- 4 years ago
- 44
- 0
Introduction: Guy goes on a business trip and meets an interesting family I was staying at a hotel out in Long Island for a few days. I had some
work that needed to be done but nothing stressful or time consuming.
The weather outside was cold and crappy. This winter was a little
more than usual. Too bad I could not have scheduled my trip for a
better time. But this was one of the nicer hotels so my luck was
really not so bad.
I checked into my room and settled in a bit. Then I wanted to go get
some cash for the night so I headed downstairs to the lobby to find
the ATM. As I was going down on the elevator, two girls about 12yo
got on. A liitle rotund, but cute. They were laughing and joking some
as they texted on their phones. The little bruenette giggled and said
dont mind her friend, blondes always find things amusing. When we
got off at the lobby, they wondered off and I went to the front desk
to ask where the ATM was. The desk clerk pointed me to the gift
shop. As I walked in the girls were standing by the ATM and giggled
some more when I walked up. The brunette made some joking comment
about me stalking them and we laughed.
I got my money and headed back upstairs to my room. I took a hot
shower and relaxed by watching some news in the nude. I got dressed
and headed to the bar. Looking for a scotch and some bar food. I got
on the elevator and when it stopped on the way down the two girls got
on. They started joking again how I was stalking. I pointed out that
they got on after me. Maybe I should be the one who is getting
stalked. I got out on the second floor were the bar was and they got
off too.
Now I made a comment about my pretty stalkers and we all giggled
some. As we stepped off, it seemed like the blondes parents were
standing there. I was careful, not knowing how they would react with
the girls joking around with a stranger. The mom started joking some
along with us. She said they are a handful now, just wait until they
become legal.
The father commented how entertaining the girls are and we all headed
toward the bar area. They took a table as I headed up to the bar. I
ordered my drink and sent a round over to the parents. As their
drinks were delivered, the father waved me over to take an empty seat
they had.
I took my seat between the mom and the blonde. The introductions were
made. The mom, Judy, and father, Bill, were out here to visit her
parents for a few days. The blonde daughter, Sally and her friend Amy
were off from school. They stayed at a hotel because Judys parents
had a small house and they went to bed early.
The two cute girls laughed some more about sitting next to their
stalker as we ordered some bar food. More drinks came and it seemed
that ever so slightly, Judy inched closer to me. Bill made a few off
hand comments about the young girls and their budding hormones. The
drinks made me feel a little warm.
The food came along with some more drinks. Judy dropped some dip
right on her breast and made a show wiping it off. She made a comment
to Sally that someday she would have boobs to make a nice catch. I
said that Sally and Amy could catch anything with their smiles.
In the end the check came and Bill got it before I could. I told them
that since we all would be here tomorrow night, it would by my treat
to a nice Italian restaurant around the corner from the hotel.
Judy gave me a nice tight hug and kiss goodnight. I almost felt
uncomfortable about it with Bill standing right there. Then Sally and
Amy reached up and gave me an even nicer hug and kiss goodnight. Bill
shook my hand and I said what a lucky guy he must be. We parted ways
and I went to my room.
I got naked into bed with the scent of all three girls. I rubbed one
out just thinking of them. I exploded all over my belly. I then
rolled over into the wetness and fell asleep.
I was up early the next morning to get off to do my work. I was
certainly distracted just thinking about last night and tonight might
be like.
The day was done early for me. I went back to the hotel and had a
good workout. A nice long hot shower just relaxed me more. I went
down to the bar to have a drink before dinner. Bill was there alone.
He said he needed a drink waiting for the girls. They were all up in
the room getting dolled up for the night. He said all three of them
were excited about going out tonight and wanted to look their best.
After a couple rounds the girls showed up. They looked magnificent.
Judy had a low cut bloose that showed a lot of cleavage. The young
girls had their hair done up and were sporting some lipstick. It was
nasty cold out, otherwise I am sure things would have been very
They had a mini van and we took the short trip over to Cirillos
restaurant. Bill drove and had me sit up front with him. We got to
the restaurant and the valet parked the van. The young girls each
hooked onto an arm as we walked in. There was no wait as we took our
seats. This time I sat between the young girls This also put me
right across from Judy -and a chance to peek down her bloose. Sally
and Amy pulled their chairs close to me.
Bill was the designated driver and commented that Judy and I had the
chance to have a few extra drinks and relax. The dinner and drinks
came As usual for this place the food was great. Little Sally and
Amy loved the treat out tonight. They were not busy texting on their
phones. They were almost acting like ladies.
As the dinner wore on, Judy seemed to flash me more and more. Bill
made some comments about the two young girls and I being on a date.
He said he was glad to be chaperoning and making sure they knew what
to do and how to treat me.
The check came and I gladly picked up the tab tonight. Just
experiencing the sexual tension and having some company was well worth
the expense for me. As we left the restaurant, my two young dates
each held an arm as we went out for the van. Getting into the van,
Bill directed me to sit in the back with my dates. We crawled into
the back and Bill told us to snuggle up since it was so cold out. The
girls giggled, snuggled tight and put their arms around me. Judy was
in the front and looked back at us. She told me to go ahead and put
my arms around the girls to keep them warm. After all she added, dates
are supposed
to keep each other warm on any type of night. As we made the short
ride back, both girls started rubbing my thighs.
With the drinks and the tension, I got maybe just a little stiff in
the crotch. I was thinking I will have nothing but great thoughts
when I jack off in a few minutes.
We got out at the hotel and I was hoping no one would notice. But
Judy had a few drinks and did not hold back. As the two young girls
got on each arm again Judy asked if they were enjoying the evening.
They both laughed and said it was the most wonderful night. Judy then
told them I was having a great night judging by the buldge in my
Bill looked at my buldge and said want real man wouldnt have a buldge
with two pretty and courious young ladies hanging on him.
As we were walking in the lobby, Judy invited me up to their room to
watch a movie. Instantly both girls pulled on my arms insisted I join
them. I was feeling warm and with a few drinks in me I could not turn
them down.
We got up to the room and they had two double beds in there. Bill
took my coat and Judy took me over to one of the beds and had me sit
down in the middle. She adjusted some of the pillows for my back as I
leaned up against the headboard. Judy took my shoes off for me and
asked if I was comfortable.
She then turned into a mom and told the girls they needed to get ready
for bed before watching the movie. They were already on the remote
flipping through the list of movies to pick one out. The girls let
out a sigh and started to get ready. Bill was already in the bathroom
and Judy told the girls to get in their pjs. Now I got a little
uncomfortable wondering how this was going to work in such a small
room. The girls were standing by their suitcase in the corner and
Judy was over by the closet. I just made it a point to look right at
Judy. Out of the corner of my eye I could tell the girls were
starting to get undressed.
Judy smiled at me as she told the girls to behave and move along. They
seemed to be taking their time.
Then this is where things started to get different.
While looking straight into my eyes and talking, Judy walked over to
where the girls were changing. They were both completely nude. Judy
grabbed Sally by the shoulders and turned her towards me. I think I
almost died. This lovely woman was showing me her beautiful and stark
naked daughter. Sally had that plump full smooth skin. Her breasts
were just forming and trying to bud. Her pubic area was just showing
some fuzz. Amy turned towards me to show herself. All three girls
were looking right at me for my reaction as they smiled.
Beyond any words I did not know what to do or say. The young girls
were the most beautiful sight I have ever seen. There in their glory,
showing me their soul.
Judy could see the wonder in my face. She then told the girls that as
much as their date would love to watch them run around naked, they
needed to put on their nightgowns and go snuggle up with him. They
continued to change into their pjs under my full gaze.
Bill was coming out of the bathroom now wearing a robe. He saw me
looking at them and said that they are things of beauty. I looked
over at him and agreed.
Judy said she wanted to run down to the bar to get us some drinks
before starting the movie. I agreed and made the comment that if they
thought I had a buldge when getting out of the van, I was certainly in
a worse condition now and was in no shape to run down and get drinks.
Judy left and Bill took up the role of the parent to get the girls
ready for the movie. They had their very thin nightgowns on and Bill
hustled them up on the bed next to me. One on each side. Bill told
them to close in tight with me, and they had no hesitation to that.
They said they loved their date and wanted to treat him right, just
like any grown up lady would. Bill got a blanket down from the
closet and wrapped it around the three of us. He tucked us in and
even pulled my arms once again around my two pretty 12yo dates.
Bill sat down on the other bed and starting flipping through for a
good movie. They girls chimed in and started making several choices.
They asked me what I wanted. I just said the only thing I want are
two happy girls. They finally settled on some sappy love story just as
Judy returned with our drinks. She said all of us look so cozy
waiting for the show to start. She put my drink on the nightstand and
asked if my hands were too busy to get my drink.
She then walked back over by the closet and got undressed. To be
polite, I started to look away but she started talking at me like she
did earlier. Now a few of my inhibitions were leaving as I stared
right at her. She got down to just her panties and bra. Then looking
right into my eye she took off her bra. All of us were looking. I
commented that she had such nice and well formed breasts. Bill agreed
and the girls giggled.
Judy then took her panties off and stood there for a minute to let me
take it in. She had a nice bush that was well trimmed. What a nice
feeling I was having. Two warm young girls holding me tight as I
watched this hot woman disrobe for me. Bill said she looked like
dessert and I agreed. Judy reached in the closet and pulled out a
robe. She put it on and got on the bed next to Bill.
Bill took a sip of his drink and started the movie. I reached up to
take a sip of my drink. The young girls got even tighter to me. Sally
reached across me under the blanket, grabbed Amys hand and pulled
over to my thigh. Together, they started rubbing my legs. I looked
over at Judy and she smiled back at me. The blanket was thin and I am
sure she could see the hands moving on my legs. The girls moved up my
legs and were getting close to my now raging buldge.
Judy looked over again and told the girls that it looks like their
date must be getting uncomfortable. She told them that I would need
something loose fitting like a robe or a nightgown. Sally called her
silly and said there are none left. Judy stood up and came over to
us. She reached under the blanket and started to undo my pants. She
said there might not be anything to change into, but I sure as heck
need to get out of these pants. She undid them and I lifted my butt
up so she could pull them off. She then reached back under and just
took my underpants off.
Holy crap!
She pulled the blanket up, but it never to expose me. My now raging
hard on showed though the material. Judy smiled as she handed me my
drink and went back to her bed. Bill told the girls it looked like I
had a nice cock and they should see how smooth it was.
Jesus fucking Christ!
The mom just pulled my pants off and dad just told his daughter and
her friend to feel my cock. Our interest in the movie just faded away
The girls started to rub and touch my cock under the blanket. I
looked over and could see Bills cock was full with the head poking
out from the robe.
The girls were laughing some as they touched me. They were a little
rough and Amy hit it wrong and made me winch. Judy saw this and told
the girls they needed to be gentle. Judy then got up came over and
pulled the blanket back. Everyone in the room looked at my cock with
two sets of young puddgy fingers playing with it. Mom started showing
the girls how to play with it. Although, I suspected they all have
done this before.
Judt directed Amy to caress my balls and had Sally stroking my shaft.
I was in fucking heaven.
Sally said something about my precum starting to come out. She then
leaned forward and licked it. She stayed down there liking the
shaft. Her mom encouraged her and said she was doing a great job. I
looked over at Bill and agreed. He had his cock out and was rubbing
He had a nice cock. Well formed, circumcised and a little bigger than
Amy was not to be outdone. She slid down and started to lick my ball
sack. While the two young girls were doing this, Judy pulled their
nightgowns off. My hands started rubbing their warm smooth skin. A
young nude preteen body is something to behold. Soft smooth.
Judy was rubbing my hip. She then slide her hand under my butt cheek
and her finger reached my bunghole. She rubbed it with great care and
gentleness. This was beyond belief. And I thought I wad going to end
up back in my room alone jerking off.
Sally was now going deep on me. My cock was wet as hell from her
slavia. How did she learn to do this? Amy was taking my balls in he
sweet mouth. Her nose kept pressing against my cockhairs. Her
tongue coming out of her beautiful mouth and sliding across my balls.
Judys finger was pressing into my hole. Judy could feel the
pressure building and told the girls to switch. She was trying to get
me to hold out just a little longer. I was gently caressing and
grabbing the buns of the two preteens. The pressure became too much.
Judy pushed Amy aside and the mom swallowed down on my cock I
exploded like never before.
She seemed to catch most of it. She opened her mouth and looked
around at each of us to show off my sperm on her tongue. She then
closed her mouth, swallowed, then opened again to show all of that she
took it. Some milky white drops of cum continued to leak up out my
cock tip. Sally leaned down, licked it up and smiled. Judy, ever so
gently, squeezed my cock to work out another drop for Amy to taste.
I was in fucking heaven.
I looked over and saw that Bill was coming towards me with a warm wash
cloth. He had his robe on, but the front was open and his raging
hard on stood out.
He reached over and started to wipe my cock and balls. I think he
even slid it down some and caught my bunghole. He told his girls
they did a very good job in servicing their date he then said it was
time for their date to service them some.
He had both girls lay down next to each other on their backs. He
then signaled to me to go down on them. They both spread their legs
open and raised their knees. I tended to Sally first. I got up in
front of the young child and climbed up some. I started to nibble on
her tiny budding breasts. I worked down her belly and reached her
young warm and now wet pussy. That preteen pussy opened up as I
started lapping. Those soft and fresh just wisps of pubic hair.
I heard some very load moans and groans from Judy. She was on the
other bed and Bill was plowing away on top of her. They looked over
at us. The parents are fucking while watching me eat out their little
I was working on Sallys pussy as Amy was petting her head. What a
nice friend. The juices were flowing and Sally was bucking her hips
back up at me.
She had the nice soft pussy of a young woman. Sweet and puffy. Small
wisps of hair.
After what seemed an eternity, I felt I needed to give my other date
some attention. As I moved over to Amy, I saw that Bill was now
taking Judy doggie style. Infuckingcredible.
I moved over on top of Amy. I gave her a kiss on the mouth. She took
in my tounge- tasting some of the juices from her best friend. I
started working my way down Amys neck and to her budding breasts.
Little breasts so tender. Then down her belly to her young wanting
pussy. She was now much wetter than her friend. The smell was
wonderful. I dug right in licking and tasting.
My hardon came back on.
Bill screamed and moaned. We all stopped and looked over as he was
still doggie style with Judy. Pulling her hips back to him as he
blew his load . Her nice boobs swingling to the rythum.
I went back down between Amys legs again. After awhile, Bill came
over. Looking at my cock he said it was time to offer the girls some
mutual pleasure. He grabbed my shoulders and guided me over to his
wanting daughter. I moved over her. The look of anticipation on her
face was so adorable. Bill reached under me and took hold of my
cock. He stroked it some then tipped it down to rub over his
daughters cuntlips. He rubbed me on her then asked me if I was ready
to take her.
I nodded yes.
He then guided my cock into little Sally. It slid right in. No
protection and no worries. And by the feel, no first time.
I started pumping and Bill moved his hands back to rub my buns as we
moved. Sally reached up around my neck and pulled me down to her for
a kiss. She opened her mouth and we swirled our tongues. Now she got
to taste her friends cunt juices.
Soon I just had a desire to do doggie like her parents. I flipped her
over on all fours. This time young Amy helped slide my cock back into
her friend. I was pumping away. Pulling on Sallys hips with a good
motion. Having already exploded this evening, I was ready to go the
distance now.
Bill interupped me and nodded towards Amy. She was on her back and
spread out. Bill said it was her turn now. I pulled out of Sally.
My cock all hard and wet with her fresh juice. This time mom Judy
held Amys head and caressed her brow. She called Amy a big girl now
as I mounted her. Her pussy lips parted as I slid in. I started
pumping away. Sally reached over and rubbed my buns like her daddy
did before. But she went a little further and like her mom, started
rubbing the bunghole.
Judy asked me to get on my back. I pulled out and rolled over. Amy
swung her legs over on top of me and sat down on my cock. A smooth
move. Amy started riding my cock. Judy helped Sally to go back to
rubbing the bunghole. Now Judy produced some gel and put a dab down
there. Then both girls worked a finger in there.
Bill was sitting in a chair in his robe. Sipping his drink and
taking it all in with a smile.
The mom and daughter worked my butthole as Amy rode me. My balls
started to tighten.
Sally pulled her finger out of my ass and got on all fours. She
started to beg for me. Amy rolled off and I mounted Sally once
again. She bucked and I pushed. A loud slap was heard each time our
bodies came together. Her tiny plump body had little shock waves. I
could feel the gel still stuck in my ass cheeks.
And now came that feeling to explode. I pushed in deeper. And now I
felt Bills hands on my buns. He quickly moved a finger inside me as
I came deep into his daughter. I almost thought I was hurting her
with the load. I squeezed out what I could and Sally tightened her
pussy to keep me inside.
But soon my cock slid out but Bill still had his finger in my hole. I
looked back and he was naked with a hardon. Now it seemed that his
cock was a lot bigger then mine. Judy took hold of Bills manhood
and put some gel on it. Then she put more on my backside. Bill
grabbed my hips and mounted ME.
A feeling that I cannot describe. My bowels filling up as Bills
cock filled me. The three girls gathered around to watch. Bill
hugged my back and kissed my neck. Judy maneuvered Sally in front of
me and opened up her legs. Then as Bill plowed away at me, mom
pushed my head down into Sallys pussy that was leaking my seed.
I moved my tongue up her slit catching my own cum. Like mom, I
swallowed as they watched. And Bill pounded my ass as they watched.
Soon Sally moved away and the girls stepped back to watch the show.
Bill slamming my ass.
I reached back and rubbed his balls. He screamed as he filled me with
his sperm. My limp dick swayed as Bill abused my butt. I collapsed
as Bill fell on top of my back.
The girls all came over and gave Bill and I lots of kisses and
I was now whipped.
Judy said it was a wonderful evening and now it was tine for bed.
I got under the covers and Sally and Amy moved their nude bodies
against me. My ass dripped with Bills gift.
Bill and Amy turned off the lights and went to bed.
Holding these two, worn out and beautiful naked 12yo girls was
heaven. The smells and the afterglow.
I had the best nights sleep of my life.
I awoke before the others in the morning. I lay there for a moment
with the enjoyment of being wrapped up by these two soft and warm
preteen beauties.
I got up and went into the bathroom to take a shower. Not having my
stuff there, I used their soap and shampoo, coming out smelling like a
little girl.
I dried off walked back into the room naked. I love walking around
naked in the morning. I gazed upon the two young girls curled up to
each other sound asleep. Bill and Judy lay there looking sweet.
I shared something with all of them but one. Judy was a prize. I do
like young girls and have given myself to men, but a mature woman is
the reward.
She was under the covers with her husband. I went over to her side
of the bed and sat down. I started caressing her hair. She looked up
at me in her slumber and smiled. God she was just beautiful. She
smelled so nice and had a sultry look. She sat up some and a breast
became exposed. I moved to caressing her neck and then made my way
down to her breast.
So soft.
I massaged both breasts, enjoying her warmth. A few kisses were
exchanged. I worked my hands lower and lower to her moistness. Bill
started to stir and watch us. As I caressed his brides pussy he held
her hand. I was fully hard now and starting to show some precum.
Bill got up and went to the bathroom.
I got under the covers and laid on top of Judy. My cock on top of
her pussy. She was moist and wanting. I slid inside her as I kissed
her. I started rocking up and down and her hips moved to meet me.
She became to moan.
Bil had come back and was sitting on the girls bed. Sally and Amy
awoke and were looking at us. I pushed the covers off so the family
could see me mounting their mom/wife. I exaggerated my movements to
make a show. Judy did the same. She soon flipped me over and took
top. She started really moving her hips and gyrating on my cock.
Having cum twice the night before, I was ready to hold out for a long
time this morning. Judy was in for a treat.
Judy and I soon got lost in ourselves. The heat was on and we moved
through several positions. At one point she was on top and facing
towards my feet. I looked over at an incredible sight.
On the other bed, Sally was on all fours getting fucked by her
father. Amy was spread out in front of Sally. Sally had her face
buried in Amys young little pussy.
I went back to giving this gorgeous woman the attention she deserved.
I rubbed her buns as she moved up and down on me,still facing my
feet. My thumb found her rosebud and circled. This family had a
facination with butts and I would return the favor in some small way.
As Judy moved up and down, my thumb rubbed around her anus. I then
put my thumb up her pussy along side my cock. Getting it good and
wet. Judy knew what I was going to do and called over to Amy. She
told Amy to get the gel fast. Amy unlocked her pussy from Sallys
lips and got the gel off the nightstand.
Amy put some gel on my thumb. Then her cute little pudgy fingers put
some right on Judys asshole. This all the while Judy is riding me.
Once we got lubbed, I flipped Judy on her belly and lifted her hips.
I entered her pussy doggie style and spread her ass cheeks open. I
then took my thumb and easily slid into her bung.
Little Amy still a had a need and got in front of Judy. She then
signaled Judy to suck on her pussy.
Life is fucking GREAT!
I am fucking the mom while she sucks on a little girls pussy. Her
husband is next to me fucking the crap out of their daughter. And my
ass still feels the effects of his cock up there.
Judy got on her back and lifted her legs up high. I mounted her and
looked at her eyes. We both could tell I was getting close. Amy
went back to the other bed and started kissing Bills ass as he
pounded his daughter in the missionary.
With Judys legs over my shoulders I began a very slow and erotic
movement in and out. This position offers deeper penetration and we
both felt it. Soon my balls pulled up and I was ready to blow a
load. I held Judys head and looked into her eyes as I shot a
load. My whole soul went into it. My whole body felt like it was
moving through my cock shaft and into her being. My eye were locked
in Judys as was shared the moment.
I slowed as I jerked and squished the last drop I had in me. I held
Judy as I simply thought her the most beautiful and wonderful thing in
the world.
I pulled out and we both felt the ooze drip out of her warm and well
worn pussy.
I looked over at Bill as he held his cock that was dripping sperm. He
had shot a load on his daughters belly. Amy was moving to lick it
My life could end now and it would be complete.
But I was late for work and work pays the bills. Life can suck.
I kissed Judy and told her I had to leave.
I got up and dressed in the same clothes I wore yesterday. I gave my
two preteens a nice kiss goodbye. Even getting some of Bills seed
from Amys lips. Gave Bill a kiss on the check and rubbed his balls
for a second.
Giving Judy another kiss, a look right into her eyes, I left.
I walked out of the hotel into the slushy snow of a Long Island
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Copyright © 2000 This is an original work and as such is protected under the copyright laws of the United States. Please do not duplicate, copy, print, distribute or exchange this piece without the expressed written permission of the author. Pam waits for my arrival anxiously while she prepares my favorite dinner. She can't believe this is the day we are finally going to meet. We've been waiting for this day to come for months but it felt more like a lifetime. The ringing of the...
Hi, this is sakib. I have had submitted my story before and that my third story. And my entire story is true story. Well I am 23, 5ft 8in tall. Good looking hand some guy. I have 10 inch long dick. My dick is kind of fat too. Its real dick. I am from U.S.A. I live in state of Michigan and city of troy. But I am BANGLADESHI. I was living in use for more than 18 years. Now let me tell you guys about my bhabi. Her name is nafisa(name change). She is my cousin wife, she live in USA too. She lives...
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I was right in the middle of finals week at Reed College, and I wasn’t in a good mood. The spring weather was glorious for a Portland campus; the flora was intensely green and in full bloom, and girls were dressed in light summer clothing, which meant that as I drove out of the parking lot, it was hard to miss the legs, cleavage, and everything else that gets a 19-year-old guy’s hormones flowing. I was horny but pissed that I couldn’t stay. I had to drive 30 minutes back home to walk the dog....
Not realizing it that warm west coast morning as I finally turned arouned and pushed my up turned thumb out. I see it clearly now having experienced that crazed, wild single minded determination so many times since that morning. I had completely lost any awareness of reality, of of any responsibilities, personal plans or other peoples expectations of me that day. Oblivious to anything except the indescribable excitement, humiliation and raw all engulfing pleasure I felt as I sat on that damp...
It was late February and my husband was turning the big 4-0. I invited several of our friends to celebrate his birthday to make it more memorable. I ordered a margarita machine which was delivered earlier that day. It was fired up, churning the slushy mix. I hired a local catering company that brought all the things needed to make tacos with rice and beans. All was going as planned – guests were showing up, bringing bottles of alcohol and gifts even though they were told not to. One of my good...
Back in the 1960s and 70s a French artist by the name of Joseph Farrel created a sizeable number of BDSM drawings. He felt that the drawings were works in themselves and that people should make up their own stories to go with them. Later the drawings were published with short vignettes by Robert Merodack and others. Joseph Farrel is sadly now dead and much of his work is out of print.For my own amusement I have written my own short stories to accompany some of the drawings. Here is one of...
Chapter 9 Package I got up and looked in the mirror. Before I did anything, I needed to know. Could change back? If being aroused got me into this female form, maybe the opposite was true to turn back to old me. I just stared at my reflection, which was immediately a mistake. She...I'm...literally the most beautiful woman I've seen close up. I mean look at those full lips, the rosy cheeks and...OKAY...this isn't helping. I shut my eyes and tried to think of absolutely anything that...
Newbie ? MILF Leila LaRocco makes her Hussie?️Pass debut today and we paired her up with Little Jimmy Michaels, who’s making his monthly ? appearance here on the site. After we get to know a little about the bikini bodybuilder ?? Jimmy brings in some lube ?? and gets Leila’s lovely all-natural DD boobies ?? and luscious backside ? lubed up and ready to go ? As Leila’s twerking, Jimmy slides his face underneath and starts to munch away at her wet pussy ?? Leila returns the oral...
xmoviesforyouEve had received a call from Tommy requesting they meet in her apartment regarding a ‘delicate’ matter that didn’t involve their escort agency. Eve was caught off-guard and had no idea what he had in mind. Let’s find out what this is all about. The buzzer rang forty-five minutes later and Tommy was in my flat explaining the situation. I offered him a drink. He took a beer. Tommy sat down and said, ‘Eve, I had to come here to talk with you because if Barb finds out, she’ll go ballistic. It’s...
About 10 years ago I was out at a pub for a workmates going away party, not really my scene but the workmate was a good bloke and I really needed some times away from my girlfriend, who I’d being seeing a for 2 about and a half years. But to be honest, it felt like the last few months were just out of routine. Things were on the downturn and weren’t getting any better. It was well and truly beyond its use by date, but I guess both of us were too afraid to move on.Anyway, back to the story.I...
Denise’s small breasts bounced up and down as I energetically slammed my erect penis in and out of her vagina. We were both nude. I was standing and she was laying on our kitchen table with her arms over her head gripping the far side. Her legs were draped over my shoulders so that she could comfortably hold up her legs with me moving inside her. As I listened to the slap of my groin into hers and watched the resulting jiggle of her breasts again and again—slap jiggle, slap jiggle, slap...
Philip had just enjoyed getting his cock sucked by Celia and now he was ready to give the sexy young petite blonde a ride that she'd never forget. Her sexy blowjob had taken the edge off his own insatiable sexual appetite and now he was prepared to give this hot little babe a feel of what a real man's cock was like when he was totally aroused and prepared to fuck her until she was satisfied. As Philip felt his cock growing into another raging hardon, he was not only thinking of the next...
"OH FUCK ... WHAT TIME IS IT?" Sven's anxious voice quickly roused me out of a deep sleep. I let my eyes open partway and through the soft light drifting in around the drapes, I saw him leaning over to look at the alarm clock beside the bed. "SHIT!" he exclaimed as he hurriedly threw back the sheets and hopped out of bed. "Wh ... what's wrong?" Kurt asked in a groggy voice from the other bed. "I forgot to set the alarm. I'm scheduled to take Rogue for a walk-through first thing...
"Please, Sir. May I cum?" She begged desperately, testing the restraints and hoping he would finally allow her desires. Eyes wide and pleading like her long slender legs, she had started dripping in anticipation, as if her body believed that a more attractive home for his torments would somehow earn her an orgasm. Unfortunately for her, this was not the case. "I've taken my time to make sure you feel the pleasure you've earned. Made you nice and comfortable with these ropes. Even made your...
Chapter 6 Mr. Rabin let go one of his finer sighs. ‘Is most difficult c***d,’ he pronounced, and moved back into the fray. Pettie Corbin’s legs were becoming lividly bruised. The cane upon the leg is quite wicked. She would have fared better naked. The pursuer got in another pair of stingers before. the fleeing girl considered the wisdom of an armistice. Backing away and furiously tugging at her handcuffs she kept a frightened eye on the quivering cane and demanded sulkily: ‘Alright then,...
As it turned out, my ingenuity failed to have the desired effect. Helena's daily routine involved periods encased in her Plastolite shell and it was certainly the case that she made an amusing addition to my accommodations. Unfortunately the effects of her imprisonment were, at best, temporary. Certainly while Helena was encased in her Plastolite shell she became, of necessity, subdued. Unable to move or to express herself she did, as I had imagined, become turned in on her own thoughts....
My time has finally come. King Alton, my older brother, passed away yesterday without producing an heir and now the kingdom is mine to control. I have been the object of ridicule among many of the other nobles because of my small stature, funny appearance, and inability to attract much attention with the females of the court. Those people would now pay because now what I say goes. Who should I humiliate first? Sir Bryan, the handsome and cocky nobleman that had always made fun of me ruthlessly?...
I grew up as part of the largest group of parasitic, society-sucking losers on the face of the earth. We're talking about a group of people that has pervaded every city, every town, and every rural area of these great United States since the Mayflower came ashore at Plymouth Rock. We're talking about the people who made the trailer park what it is today, the people who keep the generic beer companies on the stock exchange, the people who fund every state lottery and bingo hall, the people...
Grandpa Tucks Me InChapter OneOne year, I went to spend my summer vacation with my grandparents. I hadn't seen much of them for years after they retired and moved away. So I wanted to be with them while I could, before I went away to college, or got a job or something. My clearest memory of that summer was discovering my awakening hormones. I remember one night touching myself underneath my summer pajamas. I was fascinated by the intensity of my feelings. A few minutes later, Grandpa crept...
---read chapter 19 first to understand what has happened--- My Hot Wife Katie Chapter 20 Katie Succumbs To Her Desires Katie Jackson watched helplessly as her neighbor got dressed and eased his beautiful swollen cock back into his pants. Her face flushed from embarrassment as she glanced into the bathroom mirror and saw her reflection. The hot wife swallowed hard as she grabbed her towel and covered herself as she tried to maintain some sort of modesty. Her perfect small breasts rose and...
By the time tom got home from the office, it was late in the evening and not his usual time to get home, but pulling on the drive he found his mother in laws car there. Anna was in her early 50s, fairly attractive lady with brunette hair, and always dressed nicely with make-up and smelling good of perfume. Even though he got on well with anna, she always seamed to poke her nose into there business, which was one thing tom hated about her. After getting in the house he found anna in the...
It was only a blind date. Nothing expected. Instead, it was incredible! Helen’s friend had asked her to come out to the pub to meet some guy. He was her current lover’s mate who was just in town for the night. Could she just come out to make things even? Not much of a pub goer, but happy to help her friend, Helen agreed to be picked up at 7:30pm. When the phone rang at six she hadn’t even started getting ready. There would be a change of plan. Mark, the mate, was collecting her in fifteen...
Non-consensual Sex, Future = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = [i]WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference...
IntroductionThis episode continues from Goldilocks and the Three Bears.The Three Bears must be out playing in the forest, because they don't appear in this story.So there is no opportunity for any sex with a****ls, or indeed between a****ls (to avoid upsetting Jenny Cumslut). We discover that Goldilocks has an identical blonde twin sister, named Spike, and they used to play a masturbation racing game involving bed knobs. Unlike the previous story featuring the ch1ldren Jade and Grace, there is...
Hi everyone, a big thank you to everyone who has voted and spent the time writing comments. It is much appreciated and gives me the enthusiasm to continue writing. I hope you enjoy my newest installment. Would love to hear your thoughts on it. Happy reading. Once again, all characters are eighteen or over. Chapter 7 Sam was sitting in her favourite spot, under the oak tree by the lake. It was a beautiful spot and Sam liked to go swimming here. She didn’t feel much like swimming today though....
Lee Doesn't Live Here Anymore - Part 2 Patty is a frumpy 53-year-old career operations officer. After years of marriage, her husband's love for her has withered away, replaced with humiliation and physical abuse. Patty is now having an affair with Bobby James, a 54-year-old successful restaurant owner. Lee, Patty's husband, was a college football star who experienced a career-ending injury and is now a 53-year-old unemployed auto mechanic. Lee has a history of philandering, heavy...
White House, Washington, DC “Mr. President, I have the latest report from DOD (Dept. of Defense) on the North Korea situation. I am delighted to report good news for a change. The satellite scanning of the area by deep penetrating radar of where the dimension transportation machine was located shows that the cavern has been collapsed. Furthermore, a very close analysis of the scans made by several passes shows that there is nothing left in the former cavern that even resembles a full...
I sat sullen with discontent behind the wheel of my Jaguar XKE, an old convertible that my father had bought me for a high school graduation present. It was forest green, with a cream colored leather interior and a wonderfully powerful 12-cylander engine that demanded a tune-up every other month, but I loved that car. It was everything I wasn't. Sleek and sexy, pretentious and posh, and the envy of every other student on campus. A few of the professors, too. When people saw me driving by, I...
I will never forget the night in question; a day spent working in the garden had not only worked up a sweat but the seemingly endless number of hot young women passing by my house in the glorious sunshine had my hormones raging.My wife had left a few years before; her reasoning that work was more important than not only me but also our daughter Vanessa. Nessie, a pet name I had given her as a child that had followed her into blossoming womanhood, was a young woman who had always been a daddy's...
IncestI glued my lips onto her and took off her bra too. I dropped it, and immediately pressed our boobs together. We made out and placed our hands onto one another's butts.She caressed my bare ass, but I scrubbed hers as hard as I could through her undergarments. 'No thong? She usually wears one, but I guess not tonight. These silk panties of hers do feel good on my skin though. Yes, this hot chick is mine, and I will have my way with her.'In no time at all, I felt juice flowing down on my leg and...
LesbianHi all friend this is Jignesh n i am 21 year old m doing be mechanical in Rajkot. I’m from Bapunagar Ahmedabad ae story meri or meri cousin sister ki hai jo ki wo mere pados me hi raheti hai or usaka name Shweta hai hum dono saath me hi bade hue hai or sath me hi khelate the wo mera bahot achi tarah se khyal rakhti thi or chote bhi ki tarah hi rakhti thi… Ab me usake bare me wo mere se do sal badi hai to me use didi kah kar hi bulata tha ae bat tab ki hai jab me first sem ke vacation mme ghar...
The journey was long and tedious, as the troops marched on towards Yaklo. The pace was quickened after the first day, when the soldiers no longer had to wear their heavy armors while marching. However, even at the new pace, it would be a month before they would arrive. After a week of the journey, Rohea was beginning to get restless. While he was used to long travels across the country, the slow pace of the soldiers was getting to him, and walking alongside them for part of the day to get to...
Hello All, this is AriTuffy, I am back with the next part of my previous story, hope u all have liked my first ever story on ISS, here I am going to write to another part of the same story, or I can its – Day 2… Those who have not read my first story, please read it once and then continue from here. My first story was: Ek mulakat: Sardi main garmi ka mast ehsaas Jahan pe maine meri last story end kit hi wahan se ye start hey. Us raat Neelu ke saath main sara time raha aur kareeb subah 5:30 AM...
Her name was Sparkling Mist, but everybody just called her Misty. By the time I met her in American History as a senior at Waverly High she had already been voted most popular everything there. In fact, it was that first day for me at Waverly, when after dropping my pencil, and reaching down to pick it up, I looked towards the back of the class right up her short dress. It was the triangular blond fleece instead of panties that caught my attention, and put her on my most popular list of...
The week passed quickly. Beth's morning shaving sessions with Patty's "help", grew longer and longer. After a particularly degrading session with one of the older officers Beth came back to the women's dorm crying her heart out. Kristin took her in her arms and hugged her until she stopped crying. Beth started crying again after supper and seemed inconsolable. Kristin stayed with her and did her best to comfort her. The other women left them as much space as possible, when it became...
0003 - Conner- Thomas 0097 - Ace - Zimmel 0098 - Lucy 0101 - Shelby (mother ship) 0125 - Lars 0130 - Gillese 0200 - Ellen 0250 - Tendra 0301 - Rodrick 0403 - Johnathon 0778 - Jan 0798 - Celeste - Shelby (human) 0805 - Toran 0808 - Radella 0881 - Handrax 0908 - Tara - Mara 1000 - Sherry -------------------------- Ungrown - unnumbered ------------------------ 0100 - Derry (father ship) Rescued from Tendraxians so far ----------------------- 4 on Shelby 2 in re-gen 8 on...
The Gladden Chronicles By Carleton Vincent Ethan finds himself enrolled at Gladden Academy, the strange school on the Northeast side of town where boys are forced to wear girls' clothing. He is a clever boy, but is he clever enough to get around the rules. Note: this some minor edits have been made Chapter 3: To Spite My Face The electronic whining of my alarm jarred me awake abruptly at 6:30 am. I sat up...
Bianca is too stunning in her red lingerie to escape the bathroom without some internal male moisture being added to her pretty exterior bodily lotion. Bianca is in the bathroom. I swear she spends more time there than the bedroom. She is always prepping herself. I mean don’t get me wrong, she gets it all right; from her succulent soft lotioned skin, to the scents she chooses on her body, her lightly plucked eyebrows and that goddamn mascara she uses that drives me wild as I look into her...
Lovei got a phone call from my freind amy ask me to come over her dad want to talk to me, i found this funny as i know her day had a thing her me and i was feeling horny so was up to tease. i arrived and was sent to his office, hi Sammy he started be a sweetheart and grab me the The Peterson file would be in the bottom drawer, so I had an excellent opportunity to tease amy's dad . I purposely bent at the waist so that my short skirt rode up high over my hips and butt, exposing my secret...
Hii friends. I have been a regular reader of this site for last one year. I have decided to share the most happening incident of my life that occurred a year ago. As this is my first story, let me introduce myself.. I am Rahul, an engineering student at one of the nits. I am 21 years old. 6ft 4in well built boy. It happened a year ago. My semester breaks were on and I was damn bored as I had nothing to do. One day mom said “ we are going to nani’s place and Madhu aunty will also be coming...
My mother signed me up for Bible Camp. I couldn’t wear anything too sexy; it had to be modest. Hell all mighty, I was a teenage boy, modesty was my middle name. I read the brochure and it said that the girls had to wear one piece bathing suits and cover up as soon as they got out of the water. They couldn’t wear short shorts either. Crap! Plus we had to take our own bible and a musical instrument if we played one. I didn’t! Well mom packed my stuff and dad drove me to the camp and dropped...
*note: this is my first shot at writing so please go easy on the comments, hope you like the first glimpse of Kathy and Brandon’s story. Enjoy!* * ‘Miss Grey!’ My head jerked up from the notebook I was doodling in, writing my name over and over in curvy fonts. A jolt ran through me and my eyes darted around. Crap. The whole class was staring at me. Then my gaze landed on the source of the interruption. Stormy grey-ish blue eyes stared back at me. Fuck, looks like I am the interruption. I...
Mai subodh phir se apniee ek aap biti batana chahta hoon .First of all I am proud to be a gay ,though I don’t confess publicly .I am a average jaat guy from rohtak good body,but I cannot say toned muscled.Let’s start with the kamukta story . A cold night of december kapkapati thand raat karib 11.30 main gurgaon tool gate se pahle wale cut se agee badh raha tha .Us roj ek friend kee birthday mahipalpur pet ha kuch acha khasha pee liya tha ,nashe main jhum raha tha,nasha and tharak ek gandu kee...
POV: Keisha.We both took each other's hands and made our way to Sandra. As we saw Pete, London, and Gia disappear, we both put our hands out, and she willingly took them. Although she still had a weird look about her face. Nevertheless, she failed to speak, and we just escorted her to our bedroom, as we knew her room currently had other people in it, right then. We both went into our bedroom and calmly sat her down on the bed. I shut the door, came right to her, lowered myself to my knees, and...
TabooNote: This is a FICTIONAL tale of Incest. For suggestions and comments, get in touch with me at “Your dad should have been here by now.” mom said looking at the clock that had struck 8pm. “It’s okay mom,” I said reassuring her, “he must be busy at work. You know how it is.” Mom began to sob uncontrollably. “Hey, it’s alright mom. I have a month before I go back to college! We can go out anytime now!” I hugged mom and reassured her. “It’s not that.” mom said, wiping away her tears with the...
IncestChapter Thirteen: Mind-Controlled Virgin Sister By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Justin Sampson “Master!” chorused the hundreds of girls crowding the hallway before me. “Master, Master, Master!” There were so many of them. I only recognize half of them by sight, a sea of college coeds, interspersed with professors and staff like the college's secretary, Miss Debbie. Plus there was my PE teacher Coach Johnson, my history teacher, my English instructor from last year, my sultry French...
Note : This story is completely fictional! My wife Karen and her family do not have a lot of money for gifts for each other so we do things for each when we have to give gifts. We would do yard work or clean their house. Karen and I showed up on Saturday to help her on Mother’s day. We started by weeding the front yard. Renee and Dan showed up an hour later and Susan had us all come in the house. She said since Karen and I were here first that Renee and Dan had to be naked the rest of the day....
Group SexHe thought he would try his hand at writing some erotica. He wasn't getting it at home like he wanted, so he thought this to be a safe way to express his desires and fantasies through the written word. He was new to the world of domination. It was the rage, right? Everyone was talking about it, and the more he heard, the more intrigued he became. What exactly did that look like? How does one dominate another? Where does one find someone willing?The writing began, and his character was bold and...
This story entails two guys and a girl. But it doesn’t turn the way you expect or at least not how I think you would expect.It’s you and me and someone I know but you don’t. We are in Seattle. You meet me at my hotel room, the kind with the huge window and the ledge that made me shiver all over from fear of heights and passion for you.I just finished in the shower and you enter the room while I am still drying off. I am looking at how high up we are and you come behind me and start to kiss my...
Kurt was one of the guys that got to party in my wife's prim little pussy, and the only one she had a little school girl crush on. So on a day I was going to give him a ride to work,and she came along. When we got there he was in the shower, and I got the kinky idea of giving my wife, and Kurt a unexpected treat of each other. I just started undressing her, and she thought I wanted a quickly while he showered. She was surprised when I pushed her into the steamy bathroom, and trough the shower...
Ed, Albert, and two FBI agents sat in the local bar drinking cokes and talking to the waitress. The woman, in her early fifties, had seen more men come and go through the bar in her lifetime of working there than most women ever met in their entire lives. The four men at the table were the strangest that she had ever encountered. Winking at the woman and the bored manner in which she had greeted them, Ed said, “You don’t seem surprised to have a Druid in your establishment.” “Hey, you work...
Mike was feeling increasingly restless. Susan, his 18 year old teenage daughter was staying at her friends, and he had the house to himself. Just him; all alone. Just him and the computer, with only his frustration and loneliness to keep him company. He was flicking through some teen porn pics, the one’s he liked, the one’s that he secretly knew, but his conscience self denied; most resembled his Susan. For a brief, unguarded moment, he allowed her to slip naked into his mind, his cock...
I want you kissing me. Everywhere and anywhere. I want to feel your tongue in my mouth, while your hand strokes my body. I want you to take my shirt off and attack my chest with kisses, nips, and licks. I want you to carry me to a bed and throw me down on it. Then I want you to take my pants off. I'll ask you if you're hungry, and you'll smirk and push the lace of my panties aside and delicately rub your tongue over my clit before attacking my pussy with fierceness, both licking and sucking me....
Straight Sex