My Big Mouth free porn video

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My Downfall I had just finished my orgasm after a rather long session with Beverly. As I rested in the afterglow, a slight sweat on my brow, Beverly lay in the crook of my arm, playing with my now soft cock. She had worn me out. It was mid-afternoon and Beverley, my assistant, was in bed with me. I had been married to Tracy a few years now but we had been together a few years before that. Tracy was on a business trip, due back later tonight. Beverly had dropped off some papers that I had to see before I came into office the next day. I was a VP of Sales for a fast growing households product company. I had been having an occasional fling with Beverly who didn't seem to mind at all. It all started at a convention with some mindless banter. Lots of drinking and then inevitably, the hotel bedroom. In fact it was she who had suggested coming over with the papers as I was working from home today. Beverly was trying to bring my cock back to life again and had slid down the bed and was slowly sucking me hard. She had a moist, warm mouth and lips that seemed to be able to give life to the dead. I felt my 'little guy' slowly recovering and rising to the task. Just as I felt this, my cell phone rang. I sometimes worked from home and so always had my cell near. It was Tracy. "Hi, honey, how you are?" she asked enthusiastically. "Did you miss me?" Tracy was a fantastic lady with the looks, curves and brains. She had a bubbling personality. "Hey," I said a little uneasily. "What time are you due in? Of course I missed you." Beverly heard that and sucked even harder. It was hard to concentrate on this conversation. "Well, the meetings finished early so I got an earlier flight. We just landed so I'll be home in an hour or so," she said. "An hour?" I gasped as Beverly attacked my cock even more at this news. "Great, see you soon," I said hurriedly. Beverly started to suck on my cock like a Dyson vacuum and soon I was gushing out into her waiting mouth. "Gotta rush, she'll be here soon," I said and scrambled out of bed. I straightened up the bed as best I could, picked up my clothes and headed for the shower. Beverly was getting her skirt back on. I rushed into the shower, thanking my lucky stars that Tracy had called and not tried to surprise me. That would have been hell of a surprise. After a quick shower, I tidied up as best I could and checked the other rooms. Tracy had been gone just two days but it was enough to cause chaos. I had just checked through everything when I heard the front door open and Tracy walked in with her roll on. I rushed to her, gave her a big hug and a lingering kiss. "Your hair is still wet," she said. "Did you wait till just now to shower?" "Well I was working and not expecting you home so early. Anyway, good to see you babe," I said and hugged her tight. She responded, "I didn't cook anything since I thought you'd be late," I said. "We can go out or we can do a takeout." "Well, honey, can we do a takeout? I am bushed and don't feel like dressing up again. I'll take a shower whilst you pick something up." "No problem," I said. "Why don't I go pick something up and a bottle of wine and we can hunker down all evening." Tracy went to the bedroom and I grabbed my wallet and car keys and left the house. There was a nice Italian not far away I would order the food and pick up the wine whilst the order was being prepared. I came back with the food and lid the table. I could hear Tracy in the bedroom. I yelled I was back and set about opening the wine and getting china and cutlery. Kelly entered the dining room, wrapped in a robe, a towel wrapped around her hair. She was looking thoughtful. I served her the food, poured out a glass of wine and clinked glasses with her. "Welcome back," I said. "I missed you." "Really?" she asked and went about eating her pasta. We had dinner in silence and I thought she was just tired. In a way I was glad of that as I didn't think I could cum again tonight. I cleared away the table and asked, "What's wrong, Trace? You look bushed." She nodded and looked at me quietly. "Yes, I am tired but I am also quite mad." Her voice was cold; the mood had changed in an instant. "Mad?" I asked laughingly. "What about? If it's the house I'll straighten it out. Just relax in bed and I'll get this cleaned up." "Well, I think you should have cleaned up before I got back," she said softly looking directly at me. "Come with me." She went to the bedroom and to the bed. She pulled back the covers exposing the pillows. "See anything wrong?" she asked. I looked but nothing looked wrong. Pillows a little wrinkled but nothing obvious. "Look closer," she said and pushed me to the pillows. "What honey, I don't see anything." "You bastard," she shouted at me. "Take a closer look. What's this, huh? Huh?" She pointed to a faint trace of lipstick and a few blonde hairs. "Who the hell have you been fucking in our bed?" she shouted. "Who is she, you lying bastard." I saw the evidence of Beverly's hair and faint traces of a bright red lipstick. Oh shit, I thought to myself. How do I explain this? My own hair was short and dark and Tracy's was black. How to explain the few blonde hairs. My mind went off at lightning speed. "Trace, I can explain," I stuttered. "You got the wrong idea." "Wrong idea? Which blonde have you been fucking in our bed?" Her voice was loud and firm. "How can you deny this, you lying son-of-a-bitch." Tracy never used language like that. I was trapped. How could I have been so damn careless? "Well, go on, I am waiting for an explanation." She was smiling wickedly. She knew she had me. How the hell could I explain this? "Well, Trace, this is not easy to expl..." I started. "I bet," she shouted. "I am waiting and it had better be good. Tell me a lie and you'll be even sorrier than you are now." She folded her arms across her chest and was looking at me directly. Her interruptions had given me a chance to create. As a sales guy, I was used to creating stories on the fly. I was thinking on the go... "Well," I started. "Those..those things are... mine..." "Yours, you lying piece of shit. What do you mean yours? Since when do you wear lipstick or have blonde hair?" I looked at the growing anger and knew this was make or break. I had to make it look plausible. "Trace, I am ssss sorry I didn't tell you before, but I like to dress up..." "What the hell do you mean by that?" She was boiling now. "You see, right from the time I was in college, I have been dressing up... You know... in women's stuff." I sniffled waiting for a reaction but none came. "Go on." "You see one Halloween at college my then girlfriend at college got me to dress up for Halloween. She went all out and got me stuff and made me up. We went out partying and had a great time. Ever since then I have been hooked and do it whenever I have the chance." "You lying bastard," she spat. "OK, if you dress up, where are your things? Make up? I want to see them - now!" I stammered, "I keep them in a locker in a storage area. I couldn't keep them in the house." "I don't believe you," she said firmly. "You mean to tell me that you go to this locker and bring your clothes here, dress up and then take them back?" Her anger had turned to cold mistrust. She knew I was probably lying. "So, when I am away, you get your stuff, get dolled up and then what do you do? Gou out and chase men? Suck their cocks? Get fucked? What kind of pervert are you?" "No, Trace, no," I said. "I have never been out. I just like the look and feel of the clothes. I just stay here in the house." "But you did go out at Halloween, right? Did you have fun? The truth." "Yes, we did go out, but we were in a group. With Kelly's help I was reasonably passable, so we had fun." "OK, in that case, assuming you are telling the truth, how come there are lipstick marks and hairs in our bed? So you think I am a fool?" The hole was getting deeper but I had to cover up as best I could. "Trace...when I finish my session, I feel a strong urge for sex... I finish myself off." "So you are trying to tell me that you get turned on so much by dressing that you masturbate at the end? That those blonde hairs are yours? And the lipstick too? You sick pig." "Yes..." I muttered with downcast eyes. Her voice was lower. May be this was working "Well, you can stay in this bed with your hair and lipstick. I am sleeping in the guest room tonight. I have a lot to think about." She slammed the door behind her. I wasn't sure if she believed me or not. It seemed she was a little quieter at the end. I think she bought my story. I was relieved she didn't kick me out. Perhaps it would be OK. I had a bad night and thought that perhaps we would have a more reasonable discussion in the morning. My story had been so outrageous that she didn't know whether to believe me or not. I had to stop these affairs. Sooner or later it would be trouble. I was, on the whole, quite proud of my creativity and planting doubt in Tracy's mind. I rolled out of bed early the next morning, made coffee and waited for Tracy. She had left early it seems as there was a note on the table. She would call me later. Seemed normal so I headed for my shower and meetings. I told Beverly what had happened and we both had a giggle. It seemed like it would blow over after a few days. Phew, I breathed a sigh of relief. Later that morning, Beverly buzzed me. Tracy was on the line. I closed my office door and took the call. "Tom," Tracy started. "I had a bad night and was thinking about everything. Perhaps I was unfair. I would like to work this out so that I can fully put this behind me." I breathed a sigh of relief. Damn, I had been good. Tracy continued. "But in order to do that, I would like to see you fully dressed and made up. We can go out or you can make dinner at home. I will be home by 7 o'clock. Or we can meet somewhere where you are comfortable." I was thinking fast, a sinking feeling coming over me. Oh shit! "I am not sure that's a good idea Trace. I will never do this again." I tried to sound trite. "Sorry, Tommy, I need to see you dressed so that I can put the thought that you deceived me out of my head. Why don't we plan to meet at the Tavern on the Park at 7? I promise I won't shout or make a scene. OK?" "O..OK," I said. "You're sure you want this?" "Absolutely," she said and hung up. I was fucked. How do I pull this one off? I called Beverly in and explained. I was totally screwed. Even with my quick thinking, I really didn't have much of a chance to pull this off. Beverly laughed at my predicament but complimented me on my creativity. "OK," Beverly said. "Let me make some calls. Sit tight and try to clear your calendar for the rest of the day." It was now around 11 am. How the hell would I get out of this? I looked at my diary and tried to clear my day. Thankfully, there was nothing very critical and I was down to just a couple of necessary phone calls. Beverly knocked on my door and rushed in. "OK, I think we may have something here. Go to Trixie right now. She runs some kind of dressing service for transvestites. She appears to have a lot of stuff and also a free calendar. Get over there immediately and call me later. Not a cheap service for what I requested but a lot cheaper than divorce. I will try to come and help too." She was all business as if this was just a normal appointment with my barber or tailor. She had completely forgotten with whom I had been in bed and whose blonde hair was on the pillow. "Go!" she said. I looked the address which appeared to be in a residential area. I entered it into my GPS and drove on. A sinking feeling was beginning to take over. I found the house, parked and looked around. It was a dingle story house in a quiet neighborhood. There was a small, neat lawn and it seemed to be just a normal suburban home. I pressed the bell and waited. Trixie West opened the door with a smile and invited me in. "Come on in," she said and pointed to her living room. It was comfortable with a large sofa and some easy chairs. I was nervous, not sure what Beverly had explained to her. "So, Beverly tells me you lost a bet and want to surprise your wife tonight. Coffee or water?" "Water, thanks. Something like that," I said. How could I explain this? "Have you dressed before?" It was a simple question. "Sorry, no. No experience at all." She nodded and placed a cold glass of water on the coffee table. "Well, we haven't much time to get you ready and prepared. All set?" I gulped down the water and stood up. "Follow me," she said and led the way through the kitchen to the garage. This has been converted to a comfortable room. It was neat but had large mirrors and table with a ton of makeup. Two shelves held a large assortment of wigs in various styles and colors. "Restroom and showers over there," she pointed to a door. "Strip completely and apply this all over your body. It's hair remover so follow the directions. If you need help let me know. Don't be shy. I have seen the male body in all shapes and sizes. Meanwhile, I'll sort some stuff out for you. When you're done, there's a robe behind the door." I rubbed the cream all over, being careful to avoid my pubic region, waited the ten minutes and stepped under the shower. I saw all my hair disappear. After I toweled myself off, I could feel the difference the lack of hair made. I wasn't so hirsute in the first place. Explaining all of this to Tracy would be difficult. I wore the robe and went back to the salon. Trixie had grabbed some stuff. "OK," she said. "Need to ask some questions. What image are you trying to project? I mean a demure housewife? A glamor doll? A hooker? You know, need to dress the part." "Well, I am not sure," I said. "Did you discuss with Bev? I have never done this before. But I do need to be a blonde tonight." "Hmmm, ok. I think we can manage that. Bev says to dress for a night out. Is that right?" I nodded, not sure what the difference was. "Nothing outrageous," I said. I was getting more nervous at what I had committed to. "Sit here, please." Trixie pointed at the chair. She had some jelly like objects in her hand which she positioned over my nipples. She tried a different size. "Don't want them too big but most trannys want a bigger than normal bust," she said to herself. She applied some glue to the objects and placed them over my nipples, positioning them carefully and pressing down the edges. "Hold them for a moment." I grabbed both breasts and held them. They seemed to warm up and looked quite natural. She rubbed some makeup round the edges and it was hard even for me to tell if my breasts were natural or not. "Are they easy to come off?" I asked hesitantly. This was going further than I wanted. "There is a simple solvent that will remove them easily." Trixie was all business. Trixie then put my hands through a black demi-bra and hooked them in the back. After adjusting the straps I felt the weight distributed and they felt quite comfortable. "Stand." I stood d up and she wrapped this thing around my waist and pulled the laces tight. My waist shrank, and after tightening it some more, she tied the ends at the back. There was a gentle knock and Bev entered. She smiled at my predicament. "Well, now, I wish I had your figure." Bev was not slim, but quite well proportioned. Trixie wrapped a garter belt around my waist and I could see the tabs hanging waiting for stockings I guessed. She rolled on some nude colored stocking up my shaven legs and attached them to the tabs. They felt great. I must have looked a little odd to be in corset and garters, a big pair of breasts and a dick between my legs. "Hmmm, we have a small problem here," Trixie said. "Your little guy needs to be flat so as not to show a dent in your dress. Perhaps you can take care of it whilst I make some tea." She smiled and left Bev and me in the room. "Look at you, Tom. You're going to be a real doll. Maybe I have to become bi." Bev smiled at me in my underwear. "Look at the little guy. He seems excited by all of this." Indeed my dick was at half-mast and growing. "Want help with that?" Bev smiled and grabbed my cock. "Mmmm who knows when I'll get to taste this again?" She licked the head and swallowed it whole. I thrust deep and it didn't take long for me to erupt in her mouth. She swallowed all and licked at the tip making sure all cum was gone. She patted it. "Lie still buddy," she said and stood up. My cock hung flaccid. Her timing was good as Trixie returned with a tray of tea. She looked at us and smiled. I assume she knew what had happened. But, the effect was there: a flaccid penis. She poured tea calmly and brought out another garment. "Step into this and it will enhance your shape. But it'll be tough to pull it up." She held out the garment and I struggled to settle is down over my hips. She went behind me and inserted some pads into the back that gave me a pronounced booty. My little guy could hardly be seen even without panties. I could feel the female shape: the big bosom encased in the demi bra. Concealing makeup masked the edges and you couldn't tell these were not natural breasts. The cincher had reduced my waist. The girdle with padded buttocks gave me the ultimate female figure - very pronounced and very feminine. "Stockings next." She rolled up some nude stockings up my legs and attached them to the tabs hanging from the cincher. A cotton panty came next with a small pouch for my little guy. "It's called a gaffe," Trixie explained. "We really should do more down here to keep it flat but I think this'll work for today. Next time, we can do better. I have to warn you though. With all of this and fingernails, using the boy's room or ladies room may be a challenge." She smiled at my discomfort but it was a wise warning Next time? If I survived tonight, I would be lucky. But didn't think there'd be a next time but I didn't want to disillusion Trixie. "We have a choice now." Trixie held out three dresses; bright red, a heavy blue and black. All were low cut in front and appeared to be mid- calf length. They appeared certain to draw attention to the person wearing it - male or female. Bev felt them all and decided. "OK, I think the red goes best with the blonde hair. I look great in red." She shook her head and held the dress to herself. It surely looked good. "Or the black as second choice - a nice contrast." "I think you should try both on," Trixie said. "We can check the fit and then decide. This first." She held out the black dress and I pulled my arms through it and pulled the dress over my head. Trixie fussed with it and settled it over my bust. Long sleeved with the straight neckline ended just above my cleavage. Elegant and with a great figure. The unmade up face and short were a little off putting. But from the neck down it was dynamite. "Demure, elegant even," Bev said. "Let's try the other." Off with the black and I had to step into the sleeveless red dress. This was a bright organza material with spaghetti straps. Like the black dress it showed the cleft and the bosom below. It was certainly a glam look. Decent but with attitude. Who did I want to be? "Red," Bev said. "No doubt." Trixie nodded. "I agree," Trixie said. "Shows some spirit and will get you noticed for sure. But so will the black, so don't fret. Both would look good on you." She tugged the dress down, which ended just above mid-calf. "Only problem is that we must change bras. Can't have black bra straps showing against the red spaghetti straps." She sorted out a strapless bra. We removed the old bra and tightened the hooks on the strapless. It settled well sitting at the top edge of the corset. The nipples were prominent. She pulled the red dress on me once more and adjusted the length. The red straps now were the threads by which my dress hung. It was so tight that it couldn't fall and also held my breasts in place. "Now for the makeup. Sit in that chair and relax." Trixie went to work with a wet towel moisturizing my face. Some foam and a cutthroat which she used quite dexterously and I was given a close shave. Another moist towel and plenty of moisturizer was used. I felt many sponges, brushes pads on my face. I opened and closed my eyelids as she worked. Bev was working on my hands applying some artificial nails. She glued them down and applied a bright red polish which matched the color of my dress. Cotton wool balls separated my fingers. I felt the weight of some fine false eyelashes. I blinked as I opened my eyes and could see the curling tips. Lots of mascara and eyeliner. I felt a few hairs been tweezed out and a pencil accent the eyebrows. I wondered how women spent their time before a date. More brushes, rouge I guessed. My lips were outlined in pencil and then filled. I was asked to blot my lips and more coats were applied. Finally, several layers of gloss. "That should hold even if you plan on some heavy kissing tonight," Trixie smiled. "I Know, I know...." She & Bev had selected a blonde, page boy like wig. Bev was brushing it out vigorously. It seemed to match her hair color quite closely. That was the whole point of this charade. Trixie placed a wig cap on my head and placed the wig and tugged it into place. I felt her attach some pins to the wig cap and it was a snug fit. "Not quite done yet," she said. Some large flat red earrings were clipped on. She placed some rings on my fingers. They certainly looked very elegant. "Shoes." She bent down and placed some heels on my foot, also in matching red color. I felt her buckle them so they couldn't slip off. They were quite comfortable, but I wasn't standing yet. "Almost there," Trixie said. "Stand up gently and find your balance." She removed the cape. Bev took one arm and Trixie the other. I stood up after almost 90 minutes in that chair. I felt my weight fall on those spikes and would probably have fallen if the ladies hadn't held me. "Slowly now. One foot in front of the other," Trixie advised. I found my feet and took some tentative steps. Thank God she hadn't put on very high heels. These were probably 3". I soon found my balance and because of all the padding etc found a wiggle in my walk. It seemed I was now a 38-30-32. Not bad. I hadn't seen myself yet as the mirrors were covered. "OK, now look," they both said and drew the mirror drapes. There stood a gorgeous creature, right out cosmopolitan or some such magazine. Was that really me? I couldn't believe this. Gave new meaning to the phrase 'buxom blonde.' "Honey, I could turn bi," Bev said with a smile. "How do you feel?" "I don't know what to say," I stammered. "This is amazing. Trace will be bowled over. Do you think I can carry this off?" I asked no one in particular. "No problem, babe," Bev said. "You may have to watch out for those lechers that may have plans for you - till they find out what's underneath." Bev winked at me. She was enjoying this and my discomfort. My big mouth. On the other hand, if I could pull this off, both Tracy and Bev would still be part of my life. I smiled inwardly. I certainly would have chatted me up hoping for something more. I couldn't get over Trixie's magic. Trixie held out something. A small purse. She put in a small compact, lipstick, mascara and some tissues. "OK, now grab this purse and walk around the room, we want to see you wiggle your butt sexily. Be confident, walk upright - don't slouch- and remember, one foot in front of the other. Remember to put your driving license and money in there later. Your wallet is too big for this dainty purse." I walked around the room holding the purse at my side, wiggling my hips as best I could. As I walked, I felt more comfortable and confident on the heels. This was all a daze, I couldn't still believe how I looked. I wondered what Tracy would think. I had to pull this off. There was too much at stake. "Trixie, thank you so very much. I really can't believe you're magic. What time is it?" I asked "Almost 6.15," Bev said. "What time are you meeting?" "Around 7 at the tavern," I said. "Great, I'll buy both you guys a drink," Bev said gathering her bag. "What do you mean?" I asked. "You want me to go to a bar?" "Duh," Bev smiled. "Aren't you going to strut your stuff at a bar later? Might as well get some practice." "There's a small bar a few minutes away," Trixie said. "I'll get a bag with all your things and you can bring them back or keep them if you wish. I have your credit card." She was all smiles. She probably had charged me a lot for this makeover but it was a really small price to pay. We went to our cars. I was nervous about driving in heels. Bev and Trixie followed. They put my bags in the trunk. "Now, sit sideways and pull your legs in," Trixie advised. Don't jump in like a male. Remember, you're a lady." "Tina, that's it, she's a Tina," Bev shouted. Trixie nodded. "Let's get Tina a drink," Trixie said and went to her car. We all drove off separately. The bar was literally a few minutes away and we arrived. Driving in heels took a little adjusting but I was gaining confidence by the minute. The bar was small and just had a few customers. Bev bought us all some white wine. We clinked and drank. "To Tina," Bev said. "May she come out alive?" We sipped the wine and were soon chatting as old friends. I was conscious that my bosom was prominent, my fingers holding the glass had red tips, and I could see a slight smudge of my lipstick on the glass. "Time to go," I said quietly. We finished our drinks and went back to the cars. Trixie took my purse and reapplied the lipstick and gloss. "Touch it up after dinner etc." she said. "You look really hot. Go dazzle them." She kissed my cheek and left. "Be good," Bev said as she hugged me. She felt my crotch. There was no bulge. "Is the little guy asleep? Stay out of trouble tonight and call if you need anything. I'll see you tomorrow. But will it be Tina or Tom?" She kissed my cheek careful not to spoil my makeup and left. I drove to the Tavern. I was right on time. I parked and looked at the mirror. I couldn't believe I was doing this. I certainly looked the part but could I carry it off? I swung my legs out as instructed and exited the car. I brushed down my dress and grabbed the small purse and walked to the entrance. I had been here before and was quite familiar with the bar area and the restaurant to the side. How could I have agreed to this I thought? But too late. I entered the bar area and looked around. I saw Tracy at a table with a drink. She was smoking a cigarette. I had never seen her smoke before so wondered what this was all about. I waited a moment to gather strength. I saw eyes watching me but it seems Tracy had not noticed the figure at the entrance. I strode up to her quietly. "May I sit down?" Tracy looked at me through the smoke of the cigarette. "Sor...sor.. Tom?" she asked looking at me intently. "Is that you?" "Yes," I said quietly. "I am Tina tonight. Can I have a drink too?" Tracy just kept looking at me speechless. "Is that really you?" she asked again and took a deep drag of her cigarette. She coughed, not used to smoking and stubbed it out. She waived the waiter over and ordered a white wine." "Since when did you start smoking? I never saw you before," I said. I found that interesting. She had her secrets too. "Only from this afternoon. You put me under a lot of stress," she answered. "I only puffed a cigarette at college," she said. "Until now, that is." I was responsible for that too it seemed. We sat there silently until the drinks arrived. We clicked glasses. Tracy continued to stare at my face, bosom, legs and every part of me. "So, Tina, tell me all about you and when this all began. I really can't get over this. You look terrific." She took out another cigarette and lit it. "I'm waiting." My mind raced furiously. I couldn't afford a mis-step. "You remember that I had once dressed up for Halloween with Kelly. Well that night ended in a wild sex romp. We were both hooked. Once or twice a month, Kelly would dress me up and make me up. The sex was amazing," I looked at Kelly watching me closely, taking an occasional drag, but she couldn't take her eyes off me. I continued. "Anyway, after that it was a little easier as Kelly and I were about the same size. I didn't really care how it looked, just loved the look and feel of it. After we broke up, I moved into my own apartment and started to acquire my own wardrobe. I also visited some services that helped me with the makeup and figure etc. I spent all afternoon getting ready. Tracy, I am really sorry. I promise you, I'll stop this and get rid of all my stuff." Tracy looked at me. "No you won't - not yet anyway. Continue the story. I want all the details. Did you go out, who you met and did you have more ... fun, was it?" I stared back at her, took another sip of wine, trying to create the story. "Well, of course the more I practiced the better I got at looking like a female. I tried makeup and wigs and had fun dressing up in different outfits etc. I did go to some clubs and had a few drinks, met with some more gurls, but didn't like that so much. The men there just, you know, only wanted one thing. So usually I left after one or two glasses of wine. I danced once or twice but not easy in heels as you know." "You're sure you didn't have a date with a guy? Are you sure? The way you look, I am sure they were lining up to get into your ...pants. If you wanted fun, you had plenty of opportunity. Tell me." This was getting me into a deeper hole but where could I go from here. "I did meet guys, of course, but I never did more than have a drink or a dance. Trace, it has been six or seven years since that Halloween and I swear I never was intimate with a man." This was true of course. She didn't ask about women. Kelly was pensive. Not sure if she believed me or not, but certainly there was no shouting. She was listening carefully. I needed to make sure I didn't go too far and screw up my story. "Then some years ago I met you and fell in love. You were so beautiful, sweet and I wanted you. How could I tell you about this side of me without losing you? You can understand that, can't you?" "So lying to me was the best way to have an enduring partnership? I am not sure how I would have reacted. I am not sure how I feel about you dressing. I am more upset that you couldn't share this with me and lied to me. How many more lies have you told? She was on fire now. "N..nothing," I said slowly. "It is really hard for me to tell you this but you have to believe me." I felt all of this falling apart. "I am not sure, Tom, I mean Tina was it? This is all too much. I trusted you implicitly." She looked around the bar looking to see if we were getting anyone's attention. "I Know," I started. "But can you imagine my fear in losing you? Trace, I know you and know how you think and react. I thought this would freak you out - and it did. Right?" "Well, yes, but it was the way I discovered it. If you had sat me down and tried to explain this to me, perhaps I could have accepted that more. I see a great looking woman - yes I said it - great looking woman and I can't believe that you haven't had a man approach you. It's hard to believe." She was almost shaking as she took a sip of her wine. She took out another cigarette and sought her lighter. A lighter flickered magically and she inhaled looking at the man. "Tracy? Tracy Whitman? I would recognize you anywhere." The man was well dressed in a suit & tie, neat hair and shiny shoes. "D.. Dave?" Tracy asked. "How are you, Tracy? Who's your friend? Sorry, were we interrupting something?" Tracy looked at me for a long moment, then at them. She took a drag. "No, it's OK Dave. We were just catching up. This is Tina." "Hi, Tina, I'm Dave and this is Jack. How are you?" They shook my hand and I took it softly like a lady would. No questions asked, they dragged up chairs and we were now a foursome. 'Trouble', I thought. This didn't look good, could only lead to trouble. What was Tracy thinking? She still looked nervous and uncertain. Dave was leader of the pack. He ordered champagne and wanted to celebrate. He ordered some tapas for which I was grateful. I couldn't drink more without getting smashed. I needed to keep my wits and my head before this. I was trying to make eye contact with Tracy but she seemed distracted. This is not what I had imagined. "I need the restroom," I said. "Please excuse me." The men stood up as I grabbed my purse and pulled my dress down. I started for the restroom. "Hold up, Tina," Tracy finally said. "I need to go to." She followed me to the ladies. We walked the few paces in silence and I entered the ladies restroom. The first time in my life. It was midsized, squeaky clean. "Sorry, Trace, but I can't do this. I know they are your friends but I have to go. We can talk tomorrow." "No Tina, I'm sorry. I am confused, upset and ..." She started to cry. I hugged her and she hugged back. Our bosoms mashed each other as we squashed our bodies trying to avoid messing our makeup. "It's ok," I said. "Just get rid of them." "Not so easy," Tracy said. "Dave is the senior partner's son. I don't want to go into any explanation but you know partner's meeting is coming soon. Let's just have a drink and he'll leave trying to sew his oats elsewhere. OK?" What could I say? I nodded. I looked at my face in the mirror. Just the lips but otherwise it was all holding together. "I need to use the facilities. Will you wait for me?" Tracy nodded. "I have to go too," I entered a toilet and wriggled to get my panties and gaff down. My little guy was quiet and I sat down and did my thing. My nails were a problem. I was careful not to break one. I managed although it took some time, I managed to straighten myself. Tracy was already done and touching up her lips. I took out the tube that Trixie had provided and tried to do this as professionally as possible. Tracy was watching carefully as I colored my lips, rubbed them together and then applied the gloss. "Let's get back and knock them out." Tracy linked arms and we returned to our guys. The tapas were laid out and tasted a few bites. The tight corset didn't allow anything more. I saw Tracy have a few bites too. The music had started and some couples were dancing. I looked at Tracy and hoped that the guys would wander off. She looked at me with that peculiar look. Something between I'm sorry and please try to humor them... I don't know but felt I was getting deeper into a hole. Dave asked me to dance. I didn't know what to do. A look from Tracy decided for me. I wasn't to let her down but to let Dave drag me to the small floor was a challenge. Jack followed suite with Tracy and soon all four of us were on the floor. It was soft music and not much movement for which I was grateful. I was not used to the heels but dancing had not been on my agenda. However, the slow music also meant closer dancing and Dave crushed me to him. He was kissing my ear and whispering how beautiful I was. If only he knew. It seemed like Jack was doing the same to Tracy. I didn't know where this was going to end, but I was sure it wouldn't be good. I just let Dave hold me and we just swayed to the music. We went back to our seats. Jack had his arm around Tracy's waist and was holding her close. We sipped our drinks and Dave suggested we go to a club. "Sorry, Dave, got to work tomorrow. A lot on my plate as you may know." Tracy tried to make excuses. "Hey don't be a party pooper," Dave said. "My Dad will be happy we all bonded." He nodded at Jack. "He doesn't want this party to end either by the looks of things." Jack was sitting very close to Tracy holding her hand and nuzzling her ear. "Tina, how about you?" Dave turned to me. "Are you a party pooper too? It's only 10." "Well, no," I replied. "But tomorrow is a working day for me too." I was getting restless. I looked at Tracy who seemed preoccupied with her cigarette and wouldn't look me in the eye. I was thinking furiously how to get us out of this nightmare. "Well then, we'll get a nightcap at the bar and have one last drink. OK?" Dave posed the question to Tracy and me. "OK," Tracy said softly and I nodded. "White wine please." Dave & Jack left to get the drinks and I stared at Tracy. She was obviously unhappy but dressed as I was I saw no way to get her out of this predicament. "Sorry T..Tina. Please come back to the house we can talk more there. OK? Sorry." Tracy was pleading with me. "Sure," I said. Where else could I go? Dave & Jack returned with our drinks and we took some big sips. I hadn't eaten much and had 3 glasses of wine. Wasn't sure how that would work with the cops. And I certainly didn't want to be stopped tonight. We finished our drinks and grabbed our purses. It was time to head off home. I stood up and straightened out my dress. Tracy too. "Where is your car?" she asked. "At the back." I had seen Tracy's car a couple of cars down from mine. "Why don't I drop you back home and I can drive you over here in the morning." I was trying to get companionship on the way back. "OK," Tracy said. "Maybe a good idea." "Jack, lets walk the ladies to the car," Dave said. "The car park is not too well lit." Jack grabbed Tracy at the waist again. She didn't resist as he was kissing her cheek. Dave took the chance to grab me by the waist as we headed out. Dave was muttering about what a lucky coincidence it was that we met and that we should try to hook up again. Friday, was a good day he suggested. He knew Tracy was married but didn't seem to care that much. We walked to the car along a small pathway. Jack and Tracy ahead, Dave and I just behind. Just like any two couples out for the night. Jack stooped and planted a long kiss on Tracy. She was either unable or unwilling to resist and gave in. Dave saw that as his opportunity and before I knew it, his lips were on mine, his tongue poking into me. 'What the hell,' I thought. What do I do now? I let him kiss me and we walked to the car. As we reached my car, Tracy went to the passenger side. I opened the central locking. Jack took this opportunity to grab her in another hug and was kissing her deeply. Before I could show any reaction. Dave was all over me. His tongue in my mouth. His tight hug crushed my breasts and I was afraid my wig might come off. How would I explain that? I didn't want him feeling me and discover my silicone breasts or that thing between my legs. I needed to distract him. I kissed him back and then groped for his crotch. It seemed like he had a bulge down there that was due to me. Wow. Under any other circumstances I would have been flattered. But now? He was loosening his belt. More trouble but he let go off my neck and head so at least he would move my wig. His pants were loose and he was forcing my hand inside his pants. I broke his kiss to see Tracy and it seemed she was in a similar position. Oh God, what was I to do to get out of this? I was lent against the driver door. I broke his kiss for a moment. "Let me," I said as I had my left hand down his boxers, holding his cock and with the other hand I opened the driver door. As the door opened the interior light went on. I sat sideways in the driver seat, one hand on his cock and tried to switch off the interior light. Tracy noticed this too and opened her door. She was in a similar position I guessed. But her risk was less than mine. Her parts were all natural. I found the light and switched it off. It was dark in that area and nobody else in that moment. Would Dave be happy with a hand job, I thought. As I sat there, I lowered his pants and boxers, and grabbed his cock with both hands. I stroked him slowly as I had done myself. I didn't realize this was a bad move until I felt Dave's hands on my head pushing me toward his cock. What the hell was I supposed to do now? He wanted to put it in my lipsticked mouth. If I resisted, the wig may move and I would be discovered. I assumed Tracy was in a similar position but I couldn't see her. We had our backs to each other. When there are no choices, decisions are easy. I moved my mouth toward his penis and gave it a little peck. I was stroking him furiously but he didn't appear close. I felt the inevitable. I heard slurping sounds behind me and imagined that Tracy was already having a mouthful. I wanted this finished fast so I could put it behind me. I opened my mouth and took it in slowly, salivating furiously to ease the passage down my throat. As I took him in deeper. Dave's hands wandered to my silicone breasts. Perhaps it was the passion or the drink or whatever, but he seemed quite happy to squeeze and pinch my nipples as if they were real. I tried to take him in deeper but it was big. I stroked him hard and soon felt his sac tightening. My lips were stretched and thank God for the lipstick, it provided a lubricant. Moments later I felt his thrust got more intensive as he tried to choke me with his cock. I kept up the rhythm, felt him tensing and soon had a sticky substance filling my mouth. I sucked him harder and had it not been so firmly attached to his body, I am sure it would have torn away. His thrusts eased and he pulled his cock out of my mouth. It seemed that Tracy too had done her job. I had seen her blowing Jack earlier and she was now sitting quietly. Dave was tucking in his boxers and pants. He bent down, looked me in the eye and kissed me. He didn't seems to care that I still had his taste in my mouth and some of it may have passed to him. "That was amazing, babe," he said for all to hear. How was Tracy going to ever understand this? I had done it for her? He kissed me again, not at all put off by his cum on my lips. "Good night," he said. "I'll see you Friday." He closed the car door. I sat there staring ahead, hands on the wheel thinking of how it had all gone so wrong. Tracy sat there too quietly. "I'm sorry, Tina, really I am. I never imagined this would happen. Will you forgive me?" I sat there quiet for a moment. I had done what she had accused me off. That's what started this whole thing. I turned to her. "Trace, I am sorry too that you had to see that. I didn't know what to do. I just..." Tracy put her finger to my lips. "Shhh." She said, lent forward and kissed me hungrily on the lips. It was awkward in the car but our pent up desires took over. Our lips crushed each other's. We were both so turned on. "Tina, I was so turned on by that..that thing in your mouth. Was that wrong?" Tracy was almost in tears. "Tina had a lot of new experiences today, Trace," I said. "I did that without thinking to get us out of a worse jam. But the truth is that as Tina I didn't find it so bad. Not sure why I wasn't revolted by it. I know how you sometimes want to suck me, and well." "Tom... I mean Tina," Tracy interrupted... "Stop, enough! I don't know how to thank you for tonight. It was important to keep Dave happy but I didn't imagine it'd go this far. And it seems he was judging by the smile on his face. You did well for your ........first time." Was she being sincere? There was a small smile. "I have a favor to ask - even though I owe you big time," Tracy continued. "No problems Trace. I hope we can get back to normal again." I kissed her lightly on the lips. "I want that more than anything." I took a breath. "What favor," I asked. "Anything, you know I'll do anything for you." "Good," said Tracy. "Well,.... will you... will you remain Tina for me a little while longer? Maybe you can get to play dress up openly so you need not hide it any longer. We can even go out. God, you look soooo hot." She attacked my lips again. There I was with my mind racing. Better shut up. My big mouth had got me into a lot of trouble but it seemed that the same mouth had managed to get me out of it.

Same as My Big Mouth Videos

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Foreword.It is a sad fact of life that many of our teenage children come off the tracks. There are many hypotheses that try to explain how it is, our society cannot cater for the younger generation, how it fails them at a fundamental level and leaves them to learn and fend for themselves. We teach our children the usual things, History, Geography, to read and write, numerical skills, but we seem to have forgotten how to teach them social graces and how to behave.But, for a large slice of the...

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Abigail and MoiraChapter 9

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Abigail Mac 1700 695000

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Abigail part 1

Abigail was gorgeous. Everything I ever looked for in a woman. She was a young college student, around 19-20 years old. She had long tan legs, the absolute perfect figure, long, curly blonde hair and the prettiest baby blue eyes. Only problem Abigail had was that she was married, as was I too. Abigail and John lived next door to us. John was your typical douchebag husband, my wife would notice the different girls he would sneak in and out of their house and Abigail Finally had enough. I...

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Abigail and MoiraChapter 2

"Yer late!" The plump girl asked her sister as she straightened her clothes in the floor-length mirror. Abigail looked around and sniffed at her podgy sister before turning round to face her. She swept her long brown hair back and picked up some toast from the kitchen table. "You turned off my alarm," Abigail moaned. "Dae talk mince," Moira spat back instantly and took a bite of another slice of toast. Abigail licked her lips as she ate her breakfast and poured some tea into a cup....

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Abigail and MoiraChapter 8

"You clatty cow," Moira cried out as she burst into the room. Quentin stared at her and she pushed him off her sister, laying out in her bed. "Yer a clatty bitch. 'E's mine." "Then fuck him," Abigail replied. "Yer just a frigid witch. Yer fuck things up for everyone." Moira grabbed Abigail's throat, and the younger girl kicked her sister away from her. "He just liked me better." "No," Quentin muttered but neither sister was listening. "'Cause I ain't fat like you."...

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Abigail and MoiraChapter 10

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Abigail and MoiraChapter 3

Abigail sat nervously in the reception area of the international acting school, biting her nails. She flicked her hair back and studied the handful of other candidates, all frantically reciting words under their breath or reading intently from books. Shona squeezed her daughter's arm as she put down and then picked up her book, taking deep breaths and opening it to the page, before closing it again. "Yer just a wee bit nervous," she told her and Abigail didn't respond. It was the...

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Abigail and MoiraChapter 4

"No good?" The burly figure of her father sat next to her and looked into his daughter's misty eyes. She shook her head. "Not past the first," she muttered. "Stoopid dreamin'," Moira told her. "Ya not gonna be in those silly films ya watch. Ah've told you hunners ae times." "That's enough," Shona told her eldest daughter who shovelled her dinner into her mouth. "What's got-in-tae ya?" "She," Moira spat as bits of potato hit her disappointed sister. "She tried to chat...

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Abigail and MoiraChapter 13

"It's nice," Simon conceded as he returned to the lounge. "Just one thing missin'," he told her with a grin. "A naked Abigail." "Yeah, and on me knees with me face in ya lap..." Abigail told him with a smile. "I ain't that easy." "Well..." She looked at him and he pursed his lips. "Lisa said you wanted to run a sex school for desperate young men." The teenager laughed loudly. "Not quite," she moaned. "But ... well." She walked into the kitchen, and he followed her as...

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AbigailChapter 5

Their reconciliation marked the beginning of a perfect summer. There were very few days they weren't together, though some of them were taken up with study. Mike took Abigail to Norton Aerodrome at Lightwood. A former barrage-balloon site, it had been taken over by the Council as a driver-training centre, where, for a small fee a potential learner driver could be taken to acquire the rudiments of vehicle handling. It was also used for CBT, the training now required of would-be motor-cyclists...

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AbigailChapter 2

Abigail was both excited and nervous; she couldn't remember the last time she'd gone clothes shopping with her mother and for several years she'd got by with a combination of generic jeans – not form-fitting ones – and loose jumpers and hoodies. They rode into town on the bus. "Now, love," her mother said, "I don't think you want to be trendy, do you? Tell me if I'm wrong, but you'd like ... what was his name, Mike? ... to see you as an attractive young woman, but you don't really...

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AbigailChapter 3

Abigail had felt shy about meeting her parents when she got in the house. Her mother had 'accidentally' emerged from her room heading for the bathroom just at the right moment to meet her. "Good night, love?" The smile on her daughter's face was enough answer, but; "Lovely, thanks, Mum." "'Night, then. Sleep well!" And she did ... tired, even drained, but content, dreaming of love's embrace. Thursday morning, mid-morning she was in the cafeteria with a cup of coffee in front...

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Tales form Portsmouth

I have been ever so lucky and met some very nice people from here and through other websites, and I would like to tell you about these people, and how we met, and some of our adventures. For obvious reasons I have changed their names, but the events are how they happened are retold as they happened. This is about let’s call them Eamon and Ruth. I live near to Portsmouth on the south coast of England and Portsmouth being a naval base has a lot of sailors posted in the area. Eamon was in the army...

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Tales form Portsmouth

I have been ever so lucky and met some very nice people from here and through other websites, and I would like to tell you about these people, and how we met, and some of our adventures.For obvious reasons I have changed their names, but the events are how they happened are retold as they happened.This is about let's call them Eamon and Ruth. I live near to Portsmouth on the south coast of England and Portsmouth being a naval base has a lot of sailors posted in the area. Eamon was in the army...

2 years ago
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AbigailChapter 6

Sherise was not a happy bunny. She'd thought she'd sorted Abigail, but here they were, obviously even closer than they had been, their body language proclaiming to anyone who had the eyes to see that they were intimate. What made it worse was the emotion in Abigail's expression when she looked at Sherise ... pity. She had no right to pity Sherise; just because she'd picked up one of her discards, even if Sherise had been intending to claim him back once he'd gained a proper understanding...

1 year ago
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Abigail and MoiraChapter 11

There was a knock on the front door of the terraced house and Abigail looked up. "Not fer me," she muttered and stared at Moira and her parents sat around the table. Moira groaned and threw her fork down on the plate, striding down the small hall and flinging open the door. Her eyes narrowed when she saw the face of her ex-boyfriend and went to close it when her put his foot in the door. "Moira, please. Ah wanna spa'k to you." She snorted. "Yer screwed that dirty bitch," she cried....

3 years ago
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Sara Jean hadn't been waiting long when Kirk the Realtor pulled up in his BMW. The tall, immaculately groomed man practically leapt from the car, walking quickly, hand extended, all the while flashing that toothy, brilliant smile that Sara Jean was sure he practiced for hours at a time each night. "Sara... ," he purred. "Sara Jean," she mentally corrected. " ... are you excited?" he asked as he performed the old 'grip and grin'. Despite her reflexive dislike for him, she was...

4 years ago
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Abigail and MoiraChapter 12

Abigail nervously fidgeted on the doorstep of the plush house of her ex as figures inside moved towards the door. She put her hands in her pockets and waited in the light drizzle. Simon answered it and stared at the wet teenager. "Come in," he offered and even cracked a wry smile. She paused briefly and, feeling disarmed by his smile, walked in. "I want to say sorry," she offered, and he gave a little grunt. "I must be losin' my touch," he told her. "'Cause I ain't had a girl...

4 years ago
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Gazebos and Vermouth

Cali and I met by accident. But isn’t that how many relationships start. It being a small village that we live in, gossip has a way of exploding. We were both burning bridges or in the process of. It wasn’t that we were embarrassed or concerned of whispers. It was to protect our families of innuendos . So we became Adagio and Lace to some citizenry. I just want to clear that up. Yes, there are plenty of stories going around the village about ‘so-called societies’. I’m not at liberty to speak...

1 year ago
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I love reading and writing dialogue, from Jack London and Ernest Hemmingway, to William Faulkner, Elmore Leonard and Eudora Welty. To me, dialogue places one IN the scene. Often times, when dialogue is extremely well written, I can HEAR the characters talking to me. And so, I've tried to emulate these writers by attempting a special piece consisting of almost all dialogue about a black pimp being interviewed by a young lady from the local newspaper. I wuz hangin' out over at Silvey's Pool...

3 years ago
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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 52 WETMOUTH

Wetmouth ran towards the tall man standing next to the Ultra Lux Flyer and he scooped her up. “Missed you, girl!” “I missed you too, Dad.” She climbed into the Flyer on the pilot’s side and Rex Schwartz took the passenger seat. Wetmouth gunned the 25 million credit Lumina Lamborghini RS exclusive edition through the energy curtain accelerating faster than a Loki torpedo. “Where are we going, Dad?” “Linda waits for us at our Pluribus Penthouse.” She let go of the controls and said to the...

1 year ago
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A WellLived Life 3 Book 1 SuzanneChapter 67 Blabbermouths

November 13, 2000, Chicago, Illinois “I told you so!” Stephanie said, laughing hard. “And after being fucked by the CPD for years, here’s your chance to return the favor!” “Maybe so, but I’m not sure it’s worth the risk of bringing a police officer anywhere near Cirque du Steve!” “So don’t! She had to have seen your wedding band. Make it a secret affair; well, for her, anyway. You can tell your wives, obviously.” “Don’t you think that’s playing with fire?” I asked. Stephanie laughed,...

2 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess3e18 Eden 23 law graduate from Bournemouth

Series 3, Episode 18: Eden Abraham Fade in on a young woman walking along a beach in a business suit, carrying her sensible work shoes in one hand whilst sweeping long brunette hair from her face with the other. She’s trying to make the walk along the beach look casual, but she’s not dressed for it. She’s strongly built, filling out her blouse and skirt, wide but not fat, with a big chest. She’s not a stunning woman, but her rounded features and welcomingly thick lips certainly aren’t...

3 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess11e16 Brooke Lister 24 from Bournemouth

We start this week’s show with establishing shots of a quiet, uncrowded street ... Residences on one side, old post-war double-storey buildings on other. Shopfronts with flats above, dormer windows on the rooftops indicating that even the attic space has been converted into accommodation. At street level there are newsagents, real estate agents, and (covering two shop fronts) a large bicycle shop – proudly sign-posted as being open 7 days a week... Infront of the store, facing away from us...

3 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS1316 Margaret Connell 58 from Dartmouth

We begin this week’s show with an establishing shot of a picturesque marina/harbour. Opposite us, expensive looking houses line a hillside. Below them, the estuary - a wide, flat expanse of water ... Small sailing boats and yachts sit steady on the surface near us. To the side of the water, a wide paved pedestrian area, and then a narrow (one-way) road with plenty of street-side parking, and then a row of old shop-fronts. We move along infront of the shops, looking in through the windows –...

4 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS14 E18 Erica Murdoch 47 from Bournemouth

With begin today’s show with a drone shot of the buildings and grounds of a large school campus - several large buildings surrounded by playing fields and parkland, and hundreds of students making their way from one building to the next as we watch... A big caption appears, filling almost the whole screen, “BOURNEMOUTH, ENGLAND.” The caption fades, and then we see that many of the students are double-taking, turning, walking backwards, as they see a woman in a very small red dress,...

1 year ago
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Fuck A Mouth. is home to HD porn videos classified in different categories. Regardless of your taste, there is a piece for everyone here. ThePornDude loves explicit videos, especially if they feature babes getting down on big cocks whether black or white, blowjobs, creampies, big tits, amateurs, nasty teens, anal, toying or just the usual porn action. This site is totally lit and nothing doesn’t get better here.Simplicity is the first impression Fuck A Mouth gave ThePornDude on loading...

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2 years ago
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Abigail and Emily Ch 02

I’d expected Emily to be mortified that I’d found her sleeping naked outdoors, but she made no move to put her discarded bikini back on. Instead, she made idle chit-chat, stretching lazily in the sun. I treaded water as we talked, thinking to myself over and over, Act normal. Act normal. I was so rattled by my close call that I was shaking. I struggled to keep my voice calm. Emily showed no suspicion that I’d done anything while she was sleeping. I was so ashamed of what I’d done that I...

2 years ago
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Abigails cheating story 1

So, where do I start....well, I guess it began about a week before:"Jessica why are you bringing me such slutty clothes? You know I don't want to wear them!" Abigail said to her friend and college roommate, in the changing room at the clothes store, staring into the mirror at the whore outfit she'd been forced to try on. "Because we're going out dancing? To have fun? Remember having fun?!" Jessica replied teasingly. Jess was blonde, a real definition of a bimbo, she had perky D cup breasts, a...

1 year ago
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My worries began slowly at first then speeded up - friends and workmates were settling into long term relationships in ever increasing numbers. If the trend continued I would soon be the only singleton left sitting at some sad singles bar. Saturday night and I was at home! - alone, feeling sorry for self, listening to Miyuu (what else?), researching; how do bisexual people cope in a long term relationship...all this while couples were sitting on sofas together and binge watching a...

4 years ago
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Abigails Tale

**For the intended experience, make sure to click "Start Game" and make sure to avoid repeating chapters in a single play through.** The small village of Hillbend was utterly unremarkable. Proving to be a small farming hamlet, but near enough to a lake to provide some decent fishing as well. The Duke caring little for it's inhabitants, provided they continue to pay their taxes. But none-the-less, Hillbend is where our tale begins with the birth of a girl named Abigail. Born to a couple of...

4 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess3e6 Charmaine 45 teacher from Plymouth

Series 3, Episode 6: Charmaine We float in over a wooded area on the outskirts of a small city. Beyond the trees long curving estates, built in the 60’s to provide housing for the British middle-class. This is Plymouth, on the English South coast, and beneath us are the Parkway Woods. Our next subject is standing with her husband infront of one of the houses closest to the woods. We close in on them (drone footage). They both look happy to be on camera. Tall, slim, with sharp features and...

4 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS10E15 Leigh Rush 38 from Plymouth

Once again, we fade in on our harshly lit bedroom set ... Looking at that ugly old, rusty steel bedframe, and the dirty mattress that’s resting on it. It’s an appalling sight, truly disgraceful ... It’s a bed that only the worst kind of person would even consider sitting on ... And yet we’re getting used to seeing it every week. Our guests, however, have never seen the set – because this was all recorded before the first episode aired ... And here comes our next subject, ready to see the...

1 year ago
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I fuck my sister in Plymouth

100% fiction! I was serving in the RAF at the time of this account and specialised in sorting out problems on aircraft. I was sent to airfields in the UK and in Germany. As a result I was rarely in one place for more than a few days so was unable to become sexually invoved with women. When necessary I would masturbate. My sister, Pat, was married to Jack who was in the Navy. His ship`s home port was Devonport and Pat and Jack had a house on the outskirts of Plymouth. At the time he was in his...

4 years ago
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Abigail and Emily

I had to stand up on my tiptoes to lift the latch and step into the backyard. I’d always gone to the front of the house in the past, but I knew Emily was already out at the pool, and wouldn’t mind me coming straight back. The pool was up on a raised deck, with high hedges all around. I ascended the steps and saw Emily was laying out on a deck chair. I called out hello, but there was no response. I came a little closer and gasped. Emily was lying face down on the deck chair, entirely nude. Her...

2 years ago
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Abigails cheating story 3

Abigail was screaming her lungs out, she was lay down on her front on Jessica's bed, holding onto the golden toned thighs of the white queen in front of her, kissing and licking her pretty pink pussy that was already dripping with cum and not all of it Jess's. The gorgeous blonde lay on her back moaning, one hand playing with her own perky, big tits and the other pulling hard on Abi's dark hair. Abi wasn't screaming at that though, big strong dark hands were holding her hips, throwing her back...

3 years ago
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Abigail and Emily Ch 01

I had to stand up on my tiptoes to lift the latch and step into the backyard. I'd always gone to the front of the house in the past, but I knew Emily was already out at the pool, and wouldn't mind me coming straight back. The pool was up on a raised deck, with high hedges all around. I ascended the steps and saw Emily was laying out on a deck chair. I called out hello, but there was no response. I came a little closer and gasped. Emily was lying face down on the deck chair, entirely nude. Her...

1 year ago
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Abigails Choice Pt 1

“Please come home John... I miss you. I miss us. I’ll accept your punishment, I’ll submit to you. Just please come home.”He sighed, put his finger under my chin and lifted my face to look at him. “Abigail, go home. This isn’t the place.” I tried to look away again, but he wouldn’t let me. I closed my eyes as a tear trickled down my cheek. “Damnit Abigail look at me.” I opened my eyes“Please John, I-“He gripped my chin and tilted it up further, pressing a kiss to my lips. “Abigail, go straight...

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