PrisonerChapter 4 free porn video

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She'd left a clean house – bedrooms, kitchen, and living room. She'd put everything in its proper place, the dishwasher filled with clean glassware and cups and plates, the dryer with clean laundry. He had no memory of her doing this; he must have fallen asleep after gushing down her throat, right there on the sofa. Or he must have fainted from sheer exhaustion when she finally squeezed the seed from his balls.

She was like nothing he'd ever experienced. Giving in had been catharsis; letting go left him empty, body and mind. With his come she must have sucked all energy from his limbs. "Little vampire," he thought. "Little selfish bitch." But he felt no bitterness – yet. If anything, he felt guilty.

After emptying a liter-bottle of water he took a shower, first standing, then sitting under its steaming downpour. His thoughts were all over the place. He wondered why he should fear punishment for what he'd allowed Licia to do. Wasn't giving in to her only natural? What on earth could be wrong with it? Why feel guilty; Miss A wasn't even there. And why worry at all? Were there really consequences? He'd just ignore the woman. He would not return to her or consider her wishes when she called. He'd just say 'no, ' as easy as that. Or even better: bye-bye, darling, too-de-fucking-loo. It would be as easy as that, wouldn't it?

But if it was, how had he arrived where he was now? And where was that? Why had he always done what the woman wanted, even if she wasn't around? And why was she always at the front of his mind whenever he tried to plan his future? Did he plan at all, or was he planned? And did he mind?

Yes, he did mind – at least he thought so. He should sober up and return to what he had been before the woman walked into that editing room –­ and into his life. But what had he been? Free, he gathered. He'd been free to shape his own life – an unhappy one, maybe, but he'd been his own master. He nodded slowly as the water drummed on his head. 'His own master.' He chuckled.

Scrambling to his feet he turned the water to as hot as he could bear. Reality nagged at the fringes of his awareness. Of course he'd never been his own master. And to be honest – was there even a point to return to? Reclaiming a former life would presume he had a former life. Did he?

He sighed and admitted that any change he'd make would mean a fundamental change, not a simple return to whatever former life. And even then it would be more like trying to kick an addiction – it would capture his mind 24/7; he wouldn't be able to think of anything else. The sheer effort of changing would take so much energy that he wouldn't have anything left to actually shape a new life with. Maybe you start being a true alcoholic the moment you try to stop, he wondered. He grinned, turning the water even hotter.

Why was it so much easier not to fight the damn woman?

That evening he packed his things and returned to his apartment. Tomorrow would be Monday and he'd decided to go back to work. He wondered if there would be work to go back to. He'd taken his days off right before the closing of a monthly magazine he was supposed to do the culinary segment for.

No, he thought, they wouldn't be happy at all.

He lay in bed, failing to read the book he held open in front of him. What if he was fired? He'd have to find another job. If there were other jobs in his field, he'd have to move. But if he stayed, unemployed, he'd lose his flat anyway. He might go freelance; many of his colleagues did. But wasn't that the exact problem: too many other freelancers?

Right then he was hit by ... let's call it an insight – a peculiar sensation that stirs your adrenalin and flushes out all nagging details. It gives you a much wider view of ... of ... everything. Later on it will make you say that you were lifted to a higher level – a level where new and stimulating questions entered your mind.

Questions like: why do I need a job? What do I like about it anyway – it only usurps all my time and makes me worry constantly. What do I care about this damn apartment? Does it make me feel less alone, less miserable? Why should I care when nobody does? Other questions followed – questions that started to more and more look like answers. Why would he want to be this pitiful struggler? Why hold on to something he didn't even know he wanted? Why be his own master if the whole concept made him laugh – or cry?

And right before his swirling mind fell prey to the blissful darkness of sleep, there was this last, almost shapeless question: why resist?

"You fucked up this time." The man's face was as pale as unbaked dough. André nodded.

"Why?" the editor-in-chief asked. "You knew about LifeStyle closing." It was the monthly he'd missed the deadline for. "You just gave a flippant phone call and let us down."

"Personal reasons," André said. Color touched his boss's face, but the man's voice kept calm.

"Could you be more specific, please?" he asked. "Mother died? Wife ran off? Ah yes, you don't have either, sorry." His try at sarcasm floundered.

"No," André said. "Now are you going to fire me?"

The huge man across the desk blinked. The sudden challenge made him hesitate long enough for André to know he wouldn't be fired. It also told him his professional life would be worse these coming months because of it, years maybe, and that there would be no significant raise in the foreseeable future.

"No," the man said. "I won't fire you this time. But you have to know..."

"Okay," André interrupted him. "In that case I quit." He rose. Consternation widened the man's eyes. He rose too, hands raised.

"Don't be rash," he said. "Jobs are scarce." André didn't respond. He turned and went for the door.

"Think about it," his boss called after him. He closed the door.

Sitting down behind his desk the delayed effect of his decision caught up with him, leaving him trembling. He had done it. He'd cut off the way back – one bridge down, more to follow. He'd write his resignation, gather his stuff, take his last check and free days, and leave. But first he'd call.

"Hello?" Her voice was clear; no pounding music this time, no background voices.

"It's me, André," he said. There was silence.

"I am sorry," he added after a while. Hearing her voice had caused a tremor in his. Sweat coated his palms.

"Stuff your sorry's," she finally replied. "You disappointed me again, boy. You know that. Why couldn't you be stronger?" His shoulders sagged.

"I... , he said. "I pitied the girl." Another silence dragged on. It made him doubt his answer.

"Oh, honey," Miss A replied with a sigh. "Why should I even be talking to you? First you disappoint me and now you lie."

"But I really did!" he cried out, trying to drown his doubts in volume. "She begged me. She said you'd punish her if..."

"André!" Her voice cut through his like a knife. He fell silent.

"Don't try to shift the blame on the girl; it doesn't become you." Her voice's sadness hit him worse than her anger might have. "Admit it. You are like all men – primitive apes led by primitive urges. Be honest, honey, you are just another animal that has to crush a girl with his pathetic ego, raping her, gagging her with your slimy pole. Oh, honey you so disappoint me."

He swallowed. Protest rose in his throat.

"No!" he insisted. "No. It wasn't like that at all!" Silence, then she said:

"Do you want me to hang up on you, boy? Is that what you want – to lie to me and make me end this?"

"Oh, God, no Miss," he whispered, sudden fear robbing him of his voice. "No, no, please. I just quit my job..." He had no idea why he brought that up – or how it connected to the subject; but he had to say it.

"You quit your job," she repeated. "And why would I need to know that?" She sounded utterly disinterested. Why had he told her indeed? To her it could mean anything. Maybe that he'd found a better job, or that he wanted to move, or ... He had to be more specific.

"I want to be your slave," he blurted out. The deafening silence made him hold his breath. Then he heard a profound sigh.

"I told you before, André," she said. "I don't do men." He should have known she'd say that, and to be honest, he had. But to his amazement her refusal didn't matter.

"I know, Miss," he said, his voice steadier than it had ever been. "But I still want to."

"You are hopeless, honey."

"I know."

The silence didn't scare him. The longer it would last, the better it was. Miss A was a woman of quick and impulsive decisions; he knew that by now. The lengthening pause could only mean she was undecided, or even confused.

"Licia likes you," she finally said. "She agrees you are a weak nobody, but she likes you."

He let his pent-up breath go. He knew he'd won – or at least that he hadn't lost. He'd succeeded in prying a minimal opening in her armor, a scratch on her steel.

"Maybe I could give you to her," she said, "as a pet."

He inhaled audibly. The woman chuckled. She must be amused by her solution.

"Be at this address," she went on, giving it to him. "Don't be later than seven o'clock."

Beeps signaled the end of the phone call.

It was a large neo-classical building. He'd seen it before, he'd even been inside a few times. It had quite a good restaurant and sometimes there were wine-tasting sessions, followed by visits to one of the several clubs inside. The ones he'd been to were pretty classy, but others, he'd heard, were more like strip-joints and brothels, catering to all tastes and persuasions. He could see how Miss A's business might connect to the place; he could also imagine how her hobbies did.

The entrance hall was large and finished with sumptuous slabs of marble. He walked over to the reception, 'manned' by a beautiful blonde.

"I have an appointment with Miss A," he said. "Where can I find her?" The girl hesitated.

"Just a moment," she said, picking up the phone. "Who can I say?" He gave her his first name. After a few whispered words she turned back to him.

"You may walk to the end of that corridor over there and take the staircase up. Then you walk down another corridor until you reach the elevator. Just push 'up' and it will take you there." He thanked and turned to follow her directions, when she said:

"Ehm, but I'm afraid you can't go like that, sir." Puzzled he turned back.

"But you said... ," he began, lamely pointing to the advised corridor. She smiled.

"I mean, you can't go as you are, sir." He looked down his clothes. He did wear a jacket, but no tie.

"Uhm," he said helplessly. The smile of the girl got wider, almost embarrassing him.

"A tie?" he asked. She shook her head 'no.'

"Quite the opposite, I'm afraid," she said. He had the impression she chuckled. "Miss A likes her visitors to be as ehm, casual as possible."

He plucked at his jacket, raising his eyebrows. She nodded. He took it off, hesitating where to put it.

"At the wardrobe, sir," the blonde said, pointing out a counter at the other side of the hall. He walked over and handed his jacket to a redhead in a tight black uniform. She took his jacket, but didn't move to store it away. Instead she held out one hand, obviously waiting for more. When he didn't understand, her smile vanished.

"Your shirt, sir," she said, moving her fingers invitingly.

He turned around to look at the blonde. She stood smiling and nodding. There were two more people crossing the hall, a man and a woman.

"Oh, come on," he said, laughing incredulously. The girl handed him back his jacket.

"As you wish, sir," she said. "Have a nice evening." He stood with his jacket, not knowing what to do. Two women arrived at the counter to hand their coats to the redhead before walking to one of the corridors, one wearing a business suit, the other a flowery dress. What the fuck, he thought and followed them. A giant in uniform blocked his way.

"Sorry, sir," he rumbled. "I'm afraid you are not dressed properly.

"But I have an appointment," he objected. The man smiled patiently. They were all great at smiling, he thought.

"You can leave your clothes at the counter, sir. The girl will be happy to store them safely away for you until you leave."

He looked past the man into the corridor, then back to where he'd come from. It was obvious; he could only visit Miss A when he left his clothes at the wardrobe. He turned away, walking back to the exit. Standing outside he took a deep breath. He considered how far he'd come to end up where he was now – the courtyard, the mall, the cellar, his job. He knew it would all have been for nothing if he gave up. Besides, why would he give up over this? He'd done worse, hadn't he? He remembered the silly apron in the mall – the shop, the cash register, the street outside ... Was this worse? This was a private club; to the girls it would be daily fare. He'd strip and run to the elevator, trusting things would be more private upstairs.

Clenching his jaws, he went back in. He ignored the smiling blonde who looked up from her desk, and walked strait to the wardrobe – jacket in hand. After giving it to the redhead, he worked on the buttons of his shirt, pulling it from his pants. He kicked out his shoes before opening his belt and fly. He never looked around, afraid he might lose courage. Stepping out of his pants he became aware of a cool breeze caressing his bare legs. Bending, he pulled off his socks; then gave everything to the girl. She never moved, waiting and nodding with her enraging little smile.

He felt the heat rise as his fingers hooked into the band of his boxer shorts, pushing them down. He almost fell over when he pulled them off his feet. After throwing them on the counter he started to sprint away.

"Sir!" the girl called after him. "Your ticket, sir!" But he didn't stop. He kept running into the gloriously deserted corridor.

He'd never felt this exposed. As he ran he was aware of his penis and balls swinging freely. He just kept looking in front of him, watching out for the promised staircase. He took three steps at a time to reach the top as soon as possible. He passed two girls who looked at him, giggling. Then he reached the elevator, slamming the 'up' button. The waiting seemed endless. He didn't dare look back into the corridor, but he heard all kinds of giggles and chuckles – then again, they might be figments of his imagination. He let go of a big sigh when the doors opened to an empty elevator. Inside, mirrors reflected his naked body from every perspective. Mercifully, the doors closed at once.

When they opened again he stepped into a smaller hallway. It had only one door that stood open with an inch-wide crack. It was a big door, set in a high, arched entrance. The rest of the wall had similarly arched reliefs, creating fake windows overgrown with stone ivy. He knew this style. It was Jugendstil, the highly decorative style of the early nineteen hundreds. He thought of Gustav Klimt, the Viennese painter who was tightly connected to the style. "Von Sacher-Masoch," he murmured, one of his favorite writers, also from the period, and also from Vienna. Masochism was named after him. How appropriate ­to think of him at this entrance – and not at all accidentally.

He hesitated; then he raised his hand to knock on the wood panel. But before his knuckles landed the door opened wider.


She was as naked as he, her darker skin sparkling with oil. Her black hair was a cascade of wavy curls. She smiled. He automatically mirrored it. Then she ran forward, throwing her arms around his neck and kissing him open-mouthed. Her lithe frame curled against his in a full-body hug.

"Welcome," she gasped breathlessly when her mouth left his. "And thank you once more for what you did." She averted his eyes, blushing. He just stood, his arms dangling. After seconds of silence her enthusiasm turned into awkwardness.

"Please come in," she mumbled, stepping back. "Mistress awaits you." He stepped across the stone threshold onto a mosaic that covered the floor – an intricate pattern of curly, dark green creepers around big black and white tiles. They felt cool under his bare feet. As he looked around, taking in the vaulted ceiling and the elegant columns, the girl cleared her throat. He turned towards her.

"I'm afraid you can't stay upright, André," she said.

She was still at the entrance, rising to tiptoes to lift a leather ring with a chain leash from a peg in the wall. A dog collar, he saw, feeling familiar sensations course through his veins. The girl held the collar in both hands, nodding. He understood and sank to his knees. The leather was thick but soft from use; it sported big steel studs. Stretching his neck to receive the collar made him shiver. Her nimble fingers closed the buckle. She pulled at the leash to make him fall to his hands. He was on all fours now.

"Mistress told me to call you Brynn," she said, her mouth close to his ear. "That is quite an honor, you know." He didn't know what to think. To be precise, he didn't know how to think. A dog? He was a dog now?

"Come, Brynn, darling," the girl said, pulling the leash. He crawled across the tiles, his knees and hands feeling their slick coolness. When they arrived at a second door she made him stop.

"One more thing," she said, getting a harness-like contraption from a lovely chiseled cupboard.

"Sit still, please," she murmured as she knelt in front of him. The jewel on her left nipple danced in front of his eyes. Then he saw a complex set of leather straps holding a large, black ball. As the straps went over his skull, he understood. He opened his mouth. She smiled.

"Good doggie," she said, pushing the leather ball between his jaws. They ached when she pulled at the straps until everything was tight. She patted his head. He didn't know whether to cry or laugh; he guessed wagging his non-existent tail might be appropriate.

He crawled past the threshold into the next room, following the girl. It was a large room, highly vaulted and with tall bay windows at one side, a huge fireplace on the other. Rays of the parting sun slanted through the glass, painting brass knobs and polished wood with warm orange hues. Miss A walked in from the huge glass door that led to what might be a terrace. She wore a dark red kimono-like robe – silk he guessed. It was short and closed rather loosely.

"Ah," she said, clapping her hands. "You brought your new pet, Licia! You two make a great pair!"

He felt dizzy.

It was all so bizarre. He felt silly and yet shivered with anticipation. He was the pet of two women, dehumanized and voiceless. He saw Miss A walk over to him, crawling him behind his ear. He smelled her perfume.

"Did you already decide on a name, honey?" she asked. The girl went on her haunches next to him, wrapping both arms around his neck, kissing his cheek.

"Brynn of course, Mistress," she said. It seemed to have meaning for them as they both chuckled.

"Great name, darling," Miss A exclaimed. "I hope he can live up to it." They both laughed out loud. He felt ridiculous and left out. He was a dog now. It was one step up from being a chair, he supposed. He preferred being the chair, though.

As if on clue, Miss A told the girl to sit on him. He froze as he felt her naked flesh slide over his bare skin until she sat astride him. She felt moist and slippery, maybe the oil, maybe the arousal of her pussy. My God, was she light. The heat of her thighs and ass sank into his body, rendering his joints liquid. Her fingers clawed into his hair. Then he felt her heels slamming into his sides.

"Walk, doggie," she said. He walked, putting his right hand forward, followed by his left knee; then his left hand and his right knee. The floor felt pleasantly cool, the girl was a feather. She guided him with her hands and knees around the room, her heels prodding impatiently. "Go, doggie, go!" Bare ass cheeks humped, her crotch slid over his spine. Both women laughed, and Miss A clapped her hands to the rhythm of his progress.

When they arrived at the open door, Licia urged him to go outside. The terrace was large. Half of it lay in the sun. There were potted trees, a hammock and a set of rattan chairs around a low table. She made him circle the terrace twice. Then she slid off of him. He felt the evening breeze cool the wet spot she left. He just stood, not knowing what to do. His jaws started to hurt more intensely from the ball. Suddenly all went black. A velvet hood slid over his eyes; he was blindfolded – standing on all fours he crouched in perfect darkness. Hands cupped his covered face.

"Now be my sweet doggie and wait," a soft voice whispered.

He waited in the evening sun, feeling its rays on his skin. He still waited when a cooler touch of shade replaced the sun's warm fingers. Then he waited some more as the fat red ball sank behind distant buildings. Not that he saw anything of that; he saw nothing, he could only hear. But hearing he did extremely well.

He heard the rustle of textiles, the plodding of naked feet and the screeching of moving furniture. Later on he heard the tingling of glasses and ice cubes. But above all he heard agitated whispers and fragments of conversation, laced with giggles and carefree laughter. He heard the wet sounds of kissing and licking; and finally there were gasps and moaning – the high-pitched climax of female lovemaking.

He stood and listened, slowly turning into a statue – a static receptacle of impressions. But inside his perfectly still frame a myriad of pent-up emotions boiled. All his life he had dreamt about being here, belonging to the secret inner circles of womanhood, listening in. By now his dream was close to becoming true, tantalizingly close. Being depraved of sight only enhanced the experience. Scents added to the sounds, building feverish images on the screen of his mind.

"Ah, look," Licia's voice said. "How touching – he drools!"

Slightly moving a hand he felt a slick puddle on the tiles; saliva must be seeping from his helplessly stretched mouth.

"Bad boy! Don't touch!" He heard bare feet running towards him, and the quick breathing of the girl. Suddenly vision returned to him as she removed the hood. Her shaven pussy was right in front of him; it glistened and the lips seemed slightly swollen. Her fingers clawed into his hair and shook him violently.

"Bad, bad boy," she said. Her face replaced her crotch as she sank to her haunches. She frowned, studying him with her chocolate eyes. Then she suddenly smiled.

"Shall I remove his muzzle, Mistress?" she asked, calling out to be heard.

"Whatever you want, honey." Miss A's voice came from the inside. "He's your pet, isn't he?"

Busy fingers loosened the straps. She tried to pry the ball out, encouraging him to open his mouth wider, but he couldn't. Pain shot through the hinges of his jaws as she put pressure on it. He cried out when at last the dripping gag slipped past his teeth.

"Ah, poor boy," she crooned, kissing his brow as she pulled him against her soft chest. She massaged the sore joints. "Is this better?" She stepped back, her eyebrows raised with expectation. He worked his tortured jaw and nodded. Then he hung his head.

"Why don't you reward him, honey? Make him lick your cunt," the voice suggested from inside. "Dogs love pussies!"

The bout of laughter was loud and gleeful. The girl chuckled too. She pressed her face into his, holding his ears.

"Now would you like that, doggie?" she asked. "Lick the sweet pussy of your little mistress?" Without waiting for an answer she turned around in front of him and went down on all fours. Looking over her shoulder she smiled.

"Let's do it doggie style, doggie," she said as she sunk on her elbows, jutting out her tight ass. Her swollen pussy hung like a plum between her thighs.

"Come, doggie, doggie, lick, lick, lick," she chanted, sinking even further until she rested on the side of her head, her chest and shoulders. Her fingers grabbed her ass cheeks, spreading them. He came closer until his face was almost against her crotch. A pungent mixture of perfumed sweat and female come made his nostrils flare. "Lick me, Brynn," she coaxed, shoving her vagina backwards and into his face. "Make your little mistress happy." He heard the sound of heels approaching from behind. A hand rested on his bare ass cheek, rubbing in circles. He opened his mouth, bringing out his tongue. He shivered all over.

"He is so shy, honey cunt," Miss A's voice commented from right behind him. "Isn't that cute?" Suddenly a hand slapped his ass cheek hard, making his face bump into the girl. Licia giggled, gyrating her bare cunt lips over his tongue and nose. She started singing a vaguely familiar children's song. He started licking harder, his tongue dashing against her clitoris while his nose bumped into her anus. He groaned into the flesh when the invisible hand started raining slaps on his behind.

"Lick her, dog, lick her and make her come," Miss A told him over and over again.

The girl's singing voice became unsteady, breaking down in off key syllables as he licked on, now slipping a stiff tongue into her. She started fucking back until she came with a cry. The cunt lips squeezed around his tongue as the girl wildly humped his face. The slapping had stopped, but now a hand slipped between his legs, cupping his balls; then holding his penis.

"Limp, honey," Miss A informed. "It's amazing, but even licking your sweet little cunt doesn't arouse his gear. Isn't he just one ungrateful dog?" She slapped him again – hard. "Bad, bad doggie!"

The pain and the overload of emotions made him crumble to the tiled floor – exhausted by the relentless onslaught of slander and humiliation. It made him break down, sobbing so loud that he didn't hear the clucking of tongues or the chorus of mock compassion.

After leaving him on the terrace for maybe an hour, Licia came out, wearing a thin silvery shift. It streamed like liquid from her poking nipples to just below her crotch. She walked carefully on tall white whore-hooves, carrying two metal bowls.

"Mistress takes me out tonight, doggie, so I have to leave you alone. Here," she said, bending low to put the bowl in front of him. "Food for my darling Brynn to keep him strong." She kissed his brow, chuckled and turned to leave, swaying her tight bum.

The food smelled delicious; there was beef teriyaki, stir-fried vegetables and rice in one bowl, fresh water in the other. He wondered what was expected of him. He decided they might not want him to use his hands. He also supposed they wouldn't return before the wee hours or even early morning. So after emptying the bowls, he took a blanket from the hammock, wrapped it around him and went to sleep on the bare floor in a corner of the terrace.

He assumed they wouldn't want him to sleep elsewhere.

The new sun didn't wake him, as the terrace was to the west and south. But the twittering birds did. He stretched the stiffness out of his joints, shivering from the cold that rose from below. First thing he noticed was the weight around his neck and the cold metal chain dangling down from it. The second thing he felt was an almost hurting fullness of his bladder.

He crawled towards the large doors, finding them closed. Looking around he saw the big tree pots. He pondered if they might be the next best solution. Was a dog allowed to piss against a tree? He groaned, not so much at the thought, but at having it at all. He played the dog to please the girl and her mistress – that didn't make him one, did it? There was no reason to crawl around and act like a dog when they were not there – so why did he?

He rose to his feet.

Shifting his center of gravity must have affected his bladder as he felt a sudden increase in pressure. A squirt of urine streaked his inner thigh before splashing on the tiles. It seemed to lessen the urgency for a minute, only to return with a vengeance. He cupped his genitals with both hands, pushing them against his crotch. It helped for another minute. He danced around with tightly closed thighs, looking hard at the closed door and the emptiness behind. The pauses between attacks became shorter and shorter, and when another squirt escaped, he ran to the first tree, releasing the stream of piss even before he arrived. It caused a dark line straight up the side of the terracotta pot. He didn't care. Pent-up air rushed from his lungs as the hot yellow liquid blasted into the dry earth. God, oh God, how incredibly good it felt.

"Wow," he heard from behind. "I thought we bought us a house-broken puppy, you dirty, dirty creature."

The voice was Miss A's. The words hit a nerve deep enough to trigger guilt and a strain of shame he hadn't felt since childhood. It was the shame of having been found out, and the guilt of being a bad, bad little boy. He didn't look back. Sinking to his knees, he slid forward in his own spilt piss. He covered both ears not to hear the accusing voice. It meant he also didn't hear the quick tattoo of heels approaching. He wasn't prepared for the hard push that forced his head forward into the soaked soil.

Same as Prisoner
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Title Contest see comments for details

(Reading "All-You-Can-Eat Buffet" before reading this one is recommended, but not required. Comments always welcome.)Seriously!? I thought to myself, wandering into the dark bathroom. I had turned the light on, and nothing happened. I suspected the light bulb had blown out, so I went to the hall closet to get another one. That didn't work out as well as planned - the last good light bulb had been taken out of the box, and the box had been put back into the closet. I hate it when that happens....

3 years ago
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i love scotland

I recently visited family in Edinburgh Scotland. While there my cousins to me to a friends birthday party. Her name was Alice and she was celebrating her 60th. When we arrived the party was going pretty good. Alice was drinking and mixing with the guests. She is 5'2" about 140lbs with grey hair. A bit chubby but nice to look at. Her k**s threw the party to get her spirits up because her husband had passed away some 4 years early and she had become some what of a recluse. They thought a big...

3 years ago
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... .Es klingelt....... .Du ?ffnest die T?r... .und erkennst mich nicht....... .Ich weiss, dass Du zuhause allein bist.... .Ich weiss, dass Du Dich Befehlen nicht widersetzen kannst.... .Ich weiss, dass Du Befehle erwartest -... .Du brauchst sie.... .Ich blicke Dir direkt in die Augen.... .Du blickst erwartungsvoll zur?ck und... .senkst verstehend Dein Haupt.... .Ich schlage Dich ansatzlos und mit brutaler Macht in Dein Gesicht....... .Du knickst ein.... .Unter dumpfem St?hnen verharrst Du in...

2 years ago
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MommysGirl Natasha Nice Gianna Dior Posing For Mom

Gianna Dior returns home, announcing to her step-mom that she’s home. She’s barely moved more than a few steps into the home when Natasha Nice hurries over, greeting her. Natasha asks how her favorite step-daughter’s day was and compliments her on how nice her hair looks, clearly buttering her up for something. Gianna briefly mentions how her day was pretty uneventful and shyly thanks her for the compliment on her hair, smoothing down her own hair, but is curious. She asks her...

4 years ago
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As Cloe and I walked into the lingerie department her eyes lit up, hey what do you think to that? In the corner was a stunning silk dress all in black with a sexy halter neck and a large slit up one side. Imagine that dress with stockings and suspenders 4” heel and you wearing it she said. Our basket was already full of sexy items, Cloe pulled the dress form the rail and asked me to go into the changing room to try it and some lingerie on. Here now I gasped. Course don’t worry Hun the...

4 years ago
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Nanbanin Sunni Kanju Enathu Suuthil

Hi friends, enathu peyar Kathir, vayathu 18. Enaku oru nanban irunthaan avanathu vayathu 24 avanin peyar Venkat. Iruvarum ore oorai seernthavargal naangal thirupuuril vasithu varugiroom ingu konjam gramapuramaagave irukum niraiya vasathigal illamale irukum. Naangal anaivarum ondraaga mattai pandhu vilaiyaaduvom athanaal niraiya nabargal ondraagave irupoom. Aanal enidam vengak oru vithamaaga pazhaguvaan enidam niraiya kaama kathaigal solluvaan avan niraiya pengalai itharku munathaaga sex seithu...

3 years ago
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The Comet Changed Everything Ch 01

—This is my first attempt at having a work of fiction read by others. Constructive criticism is encouraged, or you can tell me it sucks. So long as it is done in a cordial manner, all comments are welcome.— * Before it happened, I could have been labeled as ‘average.’ However, more specifically, I was a dreamer, a video game aficionado, and a kid who wished his life was more than it was. By the time I was 16, this disdain for the normalcy of my life led me to kendo, karate, studies of ancient...

5 years ago
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Something In The Air

It’s such an enormous cliché, but there really was something in the air that night. There I was, sitting across from the woman I desired more than any other, in a romantic restaurant, enjoying the evening over good food and some wonderful warm smiles. At one point Stacia even leaned over and pressed my thigh with her warm, delicate, hands, emphasizing the passion of something that she was saying. A few inches further up and she might have discovered my own passion. We’d known each other for...

2 years ago
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Ginger and I

I was window shopping online for a playmate when I met her. I had been looking for a partner for a long time and her profile really caught my eye. I got started chatting with her and we had a lot in common, so we made the decision to finally meet.We met up at a local coffee shop and spent about an hour talking. We decided that we could get along well together as we both had very similar fantasies.Her name is Ginger, very fitting as she has beautiful long red hair, she is 5’2” tall and about 110...

2 years ago
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On night in Sydney brooks beelers Butt

The night before Sydney and Jody's wedding, I saw Sydney out at the club with her friends. I Walked up to Sydney she gave me a big hug and a kiss and she still got that fat ass! We talked about her sucking my dick in the restroom back in college. Sydney told me, she was getting married to Jody. Jody really don't care for me because I fucked his girlfriend and Sydney gives me anything I want. I asked Sydney can we fuck before you get married? Sydney looked at me and smiled and said , yes! One...

3 years ago
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As I entered the bar, the clientele seemed a bit unusual. The women were extraordinarily beautiful, many dressed in expensive, revealing gowns. There seemed to be a preponderance of "middle aged" men, not a few showing a bit of paunchiness. The affection being showered on these gentlemen by the women at the bar and around the tables drew me into the place. I spotted a vacant bar stool and installed myself, ordering a rum and coke from the handsome young bartender. As I began sipping my...

5 years ago
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Lust Relief Dorm Chapter 3

Noah stood with his back against the door. Behind him he could still hear the loud noises of the students fucking in the corridors. For a moment he thought about opening the door and asking Hannah if she wanted to go home, but the moment he thought of that, he heard one of the outside couples banging against their door. Noah swallowed. If he opened the door, he would come face to face with a young woman who was bent over having her ass claimed by the man behind her. If he came face to face...

4 years ago
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the people you meet on holiday

went on hols to corfu years back with my ex and met a couple from down south...she was young and quite fit... about 18 he was around 30... they were nice an we ended up spending most of the holiday with them.. hols came to an end we swapped numbers etc as you do and we went our separate ex kept in touch with Sally and arrangements were made for them to come up for the weekend... my ex was still living at her mams at this points so they would be staying there...anyway they arrive and...

4 years ago
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losing my virginity

I feel that I must share my first experience with you all, I was just 16 at the time and like most 16 year old guys I was constantly horny, I had always had a very flirty relationship with my stepmom who was very sexy and in fact it was her who gave me the talk about the birds and the bees, She was a brunette with the sexiest feet you could imagine they were so well kept and silky, We were talking about relationships one night when I plucked up the courage to tell her about my foot fetish she...

4 years ago
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Sex With Married Girl

Hi ISS readers this Sam from Chennai(name changed), this my first story in ISS. I never expect this will happen in my life, till last week I was virgin, now my age is 25. I couldn’t believe my memories that I had forced sex with my best friend sister. Myself and my friend Karun(name changed) was best friend from school age. He have a sister name Ramya(name changed), I know her from my childhood, even wont speak to her that much.if I visit my friend house, if he is not in home, I wont stay there...

2 years ago
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Hello You

Chloe was sitting in the dark, alone and cold. She had thought about moving and just dispensing with all the stupid rules of her boyfriend's stupid game, but he'd promised tonight would be amazing and she was honestly curious. He'd shared her before, teased her before, even treated her like a slave before, but apparently whatever he was doing tonight had gotten him really excited. She shifted on her heels and the straps on her garter belt strained against her sleek thighs, threatenting to snap...

College Sex
2 years ago
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Reddit Incest Stories

Reddit Incest Stories, aka r/Incest! Welcome to Reddit, a wonderful place driven by its community, with many hot subreddits you can enjoy and browse for free. I am sure that by itself, Reddit is the place that could satisfy anyone’s desires. However, if you are here, then you are probably interested in the incest section of Reddit, right? Well, this section is filled with lots and lots of dirty incest-related posts.I think that the name alone should tell you whether you are interested in what...

Reddit NSFW List
2 years ago
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My Dearest Darling VirginiaChapter 11

In a robotic manner, I answered the questions of Detective Jason Lands, the only detective we have in our small town. He had worked in Nashville before coming back to Alabama where he had grown up. Pulling one of the chairs in the private waiting room so that he was seated directly across from me, he asked me tell him what happened. Then, he went back over it with me a couple of more times. He then talked to Brad whose hand I hadn't let go of since we'd reached the hospital. He was sitting...

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Motel Sex with a Stranger

t was a warm October night. I was sitting at my computer, visiting an adult website.I was wearing a white t-shirt, blue jean shorts, and a pair of black flip-flops. I was sitting there chatting when all of the sudden, an instant message popped up.On there was a guy who wanted to talk with me.He was 44 years old from Dallas.He started talking to me and I responded back with hot messages of my own.We were both really horny and decided during our conversation to meet that very night to have sex....

4 years ago
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Mami Ki Chudai Ki Apne Ghar Par

My name is zubair (name changed) mai 19 saal ka hun aur virgin tha if any girl aunty aur bhabhi agar intrested hy toh mujeh contact kare my mail is pehle toh mujeh mami par aise galat sonch nahi thi lekin baad me pata nhai kyu mujeh unhe chodne ke bare me kaise agay pata nahi mere man me bas yahi tha ki kaise mami ko chodu aur unke sath maze karu Mai abhi b tech kar raha hun aur mujeh big ass wali ladkiya bohoth pasand hy my dikhne me smart hun handsome hun aur athletics championkyun ki my...

3 years ago
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Rachel Rosenbaum

Rachel Rosenbaum bent over and lifted a box of oranges. G-d, they were heavy she thought, as her muscles strained to bear the weight. Her arms weren't used to this kind of work, as she had worked at a clothing store before her job here at a massive supermarket. It wasn't her choice to leave her old job, it was just that it paid better, and money was very important to her right now. As an 18 year old high school senior, she had to think about her future, which meant enough money for a state...

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Sex Without Love

Jay came home from work early to see his best friend’s Beemer in the driveway. Thinking nothing of it, he walked in the door, expecting to see his wife, Maggie, and his best friend, Marty, chillaxin’ on the couch, watching TV, or drinking beer while they waited for him to come home.But that’s not what he found. Jay found his rage…He heard music and muted voices coming from his bedroom.Fuck no. This can’t be happening, he thought. But it was EXACTLY what WAS happening.“Fuck… it’s so tight......

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She Ra v Dragon Queen

PERSIAN STYLE VENGEACE  ???? SHE? RA? v? DRAGON QUEEN  ?By Sonya Esperanto ([email protected])  Synopsis: About the animated heroine She Ra (from Masters of the Universe and had her own series) being defeated by a sadistic Oriental villainess, who makes She Ra her bdsm slave. Story: Our Earth Dragon Queen entered an abandoned mansion that had a Victorian look to it. As far as she was concerned, it might as well be a haunted house.Dragon Queen was a tall, slim...

4 years ago
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Dancing Teens Ch 04

Picking up where we left off in part 3... It felt like ages had passed when my beautiful little girl Kelly finally set my manhood free, having nursed it of every drop of life giving fluid it had in it. Like time was playing tricks on me. And though it had been almost too sensitive after my explosive orgasm in her mouth, in her mouth was where I wanted to be more than anything at that moment; the captive who’d become an accomplice of his captor. So, I rode out the spasms and agonistic ecstasies,...

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Sisters Pantyhose Christmas

I’ll start by explaining the situation. My parents divorced when I was 1 and my dad got re-married and had two daughters with my step mum. So they where really my half-sisters but we were so close that I always thought of them as my actual sisters. They lived with my dad in Scotland whereas I lived with my mum down in Sussex, so I might only see them twice a year. I was always closer to Chelcie who was the older of the two. This story happens at Christmas when I was 18 and Chelcie was...

3 years ago
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My Neighbor Reena 8211 Its Hot

Hi I am Bunny. Bunny Kapoor. I am writing this story not just to arouse you but to tell you my real experience which happened with me 2 years ago, this story is sensational and I want you to enjoy every bit of it, to get more pleasure out of it. I was 23 and a stud in college, had so many girlfriends, It was my final semester and was very happy to get a job in a multinational company in Delhi. I am basically from Mumbai and never visited Delhi before but heard of it from my friends. With the...

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Crossroads Ch02

The second chapter in this crazy little tale. I really loved my little adventure out as a woman. I liked the power I had over men. I was seriously thinking that I would like to live as a woman full time. That would be quite a commitment and one that would change my life forever. As I said before I worked for a really liberal company and one day I got up some courage and went to my boss. I explained to her my desire to live in public as a woman. She smiled and was very understanding and said...

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Kyles Misfortune Part II

Kyle's Misfortune - Part 2 By Mister Double U Kyle Belmont felt like he had been hit with a couple dozen bowling balls. Every part of his body ached. He tried to lift his head, but he didn't have the strength. He blinked his eyes a few times to adjust to the light. A figure sat on a small chair next to the bed. As he saw Kyle's eyes open, he got up and ran out the door. "She's awake!" he yelled. "She's awake!" Kyle turned his head. He could see that he was now in a small...

2 years ago
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A Swingin Good Time

My wife and I had just settled on the couch with snacks to watch our favorite show when I noticed her fidgeting with her fingers. Heather only did that when she was nervous, but I knew not to push her so instead I turned and smiled at her. She flashed me that big beautiful smile then leaned back in her spot and propped her feet on my lap.“He’s not gonna die,” Heather said for the hundredth time tonight.I rubbed her feet and shook my head. “I’m sorry honey, but Carl is gonna die. There’s no...

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First Threesome with a couple

I enjoy sharing some of my experiences over the years, and I had been with quite a few married ladies, but this is about the first time with the husband present. I am tall about 6'5", pretty athletic build and I must be fairly good looking as I've had a lot of luck with ladies. My cock is probable a little above average, eight inches long and very thick.I met this couple at a swingers club in Atlanta. I had heard about the club and this was my first visit. It was pretty crowded on a...

4 years ago
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Futa Naked In School 10 Loving Her Futa Girlfriend 1 Salomes Futa Temptation

Chapter One: Salome's Futa Temptation By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Salome Cardozo's Week, Monday “It's this Friday,” said my futa-girlfriend as we walked up the path towards the entrance of the school. “I can't wait.” I blushed, my stomach roiling with guilt from the slick feel of my asshole. “Yeah. It'll be an amazing night. You should see my dress.” Paloma smiled at me, her black hair gathered in a pair of matching pigtails to mine. We'd been styling our hair the same since...

2 years ago
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Ambitious Experiments

It was during an end-of-the-semestercleaning when Matthew found the silk black rose he’d put in Anna’s hair so long ago hiding at the bottom of his backpack. He recognized it the moment he saw it there – smashed and dirty from half a year’s worth of neglect and his propensity to abuse his belongings. He twisted the rose in his hand, the image of when he last saw it in her curled red hair instantly leaping to mind. It was the last he’d spoken to Anna face to face – a night from a different...

3 years ago
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Lesbian Sex With Amitha Aunty

My name is Shilpa. I’m from Cochin. I’m 17 years of age and I’m studying in 12th standard. My parents are working in Dubai and Muscat. My figure is 34 28 32. I have a light colour skin tone. My first hot encounter was with a lesbian aunty when I was in 10th standard. She did many things with me. I’m studying in a good private school. Our uniform is a shirt and a knee length skirt. I’m living in Cochin with my cousin sister. I used to travel by private bus. My school is 20 stops away from my...

4 years ago
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Rebirth IIChapter 5

While Mr Holtzman spoke, I absently caressed Corinne's hair and continued working on the ideas that had to be covered in the patent. I must have been at this for ten minutes before I heard my host. "Jeff, will you come here? Mr Sackman is on the phone." "Sure." I put the clipboard aside then tried to slip from under Corinne without waking her. I put her head down and she just went back to sleep. "Hello Mr Sackman. How are you doing?" "Hello to you too Mr Congdon, and I'm feeling...

4 years ago
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Head Above WaterChapter 3

I was rubbing my temples, grimacing as I looked down at the referral reports thus far, overall six percent behind goal. At this rate, we might just barely hit goal by the end of the month, and that was unacceptable. I’d never, ever, ever finished a month below goal. Even one percent set off the Dragon Lady. “Celine—” “Get out,” I said. “Get out of my face.” It was one of the supervisors, Paul; another one of those that needed too much hand-holding. I really wasn’t in the mood to answer...

2 years ago
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The Attendant Program

You are a fourth year student at a prestigious private school called Wellfonte High. The campus is stunning, the teachers are among the best in the country, and all the students are beautiful and rich but the real perk at this school is the Attendant Program. Not every student at the school can afford to be here, yet the board of directors want the school to be inclusive and welcoming to everyone. Therefore they developed the Attendant Program. If a student cannot pay tuition they will be...

2 years ago
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Enlightenment In Judaea

"Spring in Chicago—hah!" Kalliste Periakes gratefully held the cup of cocoa in her hands. "It was so cold in the stands I thought my fingers and toes were going to fall off." She was standing in the front room of the Northwestern University's Woman's Co-op still bundled up from the cold of Wrigley Field. She was a slight woman with long cascading dark hair and a thin face dominated by large eyes. "I don't know why you went to that dumb game." Cheryl poured herself a cup of coca....

2 years ago
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The Construction Worker and the Slut

Friday, November 28, the day after Thanksgiving 2014, was a cloudless sunny day, although it rained the day before and the day after. My hot boyfriend, Vince, spent Thanksgiving morning in bed watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade on TV with me. Then we had a sweet fuck before rushing off to a family holiday meal. Then all night slowly enjoying each other back in my bed, in all of our favorite sexual ways. When we awoke Friday morning, Vince kissed me and asked me what I wanted to do...

2 years ago
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Honor Society an Extra Credit spinoff

To make a long story short Mina had been assigned as Marlena’s student aide after it had been made school wide knowledge that Marlena had a sexual experience with a few of her male students after class. Mina was supposed to keep tabs on Marlena’s behavior and report anything suspicious to the dean. Since the rumors were never confirmed, Marlena was able to keep her job on that condition. What ended up happening was Mina walked in on Marlena and two male students. However, Mina was so...

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Katies Xmas works do fucked by two of the guys

Christmas is a time for fun, pleasure and excess. It is a time for giving and receiving. I did not realise quite how apt these words were when I got ready for an after works Christmas drink with my all male team. I am the boss and older than all of them. I like to dress smart and business like for work and to be a tease too - I love wearing something tight fitting or undoing an extra button on my blouse or revealing my stocking tops. I think it’s good for morale and, I enjoy the attention. In...

3 years ago
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The Gift Book IIChapter 5

I finally made it back home to my proper time, after resting for another couple of days. The headache I had suffered had been a bad one. It went away the next day, but I had felt wiped out, still. I waited another day before coming back. When I returned, I set my new computer to resolving a problem for me. What would be the probable outcome of my changing the future, of something that had already happened. The AI had responded it had already done extensive research into this very subject,...

3 years ago
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My Mom The Dom

Back up list Back up list ??????????????? I had the house to myself. Mom and Dad were away for the weekend and my bratty little brother was spending the night on a boy scout camp out. It was raining, one of those long steady rainy nights that always make me feel romantic. I decided to have some fun all by myself.??????????????? I started by stripping naked, then I walked up to the ?great room?. That?s what we called the huge room at the top of the house. It could also could have...

4 years ago
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The Catalyst RebornChapter 32 A Change of Perspective

Rex POV: (Cont.) [I laughed, perhaps too hard, “Chen doesn’t scare me! Jonah’s MY friend!”] When we finished, Rodgers and Monte were nowhere to be found. Since they’d disappeared, Sloan took us out to find some lunch. It’s too bad they didn’t have any Portillo’s in this God-forsaken part of the world. Sloan took us, instead, to his favorite mom and pop diner. At first it looked like just another greasy spoon place, but the food was really good and the staff was friendly and efficient. We...

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Demigod of WarChapter 10

Day 7: The stairs went on for miles. They weren’t steep, but twisted and turned such that John quickly lost his bearings. He kept their pace slow, to give Hal time to scout and kept them from stumbling into a situation they couldn’t handle. Several times the Cambion returned with news that the stairs ended at a naturally occurring cavern before resuming. They cautiously examined each one, but all appeared to be natural voids in the rock. After Mason informed John that he’d been walking for...

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MrLuckyPOV Sky Pierce 2 Cumshots For Petite Blonde Squirter

There is a lot of things someone could say about Canada, but one thing is for sure, the women are sexy. Sky Pierce is a petite, horny, blonde slut who needs a bit of extra attention. In sexy low cut short shorts and a bright pink fishnet top, she arrives ready for dick. This little squirting babe moans with pleasure while having leg shaking orgasms. She jumps into the sex swing and gets her pussy pumped until she receives a hot load all over her. But that isn’t enough. She drops to her knees...

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Strengthening The Friendship

Strengthening The FriendshipBy: Londebaaz Chohan Alvin and Irvin were both close to 30 almost. They grew up together on the same block and went to the same elementary, middle and the high school. They were very good friends. Alvin was over 6’ tall with broad shoulders, big and hard muscles weighing 250 pounds. Irvin was also a burly, husky man. With 6’ 2’’ height, he weighed 245 pounds. Alvin was married and had never considered himself as gay or bisexual but often fantasized about other men as...

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Life Out of Joint Chapter 67 Let It Bleed

LIFE OUT OF JOINT by Crazy Baron Chapter 6/7 -- Let It Bleed Synopsis: Things seemingly start to return to normal for Mike Caldwell and his friends, but a happy ending for all is perhaps not in the offing. He learns that, at the end of the day, there is no real running away from what you leave behind, let alone an escape from forces beyond your comprehension. ***** Suddenly, I again became aware of my surroundings. There was definitely someone else there, close by, so I...

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Mrs Silva part 2

For the rest of the winter I laid in bed thinking about Mrs. Silva. My parents were working in another state and my sisters were busy with their boyfriends. For about a week I did not call Mrs. Silva, scared and nervous about what all this meant. Finally I called her, made small talk and an excuse to come over. She was very nice, we sat on her couch and talked about my classes, my plans after high school, and the wrestling team etc. She worked at home, did “consulting work” so most of her work...

1 year ago
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A Night on the Town

A night out turns out to be a night to remember and some new friends made. Alice’s night on the town Recently I went out for a night on the town and found two new friends and a memorable experience. I’ve been dressing as a female since I was 10, but until two years ago hadn’t made the transformation. When I did, I was left wondering why I didn’t do so sooner. I’m not a movie star but I don’t cause small children to run screaming either. Having said that...

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Mountain Getaway

The day seemed perfect, with the fluffy white clouds that dotted the beautiful blue sky. We had a long weekend and decided to go to our cabin in the woods near a cool, clear lake that shown reflection of the trees and sky in it’s glassy surface. Arriving in our red convertible with the top down feeling the breeze blowing through our hair and past our faces, we parked at the spot we always park having the feeling of seclusion. Going through the woods you could see the other cabins sporadically...

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school bus ride

sc:You look apprehensive as I turn to look at you, you fix your skirt again as you feel my gaze fall to your thighs, you try not to look at the team as they file by you, you feel their eyes checking you out, a couple bump into you, one stops to apologize, he rests his hand on your thigh as he talks to you Emily :i turn my head to the window and look away as i can hear the rest of the team mumbling knowing its about me all of them between the agaes of 18 and 22 as the captain...

2 years ago
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My Cousins Husband

The night started out well. I went over to my cousin’s house, grabbing a few things to drink on the way. I wasn’t a heavy drinker, but it seemed any time I DID drink, it was at Michelle’s house. We were closer than cousins, more like best friends. We had gotten even closer after she split up with her husband. There was only a little bit of tension, because although she trusted me completely, she was sure that her husband wanted me, and on some level I wanted him back. I would never tell her,...

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