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I’m a vindictive bastard. Not all the time of course. You don’t get to run a chain of convenience stores without a degree of likeability. In fact if you met me, that is the first thing you would note. I am extremely affable. Just don’t cross me. I will extract vengeance on you. Not revenge, vengeance.

OK you want examples. I used to play rugby, still do occasionally. I was a lock, one of the second row forwards, tall, well set, fairly quick on my feet. So I was chasing down a high and this lumbering fuck No. 1 of a loosehead prop hits me while I’m jumping for the ball, and I land hard, wrecking my shoulder and getting a slight concussion. The ref ruled it accidental. The trainer subbed me while they sorted the shoulder and the team doctor gave me the all clear.

I got back on the pitch and the big fuck grinned at me. Stupid cunt just confirmed that it was a deliberate foul, so next scrum I marked his card for him. He wasn’t sure it was my fist got him and the ref didn’t see it, but that was only for starters.

As it turned out, fortune favoured the brave. Their No1 got the ball and went on a blundering run. He was brought down and the ruck was set but he set the ball back nicely for their scrum half. He was taking his time marshalling his backs and I saw a chance. I heaved up from below my opposite number in the ruck, catching him of balance and sending him into the No 8 and falling onto the loosehead’s arm.

Unfortunately for him he had his hand on the top of the ball and the weight of the two boys broke his forearm. I came up with stud marks on my face and neck where a boot had caught me, and nursing my shoulder again. None of the officials saw anything untoward, and as their No 1 was helped off he looked hard at me. Since at the time I was getting treatment he couldn’t figure if I had any hand in his injury. But I knew, and that was enough. I’m not stupid enough to get into a vendetta.

Now, OK, I got lucky that time. The opportunity arose and the outcome was better than I expected. I had thought they would land on him and just slow him down, so I could take him out hard, later in the game, but you get the idea. Fuck with me, and I will fuck right back.

Looking after the accounts for the stores gives me a fairly good overview of what sells when, and what sort of money should be going through the accounts. I am also pretty quick to spot irregularities on a till. Most of my staff are wives, single mothers and students. Not the sort of people who have a lot of disposable income. So to remove temptation as much as possible, they get a massive staff discount. They can also have any date expired food, on the understanding it is for their use only. Basically I try to make it not worth their while stealing from the stores. The wage is better than average, because the stores are profitable, but the perks make their money go further.

So, when I saw my wife was withdrawing a lot of cash from the joint account, I sat up and took notice. I make a good living from the stores so I don’t have a problem with my wife spending money. I don’t believe in credit cards, so she uses the debit card, rarely cash.

Two other things you should know about me. Despite how the incident on the rugby pitch might seem, I plan things through. On the pitch you get the ball and read the game. Seconds make the difference between making a score or not. Real life is different. That is why I bought the stores that would make money, not the ones on the other side of the road, or a few hundred yards away. The other thing is that I loved my wife with all my heart. I needed to know what she was doing with the money before jumping to the conclusion that the bitch was playing away.

OK, I know I was already there but that is part of the vindictive aspect of my character. I assume the worst. Luckily, my rational side is strong too. Hell she might only have a gambling addiction, or maybe she’s just using some weed. For all I know she might be saving to buy me a nice present. Or to get ready to run.

How the hell was I going to play this? All my stores have cctv and security systems, linked into a computer system. Some of the cameras over the tills are almost invisible if you don’t know they are there. But did I want my house bugged? I thought it best wait till she’s out of the house and check stuff myself. Get something to work on.

The stores pretty much looked after themselves, and I had the office work well looked after too, so, I took a little time to myself to think about my next move. I was wandering along the High Street and went into the phone shop. I’m a sucker for gadgets. They were promoting some software to download all your phone numbers from your sim to your computer, so you won’t lose them. It gave me an idea for a start point. I would download everything from our phones to the computer and then I could search her numbers.

That evening I loaded the software.

‘Sharon! Give me your phone.’

‘What for?’

‘I have this new software that save all your numbers so if the phone fails, you can re-load them from the computer to a new phone. Saves you having to get everyones’ number and punch them in.’


‘I think my battery is flat’

‘No problem. It links through the USB so it will power from the computer. Just shows how useful a tool this could be. If it had been a faulty battery or something it might have corrupted the data.’

Reluctantly she handed over her phone. I created a folder for her data and downloaded it straight to the machine.

‘OK. It’s in a folder in ‘My Documents’ called ‘Phone Numbers’, under your name, if you need it.’

‘Is there a password?’

‘No, just go straight to it, if you need it.’ I went onto the internet and started browsing for classic cars. I fancied an E-type if I could find one.

Eventually Sharon had soaps overload and went to make a cup of tea. I quickly copied her file and e-mailed it to myself at work.

Normally I didn’t bother checking Sharon’s phone bill, it was paid by direct debit. Things were different though. I lifted the folder from the desk drawer and took it with me to work. Firstly I checked through her phone numbers. Strangely, I recognised my problem the moment I saw the name Steve Reilly. A quick check on the phone records showed me she was phoning him a couple of times a day.

Steve Reilly not only was a competitor, but he was also a football player. To me as a rugby player, that was probably worse. Now I needed confirmation that they were in fact having an affair and using my money to pay for it. I couldn’t see any other option than to get a private investigator onto the job. I would have no problem taking time off work, but I’m a big fucker and I would stick out like a sore thumb trying to follow either of them. I checked Yellow Pages and got a company in a town ten miles away. I could have got the company that did my security work to do it, but they were the best in town and I figured Reilly would use them for his shops too. I didn’t want to employ someone with a conflict of interests

I set up an appointment, and took along a couple of photos of Sharon. The PI was an ex-cop who seemed pretty prosperous, judging by his premises. Either that, or a flash git, bluffing his way. Anyway all I needed was proof of the nasty so he didn’t need to be Sherlock Holmes. He told me a week should cover what I wanted and I stumped up a thousand quid as a retainer. As I drove off I noticed I needed petrol, and pulled into a small petrol station.

As I filled up the motor I looked around and my gut told me I was looking at an undeveloped goldmine. I went in to pay and realised it was a husband and wife business. They were in their sixties, and I got talking to them. Long story short, they wanted to retire but hadn’t got around to doing anything about it. I asked them their price, knew it was about £250k under its potential, and told them to get a valuation. I gave them my car
d. Look, I may be a businessman but I have to look at myself in the mirror every morning. I might take vengeance but I don’t take advantage of people, and I don’t cheat … much.

A week later I got two phone calls. One rather apologetic, from Mr and Mrs Flanagan, saying they had been told the business was worth pretty much what I thought. They were astounded when I agreed the price and asked for their solicitors details. The second was of course my PI telling me Sharon was playing away, but not just with Steve Reilly. She had met a different man for lunch and then Steve in the evening, when I was at training. I told the PI to get me further details.

I drove down to give the PI another thousand and to have a look over my new acquisition. The PI had photos of Sharon with Steve, and with the other guy, in public, but hadn’t got anything sexual. I gave him the second instalment and told him to get something that would stand up in court, proving infidelity, and an identity for the second man.

I sat pat for another week, fulfilling a husband’s bedroom duties. Hey, a fuck’s a fuck, and you get it when you can! Sharon didn’t seem unusually reticent, nor unusually eager. Nevertheless oral was out. Not that that was unusual during the week. I wasn’t worried about STDs since we used condoms. Sharon wouldn’t take the Pill as it made her gain weight.

The following Friday I got what I needed. Paramour number two was a guy called Jim Leonard, a sales rep for a company that sold those bagged sundries you see corner shops and stores like mine. You know the sort of thing. Sewing kits, those small rolls of insulation tape, electrical fuses. That sort of stuff. They used his flat twice that week. Steve Reilly and her got a little beauty spot car park action while I was at training. I had enough to know my marriage was over. I figured she would be on the rag shortly so her activity would dry for a week. I put the first part of the plan into action. I got some chillis from the store and extracted chilli juice. I smeared the crotch of a few pairs of her knickers. The ‘big’ ones at the bottom of the drawer that she was likely to be using soon. I also got a hypodermic and injected some of her tampons. I’d heard of some guys using wintergreen for a practical joke, but I reckoned she might smell it. I hadn’t a clue if it would work but it seemed reasonable.

Reilly played a bit of five-a-side at the local recreation centre where I sometimes played too, just for fitness. Naturally I got some shit for my lack of ball skills but more than made up for it in speed and stamina. Usually some one was nominated as keeper, and the position rotated so everyone got a decent work out. My rugby skills gave me a distinct advantage in goal. Reilly figured he could run rings round me with the ball, and he could. While I was keeper he came in close but he couldn’t get round me. He stuck the boot in once or twice and I made it obvious when he did but laughed it off. Then they scored and we changed keeper. He made the mistake of trying to bait me, so when he tried to take the ball off me he kept coming in tight. I was a little loose with my footwork and caught him on the ankle, but not too hard. Then when he had the ball I accidently body checked him, and he landed hard on his arse. I, of course apologised, made the excuse of not being able to read a fives game because of the speed, and helped him to his feet. Reilly was less than gracious, but the rest of the boys sided with me.

The next game, Reilly came in with a hard tackle trying to take me out. I saw it coming, and let him come on before trying to clear the ball. As his foot came down where my ankle should have been his knee managed to collide with my upswinging boot. I was rewarded with the happy sound of his knee trying to bend the wrong way. Our combined momentum ripped the cartilage and ligaments of the joint. He went down, screaming like a girl. I again apologised profusely. He got no sympathy from anyone else though. They had seen how he tried to break my ankle and made it known that he had no-one else to blame but himself. We got him an ambulance. I offered to take his car home for him. It was the least I could do in the circumstances. He, of course refused.

By this stage, Sharon was into the doctored knickers and tampons. Clearly the chilli juice was having some effect. She was, shall we say, a little uncomfortable. She suffered for a day or two before going to the doctors. Naturally, the doc hadn’t a clue about the real cause, but she was given some cream, which she hid in her handbag. I hadn’t fixed all her tampons, otherwise she might have made an association when her period ended.

When I came back from football she was sitting on the settee with a face like thunder.

‘You bastard! Who is she?’


‘You’ve given me a dose of syphilis! Who is she? I’m going to take you to the cleaners! I’ll take you for every penny you’ve got!’

‘Wasn’t me. Must have been Steve Reilly or Jim Leonard’

‘What? You know?’ She crumpled.

I opened my briefcase and handed her a copy of the PI’s report. ‘Pack your gear and get the fuck out of my house!’

‘Where am I going to go?’ she wailed.

‘Fucked if I know, but if you’ve given me a dose, you’ll be getting fuck-all from me.’

I was severely pissed off. As I mentioned earlier, she wouldn’t use the pill in case it would put on weight, so we used condoms for birth control. If she had a dose then she was fucking the others bareback. Fucking bitch! Serves her fucking right.

I grabbed the roll of bin-bags from the kitchen and went up to the bedroom.

‘I’ll give you a hand packing,’ I guldered, and started emptying drawers into the bags. I was unconcerned about what went in and just tipped everything in on top of everything else. I loaded all her shit into her car, got her keys, took the house key off the ring and fucked her off at the high port.

I slammed the door behind her in a simmering fury, got a beer and threw myself into the recliner. I had known about her infidelity, but being confronted so baldly by it blew the lid off the pressure cooker. I felt as if my heart had been ripped out of my chest. I drank myself into oblivion.

I woke the next morning to the rest of my life. Surprisingly my hangover was fairly mild. I put that down to my fitness.

I went into work pretty despondent. I cleared up the routine stuff and made an appointment with my solicitor. Then closed my office door and reviewed my options. Curiously, I didn’t feel any urge to dispense retribution on Sharon, Reilly, or Leonard. I just felt completely deflated. My staff, however, picked up on my mood and Big Jean, was sent in to interrogate me. Jean was in her late fifties and was the store agony aunt. She had seen just about everything and was one of those motherly women who didn’t take shit. She sat opposite me and waited.

‘Ok, Ok. Sharon’s been playing away and I’ve chucked her out. That’s it. I’m not going to do anything stupid, so you don’t need to worry.’

‘Maybe not now. But I know you. Give you a while to get over it and you do something that’ll get you jailed. Who’s she been seeing?’

‘Steve Reilly and some guy called Leonard.’

‘Oh shit! You aren’t going to crack skulls, are you?’

I laughed. ‘Actually I bust Reilly’s knee last night.’

‘Oh Christ! Are the police involved?’

‘No,’ I laughed again, ‘we clashed in a tackle, playing five-a-side last night and he came off worst.’

She gave me a disapproving look. ‘Boss, you have a lot of people who depend on you. On top of that they like working for you. It’s about time you grew up a bit. You don’t need to prove yourself all the time anymore. Shit, all the people come to your shops cos they know you’re square. And they know you’ll help them out if they are against the wall. Reilly only gets the business cos you give him space to trade. This vindictive streak you have is totally against the rest of your char

I looked at her in mild surprise.

It was her turn to laugh. ‘Everyone knows you play a straight game, but if you’re crossed you’ll more than get even. Why do you think you have so few problems? Now get your act together. Stop looking to get even, and start having a life. The business will look after itself now. It’s time you enjoyed what you’ve built up. This is a good point to change your outlook. There’ll be women lined up for you now you’re back on the market. I’d be beating them off if I was a few years younger.’

‘If it wasn’t for your Bert …’ I let the implication hang in the air. Jean was a fine looking woman.

‘You dirty bugger,’ she blushed, ‘I’m old enough to be your mother!’

‘You started it.’

As Jean left, I knew she was right. I had spent my life building a business but feeling I had to prove myself all the time. It was time I grew up. Even my rugby was trying to prove myself to me. As I sat there I took stock of my life and made the biggest decision of my life. It was time to put away childish things.

So there you have it. That is what changed my life. I just felt the whole need to get my own back drain from me there and then. My business has reached a point where it is as big as I want it. I can comfortably manage it myself and still keep the personal contact with my staff. But I have started to expand my social life. I still play rugby but more for the fitness. I find I actually enjoy it more now. I learned how to dance, and joined a hill walking group. I spend a lot of the summer walking in Europe, and have met a lot of very lithe women. Fresh air and beautiful scenery seem to be rather conducive to establishing international relations.

I suppose before you go you’ll want to know what I did to my ex-wife and her lovers. Well, Sharon didn’t come out of the divorce as well off as she thought. I had done the decent thing by the Flanagans, giving them the market price for their business, but I’d had to raise a mortgage on mine to buy them out and rebuild the petrol station. It cost a fucking fortune to have the old fuel tanks taken out. So when the divorce went through, I had a mountain of liabilities … according to my accountant. Since we had only been married for five years and there were no kids, my solicitor negotiated a clean break settlement based on my nett worth. She got the house as part of it, but had to take on the mortgage. She had to go back to work and struggled to keep up the payments. It went up for sale and she disappeared of the face of the earth as far as I know. Probably got her hooks into some other sucker. I never did find out why she took up with Reilly.

Speaking of him, his leg didn’t heal too well and he uses a stick now. Not only is his football career over but he’s the shape of a football now. Unfortunately for him, his car was broken into as it sat outside the recreation centre that night. His laptop and brief case were stolen. The word is that he had a stack of cash nicked too, but he didn’t report that to the police. Between his slow recovery and the loss of his laptop, he had to put a couple of his shops up for sale. I thought it only fair that I help him a bit, since I was partly responsible for the injury. So I bought his two best shops. He was getting by on what was left, until the laptop and some of the documents were recovered by the police. I’m buying him out completely now, just to help him pay the taxman.

Jim Leonard had been supplying a lot of shops with those sundry bits and pieces. Although not mine. Somehow, word got out about him tapping Sharon. Apparently she wasn’t the only wife he was squiring and someone else found out. He took quite a beating, but the police had too many suspects. They never managed to bring anyone to book. Karma can be a bitch. And for the record, it wasn’t me. I was giving a vertical expression of a horizontal desire that night, followed by answering that horizontal desire. Mind you, Jean seemed unsurprised when she heard the news.

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Dave sauntered down the hall in the Administration Division. He was well-known, and so the presence of a vice president in the utility in the trenches was obvious and highly noteworthy. He made a few false turns, and then found what he was looking for. He stuck his head into the slightly larger than normal cubicle that belonged to Nikky Thomas. Her name was on a plastic nameplate hung on the fabric just outside the entry. “Hi Nikky, how’s it going? I was wondering if you were free for lunch...

2 years ago
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Cheer Camp Part 2

Walking towards our dorm room after our first day of learning new cheers, and trying new tricks had taken it’s toll. I was ready to go and soak in the tub in our bathroom. I had aches in places I had forgot I ever had. For our first day the coaches really pushed hard to get all they could from us in the short amount of time. Learning the cheers were easy, but learning the new tricks and the choreograph was hard as hell. I hated being sweaty, but seeing the guys glistening just sent goosebumps...

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Reddit Scat Porn

Rule 34 dictates that whatever exists, be it a genre of entertainment, a novel series, a politician, or whatever; there’s a porn parody of it. Well, I suggest we recognize a new Rule 35, which I define as: any topic about sex that has happened has inspired a new subreddit.While hardly the most popular fetish, poop porn appeals to a select number of people in the populace. When these people congregate online, they get wild and share their filthy smut with extreme relish. The subreddit that this...

Reddit NSFW List
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Trying to get home

Friday I was leaving Dallas on my way home around 10 pm. I was going to drive to about Memphis and rest a little then come on home to enjoy the weekend. I was on the middle of no where Arkansas when my car let out a huge puff of smoke and I was stranded on the shoulder of I-40 at 1:30 am. I tried to Google some wreckers on my phone with no one answering when I finally notice a wrecker pulling in behind me. I went back to the wrecker and he said they also had a repair shop so he could town...

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Fap Fodder Meet Jerome

"Sam, I'd like you to meet Jerome. "Jerome, this is Sam. We've known each other like forever." Jerome looked the two young men over as he shook Sam's hand. Sam and Sean were cut from the same cloth. Mid 20s, thin, in gym shape, neatly put together. Typical young urban gay men. Sean had latched onto Jerome at the gym, where he seemed to be fixated on Jerome's thick muscles and angular frame. Jerome found Sean's attention amusing, and did not discourage him. Soon Sean was timing...

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Innocent Sisters Indecent Request For Her Brother Part 3

Hi all, Raki again. Thanks for all your feedback. Please read my previous parts else you’ll miss a lot of jerks. Most of you got disappointed that Rakesh didn’t fuck his sister yet. But surprisingly he got lucky to fuck her mother in law first. Now his dick is expecting his sister’s pussy desperately.   The next day morning, it was around 8am . he was still sleeping nude, next to him his sister’s MIL sleeping nude, both under same blanket. He saw other side of MIL, his sister was not there. MIL...

3 years ago
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Summer Vacation Ch 04

When Tommy got up Sunday morning he discovered that he and Aunt Karen were no longer alone. His cousin Kim had arrived home in the wee hours of the morning while he was sleeping. Kim gave him a bright smile when he walked into the kitchen. ‘Hi, Tommy,’ she said. Aunt Karen was making breakfast, so the young man went to the kitchen table and sat down. ‘Hi, Kim,’ he replied. He was surprised she was up already, given how late she’d gotten in. His cousin looked a lot better than he remembered...

3 years ago
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Speed Date Ch 01

I can still feel his hands… I can still feel all of their hands… My dreams still take me back to a time when I was loved… when I felt that I deserved to be loved… I stare off into space more often that I should with this thought. It consumes me, this desire to be loved. When I look around all I see are couples and weather they are happy or not, they are still together. I can’t help but believe that this, any of this would be better than the emptiness that consumes my life. so now as I sit...

4 years ago
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Dont Go Breaking My HeartChapter 4

When we got home, Mom had a wonderful hot meal ready for us—soup and sandwiches. We ate a bunch and as we finished Mom went into her apron and dropped two condoms on the table in front of me. "I'm aware that these usually come in threes, young man, can you show me the third one, please?" Busted! I looked over to Joan, who was flush in both cheeks, as I was probably as well. "I didn't tell your father that I found these. Is there something you need to tell me, Jerry? Joanie?" she...

2 years ago
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Daughters Slut Training 11 Watching Daughter Pop Her Cherry

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Eleven: Watching Daughter Pop Her Cherry By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Mrs. Umayyah “Leyla!” Kimmy shrieked when she opened her door. The blonde girl bounced on the balls of her feet, her braces flashing on her teeth. “Kimmy!” my daughter answered. The girls hugged each other like they hadn't seen the other in weeks instead of at college just a few hours ago. They were so energetic, both of...

3 years ago
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Stop WatchChapter 19

“My god.” Linda said reverently as she stared at what I had bought for her to use that night. Linda had arrived home early as we had planned - she had flung herself into my arms and practically clambered up me in her lust and passion; raining kisses down upon my face. It was an hour or so until Kara would arrive back from school - more than enough time for us to get ready. It looked like my wife was almost as eager as I was. After I had managed to calm Linda down a bit, I revealed to her my...

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The bike ride

At forty two I disliked how out of shape I was. It didn’t help that I had just taken a job working behind a desk. I started walking, but that didn’t do much to decrease my waist size. After getting frustrated with the spare tire above my belt, I decided to buy a bike. I just fell in love with a 21 speed mountain bike with big knobby tires. After my wife wrote him a check he handed me a piece of paper and said, “There is a local group that goes on weekend bike rides. Sometimes they are long...

3 years ago
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Mcgovern HighChapter 5

Michelle Black, Friday, January 29, 2010 Mrs. Joseph was waiting for us at the front of the school. "When the four of you have stripped, I'd like to see you in my office." That meant I wouldn't have time to fuck Shane. We all got naked, more quickly than the crowd would have liked, and followed Mrs. Joseph at a brisk pace through the school hallways. When we got to her office, she closed the door and sat at her desk. "Thanks to the security camera, we've managed to get Garrett...

1 year ago
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SexAndSubmission Gina Valentina Cunt Hunt

Raven haired cutie Gina Valentina has been misbehaving. She has a whole list of infractions going against her, including “dick biting” and Ramon Nomar is going to teach her a lesson about manners. Tied up and gagged with a leather collar and tight nipple clamps on her perky little tits Ramon disciplines Gina with the crop and flogger. He takes her gag out and Gina sucks his cock all sloppy and slurpy until she can’t help herself and bites his dick. She just can’t learn...

3 years ago
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I am German by birth. My father never told me how he was taken into indentured servitude in England. He was named Frederick Packer. I am named Alfred. I was born into servitude. I never knew another life. Sr. Darkbridge held my papers and those of my father. I never heard mention of my mother. Sr. Darkbridge was a practicing Puritan and let no man go by that was not chastised for not believing as he did. He seemed to hold dear the principle that only through constant beatings should a young man...

1 year ago
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Kensington Rich Wife

Whilst coming home from work the other day, I was walking through Earls Court, London to get to the Underground Station. I was walking through one of the back streets when I noticed that a car had just knocked off a wing mirror on a black Rangr Rover and had driven away. I quickly made a note of the reg on my phone and the description of the driver. The car was parked in front of a row of mansions worth probaly in excess of £15M most of which was gated. I rang the buzzer on a few of them but...

2 years ago
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Never Too Old to Be in Love IChapter 29

Later on Monday morning - A visit to the solicitors [Lionel Barnes] The girl was slender, a fragile looking thing, with a face that might be plain or pretty. Difficult to tell, but difficult to keep one's eyes away from it. It was alight with intelligence, excitement and love. Beside Robert Whitehead, she looked ethereal, but her handshake was firm and there was a feeling of potential about her. Robert had warned me that the business was personal. We understood one another well now. I had...

3 years ago
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Starting Of Friends With Benefits

Hi, Guys and Girls, I have been a big fan of ISS for at least 3 years and this is my first sex story I’m publishing which is my real life incident which happened to me a few months back with my friend Archana at the escape cinemas in the express avenue at Chennai. So about me, I’m 21 years old guy from Chennai and I stay at Nungambakkam. I love to travel, watch movies and TV series and the best thing about me is I’m a professional state level swimmer, so I have a very good body which I’m really...

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Alyssas sexperiment

Another hand gave him a needle filled with a liquid. He slid the needle deep into her breast through her nipple. She screamed as the liquid spread fire through her breast. Then he repeated the process on her other breast. She whimpered as he was handed a third syringe that entered her vagina through her clit. Then he inserted a fourth syringe into her anus. Her whole body burned as she screamed in agony but thankfully it did not last long. She watched as he pinched each nipple and it squirted...

2 years ago
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Pleasures Of Small Dick

Hi all readers of this wonderful website. I am posting a fictional story about a fat boy Pappu who lost his virginity to neighborhood girl. Please post your comments on fatnugly420atgmaildotcom. Pappu and his family of 3, his mother and grandfather, lived near Mumbai since his birth. Pappu being the only child of his mother was pampered and cared most of his life by his parents and being loved by other relatives also. He was studious and had good grades in school. After completing his school,...

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Jefferson Highch3 amber jeanine

"Why did you lock the door?" asked the male voice. "I'm sorry it's just a habit of mine." Danielle replied. "Just don't do it again allright." "Fair enough." I heard a stall open and close next to me. I stood there on the toilet and bent over so my head wouldn't be exposed. Then I heard the girl leave. I stepped off the toilet and unlocked the stall door. I ran out of that bathroom as fast as I could. I jumped into my car and drove off the campus. While driving,...

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Jam and toast

I awoke this morning at my usual 4:00 AM feeling all warm and cuddly from sleep. I reluctantly got hubby off to work and as it was still too early to wake the kids, I decided to throw in some wash loads of laundry and pass away the time having fun with the guys I talk to via my web cam, until that is, the kids got up and I had to get busy with the day.  I logged onto Yahoo and went to one of my favorite adult chat rooms – “hard nipples”. I thought that this was an apropos room for me to enter...

3 years ago
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Sravanthi 8211 A Sex Deprived House Wife

Hi all, Thanks for your feedback on my last stories . I am back with my another story about a girl called Sravanthi. This is rags. I am currently 30 years old working for an IT MNC in Pune as manager. Please contact me at . Please don’t mail me regarding phone numbers or email address or pics of ladies involved.Your requests will not be considered as I am a big believer of privacy.Gay dudes back off. Enough about me hmm not really I just need to describe me for starters I am 5 feet 10 inches...

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Daddys Rose Part 1

Note : This story is completely fictional! The rain was thick and cold as Tanu ran up the porch of her house. She fumbled in her backpack for the house keys, then slid one in with trembling fingers. Tanu burst inside, then quickly closed the front door to keep out the wet and chill. She ran small, delicate fingers through her long curly brown hair, then walked to the closet to hang up her plastic rain coat. "Is that you, Tanu?" asked a male voice from the kitchen. "Yes, daddy," replied Tanu...

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Smooth Sailing

Jess's flesh tingled. The breeze caught the back of her knees as a reminder of how much bare flesh she was choosing to expose today. She flexed her warm toes in her suede boots, enjoying the feel of Kane's bold, hot cock inching it's way further towards the warmth between her legs. Around them, at the public event, people were watching the beautiful sailing boats competing on the water. In the half an hour or so since the first spectators had arrived. a small crowd was now gathered. Jess and...

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Meri Purani Job Per Mili Ladki Se Friends

By : Samir_chauhan29 Hello dosto me Samir from Gujarat aapko bata du k me iss ko kariban 2-3 saal se padhta aa raha hu isme kayi saari stories padhi he per kitni such he ye to padhnewalo ko sam aa hi jaata he wese me ye stories padh ker kaafi muth mara kerta tha but kabhi socha nahi tha k me kisis ladki ke saath sex karunga apni wife ke alava wese meri wife ab nahi rahi aaj 30 July 2011 ko me ye story likhne k liye inspire ho gaya hu. Kyu k ye meri pehli story he or ye ghanta mere saath aaj se...

2 years ago
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The Man In The Window II

Nick and Di were the last two diners in Luigi’s trattoria, though the patron seemed unconcerned about them remaining so late. He wandered across to their corner table, placed two small glasses in front of them and poured a colourless liquid into each. ‘Compliments of the house signora e signore!’ ‘You always know it’s going-home time when Luigi offers you a free Grappa,’ Di said with a chuckle. Nick nodded his thanks and took some coins from his pocket to leave as a tip in the saucer with the...

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Johanne English version

*Warning: I’m N-O-T a professional translator. So I ask you to show some indulgence to inevitable errors which you will find in this text. By hoping, however, that there is not too much! Well, at least, I tried my best! This short lesbian novel is the translation of a text which I wrote in French, there’s some years ago. I sincerely hope you’ll like it. Love you all, folks! Johanne (English version)That makes about fifteen minutes that I walk in the street now. According to the numbers of...

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Learning CurveChapter 8

Ellie Wong was watching the late night news when Alena came into the apartment. "So, how'd your date go?" she inquired as she peeled a banana that was turning brown. "It was okay," Alena replied as she kicked off her shoes and plopped down in the only other chair in the room beside the couch where Ellie was sprawled, her mouth half full of banana. "You get laid?" "Is that really any of your business?" Alena said trying to avoid any discussion of her "date." "I hope you did,"...

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Nudist Newbee Nubile CCCamp 1 LOUS


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The Mad House By latexslut Chapter One: Beginning It was early yet, with the sun just barely risen, but the sheer light blue of the sky promised a fine warm day. There would be a whisper of a breeze, and later in the day, after noon, it would fade, and it would become warm. Hot even. I could tell. Looking out longingly through the huge kitchen window, I absent mindedly raised the wineglass to my lips. It was yesterday's wine and there were lipstick stains on it. It had...

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The Lockdown Effect 8211 Part 2 Porn Movie Shooting

“How did it go?” Dona asked Rahul as soon as he cut the phone call. He was talking to the guy who had booked Dona for a night via the escort website.They were not yet inclined for a porn movie shooting. “Excited to know what your future fucker told me huh,” Rahul asked, teasing his wife. “Of course I am, but I’m more excited to hear how much he is willing to pay us for a night with me.” “Well, he is ready to pay 25K for a night.” Dona jumped up in joy. Her breast jiggled up and...

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My Husband with me and my sister

Hi main steamy girl naghmana phir apki khidmat main apni sachi aap beeti ke saath; is baar roman english main taa kay aap sub sahee lutaf lay sakain. Main pentees saal ki chhurary badan wali shaddi shuda aurat hoon aor mera beta sola saal ka hay. Meray patti middle east may rehtay hain aor saal main sirf ek bar tees din ki chutti par atay hain jab main dil khol kr un par apni choot, gaand aor mummay nichhawar karti hoon. Wo meri choot ko choostay hain, mera garha pani pee jatay hain aor meray...

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Unrequited love of an older sister Lars side of the story

This story is part 1.5 of the story “Unrequited love of an older sister”, that I published earlier, telling the events from Lars’ side. If you haven’t read part 1 yet, you should read it first. Part 2 will follow soon. “I love you, Lars,” she whispered. “I always have.” Words, whispered with shaky voice. Words, almost drowning in the roaring sea of thunder. Words, painfully proven by the tight wetness that surrounded me. Words. The truest words. Haunting, cursed words they were, but...

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Beginnings of a Voyeur

I was 13 years old when I noticed the 2 older girls who had moved in across the street from my parents house growing up. At that age, I was just hitting puberty, my hormones raging and jacking my dick was becoming a favorite past time. I was a shy k** growing up, still am to some degree. I was an awkward teen at that time and had yet to have a real girlfriend. I was fascinated with the normal type porn of the era, my friends dad had a extensive magazine collection that he shared, and of course...

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