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Debutante Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I spent several hours getting ready for my debut, and once I got ready I did not hesitate, and walked out of my room. I just stood there a moment gathering my nerve before I walked down the few stairs and exposed myself to my mom. I wore a straight black skirt that was just above my knees with a red blouse and black heels. My hair was pulled into a ponytail and my makeup was muted and tasteful. She turned and saw me as I stopped on the small landing, then went the rest of the way down the stairs until I stood the in front of her. I was very nervous yet somehow calm. It was over. The rest, whatever happens next is not up to me. All I could do was stand there and smile. "Look at you! You look just delicious! And you're so cute! Maybe with your hair down, but that's for later. Sit over here and lets talk about this." My mother is old school, a lady to the core, and would never gasp or shout or yell at me for doing this. Instead she wanted to have an honest face to face discussion about why I was dressed like a 16 year old girl. The fact that I am her son is beside the point for her. "Tell me your name my dear." "Lisa," I said softly. "Lisa Michelle." "You look very nice honey. Do you have a lot of clothes?" "Just this outfit and a light summer dress. It's pale green and white." "Then you'll need more clothing if you want to be ready for the pageant this fall. You will certainly need the practice if you want to be as feminine as you'll need to be. Why don't you go put on some walking shoes and we'll hit the shops and see if we can improve your wardrobe a bit!" "Practice? The pageant? Me? No way!" "You say that but I saw that twinkle in your eye when I mentioned it, so no more talk. Go change your shoes, we have a lot to see about." Once I had my tennies on she motioned for me to sit. "Lisa, I want you to tell me what you think you need the most. In order to become the ravishing beauty I know you will be. Please tell me." Knowing my mother like I do there would not be any middle ground, and always insisted on the very best, so I told her what I knew since she was insisting that I was going to become a debutante, which I knew from long experience, would happen whether I wanted it or not. What I wanted did not come into her mind. "Well, to start with," I said, "they make a panty of sorts. I'm not sure about all the details, but they say it turns a guy into a girl and makes him function like a girl, with periods and all. And the breast forms are also custom made for each person individually and they say that like the panty, they are undetectable. But from what I read online, they are very expensive, the best ones I mean. And I would need to hit the salon and have my makeup and hair done by a pro. If you want the best I mean. But that stuff is all really expensive mother, and I don't have that kind of money. That's why I don't have them." "I think that if you plan on being the Belle this year then you should at least look like a girl everywhere! I mean, there are going to be a lot of fittings for your gown, and we certainly want a girl to be fitted, right?," It was a rhetorical question so I did not answer. "You said that you'll have periods? Isn't that a bit over the top?" "All I know is the best one comes that way mother." "Do you know where they are? If you do let's go see them." But you said you want me to be a deb! Why!? I mean, I'll admit that I like to play dress up once in a while, but a deb? Isn't that way over the top? Really way over the top?" I had changed after a bit while my mother dod some research and I was in the kitchen, completely dressed in my very tight short shorts and a tee, yet dressed as a girl complete with my homemade boobs, hair and makeup, earrings and perfume when she walked in on me. I thought that I looked really hot. I was making a sandwich when mother unexpectedly walked in on me. She did not say a word as she sat down and watched me finish. I even asked her if she wanted one. "You look like a tart in that outfit." "Yeah, but I like the way it looks, and I never go anywhere so why not?" "I suppose. I've seen other girl dressing like that. Go change into the skirt and blouse." "Why?" "Please go change into something more suitable. I'll be in the family room. We'll talk about you being in the pageant." I took the time to shower and shave closely again, then get dressed. I selected the skirt and blouse like she suggested. I think, looking back on it, that this is the time my mother finally decided to enter me in the pageant. I'm not sure, but thats what I think. Now, as I stand here discussing things to make me look like a girl I am in total shock. My own mother is insisting that I become a deb! "You must have done this a lot to look so nice...Lisa. If I gave you free reign, what do you think you need the most, clothing wise I mean." With absolutely nothing to lose...."If I get that special panty and breast forms, I would need panties and bras, slips, maybe a camisole or two, a nightgown of course, more shoes and a lot more skirts and tops, and jeans and slacks of course, and definitely a few more dresses. My jewelry selection is pitiful, so that too. But why do you think that I can be a debutant? For one thing I am not a girl and I don't walk, talk, move or sound like a girl! Before I do any of this I want you to tell me why you want me to do this or absolutely nothing happens mother." "I was hop... I just thought that after seeing you like this, before, and now, in the kitchen, that you would want to be a deb. I mean it is the pinnacle for a girl coming out, right. And you would really be coming out! Right?" She giggled at her joke, and said... "Well, you'll need all of those items you mentioned if you are going to participate in the pageant, which means, if we get them, that you'll have to become my daughter every day, full time, right? And just like you said, you'll need the practice, and you know perfectly well that I will not let you go out looking like a tart! Shorts of course, but not the kind that let your butt hang out like I saw earlier. Now then, if you are going to do this, then get your purse. We are going shopping! We need to make sure that you look very nice, like my daughter should look like!" I don't think that I got the real reason she was doing this, but I did want the clothes and this was the quickest way to get them, so I let her lead me into the ranks of young girls, but the mall was not the first place we went. She took us to the shop that made those special appliances! She walked in as if she owned the place. A rather tall lady met us. "Can I help you?" "My son needs to look like my daughter and I understand that you can do that." "Yes we can do that, but we must hear it from your son if you don't mind. So, he and I will go in my office and talk.... just the two of us, privately, then we will do what is necessary to turn him into a wonderful young lady." My mother hated it, but she said she would leave and come back later, leaving me to talk to the lady. She wanted it all, from the first time I dressed up all the way to that moment. I told her that mom wanted me to be in the annual pageant as a debutant and compete for the title Belle. "OH! I have another client that will be participating in that pageant! I usually have at least one every year, and I'll be thrilled to have two of you involved! Now then, tell me what you have heard about my items." I was shocked to hear that there would be another girl like me as a debutant, but she absolutely refused to tell me who it is, so I just knew they would look spectacular, and nobody would ever know. After that she and I decided what was best for me, and she began the process. By the time mom came back she had created one breast, the left one, and was working on the other. Mom just waited until it was finished then watched as she attached the pair to my chest. When she was done it was like I had grown them myself! I was both shocked and thrilled at the same time. The lady told mom that the panty was the hardest to make, and we should come back the next day and mom should just drop me off since I would be there all day. Mom hated that idea too but finally gave in. By the time she was done the next day I looked exactly like any other girl! I had wider hips with slightly bigger thighs, and more rounded buns, and best of all, my very own kitty! I was very happy to finally have my dreams come true. When mom and I were at home she wanted to see, so I showed all my new parts and explained about the periods, that I would have, all 10 of them. She was properly stunned, then I told her I would need some help when my periods started. As much as I wanted the clothes and so on, and even though I looked like a girl, I still had to know why she seemed so blase about my dressing as a girl. And her wanting me to be a debutante? What the hell is with that? So I flat out refused to go until and unless she told me exactly what I needed to know. "Please sit down honey. Contrary to what you might think, I have always known about your dressing up, but I put it off to experimenting. I'v seen those kids wearing the dark clothes and all the makeup, but I really had no idea just how serious you were about this until I saw you in that ridiculous outfit with your butt hanging out! Then I remembered the letter we got from the club. As you know they are holding the ball this fall. They do it every other year, and all girls age 16 to 19 are eligible if their parents are members. I was a deb so I know just how wonderful it is to be so pampered, and those luscious gowns are simply wonderful, and they make you feel so feminine. I decided that if you were serious about this, and it seemed to me that you are, then you needed to have the same experiences I did.That's why I agreed to those appliances honey. If this is the right thing for you, then you'll need them, and I think for your own self esteem you'll need to be our families debutante this year. If at the end of this you decide that being a girl isn't for you then you can simply quit! I am not going to force you to do this, but now that you already have those appliances attached it seems to me that you have already made up your mind, right?" "Yeah, well, but I only look like a girl! I need to learn everything else! I mean, the way girls walk, talk, their inflections and so on are way different, and how they use their hands and arms is so different. And all girls my age know how to use rollers and do hair, and I have zero experience doing any of that! Mother, do you have any idea just how hard this is going to be?! And if the ball is held in the fall, just how do I go back to school as a girl?" "We'll figure it out. I'm sure that our lawyer can help, but those appliances are glued on for at least ten months? Right? Since you'll be going back to school no matter what, lets get you some more clothes, okay?" After that we shopped until she decided that I had enough clothes to 'get by', and we went home. I was shocked at the amount of clothes she bought, and I was wearing the skinny jeans and a tee when we ate dinner. I loved the way they fit me and mom commented on it, saying that she could see my kitty and promised to show me how to avoid that. The next day she took me to a charm school that was recommended by the lady at the shop that made my appliances. I was enrolled and I spent a few months there in total misery as they beat me in every direction, forcing me to learn how to be a lady, no matter what I was wearing, including a leotard! Ballet and dance, poise and mannerism were stressed as was makeup, how to wear your clothes, what to wear and when, then they tossed in how to walk. And just when I thought I was done they added how to do hair. Then I started school as a girl. I have no idea how she managed it, but I do attend a private school so I'm assuming that money talks. I have to wear the same uniform all girls wear. Pleated tartan plaid skirts with a white blouse, red tie and black jacket with black shoes. Not at all what I planned on, but I was dressing as a girl, and that was always my goal. The hardest thing to do was the first time I had to use the girls shower, but every girl in there seemed to be as shy as I was, so it was okay. And as a bonus, if anyone had any doubts about me, those were gone because so any girls had seen me naked. Then, in our third week at school a boy asked me out! Flustered a bit, my friend Sally pushed me to say yes, so I did. It was exciting and very eerie to be on a date with a boy, but I loved every minute of it, and even kissed him when I went in the house. Being a school girl is so different than being a guy, but I reveled in my new status and adored my new friends. Sally is my closest friend, and her twin Stanley looks nothing like her at all. Where she is about my height at 5'7', he is well over six foot. Sally and I weigh in at a big 130 or so. He weighs in at 275. Sally is cute as hell, and he is ruggedly handsome in every way. Like I said, they look nothing alike, but Sally told me that he thinks that I am hot, which was a shock to me. Nice, but I had no idea. As the ball grew closer mom told me that had to find an escort, so I decided to kill several bird with one stone, and asked Stan to be my escort. "Black tie and tails," I told him. His grin said a lot. It took three fittings to get my gown perfect, but when it was done, wow! Off the shoulder with a low neckline, form fitting and floor length. Cream satin and white lace trim, while I was adorned with pearls and a rhinestone tiara and white elbow gloves. Mom was right, I never felt more feminine, especially after four hours at the salon. Stanley and my mothers date picked us up in a limo which took us to the ball. I never thought that I would feel so much like a girl as I did when Stanley gave me his arm and I took it. We made the introductions, danced, ate dinner, danced some more, then it happened. he and I walked out on the balcony and he spun me around and kissed me. Not a peck, but a throat clearing kiss that left me trembling in excitement. His arm around my waist felt very nice, and I watched as he slowly kissed me again. I knew I would never be a boy again. The next morning I was wearing my skinny jeans and a top, just sitting at the kitchen table eating my toast when mom walked in. She was wearing slacks and a blouse. Her dress was not to be seen. Without a word she poured her coffee and sat down, and as we looked at each other, we both started to giggle! "I'm guessing," mom said, "that I now have a daughter?" "And you missed curfew." "Stanley is in lust around you, you do know that, right?" "Yeah. It wasn't hard to figure out." "Be careful honey, he has the look. He wants you." "Mother, I cannot get pregnant!" "I can't either, but I did not raise you to be that kind of girl either. NO lust, understand?" "True, but you raised a boy mother, not a girl, but I'll keep my panties on anyway." "Just be careful honey." Mom went to wash up while I did the dishes, then Sally showed up. She and I went to my room to talk. "I'm willing to bet that Stan couldn't roll over last night! He is in love big time!" "Couldn't roll over?" I said, then I suddenly got it and giggled. "He was grinning like crazy this morning, and when I told him I was coming over he wanted to come too but I made him stay home. I told him that absence makes the heart grow fonder and he bought it! He'll call later for sure!" We talked about school, boys, clothes and other friends, then she had to go home. I was just lounging when mom told me to get dressed in a skirt and blouse, she wanted me to interview for a job! She did not tell me where, but by the direction she was going I knew. It was the country club. I was sitting there as the HR person questioned me, finally offering me a job as hostess in the main dining room! Since I was out of school until the fall term I would have plenty of time to make some money. "You have to wear nice dresses, no skirts and blouses, heels of course and your makeup and hair have to be done tastefully. Since our dining room is open five days a week, we expect you to be here on those days. Is that acceptable?" Of course I took the job, and met mom in the cafe. I told what the job was and what I had to wear, and since I only have two dresses, she and I hit the mall. My mother is a champion shopper, and I ended up with four new dresses and several more pairs of heels. I was thrilled, and started my new job that Friday. I was wearing the red dress. I made almost $300 in tips, but I was exhausted. I was off on Monday and Tuesday, and ready for some diversion, I went to Sally's house, but knew full well that Stanley would be there. At least I hoped he would be. I knew that there would not be any 'joining' as mom put it, but Stan does not know that so we would have the eternal struggle between his desire and my resistance. But I wanted to be able to please him and pressured my mother to let me start on hormones since we both knew that I would never be a boy again. Now that was a struggle, but she finally caved into the obvious and I was started that week. The doctor told me that the drugs affect everyone differently and I could developing quickly or I could spend years waiting for it to happen. He told me that a year was a good number. It turned out to be less than that. Stan and I dated on my days off all that summer and then it happened. My own breasts had started to become large enough to change my bra size, so I had the fake ones removed, and I was finally all me. That meant that when Stan touches me I'll feel it! As we all started our Senior year I knew that I would take care of Stan. He wanted it, I wanted it. He wanted to stake his claim and I wanted to be his woman. But it wasn't until after the Senior Prom that I helped him. After all that trashing around and groping, I had him in my hand, and he thought he was in heaven. I showed him he was wrong. I showed him what a determined woman can do. Before I started college I had my surgery and became the woman I always was. But Stan had left for the military, so I had plenty of time to heal up before I let him deflower me, and I planned that event very carefully. My planning turned out to wonderful. When he came home I was ready and proved to him that I was his woman in every way. My journey is complete. © 2020 The above work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must contact the author for permission.

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A New Lease on LifeChapter 18 Prepare for the Dance

Freya helped me get back to my house as I didn’t have my stone on me. I stepped out of my closet, looking at the clock just as it turned to 1:23AM seven hours until I had to be awake for to get ready for the Fall Dance. I crawled into bed and made sure my alarm was set, just in case. I just spent the last 17 days training with Danny, Beth, Alex, Kristy, Anna, Bill, and Sara. Sara was a wild card, Freya didn’t know why she was summoned along with us, there must be a link somehow, but she did...

1 year ago
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PureTaboo Kylie Rocket Young At Heart

A young woman, Leslie (Kylie Rocket), arrives at the home of Jonah, a young man she’s been bonding with online. This will be her first time meeting Jonah in person and going on a date with him. She knocks on the door, but to her surprise, the door is answered by an older man, Charles (Mick Blue). Charles says that he is Jonah’s parent, and that Jonah is still busy getting ready for the date. He invites Leslie to wait inside. Leslie and Charles make small talk while waiting for...

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young man spies on my milf her young lover and me

I arrived home and saw Joeys car in our driveway. I figured he and Peggy were making love in the pool so I went out back. Sure enough he was lying on top of her balls deep in her luscious pussy with her heels digging into his cute ass cheeks. I didn't want to break the mood, so I stayed on the patio out of sight for a few minutes watching him thrust over and over plowing deeply into her pussy while she held him by his back and her heels making such deep dimples in his bum cheeks. I was so...

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Waves of time pt 2

The hotel Brenda was staying at was one of the only big hotels that had been rebuilt and reopened. The others looked like they had been through a war, empty parking lots filled with debris, no windows, lots of plywood tacked everywhere. Whatever damage they had suffered, they faired much better than the old one and two story motels that had been the staple for so many years. They were all leveled now, just concrete slabs and sand covered parking lots remained. ‘Breakfast?’ the hostess asked. ...

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2010 New Years Day

What broke me from this state of ecstasy was the fact, the room sounded noisy with moaning, chatting, and the fact I heard another girl screaming out “Fuck Me.” It made me open my eyes, and t tried to get my focus back. I looked around then up. I didn’t know the person I was sucking off. I quickly spat his cock out of my mouth, as drool run down my chin. Then I looked at who was fucking me, I didn’t know them either. He was clutching my breasts as he fucked me. I positioning my ankles to kick...

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Now thats an Oops

Now That's an Oops! by Maggie Finson "What?" Bobby questioned his friend Gerald. "I really think you should re-read that spell, uh Bobbi." Gerald responded a bit distractedly. Still buzzing from the numbness caused by the spell that was to change him from a nerd to a girl magnet, Bobby began to get an uneasy feeling as his friend continued staring with open mouthed - lust? "What are you staring at?" Bobby demanded, then clapped a hand over his mouth in horror at the...

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The Military of Rule Number One Is to SurviveChapter 3

After the initial ninety days of cleansing operations, the military units began to fall into a routine of merely cramming as many detainees into abandoned buildings as possible and simply burning it to the ground with them inside where the military men and women of the unit did not have to watch their suffering. Of course, they could still hear the screams even with the ear plugs but it as a whole sight better than the butchery of the first ninety days. The percentages of salvageable females...

4 years ago
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Germaine's First Time This is the true story of my first cock-sucking experience. I have changed the names and locations to protect the innocent (and the not so innocent). A few years ago I had been corresponding with a cross dresser in Palm Beach, Fla. whom I had met through The Transvestian, a newspaper that is no longer in publication. We had exchanged many pictures and she looked very feminine, never revealing her masculine attributes, so I was very anxious to meet her. I had...

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PrincessCum Madison Summers Tristan Summers Stepsisters Valentines Day Free Use Gift

Tristan Summers and her friend Madison Summers are just chilling in Tristan’s room and enjoying themselves reading all the Valentine’s cards they’ve each received. When Kyle Mason, Tristan’s stepbrother, comes in to give both girls his own Valentine’s gifts, Madison is just floored. She really wishes she had a brother that would be that nice to her. Tristan has been noticing how much Kyle dotes on her and she has come up with an idea that she thinks Madison might...

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From our gifts and knowledge, the tribes began to evolve. They created sects, then society, then nations. And from that evolution, came new ideas. Power, greed, pride, deception, and corruption. New ideas to wear, and new delights with which to act. We did not know these things were evil. We did not know what they would do to us. I found the black cloak of Corruption, and dawned it curiously. It infected me. My mind became fevered, my muscles contracted. I wrenched and gagged upon the floor,...

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Warrior WoesChapter 36

“Daddy,” said Tina Hardy. She and her husband were unexpected. I mean showing up at 9:00 p.m. on a week night. “Christina!” I said, “and Ronald.” “Daddy we are here to talk to you. I know you and mom talked, but she won’t say anything about what you all talked about. And that’s not fair!” “And you, Ronald, are you on her side?” I said, half tongue in cheek. “Sir, Tina and I are married. I’m trapped. Of course, I’m on her side,” he said. “Hmm, point taken,” I said. “Look, I have a few...

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Shemale fun

Recently I've been chatting with a very feminine and beautiful shemale named Lisa.We've been trading photos and dirty talk over chat lines and emails. I've always fanatsized about a cick with a dick and unexpectedly the opportunity came that we could potentially meet. Being married I had to concoct and excuse as to why I had to go to (city name withheld) and my wife didn't see any reason not to bnelieve me. My wife knows that I love porn, but I've never expressed to her that cock also turns...

2 years ago
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Dream Fuck Became True

Hello Friends! Do you all remember me? Let me remind you all. I am Chahat Khanna, aged 22, height 5’7″, big eyes, fair complexion and fairly developed boobs as my figure is 34-24-34. Ab yaad aaya kuch?? I am thankful to all the readers who appreciated my previous stories and I want to tell you that I love you all. I love to read the feedback comments you share my email and I love to see the cock pics you send me in my email. I am also available on Google Hangouts app for sexy chatting. Those...

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My Daughter Makes PlansChapter 3 Sunday

One thing Pauline’s dad had hinted to me before they left was that he’d managed to turn the situation to good advantage. He hadn’t said how, and that made me wonder. Anyhow, first things first: Lindy wanted a morning fuck. She put me on my back, legs apart, and moved between them, to pep up my cock with her luscious mouth. After she’d turned by limp cock into a good-sized stiffy, she slid up my body until it sprang into the gap between her legs and her nipples were just in the right place...

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Weekend BBQ Pt 5

Joy sets her cup down on the table after chugging it. She looks up at me and has a look in her eyes that I have never seen before. A look that tells me that things are about to go to the next level.I feel a pair of hands touch my shoulders, and a similar voice whispers in my ear, "I hope you enjoyed the show that your wife and I put on just for you. Joy says I can take you for a private dance." I look at Joy; she is smiling and nods in approval.Destiney grabs my hand and pulls me away from the...

Group Sex
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Wie ich zur Hure wurde

Mein Name ist Karin. Ich arbeite seit etwa einem Jahr in einem exclusiven Club. Genauer gesagt, ich befriedige dort die sexuellen Wünsche der Männer. Ich bin eine Hure geworden. Wie es dazu kam, möchte ich hier berichten. Völlig deprimiert kam ich nach Hause. Wir hatten gerade erfahren, dass unser Betrieb in Konkurs gegangen war und das wir unsere noch ausstehenden Gehälter nicht bekommen würden. Unser Chef hatte sich ins Ausland abgesetzt und vorher alle Konten bis auf den letzten Cent...

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ExploitedCollegeGirls Mabel May 09192019

OH BOY, AMBER ALERT!!! If you like your girls YOUNG looking, today’s exploitee is super young looking Mabel May. She may look young but she is 18. Yea we looked extra hard and careful at her ID to make sure. But don’t let this young and innocent look fool you. Mabel (She got her name from a fucking cartoon) May revealed to Jake that she has had 3somes, sex with girls, and has had a sugar daddy all by the “Tinder” age of 18!!! Yes our little sex kitten doesn’t get...

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The Hawk and The ChipmunkChapter 6

Before Warden Saunders could leave the room Bill called to see when they could get started. While he and John were talking Warden Saunders said something to Brenda, and left for her office. Brenda interrupted, and informed John her Aunt suggested they work in Bill’s area, since there would be workmen in the apartment for much of the day. John passed this on to Bill, and said they’d be there in a few minutes. While Brenda cleaned the kitchen John pulled the top sheet from the bed and covered...

2 years ago
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The Millionaire Next DoorChapter 36

Sunday afternoon, Sally received a call from Ann letting her know that the mural was done, and that she should bring Dan over to see it. They rushed to the car and headed over to the pizzeria. As he drove, Dan said, “This is going to be it.” “What do you mean?” Sally asked. “I get to see the pizzeria as my customers will see it for the first time,” Dan said. So far, the pizzeria hadn’t been complete. Now all of the pieces were in place and he’d get to experience the full effect. “I didn’t...

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Sammies Ordeal

Note : This story is completely fictional! Right before I entered my teens, my mother passed. Ever since, I have lived with my two older brothers and my father. My mother did not have a happy life; my father was always drunk and made a hobby out of beating and raping my mother. My brothers always tried to spend as much time as they could away from home. I guess they could not handle what was happening. However, being the youngest sibling, I had no choice. I was trapped. This story is not meant...

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Rogue MagusChapter 11

I wasn’t sure what to do about Dana’s attitude, but I knew I didn’t like it. She was my Stirpe now, so didn’t that mean she had to follow my lead? I knew she had to follow my orders, but I wasn’t going to do that. I simply didn’t understand why she acted so nonchalant about Michael’s news. Was that how most Padroni behaved? I understood that my status had changed with regards to Magus Law, but did that really make me better than anyone else? I didn’t think so, and acting like news like...

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TandraChapter 92

Henry sat in the command chair of the small ship. It was not much larger than a simple shuttle. Both Mom and Bennechi were present to help power the craft. Its construction was aimed more at gaining stealth and speed than anything else. A great many small probes masquerading as asteroids had been assembled and modified. The new crystals also had the ability to be opaque to the sensors of this kind. A census of the system had a hundred and forty three vessels now operational or being worked...

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balcony fuck

i knock at your front door again& when you open the door wideluckily, i am the only one in the hallas you are already completely naked& your cock is rock-hard & throbbing...i smile wickedly when i see your arousal& lean down as i slither my tongue out2 taste a pearl of your oozing pre-cum..." suck it !! " you groan " suck my cock !! "i bend my body down 4ward at the waist& my lips slide around your swollen glansas you take 2 steps back & i follow youwith your cock-head...

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My Flat part 1

So, about a year after the summer with Steve, it's my turn to go to University. I wasn't sure I wanted to go so after my A levels worried for a couple of years but then decided it would be better to go. I got myself on a 3 year degree course at a local university and my wealthy parents made of their rental properties available for me and they were paying the bills, to save me getting into debt. I moved out of home and into the apartment a couple of weeks before my enrolment. Having my own...

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My older boyfriend

Hi my name is Ruchi and now I am a respectably married woman working as an accountant with a private firm.But like Shilpa on this website I too have been forced in to the role of a part time call girl in my college days.Only difference is that most of the time I had a small roaster of about 2/3 clients and I was more like their keep than a call girl.My first john was an elderly merchant called Sumant Deshkar. This is the story now.I had applied for an educational loan in a natinalised bank and...

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The Dangers of Flirting With Other Men on Your HoneymoonChapter 2

The others were all amused by his comments. The idea of those DVDs existing would probably bother me more later, if I survive this. For the moment I was more concerned with what was about to happen to me. And I was worried for Mac. Because I didn't think I could do what I knew was going to be required of me. I was going to try. I didn't want them to hurt Mac. But I didn't see how I could do what they wanted. I've never been very good at pleasing a man with my mouth. I enjoy teasing...

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Let Sleeping Dads Lie

Less work for me, she thought with a shrug. Avery did this almost every time her dad passed out drunk. It was a lot easier than trying to make sure he stayed asleep while sober. She couldn’t help it; Ever since she came back from college to stay with him, she couldn’t help but be attracted to him. He hadn’t been in her life much when she was younger, and she saw why- he was a drunk, one of the nice ones who just laughed at dumb stuff and passed out, but a drunk. Even then, she had to admit...

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Annie and Michelle Part 2 The Bet

Since the incident in high school, years earlier, Annie and Michelle had not seen each other naked again. Michelle was too embarrassed by what happened, and too afraid of being caught, and Annie respected her friend enough to protect her privacy. But things had changed since then. Michelle had matured and grown more comfortable with her sexuality- she was ready to embrace the fact that she might be a little attracted to Annie, and was acknowledging the possibility that she might be bisexual....

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The Awakening of Susi

Ever since I can remember I have loved being feminized and being made to wear very slutty clothing. This is a true story of my first experience at a glory hole and a coming of age for my sissy self. I had many female friends who loved to dress me up in their sexy clothes and strut me around in front of their boyfriends. They thought it was cute to see me in full makeup and a wig wearing a sexy nighty or a micro mini with fishnets and heels. I loved every minute of it and learned a lot about how...

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Lady in Red Book 1 The Rise of the QueenChapter 31

Jordan, Gwen, Steve, Charlie and the band were completely spent by the time they ended the show, after performing two encores. They packed up their equipment and drove to Marsh's Landing for a late meal. Many of their friends had gone ahead and saved a table for them. "That show was incredible!" praised Billy's father when he came out to speak to everyone. "I can't thank all of you enough. Business has been booming all week, and the benefit was the best party anyone in this town's...

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Virgin Becomes Mother

Oh! Those lovely days I just cannot forget those lovely days of my life. Before starting this story, let me tell briefly about me. I am Susheela now 50 years old. I am the second daughter for my parents. I was born at Bangalore and completed my college there. Always I have been a very healthy girl. I had matured when I was only 12 and ever since then I had developed lot of interest in sex. We friends used to sit on the pretext of combined studies and read sex stories. Those days, there was no...

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A sons view a moms view

This story is a sequence of events view from a son's perspective then from his mother's.Son’s perspective: It just wasn’t fair to me, a horny perverted 17 year old boy, for mom to leave her sexy dirty panties out on the bathroom floor. Mom and I shared a small two bedroom apartment and living was tight. This only fueled my fetish for a women’s soiled panties and it didn’t much matter they were my mom’s. In fact, I found myself more and more excited knowing the dirty silk and cotton had been...

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Antons TroublesChapter 11

Sarah Bernstein may have been down but she wasn’t out — not by a long shot. The fact that she was now unemployed simply meant that she had more time to devote to the pursuit of her story, namely, young Anton Balan. She’d ruined any chance of enlisting the cooperation of Widener, the police, and now, the TV station, and that meant she was entirely on her own. But Anton wasn’t just a story, he was a BIG story. If she could scratch up enough stuff to put it together, she knew damned well that...

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Carolyn Makes Her Way

After tucking my penis and balls away, I started dressing with the basics, panties first, a sheer yellow thing, and then my bra with the silicon helpers we girls so love, and then a pair of black stay up stockings. Next, I stepped into a short green miniskirt which I loved primarily because of house it would reveal my bottom when I bent over and shot pool. After that came my blouse, a long sleeve silky cream colored number that I left the top two buttons open. Dressed now, I went to the vanity...

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