Sadie's Education free porn video

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Sadie's Education

Sadie licked the last of Miss Maple's envelopes. "Are you done, dear." MissMaple, a six foot two Jamaican woman and Sadie's typing teacher asked her. "Yes,Miss Maple. I really appreciate you giving me the work." Sadie said gratefully.Money was tight, and she didn't want to work part-time and screw up her businesscollege scholarship. Miss Maple had never seemed the sympathetic sort, andwas a tough critic of her students, once embarrassing Sadie in front of theclass by predicting her imminent future as a dime store clerk "Though you maymake even more mistakes on the keys to a cash register than you do a typewriter,I'm afraid."

"I mean I really, really am glad you hired me to assist you with this mailing,and I'm sorry if I've not been very good in class" said Sadie apologetically. "Well,that's fine" replied Miss Maple in her melodic voice. "It's unfortunate thatyou are not a gifted typist, Sadie, dear, because you are certainly quite attractiveand a well-read girl. But you seem not to have the energy that it takes tohustle along in the office world." Miss Maple paused, thinking as she piledthe envelopes together for her church rummage sale. "You seem to be the sortof young woman who would be better off being looked after…waited on,you know."

Sadie looked at Miss Maple suspiciously, thinking the Jamaican woman wasmaking fun of her. "Well, that's never been my life. I've had part time jobsto pay for clothes, school lunches and everything else since I was nine andI've been on my own since age twelve." But Sadie felt guilty as she said this,because the fact was, she did feel like it would be nice to be taken care of.All that work! Housework! Making a living! God, it was a drag.

"You have a really nice house here, Miss Maple." Sadie looked around MissMaples living room in surprise. She didn't think typing teachers would makevery much money, but Miss Maple's place was a two bedroom house in a fairlynice neighborhood. "Well, it could be cleaner." Miss Maple said in some disgust.It looked immaculate to Sadie, except for some newspapers that were left onthe couch. All of a sudden the door unlocked and a large man in a green coverallwalked in. Sadie remembered Dee telling her that Miss Maple had lived witha longtime boyfriend,  Aubrey, a tool and die craftsman. But this guywas white! Pale white.

"Hello, Miss Maple, how was your day?" The big man stopped in the livingroom and looked at Miss Maple appreciatively as he said that. Well, this mustnot be the boyfriend if he calls her MISS Maple., Sadie considered.

"Did I have a good day?" Miss Maple repeated. She breathed in, and Sadiewatched the big man's eyes fasten on Miss Maple's considerable chest, whichwas enveloped in a burgundy turtleneck. Miss Maple always wore classy shortskirts, high heels and snug blouses, but quite pressed and respectable, because,as she told her girls "Your employers are men, and men are quite visual."

"I suppose I would have had a good day, had I come home to a decently cleanhouse, Aubrey." Miss Maple said, as she pointed a crimson nail at the couch,cluttered with newspapers and a somewhat dusty coffee table. "I was led tobelieve you had a morning off? You did I believe."

 The big man nodded his head, staring at his boots. "And what did youdo with it? I see your video game joysticks are out. I see a cluttered couch,a dusty living room, and a rather grimy kitchen, Aubrey. We had an agreementthat you could save five dollars a week from your twenty dollar allowance tobuy that ridiculous video game machine with the understanding that you devotedyour spare hours to housework, and would use the video game for two hours onSaturday afternoon IF all the housework was done pristinely, Aubrey, was thatright?" The big man began shuffling his feet.

"And twice this week I have found the video game joystick out, the houseworksadly neglected, Aubrey. And you yourself have admitted time and time againthat chastisement is what you need to help you to be a more responsible fellowis that not so?" Miss Maple took off her smart leather jacket and put it onthe chair.

The big man looked over at Sadie furtively, blushed and said "M-Mebbe wekin talk about this after yer guest is gone, Miss Maple, d'ye think?" MissMaple stepped away from the dining room table where the envelopes were beingpiled up, and reached behind the cluttered couch bringing forth a long, polishedstick with little bumps and ridges, as if someone had taken a tree branch andwithout whittling off the bumps, had refinished it so it glimmered.

 Miss Maple turned it about in her hands, examining it, and Sadie sawthat the stick seemed to have a carved twist to it, like a fancy banister inaddition to the little bumps and ridges along the wood. The knob on the endseemed to be cut in the shape of a wolf's head. "Do you know what this is,Sadie?" Sadie cocked her head. "It's like a British cane or a walking stick,right? Miss Maple looked approvingly at the girl. "This, Sadie is an IrishBlackthorne carved T-handle hiking staff." Miss Maple looked at the stick approvinglyand Aubrey seemed to shudder. "It is the sort that Prince Charles took hissons over the hills with near the palace…though he didn't seem to useit on Prince Harry enough, from what I have read of his antics in theNational Enquirer."

"you will not see many of these Hiking Staffs in this country. I inheritedit from my grandfather who used it in forming my father's character, and myfather used it on my brothers and sisters, and occasionally, myself." MissMaple smiled. Sadie smiled back. Pa Mulvaney had had his own "character shaper" inthe form of an old fan belt he'd found in the back alley of their tenement.Sadie and her eight brothers and sisters had all felt the weight of it on theirlegs when they'd behaved badly, or sadly sometimes when Pa was just drunk andornery.

"This walking staff has been quite instrumental in assisting me with dealingwith recalcitrant behavior on this young man's part." Sadie looked at Aubreycuriously. He looked to be about thirty-five, perhaps fifteen or so years youngerthan Miss Maple,but he wasn't all that young.

"We will discuss this matter now, Aubrey, because you have been terriblyslovenly this week and I have repeatedly had to ask you to keep up with yourhome chores—" Sadie stood up quickly. "Miss Maple, maybe I really shouldgo." Miss Maple looked at Sadie in surprise. "Do you not wish to be paid forthe full five hours I hired you for?" she asked in surprise. "I am paying youfor five hours work,but you have been here scarcely two."

Sadie sat down. She wanted to alleviate Aubrey's discomfort, but eight dollarsan hour was quite a nice little bit of money, as the minimum wage in 1983 wasonly three dollars and thirty-five cents.

"Now you will be punished, Aubrey, right in front of this young woman.You are a naughty boy, Aubrey, and you deserve it. Take off your coveralls!"

Aubrey looked desperately at Sadie, and then at Miss Maple, and then unbuttonedthe top of his coverall, shaking off his shoes as he went. Stepping out ofthe ugly green garment, Aubrey folded it up and lay it on the clutteredcouch next to the newspapers. He was now clad in an undershirt, plaid boxershorts and black socks with hideous garters. Sheila hid a smile. "Now pulldown your shorts, Aubrey, and bend over the arm of the couch." Miss Maple saidcrisply. Aubrey looked at Sadie feebly. "C'mon Miss Maple, with her here? Imean, I got my dignity."

At this, Sadie unfortunately tittered rather loudly. This revolting tubbowas unbelievably dignified, wasn't he? Miss Maple looked reprovingly at Sadie,and then focused back on Aubrey. "I am confident that witnessing your disrobingand chastisement will have a positive effect on Sadie, even if it is merelyas an appetite suppressant." Sadie put her knuckles in her mouth and chortled. "Youwill now disrobe immediately, Aubrey!"

His lower lip trembling, Aubrey took down his coverall and folded it neatlyon the chair, revealing himself in his shorts and undershirt, and then MissMaple pointed to the arm of the sofa.

Aubrey slowly stepped over to the couch, breathing heavily. Sadie had neverseen anything like this in her life. What the hell was going on with this guy?He was going to let Miss Maple HIT him? "Take down your undershorts, Aubrey,immediately." Miss Maple commanded, and breathed in, so her breasts bouncedin the tight sweater. This measure was not lost on Aubrey, who Sadie noticedwas growing a slight tent in his boxer shorts. "P-please, ma'am, not in frontof that girl. She's just a child!" Though a moment before, Sadie had been dyingto get out of there now she prayed that Miss Maple wouldn't change her mind,and Sadie could watch this weird thing going on. Sadie wasn't disappointed.


"You will remove your underpants immediately, Aubrey. I was going to permityou to just drop them to your knees, but now as punishment for your impertinenceand all this waffling, I insist you remove all your remaining clothes. Thisyoung woman has five times your maturity, and should be able to watch a patheticspecimen likeyourself receive punishment stark naked. Why not? You are a worthless,insignificant slug. Aubrey. Remove everything immediately, or I will fetchthe scourge from the basement. Do you wish that?" Aubrey looked again at hisfeet and a tear rolled down his cheek. "No, Miss Maple."

Aubrey gave her one more imploring look, however, but Miss Maple was implacable.He slowly pulled off his undershirt, and stepped out of his shorts, tryinghard to keep his hands in front of his crotch so Sadie couldn't see anything,but it wasn't that easy for him.

In undressing, he seemed to forget his socks and garters, but he was certainlynaked enough…in a way, Sadie thought the socks and garters made Aubreyseem even MORE exposed. "Aubrey, put your hands behind your back please." MissMaples spoke crisply. Aubrey gulped, but he put his hands behind his back andAburey could see his penis bulging hard, a drop of precum sliding off the tip.Jesus, why was he so horny? Sadie thought. I'd be mortified if I was aguy and my girlfriend had me stripped naked in front of a vistor. And she wasgoing to hit him with a fuckin' stick, too. But Aubrey's penis was straining,and every vein was bulging out of it.

"You are erect, Aubrey. I am glad you have not been masturbating your penisin the lavatories at work again, as I have had to correct you for that before." MissMaple said approvingly. "It's appalling, Sadie, how Aubrey is such a dedicatedonanist. I have had a trying time breaking him of the self-abuse problem itis quite annoying. Is it not, Aubrey?"

Aubrey stared at the floor hopelessly. "Yes, Miss Maple." Sadie was gapingat all this. Aubrey was a big guy, not gorgeous, he had a bit of a gut, but hecertainly could find a sweet, compliant girlfriend of his own skin color ifhe wanted, why was he taking all this shit from a middle aged Carribean woman?Sure Miss Maple was attractive, but this was ridiculous. And Dee had told Sadiethat they'd lived together nine years. Damn, this was WEIRD! Miss Maple steppedup to Aubrey and let the Hiking Staff gently tap the tip of Aubrey's stiffeningpenis. "However, an erection is inappropriate just now. You are being punishedfor not cleaning the house and spending forbidden time on that ridiculous videogame.

 After this punishment is over, the game will be locked in my specialcloset for two months." Aubrey looked miserable. "P-please don't lock it up,Miss Maple, I'll do better." Miss Maple shook her head implacably.

"No, I've tried to trust you and you've shown me that you have no self controlwhatsoever." Aubrey stamped his foot, and his erection wiggled. "But Miss Maple,you take my whole check every week, and the little bit you let me keep outof it, I should get to enjoy what I get, and I saved for that video Atari thing.I took my lunch to work, and did everything to save for it, it's not fair thatI can only play it two hours a week, please, Miss Maple won't you see it myway?"


"Absolutely not, Aubrey." Miss Maple stood firm, still making the hikingstick bounce ever so slightly on his bulging erection. "I gave you my termsfor your purchasing the video game, and you are a thirty-seven year old man.You should learn what your rules are.

Twice this week you have been up past your bedtime, and I am convinced atleast one night you were hoping to sneak into the living room to play the videogame after I went to sleep. This will take temptation out of your way, Aubrey.Please don't make me any more annoyed than I am with you, or I will take thevideo game away for six months."

"B-but—"Aubrey begged helplessly. Miss Maple took the cane and liftedit over Aubrey's head and WHACK WHACK WHACK Three times the cane landed onAubrey's buttocks like pistol shots and he burst into tears. "Now then, we'veheard enough of that.

Your erection is still bouncing about I see, and as I've said, your punishmentis not a time for you to be sporting your manhood. I insist that it grow limpimmediately, or I will punish it with the stick, and you know how that hurtsyou, Aubrey."

Aubrey bit his lip, and Sadie could tell he was trying to think of otherthings, so he could get his erection to go down,but it was terribly difficult.His eyes kept wandering to M iss Maple's swelling breasts beneath the burgundyturtleneck sweater, and now and then Aubrey couldn't help peeping over at Sadie,who was in a tiny halter top that well showed her generous cleavage.

Sadie had been voted Miss Talbot County a year before, and certainly herlooks had not faded enough just because she'd recently turned eighteen!

So Aubrey looked and tried not to be aroused, but unfortunately hispenis grew stiffer and stiffer. Sadie caught herself licking her lips and tuckingin her halter top to make Aubrey stare even further.

 Jesus, what kind of a bitch was she? But she couldn't help it, andthe poor guy stared and stared as she sighed deeply and bent over slightlyas if to adjust her stocking, which gave him a good look at her considerablecleavage. This caused Aubrey's impudent hard on to poke up in the airquite excitedly!

"Well now, Aubrey." Miss Maple said crisply. "You seem bound and determinedto disobey me tonight, what a wretched example you show our guest, an impressionableyoung woman." They both looked over at Sadie, who tried to look quite innocent.

Sadie was having fun, she had to admit it. This man was like a calf awaitingslaughter, she considered. "I am saddened and revolted by your behavior." MissMaple said disapprovingly. "I have no recourse but to discipline your unrulyerection!"

With that she lifted up the cane and brought it down heavily on Aubrey'sstraining penis. WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! Aubrey grabbed his crotch andfel over, screaming. Sadie noted interestedly how crooked Aubrey's teeth wereas his mouth opened and he grabbed and massaged his poor, slaughtered penis.

Finally he arose again and stood up with his hands behind his back, his facecovered with tears. "Goodness, Aubrey, what a crybaby you are, isn't he, Sadie?" MissMaple asked. "Revolting" Sadie replied, and gave Aubrey a quick flash of herleft nipple when Miss Maple wasn't looking. Ah yes, the wounded penis was growingagain.

"This is quite distressing, dear." Miss Maple's mahogany fingers began massagingAubrey's erection. "You must learn to control yourself, and here again, youseem to have become erect. And what's this? Did I not instruct you to shaveyour crotch last night, Aubrey?" Sadie looked closer, and it appeared thatAubrey in fact had nearly a bald crotch for a guy of his age, there were afew stray hairs,but it looked pretty hairless to her.

"Ma'am I did as good a job as I could with the mirror. I stuck it under mycrotch and I shaved all I could, honest I did." Aubrey commented embarrassedly.

 "I locked Aubrey in his room for seven hours with two sandwiches forlunch and dinner" explained Miss Maple. "His instructions were to shave hisentire crotch area, and I am saddened to see remaining usual, youhave done a slovenly job, Aubrey. I regret that I will have to get the tweezersand pluck out the remaining hairs before I give you your punishment for failingto clean the living room!"

 Aubrey backed off and attempted to put his hands in front of his crotch. "No,no please don't pluck out the stray hairs, ma'am. I did the best I could,butI'll get back in there with the mirror, ma'am..." Miss Maple smiled grimly. "Nonsense,Aubrey. You need to learn to do things right the first time. Fetch me the tweezersplease."

Aubrey gulped again,but he went to the bedroom, Sadie watching his bouncingrear end as he wandered down the hall. A few minutes later, Aubrey returnedwith the tweezers. "Now you will put your hands behind your backand not make a fuss" said Miss Maple.

Aubrey closed his eyes tightly and protruded his crotch so that Miss Maplecould pull out the hairs with the tweezers. Sadie winced as Miss Maple yankedthe hairs out with vigor, and Aubrey began yelping and crying "Oooh please,Ma'am, please let me—oooch! Off. Ow!" Miss Maple curled her lip. "Disgustinglittle crybaby. You can't keep your mouth closed can you Aubrey? No wonderyou were discharged from the Navy for instability." Miss Maple turned to Sadie

"Would you hand me that wooden stick from the mantelpiece dear?" Sadie turnedto the mantel and found what appeared to be a two foot stick made of a blondwood. On one end was a handle very similar to a police nightstick, but on theoth er was carved a grotesquely wide penis head. "Thank you." Miss Maple tookthe stick from Sadie's hand and turned to Aubrey.

 "Open your mouth, Aubrey." Aubrey tried to back off. "Not the stick,please!" He closed his mouth, biting his lower lip,but Miss Maple reacheda dark hand over and twisted Aubrey's right nipple, and Aubrey openedhis mouth to scream, and just in time, Miss Maple shoved the penis end of thestick into his gaping lips. "Now hold it there, while I finish plucking yourcrotch, Aubr4ey. You are making Miss Maple quite angry, you know."

Aubrey mumbled vociferously behind the wooden gag, and tried to howl again,and the stick fell out, hitting Miss Maple on the hand before it rolled tothe floor.

"Oh, ma'am I didn't mean to hurt your arm, Miss Maple, please oh please." Aubreylooked honestly panicked and he began squeezing his hands together. Miss Maplegritted her teeth and then picked up the stick and twisted Aubrey's nippleagain as she was rising. Aubrey's mouth opened again to scream, as expected,and again the stick went right back in, penis end. This time Miss Maple beganshoving the stick down Aubrey's throat, pulling it back and shoving it in again,as Sadie watched, fascinated.

"I (shove) have told (Shove) you (Shove) that you are (Shove) to holdthis stick (shove, shove) stick in your (Shove) mouth and I mean it!" MissMaple shoved the stick in and out of Aubrey's mouth until it seemed to Sadiethat he was about to gag to death. Green liquid seemed to be seeping out of hislips as the stick was pushed further in, yet his hands stayed at his sides.Finally Miss Maple pulled it back out again.

"Perhaps you need a harsher lesson." Miss Maple said briskly. Sadie wonderedwhat the hell could be harsher than being choked to death on a fucking woodendildo. "Turn around and bend over, Aubrey." Aubrey backed off and covered hisbottom. "You promised ma'am, no more in the back, after the last strap-on youleft my butt as wide as the Napa Valley, the doc asked me if I was queer whenhe was lookin' back there." Aubrey backed off some more, though Sadie noticedthat his erection was as firm as ever.

"My butt's all loose now from all the strap-on stuff Miss Maple you promisedyou wouldn't do it no more, I can hardly keep from shittin' my drawers I amso loose back there from the damn strap-on, please don't…" Aubrey'seyes lowered helplessly as he watched Miss Maple advance with the stick andhe turned and bent over. "I will punish you later for your profanity, Aubrey,the word "damn" is not allowed in this house. Spread your cheeks with yourfingers, Aubrey, immediately." Aubrey's fingers grasped his bottom cheeks andpulled them apart and Miss Maple shoved in the wooden penis end of the stickthat had just been down his throat. She pushed it deeply into his buttocksand he groaned.

Miss Maple pushed further and put her hand on Aubrey's back. "Get down onyour knees, Aubrey." Aubrey dropped to his knees, crying quietly. "Miss Mapletook up the Hiking Staff and whacked it on Aubrey's behind with the hand notholding the dildo-stick. "I told you to pull your cheeks apart! Stop cinchingyour buttocks, you are making it difficult for me to pull the stick in andout." Sighing, Aubrey grasped his butt cheeks from the back and held them asfar apart as he could so Miss Maple could pull the stick in and out freely.

Miss Maple began pulling the dildo-stick in and out of Aubrey's buttocksas he moaned and groaned. "Oh, stop, ma'am, it hurts so much." Aubrey wailed. "I-can'tstand it, you're ripping my butt apart." Miss Maple grinned as she pushed andpulled the dildo-stick. "That's my goal, Aubrey, to make you so your buttocksare those of an old man, and you must wear adult diapers by age forty. Whatuse are you, if you are such a whiner you cannot take a few plucks from mytweezers? What right do you have to a firm rectum? Better that you have the buttocksretention of a prison queen, that is my opinion."

Suddenly Aubrey let go of his buttocks completely. Miss Maple lost it, andbegan whacking away with the hiking staff. "Grab your buttocks immediately!" sheshouted. But Aubrey just covered his eyes and sobbed as she slammed the dildostick in and out of his suffering anus. Finally Miss Maple pulled the dildo-stickout and ordered Aubrey to rise. She waved the penis head that was covered withblood and fecal matter under Aubrey's shuddering nose. "Now you will hold thisstick in your mouth obediently while I pluck the remains of the hairs fromyour crotch, do you understand?"


Sadie was amazed as Aubrey finally was silent and obedient, holding the shit-covereddildo-stick in his mouth. He looked completely revolted of course, his mouthwas moving uncomfortably as he tried hard not to swallow what was smeared acrossthe wooden penis head. And Miss Maple was assiduously ripping the strayhairs off of his crotch without hearing a moan or a whine from the big man.

Finally Aubrey's crotch was completely bald, and Miss Maple seemed satisfied. "Thoughof course he is still stubbornly erect, but what am I to do?" Miss Maple imploredSadie. "Men are such babies you know dear? Bend over the couch!" she orderedAubrey, and the big man bent over the armrest obediently. Sadie noted thatthere was still a slight bit of blood dribbling from his buttocks from thetremendous fucking with the dildo-stick.

Miss Maple lifted the Hiking Staff and gave Aubrey twenty hard whacks withit, the big man staying silent as he continued to grasp the dildo-stick inhis mouth, and she then motioned to Sadie to hand her a three foot brown braidedwhip that was curled up on the bookshelf. "This is an English dog whip, Sadie." MissMaple said, handling it gently. "It is hand made with twelve plaits." MissMaple cracked the English dog whip in the air and Aubrey winced. "It is marvelousfor maintaining discipline with the unruly man." Turning to Aubrey, Miss Mapletook up the English Dog Whip and went to work.

A Week Later

 "As you can see, Aubrey is a weak man with little self-control" MissMaple said as she knelt next to the tied man on the bed. Sadie and Dee saton chairs, "observing" Sadie had been quite surprised to discoverthat Dee knew all about the peculiar relationship between Miss Maple and Aubrey;and that she'd been the one to suggest that Miss Maple show Sadie the "ropes"!

 "See, after Miss Maple showed me how easy it is to get a guy totake care of me and not do all the irritating shit that men do--you know, showingup late on dates, cheating on us, breaking promises, neglecting us for guysnight out and stupid-ass football games-- I realized that life could be somuch easier." Dee had explained. "The other night I tied my boyfriend'shands behind him and made him perform oral on me all night, and it just excitedhim! I mean, this is the secret to happiness, Sadie!"

Now they were sitting together watching Miss Maple show them how to controla man's orgasms. It was so interesting, because she was dressed in her normalsnug turtleneck, skirt and hose, and they were in crop tops and shorts, thesame as most young girls wore, but poor Aubrey was stark naked, and he lookedso pathetic, bound as he was to the bed with Miss Maple's red-tipped mahoganyfingers galloping up and down his sweltering suffering shaft!

Sadie was amazed, most of her boyfriends and certainly her ex-husband hadnever gotten into any position where they'd have a chance of being tied up...theywere the macho guys!

"Now you will see how a man's erection can be controlled, despite longperiods of time without an orgasm, my dears." Miss Maple said as her chocolateforefinger slowly trailed down Aubrey's suffering shaft.


Miss Maple ran her forefinger and middle finger up and around the glans ofAubrey's cock, and leaning over she blew her full lips on the very tip of theglans, and it stiffened as Aubrey gritted his teeth, gasping. "Don't be careless,my love" crooned Miss Maple. "No Ma'am, I won't" whispered Aubrey. Miss Mapleran her middle finger up the underside of Aubrey's cock and he gasped aloudas the Caribbean woman's light touch sent his cock into throes of ecstasy.

"Why is he so upset?"asked Dee curiously. "Most guys would like this kindathing." Miss Maple gently pulled Aubrey's balls with one dark hand and massagedthe middle of his shaft with the other. "Ah yes my dears, but Aubrey has goneover a month and a half without having orgasmed, and he is not scheduled torelease for some time.

 I have told him that if he does have a nasty little accident, I willgive him a fearful thrashing with this." Miss Maple held up a long piece ofleather. "This, my dears, is a Barber's Razor Strop and it has landed on Aubrey'snaughty buttocks many a time, but as of yet the Barber's Razor Strop has notfound its way on Aubrey's penis."

Miss Maple took that penis in her first two fingers and rubbed up and downvigorously, as Aubrey tried desperately to hold back from releasing himself. "Althoughhis penis has been whipped with rulers, yardsticks, paint stirrers, willowswitches, canes, lamp cords, a carpet beater and all sorts of other interestingimplements." Miss Maple's fingers gently pulled Aubrey's foreskin up and downand she leaned over and Aubrey stared right into her full breasts. It was clearto both girls that he was very close to cumming.

Miss Maple began pulling Aubrey's penis in a brisk tug, faster and fasteras the big man gritted his teeth and tried desperately to hold off. At onepoint, Miss Maple showed him an expanse of leg, and he gasped desperately. "Areyou having a bad time, Aubrey?" Miss Maple asked the big man curiously. Shepulled one of her shoes off and used her dark brown toes, encased in the itchystocking to rub Aubrey's balls while she played her fingers along his cock. "Yousee, girls, Aubrey used to be a terrible masturbator, almost compulsive."

Miss Maple's fingers twirled the tip of Aubrey's cock as she spoke. "I didn'tknow quite what to do with him, he had been discharged from one or two jobsfor spending excessive amounts of time in the lavatories looking at obscenepictures." Aubrey blushed as the Jamaican woman said this, but she ignoredhim. "Often he didn't have the energy to satisfy me when I wanted intercourse…hecomplained of course that I didn't want to have sex as often as he did, anddidn't understand why I thought he should be able to hold off until I had thesex urge, which comes about once a month or so." Jesus, only once a month?thought Sadie. Poor guy!

"But I decided to take action, and I got rid of all his nasty magazines andfetid films, and I began keeping Aubrey to a strict schedule of orgasmic releases.At first I allowed him to masturbate once every three or four days, and thenwe cut it down to a week, and then once a month, and finally, only when hewas about to make love to me." Miss Maple toyed with Aubrey's fondly as shesaid this.

"But I tease him constantly, making sure that lots of semen is building upinside his testicles. I have friends who put chastity devices on their men,but I've never felt a need for this, I just feel his testicles when he comeshome in the evening. On the occasions when they've felt light, I've strippedAubrey immediately, tied him down and given him fifty with the dog whip orthe hiking staff." Aubrey winced as Miss Maple trailed her fingers across athick vein in his now over-purple penis. "I also feel his balls when he leavesin the morning, and now and then I drop by work during the day just to checkon him, you know."

"But then why are you trying to jerk him off, Miss Maple?" Sadie asked curiously. "Imean, isn't that counter-productive?" Miss Maple played her fingers along Aubrey'sviolet shaft as she considered Sadie's question. "Well that's true, Sadie,but I am trying to teach Aubrey self-control. I feel that if he can resistmy fingers now, he can resist any sort of stimuli including wet dreams, whichI am afraid the boy has from time to time."

 Miss Maple's fingers wandered across Aubrey's hard cock as she spokesoftly. " I am just trying to make Aubrey understand that my pleasurecomes first. He can enjoy being stimulated by me, and I hope he does, but hisorgasms belong to the times that he must satisfy me.

 Don't you young ladies get rather irritated when a man cums first withinyou, what is it you Americans call it? Premature ejaculation? Aubrey was aterrible premature ejaculator, and now he holds back and we can screw for hours.As a matter of fact, now and then we make love and he must withhold his orgasm whileI have several, and then go to bed frustrated...and it makes him a much moreobedient boy, I think."

 After a time, Miss Maple's fingers began catching the tip of Aubrey'spenis in a sort of trap just under the "hood" and they began pulling and tuggingaway, which seemed to make Aubrey somewhat crazy, he began breathing and gaspingas she tweaked his glans again and again, and the veins running up and downhis shaft seemed to bloat in his excitement. Miss Maple tugged and tugged,the penis in this special twist between her Stygian digits until finally Aubreygasped "M-Miss Maple, I'm about to have an accident, ma'am!"

Miss Maple looked down at Aubrey, a slight smile twisting her lip. "Really,darling? You don't think you can make your erection subside on your own, andyou are in danger of spoiling Miss Maple's nice plaid miniskirt? Really, can'tyou go limp?" Miss Maple's ebony thumb secured its teasing grip on Aubrey'sglans as she questioned him, but aroused as he was, Aubrey was quite obviouslytrembling.

  "Well I don't know what to do, Aubrey dear. I would give youa vicious cock-whipping of 100 strokes with the scourge if you had the temerityto cum, but perhaps a smaller correction will distract this disobedient penis." MissMaple let go of Aubrey's penis and slapped the head. "Perhaps with the EnglishDog Whip that I punished you with last week in front of Sadie here?"

Miss Maple picked up the English Dog Whip. "If I give you just a few licksto calm your disobedient organ down that might be all right."  Aubreyshook his head in the extreme negative and Miss Maple laughed as she explainedto the girls

"You see, a few months ago, I was teasing Aubrey as he got out of the shower-bath,and I got him so excited that he had an orgasmic accident and stained MissMaple's blouse for work, and I had to take the trouble of changing."  MissMaple chuckled grimly. "I had to send it to the cleaners, quite embarrassingas you can imagine, and so I gave poor Aubrey's peenie fifty lashes with theEnglish Dog Whip and the very thought of it on his penis seems to just terrifypoor Aubrey."

Aubrey began begging desperately. "P-please oh please Miss Maple, don't whipmy dick, it'll go down of it's own accord, I just gotta think about baseballscores or somethin' You look so damn hot, Miss Maple, and I get so excitedlayin' here, but please don't whip me." Miss Maple pointed a dusky finger atAubrey's straining, purple penis. "Does it look as if it is getting smaller,girls?" Sadie and Dee both shook their heads solemnly. "It's a very disobedientpenis" Sadie said, stifling a giggle. "Yeah, Miss Maple you got to do somethingabout it." Dee reached her finger over and stroked the tip once and Aubreygasped as the penis got bigger and harder again.

"Yes, it is a stubborn erection, Dee, and I am trying to teach this man tobehave himself. I suppose only this dog whip will quiet its raging impulses"saidMiss Maple, as she lifted the English Dog Whip over Aubrey's unfortunate erectionTHWACK! The whip's braided plaits landed smartly on the tip of Aubrey's stiffpenis and he screamed loudly. "Aaaguh!" Tears ran down his cheeks and indeedit seemed to Sadie that there was a deep red mark on the side of Aubrey's penis,though it didn't seem to have grown any limper.


Miss Maple lifted the English Dog Whip again. THWACK! THWICK! THWUNK! THWACK! "Finally,success" Miss Maple mused as Aubrey's penis,overcome with the viciousness ofthe attack of the lashes, shriveled up and fell over to the side of his hip.A trickle of blood came out of a sore on the side of the foreskin, and Aubreysobbed deeply. Sadie noticed that Aubrey was trying to soothe his scorchedpenis with one of his thighs,but it was quite difficult since his legs weretied together.

"It seemes as if the erection is finally starting to subside, though it issad that such exemplary discipline is needed just so Aubrey can obey a simplerequest to have a normal sized penis, instead of horrifying impressionableyoung women by exposing them to a er, vehement tumescence." Miss Maple cluckedher tongue at Aubrey. "Sad, isn't it ladies?" Miss Maple looked quite grievedby all this, as if her narrow shoulders were taking the whipping instead ofAubrey's unfortunate genitals.

Miss Maple nodded at Dee and Dee nodded back, picking up on a signalthat was lost to Sadie. "I am going into the other room to have a glass ofwater." Said Miss Maple. "I will be back. I hope your penis has learneda lesson, Aubrey, and will stay in its humble shriveled state." Aubrey lookedup at Miss Maple with tearful eyes. "Yes, Miss Maple, I will stay limp now,ma'am."

As the door closed behind Miss Maple, Dee bent over Aubrey's erection.Dee was a cute redhead with perky boobs trapped in a striped crop top and shehad delicate little hands with long fingers with pink nails. "You poor baby,are you feeling all right? How's your poor cock?" Dee asked sympathetically. "YesMiss Dee, I'll be okay" said Aubrey nobly. I understand the need for the correction,buthow my poor penis hurts." Aubrey whined.

Dee reached into her purse and brought out some dermatological lotion. "Ithink your poor dick needs some medical attention, sweetie." She squirted somelotion on her fingers and began rubbing Aubrey's penis and testicles, all thetime whispering to him. "You poor honey. You're such a hot, muscular guy, Aubrey,I can't believe you have to put up with this crap from this awful woman." Dee'sindex finger trained a line of slippery lotion down Aubrey'shaft, now growingback to full hardness.

"I hope this lotion is making your poor pee-pee feel better, darlin'" Deeleaned over so Aubrey could see the swell of her cleavage. Aubrey smiled slowlyas her fingers grasped his erection and began pulling hard "Yes ma'am it sureis." Dee squirted more lotion in her palm and rubbed it all over his cock andballs.

"Why don't you rub the inside of the poor guy's thighs, Sadie?" asked Dee.Sadie was slightly revolted. After all, Aubrey was not quite her type,but shecooperated after she saw a wink from her friend's right eye. Together the girlsswirled lotion all over the now smiling slave's genitals, until he was gaspingwith desire once again.

Dee gave Aubrey's penis a final gentle rub and leaned down, whispering inhis ear. "Miss Maple says you're real good in the sack as long as you don'tcum, is that right, Aubrey?" Aubrey bit his lip and nodded. "That's what Ihear, honey. I'm a young virgin, and so is Sadie here, and we'd love to getour first time on your cock."

Sadie suppressed a giggle. Dee was so full of shit. Neither of htem had beenvirgins since junior high, but men seemed to get off on the whole virginalimage, she guessed. Dee quickly undressed, waving her tits in front of Aubrey,and then climbed on his hard cock. Dee rode it for a bit, waving her big boobsat Aubrey. "Wouldn't you like to suck these, baby?" Dee trilled. She didn'tdrop entirely on Aubrey's erection at first, grinding the tip with the edgeof her stubbly vagina, while Aubrey strained to give her pleasure. "Don't cumnow baby" Dee panted. "Remember what Miss Maple will do to that naughty cockif you cum!"

Aubrey rolled his eyes and nodded. Sadie was rather amazed at the size ofAubrey's cock and how it appeared to be pleasuring Sadie. Finally Sadie climbedoff Aubrey, wiping herself off. "I came twice that was really cool" Dee pantedand Aubrey's cock looked dangerously close to explosion. "You go next, Sadie." Deepanted. "I don't think so, Deirdre." Sadie said with a smile. "He's a littletoo gross for me." Aubrey looked terribly disappointed. Sadie was a bit cuterthan Dee, and Dee shook her head sorrowfully. "Oh, that's a shame." Dee dancedback over to Aubrey's cock and wiped her juices off with a towel and then lickedhis bulging glans. "Mmm-mm!" Dee moaned. She sucked the head for a bit, herlip gloss remaining on the edge of Aubrey's foreskin when her head backed offagain, "What a hot guy!"

Dee leaned over Aubrey's penis, licking and sucking it more, Sadie watchingin faint revulsion. She didn't think much of fat old guys, but apparently Deehad no problems in this area. Dee really seemed into it. Aubrey kept gaspingand closing his eyes, and moving his hips around, and it was clear that hewas quite fearful he might orgasm soon. Dee sucked his cock harder and harder,and Sadie knew the girl knew her work, as men who dated Dee had nicknamed her "Velvetmouth" Deebit the underside of Aubrey's cock, and slurped the tip, but finally afterabout ten minutes, she moved away  from the stubbornly stiff penis. "You'rea champ, you won't cum, Aubrey." Dee said grudgingly.

"Well, you got to understand the penalty phase, as it were. " said Aubrey.Dee refreshed her makeup, putting her clothes back together perfectly. A momentor two later, Miss Maple came back into the room. Sadie had the feeling thatMiss Maple had been watching someplace, so well timed was her entry after Deehad pulled on her last shoe, but Sadie really couldn't be sure. Miss Maplewas a weird one, that was for sure.  Sadie  had to admit though,Miss Maple had a good deal going on here.

Over the past six days, Sadie had visited Miss Maple several times and she'dseen how clean Miss Maple's house was kept. Aubrey had different chores hedid mornings and evenings, and Sadie had to admit she never found dishes sittingabout or any room unvaccuumed.  Aubrey was an accomplished chef, and hewaited on Miss Maple and her guests hand and foot.

Miss Maple had showed Sadie her bankbook, and it was an amazing amount ofmoney for a typing teacher, well over seventy thousand dollars. "I bank Aubrey'ssalary and my own, and some of this is from an inheritance he got when hisfather passed away." Sadie was amazed. "And he signs it all over to you? That'swild." Miss Maple smiled. "Yes, that's correct. Aubrey also must bring me hispaycheck sealed. Now and then they give him an unsealed envelope, and thenI take his pants down and I whip him soundly. I don't even think he needs tolook at the check, just endorses it over to me." Miss Maple laughed. "Aubrey'savailable cash before meeting me went to cocaine and prostitutes when I methim as a neighbor some ten years ago.


One day I saw one of his magazine subscriptions, to a journal called Maitresse,and I read the articles and looked at the pictures, all about female domination,and I saw my role in Aubrey's life. We are quite happy, actually."

 Miss Maple's life really did seem rather together, and Aubrey had toldSadie privately when he was driving her home one night, "It's always been afantasy of mine to be the submissive to a beautiful, dominating woman, to bedisciplined and dominated, and my life is great today, but sometimes Miss Mapleis a bit tough on me." Sadie was amazed!

But now Miss Maple came in and sat on the bed next to Aubrey's bound form. "Ahh,how relaxing that was. I took a bit of time, I hope you don't mind, and hada small sandwich. Keeping this young man in line is energy sapping work." MissMaple tapped Aubrey's bare thigh, and then looked down at his once again strainingcock. "Goodness, what's this?" she said in displeasure. "I just spent the betterpart of half an hour trying to calm down this disobedient organ and here youare erect again, Aubrey. Horrifying these impressionable young women, it'sawful."

Dee spoke up. "It's really disturbing Miss Maple, he just can't seem to controlhimself. I think he's been leering at poor Sadie." Sadie was amazed at thebrazenness of Deirdre, who had just been fucking Aubrey's organ to full tumescence.But now the poor thing looked shocked and horrified as if she'd never seena hard penis in her life.

Miss Maple shook her head. "I just worked so hard with the Dog Whip tryingto emphasize with great effort the importance of your erection subsiding, andhere it is again in full flower. I am terribly disappointed, Aubrey."  "Ma'amI'm-sorry it's—it just happened, I'm real sorry" came Aubrey's querulousvoice.

Aubrey of courser couldn't tell her that he had just been fucking one ofthe "impressionable young women" and letting the other one play with his testicles. "Aubrey,I am amazed" said Miss Maple. "Obviously, the last punishments I've inflictedon you were of no use. Fortunately I have further disciplinary measures thatmay help." Miss Maple leaned behind her and got a small box of office supplies,and pulled out some binder clips.


 Miss Maple took one of the ugly black metal binder clips out of thebox, and looked at it approvingly. "Rustproof tempered steel construction andthey're advertised to have a nonslip grip, you know, girls." and pressed thesteel handles apart with one hand while pulling a bit of Aubrey's foreskinout with two nails from the other hand.

Sadie watched all this with fascination. Miss Maple was a pro at this dominatrixthing. Sadie had learned that Aubrey wasn't the only one of Miss Maple's slaves. "Youwouldn't believe how many men are eager to be dominated by a woman, Sadie,and who really need it badly." Sadie had learned that Miss Maple made a coolC-note once a week visiting a submissive pharmaceutical salesman, who she'dtake over her knee in the squalid confines of a motel out on the highway oncea week. Another man, astonishingly, was Mr. Stanislaus Vavasour, the ownerof the business school where Miss Maple taught and Sadie was a student. Oneday, Miss Maple had brought Sadie into the office with her and had her witnessa bitter discussion about tuition hikes, as Sadie had almost been forced todrop out of school as the current increase was twice the price of her scholarship.

For a bit of time, Sadie had thought Mr. Vavasour was going to win the argument,explaining about teacher's salaries, and his own needs for a new car, and thoughMiss Maple had made sound suggestions as to where Mr. Vavasour could cut costs,it didn't look good, and Mr. Vavasour had lost his temper eventually. "Goddamit, I can't help tuition hikes, let this little bitch get a part time job!" Mr.Vavasour had roared. He could treat Sadie that way, as his business schoolwas the only one in town. Sadie was aware that Mr. Vavasour didn't like her,as she had repulsed his attempts to ask her on a date, and now she was neartears, thinking her career as a secretary was over.

As Sadie cowered near the door, Mr. Vavasour screamed at Miss Maple, tilshe finally breathed in and bared her teeth. "All right, Stan, I've heard enough." MissMaple had reached out and slapped Mr. Vavasour's face. "I promised youthat we would never take our "other relationship" public, but your behavioris astonishingly immature." Mr. Vavasour had gone white and he'd balled hisfists. "No, no don't you dare—" Miss Maple shook her head. "Unzip yourpants and put your penis out here on your desk!"

Oh Jesus, Sadie had thought. Miss Maple has lost her mind. She can't justdominate every man in sight! But Mr. Vavasour had shut up almost immediately. "Nothere, Miss Maple, please." Miss Maple had pounded her slim black fist on thetable.

"Immediately, Stanley." Sadie wondered if anyone, even Miss Maple's mothercalled her by her first name. What was her first name? It was a mystery. Bitinghis lip, Mr. Vavasour had tried not to look at the teenager whose scholarshiphe was ruining, and he'd unzipped his pants and pulled his long, wrinkled penisout on the desk. Sadie had marveled an ugly, shriveled thing it was. Miss Maplehad taken her leather six inch shoe off and lifted it above her head. WHACK!

 Mr. Vavasour had howled bloody murder as the heel tip had banged theglans of his penis into the harsh wooden desk. "Is there a problem Mr. Vavasour?" camehis secretary's querulous voice from the exterior of the office. "No, no Evelyn,just go get lunch, right now!" Mr. Vavasour's voice had steel in it, and theyall had listened to Evelyn's feet scurry away. "You spend a fortune on yourhouse, on your cars, taking your mistresses to Cancun and all these other places." MissMaple said between her teeth. "Surely you can afford to help out a few poorgirls."

Mr. Vavasour's eyes had widened at Sadie's problem becoming the problem ofa "few" girls. "Are you going to give Sadie and Deirdre, her friend full scholarships,Stanislaus?" Mr. Vavasour coughed. "Full scholarshyips, I can't, perhaps anothertwo hundred off…" WHACK WHACK! Twice the cruel heel came down and Mr.Vavasour had screamed even louder, and Sadie had spotted a trickle of bloodon his penis. "I demand a full scholarship and a substantial living allowancefor the ten poorest girls at this school including Sadie and Dee and—"MissMaple had been interrupted. "Done! That's f-fine. Please leave." Mr. Vavasourhad zipped up his pants, crying, and Sadie had been even more taken care of thanbefore…Miss Maple was something!

Sadie's eyes returned to the present scene with Miss Maple and the unfortunateAubrey...Good God, she's amazing.

Clip! Now Miss Maple had locked on one binder clip, and Aubrey shuthis eyes tightly and bit his tongue against the pain. Sadie suddenly reachedinto the box and found another binder clip and leaned over, clipping it toa fold in the side of Aubrey's shaft.

"This is fun, it's like arts and crafts, you know?" asked Dee as sheattached yet another binder clip to Aubrey's glans.

Miss Maple placed several more of the painful clips on the sides of Aubrey'sshaft, and Dee squeezed some more on Aubrey's inner thighs. "Oooh it's so painful" Aubreywhined. Sadie took two binder clips and put one on each nipple and Aubrey howledin misery. Dee placed a row of binder clips going Mohawk style up and aroundAubrey's shaft, and Sadie placed some more on the flab of Aubrey's stomach.

Sadie could not quite get over what Aubrey seemed to put up with at the handsof his evil Jamaican mistress. In the past week she'd seen Miss Maple makeAubrey hold an ice-cold enema in his rear for nearly an hour, another timeAubrey had been forced to suck off a gay male hustler after Miss Maplehad paid the fellow to give Aubrey a flogging. She'd witnessed Miss Maple giveAubrey a public bare-bottom spanking in the supermarket in front of a groupof laughing children when he'd brought her the wrong kind of peas, and againin the dressing room at Hecht's after Aubrey refused to model a mauve shirtMiss Maple had picked out for him.

The other day Miss Maple had raped Aubrey with her entire collection of dildoesand vibrators, and then she'd dared Dee to stick a bowling pin up Aubrey'srectum, and Dee had taken her up on it! The bowling pin had become rathe dislodgedin Aubrey's rectum, and they'd had a very embarrassing time at the EmergencyRoom, but Miss Maple said it was all in the line of raising a good slave-boy!

Two nights before when Aubrey had been caught "borrowing" Miss Maple's pantiesfor a clandestine masturbation session, Miss Maple had called Sadie and Deeat their rooming house and the girls had come over and helped Miss Maple fullymake Aubrey in eye liner blue shadow, blush, hot pink lipstick and a blondewig, as well as a pink fluffy dress and high heels, and then they'd had himgo downtown with them to get catcalled by drunken construction workers! Butthis binder clip business might well have been the worst, Sadie thought.

As Miss Maple now placed more of the clips around Aubrey's scrotum, one beingactually on Aubrey's testicle, he moaned miserably. "Are you all right, Aubrey?" MissMaple asked kindly, though Sadie got the impression Miss Maple didn't givea shit about Aubrey's pain.

"They jus' bite so much more viciously than clothespins" muttered Aubreywith his eyes shut. "But think Aubrey" said Dee as she ran a finger up hisstiffening shaft "If your disobedient penis didn't stay so stubbornly erectwe wouldn't be able to put all these clips on, would we?" Dee asked, and MissMaple and Sadie laughed.

Miss Maple reached behind her again and came up with duct tape. "You wereusing this when you installed our HVAC system, dear." Miss Maple smiledkindly at Aubrey. "And now I can prove once again that waste not, want notis one of the great maxims of the era." Aubrey's eyes widened as he watchedMiss Maple pull the duct tape away from the roll and begin wrapping Aubrey'stesticles thoroughly, the tape covering all areas that didn't already havebinder clips poking through.

"Is this too uncomfortable for you dear?" Miss Maple asked in a concernedtone as Aubrey's crotch was completely drowned in wads and wads of duct tape "Wellma'am, its all stuck to my crotch hair, and between the tape and the clips,it's really a bit much."

"Very well, dear." Miss Maple said firmly. "We will get rid of it all!" Immediately,Miss Maple ripped all the duct tape off Aubrey's crotch,taking most of thehair with it, and he bellowed, and then she and the girls began knocking allthe binder clips off Aubrey's crotch with  riding crops, and the unfortunateman learned perhaps that excessive complaining is not always the most politicof things to do!

Eighteen Months Later

Sadie looked at the naked, kneeling man on the floor, and frowned at him,and Doctor Creighton Commerce's legs shook as he stared up at the angry girl,who tapped her foot and stared right back down at him.

 Shortly after Aubrey's torture treatments with the binder clipsand the duct tape, Sadie and Dee had rented the top floor of Miss Maple'shouse for a third of the cost of her tiny room in the ghetto rooming housedowntown. It was quite a breeze, Aubrey cooking and cleaning forthe young ladies, and Sadie and Dee assisting Miss Maple with Aubrey's discipline.Sadie also enjoyed Aubrey's oral attentions on her clit and his long andexperienced massages. Sadie had a steady, normal boyfriend, but thoughtthe whole whips-and chains thing was hilarious.not for her of course, but itwas a gas, and Dee and Miss Maple took it so seriously, this S-M!

Sadie chuckled, thinking of her previous attitude  as she now tappedher foot as the naked man stared at the floor. "Doctor Commerce, I believeI told you that you were to straighten up this house." Sadie said rather severely. "Youroffice dowstairs is clean, you put away all the stethoscopes and scrubbed upyour examining room, and you cleaned your living room, the dining room, yourden, the library and you've scrubbed the bathrooms well, but you've neglectedsomething." Doctor Commerce looked up at Sadie, and she could see his stiffpenis waving as his knees began trembling, as they must have been in acutepain on the hardwood floor. His dick was really rising, though. You'd neverknow that she'd been caning it with a Zenith target lead loaded bull whip,the kind with a double plaited belly and a seven layer kangaroo hide. Sadieliked it, it had a good lead weight at the butt of the twenty inch long handle,and Doctor Commerce's previous "assistant", Nasty Bob, had given it to herwith confidence. "It's what he needs" Nasty Bob had reported. "Doc picked itup when we were vacationing in Sydney, Australia, last year, and it's madeto control the bushmen, and he screams when he gets it on his cock or ass,but it's damn good for him."

 Dee had been in the BDSM "life" longer than Sadie had, soSadie was not surprised when Dee met Norbert, a recent West Point graduatewho shared Aubrey's proclivities, one night at Miss Maple's bondage club. ButSadie had not considered an alternative like this for herself, really, andwas content to take out her bad moods whipping Aubrey's ass, and figuring eventuallyshe would move on after graduating from the business college. But thenaround the time Sadie was to graduate, Miss Maple sat down with her for aserious talk.

But now Sadie thought of Miss Maple's serious talk as she confronted theshivering, terrified Doctor Commerce. "Doc, in the nine months we've livedtogether, you've never been an effective housecleaner. The toilets are notperfectly scrubbed, twice last week I bounced a quarter on my bed and it wasn'tmade to perfection, you haven't been diligent in scrubbing the basement walls…it'ssucky. Doc you were supposed to clean the entire house including yourdownstairs office, and really cleaned my room, and you've fucked up royally."

Doctor Commerce stared at her in panic. "What do you mean, ma'am, you toldme I would be punished viciously if I didn't clean the house today and I'vebeen up since dawn working on it, I—" Doctor Commerce began sobbing,and Sadie was completely impatient with him.Leaning down, she slapped the middleaged heart doctor viciously across the face, and he burst into tears. "Doc,there's a wastebasket knocked over right in this room, and you've done nothingabout it." Doctor Commerce, bending over on his hands and knees, looked around,puzzled. "Where, Miss Sadie?"


Sadie stepped behind Doctor Commerce and swiftly kicked over the small wastebasketagainst the wall, shaking out all the lipsticked Kleenexes that he'd had touse the night before when she'd dressed him up like a ballerina and forcedhim to suck off truckers down on the waterfront. Hearing the noise, DoctorCommerce turned aro und and saw what she'd done. "Now wait a minute, Miss Sadie,you've just knocked that over, and it's not fair!" he protested. "I gave upmy tennis tournament and spent seven hours cleaning this place on my one dayoff in three weeks, no operations, this was my day, because you punished meso severely the other day for neglecting my work, and you thrashed me witha length of garden hose and made me write "I will be a more effective houseboy" 1,000times, and so I canceled the tournament to scrub all day, and now you've knockedthe basket over, and that's just not fair."

"What? How dare you question me!" Sadie screamed, and the startled physicianbacked off. This was what Sadie had been waiting for. She grabbed her rattancane, from the window ledge and flexed it. It certainly was better than theone she'd used on him the other day, that one had broken on his jaw, but thenagain rattan was an organic material that dried out easily in Sadie's experience.It always broke after the first dozen uses. But Sadie was smart now and hadseveral of them, and she began whipping the startled physician with vigor,and as she went at it, she remembered the text of Miss Maple's talk ten monthsbefore:


Miss Maple had said "Sadie,Dee is going to have to drop out of the businesscollege. She types nineteen words a minute, cannot seem to learn any of thecomputer programs, and her filing and accounting skills are abysmal. But asyou know, she and Norbert are engaged to be married, and she is going to movewith him to a post abroad, so it just doesn't matter." Sadie had smiled. "Wellthat's good, and she seems happy with Norbert. Dee says she uses the same techniqueson him to clean their house as he uses on his troops, except of course shelashes his bare ass with a buggy whip when he cleans the bathroom with a toothbrush." MissMaple had smiled patiently.

"Yes, Sadie. Dee is going to have a marvelous life, as she is a gooddomme, and she and Norbert I think are going to be quite successful, and soher dismal office skills don't really matter." Miss Maple leaned ontothe desk and looked carefully in Sadie's eyes. "Sadie, Dee only typesnineteen words a minute, but you only type four words a minute.

You're easily distracted in class, you skip school to go to plays and artmuseums, and spend most of your study time reading French novels. I would recommendthat you get a college scholarship, but I know your love of art and literaturewould preclude your studying anything practical, and academics don't make muchmore than secretaries these days, now that tenure is out the door. And as you'vetold me, you have little aptitude for retail, sales or anything in the restaurantline...your temper, like mine, is suspect.I actually can't see you taking ordersfrom anyone, really, certainly any men."

Sadie had giggled. It was true. She'd been fired from the tie counter atNeiman Marcus for slapping a fresh security guard, and then telling a customerhis breath was bad. Her one and only day as a waitress had ended withher up-ending a bowl of hot broth on a diner's head because he'd referred toher as a "slow broad". But it was true, she was hopeless. And workwas boring, anyway. "I'm sorry, Miss Maple, it's mom alwaystold me that I wasted all my time reading useless books and running aroundwith my good-for-nothing's a problem."

Miss Maple had finished her talk with Sadie by telling her that in spiteof all this, she'd acquired Sadie a good position as a personal assistant toa famous cardiologist. "The job involves travel and excitement, and thepay is eighty-five thousand dollars a year, just for you." Miss Maplehad smiled. Sadie had been utterly staggered.

 "But..but you just said I can't do anything." Sadie had paused. "Oh,before I forget. Aubrey left some dust inside one of the gravy boats when hewas polishing your silver, so I tied him to the ceiling hook in your basementdungeon and I put clover clamps on his nipples, and rubbed Ben Gay on his balls.This is his day off, so he won't be missed anyway, and when I get home,I'mgoing to thrash him with a length of barbed wire I found. Isn't that a greatidea? It just came to me, what a punishment. But anyway about this personalassistant job, I can't do it, 'cause I have no skills."

Miss Maple had only laughed.

The End

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"Hurry up," her mother snapped. Sayuri Watanabe may have been taller than her mother, but she'd never been able to keep up with her when she was in a hurry. Sayuri had never been to this part of Matsudo – she'd never had a reason. Not that it really mattered. It looked like any suburb in practically every other city in Kanto, the vast sprawl of cities that made Tokyo the biggest metropolis on Earth. She'd never been to Kansai, but guessed things were the same there. This far from the rail...

2 years ago
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Nicol Gets an Education

MF,MMMF,mmF,Exhib,HumI just turned nineteen. I graduated from high school last year and I have several jobs. I work as a waitress at a restaurant in the evening four or five nights a week. It depends on how often they need me.I also work for a cleaning service, cleaning homes during the day. One of the houses I clean once a week is my neighbor's house. Not right next door, a couple of houses down. He asked me about cleaning his house when he found out I was doing it and I do it for him without...

3 years ago
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Jonathan gets a classical education

Jonathan gets a classical education By 2NNWARNING! This story deals with homosexuality and brutal S&M. If you are a minor or don't like these subjects, go elsewhere now.Day 1 Jonathan had just started college and his first semester was only a week old. A slight and sensitive young man of just eighteen, he was a little feminine. His features were Asian and very delicate. He had jet-black hair and black eyes and very fine skin. Apart from the hair on his head, he hardly had a growth of hair...

5 years ago
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Adult Education

“Though of course, not so much evidence was recorded, the sources make it fairly clear that many of the peasants were practicing some form of birth control at the time.”A girl up front raised her hand and asked, “But what did they do?”“Coitus interruptus, most commonly.”“But wasn’t that against Catholic doctrine?”“Of course. It was a sin to waste one’s seed.” Then she looked around the classroom and, looking straight into my eyes, said, “Of course, it’s really only a sin if the man’s not man...

College Sex
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Perverted Education

Don’t some of you cucks wish you could go back to school and make those vapid cheerleaders and nympho goths your fuck toys? Once you’re done with all of the bullshit and can look back at your experience, I think most of you will see that you didn’t have to be such a pathetic fucking beta. Tell that bully to eat shit. Ask that hot slut with the rockin’ ass to deepthroat your cock. Slap a teacher’s ass. There’s so much that you can get away with. Okay, maybe not the teacher thing. But, still, you...

Free Sex Games
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Mums Sexual Education

Note : This story is completely fictional! My name is Kenji Lee, but everyone just calls me Ken for short. I am a american teenager. I have an Indian friend in the same grade as me called Raj, who I used to be able to call my best friend. Recently, however, Raj is hanging out with this white kid, Brian. I used to like Raj, but I'm not sure I like him anymore, because he's becoming more and more like Brian. Brian's in one grade above the both of us, and everyone knows he's a braggart - I...

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Home Education

by Lamia Fangs I return barely two weeks ago from my high school third grade English course exchange trip. This year, we organized a trip to the state of West Virginia in the United States. I must confess that I was not excited at all about the idea of spending two months on a farm in the middle of nowhere on the American prairies, surrounded by cows and horses, even if it was the U.S. of A. Finally, it came the holidays, I took my plane and after eight hours of flying and two connections, I...

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No FutureChapter 42 A WellRounded Education

Primrose 2086 "Have you told your mother?" asked the voice at the other end of the phone line. "Of course not, Gran," replied Primrose. "What do you think she'd say?" "She wouldn't be pleased," said Karen to her granddaughter. "But such an innocent name: Empire Cleaning Services. Who would have thought?" "It's a career," said Primrose. "What's wrong with teaching, dear? Your mum's a teacher. I was a teacher. Isn't that a career?" Primrose cast her eyes around...

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Lauras Lipstick Education

Laura’s Lipstick Education By Laura Hall?????????????????????Okay, he had long accepted he was not the most desirable guy in the world but his role as a sponsor to the local further education college at least gave him the excuse to chat up some of the lecturers and now and again one of them would even accept his invitation to dine with him, just as the IT lecturer had done. Charlie had thought this one really special for there was something about her that simply radiated his kind of sexual...

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My Education

My name is Marc. At the beginning of the story, I want to tell I just had celebrated my 18th birthday. I grew up in a little sleepy village not far from the coast. Really, nothing was going on here. Therefore, I never had the chance to make some experiences with girls I must admit. After I left school, I finally succeeded in finding the chance for an education. This would take place in a well-known company in a big city. A big city! My parents helped me to find a little flat there. Full of...

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Janet John Sex Education

Second part of the story written for rocknrolla990, who thinks it is fine to have sex with young girls straight after their termination:Sex EducationJanet and John are twins.Janet and John often sit together at Junior School.John likes to tickle his s1ster Janet.John likes touching her bare legs.Janet sometimes lets him touch the inside of her thighs.Janet loves masturbating – she often has a hand up her skirt.Janet loves to stroke her clitoris – it makes her feel all warm inside.It is...

5 years ago
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Pledging Tau Geta Delta Part 2 Private Education

Pledging Tau Geta Delta - Part 2 - Private Education By Farleven Jiggling. Something was jiggling on my chest. That was the first thing that struck me as I started to work past that groggy sleepiness. I had rolled over and something had shifted that normally didn't do that. My hand slid up to check and instead of finding my normally hard muscles, my finger sank into soft flesh. I can't say I'm quick witted in the morning, but when I gave a pinch to the thick nipple I found, everything...

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Your Wish Come True revised Chapter 11 Continuing Education

Your Wish Come True by Pol Roger Chapter 11 Continuing Education After adventures spiritual and temporal, she finds out what she needs to know MANDY was up again bright and early. She dressed in loose gym clothes, attached her iPod Shuffle, and headed out into the cold drizzly morning, the hood of her top up and her breath steaming as she ran. This time she headed towards Chelsea, through Sloane Square and past the Army Pensioners Hospital to the River. She ran down...

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Pocket Monsters A New Journey and New Horizons Chapter 2 Delia starts Ashs Education

About two weeks after Ash had arrived home and after the visits had slowed down, Delia found herself back to a somewhat normal housekeeping routine. Ash and Misty had been going on day trips visiting people and training their Pokémon leaving her there with Mr. Mime. Misty had to return back to her gym duties so now it was just Ash and his mom at their house. Ash returned home while Delia prepared and served the dinner. Ash came into the family room and placed his bag on the floor enjoying...

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Babs Education

I For her thirty-fifth birthday Barbara was offered a job. It the best birthday present she could have had. In fact, it was the only one she got. Both her boys had forgotten all about her birthday. ‘Oh, well,’ she thought, ‘that’s kids for you.’ Her husband hadn’t remembered it either until he phoned from his office to wish her a happy day. ‘But I don’t care now. I’ve got some work.’ The way was open for her, at last, to pursue her own independent career. She was known as Babs at home....

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The Ultimate College Education

---Disclaimer--- I wrote this story, partially as a semi-autobiography, partially as a fictional tale. No one name in this story are in any way intended to be real and any resemblance to anyone's real life is thoroughly coincidental. This story does not contain any sexuality. It is a story about a young man's voyage into the world of girl. If you don't like it, feel free to let me know why, but please, no flames. It's immature. So feel free to's respectable. I will...

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How Did I Get HereChapter 5 My College Education

College was a whole different way of life for me. I was living in a dorm room with another guy I had never met before. The professors didn't seem to care whether I attended their classes or not. No one was asking about my home work getting done or how everything was going. I truly felt alone and on my own. After a couple weeks of classes, however, it all seemed to make sense to me. Because I'm a morning person, I had chosen mostly morning classes, which gave me plenty of time in the...

3 years ago
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An Exchange Student Gets Some Real Sex Education

As an old guy, who has resisted a bank card, a cell phone and the internet, finally has all three! The internet wow, what can I say, it has everything from the best to the worst instantly, and of most interest to me has been all of the porn sites! After being married to a wonderful woman for over 40 yrs and enjoying some incredible kinky sex with her I had recently started writing about her fantasy's and our sexual adventures. This had led to corresponding interacting with many women young...

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Duff studentrsquos sex education

I didn’t ever get a proper education, and as far as sex goes I knew what I wanted to know and that was all. Though it wasn’t very much – in fact, it was just about zero. From realising I was only interested in solo-sex in the early 60s (not that I had other options even if I wanted them) up to the late 80s, I was shielded from more or less anything apart from what I saw in my magazines, and lucky views I got. I was more than satisfied with that – from the early 60s I got a lot of satisfaction...

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Predatrix One An Education

Throughout the cab ride to school, and all the while he was setting his classroom in order to meet the parents; he tried his best to push last night’s dream out of his focus. Meticulously, he arranged the vase of flowers in the corner and dusted it clean. He straightened out all the desks and arranged the paraphernalia on his own desk with painstaking effort. He was in the middle of re-arranging the charts on the wall when someone interrupted. “Whoa”, came a familiar voice. It was...

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Daughters Slut Training 2 Daughters Wicked Education

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Two: Daughter's Wicked Education By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Leyla Umayyah I...wanted to be a slut. To please Mom. She was so right about me. I had all these whorish desires bursting through me, inspired by Clint's antics with his girlfriends, his cousins. The way he strutted around college. The way he enjoyed his cousins and other girls. I wanted to be one of those girls. I masturbated my...

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Russs Sex Education

My initiation into sexual knowledge was thrust on me, literally. My parents were excited, especially Dad. Uncle Walt was coming from Los Angeles for a month long visit. Dad hadn't seen his older brother for five years, and since they had been close all through their school years, he was looking forward to seeing Walt again. I had mixed emotions. Uncle Walt had twin girls, Laura and Lisa. The last time I saw them, they were eight and I was five. They had made my life miserable the...

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Evas Further Education

This story will only make sense if you’ve read ‘The Education of Eva.’ Everybody in this story is over eighteen. After the weekend at the mansion, we three girls returned to our routine, ‘working’ – if work is an adequate description for what we did – from our luxury Costa del Sol pad. I, for one, knew that my attitude was changed for ever, that, for me, there was more to life than parties, and being groped and screwed. My experience during that weekend, with Monique and her husband Jean-Paul,...

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Jodi beings her slave Tony to her dominant friend Jackie for additional education

The chairs were easy. Tony had them done by Saturday. He could strip pieces for his customers and enjoy the work, but stripping something for Jodi was a major turn on. His cock stayed hard the whole time he was working on the chairs. His mind painted pictures of Jodi and her lover doing every imaginable kind of sexual act. Images of his own lovemaking with her were superimposed into the scenes now flooding his brain. He could hear her scream, “Don’t you dare cum, and I mean...

3 years ago
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Unintentional education

Introduction: This is another story losely based on fact and moments that influenced the rest of my life and my fettishes The bitter wind made Andy feel even colder now, as he walked back from his school, than he had felt earlier that dark morning on the way there. His school had been closed due to power restrictions, this was the winter of discontent and the power workers had now been on strike, on and off for several weeks. Without power, the local authorities had to find emergency measures,...

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Lyns sex education

Introduction: Lyn is dissatisfied by sex with her boyfriend On Friday afternoon I got home early from a business trip. My wife, Irmeli, was still at work and Helen, the uni student who I had picked up (actually she picked me up) at an engineering conference, and who now lived with us and shared in our sexual activities, was still at uni. I was glad to take off my business clothes and leap naked into the swimming pool. I swam a few laps then climbed out, fetched myself a cold beer, and sank...

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Claudias Dark Education

-=Part One=- Claudia spotted the "new guy" right away. He was all her friends could talk about since she had entered the dark caverns of her favorite goth club. "Did you see how long his hair is?!" ... "He kind of looks like Armand, from the side" ... "Oh god I loooooove his coat" ... they whispered excitedly, blushingly looking at him without trying to be obvious. Claudia was beyond such childishness. She took a long drink of a look at him ... well, he certainly was "dark" enough for this...

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Vics Education

Jill regretted letting Beth talk her into going for a drink with her after work. Now, she was stuck in a basement wine bar of a nearby hotel pouring her heart out. Feeling very drunk, Jill was on her fourth glass of wine as her secretary, Beth, continued to grill her, "What is wrong with you? You have been so distracted today.""Last night, I woke up in a cold sweat worrying about my son. Earlier in he evening, his father had called to belittle me because of how poorly I had raised Vic. After 18...

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A Husbands Education

“I know just the woman,” I said.“Good. Good.” Kim replied. “Do you mind if I meet her first?”It was ever thus with Kim; a veneer of quiet tact masked steel. This wasn’t a request, it was a demand.“Of course I don’t,” I said.We’d met up for lunch, me and my best friend’s wife. I didn’t know if she’d told Pete we’d be meeting, but then I didn’t care much either. It wasn’t as if we’d be having a quickie in the toilets afterwards. I was helping her with her husband’s education, true. It was also...

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Sex Education

As I mentioned at the end of this story: Jess would contact me when she had something set up. She also contacted me when she wanted to be fucked.It turns out the day I fucked and cummed in my mother-in-law and fucked and cummed deep inside of Jess, both my mother-in-law and Jess did have lesbian sex and ate my cum out of each others pussy. At least that is what I got from my mother-in-law the next time I went over...

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My Education

I went to class that morning in a bad mood. Some students in the apartment next to mine had decided to ring in the school year with a big bash, and I had barely slept all night. At my polite request to keep the music down, several drunken frat boys had urged me to join the party. I almost considered it, but their leering gazes and sloppy attempts at flirtation made me a little sick and I withdrew.I had spoken to my mother the evening before; she was depressing me with interminable talk of...

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Sex Education

***** Lesson Three *****I met Steve the first day of summer break. He was over at my house visiting with my brother, hanging out in his room in the basement. Since my brother was a few years older than me, just finishing up his freshman year, we didn't really play together or mingle much. I was watching television in the living room. I don't think i even knew he had company. But it was when I went to the restroom that I met Steve. I was somewhat shocked when I opened the restroom door and saw a...

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Earning My Education

Earning My Education - The PartyI hated coming here but I needed the money. I always felt that nervous tension in my large stomach as I walked the 10 minute journey from my dorm to his place. It was hot today, the hottest all summer so I was sweating. Fuck it, he'd make me shower anyway, always did. I couldn't be unclean for him and his so called friends. Friends that wanted to fuck a 20 year old chub like he was meat.I got to the door and rang the bell. He made me wait at the door, same shit...

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Part of my University Education

My first week at university,I went for a walk to explore the city. Leaving the colleges behind me I walked down to the river, following the path by the bank to the wilder parts. A couple was lying stretched out on the grass under the shade of one of the trees. He was on his back and she lay partly across him. They were locked in a passionate kiss. Instinctively I stopped to watch and saw one of her hands move down to his trousers where she stroked the bulge in his jeans. I couldn't believe what...

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Personal Sex Education

When I was a senior in highschool I was the smart kid. The one with the best grades, proudest parents, and the most likely to succeed. The only thing I didn't succeed in was girls. I tried my best but I was always a little awkward around girls, especially attractive girls. When I was little my father passed away so I was raised by my mother most of my childhood and because of that, I lacked a father figure, someone to teach me the basics of sports, school, and women. My mother tried but she...

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Re-Education by Ruby My name is Anthony, and I had made a date with the one girl at the company that every man was afraid to approach. On the day of our fist date, I was a little nervous, after all it isn't everyday that you get the opportunity to go on a date with the head of the Psychology department. Not that it was out of character for me, but I was determined to be on my very best behavior. I held every door for her, allowed her to decide on every...

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My College Education

My College Education Hello everyone. This Belle again with a tale from a client. I will my client tell the tale. Greetings everybody. I am John MacDonald. That was my name at birth, but this tale deals about the time when I was Jackie MacDonald. It starts when I first entered college. I was an incoming freshman. I was taking all the mandatory courses for a freshman. I was enrolled in Business Administration for my major. I know that sounds lame, but it is true. It was the first...

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Secondary Education

Secondary Education Tyla Flowers [email protected] I am riding on the back of Matt Frawley's motorcycle. I press myself against him, and my breasts tingle as they tease his bulky, sweat stained back. We careen around curves on the Angeles Crest Highway, and we exit down a winding road into the National Forest. We roll to a halt in a gravel parking lot strewn with remnants of bikers' parties. Matt hides the bike in a stand of oaks. He puts his arm around my waist, and...

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Secondary Education

Secondary Education Tyla Flowers [email protected] Is This Nirvana? Chapter 11 I awaken with a shudder. A fractured ray of sunlight pierces the crack between a pair threadbare quilts which have been hung as an makeshift curtain. From outside I hear the clamor of banda piped through the tinny speakers of a catering truck. A hot breeze wafts a rancid flume of stale cooking oil, jalapeno and stewed pork. I feel nauseous, and choke back a heave. I have mind-splitting...

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Taryns Education

Orientation The dark, expensive car drove away from Taryn Shimone and left her looking after it with large, wistful eyes, a frightened and lonely gaze that seemed to grow more intense as the car slowly faded from sight down a country road that seemed impossibly long and straight. She sighed, drawing in a deep, slightly quavering breath and turned ninety degrees to her right to face the long, tall brick wall, a wall that, like the road, seemed to stretch impossibly long to the horizon. Behind...

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SelfTaught Sex Education

I am an only child, and my parents were married 18 years before I made an appearance.  I think they figured they would never have children.  Needless to say, I was a daddy's girl, through and through.  My mother was a hard woman to love, and even harder to live with.  She had a vicious temper and tended to self-medicate with alcohol a bit too much.  My father, on the other hand, could do no wrong, in my eyes.    When I was five, my dad changed jobs for health reasons, and his new job required...

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Sex education

The fall season in the mountains offers wonderful scenery and a feeling of being alive, vibrant, and colorful. Living in near vicinity to such grandeur, one can possibly become spoiled to what nature brings to a mountain region, so, visiting particular locations every now and then is essential to keep that feeling of life fresh in our mind. Having attended a University located within such a region, I was invited to the yearly Homecoming festivities every October. I hadn’t gone to any since the...

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Pulling at the Red Thread of Fate Chapter 7 A Higher Education

Pulling at the Red Thread of Fate - Chapter 7 - A Higher Education After my 'date' with Mike, I'd be lying if I said it was still difficult being Ally. The next week definitely went by much easier than the first, although not without some hiccups. I was always an early riser and I didn't think much of barging into Mike's room to wake him up. We'd often go on morning runs together and being a heavy sleeper, I usually had to drag Mike out of bed in order to wake him up. Perhaps I...

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Sex Education

"Slowly, Manish," Shirlyn murmured. "Don't be in such a rush!" "I can't help it!" "You must try! How else will you learn? I can't teach you if you don't try! Okay, are you ready now?" "Yes." "Good. Now ... easy does it ... put it in slowly ... mm, yes ... ohhh yes ... that's it ... oh that feels so good, Manish! Yes! That's wonderful! Now ... push it in deeper ... yes! Oh ma yes! That's it! C'mon ... deeper ... shove it in, Manish ... as deep as you can ... Ohhhhhh uhhh...

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Katies Education

Katie, a fourteen-year-old sophomore in high school, was the perfect student. She had nothing but perfect grades since the fourth grade, and although very smart, she was ignorant when it came to sex. Oh she learned in her sex-ed class long ago just how and where babies came from, but the joys and pleasure of sex were never discussed. Since she had attended private, and very expensive all girl schools since first grade, she had little or no contact with boys her age and even the street...

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FTL II First ContactChapter 11 Education

Soon the kids were up and awake. Everyone gathered in the kitchen for breakfast. Jim decided he wanted eggs, bacon, and toast. What he got was definitely different than he expected. The eggs were not from chickens. That was certain. The bacon tasted about normal, but the toast was to kill for. Jim could never remember tasting dark bread, or any bread, with so much flavor. "Well, we are going to have to get that replicator reprogrammed with some of our food, at least for the eggs," Jim...

5 years ago
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Concupiscent CongregationChapter 13 Teachers Education

While Reverend Gillis was renewing his connection with his niece Cindy Ramsay and while Cindy Ramsay's father was furthering the education of young Julie Smart, Principal Amos Thompson was planning to meet with attractive, fifteen year old Janice Garner, one of his Grade Ten students. After his shocking discovery that the hooker he'd hired for two hours was actually one of his Grade Nine students he began looking at the nubile beauties in the school differently. It had been more than two...

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The SmithChapter 34 Education

July 29th, 2022. “Gods, it’s beautiful KittyCat!” Clarissa walked around her Device trailing a single fingertip along the Bike’s front curves. “Thanks, Lissa. We need to register it with the DMV. I scheduled us an appointment tomorrow at 10:00. After that, you can take it to Jakie’s in Tucson for painting. They are expecting you Monday morning and promised to have it done by noon Saturday. First, let me show you...” lectured the overworked teen about her first public Device that wasn’t a...

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The Kings Temporary SlaveChapter 4 Sex education

The rooms and surroundings of the palace are absolutely magnificent. I figured that using slave labour kept the costs down but they must have used many skilled craftsmen as well. The slave's pool was grander than pools in the most expensive hotels and as Ettie led me through it I felt quite regal with my gold sash while all the slaves were lying naked. If any were jealous, they didn't show it. Jim was there but I kept my distance. Ettie was a good and cheerful guide and I began to have...

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Mom gives sex education

On Tuesday's, after teaching an early morning biology class, Samantha had time to use the university gym for an hour of cardio. She liked to finish at around 9:30 when the locker room shower was usually empty.The last thing she wanted to hear was a student of hers, present or former, saying hello or asking questions about class, while she was dressed in nothing but a towel. Or worse... while she was naked...It seemed like a normal day as she rinsed the shampoo from her hair and let her muscles...

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