PrissChapter 2 free porn video

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"Guess what, honey?" Thomas was calling me at work, which he did sometimes and I always enjoyed it. The other girls in the office were so jealous of me, but I tried to remain above that.

"Ummmm..." I giggled at the happiness in my fiancé's voice.

"Perry is coming up for the weekend," Thomas said. "Isn't that great?"

"Oh," I swallowed hard and I should have been expecting it, but like anyone in denial I'd tried to ignore the truth of my unhappy situation.

"Tricia?" he prompted me.

"Yeah, Thomas," I forced myself to smile as Janice, one of the secretaries was watching me and trying to listen in. "That's wonderful news."

"He's driving up this afternoon, so we'll all go out for dinner together," Thomas said. "I'm glad you like him, I knew you would."

"He's a nice guy," I cleared my throat. "I, uh ... I have to get back to work and..."

"I love you, Tricia," he said softly. I could picture him sitting there, in his office at the bank his family owned, but yearning to be alone with me.

"I love you too, Thomas," I whispered.

"I'll pick you up around seven, okay?"

"Uh-huh," I agreed. "Bye."

I closed my eyes after hanging up my phone, wondering what I was going to do. Perry was my fiancé's best friend and the soon to be Best Man at our upcoming wedding. He was a handsome man, outgoing and well off financially. Perry should have been a man I was happy to see, and he would have been except for one small problem. Perry knew I'd been a prostitute while I was attending college. He'd paid me to have sex with him and Perry wasn't about to let me forget it.

Thomas knew nothing about it, of course, and I couldn't afford to let my dirty secret get out. Not with our wedding less than a month away. His family was rich and decidedly unhappy with me, but Thomas was in love and while he wasn't exactly my Prince Charming, he was my chance at a new life. I'd learn to love him and I was determined to be a faithful, devoted wife to the man. If only Perry hadn't come along to ruin everything.

I knew most people thought I was going to be little more than a trophy wife, but I couldn't help that. I really am beautiful, golden blonde with jade green eyes and tight, firm body. My breasts were perfectly natural, perky and neither too large or small but just right, like my pert round butt. It was the reason I was so good at being a coed call girl, or at least one of the reasons. Another big one was that I was willing and eager to do almost anything, especially piss games. If I had a personal fetish, I suppose that was it. I was a piss whore and a very popular one too.

My fiancé thought I was a virgin and I'd spent our months dating to encourage that belief. Thomas was a virgin as well and proud of it, so I had little doubt that the man would drop me quick if he found out the truth. I'd be run out of town most likely. Jobless, penniless, and with nowhere to go. It was a dim prospect and so perhaps it's not so hard to understand why I'd buried my head in the sand and wished my nightmare away.

Now I was waking up though and it wasn't a dream at all.

"Oh, I love this song!" Perry grinned at me. "Come on, Tricia. Let me have one dance."

"Oh," I blinked at him and I was sitting very close to Thomas, practically on his lap and he wasn't minding that at all.

We'd been in the club nearly an hour and Perry had been ordering the drinks. A single glass of wine was enough for me and I'd barely touched it, but Thomas had been showing off, wanting to impress me or something. We didn't go out like this very often and Thomas rarely had more than one or two drinks when we did. Perry seemed to be handling it better than his friend and that was making me nervous.

"Go ahead," Thomas smiled at me, giving me a gentle push. "He'll never stop if you don't give him what he wants."

"But..." I frowned and Perry was already standing up, reaching for my hand.

"There we go." Perry smiled at his best friend. "I'll bring her back, buddy. Don't worry."

"Ah," Thomas laughed and waved at us and I realized my fiancé was getting a little drunk.

We'd had a nice dinner in the best restaurant in town. It had been a little too intimate for the three of us, I'd thought, but Thomas hadn't seemed to mind. He and Perry had been best friends since they were in kindergarten, or some such thing, and the two men were very much like brothers. That only made it worse for me because there was very little that Perry couldn't get away with, at least so far as innuendo and casual flirting went. Thomas just laughed it off when Perry would say something slightly risqué or even rude about my appearance, or more usually about what he'd like to do to a woman like me in the bedroom.

When I tried to demonstrate my discomfort, Thomas just chided me gently, telling me that I had to get used to Perry. That I'd love him like part of the family once I got to know the man. It was hopeless and I was trapped and very frustrated by all of it. If any other man had said some of the things Perry had said, Thomas would have been fuming with jealousy, but since Perry was his best friend, it was all okay for some reason. Now I was slow dancing with the man in the finest club in the city and I could only pray that Perry wouldn't do something to embarrass me.

"Relax," Perry whispered in my ear as he held me close. "What are you so nervous about?"

"You," I breathed keeping my hands on his shoulders while Perry held my hips. "We're not supposed to be dancing like this. I'm getting married."

"Tommy knows," the man chuckled. "I asked nicely. Don't worry, Priss, I'm not going to do anything to hurt you."

"Don't call me that," I said, feeling my face flush with humiliation. Priss had been my working name back at the university.

"Tricia," Perry corrected himself. "Sorry. I just forget sometimes. You're so gorgeous."

"Don't," I gave him a small shake of my head as I felt his hands threatening to move behind me. "Just ... be nice."

"I'm always nice," he told me. "Look, I want you to marry him. I told you that. I think it's great."

"Then why won't you leave me alone?" I asked him, with my pleading eyes staring into his.

"Because I love fucking you," Perry said softly.

His hands did move then, just enough so that his fingers could feel my butt through the silk evening gown I was wearing. It had been a gift from Perry, of all people, and it was green like my eyes and wonderfully fitted to my body. Too wonderfully it seemed just then and I frowned, glancing around nervously and hoping nobody would notice what the man was doing. I could have been overreacting though. Perry wasn't holding my ass, just ... rubbing it.

"You marry Thomas and I'll always know where you are, Tricia," he continued. "I'll always know I can have a good time when I come for a visit. Oh yeah, baby. I really want to see you two married."

"He's your best friend," I said, wondering how a man could have such low scruples as Perry did.

"That just makes it even better, doesn't it?" Perry laughed and then he gripped my ass in his hands, surprising me as he pulled me close against him.

"Oh!" I gasped and blinked into the man's face as I felt his obvious erection through our clothing.

Perry let me go then, just that quickly, and I knew my face was red and I had to fight to catch my breath. He'd frightened me with that briefly outrageous act and, dare I say it? Excited me a little as well. Maybe. I'd been a whore and I'd enjoyed the sex a lot, I won't deny that. Perry was an attractive man. Not my type really, he was a little to boisterous for my tastes, but physically Perry was very much what I'd liked about men. But that was crazy. I didn't like him and I didn't care what he looked like. So why had my nipples grown hot and hard while we'd danced? Why had the brief pleasure of feeling his hard cock against the soft swell of my sex made my tummy tighten almost painfully?

"Go in the restroom," Perry whispered in my ear. He was holding my hand and walking me off the dance floor.

"Why?" I asked him.

"Take off your panties," he insisted. "Bring them back to me."

"No!" I stepped back and stared at him in shock.

"Yes," Perry said seriously. "Go on, Tricia. Don't make me wait."

I realized I had no choice. I was unwilling to call Perry's bluff and he knew it, so I turned reluctantly towards the ladies room. I passed several people I vaguely knew, friends of my fiancé's for the most part and I smiled and said hello, masking the nervous fear and excitement that was building inside me. The dress was full length, slit in the front and back to mid thigh and all I wore beneath it was a black g-string, a fragile thing made of lace and intended more for the bedroom than anything else. Once I'd removed it I was naked but for the dress Perry had given me and I felt like everyone in the place could see right through it.

With my tiny panties balled tightly in my fist I left the restroom and returned to our table, which was actually a booth. Perry got up, smiling politely so I could slide into it and sit between him and Thomas. My fiancé was obviously drunk by now and I wondered what Perry had been giving him during my short absence. Double and triple shots of something, I imagined, and I didn't like that at all. Thomas wasn't stumbling down drunk, not yet, but he was going to get there soon if I didn't put a stop to this.

Perry might not have believed it, nor Thomas' family, but the simple fact was that I cared for my fiancé far more than I cared about his money. He was a good man, the best I'd met, and if I didn't love him it was only because of some fault within myself, or so I believed. I'd learn to love him and I was determined not to see him made a fool of. I pressed my hand into Perry's lap as if by accident when he sat down, leaving him with my panties and desperately hoping nobody noticed.

"I want to go home now," I told Thomas gently, moving close to him and touching his chest with my hand. "Please, take me home."

"What?" Perry frowned at that idea. "The party's just starting, Trish! Come on, Tommy's up for some fun, ain't ya, buddy?"

"Fun? Yeah," Thomas grinned happily, nodding at Perry. "Let's have fun! Can't go home yet!"

"You've got what you came for," I said to Perry, trying to keep my voice low and still be heard above the music. "I want to take him home."

"What's that?" Thomas smiled at me, his eyes glazed with alcohol. "What did we come here for? You want to dance?"

"No, Thomas." I forced myself to smile and I patted his chest. "I just think we've had enough fun for one night. Perry's going to be here all weekend, so..."

"She's tryin' to whip you already, Tommy!" Perry laughed. "Not even married yet and she's telling you what to do."

"Perry!" I frowned at him.

"No. Tricia is one in a million." Thomas leaned over, trying to kiss me and I turned my face away from him so his wet lips caught my cheek.

"You can say that again!" Perry grinned at me and he was fondling my panties under the table. I could see him doing it and I gave the man an unhappy look.

"I'm not whipped!" Thomas exclaimed loudly and I tried to shush him uselessly. "I'm just getting married!"

"Thomas!" I shook my head as he tried to stand up in the booth and nearly knocked a half dozen glasses over while people looked at us.

"I'm getting married!" Thomas announced to the club and then I pulled him back down.

"I guess he is a little drunk," Perry smiled at me. "Hey! Tommy! How about we go somewhere else?"

"Where's that?" Thomas asked, leaning across me and I sighed, wondering how I was going to get my fiancé home with Perry being such an asshole and egging him on.

"The Old Mariner!" Perry grinned at his friend, combing his black hair back from his forehead. "When's the last time you were in there, eh?"

"The Mariner?" Thomas blinked and then laughed loudly. "With you!"

"Me?" Perry laughed too. "That was two years ago! We gotta go back!"

"Hell yeah!" Thomas agreed and then he looked at me. "But ... oh..."

"What?" Perry asked. "Tricia can come! She might even like it!"

"Like what?" I asked suspiciously.

"She ain't gonna like that," Thomas laughed and shook his head. "No way."

"Like what?" I demanded, feeling a little angry actually. "What are you guys talking about?"

"The Mariner Club," Perry told me. "Come on! You've never heard of it? A girl like you, Trish?"

"Tricia," I corrected him. "And no, I've never heard of it."

"A girl like her!" Thomas rolled his eyes drunkenly and finished what little was left of his drink.

"It's a strip club," Perry grinned at me. "Down by the waterfront. Come on! I think Friday is amateur night."

"Excuse me?" I stared at the man.

"Amateur night!" Thomas giggled like a drunken schoolgirl and it was exceptionally annoying just then.

"Take me home," I told him. "Right now."

"Oh!" He made a face at Perry like he was in big trouble now.

"Trish ... Tricia," Perry smiled apologetically. "I was just teasing you. I'd never, ever think of bringing a lady like you to a place like that. Don't be mad. Please?"

"He was teasing," Thomas shrugged and he was trying to stop laughing. "It's okay."

"Take me home," I said. "Or I'm calling a taxi."

"Uh..." Thomas blinked at that as some semblance of common sense tried to make itself known. "I don't think I should drive, dear."

"I'll drive," Perry decided and I was almost grateful to the man for his small favor.

It took a while to get out of the club, mostly because Perry had to stop and say hello to every old friend and acquaintance he happened to see. Thomas as well, for that matter, being drunk like he was and I was pulling him gently, smiling and offering silent apologies to people I hardly knew. The city wasn't overly large and so there was no Social Page in the newspaper or anything, but the story would get around nonetheless and his family would blame me probably.

All the excitement seemed to wear Thomas down a little at least. His batteries were running on empty and he was looking rather drowsy by the time Perry helped Thomas into the backseat of the Lexus. I wanted to get back there with him, but Perry closed the door and gave me little choice but to sit in the front seat with him. I kept my legs together with my hands in my lap, frowning as the slit in my dress fell open the way it was intended. The dress exposed a lot of leg, a lot of thigh like that, and I resented wearing it. I resented everything about Perry just then and the evening that he'd engineered and spoiled.

"Here we go," Perry smiled once we were on the road and he casually reached across with his right hand to touch my leg.

"What are you doing?" I whispered, staring at his hand and knowing my fiancé was sitting right behind us.

"Move your hands out of the way," Perry whispered back and I shook my head, afraid to look over my shoulder or even push Perry away.

"How you doin' back there, Tommy?" Perry asked in a loud voice, squeezing the inside of my left thigh gently and glancing into the rearview mirror.

"Mmmm ... hmmm..." Thomas responded weakly and I did look then to see him sitting directly behind me, leaning against the door with his eyes closed.

"See?" Perry grinned at me and he slid his hand higher, forcing me to lift my own hands out of my lap.

"Don't ... Please..." I whispered, swallowing hard as I felt the man forcing my legs apart. "Perry!"

"Shhhh..." Perry licked his lips and smiled, bringing his fingers into contact with my bare pussy. "You're wet."

"I am not!" I gasped and my voice was ragged as I fought to control my breathing.

"Hot and wet," Perry whispered and I closed my eyes tightly as I felt one of his fingers tickling my moist slit and then slipping between the folds of my swollen labia.

I was wet and I had no idea why. I didn't want to have anything to do with the man. I certainly didn't want to risk getting caught by Thomas like that! This was bad. This was exactly what I didn't want. My fiancé was half-passed out in the backseat while his best friend fingered me in the front seat. Why was I wet? My pussy was hot and it thrummed, my clitoris aching as I suddenly became aware of it. Like a paper cut that doesn't hurt until you see the blood, I'd had no idea that I was excited until Perry discovered it.

Same as Priss
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I'll admit I was stressed out when my daughter came out of the closet when she was 19, but it relieved me of the stress of having to deal with any more boyfriends. She had one guy, for about 9 months, but they were so awkward together, and when they ended, we were all releived. A few months later, she came out. When she started bringing around girlfriends, we were cool, and fuck!, my daughter has good taste in women. Her current love, Trissa, and her have been dating for a year and a half,...

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The big hips nurse

This is the story of a young man by which we will refer to him as ‘Mr. Fernando,’ well, Mr. Fernando, a 25-year-old was in a hospital, had suffered a car accident, but mild, recuperating in hospital , Mr. fernando met a very special nurse, she referred to as ‘Heloiza’ Heloiza was particularly special, as it was a very dedicated and loving with Mr. fernando nurse, was a woman much older than the young fernando, but what lamaba the young of this nurse’s attention was her big hips, which so...

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family FriendThe Sequel

"OMW"........She replied when I text her and asked her what she was doing....I knew she was gonna come back over for round 2 I had that day stuck in me head from the first time we fucked and I jacked off every time I thought about it.Her nice fit body and juicy wet pussy bouncing up and down on my dick....I couldn't wait til she got here. To prepare myself I took a light shower freshened up and put on some shorts and a white v neck.I didn't wear any underwear because I wanted her to have easy...

1 year ago
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SisLovesMe Hime Marie The Suspended Step Sis

Hime did not want to go to school and her stepbrother was not having it. He threatened to call mom and dad, then Hime realized she was going to have to bargain. She said she would do anything, and stepbro requested to see her naked. Hime?s slutty self did not hesitate to lift her shirt and appease stepbro for now. Later that day hime was getting deep into her pussy for some personal masturbation time, only to be caught by her stepbro again. She was super embarrassed, but brother told her to...

4 years ago
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Coed for Keeps

Coed for Keeps by Karen Elizabeth L. [email protected] I was just a college freshman on a hardship scholarship, determined to make a name for myself in a prestigious university. At first I was concerned that I might not fit in since the school was out of state and I knew no one there. In High School I had developed a reputation with the girls as a sort of bad boy that a girl had to date at least once and once was usually enough for many girls. Looking back I guess you could say...

4 years ago
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Waiter holiday that was

Writing my other stories got me quite horny and judging by response thought Id tell of another that happened to me 5 years ago. I was approaching 30 and went with my then BF (Paul) to Majorca to celebrate. We had been together two years and he was nearly 50 (going thru older guy phase?). Even though I loved him the novelty was wearing off for us both and the break we hoped would put spark back (how right we were).First few days just worked on my tan and wore really skimpy bikinis. Loved getting...

4 years ago
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first time cuckolded

my wife and i have had an open marriage for a while now and this happened about 6 years into it. after crossing all the fantasies off the list, she had come to the conclusion that she liked being shared with other guys....i was a huge fan of it too. she went through a ton of guys before she finally found one to be a regular. for the first couple of years, they were pretty consistent with their routine. he would come over, they would make out and fool around in the living room before heading to...

1 year ago
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Visit to a female doctor part 2 ff

I was lying on the examination table, by bare legs in stirrups with my wet pussy displayed to the older female doctor.She worked her soft hands around my slit, gliding the wetness around my hard clitoris."Such a naughty girl, Katie, getting so wet at my touch! Are you enjoying being so vulnerable and exposed to an older woman? Do you like how I'm touching you tight pussy?""Oh yes doctor!"I was writhing around, her fingers were driving me wild!She pushed a finger into my slit, while massaging my...

1 year ago
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Sex With A Stranger in Bus

Hi My name is Gonzalvez. I am a 25 year old Malayalee now in Bangalore.I am an ardent fan of this site since I started to read the erotic stories 1 year ago.So I thought of sharing an experience of mine also with the readers. This happened about 1 year ago when I went to Kollam. After my work, I went to the bus stand to catch my return bus to Bangalore which was booked earlier). A bus was parked there to Bangalore and I got on it. I sat on the seat in front of the back seat and the bus was...

4 years ago
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Satisfying Aunt Sudha

Hey everyone this is Rahul from Hyderabad. This story is about how I met a beautiful lady to whom I gave my virginity. Well about me I’m 20 M from Hyderabad doing my Engineering. I’m an porn addict coz I’m virgin so usually satisfy myself by seeing porn so when I get free time I use to chat with my friends during my summer break I’m getting bored of chatting and social networking so I started chatting with strangers in yahoo messenger there. I searched for any female user; I searched a lot by...

4 years ago
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USAChapter 5

We were steering in circles searching for a breeze. We were never going to get to Amsterdam like this. Any direction is better than standing still. "Wendy!" "Yes dear?" "Whistle us up a wind," I said. "Why don't you do it?" Ooo, she's a sly one. Along with a grape allergy, she knows I can't whistle. "Wendy." "Yes, sir," she started whistling. Wendy whistles like a good coin silver flute. The problem is what to do with her hands. So ... she started messing with the...

1 year ago
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MyFriendsHotMom Sara Jay 23737

Fucking linens! Rion’s at his buddy mom’s Sara Jay’s house, on his hands and knees, scrubbing her shower and entire bathroom, and then she waltzes in and tells him not to forget to wash the linens in EVERY ROOM. He wants to tell her no, but these are the consequences of taking your friend’s mom’s car without asking, hitting another vehicle, and then fleeing the scene. It’s either that or cops, courts, fines and jail. But wait, because there’s a happy ending to this sad story. While Rion’s...

3 years ago
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The Game the Whole Family Can PlayChapter 6

Terry Roman greeted her husband with a quick kiss as he came in the door Friday night. It was almost seven, and he had been gone since Monday morning. He tried to pull her closer, to rub against her lewdly, but she twisted out of his grasp and laughed. “How was the trip?” she asked. “Eh, same old, same old. Where’s the kids?” “Billy’s off on a camping trip, and the girls are spending the night over at Michelle’s,” she replied. Wills smiled at having the evening alone with his wife. He...

1 year ago
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Immersion Author’s note: This was a co-written story, written by two Lush lovers... We hope you love reading it as much as we did writing it... Ariane & Yazzam Part 1 - Warming up Beccy stood, poised with one foot firmly fixed on the soft bathmat. The other hovered over the water, testing the temperature with the tip of her toe. It had been a long day at work, and she had to admit, the quality of systems in her workplace was not something she found deeply inspiring. The bath however, now that...

Love Stories
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Bruce Wayne Slaveboy

Bruce's cock hardened more against Selina's traveling talons, the Bruce's cock hardened more against Selina's traveling talons, the polished burgundy nails, a somewhat abrasive contrast to her soft, milky white fingertips.Bruce bit his tongue as Selina casually flicked one of the mousetraps that she?d placed on each of his nipples. It felt as if the tender nipples, which she?d tenderized further by rubbing in Ben-Gay, were to be ripped off by the harsh metal bars of the traps.Selina...

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New Mommy

I didn't normally pack when I went out.I looked into the mirror at my black, non-anatomically correct strap-on. It was coming with me out to the club tonight. We had a long evening out ahead of us tonight, my friends and I ready to dance and play, drink and get girls' numbers. South Beach was a wild place for lesbians, but there was one spot that became our favorite in particular. Lots of lights, good techno/house pumping until 5AM - the scene was there and in place. Despite normally dressing...

3 years ago
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Naughty Daughter Gets Even Naughtier

Rick and Bruce PartakeMy sixteen-year-old daughter Sherry, who spends every other weekend at my place, had misled me into thinking she had a date Saturday evening. I took her to the mall to buy some sexy clothes, and when we returned home, she dressed up to model them for me. It was then that she disclosed that she didn’t have a date but bought them solely for my pleasure. I fucked her for the first time that afternoon, and soon after she confessed she was fucking her soccer coach and his other...

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Not quite

“That’s it, already?” You had turned your head to the side and then face back into the pillow. “My hands are starting to cramp up a bit, dear.” A special, playful emphasis on that last word. Damn, that I was simply viewing the most gorgeous woman on earth was my thought as I looked at your tanned body, prone on our hotel bed. I adored giving you those full body massages that you enjoyed, the effect producing sometimes total relaxation into which you fell blissfully asleep and, yet,...

2 years ago
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Grappling With SurvivalChapter 16 A Surprise Visitor and the Repercussions of His Visit

There was a flurry of activity in the household as they prepared to meet the newcomer, someone who hadn't even bothered to introduce himself. Everyone wanted to go along, especially the kids left behind during the last trip, but David was forced to put his foot down as he did not want to intimidate the person they were meeting by arriving with an army of excited onlookers. He figured the stranger would be skittish enough as it was, and that the meeting would likely progress much more...

2 years ago
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FuckFest Weekend

This all started in high school. Me and five of my bestest friends started going off on vacation together. We go and have a great time, drink, relax, and try to fuck as many guys as we can! We call this fuckfest. Now we are all in our late 40's and this is what happened during the last fuckfest a couple of months ago. We all went south to Mexico to get away from the snow, our husbands, jobs, and the k**s. This was the first fuckfest that all six of us got together in many years. Though the fuck...

4 years ago
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A True History Book OneChapter 8

It only took us a few moments to get ready for bed, as all we did was take our clothes off and slip under the covers once in my room. Beth had been on a slow boil for most of the afternoon, her pussy literally dripping with desire. She grabbed my cock, started sucking on it so I was hard, then fell backwards, her legs open wide. “Fuck me, fuck me good, my lover!” I had no trouble at all sliding into her, she was so wet. It literally only took her a few seconds to have her first orgasm. I...

2 years ago
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Tabassum Maam 8211 Part 3

Hello ISS readers, this is Varun, 23 years old back with the next part of . Just keep in mind that I and Tabassum ma’am already had sex before this. You can read my stories of how it started with Tabassum ma’am on my profile. So let’s begin. Its been a week that I and Tabassum ma’am got into this sensual relation. She looked sexier day by day. After the three days of sexual pleasures last week, I couldn’t find a minute where she was alone at college or at home. Her husband was back from Mumbai...

1 year ago
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Looking for Indian sex comics at Savita HD? The main reason why I love reading or watching animated pornography is simply that everything is possible in that world. There are no restrictions or anything like that, and if you share this opinion, you might want to check out a website called, that is dedicated to comics and animations. Some of you might have already heard about Savita and Velamma episodes, but even if you do not know anything about these two hotties, I am here to...

Porn Comics Sites
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Punished For Spying

Tom tried to look away from the scene in front of him, but some unknown forces wouldn't let him. He tugged at his bonds hoping to find a way to free himself but was too well secured. He tried to protest at being tied up but due to the makeshift gag across his mouth, he was rendered silent. So he tried to keep his eyes shut and to mentally block out the moaning of pleasure that filled his ears, but he couldn't.It had started out as a typical evening for him. His parents were heading out for a...

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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 5

I made it over to the Ward’s home just a few minutes after 7:00. When I knocked on the front door, Mrs. Ward opened it immediately. Was I ever shocked, but in a good way. She was wearing a pair of white short-shorts and a T-shirt. I knew she didn’t have a bra on. I’m getting good at noticing that about women after Miss Wilkins gave me a few pointers on how to tell when a girl was braless. “Josey, come on in. You’re right on time, Wanda arrived just a few minutes ago. I’ve told her all about...

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It Was an English Lady Bright

The Jousting Tournament was well underway on the unusually sunny spring day in the north of England, not too far from the fluctuating Scottish border. Oftentimes in previous years, raiders from either side would cross into the other’s territory, stealing cattle, sheep, horses, crops or anything else that could be moved away quickly. Even the border itself moved as one side or the other gained control of land. For the brief time of the past few years, however, the raids had been few, not many...

4 years ago
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Bunny Rabbit

I finally got up the nerve to open a profile at an adult fetish site, a personals site. I got a response quickly, It was an older woman, she sent me some pix, she was very attractive. We exchanged emails a few times then talked on the phone. She said she was in the lifestyle all her life and was very experienced. I told her that I was a novice and had no experience at all, she seemed to like that. She said she would have fun "breaking me in". We met at a bar and had a few drinks and talked...

1 year ago
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When He Plays Piano in the Dark

When you love an artist, sometimes you feel as if you are loving alone. The love they have for their art wells up inside of them, expands and nothing else can remain. That is what makes them what they are, extraordinary, with gifts that only God can hand out. Then there are times when the love they have for you becomes focused. It is overwhelmingly beautiful and beyond the imagination. When an artist loves, he loves so deeply and profoundly. They can touch you or just look at you in such a way...

Love Stories
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Kims First Lesbian Experience Chapter 3

Kim continued her assault on Lisa's red hot, hard nipple. She kissed Lisa's neck some more and then started to make her way down her friend's sexy body. As she was doing this, Lisa laid down and Kim fell on top of her. She then took Lisa's hard nipple into her mouth and began to suck on it. She also went back to rubbing her hot, sensitive clit. Lisa moaned as Kim devoured her hard nipple. Lisa's hand also found its self back down between her sexy legs and she was going to town on rubbing her...

2 years ago
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A New Style of Education Part 1

A New Style of Education by Karen Page Based on an idea in A Christmas Diary by Little Katie Part 1 "Time's up," informed the exam invigilator, breaking through the silence of the exam room. "Please put down your pens and close your answer books." A sigh rippled through the classroom, followed by the scraping of chairs as people sat back for the first time in two hours. "What did you think of that test?" I asked Richard as we left the exam room. "Very strange," he...

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