Troy Maria and Me
- 4 years ago
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I love reading and writing dialogue, from Jack London and Ernest Hemmingway, to William Faulkner, Elmore Leonard and Eudora Welty. To me, dialogue places one IN the scene. Often times, when dialogue is extremely well written, I can HEAR the characters talking to me. And so, I've tried to emulate these writers by attempting a special piece consisting of almost all dialogue about a black pimp being interviewed by a young lady from the local newspaper.
I wuz hangin' out over at Silvey's Pool Emporium; you might know the place. I wuz just killin' time before my bidness hours kicked in. It musta been, oh, 'bout four in the afternoon; which is where I usually am at that hour, being that I owns the joint.
Just a few minutes earlier, I wuz tellin' 'Tator, ' my bartender, that I wuz in the mood for some stimulatin' conversation, 'stead of fending off the usual crackheads and other deadbeats, who usually bother me about debts and other matters, all of which is related to money, which I have, and they don't, when this here skinny white bitch wanders into the joint, and presented herself to me.
"Hello," she says, with this nervous smile, "would you be Mr. Liston?" Her voice wuz cultured like she'd gone to some Ivy League place, maybe Vassar. I jus stared at her as if maybe she wuz from another planet, such as Mars, or is it more correct to say Venus? With her being female and all, I don't know myself.
She jus stood there looking at me and waitin', shifting her weight from one foot to the other while I ignored her. But I got to admirin' her, standing and waiting patiently for me to acknowledge her presence. And, after a minute or so, I put my newspaper down, and looked her right in the eye.
"Err, umm ... Mr. Liston?" she said, using this eye contact as her opportunity to start a conversation. "The bartender pointed you out to me. I'm Margaret Haynes, from the Newark Star Ledger."
So, she wus a reporter! Normally I'd a kicked her scrawny white ass out of my place and been done with her. But like I already said, I wuz in the mood for some conversation, and most assholes stop in here got a better grip on their cue sticks then they'd ever had on their dicks; never mind using their brains. So I decided to humor her and listen to her pitch.
"I am," I sez to her.
Out the corner of my eye, I see "Tator" smirkin' an I give him a first class scowl, which he don't pay no mind to; but he does pick up a towel and starts polishing some beer mugs. I finish my Dewar's and water, and give her my complete attention.
Now, you should understand I got a lot of attention to give. I'm not sure, but I'm maybe, 6' 3" and some 230 pounds. Not too many know I work out at Gold's Gym maybe three times a week. Assholes 'round here think I'm born with these muscles. Anyway, my size always helps when I gotta calm a ... let's jus call it a situation ... yeah, when I gotta clam a situation down.
Anyways, I answer her with a question of my own. "Hanes, like in ho's?" I do this so as to reflect indifference to her person; meantime, I'm undressing her with my eyes. It's a neat trick, which was taught to me by a woman some years ago. Women -- they got this knack of giving someone the once over so quick-like, that the other person, usually a male, don't pick up on it.
The Bitch had herself a pretty face ... no unsightly blemishes, not too much make-up. Nice perky lil' tits, and a small, firm lookin' ass -- nothin' like Zelda's or Noreen's; but there be plenty of mutts wantin' to rub against it, she give them half a chance, which I won't – not while she's with me.
Thinkin' I can't see her, the Bitch rolls her eyes like she's exasperated with me, but recovers quick enough not to insult me, and says, "Ummm, no, Haynes, that's H-a-y-n-e-s. I'm a reporter with the..."
"I read the paper every day," I says, making sure to put some gruffness in my tone. Then, adding even more bark, I says, "Jus what the hell you want from me?"
Now that served to make her a little nervous. For the first time the Bitch shows me that she's thinkin' she may have made a mistake waltzing in here. And that's where I want her. Don't wanna scare the shit out of her ... just give her kind of nervous tickle, because I like my bitches like that. The fact is Bitches ain't nervous 'round you, they likely to figure you out; 'cause bitches, they always analyzing you, and shit like that. They got these photographic memories what play back every damn word you say to them, two -- three weeks later, and I find that damned irritating when they do it to me.
So the Bitch loses the exasperated expression and blurts out, "I ... err ... I'm working on a feature story, umm ... on prostitutes and..." She falters some, then she regained her composure and goes into her delivery.
Now, the Bitch wasn't up there with Satchel Paige when it come to pitching, but by the time she finished, I'd have to say she ranked up there with the likes of Big Newk. That's Big Don Newcombe, wuz the mainstay with the old Brooklyn Dodgers back in the fifties. Now that wuz when they really played the game. No molly-coddling the mother-fuckers then!
I gotta laugh; way she buttered me up with that delivery of hers. First she serves up what I figure got to be a fast ball; tells me I got a big reputation in Newark. That I'm the main man, it comes to prostitution. Then she tried to catch me off guard with a slow curve. Would I tell her how I get the ladies to spread their legs for any man happens to have enough money. Well, she used some fancier language, of course, but that's what she meant. Hee, hee, hee ... got to admit that wuz pretty good, pretty good.
I found myself pleased with her presence. But I don't let her know this.
"Why you askin' me 'bout them Ho's?" I said. "Go axe the Ho's theyselves. They'll tell you 'bout the biggest cock they ever seen; they tell you 'bout VD. Oh, excuse me, STD. Hee, hee, hee."
"No, no you don't understand..."
"I unnerstand! Now answer my question."
"Well, the fact of the matter is..." She rolled those pretty eyes again, only this time she wuz struggling to make her point and keep her temper; which if she lost it, would get her thrown out of my place, and the bitch sure enough knew that.
"Err, how can I put this plainly?"
She talking to herself now, so I try to help her. "Somebody give you my name?"
The Bitch seemed almost grateful for the help, and nods her head vigorously like, says, "Yes, yes, that's exactly it. I ... I'm told that you are a man of ... certain influence. A man who, um, knows a great deal about the workings of prostitution."
I know them Ho's won't work if you don't put a size twelve up their ass every hour on the hour," I said, and finished off my drink. Now the bitch is staring at me. Maybe I shocked her; can't read her eyes so good yet, so I give her another minute. People can't stand silence. Even reporters who should know better. They got to hear something, even if it's their own mouth running. I wait on people a lot, and I learn a lot from it.
But time passed, and she kept gaping at me; and I come to understand she's playin' the game too. So I says, and not unkindly, "So, talk to me."
I just wanna get her going again, you know?
"Well ... in my story," she's now biting on her lower lip, "err, of course, I won't use your name. I ... err..." I let her consult wit her notes because I know reporters need to have they notes so they can quote you correctly later on.
"Well, the fact of the matter is that your cooperation would be very much appreciated, Mr. Liston. Oh, and I'll pay you for your services."
"Like a Ho?" I said, right in her face. I know I showered her with some of my spittle, but I didn't mean too, and that shook her up. Bitch almost fell out of the chair.
"No, no, no, no. I'm asking you as one who is an authority on whores."
"How much green we talkin' about?" I asked in a more reasonable tone, as I like to change direction on people. I find it keeps them off balance, and that makes 'em easier to deal with."
Bitch bit her lip again, made her face into a frown, and says, "Umm, how about one hundred dollars?"
I moved my thumb across the first two fingers of my right hand, just under her nose, and watched the Bitch flinch; like I'm maybe about too smack her, or something. She wasn't much of a negotiator, cause then she blurts out, "The highest I can go is four hundred dollars!"
I see tiny beads of perspiration forming on her brow and upper lip. "Good," I says, 'en give her my Ipana smile. "Now we can converse."
The Bitch relaxed some on hearing that, but I figured I'd get my money up front, and held out my hand. She reached in her purse, and pulled a roll out, and started counting out four hundred into my paw. That left her with about forty bucks, and I decided to let her keep it.
"Okay, now what?" I asked.
Bitch took out a recorder, and crossed her legs, which pulled that dress even snugger then it wuz before. Now I could make out them long stems of hers; pretty good one's at that. I kept lookin' at 'em until she turned the recorder on, and says, "August 22, 1995, this is Margaret Haynes of the Newark Star Ledger. I'm sitting here with Mr. Liston..."
"Hiatus Liston," I said, interrupting her. "Umm, yes, thank you, Mr. Liston ... that is Mr. Hiatus Liston." She wuz wiping her face with this lil' hanky as she said it.
I fixed her with another Ipana smile – and let the diamonds in my teeth sparkle some.
"I'm with Mr. Hiatus Liston. We're in a bar and billiards establishment here in downtown Newark. Mr. Liston is reputed to be a ... umm, procurer of feminine services and as such..."
"Excuse me," I said, and I paused for a moment before going on. "I believe my job title is Pimp, not procurer, or whatever you call it."
"Err, yes, thank you Mr. Liston. I stand corrected. Mr. Liston is ... um, a pimp, and as such he provides women to various customers who pay him for their sexual favors."
I looked over at my bartender, who's shakin' his head, warning me about something. I excused myself for a moment, and ambled over to "Tator."
"What's up?" I axed him.
"You doan wanna admit to being no pimp, boss. Law read that story they get on your ass real quick."
I pondered this for a moment, then nodded to 'Tator and slid a twenty across the bar. He palmed it, and I walked my walk back to the Bitch.
"Let's change the rules a little, Miz Haynes."
"What? I don't understand?"
"Just erase the tape. We'll start over." She got this confused look on her face, but didn't do nothing. So I reached over, and took the tape, rewound it, and hit the record button before handing' it back to her; then we started over.
"August 22, 1995, this is Margaret Haynes of the Star Ledger. I'm with Mr. Hiatus Liston. We're in a bar and billiards establishment here in downtown Newark. Mr. Liston is reputed to be a..." I put my big paw on her hand, and said so the recorder could hear: "I is reputed to know a thing or two 'bout pimping hookers, or Ho's; or whatever the hell you wants to call them."
"Well ... yes. Err, Mr. Liston, how would you like to begin?"
Bitch had this helpless look on'er face. Not that I cared any, but it wuz me wanted the conversation in the first place, so I owed her a story. I decided to make one up. And changed the names so as to protect the innocent. Heh, heh, heh.
"Okay, Miz Haynes, here goes: I learned how to run women from Johnny Diamondmouth. He wuz king pimp; maybe twenty years back. I wuz just a growin' boy."
"Now, Diamondmouth wasn't just a womanizer like most other dudes on the street -- no sir. There wuz something special 'bout him. Oh, yeah, something really special."
Bitch starting to relax at this; musta figured things wuz going real smooth, and I see her body kinda lean back some, losing some tension as she got engrossed in the tellin' as it were.
"Ever since I know him," I says, "Diamondmouth wuz skinny as a trout; weak-eyed 'en weak-chinned, with this snaggle of teeth that probably never seen a toothbrush. Still and all, they wuz lined with diamonds stead'a fillings. Now old Diamondmouth chewed maybe twelve packs of Juicy Fruit a day, just to keep his breath sweet enough so people would come close to him.
"He also had a line of red pimples on his neck where his shirt collar sawed at him; 'specially in the summer. Another thing about him, he wore a tie everyday, winter and summer.
"Diamondmouth had a special stool reserved for him over at Lemon Dick's Bar & Grill, over on Raymond Boulevard, from which he run his stable of high-assed, high-yellers and a couple simpering runaway white bitches."
I glanced at the Bitch and smiled. "Course Lemon Dick's gone now. Shit! Him and the bar. Hell, they all long gone," I added wistfully, because there is days when I really miss them.
"Anyway, one fine day; for me at least, Diamondmouth interrupted my pool game to share a bit of carnal and criminal knowledge with me. I guess he just wanted to kinda pass the time of day. Kinda like I'm doing with you right here 'en now." I smiled my best smile at her. 'En she gifted me with a smile of her own. It wuz a right pretty smile. The Bitch had good teeth, had to give her that. Nice and white. But she still couldn't look me in the eye. I watched like a hawk, as her dainty hand kinda glided across her upper leg.
"Diamondmouth," I continued, "not only made my dick hard with his story," I lied smoothly, and paused to reflect the moment. I smiled at her, and when she smiled back, I put my hand on'er leg, maybe an inch or so from the hem of her dress. She tensed up, but she didn't move away. I figured it wuz cause she had $400 invested in our little talk. And moments later, I seen her take a quick peek at my dick; which wuz all but poking outta my pants.
It wuz kinda funny, 'cause she had made my dick hard; and a woman always wants to know how they affecting you. I liked that. Told me we wuz making all kinda progress with this here conversation. I left my hand where it wuz, and continued talking.
"But he taught me certain things I live my life by. Rules, I guess you might call 'em." I called out to Tator to bring me another drink 'en to give her the same. She didn't say no.
"Diamondmouth," I said, and at the same time, I give her thigh a squeeze, 'en moved another four inches closer to her love nest, "How you get all them women to fuck for you? How come they doan leave you without giving you the time 'o day?" Bitch be listening hard now, even with the recorder running. I eased my hand up higher on her leg, and continue talkin'. I see the Bitch is breathin' a little faster too.
I found that interestin'.
"Diamondmouth would say, 'It's all in how you treat 'em 'cause they all of them different; and they all of them the same.'"
I'm lookin' the Bitch right inner eye, and I says, "I told Diamondmouth that I found that puzzling, and asked him to explain it some better. "Sure," he says to me, "You go 'round tryin' to power a strange cunt in'ta doing this, or that ¾ maybe you grab her by the hair, 'en knock her head against the wall ¾ not a good idea, 'cause then what you got is a bitch yelling rape on you; that is, she ain't hurt too bad. Then she be running down the avenue lookin' to throw herself in the arms of the first cop, or pimp ready to defend her, you unnerstand?"
Bitch holdin' the recorder and nodding her head like Diamondmouth himself wuz whispering in her ear. She this interested in my shit, I figure it be time to venture a lil' closer to her pussy. See what she do then. I leaned in a little closer to her, and turned down my volume. "He'd say to me, 'You got to do like with a cat.'"
"What's that?" Bitch say to me. Before I answer, I let my finger trace lightly crost her pussy.
Oh, the Bitch knows I'm there all right. Body language give her away. But to her credit, her face don't show nothing. She takes a sip 'o her drink, and waited for me to continue.
So wit my finger still going back 'en forth over her pussy, I go on with the story. "He says, 'First ignore her. Let her come to you. Then you feed her the sweet cream 'en peaches. You play like you doan even see she's got nice legs and tits.'"
Bitch's eyes widen some at this, but I kept talkin' as I pushed ever so softly on her lips. "Now, when you feed her the cream, don't be stingy. Pour it on. If she got ugly ears, you say you never seen such pretty seashells, 'en my how the light shines through 'em. She got a honker like a bugle; you tell her handsome noses wuz very prized by Roman emperors and them French kings; pointing out that Madame Bovary 'en Helen the great Trojan queen both had noses the prow any ship be proud to wear."
Bitch begin to smile a little, but I seen a bead or two of sweat just above her lip. She took another sip 'o her drink.
"If she got no tits, tell the bitch she's a lady born out 'o her time; quality from the twenties come to grace this sorry age with her lovely figure. You hear what I'm tellin' you?"
"Err ... yes. Yes I do Mr. Liston," she says, and a little smile 'crost her face. "And then the Bitch push that pussy 'o hers into my finger. I'm not surprised. I'm never surprised with what a bitch will do. I expect anything. They ingenious when it come to fuckin' up a man's mind. So I slip the finger inside her underwear and into her pussy; and use my thumb on her little old button.
Bitch smiles at me, and says, "Please continue Mr. Liston." But she don't say which I should continue, so I do both.
"So I ask Diamondmouth, 'Suppose the bitch knows what she's got ain't much, 'en says you full 'a shit?"'
"What you expect the bitch to say?" Diamondmouth say to me, bringin' his face real close to mine. 'Less she's a sorry fool, so ... so what you do, you eat her. You eat it, 'en make like it's tasty. You act shy 'en humble in the face of such misguided self-abnegation."
"Self what?" Bitch says to me.
"Abnegation. You the reporter, don't you know the word?" I emphasize this by jabbing my finger into her slippery pussy. Two bookies happened into the bar, moments ago, began to snicker.
"Bitch turning red on me now, says, "Could we continue this conversation somewhere more private?"
I smiled at her; give her a good look at my gold teeth. I axed 'Tator for the keys to the back room, and took her arm, and we ambled on back, with her titties jouncing against my arm every step 'o the way.
Now, the back room ain't much. Couple chairs 'en a pool table or two, a card table and a chest holding towels and stuff for the bar. And some 'o my stuff for special occasions like this.
I closed and locked the door behind me, and put my hands on'er hips. Bitch had her eyes closed, waitin' for a kiss.
Instead, I lifted her dress up to her waist. Her underwear told me a lot 'bout her. Wasn't fancy, just plain cotton. That meant she didn't expect to get laid when she came here. The wet spot fronting her pussy, told me she wuz expecting to get laid now though. Course the Bitch had asked for the back room. That confirmed her wanting to get laid. And to her credit, she didn't make no pretenses 'bout it either.
I'd a thought she'd be heavier as I lifted her up and set her down on the table and then knelt before her lightly furred alter. I said, "To tell you the truth I don't know what misguided self-abnegation meant then or now. I doan think it matters any if we getting serious."
She nodded, and shut the tape recorder off. "No need to record everything that's said in here, is there, Mr. Liston?"
"It's your machine, Miz. Haynes," I says, and used my trigger finger to pull her underwear to one side; then leaned in close to lick her pussy some.
"Ohhhh, Mr. Liston," she say. No time at all, her hand on my head, kinda guiding me along, I don't need no guidance; but I let her have her way for the moment. Bitch pushed that pussy into my face and held it there. I don't mind at all. Fact is I started playin' her puss like it wuz a Stradivarius.
A long time ago, a Ho named Wilma taught me how to play the pussy. Wilma's lessons used to last all day 'en all night. I wuz one tired motherfucker headed home from Wilma's. No damn spring in my step those times. Wilma have me 'en my dick dragging. Ain't laying no shit on you, neither.
I leaned over the bitch, and resting my weight on my elbows, my face only inches from her pussy, pursed my lips 'en blew my sweetest breath on'er pussy, fanning the thick hair there, enjoyin' the smell perkolatin' off her warm sexy skin.
Then I turned and stroked the creamy white skin on her thigh with the wet tip 'o my tongue.
Bitch gasped, sounded like all the air rushed out'er her lungs at once. I turned my head the other way 'en trailed my tongue up her leg, starting just above the knee and stopped 'bout a inch short 'o her pussy.
She's already making these strange cooing sounds every time my nose brushed against her coarse pussy hair. I give her clittie a little lick, 'en heard the bitch give a short sigh. By this time, the Bitch be holding her legs apart with both hands, you know, to help me along.
I kept on going, usin' them short strokes; licking all'a way up the top 'o her thigh to that little crease where it join her hip. My tongue followed it like a salmon swimmin' up river—only I'm going down, down stream 'til I reach pussy hair. Den I turn my head 'en repeat the move on the other side.
The bitch be purrin' like a Rolls Royce coming out the garage, 'en I should know, I got two.
I slid my hands under her ass, 'en shifted her hips 'til she just right for feastin'. I delved through her pussy hair 'en lick the tiny patch 'o skin 'tween the bitch's pussy and her tiny, puckered asshole.
Bitch tensed up on me at that. I solved that by drawin' the tip 'o my tongue slowly up one side her pussy, then tracing 'long the thick outer lip, then I went back to her bottom 'en traced up the other side.
Bitch's hips be jerkin' then — up, down 'en sideways. 'En she be moaning, "Yes, yes, yes, yes. That's the place, YESSSSS!"
Now the bitch really startin' to feel it. I looks up and sees her eyes be shut and she's squeezing those titties like they oranges on the way to the juicer.
I have to wipe my mouth on my arm -- bitch making plenty 'o juice now, 'en work a couple fingers inner' to search for the love spot. Black Betty showed me where that wuz, or the whereabouts anyways, many long years ago. By and by I found it 'en she flopped back on the table so's I could lick her without getting up, but my fingers wuz still moving 'en so wuz she. Damn I had to think a spell about how long it'd been since I seen a bitch have a real orgasm, cause my bitches be lying to me 'bout that shit all the time.
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The sun shines brightly but gently on an anonymous stretch of beach. On the beach man and woman stand together with a large white dog sitting between them. They are both tall and blond, beautiful people by all appearances, the woman is slightly taller than the man, who stands about six feet tall if someone were to measure him. The man is carrying a professional video camera and wearing a blue Speedo that is tightly molded to the bulge of his cock and balls. The idyllic scene and beautiful...
A new day had dawned and I was dozing on the bed when a text came through from Debbie asking me to meet Benji in the park at lunchtime because she forgot to pay me and had given Benji an envelope for me, I text her back to say it was fine and to meet at Doris’s café.I took a quick shower and after a quick coffee headed off to the park, it was a hot day so shorts and tee shirt was the order of the day.I arrived at the park and got a coffee from Doris, she wasn’t busy and we chatted, I told her I...
My father was a top official in a reputed company and i was a pampered child. There were virtually no restrictions in my house regarding anything as nobody had time for me and i had turned into a spoiled high society brat. First time i had sex when i was in my first year of college with one of my class mates and was sturdy in relationship till i noticed that i was being exploited monetarilly by him, then soon i began to ignore him then he reguarly blackmailed me and fu**ed me in all my holes,...
Drei Freunde I Ein magisches Rollenspiel von Ricky Zimmermann Schliesslich spuert auch Rob die Muedigkeit und den Hunger und folgt Carlos und Steve, die durch die unverschlossene Tuere in die Halle treten, obwohl ihr Klopfen kein Erscheinen eines eventuellen Butlers oder sonst eines Hausbewohners bewirkt hat. Irgendwie scheint das Gemaeuer bewohnt, denn eine schwach leuchtende Lampe erhellt den Raum, der von dem Duft einer koestlichen Mahlzeit erfuellt ist. Sie folgen nun...
That gang in Marietta really got my goat. I asked Dad why I could not go ahead right now and clean their clocks. He thought about it for all of 30 seconds before saying for me to go ahead. He just warned me to be careful. He was certain that these guys would have no qualms about killing me or anyone else in the family. I hadn't thought of that last little bit, but I thought that my concubines could take care of anything that showed up. That may have been the enthusiasm of youth, but I really...
Frank got out of bed just like he did any other day. The sun was already shining through his cheap, half-broken blinds through his window, bathing the room in soft light. He rubbed his eyes, yawned and staggered towards the small kitchenette that was on the other side of his drab, studio apartment. After starting up his coffee machine and throwing some instant oatmeal in the microwave he noticed a strange envelope on his kitchen counter. Printed neatly on the envelope was his full name and...
Mind ControlFor a moment Elaine wondered where the disappointment was coming from. Maybe she was just annoyed with herself. She was usually meticulously punctual. But it wasn't like she'd promised to meet him. It had just been a 'maybe'. Shaking her head, she had a new appreciation for the term 'wasted'. Who am I kidding? she wondered. The guy could be a nut. Simone said he wasn't but who was Simone? Maybe HE was 'Simone'. Surely no one was that devious. She had to admit it was possible. Elaine...
I told my mom about my presents and my thoughts about getting a more adult haircut. With a wistful look on her face (that I didn’t understand then, but do now) she suggested that we make an appointment at her favorite day spa in downtown Chicago and spend Saturday there together – a girl’s day out as it were. I think I paused for just a second too long when considering her offer, before I could answer she suggested that if I wanted that Beth could come along as well. And so our day was planned....
I stood over my sleeping daughter, staring at her moist, little mouth as I jacked my seven-inch cock protruding from my bathrobe while pumping furiously. I felt my cum surging through my cock. I leaned toward her face and my cum began to drop into my daughter's mouth. Suddenly, my daughter opened her eyes, grabs my cock and pulls it further into her mouth. I was shocked finding my cock deep in my precious daughter's mouth. Oh wow, what a sensation of my daughter taking her daddy's cock to...
Actress Twinkkle Khanna Note : This story is completely fictional and represent the people fantasies only! I am the Driver of the Bollywood Celebrity Twinkle Khanna. I was lusting over her from the very first day I had seen her in the movies. Luckily I got her job and was watching her very closely. Whenever I got chance, I peeped at her and enjoyed the view of her special body parts which her fans can only dream of. I specially liked her really BIG and HEAVY breasts which jiggle with her...
IncestYou´ve been driving all day on the highway. Fear of flying has its massive downsides, like incredibly boring days spent driving to get to your aunt in Chicago for Christmas. You check the GPS app on your iPhone and it alerts you of a motel a few miles ahead. It´s not cheap but not expensive either. Feeling weary to the bone, you decide to get a bed for the night. You drive a few more eventless miles and then take a sharp right onto the motels parking lot. Its a wide 3 storey building made of...
Video Store Slave by SirbootnockaI have always wanted a sex slave , and I'll explain how I happened to acquire my first. I'm a great looking black man. I am 5'8" and I'm quite fit, with 15" bicepts and a 34" waist, topped off with a 46" chest. At 42 years old, I have a pretty good body, and look well under my age. She worked at the local Family Video store. One of many such stores that grace the corners of midwest thoroughfares. She had shoulder length dirty blonde hair, that always sported...
The economy has sucked over the last three plus years. Right, hasn’t it? I know because I’ve been laid off, for the most part of it. I don’t know how many times, but I haven’t fretted too much seeing as I am single and somehow have managed to find myself a job here and there each time throughout these layoffs. Okay, I’m not too old either and seeing as I’m not, it may have worked out to my advantage. My first year of being laid off, I was only 27. Now, no I don’t have a college degree but with...
OMG so excited when I had the little bump in with Angela, Let me tell you the rest of the story…So we were mixing cocktails together in the kitchen and had quite a few of them when we ended up on the couch in the living room watching Netflix. I’m pretty sure we were watching Twin Peaks episodes. I like the series but could not help looking at Angela’s perfect cameltoe. That bathing suit pulled right up between her pussy lips. Her lips were almost saying: “Liberate me from this...
Hi dosto i am vicky. aur yeh story hai mari aur meri girlfriend sonia ki. meri age 24yrs hai. aur sonai ki age 23yrs hai. Sonia ki saadi ab kisi aur ladke se ho gai hai. 5 saal pehle ki baat batane jaa raha hu jab mera aur Sonia ka ek doosre se bahut pyar tha. main nineth class mein tha aur woh 8th class mein thi. mujhe sonia bahut pasand thi . to maine ek din mouka dekhte huye bus stop par ushe sareaam propose kar diya, par Sonia ne mana kar diya aur main bahut roya aur ek saal baad phir...
Surprise! A special holiday gift from us to you! Enjoy this free premium scene: Raven haired beauty Gianna Dior thinks she is alone, so she is lounging around and watch TV in the nude. But when her stepbrother stumbles upon the naked goddess, he breaks out his phone to film. Gianna is pissed, but the only way that footage is getting deleted is if she sucks her pervy stepbros dick. Later, Gianna needs a little help with her schoolwork. To incentivize her horny stepbro, she slides her pussy onto...
xmoviesforyouMay 22, 1845 We had been seeing this weird rock formation ahead of us for the last couple of days. Ab said it was called Chimney Rock. To me, it looked more like a haystack with a pole sticking out of the top of it. Ab also said that Chimney Rock marked the end of the prairie. He said from that point on, the traveling would be more rugged. The place I picked for us to camp that night was about sixteen miles out and was within about five miles of Chimney Rock. It was within sight of Chimney...
My name is anand; i am 34 years old, and endowed with what my 2 neighbours, subhadra and durga, call a “monster”. I run a personal investment office for my nri cousins and close friends from my house, and thanks to e-banking and de-materialisation of shares, i work with the main door closed – there are no visitors. Subhadra was an ex-colleague, aged 27 years on whom i had been having an eye for long. She came to my old flat about 2 years back – we got talking, she was so frustrated with her...
Hello ISS friends, I am Baron, a happily married man working in Bangalore. This is my first story in ISS. This happened almost a month ago. I have been married for over 2 years. My wife, coming from a very conservative background is not much interested in sex. She limits my sexual fantasies to conventional sex. I am highly sexually active and was getting restless due to this. On top of that, she became pregnant and had some complications and hence doctor advised not to have sex. She left to her...
The dream was back. The girl in the red coat. The grungy market street. Pursuit. Only this time it was different. The marketers were inside, the rain keeping them away. She kept looking back at him. He almost lost her down an alleyway. Thunder rang out in the sky, and the flash of lightning revealed her form. She took that convoluted path to the inn, attempting to reach her room. He caught up to her on the stairs, gripping her arm. She stumbled back, bracing herself against the wall. His...
Straight SexI set a new goal to take advantage of every opportunity that comes my way. I have not always succeeded but I do my best. In the early stages of my bi life I went through what I believed was the normal process for a guy who considered himself straight to actually finding out my bi tendencies were far stronger than I originally thought. Not going to lie it was difficult and lots of times I was riddled with guilt after my MM encounters. Walking away from giving a blow job I would be thinking how...
“Relax, let me see.” While Rose was still holding the tablet, Caritas turned and began to click a little on the tablet’s surface. Pointing to the lower right corner of the home screen, she said. “See this button here “send”? Click on it, I can’t click for you.” Rose clicked, and the screen changed, showing a question. Are you sure you want to submit your recent achievements for assessment? It is possible to make more achievements and earn more points. The first assessment will have...
Stewart and Helen graciously offered their spacious home for Lisa and my unofficial wedding ceremony that took place at noon. Anyone witnessing what happened would have thought we were all nuts. Today was only the second time I had met Lisa’s grandparents, Samuel and Jane Corbett. They felt honoured that Lisa chose their wedding date, the 28th of February, to be our wedding day. Samuel served in the last months of World War 2 plus saw action in Korea. Of course, my military service was...
To find an apartment for rent for two single ladies is now officially categorized as herculean task. I had lost count of number of houses that I and my friend, Neha had visited over the past 6 days.The mobile numbers of brokers filled up my contact list every time we explained the house owner that it is not a family but only two 22 year old unmarried ladies, who are going to move in, he would slowly call the broker to one side of the room and start whispering.We immediately knew that even this...
When Jennifer White catches her daughter’s boyfriend Nade Nasty sneaking into the house she decides to lure him back in and teach him a lesson herself. When Nade sneaks in again, Jennifer grabs him by the ear and sits him down, telling him she’s going to teach him how to wear a condom because she wants to make sure that he’s having safe sex with her daughter. Nade has no choice but to comply, and soon enough the lesson continues in the bedroom, where Nade sneaks the condom off and cums inside...
xmoviesforyouI've begun accepting the fact that my girlfriend is no longer just mine to have. I've asked her a bunch of times what she does, but rarely have I received any answers. She has told me that she is sleeping with two, not just one, of her exes. She has also told me that she also sleeps with random guys when she feels like it, but that's about all I know. I never know when she is going to meet up with one of them, though if I call and her phone is off, I know she is either getting fucked or...
Hi raviendran(fake) name as im afraid my image may get spoiled if i say my correct relative of a famous camera now trying to get a movie.i have been in film industry for past 10 years.first i tried direction but cant in going to tell u about a story which i saw 1 year back.i wont say the name of the guy and actress who did this but u can understand. It was end of shooting of a movie song in which comedy man became hero for second time and the actress...
Notes: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! “Drone control must be having trouble piloting,” Mindy’s father said, the three of them watching the screen, following the progress of their new Goddess, Bess Atwater. Mindy found her fascinating. She was such an inspiration. A Goddess who used the powers granted her by the Halo, the device created by the very Institute of Apotheosis Research that the fifteen-year-old girl was at. It made her shiver, her naked body pressed against her twin...
Christmas is at hand, and Dorothy and Maude are coming to celebrate with them. Neither have ever been south to Donald’s home and the warm invitation, which they know is mainly Emma’s influence now, is so pleasing to them.They at first plan to fly down, but then, realizing they no longer have any need to rush around to get somewhere, decide to take the train. It will be a day and a half trip, but they book a sleeper car and giggle together about the fun they will have while they roll along the...
Love StoriesI was excited when we left this morning, even after discovering that my right arm wasn’t as strong or as flexible as it had been before. Father told me that I’d have to exercise it and gently force it through the complete range of motion to get the strength and flexibility back. In addition, it still hurt to draw the bow, but I could use a bow if it were necessary. We took enough food for two weeks, longer if I supplemented it with game. We’d also receive regular deliveries of bread, cheese,...
It is going to be amazing seeing how Calvin, Linda and Roberta respond to Tatyana and her team! I can’t wait to see if they have a change in hell of handling them. As we were heading to the plane waiting on us, both Linda and Roberta each said they were interested in me helping them get into the mile high club. I took a few minutes to chat with the pilot on the tarmac before we both headed inside. I got a huge smile from him as he said, “If you don’t mind an extra few hours in the air, I...
The weekend stretched before Maya like a rock-strewn desert. Eric’s invitation haunted her every waking thought. She tried to read a book. The print grew unfocused and his face swam up from the page. She tried running, but as she ran her tights moved against her and she imagined his hands moving beneath them, a finger sliding into her wet sex. It was imperative to leave the road before someone saw her flushed face and guessed her secret. Filled with guilt, she told her boyfriend she would be at...
EPISODE 8: "Battle on the Football Field! Now I'm the Team's Target?" "And now for the latest developments in Bensonville, Debbie Woods." "Thanks, Richard. I'm here just outside Bensonville, where the Army is setting up a Forward Operating Base they are calling Artemis. Here with me is the base commanding officer, General Alvarez, to tell us about it. General, what is the purpose of this base, and why now? "Debbie, the U.S. Military has been monitoring the situation in...
3.Tiffani had been brought to the edge of coming for the past forty-five minutes as Dean sat in his chair with her kneeling by his side on the floor. The only time she moved was if he needed something. Dean sat there running his hands through her hair while they waited for dinner to arrive.Tiffani had already been made to strip out of her cotton PJs and put on her spiked heels, so as she knelt there he could look down and see the growing puddle of delicious cum building under her legs and the...
BDSMTrace and John were out in Lincoln for their friend, Ross’s birthday. They were staying in a local Motel for the night not too far from the city centre. Once the pair where ready they headed into town with their friends, Trace looking incredible as usual wearing a short red dress which came just above the middle of her thigh, and exposing all her slender back to the very peek of her bum showing her stunning sexy tattoo’s off to the awaiting crowds of Lincoln. Once they were in the bars and the...
My legs felt numb and painful at the same time. He yanked me back onto my feet and I tried to stumble behind him as he pulled me into the hallway and finally into the room I had started out in today. As he left, one of the woman from earlier entered. She helped me remove the rags that were my torn up lingerie and removed my collar, then took me again to being hosed down in the shower. When i came back to my cell a new pair of lingerie was laid out on the bed. "Put it on and get some rest"...
Hello readers, welcome back to this beautiful journey. I am thankful to the readers for their valuable feedback. it helps me to make the story better. I am male and the sex story is completely fictional. Let’s enjoy the journey. Ayesha is growing very fast. It is a well-known fact that girls grow faster than guys. She was very excited about the changes in her body and I was satisfying her curiosity every time she needed. I was taking care of her studies as well. I was to explain her the chapter...
LesbianWell, another Friday night and no date. Ever since I kicked Bob out to the curb my sexual appetite has been satisfied by my trusty dildo or my fingers which ever I was in the mood for. My name is Ellen and I am an attractive (at least I think so) woman of 35. I have a petite build and size 34 B tits. I have shoulder length black hair that I keep straight, no curls. Bob and I had an active sex life but his was more active than mine and when I found out I kicked his cheating ass out the door. I...
MY SON/MY DAUGHTER My name is Betty Smith, I am a single mother. I always wanted a daughter, but after my rape, I gave birth to a boy. Now, this boy was a joy to raise, even though I raised him dressed as a girl! By starting his female dressing so early in his life, he accepted his role as my Daughter. That is until about his tenth birthday when he became aware of the difference between boys and girls. It took a little "bribing" at first to keep dressing him as a girl, but he did...
This is a fictional story about a suburban Chicago couple who drift away from each other sexually only to find themselves again. The story contains straight sex, vaginal sex, oral sex, anal sex, non-consent / reluctant sex, gay sex, lesbian sex and bisexuality. It also involves sex between adults and teenagers but all characters are 18 years of age or older. Since the story contains many Literotica categories, I decided to put it in the Novel / Novellas category. I will submit one chapter at a...
The Hypno-Seduction of Lanaby LorasPa6loraspa6 (a) hotmail.comStory Codes: M/f, F/m, MC, BondageAuthor?s Foreword: The following was my first story that I wrote before I wrote Accidental Inheritance, and hposted it on another site. I have decided to submit it here for my BDSM Library Friends. ~Loras Pa6I was walking back to my desk with my lunch and I saw her in the courtyard eating lunch at one of the picnic tables, uncharacteristically alone. She is a petite girl in her twenties who had...
Twin Trouble Jake and Mary were 11-year-old twins, obviously not identical but so alike in appearance that only their parents could tell. They generally dressed the same and their hair was in a similar style. Mary, while quite capable of dressing as a pretty girl, preferred to wear jeans and to play football and other games with her brother. Some of Jake's friends initially thought they were brothers. This ability to deceive gave them great fun. Mary had marched in...
Do you love watching porn from before you were born? I’m not talking about a few years before your birthdate either. I’m talking about porn that was filmed over a fucking hundred years ago!Or maybe you don’t find a crash course in pornographic history all that interesting. Perhaps you want to watch hot professionals getting their fuck on from the era when you grew up. Or maybe you get off to watching pre-HD content for some reason.Whatever the case may be, has the content...
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