The United Kingdom Of Zoo (A Fake BBC Documentary Series)s11e16: Brooke Lister (24), From Bournemouth free porn video

We start this week’s show with establishing shots of a quiet, uncrowded street ... Residences on one side, old post-war double-storey buildings on other. Shopfronts with flats above, dormer windows on the rooftops indicating that even the attic space has been converted into accommodation. At street level there are newsagents, real estate agents, and (covering two shop fronts) a large bicycle shop – proudly sign-posted as being open 7 days a week...
Infront of the store, facing away from us – blonde hair hanging down over her shoulders, her tight skirt highlighting her pert, perfect arse – tight white blouse showing an impressive upper body ... A sexy woman appears to be window shopping with her powerful looking, white haired, dome-headed, bull-terrier by her side...
She turns to face the camera – confirming our suspicions that this is our host, American dogslut and former Playboy centrefold, Jenna McCartney. The top three buttons of that blouse undone to make sure we can see plenty of cleavage – she paid enough for it, she wants to show it off. She smiles as she begins her introduction in her smooth mid-west American accent.
“Hello – and welcome to another edition of our dirty little show ... I’m your host, Jenna McCartney, and this is your star, young Buddy - and today we’re in the city of Bournemouth, in the south-west, to meet young lady who wants to take a ride – “, she thumbs back toward the shop behind her, just in case we missed the reference,” – all the way to ‘The United Kingdom of Zoo’”.
We move inside the store to see the racks of bikes handing on the walls and from hooks from the ceiling, spare wheels, locks, helmets and other gear...
And then we’re looking at a shop assistant, resplendent in skin-tight Lycra cycling gear – as if she’s just about to set off on one of the bikes. Her dead straight, centre parted brunette hair hangs down either side of her narrow, sharp featured face that’s very easy to look at. She introduces herself in a pronounced, but easily understood southern accent. Each time she smiles, or pauses, she seems to push her thin lips forward in a sort of toothy pout.
“Hello ... I’m Brooke Lister ... I’m 24 years old, and I’m from Bournemouth ... And ... I want to have sex with a dog!”
We cut to a shot of Brooke standing infront of a rack of racing bikes, with Jenna standing opposite her – nodding as her guest speaks.
“I don’t mean to sound arrogant or anything, because I’m not ... But men try to chat me up all the time ... Everyday ... I think it’s because I’m good looking ... But not great looking...” She makes pistol-fingers toward our host, indicating that she thinks Jenna is a representative of what would be defined as ‘great looking’ (and it’s hard to argue with her) – but she doesn’t pause, continuing with her story immediately. “I like it ... I liked it ... It’s nice to be popular. It’s nice to have options ... I can have, like, just about, any man I want – and I’ve had a lot of them!” She laughs, a little shame and a lot of happy memories. “But ... I’m bored ... Man after man, it gets boring ... They all want the same things – and I like them, but ... I just want something exciting and different, and unpredictable – and the idea of having sex with a big hairy dog ... It just drives me wild. Scares the crap out of me, but drives me wild!”
Jenna pretends to be a serious interviewer, microphone in one hand, young bull terrier pulling against the leash in the other, trying to stay still as she asks, “You say you’re bored of men – because of all the attention, which I can understand, but ... Have you tried anything else? Stepping over to bestiality is a pretty big leap...” She pushes her chest out, cleavage straining the front of her half-unbuttoned blouse. “I mean ... Have to tried switching genders, before switching species?”
Brooke jokingly pushes Jenna’s shoulder. “Oh nooo ... I’m not interested in girls ... I don’t want tits and soft curves...” She looks down at Buddy with a wicked glint in her eye. “ ... I want a big cock and rough hair ... I love a hairy man, and I can’t wait to try a big hairy dog ... With a big hard cock!” The way she smiles after saying this, her head tipped forward, just the corners of her mouth up – looks a little demented, but very cock-sure of herself.
Jenna lets her shoulders forward a little to relax her cleavage – no ‘sale’ today, she realizes she’s going to be a spectator, not a participant in her guest’s dogsex debut with Buddy. “Well, if that’s the case ... He might not be the biggest dog in the world, but I can vouch for his cock - so, I suppose we better get the two of you somewhere a little more private, and introduce you to your lover ... Do you have anywhere in mind?”
We cut to the shop’s back yard. Barely 5 meters by 5 meters of grimy, oil-stained concrete, with eight-foot high brick walls on three sides, and the back of a building on the other. The walls are topped by broken glass set in concrete. There’s a stack of old bikes and parts, some boxes, etc., on one side of the yard, but the pathway from the back door of the shop, to the wooden door in the furthest wall (with an open gate leading to a quiet back lane) is clear – and that’s where we find Jenna, Buddy and Brooke.
“I wanted to do it somewhere familiar, but dirty ... And I was having my break a few days ago, eating a sausage sandwich over there ... And I thought, I wouldn’t mind a ‘hot dog’ in here, like...” She smiles at the thought.
Jenna joins in, “Yeah, a nice dog in your mouth, filling your belly ... I can understand why that would appeal!”
Brooke continues, “The boss said he was happy enough for you to film here, just as long as him and Gary...” She nods toward the rear door of the shop – where two men, dressed similarly to her, are peeking around the door frame – “ ... could watch ... Dirty buggers!” She pauses, then flickers that little dirty smile again. “But ... Everyone’s going to see it on tv eventually, so I don’t have any problem with them watching live...”
“You’ve had a lot of men...” Jenna checks. “Have either of these gentlemen had the pleasure...?”
Brooke smirks, “Well, the boss – that’s how I got the job ... And Gary, he keeps asking, and I keep saying no ... So I’m sure today will really frustrate him ... I won’t say yes to him, but I’ll say yes to a dog!”
Gary shouts out, “Worst thing is, I’ve got a dog at home, you could have fucked him if that’s what you wanted!”
Brooke snaps back, with a smile, “Maybe after today I’ll take you up on that y’ dirty bastard!” It’s always ironic to hear a woman who’s about to suck and fuck a canine, calling anyone else ‘dirty’.
“Well...” Interrupts Jenna, “I think we all know what’s we’re here for now ... What do you say you get yourself out of those tight, tight clothes – and we bring in that big hairy fellow to give you a good, hard, hairy, fucking...”
We cut to Brooke unzipping the front of her top, gradually revealing more and more flesh. She’s a fit girl, slim with nice muscle tone, but not much size. Smallish boobs, maybe just about a B-cup (not that she’s wearing a bra), sitting high on her chest, with barely any sag – the nipples small and pointed straight forward. Peeling the Lycra suit off her shoulders and pulling it down her body, she reveals more and more smooth, white flesh. Slim but strong arms, narrow waist, flat belly ... Then the top is off, and she moves onto her bottoms ... Pulling them down over her hips, taking her g-string panties with them in one move – showing off an extremely well tended to pussy – a thin strip of very short, dark hair from just north of her clit, for barely a couple of inches. More of a pointer than a pussy.
It’s been a quick strip – she’s not interested in stretching this moment out, she just wants to be naked in the yard – infront of eyes and cameras, and ready for action...
We cut to a shot of an agitated looking Buddy, sitting at Jenna’s feet, standing, heaving on his leash, then sitting again, wanting to get at this sexy little bitch, waiting impatiently for his signal...
Then we’re back with our naked guest as she drops down to sit on the cold concrete floor, shifting around on her bottom until she is confident – feet on the floor, knees high, legs apart. She looks over toward the dog and smiles, reaching a hand reached out, finger hooked, beckoning him on – “Come on, boy...”
Buddy races into frame, skidding slightly on the concrete as he reaches her, and then rearing up, pushing beyond her outstretched arms, his big paws landing on her shoulders so that he’s standing up infront of her, pushing against her. He hits her hard enough to knock many girls over, but Brooke is made of sterner stuff, and she pushes back – smiling and gasping, “Ooohh baby ... OOoohhh ... You’re keen, aren’t ya?”
With her sitting, and him having his paws on her shoulders, he’s almost level with her face, and he’s flopping his tongue out, trying to ‘kiss’ her from the moment he rises up against her...
She keeps her head well back, out of range, turning away from him, laughing again – then she lifts his paws off her shoulders and pushes him away, smiling at him and laughing that, “Not long now, boy ... Not long...”
She rolls over from her backside to her front, knees on the hard ground, pushing her arse up in the air, taking her weight on her forearms ... She’s barely got her arse in the air before the dog is behind her, already trying to mount her – showing the kind of speed and enthusiasm to get started that only a young dog can muster...
He gets his body over her behind, his chest on the base of her spine, and wraps his front paws around her narrow middle, hooking them over her hips and using that grip to pull forward against her.
We cut to the widest angle we can get in this yard, watching her tight belly and strong legs straining as the muscular mutt begins to stab at her – enthusiastic, unskilled little bursts of energy as he tries to get his cock into her ... She raises her head and flips it sideways to move the hair out of her face, so she can look around at our cameraman and pull an anticipatory/excited face, growling, “Ohhh yeeaeaahhh!”
There’s a brief flash of joy on her face, wide-eyes, ‘O’ shaped mouth, as he finds his target, slipping inside, beginning to pump hard, but it only last a couple of seconds before he loses his balance and pushes forward too hard, tipping to the side and falling off her, letting us see his cock as it pulls out of her pussy. It’s not huge, not particular hard, useable – but not ‘ready’ – not big enough to take hold in her cunt.
She lets out a yelp, “OOhhh!” – disappointment joining the joy – as he staggers away, tail wagging, back beginning to bend as he walks...
“Come on, boy ... Come on...” Encourages Jenna, stepping forward to slap her guest’s tight behind ... Coaxing the dog back for another try.
Brooke stays in position, moving her knees up a little, which raises her arse, which pushes her pussy back and out. Trying to make herself more available... “Come on ... I’m waiting...”
The dog returns, mounting her straight on, over the top of her head, his chest on her back, his head on her arse, his cock stabbing into her hair ... Under him she’s laughing, yelping in surprise and delight... “OOoohhhh!” – over him, Jenna is pulling at his paws and chasing him, “Bad boy ... Bad boy ... Wrong end!”
We cut to a shot, a few seconds later, the dog has been repositioned – assisted – and mounted on our guest’s raised rear, his front legs wrapped around her, his hindlegs straining, almost vertical, thigh muscles popping as he tries to force his dick back into her flesh ... Jenna is behind him, helping to position him and reaching down between his hindlegs to take hold of his growing shaft and direct it into the waiting gash...
She finds the target, and the dog takes over - pumping into her at an insane pace. His strong little hips and huge thighs a blur of white hair as he drives his canine cock deep into her ... The strain of the sudden, deep, hard penetration showing on her face – her head up, eyes wide open, biting down on her bottom lip...
We cut down to a low angle, filming up between Brooke’s smooth thighs – looking at the wet shaft of the dog’s cock as it hammers in and out of her pussy, dragging her tight pussy lips in and out with it as they cling to the shaft. We can hear the wet slurping, sloppy noise of the cock sliding through her sexual orifice ... It’s an amazing sound...
Then we’re back to the side angle – watching as the dog continues to pound into her from behind. It took him a couple of goes to get start, but he’s really found his rhythm now ... Her thighs and bottom are just a little too long for his hind-legs, so he’s constantly raising one or the other, scraping them down her thighs as he tries to maintain position – his weight resting on her arse as he more or less see-saws his cock in and out of her.
Her whole body is buffeted under him, her head close to the dirty ground, her elbows tucked under her, small boobs pressed up against her triceps. Her face still showing pain and pleasure, turning red ... She looks like she’s having fun even if it does hurt like hell.

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