Prisoner in the Mall
- 4 years ago
- 35
- 0
Ten years! Ten years in that piece of shit prison and now I was free. Ten years for two little joints! I had dodged the queers for ten years. I had avoided being killed for ten years. Ten years is a life sentence for some. For me, it was eternity. But I had served my over inflated sentence and now I was on the road out of state. If I never saw California again, it would be too soon. I thought back over the really rough spots during my imprisonment.
Four days after the cell door swung shut, a big queer named Albert tried to ass fuck me in the shower. I knocked him out cold. Two days later he cornered me in my cell. He had a home made knife. I took it away from him and killed him with it. The prisoners knew who had done it and why but nobody else did. After that the queers left me alone.
A couple of really tough guys beat the shit out of me for no apparent reason. I ‘accidentally’ knocked one silly during a baseball game. He never recovered enough to tell the guards who did it. I arranged to have the other guy castrated. Six weeks after the castration, I saw him in the prison yard. ‘You nutted me you asshole!’ he screamed as he attacked me with a shiv. The guards shot him.
Word got around that if they were going to fuck with me, they better kill me. I’m not particularly tough but I am determined. I had vowed to kill the judge who handed me the overzealous sentence, but he died of a heart attack two years after my incarceration.
I was twenty eight years old. Ten years of my young life had been stolen from me. I hitch hiked to Iowa. I wanted to get off the beaten track so I settled in Ft. Dodge. I got a job as a farm hand almost immediately. I rented a small house outside of town and bought a used car. My boss, Clint Jeffers, liked me because I would do anything he asked. I told him about my background. He just said, ‘Huh, you’ve had a rough start. Buck them bales!’ So I bucked them bales.
Two years down the line, I had saved a good portion of my wages. I was now used to farm life and I really liked it. I liked getting up early and working hard all day. The only thing missing from my life was female company. I didn’t have a girlfriend because I didn’t want to screw up the good thing I had going.
One morning early Mr. Jeffers called me into his house. It was a huge place. I didn’t know how many bedrooms it had, but there had to be a bunch.
I knocked on the door at five AM. He opened it. ‘Good morning Mr. Jeffers.’
‘Good morning Dick. What are you doing this weekend?’
‘Anything you tell me to do,’ I answered.
‘Don’t you ever have fun, go out, have a girlfriend?’
‘Well sir I go fishing sometimes. I watch football on TV. Aside from that, I don’t do anything but work.’
‘Don’t you ever go into town and have a beer?’
‘I don’t drink, sir, and I don’t smoke.’
‘Well Dick I’ve got a little problem. I want you to help me with it. You don’t have to do it because this is more like a favor than work.’
‘What is it you want me to do sir?’
‘I’ve got a twenty year old daughter who isn’t married yet. I don’t think she’s ever been out with the same man twice and damned few even once. She always winds up running home and crying. If you would like to, you can take her out this weekend.’
‘Actually sir I’ve been avoiding romantic entanglements due to my checkered past. I might frighten her. I wouldn’t harm her or be rough with her but she might be scared.’
‘I’ve already talked to her and she seems anxious to have a date. I’d really appreciate it if you would take her out somewhere. I’ll give you some date money so you won’t go broke.’
‘I don’t need any money sir. I’ve saved a lot since you hired me and I never spend it on anything.’
‘So, will you do it?’
‘Yes Sir I’ll give it a try but don’t blame me if she runs back here screaming.’
‘Good, good. Is Saturday good for you?’
‘Yes sir, that’ll be fine.’
I had never seen the girl. I didn’t know her name. I knew there had to be a reason she had never dated but damned if I could figure out what it was.
Saturday afternoon about six thirty, I arrived at the big house. I knocked and the door opened. Mr. Jeffers greeted me with a smile.
‘Come on in Dick. Can I get you something to drink while Emma gets ready?’
‘Iced tea would be fine sir.’
‘Betty, get Dick some iced tea,’ he yelled.
A small, pretty woman appeared with a glass of tea. ‘This here’s my wife, Betty.’
‘Pleased to meet you maam,’ I said, accepting the tea.
‘Emma will be down in a few minutes Dick,’ Betty remarked and went back to her kitchen.
Twenty minutes later, Emma appeared at the living room door. She was small and pretty, like her mother. She walked with a pronounced limp.
‘This here’s my daughter, Emma. Emma, this here’s Dick Simon,’ her father said, smiling at us.
‘I hope you don’t mind taking me out. I haven’t been out in a long time.’ Her voice was like silken raindrops falling on cotton balls. I could barely hear her.
‘It’s my pleasure maam. I want to take you out. We’re gonna have dinner in town and then I’ll take you to the movies, if that’s all right with you.’
‘I would like that very much Dick. Goodbye daddy, good bye mama.’
I escorted her to my old car and held the door for her. It had been a long time since I had been around a woman so I was kind of unsure how to act. I was no virgin, but twelve years is a long time.
On the way into town she said, ‘I know daddy put you up to this. You don’t really have to take me out in public if you don’t want to.’
‘Why would I not want to? Do you breathe fire or have insanity spells or something?’
‘No,’ she giggled, ‘you saw how I walk. I have a bad limp. Won’t you be embarrassed?’
‘Are you kidding? A little limp doesn’t mean a thing. Nobody’s perfect, least of all me. So I guess if you can adjust to me, then I can adjust to you. Your adjustment will be a lot tougher than mine.’
She slid over next to me on the car seat and laid her head on my shoulder. ‘I think I’m gonna like you,’ she whispered.
We had a great time. I even kissed her in the movies. We got home about midnight. On the front porch, I took her into my arms and kissed her one of those serious kisses. ‘Will you go out with me again?’
‘Yes, yes,’ she answered with puppy-like enthusiasm. ‘Nobody has ever asked me on a second date.’ She threw her arms around my neck and gave me a full strength kiss. I saw Mr. Jeffers watching through the living room window. He was smiling.
I bade her goodnight and went back to my little house. I was sporting a major hardon. I got myself off and went to sleep. That night I dreamed of pretty little farm girls. Emma was the star.
I dated her every Saturday for the next three weeks. Things changed after the fourth date.
I was back at the farm at seven AM. It was Sunday and I had my weekend chores to do. Mr. Jeffers showed up about eleven o’clock. ‘Come on up to the house for lunch. Betty’s frying some chicken.’
‘Yes sir.’
I washed up at the outside faucet and knocked on the door. To my surprise, Emma greeted me.
‘Hi Dick, come on in sit down and have some tea.’
I hugged her and kissed her forehead. She giggled because mama was watching. ‘Hi Mrs. Jeffers,’ I waved.
She smiled and waved and returned to the kitchen. Emma brought my tea. ‘I’ve got to go help mama. Make yourself comfortable.’
Mr. Jeffers walked into the room and sat down in the big easy chair. ‘Did you have a good time last night, son?’
‘Yes sir. Your daughter is a real nice lady. She’s a good kisser too,’ I winked at him. He had watched us kissing goodnight for the last four weeks.
‘Yeah, I saw you teaching her all about it last night. She hasn’t been this happy since before the accident. If you want to keep seeing her, it’s okay with Betty and
‘I was gonna ask you about that. I do want to keep dating her. I think she’s just the best.’
‘Aren’t you the least bit curious about her limp?’
‘No sir. I’ve seen lots of people with various physical problems. Her physical problem isn’t that severe. I think she just needs some self confidence. Did you tell her about my prison record?’
‘Yeah. She doesn’t care. Neither do I. Neither does Betty. All of us have a skeleton or two tucked away in our closets. Yours ain’t that bad.’
‘I feel like I’m getting a new family.’
‘Maybe you are, son, maybe you are.’
Mrs. Jeffers turned out to be a six star class cook. Lunch was the best I had had in years. My weekend chores were done.
‘Thank you so much for the delicious meal, Mrs. Jeffers. I’ll just be going now.’
‘Wait a minute!’ cried Emma. ‘Do you want to go horse back riding? We’ll take the horses and go down by the creek. I’ll pack some snacks!’ She disappeared into the kitchen.
‘She’s not letting you get away that easy son,’ laughed Mr. Jeffers. ‘All I’ll tell you is this, just don’t hurt her. She’s had it kind of rough. Like you.’
We tied the basket down to my horse and set off toward the creek. We rode for an hour or so and then the little stream of water came into view. We flushed a big flock of pheasants from under the trees. I got the basket down while Emma spread out a couple of blankets.
I sat beside her on the blankets. ‘Do you like me?’ she asked.
‘Oh, hell yes,’ I replied. ‘I like you a lot.’
‘Why?’ she asked.
‘Well, you’re shy and smart and pretty and fun to be with.’
‘Did daddy tell you how I got injured?’
‘No, he offered, but it didn’t seem particularly important to me. You’ve got it. I can see it. I don’t care.’
She put her arms around my neck. Tears were streaming from her eyes. ‘It made a big difference to the other boys. Half of them wouldn’t even talk to me. The other half just wanted to see how far they could get before I stopped them. I can’t believe that you don’t care about it. It has always seemed like a big deal to me.’
‘Listen Emma, honey, I want you to be happy. I couldn’t care less about your injury. I care that you were hurt. I care that you are still hurting in some ways. I’ll fix what I can and ignore the rest. If you feel you have to tell me how it happened, I’ll listen, but it still won’t make any difference to me.’
Her tear streaked face was inches from mine. I leaned in and licked her tears away. My lips found hers and we soul kissed our way through the next few minutes. I loved the way her tongue felt as it caressed mine. My arms encircled her body and I dragged her against me. I could feel her heart beating a thousand miles an hour.
‘Do you want to?’ she asked.
‘Honey, there is nothing I want more, but I want you to be absolutely sure before we do it. This is only our second date. Let’s just feel each other out first.’
‘Good idea,’ she answered as her hands slid up under my shirt. Her fingers tweaked my nipples. ‘Well, come on. Feel me!’
‘I said ‘out’ not ‘up’! I exclaimed.
‘I don’t pay much attention to semantics,’ she replied with a big smile.
I pulled her shirt off over her head and unsnapped her bra. Her tender young breasts fell free into the Iowa afternoon air. I was hypnotized by them.
‘Do you like them?’ she whispered.
‘They are perfect!’ I exclaimed as I rolled one of her nipples in my fingers. She smiled and groaned. I gently squeezed her tits, massaging them, feeling them, playing with them.
‘That feels so good. Finally I’ve got a man I love feeling me up. It feels better than I had hoped for. Kiss them.’
I complied immediately. Lowering my lips to her magnificent offering, I gently sucked a nipple into my mouth and felt it harden. She suckled me like I was her baby. She held my mouth to her breast. She was moaning and swaying. I could feel muscle spasm within her.
I felt her hand slide into my pants and under my boxers. She tenderly cradled my cock, squeezing it firmly. She was smiling.
‘Did you find something you like?’ I grinned.
‘Oh yes. It feels like a chew toy. I’ll have to check it out.’
My hand left her tits and slipped into her panties. She had a lot of pussy hair. I probed her wet slit and found her target. Her hips jerked off the blanket. ‘Oooooo, that feels so good.’
I kissed her again and slid my fingers back out of her hot little snatch. She let go of my cock.
‘I don’t want to hit a home run on our second date. Let’s save it for later.’ I said.
She moaned, but she knew I was right. She watched, fascinated, as I licked her juices from my fingers.
We stayed beside the creek all afternoon kissing and feeling, becoming acquainted. Finally we packed our stuff onto the horses. Before we got in the saddle she hugged me tightly and kissed me hotly.
Looking into my eyes she whispered, ‘I don’t know if what I feel is love. I’ve never felt this way before. If it is love, you’re in big trouble.’
‘Hah!’ I said. ‘You’ll be the one in trouble. All I’ll be is the daddy.’
We got on the horses and headed for home.
We kissed deeply on her front porch. She looked into my eyes and said, ‘We’ve got to go out again. SOON!’
‘You know I work for your daddy all week. How about Saturday night?’
‘I can hardly wait. After all, we’ve got some unfinished business.’
I kissed her and felt her up a little bit. She giggled. ‘Naughty boy!’
She smiled at me and waved as I headed my old car down the road.
I thought about her all week. When Saturday came, I was once again invited for lunch. Mr. Jeffers and I sat in his living room waiting for the meal to be ready.
‘So what do you think of Emma?’ he asked.
‘Sir, she is the finest woman I have ever known. I think I’m falling in love with her. I’ve never felt like this. I think about her all the time. Frankly, sir, I’m a little scared.’
‘Now why would you be scared of Emma? She’s just a little girl.’
‘I know she’ll always be your little girl but to me she is a full grown woman with some kind of magical power over me. It’s not her I’m afraid of. It’s me.’
‘Son, all women have a power over us. Emma may be the one for you. I hope she is. She’s never been happier. I could easily believe she loves you. And if she does, you won’t have a lot to say about the outcome.’
Emma smiled broadly as she announced that the meal was ready. She sat next to me and sneaked in a hand squeeze or two during lunch.
After lunch I said, ‘Emma, I want to go to Cedar Rapids this afternoon.’
‘Oh! I thought you were going to take me somewhere,’ she said sadly.
‘Cedar Rapids is somewhere. You want to go? We’ll be back tomorrow night.’
A naughty little smile crossed her face. ‘Oh yeah, I want to go. What will daddy say?’
‘Actually, he’s the one who suggested it.’
She hugged her daddy and kissed his cheek. ‘So, throwing me to the wolves, huh?’
‘Well, you could always stay home with your mama.’
‘No way! I wouldn’t miss this for the world! What does mama think about this?’
‘Mama says it’s alright,’ replied Betty from the kitchen door. ‘Just be careful.’
‘I’ve got to pack! You’ve got to pack. I can’t wait!’
‘I’m already packed.’
‘How long have you been planning this?’
‘All my life.’
Emma raced up the stairs. She threw some extra clothing into her overnight bag and practically jumped down the stairs, setting a new world record for women getting ready for anything. Her mother met her at the bottom of the stairs. She looked through her daughter’s overnight bag. ‘Five panties? I only took six on our honeymoon!’ she smiled.
‘This is a practice honeymoon mama.’
Emma and I got in my car and we headed for Cedar Rapids.
‘How did you get daddy
to go along with this?’ she asked.
‘He suggested it right after I confessed to him that I was in love with you.’
‘What? What? What did you say?’
‘In said he suggested it.’
‘No, you fool! The other part!’
‘Oh, you mean the, ‘I love you’ part? I thought you knew.’
‘You never told me, you rat! This means I get to do terrible things to you in Cedar Rapids.’
‘Sounds like you’ve got me in your clutches, you evil wench.’
‘Oh damn! I love you. I should make you pull over right here and make love to me.’
‘We can’t do it babe. This is a main road. We’d either be arrested or hired by one of those sleazy night clubs.’
I checked us in to the Holiday Inn as Mr. and Mrs. Richard Simon. We looked married. We felt married.
I opened the door to our room and carried her into it. I dropped her on the king sized bed.
‘Feels like home!’ she squealed. ‘Come here!’
I reported to the bed. ‘Undress me!’ she ordered.
I carefully removed her clothes. She had a real nasty scar running from her hip to her ankle on the right side. I leaned in and kissed it. When I looked at her there were tears in her eyes.
‘Your days of crying about this little scratch are over, wench. Unclothe me immediately.’
She pulled my shirt off. I dropped my shoes and socks while she fiddled around with my belt buckle. I waited patiently while she figured out how to release it. She pulled my pants and boxers off with one deft jerk. She stared at my cock as if mesmerized.
‘Can I touch it?’ she shyly asked.
‘Well, yeah! We’re not here to play slap and tickle. Do whatever turns you on!’
I don’t have a giant sized cock, but I’ve got about seven inches.
‘It’s too big. It’ll never fit,’ she sadly remarked.
‘Sure it will. I’ll just have to get you ready.’
‘I’ve heard about sixty nine. Do you know what it is? Can we try it?’
I stretched out on the bed. ‘Get on top of me. Put your pussy on my mouth and put my cock in your mouth.’
‘Eww! Are you sure about this?’ she murmured as she crawled on top of me.
I felt her hands encircle my cock and soon I felt the hot dampness of her lips encircle the head. I licked her slit from bottom to top. Her legs tried to slam together, but my head was in the way. She moaned with my cock in her mouth. It felt fantastic. I started licking her with a smooth rhythm. Soon I found her clit hidden behind its little hood. I gently peeled the hood back with my fingers and directed my tongue to her rapidly hardening love button. As soon as I touched it she screamed. ‘Oh God Yes, yes, yes, don’t stop! Lick me harder, harder, harder!’ she shrieked. It wasn’t long until she was dripping girl juice onto my tongue as she came.
I was getting close to orgasm myself so I pulled my cock from her grasping lips and slid around on top of her.
‘Wasn’t I doing good?’ she pouted.
‘You were doing too good. I want my first time to be in your pussy. Deep in your pussy.’
She smiled and spread her legs wide. I slowly slipped my cock into her vagina. I went straight through her maidenhead without a murmur.
‘Mama told me it would feel good, but good is a long way down from what it really feels like! This is the best feeling in the world! I feel complete and full! Put it all in me! Make me yours!’
I slid all the way into her. Then almost all the way out. Every time I got all the way in she would make this little mouse like squeak. It was so erotic!
‘Faster, harder, faster, faster, uh, uh, uh,’ she grunted. My sweet little farm girl was now a bona fide sex maniac.
I drove into her as hard as I could, knowing my orgasm was just a few wonderful strokes away. I felt her pussy tighten around me and pulse rapidly. The ‘cum’ switch in my balls went to the full on position and my twelve year itch was dumped into the womb of the woman I loved.
‘That feels so warm and gooey. I want your cum in me all the time.’ She panted.
‘I’ll see if I can arrange that!’ I puffed.
I hugged her tightly to my quivering body. She was shaking a little bit too. My hands slid up and down her body, getting used to the feel of her. She was soft in all the right spots. I put both hands on her ass and pulled her into me. My cock was hard again. I knew she could feel it poking her belly.
‘I guess I didn’t kill it,’ she giggled.
‘I’ll give you another chance,’ I answered. ‘You get on top this time.’
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The story so far: Lisbeth Somerset is a 36-year old English workaholic who teaches human rights at a university in an Arab country. She is caught handing a bomb to the assassin who had plans to kill the children of the local ruler and of other dignitaries. That ruler, Sheikh Fouad, consumed with rage, considers the death penalty even too lenient for her and makes her an offer: she will be his prisoner for life having to serve him in his harem as a slave. From that moment on she is Rosebud....
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I don’t know how long I had been there before I was finally taken from my cell. They slid open the hatch on my cell, ordered me, Prisoner #21487, to remove my clothes and then told me to follow them. We walked through a series of dark corridors, one guard behind me and one in front, leading the way. They led me to a room with a large bench, half of it empty, the other stacked with screens, dials, consoles and hundreds of interconnecting wires that formed an umbilical cord up towards the...
Fantasy & Sci-FiThe year was 2019. The people's revolution had taken place. The enemies of the people, the reactionaries, members of the bourgeoise and the tools of the imperialist government have been imprisoned. That included Politicians, journalists, media personalities and most of all, celebrities. To some, the death was quick. Others, however, still had some service to the state that they needed to fulfill The Facility of Undesirables for Correction and Reeducation was intended, at least on the surface,...
BDSMThe Prisoner's Wife Jennie didn't want to believe her desperate situation, forced torely on some creepy black guy she didn't like or trust. But shenow needed Reggie Johnson to avoid homelessness and to save herhusband from the unthinkable while in prison. How did they get into this mess? It all seemed to start aftermoving into the apartments Reggie Johnson owned. Reggie found it amusing that this cute, stuck-up, white bitchturned to him for help, not realizing that he had planted...
In the end, I never had a choice. Had I been born into better conditions, I would not have had to keep up with ripoffs. The governor would never have caught me and I would not have had to kill him. The trial was nothing more than a verdict. They wanted to make an example of me. And so I was banished to prison planet C15-B. I was only nineteen at the time. An age when you would normally be sent to a colony on earth. From the colonies one could get free again. The prison planets in the Gliese...
FantasyI was awakened from a deep and dreamless sleep by the sound of the cell door being unlocked. My reaction was one of terror as I did not know if they were coming to take me to another "session" as they so comically referred to it. Dragged down the hall into a brightly lighted room and then beaten or ****d. Sometimes I felt the guards did it just to relieve the boredom. I've lost count how many times that room heard the sound of my screams. It was a new prisoner. I was filled with a strange joy...
“Lock down, Lights out” shouted the guard This was my 1 st night in a cell and I was shitting myself, all I did was go to the aid of a man being set upon by two other guys and they pressed charges on me for aggravated assault and the judge wanted to make an example of someone, so I got 90 days despite the man I helped giving the true version of events, turns out he was a drug dealer and had ripped these two guys off. So as the lights went out I lay there visions of all the bad things...
“Lock down, Lights out” shouted the guard This was my 1 st night in a cell and I was shitting myself, all I did was go to the aid of a man being set upon by two other guys and they pressed charges on me for aggravated assault and the judge wanted to make an example of someone, so I got 90 days despite the man I helped giving the true version of events, turns out he was a drug dealer and had ripped these two guys off. So as the lights went out I lay...
ReluctanceBilly surveyed the communal shower for a second trying to make sure that none of the dreaded Bros were present, and when he was sure that the coast was clear, he slipped under the first available head and quickly began soaping himself!!! Billy had a problem that was common in every large prison in the country, he was considered a pretty boy, one that the rough trade just loved to use and abuse until his asshole was bloody and his mouth was stretched to the limit!!! He had a guardian angel so to...
GayPRISONERS OF LOVE Dorothy looked up as the door creaked open, her fingers hovering above the heavy, black typewriter, a look of mild irritation on her face. Colonel John McGinty registered the look and his mouth twitched in the typical military smile she had grown to despise. Why did soldiers act as if emotions were an enemy to be killed, rather than something to embrace? He stepped into the tiny office and Dorothy took in the tall German in the doorway. She was used to the sight of Germans in...
PRISONERS OF LOVE Dorothy looked up as the door creaked open, her fingers hovering above the heavy, black typewriter, a look of mild irritation on her face. Colonel John McGinty registered the look and his mouth twitched in the typical military smile she had grown to despise. Why did soldiers act as if emotions were an enemy to be killed, rather than something to embrace? He stepped into the tiny office and Dorothy took in the tall German in the doorway. She was used to the sight of...
Straight SexNote to readers: This is set in the same story universe as the other stories in the Prisoner's Dilemma word, "Curiosity Killed the Cat" and "Separate the Men From the Boys," which contains some background information. Prisoner's Dilemma Nor Hell a Fury like a Woman Scorned Lockman University had been in turmoil since Professor Ripley had invented the biomass reorganizer four years before. The astonishing new creation hadn't simply thrown communities of physicists and doctors...
Chez Amore.The name shined in framed cursive lights over the new small restaurant in the Business District of San Francisco. A small walkway of lights led right up to the doorway. Inside had a sleek modern look with round booth tables, low dim lighting and a black, white and red aesthetic. It was a Friday evening around 7:30 pm. Usually, the restaurant would be packed with businessmen and women but thanks to the extreme cold weather this evening, the restaurant was mostly empty.The only people...
Straight SexPrisoner's Dilemma Curiosity Killed the Cat Professor Ripley's research division of Lockman University's college of biotechnology had a peculiar reputation. All of the students knew that there was good money to be made volunteering for biotechnical research. The department was always looking for warm bodies, and he paid well for the use of them, but volunteering for Ripley's experiments usually left his volunteers with a slightly different warm body than the one they started with. ...
Okay, I can't call it a FAQ because to qualify for the acronym, people had to have asked questions frequently, and they haven't yet. Still, I suppose a few people will have questions about the setting, so here are answers to questions I believe might occur to you. The Location 1. Where is the universe set? Is it in America? The Prisoner's Dilemma experiment was built at fictional Lockman University. It doesn't exist in any specific location and I'd like to keep it that way. If in...
Note to readers: This is set in the same story universe as "Prisoner's Dilemma: Curiosity Killed the Cat," which contains some background information. Prisoner's Dilemma Separate the Men From the Boys The biotechnical research department at Lockman University had made its breakthrough invention in 2002. Its inventor, Professor Ripley, called it the biomorphic reorganizer. The university department literature called it the Biomass Redistribution Platform. The students...
Prisoner's Dilemna: Beating Around the Bush by: Scalper16 I was dumbstruck by what Maria told me. But we only have a few weeks left!" I protested. "You'll regret it right afterward." She smiled, demurely, but her eyes still sparkled brightly. It was one of the habits of hers that I found so charming. "That's exactly it. It'll be my last chance before we go to Dr. Ripley's. I have to give it a try. Anyway, Andy's on a dry run lately, it's his birthday coming up, and he'd do...
Kathy woke with a start. She found herself in a small room laying nude on a soft mattress. She quickly clutched at the fabric looking for the covers but there were none. The walls of the room were painted a pastel green and the floor was padded like the mattress. She gasped when she turned from the wall she had been facing to a barred wall. Immediately she realized she was in some sort of jail cell.Across the hall from her was an identical cell. In it sat a woman with long black hair. She too...
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age...
WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference...
I’ve had a lot of firsts in my life – we all have. I think back upon some of them, even now. The first time I rode my bike without training wheels, the first fish I caught, my first home run, and my first dog. I remember the first time I came after a good wank. Jesus, I thought I had damaged something. I remember the first time I got to second base with a girl – Emily Green. Her tits felt like velvet. I got so hard so fast that I came in my pants. Needless to say, that cut the date short. I was...
Snap! “You like that baby? Do you want some more?” Snap! Snap!! Brad’s body tenses up with each snap of the ruler on his bare skin. He gasps from the sharp pain, but slowly exhales. I know he’s enjoying himself. This isn’t the first time I’ve tried to push him past his limits. His skin is pink where the ruler kissed his skin. I soothe the skin with one of my own kisses. I bathe the spots with my tongue, licking and then gently biting. Bradley tugs on his restraints but is unable to pull...
The next three nights Danny would make me perform like his slutty little bitch. Each time he fucked my ass, it did get easier but he was still very rough and aggressive when he did it. He would even slap my butt cheeks and call me his whore, his idea of romance I assume. On the 5th day at breakfast in the mess hall I saw Danny talking to two other inmates and making hand gestures towards me, then I saw packets of cigarettes changed hands and all of them smiling at me. I had no idea what was...
Everything was dark. So dark that it terrified me. The last thing I remembered was fighting with my fellow team of heroes, against the Malefactors... Shit. I remembered now. I had been captured. The memories suddenly began to flood through my mind, a torrential downpour. Suddenly the darkness was ripped from me in the form of a blindfold, revealing five grinning Malefactors. "Hey there," said a dastardly handsome man. "Who the fuck do you think you are?"
Group SexIt’s very late at night when you answer a knock at your door. On opening, you see me standing in the little pool of light in the darkness; a young, above average height girl, with shoulder-length dark brown hair and hazel eyes. I’m wearing a pretty dress and in my hands I’m holding a pair of strappy heels and a clutch bag. I’m a bit mud-splattered and bedraggled. “I’m so sorry for disturbing you but I need some help. My car broke down a little way along the road. I saw your light and hoped I...
Snap! “You like that baby? Do you want some more?” Snap! Snap!! Brad’s body tenses up with each snap of the ruler on his bare skin. He gasps from the sharp pain, but slowly exhales. I know he’s enjoying himself. This isn’t the first time I've tried to push him past his limits. His skin is pink where the ruler kissed his skin. I soothe the skin with one of my own kisses. I bathe the spots with my tongue, licking and then gently biting. Bradley tugs on his restraints but is unable to pull...
Straight SexThe next three nights Danny would make me perform like his slutty little bitch. Each time he fucked my ass, it did get easier but he was still very rough and aggressive when he did it. He would even slap my butt cheeks and call me his whore; his idea of romance I assume. On the 5th day at breakfast in the mess hall I saw Danny talking to two other inmates and making hand gestures towards me, then I saw packets of cigarettes changed hands and all of them smiling at me. I had no idea what was...
Oral SexPaying the Penalty Paying the Penalty by Von Schmiser Interrogations of political dissidents in a fictional country, ruled by a despotic tyrant and his followers. Lori Beth and her friends learn the hard way that the horror stories of abomiable tortures were not fiction... MF/f,S/M, Chapter 1 Welcome NNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! The mature woman strapped to the frame convulsed and strained against the cruel straps...
Monday Before The alarm went off so I could hear the faint words of the morning rush hour report from the helicopter above the beltway.I didn’t pay attention to it and just stretched under the covers.My lithe 5’ 3” frame grew tense as I was fully extended and my thighs were pulled together.I felt a tingle between my legs and I held my body still to let that sweet feeling penetrate further into me.I only weigh 90 pounds so I am almost all bones however I do have a very feminine shape still and...
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age...
Copyright© 1997, Phil Phantom, ALL Rights Reserved I met Sharon in my junior year of high school. She stole my heart on first sight. Intelligent, warm, frisky, fun-loving, describes her personality. She was the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen in person. She's petite, nicely-developed but without big breasts. Most women would kill for her hair. It is long, wavy, and always bouncy and full. She swings her mane like a sexy movie star. Her legs could stop an express train. She doesn't...
Of course she didn't call him – not the next day or the next week. And of course he didn't dare call her; too many unspoken taboos surrounding their relationship (was it even that?) He tried to dial once or twice, but never got past moving his thumb over her name in the display – a strange name, exotic. His lips formed the syllables, soundlessly, searching for the correct pronunciation. It would most probably be the French way, where you leave the last part mute, stress the middle, while...
The next days were like rudderless ships. He went to work and did what was needed, but there was no passion, no interest. The comments on his peeling nose and burnt ear-rims died down and everything seemed back to normal – ah well, except for him, of course. He knew he'd been changed and he didn't think he'd ever change back. On the morning of one more day promising drudge and misery, he sat at his kitchen counter – thinking. He should have been at the office for at least two hours by...
She'd left a clean house – bedrooms, kitchen, and living room. She'd put everything in its proper place, the dishwasher filled with clean glassware and cups and plates, the dryer with clean laundry. He had no memory of her doing this; he must have fallen asleep after gushing down her throat, right there on the sofa. Or he must have fainted from sheer exhaustion when she finally squeezed the seed from his balls. She was like nothing he'd ever experienced. Giving in had been catharsis;...
For the next few days, life was a bowl of soup. It had no shape, no focus, and no target. He'd returned to his apartment, hardly recognizing it as the place where he'd lived before. At first he'd tried to sleep. Then he'd tried to read, watch television, sleep, eat a sandwich, hear music, drink beer, sleep, watch television, and drink booze. Then he passed out and slept for fourteen hours straight. Waking up didn't bring clarity. It did bring a hangover and the mind-numbing return of...
White mist. He tried to focus. A wall. 'Hospital, ' the wall said, as did the metal bed-frame and the ceiling modules with their cold neon lights. There were beeps and when he turned his head he saw tubes and a plastic bag hanging from a rack. He closed his eyes. Things were wrong. Where were his sounds? Why was he warm? Where were the iron bars and the pathetic light bulb? Where was his world? Opening his eyes, he saw a dark blur against the whiteness. A black face, a nurse he found out...