PrisonerChapter 6 free porn video

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White mist. He tried to focus. A wall. 'Hospital, ' the wall said, as did the metal bed-frame and the ceiling modules with their cold neon lights. There were beeps and when he turned his head he saw tubes and a plastic bag hanging from a rack. He closed his eyes.

Things were wrong. Where were his sounds? Why was he warm? Where were the iron bars and the pathetic light bulb? Where was his world? Opening his eyes, he saw a dark blur against the whiteness. A black face, a nurse he found out when things pulled into focus. She looked healthy and fleshy in her starched outfit. She called his name. How could she know? She did things – then she did more things in her creaking, rustling uniform, smiling all the time. When she left she said the doctor would be coming soon.

The doctor was pink, clean and gray. He said things about undernourishment and neglect, weight loss and weakness. He smelled of aftershave. He also said things would be fine. It just needed time, he said. Then he left.

Later he felt stronger. Was it the next day? His hair had been cut, his face shaved. There was liquid food. He asked the nurse how he got there. She didn't know but would ask. When she brought tea, she said a man had delivered him at the ER after finding you in an alley, unconscious. He signed for your papers.

He thought hard, trying to hammer sense into his chaos. It must have been her driver – 'chauffeur' she said; what was his name? She must have worried about his health. He guessed she didn't want a dead body in her cellar. Or did she care? Did he care if she did? Deep down he despised her good Samaritanism. All he felt was being disposed of. He'd become a burden.

The thought ashamed him. Maybe she was right, he wasn't worthy to even be her cellar rat. Tears welled up from his eyes.

"Are you all right, sweetie?" the nurse asked. He nodded. He was right where he belonged.

The strict rhythm of the hospital caused the return of order in his life – a sense of cause and consequence, and a sense of time. There was morning, afternoon and evening again – and with it a succession of days and nights. He was tested, run through scans and found weak but healthy. They made him do exercises. He started eating real food again, though he missed the special flavor he'd gotten used to. He also missed the sounds and the scents, the subtle excitement that always lurked under a layer of numb patience.

Most of all, he missed her.

Missing her wasn't a 'hollow feeling where his heart had been, ' as so many romantics try to explain it. It wasn't anything physical at all – just a constant lack of purpose, a not knowing what to do next, or why. He missed her presence, but most of all he missed waiting for her. He'd never known when she would come down to see him, but he'd always known she would, one day. And when she did, she brought her Presence, which was his anchor. And most of all: she brought her Eyes – the two magical buoys that kept his spirit from drowning. Was he drowning now? Was he still alive?

A ringing sound pulled him out of his funk. It took him seconds to realize it was a phone ­– his phone. He never knew he still had it. The ringing stopped by the time he'd turned his body enough to grab the cell. There was a voice mail message, her Voice. "Still sleeping?" it said. Excitement kicked his guts. It felt unusual to smile. He pushed her speed-button before getting afraid enough to do it. Her Voice was breathy; it invaded his ear.


"Miss?" he answered. "André here."

"I see that," she said. "Why did you threaten to die on me, dumbo?"

"I'm sorry." He knew it would enrage her, but he could think of nothing else to say. He did feel sorry for letting her down.

"It won't happen again," he added. She chuckled.

"I'm sure it won't," she said. "Because I won't take you back."

Ice-cold disappointment invaded him.

"But, Miss..." he started. He couldn't find words in the chasm that opened before him.

"Forget it," she said, her Voice sweet. "You obviously aren't strong enough, honey." It was the truth, and it was as simple as overwhelming. He'd blown it. He'd broken his promise by failing her. Why take him back?

The silence dragged on while he tried to think.

"Still there?" she said. "I haven't got all day."

"Still here, Miss," he whispered. "You are right, of course. I am sorry for not being strong enough to serve you." Now her side was silent for a bit.

"It's as much my fault as yours," she then said. "I should never have encouraged you." He protested, trying to claim the blame exclusively, but she loudly spoke his name to cut him short.

"Go back to your life, please, André," she said, returning to her low, breathy voice. "Pick up where you left off."

He protested, but the line died. He cried for minutes, hiding his face in his pillow.

Two days later the doctor told him he could go home. He decided against discussing whether he had one. The nurse brought him the suitcase that was supposedly his, so he might find some clothes to wear. He found silk camisoles and satin panties, bras, garter belts and pairs of stockings. On top of them was a pink nylon apron with frilly straps.

Half an hour later the nurse asked him why he wasn't dressed and ready. He blushed deeply and shrugged, kicking the open suitcase with a dangling foot. She looked down. Then she looked up at him.

"Wrong suitcase, I guess," she said, turning. "Let me go look who mixed it up." He called her back.

"No need," he said. "It's the right suitcase. Wrong place, though." He smiled weakly. The nurse looked down and up, confused.

"But how ... what will you wear?" she asked. He shrugged again.

"You keep the robe for now," she said, meaning the fluffy thing he'd been walking around in these last days. "And the slippers too, so you can walk to the cab."

He'd been at the apartment for maybe an hour when she called. He tried to sound pissed off.

"So you're home?" she asked.

"No," he answered. "You know very well this isn't home anymore." He assumed she was as surprised by his tone as he was.

"You are hurt," she said. "Damn, I should never have started this." She seemed upset, and even as pseudo-pissed off as he was, he felt ashamed.

"I wanted it myself, Miss," he said after a pause. "I loved every second."

"But I didn't!" she retorted, emotions coloring her Voice. "You upset me. You make me feel guilty, you fool. Goddammit, me guilty; I'll be the laughing stock."

"I'm sorry," he said. It earned him a frustrated Cry. He stifled another automatic apology.

"I won't take you back, André," she said, sounding exhausted. "Your slimy submissiveness sticks to my skin, making me want to vomit." He wondered why she'd called him at all.

"I understand," he said. She sighed deeply.

"You don't," she decided. "You'll never understand." He didn't know what to say. She obviously didn't either.

"André?" she asked.


"You do realize that you are torturing me." She heard him gasp.

"Never, Miss! I would never do that!"

"I know that you wouldn't. But you do," she went on. "You keep forcing yourself onto me, even after I told you time and again that I don't want you around. You disgust me." Misery flowed from the cell's speaker, engulfing him.

"Miss," he said. "Please, I ... please, I know. But I can't live without you."

He'd said it. He'd said the ultimate selfish thing. He'd taken his life and laid it down at her Feet – her lovely Feet – to be kicked about and trampled upon. He knew she didn't want it; didn't want him. He almost added an apology.

The beeps of disconnection wormed into his ear.

It was two months later, and he was still alive. He even worked at his old office again, be it as a freelancer. The girl that had replaced him had been speedily promoted to editor. Now she was too busy to write articles, he supposed – too busy fucking her boss, that is – so he wrote them for her at roughly half of what he earned before. He knew what he did was debasing and humiliating. He also knew that people despised him for it, or at the very least pitied him – colleagues, friends, everybody. The fact that he didn't care was proof of who he'd become, and the lessons he'd learned.

It had been the girl who had called him and given him the job, but she seemed to do everything to make his life miserable. She often deliberately held off assignments, just to make their deadline more urgent. She also turned down perfectly good articles, making him do them again over the weekend. She put constant pressure on his fees and urged account to delay payment.

Colleagues wondered why he went for it. Friends said they were disgusted. Truth was, he quietly admired the girl for the way she manipulated males in a male world, always making them think they were in control. Jenner, his old boss, was literally her lap dog. Her male colleagues bent over backwards to please her, even if they called her insufferable behind her back and derided her quick promotion. And he? He saw it all. He was in awe and did his utmost to help her. Wasn't she proof again of the easy superiority of the female race?

One night he'd stayed late to finish a piece on South-African cooking. She'd turned it down twice that day without explanation, although it had to be finished before the next morning. He knew for sure there was nothing wrong with the content of the article, but hardly changing anything would be unacceptable. He'd once tried that and earned a harsh and very public dressing down by her.

It was past eight and the office started turning dark. His desk lamp and computer screen were the only light sources. He hadn't eaten since breakfast, not counting a donut during lunchtime. He didn't notice her approach until her hands closed over his eyes.

"Boo," she said, hissing in his ear. He just sat, his fingers still hovering over his keyboard.

"I, eh... , " he said, "I really..." She laughed, letting go of his eyes and folding her arms around his neck. Her soft chest pressed into the back of his head as she leant over him, reading his screen.

"You are such a diligent little boy," she said. "Miss A often mentions you."

He froze. Miss A? They knew each other?

"Miss A?" he asked. She chuckled, letting go of his neck. She walked around and sat down on the edge of his desk, right next to his computer.

She wore a tight skirt over dark sheer nylons. Her off-white cashmere sweater clung to her breasts in a fifties kind of way. Her wide, red mouth smiled. She leant forward, invading his personal space again. She smelled of Eau d'Issey.

"You remember when she visited Jenner?" she asked, removing stray hair from his forehead. How could he ever forget? He nodded.

"Well," she said, sitting straight again, squirming her ass cheeks into his desk, "she told him to replace you with me."

He blinked – fast. He tried to understand, ducking answers he didn't want to know. She smiled widely, stretching her arm and spreading her fingers to admire her nails – or was it the rings circling them?

"But she didn't even know me then; we never met," he gasped. She shrugged, bouncing her heeled foot by flexing a calf.

"Why would she have to know you, honey?" she asked. "She knew me."

His mind was a carrousel. It spun and spun around, taking him past faces – past laughing eyes, and sneering mouths. He clung to his colorful little horse, feeling the nausea hit the pit of his stomach. It was all so banal, looking back – her singling him out, making a date. It had never been about him, had it? Never even close.

He was going to be sick. He should be sick all over this smirking creature in front of him, shouldn't he? Cover her in the bitter gall of his defeat as the hysterical laughter of rows and rows of women washed over him. Cold sweat ran off his brow as he swayed back and forth in his chair, eyes closed, lips shaping unheard words.

After a century his ears popped open again.

"Are you all right, boy?" Her voice was soft and sweet, concerned. She'd had a great teacher, he thought. He just groaned.

"So," he tried, coughing to open his throat. "So that was all it was? A set-up to give you a shot at Jenner and this job?" She chuckled and patted his shoulder.

"I guess I have to thank you," she said. "I owe you a lot. But be honest, love... , " she went on. "It wasn't really all bad for you either, was it?"

He had no answer. A world of planned deceit and cold, cold deliberation unfolded before him. The word 'set-up' didn't even begin to explain what had happened. The girl read his emotions intently as they slowly paraded across his face. Her hand caressed his cheek. She looked concerned, eyebrows rising.

"You don't expect me to be sorry for you, honey?" she asked. "Because I won't be. You loved every minute of it. Miss A is right – it is who you are. It is what you were born for. Now don't spoil it by denying. That would be so dishonest."

Her hand was soft; it radiated warmth into his bloodless face.

"The gray woman," he croaked. She nodded, her smiling eyes close to his.

"Sarah," she said. "You were very ... revealing with her." He just stared at her, too stunned to shape a sentence.

"How?" he asked. He didn't really know why he said anything at all anymore. The earth had started swallowing him; he'd be gone soon enough. He might as well sit back and enjoy the ride – hearing how he'd been prepped, served and eaten.

"Miss Sarah is a friend," the girl said. "Ah well, aren't we all friends?" She laughed a sweet soft laugh. He could see how she'd seduced Jenner – stupid, fat, married, divorced and married again Jenner. He saw the works, the easy, breathtaking manipulation. Had Machiavelli really been a man?

"Sarah is a long time friend of Miss A's. She also has been my mistress for a while." Her eyes turned soft, remembering. Then she hardened them again, realizing he might have seen. She sat straighter, pulling at her skirt's hem.

"But Miss Sarah is way too sweet to break a girl," she went on. "She is too... involved, I guess." The girl had taken a pause before emphasizing the word. Then she shrugged.

"Anyway, knowing I was an ambitious girl, she wanted for me to get a crack at being successful. The internship at The Globe was a hoax, of course, courtesy to another good friend. And the portfolio? Well ... Let's say: once in, I knew I'd make it." She giggled.

"So, after hearing your drunken lament, Sarah had this notion of catching two flies in one swap, if you know what I mean: for me a career and for you, ah, let's call it a life-long dream coming true." She spread her hands in a 'voilà' gesture, the corners of her lips almost reaching her ears.

He admired her perfect teeth.

"Now what?" he asked, after a protracted silence in which he struggled to get past her story, past her mocking tone and the all-encompassing completeness of his humiliation. She just sat there quietly, hands folded in her lap, eyes probing his from under raised brows. Why didn't he jump to his feet, curse her and leave the office? He knew very well why. She knew it too. He shrugged. "What plans do you have with me, you and your friends?"

She clucked her tongue, shaking her head.

"Why on earth would you think I have plans with you?" she said. "I've got what I wanted, haven't I? I don't really need you; I can find other freelancers to help me out, but okay, you'll do. I may keep you for a while."

He knew he should be boiling with indignation, hearing a glaringly under-qualified girl casually dissing a seasoned professional. But he wasn't offended; he was in awe, spellbound by her eyes, her mouth, her easy confidence. He almost nodded his consent, feeling all the well-known responses rushing back. Questions about age, experience and hierarchy became utterly ridiculous. She'd crushed him like the bug he was; then provided the skeleton to prop up his weak and insignificant existence.

"Please," he muttered. "Please take me." Her eyes lit up, but her face was set in stone.

"Speak up, boy," she said, "I can't hear you." He shook the dizziness from his mind, swallowing the bile at the pit of his throat.

"Please take me, Miss," he repeated, louder. She chuckled. Then she lifted a foot and planted it in his crotch.

"What is there to take, honey?" she asked, grinding his genitals with the sole of her heeled sandal. He closed his eyes, feeling the leather maul his soft, spongy flesh.

"I can serve, Miss," he offered. "I serve well."

The foot hesitated, only to be replaced by the sharper edge of her heel. He groaned, but didn't move.

"I hear you make an excellent cook and waiter," she said. "I also hear you are a chair to be sat on, and a horsey to ride."

He nodded, tears leaking from his closed eyelids. The pain in his crotch became insufferable. Then he felt fingers opening the buttons of his shirt. A warm hand caressed the haired skin below until it found a nipple, pinching it hard.

"Way too much hair for my taste, honey," she said, plucking at the wiry growth around the nipple. He winced. Then all sensations were gone, as was the foot. The pain subsided, but he felt abandoned. Opening his eyes he saw she'd slid off the desk and was standing next to it. She clapped her hands.

"Rise, boy," she said with an up-beat voice. "We got places to go." She turned her back on him, walking off to her office. He assumed she wanted him to follow. His crotch ached when he took his first steps.

Her office was another statement of her ambitions. They had been two offices before she had them combined and redecorated. It was bigger than Jenner's. The former two windows were now one big panoramic expanse of glass that yielded a breathtaking view of the surrounding cityscape – velvet blackness strewn with countless lights. Her furniture was new and deceptively simple, including a desk, a conference table and a huge leather sofa. Table and desk were intimidatingly empty, but for a sleek silver laptop. The floor was a stretch of blond wood. Along the edge of the ceiling hidden fixtures spread a warm, indirect light. Every detail whispered taste and sophistication; and a stunning budget.

He watched her watch him for his response. He just numbly wondered how she'd got Jenner to cough the money up, but it wasn't the most important question on his mind.

She'd dropped herself on the sofa, leaving him standing at the center of the room.

"Undress," she said, crossing her legs. "I need to see what I've taken." He hesitated, thoroughly aware of the big window and the possibility of a security guard doing his rounds. There was another window next to the door, looking out on the offices.

He'd obviously waited to long. She pushed herself out of the leather cushions and walked over to a cupboard that hid a bar.

"You've second thoughts, I see," she said, taking a glass and pouring a drink. "Aren't you men all the same – big talk and no deliverance?"

He mumbled an apology and started undoing the rest of his buttons, letting the shirt slide to the floor. His pants and shorts followed quickly and soon he was naked, standing next to the desk.

The girl sipped from her glass.

"Not bad at all," she said. "Let me have a better look." She turned to the wall and twisted a dimmer switch. The soft light changed into a glaring brilliance, making him feel very self- conscious.

She walked over, reaching out to touch his chest.

"Hairy as an ape," she said, disapprovingly. "But that can be easily dealt with." Her hand went down, stroking his belly.

"Good," she said. "I hate fat guts on a man. Like Jenner's." She theatrically shuddered. "What a girl does for her career." Her hand reached his genitals. They were still red from her mauling. She cupped his balls.

"I hear you never get hard," she said, her eyes leaving his crotch to find his. "Isn't that an awful pity?" He knew he didn't have to answer. Her hand was on his ass cheek now, pinching it, then sliding down his thigh. He flexed a muscle.

"You'll do," she concluded, emptying her glass and turning away. He let out a sigh. Then she said:

"Walk over to the window, boy. Let's not be selfish and keep you all to ourselves."

He knew he should have died of embarrassment as he walked around the desk and into the spotlights. They shone from the ceiling right over the panoramic window. He was on the tenth floor, but all around him rose equally high buildings, many of them with brightly lit windows that showed rooms full of late workers and cleaning crews. Numerous sets of eyes would be able to see him, but curiously enough he cared less than he'd feared. He felt protected by a shield of indifference. Had these last months of exposure and debasement numbed him down? Or was it just his general state of depression? Whatever it might be, it kept him standing on his wide open stage, feeling the limelight flush over his body – outlining his nakedness, exposing each and every square inch of skin to whomever took the trouble to watch.

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Saturday morning, I woke up and rolled over, to find my sweet wife’s side of the bed empty. It was still very early, as I looked the watch it was just eight o’clock. Very, very early for a lazy Saturday indeed.I looked through the window and saw Aaron, the black guy who cleaned our pool, doing his job there. He was alone; but I was expecting my lovely Ana would be around and sucking on his hard black cock. Ana was not there.I went downstairs, finding my sweet babe was there, sitting alone on...

1 year ago
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Sam and AmyChapter 16

Sam slid her chair back from the keyboard of her computer. Amy stood behind her massaging her shoulders. "Well, that's it," Sam said with pride. "The money from Bill's accounts is now ours and can't be traced to us. All four point five million dollars of it." She finished. "We did pretty good Sam, in fact very good I should say. Thanks Bill," she said to the air with a chuckle. They had gotten four and a half million dollars through Sam's efforts and five-hundred and one thousand...

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First snowfall

First snowfall First snowfall ? Mistress Maria and meat were wrapped in each other?s arm nuzzling and caressing, while warming themselves by the flickering light of the log fire.? The snow had begun to fall four hours after the sun had set and an ankle-deep blanket of powdery white covered the patio.The mistress studied his bare feet.? The soles swept from toe to heel in a graceful arch.? Each toe had a pliable bottom pad and a wisp of short hair on top.? The skin looked soft and seemed...

4 years ago
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Somewhere In Time

Tales Of Dinjarr: Somewhere In Time By Cabinessence It is strange how the web has allowed us to become voyeurs into other people's lives, people we would normally never meet face to face. How that those with even the vaguest knowledge of HTML are allowed to bare their souls online to the rest of humanity. Sometimes I have felt that downloading the misery of others has provided me with a sort of catharsis in my own life. Perhaps if Andy Warhol were still alive he would...

2 years ago
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Taste Of Village Maid Jayanti

Hi it’s Somar, once again. First of all thank you all the reader, for valuable suggestion and feedback for my previous story “Taste of a village maid Shanti”. On request and demands of the valued reader, I am forwarding the next and sequel part of story about the other maid. This is a sequel and follows up story of “Taste of a village maid Shanti” as I have mention in my previous story, the reason of long stay in my native village after my MBA. I also mention my responsibilities of farm, and...

1 year ago
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My affair with a wife

Ok, Im 21 now and this happened about 2month ago, but ever since i was about 18 ive always dreamed of having sex with my dad's wife.but it never became like serious thoughts untill recently. so i would stay up my dads place for a couple days a week and his wife was obviously always there , shes about 5"10 and still has a amazing body for 35 , the best part were her legs and ass ,,, i could stare at them all day. but thats all it normally ever would be was just staring. then my dad started...

Cheating Wifes
3 years ago
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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 37

When we stepped upon the porch at home, all the women ran to meet us at the front door, to find out what had happened, even though Momma and Granny had already told them most of it. “It’s all taken care of now, and we’ve turned the men over to the law,” I told them. Naomi told me, “Josey we have supper cooked, and it’s about ready to put on the table, if you and Rondo want to wash up before we eat.” “Yes, we need a shower after being out all day.” One of the best things I like about my...

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The FreshmanChapter 39

Introduction - "The Freshman" - thoughts about my third novel "The Freshman" is different from my previous two novels because it features a submissive male character and his dominant girlfriend. In part, I started this new novel to experiment a bit with my writing. The story starts out as a psychological novel, because I wanted to fully explore the relationship between Cecilia Sanchez and Jason Schmidt. For that reason the first discipline scenes in "The Freshman" come somewhat later...

1 year ago
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SweetheartVideo Alexis Fawx Jessie Saint Caught In The Act

Debbie (Jade Baker) can’t believe her best friend Karen (Macy Meadows) had sex with her stepmom. They both walk to her friend Carter’s (Jessie Saint) house. This stupid pact needs to stop. Debbie knocks at the door, but nobody answers the door. The two friends don’t understand, she was supposed to be there. Debbie and Karen look around the house and when they arrive in the backyard, they find them. Carter and her stepmom Alicia (Alexis Fawx) are in the living room dressed in...

2 years ago
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A Family Of Incest Part 2

This series is a figment of my imaginations. All characters mentioned in the indian sex story are fictional. I suggest you read the previous parts of this series in order to keep up with the plot. Any suggestions and comments are appreciated. This is a completely new series and none of the characters has any kind of association with the old stories submitted by me. I am currently working on my SON MOM AND AUNTS series and appreciate all the love sent to me via email. Alex and Samantha: Alex...

1 year ago
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Johns Friends Part One

Several of us had decided to meet at a friends house for a long weekend. This friend had a place on the river and a big covered patio, with a huge hot tub, a sauna, and a really nice huge shower. Our friend had his wife, sister, sister in law, and mother in law living with him. He said, "You can bring more females if you wish or not. I have invited John and you know how he is. You never know whether he will bring males or females or both. Either way there will be plenty of people there to...

Group Sex
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My first continued pt 2

thank you for the responses and I give you my word to keep subsequent stories 100% real and factual. For future stories, they don't necessarily follow a timeline - instead, I'll recall the hottest sessions we have had and post them in that manner.At his salon:We arranged for me to be the last customer on a Friday - the dreaded 6 pm appointment. Brian had no problem with telling the receptionist she could leave, "I'll close up when I'm done". After washing my hair, and had me undress before...

1 year ago
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Fun day with my sisters

100% fiction! It all started when my cousin came over who was a sexy blonde skinny with 36c breasts. We started playing some games like cards then she said let's play twister and I said sure. I got it out and set it up and when we got into the game it was fun but hard with two people. When my cousin, Annie, spun the move required her to move over me and when she did her head landed right in my crotch and she could feel my thing. I got an immediate hard on. When Annie noticed she went crazy and...

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Reddit Blowjobs, aka r/Blowjobs! is at it again, and they have a great subreddit that I want to take a look at today. It’s a pretty big one, and there’s no way it can fly under your radar if you’re into Reddit NSFW websites. Here’s the thing, right? The subreddit is called /r/Blowjobs, and it’s every man’s dream come true. Seriously, I don’t think that there’s any other place I would like to check out if I’m a dude right now. We all know how much us guys like blowjobs, and now...

Reddit NSFW List
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3 Clan Amir Falcon FledglingChapter 03

In April, 2004, Junior Sergeant Mannheim is assigned the task of training a special reconnaissance platoon. The regimental commander chose the members of the platoon for toughness and independence. Gerry has only himself to blame because he’d suggested the idea to Guard Command, so he gets to create it. HQ selects the test unit and he’s to pick the four corporals. It’s no accident he has the seventeen most troublesome privates in the unit because the regimental commander wants to see if the...

3 years ago
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Meri Mom Ki Chudai West Indies Se

Hi my name is malwika I’m from Mumbai..Actually have completed my study from usa and we were living there from last 30years with my family.. To waha rehne k baad me 1year se yaha pe hu and mere family v..My mom is about 39year old lady but still she’s very sexy have a beautiful rounded ass with 34 28 38 figure..Me jb usa me thi tb mere dad ki car accident me death ho gyi thi and meri mom itni sexy hone k wajah se and apna figure maintain krke rkhti thi..Jb usa me thi to meri mom ki aek frnd tha...

1 year ago
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DaughterSwap Jazmin Luv Anna Claire Clouds Swap For Extra Cash

Best friends Anna Claire Clouds and Jazmin Luv overhear their stepdads Quinton James and Ryan Mclane talk about how they’ve lost their jobs because of covid and they might need to move to a smaller place. The girls discuss the situation and come up with a way to earn some money, they propose to their stepdads to swap and make some naughty videos to sell online! Ryan and Quinton are surprised by this proposition but since they’re not really related they give in pretty quickly and agree to swap...

2 years ago
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Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris Series 3 Part 4

Introduction: Heres part 4 of the series. There are 2 more chapters for series 3 before it ends. The next series will be a crossover with Lily re-joining them. Chris, honey I whispered, prying his bedroom door open slowly. The lights were off, something that I hadnt expected. It was a little surprising seeing him asleep on a late Friday afternoon. Then again, given how much energy he spent just hours earlier with me, maybe its not! Honey I said a notch louder this time, approaching his bed. ...

1 year ago
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BadTeensPunished Kimmy Granger Power Struggle

Kimmy Granger is on her phone all the time and her stepdad Chad White is sick of being ignored. He asks her to accept a package for a big client of his. When she still refuses to put the phone down, he pulls up her miniskirt and spanks her thong covered ass. Then he gets her on her knees until she opens her mouth and sucks him off in a deep throat BJ that only ends when she swallows his cum shot. Later, Kimmy misses the courier and Chad decides that she needs to be punished again. He puts a...

2 years ago
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I Was Raped By My Sons Best FriendChapter 3

I had been raped! Yeah, I know ... maybe I did like it a little. But I still didn’t want it to happen. It was still rape because I didn’t willingly consent. Kevin may be a sophomore in college, and he may be my son’s best friend but the controlling son of a bitch still raped me! Even if I liked it I was raped. Even if I had gotten down on my knees and begged him to fuck me, it still would have been rape. The whole thing had been meticulously planned too. He admitted to having had dreams and...

1 year ago
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And Ali Makes ThreeChapter 3

John grinned at me as Mona jumped to her feet and exclaimed in a far too loud voice, "Hot Damn! I know a motel just up the street! Come on big boy, zip up and follow me." To her husband, she said, "I'll be back in a little while Brad. If you leave before I'm finished, just tell the hostess which motel I can find you in." I laughed at her, thinking she was just pulling my leg, but soon realized she was seriously intent on pulling an altogether different portion of my anatomy. Grasping...

2 years ago
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My Life with Summer My Second Cuckold Relationship Pt 5

Our first two months or so together were really rough. To be honest, I don’t know how we got through it. We really struggled to set boundaries and to figure out what we wanted or expected from each other. Actually, that’s not entirely true. I knew exactly what I wanted from Summer, but she was having a really hard time wrapping her head around everything. Summer wasn’t comfortable having to constantly asserting herself, but she was afraid that if our relationship didn’t feel different from the...

3 years ago
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Threesome With Two Beauties

Hi friends, I have been following Indian sex stories from past 8 years especially group stories and incest. This is my first story so please forgive little mistakes as I am new in writing. I am Ranjit from Noida currently working as a software developer in a reputed MNC. I m 5’10 dusky with a long 7″ and 2.5″ thick dick. Any girl and ladies will get crazy by seeing my stamina. This incident happened in my college days when I was doing my graduation from Bangalore. I m basically from Noida. Let...

2 years ago
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A Moms Obsession

Being married since the age of sixteen to the same man has had its ups and downs. At age 62 I still consider myself a very sexually passionate woman. Losing my virginity at thirteen, then marrying the man that got me knocked up at sixteen was not ideal, but I adapted and moved forward. I have been married to Craig for forty-six years. we have two c***dren, Michael and Mandy.This story has to do with my daughter Mandy, her husband Jake and some in between material that I feel you readers might...

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Mom Sindhu8217s FunTime With Stranger In Bus

Once when we were traveling from kottayam to pathanamthitta in a superfast, the bus was crowded and my mom managed to get the third seat in a the 6 th or 7th row.I was standing two rows back and all were guys. After the bus staring from kottayam, its almost 15 minutes,I can feel something rubbing on my ass. I was wearing A tight jeans and a shirt. I dint object as the bus was too crowded and i was not sure if something was there. So as the bus was reaching the next stand i just checked with my...

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The AntiChrists puppet master

My name is Damien, I won't give out my last name for privacy reasons. I have dark hair, icy blue eyes, and a couple of freckles here and there. I always have my hair in a downward style. I have short hair, some of it's pushed behind my ears, and the bangs hang infront of my face. I'm around 5'6 and a pretty fit guy. My girlfriend's name is Sierra, we've been together for three years. She has long brown hair, dark hazel eyes, and her skin is flawless. She has the pouty lips, nicely...

1 year ago
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AssParade Valentina Jewels For The Love of Booty

Johnny The Kid cheated on Valentina Jewel’s sister. When he shows up to apologize, Valentina tells him to go away and that her sister is not even home. Johnny begs to come inside and wait for her. Valentina eventually lets her in. Inside, she asks him for the reason as to why he cheated on her sister. Johnny explains that booty is his ultimately weakness. He’s unable to see a phat booty and not try to fuck it. At this moment, Valentina gets a naughty idea. She starts showing him her huge ass,...

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Episode 146 Porn School

Leicestershire, UKWithin 30 minutes of posting the less obscene clips from the barbecue video, back in March, Debbie had received two offers of marriage from Saudi princes, an invitation to an exclusive sex party and come to the attention of a talent scout for a junior person pornography maker.Fortunately Bill was an ex-cop and now working for CEOP, so was able to remove the offending material showing his BBC entering her cute strawberry filled arse before it got too widely copied across the...

2 years ago
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Through a Glass Dimly Book 3Chapter 30

We were proper at the reception. Pam and Frank were taking the newly weds to the airport for the private jet to the island. We were footloose and fancy-free. We went home and hurried inside. Lisa got me on the couch with my pants around my ankles and pulled the dress up to her waist and mounted me. We both groaned. It felt so good. We were connected through Stargazer and screamed our way to two mutual orgasms before stopping long enough to get naked and in bed. We managed two more before we...

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My New Next Door Neighbour for the Summer Part 3

My New Next Door Neighbour for the Summer Part 3 – as story by SBarak1This is story #3 in the series ‘My New Next Door Neighbour for the Summer’. I had to head back home the day following my evening with Clare at my beach house. I had arranged for an electrician to convert some old halogen down lights to some more energy efficient LED lighting along with a bunch of other bits’n’pieces around the house. Getting a tradesman out for a job like this at this time of the year was a real bonus. I...

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My Daughters TeacherChapter 9

Sorry for the delay, hope everyone likes the new chapterCHAPTER 9I woke up the next morning and the previous night came flooding back to me. I had been seduced by Sam’s daughter, my student. Seduced, that isn’t the right word, I wanted it and I let it happen. I made her cum with my tongue deep inside her pussy and asshole and I loved every minute of it. The problem now was that Beth wanted to fuck her dad more than ever. I had told her all the dirty details of Sam and my sex life and Beth got...

3 years ago
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Shabnam Ki Chudai 8211 Part III

Is ghatna ke pahle kya hua tha maine ISS mein apni story “Shabnam Ki Chudai, Part II “ main bataya hai. To maine aap ko bataya tha ki meri aur meri saheli Lata ke beech ek doosre ke liye chahat kaise paida hui thi. Us din to hum aage nahin ja paye kyunki thorhi hi der baad Lata ka boyfriend Ravi pahunch gaya tha. Hum abhi ek minute pahle ek dusre ki bahon mein se alag hue the. Hamari dono ki saansein abhi tez theen, dil tezi se dharhak rahe the. Hamara dono ka pyaar kuchh hi der pahle paida hua...

2 years ago
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Somewhere in Time A Road Less TraveledChapter 3

My world had changed. There was a plain area radiating out in front of the cave. About 1000 yards out there were trees. They weren't like any trees I'd seen in Texas. They were huge! The forest was thick, too. It extended as far as I could see from my vantage point at the mouth of the cave. At the base of the forest were tall, narrow trees. Their growth stunted by the giants they were under. The plain itself was mostly clear and had waist high grass and a few scrub trees. That was not my...

3 years ago
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An Aviance Night in Minneapolis

She typed the text and sent the selfie. “If ya got it, flaunt it!”The shoulder straps of her deeply plunged, split-front, fit-and-flare black dress were off her shoulders; her breasts perched outside, nipples erect. She’d debated between a long strand of pearls or several gold necklaces in different lengths around her neck. She decided to wear all of them. An intentional fashion faux pas.The photo showed pillows behind her back. She sat semi-upright against the bed’s headboard. In her right...

Wife Lovers
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Trafficked Love Ch 7

Introduction: THIS STORY CONTAINS EXPLICIT CONTENT AND VULGAR LANGUAGE. It is fictional and does not depict real people or events. Call girl, Angel, believes theres nothing nothing more to life than what she is doing now. But when she falls in love with an undercover cop, and things get heated between her and her pimp, Angel searches for answers. Is this really all she is destined for? Could she escape if she wanted to? Would the outside world accept her if she left this lifestyle behind?...

1 year ago
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A Conflicting View

“Are you sure?” I asked my husband of sixteen years.“Yes,” he replied.“Truly sure,” I stressed.“One hundred percent,” he replied.“There’s no going back after I walk out the door.”“Go,” he shouted.I closed the door and took a deep breath. He had enough chances to stop me.It was his fantasy but now my craving for an eager cock had taken over.One hour later I opened the front door and ushered the guy inside. The apartment was quiet except for the whine of the air con. We walked to the bedroom...

2 years ago
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The Cut

Blankly staring out the kitchen window, Renee was oblivious to the fact she had now minced the onion into minuscule fragments and only remembered she was even using the knife once it sliced through the tip of her finger, stopping only because of the nail. She snapped immediately back into reality and dropped the knife, blood already making eerie patterns on the onion pulp. Derek had heard her drop the knife and then the rush of water. ‘You okay?’ ‘Just wasn’t paying attention.’ She was...

3 years ago
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A Planet Is TornChapter 18

When Ben awoke he quickly checked on how things were progressing at Aetherkraal. He had tasked a dozen drones to build the satellite — possibly overdoing things a little — in an effort to get it ready as soon as possible. It was a pleasant surprise to find that the entire thing was finished and ready to lift up into orbit. Ben carried out that task straight away and then returned to the great house to have a look at the images the satellite was already sending. The miniature communications...

1 year ago
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CEO Makes a Business DecisionPart IIIFinal Chapter

Still naked, Dani stood up and started to waddle to the bathroom. She cupped her right hand over her pussy to make sure the toy did not fall out while she was walking. Once in the bathroom, she started the water for a shower. As it was warming up, she looked at herself in the mirror. Her hair was a complete mess. Her eyes looked tired and she had the string from the Ben-Wa balls dangling between her thighs. “You really do look like a whore,” she said to herself out loud. She was...

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