Additional Education
- 2 years ago
- 35
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"Slowly, Manish," Shirlyn murmured. "Don't be in such a rush!"
"I can't help it!"
"You must try! How else will you learn? I can't teach you if you don't try! Okay, are you ready now?"
"Good. Now ... easy does it ... put it in slowly ... mm, yes ... ohhh yes ... that's it ... oh that feels so good, Manish! Yes!
That's wonderful! Now ... push it in deeper ... yes! Oh ma yes!
That's it! C'mon ... deeper ... shove it in, Manish ... as deep as you can ... Ohhhhhh uhhh yes! That's it! Put it all in, lover! Oh god yes! Oh Manish ... uhhhh yes!"
Above her, the strapping seventeen-year old schoolboy groaned thickly and flexed his buttocks taut. His lean hips dipped and his enormous nine-inch erection squelched into Shirlyn's convulsing slit. She gasped and arched steeply under him, clenching his powerful biceps, lifting her hips to meet his in descent. Her cunt spasmed and contracted on his throbbing penis and the boy gasped.
His face was flushed and he was panting heavily, his nostrils flared, his mouth open. The pressure in his groin was unbearable, and her cunt was unrelenting on his distended penis. His body was tense and taut, veins popping in his neck and forehead, his muscles cording powerfully. His hard, tall body glistened with a light sweat. A thin rivulet of perspiration coursed down his face, over his neck and deep chest and splashed on her breast. Shirlyn murmured in pleasure and, gripping his buttocks, keeping him pinned inside her, began moving her hips deftly in gentle undulating circular motions. The boy groaned. Her cunt churned around his cock, alternately squeezing and releasing his penis.
Shirlyn smiled gently.
"There," she said softly. "Doesn't that feel good, Manish? Do you like that?"
"Yes!" he gasped. "Oh god yes!"
"This is how you must fuck a woman, Manish ... slowly and deeply and thoroughly. Do you understand?"
"Yes ... no ... I don't know! Oh god ... c'mon!"
"No! Not yet! Not so fast!"
"Oh god oh god oh god," the boy moaned.
"Slowly now," she murmured, guiding him. "Gently ... now ... start moving ... move your cock out ... ahhhhhh ... yes ... that's it
... good ... now ... hold it ... yes ... now shove it in again ... now! Yes! OHHHHHHH that's it! Shove it all in Manish! Shove it right in! OHHHHH baby yes! Now again ... out ... mm ... ohh uhhh yes ... now ... in ... oh ma uhhhhhhh yes! Oh fuck yes! Again!
C'mon Manish ... do it ... in a rhythm ... move with me ... Out
... yes! And in ... ohhh uhhh yes ... out ... uhhh ... in ... ohh
... out ... That's it ... that's it ... yes ... keep moving ... just like that ... oh god Manish ... that feels so good!"
Shirlyn hissed in pleasure and dragged her slender fingers up his hard, V-shaped torso to his deeply cleaved chest and steepled them over his nipples, her fingernails digging into his smooth skin.
Her pointed tongue arched sexily over her deliciously curved upper lip. She moved her hips easily and rhythmically in a steady up and down motion. Her cunt was a hot vortex that engulfed the throbbing mass of his cock-flesh, squeezing and contracting greedily on its mass. Her succulent breasts jiggled with their motions, her nipples rigid and stiff. The long gold necklace danced on her smooth, creamy flesh. Manish gasped in pleasure as he fucked her, thrusting his cock in and out of her moist, tight, convulsing cunt.
"Manish," she gasped. "Slow down ... breathe out ... again ... yes
... several breaths ... in and out ... that's it ... get a grip on yourself ... focus, Manish ... c'mon ... concentrate ... yes ... now calm down ... empty your mind ... don't try and think ... don't think of me ... close your eyes ... it's you ... just you
... and your cock ... in my slit ... my slit's nice and hot and tight, isn't it? Yes ... it feels good on your cock, doesn't it?
See? See how it squeezes your prick? It's just you and your prick and my cunt now ... and all you want to do ... all you have to do is pull it out ... slowly ... yes ... that's good ... more ... take it all the way out ... that's it ... bas, that's it! Stop ... not all the way out ... just till there ... yes ... leave your cock-head in my cunt ... now stop ... don't move ... don't move at all ... mm ... wait for me to beg for it ... now ... please ... shove it in ... shove it right in Manish ... slowly ... ahhhhhhhhhh uhhh yes! Oh god that's so good ... now again ... out
... wait ... now in uhhhhhhhh Oh ma uhhhh yes! Again! Oh god yes
... now! Quickly! Ram it in hard! All the way! Just ram it in,
Manish! OHHHHHHHHHHHH uhhh yes! Oh god yes! That's it! Do it again! Ahhhhhh uhhh oh ma uhhh yes! Oh uhh oh uhh oh uhh god yes
... now slow again ... yes ... mm ... that's lovely ... slow again
... and again ... once more ... again ... now hard ... yes oh yes oh god yes that's it oh fuck yes do it uhh yes again! Oh lord yes,
Manish, yes!"
The teenager followed her guidance, feeling giddy and oddly light-headed. He could hardly believe this was happening at last, at long last, after so long, so much waiting, so much dreaming, so much longing, those lonely nights of endless masturbation, fantasizing about her, of Shirlyn, his teacher, his tuition teacher who taught him math and chemistry and physics and, and biology, most of all biology, mostly anatomy, hers and his, and theirs.
Manish spinning in a whirlpool of lust. The girl is bewitching. He cannot stop looking at her. She is so lovely, so pretty, so sexy, slender and curved. She has a lovely oval face with a pointed chin, a slim, straight nose and slightly flared nostrils, small, cutely stuck-out ears. Her face is narrow so that, from some angles, it looks like her cheeks are plump, but even that is cute, really cute. Her cheekbones are high. Her eyes are lovely, large, dark brown, full of magic. Her lips are light and full and her teeth are white and strong and even. Her skin is like gold, smooth and clear, firm as a grape, without a trace of body hair. Her hair is dark and tumbles about her shoulders or flounces in a sexy pony tail or is coiled up neatly on the back of her head. Her neck is superb, a long, slender, graceful column that holds her head. Her arms and legs are nicely turned and slim, with attractive ankles and wrists and slim fingers and toes, beautifully shaped and arched. He can't stop looking at her breasts, the way they jut out, full and ripe and high, like succulent fruit. Her belly is firm and flat. He has seen it when she wears a sari. Oh god, her breasts. Her lovely breasts. Whatever she wears, the neck is always cut low, so close, so near, he can see the beginning of her cleavage, drawing his eyes down, down where the sexy gold chain around her neck disappears, oh lucky necklace, oh precious gold.
And those glasses she wears, with the black thread, the rims a delicate burgundy gold that makes her eyes look richer and livelier and sexier. What he wants, what he wants is to pull the clothes off her, to squeeze her breasts, get her to open her legs, to shove his dick into her cunt, to fuck her and fuck her and fuck her.
"Manish! Pay attention!"
He snaps back. She is glaring at him. He frowns and shakes his head, trying to clear the muddle and confusion. She sighs in exasperation.
"Oh Manish, why do you do this? You must concentrate. You're not even trying! How can I teach you anything if you won't listen?"
He knows she is a secretary in a lawyer's office. She takes tuitions part time to supplement her income. He doesn't know that she no longer does it for the money, that she's dropped all but a handful of her tuitions and those she keeps for reasons quite unrelated to education. Manish is one of her most attractive and sexy students. She wants to fuck him, and she's enjoying the sport of seducing him, hunting him, taking her time and drawing it out, savouring the exquisite torture of denial. She knows she will have him before long, but she hasn't yet quite decided how she wants to do it.
Oh, of course if she just took off her clothes and spread her legs he'd be on her in a flash. She knows that he is obsessed with her body, but she torments him, giving him these flashing glimpses of her breasts when she bends forward, brushes her breasts against his arm, lets him look at her legs when she wears a dress, letting it ride up her knees and thighs more than she should.
He is very cute, very sexy and not terribly bright. But it's not his mind she's interested in. He has the face of a film-star and the body of a demi-god. He knows this and he takes good care of himself. He is clean-shaven with the square-jawed, rugged features of a Maratha. His nose is strong and straight, his cheeks sexily hollowed, his lips full and wide and sensual and his teeth are white and strong. His eyes are dark and deep-set under thick eyebrows. His hair is thick and dark. His body is stunning; she knows he lifts weights and works out for hours on end to keep in shape. A bullish neck spans out to broad, powerful shoulders. His torso is a breathtakingly slashed V that tapers to a narrow waist and high hips. His chest is broad and deeply cleaved and his belly is hard and flat. His arms and legs are thick and long and bunched with muscle. His torso is hairless; even his armpits are depilated
-- she has seen it under his open shirt. She finds this very sexy; she doesn't like hairy men. She has noticed the prominent bulge in his crotch and frequently fantasizes about his cock. She imagines it must be enormously long and thick.
Shirlyn and Manish at the dining table. A spread of notebooks and files and textbooks and papers, a clutter of pencils, pens, erasers. Manish's brow is furrowed and he looks grey and tired, his eyes glassy. Shirlyn has her spectacles perched on her nose, a book open upside down before her, right way up before him, a pencil in her slim fingers. She is wearing a brightly coloured synthetic skirt and blouse. It clings to her body like film. The neck of her blouse is cut in a dangerously deep U that shows a good deal of her chest, the swell of her breasts squeezed together under it. The blouse has no buttons, just knotted ends beneath her breasts. The blouse is short and tight and her breasts jut out provocatively over her bare midriff. The skirt is slung precariously far below her navel. He knows that from behind, the blouse is cut way, way down with low, scooped shoulders and shows most of her back, the honey gold skin glistening soft and smooth as a grape, and he longs to touch it, run his fingers over it. Her mouth is moving, and all he can see is the bright flash of her teeth and the darting of her tongue. His eyes keep slipping down.
The blouse is translucent and he can see her breasts, most of them, full and heavy, the gold necklace twinkling on her creamy skin, disappearing in a taper between her breasts. Beneath, her naked midriff keeps flashing at him beneath her blouse.
"Manish! Manish!" She snaps her fingers in his face. He has drifted off again.
Exasperated, she tosses down the pencil. It skitters off the page and the table, clatters to the floor. She pushes her chair back and bends to pick it up.
Manish stifles a groan. As she bends, the lapels of her blouse fall low so that he has an unimpeded view of her breasts, can see the deep cleavage and the gold necklace nestling in the vale, can gauge the size and form of her breasts. She pauses a little longer than necessary, but he doesn't notice, keeps staring. She straightens and adjusts her blouse casually. He blanks out again, the magic moment is lost.
She shuts the math textbook. "Okay, Manish. You're not taking in any of this. Let's try something else. Get the Bio book."
Dumbly, he pulls out a thick volume from the stack at his elbow.
She notices how smoothly and easily his muscles move, rippling under his skin. He is wearing jeans and an unbuttoned, open shirt, the sleeves rolled up to his biceps. His forearms are thick and criss-crossed with sinewy and bulging veins. Under the shirt, she can see his hard, muscular torso and she licks her lips as her eyes slide surreptitiously over his frame, lingering on the small, hard, stiff nipples that are pulled wide and low on either side of his cleaved chest.
"Open it. Chapter twenty-two. Reproduction."
He flips open the book and stares at the diagrams. A cock. A cunt.
Sperm swimming towards eggs. Fuck. He looks at her.
"This ... this isn't in the prelims portion, is it?" he asks nervously.
She conceals a smile. "No. Not yet. But it's interesting. It's different from what you've been doing, it'll be a change and you'll learn something."
Manish watching in a daze as she edges closer, her knee touching his and begins to explain the different parts. The scrotum. The testes. The penis. A mass of cartilage. Erections. Thickened with blood surging through veins. Sperm comes from the testes, also known as the gonads, through the vas deferens. During reproduction, also known as copulation or intercourse, the erect penis is inserted into the vaginal aperture. Ejaculation causes a release of sperm. Millions of little squids swim through the vaginal fluid to a rendezvous with ova. One or two will make it.
The others perish. Never mind. More where that came from. Her fingers touch the back of his hand. Her blouse lapels droop. He sees her breasts again. Oh god. She isn't wearing a bra. He can see her nipples through the blouse. They're hard. Stiff little stubs. He wants to pinch them. She shuts the book, pushes her chair back and gets up.
"Okay, that's enough for today. We'll meet again tomorrow."
He gets up and sees her out. When she's gone, he goes mad. Rushes around crazily, doesn't know what to do. Masturbates and comes, masturbates again, comes again. And again.
When his elder brother returns from work, Manish is asleep. The elder boy looks in on his kid brother. Poor kid. Ever since their parents died in that car crash, he's done everything he could to get him through school. Nothing seems to work. He doesn't read, can't handle schoolwork, just works out, works out, works out.
Great body as a result. But real dumb. He picks up the phone.
"Hello, Shirlyn? It's me, Anand."
"Hi Anand. How's it going?"
"Fine. And you?"
"Very well."
"Sorry, you busy?"
"Mm. No, not really. Go on."
Shirlyn sees no reason to mention that she is busy. Busy as a beaver. Busy with a tongue in her beaver. She's in bed with,
Barku, an office-boy from the firm she works for. In India, they call them peons. They do the dirty work, sweeping, delivering stuff, carrying messages, standing in lines to pay phone bills.
The work is tough and their lives are hard -- and their bodies show it. Most of them are lean, muscular, sun-hardened men.
Shirlyn loves fucking them.
Barku is exceptionally good. He's a sexy, handsome stud with a great cock and terrific stamina. He licks slit like a god, and she loves having a tongue in her cunt. She is naked on her back in bed, her legs spread wide, fondling her swollen breasts with one hand. Barku is sprawled with his face in her crotch, prising her cunt-lips open in his strong, thick fingers, moving his head round and round, pushing and stabbing his tongue in and out of her streaming wet cunt. Her hips grind and buck gently and her body jerks as he thrusts his tongue in and out of her cunt as though she is being fucked. She grips the phone to her ear and, with her free hand, clenches the peon's hair, moving his head between her thighs to suit her pleasure.
"Tell me Anand," she murmurs, struggling to keep her voice even.
"What can I do for you?"
"I'd like to meet you. This evening? About, um, Manish, and his school work. How it's going. That sort of thing."
Shirlyn sticks her tongue out at the phone. She knows Anand is bullshitting as usual. He wants to fuck her. But he never says so.
Always dreams up some stupid excuse. Still, he's good to fuck and she has no other plans. Barku can't stay the night anyway.
"Yes, all right," she says. "That sounds fine. What time?"
"Would you like to do dinner?" She can hear the grin and relief in his voice.
"Mm. Let's see." She nudges Barku away and rolls over onto her front, lifting her buttocks and spreading her legs. Barku chuckles softly and, kneeling behind her, presses his face to her buttocks.
Her body lurches forward as his tongue swirls over her puckered anus. Shirlyn loves being rimmed, loves being fucked in the ass.
Barku will sodomize her before they're done. With her free hand, she motions to him to finger-fuck her, jerking her wrist to and fro, her palm raised, middle finger curled forward. Barku chuckles softly and jabs a thick finger into her cunt. She stifles a moan.
Her buttocks writhe and sway erotically.
"Well?" Anand asks. "Shall we do dinner?"
"Oh, all right."
"Where would you like to go?"
"Actually, I'm not particularly hungry. Wherever you like."
"You choose. Your choice. Chinese?"
"I don't mind."
"Fine. I can get you at eight."
"That's good."
Shirlyn's hips are swaying and writhing as Barku tongue- and finger-fucks her simultaneously, alternating his tongue between her cunt and dainty anus. He loves the taste and smell of it, it turns him on. He begins masturbating. His cock is already hard from her earlier sucking of it, something she does incredibly well and loves dearly.
Frantically, she motions for him to stop and to start fucking her, making a fist and pumping it back and forth in the universal gesture. Barku laughs silently and, rising, straddles her hips in a low squat, bending his knees deeply. He pushes his cock between her buttocks to her anus. She shakes her head. Later she mouths silently, her face turned over one slender shoulder. Not now. He nods and pushes his cock-head to her cunt-lips. Shirlyn bites her lower lip and her face twists in a grimace of pleasure as the peon's huge cock-head pops into her cunt and his enormous, throbbing shaft pursues the bridgehead, surging slowly inward, making a huge wave of pleasure rock her body. On the phone, Anand is saying something.
"What? Sorry, I didn't get that."
"I asked what you think about Manish. Is he making progress?"
"Well," Shirlyn begins and then has to pause as Barku slides out and thrusts into her again.
"You were saying?"
"Well, Manish's um progress. Not great, to be honest. It'll take time."
"He doesn't have time. His exams are almost on his head. Will he get through?"
"I don't know. Something's bothering him."
"I don't know. You tell me."
"Why do you say that?"
"It's just that, well, he doesn't seem to be able to focus or concentrate. He keeps drifting off. It's very difficult working with someone like that."
"I appreciate all you're doing for me. Truly. I mean it. I really do."
"Just doing my job, Anand."
"You're good for him."
"Thank you."
"And for me, too," he says more softly. "For me, too. I'd be lost without you. Honestly."
This irritates her. She doesn't like being crowded emotionally.
Anand wants to bind her down and she hates that. She scowls.
"Anand, I have to go."
"Why, what's up?"
"Someone's here."
"Who is it?"
"Later, Anand. See you at eight."
"No wait!"
Shirlyn is really pissed off now. She decides to give him something to think about. She drops the phone but leaves it off the hook. He hasn't disconnected. She can hear him calling to her.
She turns her face over her shoulder to the peon who is fucking her cunt slowly and deeply and unhurriedly.
"Mm ... ohhh that's good, Barku," she moans loudly, loud enough that Anand can hear through the dangling receiver. "C'mon baby ... shove it in ... right in ... ahhhhhh yes ... oh fuck yes ... that's so good ... c'mon ... do it again ... hard! OHHHHHH uh OH ma uhhh yes! Oh god Barku you're so big! That's so good ... c'mon
... fuck me, baby ... fuck me! Oh yes ... fuck me! Shove your cock right up into my cunt, lover ... ram it in! Yeh! That's it uhhhh
Ohhhh yes oh fuck yes uhhhh OHHHHH uhh yes Oh that's so good, baby yes! Do it!"
Anand has the phone clipped to his ear. His knuckles whiten. His ears burn. She's fucking someone! The bitch! All this time she's talking to him and arranging to have dinner with him and she's fucking someone! The fucking whore! He knows, of course, that she fucks around, she's never hidden the fact that she has lovers, never given him reason to believe he's the first or the only one but she's never done anything like this. Not openly, no. And then, to his surprise, his cock pops up and strains at his trousers. She sounds so damned sexy and he can just see her, whimpering and gasping and writhing with the guy, the guy he doesn't know and can't see, just like she does with him. Oh fuck, he can see her now, what she must be doing, her hot cunt on the big, long cock, her body jerking and writhing.
"C'mon ... take it! Take it, whore!" he hears the man gasp and is stunned. The voice is rough, the words vernacular, the accent low-bred. Who the shit is she fucking?
"C'mon you fucking whore! Take my cock ... yeh ... that's it ... oh uhhh yeh ... oh fuck yes! Take it! Yeh ... that's it!" the man goes.
"Oh yes ... yes, Barku, yes ... fuck me!" she gasps. "Fuck me harder uhhhhhh yes oh god yes that's it ... c'mon lover ... shove it in ahhhhhhh uhhh yes ... oh god that's it yes ... oh fuck your cock's so big ... stick it in, baby ... shove it right up ohh yeh!
God you peons are so good for me! You fuck me so well!"
A peon! She's fucking a bloody peon! Anand screams into the phone hello hello hello and all he hears is her, her, Shirlyn, and her lover, the peon, the peon laughing in delight. And then there's a soft click and the line goes dead.
That night, after a strained dinner, they go back to her little flat and Anand fucks her like a demon. She says nothing about the afternoon and he doesn't ask, just bends her body under his, forcing himself into her again and again with a savage madness.
She takes it all, everything he gives her, without protest, just gasping and moaning desperately as he pillages her flesh.
When he's done at last, the insane jealousy and crazed lust have ebbed. She snuggles up against him, fondling his cock. Her breasts are hot and fleshy against his hard chest. His cock stirs. She traces the contours of his body with her fingertip. Like his brother, Anand is muscular and handsome and his cock is big and thick, about seven inches long limp, over eight inches in full tumescence and correspondingly thick. He's good in bed, has power and stamina. Her body still tingles from his rough handling of her, which she actually rather enjoyed.
"Feeling better?" she murmurs, her tongue in his ear.
"You're a whore."
"Mm. I like being fucked."
"Even by a peon."
"It turned you on, didn't it?"
He's silent, because it's the truth. She smiles.
"You should have seen us," she said. "He fucked me so well and for so long. I really loved it."
"Shut up! Shut up!"
She slides over him, kisses him, his cock is hardening quickly and she lifts her hips and slips her cunt down on it. He gasps. She kisses him again, pushes her tongue into his mouth.
"How he fucked me," she goes on. "He's got this big cock, really big and thick, and he shoved it right into my slit ... just the way I like being fucked ... nice and hard ... ramming it in ... and then he fucked my ass, too..."
Anand's face twists in rage. He jerks her cunt down on his cock, rolls her over on her back and begins ram-fucking her furiously, pounding in and out of her flesh. She gasps and cries out, her body whipping and jerking under his, her hips crashing against his, her cunt convulsing frantically on his throbbing, pistoning penis. He fucks her and fucks her and fucks her till he's drained.
At last he lets her go and sinks down on the bed.
"I'm sorry," he mumbles, his face stricken. "I shouldn't have done that, said all those things."
She kisses him tenderly. He's not a bad sort, really, and it's a difficult situation for any guy. He's taken it better than most.
Manish afloat again. It's even worse today. He just can't keep his eyes off her. She's wearing a sari this time, six yards of the traditional Indian garment that can be worn so it looks dowdy or so it looks outrageously sexy. She only knows the second, of course. She couldn't look dowdy if she tried. It clings to her curves and shows the full, heavy weight of her breasts under her tight blouse, her flat belly, her slender hips and legs. The neck of the blouse is low, low, low and he can see her cleavage winking temptingly at him, the gold chain nestling in the valley, vanishing into the squeezed fold between those luscious, ripe mounds. In profile, he can see her breasts straining at the tight blouse and wants so much, so much to run his hands along it and then to cup her breasts. There's this sexy little bindi, a vermilion dot, in the middle of her forehead, and her hair is coiled up high on top of her head and accents the lovely line of her neck and throat. He looks at her and drowns in her brown eyes, rimmed with kohl, their colour and warmth accentuated by the burgundy gold of her spectacles. She looks at him and sighs.
"Oh well, Manish. This really isn't working for you, is it?" she murmurs.
He looks down glumly. He can't seem to understand a word of what she's saying or wanting him to read, not a word, it's all just a crazed jumble of letters and drawings and it's only geography. All he wants is her, her body, her lovely, lovely body. He sees how her breast rests on the edge of the table and can't take his eyes off it. She smiles gently at him over the rim of her spectacles and points to his biology book.
"Let's try that, shall we? The chapter we were doing yesterday?"
Manish's eyes brighten. This he can look at. He gets the book and flips open to the page. She starts talking again, and now it's more of the same and also a diagram of breasts, mammaries, and nipples, and aureoles. The chapter ends. He wants to do it all over again. She looks at him, taking off her spectacles.
"You know Manish, there's such a lot about this they don't tell you in the books. Stuff you should know."
He stares at her. What's she talking about?
"I mean, there's more to reproduction than that. And there's more to that than reproduction. Much more."
What? What?
Her smile broadens. She has such a cute mouth.
"You have a paper in practicals, too, don't you?"
"Uh, yeah, yes. Chem. And Physics."
"Not bio?"
"Yeah, a bit. Cutting up frogs and such."
"Nothing else?"
"Um, no, no I don't think so."
"Not in this chapter?" She points to the book.
He looks down, looks at her, looks down, at her again, shakes his head.
"Well," she says, getting up. "They should. At least I think so."
What? He looks at her. Where's she going? It isn't time yet.
"Where's your video?" She's rummaging in her purse on a sofa.
"Your video. Where is it?" She straightens, holding a cassette.
"I've got something you should see. It might help you understand better."
"Um, in my room. I ... I was watching a film before. Took the trolley in."
"Very well. I'm leaving now. I know it's a bit early, but I want you to spend the rest of the time watching this. It will teach you several things, which I want you to remember. We'll go over them tomorrow when I return. Okay?"
What can he say? He doesn't want her to go, but he can't tell her that. She gives him the cassette, smiles, and he sees her out.
When she's gone, he feels lonely and empty. He shuffles back to his bedroom. It has typical teenage clutter, weights, music, magazines, Samantha Fox and Madonna battling boobs and thighs on the wall, another of a couple of luscious Indian film stars in erotic poses, showing quite a lot. He doesn't know it then, of course, but these film-stars, they're graduates of the same whore-school Shirlyn's at and often come back to do time. He pushes the tape into the video machine and rewinds. His back is to her. He presses the play button.
It's a porn-film, of course, one of the Hedon & Venery's typically steamy numbers. This one's a real teaser, styled as a sex-ed cassette, with a fairly innocuous title. It begins without pretension, the credits rolling with soft, unremarkable music.
Then the screen fades out.
The fade in shows Shirlyn in a white coat at a desk in a clinic, lots of charts and medical equipment around. She smiles at the camera. She's very lovely, wearing a sari, her eyes lined with
kajal, a bindi on her forehead, a stethoscope around her neck.
She has her spectacles on and the gold chain around her neck that he finds so sexy against her flawless golden skin. Her hair is up in a bun.
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AMY?SEDUCATION --PART ONE THE AWAKENING Clay Wright was the sole surviving and youngest son of Jack and Sarah Wright. He was just about to turn 29 when his parents were tragically killedin an airplane crash off the coast of Italy where they had been vacationing. Together with the inheritance and insurance money which Clay received after his parents estate had been settled and all debts and taxes were paid, he had almost six hundred million dollars in his own name. He started a foundation...
As I mentioned at the end of this story: Jess would contact me when she had something set up. She also contacted me when she wanted to be fucked.It turns out the day I fucked and cummed in my mother-in-law and fucked and cummed deep inside of Jess, both my mother-in-law and Jess did have lesbian sex and ate my cum out of each others pussy. At least that is what I got from my mother-in-law the next time I went over...
‘Hurry up,’ her mother snapped. Sayuri Watanabe may have been taller than her mother, but she’d never been able to keep up with her when she was in a hurry. Sayuri had never been to this part of Matsudo – she’d never had a reason. Not that it really mattered. It looked like any suburb in practically every other city in Kanto, the vast sprawl of cities that made Tokyo the biggest metropolis on Earth. She’d never been to Kansai, but guessed things were the same there. This far from the rail...
Introduction: Family love Home Education by Lamia Fangs I return barely two weeks ago from my high school third grade English course exchange trip. This year, we organized a trip to the state of West Virginia in the United States. I must confess that I was not excited at all about the idea of spending two months on a farm in the middle of nowhere on the American prairies, surrounded by cows and horses, even if it was the U.S. of A. Finally, it came the holidays, I took my plane and after eight...
Alternative Education by Gingerfred Man Chapter One -- Johnson, Johnson's Johnson, Johnson Junior Mark Johnson, PhD, lay naked on his bed. His chest was heaving as the result of a stupefying orgasm that had spewed a large amount of hot sperm in a semen sauce along the length of his flat belly and hairy, buff chest. His considerable cock was softening as the exhausted educator considered the fact that he had cum three times in the past 45 minutes. The cause of his sexual agony...
"Hurry up," her mother snapped. Sayuri Watanabe may have been taller than her mother, but she'd never been able to keep up with her when she was in a hurry. Sayuri had never been to this part of Matsudo – she'd never had a reason. Not that it really mattered. It looked like any suburb in practically every other city in Kanto, the vast sprawl of cities that made Tokyo the biggest metropolis on Earth. She'd never been to Kansai, but guessed things were the same there. This far from the rail...
ReluctanceMF,MMMF,mmF,Exhib,HumI just turned nineteen. I graduated from high school last year and I have several jobs. I work as a waitress at a restaurant in the evening four or five nights a week. It depends on how often they need me.I also work for a cleaning service, cleaning homes during the day. One of the houses I clean once a week is my neighbor's house. Not right next door, a couple of houses down. He asked me about cleaning his house when he found out I was doing it and I do it for him without...
Jonathan gets a classical education By 2NNWARNING! This story deals with homosexuality and brutal S&M. If you are a minor or don't like these subjects, go elsewhere now.Day 1 Jonathan had just started college and his first semester was only a week old. A slight and sensitive young man of just eighteen, he was a little feminine. His features were Asian and very delicate. He had jet-black hair and black eyes and very fine skin. Apart from the hair on his head, he hardly had a growth of hair...
“Though of course, not so much evidence was recorded, the sources make it fairly clear that many of the peasants were practicing some form of birth control at the time.”A girl up front raised her hand and asked, “But what did they do?”“Coitus interruptus, most commonly.”“But wasn’t that against Catholic doctrine?”“Of course. It was a sin to waste one’s seed.” Then she looked around the classroom and, looking straight into my eyes, said, “Of course, it’s really only a sin if the man’s not man...
College SexDon’t some of you cucks wish you could go back to school and make those vapid cheerleaders and nympho goths your fuck toys? Once you’re done with all of the bullshit and can look back at your experience, I think most of you will see that you didn’t have to be such a pathetic fucking beta. Tell that bully to eat shit. Ask that hot slut with the rockin’ ass to deepthroat your cock. Slap a teacher’s ass. There’s so much that you can get away with. Okay, maybe not the teacher thing. But, still, you...
Free Sex GamesNote : This story is completely fictional! My name is Kenji Lee, but everyone just calls me Ken for short. I am a american teenager. I have an Indian friend in the same grade as me called Raj, who I used to be able to call my best friend. Recently, however, Raj is hanging out with this white kid, Brian. I used to like Raj, but I'm not sure I like him anymore, because he's becoming more and more like Brian. Brian's in one grade above the both of us, and everyone knows he's a braggart - I...
Incestby Lamia Fangs I return barely two weeks ago from my high school third grade English course exchange trip. This year, we organized a trip to the state of West Virginia in the United States. I must confess that I was not excited at all about the idea of spending two months on a farm in the middle of nowhere on the American prairies, surrounded by cows and horses, even if it was the U.S. of A. Finally, it came the holidays, I took my plane and after eight hours of flying and two connections, I...
Primrose 2086 "Have you told your mother?" asked the voice at the other end of the phone line. "Of course not, Gran," replied Primrose. "What do you think she'd say?" "She wouldn't be pleased," said Karen to her granddaughter. "But such an innocent name: Empire Cleaning Services. Who would have thought?" "It's a career," said Primrose. "What's wrong with teaching, dear? Your mum's a teacher. I was a teacher. Isn't that a career?" Primrose cast her eyes around...
The fall season in the mountains offers wonderful scenery and a feeling of being alive, vibrant, and colorful. Living in near vicinity to such grandeur, one can possibly become spoiled to what nature brings to a mountain region, so, visiting particular locations every now and then is essential to keep that feeling of life fresh in our mind. Having attended a University located within such a region, I was invited to the yearly Homecoming festivities every October. I hadn’t gone to any since the...
IncestLaura’s Lipstick Education By Laura Hall?????????????????????Okay, he had long accepted he was not the most desirable guy in the world but his role as a sponsor to the local further education college at least gave him the excuse to chat up some of the lecturers and now and again one of them would even accept his invitation to dine with him, just as the IT lecturer had done. Charlie had thought this one really special for there was something about her that simply radiated his kind of sexual...
***** Lesson Three *****I met Steve the first day of summer break. He was over at my house visiting with my brother, hanging out in his room in the basement. Since my brother was a few years older than me, just finishing up his freshman year, we didn't really play together or mingle much. I was watching television in the living room. I don't think i even knew he had company. But it was when I went to the restroom that I met Steve. I was somewhat shocked when I opened the restroom door and saw a...
My name is Marc. At the beginning of the story, I want to tell I just had celebrated my 18th birthday. I grew up in a little sleepy village not far from the coast. Really, nothing was going on here. Therefore, I never had the chance to make some experiences with girls I must admit. After I left school, I finally succeeded in finding the chance for an education. This would take place in a well-known company in a big city. A big city! My parents helped me to find a little flat there. Full of...
Second part of the story written for rocknrolla990, who thinks it is fine to have sex with young girls straight after their termination:Sex EducationJanet and John are twins.Janet and John often sit together at Junior School.John likes to tickle his s1ster Janet.John likes touching her bare legs.Janet sometimes lets him touch the inside of her thighs.Janet loves masturbating – she often has a hand up her skirt.Janet loves to stroke her clitoris – it makes her feel all warm inside.It is...
Pledging Tau Geta Delta - Part 2 - Private Education By Farleven Jiggling. Something was jiggling on my chest. That was the first thing that struck me as I started to work past that groggy sleepiness. I had rolled over and something had shifted that normally didn't do that. My hand slid up to check and instead of finding my normally hard muscles, my finger sank into soft flesh. I can't say I'm quick witted in the morning, but when I gave a pinch to the thick nipple I found, everything...
Your Wish Come True by Pol Roger Chapter 11 Continuing Education After adventures spiritual and temporal, she finds out what she needs to know MANDY was up again bright and early. She dressed in loose gym clothes, attached her iPod Shuffle, and headed out into the cold drizzly morning, the hood of her top up and her breath steaming as she ran. This time she headed towards Chelsea, through Sloane Square and past the Army Pensioners Hospital to the River. She ran down...
About two weeks after Ash had arrived home and after the visits had slowed down, Delia found herself back to a somewhat normal housekeeping routine. Ash and Misty had been going on day trips visiting people and training their Pokémon leaving her there with Mr. Mime. Misty had to return back to her gym duties so now it was just Ash and his mom at their house. Ash returned home while Delia prepared and served the dinner. Ash came into the family room and placed his bag on the floor enjoying...
I For her thirty-fifth birthday Barbara was offered a job. It the best birthday present she could have had. In fact, it was the only one she got. Both her boys had forgotten all about her birthday. ‘Oh, well,’ she thought, ‘that’s kids for you.’ Her husband hadn’t remembered it either until he phoned from his office to wish her a happy day. ‘But I don’t care now. I’ve got some work.’ The way was open for her, at last, to pursue her own independent career. She was known as Babs at home....
---Disclaimer--- I wrote this story, partially as a semi-autobiography, partially as a fictional tale. No one name in this story are in any way intended to be real and any resemblance to anyone's real life is thoroughly coincidental. This story does not contain any sexuality. It is a story about a young man's voyage into the world of girl. If you don't like it, feel free to let me know why, but please, no flames. It's immature. So feel free to's respectable. I will...
College was a whole different way of life for me. I was living in a dorm room with another guy I had never met before. The professors didn't seem to care whether I attended their classes or not. No one was asking about my home work getting done or how everything was going. I truly felt alone and on my own. After a couple weeks of classes, however, it all seemed to make sense to me. Because I'm a morning person, I had chosen mostly morning classes, which gave me plenty of time in the...
Je donne rendez-vous à Mélissa vers 20h dans une commune avec pour consigne une jupe sans sous-vêtement avec un petit mot bien décolleté. Arrivée 20h je rejoins Mélissa nous avons chacun notre voiture je l'embrasse en guise de bonjour et je lui dis prends ta voiture et suis-moi. Nous nous sommes dirigés vers un belvédère la nuit commence à tomber nous descendons chacun de nos voitures et nous nous dirigeons vers le point de vue, là je place Mélissa contre la barrière je lève sa jupe, elle ne...
As an old guy, who has resisted a bank card, a cell phone and the internet, finally has all three! The internet wow, what can I say, it has everything from the best to the worst instantly, and of most interest to me has been all of the porn sites! After being married to a wonderful woman for over 40 yrs and enjoying some incredible kinky sex with her I had recently started writing about her fantasy's and our sexual adventures. This had led to corresponding interacting with many women young...
Principal Talbot stood before class 13B beetroot with rage. "You are supposed to be eighteen year olds!" He fumed, "Adult men, not a bunch of immature kids. So when Miss Benson has to come to my office, in only her second week at this school, to complain about your conduct during sex ed class I find that disgraceful." "We're sorry Principal Talbot," began Keith Simmons, sat in the front row. "It's just we have to sit through the same cheesy video every year and get asked the same...
I didn’t ever get a proper education, and as far as sex goes I knew what I wanted to know and that was all. Though it wasn’t very much – in fact, it was just about zero. From realising I was only interested in solo-sex in the early 60s (not that I had other options even if I wanted them) up to the late 80s, I was shielded from more or less anything apart from what I saw in my magazines, and lucky views I got. I was more than satisfied with that – from the early 60s I got a lot of satisfaction...
Naanum enathu nanbanum dress edukalam endru oru maalku sendru irunthom, appozhuthu car parkingil carai park seithu vittu kizhe irukum liftil sellalam endru angu sendru ul ponom. En nanban ulle sendru irukum pozhuthu iru kaathalargal nadanthu vanthu irunthaargal, naan athai paarthu iruvar varugiraargal endru sonnen. Appozhuthu lift operator sirithu neram liftai niruthi vaithu irunthaar, appozhuthu puthithaaga thirumanam aagi irukum iruvar vanthu irunthaargal. Athil puthiya manaivi miga sexyaaga...
Sexperience with Hot Neighbour Aunty by Maid's help (1)________________________________________I got up early in the morning. It was a new area. I had just shifted 2days back. I just climbed the terrace and thought let me just have a small walk. I was just walking and was watching the whole area from terrace. Love to see the morning view. All desi ladies will be out early morning for sweeping, cleaning in front of house, putting Rangoli. The nighty they wear and bend to show their awesome ass...
Introduction: Kids Joe and Ellen are curious as to how to fuck Daddy was reading the newspaper in the living room. Mama was preparing dinner in the kitchen as she always did at this time of day. Upstairs the siblings, Joe and Ellen were discussing things. They were 9 and 6, Joe was the oldest. He was a very able reader for his age but Ellen only knew the names of most of the letters. They quarreled a lot as siblings usually do, but this time they were talking together in their best of mood....
Daddy was reading the newspaper in the living room. Mama was preparing dinner in the kitchen as she always did at this time of day. Upstairs the siblings, Joe and Ellen were discussing things. They were (n)ine and (s)ix, Joe was the oldest. He was a very able reader for his age but Ellen only knew the names of most of the letters.They argued a lot as siblings usually do, but this time they were talking together in their best of mood. They took great care not to be heard by their parents because...
Throughout the cab ride to school, and all the while he was setting his classroom in order to meet the parents; he tried his best to push last night’s dream out of his focus. Meticulously, he arranged the vase of flowers in the corner and dusted it clean. He straightened out all the desks and arranged the paraphernalia on his own desk with painstaking effort. He was in the middle of re-arranging the charts on the wall when someone interrupted. “Whoa”, came a familiar voice. It was...
(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Two: Daughter's Wicked Education By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Leyla Umayyah I...wanted to be a slut. To please Mom. She was so right about me. I had all these whorish desires bursting through me, inspired by Clint's antics with his girlfriends, his cousins. The way he strutted around college. The way he enjoyed his cousins and other girls. I wanted to be one of those girls. I masturbated my...
My initiation into sexual knowledge was thrust on me, literally. My parents were excited, especially Dad. Uncle Walt was coming from Los Angeles for a month long visit. Dad hadn't seen his older brother for five years, and since they had been close all through their school years, he was looking forward to seeing Walt again. I had mixed emotions. Uncle Walt had twin girls, Laura and Lisa. The last time I saw them, they were eight and I was five. They had made my life miserable the...
This story will only make sense if you’ve read ‘The Education of Eva.’ Everybody in this story is over eighteen. After the weekend at the mansion, we three girls returned to our routine, ‘working’ – if work is an adequate description for what we did – from our luxury Costa del Sol pad. I, for one, knew that my attitude was changed for ever, that, for me, there was more to life than parties, and being groped and screwed. My experience during that weekend, with Monique and her husband Jean-Paul,...
The chairs were easy. Tony had them done by Saturday. He could strip pieces for his customers and enjoy the work, but stripping something for Jodi was a major turn on. His cock stayed hard the whole time he was working on the chairs. His mind painted pictures of Jodi and her lover doing every imaginable kind of sexual act. Images of his own lovemaking with her were superimposed into the scenes now flooding his brain. He could hear her scream, “Don’t you dare cum, and I mean...
Introduction: This is another story losely based on fact and moments that influenced the rest of my life and my fettishes The bitter wind made Andy feel even colder now, as he walked back from his school, than he had felt earlier that dark morning on the way there. His school had been closed due to power restrictions, this was the winter of discontent and the power workers had now been on strike, on and off for several weeks. Without power, the local authorities had to find emergency measures,...
Introduction: Lyn is dissatisfied by sex with her boyfriend On Friday afternoon I got home early from a business trip. My wife, Irmeli, was still at work and Helen, the uni student who I had picked up (actually she picked me up) at an engineering conference, and who now lived with us and shared in our sexual activities, was still at uni. I was glad to take off my business clothes and leap naked into the swimming pool. I swam a few laps then climbed out, fetched myself a cold beer, and sank...
-=Part One=- Claudia spotted the "new guy" right away. He was all her friends could talk about since she had entered the dark caverns of her favorite goth club. "Did you see how long his hair is?!" ... "He kind of looks like Armand, from the side" ... "Oh god I loooooove his coat" ... they whispered excitedly, blushingly looking at him without trying to be obvious. Claudia was beyond such childishness. She took a long drink of a look at him ... well, he certainly was "dark" enough for this...
Jill regretted letting Beth talk her into going for a drink with her after work. Now, she was stuck in a basement wine bar of a nearby hotel pouring her heart out. Feeling very drunk, Jill was on her fourth glass of wine as her secretary, Beth, continued to grill her, "What is wrong with you? You have been so distracted today.""Last night, I woke up in a cold sweat worrying about my son. Earlier in he evening, his father had called to belittle me because of how poorly I had raised Vic. After 18...
“I know just the woman,” I said.“Good. Good.” Kim replied. “Do you mind if I meet her first?”It was ever thus with Kim; a veneer of quiet tact masked steel. This wasn’t a request, it was a demand.“Of course I don’t,” I said.We’d met up for lunch, me and my best friend’s wife. I didn’t know if she’d told Pete we’d be meeting, but then I didn’t care much either. It wasn’t as if we’d be having a quickie in the toilets afterwards. I was helping her with her husband’s education, true. It was also...
HardcoreI went to class that morning in a bad mood. Some students in the apartment next to mine had decided to ring in the school year with a big bash, and I had barely slept all night. At my polite request to keep the music down, several drunken frat boys had urged me to join the party. I almost considered it, but their leering gazes and sloppy attempts at flirtation made me a little sick and I withdrew.I had spoken to my mother the evening before; she was depressing me with interminable talk of...
LesbianEarning My Education - The PartyI hated coming here but I needed the money. I always felt that nervous tension in my large stomach as I walked the 10 minute journey from my dorm to his place. It was hot today, the hottest all summer so I was sweating. Fuck it, he'd make me shower anyway, always did. I couldn't be unclean for him and his so called friends. Friends that wanted to fuck a 20 year old chub like he was meat.I got to the door and rang the bell. He made me wait at the door, same shit...
My first week at university,I went for a walk to explore the city. Leaving the colleges behind me I walked down to the river, following the path by the bank to the wilder parts. A couple was lying stretched out on the grass under the shade of one of the trees. He was on his back and she lay partly across him. They were locked in a passionate kiss. Instinctively I stopped to watch and saw one of her hands move down to his trousers where she stroked the bulge in his jeans. I couldn't believe what...
ExhibitionismWhen I was a senior in highschool I was the smart kid. The one with the best grades, proudest parents, and the most likely to succeed. The only thing I didn't succeed in was girls. I tried my best but I was always a little awkward around girls, especially attractive girls. When I was little my father passed away so I was raised by my mother most of my childhood and because of that, I lacked a father figure, someone to teach me the basics of sports, school, and women. My mother tried but she...
MILFRe-Education by Ruby My name is Anthony, and I had made a date with the one girl at the company that every man was afraid to approach. On the day of our fist date, I was a little nervous, after all it isn't everyday that you get the opportunity to go on a date with the head of the Psychology department. Not that it was out of character for me, but I was determined to be on my very best behavior. I held every door for her, allowed her to decide on every...
My College Education Hello everyone. This Belle again with a tale from a client. I will my client tell the tale. Greetings everybody. I am John MacDonald. That was my name at birth, but this tale deals about the time when I was Jackie MacDonald. It starts when I first entered college. I was an incoming freshman. I was taking all the mandatory courses for a freshman. I was enrolled in Business Administration for my major. I know that sounds lame, but it is true. It was the first...
Secondary Education Tyla Flowers [email protected] I am riding on the back of Matt Frawley's motorcycle. I press myself against him, and my breasts tingle as they tease his bulky, sweat stained back. We careen around curves on the Angeles Crest Highway, and we exit down a winding road into the National Forest. We roll to a halt in a gravel parking lot strewn with remnants of bikers' parties. Matt hides the bike in a stand of oaks. He puts his arm around my waist, and...
Secondary Education Tyla Flowers [email protected] Is This Nirvana? Chapter 11 I awaken with a shudder. A fractured ray of sunlight pierces the crack between a pair threadbare quilts which have been hung as an makeshift curtain. From outside I hear the clamor of banda piped through the tinny speakers of a catering truck. A hot breeze wafts a rancid flume of stale cooking oil, jalapeno and stewed pork. I feel nauseous, and choke back a heave. I have mind-splitting...
Orientation The dark, expensive car drove away from Taryn Shimone and left her looking after it with large, wistful eyes, a frightened and lonely gaze that seemed to grow more intense as the car slowly faded from sight down a country road that seemed impossibly long and straight. She sighed, drawing in a deep, slightly quavering breath and turned ninety degrees to her right to face the long, tall brick wall, a wall that, like the road, seemed to stretch impossibly long to the horizon. Behind...
I am an only child, and my parents were married 18 years before I made an appearance. I think they figured they would never have children. Needless to say, I was a daddy's girl, through and through. My mother was a hard woman to love, and even harder to live with. She had a vicious temper and tended to self-medicate with alcohol a bit too much. My father, on the other hand, could do no wrong, in my eyes. When I was five, my dad changed jobs for health reasons, and his new job required...
MasturbationSadie's Education Sadie licked the last of Miss Maple's envelopes. "Are you done, dear." MissMaple, a six foot two Jamaican woman and Sadie's typing teacher asked her. "Yes,Miss Maple. I really appreciate you giving me the work." Sadie said gratefully.Money was tight, and she didn't want to work part-time and screw up her businesscollege scholarship. Miss Maple had never seemed the sympathetic sort, andwas a tough critic of her students, once embarrassing Sadie in front of theclass by...
Pulling at the Red Thread of Fate - Chapter 7 - A Higher Education After my 'date' with Mike, I'd be lying if I said it was still difficult being Ally. The next week definitely went by much easier than the first, although not without some hiccups. I was always an early riser and I didn't think much of barging into Mike's room to wake him up. We'd often go on morning runs together and being a heavy sleeper, I usually had to drag Mike out of bed in order to wake him up. Perhaps I...
Katie, a fourteen-year-old sophomore in high school, was the perfect student. She had nothing but perfect grades since the fourth grade, and although very smart, she was ignorant when it came to sex. Oh she learned in her sex-ed class long ago just how and where babies came from, but the joys and pleasure of sex were never discussed. Since she had attended private, and very expensive all girl schools since first grade, she had little or no contact with boys her age and even the street...