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Before stepping to the podium, Annette looked into the eyes of her wife and remembered so much. Their first meeting was certainly unusual. Getting hit on usually doesn’t involve a car, a hit-and-run accident, and waking up with a beautiful girl holding your head in her lap as the ambulance arrives. The weirdest part was not having to tell her about your nature because she could see it plain as day, breasts and a cock didn’t tell the whole story, but it was nice not having to hide anything or even simply demur to avoid annoying questions. It was her acceptance and encouragement, and the strength she felt that day helped her make the person she felt herself to be today. She felt so much stronger as long as Klohe stood with her. It was time to start her speech!

“People of the United States of America, I would like to thank you for being here today. Normally most political speeches start off with ‘Ladies and Gentlemen’ and while that would be acceptable, I wanted to be sure and be as inclusive as possible today of all days. But there is a reason I wanted to stress the word ‘People’, and I’ll get there shortly.”

‘People’ was the key to their relationship, Annette’s and Klohe’s. Having her visiting the hospital daily and knowing she not only knew but didn’t seem to care about the differences was eye-opening. It seemed a miracle all those years ago. The first time they made love, Klohe was surprised Annette was a virgin. She remembered that first time when she had been so frightened she nearly had a panic attack. No, that wasn’t true. She did have a panic attack and Klohe was the one who talked her down and calmed her. It felt so strange waking up naked in a woman’s arms, a scene they repeated often since, minus the panic attack. Even last night when she couldn’t sleep, Klohe found a time-honored way of making her tired enough to get some sleep.


“In the Suffragette Movement in the early Twentieth Century, it was a movement focused on rights for women. Women of the time were marginalized and often seen as the property of their fathers and eventually their husbands. A single adult woman was a rarity and seen almost as a curiosity. But the Suffragettes achieved many of their goals, but not all of them. Women are still marginalized today, they are not yet seen as full citizens of this country. You might quibble at my phrasing, but when you do not share in the same right — all the rights — of every other citizen, you are not a full citizen by any means.”

She understood the significance of that lesson. She read so much of the material of the day including the reactions of many newspapers and articles. She knew that many of the same feelings persisted today about herself and still many other people. Klohe was also the one who made her realize how many of those lessons had gone unlearned.


“The Civil Rights Movement was similar in many regards. The fight wasn’t for special rights, but to achieve the same rights as other citizens. While the Suffragettes focused on women, the Civil Rights Movement focused on minorities and like the Suffragettes, they were partially successful, but are still marginalized and treated differently as other citizens. They achieved some progress, but not enough to be equal, nor to feel equal.”

Annette also studied the Civil Rights Movement and how it was both accepted and vilified in the news reporting of the day. The parallels between the two movements were one of the things that drove her. The similarities all came down to the same thing, honest, and actual equality! You could also take any article, either positive or negative, and simply change the name between Suffragette and Civil Rights and you could hear to same arguments. We only learned some of the lessons from each. We have to do better!


“I am Trans! I know this shouldn’t be a surprise, it wasn’t something I ever hid after college, much to the embarrassment of my family, who eventually grew to understand and accept. Well, except for that one weird Uncle, but then don’t we all have that one weird uncle in the family.”

She paused as the crowd laughed and checked her cards again while she took a quick drink. Yes, the reaction of a few of her relatives left a lot to be desired, especially when she announced that she and Klohe were going to get married the day gay marriages became legal. Some of her relatives didn’t understand because technically she was born a boy and Klohe was certainly all-female, but it was the principle that drove their decision, not the technical legal issues. This was the biggest political speech of her life and even after all these years, she still got nervous with public speaking, but only those closest to her would know it. She set down the glass of water and returned to her speech.


“I entered college in transition and graduated pretty much as you see me before you. Oh, a bit older and hopefully a bit wiser, but I am still me. I went to law school and when I passed the bar, I thought I was going to set the world on fire — like so many graduates. That didn’t happen. I think the law firm that first hired me was simply checking a bunch of Affirmative Action boxes: Transsexual, African-American, and, to the more open-minded, a Lesbian. I recall one young lawyer hired with me referred to me as a trifecta.”

Annette looked out over the crowd. She knew there would be a lot of people here, but this show of support was almost overwhelming. She saw the protestors outside, but their number was tiny compared to the crowd. She remembered a time when the protestors outnumbered anyone who might support her. Klohe was also the one who helped Annette understand the difference, but that was long ago and to many, she had proven herself to be more than just a token, more than just a symbol.


“Not all of you might know this, but that law firm lucked out. I was offered a partnership less than five years later, years before anyone else hired with me. I was a damned good lawyer! Which might not be saying much given the opinion of many lawyers, but I wanted you to know I went from possibly being some sort of token to being a valued member of that firm, so much so they offer me a partnership stake. As some of you know, I turned them down.”

Being a partner might have been the goal of many a hire, but it was never a goal of hers. She needed to prove herself to herself and also to the community at large. She was not only one of the most successful lawyers at her firm, but she had become very active in her community, but not just the LGBTQ+ community, but the entire community promoting many causes all revolving around the same thing, equality, and acceptance of all.


“When I first ran for political office, the code word people liked to use was ‘Coexist’. There were even fancy bumper stickers of the words made up of multiple religious symbols. But I stand before you to tell you coexistence is not enough. We can no longer feel like we are a small camp surrounded by other camps. Those dividing lines do more damage to us and the people around us. We cannot just coexist with the people around us, we have to look at all as members of the same community, one community, a truly diverse community.”

Annette thought back to those days. When she was more than a little afraid to reveal herself to anyone personally, even if she didn’t go to any great length to hide. How nervous she often was when meeting someone new that they would see her through their prejudices instead of looking at her as a person. It happened more than once to her and so many others.


“Yes, I was the first openly transsexual candidate elected. As a member of the city council, my focus didn’t please everyone, but I always spoke in favor of individual rights. Why it didn’t please everyone was actually pretty simple. I never supported measures that would grant any individual group rights that could take rights away from any other individual or group. As you can imagine there were some who didn’t like me very much, but the majority did because I served three terms on the council before giving up my seat and running for Congress. It was a hard decision, but it ultimately turned out to be a good one because of some of the things we accomplished there.”

She thought back to the wheeling and dealing that was the hallmark of both City Hall and Congress. She learned quickly and, with Klohe to support her, did manage to do some good and temper some of the lunacy she also saw.


“Again, I was the first transsexual elected to Congress. Four terms doing what I was doing for the city, champion individual rights when they did not trample on the rights of others. It’s true, I lost some of the arguments and some individual liberties were trampled by those who use their religious beliefs to take away the civil rights of others. But I didn’t lose all of them, even after the election of a certain pseudo-Republican whose ineptitude allowed incredibly narrow religious-based bills taking away the rights of some citizens to pander for votes from others. These rights should have never been taken away!”

She remembered how she felt when that one state’s employee refused a legal marriage certificate to a gay couple and how ashamed she was of her many contemporary lawmakers and how they used that platform to pander for votes from the religious right. She remembered actually crying on Klohe’s shoulder about the injustice of the whole thing! It was during her first term and she vowed that it would not happen again, not without one hell of a fight!


"It made me a lot of enemies, but my point still remains. The Federal Government should never pass laws that grant rights to some while restricting the rights of others. Every law passed should apply equally to every citizen of this country, regardless of anything that makes them different from others. The 2020 US Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) ruling about LGBTQ+ employment rights is a step in the right direction; however, it is one that we should never have needed. Those employment rights should have never been even a question in this country, but because the actions of some people made it a problem, the SCOTUS got that one right. That is the sort of leadership we need and that is the sort of leadership I have done my best to follow in my entire career.”

Yes, we did lose a number of those fights, especially during that past administration who seemed to set records pandering and sucking up to Evangelical ‘Christians’. Annette couldn’t even think about them without putting the Christians in mental quotes. Her blood boiled whenever anyone talked about those homophobic and often racist bastards who dared call themselves Christians.


“Which brings us to my decision today. You know many of my positions in a wide variety of subjects. I know we are not going to agree on everything. But I know we can agree that individual rights were the cornerstone this country was founded on and any politician, regardless of office, tramples on those rights needs to be removed from office!”

Annette glanced briefly and Klohe’s face and saw the thoughtful and determined look that told her she was doing fine with the speech, she tensed up momentarily just before coming to her concluding paragraph and Klohe saw it and of all things, she winked at her. It threw her off for just a moment, Klohe was always doing something like that and it actually helped calm her down. Annette paused and grinned at Klohe, passing on a very different message. Klohe blanched a little at the thought of the paddle in the back of their closet.


“Which is why I have decided to run for the Office of the President of the United States of America! It’s time we had someone in that office who was willing to represent the People of these United States, not select groups. Someone whose agenda has been the same regardless of the office at local or national levels. Someone who has determined to take the fight for rights of all of us, to the place where they can do the most good! Thank you for your attention and I hope for your support!“

Annette stayed at the podium answering questions. The news media covering the event were surprisingly subdued. After it was over she had a strategy meeting with her staff and finally got home. When she walked into the bedroom, she wasn’t surprised to see Klohe, still as beautiful as the day they met over twenty years ago. Her exercise regime kept her in amazing shape, you couldn’t tell she passed forty a while ago. You certainly couldn’t tell in that position, kneeling on the bed, wonderfully naked with that magnificent ass in the air.

Annette walked over the stroked her butt, seeing it raise goosebumps on Klohe’s skin. The softness of the surface coupled with the harder muscle underneath always seemed to catch her by surprise. Her beautiful bottom looked so soft and was as firm as could be, with her favorite purple-jeweled plug glistening in the lighting.

“I’m not annoyed, love. That wink was just the right touch to settle me back down. You always know what to do for me!” As she said it, she smacked Klohe hard on one ass cheek, seeing her red handprint form quickly. “Yes, Klohe always knows what to do for me, and I know what to do for her,” she thought.

She grabbed the tight skin right above her ass cheeks and squeezed it with both hands, then bit the folded skin, not enough to break the skin, but enough so she could feel it. Sitting next to Klohe was their favorite toy, already in its harness. As Annette strapped it on, once again wishing the hormones hadn’t taken that function away from her, but knowing how much Klohe loved both giving and receiving with their collection. Annette spit above Klohe’s little rosebud of an asshole and massaged the plug gently with her thumb as her spit flowed down. She put the head of the toy to Klohe’s pussy and sank it in so slowly. Klohe pushed back toward her, but Annette held her back, knowing how much she would have preferred it simply plunged it quickly.

“Now, now, lover, there is a time for that, but right now I want a slow gentle fuck. I want to feel you every second, I want to see your pussy stay wrapped around me while I slowly drive you to the edge and hold you there.”

For a moment Annette thought about what it would be like to play their delightful games in the White House. She mused, “I wonder how good the soundproofing is?” As she did precisely what she said she was going to do. Super-slow, long strokes with lots of teasing of her butt, and in minutes Klohe was begging for release. Annette knew her so well, this level of begging would actually disappoint Klohe if she gave in so quickly.

She slowed down a little more and did her best to hold Klohe at the moment just before cumming. It might have been an old game for the two of them, but it brought them both such pleasure. It took skill learned over years of them being together to find that balance to hold her right there. Her own cock hanging mostly limply brushing against the base of the harness felt pretty good for her. She knew she wouldn’t cum strongly, but she would orgasm along with her lover. The two of them were so in sync with each other.

Almost forty minutes in and Annette felt the stirrings for herself and Klohe and sped up slightly. Now she gave Klohe her head and let her push back and try and take things even faster. Their orgasms quickly overtook them and the fell sideways on the bed, the toy still within Klohe.

Klohe twisted and snuggled with her. “My wife, soon to be the next President, sure knows how to fuck! I bet some of your constituents are trying to figure it how we do it as we lay here.”

“Sorry, baby, they have to get their own lover, in this instance — I don’t share!”


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Mandy Sykes had never been happier than she has been in the last few weeks. That's when she moved back home after being gone for three years. The clock in the nurse's station reminded her that she would be completing her 24 hour shift in less than an hour. That meant she would be off for the next 48 hours. As usual, she was finishing up the various patients charts which gave her a little time to reflect on her new life here in Madison, especially the memorable date she had with her dad after...

2 years ago
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Good Liquor

We are standing at a dimly lit crowded bar. I have my back to you. You’ve pulled me against you so I feel you hard cock against my back and buttocks. I push back against you to feel you better. I take a small sip of my drink and your arm winds its way around me under my jacket, just under my breast. Your thumb moves up to feel a hard nipple through the thin shirt and bra. You move the thumb back and forth against my nipple as I push my backside against your cock. You lead me out of the bar to...

3 years ago
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The L WordChapter 4 Couple

Friday started out slow and luxurious. She woke to Bret’s alarm. She went back to bed while he made breakfast. After eating, they both went back to bed while they made love. Somehow, the lovemaking energized Bret. First, he took all the loose hangers out of the closet, and then he shoved his clothes into less than half the space. “This is yours,” he said, pointing at the side of the closet most accessible to the door. “Half a dresser won’t do? will it?” She shook her head. “Then we need a...

3 years ago
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Replacement Therapy Ch 03

Chapter 3: Yoyo, DeDe, and Captain Kirk Thank god it was dark when I tried to open my eyes. I was floating around in some never-never land. I could feel pain, but it wasn’t acute. It was my eyes that hurt the most. They were like two steel ball bearings, rolling around in the bottom of a tin can. Even the slightest movement of my head would set them off again. I tried to form a coherent thought. Where was I? What had happened to me? I was lying on a cool, firm surface, trying to concentrate....

1 year ago
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Age I Of The United StatesChapter 18 Its getting close to a showdown

"This is a sad and sorry tale indeed. I must remember to treat women more kindly in future else risk suffering the same fate perhaps," said Gabrain, "I'm glad I persuaded you to allow me to visit Cruachan one last time before we left the Earth. I promised Mayla and Shaygan they would one day see the beauty of Dalriada and they fell in love with it. "It also allowed me to leave my letter close to the hydroelectric station where it would be found and delivered to my family. Leaving...

3 years ago
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Uncle Buck

It was a warm Indian summer day in mid-September, 1973. My mother's firstcousin was getting married and it was a tradition in her culture that thewomen in the family were to prepare the hall for the wedding reception. Themen would come to the reception later. It seemed to be a silly tradition tome, and even sillier as I was dragged with my mother to help with the hallpreparations. My brothers k**ded me about it all day calling me one of thegirls.As I sipped on my Coke I stared around the hall...

3 years ago
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Meeting my Step Dad

It had been 3 years since I’d been home and a lot had changed. My Mum had re-married and this was the first time I was going to meet her new husband (Dan), technically my step-Dad, although that seemed an unnatural term considering I was 24. My Mum had moved in with him, so I was going to stay somewhere unfamiliar. My Mum had called and let me know that she had to visit her sister in the country for the first 2 nights, so would be a nice opportunity for Dan and me to get to know each other.Dan...

2 years ago
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Teen Tammy Starts Work in Africa

David Burton gripped the steering wheel hard as he drove downtown. A slight sweat beaded his brow. He glanced in the rear view mirror. His beautiful daughter sat there quietly. Her sapphire blue eyes watching the passing scenery as the light faded and another magnificent sunset broke over the African city of Harare. His thoughts were far from the sunset, just one of many hundred panoramic and beautiful sunsets he had seen over the last 21 months. As she turned her head and looked through the...

2 years ago
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Like It Or Not Youre A Girl Now Part V

?Like It Or Not, You?re A Girl!? by Christine PART V ?Don?t worry sweetie, I?ve cut a small hole in the bag to let some air in. We?re just going to nail the lid on this box now and then you will be all ready for your new owner. You are really going to have so much fun. We?ve sold you to a very nice couple. The husband is a surgeon and the wife just wants a toy. And guess what, YOU?RE THE TOY!? Jane laughed hysterically as she put the lid on over me leaving me in complete...

1 year ago
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Age of Revolution

In the Age of Revolution no one is safe,power shifts fast and people who have power exploit it as best they can this is the story of Princeses and Warlords,Slaves and Revolutionaris. Every branch of this story is gonna tell about a different person in this world from Emperor to Slave...

3 years ago
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Emma Watson gets Payback

“Why the fuck did she go and do that?!” I shouted down the phone to my best mate, “She looks like a little boy! How am i supposed to wank over the bitch now!”“Ha ha, Im sure her first thought wasnt about whether her perv fans would still be able to cum over her to be honest mate!” he replied.We were of course discussing Emma Watson and her new haircut. After getting the role of Hermione in the Harry Potter films aged 11, the whole world had seen her transform from a cute little girl into a...

1 year ago
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I look at the clock beside my bed. Nearly noon, again. It's Saturday, but that doesn't mean anything. I stretch as I slide out from underneath my comforter, stumbling across the room and into my closet. Mom is going to be pissed, again, I know. Nothing to do about it at this point, though. I toss my sleep shorts into the hamper, knowing Mom will wash them later, and pull on some boxers, a pair of comfortable sweatpants, and an old Marvel T-shirt. As I go to head downstairs, I stop and look at...

2 years ago
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Our First Time Together

We first met in a class at college. One day we randomly sat next to each other in a lecture. Scott was incredibly handsome. Thin and muscular, with a charming face, preppy style, and amazing cologne. Just my type. I knew I had to have him.I made sure to sit beside him again at our next class. We became pretty good friends actually. We would carpool to class, get drinks afterwards, sometimes hang out and watch movies together. We flirted nonstop, although it took forever to make a real move.The...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Mower Man

Thanks to the Hip and Knee doctor for editing assistance. "What the hell are you trying to do with those boxes, Gordon?" She noticed. "Sally-one-eye," noticed everything. "Just trying to get through the damn door." She jumped up and held the door for me as I struggled with the empty cardboard containers. "Tony fired me. Just needed something to put my stuff in." I started pulling personal folders and papers from my drawers and dumping them into the boxes. I was careful to take only...

3 years ago
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It's Thursday. Late summer. Hot. Bloody hot. And it's Valentine's Day as well. I've had a rough time at the office, and am very pleased to have arrived safely at home, though I'm sweaty and doubtless smelly as well. As I walk in the front door, I call out to Karen, but there is no answer. Bummer. Karen knows there are two things I really like on these hot days. A tall cool drink, alcoholic or not, and Karen herself. Looks like I've missed out on both. I've got a gift for her as well....

2 years ago
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One weekend, Anna was rebelling against her over-protective parents and proceeded to get extremely drunk. She was brought to our door by a very understanding pair of policemen who left her in my custody. Not being accustomed to the copious amounts of rum she drank, she began to get sick and pass out. The exchange student and I kept her awake, made her drink lots of water to counteract the liquor, and walked her around the block for what seemed like hours. Anna hugged us and kissed us in her...

1 year ago
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My Absent Filipinas New Lover First Time

I dreamily stirred this morning and became aware of the rain outside, and of my hard cock beneath me. I slowly moved my hips and rubbed my prick against the sheets. Ummm, I imagined you too and remembered that you like to fuck in the morning. Too bad I thought cuz you are not here now. You've been gone for over three months now. Then I let my imagination wonder and wander. And I remembered what you told me what you did when you got really horny one night over there in Manila, where you...

1 year ago
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Eve Chapter One

                     EVE, CHAPTER 1     I met Eve, about 10 years ago, in 1998, as we were studying in the same University in the UK . We hanged around a bit, being two people from the exact same place in a foreign country, but nothing more than that. After we graduated, we actually lost contact and we didn’t see each other until about the summer of 2003 when we accidentally met. That girl, had developed a lot over the time I hadn’t seen her. She now...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Thank You Daddy

"Eat me." With pleasure, I thought, announcing with a slight hum that I would be glad to carry out her command. I had been awakened a short time earlier as her tongue had pressed against my lips, pushing them open, then past my teeth to allow our tongues to duel. Quickly I had rolled on top of her. Our lips met, like the lovers we were – and still are. Soon I was nursing on her breasts, her nipples hard and engorged. They falsely promised milk but I knew better and couldn't complain. Those...

3 years ago
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Women with money

Without references its nearly impossible to get a decent job, and after being in the forces i liked and needed hard work. At 22 6'2" and still well toned; if i didn't start work soon i'd end up looking like rosanne barr(not a good look for a man). So i was willing to take pretty much anything on offer. On the way into the EO i'd noticed a black merc parked outside with a stunning older woman with jet black hair inside; about 40 i'd thought. As i came out the car door opened and what i...

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Sex Building

I was in my house with my friend, who decided to come over. I just turned 25, and I was having a chat with my friend. She suddenly asks a weird question. "Have you ever came?" "No," I say. She gasps. "Orgasm?" "No." I say again. She seems like she was thinking. "Hey, yesterday I went to this building called the sex building. I can drive you there. It's like a place designed to make you cum." She says. I think about it for a second, before nodding. "That seems like a good idea. Are you sure it...

3 years ago
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Mast Aurat

Hi i m himanshu again, yah mera next stories hai, ummid hai ki ladkiyon aur aurton ko bahut pasand ayegi. Jaisa ki aap log jante hain ki main delhi ka rahne wala hoon, mera age 25 hai, aur mere lund ka size 8”inch hai jin ladkion aur aurton ko mujhse choodbane ka man kare wo pls mujhe mail karen, mera email id hai, Ab aate hain stories par, 1 year pahle mujhe ek kolkata ki aurat mili aur mujhe mail ki ki main tum se choodbana chahti hoon, to mainne usse uska contact no. Lia aur kolkata chala...

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missing you part2

as they enter the room of the hotel, his hand smooths over her bum, he cant feel knicker, he turn and kisses her neck, and she shivers with excitment.she passes the bed and sits on the sofa, crosses her legs as she had in Costa, and once again her soft inner thigh flesh is just slightly revealed.he has stopped at the wardrobe, and he hangs his jacket in th e cupboard,he walks toward her, then sits in the chair by the desk, his veiw now includes the stocking top flesh, he just watches her , she...

3 years ago
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There Goes the NeighborhoodChapter 13 Great and Small Expectations

Monday came and when I came home from work Marissa wasn’t home although her car was in the garage. We’d had a very frigid weekend. She hardly talked to me, so I took the attitude of ‘fuck you too’. She’s the one that needs to apologize, not me. I went upstairs to change out of my work clothes and noticed a shopping bag from Victoria’s Secret. I peeked inside and saw a black lace garter belt and a package of black, fishnet stockings. Marissa showed up four beers later; giving me enough time...

3 years ago
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Mothers Sex Slave

Mother’s Sex SlaveSon discovers the pleasure of being a sex slave to his mother This is a personal account of my life’s experiences. All the characters and incidents are real. I dedicate this article to my beautiful sexy loving insatiable mother, Bharathi Devi from whose cunt I was born and have been trying relentlessly to go back into her cunt.My name is Shiva. My mother, Bharathi Devi is sex goddess, kamarani, kamarupini, Kama swarupini, Kamuki, Kamadasi, kamadevatha, Kamakshi, Kama...

3 years ago
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Serious RelationshipsChapter 4

Kaelee and Karen went to the living room window and watched her mom get in Jim's car and drive off. As soon as they were sure that they had left they leapt onto the sofa like the teenaged girls they were. "Did you get it?" Kaelee asked excitedly. "Yeah!" Karen told her as she dug in her school bag. "Found it in my brother's closet. He thought he was so cool hiding it there." She pulled out a videotape and handed it to her friend. On the cover was two women licking each other's...

3 years ago
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Breaking Jack Part 1

Jack was your average, all-American boy from a small southern town. Like the other boys, he lived, breathed, and slept football. By the time he graduated High School, he had filled out to be quiet a good looking young man. Blonde hair, blue eyes, and a nice muscular frame. He graduated as Valedictorian of his class and was not only the Captain of his football, but also had made All-Star status as the quarterback. State College quuckly pucked him up with a full ride in the degree of his...

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