Street Name: Samanta free porn video

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Street Name: Samantha! Players: Sam/Samantha, the lead in this story; Chief Helen Sanders, Sam's boss; Rose, Sam's teacher and dominate; Ruth/Ray, Chief Sanders brother/sister; Helen, Rose's Sister and her husband Jack, an adult baby. Julie, A male-to-female transsexual, and Sam's co-worker at the boutique; John, Sam's new sissy friend, Patrick/Patty Cake, the bookkeeper, Sandy, the self proclaimed "Queen of Tarts", and owner of Swirls and Curls. Synopsis: Sam's job, in personnel, was as close as he'd ever get to becoming a policeman. His size a factor most of all. His looks as well. He'd grown up with that ambiguity running counter to our notions of male and female. He'd also learned long ago to keep a low profile and a policemen was hardly a low profile job. All of it coming to an end that day his Chief called him into her office and smiled. She had an assignment and he was perfect for it. His street name would be: Samantha. Facts From Fiction: My first time in a gay, or alternate life styles bar as the owner called it, was my first time outside of that main stream we're taught to swim in. I was in the middle of every manner of life style: Drag queens, transsexuals, both male and female, and guys in leather (chaps and little else). There were cross dressers, cross gendered, and a few straights either lost or just curious. Some I didn't recognize at all, and many didn't match those labels I'd picked up along the way. It was my first time "out" in a dress. It had taken me years to get to that night. I was just as odd as they until I began to wonder over those two worlds I now stood between. That one I'd thought so normal, suddenly not, and the one I thought so odd, suddenly normal. What struck me, as the first night unfolded, was how perfectly normal they all were. More so as I drifted into their lives seeming so odd at first. They too hated paying taxes. They laughed, cried, worried, worshipped and did everything I did. What also struck me, after a time, was that I was now one of them. What changed in those hours, of course, was me; if I've had any regrets at all, it's the one over spending so much time in the middle of that stream before I finally discovered the edges of it. So to those people, and you perhaps, living out there on the edge, I dedicate this story. Introduction: Like most people, Jeff has been swimming with the current most of his life. He also believed that staying in the middle of the stream was safe. He'd been there for a long time till that assignment. An assignment only he could pull off he was told. An assignment that would immediately push him out of that mainstream for a time. Out into those eddies and edges he'd always avoided. When that assignment ended, he found himself once again in that mainstream, only now he found himself swimming against that current. At best, soon after, only treading water for a time. All the while remembering how much fun it had been among along that edge. He had liked those times and wanted to go back. He would need to talk with the Chief first. He had an idea, and it began with that street name he'd been given: Samantha! Story: CHAPTER ONE "Chief?" I said with a slight amount of hesitation, knocking once on the open door. It was the door into the office of the cops cop, before adding: "You wanted to see me?" "It's Sam right?" The Chief said motioning me in, and added: "Come in, sit down. Be with you in a minute!" She said cupping her phone. Her calling me Sam was odd since I'd really never met her in any way or capacity. I sat looking outside of the Chief's office, as she screamed at whoever it was on the other end. Two years on the force, and the first time I'd been in there. Two years, and the first time I'd ever said anything but a good morning, if that, and had I, I was sure she hadn't heard, and there I was in the Chief's office. Her screaming didn't help that gut wrenching fear I had building since my supervisor told me I was wanted upstairs. She slammed the phone down, took a breath and suddenly smiled: "Sorry about that! Had to set a powder puff of a detective on the right track again. You're in personnel right?" "Yes ma'am!" I said. "Ever consider becoming a patrolmen? I mean size is no longer a requirement you know!" She said looking at me with a questioning face, but holding the smile she put there after the call. I had thought about it, but size was an issue! Definitely an issue, if you are going to go out to bust bad guys. There is something about a guy four foot seven, that doesn't sound like one, hollering, "Freeze!" Yes, I'd thought about it. I'd thought about, and did look into it. Actually I'd gotten as far as the front desk, until the Sergeant sitting there asked: "And what can I do for you today, young lady?" Had that been the first time I'd heard that I would of had a fit, but it wasn't. I said "Nothing" and left. I'd left quickly, back to the administrative offices, hoping my blush was gone by the time I reached my desk. So yes, I had thought about it... "No ma'am!" I said to the Chief lying a little, and almost began to explain that answer, but decided she didn't need it. "We'll, I'm hoping, in the next few minutes or so, that I can convince you otherwise. At least maybe think about it. Fact is I need you!" The Chief said. "Me?" I said almost in shock. She was telling me that she needed me? That wasn't possible. Had to be some sort of mistake. She wasn't serious? She couldn't be. "Surprised?" She asked. "Yes!" I said meaning it. "Don't be, and you'll understand why in a minute. Before that though let me say that in no uncertain terms is this request a reflection on how I view you, or how the department sees you. Is that clear?" She said standing. "Yes ma'am!" I said. "That goes either way as well with your answer. You say no or yes, and that doesn't change things! Understood?" The Chief said "Yes ma'am!" I said She stood, moved past me, and closed her door before returning to her desk. She paused before sitting, hesitating as she said: "I mean it! The problem is you are nearly perfect for an undercover assignment that's about as important to this unit as any I've ever assigned. No, make that critical to this unit." I could only nod and wonder. Those two key words "undercover" and "critical" were working on me in those seconds. "Okay look, there is no easy way around this!" She said opening a folder. She lifted a page. A picture... She looked at it for a time before leaning to hand it to me. I took it gingerly. I was looking at a little girl standing next to a woman. They were in front of what might have been a bar. I was guessing bar because the name, written in a bright pink neon script read: "Swirls and Curl's" If it was a bar it wasn't the kind of bar that showed boxing, live, on a big screen. "Ever hear of that place?" The Chief asked. "No? Why?" I asked back. "Why?" The Chief repeated but paused. She paused for a long time, and I took another look at the picture. No clues why she was having problems with this. I looked up when she cleared her throat. I was guessing, but then again, I'd had a lifetime of people being uncomfortable around me. That clearing of a throat. That confusion... that hint of ambiguity I posed always had to be cleared away first. That question on their face like all the rest? That question of how to address me! Miss or Mr.? Sir or ma'am? Hey, you a guy or a girl or what? Always asked in some way and not always in words. A look, a long pause, that clearing of the throat, and even when I answered, sometimes unasked, it didn't make them comfortable. I was guessing the Chief needed it cleared up a bit as well. "Chief? Can I say something?" "Please?" The Chief said clearly relieved of the discomfort at being silent. "I've been this way all of my life. I've lived with it day to day. I can handle it, whatever that 'it' is. That 'it' that just got caught in your throat a moment ago." I said hoping it was enough to get her past whatever it was hanging her up. "Thank you for that! You're right of course. It's just that this assignment, or even me asking, is going to make you uncomfortable, and I don't want that to be the case. I honestly do need you... "...Unfortunately it's for all the wrong reasons. All the right reasons as well if that makes sense, and frankly that is what's bugging me. So thank you for that!" She said "You're welcome." I said. "Okay, here it is! That club your looking at is down town, near fifth and Berger. It's owned by a self proclaimed queen... as in drag queen... She calls herself the Queen of Tarts. "Those tarts she's referring to, and has a passion for, are adult little girls. You are looking at her on the left there, that other, one of those adult little girls." She said and paused again. That pause hinting I should now say something. I took that moment to look at the picture again. She was a big woman, that woman standing there. Although I corrected myself on that, given she was a drag queen. Didn't look it though, and then did after a moment. I would have guessed wrong were I to guess. That adult little girl didn't look adult at all. The Chief started to clear her throat again but stopped and said: "I need you to go undercover and do so in that bar!" I knew it was coming or something like this. The fact that I was there, and looking at a pink building with Swirls and Curls as the name, suggested something like this. It wasn't as big a surprise as I think the Chief thought it might be. It shook me though so I held back that "I see." I might have given, and simply nodded again. I still wasn't clear on why she was being so hesitant. "Okay then, here's the rest of it. MCU, our Major Crimes Unit, has been watching Don G's operation for about two years now. We've found a small crack in his organization. An in to the inside that we think we can exploit, and ultimately use. A chink in his armor to get a foot into his organization. "It's Don G's bookkeeper. We've been watching him and we think we can turn him. To do that we need someone close to him. Close enough so we can start gathering that intelligence we hope will ultimately get him to turn. That's where you come in! We need you in that bar and to get next to him!" The Chief said. "As someone that's most likely going to fit in?" I said noting the obvious. A small man, or as most normal men believe, is most likely gay. Although I wasn't sure that was the reason, because I was still a little confused over the picture. Then slowly it started to become clearer. I was looking at two people. One I knew about. The other I didn't or rather hadn't. I looked closer. Had to be a girl? Suddenly, like a light going off, I knew it wasn't. "That Adult Little Girl isn't a girl is she?" I asked and added: "That's the bookkeeper?" "That's the bookkeeper!" The Chief said clearly relieved that she hadn't needed to go all the way there. My reason for being there was also now very clear, but left me wondering how the Chief saw me, and I had to know as I said: "Chief! You don't think that I..." I didn't get the rest of it out as she held her hand up and said: "The answer is it's none of my business and the other answer is 'no'. I also wouldn't care if it was a 'yes'. Look, I grew up not too unlike you if that's not too surprising and helps. "I'm a girl, female, woman, and too tough for most guys. I've been working my way into a command position for years. Most of it after a whole lot of ugly to get here. I'm standing over a whole lot of men whose profile, just to do this kind of work, doesn't leave much room for females or anything feminine. The fact that you too are working here says a lot more about you than I have a right to pry into. "That's a fact! So I'll simply add that I admire you for that, and the rest doesn't really matter. What does matter, and I hope you'll see this, is getting to him, and ultimately to his boss. I want that boss, but first I want that guy and you're the only one that can do it. "This is an assignment, pure and simple! You've got some traits, like it or not, that just happens to make you less at risk than anyone else I might get to put in there. For that reason and those I've noted, I picked you. I picked you because I need you!" I sat there sharing my attention between that picture and the Chief. I'd decided to say yes but there were still reservations... Lots, not the least of which, over what that bookkeeper was wearing. I'd spent a lifetime not being a sissy, and that 'yes' of mine would put me right smack dab in the middle of that word. "I'm willing to do this, but honestly Chief, I don't have a clue on how to go about it?" I said at last. "That's not a problem. As far as we've been able to determine, guys step into this from all directions, and none know much about it till they start doing it. However, I've already locked you into that part of it. We busted a woman about three years ago, who, among other skills, is or rather was a professional dom. "That's a dominatrix if you're not familiar with the term, and I went to bat for her back then because she was innocent. She was falsely accused by a phobic cop at the time. Anyway, she's owed me for that, and I've just called in a favor. She's agreed to help and act as your partner or guide in this. We're estimating about three months but that's pure guess work. "We have no idea how these people mingle, socialize, or even if they do so outside of that club. That, I'm hoping, will be your first task after you're in. We need information on him, and that's your second assignment after getting in. How all of this comes together is going to have to be winged. You still up for it?" The Chief asked. "NO! Not in the least! But I'm willing to give it a try!" I said smiling. "Thank you!" The Chief said clearly relieved as she added: "I'll make the call to that gal. Her name is Rose. She's waiting to hear from me. If this was a go she'll take if from there. I'll be your only contact for now. The fewer that know the better. I'll also take care of your leave of absence. Questions?" I looked at the picture and laughed. The thought stuck me, and it was funny in an odd sort of way. "What?" The Chief asked smiling. "Do I get a clothing allowance?" I said. CHAPTER TWO Rose called me that afternoon. I'd left work abruptly as planned, and the Chief covered that part of it. All my boss knew was that I was going under deep cover and would return when I returned. The rumors would be good for my reputation when I returned the Chief promised. So would the citation at the end of this. I had till Saturday morning to set up everything I'd need so I wouldn't have to return to my apartment till this was over. She gave me a list over the phone, which included the obvious and not so obvious. Food that spoils, mail, my landlady and friends. Most of all my friends. I wrote to those I couldn't get a hold of telling them I was heading for a three month leave in Europe. Sudden. Fortunate. First to gather up what was left to me from an uncle that passed away. An uncle I didn't know over there, then some time to spend it. I was standing out front of my place at eight o'clock that Saturday morning. "Hair appointment first!" Rose said after she introduced herself. My cover was going to be that I was new, and worked for her in her boutique. She sold adult toys, clothes and touches of the odd not found in most department stores. She did this with her sister and that would give me my base. She was known, and her tastes were known, so the fit, as she noted, was perfect. I would also start learning how to do retail working in her store. That would help my cover so should that time come that I might be checked; whoever was doing the checking would find the obvious. I was stepping into a world that hid in plain sight, she noted, as we pulled into a mall's parking lot. When I asked what that meant she smiled and said: "You'll see." CHAPTER THREE "Hair, nails and face!" Rose said to the woman that stood behind the counter of the beauty salon. There were looks from her and a few others, and I'd been warned about them. I said I knew those looks. Rose also promised those would end. She also promised I'd get "new" looks with my "new" look. I was pretty already, she said, and ambiguous enough, she noted, to not get made, but I had some rough edges she needed to smooth. She closed down my objections the instant I began making them. Words like pretty, cute, adorable and the rest were no longer going to bother me she said, because I was going to hear them a lot. They lightly layered my hair after changing it from brown to an ash blond. I sported bangs and a sort of pixie cut when it ended. My face, that masculine such as it was, went faster than my hair, and the lady was forever surprised that I didn't know about makeup. I quit arguing with her as she blended, colored and highlighted. Another did my nails that grew, from a silk warp, nearly a quarter of an inch. Soft rounded points before they were colored a light pink. Each item of makeup they used went into a pink clear purse with Hello Kitty smiling back. Rose had left for a time and returned with that bag in hand. She spent some of her time changing the stuff in my wallet for the pink one that had Disney's princesses on it. It too was pink. Pink, she said, was for little girls and sissies. I had to decide, she said, on which of the two I was or wanted to be. When I asked what that meant she said it was how the life styles worked. Sissy boys or boys that saw themselves as little girls had a different mindset. Not much but the difference between them noticeable. She would help me build a profile around the one I chose. I didn't like the concept of being sissy, but that was because I'd been teased as one. I didn't like the concept of being a little girl either, but it rested easier with me. "Little girl!" I said as she finished with my purse. "Little girl it is then! That was my choice as well!" She added with a smile. "Now what?" I asked as the one fixing my nails finished. "Your dress?" Rose said. I was looking at my hands. My fingers. My nails. My face as well. There would be no questions asked from anyone with that look, I thought. It was Miss, Ms or ma'am. It would even be sweetheart, honey or precious, Rose noted, when I told her what I was thinking. "Why?" I asked. "Because, precious, that's why!" Rose said taking my hand. CHAPTER FOUR "I'm not sure I can do this?" I said as we left the beauty boutique. She was taking me to a shop down the mall, and the mall was busy. She was taking me to a dress shop and I wasn't ready for that yet. I wasn't sure I would ever be. I didn't like that little purse either. She assured me that one day, and not too long from now, I'd be use to this sort of thing. I assured her I would never be. She laughed hard enough that people close by looked. Those looking quickly turned away when she said: "And if I catch you in your sister's clothes again you'll go to school like this!" "Why'd you do that?" I asked feeling my face flush crimson at the humiliation she'd just put me under. "Wanted you to get the emotions of this. I want you to consider those feelings your having. Someone may ask you if you've ever gone out and been made. You can answer yes... Honestly." Rose said and added: "It's often part of the thrill over doing this." "Thrilling? That wasn't very thrilling!" I said hoping those that had heard were gone or going. "That's okay!" Rose added. "Any more surprises?" I asked with a touch of anger and that flush on my face still there. "A few!" Rose said leaving me regretting that I'd asked as she added: "In here!" CHAPTER FIVE The sign read: "Her Majesty's Place! Clothing fit for a princess!" "Great!" I said taking a half step before trying to stop. "Perfect!" She added tugging on my arm. "May I help you?" The woman asked smiling at us as we entered. "Yes, I believe you can! My young man here has decided to become a girl, and before she can have her operation she has to live as one for a time. For now she's going to need a few things. More later. So, for now five dresses to play in, something very pretty for Saturday, and something perfect to wear to church. She'll also need her little panties, slips and a couple of nighties." Rose said. I stiffened at that. I was hoping the women walking towards us wouldn't guess. That was dashed in an instant as Rose talked. The woman's smile vanished in that same instant, and a "good heavens" came out before she could catch it. Her smile returned but curled oddly at the edges as she added: "I see." I was almost faint when the woman said: "Why don't we start with his... I mean her panties then!" I was looking at a package of seven that had the days on them. Small roles of pastels in a box, with each day on them. Saturday was pink. "Those also!" Rose said picking up a set of Disney's Princess panties as she added: "Oh these to! Look honey! Cinderella, Snow White and Sleeping Beauty! These are a must have." The woman nodded taking each from Rose leaving another package, with the PowerPuff Girls on them. Those Rose held on to. She led us to the slips as I was handed the package of PowerPuff Girl panties. Rose was clearly doing this on purpose, but I couldn't understand why. When the moment came for the opportunity to ask she simply said: "You are not acting like a girl yet. Until you begin doing so, I'm afraid you'll have to be treated like a sissy boy. It's sort of a rule." "I don't know how?" I said feeling my face flush over those panties and the slips facing us. "I know! You'll pick it up. Hopefully soon. First, relax your shoulders a bit, soften your face some and stop acting like a man." Rose said as the women returned with a measuring tape. How I was suppose to do all of that wasn't clear, but I did try and relax my shoulders. "You're a ten honey!" The woman said reading the measurement. "Have you thought about a bra?" She asked. "Constantly!" Rose said and added with a snicker: "His cousin's of course. However, since he's in training it's obviously going to be a training bra. We'll do two white, and a pink one!" "The size ten slips are to the left. I'll go and get his... her bras." The woman said in that same stutter again between that his and her. Rose moved over to the slips but I hesitated. There was a sea of shimmering white. You couldn't tell where the bottom of one slip ended and the next began. "What's your dress size?" Rose asked. "Dress size?" I asked back "What is your dress size?" Rose asked. "I'm not sure?" I said. "Panties? What size panties do you wear?" Rose asked and quickly said as I started to life the box up: "No, don't look, just tell me?" "I don't think she said?" I said. "You see? You're still a guy! You're still back where guys are? That makes you still a sissy." Rose said. "Why?" I asked frustrated over that word. "Color? What's your favorite color for panties?" Rose asked. "I don't have one?" I said. "My little sissy doesn't even know what his favorite color panty is?" Rose said. "I'm not getting any of this?" I said. "I know! I know your not, and that's got to change until you begin to. These are all basic sorts of questions that you'd know if your mind is into this." Rose said. "I didn't exactly grow up with these things!" I said. "All the more reason for you to start paying attention! You should also be thrilled shopping in here. A little girl or sissy would be all over this place! You're standing there feeling like a condemned man in front of a firing squad." Rose said. "Okay! Okay. So give me a little slack here! I've been doing this for what? Two hours?" I said. "Doesn't matter. You've been taught some things already, but you are not paying any attention to any of it. Now take out your lipstick out and freshen up your lips." Rose said. "What?" I asked. CHAPTER SIX "Lipstick. Take your lipstick out and put some more on your lips." Rose said. "Here?" I asked. "Here, there, everywhere! Good heavens! I'm letting you wear lipstick. You're thrilled. I should really be making you put it back in your bag. Which of those in there is your mascara?" Rose asked. "Not a clue!" I said. "I know, so tonight you'll also memorize each and everyone of those things in your little purse! Do you know who that is on the front of your purse?" Rose asked. "No?" I said. "That's Hello Kitty! She's like Minnie Mouse here, but in Japan. Although she's becoming very popular over here. Those panties are the PowerPuff Girls. They too are popular among little girls. Oh, and what do I call you as a girl?" Rose asked. "A name? I haven't thought of a name?" I said. "Prissy Sissy? I kind of like that." Rose said. "I don't!" I said. "So what would you like to be called?" Rose asked as she lifted a flowing slip from the rack and moved it towards me. I took a step back as if it was a shovel full of hot coals. I didn't move after that. "Come on Prissy Sissy, take it! Take it and go stand in front of the mirror!" Rose said. "I don't like that name!" I said. "Don't know what else to call you, and why are you hesitating. That's a very pretty little slip. Feel it? Prissy!" Rose said. I was being picked on! She was making me angry, and I hated that name as I said: "Samantha!" "What?" Rose asked. "Samantha! Call me Samantha? Okay?" I said in frustration. CHAPTER SEVEN "Samantha? I like that? Yes, that works. Fine, you are now Samantha. Now Samantha why don't you go stand in front of that mirror and admire your pretty new slip." Rose said. I took the slip and moved to the mirror between the racks. I would have said it was pretty if I was standing where she was. Standing and watching someone else, but not this way. "Like it?" Rose asked. "No!" I said. "Okay Prissy Sissy, then lets find you another one!" Rose said. "I picked a name!" I said. "But you are still acting like a damn guy!" Rose said now sounding as frustrated as I had. She was standing there with the panties I'd exchanged with her for the slip. "Look, you are going to step into a world where those guys, most, actually believe they are girls. "These guys in particular also believe they are little girls! "Okay, try this? What if you were an actor and had to play the part of a little girl? How would you play that part?" Rose added. "I don't know? I suppose I'd learn about what little girls do?" I said. "Exactly! But how would you do that?" Rose asked. "Study them, the things they did, the things that they play with, wear... Oh!" I said suddenly catching on. "You seeing it?" Rose asked. "Yes!" I said. "Great! Now then, do you like your slip or not?" Rose asked. I fought with myself and nodded a yes. "What?" Rose asked. "Yes!" I said. "Why?" Rose asked. "Because. Okay, because it's pretty." I said. "Why?" Rose asked. I looked at the slip in the mirror. It was pretty, but it was a girl's slip. "Because of the frilly stuff?" I said. "What frilly stuff?" Rose asked. "This stuff!" I said pointing with my free hand to the ruffles on the slip's edge. "Ruffles?" Rose asked. "Okay, ruffles. Yes the ruffles!" I said. "You like the ruffles. What about the lace around the bodice?" Rose asked. "What's a bodice?" I asked. "Top part!" Rose said. "Yes, that's pretty too." I said. "Good! That's good. Anyway, I like that one as well, so go on in there and try it on." Rose said. "What?" I asked in a panic. CHAPTER EIGHT "Go try your slip and little panties on! We've got dresses to try, and they are all going to need a slip under them so go in and get into your slip! Samantha!" Rose said and then added as she handed me the box of panties: "Oh, and while you are in there take one of these pair of panties and put them on as well." "Listen, can't we just get these things and try them on at your place?" I asked taking the box of panties. "We will. You've got a lot to learn in the next few days so yes, we will. However, you've got to wear something out of here, so you'll need to dress first." Rose said. "Out? Outside?" I said in surprise. "Of course!" Rose said as if it was as normal as me in those jeans. "But you didn't say anything about going out. I mean I don't have to wear these things till we go to that club? Right?" I asked. "Wrong!" Rose said. "An actor remember? You're an actor learning a role. How can you possible learn that role without actually practicing the part?" Rose asked. "That woman... That woman might see... I mean you know?" I said still panicked. "That woman is settling in on the fact that she's got a young man who is becoming a girl. She's making a sale so that too is her focus. If you play your cards right and try hard enough she'll be the last one to really care that you still have guy parts." Rose said. "But I don't know how to act like a girl!" I said imagining that short trip through the mall to the car. It was suddenly miles long. "You will. These things will help. I'll give you some hints before we step outside. Trust me honey, no one is going to know even if you walked like a gorilla." Rose said. "What am I doing here?" I said to myself in a whisper she heard, in a wave of seconds thoughts and regrets. "You are about to go undercover. With my help, and if you pay attention, you'll be absolutely convincing. Focus on that." Rose said. "Easier said than done!" I said. "That will change, as you do!" Rose said smiling as she guided me to the changing room. I was surrounded by three large mirrors with a bench and brass hooks for my clothes. I hung the slip on one of them and looked down at the box of panties. "What's your shoe size?" Rose asked from the other side of the louvered doors. "Seven and a half or eight!" I said realizing why she was asking, just as I opened the box of panties. "Nine and a half, or ten!" Rose said. "What?" I asked lifting the lid of the box. "Your shoe size in a girl's size is approximately two sizes larger than your male size. So your shoe size in a girl's shoe is either a nine and a half or ten." Rose said. "Oh!" I said. "What's your shoe size Samantha?" Rose asked. I hesitated but answered a moment later: "A nine and a half or ten." "Very good! How about your dress size?" Rose asked. "A ten! Same as my slip size right?" I said. "Excellent! If you keep this up I may let you stop for an ice-cream after this!" Rose said. "No thanks!" I said feeling the panic rise again. CHAPTER NINE She didn't answer. I was looking at the panties. What color does a little girl like? There was three pair with three different figures on them. The package read Underoos and PowerPuff Girls. It also read 100% nylon. Okay, there was blue, yellow and pink. Blue for boys, yellow for both, and pink definitely a girl's color. I removed the pink and cringed as they unrolled. I didn't ignore how they felt as I sat them on top of the package I put on the bench. The rest was like a condemned man dressing for the first time in jail garb, as I began taking my clothes off. I laughed at that. I would not want to dress in these things in a jail. "Here!" Rose said as she opened the door. "What?" I asked as she handed me a box of shoes. "Try those first! See if they fit." She said as she stood there. I had my back to the bench and sat as she asked: "Without looking, what are on your panties?" "PowerPuff girls?" I said. "Excellent and which pair are you wearing?" Rose asked. I hesitated flushing at the color I'd chosen. "Pink!" I said. "Why?" She asked. "It's a girl's color!" I answered. "Wonderful! Now go ahead and try those shoes on. I'm going to pick up a couple more pair." Rose said. They were black strapped shoes like a little girl wore only these shined like they were wet. I slipped the left on and stood. I was wearing white socks with the tennis shoe on the other foot. The contrast was striking and embarrassing. "Fit?" Rose asked. "Yes!" I said. "Good, keep those, put your tennis shoes and old socks in the box, and put these on with them!" Rose said handing me a pair of lace socks. There was a tiny pink bow on the side. She closed the door and I was alone again. Finding the front of the panties was guesswork but I figured the image of the large eyed girl went to the front. That hint made it clear that the openings for the legs did as well as I stepped into them. 100% nylon the package had read. It became clear what that really meant as I pulled them in place. I hurried into the slip fearing Rose would come in and see me in those panties which wouldn't be nearly as bad as seeing my reaction to being in those panties. The slip had a tiny bow at the front, or I guessed, because of it, that would be on the front. That bodice or top in nylon, trimmed in a small lace around the edges before connecting to the slips themselves. Petticoats? I wondered if that was what they were, and I counted three layers. The top a sort of satin only a tiny bit stiffer and decidedly noisy. The middle some kind of netting and the bottom layer almost as silky as the panties. "Here!" Rose said opening the door again. "What I said turning so my back was to her. It was a futile attempt given I was standing in the middle three large mirrors. "Your bra!" Rose said. CHAPTER TEN "Do I need that?" I asked fearing I had to take the slip off to wear it. "Of course! Actually no, but for a little girl it's like getting to wear lipstick or mommy's nylons. Sort of a hint that she's going to be a big girl some day. Little girls like those things." Rose said. "Now?" I asked hoping she'd get the hint. "Now!" She said. She'd gotten my hint but ignored it. The slip came back off, and with it, any hope of hiding behind it. I grew crimson at the sight of those panties. Rose smiled. "What?" I said in defense. "Nothing!" Rose said. "It can't be helped! Okay?" I said feeling my face heat up. "I know that! Honey, I've been doing this for a long time. I know things, and I'll tell you right now, that all it really means is you are perfectly normal." Rose said. "It doesn't mean I like them!" I said. "Yes it does, but it's okay to deny it for a while!" Rose said as she slipped the bra around my chest and added: "I'll show you how to put this on by yourself later." She left, and my relief was compounded by the feel and look of that bra. It was white with another little pink bow in the front. I didn't need to fill it because it had soft padding that made me pouf out a little in front. I hurried to put the slip back on. CHAPTER ELEVEN "Ready?" Rose said from the other side a few minutes later. "No!" I said standing there in the slip, panties and bra. You couldn't see the panties but you could see the bra and those bumps. I was also in the shoes with the straps closed. They sat below the bellowing layers I tried not touching. The lace socks folded neatly over for the lace, and twisted on correctly so the little bows were at the sides. "Good, because I want you to try on your first dress." Rose said. "Okay!" I said waiting for her to hand it in. "We need to pick it out first!" Rose said. "Out there?" I said in that panic again. "That's where they keep them!" Rose said. I took another few seconds standing there. A moment to catch my breath, and I opened the door. "Lovely! That's very pretty on you!" Rose said and added: "I love those shoes! Like them?" "Oh yes, they are so cute!" I said sarcastically. "Thought you might!" Rose said ignoring my tone and adding as she handed me a bag: "Here, fold your things up and put them in here." I began to, as she asked: "Would you do me a favor and answer one question honestly?" "If I can?" I said. "Does if feel just a tiny bit nice?" Rose asked. I paused in my thoughts. Those thoughts I'd been having and the honest answer was yes. Giving that answer wasn't as easy though. A yes would be an admission of sorts. Even a maybe had it's own risk. I smiled a little. That was part of my answer I suppose, and was just about to say yes when she said: "That's good enough for me. Thank you! I thought I'd lost my touch!" "What touch?" I said. "Turning boys into girls!" Rose answered. "I'm not a girl!" I said losing the smile I had. "But you could be!" Rose said pinching my cheek. "Not likely!" I said smiling at the gesture and her statement. It was meant to tease and I took it like that. "We'll see! Now leave those things and let's go find you your first little dress... Samantha!" Rose said. CHAPTER TWELVE "Yes mother!" I said sarcastically but not in my tone so much. I had meant it to be witty, humorous, to lighten my mood mostly. Only she turned suddenly, and looked at me. Her smile broader than it had been since we met. It was sudden and totally unexpected as she hugged me. A long hug and warm. Loving almost and a second later I was hugging her back. She eased her arms free and took my face in her hands and said: "Thank you!" "You're welcome?" I answered, slightly confused, as she dropped her hands but taking my left into her right before leading me back into the shop. I had a question over what just happened, but lost the opportunity to ask as we stepped back among the clothes. "Lovely! How pretty you'll be as a girl!" The woman said standing there alone till she saw us. An odd remark till I realized she was being nice over the fact I was changing. Or at least she thought I was. "Thank you." I said softly and honestly. I wasn't, clearly, but she thought I was, and that small bit of kindness deserved a response in kind. Rose listened to the exchange. She was also savoring my remark. She knew it had been sarcastic, but she also knew there was a breach that came with it. She'd already decided, after meeting me, that she would have done this for free. Now, she decided, she was going to do everything possible to keep me close to her. It had only been three hours she mused. What would three days do? Three months? As far as she was concerned I wasn't going back. Thankfully she kept that to herself. I looked at the other people in the store. None were male. None male! I thought that wishing I wasn't there. Girls and mothers. Another was in front of a mirror in her own slip. I turned away feeling faint. We settled on a light pink with smocking for my first dress. A classic little girl's design with puffed sleeves, Peter Pan collar and a skirt suitable for petticoats. It fell just an inch or two past those slips, which fell a few inches above the knee. It really was a cute dress I thought. Not thinking much on why I thought that. Getting into this part was covered by the work I was going to be doing so, in a way, I could get into it safely. It helped thinking that. I'd decided I needed to anyway, and some moments after that first dress also decided it was fun in an odd sort of way. The fact was I looked a lot like a girl, but I'd known that. Only more so now that I was dressing like one. The other fact was it really was fun. CHAPTER THIRTEEN There were five dresses at the end of my first trials. Dresses I was told I could wear for day or rather I could wear for play. Girl play she noted. There were two more after that. Two I wouldn't wear, as a guy, even for Halloween. You wear that type of dress and you get labeled. A third was far different and from a company that was called Daisy's Kingdom. A fancy dress, with it's own slip attached. A dress that looked like those pictures of girls you'd see in a parlor standing next to their moms for a picture. Or at tea and done properly. Eight dresses and She'd said seven at first. I mentioned that, and the budget she'd hinted over in the beginning. It surprised me some when she said that the last one we got she was paying for. Surprised me a lot, and pleased me in an odd sort of way. An uncomfortably odd sort of way. I wondered if that's what she saw me as? I wondered over why it mattered as much as it did. I wondered over the reason I was even wondering. I wanted to ask if every guy or at least the ones she knew liked this. That was the guilt working. Of course I had thought of doing this sort of thing. I hadn't, unless you count Halloween, and I stopped after that one time, because everyone thought I was a girl without a costume. That was unnerving then, but I remembered it as clearly as if it had been the day before. Did dreams count? I also wondered. She returned with a rental cart pulled from the mall. We were going to need it just for the three fancier dresses. I'd almost fainted over that chiffon and satin one. That came when my hands fell over the skirts. Again when I moved them. I'd hated to take that one off. I hated wearing it. I didn't wonder over that first because I didn't want to. CHAPTER FOURTEEN I had seven pair of day socks with only a hint of lace. Two pair of shoes now, with the other in a white patent but like the first. Mary Jane shoes she'd said. I knew that, but said "Oh" anyway. There were two slips for the day wear she called those basic dresses. One more full slip for the fancy dress and a long chiffon one for that Daisy Kingdom dress. Those day wear dresses were in pastels and each smocked in some way. She told me what smocking was when I'd asked how they got the designs like that. Needled point by hand in the old days, now done by a machine. Bunnies on one, tulips on another, pastels lines across the white one and so on. I also knew what a gore was, or thought I did, because that's what made the dresses fit over those slips. I was learning things in spite of myself and had even added a touch more lipstick while she paid for everything. That, at her request, but I liked the taste of it. She'd hinted that I do it for the fun of it. How she figured that was fun was anybody's guess but she said so. The hug from the sales woman near the end was as warm as Roses had been. Just as surprising as well for a moment. I was making the right choice, she'd said, tainting a bit the thoughts of why she'd hugged me. It was unnerving to have a woman imagine I was going to become one. More so since I looked every bit the part of that little girl I was dressed as. "Ready?" Rose asked as she finished filling the cart. My panties, or the ones I hadn't worn yet in a bag at the top. Another few hair bows as well not counting the one she clipped in my hair. "I guess!" I said not saying no this time. "Okay, keep your elbows close to your sides without forcing them. That will help keep you from swinging your arms. That swing, or the lack of it, will make you automatically shorten your steps. Don't try and walk any different than you do. Enjoy yourself! "Oh, and when you sit, gather your dress and slips using both hands. Gather them so you don't put a crease in the skirt. Just take the sides and pull them out a little and then close to the back of your legs. When you are sitting keep your knees together. The rest we'll work on as we go. Okay?" Rose said. "Okay!" I said trying to remember everything. She smiled, only it seemed a bit more wicked than warm. CHAPTER FIFTEEN "And we're off!" Rose said pushing the cart ahead of her, towards the door. The din of a busy mall rose as we stepped into the foot traffic. "Too many people!" I said in a desperate sort of voice. "The more the merrier Samantha!" Rose added, as she turned right. "Now where?" I asked in a self conscious voice as we walked. I was hoping for the car as her answer. "Toy store!" She said and then added: "And a wig or wigs, but I'm hungry, and I'm guessing so are you so let's get something to eat first." "Here?" I said slightly panicked. "Here!" She said ignoring my tone. It was an inner mall within the mall with a dozen small fast food outlets covering the favorites in fast food. I chose Chinese, and she a salad from a salad bar next door. We took turns watching the cart because she made me order my own and without her standing beside me. I used a five dollar bill she put into my purse. I'd get over my terror, she'd said, as I grew more confident and that would come from moments like this. I was, she noted, hiding in plain sight and learning how to by doing this. I wasn't sure that all of what she said was true or not and it didn't help relieve my fear. Although she was right about not being noticed other than for what I wore. Girls she said would look at what I wore. Boys would look because they are boys. Mother's would look because they were girls once and now mothers. Men would look for all sorts of reasons. None of them would be looking, because they thought I was a boy dressed as a girl. One girl did say hello as she passed with a tray of food. I'd turned and stopped as she passed. It was a casual "Hi" and she was gone. Her mother though, also smiled and said: "Now why can't you wear a dress once in a while? Would it kill you?" I had to smile at that as I joined Rose at our table. "What?" Rose asked. "Nothing!" I said setting my food down to empty my tray. "Come on give!" Rose asked. "Woman was teasing her daughter about wearing dresses when they passed me." I said and added: "Though it was funny her using me as an example!" "Mothers are like that. As for using you as an example? You are! You're not going to like me saying this but you're a natural. Like it or not you're very pretty as a girl." Rose said. "I don't think I like it!" I said. "Ah, but you are thinking about it. That's good!" Rose said picking up on what I said. CHAPTER SIXTEEN "Hey!" Chief Sanders said scaring me enough to drop my fork. I had just sat remembering to pull my skirts out and forward. An act that was as alien as the coldness of the plastic chair on the back of my legs. "Hi Julie!" Rose said as Chief Sanders pulled a chair out. She was in a two piece suit and while a bit more formal than most of the women around us, she didn't stand out as anything but the rest of them. She was looking at me intensely. It was making me nervous. "I called her." Rose said when I looked at her and added: "I'd promised to when the time was right. She wanted to see our progress." "Sorry about that!" The Chief said, and shook her head as she added: "Good heavens you truly are striking! Had I not known Rose, I'd of passed right by you!" Those illusions that had been forming, and that safety net that came from passing fell away at my exposure to the Chief. Somehow her seeing me like this made me very self conscious of how I looked. I wasn't sure I wanted the Chief to see me like this. Which was all sort of academic since she was. "Look, we're going to be meeting like this at least once a week. More perhaps if things work out the way I hope, and I've no doubt of that now. I'm also damn glad you are doing this. So relax, and let me enjoy what I've done to you!" The Chief said laughing lightly. "Thanks!" I said picking my fork back up. "You're welcome... What are we calling you?" The Chief asked. "Samantha!" I said before Rose could. I also decided to dig a little on my own as I added: "Sanders. Samantha Sanders. I'm named after my aunt. She is the Chief of Police here!" The surprise on her face was clear and I snickered. She laughed, Rose laughed and I joined in. The moment passed, and so did that tenseness I'd felt. The Chief nodding over that small joke. "What's our plan Rose?" The Chief asked. "We're shopping for most of the day. Home after that. Some intense lessons and another day out tomorrow. On Monday she starts..." Rose said till I interrupted. "He!" I said. Rose looked at me, smiled and started again: "SHE starts on Monday working in the shop. She'll get to know some of the people she's going to likely see this coming Saturday. If your bookkeeper is there we'll find a way to him. I'm guessing he will be. After that more of the same till we are part of the scene." "Excellent! So who else besides you knows about her?" The Chief said. I didn't speak up then. "Just my sister as far as this assignment. The rest, those working at the store, and who I'm close to, think I've found me another toy. A few know they are going to meet him Monday. The world will get to know him 'and her' from there." Rose said. "Great! Well okay then. You've got my cell, work and home numbers. I'll touch bases with you on Friday of next week around noon. I've got an officer who is already part of the gay scene and she's promised to be there with a queen she knows. She won't make contact but she's going to need to identify you in some way." "Okay, she's going to be in a white chiffon party dress wearing white patent strap shoes. She'll have a white patent purse. She's going to be carrying a Betsi Wetsi doll and doll case as well. She'll also be wearing a blond wig with sausage curls. "We're getting that wig right after lunch. Tell your gal she'll also have Hello Kitty barrettes on either side of her hair. I'm going to be in a pink two piece suit with a short straight skirt and black heels. I'll have a pastel pink diaper bag with me." Rose said. I heard the words and my stomach churned a little at the description Rose gave to the Chief. That doll was some of it, the wig a bit more, but that diaper bag most of all. Why she would need that left me puzzled. The Chief had opened her day timer and was jotting down the things Rose said. Her smiled growing as she did so, and I wasn't sure if she was even aware of it. That too was unnerving. "Got it!" The Chief said as she finished writing before clipping her day timer closed. She took another moment to look at me, patted my forearm and said: "That's it then!" Rose took her hand, and I did after that, wishing my nails were not as pink or as feminine as they were. Almost smiling over that given how I looked. "Amazing!" The Chief said in a quiet sort of way as she stood. She walked off a bit, turned while she continued, and waved. I waved back with Rose. CHAPTER SEVENTEEN "Well, that was interesting!" I said. "More than you know!" Rose said back. "What's that suppose to mean?" I asked. "She's very worried about you!" Rose said, paused and added: "Worried about the risk mostly!" "Really?" I said feeling somewhat flattered, as well as a bit more scared. "Really, and I am as well!" Rose said. "You? Why?" I asked. "If something were to happen that put you in harms way I'd never forgive myself." Rose said. She paused again before adding with a touch more lightheartedness: "That's why I'm going to hound you into being nearly perfect." "You mean you can be worse than you have been?" I asked picking up the mood with another fork full of fried rice. "Honey, you haven't seen anything yet. Now finish your lunch, we've got places to go and people to see you." She said. "People to see?" I said correcting her. "What?" She asked. "You said 'places to go and people to see me.'" I said. "That's right! People to see you!" She said making it clear she hadn't said it wrong. She snickered a little suddenly. "What?" I asked. "Ever have a doll?" She asked. "NO!" I said defensively. "Great!" She said as she started busing the table we were at. She turned away to dump the tray, and between her and I, sat a half dozen tables as she said: "Come on and lets go get you a doll. You've been such a good girl today." People looked up, at her, then at me and most smiled. I flushed crimson again feeling my face warming. "Why did you do that?" I whispered to her when she returned. "Practice!" Rose said and then added: "Besides, you have been." "Have been what?" I asked. "A very good little girl!" She said. I sighed a little. I'd thought being called a sissy was bad until now. "Ready?" She asked putting her purse in our cart. "Sure!" I said, adding in another whisper "A new doll! What more could a guy ask for?" "Let's take these things to the car first!" She said pushing the load to the mall's walkway. I followed. Elbows at my side, casual and hoping it didn't look as awkward as it felt. CHAPTER EIGHTEEN "Your dolls?" Rose asked of the girl at the counter as she looked up. "Isle seven!" The girl said smiling. "That smile was for you!" Rose said. "Don't remind me!" I said walking down the isle. "Now stop! You've been great up to now. In fact, I'm going to get you a cuddly as well and you get to pick it out!" Roses said. "Oh how wonderful! Now what the heck is a cuddly?" I asked. "One more little remark with that tone young lady, and you go back to being called Sissy. Understood!" Rose said stopping in the middle of the isle. A woman with a toddler was coming towards us. "Yes ma'am!" I said quickly. "Better! And a cuddly is something soft and cuddly that you sleep with." Rose said and then as the woman passed smiling Rose said: "Ah, here she is honey! Betsi Wetsi!" I watched as Rose pulled the doll off the shelf, taking it when she handed it to me. It was a baby doll, girl obviously and the box read: "She drinks and wets!" Oh joy I thought to myself not daring to say it in front of Rose. Rose was looking at other packages for Betsi Wetsi while I was scanning the action figures. "Honey!" Rose said in a cautionary voice. I instantly turned from the G.I. Joe, and began looking at the dolls again. I didn't need to ask what she wanted, and almost shook over the look she gave me. "Precious! Why don't you go around this isle and look at the baby plush toys. I want you to get something cuddly to sleep with. Okay?" Rose said. I was about to protest, but again that look. I held my comments back and nodded. Around the corner left me alone again. I was sure she was doing that on purpose. I was also sure I didn't want the attention of the girl stocking shelves so I avoided eye contact. Elbows touching the sash of my dress, legs together so the inside of my knees touched and don't smirk I thought to myself picking up the first large plush toy I was near. "Samantha?" Rose said coming around the corner. I was holding a large pink teddy bear with a satin bow around it's neck. One of those stuffed satin type cuddly toys that squished softly when held. I hadn't even paid much attention to it hoping to just grab something not to be noticed. "Now that one is cute! Is that the one you want honey?" Rose asked. I looked down at the feminine bear I was holding and almost said no, but the girl now behind Rose, and a foot above the floor on her stool, was smiling. I nodded my yes cursing the choice. Next to it was a powder blue teddy bear not nearly as big nor as feminine. CHAPTER NINETEEN "Interesting pick?" Rose said as we walked out of the store after paying for it. She insisted I carry the bear without the bag. I'd insisted I don't, and another subtle warning came with that next look. I carried the bear. I didn't comment on that choice or why I'd made it. She'd think otherwise anyway. I now had my Hello Kitty purse in one hand and that pink bear in the other. At least I had something to do with my hands as we made our way up the mall. I saw the wig Rose had mentioned or at least one that matched her description to the Chief and shuddered. There was a black and white photo of Shirley Temple sitting next to it in the window. "Need to guess which one?" Rose asked as she moved closer to my side. "No!" I said looking at her in the glass reflection. "Perfect isn't it?" She asked. "Yes!" I said and this time keeping the sarcasm out of my voice. "We want that blond wig in the window!" Rose said to the woman that walked up to her counter as we walked in. "Would she like to try it on? I'm assuming it's for your daughter?" The woman asked. "Yes, she's got a grandmother granddaughter picture this Saturday and her grandmother would have a fit over what she's done to her hair." Rose said. "Don't I know! My daughter decided to bleach her own one day. She nearly burned it off with the chemicals. Took weeks for it to come back. Would you like to wear it out honey?" The woman asked looking down at me. I nodded. It was a yes. That "no" held in check like my sarcasm. It was becoming obvious that I wasn't going to have any options for the things happening to me. Although, when it was on, it was the last bit of evidence that I might be even remotely male. When she brushed it into shape it was striking. I walked out with the curls bouncing around my ears and neck. "Please, is that it?" I said exhausted. This time I meant it. Not over what was happening but the sheer time it had all taken. "Almost! One last stop!" Rose said as we came out of the wig store. There was another wig in a box. Long flowing and blond. Next to that one was a picture of Alice talking with the caterpillar. Shirley Temple and Alice! What else would a girl wear, I thought. "So where to now?" I asked. "Pictures!" Rose said. "Pictures?" I asked. "Pictures!" Rose said. CHAPTER TWENTY It was a walk-in studio and again that smile over the little darling they thought they were looking at. I did smile back this time. It was our last stop. I smiled over that. I didn't smile over the setting I was being put into. That setting was girlish, and sugar and spices. A half dozen dolls all in dresses surrounding a rope swing surrounded by flowers as the woman posed me. "Very Victorian!" Rose said. "Perfect for her look!" The woman answered taking Roses comments as a complement. She pulled on several backdrops before tugging the one she wanted all the way down. Pinks? Now why did that not surprise me, I thought. "Honey! Look off at your mother and smile!" The woman said before adding: "Hold it!" The flash went off a second after she said smile and then another. The first to make the iris close so that red eye wasn't in the pictures. There were five more taken in different poses. "Blackmail?" I asked as we left the shop. "What?" Rose asked. "You're going to use those to blackmail me right?" I said. "Nope! Actually, I think that would be difficult with you. Seriously? I honestly think you are very adorable right now and one hell of a good sport considering what I've done to you today. No, it's just that I wanted some memories of Samantha on her first day out." Rose said. "Departments not paying for those either?" I asked. "Nope! Those are mine. Well, at least one set is. You are welcome to that other if you'd like but I'll have to order more because the Chief wanted one. "Look, I know guys are not suppose to be into these things, but frankly you should be proud of what you are doing." Rose said. "You're kidding right?" I asked. "Not in the least. Do you have any idea how much guts it takes for a guy to do this? Do you know that I have never come across a guy as brave as you? No sweetheart, trust me when I say this because it's true, you are the bravest man I've ever met." Rose said. There was a silence between us as she took my hand holding the purse. A long silence and my ego climbed a notch with each step. How odd that sounded as we made our way to the mall's doors. Me dressed like this and brave because of it? How was that for a contradiction? "I just wish you didn't have to act!" Rose said. It wasn't that loud and didn't sound like it was meant for me. "What?" I asked. "Nothing?" Rose said. CHAPTER TWENTY ONE I'd heard it. I also understood what it meant. I wanted to ask but didn't dare. I would have for her sake but feared asking for mine. It was an act on my part... Most of it. Not all of it though, and I'd realized that when I'd picked up that pink bear. I'd picked that pink bear up on purpose. It seemed to fit what I was wearing. It also seemed to fit how I was feeling. Why I picked it was was still swirling around in my mind. The pictures would be ready for proofing within two to three days. I'd said yes to one of them after some thought, and yes again to letting the Chief have one. Why I'd done that wasn't clear either. Why I wanted one was. It had been a long day, but not nearly as long as I'd imagined when I climbed into the car. I was tired but filled with all of those moments. Some scary and others thrilling. She'd said that earlier. I began understanding what she meant by that statement. "What now?" I said looking back at the packages laying all over her back seat. "How about we pretend we're exhausted, pick something up for dinner, and take the longest bubble bath of our lives?" Rose said. "The first and longest bubble bath of my life, and I won't have to pretend I'm exhausted." I said. She laughed. CHAPTER TWENTY TWO There are things girls do that guys should do, not for the sake of being sissy, but for the sake of simply doing it! That bubble bath was one of those things. The water was just this side of too hot, and just right after getting use to it. The bubbles foaming a few inches above the porcelain tub standing on brass feet. It was the largest tub I'd ever climbed into and I stretched out letting the water settle right above my lips with my nose exposed so I could still breath. It was luxurious. Rose was in her own. It had taken us two trips each to bring everything in counting dinner, and a rental movie. Little Women wasn't my first choice, but Rose said it was full of things I could learn from. She was always teaching I'd decided. She was also right about me not seeing pants for a while. There was a new nightgown with Cinderella on the front and a pink quilted robe with furry slippers that she'd gotten at the boutique. The dusting powder was her's, she said, as she'd sat it on the counter. As was the makeup remover she gave me a crash course on using. It was nearly an hour before I stepped out of the bathroom, and if I could I would have gone directly to bed. The nightgown felt wonderful on, under the robe, as did the white panties with Cinderella on the front. The panties were my idea. That idea came when the nightgown fell over me. It wasn't just my emotions I was having to hold in check. We were cuddled under a soft comforter as the movie began. Dinner went untouched, and we were both asleep before the movie ran twenty minutes. I was holding the pink bear near my face when my dreams began. CHAPTER TWENTY THREE "What's on the agenda for today?" I said coming into the kitchen with my robe on and holding the pink bear I found I was still holding when I woke. I had no reason for holding it now, and didn't realize it till I was half way down the long hall. I did remember her voice, last night, urging me up, and the walk to the room I would use and nothing after that. I'd been exhausted and was fast asleep the instant my head hit the pillow. "Church, brunch and my sisters. Nothing heavy duty today. We'll relax some so you're off the hook more or less!" Rose said. "Pants?" I said in surprise. It somehow disappointed me, that thought. "Don't get too excited. Actually, the next time you see pants will be when the Chief says your assignment is over." Rose said. There was almost relief over that. I blushed a little over that thought, over that. I decided I'd need a therapist to get me back on track after this. It made me laugh. Rose thought I was laughing over what she said, and in a way I was. I wore the long softly curled blond wig with my Daisy's Kingdom dress over the new chiffon slip. My black patent Mary Janes and socks with only a hint of lace on them. Under everything, a lavender pair of panties from my seven day box of panties with Sunday on them. We spent half an hour going over my new makeup with her making me apply it as she talked me through each step. I had dressed myself, but she did the last buttons and large sash fashioned into a bow I would have never managed. She also clipped in the hair bow at the back. In the mirror only the soft p

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My Vietnamese Granddaughters

"Hey you," I heard yelled peremptorily at my back as I knelt by the flower bed under the picture window, weeding and clearing out the dead shoots. "YOU!" shouted louder and from a closer distance this time. I turned slowly to face the offending noise, and was blinded for a second by the sun shining over her shoulder, but then simply panicked when I recognized the silhouette. 'VIET CONG' screamed silently and irrationally through my brain as I threw myself flat on the ground and rolled...

4 years ago
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A Vietnamese sexfight

Kim Thi Tran proudly inspected her breasts as she stood before the mirror. Despite her age of 35 and the pear size and shape of these 34C symbols of her woman hood, they were as firm as any teenager?s 32 inch tits. Gently stroking her nipples she watched in approval as they responded to her touch, stiffened and became firm. As she continued to look and touch she saw them expand to their full erect state of an inch in length and the thickness of a man?s little finger. An uncontrolled moan...

4 years ago
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Two rival Vietnamese slut engage in a sexfight

Kim Thi Tran proudly inspected her breasts as she stood before the mirror. Despite her age of 35 and the pear size and shape of these 34C symbols of her woman hood, they were as firm as any teenager?s 32 inch tits. Gently stroking her nipples she watched in approval as they responded to her touch, stiffened and became firm. As she continued to look and touch she saw them expand to their full erect state of an inch in length and the thickness of a man?s little finger. An uncontrolled moan...

3 years ago
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My Young Vietnamese Doctor

It’s has been six months since I met Dr. Wei a beautiful, petite Vietnamese doctor right out of medical school. Dr. Wei was very serious 28 year old Neurologist who was treating me, a 64 year old Vietnam vet for a central nervous system disorder. At first she was kind of standoffish, but I am a naturally friendly guy and after a few office visits we began to hit it off and talked about how she could not date while she was in medical school, and the “man shortage” for young professional women...

4 years ago
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My Young Vietnamese Doctor

It’s has been six months since I met Dr. Wei a beautiful, petite Vietnamese doctor right out of medical school. Dr. Wei was very serious 28 year old Neurologist who was treating me, a 64 year old Vietnam vet for a central nervous system disorder. At first she was kind of standoffish, but I am a naturally friendly guy and after a few office visits we began to hit it off and talked about how she could not date while she was in medical school, and the “man shortage” for young professional women...

4 years ago
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Street Cop

A tall natural blonde, she excelled in competitive sports and always had to win at whatever she did. Just playing Lacrosse in college wasn't good enough; she worked until she was captain of the team. She honed her perfect athletic body for hours at the gym and could often be seen running at dawn in the soft sand along the beach. With less than a year on the job she had the best arrest record of a rookie ever to come out of the Academy and was promoted to an elite crime squad to work under...

4 years ago
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Confessions of a Vietnamese girl part 1 Nha Trang

My name is Thanh, I'm a 24-year-young girl from Long Khanh, Viet Nam. I have long dark hair, quite a pale complexion (for a Southeast Asian woman), 1.56m small and around forty-five kilos. I live with my parents, a dog called Lucky and a couple of cats on the outskirts of a small town near Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon). I'm earning my money as a merchandiser for a big company which is making shoes, bags and so on. Religion is also very important to me as I am a Catholic girl.I will tell you my...

3 years ago
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Confessions of a Vietnamese girl part 1 Nha Trang

My name is Thanh, I'm a 24-year-young girl from Long Khanh, Viet Nam. I have long dark hair, quite a pale complexion (for a Southeast Asian woman), 1.56m small and around forty-five kilos. I live with my parents, a dog called Lucky and a couple of cats on the outskirts of a small town near Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon). I'm earning my money as a merchandiser for a big company which is making shoes, bags and so on. Religion is also very important to me as I am a Catholic girl.I will tell you my...

2 years ago
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Street boy part 3 5 years later

Introduction: Well, its been five years since stranger joined the prostitution ring, by posting some fucking pictures and videos of his little brother, David. This, of course was nothing but the very beginning. He did realize that having such a cute little brother would actually be a gift. Now, using his little brother as the perfect carnage for getting some flesh virgin boys/girls from school, the park, the streets, the cinema, or even from their own houses, bringing a nice pray to our...

4 years ago
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Streetwalking With a Succubus

Cold night. Misty. Steven Shearsmith's breath fogged the air in front of him. He heard the blood pounding through his ears as he pressed close to the rough brick wall on the corner of the street and spied on the scantily-clad girl. She wore a short jacket of stripy brown fur that seemed two sizes too small for her. It didn't even reach her midriff and couldn't have provided much benefit against the chill night air. That wasn't really the point. The jacket was open at the front and the...

3 years ago
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The Forever Ornament

~ Many thanks goes to Weird Harold for his advice and assistance. I am truly grateful to him for taking time to help me.~ ***************************** Each spin of the Christmas ornaments, on the brightly lit and heavily decorated tree, made Clayton want to both smile and cry. Each bauble on the tree held a memory of them together. In fact, one of them was bought just five months before while they lay in bed, completely nude and spent, surfing the web on his laptop for fun to see what kind...

3 years ago
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Street FindChapter 9 Dont You Love It When A Plan Comes Together

I wasn't rich by any means, but I certainly had enough money set aside for a nice engagement ring. When Gina finally was able to discuss the situation with me, we decided to look for a ring on the weekend. We couldn't decide on a date for the wedding, but that didn't seem to be important to either of us. It would be a simple civil ceremony, we decided, with my grandparents, Gina's father, and of course, the band members. Gina was more interested in when and how she would tell everyone. I...

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Street Racer Ruined

When the spoilt daughter of a wealthy family turned 16 on her birthday she received a brand new Corvette ZR1; having grown up with her family whose wealth came from making High Performance car parts, primarily Turbo Chargers and Super Chargers. Donna had always liked fast cars, driving and with a family that supported racing teams, Donna had access to the pits, mechanics and with racing teams always wanting to make nice with sponsors, Donna was able get lessons on high speed driving from...

4 years ago
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The Soccer Tournament

The soccer tournament (revised) ©2011 By Jennifer Morrell Please let me know what you think about my story, using the review functionality on the site. Keep in mind that English is not my first language. Reposting this story elsewhere on the internet is allowed as long as it free of charge and if I am acknowledged as the author. I posted this story earlier this month and I would like to thank Leah for her review of my story. I hope you like the alterations I...

5 years ago
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The Tournament 09 The Danger

Copyright Nora Quick 2012. As always, I welcomecomments and feedback! ____________________________________ Anger was his best weapon now. Tanaka climbed from the boat on the old oil platform seething. He’d traveled far northwest to reach it and awaiting him was Jace. They were two of the last three champions left, and whoever lived today would fight the Irish champion. The winner of the ultimate fight would open a portal to another dimension where their gods lived, and a pantheon would rise...

2 years ago
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My Vietnamese Doll

I had known them for several years. Her and her parents had moved in about five years ago. Unfortunately, her father became ill three years ago and was gone within 6 months. It was now her, her mom and her little brother. Mindy was a beautiful girl. Her family was Vietnamese and so she stood at only 5' tall, with a cute face with long straight black hair down to her butt and a slender body. My desire for her had been growing for the past couple of years. Her breast were now a full A...

3 years ago
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Street Life

Street Life By Innocent Guilt What is life but endless time spent by people pulling our strings. Who are we but mere puppets spawned to do the dirty work of people above us. Deadlines control the very fabric of our isolated lives we live. Machines that steal the minutes of our lives away from the depths of that life which we have lived. We are free, free as a bat, which must return to cave when the light shines brightly in their faces. In this cave we shelter and hide from...

5 years ago
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The Tournament 04 The Trial

copyright Nora Quick 2012. As always, I welcome comments and feedback! ______________________________________________ Time was not the same between the two planes. Morrigan sighed, knowing that what passed for her as mere months was going on two and a half years on her champion’s Earth. Time was inconsequential to immortals but Keelin had been abandoned for too long and she’d barely survived three challenges. The first was in violation of the agreement of the tournament, so Morrigan’s...

2 years ago
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Street Party to Remember

My name is Louisa and I am a happily married woman who enjoys having the occasional affair and extra marital sex with my husband’s full consent. I have a good figure for my age as I am over forty; I have pert 36B breasts, a lean 5 foot 7” figure, firm legs and bum. I work out regularly at the gym three times a week. My usual type of guy is young and fit, someone that is looking for a good time and no strings. I do limit myself to one or two sessions a month and enjoy relaying them to my...

4 years ago
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He swung the car around violently on the deserted road and drove back to check what his headlights had lit up. It was late, very late, and he’d been drinking – but nevertheless he was certain his eyes had not deceived him.He pulled up by the kerb where the bundle of rags had suddenly moved as he drove past. It was raining heavily now and as he searched for some sign, he was getting thoroughly drenched.A slight movement made him turn quickly. And then he saw the eyes. Two large bright eyes...

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StreetHeadChroncles 1

There are many whores, hookers, prostitutes, and e****ts, but I particularly like lowdown streethoes. Toothless, cracked out, nappy head streethoes. It all started when I was 12 years old. Dallas,Tx 1982-83. My mother was never around due to her d**g addiction but I saw her everyday. In the mornings before school, I would see her out on the corner. Usually getting in or out of someone’s vehicle. I lived with my Grandma and everyone pretended like it didn’t exist. At the time, I knew my Mom was...

2 years ago
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StreetHeadChroncles 1

There are many whores, hookers, prostitutes, and escorts, but I particularly like lowdown streethoes. Toothless, cracked out, nappy head streethoes. It all started when I was 12 years old. Dallas,Tx 1982-83. My mother was never around due to her d**g addiction but I saw her everyday. In the mornings before school, I would see her out on the corner. Usually getting in or out of someone's vehicle. I lived with my Grandma and everyone pretended like it didn't exist. At the time, I knew my Mom...

2 years ago
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Streetwalkers on my road

I live in London, and occasionally on nights out stumbling home, i will get approached on the way to my house on my road, by a street walker, generally not the best looking women. They'll whisper, "do you want some business?" Sometimes i walk by and just say no, always thinking what if its a police officer and i get arrested, not something i wanna get done for, but then there are nights when i think fuck it.So this one night, i was just walking home from work, when i got approached, it was this...

2 years ago
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Streetcar By Emily Carlisle It was a beautiful, lazy summer's afternoon; I guess that's why I had dozed off. Fortunately, I woke up just in time for my stop. I stepped off the streetcar... Streetcar? ...and started across the street, being careful to look both ways before crossing. I suddenly realized just what I was doing, and stopped dead. I was way beyond confused, and coming up fast onto a real panic. There hasn't been a streetcar through here since at least 1966; I...

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He swung the car around violently on the deserted road and drove back to check what his headlights had lit up. It was late, very late, and he’d been drinking – but nevertheless he was certain his eyes had not deceived him.He pulled up by the kerb where the bundle of rags had suddenly moved as he drove past. It was raining heavily now and as he searched for some sign, he was getting thoroughly drenched.A slight movement made him turn quickly. And then he saw the eyes. Two large bright eyes...

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One of the very first things Viva Street greets you with is a dialog box. However, this isn't your conventional "are you 18" greeting message, which is strange. Rather, this website suggests that you sign up to it right away, as soon as you open it up for the first time. This isn't a bad idea all in all, especially if you are dead serious about trying to get an escort in the UK. In the end, it all really depends on your will to have sex with some of the hottest babes on the Isles. If you're a...

Escort Sites
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Streetfighter Training

The punch came faster then Ken had expected, whizzing towards his head. Quickly jumping back, he gained his balance again and continued the fight. Quickly stepping up, Ryu unleashed a kick directed to his side; however, this strike was much slower. Ken jumped to the right, absorbing the force before returning the favor with a kick of his own to the head. Before his friend could realize, the kick was grabbed, and with its own momentum, used to send the hapless victim onto the ground. Ryu was...

4 years ago
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Golf tournament

3 weeks after Arie and his wife Karen went back to home from their holiday in the Dominican republic. During this period, each day he thinks about the maid he made love with the maid Adriana Moisonda. When he arrived back home, Adriana has texted him to not to maturbate to her pictures, that she only wants that her boy gives him orgasm when he feels it. Arie promised her not to masturbate. Both keep texting with each other. Very small texts, but they keep contact. During this period, he is all...

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P90SEX Allies squash tournament

“Ouch!” Allie yelped. “That really hurt." Allie began frantically rubbing her ass after receiving the full velocity of a squash ball right on her butt cheek. Dave rushed over to apologize and to assist her in any way he could. “I’m so sorry. I hope you’re OK," he said apologetically. “This is going to leave a mark on my ass for sure. I did not realize that the competition was so fierce in this squash tournament," Allie said with a smile as she continued to rub her ass to relieve the sting....

Group Sex
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Playing To Win Playing The Game IIChapter 5 Tournament Weekend

I kept up my schedule through the end of the school year. Since I didn't have a girlfriend to spend any time with, I kept on running, with and without a soccer ball. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I worked with Davey, Kip, and Justin before the Warriors practices. I wasn't sure how productive these sessions were, but we had fun goofing around in the park, at least. And, at that age, any time spent working the ball was time well spent for a kid who wanted to be a better player. The recreational...

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The Tournament 05 The Mystery

Copyright Nora Quick 2012. As always, I welcome comments and feedback! ______________________________________ ‘Again!’ Morrigan cried and I swiftly turned and brought my sword to my opponent’s neck. Faster this time, he dropped his broadsword and cried mercy. My goddess clapped. ‘Keelin, this is excellent!’ I was dripping with sweat. For two years I’d wandered and spent time training with weights, fighting strangers. This past year training with Morrigan was sheer hell. She should have...

2 years ago
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THE CHEERLEADING TOURNAMENT"Tiff', let's go! We're going to be late for registration if we don't leave now!" Lisa Kollins screamed from the foyer.From the bedroom upstairs, Tiffany screamed, "Coming, Mom!" Inside her room, the nineteen-year-old college sophomore took one last look at herself in the full-length mirror. The girl, or the woman rather, that stared back looked fantastic in hip hugging jeans and tight t-shirt that ended at her navel. Her natural blonde hair was a deep golden hue cut...

4 years ago
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The Second Great ENF Tournament

The History So, about a year ago we played host to the first ENF Tournament. That one can be found here: And it was really fun! A bunch of really good authors (Including yours truly) came together to compete for an utterly meaningless prize and title. While doing so, we made some pretty hot stories and had a lot of fun! We writers got to mess around with new and interesting characters and readers got to enjoy a bunch of stories. It was...

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Live Ornaments for my Garden

We stood in the garden now that had recently been landscaped all it was missing were some garden ornaments and now I had three. In the garden were three holes freshly dug and there was a supply of fast drying concrete ready to be poured. Sadie was first, she was Janes daughter. She was just 23 years old nice big tits and a big mouth just right for what I had planned for her. I told her to strip naked, she looked at me horrified as I explained what was going to happen. Each of them would...

1 year ago
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Street Love

It was late night, and the full moon shone brightly over Manhattan. I was cruising in my brand new silver Lamborghini Murcilago down the FDR Drive, flying past vehicles like the Silver Surfer. I had my Hispanic girlfriend, Tia Bella with me. She was a gorgeous Hispanic woman with a flawless tanned complexion. Tia was short with killer body measurements of 36-25-35. The powder-blue dress she wore complemented her figure perfectly. She also had long brown hair, dazzling brown eyes and a mouth...

Erotic Fiction
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The Tournament 10 The Rising

Copyright Nora Quick 2012. As always, I welcomecomments and feedback! ______________________________________________ ‘I have bad news,’ the goddess Morrigan said. I stopped whittling the little statue of a horse I was trying to make to glare sullenly at her. ‘What now? Three thousand years ago it was ‘come and be the greatest warrior the world has ever known. Oopsie, we let a Japanese god take a part of your soul so he could stalk you lifetime-to-lifetime.’ Then it was ‘Train my champion...

3 years ago
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Strapon Tournament

Once finished, he set the iron upright, unplugged it and left it to cool. He collected Mistress' clothes, which were now displayed neatly on hangers. Not those thin metal hangers or the cheap plastic kind. Smooth hangers with wooden encasement over the steel interior. He'd learned in recent years that those were the best kind. He'd learned so much thanks to his new life with Mistress Janet. Chief among those experiences was a crash course in domestic servitude that had trained him into an...

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NarutoThe lemon games chapter 1Tsuname1

Tazuna's house, in the dead of the night. He had his own room because Tazuna had his own room, Tsunami and Sakura were sharing a room, Inari had his own room, and Kakashi and Sasuke were sharing a room. It was just after the battle for the bridge in fact. A huge party would be thrown tomorrow He was resting until a large book appeared out of nowhere and dropped…right on his groin. "Sonofabitch!" Naruto shouted rolling onto the floor and smacking his head into it by...

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NarutoThe lemon games chapter 1Tsuname0

Tazuna's house, in the dead of the night. He had his own room because Tazuna had his own room, Tsunami and Sakura were sharing a room, Inari had his own room, and Kakashi and Sasuke were sharing a room. It was just after the battle for the bridge in fact. A huge party would be thrown tomorrow He was resting until a large book appeared out of nowhere and dropped…right on his groin. "Sonofabitch!" Naruto shouted rolling onto the floor and smacking his head into it by...

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A Rose By Any Other Name1

Kandi Skylar recently came to the realization that she had been born to be a stripper and everything in her life that happened since then only reinforced the gut wrenching discovery. Her petty criminal father had been the one who named her Kandi- with a K- on one of the only three days he was out of jail since he knocked up her mother nine months prior. It was literally the only thing he ever gave her, as he wound up knocking over a corner liquor store and ultimately dying in prison a few...

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A Rose By Any Other Name0

A Rose By Any Other Name Right after I finished high school I realized that I couldn’t get a job and that my parents couldn’t afford to send me to college. My friends tried to talk me into taking out loans but I didn’t want the debt. So there I was at sixteen without any future. All I had was a diploma and my love of photography. I had received a nice digital camera for Christmas and in the past six months had become pretty good at photography. We live on a dead end road with a...

4 years ago
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FullMetal Panic Kaname Tessas First Time

It was just like any other day until you see a cute girl all alone. So you go over next to her and sit by her; and you introduce yourself. "Hi I'm Kaname. What is your name, you said." "My name is Tessa. Do you mind If I ask you a personal question, asked Tessa." "Go ahead and ask away, you said." "Boys have been asking me out & I tell them no. I just don't want to go out with them. I want my first time to be with a kind; caring; sweet; and sensitive girl, Tessa said." "I know what your going...

3 years ago
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Codename Lumiegravere Chapter 01

CODENAME LUMIÈRE –THE BEGINNINGChapter 01 – Dreams Come (and Cum) True“Why don’t you take a seat, Lumière?”, asked the voice before a white armchair, whiter as the room he was, appeared from nowhere. The man still questioned if that was a dream or a sort of trick, but it wasn’t much useful to argue against somebody you want to know who he is.“First of all, I want to know who you are and why I am here”“Every answer you want will be done when time is due”“I do believe that time is now, mister”,...

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Codename Lumegravere The Soft Launch Chapter V

CODENAME LUMIÈRE – THE SOFT LAUNCHChapter 05 – So, How Do We Get the Story Straight?DISCLAIMERI do not own any of the characters on this story, save if they are original characters (OC). They belong to their creators, producers, broadcasters, publishers and distributors, as the works they come from or inspired in way the story written below.I do not have any financial gain through this written piece nor I intend to cash on it. This content is mostly to be seen as a parody work with adult...

3 years ago
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Codename Lumiere Soft Launch Pt 4

CODENAME LUMIÈRE – THE SOFT LAUNCHChapter 04 – Nicolet D’ArceyDISCLAIMERI do not own any of the characters on this story, save if they are original characters (OC). They belong to their creators, producers, broadcasters, publishers and distributors, as the works they come from or inspired in way the story written below.I do not have any financial gain through this written piece nor I intend to cash on it. This content is mostly to be seen as a parody work with adult content. I repeat, a...

2 years ago
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Codename Lumiere Soft Launch Pt 3

CODENAME LUMIÈRE – THE SOFT LAUNCHChapter 03 – The Rules of the AttractionDISCLAIMERI do not own any of the characters on this story, save if they are original characters (OC). They belong to their creators, producers, broadcasters, publishers and distributors, as the works they come from or inspired in way the story written below.I do not have any financial gain through this written piece nor I intend to cash on it. This content is mostly to be seen as a parody work with adult content. I...

2 years ago
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De Overname deel 5

Robert was woest. Hoe had Jeannine zijn vertrouwen zo kunnen beschamen. Hij was altijd in voor nieuwe dingen of experimentjes op seksueel vlak. Maar dat was iets tussen hun tweeën... Nooit had hij rekening gehouden met het feit dat ze het zomaar met een andere kerel aan zou leggen. Hij dacht terug aan die rare situatie die hij thuis had aangetroffen. Merkwaardig dat hij op enig moment die klik naar lust voelde in zijn lichaam, terwijl hij razend werd op het moment dat hij zijn vrouw in deze...

4 years ago
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Le Pallavoliste 1 Lallenamento

Premessa: questo racconto mi è stato chiesto di farlo lo scorso anno da una ragazza che mi ha contattato tramite e-mail. Lei mi ha descritto i personaggi e i loro caratteri e dove si sarebbe ambientata la storia, il resto l’ho fatto io.Novembre 2010, un mercoledì sera come tutti gli altri Alice si stava recando in palestra, e come al solito era in dannato ritardo. “E il bello è che sono il capitano della squadra” pensò mentre guidava la sua Opel Corsa nel traffico alle 19.35. Mancavano ancora...

3 years ago
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Humare Parivar Ke Chudai Ke Karname 8211 Part 3

Main aur meri randiya adhe ghante mein ghar pahunche. Ate ate humne daru ka acha khasa stock le aye the. Ab hum teeno ki aag pure joro par thi. Ghar mein ghuste hi maine dono randiyon ko hall mein bithaya aur main mom ki room mein gaya. Wahase dupatte aur handkerchief le aya. Ab maine unake hath bandh diye aur ankho pe pattiya bandh di. Uske bad mujhe call aya. Maine meri dono randiyon ko bedroom mein chhod diya aur akar gate open kiya. Waha Monika, uska boyfriend aur 5 male friends the. Usne...

4 years ago
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Humare Parivar Ke Chudai Ke Karname 8211 Part 2

Subah subah jab main room se bahar aya to alag hi najara dekhne ko mila. Ma aur masi ne aise blouse pahane ki adhe se jadha mumme bahar the aur sari bhi transparent. Woh dono kahi bahar jane ke liye ready thi. Jaise hi main dikha woh dono hasane lagi. Mujhe samajh mein a raha tha ki woh kya bate kar rahi hai. Aur ab main bhi unhe chodana hi chahata tha. Par directly to main kar nahi sakata tha to dekhana chahata tha ki ye dono randiya ab kya karegi. Unhe dekhne ke bad mera lund khada ho raha...

3 years ago
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Star Wars Codename Veronica

[No Disrespect was meant by writing this and this is just a very short draft of something that might become something else.] Starwars: Codename Veronica By Britney Kandey The "Exiv" lay buried under sand from yet another sand storm, the Tatooine desert was indeed an unforgiving place. Kyp Ryder had made Tatooine his home after a smuggling run had gone haywire, and a bounty hunter had finally shot down his Corellian Corvette the "Exiv". Kyp had only intended to stay on...

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Meri Mummy K Sexy Karname 8211 Part 1

Mera name rohit hai aur ye bilkul sachhi ghatna hai.Mere family mein 4 log rhte the.Meri mummy dada dadi aur mai.Mere papa mumbai m factory mein worker the.Kuch samay pahle ki baat hai .Mere ek friends k pas bicycle tha.Uska name prakash tha.Uski bicycle muje bhut achhi lgti thi.Lekin prakash kisi ko bicycle ni deta tha. Ek din mai apni mummy se bola muje v bicycle chahiye to mummy boli ki paise ni hain.Uske baad mai rone lga.Phir mummy boli aaj sham m market chalenge aur mere liye chocolate...

2 years ago
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Ciname Hall Main Chud Gayee

By : Amus Hai mera naam anju hai aur main 45 years ki housewive hoon magar dekhne main 35 se se jyada ki nahin lagti badan bhara hua hai sexy lagtee hoon meri ankhe nashilee hain is liye sab ko lagta hai mein jyada sexy houngi magar mein normal hoon .mere pati ek mnc main badi post per hai aur bache college main padhte hai. Yeh experience jo main aapko bataane ja rahin hoon woe six month pehle hua .main ek week ke liye aapni parents ke yahan gayi jo gaya main rehte hain aur ek din mein aapni...

2 years ago
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The Nameseek

For most tribes in The Blood Swamp, a name is not given at birth. Children and youth carry only the name of their tribe, and are differentiated from each other in conversation only by their parents and relative age. As such, you have only ever been called Child of Mudheel Sneaktrapper. Today, though, you lose even that identity. Two moons past marked your eighteenth year of life, and so you now stand naked and unarmed in the center of Mudheel Village with your two peers, waiting for the village...

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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 501 Rahul Ke Karname

Narrated by Author Pichle baar episode 47 mein aaplogo ne padha ki kayse Rahul ke ghar Rahul, uski maa Sarika aur uski Kavita aunty ek sath sone gaye. Lekin is beech Kavita ke sath mazedaar kissa ho gaya. Sarika aur Rahul ke beech laeti Kavita ka dono taraf se shoshan hi ho gaya. Ek taraf Sarika aur dusri taraf se Rahul ne Kavita ki game baja di. Lekin na hi Rahul ko apni maa ke harkat ka pata tha na hi Sarika ko apne bete ki. Sirf Kavita hi jaanti thi ki uske sath rajaayi ke andar kya...

3 years ago
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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 501 Rahul Ke Karname

Narrated by Author Pichle baar episode 47 mein aaplogo ne padha ki kayse Rahul ke ghar Rahul, uski maa Sarika aur uski Kavita aunty ek sath sone gaye. Lekin is beech Kavita ke sath mazedaar kissa ho gaya. Sarika aur Rahul ke beech laeti Kavita ka dono taraf se shoshan hi ho gaya. Ek taraf Sarika aur dusri taraf se Rahul ne Kavita ki game baja di. Lekin na hi Rahul ko apni maa ke harkat ka pata tha na hi Sarika ko apne bete ki. Sirf Kavita hi jaanti thi ki uske sath rajaayi ke andar kya...

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