99 First Dates (Revised)Chapter 2 free porn video

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The litany of romantic horror continues...

18. Ms. Stuck-Up Bitch - I've had first dates where the woman was rude or snide or otherwise disagreeable, but never to the extent that this woman demonstrated. If she had anything nice or pleasant to say during our brief coffee date than I must have blinked and missed hearing it. She made especially rude comments about Farah and loudly wondered why 'those sort of people' were being allowed in this country. I wondered if this is how she always acted on a first date when the rest of the world tries to put their best foot forward? Or maybe this was her best behavior?

Yikes. Either way, no second date.

Later, she griped to all of her friends about what an awful date I was, like I was some sort of player or sleezebag because I didn't call her back, and via a friend of a friend, the word of her displeasure came to be known to me. I'm a bit of an odd sort of fellow and many of my friends are even stranger and odder still. A good wife would need to be able to treat them well, because I'm not certainly going to have you around for a moment if you're going to habitually hurt my friends' feelings.

19. Ms. No Goals - She was pretty enough and she had a bit of intelligence, but otherwise she displayed a complete and utter lack of any meaningful ambition in life. She didn't have a single life-goal past getting married. What a waste. She didn't even seem particularly concerned that I wouldn't be asking her out again.

All that sort of behavior and attitude tells me is that you can't wait until you can sit at home all day watching soap operas and reality TV, getting fat and leeching off of my income.

20. The Martha Stewart wanna-be - The coffee date went so well that I tagged her for dinner the next night. That went alright too and then she invited me to her house for dinner the following night. Everything in her house was picture perfect ... and god help the man who put anything out of place! She could cook like a dream but I could already watch her knuckles turning white whenever I moved or touched anything or didn't keep things exactly as she wanted them. She wanted a curator for her domestic museum, not a helpmate and partner in life.

I had seconds on dessert and started to think of suitable ways to break our association. The quick and simple method was to let her see the pig sty that was my apartment on our next date. Ok, I deliberately didn't do dishes or laundry for a few days and tossed a few things around (I'm not a complete domestic disaster) and let her panic. She nearly immediately created the few small suitable lies that ended our relationship on a mutually satisfactory note.

21. Ms Perfection - A smug condescending woman who let me know in the first minute of our conversation that I wasn't at all up to her normal standards, but that she'd try and stoop down a bit closer to my level and give me a try. She was nearly forty years old herself, never married, but believed that she was the finest piece of ripe fruit still hanging on the tree.

Hey ladies, if you're going to have a take-it-or-leave-it attitude, most guys (like me) are going to choose option B.

I predict that she will still be unmarried in another ten or twenty years, but that her standards wouldn't have declined in the slightest. It would never be her fault that no man was capable of being worthy of her.

22. Ms. Bored - This woman confused me to no ends. She acted bored out of her skull with a 'why am I here?' look on her face and yawned all night long when she was with me ... then complained bitterly to me when she called me a week later to gripe that I hadn't called her back to ask her out for another date!

I chalked it all up to her living in a slightly different reality than mine and I gave her a gentle letdown.

23. The Ms. was a Mrs. - Being already married is a serious deal-breaker for me, but from the way she was playing footsie with me under the table, I guessed that finding out later on after we had had sex would be an even worse way to find this fact out. I don't do adultery, so yeah, I guess in that way I respected her candor by admitting the truth upfront. I think she would have been fun in bed, but I didn't want any sort of scene with an outraged husband, or his firearm collection.

24. A Dinner for Three - It was supposed to be a quiet intimate dinner for two, but all night long there was another man at the dinner table. Figuratively speaking anyway. She was tall, bright and beautiful, but all dinner long she kept mentioning her ex who now lived in Colorado and how she was looking forward to seeing him again when he returned home here in a few weeks to visit his parents.

No bets but what she wouldn't run back into his bed the moment he crooked his little finger at her. This also smacked of drama, and I didn't need any in my life.

25. Ms. Secretive – She was almost the perfect woman; bright, intelligent and hot looking with gorgeous hair, perky breasts I wanted to inspect at close hand, and her smoking little black dress showed off a lot of nice soft and creamy thigh. I also never learned one single thing that was true about her - and her phone number and address were both false. Was she CIA, MI:5, or some other spook? Or just another crazy gal playing mind games? She then disappeared without a trace, with all of her on-line information now gone.

I waited by the phone for her to call me back for several weeks but she never did.

26. The Flirt - I like a perky woman and don't mind it a bit when they get a bit assertive or aggressive, but not with other men while on a date with me. She flirted non-stop with every waiter/busboy/or other male that passed within ten feet of her. I really didn't like the wink she was giving to another male restaurant patron who was trying to ignore her and pay attention to his own date. It didn't work. Outraged, his date upended a mostly full plate of pasta over his head and stomped out. The Flirt just winked at him harder and gave him one hell of a 'come hither' look.

I walked out too and told my old friend the waiter that my date was on her own and I left. Obviously she never noticed my absence and she just cast her net for other fish. Clearly she was not the sort of girl to remain faithful to just one guy at a time.

27. The Commander – Her Imperial Ladyship tried to give out the orders from the moment we met at the restaurant. She took full charge and ordered everything, even my dinner ... quite against my wishes, but she wouldn't take no for an answer. She drove our waiter half-crazy, running him back and forth non-stop for the entire meal and treated the menials with the scorn that she obviously thought they deserved.

By the time the check comes, I already know if I'm going to ask a woman out again. One of the most important things I look for is how she treats the wait staff. I think that this is a very fair test. I've even given the waiter/waitress a bigger tip if my date was being a bitch to them. I have no time for inconsiderate people. It's more about rudeness, really. It is the same as with the cell phone behavior, an 'I don't think you're important enough to pay you the same consideration you're paying me' kind of thing. Luckily, these types of people are easy to discover as they're also usually the same kind of folks that think it's ok to treat their servers like boot scum. So they're not exactly hard to recognize.

I had to make a fast break from this man-eater the moment dinner was over. Given time, this Hunting Girl would have had me licking her boots with my tongue and polishing her saddle leather while she gleefully sodomized my virgin ass with her riding crop. Kinky, but not the sort of refined acts that get my juicer harder than nun's buns. I did give a rather odd sort of wimpy friend of mine her phone number and they've been an item ever since. The world is full of all sorts of different types of peope.

28. The Mushroom – She was pretty in a mousy sort of way, but she was even less motivated than Ms. No-Goals. She had no interest in the outdoors or really ever leaving her house to do much of anything. She didn't even like shopping. Fortunately she had a computer programming job where she could work from home most days and never leave the house until she ran out of Haagen-Dazs or Dove bars, and mostly she didn't. I gave her a couple of tries but she never wanted to do much of anything, and we'd always end up watching a Netflix movie at her home. I'm pretty sure she was borderline agoraphobic but she said she was happy with being a homebody.

She also had a sex drive of almost zero and pulled back hard anytime I tried to go past first base. We sort of stayed friends, but without 'benefits'.

29. Miss 'Thang' – I didn't believe it was possible but I met a woman even more self-absorbed than Ms. Perfect above! She had the attitude of 'my shit don't stink' permanently carved on her face. It was ME ME ME ME ME ME all night long. Utterly and completely self-absorbed. She also probably never even noticed during our coffee date when I said goodnight and left her blabbing on.

It's great if you talk about yourself on the first date, cause we're getting to know each other and all that, but if I'm sitting there wondering when you're going to shut up the fuck up, and you're ten minutes in to your diatribe about how much you love watching Desperate Housewives, then the relationship isn't going to go anywhere.

30. BPD #2 – This one nearly traumatized my entire attitude towards meeting any more strange unfamiliar women. She threw her cup of coffee at me just because I mentioned that I occasionally liked to hang out with a few of my buddies once in a while. She then threw a chair at me when I mentioned that I didn't think we ought to see each other and the police had to be called. She had a long police history of exhibiting bizarre behavior and apparently she had gone off of her medications. They packed her off to a county mental hospital where they kept her in a padded room for about five months. She turned up at the café again right after her release, once again off her meds and began raving about all of the letters I had sent her, begging for us to get back together again. We called the police again and she's back in the farm once more. She just refuses to take her meds. Absolute insanity!

At this point, with the thirty date bet mark met and about to be surpassed, our café staff started into some really serious wagering. The betting now ranged out to at least fifty dates as the new average estimation for how long it would take me to find an actual serviceable girlfriend, and they started to prominently keep track of my failures on the staff bulletin board.

31. Another Religious Nut - She turned out to be a Christian Taliban zealot who was too tightly wrapped up in her very personal relationship with God (capital G) to spare room in her life for any mere mortals. Some of her viewpoints about enacting religious laws as the future legal law of the land were frankly scary. She literally wanted to bring back stoning to death sinners who blasphemed against God ... or any of his thousands of other Laws. We politely agreed to disagree and had an interesting discussion about the Old Testament Book of Ruth, and she peaceably parted with me unconverted from my evil heathen ways.

Okay, I didn't expect to end up in bed on the first date, but when you start trying to convert me to your religion, because your religion is the most important thing in your universe, that pretty much eliminates any possibility of a second date.

32. Ms. Oblivious – I actually liked her quite a lot. She seemed smart, fun loving and had a good job that she enjoyed, but somehow the two of us were always a bit out of synch. She would always pull-back if I leaned too close and she didn't seem to like to be physically touched at all, even when I offered to help her with her coat. After three dates without even a single kiss goodnight I called it quits. She then called me a few weeks later to sincerely ask why I never made any sort of move on her?

It wasn't due to any lack of trying!

33. Ms. 16 Tons of Emotional Baggage - Thank goodness for it only being a coffee date. She poured out her soul to me as if I were her paid psychologist. Nothing apparently had ever gone right in her entire life and even her issues seemed to have issues all of their own ... mostly concerning her bad relationship with both of her parents.

Oops, sorry ... I have to run to an urgent appointment at my dentist. Elective root canal surgery that suddenly now can't wait. I'm too old to deal with 'daddy' issues ... but the very next new date had her issues in spades!

34. Ms. Serious Daddy Issues – A scary, scary woman. She was really a little too young for me but she was decent fun at dinner, even if she did talk about how important her father was in every other sentence. She wanted to see my place afterwards and her tiny thin dress hit the bedroom floor two minutes later. She wanted me to call her 'my little girl' or 'Angel' while fucking her ... while she called me 'Daddy'. Freaky!

The moment that we were done screwing, she then grabbed her cell phone to call her darling Daddy to tell him that she'd be late getting home, and then proceeded for the next twenty minutes to tell him all about her day. The really creepy part is that she wanted me to fuck her ass right then and there, while she talked on the phone with her father! Ok, she did like it up her butt, but that scene was seriously weird!

I didn't call her for a second date and she apparently found some other more willing daddy surrogate.

35. Ms. Impatient – During our casual coffee date she talked endlessly about marriage and having babies as soon as possible. She then complained why none of the previous men she had dated lately had ever called her back for a second date. I don't think she quite realized that this sort of talk (especially on a first date) tends to run men off pretty quick. Myself included.

36. Ms. Complainer – One of the worst dinner dates of my entire life. She complained about my appearance, didn't like the first two tables we were offered to be seated at, demanded that her fork be replaced, and then later her knife. When the dinner came sent her steak back to the kitchen twice, complained about the tomatoes in the salad, and just about everything else as well for no particular reason. I swear she had more gripes than the battleship Arizona! For dessert she whined and complained about the weather.

I have my own problems ... I don't want to hear about yours on a first date.

37. On the Rebound – I rather liked her, but she was just straight from a bad breakup/divorce and she was still in that 'hurt/mistrusting/angry' phase. I've been there myself. In another six months to a year, she'd probably be a bright happy and cheerful woman once again ... but not today.

38. The Drama Queen – From the first five minutes of our coffee date, I could feel the emotions rising. Virtually everything in her life was a disaster; in fact she was the living embodiment of 'management by crisis'. Apparently everyone at her work was an idiot so she had to do the work of five different people single-handedly, and her life at home wasn't any easier. Something was always needing her constant attention or one of her friends absolutely must have her advice or help with a project, since they couldn't do it themselves properly and only she – Wonder Woman, could do it right. And so forth. The icing was when she openly discussed her prozac and valium dependency.

Fortunately, a friend desperately needed her shopping advice and she had to rush off to once again save the day! I was about ready for a valium myself by that point and I needed about three glasses of red wine afterwards before I could chill out.

39. The Pathological Liar – I'd never heard so much bullshit before in a single hour. Her father was a famous professional baseball player (who didn't appear for some reason in my current edition of the Baseball Encyclopedia); She also claimed to be a cancer survivor of a rare near incurable variety; had been raped repeatedly back in college but the cops laughed at her because the man who did it was someone famous. She has restraining orders against three different men that have been stalking her for years; and of course her family was wealthy and has houses all over the world. You get the idea.

Complete and total bull shit!

For paybacks, I told her that I was an escapee from a Mississippi chain gang and that I was hunting for my missing partner in crime who had legged off with seven million dollars in uncut diamonds from our last heist. She sounded intrigued, but I told her I had to hoof it off to Mexico pronto ... after fitting my ex-partner into a shallow grave.

40. The Empty Dress – In my lengthy dating experience, I met several rather hot looking women who had, literally, nothing going on in their lives. They had cruised through life entirely on their looks. They don't read books or a newspaper (except to see if Macy's is having a sale). They don't understand ANY references to current events, politics or even history or literature. Their total sum knowledge of the world is whatever was happening within their circle of friends, going back about six months, and the latest reality TV celebrities.

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First dates can have some surprises

Before I start this I better explain a few things first. I’m not gay, bi-curious, or attracted to men. However, I’m not a gay basher or against gays in any way. I’ve known some gay boys, and while they’ve never been close friends I talk with them sometimes. The reason for this disclaimer will become apparent as the story progresses. I’ve had my driver’s license since I was 16, last year that is. My mom has to work long hours and shift work since my dad left...

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First Dates

First Date It was New Year’s Eve and I was standing in the bathroom putting on my makeup with thoughts running through my mind like crazy. What if I don’t like him then what I thought to myself as I tried to not stab myself in the eye with my eye liner. He was picking me up around 9:30 p.m. and taking me to one of my friend’s private parties. I glanced at the clock, it was almost 9:30. I headed downstairs and went outside with my dog so he could run around and I could have a smoke and I see...

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The Kennedys 36 Playdates 2

I wasn't expecting that as Maricela was just a friend, she was part of Kiki's mother's group, not a porn star like I normally did that for. Maricela's daughter Jane, and our son Mark, were having a playdate. Those two liked each other, so the playdates were common, it also seemed to be time for Maricela to get some adult company. She was a single mom and didn't seem to have much of a social life. As it was the nanny's day off, she and Kiki would watch the kids and talk; I'd let them...

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The Kennedys 34 Playdates 1

The problem with that was Hatti was Iya's domme (that is Hatti was sexually dominant in their relationship), that's the sort of thing that dommes do, but it mystifies me, I think more is better when it comes to sex. However, Hatti seemed to agree with me and said, "OK." Girls do seem to agree with me on those rare occasions I express a preference, usually I let them do whatever to me. However, no one was making any suggestions to rectify that issue, so I'd have to do that. I leant...

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My Dates1

work that needed to be done but nothing stressful or time consuming. The weather outside was cold and crappy.  This winter was a little more than usual.  Too bad I could not have scheduled my trip for a better time.  But this was one of the nicer hotels so my luck was really not so bad. I checked into my room and settled in a bit. Then I wanted to go get some cash for the night so I headed downstairs to the lobby to find the ATM.  As I was going down on the elevator, two girls about...

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My Dates0

work that needed to be done but nothing stressful or time consuming. The weather outside was cold and crappy.  This winter was a little more than usual.  Too bad I could not have scheduled my trip for a better time.  But this was one of the nicer hotels so my luck was really not so bad. I checked into my room and settled in a bit. Then I wanted to go get some cash for the night so I headed downstairs to the lobby to find the ATM.  As I was going down on the elevator, two girls about...

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Playdates Act Dos

“Wow, who pissed in your coffee this morning?” Tara responded cheerfully. “Shut up,” Lauren answered. “I just had a bad day.” “Why?” Tara asked, pulling away from the curb. She seemed a little more concerned, although her best friend did have a knack for turning something small into the biggest deal on earth. “I failed my Spanish test.” “Oh, Lauren, no.” Tara knew how important it was for Lauren to do well on her last test. “Yeah,” Lauren said glumly. “If I don’t get at least a B+...

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Tara laughed, as Nick was Lauren’s flavor of the week. He was just her type, playing forward on the hockey team, cute, but not especially smart. “Is he at least a good fuck?” “How the hell would I know? Every time I have a chance of getting laid, he’s too drunk to do anything about it. Besides, I don’t think he has what it takes to get me going anyway.” “Really? That’s too bad. Why are you still with him then?” Tara asked. She has had the same boyfriend for the last 3 years. She was...

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Playdates Act Dos

Introduction: Lauren and Tara enjoy another taboo escapade… until theyre caught Lauren was walking down the street when a red Honda came screeching to a stop next to her. Jesus, Tara, she muttered, as she slung her backpack off her shoulder and walked toward the car. She opened the door and slid into the passengers seat. Wow, who pissed in your coffee this morning? Tara responded cheerfully. Shut up, Lauren answered. I just had a bad day. Why? Tara asked, pulling away from the curb. She seemed...

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Vixen Accomodates

Shortly after school began for her second year at Seaside U., Vixen established an interesting and pleasurable relationship with the college dean. He was a distinguished-looking man in his mid-forties with a shrewish wife and three demanding children. His Friday afternoon assignations with the lovely sophomore became the highlight of his busy week and a way for him to find relief from the pressures of his home and job. For Vixen they were an exciting duty as well as a joy for the dean was a...

1 year ago
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TS Dates! One of the great things about being the internationally famous Porn Dude is that bitches always want my cock. I find it when I’m out and about, and I also find it online, and I always want it with no strings attached. Speaking of strings attached, the broads on this dating site come with that extra bonus bit dangling between the legs. Yes, ladies and gentlemen and shemales of all fuck-legal ages, TSdates.com is exactly what it sounds like.The header on TS Dates calls it a Premium...

Hookup Sites
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Chandras Dates

Chandra and I work for the same company and the company has a policy that says married couples can't work in the same area of the company if one of the partners reports to the other. Unfortunately Chandra works for me and it put us into a predicament. We only have three secretaries in the office and all the rest of the jobs at my division are high tech jobs and have to be filled by highly trained and experienced technicians. If it comes out that Chandra and I are married I would have to let...

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10 Creative Pandemic Dates That Will Take You Arou

Has date night has taken a back seat during the pandemic? You’re not alone. With the normal options for a couples’ night out largely unavailable and quarantine bubbles making it tough to schedule a Saturday night sitter, the usual ways to reconnect tend to be off the table. A date night at home is more doable, but with peoples’ homes now serving triple-duty as living spaces, home schools and offices, it can be tough to reimagine them as romantic venues – which means that time together can end...

2 years ago
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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 19 Several Dates

August 21, 1981, West Monroe, Ohio On Friday morning, Mr. Mills called just after 6:00am to let me know that Jocelyn had gone into surgery, and that it would likely be mid-afternoon before he had any news. I thanked him and sat down at the table in the kitchen with a mug of tea I made and read the Rutherford Tribune. Nobody else was up, and I enjoyed the quiet for about an hour before my parents came into the kitchen. “Was that Jocelyn’s dad who called at 6:00am?” my dad asked. “Yes. I...

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Two Blinding Dates

Writers note: Sammy is, it’s true, partly based on me. But that is solely because of the inspiration for this, which was actually written on one of my own nightly trips downtown to write, and some emails I sent before that trip. The gentlemen in this story are not based on anyone in particularly though. As Peter lightly ran his tongue along her upper spine, Sammy again wondered how she had ended up in this remarkable situation. She was momentarily distracted, by Jason’s lips, as he slid up the...

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Futas Wild PassionChapter 19 Futa Dates the Lesbian

I was so excited for my date with Wendy. Allie helped me choose my clothes. My sister-girlfriend was having fun choosing the perfect outfit for me to wear on my date with my “official” girlfriend. That amused my younger sister to no end. “This is perfect,” Allie had declared when she saw me wearing a pair of knee-high socks (Allie insisted on them), her favorite pair of panties I owned, a black skirt with pleats that fell around my thighs, and a maroon blouse that had a round neckline. I had...

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Dates with secrets

Author's note: Hey there. I would suggest you activate game mode for this story. It won't take away from the story if you don't, but you will end up getting chapter options that continually don't make sense. So, hope you like the story, leave some likes and don't be affraid to comment. Thanks. You are sitting in front of your computer looking at your phone. You just received a picture from your best friend. One of him and his girlfriend. They met online last year and are now celebrating their...

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Across the AlleyChapter 5 Dates And Surprises

Friday arrived and I spent the afternoon playing hooky while at work, I placed several phone calls, to my lawyer, the bank, Dale at Deaton's, Mrs. Davis and April. I arranged to pick up the cashiers check for Mrs. Davis at 4 PM and to meet her at Deaton's on Saturday at 10:30. I had also asked Matt to run interference for me at Deaton's while I concluded my business with Mrs. Davis. When I talked to April, she agreed to meet me at my house; and bring both work and dress clothes for...

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The Threesome Next DoorChapter 17 Slut Daughter Dates a Naiumlve Virgin

About six o’clock Stacy, Ginger, and I peered out the front windows of the house as Troy arrived to take Jillian out to dinner and a movie. He was just as she described, very clean cut. She bounded out of the house, and he opened the car door for her, and then ran around and got in. The car was a nondescript sedan. I noted that Jillian had worn a very short skirt, so short that I was sure she’d be revealing something significant most of her date, especially since she’d admitted to going...

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Selecting the Right GirlChapter 13 Another Round of Dates

THAT NIGHT FRANK rang Helen and asked her had she spoken to her mother about going to Hobart. She assured him that her mother had agreed. "I'll be in Sydney on Saturday" he told her "so would it be convenient for me to come out and see you and your mother around 11am with the legal agreement to cover your payment for that trip, mainly to satisfy your mum?" "Hang on and I'll check" she replied and he could her hear yell out to her mother, asking if she would be home at 11am on...

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Tara Dates A Black Guy

[ For Robert and Tara (once again)! ]When Tara and I began seeing each other (very soon after, in fact), she told me she had dated black guys, and that I was the first white guy she'd dated in a long time because of that. When I asked her why that was, she said, plainly, and with no attempt at lying: "I just like really BIG cocks; and in my experience, black guys typically have that." Maybe because I didn't reply to that right away, she assumed she had hurt my feelings, but that wasn't it. I...

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The ProfessorChapter 22 Lisa Dates Construction Myron

I was the first and only one up early, as usual. I did my exercises and then started some fixings for breakfast. As I worked I tested how I felt about the previous night. It had been a good orgy in my opinion. We’d had fun. The dom-sub game had caught me by surprise, but I suppose I could get used to that providing it stayed as a game or role-play. I needed more details about those behaviors; I knew very little about kinky sex I concluded, and that wasn’t even all that kinky. The girls having...

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Sensations Escort ServiceChapter 2 First lsquoDatesrsquo

Two Fridays later about five-thirty, a cute short brunette and a gorgeous blonde walked through the lobby of the Four Seasons hotel to the elevator bank. Every head in the area turned to watch them. Despite the brunette being short, she wore tall heels and walked with authority and comfort; her makeup was perfect and not caked on; her hair was wrapped back in a pretty full-bodied twist; and her clothes had to have come from the most expense boutiques in the city. The blonde was taller and...

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If Carlsberg did dates

++ This is a true story, but names have been changed ++ The first time I used an adult dating site, I got chatting to a woman named Kate. I am a fan of a more voluptuous lady, so it was a BBW dating site, and Kate, in my mind, was the perfect BBW. a size 18 but with most of it on the bum and boobs, nice toned chubby thighs and a gorgeous smile. We chatted online for a few hours and then she had to go, so we shared mobile numbers and we texted a couple of times later that evening. The next...

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Slut dates again part two

Part two.I made myself comfortable in the passenger seat of our car, well about as comfortable as you can be wearing a skintight faux leather dress with outrageously sexy underwear beneath, ready to be peeled off and fucked by my date. The car moved hastily down the dimly lit streets as hubby drove to deliver me to the waiting arms and cock, of my hot date. Hubby pulled up outside the wine bar just opposite Neil's apartment and watched as I went through my deliberate tease ritual. First I moved...

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If Carlsberg did dates

++ This is a true story, but names have been changed ++The first time I used an adult dating site, I got chatting to a woman named Kate. I am a fan of a more voluptuous lady, so it was a BBW dating site, and Kate, in my mind, was the perfect BBW. a size 18 but with most of it on the bum and boobs, nice toned chubby thighs and a gorgeous smile. We chatted online for a few hours and then she had to go, so we shared mobile numbers and we texted a couple of times later that evening. The next day...

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Zeenat dates an Indian guy

Hi readers! First, a little information about myself: I’m a twenty-seven year old female from Bangladesh and belong to a very conservative family. I have been residing in America for few years now. Not married yet, short and chubby with long black hair, full lips and a fair complexion. Other details are my 34D bust, 40 panty size (I love to wear micro thongs and skimpy panties for smaller frontal coverage so my choot is visible) pierced nose, thick puffy choot lips, thick thighs and sultry...

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KittyChapter 3 Three Dates Three Rewards

One of the things I liked most about Janet was that she treated me like an equal. We made joint decisions. That's what the nightly telephone calls were for. Our need for privacy was increasing. Talking about anything personal was impossible on our way to and from school, and she flatly refused to express her innermost thoughts in e-mail. Her voice would often pause or she would change the subject in the middle of a sentence, like she was concerned that someone was listening on an...

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PalimpsestChapter 33 First Dates

"Hi honey. How's it hanging? Sure. No, Sadey's ... retired. I have a delicious new friend ... Where? Room number? Give us twenty minutes. See you soon, baby." Mary silenced her cell phone. "What's up?" asked Nancy, a pretty petite brunette with smallish breasts, soft pale skin and subtle curves. "I'm sorry. We gotta go. Here's for the drinks." Mary set a twenty on the table. "But..." "Lionel can give you a lift." "Uhm ... Okay." Marianne kissed Lionel aggressively,...

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Selecting the Right GirlChapter 12 Two Second Dates

WHEN FRANK WOKE up he was amazed to find that it was 10am already and today he was to have a second date with Helen. He decided to go down and use the hotel's excellent gym and get some much needed exercise, especially to offset the excessive intake of rich food that he was experiencing. Once he was back to his room, he had a long, hot shower, shaved and dressed and went out to have brunch in a café. After last night's dinner and knowing that he was going out to dinner again tonight, he...

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