Miss Priss Salon free porn video

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Miss Priss Salon By Cheryl Alison It was Friday morning, and I had planned to get a haircut at my usual barber a few miles away from the downtown business district. However, my secretary dialed my cell phone and informed me that a new meeting popped up on my schedule at 10:00. I couldn't make it to my barber to get a haircut and back for the meeting, so I thought of my wife's friend, Marie. She runs a beauty salon a few doors down the street from my accounting firm. I quickly called Marie and she had an opening, so I parked on the street and popped in. Marie greeted me with a smile, as usual. She was a buoyant personality, with looks to match. Swingy dark hair cut in a trendy bob topped off her usual impeccable style. Today, she was wearing an expensive green sweater over a simple black skirt and black nylons. I couldn't keep myself from looking at her as she led me to the chair. I was a little bit nervous, since Marie's beauty salon is a place where few guys ever go. It has lace curtains on the windows, pastel pink walls, and lots of impressionist art intermixed with pictures of women in fancy dress and hairstyles. Marie tried to put me at ease with humor, as she slid the shiny pink cape on. "Now, I don't have any other capes, so you'll just have to be a girl for today," she teased. "OK," I said lightly, seeing it as a joke and trying to relax. While Marie was getting me settled in the chair, her partner Amelia came in. Amelia is as cute, if not cuter, than Marie, with pretty blond hair in curls to her neck and a well-exercised body. Her first client showed up almost immediately as Marie began cutting my hair. It happened to be a man, but he seemed to know Amelia well and be at ease. As my haircut progressed, Marie swung my chair around so that I was facing Amelia's station. I saw Amelia begin placing curlers in her client's hair. I snickered out loud. I could see Marie's frown right away in the mirror across the shop. She whispered in my ear, "Be nice," as she turned me back around to work on another part of my hair. At the front of the shop, as I was paying Marie for my haircut, she scolded me for laughing at the guy getting his hair curled. "Men get perms all the time. He's a good customer, and I don't appreciate you laughing at him. You know, your hair could do with a perm. You like to keep it long and a perm would give it some body." "Ha, that'll be the day!" I said. "My firm thinks I'm weird enough having hair longer than a crewcut." I finished paying, and tipped Marie well because I felt a little bit guilty at offending her. I figured next time I got my hair cut, I'd be back at Barber Joe's. ---------- The next month rolled around and it was a busy one. It was tax time and our clients had us running on coffee and adrenaline. The last Friday of the month, I finally got caught up enough to think about getting my monthly hair trim. Once again, I was driving in to work to drop off a few files, and then I was going to run out to Barber Joes. When my cell phone rang, I almost didn't answer it because I had been practically glued to it for weeks. But I did answer it, and it was our secretary. "You have a meeting coming up at 10:00. Greta from Annunzio's wants you to meet her at the restaurant." I thought to myself that their taxes were done. What could Greta possibly want? However, since she was another friend of my wife, I thought I would do her the favor. A feeling of deja vu came over me as the idea occurred to me of getting another haircut from Marie, since once again I wouldn't be able to take the time to drive out to Barber Joe's. I just hoped she didn't expect as big of a tip as last time. I called her, and voila, she had an opening. I ran down the street and ducked into her shop. Marie greeted me brightly, as usual. Amelia was there, too, sitting in one of the chairs and reading a magazine. "Well, you were between a rock and a hard place so you had to come back?" she asked me. "Yes," I said, "I've got a meeting coming up at 10:00 and I need a quick trim." "Well, let's get started," she said with an air of authority. She had sort of a business- like undertone to her manner this morning. She was bright and cheery, but seemed in a hurry. "We better wash your hair," she said. "You're kind of sweaty." "OK, whatever" I said. She laid me back with my head over the sink and wet down my hair. Then she opened a bottle of sweet smelling shampoo. "Do you have to use that?" I said. "Don't you have anything that won't make me smell like my wife all day?" "No, I don't." she said. "It won't kill you. The main thing is to get your hair clean before I cut it." "Alright," I said. Marie worked the shampoo into my hair, kneading it with her fingers lightly and massaging my scalp. I kind of drifted away a little bit, enjoying the experience in spite of myself. About that time, I felt something slipping over my wrist. Amelia had walked over, and I tried to raise up to see what she was doing. That's when I realized that a belt had been buckled over my chest and I couldn't get up. Marie pushed my head back down rather firmly, as I felt something slip over my other wrist. Amelia had handcuffed me! I began to struggle a little bit, but about all I could do was flail my legs around. That's when Marie sat on my legs facing me. Her gorgeous red lips were telling me something about being an asshole and needing some "sensitivity training." While she was sitting on my legs, Amelia bound them together with another belt and buckle. Here I was, minutes after walking into the beauty salon trussed up in the chair! I was speechless. "Let's take him to the makeover room," Marie said to Amelia. They slipped another buckled strap over my upper arms and chest, and unbuckled me from the chair. Both women were strong, and helped me sort of hop to the back of the shop. About that time, I found my voice again. I started yelling, but both women told me it was no use, no one would hear me. I kept yelling anyway. I was starting to feel very threatened and get the idea that this wasn't just a practical joke. When we got back to the makeover room, Marie took some small sponges from the shelf and reached down to peel the stocking from her foot. She put the sponges in the stocking. "Missy needs to be gagged, I think," she told Amelia. They used a roll of tape to secure the makeshift gag into my mouth. I was wiggling around pretty good by this time, trying to figure out a way to get free from the buckled straps. "Missy needs to be wrapped a little tighter," Amelia said, laughing. Marie held me while Amelia left for a moment. When she returned, Marie instructed Amelia to take off my pants and underwear. I began to struggle, but couldn't overcome Marie's hold. Then Amelia also took off my tie and shirt, pulling them out from under the straps. I was naked and bound in the back room of a beauty salon with two women. What was going through their minds, I didn't know. "Wrap him up, honey!" Marie said cheerily. "Put a pink cape on him first!" Amelia wrapped the silky pink cape tightly around me. The material swished on my skin, making me feel very strange. The gag was filling up my mouth and I could hardly make a sound. I thought they were done, but Amelia then took out what looked like a large roll of saran wrap. She began at my feet and wrapped it tightly around me all the way up my body, forcing the silky cape next to my skin all over. Once I was practically mummified in saran wrap, with the exception of my head and neck, Marie and Amelia sat me down in the makeover chair. It was a standard beauty shop chair, but the makeover room was evidently the place Marie used to get brides ready for their weddings and that sort of thing. It had a sink and carts with rollers in it, but in addition it featured makeup trays on the counters that lined the room. "I think the first thing we'll do is start with the cut," said Marie. Looking me directly in the eyes, she continued, "and then we'll get that perm processing." So that's what this was about. Could my snickering about the man getting a perm have precipitated this whole thing? This woman was vengeful! "How would you like your hair done, Missy?" asked Marie, "Maybe a nice pageboy and then a spiral perm? Or a wedged bob with lots of curls? I think you need some color, too. We don't normally perm and color in the same day, but you're a special customer!" The fear was already running through me, and specific thoughts began to occur to me. What about my meeting at 10:00? What about the rest of my clients? What would my bosses think of my new hair? In the end, Amelia chose my hair do. She pulled a book from the shelf and showed Marie a picture of a blonde woman with shoulder length hair done in spiral curls and straight bangs in the front. Marie quickly cut my hair, blunting it at the bottom around the back, and saying "this is going to be very full when it's permed. Missy is going to be a very pretty girl." Then the perming process began. While Amelia helped, smiling all the time, Marie put the curlers in my hair. She used very skinny ones so that there would be "lots of curl." As she rolled each long rod in vertically, she wound my hair extremely tight and pulled my hair painfully. As she capped each roller, she would say, "There's another set of ringlets, Missy." When my hair was completely wound up on the rods, Marie said, "I think I'll use a Zotos perm. They hold for a long time." She then wrapped some cotton around my face and neck, and took out some lotion and started dumping it all over my head and working it in. "This has a processing time of 15 minutes, so you'll have to sit still, but I don't think you'll have a problem with that." For fifteen minutes, I sat in horror looking in the mirror at my head wrapped up in rollers and covered with white cream. While the perm was processing, Amelia suggested, "Why don't we figure out his colors?" I thought she was talking about hair colors, but she grabbed a makeup chart. "Good thing you shaved this morning, Missy. We have a foundation that will work for you." Marie took one of the little sponges like the ones that they had gagged me with and began applying the makeup all over my face. When she got to the lower part, she asked me if I could be quiet so she could take the gag out. I nodded as best as I could. She took the gag off. "Bitches!" I yelled right away. I began to go into an almost incoherent tirade. Marie slapped me so hard that I think my eyes rattled. "Shut up. You will never call a woman that name again! I want you to be absolutely silent, or I will gladly make this permanent makeup. How would you like this color tattooed on your lips?" she said, holding up a bright fuschia. I calmed down a little bit and thought, maybe if I ride this out, it won't be so bad. She can get her revenge and maybe no one will have to know. Marie finished the foundation, and about that time the timer went off for the perm. Marie decided that the curl was enough, but she wanted to make sure it had set good. She told Amelia to warm up the dryer as she rinsed my hair and neutralized it, with the rollers still in. I watched in horror as Amelia turned on the chair dryer and made sure the needle was at the top of the temperature range. Marie removed the cotton padding from around my head, and the girls wrestled me out of the chair and into the dryer chair. At first, under the dryer I felt like it wouldn't be too bad. However, after about five minutes the heat was almost intolerable. The hair around the rollers was tightening up, and becoming painful. I broke my silence, and whined, "Can you turn it down? It's starting to hurt!" "Shut up, Sissy!" Marie said very loudly and forcefully. She grabbed the makeshift nylon gag and jammed it into my mouth and taped it down again. I almost passed out in the next ten minutes, but somehow managed to stay conscious. I think the tightening of the hair around the curlers woke me up every time I felt like I was going to drift off. It felt like the hair was going to come out at the roots. Finally, Marie came over and lifted the dryer. I'm sure my ears were bright red. Amelia helped her get me back into the makeover chair. The rollers came out, and I had tiny ringlets of hair all over my head! Marie made sure that when she removed each roller, she pulled the strand of hair out to "inspect" it. What she was really doing was finding yet another excuse to pull my hair and cause me extreme pain. When she was done, my head hurt but then she took out a comb and brush and combed the curls out, pulling my hair more. "There," she said, swinging the chair around so that I could look in the mirror. "Your hair is very pretty. There's no reason a man can't get a perm, now is there? Although you're quickly becoming a woman, my little Missy." "Sissy Missy," stated Amelia matter-of-factly. "Let's get her makeup on so she can be really pretty!" She was enjoying my submission at their hands. Once again the gag was removed from my mouth under threats of further punishment if I broke my silence. Amelia seemed to be the makeup expert, so she took over, lining my eyes in black and painting on mascara as if it were exterior latex housepaint. She then lined my lips and painted them a bright fuschia. My eyes were shadowed in pinks, and cheeks done in the same color. When they were done I looked like a blushing bride, albeit an unhappy one. I finally opened my mouth to ask, "OK, you've made your point. I'm sorry for laughing at your other customer. Am I done being punished?" "Shut up, whiny sissy. You are under our control and you're not going anywhere for the moment, although I do hear that you have a meeting at ten o'clock. That's in a half hour. I wonder if we can get you ready that fast." What did she mean, get me ready? There was no way I was going to be able to go to that meeting like this! "OK, Amelia, get Sissy's clothes." Oh, crap. They were going to take it a lot further, I feared. Amelia left and came back in. Marie swung me around and said, "Look at your new dress, dear." It was like a picture out of the Wizard of OZ. It was a full pink dress with a huge skirt. There was lots of glittery satin fabric underlying panels of lace. The skirt looked like a ballerina skirt, only much fuller. "And we have petticoats for you, dear," said Amelia, showing me the underskirts I would be wearing. They were frothy and white, and huge. I had no idea how all of that material would fit under that dress. "And tights. And pretty shoes. And a bra." Said Marie. You are going to put all of these things on without struggling. And here's why." She took out a camera and took several photographs of me bound in the chair, with my beautiful bridal hairdo and makeup. At this point, the only thing I could do was follow instructions and hope that things got better. At least dressing in the clothing allowed me to become unbound from the saran wrap. Amelia first presented me with a pair of pink lace panties. "Put these on, Sissy, and then I'll show you how to put stockings on." Then, she showed me how to slide the lace-patterned stockings up my leg. It was kind of a thrilling experience, feeling the air on my skin after being bound in the salon cape and saran wrap for over an hour. After the panties and lace tights, she helped me into a bra/corset combination. Marie came over and laced it extremely tight, taking the same pleasure as she did when pulling the curlers in my hair tight. Once I had the basic undergarments on, Amelia helped me into the petticoats. The feeling of the frothy material around my legs and thighs was indescribable. In another setting, I might have almost enjoyed the feeling. Then the dress was carefully slid on over the other garments. Marie buttoned up the back carefully, saying, "It's such a perfect fit." I wondered briefly how they happened to have all of these garments on hand, and how they happened to all fit me so well. "Turn around and look at yourself, Missy", said Marie. "You're like a doll." I slowly turned to the mirror, and what did I see but a fairly attractive young lady dressed like the good witch in the Wizard of OZ. I was speechless and at this point wondering what else they possibly could do to me. "Don't forget your shoes," Amelia said, helping me put on the shiny white patent leather slippers with buckle straps. "You'll need them to walk over to Annunzio's." My heart nearly stopped. Annunzio's! How could they know where my appointment was. I began to smell a conspiracy. However, the gag prevented me from saying anything or resisting very much verbally. "Also don't forget that we have rather compromising pictures," Marie reminded me. "If you happen to decide that you don't want to play along." Each girl took one arm and led me toward the front of the shop. Marie clicked off all the lights and locked the front door. I found myself standing on the sidewalk in my own business neighborhood dressed like Glenda the Good Witch! It was rather busy, and people were already taking notice as our unique procession started down the street. At least I didn't think that most people recognized me in my currently "altered condition." We walked quickly, and soon arrived at the back door of Annunzio's. Marie knocked, and my wife's friend, Greta, answered the door. "Come in, ladies. I see you have a pretty friend with you," she said, giving me a knowing smile. I knew there was a conspiracy, but was still having trouble figuring it out. Amelia and Marie led me into the room quickly. It was dim, and while my eyes were adjusting to the light, I found myself standing in front of something that looked like a low wall. Before I could resist, Marie and Amelia, one on either side of me, had snapped my wrists into shackles on top of the wall. Marie kicked my legs out from under me and I could finally see that they had put me in stocks, like the medieval punishment method! My arms were stuck through the top, with a bar over them, and I couldn't move. I began to thrash about wildly, but the three women overpowered me and shackled my legs to the floor. I was in a position of being thrust forward with my arms through the stocks, my head almost hanging over the other side of the wall, and my rear end thrust out. There wasn't much room for movement. "I see you're on time, for once in your life," a cold voice said from the back of my room. The conspiracy fell into place. It was Sharon, my wife, clad in a black body suit and long black high heeled shiny boots. "You have been mistreating women for far too long. You are rude and unsympathetic and now you are going to get the perspective of a helpless girl. We have quite a night of activities planned." The first "activity" was raising my petticoats and skirts in the rear and tethering them so they stayed away from my rear end. My wife walked over to a table and picked up what looked like a riding crop. "Who wants to be first to teach my sissy husband a lesson?" Marie stepped forward and grabbed the crop. Fourteen rather stinging lashes later, my panties and tights were in tatters and I was crying through the gag. Amelia then took her turn, and then my wife. All in all, I probably received around fifty lashes from the crop, some teasingly light and others harsh. "Well, it appears that we have my little sissy in submission," said my wife. "Drop his petticoats back down to cover his little sore behind." She came to me and grabbed my hair and yanked my head tight to her body. "Wait until you see what your new job is." Needless to say, after the humiliation and the domination of my wife and her conspiracy of friends, I wasn't in much of a position to dictate my own fate. My wife purchased an interest in the beauty shop, and I became a receptionist. They changed the marketing image of the shop to a trendier one, so it wasn't unusual to the customers to come in and find a man with a perm wearing a tutu and pink tights (or whatever costume caught my wife's fancy each morning) making their appointments. Most of the women thought I was "cute" and asked my wife questions about how to trap their husbands. In the months to follow I was also forced to subjection after hours in a number of ways. I became a canvas for the women to practice on, my body became an object of torture to outlet their frustrations, and I forgot more and more what being a man felt like. So, if you find a business card from the "Miss Priss Salon" among your wife's things, beware. You might be the next Sissy Missy! My only advice for you is that if you fall into the trap, it gets a little bit easier every day. I'm starting to enjoy the feeling of silk panties, swishing crinolines, and my hair done in bridal styles. And during tax time, all I have to do is follow instructions, since I don't have any voice in the management of our new business. -fin-

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Ms Priss and the pick up

I never go out to bars. My friends asked me to meet them at the local watering hole and I said yes. I had been lonely and bored. I sat at the bar and ordered a Tom Collins while I waited. I was dressed conservatively in the skirt and modest cardigan I had worn to work. I crossed my legs and swung my high heeled pump nervously. I barely noticed a man sit down next to me. I drew shapes with my finger in the condensation from my glass and pretended to be relaxed. Where was everybody? The man next...

2 years ago
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Ms Priss and the pick up

I never go out to bars. My friends asked me to meet them at the local watering hole and I said yes. I had been lonely and bored. I sat at the bar and ordered a Tom Collins while I waited. I was dressed conservatively in the skirt and modest cardigan I had worn to work. I crossed my legs and swung my high heeled pump nervously. I barely noticed a man sit down next to me. I drew shapes with my finger in the condensation from my glass and pretended to be relaxed. Where was everybody? The man next...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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The Avanti Salon

The Avanti Salon After pulling into the parking space, I checked my makeup in the mirror and reapplied my lipstick. I couldn't help but reflect on how much had changed during the past 2 years before shutting off the car and throwing my keys in my Michael Kors shoulder bag. Here I was driving a Mercedes- Benz SL 63 Roadster and going for my weekly manicure, pedicure and hair appointment when only a few years ago I was unemployed, depressed and a burden on my spouse. Was I happier?...

4 years ago
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Secret Salons

When people enter a barbershop or salon the most extreme thing they think might happen is for them to leave with a bad haircut or styling, something that is annoying, but will grow out given time. 99 times out of 100 that is exactly what happens. However few people know there is a war, of sorts, going on and it is being waged by a secret cabal of salons, not on each other, but on everyday thought, everyday people. Some of these secret salons do what they do deliberately, others by...

3 years ago
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Sexual Satisfaction At Salon

Sexual Satisfaction At SalonBy: Londebaaz Chohan Zephyr observed the rain splashing after the drops hit his tanning salon window and it quickly turned to hard rain fall with intensity. Completely black clouds rolled and whipped in the skies. The wind also picked and it was obvious that the weather was going to be wicked and harsh for long time. He bid farewell to the 2 ladies that finished the tanning session and were leaving his salon cautioning them about the nasty weather. The both women...

1 year ago
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Miss Prissy Paunceworth Chapter I Beginnings

This is a female authoritarian sissy boy story, although with a softer touch than most. There is candy and spice and (mostly) everything sissy- nice! So, if lots of frilly outfits, swishy behavior and a little sex are your thing, please read on. If not, thanks for looking anyway. It is also a purely fictional fantasy work. No references are intended to portray any actual persons, places or events whether past or present. This chapter is rated R, but future chapters will be rated X....

2 years ago
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the beauty salon

Jessica had been to her usual beauty salon,it didn't take much to maintain her beauty, but pampering herself was one of her vices.....whilst there she was chatting to the owner,sally,they were talking about how sally had so much work,not enough girls to work,it wasn't Jessica thing, working,working,but sally was talking about a window in the salon diary, did she want to come in and run a little clinic, the salon closed half day on weds afternoons ,as they opened all day on Saturdays when...

1 year ago
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WIfes birthday party at her salon

I was turning 33 tomorrow I thought as I drifted off to sleep. My life has been good so far as I have two great kids and a good husband of going on 14 years. I awoke to a birthday breakfast in bed with my two kids and hubby. My husband kissed me softly and told me happy birthday as the kids bounced all over the place. As the morning progressed a shower and getting dressed my Husband told me to dress a little slutty for work today as he was planning to pick me up after work and go out. He...

3 years ago
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WIfes birthday party at her salon

Introduction: wife gets what she wants My birthday I was turning 33 tomorrow I thought as I drifted off to sleep. My life has been good so far as I have two great kids and a good husband of going on 14 years. I awoke to a birthday breakfast in bed with my two kids and hubby. My husband kissed me softly and told me happy birthday as the kids bounced all over the place. As the morning progressed a shower and getting dressed my Husband told me to dress a little slutty for work today as he was...

1 year ago
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Beauty Salon

I went in the beauty salon for my regular appointment. It was a Saturday morning and I had a standing appointment every six weeks.? I got there and went straight back to get my hair washed and conditioned.? When I was there, like always, I went up and sat down at the hairdresser's area for her to cut and style my hair.? She wasn't there when I sat down, so I waited a few minutes to get back.? It was no big deal, I figured she had gone on a quick break or run to the restroom really quick.? After...

1 year ago
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The Perfect Salon

Billy had driven past the salon many times before on his way home from work and always noticed how amazingly attractive the stylists were. This, of course, from his 15-second view while stopped at the light at the intersection. Tonight was different. He was going to get a haircut. Not a big deal, but big enough for him. For some reason, he always had difficulty speaking to attractive women. And, um, his barber was out of town... Billy parked the old clunker and walked into The Perfect...

1 year ago
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Good Girls Arent GayChapter 3 The Asian and the Salon

The next few days, I wrestled between stability and desire. Noticing friction in the marriage, Bernard tried to comfort me. "Babe, need anything?" he asked. I almost smiled. "No," I said. "Tired, that's all." On rare occasions, Bernard demonstrated sensitivity. He even remembered to put the toilet seat down. "Maybe we can hit the condo this week?" I quietly sat for a few seconds, and then lied, "Need to get the paper published." Heterosexual encounters at condos were not in my...

3 years ago
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Spontaneous Combustion At The Hair Salon

I had been a regular customer at the same hair salon for a couple of years, and always with the same stylist, Claire. I liked her work and enjoyed her company, and she mine. She was easy going and always greeted me warmly. Sometimes we chatted while she worked; sometimes we didn’t. There were occasional instances of mutual flirting but we had never taken things further. Our relationship was strictly professional: I showed up on time for my appointments, she did a good job of cutting my hair,...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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In the hair salon

Josh loved big woman and he found Lauren’s large build very appealing to his sexual appetite. She had huge tits and nice thick legs. Today she wore a short jean skirt, blue halter top, and high healed sandals. He looked up at her gorgeous face, long blond hair, blue eyes, and great smile while she shampooed his head. He fantasized about seducing Lauren which started making the blood flow to his cock. She wrapped a towel around his head and they headed for the styling chair. She...

2 years ago
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The Hair Salon

This is a true story that happened to me a few weeks ago and I thought you all might get a kick out of it. I run this hair salon and have done so for most of my life. I have customers that have been coming to me for thirty years. The other thing about me is that I have loved cock since I was in my mid teens. To me there are few things better than a man pounding his rock hard cock into my pussy good and hard and then draining his balls deep inside me filling my womb full of his spunk. My...

2 years ago
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Sissy Beauty Salon

My wife, Annie, is 43 years old and I, Jim, am 44 years old. We have been married for 15 years now. And it has been a wonderful marriage. From the start our sex life has been very satisfying and sometimes daring. And that includes the past year or so when things started to change just a little bit from what it had been. A change which Annie loves and I think I do too. About a year ago we were flipping through the channels and Annie stopped at a showing of the movie "Tootsie". We had...

3 years ago
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Auto Salon

Jenna and Jerry Cole were fraternal twins, on the cusps of their 21st birthday. Although similar in stature, they clearly looked nothing alike. Jenna had long, flowing red hair and green eyes. Whereas Jerry’s hair was long and blonde and his eyes were blue. They both had an athletic build, but Jenna was 2 inches taller than Jerry’s 5’4” frame. There was always a rivalry between the two of them. Usually Jerry won, but Jenna has her fair share of wins. For weeks now, Jenna has been planning a...

2 years ago
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The New Unisex Beauty Salon

The advertisements were out, the flyer and discount vouchers all posted and the initial interest seemed a bit over the top, but a week later the crowds had died down and along with it a lot of the interest too. It was then I decided that because I needed my hair cutting, I would try it out and whilst there I would get a pedicure and facial too. So I phoned the number and was given my choice of appointment times. I chose the last appointment of the day figuring that I would do me good to be in...

1 year ago
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Sandras Salon

It was a bright, sunny afternoon as I walked along the thoroughfare of a small town by the sea, where I was vacationing. I filled my lungs to capacity, to take in the delightful smell of the ocean breeze filling my nostrils. It brought back fond memories of my youth spent close to the ocean and now as a mature adult; I missed its familiar smell. As I walked along the promenade next to the seaside shops, I felt the wind whisking my hair, what there is left of it, definitely nothing left on top....

1 year ago
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The Tanning Salon

It was early fall and I was getting ready for a trip out of town and wanted to have a nice tan prior to leaving. So I stopped in at a local tanning salon in town. As I walked into the front part, there was no one at the counter. I waited a few minutes and still no one appeared. So I walked down the hallway where all the tanning beds where located. As I got closer to the last few rooms I heard sounds coming from the last room on the left. At first I thought it was music or something, but as I...

2 years ago
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Gorgeous Model Gets Ass Fucked In The Nail Salon

You chipped a nail while grabbing at the furniture in my apartment. I ask where you get your nails done, and we go down to my car.You duck under the low ceiling, then lean across the console for the drive downtown, afraid of flattening your hair. Giggling, you pull my cock from my pants. I know there won't be enough time to finish, but it was clearly throbbing under the fabric. We have plans later and I need you to look stunning, so I speed to reach the salon before they close. I'm near cumming...

3 years ago
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Sexy Indian Lady In My Massage Salon

Hi, I want to introduce myself I’m Mishra from Hyderabad (telugu). I live in UK, went on student visa now came Hyderabad. When I was in London on student I was doing part time job for my expenses in one of the famous massage salon. Where all type of girls visit for normal checkup n some for full body massage… let me start my story with an Indian girl , u can catch my mail id for new upcoming stories n any service. It was midsummer, hot outside I was working since morning. Girls used to come...

1 year ago
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Hi, ISS Readers, This is Sofia C again. Find below is my new story. Your comments & replies are welcomed at Sheetal has been doing my hair for about eight months now at a little salon near my house. I usually go in about every six week to have a trim and style. She is a young gujarathi, single, I would guess in her early twenty’s with a nice figure, great smile and a good personality. I have always got along well with her and we have had good conversations on a variety of topics. The second...

4 years ago
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Story Of First Time With Saloni

Hello, everybody. I am A from Bangalore, 25 years of age and a normal fun loving guy. Girls and ladies can contact me at Coming to the story, I am from a small town in and completed my schooling in that town. I had one friend Rakesh who was my neighbor and lived in our adjacent bungalow. We played cricket and had fun at his place lot of times. His sister Saloni was 5 years younger and played with us sometimes. I turned 21 and had just completed my engineering. I was looking for a Job and...

3 years ago
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My Hot Neighbour Saloni

Hello guys. I have been a huge fan of ISS and have been dying to narrate my own story but couldn’t get the time. But finally I managed to do the same, so here goes. I am a 24 year old guy working in my dream company here in Gurgaon. I am very decent looking and have been playing sports throughout my life. I was always nice to girls and have had many girlfriends. But let me continue with my story. This was back when I graduated from college and had just given my final exams. I had already got...

1 year ago
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College Romance With Beautiful Saloni

Hello friends. This is my first story. I am currently in Kolkata. I have a normal body and love sex. All beautiful ladies can contact me on This is the story when I was in Bangalore for higher studies. In my college, there was a girl named Saloni. She was fair, perfect shape and a body that can attract anybody. We were in the same class but it was very difficult to get attention from her. So one lucky day the faculty divided our class into a group of 5 and she was in my group. Yup, even I...

1 year ago
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We can all agree that there is just something very addictive about browsing through content uploaded by the owners themselves, right? It is on a whole new level to amateur pornography, since while amateur porn is fun and all, it is often just reloaded by random people. However, on r/TheEroticSalon/, you have many gorgeous Redditors uploading their personal dirty images, which I think is pretty fucking neat.Do not worry, r/TheEroticSalon/ is a free subreddit, and it is filled with some of the...

Reddit NSFW List
4 years ago
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The Story of Prissy

DISCLAIMER This story is originally written by Linda Lafrance. It is her hard work, and dedication. It was one of the original pieces that drew me to TG fictions, but has become increasingly difficult to find on the internet. I have posted this in its entirety unedited and unaltered. I hope people find it as fun as I did the first time I read it. I take no credit in writing or editing this piece. If Linda Lafrance has an account on this site I wish for the piece to be moved. If she...

2 years ago
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E064 Preparing Emma at the Salon

After a wonderful night sleeping together, Friday morning as they awoke, Donald told her to go tan again.  This is interesting to Emma as he had cut back on how much she did lay in the bed, but it seems he wants her now tanner and tanner.She follows his directions, and after, a short massage today from Julie who talks to Emma about her day as a dog, and how she liked doing it.  From each of Emma’s responses about it, she sighs deeply.  When finished, Emma moves off the bed, she now does not...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Christmas At The Salon

Back in October I introduced my friend Susan to boys that wanted to be girls for her beauty school.They would come in for help with their hair and makeup and her students could practice on them.Everyone had a ball and it worked out very well. Soon the girls realized that this was a dream come true for the boys and became more demanding of them.Keeping the place clean was just one of their many new tasks.They had to speak in a feminine voice when they were there and address each girl as...

2 years ago
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Der rote Salon

Nervös sah Maria auf ihre Hände. Der Testamentsvollstrecker hatte ihr grade mitgeteilt, dass ihre Erbtante verstorben war. Eine Gaststätte in Berlin sollte jetzt ihr gehören. Noch immer konnte sie es nicht fassen, in dem kleinen Dorf wo sie herstammte, war nur etwas los, wenn es Sommerfeste und Erntetänze gab und nun, sollte sie die Kneipe ihrer Tante übernehmen. Angst und Freude machten sich in Maria breit. Noch nie war sie aus ihrem Dorf herausgekommen und jetzt sollte es sogar nach Berlin...

1 year ago
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Christmas At The Salon

Back in October I introduced my friend Susan to boys that wanted to be girls for her beauty school.They would come in for help with their hair and makeup and her students could practice on them.Everyone had a ball and it worked out very well. Soon the girls realized that this was a dream come true for the boys and became more demanding of them.Keeping the place clean was just one of their many new tasks.They had to speak in a feminine voice when they were there and address each girl as...

1 year ago
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The Devils PactChapter 2 The Salon

Thursday, June 6th, 2013 – Mary Sullivan – Spaneway, WA I stepped out of the Starbucks into the sunshine feeling like a whole new woman. Maybe it was because I am a new woman. When I awoke this morning, I was simply Mary Sullivan: college student and barista. Then Mark appeared at my work. And in a few minutes his presence had transformed me; awakened desires long buried in my heart and showed me pleasures I had never dreamed I could experience. He had peered into my soul and I had peered...

2 years ago
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Prissy By wargamerguy 15-year-old peter was feeling rotten about himself as he walked to his house. He didn't how he was going to fix it but he felt like an ass. He hung his head down as he walked down the sidewalk. He couldn't help it, he felt really ashamed. He volunteered for the part in the debate on feminism and naturally, he was the guy and debating a girl. He said bad things about women, but he didn't believe a word he said. It was a project for school, he was chosen to...

4 years ago
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Prissy Sissybits

PRISSY SISSYBITS by Throne Miya had invited three of her closest lady friends to her house on a Friday evening. She told them that she would be serving wine, and that there was a special surprise in store for them. Her invitees, Candice, Amber and Brie, were curious to learn what she had planned. They called each other and wondered if she had finally taken steps to deal with her annoying husband, Prentice. Miya only revealed that it had to do with his longstanding request that she...

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Missys Girlfriend Amy

Amy was one of the sexiest black girls Missy had ever seen. She'd met Amy through her brother, Ron, who had started dating her and on this particular evening, Ron and Amy had come over where Missy and Amy's brother, Larry, had settled down to watch a DVD and enjoy the evening having sex. When Ron and Amy showed up, Missy had intially been very upset but when they started passing around a toke of marijuans, Missy felt herself becoming noticeably much more mellow and at ease with having the...

1 year ago
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Prissy and Chrissy

Dedication: To my beloved little sissy sister, Prissy Prissy and Chrissy By Christina Shelly Chapter 1: Revenge Mrs Noble opened the door and smiled at Mrs Lane, her next door neighbour of the last six months. 'Everything went as planned, Debbie. Heather is upstairs with them now, putting the finishing touches, as it were.' Debra Lane, a tall, plump, but very attractive blonde in her late forties returned Shirley Noble's smile and stepped into the hallway. The two...

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