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DEBUT By Bea Kathy grinned at me. Put her hand on the doorknob, "Show time! Okay?" Despite the thud of my heartbeat in my chest and the closed door to the living room, I could hear the indistinct voices of my mother and mother-in-law as they gossiped in there, chuckling every so often. I took a nervous breath. Shook my head. She shook hers as well, regretfully, but took her hand away from the knob. "Ok. I'll give you a few more seconds to compose yourself. Let's have a last minute check. Turn around for me sweetie." Nervously, my knees actually knocking, I did as she said. Thought I'd appeal to her, just one more time. "Please Kath? Please don't make me go through with this. Please?" As I said this, my voice trembled and my eyes started filling with tears. "Dammit!" She whispered fiercely. "You start to cry and make your mascara run, I'll give you something to cry for. I mean this! Keep this nonsense up and I'll send you upstairs for the hairbrush. Then, you'll still have to go in there - and I'll put you over my knee and spank you - like that would you? What would your little mumsie think of her son then?" I knew she was serious. Tilted my head backwards and blinked my eyes rapidly to clear them. "That's better!" She smiled, and patted me on the backside. "You'll be fine - don't worry. You're really pretty now - but don't forget to flounce your petticoats just a little when you walk - it makes a really feminine picture, and enhances the dress. Ok! Let's do it!" With that, she opened the door "Tarraarra!" She crowed. "Ladies? Someone I'd like you to meet! C'mon dear!" With that, she took a gentle hold of my arm and pulled me unresisting into the room. Mindful of her command, I made sure to shorten the length of my step. With this, and my three inch heels, my dress and layered petticoat flounced most becomingly. My mother in law, Janice, looked up with a pleasant smile, and started to rise from the chair she'd been sitting in. "Oh, what are you doing mother!" Kath said. "Since when do you get up for Donald?" Janice looked a little puzzled, not understanding what had been said, but froze in position for a second. Then her eyes recognized me. Slowly, she settled back into her chair. At that point, I did what Kath had been drumming into me for weeks. I placed my right foot delicately behind my left and, taking the sides of my dress in my hands, dropped a polite little curtsey. "Hello Janice." I said softly. "Hello Mummy." My mother's mouth had fallen open as I'd been introduced, but she'd recovered from her surprise. "My my Donald!" She said. "I'd never have recognized you if Kathy hadn't said. You're so much prettier now - and what a gorgeous dress!" As she was saying this, she rose and came over to me, and gave me a girlish peck on the cheek - a woman to woman greeting. Kath was nonplussed. "Wow Norma! You sure take things in stride, don't you?" My mother shrugged to show that she'd heard Kath, but was too busy scrutinizing me to answer that particular query. "I'll say this Kath. You've done a wonderful job on him. I mean, pierced ears? Plucked eyebrows?" She took one of my hands in hers, examined my nails closely. "And? Unless I'm mistaken? These are real nails - not filled. Right? And what a pretty shade of red, eh? I've never really liked all of this modern rage for ugly colored nails." Then she shook her head. "I could have sworn that his hair was a wig, but it's not, is it?" I'd been so concerned about Mummy that I hadn't noticed Janice getting up, but all of a sudden, she was standing close to me - and lifting the skirt of my dress and the petticoat layers up to reveal the backs of my stockings, the garter belt straps, and the lacy hem of my panties. "Woooh woooh!" She laughed. "Look at this, Norma. Nice smooth legs - and look at how straight those seams are in his nylons! Wow!" She turned her attention to Kath. "Okay daughter. What gives? I have the feeling that though my little son-in-law looks very natural in his pretty dress and makeup, I'm thinking that it's not entirely voluntary on his part - or should I say 'her' part?" "Dead on, mom!" Kath replied with a short laugh. "I keep referring to him as a him too - see what I mean? I'm just going to have to consider that my husband is now just like any other woman and deserves to be addressed as if he were one. But that's one of the reasons I wanted you two to come tonight to meet him - her. I've decided that he needs a new name. I've been thinking of 'Melissa', but there would be a problem with paperwork, whereas 'Diane' would be easier - you know, the same initial? That sort of thing. What do you think, Norma?" "I'm not sure I know what to think Kathy." My mother said. "Could I get a little time to take this change in? And would you tell me? What happened to bring this ... this... conversion about?" "Yeah Kath." Janice said. "How's about some details." "Well. That seems fair!" My wife said brightly. "Sweetie? Be a doll and fix everybody drinks. I'll even let you have a Shirley Temple for being such a good girl!" With that, she gave me a pat on the backside then sat down on the couch. My dress swirling about me as I walked, I went to the bar. From past experience, I knew what everyone was having. As I was preparing the drinks, Kathy started to talk. "Well? It was probably you, mother, that put the idea into my head." "Me?" Janice said, grinning and putting her hand to her chest in pretended surprise. "Yeah. Remember that night we were over at your place and he took over doing the dishes for you..." "He does that all the time Kath. What night are you talking about?" Janice said. "Oh. Don't know. About six months ago?" "No. Can't say as I do." Kath shrugged. "It really doesn't matter. You put on that 'sweet sweet' voice of yours and said something like 'Ooh! Donald is such a darling! Might make some lucky girl a nice wife someday'" "Oh yes. I seem to remember making a comment like that." Janice admitted, then to me in a sort of apologetic tone. "You always were so goddam sweet, you know. Not like a real man." "Well that remark sort of put the idea in my head." Kath continued. "I started noticing how he always seemed to volunteer to help with the dishes, loved to cook, could never seem to keep his eyes off me if I was putting makeup on. Doted on buying the prettiest, frilliest, most feminine lingerie for me." "For you?" Janice laughed. "Miss jock?" "Oh. I'd wear it for him now and then - it really helped our sex life along." "You're not saying he was gay!" Janice burst in. Kath tutted. "No mum! We did alright in the sex department. He was kinda submissive, but if I wore my nice undies, he'd be a little more attentive. Know what I mean?" I'd put the drinks on a tray then walked over to the ladies and passed them out. I hadn't made one for myself, so when Kath patted the seat beside her I put the tray down, then sat where she'd indicated. Her arm came up around me, and I snuggled into her shoulder. Both mothers looked on, smiling slightly at this display of my wife's power. "Anyway?" She continued. "One night, he'd just shaved, then showered. We were supposed to be going to the movies. I was sitting in my panties and bra and slip, putting on my makeup. He'd dried himself off and was looking for a fresh bottle of his talc - with one eye on me, like I said. I got this idea. Told him to come over to me. He started to say he'd need to put clothes on, but I just crooked my finger at him, never said a word. He came over, kinda shy because he was getting an erection." She laughed at the recollection. "Never saw a hard-on die so quickly. I just flicked the end of it with my nail, you know? Then I dusted him with my perfumed talc. He just stood there and let me. When I'd finished, I pointed to the seat in front of the mirror. Still didn't say anything. I think he knew what I was thinking of doing and started getting very red and whining that he was cold. I just walked out of the bathroom. When I came back I had this little baby doll and peignoir set - all pink and lacy. Made him put them on. You should have seen the expression on his face when I made him tie and retie the little peignoir ribbon until he had a perfect bow. Told him how cute he looked in his little frilled panties. Then I made him up - the works." "He wasn't as pretty then as he is now of course." As she said this, a peculiar expression crossed her face. She looked as if she was going to say something to Mummy, but then changed her mind and started talking again. "But I was happy with the results - and guess what? His erection was back in full force - and I couldn't very well let it go to waste then, could I?" She and Janice both laughed out loud. Mummy smothered what looked like a grin. Kath shrugged. "And I noticed immediately that in his baby dolls and makeup he behaved almost exactly like a woman would. All soft, cuddly and docile. Actually? Kinda turned me on. Since then, I've been working on him just about all the time. How to dress. How to walk. How to talk. How to act like a real girl. Sometimes I found that I have to treat him like a little girl to get him to behave properly. But you're here now because I wanted to tell you both that I'm just about ready to switch him permanently." "What?" Janice said. "Permanently? You can't do that!" "Don't see why not." Kath said amiably. "Hair's grown out to a decent length. Same as his nails. Ears are pierced. Got some hellishly expensive breast forms that are the closest things to the real thing you can get." She laughed. "You should see them bounce when he's not wearing a bra - so cute!" She paused. "Had a little problem getting the skin tone matched, but it's just about perfect now. Can hardly tell where he ends and the breasts begin." "But do you mind me saying dear? He looks a little top heavy." Janice said. "Oh he is - but I just couldn't resist it. He'd made a slighting comment one time about a woman who jiggled. Thought I'd teach him a lesson. Came awfully close to getting him 'd' cups..." "You've got to be kidding!" Janice laughed. "A 'd' cup? I'd be surprised if he didn't fall on his face!" "Well I did change my mind at the last minute - actually Sandi talked me out of it." Kath answered. "Your friend Sandi? Isn't she into something about gender modification?" Mummy asked. "Right Norma. She's a specialist in the field. Really has been a big help in getting him this way. Actually, she suggested a 'b' - but I balked at that, so he ended up a 'c'" "You said that he really bounced when he didn't wear a bra." Janice said. "How does he keep them on?" "Sandi's been providing me with various adhesives. Checking them out for allergic reaction, that kind of thing? I think the type he's using just now is going to be just about it though. He may never have to take them off again." I almost fainted, there and then. "What?" I squeaked. "You never told me..." Kath's arm tightened around my shoulders. "Wanted to surprise you sweetie. Can't promise though. But you're getting closer and closer to being my ideal woman." She turned her attention back to the other women. " He can walk in heels - probably better than me. Applies his own makeup. Sandi and I have had him on a closely watched estrogen program. Don't want to chemically castrate him - give him just enough to plump him up a little - I mean he's starting to look as if his hips are growing, his voice is softer, and he has the nicest little soft arms. Anyway I made him quit his job - so as of tomorrow? He's going to stay home and be my cute little housewife, aren't you honey?" Shamefaced I could only stare at the floor. Then I felt my wife shift position as she turned to look at Mummy. "But Norma? You really didn't seem very surprised to find that I'd dressed your son up as a woman. You also said, if I remember correctly, something like 'you're much prettier now'. The more I think about it, the more I'm curious. What did you mean when you said the word 'now'?" "She meant I was much prettier as a girl than I was as a man!" I interjected desperately. "Oh shush Diane!" Kath said, but gently. "Little girls should be seen and not heard. Well, Norma? Have you seen our little Diane in skirts before?" Mummy looked at me apologetically, shrugged. "I've only seen him in dresses a few times actually. But I'm pretty sure that Mary used to dress him up quite a lot." "Oh Mummy!" I wailed. "You said you wouldn't ever tell!" "I know I did dear. But something's come up. You'll understand in a minute. Honestly." Kath gave my thigh a light, but warning spank. "Won't tell you again young lady. Now just be quiet and let us women talk!" She turned to Mummy. "Mary? His young sister? But she's, what, two years younger than him?" "Almost exactly." Mummy agreed. "But she started bossing him around almost from the beginning. Then when she was about thirteen or thereabouts? I think it was about then - started dressing him up - making him play girls games with her and her friends." "But surely her clothes weren't big enough for him? I mean, she's bigger than him now, but she couldn't have been at that age, surely?" "I don't really know." Mummy answered. "I think she got her friends to contribute their old party dresses..." "Party dresses!" Janice exploded, laughing. She pointed her finger at Kath. "Bet you thought you were the first to do it to him, huh?" Kath shrugged. "That explains why he was so easy, I guess. Mary had broken him in." Then she turned back to Mummy. "But Norma? Something's not gelling here. You said you really didn't know. How come you didn't know whose dresses your son was wearing?" "I tried to turn a blind eye to it. Tried to pretend it wasn't going on." Mummy said, spreading her hands helplessly in front of her. "I mean - his dad was dead and he had no male model to work with. And he'd become so handy about the house - Mary made very sure that he did all of her chores - and he was so much better at them than she was - more obedient too. It was just so - convenient, I guess... I mean - I was working and all..." "So your daughter effectively trained your son to be your housemaid?" Janice asked. "That's unfair!" Mummy snapped. "What was I supposed to do? If I had made Mary take her fair share of the chores, she'd have taken it out on him - and anyway, he didn't seem to mind..." She paused and turned to me. "It wasn't so bad, was it?" "No Mummy." I admitted. "So you wore dresses all the time?" Janice said to me. " Wear them to school as well?" "Haven't you been listening?" Mummy asked her. "He didn't wear dresses around me at all. The only times he wore them was when I wasn't there." Then she paused. "Well that's not exactly true. But it was only once." "So how did you find out about all this?" Kath asked. "Oh a mother can tell. I mean a little girl bossing her big brother around? Dropping hints about what she was doing to him? Him staying at home and playing with her friends after school? Then, one day, I think they all thought I'd gone out, because I'd lent my car to a friend. I was in my sewing room when I heard them come in. Mary, two of her friends and Donald. The girls giggling at him. Then I heard the record player going on. I didn't think too much of it at the time, but there seemed to be a lot of teasing - you know?" "I can imagine." Janice said smugly. "I mean, I wasn't sneaking around or anything like that, but I guess they didn't hear me because the music was playing - and you know kids - they like it loud. It was lucky that they'd left the door open - and I saw a reflection in the hall mirror as I was walking down to find out what was going on. Luckily they didn't see me." Mummy looked down for a second. "Don't know what I could have - or should have done. My son - in a yellow party dress, being taught the girl's part in some dance with three young girls - in jeans - all mocking him for being such a sissy. I didn't want to humiliate him any further, so I left the house quietly, then came back in noisily later on, giving them lots of time to smuggle him upstairs to change. I heard them all rush up there, then they came down, all giggling and laughing - in his panic he'd forgotten to wash, I guess, and was wearing lipstick and blush. I just had to pretend that I didn't notice." "But you said that he wore a dress once in front of you once?" Kath asked. "When was that?" "My birthday always falls around Halloween." Mummy sighed. "About five years ago, it was on the day after. Mary and her friends had got him all dolled up in a French maid's dress for a trick or treat party that night. Then, as a 'combined' present (she'd supposedly paid for the costume) he became my personal maid for the following day. He tried to pretend it was his own idea, but I knew it wasn't. Mary and her friends stayed around the house for almost the whole time, but finally after they had tormented the poor boy all they wanted, they left. I finally got the chance to talk to him, and he admitted what Mary had been doing to him for all these years. But then she got that athletic scholarship the following semester and left for college. So up until now, I haven't seen him dressed up again. There was NO sense in taking him out of the uniform, was there?" Kath gave me a reassuring squeeze. "That's alright Diane. I think it was sweet that you tried to act like a man for me. I was just too stupid to see what a nice girl you would make. Wasn't your fault." "But -Diane?" My mother used my new name for the first time. "I'm sorry for telling about you and Mary - but if I hadn't, she would have." "Sure Mummy!" I huffed. "Hardly ever see her from one year to the next - and she's gonna tell?" Mummy sighed again. "Dear? She's flying in from New York tonight. Actually I was going to bring her here with me, but her plane was delayed. I figured, if she sees you like this, the whole story would come out anyway - and I probably tell it nicer than she would." "But tonight? MARY?" I asked in some horror. Then I turned to Kath. "Please Kath! Please? Don't let my sister see me like this!" Then back to Mummy. "How long is she going to be visiting?" Mummy frowned. "Sorry Diane. It's not a visit. Her divorce is final. She got a big settlement last week. Says she's coming back permanently." I felt the absolute horror permeate my whole being. Then Kath cuddled me tighter. "Don't worry pet. You're really pretty now, so she can't make you any more girlish, can she? Not only that? You're my girl, and I won't let her bully you ever again." She turned to Mummy. "So? When does Mary's plane get in? Where is she going to be staying?" Mummy looked at her watch. "Well the last time I called, she was due in about an hour from now. She was half thinking of staying at the Radisson, but I asked her to stay with me, so that's where she's staying." Kath nodded. "Ok Diane. Run upstairs and change. Put on that coral skirt and jacket. The white silk 't'. The jade shoes and handbag. Gold loop earrings and gold chain. That little teal hat with the short veil? Yes. Isn't a perfect match, but it'll do. Better change your lipstick too - that raspberry? Should be just about right. Well? What are you waiting for? Hurry girl!" I was staring at her in horror. "Handbag? Hat? You want me to go outside?" "Yes. I think it would be a good idea if we went and picked your sister up at the airport. Then bring her back here. Put her up in the spare room?" She turned to Mummy. "If you don't mind Norma? I think I'd like to get to know my sister in law. Get things straightened out a little?" "Might be a very good idea Kath." Mummy said. I started to tremble. "But Kath! Oh Kath? Please don't!" "She took her arm from around my shoulder. "Diane? I've been very patient with you today. You are going to the airport. I'll even let you drive. I'll go and get Mary while you circle the airport. If you give me any more arguments - any at all? Why then, I'll just have to drive - and you'll go and meet Mary in the terminal. That what you want?" I knew by the sound of her voice that I was on thin ice. Knew that I was going to be dressed just the way she described - but the idea of walking through the terminal - then meeting Mary dressed that way! Oh god! "No Kath." I said meekly. "The coral suit?" "Oh yes! And that oyster satin undie set I bought you last week - you know, the teddies? Time I saw you in these. Are you okay now?" "Yes Kath." I said obediently, getting up and starting upstairs. "And you two?" I heard her say to our respective mothers. "Diane's set up a light meal in the fridge. Could I impose on you to set it up? Re- adjust it for five instead of four? Put the table in order while we're gone? And Janice? You know where the sheets are I think. Could you strip the bed in the spare room and put fresh ones and pillowcases on for me? I'll go and clean out the car a little while Diane's getting changed." I hurried to do as I was told. Despite what Kath had said earlier, I knew that even though I was now capable of applying makeup fairly well, I certainly wasn't fast. She'd hurt my feelings a couple of times criticizing how long it was taking me to make myself pretty. In our bedroom, I took off my earrings and necklace. Put them in my jewelry box. Took out the chain and earrings she'd said she wanted me to wear. Laid them on the dresser. Didn't have too much trouble getting out of my dress and petticoat, though I had to be very careful not to smear them with makeup as I removed them. Hung them both up in my part of the closet. Pulled out the matching coral skirt and blazer. Laid them carefully on the bed. I then went to my lingerie drawer and pulled out the matched set that Kath had mentioned. Laid them on the bed as well. Stripped off all the rest of my clothes, dropped them on the floor. Quickly (I'm very shy about seeing myself nude) I put on my clean panties and bra. Fastened it. Put on the garter belt, pulled the straps down through the panty legs. Pulled my stockings up, doing it very slowly to maximize the sensation of the material sliding up my smooth legs and ensure that my seams were straight. Stepped into my teddies then shrugged my arms in through the straps and hoisted them into position. As it was the first time I'd worn them, I had to adjust the length of the shoulder straps. Then I set the fasteners under my crotch. I sat down in front of the dressing table and carefully removed my lipstick, then replaced it with the raspberry that Kath had suggested. Did not like the contrast between my nails and the lipstick. Thought for a second, opened the bottle of polish remover and started to remove the polish. Kath came in a minute later. "My! What a pretty picture!" She said teasingly. "Your undies look nice on Donald." Then she saw me working on my nails. "Aw shit!" She said. "I didn't tell you to do that! We don't have time!" I couldn't stop the tears from forming as I looked up at her, but managed to stop them from spilling over. "That's not fair! If you're going to call me Diane - or Melissa, that's fine, but enough of this phony 'Donald' stuff. I know you don't think of me as a man any more, so don't pretend. Another thing. I can't stop you from making me go to the airport, but I am not going outside with one shade of lipstick and a horrible mismatch on my nail polish!" Even though I was still sitting, I stamped my foot down in frustration. "And another thing! Everybody else gets asked what my new name is to be. How come I'm not involved? I don't think you're being fair!" Kath actually backed away, surprised at my vehemence. Then she leaned forward and gave me a gentle kiss on the temple. "I'm sorry sweetie. I was being cruel. I've just got so used to bullying you around that I got carried away I guess. Do you have a name you'd like?" I sniffed. "Yes. I quite like Melissa. It's a prettier name than Diane. But I didn't know what you were talking about when you mentioned 'the paperwork' and all that stuff." "Just getting your insurance and social security changed over to your new name. It'd be easier if the initial were the same. But dear? You want to be called Melissa - well Melissa it is!" Then she gave me another soft kiss. "Feel better now - Melissa?" I gave her a tremulous smile. "Thanks Kath. I'm sorry I got upset." "Oh that's alright dear - I like my girl to have a bit of spirit." She laughed. "But I haven't really been altogether fair with you." She slid her hand down my back and caressed my backside. "You know how I said downstairs that you were on a restricted regimen of estrogen and hormones?" I nodded. "Well, to tell the truth, I increased the dosage a few weeks ago. You really are starting to develop nice round hips. You don't mind, do you?" I shook my head. "I had the feeling that something was happening. I'll swear that my feet are getting smaller - and my penis too." I blushed for a second. "And I don't think I'm getting as many erections." She slid her hand under my arm and caressed my breasts. "Oh, that doesn't matter, you'll see. But doesn't feeling all nice - and wearing pretty clothes, make up for it?" Then she stood up, laughing. "You'd better go ahead and finish your nails or we'll never get out of here. I'm sorry. I'll leave you alone." With that, she went into the bathroom and I heard a faucet being turned on. It took me no time at all to get the old polish off. Then I went and put my outer clothes on. The silk 't' then the short straight skirt that barely reached my knees. I put my earrings and necklace on, then the jacket. Slipped my shoes on, then put my lipstick and blusher in my handbag. Barely remembered to put my license in as well. Then I put my last coat of polish on. The maker claimed that it dried in minutes but it had always seemed longer to me. I figured this way, that it could dry on the way to the airport. Kath came out of the bathroom. "That outfit looks really nice on, Melissa - but I really did have a reason for asking you to wear a hat. I..." "Oh I'm sorry Kath!" I said quickly. "I wasn't being naughty. Honestly! I just forgot! But could you get it out of the box, and put it on for me? My nails are all wet now. I'm sorry." She smiled and went and got the hat out of the box. It was a pretty straw that sat primarily on one side of my head, some light feathers surrounding one ear, and a medium length veil, quite tight to the face. I'd never worn a hat before but it felt very nice on. "Most becoming!" Kath said stepping back after she'd secured it to my hair with a hatpin. "Have a look!" I did, and couldn't hide a satisfied smile. I really looked like a young career girl - the hat really added a dressy touch. "Well! Can't stand around here admiring yourself all day!" Kath admonished me gently. Better get a move on!" By the time I'd modeled my new outfit for the now-admiring older women, my nails had dried enough for me to drive. I was both complimented and amazed when Kath took hold of my elbow to escort me from the house to where she had the car waiting in the driveway then - compliment of compliments - opened the car door for me! I felt so good, knowing that Mummy and Janice were watching from the house. What with this and the rush of getting away, I'd forgotten my nervousness, but it all came back to me in the car. Kath seemed thoughtful. Asked a few questions about Mary - she'd only met her at our wedding. I tried to give her an unbiased opinion. "Mary's not such a bad sort." I pointed out. "Really! She was obviously athletic and very competitive from the day she was born." I shrugged. "I wasn't, but I think she had to compete with 'somebody'. Right from the start, she kept getting told about how 'girls' weren't good for anything. Here I am - a boy - and she just had to prove herself better than me. I honestly think I was just too easy for her so - in her eyes - I just had to be a girl." I shrugged again. "A five cent analysis, maybe. But it makes sense to me." Kath shrugged. I felt that she was under some tension as well, but didn't know of what kind, so left her alone. Janice had checked before we left. Our timing to the airport should be just about perfect. Experience though, had taught us, that public parking was almost impossible to get, close to the terminal. It was smarter then, to do what we were doing. One drive the car around and around the airport until the visitor was escorted (hopefully with luggage) to the curb at the passenger loading zone. I dropped Kath off. Before she left the car she leaned over and gave me a re-assuring kiss on the cheek. "Don't worry Melissa. This is the best way. Believe me." I smiled to myself. All of a sudden, Kath seemed to be trying to impress me that she could handle whatever was coming up. In my heart, I had every confidence in her. We had now reached our proper relationship. I was the supporting 'wife'. She was the strong, decision making, husband. I felt she needed reassurance, but didn't know how to give it to her. I was more than confident that she would handle anything that came up. Watched her leave and go into the terminal with a surge of pride. Heard a female security guard say "sorry miss. But you better move on." Smiled back at her, then drove off into the airport loop. They were just coming to the curb as I drove past the second time. Kath opened the back door and let Mary in, then ran back to the trunk and put Mary's luggage in there then came back and slid in beside her. "Mary? This is my friend Melissa I was telling you about. Melissa, this is Donald's sister..." "Hi Mary." I said softly. "Hello Donald." Mary said. Then she turned to Kath. "I'm sorry. Hope you weren't expecting to surprise me - he is a lot more attractive now, but I've known him just too long..." Kath interrupted in turn. "Mary? We weren't trying to fool you - not really. Just trying to get the status between the three of us defined while we're away from Janice and Norma. His name - I'm sorry Melissa - her name is Melissa. She is my wife, and I'm not going to have you think you can bully her!" "Bully her! What the hell are you talking about?" Mary asked quietly, but with a little heat. "What line has he been feeding you?" "She hasn't been feeding me anything" Kath replied tartly. "I got the whole story from your mother - how you bullied him into wearing dresses. You and your friends..." "Oh god!" Mary laughed. Tapped me on the shoulder. "Poor little defenseless Melissa, huh?" She then turned to Kath. "I grew up with a sissy brother. He didn't, ever, want to play with boys, just girls. I was tougher than him from the get-go. How do you think I felt - my big brother hanging around me and my friends all the time, practically begging to be teased? I joined in - had to. One of my friends was the first to have the idea of dressing him up in one of her old party dresses. I was so humiliated, I just had to pretend that it was all my idea. Oh, he'd whimper and cry, and plead with us not to do it, but he'd have probably died of frustration if we hadn't. How do you think I was tipped off as to who was sitting in the car tonight? He just loved the name Melissa then as well. I'm guessing that he's manipulated you, just the same way as he's done to everybody else." Kath laughed a little. Leaned back in her seat. "This sounds awful true. Is it Melissa? Have you been manipulating me all this time? Tell me the truth now! I promise, I won't get mad." "Well I tried to explain on the way over here." I said. "Mummy always blamed Mary - but I guess it was how I presented it to her." I turned my face a half turn. "Sorry Mary." I didn't mean for all of this to get blamed on you. But once it got started, I couldn't figure out how to stop it." "This is priceless!" Kath laughed. "Here Mary, I've been trying to see a way how I can tell you that your slave is now my little wife - and it was all so wrong!" She leaned forward, and caressed the side of my neck. "And you, Melissa? I should give you a good spanking for confusing everybody - and especially for the way you've manipulated me. But it's all worked out so well, I can't be mad at anybody!" I breathed a big sigh of relief, then concentrated on my driving all the way home, Kath and Mary becoming fast friends in the meantime. We all settled down and talked about a whole mess of things during and after dinner. Janice and Mummy were now getting along famously, and wouldn't even consider letting me do the dishes. Shooed me out of the kitchen. Then I noticed Kath giving me the eye, indicating she wanted me upstairs. I left Mary reading a magazine article, and went up the stairs with Kath. I was a little scared to tell the truth. This was the first time we'd been alone since we'd picked Mary up. If she was going to be mad at me, this is when I was going to find out. But nothing could have been further from the truth. As I hung my blazer in the closet, she came up behind me and hugged me from the back, her hands caressing my breasts. Delightedly, I squirmed. Then I felt her undoing my skirt fastener and tugging the hem until it slid down past my nyloned legs to fall on the floor. Then she unfastened the back of my 't' and pulled it up over my head - threw it on the floor as well. I was starting to pant with anticipation so kicked off my shoes as she undid my stockings and slowly worked them downwards for me to kick them off. Then, she undid my teddies and garter belt, and removed them to leave me standing in my bra and panties. Then she handed me a pair of pure white panties. "Put these on for me, please Melissa?" Quickly, I stepped out of the ones I was wearing, then into the new ones. They were of some delightful satiny material, with a sort of lace overskirt. I was looking in the mirror to see how they looked, when Kath undid my bra, to let my breasts free. And in the reflection. I saw that what she had been saying was true. I did have feminine breasts, that would be very hard to distinguish from real ones. My little, skirted, panties emphasized the rounded swellings that my hips were becoming. I couldn't help it. Quickly I covered my breasts with my hands, letting out a little squeak in the process. "Don't worry sweetie. Look what daddy has for you!" I heard Kath say. She was holding out a cloud of white satin, lace, and chiffon. Awed, I took it from her and put it on over my head. "Ooooh!" Was all I could say for a second. "How beautiful! And it looks more like a wedding gown than a nightgown, doesn't it?" "Maybe - just a little - but wedding dresses don't come with peignoirs - nightgowns do." Kathy said, smiling, handing me an almost transparent negligee of white chiffon. Eagerly, I slipped it on, then tied the pink ribbon under my chin. Couldn't help it. Pirouetted in front of the mirror. Squealed happily. "Hold on just a minute, would you pet?" Kath asked, going into the bathroom. She actually was less than a minute before coming out - wearing a pair of blue silk pajamas and a white terry robe. "Oh Kath!" I tittered. "You look almost like a man!" "Thanks!" She said. "Thought somebody should in this marriage. But let's go down and say goodnight to our guests." I started to get nervous again, but she read the expression on my face and led me out and downstairs before I could say anything. Her timing was just about perfect. Janice and Norma had just finished in the kitchen, and were in the process of showing Mary where her room was. Putting an arm around my waist, Kath started to lead me down towards them. About the second stair down, her hand slid from my waist area to my rounded backside. I could feel the heat from her palm through the satin and lace of my garments as she caressed my buttock in slow, sensuous circles. Vaguely, I sensed that something was not exactly right. I was reacting to the sexiness of what she was doing to me, but somehow, everything felt different. I was getting an erection, but it was just a pleasurable feeling - nothing special. What I was feeling was a sort of internal 'yielding' that was making my knees weak and the strangest feeling that my nightgown was clinging too me - all over! Then I looked down. My breasts, now free of my bra, were doing exactly what she had described earlier, bobbing around within the confines of the nightgown bodice. At the same time, they were revealing quite a lot of themselves under the diaphanous peignoir. My eyes were drawn to the milky white globes oscillating under my chin - I could even feel their gravitational pull - or at least, I thought I could. There was no question about it - all of our guests were also looking at them, though pretending not to. I blushed, but happily, fully aware that all my desires had finally been met. Looking like a woman, and accepted as one, not only by my own family, but by my spouse. Not only that? It looked as if the 'change' would be permanent. All my machinations and manipulations had finally paid off. Kath stopped about three steps up from the bottom. "Thought we'd come and say goodnight. It's Melissa's first day in her new job as housewife tomorrow - and I've got a load of work, so I thought we'd just toddle off to bed. Hope you don't mind." As she started to talk, her hand, still unseen by the people below, moved across from my rump to settle right above my anus. Her palm then pressed warmly against my backside, and the next thing I felt was her index finger 'tap' my rectum. Move in and out suggestively. I wiggled a bit under it's sensual touch, then almost jumped as it probed up between the cheeks of my ass some more. Then her finger probed even deeper. My knees started to turn to jelly. She was communicating a message to me and, finally, I was receiving it - loud and clear. I knew now what Kath intended to do to me in the bedroom. I started to tremble. Could feel a sort of a body wiggle inside my dress. "Goodnight Melissa" Mummy said. "I must say, you look almost like a bride!" "Yes! Doesn't she!" Janice said, but unseen by the others, a big, openly salacious smile was on her face. She slowly blinked her eyes at me and Kath twice or three times. "Sleep well Melissa!" I felt as if a well of laughter broke up inside Kath, her arms around me. Mary smiled her goodnight but just gave me a small wave instead of saying anything, a sort of bemused look on her face. I had the strange feeling that she was privy to something I didn't know. Kath turned me around. As I was led back up the stairs, my legs were so weak, I could barely walk. It was becoming somewhat obvious that I had not been the only one involved in manipulation. I'd always had views of my role in a marriage, but the hardness of Kath's hand on my soft and womanly backside told me that she had ideas of her own - that did not necessarily match mine. My fears were strengthened when Kath stopped outside our bedroom door, and kissed me avidly. My eyes felt soft and seductive despite my feelings but I knew I had to try. "Kath?" I asked as she broke away. "Yes darling?" she asked with an amused tone in her voice, starting to bend over a little, brushing my cheek with her own. "I don't know ... don't think..." She bent more fully over and took me into her arms. Kissed me again. "You'll feel MUCH better afterwards," she said picking me up easily and carrying me in my satin and lace cloud over the threshold and into the bedroom - for my wifely duties. THE END

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Future House A Robots Love

Future House: A Robot's Love By Kelly Davidson Edited by Geoff Jack Pratt had gotten away with murder. The district attorney's case had been airtight when the trial started, but slowly Jack's attorney had chipped away at it creating huge holes. The most damaging blow had come when his lawyer had managed to get all the evidence thrown out, due to the unlawful way the police officers had obtained it. Without the murder weapon or his confession, also obtained unlawfully, there...

3 years ago
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Lifes Discoveries Ch 0607

Chapter 6: BicycleI awoke with a start right at 5:00. Man, I had slept the entire day away, but at least I would be ready for tonight!I packed my backpack with clothes for tomorrow, sleeping gear, and toiletries. I fixed my hair and makeup from my nap, winked at myself in the mirror and headed next door.Leslie answered the door, dressed in a jean micro-skirt that barely covered her pussy in the front and her ass would have been hanging out if she leaned over. It was so short I could tell she...

1 year ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 312

Thanks to sbrooks103 for this one: A husband comes home. “Good news, Honey, I got you some aspirin.” “But, I don’t have a headache.” “Okay, let’s fuck!” dorsetmike ‎provided this one. A woman is woken up at 4.30 in the morning by some strange noise downstairs. She tries to wake up her husband, but the other side of the bed is empty. Rather scared she screams: “Who’s that in our house?” To her relief it turns out that the cause of the noise is not a burglar, but her husband. The...

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Indian Hot Wife Cuckold Trying BBC

How we started, mainly me as a cuckold to my super gorgeous wife!Over time, I have ultimately decided that maybe my place in life is to be her cuck. This story happened early in our relationship, but more importantly, is our current situation as well. Till cuck do us apart;)When my wife (Soni) and I were dating, we both casually wondered what it would be like to experience other people, not for a relationship, but for curiosity. We both grew up in America and in the south, albeit in the...

2 years ago
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Dare Dorm

Hi horny people..hand shake to boys, boobs shake to girls..I’m narrating a story of how I squeezed into a girl’s hostel and fucked my friend and her roommate. day I was hanging out with few of my friends. We were chatting in a restaurant and waiting for the food to be served. In the group, one girl called Seema was new. She was our friend Anu’s new roommate. We always talk everything openly, even about sex. Every friend share their sex life with all others. Sometimes we used to hook...

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The CEOs Unusual Retirement Party

by Vanessa Evans Graham Paxton was a very successful businessman who, in the 25 years that he built his business empire, had developed it to make it worth billions. Unfortunately that was at the cost of his wife who hated the long hours that he worked and she left him with a daughter (Siobhan) who Graham sent to a private boarding school. When she left the school she went and worked for him and after another 5 years she became her father’s assistant. It didn’t bother Siobhan that the office...

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Mira 6

I do not know what time it was that Irina brought us tea and coffee. I only know that within a few moments of her doing so, Ivanova arrived with Mira’s phone. ‘There is a call for you. It is, apparently, urgent.’ Sitting up and still in that beautiful nightgown, Mira took the phone from Ivanova and spoke. Her breasts were not concealed by the gown, they showed, white against the black and her dark nipples showed brown against them. Ivanova sat in a chair at the end of the bed and looked at me,...

3 years ago
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Right Under Your NoseChapter 14

ANNA Friday was better and worse. Fear and worry had turned into restless anticipation. I couldn't wait to see John but the hours dragged on and on. I swear I was ready to flip my desk over and set fire to the place by the time 5pm came around. As soon as I got home, I started getting ready. Shower, shave, I must've brushed my hair 300 times. I picked out my outfit a few times, before finally settling on a nice navy skirt (with panties this time, shit I still needed to get my dress clean I...

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Finding ShelterChapter 22

The ride to drop Cody off was relative quiet. I heard giggles and snickering from the backseat and Carrie — who had finished off the champagne that Kasey, Cody and I had left on the table — was smiling dreamily (or perhaps drunkenly) at me. I saw her glance downward at her dress and, like a fool, my gaze followed hers. She had lowered the bodice of her gown completely and her breasts were visible when she opened her coat. I smiled at the sight. "You have some serious kinks," I...

3 years ago
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The Rebound Girl

One hundred and sixty-four days. That was how long I had been single. That six months mark was coming up, and although I swore I didn’t care… it was glaringly untrue. It’s not like I had it marked on my calendar or anything. I kept track in my head, and perhaps that was worse. But it’s not like six months was a bad thing. It wasn’t as though that mark signified I was a loser or anything. I have had my fair share of women, and relationships. I was a fit, good looking guy, but now in my late...

Straight Sex
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How I Seduce And Fucked My Neighbor Girl

Hi friends thanks for your response for my last stories, this story happen in 2014, with my neighbor girl, she is married and have a kid in age of 3 years, she married is boyfriend, love started with wrong call. He is 200kms away from our place she was studying at the time of marriage, after marriage due to some misunderstandings with mother in law; she came back to our city and restarted her studies staying in her mother house. She is on the same street I’m in and was studying in college...

3 years ago
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His Angel Eyes Part 3

Special thanks to Stuart for helping me come with the idea of His Angel Eyes and for letting me bounce ideas off of him. Love ya Babe!Wayne and Christa had become inseparable over the past few months. Even when they had to be apart for a few hours Wayne would try to get his work done as fast as he could so that he could spend more time with his angel eyes. He knew that she was the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. He just didn't know if she felt the same way, and if she did how...

Love Stories
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If Yourre 18 Lovea Father

Life can be utterly confusing, especially if you are an 18 year old hottie, in love with a man of the clothe. Read on!!! Rachel volunteered for a priest – a man of God. His name was Father David and he was a magnificent man, whose gigantic compassion for others was only equaled by the size of his cock. He was her mentor, and she was his Mary Magdeleine. Many months before when Rachel was only 18, she had met the Father late one night, while he was preparing for his Easter speech. She stayed...

2 years ago
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The SisterhoodChapter 19

Donald, 12th Duke of Northumbria, was in a sour mood as he struggled out of bed on the raw December day. It was only four days before New Year’s Day, 1996. Fortunately, Douglas had insisted on modernizing Prendwick Castle over his violent objections. Had he not, the Duke realized, he could have scarcely moved because his room would have been so cold, his creaking joints — those that still worked at all — would not have gotten him out of bed. But as a result of the work — completed only a...

1 year ago
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SexAndSubmission Daya Knight Breaking And Entering

Daya Knight’s been getting kinky with her husband, Charles Dera, and she’s ready to push it further with a home invasion fantasy. She has no idea what’s in store for her, or even if it’ll happen, until one afternoon she’s set upon, tied up, and she gets way more than she bargained for. Charles doesn’t hold back, and turns a simple fantasy into an afternoon of domination, obedience, bondage, flogging, slapping, cropping and deep, hard pussy fucking. Daya cums...

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She wasnt kidding part 2

Debbie quickly learned that I was insatiable when it came to sex. She had to pump the breaks on my sexual advances. Debbie was playful in her "time-outs". Saying she needed a smoke break but even that didn't stop me from performing oral on her as she sat on our couch with he legs wide open. I kind of liked how nonchalant she looked as I worked my tongue hard into her wet lips. Debbie adored my efforts and even gave me pointers on where I needed to focus my efforts more. She opened her flaps and...

1 year ago
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Sammys Inner Discovery Pt 1

Ring, ring, ring. "Hello?" "Jen, it's me!" "Oh, hey, Sam!" she replied. "Wazzup?" "Well, since it's officially the first day of Summer, I thought I should have you over!" I said. And Summer it was. The weather had been growing hotter and hotter with each passing day, and my classmates had grown more and more anxious to get out of school. Since we had been in ninth grade, however, we had had exams, and Summer vacation was now sweeter and more refreshing than ever....

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