and looked at me again. I noticed this and said, ?That picture was taken before I had my hair styled by Becky. It?s much prettier now, don?t you think?? Echoing Becky?s words to the waiter earlier in the evening, the ones that had made me blush, were a clear sign that the two glasses of wine I had drunk during dinner were starting to guide my actions. However I didn?t mind this at the time, especially when I noticed Becky?s contented smile during the exchange. The barman had no counter to my statement and simply returned the driving licence to me and set about preparing our drinks. When I put the licence back into Becky?s bag I hesitated for a second as I was struck once again by the contrast of my raspberry red nails against the shiny blue sequins of the bag. My attention was soon diverted elsewhere though when I felt something rubbing against my lower leg and looked down to see Becky?s ?fuck me? shoes being gently rubbed against my calf. I then moved my head upwards and noticed that Becky was now looking at me in a way that I hadn?t seen before. I couldn?t quite place what this look meant but it simultaneously unsettled and electrified me, sending tingles and shivers through my body. ?Were you flirting with him?? smiled Becky. ?What? Me? No way. I?m not like that. I don?t like....I like...? ?Step-MILFs,? Becky interjected. I was blushing a deep shade of red when the barman returned with our drinks and, without thinking, I opened up Becky?s bag, removed her debit card and waved it at the terminal to pay the bill. As the barman retreated, but while he was still within earshot, Becky leaned towards me and, while rubbing her hand against the inside of my thigh whispered, ?Are you sure you weren?t flirting with him because I think he liked you?? I stuttered and stammered before I gave up trying to find an appropriate response and took a cooling sip from my cocktail to try and dampen the fire in my cheeks. The next 20 minutes or so were spent sipping our drinks, Becky rubbing her foot against my leg, occasionally stroking my thigh with her manicured nails and me trying to conceal the growing erection in my tight-fitting trousers. After both of us had finished our drinks Becky smiled and asked, ?Do you want to call your boyfriend over and order another couple?? But before I could submit my objection she then added, ?Or do you want to go back to the room?? She then answered her own question by leaning in to me, cupping my erection and whispering in my ear, ?I think Stephie might be ready to be bedded, don?t you?? I nodded and she got off her stool and held my hand to help me off of mine. We walked out of the bar side-by-side, with her right hand reaching round and resting on my right buttock as we exited and headed upstairs. Becky entered the hotel room first and when I walked in and closed the door behind me she immediately pinned me back against the door and gave me a long and lingering kiss. ?I?ve been wanting to do that all night,? she said as she broke away from the kiss. She then started to rub her hands over my chest, pressing the soft fabric of the blouse against my nipples before stating, ?Seeing you in this has makes me so moist,? she said before kissing me again. This time her tongue darted in-between my lips as her hand made its way up my thigh and started to caress my groin. ?These trousers make your arse look so fuckable, sweetie,? she added. Then, just as I was hoping this was never going to stop, Becky pulled away, looked at me and bit her lip and announced, ?I?d better get ready for bed then.? This was her cue to pick up her case, take it into the bathroom and lock the door behind her. I stood motionless for a few seconds, apparently still pinned to the door by some invisible force, before I managed to break free and walk towards the bed. When I reached the bed I puffed out my cheeks and exhaled. ?This was really happening,? I thought. ?Too right, it?s happening,? my drunken penis announced. ?And that wine means I?m going to last for much longer, as well,? it added. ?No more childish accidents in your underwear. This train?s not blowing its whistle tonight until it?s inside the tunnel,? my penis pledged, revealing its rudimentary grasp of Freudian imagery. I now had a dilemma though. Should I strip off and slide in between the bedcovers, waiting for Becky to emerge from the bathroom in her satin and lace nightwear? Or should I sit here fully clothed and wait for her to come out and give me an indication of what I should do next? My penis, of course, was having none of this hesitancy and immediately took over my control centre and forced me to strip down to the panties I was wearing and slide in between the sheets. I did manage to retain enough control though to neatly fold the trousers and the blouse before I did this. I lay in the bed, staring at the bathroom door for what seemed like an age, when Becky finally appeared. However, when she walked out, instead of being clad in sexy satins and lace she emerged wearing stripy pyjama bottoms and an old sweatshirt. She had removed all of her make-up and this had robbed her face of some of its softness and femininity. On seeing this my penis immediately relinquished its control of my body with an, ?Oooops, think I might have fucked up a bit here mate. You?re on your own.? Becky saw me in bed, screwed up her face a bit and said, ?What you doing, sweetie? Who said you could get into bed?? ?Eh, I thought I?d....ehm....I just...? I uttered as I struggled to find the words to recover from this position. ?Come on, up you get. It?s your turn to get ready. I?ve left your bed things in the bathroom,? she said. This announcement took me by surprise but it did seem to offer me a way to come back from my obvious error. However, I now had the dilemma of having to walk past Becky wearing just the panties she had given me. Slowly I pulled back the covers and got out of the bed. I tried to avoid making eye contact with Becky as I walked towards the bathroom but, just as I felt I had got past her, she grabbed my hand and pulled me back. ?Stand there a minute,? she said as she circled round me. ?Hmmm, some nice raw ingredients there I think. Now go and get ready for bed,? and she she lightly slapped my arse to encourage me towards the toilet. When I got into the bathroom and closed the door behind me, just like when we were getting ready for dinner, my nightwear sat on the toilet seat. I picked it up and immediately felt a surge of delight at the softness and smoothness of the silky fabric. This was tempered somewhat when I unfolded it and realised that what Becky was expecting me to wear was a pastel pink nightdress with two spaghetti straps and silver grey piping across the chest line. As I was contemplating this I also noticed that she had left out a pair of white, wedged mule slippers that had a two or three inch heel and feathery detailing across the front. I sat down on the toilet and, not for the first time, started to wonder where all of this was going and what I was doing. After a few minutes of fingering and stroking the nightdress the prospect of Becky waiting out there for me proved to be too strong and I slipped the nightdress over my head. The way the silk effortlessly slid down my body and stopped just above my knees caused my penis to twitch slightly. I then stepped into the slippers and, after taking a slightly wobbly practice walk up and down the length of the bathroom I decided to go for it and opened the door. I emerged from the bathroom and was very conscious of Becky?s eyes on me as I gingerly made my way towards the bed in the heeled slippers. Every step saw the hem of the nightdress softly caress my hips and thighs, much to the delight of my penis. ?Not bad, not bad,? said Becky. ?How do you feel?? ?Don?t know. Does this not look a bit daft on me?? I enquired. ?A wee bit,? she admitted. ?You?d look a lot better if your legs weren?t so hairy. One step at a time though. Walk up and down and get a bit of practice in the heels.? After a few minutes of walking back and forth across the room, with the occasional stumble and piece of advice from Becky, she brought this exercise to a halt by announcing, ?Mmmmm! Heels make your arse look even more fuckable, sweetie. Now come and sit here on the bed with me. And leave your slippers on.? I walked over, slid onto the bed and sat down next to Becky and noticed that she had an iPad and a face towel on the mattress next to her. ?Want to watch some videos, sweetie?? Becky asked. ?Eh, aye,? I responded. ?Good. Come here and sit in between my legs and we can have a wee cuddle as we watch them then,? Becky instructed as she splayed her legs out. As I positioned myself in between her legs, with my back to her, Becky reached around my waist and pulled her legs in slightly to lock me in place. She then kissed and nibbled the back of my neck and inhaled my scent. ?You smell gorgeous, sweetie. That perfume really suits you.? She then booted up her iPad and, after fiddling with it for a few minutes, handed it to me with and said, ?Here, you hold it and I?ll watch it over your shoulder.? The screen on the tablet was blank when she gave it to me but within a few seconds the opening scene of the video appeared and it wasn?t quite what I was expecting. There, in the centre of the screen, was a close- up of two men kissing. The men were in their mid-to-late twenties and were both clean shaven with classically good looks. The point of view then changed to a long-shot and it soon became clear that this was no romantic comedy we were about to watch. Both of the men were naked and their penises were fully erect. ?Shit! This is a gay porn film she?s making me watch. What?s going on here?? I thought. Becky then interrupted my Sherlock Holmes style deductions by whispering, ?Just think, sweetie. If you?d flirted a bit more with that barman that could?ve been you tonight.? ?But I?m not.....I don?t...that?s not....I don?t think he was gay.? ?Pick that up on your gaydar did you, sweetie? Is that the only thing that stopped you?? taunted Becky. ?No, I meant to say I?m not gay and I don?t think he was either,? I managed to spurt out before the heat from my cheeks started to make me sweat. ?Keep watching and we?ll see,? instructed Becky. By this time my penis was throbbing but that was more to do with being locked inside Becky?s arms and legs than what was on the screen. Although I do have to admit that the action on the tablet did cause my penis to twitch a few times but I was still pretty certain of my sexuality. Well, as certain as any boy wearing a pink nightdress, feathery slippers, expensive perfume, woman?s panties, red nail polish and mascara can be. As the action progressed and the man with the shaved head went down on the blonde Adonis with the chiselled torso I reluctantly asked, ?Is that the kind of guys you like?? To my relief Becky answered, ?No, they?re a bit to muscly for me. Although what I do like is how hairless they are. I mean, look, having no body hair makes them look so much better. Imagine that one with hairy legs.? I hadn?t really noticed this but now studied more intently as the shaved head bounced up and down on the shaved balls and, I had to admit, she was right. Neither of them would?ve looked as good with hairy legs. We watched the video to the ?climax? with both men giving each other blowjobs. I stayed erect throughout as Becky continued to nuzzle and fondle me through the soft, silk nightdress I was wearing. I was greatly relieved that the video finished and, in my mind, I?d proved how straight I was by watching two men sixty-nine each other with an erection but without ejaculating. After the video finished the screen went blank again but sprang into life a few seconds later with an image of a young woman, nineteen or twenty-years-old I think, lying on her stomach and giving a sideways glance into the camera at the foot of her bed. On seeing this Becky eagerly announced, ?I think you?re going to like this one,? before tightening her grip on me and locking me more firmly in between her legs. As she did this I could feel her breasts squashing against my back and this caused my erect penis to flutter slightly. Not as much though as when Becky started to play with my nipples through the silk nightdress. As she did this I arced my back slightly prompting her to ask, ?Like that sweetie? You are definitely going to like this video, then.? This drew my attention back to the tablet and I could now see that the girl was in the kneeling position on her bed and was rubbing her groin and flirtatiously biting her lip. This girl was stunning. She was wearing a cropped white t-shirt with the word ?cherry? written on it and her panties looked as if they had multi-coloured numbers on them. She had thick, shoulder-length dark hair that she playfully tossed back to reveal her perfectly sculpted eyebrows and the most kissable pout I had ever seen. Becky was right, I was really enjoying this. I licked my lips in anticipation of what was about to happen next as the girl continued to suggestively rub her groin. This changed when the girl pulled down her panties to allow a swollen penis to pop out. The girl then started to suggestively stroke it before slipping out of her panties completely. As surprised as I was when I saw this it only served to get me to pay even closer attention to the screen. Especially when the girl took her t-shirt off and revealed the most perfect pair of breasts I had ever seen. They were two perfectly, pert circles in the middle of her chest. I soon started to imagine dragging my teeth across those delicious looking nipples and taking one of her breasts in my hand as my mouth suckled at her medically enhanced teat. I was only roused from this fantasy by Becky whispering into my ear, ?Doesn?t she have a beautiful cock, sweetie? I think it?s the most photogenic one I?ve ever seen.? This brought my eyeline back down to the erection she was stroking between her thighs and, after studying it, I had to admit that Becky was right. The girl?s penis was probably about the same size as mine but it had a lot more style. Normal penises are functional objects and and aren?t exactly works of art. However this mesmerising girl seemed to have a Banksy between her legs. It was truly astonishing. I was starting to get really confused by what was happening to me. Especially with Becky keeping me at the peak of arousal with her touch and her soft warm breath on my neck and whispering things like, ?She?s stunning, isn?t she. Her name is Daisy Taylor if you want to search for more of her videos when you go home.? However, the confusion racked up another few notches when Daisy leaned over out of shot and then pulled back into centre screen a pink dildo. My mouth fell open at this sight, especially when she lovingly kissed the pretend ball-sack at the end of the dildo and then took the whole shaft in her mouth and started to perform fellatio on her plastic penis. My mouth only closed when I felt Becky?s hand reach inside the panties I was wearing to release my grateful penis. She then bunched up my nightdress slightly so that both she and I could see her polished nails gently stroking the base of my cock. ?Mmmm, would be lovely if your penis was as hairless as Daisy?s sweetie. Don?t you think?? I closed my eyes and arced my back again to savour this touch but I was quickly brought back to attention when Becky nipped the base of the shift and said, ?Keep watching, sweetie.? This prompted me to open my eyes just as Daisy was gingerly inserting the pink dildo into her own arse. After a brief grimace of pain Daisy relaxed and seemed to be enjoying the incursion through her back door. After I noticed what was now happening on screen Becky said, ?You know, if you want to stick something up there you?ve got to be prepared. You need to watch what you eat the day before and give yourself a good enema before you start.? I winced at this thought and responded to Becky?s knowledge with ?Eurgh. Sounds like a lot of trouble to go to. Can?t be worth that effort.? I could sense Becky smiling behind me and she nibbled my ear and whispered, ?Oh honey. I?m literally going to open your eyes so wide.? On screen, Daisy was now rocking back on forth on her dildo and Becky started to skilfully stroke my penis in time with Daisy?s movements. I had now lost all capacity to think and was blankly staring at the screen as a girl with a penis rocked up and down on a dildo and Becky masturbated me in time to the action on the screen. This lasted for what seemed like an eternity, but was probably no more than a minute or two, until I could hold back no more and started to come. Thankfully, Becky had sensed what was about to happen and moments earlier had grabbed the face towel that was sitting on the bed and caught my load in it. After I had emptied myself into the towel I felt my body go limp and it rested, in a state of semi-slumber, even more firmly on Becky?s breasts for a few minutes. I was revived by Becky stroking my hair and whispering in my ear, ?We?re not finished yet, sweetie.? The screen on the iPad kicked into life again as a new video started. This time the video appeared to be set in a very busy hairdressing establishment. There was a hubbub of noise and soft, feminine chatter as the camera panned around the room. This looked just like a normal salon scene until the shot changed to reveal a rather well-built man wearing nothing but leather hot pants and a collar and leash being led out by a rather formidable looking woman. The woman had her hair pulled back into a tight pony-tail and was wearing a white blouse with a tight pencil skirt and five or six-inch high-heels. The woman led the man over to one of the styling chairs and he stood behind her, with his gaze fixed firmly on the floor, as his leader had a brief conversation with the stylist and the woman who was sitting under the styling cape in the chair. Following this discussion the woman nodded and then proceeded to hand the leash over to the woman in the chair. The women wrapped the leash around her hand slightly to bring her new plaything within touching distance. She then proceeded to run her hand over his leather-clad buttocks and his abs. Once she had her fill of this though she gave a sharp downward tug on the leash. The man appeared to instinctively know what this gesture meant because as soon as he felt the tug on his collar he positioned himself in front of the chair, kneeled down and started to lift up the styling cape slightly. Once he had lifted it to the required height his head disappeared under the cape and it soon became clear that he had started to perform oral sex on the woman as she held on to his leash. I was now spellbound by this scene as I watched the outline of the leashed man?s head move from side-to-side, up and down as he carried out his minge ministrations. This also caused the woman in the chair to writhe and moan and I wouldn?t like to have seen what her hair looked like after that session. With her fidgeting and moving to that extent there was no way that stylist was going to be able to cut a straight line. The camera then pulled back to reveal the rest of the busy salon going about its normal business and I heard Becky say something. However I couldn?t quite make out what it was because I was so focused on the screen that I had blocked out everything else. I then felt Becky pinch me which broke my fixation on the video and then heard her say, ?Look how busy that salon is. Maybe I should get one of those for my shop,? I let out a distracted grunt as my attention returned to the tablet. In what seemed like no time at all the rest of the video finished and I was left feeling a bit sad that it was over. Becky must have sensed this because she asked ?Enjoy that, sweetie? I thought you would.? Before I could respond though a new video started on the tablet and, as it got underway, Becky whispered, ?Now watch this one closely, sweetie. There?s going to be a test at the end of it.? The video started with a woman in her late thirties to early forties going through the rucksack of her step-daughter. This woman was outraged when she discovered something she didn?t like in the bag and resolved to teach her step-daughter a lesson. When the step-daughter appeared she had that young, blonde, porn start next door look and, needless to say, the lesson involved the step- mother and daughter both losing all of their clothes. This was quickly followed by the step-daughter being compelled to resuscitate her step- mother?s pussy using her tongue. I was now back in my comfort zone as we were obviously now watching a lesbian porn film. Lesbian porn was pretty much the only type of pornography that I watched. I found it much softer and sensuous than any other porn films and loved how much kissing and caressing there was in it. Nothing turned me on more than one set of glossy, lipstick coated lips being pressed firmly against another set. It also seemed to be the films where the participants had the most convincing orgasms. Maybe they were just better actors than the hetero porn stars but, for some reason, I wanted to believe that they enjoyed filming the scenes as much as I enjoyed whacking-off to them. Anyway, I watched the rest of the film intently and through a combination of what was happening on screen and Becky rubbing my nipples through the silk nightdress I soon became fully aroused again. As the video drew to a close Becky took the iPad out of my hand and said firmly, ?Turn round, sweetie,? as she relaxed the grip of her legs. As I did this Becky placed her hands on my head and forced her lips onto mine before parting them with her strong and forceful tongue. She then pulled my lips away from hers and said, ?Right sweetie, that?s enough foreplay. Let?s see how gifted you are,? At that she placed her hands on my bare shoulders and started to push me down the bed until my face was hovering just above her pussy. Once she had me in exactly the position she wanted me to be in she arched her back, slid her pyjama bottoms down to her knees and then brought her rear back down onto the mattress. This left me staring at her glistening, hairless pussy and I was now filled with trepidation, lust and, strangely, an overwhelming desire to please. I had seen lots of porn stars in this position before but that simply didn?t prepare me for the range of feelings that were coursing through my body now. I was only jolted from this sexual stasis by Becky placing her hand on the top of my head and pushing my mouth down onto her saturated snatch. After initially blanching at the moist, damp conditions that my mouth had been forced down on to, the memories of all of the lesbian porn films I had watched came flooding into my mind and I started to mentally fast-forward through them to try and select a few moves that she might like. The first one I opted to go for involved me removing my lips from where they had been positioned and I started to place gentle butterfly kisses on the inside of her thigh. This move quickly met with Becky?s disapproval and she firmly grabbed the back of my head and pulled it back into its original position. This left me with a limited way forward so I slid my tongue inside her pussy. This was met by a low moan of pleasure so I knew that I had made a good choice this time. I then followed this up by moving my tongue from side-to-side against the inside of her pussy and this was again met with a purr of pleasure from Becky. My penis was twitching with each positive sound that Becky made so I decided to really go for it and effectively motorboat her pussy by moving my head rapidly from side-to-side- as my tongue remained inside her. This instantly led to Becky pushing my head away before firmly grabbing it and placing it back where she wanted it to be. From this point onwards Becky started to move my head and started to bark out instructions to flick, kiss and lick when she had positioned my head where she wanted it to be. This seemed to last for something in the region of 15-20 minutes and, as much as I was embarrassed by the instructions that I needed to be provided with, the pleasurable noises that Becky was making throughout were more than worth it. Becky eventually pushed my head away and said, ?Stay there and watch what I do with this. Watch where I put it.? I then saw Becky reach under one of the pillows she had been resting on and pull out what appeared to be a large gold bullet. She looked closely at this bullet and then a low buzzing noise started to emanate from it. I then watched carefully as she proceeded to put this bullet where my lips had just been and immediately made a noise of pleasure that my tongue hadn?t been able to produce. This bullet was pushed in and out of her pussy, the tip was traced along the sides and, just before she climaxed, it was rested on one particular section at the top of the opening. This contact was enough to give Becky an orgasm that was the equal of any I had seen in the lesbian porn films. I was thrilled that she had been able to derive so much pleasure with me between her legs, even if I did just have a watching brief, but also a bit embarrassed that artificial assistance was required. After taking a minute or two to recover her composure, and with my head resting on the inside of her thigh, Becky pulled me up towards her, kissed me again and simply stated, ?Your turn now, sweetie. Get on your hands and knees.? ?What?? I asked, wanting to make sure I had heard right. ?Hands and knees, sweetie. Now!? she repeated. I slowly did as I was told and then felt Becky?s hands caress my back and bottom through the silk nightdress. I then shivered slightly as I felt Becky lift the nightdress to expose the panties I was wearing. Becky inserted both hands inside the panties and slid them down to my knees. Her manicured hands caressed each cheek before I heard the buzzing sound start up again. I stiffened my body and Becky must have sensed this because she reassured me by saying ?Don?t worry, sweetie. You?ll still be a virgin after I?ve done.? I then felt the tip of the golden bullet being placed on my balls and this sent a tremor along the shaft of my penis. This was nothing though compared to the earthquake that I felt when she ran the buzzing bullet along the shaft of my erect penis. I was only moments away from ejaculating when Becky removed the bullet and, after a brief respite, placed the vibrating tip at the entrance of my arse. This seemed to electrify every nerve-ending in my body and, try as I might to hold back the flood, my penis exploded. Thankfully Becky had once again spotted the warning signs and had, again, stealthily wrapped the face- towel around my penis to catch the liquid expression of my pleasure. Once I was spent I collapsed onto the bed in a heady mix of exhaustion, pleasure, confusion and embarrassment. After stroking my hair and my rear for a few minutes Becky leaned over, kissed me on the cheek and said, ?Go and clean yourself up, sweetie. And make sure you don?t mess up your pretty nightdress.? I carefully swung my feet over the side of the bed and it was only when I placed them on the floor I realised that I was still wearing the feathery slippers. I stood up, somewhat unsteadily, and headed over to the bathroom with one hand clasping the face-towel against my penis and the other holding my nightdress up and out to ensure that I kept it clean. This must have been quite a sight as I heard Becky laughing behind me as she said, ?Lovely mincing, sweetie.? When I got to the bathroom I removed the nightdress and the slippers, rinsed out the face-towel to remove the evidence. Evidence of what I wasn?t quite sure but it was all washed away. I then set about cleaning myself and, once I had completed that task, I sat myself down on the toilet seat to try and make sense of what had just happened. Becky had just given me the two most thunderous orgasms I had ever had but, as she said, I was still a virgin. How was that even possible and what was going to happen now? Where was this all going? I soon concluded though that I was too tired and tipsy to find any meaningful answers to those questions this evening so I slipped the nightdress back on, popped my feet into the slippers and headed out to bed. When I emerged from the bathroom I noticed that Becky was already under the covers with her back to the side I would be sleeping on. I slipped my feet out of the slippers and slid as gently under the covers as I could to try and avoid disturbing her. After several minutes of silence, laying there back-to-back, and with all manner of thoughts running through my head, I finally plucked up the courage to ask a question that had been burning inside me for a while. ?Becky?? With her face still partially buried in her pillow she gave me a muffled response of, ?What?? ?Are you trying to turn me into a girl?? I timidly asked. I sensed her lift her face out of her pillow as she said, ?What?? ?Are you trying to turn me into a girl?? I repeated. With her back still to me she simply replied, ?What? No. You?re going to be something much yummier than that, sweetie. You?re going to be my submissive boy in a dress.?

Same as The Salon Assistant - Part 5 Videos

2 years ago
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The Salon Assistant Part 7

When I got inside the house I immediately rushed upstairs so that I could lock myself in my room and divest myself of the blouse, culottes and camisole set that had been my travel clothes for the journey home. I made it upstairs into my room and waited a few minutes for the inevitable knock at the door from my mum. The knock never came however and, after cautiously popping my head out of the door and shouting for her, it became clear that my mum wasn't home. 'Where was she?' I thought...

2 years ago
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The Salon Assistant Part 2

After I finished tidying up the salon Becky ushered me out with an air kiss and a pat on my rear. "Hurry up sweetie or you'll be late for your bus. I'll call you at some point during the week to get all your details and agree your pay and stuff." I left and started to make my way, slowly, towards the bus stop. My head was in a fog of confusion with what had just happened to me. Yesterday I was an awkward, unemployed, teenage boy with an unruly explosion of curls on his head and today I...

3 years ago
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The Salon Assistant Part 1

I'd been sitting in the waiting area of the hairdresser's for almost three hours but despite that my leg still hadn't stopped twitching nervously. I'd spent most of that time staring at the floor or my grubby Converse, although every now and again I couldn't help raising my gaze when a new customer came in just in time to catch their quizzical expressions or bemused stares. Can't say that I really blamed them for that though as I wasn't the type of sight that they'd normally see in an...

1 year ago
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The Salon Assistant Part 6

I woke the next morning with the feeling of a hand rubbing my bottom through the silk nightdress. As I opened my eyes I found myself staring into Becky's beautiful deep, dark eyes and she gave me a long and lingering kiss. "Morning sweetie," she greeted me with. "Time for a wee bit more practice, I think." Struggling to get some focus, and deal with the slight hangover I had, I stared at her looking for a bit more guidance on what it was she wanted me to practice. Becky stroked...

1 year ago
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Katherine and the beauty salon story from a fan

I went into a beauty salon enquiringly about any possible Christmas deals that I could get for my wife.I walked in not really sure what I was after, until I saw Katherine.She was an older woman, dressed in all red. Her big boobs were almost pouring out of her top. She had a warm welcoming smile, I think she could tell that I really didn't know what I was after.We sat down for a few minutes to speak about treatments and stuff, the second she mentioned the word “facial” my mind went into...

3 years ago
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The perfect Beauty Salon

The Perfect Beauty Salon By Darlene LeQueene Rating: 100 My Mistress was looking very hot today as usual with her light streaked platinum blond hair coiffed into a beautifully cut "bob" with bangs. Her makeup while extensive was very tastefully done with quiet a lot applied, but skillfully and artistic applied. She looked stunning gorgeous. She has a fabulous figure and her choice of outfit was a perfect fitted a Chanel type white suit for "ladies who lunch." She stood on 5" inch...

3 years ago
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A Salon Fantasy Come True

A Salon Fantasy Come True By betsygirl I walked into the unisex salon to get my haircut. When I got inside, I was surprised that there were only the three stylists present. It must have been a slow time as there were no clients in the salon. One of the stylists, an attractive blond whose nametag identified her as Heather asked if she could help me. I looked her over and noticed that she had a black salon smock covering her outfit, which must have included a skirt or dress as I...

2 years ago
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Judys First Beauty Salon Experience

Judy's First Beauty Salon Visit by Janis Elizabeth One of the joys being a teen-ager in the sixties and seventies is, that with the British music invasion of the Beatles, Dave Clark Five, etc., people had come to accept longer hair styles on men and boys. It was in that environment, that I was able to let my hair grow longer without getting a lot of grief from my parents. It was also one of those overt things that I could to be to be more like a woman. Yes, in secret, I was one of...

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Judys Beauty Salon Experience Continues

Judy's Beauty Salon Experiences Continue by Janis Elizabeth Prologue I managed to keep my new hairdo looking nice through Friday. I wore the sleep bonnet that I had gotten from Tina to help keep it that way. Additionally, I had purchased a pink plastic bouffant shower cap that I used each morning while I showered. As soon as I returned to my apartment, I had used the nail polish Tina had given me to paint my toenails pink. Reluctantly, though, I did remove the nail polish...

2 years ago
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The Cursed Salon

The Cursed Salon or Be Careful What You Say Out Loud. A Halloween Tale by Maria Ski. "Bimbo...!" the term echoed across the street. This caused Natalia to pause and look towards the pair of boys wondering which one held yelled the phrase. At 5' 8" Natalia was anything but a bimbo. She owned and managed 'Bella Bella' a high class beauty salon. The blonde woman looked as one of the boys made a sudden dash to get away, whilst the other ran and tripped. She walked towards the fallen...

4 years ago
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Beauty Salon Receptionist Person

Beauty Salon Receptionist Person Just two years ago, I seemingly had it all. I was Daniel Watson, mid- level executive with a leading apparel manufacturer. At age 39, I had a great bachelor pad, a BMW in the garage, and played golf at an exclusive country club on the weekends. At work, I had a beautiful corner office, with the hottest secretary on the planet. I hired Rebecca because she looked like Eve Mendes?but she was actually very competent as a secretary. She dressed in skin...

1 year ago
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Saturday at Elizabeths Salon For Men

This story is based on the works of author Ginny Wolf. Her writing is gorgeous and has been an inspiration for me. I haven't been able to contact her and do not have her approval for this attempt but hope she finds it acceptable. It is important that you read her works about Elizabeth's Salon before reading my continuation. There are three stories here on Fictionmania that describe Elizabeth's salon: Every Man Ought To Be Beautiful, Elizabeth's Salon For Men and Elizabeth's Salon...

2 years ago
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The Sisters Salon

The Sister's Salon by Beth Setup Carol called her best friend and college roommate, Samantha, " I think John is cheating on me. Can you come over, I need to talk with someone." Carol had been the stronger woman in school, but Samantha really liked Carol and wanted to help her. "I'll be there in 15 minutes," Samantha answered. "What can I do Samantha," Carol weeped. " John has a good job with a future, and we have this nice house, and a great life. But lately he's been...

4 years ago
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Elizabeths Salon for Men

Elizabeth's Salon for Men New York City, Spring, 1958 "This is just delightful, Nadine. So how has the day of grooming for my sweetie been finalized?" "Oh, Mrs Webster, I'm sure both you and your husband will be delighted. We're starting him off in the mechanical exercise room." "Are you putting him on the roller machine or the belt massager?" "Both. Since he requires some work, we're giving him 15 minutes on the rollers, 15 minutes with the belt massager, emphasis on the...

1 year ago
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Airport To Salon To Perfect Sex

Rhea was on a three months event project in Bangalore. It was winter’s time and she was working for Sunburn in Bangalore. I was working in an Advertising Agency as a Creative Director. Finally, the event was a big hit and she arrived in Mumbai after three months. Me: Rhea baby, what time is your flight landing in Mumbai. (WhatsApp) Rhea: Honey, I am landing at 7 in the morning. Rhea wanted to have a vacation in Goa, but I was busy with my office. Rhea was upset. It had been long we haven’t...

3 years ago
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Sissy Beauty Salon Part 4

"I am ready to do whatever Annie desires during these two weeks of vacation for her and two weeks of whatever is in store for me." (Jim - Sissy Beauty Salon, Part 3) That is what I said and that is what I mean. ___________________________ I had just asked Annie what she was going to have done at the Salon and what I should have done to me. I was really interested in her answer. I am not sure whether my need for an answer was because of dread, anticipation, anxiety, wishfulness, or...

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Elizabeths Salon For MenThe First Visit to the Upstairs Salon

Elizabeth's Salon for Men~A First Visit to the Upstairs Salon by Ginny Wolf New York City mid-October, 1958 Ed Preston, a wealthy stock broker, was having a hard day. For the last three months his wife had been sending him to Elizabeth's Salon for Men. Today he was enduring his first trip to the establishment's very special Upstairs Salon. Along with his three close friends- Charlie Finegan, Ben Humes and Nate Evans- he was scheduled for a complete day of beauty, arranged with...

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Nail Salon Experience 1

Nail Salon Experience By Denise Disclaimer: This story is written as an autobiographical experience. All names have been changed unless they have asked to be identified. No reproduction is allowed without written permission from the author. Please enjoy it in good health and happiness. *I wish to thank those that commented on my first story. I do hope that you find this more in line with your positive suggestions. For several months I have lived in a new community, far away...

2 years ago
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Hair Salon Ready

Hair Salon, Ready ? by: Susi Tony was an older dom guy I had met through the net. He came on pretty strong and invited me to have a drink with him. Well, you know, one thing led to another, and suffice it to say I am now involved in one of the most intense physical relationships you can imagine. Tony is a very assertive masculine 48 year old master who likes very femme submissive guys, which suits me. As a 39 year old femme guy I had had a few casual relationships but nothing...

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Sissy Beauty Salon Part 2

Dear Ladies, and that is what you are, isn't it? Please allow me to step out of the story for a few minutes. We will return to Jim and Annie very shortly. But first let's explore what a Beauty Salon really is. (Please don't drool on the computer screen) A Beauty Salon is a place, a business, maybe even a state of mind, which exists for the sole purpose of enhancing the femininity of the women it services. As their femininity is strengthened, they become prettier, more alluring,...

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Pink Salon Fuck Pig

Linda’s jaw felt sore, and she was relieved when the taxi-driver filled her mouth with his seed. She swallowed out of resignation, and not because she enjoyed it. The flash from the cab-drivers cell phone camera blinded her as he took a picture of her with his dick in her mouth. Her c-cups had popped out of teddy and the posts that went through her nipples scraped and caught against the fabric of the car seat as her Japanese boyfriend plowed her aching vagina from behind. He was standing...

4 years ago
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Creating The New You Salon Part One

Creating The New You Salon Part One By Shayla Elizabeth Five weeks ago I was driving home from work and decided I needed to get a haircut. I figured up in my head that it had been about six weeks since my last one, so I was due. The last women that had been cutting my hair for the past seven years had decided that she was going to stay home with her two young children so she would no longer be able to do my haircuts. Soon I found myself pulling into a strip mall near to my house,...

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Sissy Beauty Salon Part 5

Jill's Beauty Salon Behavior Modification and Strength of Discipline (male clients only) Selection Chart Real Woman 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Abject Sissy ________________________________ Our appointments were for early in the morning so that we would have the whole day at the salon. The drive was in the middle of morning rush hour. The majority of the cars around us were driven by men on their way to their chaotic jobs or young women putting the last touches to...

2 years ago
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New U SalonBack In Business

(A special thanks to the community of superstories without your help it wouldn't nearly as good as it is now) January 1 2010 Reputation: Loathed Respectability: Not Even Close Income: $400000 Debt: $400000000 “New U Salon closing down from bankruptcy” Says the Headline. “The Allegations surrounding the business and its alleged mind control devices has finally caused the business to shut down. While they have never being proven the rumors surrounding the business has led to its final backers...

Mind Control
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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Samantha Returns part 1

Total Transformation Salon and Spa: Samantha Returns (part 1) All of her programming told her to stay, but all of her natural instinct told her to flee. For 2 years, the programming had won out. Besides... where would she go? But this time, it had gone too far. Fearing for her life, she fled. She ran to the only place that she could think of. Cassie arrived at the salon just before 8:00 AM as usual. She approached the door and turned the key to unlock it. "Cassie..." she...

4 years ago
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Sissy Beauty Salon Part 6

I turned from the giggling stares of those women and at Annie's instruction proceeded her by about five feet down the sidewalk, past shops staring to become busy first thing in the morning. I passed several mean and women on the walk to the salon. Some noticed the lipsticked man walking towards them and some did not. I really was more concerned about what was about to happen to me at the salon. We finally arrived at the salon and Annie held the doormen for me. The smell hit be at once....

3 years ago
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Ashs New Look Remix Salon Roquet

Ash sighed as he cupped his hands behind his head. It had finally come; the day of the Pokemon League tournament finals. He had beaten all the rival trainers, he had claimed all the badges, and in a few short hours he'd be standing before his final opponent, the winner claiming the title of Pokemon Master. He'd already gone over every battle strategy and possibility in his head, chose his perfect team of six, and was ready to face whatever that jerk in the other stand threw at him! Of...

4 years ago
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Salon Visit

SALON VISIT by Brenda I arrived at my hotel and got checked in around 1 in the afternoon. Another trip to NY, this time for a softball tourney. 4 days with no work worries. Just relax and play a few games. The hotel staff might look at me a bit funny but I was here for a gay softball tournament so I could get away with dressing as I pleased, even if that meant being mostly in drag. I really didn't care what most people thought. I don't play until tomorrow afternoon so there is...

3 years ago
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Beauty Salon Receptionist II

Beauty Salon Receptionist Person II In my first installment, I detailed how I came to work as a beauty salon receptionist assistant. Now, I want to detail how I became increasingly feminine. It wasn't something I necessarily wanted. But there was no escaping becoming 'one of the girls.' After working for a year at the salon, it was time for my annual review. Tammi, my boss, was to conduct the review with Rebecca, the salon manager. As you know, Rebecca had once worked as my...

2 years ago
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Becoming Dawn Chapter 2 Salon Day

The Hair Mania by Lara salon screamed trendy, even to me, and I had no idea what trendy was. The only car in the parking lot was a cherry red 500SL. This struck me as odd for a number of reasons; I was not a car guy and could barely tell one car apart from another. To know not only who manufactured the car, but what kind and year it was and the specifications of the car on sight, such as the type of motor, was weird. It was almost as if someone had downloaded the information into my...

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Bond Street Beauth Salon

Bond Street By: Denise On Friday I was in the West End on business and as I had arrived an hour early I decided a Coffee and sandwich would fill the time quite well. I found a nice pavement cafe, ordered my food and drinks and seated myself outside in the sunshine [quite rare in London] and began to enjoy my meal. I then realized I was sitting opposite a smart and very expensive Beauty Salon and it was in full swing with many clients coming and going. This was the kind of Beauty Salon...

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Salon Visit

“Jasmine.” “Jaz,” the voice resonated in my head pulling me from my pleasant slumber. “What?” I muttered. “You said you wanted to get to the salon early,” my mother stated. I gently rolled onto my side to look at the alarm clock. "Oh my God it's 10:40, how did I sleep so late!" I yelled as I launched myself from the bed and ran into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, ran a washcloth over my body, pulled my hair back, sprayed some light perfume over myself, throw the short sundress that was...

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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Casey Part 1 of 2

Total Transformation Salon & Spa - Casey (Part 1 of 2) Casey grew up with a privileged life as an only-child. His father had cashed out of the dot-com boom at just the right time. But that all changed one day when his parents were killed in a plane crash. 22 year old Casey was suddenly alone. Money was not a problem - he had plenty. But the years had taught Casey that most friends along the way were drawn to him because of the cash, not because of Casey. That bred an...

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New U Salon

New U SalonThe Erotic Mind-Control Story ArchiveTitles · Authors · Categories · Readers' Picks · FAQ · What's New · Message Board · Make a DonationAuthor: Zon19Story: New U SalonNew U SalonBy Zon19(mc, md, gr)The following is a storyline that was started on the BE Archive's Adventure, "Unending BE." Feel free to visit the archive or its extendable addventure at This particular story was written by myself and L.E. through the extendable addventure. I have compiled and...

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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Cathleen and John Part 1

Total Transformation Salon & Spa: Cathleen & John (Part 1) "You look great and I love your hair," Cathleen said as she ran into her neighbor Brenda in the store. "Oh, thanks! I feel great. I started going to that new salon downtown. They're amazing! And I'm trying to get Bill to go with me," Brenda replied. Cathleen smiled and laughed, "ya, I bet I'd be able to get John to go, too. Right!" "It's such a beautiful place. The owner, Bri, is a sweetheart and...

3 years ago
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Ashs New Look Salon Rockt

Ash yawned heavily as he wandered the town. He and his friends, Dawn and Brock had stopped off to pick up some supplies, but there was no gym here nor any decent Pokemon trainers. He was bored out of his skull. As Ash sauntered along the pavement, a bright pink neon light caught his attention. Glancing up, he saw the flashing words: Salon Rock?t. Salon Rock?t... that sounded familiar to him somehow. Deciding to check it out and see if there's anything suspicious, Ash opened the door and...

2 years ago
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Halloween and the Salon Stylist

Halloween 2014 "Halloween and the Salon Stylist" "Oh just sit down Tommy and hush. You said we could dress you up as a woman and you agreed to work this way all day today. It's Halloween silly," Shelly said holding the cape and waiting for him to sit in the styling chair. The other girls in the shop stood and watched as they giggled in anticipation of Tommy's transformation. It was early in the morning and all the stylist and the nail tech were all here to...

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Salon Spanking

Salon Spanking        ‘It’s a bit weird don’t you think’ hissed Marina conspiratorially. Louise bit back the temptation to reply that this was a bit rich coming from Marina. To be fair, the gothic work-experience girl who had arrived a couple of months earlier, and immediately been nick-named Lisbeth after Stieg Larsson’s heroine, had become, well, a little less weird since the stylists at ‘Cutz’ had been let loose on her.And it was strange, really. Middle aged men didn’t often venture into the...

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The salon sluts part 3

Suzi felt uncomfortable as she walked into The Adult Toy Store. She had to park two blocks away and with her short skirt and heavy makeup she had been approached four times by men who thought she was out turning tricks. Once inside, things hadn’t gotten much better. She imagined everyone in the sleazy place was a pervert and her mere presence had solicited everyone’s undivided attention. She was amazed at the selection of filthy items. Most of the things, she had never seen or heard of...

3 years ago
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Total Transformation Salon and Spa The Beginning

Total Transformation Salon & Spa - The Beginning (part 1) Christine had made all of her money "the hard way" - growing up with nothing, she married the right guy and when he passed away, she inherited a fortune. She also inherited an attitude where she thought she was the financial genius that her late husband had been. She was always drawn to materialistic things - in life as well as in investments. So when the business plan for Total Transformation Salon and Spa came across...

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Miss Priss Salon

Miss Priss Salon By Cheryl Alison It was Friday morning, and I had planned to get a haircut at my usual barber a few miles away from the downtown business district. However, my secretary dialed my cell phone and informed me that a new meeting popped up on my schedule at 10:00. I couldn't make it to my barber to get a haircut and back for the meeting, so I thought of my wife's friend, Marie. She runs a beauty salon a few doors down the street from my accounting firm. I quickly...

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Salon Questionnaire

Welcome to Julie's Salon where we have been catering to the needs of Mistress's and their sissies since opening our doors. Thank you for showing interest in our services, we are a full service salon catering to the special needs of dominant women and their sissies. The object of this questionnaire is to better serve your desires and the desires of your submissive. Please answer as many questions as possible for it will help us better shape your desires. Mistress Name: Sissy's...

1 year ago
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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Brenda and Bill Part 1

Total Transformation Salon and Spa: Brenda and Bill (Part 1) Brenda took the mail from the box and started to sort through it. Along with the normal bills and other junk mail was a discount flyer to a local salon - Total Transformation Salon and Spa. Just that morning she had looked in the mirror and though that she needed to find a new place. So "junk mail" turned to good timing. She called and made an appointment for Thursday morning. Brenda arrived a few minutes early and...

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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Jennifer and Mark Part 6

Total Transformation Salon and Spa: Jennifer and Mark (Part 6) Mark was awestruck at the image before him. Heather was one of the most sexy and stunning women he had ever seen in his life - with her clothes on. Now, stripped to her panties and bra he was beyond words. He just stared trying to process what he had just heard... and what he was seeing. "If you could look like THIS... would you do it?" Heather said. "You look... perfect!" Mark said. Heather giggled. ...

2 years ago
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Studio Salon Jezebel Introduction

This is my first contribution to and is part fantasy, part reality as to the story content. It's actually much more autographical than I'd like to admit but it's actually very authentic and real as to my experience to date. If the feedback is positive, I'll continue to write additional chapters. Studio Salon Jezebel - Introduction I'm feeling in a bit of a fog while starting this but a better description is probably that I'm in a sort of virtual reality where...

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Swallow Salon

SwallowSalon! What’s the worst thing about being stuck inside thanks to coronavirus? It’s a fucking shame we can’t hit the bar or bang strangers off an app, and I’ve heard a lot of broads complaining about not being able to visit the hair salon. That’s why I think everybody is going to be pretty happy to find out SwallowSalon is still open.You’ll still have to mangle your own hair with a pair of scissors and a mirror, but can help take care of that clogged-up feeling you may be...

Premium Blowjob Porn Sites
1 year ago
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The Object of Beauty Salon Gossip

"The Object of Beauty Salon Gossip" This is a short story told from a different perspective. Sure we have all read the stories of young men and sissies going to a beauty salon to have their feminine side pampered and exhibited in public, or to just enjoy the public humiliation of what people are thinking. It always about how they feel in the moment. This story is seen from the perspective of the employees and other patrons of the salon. Our story begins.................. "OMG,...

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Josies Visit to the Salon

Josie's Visit to the Salon ? by: Josie Girlyc This was bringing tears to my eyes, as I saw what Holly had done to me. Holly was smiling from ear to ear. But before I finish telling you what I looked like let me start from the beginning of this humiliating day. I knew that I had my normal Tuesday salon visit; every Tuesday and Friday I have a standing appointment with my wife's girlfriend Holly. Holly owns a salon called the 'Big Teeze'. Part of my wife's revenge is that I have...

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Heidis Salon

I had just graduated from college and gotten a job working in a bank. I had my own place, and my life was coming together. I was having pretty good luck finding all of the good places in town; the best deli, the best dry cleaner, the good supermarket. But I hadn't had much luck finding a good place to get my hair cut. I tried several before I saw a salon that looked nice. I walked into the salon and the receptionist said that Heidi had an opening as soon as she finished with the...

4 years ago
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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Samantha Part 1 of 4

Total Transformation Salon & Spa - Samantha (part 1 of 4) Lieutenant Samantha Hodge had graduated from the Police Academy at the top of her class. In just 3 years on the force, she had earned the respect and admiration of the entire police force. A tireless and diligent police officer. A 5'10" African-American beauty with incredible green eyes. She had an incredibly athletic body, though not a lot of female shape. Samantha had always wanted to be in law enforcement. A...

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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Brenda and Bill Part 12

Total Transformation Salon and Spa: Brenda and Bill (Part 12) Friday morning, Brenda spent more time with Dr. Miller and Dr. Banes getting more insight into their research. And, of course, each was eager to partake in feeding from her luscious breast. At noon, she met with Julie in final preparations for Kimberly's awakening tomorrow. "Her healing has gone magnificent," Julie said as she examined Kimberly's new sex. "The swelling has subsided. At this point, we can remove the...

3 years ago
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The salon sluts part 2

John arrived at the Salon at his usual time. The parking lot was unusually empty and then it dawned on him. Barbi had followed his instructions and let all of Aunt Betty’s girls go. As he walked in, he noticed Barbi working on a customer while Sheila and Mitsi were just sitting in their chairs waiting for walk-ins. Sheila avoided eye contact, but she looked stunning even without make-up. She had obviously tried to play down her image. Her hair was combed down and flat to her head, but her...

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The Perfect Salon

The Perfect Salon by Jack Andrews Billy had driven past the salon many times before on his way home from work and always noticed how amazingly attractive the stylists were. This, of course, from his 15-second view while stopped at the light at the intersection. Tonight was different. He was going to get a haircut. Not a big deal, but big enough for him. For some reason, he always had difficulty speaking to attractive women. And, um, his barber was out of town... Billy parked the old clunker...

4 years ago
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Tanning Salon RAPE

My very first job was at a tanning salon when I was 16 years old. I was not the type of girl that had a lot of experience with guys, in fact, I had only ever kissed one guy up to that point. My mom was very strict so I wasn't allowed to have boys over or go out with them. I was a very innocent 16 year old, but I didn't look like it... my body was well developed. I was 5'5'', 122 lbs., my tits were a perfect size 34C, I had a sexy fit hour-glass figure, soft tan skin, long brown...

2 years ago
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Salon Surprise

The usual trip to the hairdressers promised nothing new but, on this occasion, it took a new twist. I had done some work for Yvonne, nothing strenuous, but she appreciated it all the same. Yvonne run a small hairdresser in the village and had help at the weekends from Emma, a 17 year old student. Anyway, on this visit I was the last appointment and as I went to the counter to pay, Yvonne asked me how much she owed me for the work. ‘Err, thirty quid should do it, if that’s ok.’ I offered. ...

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Tanning Salon RAPE

Introduction: True story about my first time. ****This is a true story of my experience. I do not condone rape, this was the most horrifying yet erotic experience of my life. What happened to me 10 years ago is as follows…**** My very first job was at a tanning salon when I was 16 years old. I was not the type of girl that had a lot of experience with guys, in fact, I had only ever kissed one guy up to that point. My mom was very strict so I wasnt allowed to have boys over or go out with them....

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Hair Salon Muse

Copyright 1999 by Wanda Cunningham. Please do not archive except on Fitionmania or atEROS without my permission. ==================================== Hair Salon Muse by Wanda I'm not sure why I went into the hair salon that day but it became a turning point in my life. The sign said, Hair Cuts, Men $6 - Women $8 - Children $5. That seemed like a good deal so I went in and waited for an open chair. The magazines were an odd mix, Seventeen and Field and Stream, Modern...

2 years ago
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Heidis Salon 2 The Weekend

Heidi's Salon - The Weekend By sssydiane I had just spent the most wonderful afternoon at Heidi's Salon. She had made me her last appointment of the day so she would be able to perform her magic on me. She had been styling my hair longer and more femme at each appointment for quite a while. While I had always considered myself a straight guy, I loved the look and I loved spending the time to style my hair every morning. Well, today was the culmination of all those months. Heidi...

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