Happiest Place On Earth free porn video

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"Alright folks, we're opening in less than an hour! Remember to stay in character at all times! Most families only get one chance in their entire life to come here so we're going to make sure they have lasting memories!" a man yelled amongst a crowd of people. Everyone in the crowd cheered in response and dispersed after being dismissed by the man. A young woman by the name of Emmi Lams carefully picked up the edges of her bright blue dress and slowly followed the crowd. Her bright blonde hair was tied in a tight bun held by a headband of the same color. She absolutely loved being Princess Cinderella; seeing the bright faces of little girls and boys running up to her was such a great feeling. Emmi was going to make sure everyone had a wonderful time at the park, even if it meant using drastic measures... *** Spring Break, the time of the year when students alike had a week off from school to do whatever they want. A group of college seniors had planned out a trip to stay at a Disneyland resort for the week. The plan came into fruition way back when they were just freshmen. Over the past 4 years, the group had saved every bit of cash they could leading up to the trip. The six friends refused to sleep the night before they flew from Baltimore, Maryland to California. Everyone but Mason was just too damn excited and a little bit drunk as they celebrated. Mason Clark was your average looking guy who suffered from depression but kept it hidden from all his friends. Before going to school in Baltimore, he had grown up in Austin, Texas. While in high school, his parents had always told him to go outside of Texas and explore the world and that's exactly what he did. Then there was his best friend since elementary school: Rub?n Ramirez. The two had met in Kindergarten and had hit it off immediately. Rub?n was a bit of a trickster and was always dragging his best friend Mason into it. Even as a couple of twenty-four-year-olds, he still managed to get them into some sort of trouble. The rest of the group consisted of Addison Kade, Devin Joss, Logan Ridley, and lastly Grant Hallos. Addison was your 4.0 GPA student who, despite being a party girl, managed to maintain her extensive GPA. She and Mason had a very brief history together in high school but decided it was best to stay as friends. Devin, Logan, and Grant met Mason and Rub?n in middle school after getting into a lunchroom brawl. After having spent a month in the Principal's office every day for lunch, the five realized they had quite a bit in common and became friends. After the group turned twenty-one, well, lots of late night drinking further strengthened their friendship. Mason was on a plane flying back to Austin to meet up with everyone. Right up until the plane took off, the group chat with everyone was causing his phone to buzz almost every second. It was that or all the snapchats from the five of them partying it up at Rub?n's apartment. When the plane landed a few hours later and he turned off airplane mode, his phone immediately went off with a lot of notifications. Rolling his eyes, he put his phone back into his pocket as he waited for his chance to depart from the plane. After getting off the plane and getting his checked bags, he met up with his parents who were standing right at the entrance of his gate. His mom, Amelia Clark, ran up to him and gave him a big warm-hearted hug, as his father, Oscar Clark, followed right behind her. "It's so great to see you, Mason. How has college been? Are you getting anywhere with that company you were talking about a few weeks ago? I hope you get it, you've always wanted to be an architect, " his mom said in rapid succession without taking a single breath. "Honey, don't start bombarding him with questions. It can wait. It's late and he's probably tired and jet-lagged from his long flight," Oscar replied while winking at his son before he had a chance to talk. Mason closed his mouth and just nodded with a smile and started to walk with his parents to the exit. The ride home consisted of him passed out in the backseat of the car. He was abruptly woken up by his mom after they had pulled into the driveway of their home. "I-I'm awake!" he said trying to save face. "Is that what we're gonna call it? Mr. I-fell-asleep-in-the-first-thirty- seconds-of-the-car-ride," his mom chuckled as she helped him out of the backseat. "You can sleep in your old room; your friends will be over to pick you up in the morning after breakfast." He nodded sleepily and trudged into the house right behind his father. Mason was too tired to notice or care that his folks had changed up the place a bit since he came back for Christmas break. Going down the main hallway, he dragged his feet across the hardwood flooring until he was standing in front of the last door, which was blocking him from entering his old room. "Stupid door..." he muttered as he grabbed the handle and pushed it down. His old room looked exactly like it always had, only with fresh sheets on the bed. Smiling slightly, he threw his bags on the floor and undressed till he was just in his boxers. Mason took one last look at his phone and replied to the group chat, "Home. See you in the morning," before putting it on silent mode and setting it down on the desk across from the bed. Crawling under the covers and getting situated, Mason stared at the ceiling until his eyes eventually closed and sleep overtook him. *** Mason was woken up at 7 o'clock in the morning by the sound of someone knocking on the bedroom door. Just as he opened his eyes, his mother cracked the door open, "Morning sweetie! Time to get up. Your friends will be over in just an hour." Just barely awake, Mason grabbed the top of the sheets and ripped them off of him. Swinging his legs off the side of the bed, he started to sit up and ended up falling back on the bed. He just sighed and tried it again, this time with success. Using his tired strength, he stood up and walked towards the door leading to the hallway. Opening the door the rest of the way, he stepped out and grabbed a door handle to his right, this one leading right to the bathroom. He stepped into the bathroom. The cold tiled floor made his body shiver as his feet came into contact with it. Mason closed his eyes right as he flipped the switch. Letting his closed eyes slowly adjust to the sudden brightness flooding the room, he felt around for the knob to turn on the sink faucet. Giving it a quick turn, he heard the water start to pour out of the faucet. Mason finally opened his sleepy eyes and formed a cup with his hands as he leaned closer to the sink. With his cupped hands full of water, he brought it up to his face and splashed it on him, immediately waking him up. He turned off the water and dried his face with a hand towel before walking out of the bathroom and going back into the bedroom to change. Mason dug through his bags and pulled out a plain gray shirt and a pair of clean jeans and put them on. After getting changed, he walked to the dining room where his parents were sitting. "Are you going to comb that messy hair of yours?" Amelia asked as she looked up from her plate full of pancakes. "Uhh yeah, I guess? I mean is it that bad?" Mason asked as he sat down in the empty chair. "Just a little there bedhead," Oscar said with a chuckle, briefly looking up from his newspaper. "But eat first. You look like you've been starving at that school." He just shrugged and picked up the utensils and began to dig into the pancakes sitting in front of him. In between bites he answered the various questions his mom asked him. Even when he had finished the stack of pancakes and grabbed some more she kept up with the questions. Eventually, her mini questionnaire session came to an end, which both Mason and his father were happy about. After he finished eating and helping with the dishes, he went and combed his short brown hair and styled it with some gel. "Better?" he asked stepping back into the dining room. "Much better, do you have all your clothes packed for the trip?" his mom asked. She was still sitting at the dining room table working on the crossword puzzle in the paper. "Yes, I packed that back in Baltimore. Actually... I should probably go grab it before I forget," he said turning around quickly and heading back to his old room. He returned a few moments later with his suitcase with a week's worth of clothes, and some extras just in case, and set it down on the couch in the living room. Mason had grabbed his phone while he was in his old room and slipped it into his front pants pocket knowing that he'd have to charge it on the way to the airport. The rest of the morning consisted of Mason catching up with his parents on what had been going on over the last few months that wasn't being plastered over Facebook. Before long all three heard a knock on the door and a familiar voice saying "Hola!" "Come in Rub?n!" Amelia shouted from across the room. Rub?n entered swiftly, shutting the door behind him. "What's up everyone?! How's my bro been?" he said delightfully. "Busting my ass at school, you?" Mason replied, standing up and giving his best friend a hug. "Living the dream, working part time at my Papi's mechanic shop while I go to school to be a real certified mechanic," Rub?n said proudly while returning the hug. "Glad you stopped over, Rub?n. It feels like it's been way too long since we last saw you. You know you can stop over at any time and come visit your 'adopted' family," Oscar said with a smile while struggling to get out of his recliner. Rub?n just laughed and walked over and helped Mr. Clark out of his chair and right into a hug. After they finished hugging, Amelia protested that she better get a hug from her "son" before they took off. "Of course! I wouldn't dare to not hug my adopted mom," Rub?n said with a chuckle before walking over and giving Amelia a hug. "Mase, make sure you double check that you have everything," his father reminded him. Mason just nodded and unzipped his suitcase for the trip and went through everything for the umpteenth time just to make his parents satisfied. A piece of paper that he had stashed under a pile of clothes slipped out and he quickly buried it. Repacking everything else nicely once again, he zipped the suitcase back up and picked it up. "You ready?" he asked his friend, clearly wanting to get on with the trip. Before the two friends left to meet up with everyone else back at Rub?n's apartment, both gave Mason's parents one last hug before quickly making their way out the front door. Finally out of the house, the two quickly hopped into Rub?n's 99' El Camino and drove off. *** "You looking forward to this?" Rub?n asked as he got behind the wheel. "Yeah man, of course I am," Mason replied. "We've been planning this trip for years, of course I'm looking forward to it." "I don't know what it is, I'm just not getting the vibe that you're hyped up for this," Rub?n said as they drove through the tree-lined streets leading away from the Clark homestead. "I'm just tired man, seriously, who are you; my friend or my wife?" Mason managed a chuckle. "I'll perk up; I just need to catch up on my sleep and I just got over a cold last week." "I noticed the red eyes; wasn't going to say anything cause it looked like you had been crying or something," Rub?n said. Mason cleared his throat, "Nah, don't stress out, we're going to have a good time. I've been looking forward to this." Rub?n shot his friend a sideways glance, but decided against pressing the issue any further. He had known Mason long enough to know when something wasn't right, but he couldn't quite put a finger on it just yet. He was confident that by the time they were in California for a day or two, he'd have it and could then put whatever it was right. Rub?n rubbed his callused hands back and forth over the hard knobs on the steering wheel before running a hand through his jet black hair. He wasn't very tall, just 5'9" and while he weighed around 200 lbs, he wore it well with a thick chest and broad shoulders. Rub?n was wearing a pair of jeans and a black and white striped button down shirt that he adjusted by sticking his neck in and out as they passed into the heavier traffic around Rub?n's apartment. "When's everybody supposed to be at your place?" Mason asked. "Any time now...Addison will probably already be there, standing around tapping her foot impatiently so get ready for her to chew our asses out," Rub?n laughed. Addison was always the first person ready to go. She knew every movie trivia question because she was always at the theater 30 minutes early. "Ha Ha, don't have to remind me," Mason added. He and Addison had dated briefly before deciding that they were better off as just friends. As they pulled up outside Rub?n's apartment building, he pointed to a silver Honda Civic. "Told you she'd be here" "Does she have a key to your place?" Mason asked. "Yeah, I gave her one last year when I went to San Diego for my sister's wedding; someone had to feed my fish and I wasn't going to trust Grant with an important job like that," Rub?n said with a wide smile. "No...that would be bad," Mason agreed, shaking his head. *** "What took you so long?" Addison demanded, tapping her foot on the floor as the two guys walked in. Rub?n looked over at Mason with the guiltiest "I told you so" look before grinning ear to ear. "Well, I had to drive around town to pick up Mason, besides the other two aren't even here so chillax, Addy." Addison swept her shoulder-length blonde hair behind her left shoulder as she responded with a "Hmph!" before asking her ex-boyfriend how he was doing since they last talked. Mason just shrugged his shoulders and tried to avoid the conversation. He and Addison had been talking about his depression for quite some time. She was the only one out of the group of friends that actually knew what was going on, but Mason had made her swear she would never tell another soul. She frowned a little at him obviously skirting around her question, but decided not to further press the issue. Addison knew how important it was to him that Rub?n didn't know what was going on. Just as she finished that thought, there was a loud knocking on the door followed by the last three of the group to show up. Devin, Logan, and Grant strolled right through the front door and each one gave Mason a big bro hug. Devin was pretty stocky; wide shoulders and a large build. Many times people asked him if he played on the college football team and he'd always deny it. Logan and Grant actually were on their college football team. Logan was the punter while Grant was the backup quarterback. After everyone finished catching up, they all walked out of Rub?n's apartment. Logan had called shotgun right as they stepped into the hallway and had charged out the front door of the apartment building with Devin right on his tail. "Oh hell no!" Devin shouted as he charged right after Logan. "Good to see they still act like kids," Mason chuckled as the rest of them followed at a normal walking pace. Mason's comment made the others crack up as they all threw their bags into the back of Grant's bright red Dodge Durango. They then all piled into the vehicle, Logan having rightfully claimed his seat right up front next to Grant while Devin purposely sat behind him to torment him. Rub?n and Mason sat next to Devin while Addison had crawled into the very back. Due to her small size compared to everyone else, she could actually fit comfortably in the far back seats. "Attention passengers. Please make sure you're buckled up before we proceed with the ride to... MOTHER FUCKIN' DISNEYLAND!!!" said Grant in his best imitation of a tour guide before shouting in excitement. "YEAH!" the rest cheered, except Mason who's cheer was almost a whisper. "Alright then, let's get the hell out of here!" Grant cheered back as he put the key into the ignition and started up the car. Putting it into reverse and carefully making sure there was no one running behind the car, he slowly backed up out of the parking stall. Then they were off. *** The group made it to the Austin International Airport about two hours before their scheduled flight. They wanted to make sure they could get through security in a decent amount of time and Grant had to find a parking spot in one of the parking garages. His parents were coming to pick it up the very next day so he wasn't really worried. Grabbing their bags from the back, they all walked to the nearest elevator in the parking garage that would take them to the floor with the catwalk that attached the buildings together. They were parked up on the sixth floor and they needed to get to the second floor. After spending a few minutes trying to find the nearest elevator, the group finally managed to find one and piled into it. "Would this be the worst time to fart?" Devin chuckled as everyone stared at him in disgust. "I swear to fuck..." Rub?n said still staring at him. "I'm just kidding. Calm your tits," he replied smiling big. Before anyone else was about to respond they heard the ding of the elevator signal that they had made it to their designated floor. Mason was the first to get out and didn't wait for the others as they followed out one by one. Rub?n shouted out for him to wait up but it seemed to have fallen on deaf ears as he kept walking. Addison whispered to him, "Just leave him alone for a bit he'll come around. You know how he is." "What's his deal anyway?" one of the guys asked as they followed a few steps behind Mason. Mason let out a sigh as he heard his friends talking about him. He knew they cared but they just didn't understand what he was going through. It's not like he could just explain it to them either... He made it to the doorway that led into the airport and pulled it open, keeping it propped open with his foot. The others had caught up and no one said a word as all six walked into the airport. The first step was to get their bags checked which looked like it was going to take a while with how big the lines were. Everyone got into line and started to talk a bit but in hushed tones. It felt like an hour had passed before they made it to the front of the line and got their bags checked in. Once their bags were checked, they went over to a boarding pass kiosk and printed out their plane boarding passes and checked what gate they had to go to. "Gate B12. Well, that's decently close," was the first words Mason had said since they had stepped foot into the airport. Everyone turned and looked at him with surprise, no one was expecting him to talk, especially when he was having one of his "silent moments". Rub?n patted him on the shoulder and nodded and led the way to Gate B12. Getting through the TSA portion of the airport went by a lot faster than any of them were expecting. Logan had even made a joke that they didn't stop Rub?n because he wasn't white like the rest of them. He just shrugged and responded with "it's cause they can't see my tats and I'm surrounded by all of you." Mason and Addison both rolled their eyes while Devin chuckled at his comment. Out of the TSA section, they made their way to Gate B of the airport. They still had about a half hour before their flight was scheduled to start boarding so they went and found a spot where they all could sit together. When they sat down, Mason had slipped a pair of earbuds out of his pocket and put them in his ears, followed by plugging it into his phone. He spent a few seconds on his phone browsing his music selection before selecting his favorite band It was just a little after noon when a lady behind a podium near Gate B12 announced they were going to start boarding and that anyone with small children or who needed assistance to board first, followed by those who had Group 1 on their boarding pass. "Well, we're in Group 2 so that's not too bad," Addison stated looking at her boarding pass. "Estimated arrival is a little under three hours, so we won't be very jet lagged. We could walk around the park for a bit. Or do nothing. We have all week!" "Yeah, we do!" Rub?n cheered and nudged Mason. "Huh? Wha-?" Mason replied, taking out one of his earbuds. "We have the entire week to do whatever we want!" Rub?n reiterated, his voice having a hinge of annoyance behind it. "Oh... Yeah, we do." Mason agreed before putting his earbud back in and continuing ignoring his friends. "Rude much," Addison said shooting Mason a nasty glare before continuing on her conversation with everyone else. Everyone continued talking until their group was called, the five were honestly debating on telling Mason that they were starting to board. Deciding to be the better person, Rub?n shook him again and pointed to the giant TV that said "Now boarding Group 2" before walking away to get in line with everyone else. Mason quickly paused his tunes and stood up, pulling his earbuds out of his ears and shoving them into his pockets. A random stranger let him in front of her so he could be right behind his friends. He turned around to graciously thank her with a bright smile. The woman appeared to be in her 50's and just smiled back. Turning back around, Mason was staring at the back of Grant's head who in turn was staring at the back of Devin's head. Grant had noticed who was behind him after turning his head slightly and gave Mason a half smile. "Dude what's up with you? You've been kind of a dick ever since we left Rub?'s apartment," his friend whispered as they took a step forward. "It's nothing... Just trying to unwind for the trip, you know?" Mason replied, having once again successfully skirting around what was really bothering him. The two took another step forward, both getting their boarding passes ready to give to the lady at the podium who was scanning the barcodes on them. In just a few short minutes the two were following everyone else down the walkway and eventually into the plane itself. As they stepped onto the plane, the pilot and the stewardesses gave them warm smiles and welcomed them onto the aircraft. Mason just nodded with a slight smile before slowly walking through the plane to his assigned seat. While passing through what was obviously First Class, he took another look at his ticket and saw he was in seat 28D which after looking up was right next to Rub?n who was sitting next to the window. Finally getting to his seat next to his best friend, Mason looked around and saw that Addison and Logan were right across the aisle from them while Devin and Grant were in the seats right in front of them. "This is going to be a long flight. I can already tell..." Mason thought as he buckled up and leaned his head back into the headrest and closed his eyes. "I hope you plan on talking to us when we actually land, Mace," Rub?n said in a concerned tone. Mason just nodded not bothering to open his eyes. Soon everyone was on board and with the door closed, the stewardesses began their normal flight instructions. When that was done, the pilot announced that the weather in California was bright and sunny at a nice 75 degrees out. Then the plane gave a slight lurch as it started to back out of the gate before slowly creeping along the runway. *** The plane landed a good ten minutes ahead of schedule which didn't do much good for the group when they were stuck waiting for people to get their carry-ons out of the luggage bins and move out of the way. Devin and Grant had somehow managed to get by quite a few people and were off the plane before the rest of them. When they were of the plane, Devin texted the group chat that they'd get everyone's bags off the baggage claim if they weren't off the plane by then. "How the hell did they manage that?" Addison asked the others as they stood up, waiting for their turn to step into the aisle and get off the plane. "No freaking clue but hopefully they get our bags," Logan sighed. "How's Mr. Quiet doing over there?" Mason who was staring at the front of the plane, turned and looked over at Logan. "He's doing fine." Logan rolled his eyes and turned away from him. It wasn't before long that their turn to get off the plane had come and they slowly walked out of the plane. Eventually, they met up with Devin and Grant at the baggage claim. They were off to the side with everyone's luggage in front of them, both with bright beaming smiles on their faces. "What took you so long?" Devin asked with his still big smile. Rub?n flipped them off as they walked up. The two just laughed it off and gave everyone their luggage. "So there's a shuttle that'll take us directly to the park/resort and it leaves here in fifteen-minute intervals." Grant told everyone. "Fucking awesome," Logan replied, pumping his fist in the air. "What are we waiting for? Let's go!" Rub?n cheered. For once Mason was not behind everyone and seemed to be excited. Rub?n quickly noticed, "See Mace? As soon as we got here you'd turn that frown upside down." "Yeah, just in a weird funk is all." he lied while leading the group to the shuttle station. He figured it'd be easier to just fake that he was happy then ruining everyone else's vacation. As they were walking up to the shuttle station, the shuttle had just started to pull in. "Holy shit what timing, right?" Grant joyfully said as he ran up to the vehicle. Everyone else ran after him, the shuttle driver opened the door and welcomed the group on board. They all piled into empty seats and after a few more people got on, the shuttle driver closed the door and after making sure there was no traffic coming, pulled away from the station. The drive from the airport to the actual park wasn't very long, probably twenty minutes or so. Most of the group was too busy looking at all the sights speeding by as the driver sped down the highway. "If you look straight ahead folks you can see Disneyland!" the driver announced; his finger up against the windshield. "Holy shit! The castle is bigger than I could have imagined." Logan stated as he looked out the front windshield in awe. "Wow... that's what she said!" Grant said while trying hard not to laugh. He got quite a few dirty looks from the other people on the shuttle but he just shrugged it off and kept staring forward as they got closer and closer to the castle. When they arrived at the resort, the group were the first ones off the shuttle and Addison gave him a nice tip even though she didn't need to. The driver thanked her with a big smile and wished them a very happy trip as the rest of the people got off. After making sure everyone was accounted for and that they all had their bags still, the group made their way into the building. *** "Is this really our suite?" Rub?n asked as he opened the door to their suite and stepped inside. He walked over to a nearby couch and put his suitcase onto it before walking around the open space. Mason was the last in and shut the door behind him and locked it. Turning back around, the others were all looking around their new home for the week. The first thing he noticed was that the different rooms were separated by giant wooden doors that seemed to slide out of the wall. Mason thought that was pretty neat as he watched Devin and Grant messing around with one of them. Stepping further into the suite, he saw that the coffee table in the middle of what he assumed was the living room was in the shape of Mickey Mouse's head. He chuckled, it made sense, they were technically in Disneyland. As he walked even further in, he heard a shout from across the suite, it sounded like Rub?n but it was too hard to tell. Right as Mason was about to investigate who was yelling, his friend stepped into the doorway that led elsewhere and told everyone to come check out the bathroom. The bathroom was quite the sight to see. The floor was a gray tile that spanned the entire room and up the wall. The shower looked like it could fit three people in their comfortably, which Grant stated they should try at some point with a sly look on his face. All but Addison busted out laughing. "You guys are a bunch of doofuses," she said sternly before turning and walking out of the bathroom. "Oh well. Not the worst thing she's called us. But we should get going to the park and scope it out." Devin said as the group filtered out of the room. The other guys agreed and started heading towards the exit of the suite. Mason alerted Addison on what they were up to and she followed him as they left the suite. If it weren't for the fact that there were signs posted on where to go to get to the actual park, the group would have gotten immediately lost. But they managed to find their way to the entrance that was connected to the resort. As they entered the park, they were immediately greeted by park staff dressed up as various Disney characters. Everyone but Mason felt this weird surge of happiness, like, they were actually in Disneyland, there was no way they couldn't be happy. "Hey Splash Mountain is the closest, otherwise there's that Dumbo ride for kids. I don't think they'd really mind if a bunch of adults went and rode it, do you?" Rub?n asked as they stopped near a tree in the middle of the midway. They stood there for a bit discussing what they wanted to do. Mason had briefly glanced over at the Cinderella waving to children and taking pictures with them nearby. *** Emmi who was still dressed up as Princess Cinderella noticed one of the park guests didn't look really happy despite keeping up quite the appearance. As she greeted other guests who walked past her, she saw the man was walking with a group of others and immediately decided that he needed some of her magic. With a wave of her hand, she watched the group begin to change... *** "We should go get our picture taken with Cinderella! That would be awesome!" Logan said suddenly. Devin smiled "Sweet!" he added. Mason sighed "You really want to stand in line to get your pictures taken with Cinderella?" he said already exhausted. "I thought we were heading to Splash Mountain?" "Come on Daddy! It'll be fun!" Addison said, her voice slightly higher than usual. "What did you just call me?" Mason said. His eyes locked with Addison's and for a brief moment, her eyes conveyed pure terror before softening as a wide smile crossed her mouth. "Um" was all she said but she began to pivot her foot back and forth off of her big toe. Mason stared at her slightly confused by her expression and mannerisms "What...what are you doing?" he asked. "Um...dude," Rub?n said from behind him. Mason spun and saw that same look of confusion and terror on his best friends face. "Something is seriously fucked up right now," Rub?n said softly. "What are you talking about?!" Mason said coming closer. "What's going on?" "I don't know man, but I don't feel right," Rub?n said nervously. "I feel all tingly and shit and my stomach is flipping up and down" he pressed down and in on his stomach through his black and white striped shirt and grimaced. Mason got even closer, his mouth opening in shock as he began to see light blonde hairs begin to sprout out of Rub?n's head as he bent forward. The previously jet black hair on his friend's head was growing out long and blonde. "Oh...oh shit!" Mason leaned forward and put his hand out. He gently ran his fingers over a few of the growing strands but he jerked his hand back as if shocked as he felt the hairs grow and entwine over his fingers like a spinning vine. Rub?n's head suddenly shot up and Mason jumped when he saw that his eyes had changed into a bright blue color. The eyes conveyed shock and confusion as he said: "What's going on man?" "I..." Mason took a weak and stumbling step backward "I don't know" he spun around and saw confused looks on all of his friend's faces. Logan was now wearing a pair of Minnie Mouse ears on top of his head, the bright pink bow set slightly off center to the left. His hand went up and tapped them gingerly. Devin, still wide and stocky was tugging on an insanely tight bright green t-shirt with a glitter outlined Tinkerbell on it while Addison's plain blue top was now emblazoned with Elsa on it. Grant took a step backward, his eyes becoming glassy as he shook his head. The backup quarterback, a big guy at 6'2" and 210 LBS now began to shrink. Grant had been the tallest of the group but his size began to diminish, his clothes shrinking right along with him but with no other changes besides getting smaller. Rub?n now stood up straight and came up to stand next to Mason. He put his hand on his shoulder getting Mason's attention. Mason turned and jumped again, barely holding in a scream. "What the...?!" Rub?n's face was softening and changing shape before his eyes. The blonde hair was now sweeping forward over his forehead; a forehead that was lightening in skin tone. His eyebrows were thinning, arching and turning a very light blonde as well. Rub?n's cheeks drained of his usual tan coloring as pink came into them while they lifted and rounded off to apple shaped perkiness. His nose thinned greatly across the bridge and pulled up from the bottom into a pert, slightly upturned end. His chin rounded and his jawline softened as all traces of hair and stubble vanished. He quickly snapped his teeth together, teeth which were getting smaller as his mouth shrank down and his lips plumped up. Bright pink lips soon concealed those small straight white teeth as even his ears shrank down and pulled up as gold hoop earrings appeared in them. "Rub?n? Are you okay?" Mason said putting his hands on Rub?n's shoulders and gripping tightly. "Something really..." he coughed and cleared his throat "...strange?!" his hands shot and clutched his throat as his voice changed mid-word. Rub?n's bright blue eyes bulged in surprise at the sound of his voice. The color of his skin continued to change and lighten down his body. "My Tats!!" he yelled as the tattoos that lined his arms began to fade lighter and lighter even as his arms and shoulders and chest began to thin and diminish in size. Rub?n ran his hands frantically up and down his thinning and whitening arms. "What's happening to me Honey?" he asked before stopping dead in his tracks. "Honey?" Mason said amazed at hearing a female voice call him honey. Mason watched Rub?n diminish in size. A few inches ticked off his overall height but it was more the modification to his muscled, barrel-chested frame that had Mason's attention. Rub?n's chest caved inward taking his shoulders and back with them and making his frame rather slight. The sleeves of his shirt now lifted up exposing his smooth and thin upper arms. The black stripes merged until the shirt became a totally white sleeveless blouse. Rub?n's eyes bulged anew and he squirmed trying to get to one of the arm holes. He pulled it down and to the side enough to show both of them that he was now wearing a white bra. "What does this mean? Why..." he trailed off. Rub?n looked down; he slowly raised his hands to the neck of his loose fitting shirt and pulled it forward so he could peer down and inside. "Ah...AH!" was the only sound he could manage to make as he saw flesh begin to rise up in mounds on the front of his chest. To Rub?n's wide eyes, the skin lifted, goosebumps breaking out across them as his nipples puffed and his areolas widened. More and more weight shifted forward; he could almost hear his skin stretching to accommodate them until he lost sight of the nipples as they pressed into the front of the waiting satin cups. He felt the support afforded by his new bra as his breasts settled in. "Tits?!" he looked around "Tits for Tats?!" "I'm turning into a..." Rub?n looked to Mason "...a woman?!" Mason couldn't comprehend what was happening to Rub?n, but he had almost forgotten that he had help behind him, or at least he thought he did. "Guys!" he shouted but no response "Guys you have to help me here!" No one came forward; Mason heard nothing behind him as Rub?n put his hands up and watched them thin and soften. The hard-earned calluses disappeared into soft smooth palms and his constantly scraped up fingers and dirty nails also changed into long, thin and delicate fingers topped off by a light feminine coating of pink blush nail polish. A single change happened to Mason at that moment, but he was too distracted to notice it; a simple band of gold wrapped around his left ring finger. Rub?n felt his stomach pulling in as his hips pulled out. They jutted out and threw him forward as his ass began to grow larger and rounder. His simple pair of jeans began to rise up, exposing his hairy legs as they crawled upward eventually changing into a pair of blue cotton shorts. "Fu..." Rub?n panted and shook his head, his blonde hair flying wildly back and forth "Oh my" he finished much more modestly. He bent at the waist as his penis went numb. New feelings and sensations then broke forth in a wave that began at the base of his spine and shot forward like a wave. His testicles tingled and began to lift, rising up closer to his body as his penis shrunk and pulled back. Rub?n's hands flailed outside for a moment before he attempted to tuck them inside and dig away. By the time his hand got under his shorts, his boxers had pulled up and changed into a pair of simple cotton panties. His fingers touched the now taut skin of his scrotum just as his testicles sucked up and inside his changing body. His penis was nothing but a nub as his skin now began to fold and rearrange itself. Butterflies exploded in Rub?n's stomach as his body reprogrammed and repurposed itself. A uterus formed along with ovaries and fallopian tubes. His penis became his clitoris as his vagina and vulva took shape. "Oh God," he said taking his hand out from his shorts. Mason still stared as he watched his friend shrink again, losing more height as his legs changed. His thighs plumped and became full and round as his calves trimmed and lifted. All hair vanished leaving behind nothing but smooth pale and soft skin. His socks vanished and his black Converse sneakers changed into a pair of black sandals, well-worn and broken in as his hairy and knobby feet began to shrink as well. The few hairs on his big toes thinned to nothing as his feet softened and pulled in along the back and sides. His toes shrank and his nails thinned, trimmed and changed shape. The same pink blush color nail polish now appeared on his small feminine toes and he lifted them up and gave them a slight wiggle. Mason cleared his throat and Rub?n looked up at him. A thin gold band and a small diamond ring both appeared on her left hand "Mason?" she said cautiously. "Ruby" he replied knowing deep down that it was her name now. *** "I..." Ruby said turning her hands over and back before her face while her eyes scanned up and down her new body "I...holy shit what's happening to them!" she pointed behind Mason. Mason now swung around, Addison, Devin, Logan, and Grant were all standing still in shock but all were beginning to get smaller. "Addy?" he said focusing his attention on his former girlfriend. Addison cocked her head and looked up at Mason, her hair beginning to thin and lighten. She looked down and pulled out her shirt and a look of confusion crossed her face as she took in the portrait of a smirking Queen Elsa on it. Her Capri jeans began to creep up her legs and tighten, stopping just above her knees and her designer brown sandals turned into a pair of pink jellies. "What the...?" she managed to say. "I'm getting little," she said in a voice that continued to pitch up. Her features were rounding and softening as they lost maturity rapidly. Her cheeks went from sleek to puffy and chubby and her brown eyes turned blue and narrowed above her shrinking nose. Addison's lips thinned, almost surrounded by her cheeks they came in as her teeth shrank down. She soon lost her two front upper teeth as the rest became baby teeth in her mouth. Her earring vanished as her ears shrank down minuscule on the sides of her small face. Addison rapidly lost height, shrinking down from 5'4". Her breasts pulled inward as her chest and back shrank down. Her arms pulled up and muscles turned weak. Her hands puffed up and her fingers pulled back. Her hips pulled in along with her stomach as she lost her curves of adulthood and maturity. Her rear pulled in flat as her legs shrank and weakened as well. "Daddy?" she questioned looking up at Mason before looking beyond him to Ruby "Mommy?" she asked. Her changed clothes shrunk in tandem with her body, changing and modifying as they went. Her bra disappeared when it was no longer necessary and her panties kept up with her changes as well changing from Victoria's Secret to ones with hearts and kitties on them. Her body reversed through puberty; her body lost functionality as butterflies lifted in her stomach, taking with them all thoughts and concerns of adulthood. Her legs lost definition and became the chubby legs of a six-year-old girl. Her feet shrank down inside the cheap jelly sandals, her nail polish changed from expensive to pink glitter that was chipped and peeled. Addy put her hands on her hips "We weren't going to Splash Mountain; you said we could ride the Dumbo ride!" She looked to her right and said "Tell em, Dana" Devin looked at the small girl next to him and then to Mason and Ruby. His mouth opened and shut but no words exited. With a shudder that wracked his entire body, he too began to shrink and compress down. The stocky build began to pull up and in as he lost size and mass in sudden bursts. Mason was even more amazed as he watched a greater transformation take hold of Devin. "That's not a boy's face," he thought as he watched Devin's facial features begin to change. His narrow brown eyes widened with expressive wonder as thick eyelashes filled in over baby blue eyes. His short brown hair grew long but thin, coming down in waves over his shoulders changing to blonde as it went. His thick and broad nose, broken a few times during fights as a kid first straightened before pulling up and back and shrinking down super small as chubby cheeks also became his. Small and thin pink lips, now covered in glittery lip gloss appeared as all of his teeth changed into baby teeth. His chin was more pointed than Addy's but their smiles matched. Devin's body shuddered and shrank, shuddered and shrank as height and weight came off in waves taking his body down smaller and smaller each time. His pants flashed a bright pink and changed to shorts and his white sneakers became a glittery pair of cheap jelly sandals that matched Addy's but yet looked a bit more worn out. "They were Addy's and they got passed down to her...little sister" flashed through both Mason and Ruby's minds simultaneously. "Oh God" Ruby whispered as Devin continued his downward journey. His small and thin arms pulled up allowing his bright green and glittery Tinkerbell shirt to keep getting smaller around him. "What ride are we going to next Mommy?" he asked; his high-pitched and innocent voice in stark contrast with his still changing body. Devin's legs pulled up and in, his hips, stomach, rear and chest still getting smaller. "This is impossible!" Mason thought as Devin lost a tremendous amount of size in such a short span of time. His feet became tiny, his legs short and thin "My Pe..." he began, a look of shock on his innocent looking childish face. "We don't talk about that Dana!" Addy yelled "Don't get in trouble!" she stomped her small foot. Devin's penis and testicles had vanished under his tiny pink shorts changing Devin into 4-year-old Dana. "Devin man..." Mason said weakly looking down at the girl even smaller than Addison. Ruby's attention now shifted to Logan, whose eyes rolled up and back. His shaggier brown hair began to lighten and thin, turning much lighter than even the other two's hair. It was almost white and as his eyes refocused, they too had turned blue. Logan had a lean and lithe build, his powerful and muscular legs allowed him to be a punter for a college football team, but now, those muscles weakened to the point where he was having trouble even standing. His knees wobbled as he began the same pattern as Devin of shudder and shrink, shudder and shrink. Logan's white t-shirt now had the body of Minnie Mouse leading up to the collar where his face would take Minnie's place. His khaki cargo shorts changed into simple purple cotton ones that hugged up close and tight on his thighs. His legs and feet began to diminish, his sneakers changed into the same glittery jelly sandals but now they looked like they were on their last legs. Smaller and smaller he became, his face passing even toddler status and looking downright babyish in appearance. His blue eyes crinkled when he smiled against the sun, his lips thinning, his teeth changing to baby teeth where not even all of those had come in yet. His nose just a tiny button. All muscle definition was lost as his arms, legs and body contracted and shrank through adolescence stages down to that of a 2-year-old. Logan's boxer shorts puffed up and out, changing into a diaper as he too lost his penis and testicles along with his adult cares and worries. A stroller sat unnoticed by Ruby behind her which now contained her purse and a diaper bag as Logan sat down hard on the pavement. An instinct overcame her and she rushed over to Lily who sat confused on the warm pavement. "Grant?" Mason said turning his attention to the last friend on the right as Ruby fussed over Lily. Grant had stood perfectly still as he began to get smaller and younger, but unlike the others, his clothes did not change. He still wore a black t-shirt and jeans and sneakers that steadily shrank with him. "Grant?" Mason snapped his fingers but got no response at all. Grant was shrinking rapidly, his face a blank slate. Smaller and smaller he went; first getting smaller than Addison, then Dana, then even Lilith. "Say something Grant!" Mason yelled at his dwindling friend. Grant's head turned slightly and in a flash, all his clothes vanished leaving a small and naked female infant. "Oh Shit," Mason said. He crouched down to reach for Grant and then...he was gone. Mason scrambled backward. At the same time, he saw Ruby lurch forward and heard her yell out "WHOA!" as he said, "What the..." Mason was on his rear end "Where did he go...what happened to Grant?" *** Ruby was crouched down soothing Lily. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Grant getting smaller and smaller until she suddenly felt pushed forward with a great shove in her back. "WHOA!" she yelled and put her hands down to catch herself as a wave of nausea and pressure slammed into her. Her weight shifted forward, her center of gravity changed drastically and she heard that same skin stretching sound as before when her breasts had arrived. "What the fuck?" she muttered as she heard Mason behind her scrambling and calling for Grant. Time swirled and it took every ounce of strength to keep from passing out due to the sudden change and realization to what had just happened to her body. Ruby looked down and saw her loose shirt was no longer loose; it was now quite tight over her swollen and pregnant belly. "Mason," she said quietly. Mason was still scrambling around and looking frantically for Grant. Ruby stuck her hand up in front of him and as calmly as she could said "Help me up" as she got onto her knees. Mason looked down at the hand "What?" he said for the umpteenth time but he took it and lifted, somewhat surprised at the weight behind it. "You've got to help me find Grant, he disappeared!" "Mason," Ruby said. "Help me find Grant!" Mason repeated. "I know where Grant's at," Ruby said. Mason spun around looking her in the eyes. He put his hands on her shoulders "Where is he?" he said frantically. Ruby simply looked down. Mason's eyes trained down "Whoa!" he said taking a step back upon seeing her now bulging belly. Ruby put her hand beneath it and supported her pregnant bulge. She looked back up and into Mason's eyes. Tears formed in her own "I have never been more scared and confused in my entire life" she said. "Uh" Mason was shocked and dumbfounded, He staggered back only to have 6- year-old Addison come rushing up to him. "Come on Daddy," she said taking him by the hand. Four-year-old Dana now rushed up the other side and took his left and pulled "Yeah...you said we could go see Dumbo Daddy" "Umbo...Umbo..." Two-year-old Lily said as she happily clapped standing up. "No roller" she pointed to the stroller. Mason looked at Ruby with pleading eyes "What the hell are we going to do?" *** If Ruby responded, Mason didn't hear her as he was practically dragged away by Addy and Dana. The line for the Dumbo ride was starting to clear up by the time the three walked over. Addy and Dana continued to pull Mason until they were in line. The two little girls were super giddy with excitement and kept talking about how excited they were to ride the ride. Mason, on the other hand, was absolutely terrified. To him, all of this was one huge nightmare that he'd wake up from in the comfort of the bed back in the resort suite. There was just no logical explanation for what he just witnessed. First, there was watching Rub?n turning into a woman, then watching Addison reverse in age. Mason's thought immediately stopped there as he remembered the look in Addison's eyes right after she first called him "Daddy". "And now look at her," he thought. "She's a six-year-old girl with no recollection of ever being the twenty-something woman she formerly was." His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Addison and Dana yelling for him to move up. Blinking a few times and quickly shaking his head as if he just woke up. Mason noticed he was a good ten feet behind the girls. A brief sense of fatherly worry passed through him as he walked forward. "What would their mother think if something happened to them all because you're in La-La Land?" the thought rushing through Mason's head. Again he stopped. Wondering why he even thought that. He didn't have very long as Dana grabbed his hand and kept a hold of it. "What's wrong Daddy?" Dana asked sweetly while looking up at him with her bright blue eyes. "N-nothing..." he lied, looking down at her. Something about looking at the four-year-old girl made his heart melt, as if he'd had this undying love for the little girl and would do anything to keep her safe. Looking over at Addison, who looked like she was getting impatient waiting in line, he noticed he felt the same way about her. Eventually, the three were at the front of the line and the two young girls were super excited to finally get on the ride. The attendant was just as eager to get the three into their "Dumbo". Dana was the first to crawl into the ride followed by Addison and then Mason. After making sure everyone was properly seated the attendant walked away to start the ride. As the ride began, Addison grabbed the plastic stick in front of them that controlled whether they went up or down. She slammed it upward and the three got higher and higher. Mason looked out beyond the ride to see if he could see Ruby and Lilith. It wasn't until the second time they went around in a circle that he noticed they were over by Cinderella. "I wonder how she's handling all of this?" he thought as he turned his head back to the two little girls squealing in delight as Dana grabbed the controls. *** "Where are you?" Ruby said in a daze as the two small blonde girls grabbed Mason by the hands and led him off. "I need...I need to...uh..." her hand went to her temple and she flipped her hair away from her face. "I need to think" she finally said with a long sigh. Crowds of people pushed around her, claustrophobia and panic began to set into her chest "I can't breathe" she said panting. Her mind swam "This is a dream...I have to be dreaming...this isn't real...this can't be real...I...what Honey?" she asked looking down at the very small girl tugging at her bare leg. "Momma...Rella!" Lily said pointing. "What?" Ruby replied. "RELLA!" Lilly screamed and squealed and clapped and hopped up and down swinging her arms. Ruby turned and saw a woman in full Cinderella makeup and costume standing before her. "Are you okay?" Cinderella asked with a voice sounding full of concern. "I..." Ruby managed to say but nothing more. "I saw you over here and you looked a bit overwhelmed," Cinderella said calmly. She bent and picked up a purse and set it on top of the stroller. She gathered up a stray diaper bag and put it underneath "My that is full but it looks like you know what you're doing" "No I don't," Ruby said, her voice shaking and quivering "What's the matter?" Cinderella asked, she put her hand on Ruby's slight shoulder and pressed down. Ruby felt calmer than she had been at the touch of this stranger's hand. "Take a deep breath and close your eyes for just a moment" Cinderella advised. "My name is actually Emmi...close enough to Ella but also different" she confided. "I see this all the time; family vacation...kids are wound up...it can be so much" "You have no idea...really...I can't even begin to tell you what just happened" Ruby said. Emmi locked eyes with Ruby "I know it's a bit much for you Ruby, but trust me...it's for the best" "How did you know...how did you...what did you call me?" Ruby said confused. "I said that I know you're overwhelmed and you're expected to be...three girls and another on the way...first trip to Disney" she smiled down at Lily. "I bet you want to get your picture taken with me right?" Lily bounced up and down and smiled wide "Yes!" Emmi pulled Ruby's cell phone out and handed it to another worker who was nearby "Please take our picture together" Emmi lifted Lillith up onto a bench and stood to one side as Ruby stood on the other. Ruby smiled despite her confusion as the worker took several shots and handed the phone over. "You need to talk to Mason," Emmi said. "Enjoy your stay" Ruby's jaw opened to speak but nothing came out. Emmi was gone, moving in a crowd to another location to take more pictures. Ruby slumped down onto the bench, sitting down hard. Lily danced away next to her, bouncing and yelling "I met Cinderella" A pain shot through Ruby's lower back that made her wince and hold her breath as the baby inside of her kicked and rolled. She stuck her foot out and hooked the stroller, pulling it closer to her. She grabbed the diaper bag and brought out a sippy cup which she handed to Lillith. Lillith sat and started to drink her apple juice while she watched people pass by "Balloon!" she yelled when a little boy went by with one. "Mickey!" she yelled when a man went by wearing Mickey's ears. Ruby sighed and rubbed her extended belly "I can't be a pregnant woman...how can I be sitting here...Logan..." she looked at the girl playing happily with a stuffed Pluto on the bench next to her. She opened her phone which was totally different than it should be. The background wallpaper was a picture of Mason and some skinny blonde "Me?" she said to the photo. She brought up the pictures just taken and shook her head in disbelief "I need to talk to Mason" She said "Time to go into the stroller" "No!" Lily yelled. "We need to go find Daddy and your sisters" and with those words Lily jumped down and climbed into the stroller. Ruby bent and fastened her in, her breath catching and a pain shooting down from her hip through her left leg "Oh this sucks" she hissed out as she wheeled the stroller around and began to make her way to the Dumbo ride. She saw them up on the ride as she made her way over to the exit. "Mommy!" Dana yelled and waved. "Mom! Look at us!" Addy yelled nearly bouncing out of her seat "Look at Us Mom!" Mason looked like a deer in the headlights, a faint smile on his lips as the ride came to a stop. An attendant came and unbuckled them and the girls ran well ahead of Mason as they left. "Mom! Mommy! Did you see us? Did you get your picture taken with Cinderella? Where are we going next? I'm thirsty!" both girls talked at the same time. "Mason" she yelled over the nonstop noise "Please tell me you have some idea of what's going on" Mason shook his head "I don't" he said sheepishly. "Well we can't just keep going around like nothing's happened; we need to figure this out I mean look at us, man; you're the only one who looks like himself" Ruby said as Dana and Addy argued about if they should go to It's a Small World or the Tea Cups next. "But..." Mason began. "But nothing! Grant is inside me, man! I'm a woman and everybody else has been turned into kids!" Ruby said grabbing Mason by the shoulders. "SMALL WORLD!" Addy and Dana yelled together. Addy grabbed her Dad and Dana grabbed her Mom and off they went, Lily riding in the stroller that Ruby grabbed and began to push. *** "She was right. They desperately needed to talk about what had happened but with three screaming kids around, that was proving to be difficult." Mason thought as they walked to the ride. "Mommy when is Robin coming?" Dana asked out of the blue. "Robin?" Ruby asked before realizing who she meant. "Er... in a few months, hon." "I can't wait to meet her," Dana said while giving her Mom's leg a hug. "Me too...?" Ruby replied looking over at Mason with a fearful look. He didn't say a word as they kept walking. At one point he checked his phone to see what time it was and noticed it was getting to be later in the evening. "After this ride, we should probably think about eating supper and then relax a bit before bed." Mason finally chimed in. "Aww...! But I wanna ride more rides!" Addison whined. "We have all week, Addy." "B-but..." "No buts missy." Mason didn't realize how much he sounded like a father scolding his child until a few minutes later. It bothered him how well he seemed to be fitting into this new role of his. When it came to talking to Ruby, though, he was pretty clueless. Ruby was getting more and more annoyed that Mason seemed to ignore her every time she mentioned they needed to talk about their situation. He seemed to be more focused on the kids than her. "Mason, why are you ignoring me?" Ruby leaned against him and whispered into his ear as they sat down for the ride. "Sorry," he started. "We do need to talk about what happened but not with little ears around. When we get them to bed, we'll have all the time to talk. Okay?" "Promise?" Ruby replied feeling unsure. "Yes," said Mason as he tried to drown out the sound of the high-pitched voices singing 'it's a small world after all'. When the ride was finally over, both Mason and Ruby swore they'd never ever ride that cursed thing again. If they never heard "It's a Small World" again, it'd be too soon. The new "family" made their way back to the resort where they went in search of food. Thankfully the buffet was still open when they arrived a little past 7. There weren't as many choices as their normally would as the buffet would close in just a little under an hour. Mason helped Addison and Dana get some pieces of chicken onto their plates with some veggies on the side; he decided to get the same thing. Ruby had helped Lilly pick out some things before helping herself to a warm bowl of cheddar broccoli soup. The dining area was full of tables and booths to sit in. Most of the tables had their chairs on them already so Mason and Ruby opted for a booth. Addy and Dana slid into the left side and urged for their Mommy to sit with them. Mason just stuck his tongue out at them and said: "That's fine I'll sit with my baby Lilly". He slid in next to Lilly who was sitting in a dark plastic booster seat and extremely happy that she was sitting next to her Daddy. Their late supper wasn't all that spectacular and the oldest girls were quick to voice their opinion on the matter. "Shh. Don't say that so loudly." Ruby tried to hush them as she looked over at the buffet stations. The chefs either didn't hear the young girls or didn't care as they were busy cleaning up their various stations. "Sorry!" both girls said in a much quieter voice as they picked at the veggies still on their plate. When the girls had finally finished their veggies, they all trudged back to their room. Mason was carrying Lilly who was trying her best not to fall asleep as she rested her head on his shoulder. Ruby was holding both Dana and Addison's hands as they all stepped into the elevator and headed up to the fifth floor. *** Luckily all three girls began to yawn as they were getting their baths, barely even staying awake enough to splash around. Once in their PJ's, they were all out like lights, lined up in bed. Ruby had held her tongue long enough, she and Mason had sat by quietly as the kids drifted off to sleep but once she was sure they were all out, she pointed at him "You. Me. Bathroom.Now!" Mason got up and followed her as she shut the door behind her. "What the living Hell Mas..." she began running her hands through her long blonde hair "I am scared to death. I turned into a fucking pregnant woman for God's sake today! We lost Grant...we fucking lost him!" she was whispering as loud and as forcefully as she could but she took a break to pat her stomach. "Our other three best friends...and need I remind you your former girlfriend are all changed into little girls and calling us Mommy and Daddy! What the fuck are we going to do?" "Calm down...I think that's first. We both need to stay calm and keep our cool and try to figure this out" Mason said. "How am I supposed to stay calm Dude...I have a vagina! I am now a fully functioning female and I know this because of this...Grant...Robin? Sitting on my bladder makes me have to pee like every hour" Ruby complained "I mean he was always kind of a pain in the ass...but this is ridiculous" Mason laughed and after a second of keeping a straight face, Ruby did too. "I have to laugh about it or else I'm going to start to cry" she admitted. Then, just like that, she did begin to cry. Big tears ran down her cheeks and she was whimpering and sobbing in seconds "I...I'm so messed up right now" she sat down on the closed toilet seat as Mason handed her a box of tissues. "You know I did a Google search on us...it says that we've been married for 7 years, did you know that?" "Um...no...I hadn't looked at any of that stuff yet" Mason admitted. He rubbed Ruby's shoulder and she gave him a mouthed "Thanks" "I also found out that my name is Ruby Clark-Ramirez...I kept my maiden name but I have no idea why I'm white now. I have a Hispanic last name and somehow I turned out to be a blonde" she shook her head. "Those are our children...birth records for all of them are online but nothing comes up if you type in their real names" "I don't even know where to begin honestly. I'm tired, I'm confused..." Mason said. "I'm a pregnant woman!" Ruby interrupted him to restate the obvious. "I know, I know...I don't want to sound flippant but at least you're still an adult" Mason shot back. Ruby took a deep breath finally calming down from her crying jag. "They seem to not remember anything about who they used to be; it's like they were mind wiped or something when they transformed" "But you remember everything?" Mason asked. "Yes and I'm freaking out" She looked down at her burgeoning belly "I can't give birth, I'm not prepared for that" She was calming down, though. Mason watched her for a moment in silence, she began to squirm around and her hand shot up "Are you going to help me stand up or are you just going to stare at me...help a pregnant lady out why don't ya?" "Oh...sorry" he helped pull her to her feet and she let out a long breath. "I think I'm calm for the moment" Ruby announced and she opened the bathr

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“Did you have a good nap?” The voice was cold, snapping Mike out of his slumber. Tink’s arms clutched him tightly, and he pushed the blankets off of his head, staring at the dark figure in his room. He reached out to touch the lamp, warm light bathing the angry figure in the doorway. She stood with her arms crossed and a messenger bag slung over her shoulder. “Uh ... hi Beth.” Mike slid sideways out of the blankets. “So, uh, I’m sure you have some questions.” Sitting up, Mike tried to keep...

1 year ago
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Invasion of Earth

It has finally arrived. An invasion of Earth has begun, and you are the catalyst of many. However, the aliens doing the invading are not doing it through destruction or death. No, their invasion is silent and even more deadly than anyone can imagine. The aliens invading Earth are going to use something all humans enjoy more than anything: Sex. How they do this is ultimately up to you, as the invasion and its success is entirely your direction. You have choices of the species of alien you are...

1 year ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 11 Earth

Nash decided it was time to make his move. They were a day short of docking with the Armstrong SS, that orbited the moon when Nash informed the Captain that the ship would be put in the dry-docks. This was so the scientists and engineers could go over the boat to make sure it was still in working order. Nick understood this actually meant it was so they could work out what the hell Lee had done to the ship. Nash then informed him that he and the crew would all be detained. They would then...

1 year ago
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Her Angel on Earth

Suddenly, a song starts playing. The old feelings become new again, the past comes crashing in with a renewed clarity. Scared, so scared. Not sure what is going to happen afraid to even speculate. When the day is over, what will the results of the rage be? What will be left of the shell of a person in the corner? Thunk, thunk, thunk, his steps as he draws closer, ever closer, with that look in his eyes, are amplified by her fear. Will this be the day he goes over the edge? Will it be...

2 years ago
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My women of Earth

My species tend to be taller and bulkier than the people of Earth, last night I watched old film, Conan something, the actor playing Conan would be classed a little short but about average body mass and muscle where I come from. I’m also about middling so apart from my skin colour I can get away walking around publicly. I’m black, not the brown of your black people or of that wondrous food you call chocolate but that real absence of colour “black”. A genetic enhancement means we can call...

4 years ago
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The Last Man on Earth

The last man on earth, somehow. The thought crossed your mind during almost every one of the now rare dull moments where you had time to focus on something other than the project. Whatever it was that had happened during 'The Disappearance', it left you in a pretty good spot. You knew that most guys had probably fantasized about your situation at one point or another before they all vanished, and you weren't a fool, you knew when to appreciate a gift while you could. So that is exactly what you...

2 years ago
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OverBoar The Conquest of Third Earth

Alex sighed as he click through another add. He stretch as the exhaustion started to hit him. He had been job searching for weeks and no luck. He had zero aspiration for his future, in school. He didn't find any jobs or career choices that spoke to. he sighed as he rubbed his temples before his apartment doorbell rang. "Package for Miles." The deliveryman said. "What the..." He said looking at the small box. "This isn't my Guin Dakimaru. Hey!" He called to the delivery man but found he had...

2 years ago
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Paradise On Earth

Hello Friends, If you are fond of watching Bollywood films, you’ll be familiar with the names of certain romantic couples who continue to rule our hearts even today. They are Raj Kapoor-Nargis, Dilip Kumar-Vejaynthimala, Amitabh Bachchan-Rekha, Salman Khan-Aishwarya, John Abraham-Bipasa Basu and Shahid Kapoor-Karina Kapoor. We all have given unlimited love and affection to the above mentioned star pairs. Their larger-than-life stories have managed to capture our hearts all these years. And we...

1 year ago
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The Last Life on Earth

We sit together, the mountain and I, until only the mountain remains. -Li Bai, trans. by Sam Hamill The last living thing on Earth sat beneath the bloated red sun, using the energy of the dim rays to turn to the raw elements of its habitat into useful tools for its continued existence. DNA coded for RNA which was turned into proteins, much as it had for billions of years. If a person had been on the beach, looking at the shallow pool where life had persisted against all odds after each and...

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Nothing Comes Free on Earth

“Ms. Esperanza, I assure you that I have set the ideal course for the nearest planet of refuge – per your instructions. We will arrive there in approximately fifteen minutes and– “ “If we’re not there in five, the only bits of us that will make it will be atmospheric dust!” Elia bit back at the voice emanating omnipresently into the cabin that was only otherwise occupied with flashing red lights and the mechanical complaints of a propulsion system failing rapidly. “.. and, in case we both die...

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Darkness returns to Middleearth

It is the year 145 in the fourth age of Middle-Earth. After the death of King Elessar, his son Eldarion toik the throne of Gondor. At first, things seemed peaceful, but a great evil was preparing to unleash it's fury upon the free peoples of Middle-Earth. It was in early summer of the year when strange reports began to come from the outlying provinces of Gondor, as well as from Rohan. Some say that a darkness lay over the desolation of Mordor, abandoned since the fall of Sauron. Others say that...

1 year ago
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Between being filthy rich and gay, I have been known to havedished out tidy sums of money over the years on some of mymore wilder sexual frolics. Yes on things like transsexualcrossdressers beautiful enough to win most state widebeauty contests. Or freaks endowed with cocks the sizeof large breeding farm a****ls. But none can even come closeto rivaling my wild five day South African Safari Cock Adventure!Yes when Phillip Kleman, a former diamond smuggler anda****l poacher promised me the most...

3 years ago
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Last Boy On Earth

I woke up in a blur.............count see much, just a collaboration of images and words, I suppose that’s the thing people are talking about when your life flashes before your eyes before something horrible happens to you. I heard voices very faint hard to make out whom it was, or let alone what it was. It was a woman a beautiful women, then i realized where i was, in a hospital bed."Take it easy k**" that’s what the nurse said, or doctor i wasn’t sure at the time. I was more worried about my...

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November 16,is my birthday. A week before my birthday,my mom asked me what do I wants for my birthday and I have give her an envelope what I want for my birthday and place it inside her purse.I am turning 18 on my birthday, and my mom will be 42 years old 3 weeks after my birthday. I am the only one son . My father passed away when I was 14 years old. My mom is an old fashioned individual , and believe only 1 marriage . She never go out socializing with her friends .Works, buy groceries and...

2 years ago
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Life on Earth

Madison knew it was forbidden. That was what enticed herforward. The burning cold lay before her. And behind her… Well she couldn’t go back now. Not back to Purity. She refused to remain Pure, the burden of it pulled at her heart. Or at least, where her heart would be if she had one. But since she had met Jasper, he was all she longed for. The Pure aren’t supposed to allow themselves to feel desire in that way. They are only meant to desire to serve the Pristine Goddesses, the virginal saints...

3 years ago
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Down to Earth

Michael Partenza parked her Corvette in front of Hanger Alpha 01 and got out, walking toward the armed guard with the locked and load M16A1. She rifled through her purse looking for the pass plates that would let her into the hanger. Michael found them and proffered them, causing the Air Police Tech Sergeant to snap to attention and salute rather than turning her into human hamburger meat. Michael returned the salute and walked in. she thought grimly, 'He would have done it, too, without...

1 year ago
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Life on Earth

Madison knew it was forbidden. That was what enticed herforward. The burning cold lay before her. And behind her... Well she couldn’t go back now. Not back to Purity. She refused to remain Pure, the burden of it pulled at her heart. Or at least, where her heart would be if she had one. But since she had met Jasper, he was all she longed for. The Pure aren’t supposed to allow themselves to feel desire in that way. They are only meant to desire to serve the Pristine Goddesses, the virginal...

3 years ago
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Last Girls On Planet Earth

LAST  GIRLS  ON  PLANET  EARTH"So what do you want to do today?" asked Chin Tsien. "What we always do every day. Watch some films," Margaret said.Chin Tsien and margaret were the last 2 people on Earth, ever since a virus killed the rest of the planet.As for why thye survived, they don't even know. Both girls were college students, and housemates, in a district of Vancouver, Canada.Chin Tsien was a Chinese-Singaporean; 5 foot 9, slim, with long black hair, high cheekbones and at the tender age...

3 years ago
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Feel heaven on earth

Hi all. I am rockstar, 5.8″ tall very fair and muscular built with inviting smile and expressive eyes. I would like to share a lovely experience with you all. I work in an it mnc and live in one of the posh localities in the city. Beside my flat there was a north indian family. They had two little babies of age 2 yrs and 4 yrs. The lady lets name her angel. Angel was like a real angel. 5.7 tall with yellowish white bright color with colored hairs and pink rosy lips. She often used to wear jeans...

2 years ago
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Parent Teacher ConferenceChapter 16 Life Back on Earth

The trip took even less time that I had expected. Soon Lara and I were on Earth, and back at my old apartment. It looked just as it did before I left, before my attack. My floor safe was closed and undisturbed, but I knew the letters and notes were gone. I discovered that we had only been gone four weeks, not five weeks as I had thought. I introduced Lara to Earth culture including food, clothes, and I even taught her how to drive my car. The marks on my wrists were fading fast and I was sure...

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A Thousand Years of Peace Book 2Chapter 23 The last battle for peace on earth

The next morning. John and Jenny had put Vid and his family along with his son Mesha and Demetri into the best rooms at the hotel. Mesha’s girlfriend stayed with Sally at the Taylor residence. Vid had agreed to stay three days to be in on the overall planning for bringing the Arab people to God. Vid laid the above map of Northern Africa on the table at Sou’s. They had just finished enjoying Buffalo Steak and Eggs for breakfast. “We have around two thousand men and women in Africa now. All...

3 years ago
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Angels Beckys FUN Placer Mining Day 1 of 7

Carl & me were preparing to go to our placer mining claims on the AmericanRiver in a couple of days & I was at his house going over what supplies weneeded to get & making other plans too. Angel & Becky had asked us if theycould go with us for this week of mining. These claims were named THE PLEASURES& we were going to add even more pleasure to this trip by taking the girlsalong, so Carl & me were making some ground rules regarding this trip.1) The girls had to ride to...

2 years ago
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Welcome home to earth, well maybe not your world, maybe major political events had occurred differently? Maybe Bernie had won the election, maybe Hitler had won the war, maybe Martin Luther King evaded assassination, maybe Kennedy told his secrets? There are plenty of facts which can diversify their world from ours, making them quite exotic after all. But you should explore them rather than have me ramble them you. So where do you begin, what historical fact bothers you most?

1 year ago
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Becoming a Female Earthling

I got this story idea after watching the movie Men in Black with my boyfriend, Vince. We got talking about sex among space aliens. This is my first attempt at writing a Sci-Fi story, and my first erotic story not based on my real life. My name is not really spellable in human letters. The closest I can render it for you is Zalmingra. But you have to imagine adding three squeaks, a tongue click, and two finger snaps during that pronunciation - all while making a sort of snorting noise. I was the...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Hero Ine Salvage the Earthians

Hero Ine - Salvage the Earthians by Enbreeze Ine stretched out upon the " couch of life ". It was made of red velvet and lace. Ine smiled to itself when it looked upon Earth from its space. " I love Earth.." said Ine in a voice that was neither tenor or soprano, " shame.. so many people unhappy and destroying their home... " Ine stood up. Ine, looking at it. had short, muscular arms, a discreetely feminine face, and a very boyish hair cut. Ine's light purple slippers flopped...

2 years ago
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Conspiracy of DreamsChapter 2 A Murder Earthshaking

A Murder Earthshaking Hank Dalton hurried through the underground passage between his home and his office. The scanner had announced TWO people in the visitor's conveyance. Hank glanced at the data link in his hand, a device known commercially as a Palm Slave, and tried to discern the people carried in the slave compartment of the government-issue sky car. Normal people never paid attention to the contents of a slave compartment. They thought that nobody important was back there. As Hank...

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The Divine comedy Part 2 No prizes for second place1

******************************************************************************* Author’s note – This one is a long one, I considered breaking it into two separate chapters but couldn’t find a way to make that work and still flow. I also know that this was the chapter in which the main plot was to be revealed but the story hasn’t allowed for that yet. I promise the big reveal will come in Chapter 3. As with all my stories, this one is longer on plot than it is on sex, the good stuff only...

1 year ago
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Laplace Transform

Copyright© 2003 by Carlos Malenkov I can't help wondering what it would be like having sex with a man. Gina and I have a stable and loving relationship. We've been together a couple of years now, and the sex is still pretty good. Otherwise we get along quite well, except for occasional arguments about money. Last night we were making love. She was on her hands and knees, and I had my cock deep in her pussy and was reaching around to rub her clit. At that very intense moment, just...

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I'm not sure exactly why I did it. Well, of course the reason I chose the study topic is obvious: I can only really fill out my B cups when my weight goes up or once a month. But what the study turned into... , well, maybe it was when I saw the applicants. You see, I'm doing post-graduate work in the bio-medical field. I saw those ads for the herbal supplements to enhance your breasts, and I was intrigued. The fact is, I can't imagine letting someone take a knife to me and sticking that...

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Cam Place! If you are one of those folks looking to find a perfect live cam site ThePornDude just landed you on one. Lots of diverse European girls signing up as models on this site each passing day. Find all your fantasy women here whether kinky, red-haired, big tits, assful, small tits or whatever it is you love in these goddamn fucking hot women. They are ready to get down to some nasty action just to keep you busy with a fap. It’s simple, afford the tokens to tip the models and in return...

Live Sex Cam Sites
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Birch Place! Welcome to a place made for all transgender and bi-curious people, the birchplace.com. This place is the best place for you to chat with random people who share your interests and love for a certain naughty act. There will be lots of horny trannies and bi-curious people here, and honestly, I had fun exploring everything they have to offer.A bit confusing at the beginning…This place has been founded in 1995 and seeing as how it still has business, they might be doing something...

Shemale Porn Sites
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Cuckold Place! So, I heard you get off watching your spouse/GF or whoever get rammed by another man? Don’t worry; you are not alone. There are lots and lots of men just like you. In fact, there were so many people who enjoyed this kind of an act that there is now a term to describe it all, cuckold. In case you have never heard about the cuckold fetish, I shall explain it in the best way I know.Basically, a man who gets a boner by encouraging his wife to sleep with another person is called a...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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The Happiest Place on Earth

Thank you to my good friend Melody, for providing the inspiration for this tale~ As we ride the monorail, it's dark and quiet. I relax against the seat, enjoying the time with you. I'm a bit tired, resting on the hard blue bench, chuckling as you swing around gleefully on the handlebars in the compartment. As we reach the Contemporary, I see a gleam in your eye. Suddenly, you swing onto the bench where I sit, straddling me. The lightweight pink skirt you wear flutters up, settling back down...

4 years ago
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The Death of Saema Chapter 6 Commended to the Earth

He had thought about Saema a lot since her death. Sometimes, he was wracked with guilt, wondering if there was something he could have done to save her. At other times, he just thought about the good times they had. Saema had been very good to him and was a great girlfriend; in some ways, he didn’t feel like he deserved her. Now, though, she had been taken away from him and it was hard for him not to wonder what could have been. As he approached her casket, he peered inside and saw her laying...

1 year ago
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Black Paradise On Earth

My name is Jennifer Saint Hill. Just a tall, voluptuous young black woman living in the city of Boston, Massachusetts. I write this because I want to give thanks. I’m thankful for what I’ve got. The Good Lord gave me intelligent, health and good looks. He also gave me a wonderful family. I am grateful for my father, Franklin Saint Hill. He’s a stocky black man who works as a police sergeant in Boston. My mother Elise is a guiding light in my life. A fine complement to my father’s discipline and...

2 years ago
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Isla DAmor Heaven on Earth

I think I have found Heaven on Earth. If so, whether I am truly that ‘li’l devil’ you always joked I was, or not, I feel like a living angel. It all started when Joe, the man I told you I have been living with recently, came home from work the other day. I wish we had the time for you to meet him. I will be sending you a photo so you can see why I joke that, at 6’4′, and with arms of steel, if my ‘Giant Giuseppe,’ as I call him, holds his arms straight out, I can use them as chin up bars...

4 years ago
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The Greatest Game on Earth

You had gone to sleep without a hint of what was to come. It was about 1 am, although who could know that, when you awake, standing on stage of cheap game show from the 70s. The studio lights in front of you blind you to anything beyond them. The host of the show, a short man with overly-greased black hair and an incredibly superficial smile, greats you. "Welcome to the Greatest Game on Earth!" The audience suddenly comes alive. Through you can't see them, they chant the name of the show along...

Mind Control
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Ass Earth

The genders of Ass Earth have some small differences. Men: make up about 30% of the population. Testicle size ranges from golf ball to tennis ball and most men have four. Most men only enjoy giving anal sex during long term relationships and sometimes dislike anal entirely. Male ejaculation can be stopped at will after the first few drops. An uninterrupted ejaculation can be as much as 10 oz. Male/male sex is taboo and shunned especially by non-males. Male/neep sex is looked down on by most...

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The Greatest Show on Earth

You turn down the radio and try to keep the car on the road as you again pick up the small scrap of paper that was pressed into your hand at the club last week. "The Greatest Show on Earth," it said, "Girls and their Beaux, Guys and their Studs, Naughty Mommies, you name it, we have it." Then there was directions to some place out in the desert, you almost didn't go, but the stresses of the week (especially that fucking tease, Jillian, from work, wearing that tight blue dress again that showed...

4 years ago
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Heaven On Earth

Heaven On EarthBy: Londebaaz ChohanSeth and Garfield met for the first time at their Bank’s annual sales conference and were surprised to learn that they lived hardly a mile away from each other but with the regional demarcation line going exactly through that mile, they worked for entirely different regions and never had met before at the regional meetings. One evening, sitting late at the bar; Seth had to confess that although being married, he had no k**s because he had an open relationship...

2 years ago
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Heaven on Earth

have been thinking of you all the time, dying to meet you.  I am now driving to the airport to meet you.  I still can’t believe it’s true.  I am in knots thinking about meeting you for the first time.  The closest airport is two hours from my house in the mountains.  The entire drive I am anxious, thinking about how freaking beautiful you are, what will you think when you actually see me, what will we say/do, how it will be to hold you/kiss you; so many things.  The drive goes fast because of...

2 years ago
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Heaven on Earth

I was married to Anitha almost two years back and recently she went to her native place for her first delivery. She had to undergo a Ceasarian operation and stayed in hospital for 15 days. I went to my in-laws place to see my wife who was in hospital. My mother in law attended her in the hospital and as only one person is allowed to stay with the patient I came back home. My father-in-law aged about 46 years and my younger brother-in-law aged around 19 yrs were at home. To kill my time I saw a...

4 years ago
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The Last Man On Earth

On one hand, you sort of expected that being the last man on Earth would make you the de facto ruler. In some sense, this was true; your word is essentially law inside the Breeding Complex. In another sense it was not true: you are very much a prisoner here. The survival and propagation of the human species depends on your safety; you would never really be allowed to leave. But of course, why would you want to? By now, the Breeding Complex was large enough that it should really be called the...

3 years ago
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The Near Fall of Earth

Klara stood in the center of New Mombasa, looking up into the night sky. The Covenant had found and invaded Earth. The last few hours had been chaos and death all across the city, with the rest of the world remaining mostly safe. Whatever it was the Covenant wanted, it was near the city it seemed. She checked her MA5, it's ammunition counter stating the weapon's magazine was still full. She had gotten separated from the rest of her Squad, and the ODST's that had joined them. She thanked her...

1 year ago
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Slipping the Surly Bonds of Earth

Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of earth, And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings; Sunward I’ve climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth Of sun-split clouds, --and done a hundred things You have not dreamed of --Wheeled and soared and swung High in the sunlit silence. Hov’ring there I’ve chased the shouting wind along, and flung My eager craft through footless halls of air... Up, up the long, delirious, burning blue I’ve topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace Where...

1 year ago
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Monica MechanicChapter 6 Earth

As a result of their visit to Chaos, Miriam, and especially Robyn, now had a much more direct approach to handling issues. When walking through her hospital’s lobby, Robyn’s crystal blue eyes flashed, and her pale clear skin flushed red when William, HR’s recruiter, pinched her butt as she passed him. Robyn stomped his instep, seized the surprised man by the tie, and jerked him limping along to the HR director’s office. “Millie, pull up the surveillance video from the lobby, and while...

3 years ago
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FTL II First ContactChapter 17 What to do about Earth

The people of Dermas V took note of the space battle taking place at the edge of their solar system. They were more advanced than they had let on. Having figured some things out from many 'coincidences', they also had a complete distaste for the Grays. The Grays were the only race they knew of, and that was only because of the distasteful experiments that had been made on them years before. They were quickly able to ascertain that the winning side in this battle was the Grays, because of...

2 years ago
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A Thousand Years of Peace Book 2Chapter 25 The last Battle on Earth

John was in the new F-665 that Kevin had put together for them. The date was February 15, 2019. The F-665 was fifty feet across. It truly looked like a flying saucer. The ship could hold forty individuals comfortable. It looked very much like what they had been fighting in Antarctica. The twenty-ton machine could go a million miles per hour and had some very serious teeth if it needed. The shields again were much better and could take some very serious hits with no damage. Since the trip to...

2 years ago
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Adams ApplesChapter 3 Down to Earth

JACK ADAMS GOT BACK TO EARTH after rendezvousing with the freighter at the ISS and switching command of his repair shuttle to Lee Burke. “You got the easy stuff,” Lee groused. “I’ve loaded guidance for the shuttle from satellite to satellite in the deeper ranges of LEO. Sometimes it will take me three days to get from one to the next.” “Watch out for those black ones. After I boosted that last one and reset it, all hell broke loose. I went back and it was completely fried. I towed it back...

1 year ago
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Up to Earth

The very fact that it happened startled Emily; to some extent she didn’t expect anything to happen. The college student had lit the candles and gotten the materials: a goat’s heart, some various flowers, a dead chicken. She’d even stripped naked and drawn the lines of blood around her body. The moment she’d spoken the words, the air began to crackle with some unholy energy. A point of light appeared in the room, growing quickly to an oval shape. The light, while blinding to Emily, was a deep...


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