PrissChapter 5 free porn video

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I kept looking at my phone. It was Monday morning and I was tired after a long night of too much sex and too little sleep. Now I was at work, trying to work, and looking at my phone every few minutes. I had to call someone, but I wasn't sure who and that was the worst of it.

Perry or Thomas?

I couldn't really spend the following weekend with Perry, could I? He'd asked me and I'd agreed, but I'd hardly been thinking clearly at the time. I hated him. He was using me to betray his best friend, to hurt the man I was going to marry in less than three weeks. I couldn't spend a weekend with him.

Could I?

I reached for the phone and my fingers fell short, weak and useless and stroking my desk as I sat there.

Should I call Thomas? What would I tell him? I knew he'd have plans for Friday night, Saturday as well, and Sunday was always our special afternoon together. Sweet, innocent Thomas. He loved me. He was going to marry me and make a new woman from the ruins of my past. He loved me and the man had no idea who I'd been or what I'd done ... What Perry was forcing me to do behind his back. I couldn't lie to him again.

Could I?

My fingers twitched and drummed impatiently. I'd never been one to put off anything. I liked to make up my mind and do it, sometimes for the best, sometimes not ... but the waiting. The indecision was almost unbearable and my work sat unfinished. What was I doing? What was I thinking about? I was engaged and whatever hold Perry had over me, it didn't extend so far as he imagined. Blackmail was one thing and there was little I could do about that, but he'd have to understand that there were limits to what he could have.

I'd call Perry and I looked at his business card, and his home number was on the back, his celphone too. He'd be at work now though and so it was the front of the card I was staring at. I'd call him at the office, like it was just business and nothing personal at all, and tell the man that I'd changed my mind. If he wanted to own me, he'd have to come and get me. I wasn't going to travel across the state and lie to my fiancé just to give Perry what he wanted. I'd been confused the night before, and not thinking clearly. But the sun was up and I was resolved once more to be the woman Thomas thought he was marrying.

"Hey Tricia, I was wondering if..."

I blinked and jerked my hand away from the phone, looking up as Susan, one of the other secretaries, spoke to me.

" ... you had time to help me audit the Fairfield account?" she finished and gave me a quizzical look. "Are you okay?"

"What?" I swallowed hard and nodded. "Yeah, um ... I'm fine. Sure."

"We can do it later, if you're busy," she said.

"No," I forced myself to smile, feeling guilty with relief that I had an excuse to put off my phone call. "I'm not busy."

I had excuses all day long and Tuesday morning as well. I'd call Perry that afternoon, I'd decided. It was better that way, more casual, like I'd just happened to remember my silly promise. It wasn't important enough for a Monday. Nothing that couldn't wait until after a cup of coffee and a meeting Tuesday morning. It was a little thing and unimportant and that was my plan. Perry would have me, there was little I could do about that, but not for a weekend. I'd tell him right after lunch, but I didn't.

Wednesday arrived and I was feeling bad. Swollen and cramped, bloated with my menstruation, but that was good. It meant my menses was almost finished. The end was always the worst for me, but only for a day or two and then I would be fine. It put me out of the mood to call anyone and I ignored my phone and the guilt that was growing undeniably. Why wasn't I calling Perry? I'd spoken with Thomas every night and gone out to dinner with him the evening previously, smiling and pretending everything was fine.

I'd let my fiancé hold me and kiss me, and whisper sweet nothings in my ear while we imagined our wedding and the honeymoon after. I'd mentioned nothing to him about Perry and his invitation for the weekend. The subject of Thomas' best friend hadn't come up at all and I'd been happy about that, telling myself it wasn't up to me. It wasn't my responsibility to offer lies to the man I loved. The man I wanted to love. What would I say? I was going to call Perry in the morning anyway, but when the time came, I didn't feel up to it.

Thursday. I'd call him and I was feeling better, my period almost over. I was practically brand new and fresh and the day seemed brighter somehow. I'd call Perry and let him know that he wasn't anyone special to me. Our relationship meant nothing beyond the fact that he was a manipulative, selfish bastard. I'd call his bluff, if the man demanded it of me. I'd let him have me when he was here, but I wouldn't come running to his bed. I had to have some self-respect and I'd make him understand that.

"Miss Evens? Patricia Evens?"

I looked up to see a young man in white and blue coveralls, smiling at me.

"Yes?" I nodded.

"I have a delivery," he said, clearly enjoying his job as he produced an elaborate floral arrangement in a simple vase. "Can I put it here?"

"What?" I stared at him and smiled and watched as he put the flowers on my desk. "Thank you, um..."

"There's a card," he told me, reaching into his pocket. "If I could just get you to sign here for me?"

"More flowers from Thomas?" one of the women I worked with gave me an envious sigh and I shrugged happily. My fiancé did like to spoil me.

"What kind of flowers..." I started to ask, handing the man his receipt and turning the vase slowly.

"It's a Sweetheart Bouquet," he said pleasantly. "Have a nice day, Miss Evens."

"Thank you," I said and it was beautiful and somewhere between generous and large. A dozen red roses were in there, along with carnations and some sort of pink and lavender orchids, or something. I didn't know my flowers very well, at least not the exotic ones, and some of them were exceedingly lovely. All red and white and pink, the colors of passion and romance, and I enjoyed the moment very much.

I found the small card tied to one of the roses with a bit of wire and I smiled as I opened it, wondering if Thomas had anything special on his mind or merely me.

"Priss, looking forward to this weekend. Perry."

I blinked at the card and sat back, turning away from the flowers for a moment before looking nervously around the office. Everyone knew I was engaged to Thomas. They were all invited to the wedding and here was a bouquet from Perry? My heart beat faster as I undid the wire with nervous, clumsy fingers. If someone saw this, if one of the other secretaries read the card ... I was frightened to death of being found out and having to answer questions that I couldn't. The rumors, the gossip, the whispers would spread and Thomas would hear about it.

"Perry," I sighed, ripping the card in half and then half again. I tore the pieces smaller and smaller in my lap, watching the office and dropping the ragged bits of paper onto my skirt as I sat there. My heart was thumping and I felt a surge of adrenaline and something else besides. The excitement of almost being caught. The little rush of emotion that the smallest possibility of being exposed gave me and I didn't understand it at all. The card was destroyed, but the flowers remained and I'd have to explain them as a gift from Thomas and pray that he never found out.

A Sweetheart Bouquet from Perry delivered to my work. He was thinking of me. My nipples were cold with painful desire and I was tingling deep in my tummy. My fingers itched and my pussy was moist. Only from this. I closed my eyes, trying not to remember the things we'd done. Perry forcing me to have sex with him. Raping me in my kitchen and in my own bed. Subduing me the one time I'd tried to fight him and then spanking me the night I'd tried to say no to his desires.

I was stroking the insides of my thighs, the pale flesh above the tops of my stockings. I was tickling myself with my fingertips, dragging my nails closer to my pussy as I sat behind my desk, hidden away and staring at those flowers. Perry had fucked me and I'd let him do it. I'd enjoyed it and begged for more. I remembered suggesting that he stay with me and call his office in the morning, and I burned with shame and guilt. And lust? Perry. I hated him and I wanted him and I couldn't have him! I was getting married and if I could have sent those flowers back...

Would I?

I reached for the phone.

"Tom Westin ... Hello?"

I almost dropped the phone as I heard my fiancé's voice answering. I'd been calling Perry, not Thomas! I was going to tell the man he could keep his flowers, I didn't want them or him. I wasn't coming that weekend or any other. I was going to be busy with Thomas, with the man I was going to marry. I was going to make it clear to him and draw a line that his blackmail didn't cross. That's what I'd planned on doing when I'd reached for the phone, pushing the numbers quickly before I changed my mind.

"Thomas," I swallowed hard and I should have just hung up. "Hi. It's me."

"Tricia?" He was smiling, I could tell. "Hey, I was just thinking about you."

"You were?" I frowned and tried to push the guilt away, turning my eyes away from those flowers.

"Well, I'm always thinking about you," he laughed lightly. "What are you doing?"

"Um, oh..." I took a deep breath. "I just ... A friend of mine just, uh ... called me and I ... This weekend, I'm going to ... to visit her."

"Oh," Thomas sounded a little surprised, since I'd hardly mentioned any friends in the time he'd know me.

"Yeah, so..." I laughed nervously. "I'm going to go Friday after work and come back, um ... Sunday night, I think, and..."

"Okay, well ... Where's your friend at?" he wondered.

"What? Oh, she's um, she's in college," I said. "At the university."

"Okay. How about if I go with you?" Thomas suggested all too reasonably. "I could give Perry a call and he could put me up, I'm sure. We could have some fun and you can see your friend..."

"No! Oh, um ... No," I said quickly, searching for an excuse, anything.

"What? It's a long drive, Tricia," Thomas said and then he chuckled. "I'm not trying to get you into a hotel room with me or anything."

"I know, yeah..." I forced myself to laugh. "I just, well, I think she and some of the other, uh ... girls I knew, they want to ... you know, give me a going away party."

"A going away party?" Thomas asked.

"Yeah, a bridal shower thing," I said slowly. "I think."

"Oh, like a bachelor's party for girls, eh?" Thomas laughed.

"Maybe," I said. "I don't know. It ... She surprised me, you know."

"Sure," Thomas agreed. "Just don't fool around with the stripper or anything, okay?"

"Stripper?" I giggled. "What?"

"Well, isn't that what goes on at those things?" Thomas teased me. "I want to marry a virgin, remember?"

"Yeah," I said softly, staring at the flowers.

"I want to marry you," he said. "I love you, Tricia."

"I love you too," I said.

"Are you sure you don't want me to drive you?" he asked. "I'm going to worry if you're by yourself."

"No," I said. "I've made the drive before. I'll be okay."

"I'll call Perry and let him know you'll be in town anyway," Thomas decided. "Maybe he can take you to lunch or something..."

"He can check up on me?" I asked, trying to sound light and carefree, but my heart was hammering and I could barely keep my voice steady.

"Well, that too," Thomas laughed. "He likes you a lot, I think."

"Yeah, he's ... nice," I said weakly. "Um ... I have to go."

"Okay. Do you want to have dinner with me tonight?" Thomas wondered. "If I'm not going to see you all weekend..."

"Yeah," I agreed quickly, closing my eyes and nodding. "Dinner. That'll be nice."

"Okay," he said. "I'll pick you up around seven."

"Alright," I said and Thomas was saying goodbye, telling me again how much he loved me.

"I'm here," I said without smiling, standing on Perry's doorstep holding my overnight bag in one hand and his flowers in the other.

"You didn't like them?" Perry asked me, stepping aside and I entered his condominium slowly, feeling the goosebumps on my skin. Fight or flight. I was frightened out of my mind.

"I'm not your sweetheart," I said, pushing the bouquet into his hands. "I'm just a whore, remember?"

"I'll put these in the bedroom," Perry shrugged. "Do you want something to drink, Priss?"

"Yeah," I decided, dropping my bag in the middle of his living room and looking around. "Something to make me blackout."

Perry had disappeared already and his place was nice, very clean and modern and it must have cost him a bundle. His condo was large and overlooking the bay through a wall that was entirely glass and stainless steel. Everything was white, or the colors muted it seemed to me. Pastels that were washed out and antiseptic. I didn't like it and I felt cold all over, but inside I was warm. Unbearably warm and seeing Perry again, dressed and handsome and utterly careless with my feelings. It was all too perfect.

"Thomas called me," Perry said a few minutes later, handing me a large martini. I'd never had one before so I had no idea how dry or wet it might be, but it was strong and I drank half of it quickly.

"Did he?" I breathed slowly through my open mouth and Perry chuckled.

"You are thirsty," he said and sipped his own as we stood there. "Yeah. Tommy told me I should look in on you while you're here. Maybe take you out for a little dinner ... some dancing maybe ... a long, hard fuck afterwards. Hmmm?"

"That doesn't bother you, does it?" I sighed.

"What?" Perry smiled. "Thomas thinking you're safe with me?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "You think he'll never find out about us?"

"I don't know," Perry told me evenly. "What do you think?"

"I don't want to hurt him," I said, looking into Perry's face. "Let's just have this weekend. I'll make it good for you, I promise."

"Okay..." he said slowly.

"But when it's over, Perry ... It's over, okay?" I asked him. "Please?"

"One weekend with you?" he was shaking his head. "That's not gonna last me the rest of my life, Priss."

"Perry," I sighed and looked down at my drink.

"Is that why you came here?" he wondered. "Is that what you really want?"

"I'm tired" I said and I just felt defeated right then. "It was a long drive. I need a bath before I can think about why I'm here."

"Oh, come on..." Perry smiled at me. "You know why you're here, Priss."

"I was going to call you," I told him, looking into those deep hazel eyes of his, smelling his aftershave and watching his moist lips curl upward. He was enjoying this, not just my presence or my appearance, but this conflict between us. The edge that existed because of what we were doing and how it was so wrong.

"You should have," Perry said, leaning close to me and closing his eyes as he breathed deeply through his nose. "You smell so good. I've missed you."

"I wasn't going to come, Perry." I took another drink, a smaller one this time and picked the olive out of my glass with my fingers. "I shouldn't be here. I can't do this, okay? If you're not going to let me go..."

"I'm not."

" ... Then if you want me, you have to come get me. That's the rule," I said, reciting my practiced lines. "I don't come to you."

"That's the rule?" Perry cocked his head, watching me eat my olive and he was close to me. So very close and whispering, "Why are you here now, Priss?"

I kissed him then, the way I'd wanted to from the moment he'd opened his front door. I pressed my lips to his and let his tongue slip eagerly inside my mouth. I held my drink away from us with one hand and the other went to Perry's neck, gripping him tightly while our tongues moved against each other. He found my hip and then my ass through the jeans I wore and pulled me against him, and I could feel the man's hardness against my tummy.

Our drinks threatened to spill and I was only dimly aware of it when Perry took the glass from my hand. I watched him move to set them on a glass coffee table and I was already unbuttoning my blouse. We didn't speak. We didn't even leave the room. We undressed slowly and casually, as if this was all prearranged and agreed upon, and I folded my clothing carefully, setting them aside. I reached behind me and unclasped my bra, watching Perry watch me. I pushed my panties down my legs, stepping out of them and my period was finished now. My sex was wet, but not with blood, and I reached down to rub my fingers over my throbbing clit.

Perry's cock was swollen, not completely erect, but firm and standing out from his body in a graceful arch. His wonderful, hard body. I bit my lip, staring at him and I told myself that this was all it was. The pleasure I felt when I was with the man, the lust seeping into my heart when he touched me. There was no other emotion, or nothing good anyway. Lust and guilt and the humiliation of being Perry's whore. That's what he gave me, I told myself, only that and nothing else. I didn't want to be here. I didn't want to cheat on my fiancé. I didn't want to feel the way I did and I blinked at the tears flooding my eyes.

"Don't!" I held up my hands and stepped back when Perry reached for my shoulders. "Don't touch me yet."

"What's wrong?" Perry asked me and I might have laughed at him then. It was such a silly question and he asked it so seriously.

"Tell me what I am," I said. "Why I'm here. You tell me, Perry. What do you want?"

"I want to fuck you," he said and I shook my head.

"I'll leave," I told him over the rapid beating of my heart. "I swear to God. I'll put my clothes back on and leave if you don't tell me the truth."

I was dying with the fear that he'd already spoken it.

I knew why I hadn't called him now. I'd known all along since ... before. Since the first time? Maybe. Since the night I'd tried to fight him, I'd known it then for certain. It was inside me and it hurt. It was killing me and I was afraid of it. It was why I'd driven across the state alone, making my pilgrimage back to the place that had ruined me. The scene of the crime and the past that wouldn't let me go, taken shape in the man who was naked in front of me. It was all I could do to stay on my feet and every part of me begged acceptance of what he was offering.

Just a fuck.

Thomas would marry me and Perry would fuck me, and I'd live the rest of my life moving between those two men. I'd be a wife and a whore and it would be so easy. I could have been a coward and I wanted to. I wanted to accept Perry at his word and take his money and let him use me while I denied what I knew to be true. I could bury it beneath a mountain of guilt...

"I'll tell on you," Perry smiled and his voice was soft.

"No," I shook my head. "You won't."

I turned, reaching for my clothes, and Perry grabbed my wrist. He jerked me into his arms and I didn't fight him. He held me tight, looking down into my face and licked his lips. He wanted to kiss me. He wanted to tell me. He wanted to keep me forever, I could see it in his eyes. What did he think I would say? Was he frightened of me? I thought he must be and it was all a bluff, a charade and I was forcing his hand now as we stood together naked and aroused, and desperate for something more.

"Don't go," he said and I closed my eyes, feeling my cheeks hot and wet and the salt was stinging my eyes.

"Give me a reason," I whispered.

Perry kissed me and I turned my head away but this time he wasn't going to let me refuse. He chased my mouth with his and I pushed against him, pressing my hands against his chest and knowing I wouldn't escape. I couldn't. I didn't want to and he was kissing me deeply, as if that alone was answer enough, and I let him do it. I accepted his tongue and pressed my sex against his cock, lifting my left leg and reaching between us to find him with my hand. I was guiding Perry towards my pussy and feeling the swollen head splitting my labia as I angled him upward.

Same as Priss
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Things hadn't been going so good for me lately. I had just gotten out of college and got a good job, but then the economy went south, the company went bankrupt and I was left with nothing but a stack of bills and no way to pay them. The only job I could find was delivering newspapers, but that was okay as it was 2-6 a.m. and then I could go look for a real job. I noticed one morning that the last person on my route list was Ms. Calls, my senior high school English teacher, but I never...

2 years ago
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The Singing Of The Cicadas II

Old man Eric lay in his bed, awake, unable to sleep, tossing and turning. It was one of these nights where the chirping of the cicadas simply would not lull him to sleep as it usually did. It rather kept him awake and his mind running busy revisiting memories of old days long gone. The sound of the Mistral blowing through the treetops of the olive and plane trees rustling in his ears like waves at the sea only made his recollections more vivid. A deep agitation was haunting his thoughts; the...

Wife Lovers
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New Mommy and a new home

You wanted to take the day to yourself. Relax after a stressful week. A week of classes, endless homework, and an ever growing list of other responsibilities piling on one another. You were only human, eventually something had to give, you'd have to let go of something if you had any hope of keeping your head above water. You looked on at the ocean before you. The water threw itself at the shore, in its own violent thrashing, it served as tool to keep you calm, relaxed. Sitting down on the...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Michele James My Cheatin StepsisCaugh Compromised

My stepsister Michele James is a meddling slut! She ruined my relationship by ratting me out for cheating, so when I (Peter Green) see the opportunity for some payback, I’m only too excited. I sneakily video her at the gym where she is clearly flirting with some random bozo, she even gives him her number! I follow her into the changing room to spy what other shenanigans she might get up to, but she just strips down exposing her big natural tits and hairy pussy. I figured it was the...

1 year ago
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A Walk In The Park

Gary picked up the phone, he swore under his breath cause he was just about to go to the washroom. "Hey Gary, you coming to the bar with me n the guys tonight?" Asked Jack, Gary's . "Nah, I'm going for a walk, in the park." Gary replied, "You've always been a sucker for the romantics eh?" chuckled Jack, he hung up. Gary quickly went to the bathroom and washed up, he smoothed his black hair, and shifted his prick to better fit his pants. He was a tall, 6'2 muscular man, with grey/blue eyes, and...

First Time
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It was fairly late and I was driving back from Southampton through on the main road through the New Forest. Everyone was away at home so there was no hurry and the work had taken a long time. As I approached Picket Post the endless cups of tea had finally caught up with me and I was dying to go for a pee. I turned off onto the Burley road and drove a short way passing the first car park as it is exposed and turning into the more secluded one slightly down the road. I expected the car park...

2 years ago
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Personal Shopper

Personal Shopper By Emma Smith Monday, 26 August 2002 Chapter 1 "At last, I have finished it!" he shouted to the empty room at the top of his voice. He heard someone upstairs banging on the floor in anger. He continued at a slightly lower volume. "For twenty five years they called me mad. Then I changed my name. Now I, Otto Von Fruitcake, have succeeded where no one else could," He looked around guiltily and finished his remark. "Where no one else could be bothered to...

1 year ago
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Ben weh balls

My boyfriend Mark pulled me back onto the bed as I was kissing him goodbye on my way to work. I could not believe that he was still feeling horny after we had made love for half the night. As I was already dressed for work, I begged him off and teased him about being the horniest black man I knew. He just laughed and put his hand up my skirt feeling for one of the lacy G-strings that he insisted I wear ever since we had started going out. He pulled the G-strings up at the waist, making the...

Group Sex
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Recording a video with her Black Master

My sensual wife was looking hot that night and I knew she was also very horny and in the mood for sex.But Ana told me we could watch a movie after dinner; so we sat there on the couch and she turned on the video.A while later, I noticed on the corner of my eye that she was rubbing her pussy lips with her fingers hidden between her thighs.I asked then what she was thinking about; since she was touching herself. Anita just giggled and kept rubbing her clit…My sensual wife then began telling me...

1 year ago
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The Love of Two Sisters

You stand there, excited as hell as you watch two girls making out in front of you. You can see their hands groping each other’s breasts and hear their moans of pleasure. You want to join in on the action, but at the same time you want to watch, fascinated as these girls continue with their foreplay. One of them glances your way and smirks at you. She does not say a word to you, but instead walks over to you. The other girl follows her lead. You get even more turned on. You can not believe that...

1 year ago
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Nisha the nymph maid

It was a hot summer day. I had taken leave from office for some personal work. When I returned home it was around 2.30 pm. The summer sky was like an invisible dragon breathing out fire from its nostrils. The road was almost empty. Our apartment was also looking lifeless. I was relieved after reaching the inside of the building and started my way up thru the cool semi-dark stairs. My apartment was in the 2nd floor. When I was approaching the landing of the first floor, suddenly I heard the...

1 year ago
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Disclaimer : The following stories are 100% fictional and all the characters are 18+ years of age! Hello fellow readers! What follows are different Futa stories based on the great Potato artist ! Dive in and become and create your own journey. Falling in love with your sister, or a nice night with your wife, or even some sec education with your fellow classmates! Choose your story and read and see how futa-doms will change your life!: 1000 year's into the future and humanity was in the brink...

3 years ago
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AtlantaChapter 1 Annie Bradford Mal Content

Annie Bradford, a highly respected College Dean from Minneapolis, Minnesota, was visiting some colleagues at Emory University in Atlanta in hope of enticing one of them to accept a position at her university. Annie was a very young 40 and divorced with no children. Her husband had left her for a younger woman 4 years before and, heart broken, she'd thrown herself into her work. We meet her while as she's just finished watching a porno movie in her hotel room and she's horny and almost...

1 year ago
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GirlsDoPorn 23 Years Old E505

This cute brunette is here to put that sexy body to work, making her very first adult film, and she’s definitely excited to try something new and different and fun and, hopefully, profitable lol! From her introduction it also sounds like she’s looking forward to spending a little time with a guy who has a big cock and knows how to use it…and she’s not disappointed here on Girls Do Porn! This girl’s 23 and works as a dental assistant, which explains that sexy smile...

2 years ago
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Atlanta Goryhole Part 2

After I had finished sucking the first guy, it was only a few minutes before another man entered the adjacent booth. He was a tall military type, and a I could see through his pants he was already sporting a hard-on. He pulled his dick out and it was long, about 8-9 inches. I watched him stroke and he turned to me to give me a great view of his dick. That was all it took, I put my two fingers through the hole and waved him through.His dick was quite ridged as I started to gently...

2 years ago
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The Beginning Of Sex With Neha

I was nearing my limit. I can feel her pussy tightening around my dick. She was gonna cum, again. Soon I reached my climax, and poured all my seed into her pussy, and filled her womb. We were exhausted. ‘I better get a permanent birth control. If this keeps up, you will make me pregnant in no time’, Neha exclaimed. Yes, I had made her pregnant before because we became careless after she got married. Who was Neha? Well Neha was my cousin sister. It all started when my cousin joined for...

1 year ago
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MyFriendsHotMom Alexis Fawx 23787

All Alexis Fawx wants to do is help her son. She overheard him on the phone with a guy who he owes BIG money to, and after lifting the address, she’s out on her own to try to make things right for her kid. She’ll do anything to protect her son, even if it means driving by herself to some remote locale to confront an unknown figure naught up in the dangerous underworld. What the big tits, blonde MILF didn’t know was that she’s about to meet her fate with Jon Jon, her son’s...

3 years ago
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Jacob Naked in School

"Would the following students please report to the Principal's Office?" Like every other student in the room, I tensed up and listened carefully. This was The Program. The students summoned would spend the next week attending school completely naked. That's right. Completely, totally, utterly naked. Not only naked but getting groped and felt up by every idiot in the school. The Program was some moron's brain-spasm of an idea about getting people to be more comfortable with themselves....

1 year ago
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Alexis The Dark Fairy Chapter 4

After getting into her car Alexis changed back to her normal self and began flying around inside the car.“What are you doing?” Vanessa asked.“I’ve never actually been inside a car before. We fairies had always relied on magic and flying. What makes it work?” Alexis was buzzing around so fast Vanessa could hardly keep up with her. Vanessa let out a soft giggle.“I’m not a mechanic so could not tell you exactly, but to put it simply, it runs off gasoline, which is a flammable substance that the...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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Forced Into IncestChapter 2

The large seaplane circled the tiny island twice before it descended toward the crystal blue water. From what Amanda could see, the island was as advertised ... remote and tiny. She could see what appeared to be a hotel of some kind with small cabana type buildings on the side of the mountain. There was a small town on the far side of the island with rather crude looking buildings and barely paved roads. In the middle of the island there was a lake surrounded by mountains. The island seemed...

3 years ago
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Future Fil

Trudy was awakened in the night by a tongue tickling her pussy. Mmmm, she loved that. She rolled on her back and made access easier as she kept dozing. Soon a long shaft probed her now-wet pussy lips and opened the fleshy gates. It had gotten balls deep when she awoke enough to realize that her fiance wasn’t due back until late the next night. But it felt just like him as it began to go in and out. Accepting that what was done was done, she wrapped her legs around the trim body that had to be...

2 years ago
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Taylors Growing UpChapter 16

"I have something that I just have to tell you, Jack," Tommy said. "I just can't keep it inside any more." "Whoa, O.K.," Jack replied. "What is Tommy?" "It's about ... oh, Man! I know I shouldn't be thinking about this, ever. I know it's so fucking wrong." "About what?" "She's just so, fucking, hot. I just can't stop thinking about her." Jack had a sudden sinking feeling that Tommy was going to come clean with another revelation regarding sexual thoughts about Taylor....

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The Sales Trip

It was typical Monday morning, the traffic was terrible and I was late for work again. I work in the sales department of a large international company. Even though I work in sales I never get to go on any of the sales trips. I was number three person in the sales dept. and only the top two went on the trips. Jim was the top salesman, he was in his mid thirties and handsome but he was a real asshole in the office. Susan was the number two sales person; she was an attractive Asian...

1 year ago
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I figured out that sharing a two-bedroom apartment was cheaper than paying for a one-bedroom by myself, so with what little savings I had, I managed to cover first and last months’ rent for a two-bedroom apartment just outside the downtown area. I immediately put up flyers and advertised in the local paper for a roommate to cover half the monthly rent. I was a bit surprised at how few responses I received. I was getting kind of desperate when I got a call from a guy interested in sharing the...

2 years ago
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One night only

I remember our first sexual encounter because it was our last. Before I met my marine I was an explorer. That led me to travel with my best friend to Florida for a weekend to visit her family. I met everybody from grandparents to aunts then there was Ish. Ish was her cousin and a small thing, in stature and size. He was so cute and muscular like a body builder muscular, I guess it was to make up for his shortness. As soon as I saw him I wanted him. See I love short men because it makes me feel...

3 years ago
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Moms Big Boy

It was 3:00 in the afternoon and Vicki Fallbright had been out at the pool in her back yard for a couple of hours, sipping iced coffee, swimming a bit, reading the kind of sexy novel she liked, and catching a little sun. After a couple of hours the iced coffee had caught up with her, and she got up to go into the house and relieve her bladder. The back yard in Vicki's house was quite secluded, so she had been able to wear her very briefest bikini. Vicki was a modest, churchgoing woman, and...

4 years ago
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MoneyChapter 12

My body did its alarm clock impression and woke me at ten to six. Peanut and I had changed positions. I was holding her with my hand over a tiny breast, and her small hand over mine. It was amazing that this little girl could wrestle race cars all over a track. That's no easy feat. It was time to get going, so I pinched a nipple and bit her neck. She flipped over and kissed me with a smile. She said, "Let's get going. We're going to begin building my truck today." We went through the...

1 year ago
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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

Creampie Porn Sites
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My nephew loves my chest

100% fiction! Hi there! My name is Beth. This story is about how opened Pandora’s Box, and man, did I love what was inside. I’ll start by telling you alittle bit about myself, I’m rather tall for a woman, close to 5’10” but I’ll be the first to admit, I’m not small, by any means, actually I’m quite heavy. Clothes can be quite expensive for me, as I have to buy plus sizes, the upside to this, is my breasts are actually quite huge by today’s standards, 46DDD to be exact. I don’t really care for...

3 years ago
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KellyChapter 4

Kelly drove home from the studio in a state of confusion. Had it not been for her planned rendezvous with Tony, she could have easily stayed at the studio and spent some more time with Todd and Laura. It wouldn't be right though she thought. Obviously Todd and Laura had plans for the evening. Again Kelly felt that pang of jealousy. Laura was an attractive girl, and Todd was single and available. And then there was the kiss she shared with Laura. It reminded her of Brenda. Kelly licked her...

3 years ago
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An Ordinary Adult Sex LifeChapter 22 San Francisco

-- SUNDAY, JANUARY 13, 2008 -- The sky outside was dark and gray, not only because “foggy” is the standard daily weather forecast for San Francisco, but it was still quite early, way too early for any reasonable 23-year-old to be awake on a weekend morning. At this hour, the sun had not yet cleared the horizon, its rays not yet angled properly in accordance with simple geometry to shed any light on the floor-to-ceiling windows of our apartment’s great room, and even then they would need to...

2 years ago
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A Good Boy Mommys Nylons

This is essentially a fictitious story based on personal experience from my youth. It contains some reference to u******e sexual encounters which are necessary to understanding the theme of the story which is how my fetish for nylons began and developed over the years. There's not much overt sex happening in this first installment but that will change in the follow up chapters. Unless you have a fetish for nylons, this story will probably not have much appeal to you.Billy was always a good boy...

2 years ago
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Sex with Clients

Hi this is Usha . I got an opportunity to read the erotic stories in this site. Immediately I got an idea of sharing my experience with the readers. I am Usha aged 32. Divorced two years back. I am working as a receptionist in a insurance company at Chennai. To meet out the expenses I was doing the insurance consultation for my company products as part time. Getting appointment and doing the consultation at their doorsteps is my part time. Through the consultation I used to get a reasonable...

1 year ago
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How did I become a cum slut

I was asked this question recently and thought about it for a while and decided to write it down. I guess one cannot become a cum slut without first experiencing cum. My first experience would be in middle school, when a boy I was seeing wanted to get into my pants, I kept saying no and he asked why. I told him I didn’t want to get pregnant. He suggested I suck on his cock; I must have looked at him funny because he said all the girls at school do it. OK so I was gullible at that age and I...

2 years ago
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Toy Stories Pt 01

Chapter 1: Urinal Gag This one is dedicated to M.S. It was during an email exchange that I sketched out the fantasy I’d had when I first came across the Urinal Gag online, and that gave me the impetus to write this out. That shows how valuable that feedback (especially emails and private messages) can be. It makes it feel worthwhile to know that these stories are as arousing for other people as they are for me, and sharing fantasies can help with inspiration for the next story. If this or any...

4 years ago
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Careless Promise

Desire can take many forms, of course, and this story is about the desire of a daughter for her mother, and she takes full advantage of a rash promise from her mum to get herself a very special birthday treat. Don't read it if this subject may offend/upset you, or if you are too young to be reading these stories where you are. Copyright stays with the author. Contact by email to [email protected] Careless Promise — By NiteWriter I'd been looking forward to this day for so long. 18...

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Had an erotic sex with my widowed cousin sister in Hyderabad

Since I started reading the sex stories of sister and brother. Have got passionate to lay my sister (42 years) on bed who is a widow and has a daughter of 20 years old. [email protected]" Coming to the story, I have a sister who has been widowed almost 11 years ago as my Cousin in law was a drunkard and he used to stay on drugs. With all these certain activities he was dead with infections in his body. Initial stages, I have never had a crush or passion to have sex with my sister. After 4...

2 years ago
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Bi Girl Parties The evolution

So after we finished college, we moved out of that metropolitan area to a more rural area. The swinger scene was much, much less than we were used to. We quickly began to try to connect with like minded people on swinger websites. We found bi girl "Meet and greet" that was simply not the same. One time we met at a popular bar, complete with swingers and vanillas. Any time Drea kissed a girl, a bunch of drunk guys swarmed trying to dicktate (yes I misspelled that on purpose) for them to do more....

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