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I’m a vindictive bastard. Not all the time of course. You don’t get to run a chain of convenience stores without a degree of likeability. In fact if you met me, that is the first thing you would note. I am extremely affable. Just don’t cross me. I will extract vengeance on you. Not revenge, vengeance.

OK you want examples. I used to play rugby, still do occasionally. I was a lock, one of the second row forwards, tall, well set, fairly quick on my feet. So I was chasing down a high and this lumbering fuck No. 1 of a loosehead prop hits me while I’m jumping for the ball, and I land hard, wrecking my shoulder and getting a slight concussion. The ref ruled it accidental. The trainer subbed me while they sorted the shoulder and the team doctor gave me the all clear.

I got back on the pitch and the big fuck grinned at me. Stupid cunt just confirmed that it was a deliberate foul, so next scrum I marked his card for him. He wasn’t sure it was my fist got him and the ref didn’t see it, but that was only for starters.

As it turned out, fortune favoured the brave. Their No1 got the ball and went on a blundering run. He was brought down and the ruck was set but he set the ball back nicely for their scrum half. He was taking his time marshalling his backs and I saw a chance. I heaved up from below my opposite number in the ruck, catching him of balance and sending him into the No 8 and falling onto the loosehead’s arm.

Unfortunately for him he had his hand on the top of the ball and the weight of the two boys broke his forearm. I came up with stud marks on my face and neck where a boot had caught me, and nursing my shoulder again. None of the officials saw anything untoward, and as their No 1 was helped off he looked hard at me. Since at the time I was getting treatment he couldn’t figure if I had any hand in his injury. But I knew, and that was enough. I’m not stupid enough to get into a vendetta.

Now, OK, I got lucky that time. The opportunity arose and the outcome was better than I expected. I had thought they would land on him and just slow him down, so I could take him out hard, later in the game, but you get the idea. Fuck with me, and I will fuck right back.

Looking after the accounts for the stores gives me a fairly good overview of what sells when, and what sort of money should be going through the accounts. I am also pretty quick to spot irregularities on a till. Most of my staff are wives, single mothers and students. Not the sort of people who have a lot of disposable income. So to remove temptation as much as possible, they get a massive staff discount. They can also have any date expired food, on the understanding it is for their use only. Basically I try to make it not worth their while stealing from the stores. The wage is better than average, because the stores are profitable, but the perks make their money go further.

So, when I saw my wife was withdrawing a lot of cash from the joint account, I sat up and took notice. I make a good living from the stores so I don’t have a problem with my wife spending money. I don’t believe in credit cards, so she uses the debit card, rarely cash.

Two other things you should know about me. Despite how the incident on the rugby pitch might seem, I plan things through. On the pitch you get the ball and read the game. Seconds make the difference between making a score or not. Real life is different. That is why I bought the stores that would make money, not the ones on the other side of the road, or a few hundred yards away. The other thing is that I loved my wife with all my heart. I needed to know what she was doing with the money before jumping to the conclusion that the bitch was playing away.

OK, I know I was already there but that is part of the vindictive aspect of my character. I assume the worst. Luckily, my rational side is strong too. Hell she might only have a gambling addiction, or maybe she’s just using some weed. For all I know she might be saving to buy me a nice present. Or to get ready to run.

How the hell was I going to play this? All my stores have cctv and security systems, linked into a computer system. Some of the cameras over the tills are almost invisible if you don’t know they are there. But did I want my house bugged? I thought it best wait till she’s out of the house and check stuff myself. Get something to work on.

The stores pretty much looked after themselves, and I had the office work well looked after too, so, I took a little time to myself to think about my next move. I was wandering along the High Street and went into the phone shop. I’m a sucker for gadgets. They were promoting some software to download all your phone numbers from your sim to your computer, so you won’t lose them. It gave me an idea for a start point. I would download everything from our phones to the computer and then I could search her numbers.

That evening I loaded the software.

‘Sharon! Give me your phone.’

‘What for?’

‘I have this new software that save all your numbers so if the phone fails, you can re-load them from the computer to a new phone. Saves you having to get everyones’ number and punch them in.’


‘I think my battery is flat’

‘No problem. It links through the USB so it will power from the computer. Just shows how useful a tool this could be. If it had been a faulty battery or something it might have corrupted the data.’

Reluctantly she handed over her phone. I created a folder for her data and downloaded it straight to the machine.

‘OK. It’s in a folder in ‘My Documents’ called ‘Phone Numbers’, under your name, if you need it.’

‘Is there a password?’

‘No, just go straight to it, if you need it.’ I went onto the internet and started browsing for classic cars. I fancied an E-type if I could find one.

Eventually Sharon had soaps overload and went to make a cup of tea. I quickly copied her file and e-mailed it to myself at work.

Normally I didn’t bother checking Sharon’s phone bill, it was paid by direct debit. Things were different though. I lifted the folder from the desk drawer and took it with me to work. Firstly I checked through her phone numbers. Strangely, I recognised my problem the moment I saw the name Steve Reilly. A quick check on the phone records showed me she was phoning him a couple of times a day.

Steve Reilly not only was a competitor, but he was also a football player. To me as a rugby player, that was probably worse. Now I needed confirmation that they were in fact having an affair and using my money to pay for it. I couldn’t see any other option than to get a private investigator onto the job. I would have no problem taking time off work, but I’m a big fucker and I would stick out like a sore thumb trying to follow either of them. I checked Yellow Pages and got a company in a town ten miles away. I could have got the company that did my security work to do it, but they were the best in town and I figured Reilly would use them for his shops too. I didn’t want to employ someone with a conflict of interests

I set up an appointment, and took along a couple of photos of Sharon. The PI was an ex-cop who seemed pretty prosperous, judging by his premises. Either that, or a flash git, bluffing his way. Anyway all I needed was proof of the nasty so he didn’t need to be Sherlock Holmes. He told me a week should cover what I wanted and I stumped up a thousand quid as a retainer. As I drove off I noticed I needed petrol, and pulled into a small petrol station.

As I filled up the motor I looked around and my gut told me I was looking at an undeveloped goldmine. I went in to pay and realised it was a husband and wife business. They were in their sixties, and I got talking to them. Long story short, they wanted to retire but hadn’t got around to doing anything about it. I asked them their price, knew it was about £250k under its potential, and told them to get a valuation. I gave them my car
d. Look, I may be a businessman but I have to look at myself in the mirror every morning. I might take vengeance but I don’t take advantage of people, and I don’t cheat … much.

A week later I got two phone calls. One rather apologetic, from Mr and Mrs Flanagan, saying they had been told the business was worth pretty much what I thought. They were astounded when I agreed the price and asked for their solicitors details. The second was of course my PI telling me Sharon was playing away, but not just with Steve Reilly. She had met a different man for lunch and then Steve in the evening, when I was at training. I told the PI to get me further details.

I drove down to give the PI another thousand and to have a look over my new acquisition. The PI had photos of Sharon with Steve, and with the other guy, in public, but hadn’t got anything sexual. I gave him the second instalment and told him to get something that would stand up in court, proving infidelity, and an identity for the second man.

I sat pat for another week, fulfilling a husband’s bedroom duties. Hey, a fuck’s a fuck, and you get it when you can! Sharon didn’t seem unusually reticent, nor unusually eager. Nevertheless oral was out. Not that that was unusual during the week. I wasn’t worried about STDs since we used condoms. Sharon wouldn’t take the Pill as it made her gain weight.

The following Friday I got what I needed. Paramour number two was a guy called Jim Leonard, a sales rep for a company that sold those bagged sundries you see corner shops and stores like mine. You know the sort of thing. Sewing kits, those small rolls of insulation tape, electrical fuses. That sort of stuff. They used his flat twice that week. Steve Reilly and her got a little beauty spot car park action while I was at training. I had enough to know my marriage was over. I figured she would be on the rag shortly so her activity would dry for a week. I put the first part of the plan into action. I got some chillis from the store and extracted chilli juice. I smeared the crotch of a few pairs of her knickers. The ‘big’ ones at the bottom of the drawer that she was likely to be using soon. I also got a hypodermic and injected some of her tampons. I’d heard of some guys using wintergreen for a practical joke, but I reckoned she might smell it. I hadn’t a clue if it would work but it seemed reasonable.

Reilly played a bit of five-a-side at the local recreation centre where I sometimes played too, just for fitness. Naturally I got some shit for my lack of ball skills but more than made up for it in speed and stamina. Usually some one was nominated as keeper, and the position rotated so everyone got a decent work out. My rugby skills gave me a distinct advantage in goal. Reilly figured he could run rings round me with the ball, and he could. While I was keeper he came in close but he couldn’t get round me. He stuck the boot in once or twice and I made it obvious when he did but laughed it off. Then they scored and we changed keeper. He made the mistake of trying to bait me, so when he tried to take the ball off me he kept coming in tight. I was a little loose with my footwork and caught him on the ankle, but not too hard. Then when he had the ball I accidently body checked him, and he landed hard on his arse. I, of course apologised, made the excuse of not being able to read a fives game because of the speed, and helped him to his feet. Reilly was less than gracious, but the rest of the boys sided with me.

The next game, Reilly came in with a hard tackle trying to take me out. I saw it coming, and let him come on before trying to clear the ball. As his foot came down where my ankle should have been his knee managed to collide with my upswinging boot. I was rewarded with the happy sound of his knee trying to bend the wrong way. Our combined momentum ripped the cartilage and ligaments of the joint. He went down, screaming like a girl. I again apologised profusely. He got no sympathy from anyone else though. They had seen how he tried to break my ankle and made it known that he had no-one else to blame but himself. We got him an ambulance. I offered to take his car home for him. It was the least I could do in the circumstances. He, of course refused.

By this stage, Sharon was into the doctored knickers and tampons. Clearly the chilli juice was having some effect. She was, shall we say, a little uncomfortable. She suffered for a day or two before going to the doctors. Naturally, the doc hadn’t a clue about the real cause, but she was given some cream, which she hid in her handbag. I hadn’t fixed all her tampons, otherwise she might have made an association when her period ended.

When I came back from football she was sitting on the settee with a face like thunder.

‘You bastard! Who is she?’


‘You’ve given me a dose of syphilis! Who is she? I’m going to take you to the cleaners! I’ll take you for every penny you’ve got!’

‘Wasn’t me. Must have been Steve Reilly or Jim Leonard’

‘What? You know?’ She crumpled.

I opened my briefcase and handed her a copy of the PI’s report. ‘Pack your gear and get the fuck out of my house!’

‘Where am I going to go?’ she wailed.

‘Fucked if I know, but if you’ve given me a dose, you’ll be getting fuck-all from me.’

I was severely pissed off. As I mentioned earlier, she wouldn’t use the pill in case it would put on weight, so we used condoms for birth control. If she had a dose then she was fucking the others bareback. Fucking bitch! Serves her fucking right.

I grabbed the roll of bin-bags from the kitchen and went up to the bedroom.

‘I’ll give you a hand packing,’ I guldered, and started emptying drawers into the bags. I was unconcerned about what went in and just tipped everything in on top of everything else. I loaded all her shit into her car, got her keys, took the house key off the ring and fucked her off at the high port.

I slammed the door behind her in a simmering fury, got a beer and threw myself into the recliner. I had known about her infidelity, but being confronted so baldly by it blew the lid off the pressure cooker. I felt as if my heart had been ripped out of my chest. I drank myself into oblivion.

I woke the next morning to the rest of my life. Surprisingly my hangover was fairly mild. I put that down to my fitness.

I went into work pretty despondent. I cleared up the routine stuff and made an appointment with my solicitor. Then closed my office door and reviewed my options. Curiously, I didn’t feel any urge to dispense retribution on Sharon, Reilly, or Leonard. I just felt completely deflated. My staff, however, picked up on my mood and Big Jean, was sent in to interrogate me. Jean was in her late fifties and was the store agony aunt. She had seen just about everything and was one of those motherly women who didn’t take shit. She sat opposite me and waited.

‘Ok, Ok. Sharon’s been playing away and I’ve chucked her out. That’s it. I’m not going to do anything stupid, so you don’t need to worry.’

‘Maybe not now. But I know you. Give you a while to get over it and you do something that’ll get you jailed. Who’s she been seeing?’

‘Steve Reilly and some guy called Leonard.’

‘Oh shit! You aren’t going to crack skulls, are you?’

I laughed. ‘Actually I bust Reilly’s knee last night.’

‘Oh Christ! Are the police involved?’

‘No,’ I laughed again, ‘we clashed in a tackle, playing five-a-side last night and he came off worst.’

She gave me a disapproving look. ‘Boss, you have a lot of people who depend on you. On top of that they like working for you. It’s about time you grew up a bit. You don’t need to prove yourself all the time anymore. Shit, all the people come to your shops cos they know you’re square. And they know you’ll help them out if they are against the wall. Reilly only gets the business cos you give him space to trade. This vindictive streak you have is totally against the rest of your char

I looked at her in mild surprise.

It was her turn to laugh. ‘Everyone knows you play a straight game, but if you’re crossed you’ll more than get even. Why do you think you have so few problems? Now get your act together. Stop looking to get even, and start having a life. The business will look after itself now. It’s time you enjoyed what you’ve built up. This is a good point to change your outlook. There’ll be women lined up for you now you’re back on the market. I’d be beating them off if I was a few years younger.’

‘If it wasn’t for your Bert …’ I let the implication hang in the air. Jean was a fine looking woman.

‘You dirty bugger,’ she blushed, ‘I’m old enough to be your mother!’

‘You started it.’

As Jean left, I knew she was right. I had spent my life building a business but feeling I had to prove myself all the time. It was time I grew up. Even my rugby was trying to prove myself to me. As I sat there I took stock of my life and made the biggest decision of my life. It was time to put away childish things.

So there you have it. That is what changed my life. I just felt the whole need to get my own back drain from me there and then. My business has reached a point where it is as big as I want it. I can comfortably manage it myself and still keep the personal contact with my staff. But I have started to expand my social life. I still play rugby but more for the fitness. I find I actually enjoy it more now. I learned how to dance, and joined a hill walking group. I spend a lot of the summer walking in Europe, and have met a lot of very lithe women. Fresh air and beautiful scenery seem to be rather conducive to establishing international relations.

I suppose before you go you’ll want to know what I did to my ex-wife and her lovers. Well, Sharon didn’t come out of the divorce as well off as she thought. I had done the decent thing by the Flanagans, giving them the market price for their business, but I’d had to raise a mortgage on mine to buy them out and rebuild the petrol station. It cost a fucking fortune to have the old fuel tanks taken out. So when the divorce went through, I had a mountain of liabilities … according to my accountant. Since we had only been married for five years and there were no kids, my solicitor negotiated a clean break settlement based on my nett worth. She got the house as part of it, but had to take on the mortgage. She had to go back to work and struggled to keep up the payments. It went up for sale and she disappeared of the face of the earth as far as I know. Probably got her hooks into some other sucker. I never did find out why she took up with Reilly.

Speaking of him, his leg didn’t heal too well and he uses a stick now. Not only is his football career over but he’s the shape of a football now. Unfortunately for him, his car was broken into as it sat outside the recreation centre that night. His laptop and brief case were stolen. The word is that he had a stack of cash nicked too, but he didn’t report that to the police. Between his slow recovery and the loss of his laptop, he had to put a couple of his shops up for sale. I thought it only fair that I help him a bit, since I was partly responsible for the injury. So I bought his two best shops. He was getting by on what was left, until the laptop and some of the documents were recovered by the police. I’m buying him out completely now, just to help him pay the taxman.

Jim Leonard had been supplying a lot of shops with those sundry bits and pieces. Although not mine. Somehow, word got out about him tapping Sharon. Apparently she wasn’t the only wife he was squiring and someone else found out. He took quite a beating, but the police had too many suspects. They never managed to bring anyone to book. Karma can be a bitch. And for the record, it wasn’t me. I was giving a vertical expression of a horizontal desire that night, followed by answering that horizontal desire. Mind you, Jean seemed unsurprised when she heard the news.

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With the success of my first story here is another story. So this happened to me a few weeks ago. Things were going kind of bad with Amber for about a few months there was a lack of sex even talks of divorce. I joined a particular forum for advice on these things and found Jess. Jess was 42 bisexual and was drop dead gorgous. I messaged her just a simple hello and since Amber was working I masterbated to Jess's photos (I'm a married man but Jess was that hot) she responded and we started...

1 year ago
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GloryHoleInitiations Ana Foxxx Third Appearance

What is a girl to do when Ana is stood up for a blind date? Jump back into her phone and find the address of that Glory Hole that is close and get her needs met all the same. It’s just like she remembers but for the new paint job. She knows the drill and spreads her sexy legs wide to play with her special place to lure in the Dicks. Out pops a big nice Cock hard and ready for her to use. She drools and spits all over that big dick like a Woman with a purpose to have all her holes filled....

1 year ago
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for the next 3 days i was chained to a bed, when ever i would become lucid and start to think straight, i would be injected with something.i soon realized they were using me as i was passed out. my ass would be on fire when i awoke, my mouth and jaw aching . what ever they were injecting me with , i was becoming addicted to the forth day i was hooked and i turned my life over to the gang.i was forced to sign over my car . as i watch them spend the money on d**gs and booze, i was d**gged...

3 years ago
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Bake Sale

You wake up Sunday morning with a hell of a headache. The first weekend back from summer break is always a wild one, and every year seems worse than the last. Maybe you’re getting better at partying hard, or maybe you’re just getting old. Reluctantly, you try to pick yourself up off the grass. Grass? You roll over onto your back, and you see the sign: Delta Tau. Even with to you greatly diminished mental capacity, this makes sense. Somehow, you clamber back to your feet. Every step pounds...

2 years ago
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At 14 I Fucked Mom

I was 14 the first time I fucked my mother. She was 32 and there is no doubt that she was beautiful, she looked at least 5 years younger, had been a cheer leader in high school and at community and had won several regional beauty contests. My father had died in an auto accident when I was 6 and she had not remarried. She had a well paying job in the finance department of an international electronics company and with a substantial inheritance from her father we lived comfortably. I was born with...

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Finding BathshebaChapter 26

How? That was the biggest question on Ted's mind as he looked at his adversary. How did Williams find out about all this? How did he get the proof he says he has? How could Williams sound so confident and articulate? And most importantly, how could this lowlife simpleton best a man of Ted's aptitude, intelligence and power? Ted wanted to jump across the desk and strangle the devil. That's what Williams was ... a devil. Yet, Ted knew that in a physical confrontation, Williams would...

1 year ago
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Take It

Introduction: A slave and his Mistress. You know the code word. Sam knelt down on his Mistresses command, legs spread. On your knees she commanded, slapping a whip against her open hand. It hit with a small sound, enticing Sams gaze to flick to the whip. His Mistress stopped hitting her hand and Sam looked up obediently, his wants apparent. She smiled at him. Though, not a nice smile. Sam opened his mouth to speak and received a hard slap against his cheek. He took it, hardly wincing. The red...

2 years ago
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Mistress June

My first submission was under the direction of my girlfriend at the time, Mistress June. Bold and adoring wife she headed dominated during the first part of leg in the air during which I was attached through the night, she decided when I was riding and when I ejaculate.Sewing up new practices she found it made me suffer (prostate massage, spanking, strapon, a drink made of my sperm and urine, milking ...). All these practices gave him pleasure, so I was thrilled.One day she decided to go early...

2 years ago
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Hard Learning

Standard warning and disclaimer: All characters are fictional. If you see yourself, buy a new mirror. Contains subjects some people may find offensive. If you are one of them, why are you reading this? Protect your kids. If you are worried about them reading this sort of material, please censor free speech and use a safe surfing program such as net nanny. Or better yet, teach them early and lovingly to understand and accept different lifestyles. Before they learn from bad...

4 years ago
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Memories of a Mortician Part 8 Last BathElectric Youth

Year: 2011 Name:J.L Age: 23 Cause of Death: Asphyxiation due to drowning Other Injuries: Light chemical burns near nose and mouth area caused by chloroform. Torn vagina and hymen from sexual assault. Time between death and delivery to mortician: 14hrs Notes: Pic 1 A young woman has just finished dressing up for her dinner date with her boyfriend. Suddenly, the serial killer known as the ‘Kosmetics Killer’ (refer to earlier case ‘A Bad Idea’) broke into her house. He chloroformed and...

1 year ago
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Travelling Across America I The man from Boston

I've never been to Boston before. Here I am, 21 years old and have never left my home town in Upstate NY. I've lived a very sheltered life with my parents, as well as my steady boyfriend of 3 years and pretty much stayed in my hometown throughout college. I decided when I was still a kid that I wanted to move into a big city to start a music career, but I didn't know which one. I told my parents, my friends and even my boyfriend this, and they seemed surprisingly understanding. My boyfriend,...

2 years ago
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Pehla Sex With Girlfriend Ekta

Baat aaj se 2 mahine pehle ki h jab mera ek friend raj uski gf milne bhopal se indore aya tho mere he room mai ruka vo mera khas dost tha usne mujse mere gf ke bare mai pucha Raj – yr ketan kitne londiya fasai indore m M- kaha yr koi fasti he nahi koi tu he fasua de plz Raj- yr ek ladki h bhopal ki bsss colg m h baa kr rhi h mere room mate ki gf h abhi dono ki ladai ho gai h break up ho gya h tu fasa ske tho no. Du M- haa de name kya h uska R- ekta thakur h bba 2 sem m h call kr par mera name...

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It Is Good to Be the DemonChapter 43

I was sitting in Mouse's driveway, watching her come running out of the door and to my truck. By the time she got there, I was out and waiting for her leap into my outstretched arms. I just love how happy and enthusiastic this girl is every time she sees or hears from me. Holly had told me just a few days ago that Mouse would be like Laura, and be there with me, and for me, until my last day on this earth. Or something like that. At any rate, I could see how she would think that. I know...

3 years ago
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Bla Book 3 Wrinkles in TimeChapter 9

It was Beth's third day with Frank and Tanya. She had not gotten out of bed since Tanya and Frank took the Conners girl to the hospital. Several hours later, the pair returned to discover their houseguest curled up on the bed, nearly unconscious from the agonizing pain in her head. "Why is this happening to me?" Beth sobbed weakly. Tanya looked at Frank "I guess we can give it to her now..." Tanya suggested. "Maybe if we can get her fired up in her 'sex mode', she'll forget that...

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Aggy Book 1Chapter 49

"Target zero degrees, zero degree, fifty three thousand clicks. Harbourian Battle class CA tracking one eight zero same plane velocity..." McCock broke over the AI responding in a manner as if he had confronted this situation a least once every day of his secure life. "Defensive shields. Graser lock continuous fire. Missiles forward tube full salvos fire when acquired." With only nano second delays in response, hands flashed to control panels and the coxswains moved into control...

3 years ago
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Everyone loves a good Jail story

The darkness of the sack cloth and staggering into a cell, I fell to the floor and then was stood erect. Handcuffs come off and two guards grin at me. I knew their names. But for all the wrong reasons. I’m quickly stripped naked by the two guards. They remain clothed, but do pull out their cocks, leaving me standing naked for a moment before my ass is slapped hard. They grab my hair, forcing me on my hands and knees, my hands are bound behind my back, and pull my hair so my head goes back....

1 year ago
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The Boy DownbelowChapter 6

Cathy took three blankets off the dead men and slowly, reluctantly, walked back to me. She avoided my eyes as she gave me one of the blankets. When she sat down, there was a distance between us that hadn’t existed before. It was a short distance, a closed fist could fit inside. Nonetheless, I disliked it. I let the blanket in my hand fall on my lap, too weak to throw it around my shoulders. “Were they dead?” I asked. “Yes.” She answered in a hesitant voice. “Are you okay? What ... what did...

3 years ago
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The Case of the Missing WomanChapter 32 Finding Judith

Ray and Percy were working in Ray's study. The costs of the hunt for Judith were piling up. The two men were streamlining Ray's regular businesses to be able to extract the maximum profits from them. The protection of their families and the constant searching for Judith was placing a strain on the money. They were working on squeezing a few more nickels out of one operation when the secure phone rang. Percy had grown in Ray's eyes so he was now allowed to answer that phone. Percy was now...

2 years ago
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The Making of a whore

“47 year old married woman on her hands and and knees, wanting to get mounted and knotted by a large strong male. Owner can watch! Can travel on weekends. Must be discreet. Maybe turn into something on a regular basis. Instantly she got wet thinking about what she was asking for. That’s what watching porn will do to you, she thought to herself. It all started in college when she was finally able to get out from under her parents firm control. Up to that point, they had controlled...

4 years ago
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Taking in gramps

My grandparents lived in a beautiful colonial home near downtown. My grandpa was an active senior, he went to the gym regularly and was active community Elks member. While my grandma was usually a stay at home, plant and play in her precious garden. One summer night a severe thunderstorm hit the downtown area. My grandpa was away with his Elks lodge planning for the upcoming Fall town fair, by the time he got home there were fire trucks surrounding the block. My grandparents house was struck by...

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The Beginning of Lesbian Experience

When she was 20, Carmella worked at a hotel full time to pay for her college tuition fees. She never had much time to spend with friends or boyfriends. Frequently, she would come home to her apartment where she would usually find her roommate Alexis drinking with her friends. Carmella didn’t really get along with Alexis so she would always go straight to her room, lock her door, take off all of her clothes, and change into her sexy black nightie, presented by her ex boyfriend, before they broke...

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Sasural Mein Group Chudai 8211 Part 4

Hello dosto, kaise hai aap sab? Aur chut waliyo, kaisi ho aap? Sab ummeed hai, ki sab maze mein honge. Aap sab ne meri kahani ”Sasural Mein Group Chudai” padhi aur aap sab ne bahut pyar bhi diya. Pehle is story ke 3 parts release ho chuke hai, aur ye is series ki aakhri story hai. Ummeed hai ki ye bhi aap sab ko utni hi pasand aayegi jitni pichli kahaniya. Jinhone pichli kahaniya nahi padhi hai, wo pehle un teeno kahaniyo ko padhe. Bahut maza aayega aapko. Jaise ki pichli story mein aapne...

1 year ago
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Daves Australian OdysseyChapter 42 To The Territory

Saturday Week 17 Jill was up first, making breakfast for them as soon as she had used the ensuite. She was cooking bacon and eggs, so had put an apron on in case of fat spitting out of the pan, which could be quite painful on her bare skin, especially her breasts, she realised. Dave as usual dressed, as he wasn't keen on sitting around naked in the morning, and, in any event, he had to go outside to pack up, load the car on the trailer and generally get ready to leave. But he was always...

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Jimmy the Average Teenage BoyChapter 4

"Open your robe Mother. Let me take a good look at you." She blushed a bit but didn't hesitate at all. She undid the cord holding her robe together, slid the robe off her shoulders and stood before her son completely naked. She looked wonderful. The nipples on her round grapefruit size breasts were standing out, hard and proud. I looked down to see Mom's pussy all puffed out in arousal. This was going to be easier than I thought. She really was a slut. It didn't matter to her who's cock...

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2019 Christmas Adventure

Hi Guys Virgin Mangi @Xhamster here, This story is about a recent adventure I had. So all info about me is on my profile, so I'll just describe the girl her names L she is from Sepik and is schooling at one of the colleges here in Lae. We met through Facebook and after doing video call sex, I was so fucking horny. Just than this guy who uses the telegram swingers group posted about being in lae and needing a couple or girl to play with so I thought why not, so I inboxed him and we talked and...

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Wife tricked

Wife Is Tricked Into Having Sex With My Black NeigWife Is Tricked Into Having Sex With My Black NeighborOne of my biggest fantasies was to watch my wife have sex with my neighbor who is black but my wife is a bit prudish and doesn’t believe in having sex outside the marriage. So there I am stuck with a fantasy that will never happen. Until the day I came up with the perfect plan.First let me describe my wife Sandy is 31 years old and only 5 foot 2 but built like a brickhouse. Long blond hair 34...

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Lying fully awake in bed that Friday night in late May of 1998, my excited sophomore mind kept switching back and forth to two very pleasant thoughts. The first being that senior Howie Collins did indeed know exactly where my stolen 150cc Honda dirt bike had been abandoned in some country woods. While my second one focused on some slowly building naughty sexual feelings of mine regarding the rumors that circulated all around Upper Valley High School! Rumors that had labeled often strange acting...

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Laundry Day

There she was, folding laundry like she did every Thursday. Her big tits bouncing back and forth in that loose silk robe she wore on laundry day. She knew I liked the view. She caught me staring, which wasn't difficult because I didn't bother hiding it anymore. "Oh! What are you doing there?" she asked with her flirtatious rhetorical tone. She knew the answer. She could see it when she glanced briefly at my crotch. A smile drew across her lips; she always loved how easily she could make me...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 5 MichelleChapter 79 Josiersquos Situation

May 16, 1992, Chicago, Illinois “Seriously?” Jessica asked as we headed for the dojo. “Yes. Seriously.” I’d arrived home with just enough time to dress for karate, so we hadn’t been able to talk before we started our walk. “But why? Did she change her mind?” “No. I discovered a very little girl hiding behind that ‘pretentious bitch’ exterior. Kara, I apologize in advance for saying this, but everything I learned from messing things up with Becky, I’m going to use to help Samantha. All of...

3 years ago
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Omegle DDLG

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!You both like Roleplay.You: HiYou: mStranger: Hi fYou: Where are you from?Stranger: CanadaYou: how old are you?Stranger: I’m 19You: I may be too old for youStranger: Well I don’t have any limitsStranger: I like older guysYou: I'm 35Stranger: Haha that’s okayStranger: What roles do you have in mind?You: I'm a DD usuallyYou: and you?Stranger: I’m submissiveYou: Do you like to spanked?You: be*Stranger: Yes I love itYou: are you a good girl or a...

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Anxious Alicia Chapter 3

“The taxi is here.” My heart skipped a beat and I became a bundle of nerves. Gary grabbed me by the hand and walked me out to the taxi and helped me get in the back seat. Gary got in the front and looked back at me with a smile that was a mile wide. “Whoa! Gary, you were not kidding. She is beautiful naked. Woooo!” Oliver said as he looked back at me. When Gary and Oliver looked at me, I knew I had to pose for them, so I slid over to the middle of the seat and squeezed my breasts. Oliver...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 1

The Fortune Cookie (Revised) Part 1 It was November and already Paul was getting a little tired of school. He had been back just 2 months and the homework was already piling up. It owed much to the fact that in May, Paul would be taking his GCSE exams. The school was eager for all students to get good results and bombarding them with homework seemed the best way of ensuring it. It was Friday, the weekend ahead and what should have been time for putting feet up and going out with...

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Business Pleasure Sir

“This is a passenger announcement for flight MCO541. Due to increased air traffic, this flight will now depart at 6:25 pm – we apologise for any convenience this may cause and invite passengers to speak with available staff at our information desk for further information.”“Shit!” cursed Lucas under his breath. His journey from San Diego had been problematic from the start. “First a broken down cab and now this…What does a guy need to do to get a break round here!?” It was a sentence which Lucas...

Office Sex
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It started the moment he got home from work.  It was Friday but he still hadn't gotten home until after 7.  She was slicing peppers for stir-fry when she heard the front door open.  She turned to greet him with a smile when she was suddenly pinned against the counter, the edge of it biting her hip.  He devoured her mouth in a bruising kiss that was all tongue and teeth.  His hand fisted in her hair, angling her head back.  His other hand reached under her dress, gripping her ass and pulling...

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My first chance to wear stockings

I have an auntie who was always considered glamorous, she was c***dless but used to like having both her nieces over to stay and impart her worldly way on us.We, typically, were always rummaging through her drawers, looking for clothes to wear and shoes to put on. We were still c***dren dressing-up but she imparted the notion of stockings and garter belts, though the later, did never have the same effect as the former.She never married and being a society girl, was never short of male friends,...

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Lynx had always had a vivid imagination. He began to suspect that he had more than just an overactive imagination when he started seeing girls near his home and in his school. He didn’t go to an all boy’s school or anything, so seeing females wouldn’t normally be strange. But this was different, it wasn’t the fact that they were female; what caught his attention, was the fact that they were not human Lynx’s hallucinations; which he really believed they were, kept appearing with more...

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