Two Blinding Dates free porn video

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Writers note: Sammy is, it’s true, partly based on me. But that is solely because of the inspiration for this, which was actually written on one of my own nightly trips downtown to write, and some emails I sent before that trip. The gentlemen in this story are not based on anyone in particularly though.

As Peter lightly ran his tongue along her upper spine, Sammy again wondered how she had ended up in this remarkable situation. She was momentarily distracted, by Jason’s lips, as he slid up the front of her body. She smiled playfully, as he pulled back, a shiver running up her spine, both from Jason’s slightly bashful kiss, and Peter’s hands cascading down her shoulders. Who’d have thought, Jason would be the bashful one? As they both continued caressing every inch of her, Sammy’s mind drifted back a few hours.

She’d just found a comfortable spot, and taken out her notebook. It was a decent night, the handful of bars and nightclubs were still quiet downtown. This was the time of night she could really open up, and let the words flow out of her. She wasn’t sure yet, what her mind had to say, so she stared up at the night sky, letting the mild breeze flow over her. She finally caught an inkling of inspiration. A single line only, but that was usually how it started. She lit a cigarette and began to write. It was just beginning to flow when she was interrupted.


‘Hi there.’

They’d said it almost in unison, and ended up surprising all three of them. Sammy looked up, turning to her right. She saw Peter smile awkwardly, eyeing her and whoever had come around to her left side. She smiled, recognizing him from his profile picture on the vanilla dating site she used to look for a nice guy, to her explore her romantic desires.

‘Hi.’ She replied, indicating her pleasant surprise. She looked to her left, expecting to see a stranger, perhaps some guy who’d already been at the bar long enough to imagine she was there looking for company, but once again she found familiar eyes. She was dumbfounded for a moment, realizing this was the guy she’d just started talking to on the ‘adult’ dating site, where she pursued her more sensual side. She glanced between the two men. At first, she could only be shocked. Two men she’d barely began conversations with, and they’d both risked a stalker label by showing up in her favorite writing spot. It had never occurred to her anyone would bother. As big as the downtown area was, it would take some careful cruising to locate her. Plus, she stayed in well-lit and moderately populated areas, so it wasn’t like someone was going to be able to jump her. Her shock turned to amusement, as she saw them sizing one another up, wondering if they were competing with an undisclosed dated or a random flirter.

‘Hi.’ She gave her second would be suitor a pleasant greeting, careful to give a response equal to what Peter had received. She didn’t want to alienate either, still wondering where either situation might lead. ‘Well, this is one hell of a coincidence, or should I say two?’ Neither man answered, but each smiled at her before returning to their appraisal of each other. She shook her head and smiled at the pair. ‘Ok then, introductions I think.’ She patted the pebbled plaza floor in front of her, indicating a spot with each hand. They two men each sat cross legged in front of her, carefully maneuvering near her but away from each other. She addressed Peter first.

‘Well, your name I know at least. Peter, right?’ She reached out to shake his hand.

‘Yeah, nice to meet you Sammy.’ He shook the offered hand with a hint of victory, clearly sensing he had the upper hand in the situation. She decided to tease him for the presumption.

‘I guess it’s nice that one of you opted to volunteer his real name in the first few emails, or this might’ve been even more awkward.’ Peter was a little deflated, but she tried not to laugh as she turned to his counterpart. ‘Hi, I’m Sammy.’ She reached out and gave an equally welcoming handshake.

‘Jason. It’s great to meet you in person Sammy. Short for Samantha?’ Jason was also slightly smug, obviously feeling his greeting was a more enthusiastic start. She saw Peter’s eyes narrow, out of the corner of her own. She considered playing with the dynamic, but decided to diffuse it instead. They were both interesting guys, from what she’d learned thus far. She thought this could better be dealt with without enflaming their competitive sides.

‘Alright you two, that’s enough of that. I’m surprised, albeit pleasantly so, to see each of you. No need to go all caveman in this situation. This could make for a fun and pleasant evening, so lets all just chill a bit. Besides, you might find the two of you have a lot in common, and could enjoy each others company too.’ Peter gave her a narrow look. She laughed loudly, ‘I didn’t mean it like that. And yes, it’s short for Samantha.’

Her laughter made them both smile, and relieved some of the tension hanging about them. Jason clearly reasoned that keeping her happy was a good course of action, and played along. ‘Don’t worry Peter, you’re not my type.’

They were all laughing now, and Peter followed Jason’s lead. ‘Good thing, you’re to tall for me.’

Sammy beamed, relieved that they’d both lightened up so quickly. She really did think this could make for a fun night, though she never guessed how fun it would turn out. She began the conversation by mentioning a movie she knew they were both a fan of. Soon they were just three new acquaintances, considering an upgrade to friends. Though, as the evening progressed, both men became more captivated by her, and continued to compete playfully, making her smile and laugh continually.

An hour later, Sammy was holding her side and trying to catch her breath, as they re-enacted a Southpark episode, each doing a couple of characters. When she could finally speak, she started to stand.

‘Ok, if I don’t visit the little girls room, you two are going to make me have an embarrassing situation on my hands. ‘ Both men jumped up and offered her a hand. She grinned, taking both of their hands and letting them pull her to her feet. She kissed the back of each hand in turn, and then walked past them. She turned, facing them as she backed away for a few steps, ‘You boys play nice.’ She turned away and headed into a café a few yards away.

Peter and Jason sat in awkward silence for a few minutes. Finally Peter spoke, ‘Ok, so now what?’

Jason feigned ignorance, ‘What do you mean?’ Peter turned to him and just glared, though without much menace, until Jason acknowledged the issue, ‘If you’re waiting for me to step aside you’re nuts. There’s no way I’m giving up on that delightful creature.

Peter smiled, glancing in the direction Sammy had gone. ‘Well, if you did, you’d be an idiot. Which is unlikely. She would never have started talking to you, if you weren’t fairly intelligent. So how about this question, what are your intentions?’

Jason laughed, ‘Seriously?’ When Peter just stared again, Jason laughed louder. ‘Quit leering at me. People are going to think that I just broke up with you.’ Peter grinned, but still said nothing. ‘Alright, I don’t know about you, but after meeting her, I’m not so sure a strictly friend with benefits situation is going to satisfy me here.’

Peter gazed in confusion, ‘What are you talking about?’

Jason shook his head, ‘Well, she did say she was open to more in the profile. I mean, I really was just thinking FWB when we were emailing, but now…’

Peter interrupted, ‘OK, I read her profile three times, and nowhere did she mention…’ His eyes alighted with realization, ‘Wait, what website did you find her on?’

Jason smiled, his own realization dawning, ‘You didn’t meet her on ADD?’

Peter looked confused, ‘No, What is ADD?’

Jason grinned sheepishly, wondering how Peter would react to this new information, ‘Adult Dating Des

Peter looked confused for a minute, then shock slid across his face, ‘The hook-up site?!’

Jason laughed loudly, rolling backward for a second. He sat up a few seconds later, victory written all over his face. Peter was clearly still stunned, and Jason suddenly felt bad. He couldn’t stand the idea that this guy might upset Sammy by stomping off in disgust. ‘Relax man, she’s not the hook-up type. She won’t do one-nighters. Her interests on ADD are strictly FWB or more. And when she says friends, she means just that. It’s all over her profile, and her blog. How did she put that? Sex is a lot more fun with someone you can enjoy time with before and after. Even her erotic fiction is all laced with a little romance.’

Peter’s shock had been subsiding, but was suddenly renewed, ‘She writes erotic fiction?!’

Jason grinned, ‘Oh yes she does, and very well. She’s a great writer.’

Peter replied, ‘I knew she was a writer, but I didn’t realize…’

Jason shook his head, ‘Well, that’s not the main things she writes. She only has a few stories like that, but they are good.’ Peter smiled, obviously relieved that he didn’t have such a wrong impression of Sammy, ‘And hot!’ Jason tacked on.

Peter’s grin turned friendlier. ‘You know, the way she talks about passion, it’s not that surprising.’

Jason glanced back toward the café, making sure Sammy wasn’t walking up to overhear their conversation. ‘Listen, she could be back any minute, but I have a wild idea, assuming you’re still interested in her that is.’

Peter’s face was full of resolve, ‘Definitely. Sure, this is a little surprising, but it actually makes her more intriguing. When she starts talking about her quest for passion, all I can do is smile stupidly.

Jason gave a knowing look, ‘Yeah, you go between feeling hot and slightly moronic, and you start to worry if you’ll disappoint her, by being to dull or mundane.’ Peter nodded again, more emphatically, but seemed leery of the wheels running in Jason’s head.

Jason continued, ‘So, one of her stories, one of the hotter stories in fact, involves a unique relationship very similar to our current situation. It’s about a woman who falls for two brothers, and can’t choose between then. Ultimately, neither can bear to make her choose, so they decide to share her.’ Jason paused, allowing his odd idea to percolate in Peter’s head for a few seconds.

Finally Peter responded, obviously wanting more clarification of what exactly Jason had in mind, ‘So they what, took turns… being with her?’

Jason’s grin was only slightly condescending. Obvious such an arrangement was a new idea to Peter. He could hardly believe he was contemplating it himself. But he was already debating how to broach the subject with Sammy. It wasn’t the scenario he’d been imagining as he left the house tonight, but he did like Peter, and it was obvious Sammy liked them both. And he’d come to realize that, what he really wanted was to give her anything she wanted, even if it was someone else. This was better than giving her up.

‘Actually…’ Jason began slowly, ‘the situation was best resolved by them having a kind sized bed.’ Peters shock returned, and he looked warily at Jason. Jason shook his head, ‘Relax, I’m not into guys at all.’ Relief shone on Peter’s face, ‘No, what I’m talking about is all about her, just both of us being all about her, at the same time.’

Peter seemed to be struggling with this idea. The logistics alone were a slightly foreign concept to him. Sure, he’d seen porn with such a theme, but he’d always thought of it as a strictly adult movie idea, like a woman surprising a pizza delivery boy in a nightie. He wondered if he could follow through, even if he agreed to such a proposal. But finally, he came to the same conclusion as Jason had. He wanted her, and didn’t want to make her choose, anymore than these fictional brothers had wanted to. Jason was a pretty cool guy, and he really could see them becoming friends, in some other instance. This could work, and if made Sammy happy…

Peter nodded resolutely, ‘I’m in.’ Jason smiled and reached out his hand. Peter shook it with a slightly conspiratorial grin, ‘So how do we intro this topic into conversation?’

Jason returned his smile, ‘Already working that out in my head.’ He looked up to see Sammy coming toward them, ‘Follow my lead.’ Peter nodded as Sammy walked up to them. Jason stood, but Peter stayed down, waiting to see what Jason’s next move was.

‘Hey you two, having fun without me?’

Peter smiled, ‘Well we managed in your absence, but it required a lot of moral support from each other.’

Sammy laughed, which made both men smile brightly. Jason kept his stance casual, careful not to let any evidence of their intentions show, ‘So, Pete and I were just saying that this music has gotten our energy way up. We were discussing the idea of heading into one of the clubs for a little dancing. You game?’

‘You know, that sounds like fun.’ Peter tried to hide his relief as he took Jason’s offered hand and got to his feet. ‘Wow, two guys who actually like dancing? Did I ever hit the online lottery.’ Sammy started walking toward a nightclub a little ways down the strip. Jason and Peter shared a look and followed after her.

Twenty minutes later, the three of them were on the dance floor. Both men had kept everything fairly benign thus far, but as Sammy’s eyes closed, her head filled with the beat of the current song, Jason gave Peter a nod and moved behind her. He cautiously slipped his hands around her waist and gently slid her back against him. She opened her eyes, slightly surprised, but when she saw Peter smile and move in closer himself, she relaxed into in. She was actually relieved they were both comfortable enough to be so bold. She’d always wondered what dancing with two men felt like, and so far she had nothing but good things to say about it. A slightly faster song, but with a smooth beat, came on, and all three felt it pulse through them. Without having any cocktails at all, Sammy began to get a little tipsy. The bodies pressed against her, and the hands not so subtly caressing her, were making her head cloudy. But she had a moment of sharp relief. She saw what they wanted, and a part of her leapt in fear. But soon another feeling crept up her body, and the fear was brushed under a soft plush rug in her mind.

Desire, stronger than she’d ever felt it before. She wanted them. She wanted them individually, for their bravery in coming here tonight, for their openness in continuing with this strange first date, for the brazen way they had lured her into this state. And she wanted them together, for the crafty team they had become. To avoid losing an opportunity with her, they had joined forces to seduce her.

With this realization, she was even more sensitive to their touch. Their hands roaming her body were driving her mad. Now that she knew what the night had in store for her, she was losing patience with the limited amount of teasing that a public dance floor could afford them. She opened her eyes, and was staring directly into Peter’s. They were piercing, and she knew everything that had run through her mind had been written on her face. Her eyes flared, and Peter smiled slowly.

He spoke up a little, to be heard over the music, ‘Sorry Jason, but if you were in my position, you couldn’t resist anymore than I can.’ Neither Sammy, nor Peter, saw a knowing smile pass over Jason’s lips. He’d felt most of what Peter had seen, in the way she’d started moving against him.

Peter’s hands slid up her arms, and across her shoulders. He paused for just a moment, before they continued to glide up her neck and tangle gently in her hair. He pulled her face closer, as he leaned in. When his lips were a hairs breath from hers, he paused, breathing in her scent. He moved just a fraction closer, his mouth barely touching hers, and he slid his lips gently along hers. When she whimpered slightly, he
smiled again, his eyes burning as he stared into hers. She slowly closed her eyes in invitation, and he accepted. He pulled her face in hurriedly, and took her lips with abandon, holding her close, forcing her to feel as much of him as they could without being asked to leave the club. Their lips parted, and their tongues began their own sensual dance, playing a seductive game on their minds. Peter deepened the kiss further, tightening his grip on her as he felt a shiver pass over her body. When she moaned loudly, he pulled back from the kiss like he’d been scorched. He tucked her head under his chin and tried to catch his breath.

‘Forgive me baby, if I’d kept going…’ She snuggled against him and sighed. He laughed and looked up to see Jason grinning at them just a couple steps behind her. He asked a simple question with his eyes, and Peter’s smile answered.

Peter reached down and took Sammy’s hand. He took a step back, as he raised her hand above her head. He spun her around, making her laugh brightly. When she opened her eyes, she saw Jason’s now. First they were playful and amused, but when he saw her eyes flash, they darkened, want etched in their depths. She slid her hands up his arms and joined her fingers behind his neck. She moved her body tighter against his. She didn’t give Jason time to tease her as Peter had done. She gently pulled his face towards her, and he smiled knowingly as he took his turn to taste her. Their kiss held little subtlety. He wrapped his arms around her back and plastered their bodies together, allowing his hands to roam her body as he devoured her lips. Jason let himself go to far, succumbing to the need that Peter had barely managed to escape.

When too many people began to stare, Peter cleared his throat. The two entwined in front of him were oblivious. Peter chuckled and cleared his throat a little louder. He heard Jason groan loudly. Fortunately this did end the heated embrace, as it set Sammy to giggling. She snuggled into Jason’s arms now, but this time, he was the one who sighed.

When Jason and Peter’s eyes met again, their look spoke volumes. It spoke of relief that she was definitely theirs, and how both men were surprised how it felt. There was little jealousy, little envy, and even less hesitancy of what was about to happen. And they both knew it was she that made all their insecurity subside at this situation. Just like when they’d talked outside, she made them both feel their presence was wanted and appreciated. This was a woman who could love them both, share her mind and body with them, and never let either man feel second to the other. And as a pair, they could bring her even more joy and passion than they could individually. And this woman, this strange and enticing creature, deserved all the joy they could give.

Jason hooked Sammy’s chin with his finger and tilted her face up. This time, she answered the question that his eyes asked with a tender smile and a soft kiss to his lips. He pulled her against his side and walked with her, toward a waiting Peter. Sammy reached out her hand to Peter, and he took it, saddling up on her other side, as the three walked to the exit.

When Jason finished unlocking the door, fumbling a little as Sammy’s tongue teased his ear lob, he turned around to see her squirming back against Peter in delight, as his lips traveled determinedly along her neck. Jason took Sammy’s hand and yanked her against his body, ginning at her wickedly. Peter chuckled and walked into the house. Jason walked backward inside, pulling Sammy along. When she was inside, he kicked the door closed and shoved her against it. He devoured her mouth and let his hands touch every inch of exposed flesh. After a couple of minutes, Peter interjected, his voice was amused but had just a touch of impatience, ‘Hey, time to share.’

Jason moaned as he pulled back from Sammy, but she was having none of it. She dove against his chest, kissing and gently biting where his shirt had pulled open from her roaming hands earlier. Jason gasped and tangled his hands in her hair. She pushed against him, forcing him back a few steps. Suddenly she spun him around, and pushed him against the door as she began to unbutton his shirt.

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Tara laughed, as Nick was Lauren’s flavor of the week. He was just her type, playing forward on the hockey team, cute, but not especially smart. “Is he at least a good fuck?” “How the hell would I know? Every time I have a chance of getting laid, he’s too drunk to do anything about it. Besides, I don’t think he has what it takes to get me going anyway.” “Really? That’s too bad. Why are you still with him then?” Tara asked. She has had the same boyfriend for the last 3 years. She was...

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Vixen Accomodates

Shortly after school began for her second year at Seaside U., Vixen established an interesting and pleasurable relationship with the college dean. He was a distinguished-looking man in his mid-forties with a shrewish wife and three demanding children. His Friday afternoon assignations with the lovely sophomore became the highlight of his busy week and a way for him to find relief from the pressures of his home and job. For Vixen they were an exciting duty as well as a joy for the dean was a...

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TS Dates! One of the great things about being the internationally famous Porn Dude is that bitches always want my cock. I find it when I’m out and about, and I also find it online, and I always want it with no strings attached. Speaking of strings attached, the broads on this dating site come with that extra bonus bit dangling between the legs. Yes, ladies and gentlemen and shemales of all fuck-legal ages, is exactly what it sounds like.The header on TS Dates calls it a Premium...

Hookup Sites
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sailing baseball and TS dates

Shelly and I had been chatting online for almost two years. We had share a great deal of personal information and shared in each others personal triumphs and tragedies. She lived in Seattle Washington and I was in Oregon in the sleepy hamlet of Lewisburg. Often we had talked about meeting and each of use has passed close but not arranged to meet. My issue was long term relationships are always prone to fail and she was , by her admission , looking for someone closer to home as well. I have a...

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Nacht in Gotham City. Doch friedlich ist es nicht. Während in den Straßen Gangs randalieren und die Polizei alle Hände voll zu tun hat, die Ausschreitungen in Grenzen zu halten. Im riesigen Büroturm des MyersElectronics war es ebenfalls nicht ruhig, auch wenn es von außen den Anschein hatte. Im Treppenhaus des Wolkenkratzers rannte Catwoman so schnell sie konnte die Stufen hoch. Schweiß lief unter ihrer Maske herunter und tropfte auf ihren schwarzen, hautengen Catsuit, der ihren kurvenreichen...

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GENTLEMEN’S CLUB RENDEVOUZNOT BASED ON A TRUE STORY IT IS FICTIONOne day, I woke up from a sexy dream and said to myself there is something that I want to do out the ordinary that no one would have never thought that I would never do. That fantasy is to visit a high-end gentlemen’s club in mid-downtown DC‘s business district. I have always been this ‘good girl’ always expect to do the right thing and follow the rules. Some say that I am somewhat prudish and on a conservative side. I want to...

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Chandras Dates

Chandra and I work for the same company and the company has a policy that says married couples can't work in the same area of the company if one of the partners reports to the other. Unfortunately Chandra works for me and it put us into a predicament. We only have three secretaries in the office and all the rest of the jobs at my division are high tech jobs and have to be filled by highly trained and experienced technicians. If it comes out that Chandra and I are married I would have to let...

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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 19 Several Dates

August 21, 1981, West Monroe, Ohio On Friday morning, Mr. Mills called just after 6:00am to let me know that Jocelyn had gone into surgery, and that it would likely be mid-afternoon before he had any news. I thanked him and sat down at the table in the kitchen with a mug of tea I made and read the Rutherford Tribune. Nobody else was up, and I enjoyed the quiet for about an hour before my parents came into the kitchen. “Was that Jocelyn’s dad who called at 6:00am?” my dad asked. “Yes. I...

1 year ago
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Twos Company Threes a Different Story

Two's Company, Three's a Different Story School had been a nightmare for me. The older I became, the more everyone else towered above me. I was slow to grow, slow to fill out, slow to hit puberty and slow with girls. I was small and soft and 'Girly'. All the girls were into the sports Jocks, against whom, I never stood a chance of even being noticed. I was sure that I could give a girl more in the way of a relationship than any of the sports Jocks, that strutted around like Peacocks,...

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Selecting the Right GirlChapter 13 Another Round of Dates

THAT NIGHT FRANK rang Helen and asked her had she spoken to her mother about going to Hobart. She assured him that her mother had agreed. "I'll be in Sydney on Saturday" he told her "so would it be convenient for me to come out and see you and your mother around 11am with the legal agreement to cover your payment for that trip, mainly to satisfy your mum?" "Hang on and I'll check" she replied and he could her hear yell out to her mother, asking if she would be home at 11am on...

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Wetwork Ch 01

Chris Bradford had always chased adrenaline, when he was in high school he had been an All-American linebacker with a tendency for big hits. His performance had attracted interest from the major colleges. LSU, Texas, Miami, and USC had all offered him full ride scholarships, and in the end he had chosen to go to USC because it was the furthest away from his small town in Kentucky. While at USC he had studied international relations, and graduated at the top of his class, he had contemplated...

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Wetwork Ch 03

Chris woke up at around 11 and was surprised when he saw the time. He hadn’t slept that late since… well he couldn’t remember. He checked his phone and was again surprised by the number of messages left on his voicemail. He checked his missed calls list didn’t recognize most of the numbers. Most of the messages were news outlets begging for an interview to tell his story. One was from his buddy Mike Williams, an younger ex Delta guy he had helped bring up and train. Mike had seen him on the...

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Wetwork Ch 02

Outside the mall Chris was sat in a squad car, while the SWAT captain was talking to the police chief. A detective was in the conversation and Chris saw the older man nod and walk away from the captain and the chief. He made his way to Chris and pulled out a set of keys and undid the cuffs. ‘I’m Detective Sill I’m the one who’ll be investigating this mess. Several witnesses said you were not the shooter, at least the shooter of the innocents. Your not under arrest but your still gunna have to...

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Wetwork Ch 0405

Chapter 4 Chris stood in Sarah’s kitchen as she looked at him. She was taking the news fairly well seeing as how he had just told her he was going to Chicago for a while, and an NSA agent would be following her while he was gone. He also was leaving his pistol with her. For one he couldn’t get it through the airport, and also he wanted her to have some form of protection. She had nodded through his whole explanation, not quite getting the whole story, but he was able to tell her the gist of...

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Beltworld Ch10

On the belt, they have a saying: Minerals are controlled by capitalists, flesh is controlled by entrepreneurs. They say it's because people preferred the competition of smaller businesses and therefore put corporations at a disadvantage to small businesses. However, it was actually a government regulation put in place in an attempt to distribute more evenly throughout the belt. Either way, anyone with money for decent ship and a few licenses and tickets could start trading the...

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WeTwo Part Three

During the summer following high school graduation, Penny testified for the defense saying Mr. DeLaurier was a gentleman, kind and and generous. The girls and women on the prosecution side didn't agree. That's where Penny met Mr. Dressler, at least that's what everyone in the courtroom called him. Lawyer Dressler lived in the biggest house in town, drove the nicest car and everyone knew he had money. After DeLaurier was found guilty of a minor misdemeanor charge, Mr. Dressler asked her if...

Group Sex
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WeTwo Part Two

On the next Thursday evening, Kirk called and asked if Penny would like to go to a party with him on Saturday night. She wasn’t hesitant when she said, "Yes!"The party was at a private club where they don’t ask for ID’s, primarily because of the older crowd. Kirk explained it was the school's annual Showstopper Gala, a fundraiser for the college’s drama department. There would be important people there, many who have contributed large sums of money to the school. Penny was to wear something...

Straight Sex
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WeTwo Part One

“Oh my God. Oh my God. I’m so sorry guys! I didn’t know you were in here.” Tears rolled down Penny’s cheeks as she ran out of Janice’s bedroom.The girls were now part of a blended family after Penny’s mom had remarried three years earlier. The girls were only two years apart with Janice being the older at nearly twenty. They had become more than close friends. Now they were family, sisters.It was an awkward situation when Penny barged in the room. Janice’s boyfriend, Aaron, was at the point of...

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"Oh no! He’s not here" Luna said pouting. Shaking her head her short honey brown hair bobbed side to side. She walked forward on long shapely legs that matched her slender body. Luna had shocking yellow eyes that was always hard to look away from. She was wearing a pink skirt that went down to mid-thigh and with a tank top with a matching pink cardigan. She climbed onto the platform and looked around but Mewtwo wasn’t there. Dammit Luna thought and sat down on the platform frustrated....

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Nightwolf Part 3

Meanwhile back in Kevin’s room his father had tossed him onto the bed. He leapt onto his son and used his knees to pin him down. His smacks landed hard on his son’s face as he beat him. “So you like fucking slaves huh?” his father growled. Kevin remained perfectly silent and starred up into his father’s empty eyes with a deep and passionate hatred. He hated his father, he always had. His father in return smacked him again. “Challenge me will you?” he growled deeply and began the turn....

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Also this is the begining of an actual book i am writing and if enough people like it i will write more. The day was bright and sunny just like any other day. A young noble named Kevin was on his usual morning walk, his long black hair flowing in the wind. He was good looking and he knew it with his solid 6 ft of height n finely toned slinder body he often caught the eye of many of the females in court and on occasion a few of the males. As he turned the corner of the forest path he...

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westwood cum slut

There to meet the gurl I had longed to finally get to be with, you see Jill was the cd I had been talking to all these months exchanging stories of things we could do to each other, to bring the pleasures to each of us we really needed. The plane ride was awful and I was nervous as all get out, I had no idea What she would look like except she was blonde, tall, and thin with killer legs. Upon off boarding the plane I looked up and there she was with her sign with my name on it, I...

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An abrasive train whistle cuts through your gentle sleep. As you groggily open your eyes, you see the familiar antique decor of your private train compartment. The bench across from you is empty. You sigh: it's been a while since you've had any kind of company, human or otherwise. Hopefully, those administrative privileges and the sexual endurance pill the park gave you will remedy that problem. As you turn and peer out of the crystal window, a small town slides into view: Sweetwater. It looks...

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Wetwoman QA

Originally I used to blog and used the site to link to my now defunct blog. I found trying to blog and respond to people too demanding. I also had some concerns about career sensitive issues. I enjoy occasional visits here and a handful of friendships based on sexual interests. Yes; that began coincidentally or accidentally really. I happened to have had sex outdoors with my husband and to have been observed by a rather sweet elderly man who was walking on the same footpath. He was a widower...

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Wetwoman phone vibrator

For a number of years I have used phone vibrators. Originally gifts from my husband which enabled him to excite me when our work took us away from each other.We live in the countryside and I can wear one in our large garden or when I walk on the footpaths which cross the lane in which we live and cross our neighbour farms.The vibrator is a bullet shaped one and is connected to a small phone linked unit which clips to clothing or a stocking top. Use of a mobile phone triggers about 20 seconds of...

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Westworld April 3, 2028 "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the CEO of Future Global, Malcom Sanders." The lights in the conference hall dimmed and a spotlight appeared on a man dressed in jeans, tennis shoes, and a Hawaiian aloha shirt as he walked across the stage. After an initial robust round of applause the attendees fell silent. Malcom Sanders was the latest Silicon Valley technology wizard that had quickly established himself far above his competitors in recent years....

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I settled down on the bus, taking out my phone. I scrolled through my downloaded files and clicked on the file marked anthros. My mother had sent me the file after all, something about learning 5he tools of me uncles trade. " Anthros will be your primary source of income as a rancher. Unlike their cousins the beasts meat selling isn't an option so byproducts are your primary source of income milk mostly from mammalian female anthros though there are some more specialized products, such as eggs...

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Catwomans Treat

Copyright© -- All rights reserved. "What are you doing?" Kelly asked her twin sister Kathy. Kathy tossed her long brown hair back, adjusted her extremely short red dress and smiled. "What does it look like I'm doing?" "I know you're not going out with that jerk Mark." "What if I am?" "Kathy! You have a wonderful boyfriend, how could you do that to him?" "Look, Chris and I are good together, but let's face it, we've been together too long. Besides, Mark and I are just...

1 year ago
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Hitwoman in LoveChapter 2

Angie the hit-woman retired the moment she married the cop with the biggest dick she had ever encountered. Her flirtation with genderless living came to a screeching halt as soon as he knocked on her wet and ready female door to confirm his desire to show her the way to full female satisfaction. Nine months after they sealed the deal with “around the world” finality, the young lovers separated their personal life from their professional life once and for all when young Angelo was born on the...

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Lisanna Craig was lounging in her mansion on a Friday Night. She had just slipped on a fleecy nightgown and was enjoying a glass of wine while she stroked her cat and read a paper. She had made the headlines again in her superheroine persona, Knightwoman. She had prevented the nefarious Clownman and his henchwoman Jenny Jester from robbing the first national bank of Renisance City. She smiled at the picture of her in a superhuman pose as the two villains where lead away in a van. "Sometimes I...

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What can we find on Adult Work besides UK escorts? Well, this is just in: it is possible to do other things besides just masturbate all day long on the internet. Like what, you ask? Well, you don’t have to always watch porn every time you’re horny, you know. Sometimes you could try to make your own! Or maybe you could browse escorts in your area, see if you can’t land yourself some real-life pussy. I’m sure your hand would appreciate the break anyway. Or you could get real old-school with it...

Escort Sites
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Scat World! There are no two ways about it; scat porn is degenerated, weird, and repulsive. And that is me being nice. This is no genre for ‘normal’ people if at all you could term people who jerk off to porn normal. As a matter of fact, if you are reading this review while having lunch, my apologies for ruining your meal. The shit I’m about to talk about is messy and gross, and if I’m, to be honest, I don’t understand how y’all sick fucks get turned on by the sight of chicks shitting all over...

Scat Porn Sites
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Have you ever wished for an adult social network that you could go to just to enjoy some nice content and have a friendly chat with people and maybe a dirty chat or two with a girl here and there? I know that there have been many attempts to make something like this, but most of those end up being niche sites for some kind of kink. If you’re looking for a broad website that acts like a general adult social network, it’s pretty much impossible to find something like that. However, you can hit...

Reddit NSFW List
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What’s the deal with Pissy Network? Is it a message board for bitchy Karens to air their daily grievances about not being the center of the world, or maybe it’s a cable channel devoted only to the most furious of angry dudes? Come on—why the hell would I be talking about that kind of bullshit around here? If there’s one thing I love, it’s something to jerk off to, and sometimes that goes well with a refreshing eruption of is a network of premium piss porn paysites all...

Premium Scat & Piss Porn
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AdultWork Phone Sex

As a porn enthusiast, I have seen too much to know that everybody has their favorite mode of smut consumption. Most people, myself included, have a favorite porn tube that somehow seems to always have what they are craving. Others have a preferred photo galleries archive, and others porn games they wouldn’t go a day without playing. Sometimes, dudes even have an ideal VR site. However, there are those days when even your bookmarked videos get you off. Usually, you are craving something more...

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