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Sir has told me that we will be going out to dinner tonight, and to take particular care as I dress for the occasion. We've been seeing each other casually for a few weeks now; he has told me that tonight was to be a special occasion, and that he had a surprise for me.

After I bathe I carefully shave my labia smooth, leaving just a small patch at the very top. As I begin to choose my outfit for the evening, I'm filled with conflicting emotions. There is no question that I'm attracted to him, that he excites me mentally and physically, and for that reason I very much want to please him. He's quite unlike any other man I've known. He is gentle, soft spoken and charming, yet there is something in him that makes me want very much to do just as he says, to follow where he leads, to have him control me in a way I could never have imagined. There is an undercurrent of something dark, indefinable, to which I'm attracted and frightened at the same time. He has told me something of his interest in bondage, an admission which initially surprised me, for it is one of my secret desires. He could not have known, and in my responses I gave no indication of the instant thrill I felt as he spoke. My mind raced, wondering what it would feel like to be in his control, to surrender so completely to another. I both hoped and feared that tonight I would have to make that decision. In my heart, I desperately wanted to submit, to give myself up to whatever he chose.

He would be here soon. I still had much to do. Having finished my hair and makeup, I moved to the bedroom and contemplated the items I had chosen to wear this evening. Before me on the bed were my purchases from this morning; a short white silk skirt, a very sexy peach-toned blouse, a lace demi-bra, thong bikini, garter belt and stockings. Wearing a garter belt and stockings always made me feel desirable, very available, and a thrill of excitement passed through me as I put them on. The bra... low cut, just a hint of nipple showing, low enough that it would not show above the deep V of the blouse. Almost done, just the 3" white summer pumps and I'm ready. Last minute details; the small diamond pendant with the long chain fell just to the swell of my breasts, a dash of perfume and down the stairs.

Within moments, I heard your car outside. Pulse racing just a bit, I opened the door, smiled, and gave you a small kiss hello. "You look lovely, just right" you say. As we walk to the car, you explain that you've forgotten something at home; would I mind a brief stop to retrieve it? I'm intrigued for I have yet to see your home, and since we have some time before our reservation, I'm delighted by the opportunity. You drive a few short miles to the outskirts of town, and pull down a long winding drive past a beautiful pond and barn, to a small ranch house set among trees. What a lovely setting! "Please, come in with me" you say, "I'll only be a moment but I'd like you to see the inside". We walk across small flagstones set into the grass, through a screened porch, and enter the house. "I apologize for this delay, but I've forgotten my watch. Make yourself comfortable" you say, pointing to a low couch against one wall. I watch as you leave the room, looking around a bit. The room is large, paneled in old barn wood, a stone fireplace against the far wall, and an incredible view of the pond and fields beyond. After a moment or two, I begin to worry that perhaps you'll feel uncomfortable with this intrusion into your privacy, I follow your suggestion and take a seat on the couch.

I hear you moving about in another room, and realize that more than 5 minutes have passed. Just at the point when I'm beginning to be mildly concerned, you re-enter, smile and approach across the room towards me. I'm about to stand when you do the strangest thing. You reach the couch and stand in front of me to, I assume, take my hand. Instead, before I realize what's happening, you've straddled me on the couch. As you begin to bend over me, I turn my face to yours, anticipating your kiss. Your hands slide down my arms, raising them above my head and I feel my body flush with instant heat, wanting to feel your touch. Holding both my hands in one of yours, I watch you carefully as you remove some items from your jacket pocket, and feel a slight tinge of fear course through me. Two short lengths of rope, and a small blindfold. Hmmmm... this is turning into a much more interesting evening. You sense that I might be a bit afraid, and smile to reassure me. "I will not hurt you" you promise. Taking my left hand, you slip the rope around my wrist, bring my arm back towards the wall and attach the other end of the rope to something out of my line of sight. Then the right hand, spreading my arms wide and slightly above my head. I test the ropes and find them secure. During this process, you continue to speak to me, murmuring softly, dispelling my apprehension. Is this my surprise? I wonder, but do not speak. I want you to control what happens here tonight, to control me. To show me new experiences, to make me want to beg you to continue. I look up, find your eyes, and mutely give you my assent. You kiss me softly, and then slip a blindfold over my eyes. "Wait" you say. "I will be right back".

In the darkness, my mind begins to race. Am I making a mistake? How well do I know you? Can I trust you? At this point the questions are moot. I am where I am, and have very little control over what may happen next. I can feel my heart pounding in my chest, and as the minutes pass, fear begins to creep back in. Small sounds, a door opening and closing, footsteps on the carpeting across the room. How I wish I could see, could know what was to come. I sense that you are there beside me, then feel your hand on my calf, softly caressing. I know I am trembling slightly, and that you can feel it. Your hands slowly slide up my thighs, moving my skirt up towards my waist. I feel so helpless, so exposed, and can do nothing to stop you. Your hands move under me, lifting me slightly from the couch, repositioning me at the very edge of the cushion. I feel you grasp my ankle, slip a loop of rope around it, and slowly open me to your view. I know I must be leaving very little to the imagination in this position, and attempt to move my other leg in the same direction to stem my embarrassment. I can feel myself flushing, willing you not to look at me. I remember the tiny thong I'm wearing, the garter belt and stockings, and knowing that you are seeing me like this causes a tear to form under the mask. Through quivering lips, I beg you to stop; you are frightening me. "Shhhh, Shhhh, don't be afraid". "I promised I would never hurt you". "Trust me". My body shivers, and a small sob escapes my lips. You softly kiss me, your hand caressing me. "I did promise you a surprise, and I do want to give you pleasure" you say.

Your words calm me somewhat. I've never done this before, and it is only natural that I would be a bit frightened, not knowing what to expect. A few deep breaths as I attempt to control myself. Your hands are moving over me, touching me here, there. My breathing becomes more even, my heart slows. This is something I've wanted to experience; let yourself go. You begin to unbutton my blouse, moving it down my shoulders, then you slide it from beneath me. I feel a slight chill, and know that my nipples have hardened within my bra. You've seen it too; your hands move down towards the clasp in front and open it, sliding the straps over my shoulders and off. How must I look to you now I wonder. I feel your fingertips at my waist, just underneath the edge of the garter belt. Lower still, just at the edge of my thong, gently touching my skin. As arousal begins to replace anxiety, I can think of nothing I would not let you do. Just touch me, I silently beg. Anything.

You continue your soft, teasing touch endlessly. I begin to squirm, wanting more, anticipation making me impatient. After what seems to be an interminable wait, one finger slides under the edge of my thong, high up on my leg. It begins a very slow caress, up and down, each movement bringing it slightly lower. My hips begin to rise off the couch, seeking you, asking for more. I can't bear it. "Sir, please". "Sir, what?" you ask. "Tell me what you want". "Sir, please, touch me, I need you to touch me". "Touch you how? Tell me" you demand. As my embarrassment and my need increase, I'm torn and do not respond. "If you don't tell me, I will stop" you answer, slightly angered. "Oh, Sir, please don't stop. Please, Sir, touch my pussy. I need to feel you, I'm so excited. Please don't leave me like this". "Don't worry" you respond. "Tonight I want you to cum and cum and cum. I know that you want me to show you new experiences, to teach you. This is just the beginning".

With that, he removes both his hands from my thighs, leaving me straining upwards, seeking his touch. In frustration, I slump back onto the couch, whimpering. In a moment, his hands return, moving my thong aside. I hear his breathing quicken, and something else, almost a panting sound. Startled, I focus on the sounds I'm hearing. Before my mind can discern the conflicting sounds, I feel hot breath on the inside of my thigh, and something cold briefly touches me there. I can feel Sir's hand holding the thong aside, and in the next instant a large, very wet tongue begins to lick repeatedly between my thighs, over my smoothly shaved pussy. The tongue begins to open me slowly, finding that slick moistness within. The sensation is overwhelming. I arch my back, lifting upwards, seeking more and more stimulation. I've never felt anything like this before, and I want it. Want it so badly I never want it to stop. I can feel wetness on my thighs, soaking my panties. I am frustrated; part of me is still covered and I want to feel this feeling everywhere. You sense my frustration, know what I want, what I need. Cold metal against my abdomen, a slight ripping sound, and you have cut my thong from my body. Now as I lay completely exposed at the very edge of the couch, I arch upwards again, seeking that tongue, wanting its return. Again I whimper, a shiver running through my body. My need is obvious, my lips parted, swollen and slick, aching. Again warm breath, tentative lapping, then long, slow strokes from my rosebud upwards to my clit, again and again. I'm writhing against the ropes, pushing my body hard against this tongue, no thought of how or why or what, just feeling. The tongue feels huge, slightly rasping, incredibly exciting, tormenting me. Oh, Sir, don't ever let this stop, please. I'm close, so close, I can feel myself ready to cum, moments away. You're watching me, seeing the flush spread over my body, my hips bucking. You lean over, kiss me passionately. I have no thoughts, only feelings. In an instant, my mind returns. How can this be? How can you be kissing me, and yet that incredible tongue is still at work? You feel my body tense, see my surprise. "Does it feel good?" you ask. "Do you want it to continue?" I'm too far gone, all I can do is whisper "Yes, Yes". You stroke my cheek softly, telling me "What you are feeling is incredible. I know that you want it. Let it happen. It does not matter what is happening, just that you feel pleasure from it, is that not true?" I'm having trouble sorting out all the sensations; it takes a moment for me to process your words. "Sir, yes, it's true, and I do not want it to stop". "Good", you reply. "Then I will describe for you what is happening, and what will happen, and you will accept it because it is what I want. I want to watch you, and when it is done I want to take you in every way possible. Do you agree?" Without hesitation, I agree.

"Then I will tell you. What you are feeling is Max. He is very talented, very experienced, and knows what a lady wants and needs. He can do things with his tongue you would not believe, he is a very passionate lover, and he has a huge cock. You will experience all these things tonight, and many times in the future. Max is my dog." At these words, I begin to struggle against the ropes. "No, this is wrong" I say. "Stop him". "I can tell from the way you're moving, from how wet you are, you really don't want him to stop, do you? You're saying that because you think it's unnatural, because you're ashamed. Do not be. No one else will ever know. If you wish to please me, you will do this. It is what I wish." "Sir, I am ashamed, to be so aroused by an animal. I can't deny what you have seen; the pleasure I am feeling is real and unimaginably intense. And I do want to please you, more than anything." I reply. "Then let him continue; he will make you cum more than you have ever dreamed. I will stay with you, and I will watch as he mounts you, for it excites me greatly to do so". With that, I feel Sir reach down and guide the dog back between my legs. At the first contact of his tongue, I am lost. I know I will do this, because I want it too. The idea of being taken by a dog has become so compelling that I am eager for it to continue, to experience the feelings he will give me, to feel the size of him as he plunges inside me. And to have Sir watch it all. At the end of this thought, I feel my orgasm begin to build, that slow tingling rising, rising quickly, Max's tongue never stopping for an instant, lapping at my smooth pussy, flicking over my clit, bringing me to the very edge and over. Wave after wave of pure sensation, muscles quivering, and through it all Max's tongue never stopping, prolonging it, intensifying. As I begin to come down, I can hear Sir's harsh breathing, and know that he has seen it all. I am too weak to care, spent, my body bathed in sweat. For a moment, Sir removes my blindfold. As I begin to focus, I lift my head from the back of the couch, and see Max. He is huge, black, beautiful. He prances around between my legs, panting loudly. Sir reaches down, grabs his collar, and as he moves him back slightly, turns him to the side. I can see that Max is visibly aroused, his dog cock hanging down between his legs, moist and red and huge. And I want him, want to feel all of him inside me.

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Chapter 3 The day was warm and sunny as usual, with the sun retaining its power and prestige even as rush over was brought through its daily birth. On Wall Street, Occupy protestors were waving signs and shouting to end the greed that had bankrupted the country. Their cries doubled in volume and effort as the stockbrokers CEOs rolled by in the backs of their limousines, tired from a long day of treasure hunting. No one paid any attention to the silent man shuffling into the crowd...

3 years ago
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Sex fight of indian wives

Devrai went jethani on the floor and walked away/…..jethani saw devrani going in her bedroom she suddenly got up and shouted to apnay aap ko bary taqatwar samjty hay chinaal…devrani hairat say jethani ko dekhty hay aur kehty hay wow jethani to bhy uch kam nahee hay itny maar kahanykay baad bhy khry hogyee…haramjady…. Jethani: ary ja ja agar tuj main dam hay to raat ko mil …devrani: muskra kr raat ko milnay ka bara shoq hay tujhay..chal raat ko bhy milongy kutya..jethani: main intezar krongy...

3 years ago
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Fort Whore

Fort Whore ************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan December 2010The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.*************************************************Fort Vauxrein was the worst Foreign Legion posting in Algeria. It was originally...

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Swimming teachers can be more than friends Part 2

Running the pool at the Y had been my job for almost a year. There was a little friction between the Red Cross and the Y because while the Y charged for swimming lessons, the Red Cross did them for free. Holding some of our Red Cross Life Saving classes at the Y was much easier though because of the size of the pool. We just had to hold the classes very late. And by we, I mean Fran and I. She was the lead instructor and I was her co-instructor. Just coming up on twenty, the Chapter didn’t yet...

Love Stories
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PurgatoryX Khloe Kapri The Dentist V2 E2

Khloe (Khloe Kapri), new to the area, arrives for her scheduled appointment with her new dentist (Donnie Rock). She’s pleased to find a dentist who accepts orthodontic transfer patients. At first, she’s a bit suspect of Dr. Rock and asks a lot of questions. But with fingers down her throat and hands massaging her body, this deliciously sexy girl soon loses all inhibitions and welcomes the attention Dr. Rock gives her pussy. Fully charged, Khloe devours her new dentist’s cock then mounts and...

3 years ago
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Her Driving DesiresChapter 2

Velvet felt the hair on the back of her neck begin to rise. She shivered even though the hallway wasn't cold and she still felt the warmth of Ben's tongue in her pussy. She turned and looked around, and shivered again, this time knowing the reason. Walt Williamson, the station manager, stared at her. She was pretty and knew it. She had gotten used to men gazing openly at her while she was in college. If anything, it had pleased her, and Velvet had gotten into the habit of smiling...

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Grandma Me

Over the summer time I would occasionally visit my grandmother for weekends, sometimes a week at a time. I love my grandma, and she loves me. She was about 58, and still very great looking. She always did light workouts to keep in shape, and she has a nice body. Her tits are very large for her age - not saggy, but firm. She was a very attractive lady for her age.It was late June. I talked to mom and she said I should viist. My grandmother was a very lonely woman, because her husband passed away...

1 year ago
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A Day in the Life of a Male Slave

I was kneeling at my Mistress's feet when the door entry buzzed discreetly. Well, I say my Mistress, but I did not know if she was or not. In as much as she was female and clearly in charge of me she was but I didn't even know her name other than I caught that it was Sadie. It was a Monday morning and I 'd been taken to her house early that morning by Janice who I'd been serving now for a few months off and on. Janice was fairly formal with Sadie, they didn't seem to be close friends or...

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Jessicas Story Part 3

Jessica's Story - Part 3 Mom went to bed that night with the events of the day on her mind. Her son Peter was now seemingly headed for a new life as Jessica. Tomorrow would likely see him as Jessica all day. The day after (Monday) would see Peter returning for school. She was afraid, for him and for herself, the fear of embarrassment if anyone discovered that Jessica was not really a girl, the fear that Peter could be hurt as a result, either by tormentors or by himself - Sally's...

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Guys Dont Wear Dresses

Guys don't wear dresses Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I knew that I wasn't going to do it. After all, guys don't wear dresses, at least not any guys I know anyway! But she stood there looking at me with a very determined look on her face, one I was very familiar with. As I looked at the clothes I swallowed hard, wondering if it was true. That I would look sensational as a girl that is. Mom thought so, and made it clear that she wanted me to at least try it. There was going...

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From Salesman to Secretary Part 3

Chapter 4: Nearing Emilia's Endgame Tracy looked up from her computer to see James arriving to work. It was Thursday and Emilia had told the girls that her plan was going to be complete by Friday. Tracy wondered what humiliation the secretary was going to unleash on her boss today, but not enough to keep her from her work. Tracy was a no nonsense, go getter type of woman. The type you see on all of the advertisements for women in the workplace, but with none of the cringe. She knew...

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Wicked Wife Sleeping Daughter

The bathroom door opened right as I reached for the doorknob. I froze. A cloud of steam washed over me as my eighteen-year-old daughter stepped out, still damp from her shower, her brassy hair wrapped up by one towel, another towel wrapped about her budding body. I blinked at the sight of her swelling cleavage and then noticed how sleek her legs were.They glistened.The towel hardly fell down low enough to cover her rear. Up until that moment, I had seen Tiffany only as my daughter. Now she...

1 year ago
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Straight Trip at the Mall

I've known Kyle from the internet. I posted an ad on a website ; It said "Straight trip" on the title, or something like that. Many have emailed me but I ended with no one from them. Because I wasn't horny back then. Well, when I'm horny, I wanted to do dirty things with somebody on the spot but, when my horny-ness lessens, I quickly hate the things I'm doing and the things I had thought about. I don't understand, but that's how the thing goes. One day, I become so horny and I...

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Identify Chapter 2 of 10 Rory Takes Control

Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental. Don't read if you are younger than 18 years old or not legally allowed to read adult material and all the usual disclaimers. Text in brackets [like this] is translated from barely decipherable lisp. A huge thank you to Oklaliz for the editing help. If you enjoy this, it is largely thanks to Oklaliz making it much more readable. Also, thank you to everyone who left a review on Chapter 1. Identify - Chapter 2 of...

4 years ago
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Punishment Becomes Reward

Tanner had always been a pervert. He loved to check out the asses of every attractive woman he encountered, and when he could get away with it, their breast, he also enjoyed undressing them with his eyes, got a thrill out of watching them bend over, especially in dresses or skirts, and even took creepshots of them with his phone. He had managed to get with all of this for years, until one day, when he took a creepshot of a woman who saw what he was doing and decided to make him. The...

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Second That EmotionChapter 30

I fumbled with the door knob; my arms and hands filled with bags made gripping the silly thing an effort, eventually getting it turned and pushed the door open. I stepped in and headed down the hall towards the staircase. Anya followed me around the pond and up the stairs to the master bedroom where I deposited the bags on the unmade bed. "Put the box down on the bed, Anya. We'll sort everything out later." She set the box down on the foot of the bed and looked around. "This is the...

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Nichole the butcher gets Sausage

Nichole at the Health food StoreGazing, Hugging, Groping, Meeting, Pinching, Fucking. Several shopping trips at the organic supermarket have passed and after years of being served by Nichole in the meat department I was informed from another guy that she had traded cutting and packing meat for pastries and chocolate in the bakery. She had been taking weekends off when the wife and I would go shopping but with rain today and the wife at work I decided to go shopping to make use of the time, I...

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Nerdy Girl 2 the Wrath of Cum

Theresa squished the used condom in her jacket pocket with her thumb and forefinger as she walked up to her house. Her mind wandered back to her date, now over. Jay, another senior student, had asked her out during lunch earlier that week. Tonight, Friday, he had taken her to dinner at Burger King (blech), and then she drove them up to "Lover's Lane," where she had proceeded to give him a blowjob. She wasn't "easy," but she had an ulterior motive for the oral pleasuring. She didn't want...

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Tits Have Benefits

transgender – crossdressing – shemale – transformation – feminizationSo there I was walking up to the most gorgeous creature in the room, a beautiful woman with incredible tits and ass and beautiful long black hair. This was the woman of my dreams who despite being the person who I could most open up to, nevertheless had been unobtainable in my mind. I had been a shy retiring nerd who could never hope to win the affections of a beautiful woman, but now things had changed and now I felt...

1 year ago
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ElenaChapter 6

“So when you say you want us to spend the day together what do you mean exactly? Do you want to get together after class and go on a date?” I asked. Elena smiled a mischievous smile, “Not exactly. I had a lot of things in mind. For starters we’re both going to skip our classes today. And have lots of fun.” Elena then moved me next to her bed and then got on her knees in front of me. She then proceeded to remove my pants. She gave me a blow job for about a minute before she pulled off of me....

3 years ago
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My dad had been killed in an industrial accident at the Greensboro textile plant when I was thirteen and in the seventh grade. We were living in a nice, comfortable house on Walnut Street at the time of his death. The loss of my dad was not a financial burden, since the accidental death benefits ensured that my mother and I would not be destitute. However, although his death had been very difficult for me, it was devastating for my mom. At the time mom was only in her early forties and quite...

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The Parking Garage loyalsock

Where the heck is that woman? Joe thought to himself as he sat in his car. Sandy wasn't really late but Joe had been thinking about this day for weeks and was anxious to ravish her. Why had they decided to meet on the second highest level of the parking garage? They probably thought it added an element of intrigue to their secret affair.The two of them had been meeting infrequently over the past year. It never seemed like their schedules had openings at the same time. The hazards of being...

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My perfect life

This is my first time writing anything like this. This happened to me early in the summer of twenty nineteen. My husband and I have been married for six and a half years, we have a rampant sex life and, I have never thought about straying. I am thirty-two and Kevin is thirty-six. Kevin is a service director for a car dealership. I am a freelance hairstylist. I am slim, thirty-four-inch bust and, shoulder-length brunette hair, I weigh just one hundred and twelve pounds. My piercing green eyes...

Wife Lovers
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How A 35 Year Old Mom Got Her Revenge

It had been a week since the last time I scene my neighbors 18 year old daughter. It was the 3 rd time she had came over and control me in bed. She is a spoiled cocky little cunt. Her body is perfect for an 18 year old girl. I am a happily married 35 year old mom when this all started back a few months ago. I had become so enamored with her great looking ass and body as she would tan by their pool. I ended up sucking and licking her pussy on three different occasions. I now wanted out of this...

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