Drei Freunde I free porn video

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Drei Freunde I Ein magisches Rollenspiel von Ricky Zimmermann Schliesslich spuert auch Rob die Muedigkeit und den Hunger und folgt Carlos und Steve, die durch die unverschlossene Tuere in die Halle treten, obwohl ihr Klopfen kein Erscheinen eines eventuellen Butlers oder sonst eines Hausbewohners bewirkt hat. Irgendwie scheint das Gemaeuer bewohnt, denn eine schwach leuchtende Lampe erhellt den Raum, der von dem Duft einer koestlichen Mahlzeit erfuellt ist. Sie folgen nun in Ermangelung eines besseren Planes dem Geruch, der ihnen das Wasser im Munde zusammenlaufen laesst. Er fuehrt sie an der grossen und breiten Steintreppe vorbei, die des Herniederschreitens eines grossen Koenigs wuerdig waere. Die Waende sind mit schweren Stoffen behangen. Diese koennen aber den Eindruck von Kaelte, die das Gebaeude ausstrahlt, nicht verhindern. Der koestliche Geruch wird staerker und nach zwei Steinstufen unter einem tuerlosen Rundbogen hindurch stossen sie nicht ganz unerwartet auf die Kueche. Mit einem Hallorufen vergewissern sie sich, dass sie die einzigen in dem seltsamen Gemaeuer sind, die in Frage kaemen, die koestlichen Speisen im Ofen und in der Pfanne zu verschlingen. Der Hunger tut das seinige, eine eigentlich angebrachte Vorsicht beiseite zu lassen. Erst nachdem die Maegen gefuellt sind, beginnt das Trio, seine Denkorgane zu reaktivieren. Dass einfach so ein Essen fuer nicht geladene Gaeste bereitsteht, ist nicht die einzige Ungereimtheit, die ihnen Kopfweh verursachen koennte. Die bisherige Meinung Robs, das regelmaessig mit dem Zelt besuchte Gebiet zu kennen, wo nun ploetzlich ein nie dagewesenes, schlossaehnliches Gebaeude steht, ist ein zusaetzliches Raetsel und erschuettert das Weltbild entsprechend nachhaltig. Vor allem bei Steve, dem Ultra-Realisten, passt im Moment gar nichts in sein gewohntes Denkraster. Nachmittags laesterten der dicke Carlos, der es zu stattlichen Einmeterneunzig der unfoermigen Art bringt, der mickrige Steve, dem man ungerechtfertigterweise den intelektuellen Streber von weitem anzusehen glaubt, und der einerseits muskuloese, andererseits mit eher duemmlich wirkenden Schweinchenaugen ausgestattete Rob ueber die Maedchen ihres Jahrgangs. Natuerlich sieht keiner der drei dergestalt aus, dass irgendjemand auf die Idee kaeme, gerade ihm die entsprechende Qualifikation zuzugestehen. Auch jetzt packen sie wieder die Gelegenheit beim Schopf, sich waehrend wohligem Verdauens ueber hormonbedingte Fehlreaktionen gegenueber des anderen Geschlechts auszulassen. Das Geheimnis Frau gilt es jetzt zu entraetseln! Weniger aus romantischen Ueberlegungen. Frauen verstehen bedeutet Frauen rumkriegen... Das Gespraech wird zusehends froehlicher. Jeder beschreibt seine Traumfrau und wird immer mutiger beim Erfinden von moralisch eher fragwuerdigen Aktivitaeten mit der zu Ertraeumenden. Als dann die Ideen in Ihrer Schluepfrigkeit nicht mehr zu ueberbieten zu sein scheinen, zieht die Gegenwart ploetzlich wieder die ganze Aufmerksamkeit auf sich. Sie hoeren ein Geraeusch in der Halle. Jemand naehert sich der Kueche. Eine aeltere Dame betritt den Raum und erkundigt sich nach der Qualitaet der eben begangenen Mahlzeit, als ob die drei schon oefter zum Essen vorbeigekommen waeren. Ein Mischmasch von Begruessungsgemurmel und anerkennenendem Grunzen scheint ihr sodann als Antwort genug. Da der dicke Carlos gerade am Mokkapfaennchen werkelt, heisst sie ihn, ihr auch einen zuzubereiten. Sofort beginnt dieser noch nervoeser zu hantieren. Als alle ihr Taesschen haben, fragt die Dame: "Habt ihr euch nicht gefragt, wieso hier auf einmal ein Schloss steht?" Darauf toent es in etwa: "Jo, aeh, ja schon, ae ebendoch..das ist es ja gerade..." Die Frau erklaert ihnen, dass das Gebaeude schon lange hier steht. Man muesse einfach das Wort "hier" ein bisschen flexibler definieren. Das Gebiet gehoere zu einer Zone von Zwiewelten, bei denen an gewissen Daten schon mal ein Normalsterblicher unfreiwillig die Welt wechsle. Und heute sei schliesslich Sonnwende... Im Verlauf des Monologs, der mit nur ganz wenigen Fragen aus den Reihen des Trios unterbrochen wurde, erklaert die Frau, dass auch sie aus der anderen Welt stamme. Sie beschloss aber damals mit zwei Freundinnen zu bleiben, als sie ein paar Faehigkeiten an sich entdeckten, die ihnen nur hier zu eigen waren. Steve, dessen Realismus merklichen Schaden davongetragen hat, blickt muerrisch in seine Tasse, vage hoffend, dass das ganze wissenschaftlich oder doch wenigstens betaeubungsmittelbedingt erklaerbar sei. Carlos und Rob hingegen sind begeistert von der Aussicht auf mysterioese Erlebnisse, nachdem sie vielleicht ein bisschen zu schnell Vertrauen zu der alten Dame gefasst haben. Die bestaetigt ihnen, dass unter ihrer Fuehrung das Wechseln zwischen den Welten problemlos sei. Kuerzlich sei gerade wieder der Arzt aus Giesenweiler, Konstantin Wessel, hier gewesen. Auf ihre Frage hin bestaetigte nur Steve, den Mann zu kennen, da sie drei aus Kaltbrunnwiesen kaemen. Er hatte als Knabe das Vergnuegen, den Doktor kennenzulernen, als er bei seiner Tante in Giesenweiler Ferien machte und einen gebrochenen Arm kurieren lassen musste, weil er vom Baum gestuerzt war. Nach einer laengeren Unterhaltung ueber dieses und jenes laedt die Frau dann die drei ein, fuer eine Nacht im Schloss zu bleiben, was, durch den fortgeschrittenen Abend beguenstigt, dankbar angenommen wird. Sie begeben sich ueber die breite Steintreppe, die von der kalten ungastlichen Eingangsalle ins erste Stockwerk hinauffuehrt, in ein grosses aber gemuetliches Zimmer mit mehreren Betten. An der einen schmaleren Wand des rechteckigen des Raumes stehen vor einem grossen Spiegel auf einem altaraehnlichen Tisch ein paar seltsame Gegenstaende, die von einer Kerze geheimnisvoll beleuchtet werden. An der rechten Laengswand stehen Betten und gegenueber davon ein Kamin, der aber kalt ist. Als die Frau bemerkt, wie Carlos den Spiegel mustert, erklaert sie: "Wenn du etwa denken solltest, dass dies kein normaler Spiegel sei, dann hast du voellig recht, hi hi..." Natuerlich wird sie jetzt gemustert, und zwar von allen dreien. "Ja, ja, bei uns gehoert Magie zum Alltag wie Luft und Wasser. Der Spiegel erfuellt Wuensche. Aber Vorsicht: Er liebt kleine Spaesse, wenn ihm die Gelegenheit gegeben wird, einen Wunsch zu interpretieren. Ihr koennt sicher sein, dass er im Zweifel die Variante waehlt, die ihr sicher nicht gemeint habt. Dann gibt's noch ein paar andere Dinge, die man beachten muss." Sie sieht, wie es in den dreien arbeitet. "Wartet bis morgen, dann geben ich und meine zwei Freundinnen euch ein paar Beispiele, wie man es richtig macht." Um sie vom Thema abzulenken, erwaehnt sie den geheizten Pool im Nebenraum, der vor dem Zubettgehen zur Entspannung sehr geeignet sei. Das wirkt. Neugierig durchqueren Sie den gewoelbten Gang zum "Badezimmer". Zwar stehen die drei zuerst mit haengenden Kiefern in dem imposanten Raum, der sich bald vor ihnen auftut, aber kurze Zeit spaeter sitzen alle im Riesenbecken und lassen sich von den Wasserduesen, die irgendwie kleinen Unterwasservulkanen aehneln, massieren. Waehrend die Frau das Licht daempft, indem sie alle Lichter loescht ? ausser dem Feuer, das von einem Kamin hinter dem kleinen Wasserfall durch das stuerzende Wasser hindurch scheint ? verabschiedet sie sich mit der Erklaerung, dass die drei jetzt alles haben, was sie fuer die Nacht brauchen. Als Carlos aus seinem Halbschlaf aufschrickt, bemerkt er, dass Rob und Steve das eigentuemliche Bad schon verlassen haben. Da er die beiden nicht bemerkt hat, duerfte es offensichtlich doch ein "Ganzschlaf" gewesen zu sein. Er trocknet seinen massigen Koerper ab und schlurft in den Schlafraum. Dort sitzen seine Freunde in Tuecher gewickelt vor dem Spiegel und scheinen bereits wieder hellwach. Auch Carlos Muedigkeit schwindet, als er sich zu den beiden gesellt. "Habt ihr was rausgefunden?" fragt er. Steve meint nicht ganz ueberzeugt, dass doch alles Humbug sei. Carlos erklaert: "Ohne es zu versuchen, werden wir es nie wissen." Rob: "Wir koennten doch auf die Frau warten; die weiss wie's geht." "Ja, aber zum Beispiel eine schoene Frau herzuwuenschen wuerde uns jetzt viel mehr bringen. Dagegen koennte aber unsere Gastgeberin etwas haben", entgegnet darauf Carlos. Steve schuettelt den Kopf und schweigt. Zu Bett geht er allerdings trotzdem nicht. Er koennte ja vielleicht doch was verpassen. Rob fragt Carlos, wie er nun vorgehen will, angestrengt darueber nachdenkend, ob ihm ein anderes beilaeufiges Beispiel wie dieser Wunsch nach einer schoenen Frau, einfaellt. Resigniert gibt er dieses Ansinnen bald auf... "Lasst uns vor den Spiegel stehen und zusammen wuenschen," schlaegt Rob in einem Anfall von Entscheidungsfreude vor und schiebt seine Kumpels vor sich an den Spiegel ? ein Schuft, wer denkt, er verstecke sich hinter ihnen... "Sind alle mit der schoensten Frau der Welt einverstanden? ? Auf drei wuenschen wir! Eins, zwei, drei!" Nun murmelt sogar der kleine Steve mit: "Ich wuensche mir die schoenste Frau der Welt!" Nun, es stieben keine Funken, keine Lichtexplosionen passieren. Nein, es ist einfach stockdunkel. Carlos stolpert ueber eine Zeltschnur und reisst die beiden anderen zu Boden. Sie liegen alle drei in ihrer Wanderkleidung vor ihrem Zelt, von wo aus sie am Tag zuvor gestartet waren. "So, ich geh schlafen!" sagt Steve und ohne ein weiteres Wort kriechen sie in ihr Zelt. Am naechsten Morgen Es ist normal, dass Steve laenger schlaeft als die anderen. Dass Carlos und Rob ihn aber aus ihren Schlafsaecken heraus beobachten, waehrend er heute aufwacht, beunruhigt ihn in dem Masse zunehmend, wie er wacher wird. Vor allem ihre entgeisterten Gesichter lassen ihn ein bisschen schneller aufwachen als sonst. "D..du siehst ? aeh ? anders aus", teilt ihm Rob mit. Steve: "Wie anders?" "Na, eben anders", druckst Rob herum. Steve aergerlich, nervoes und besorgt: "Hat jemand einen Spiegel da?" Carlos nestelt in seinen Sachen und bringt seinen Aluminiumteller zum Vorschein. Der ist zwar nicht so klar wie ein Spiegel, aber er tut's auch. Steve blickt hinein und wird rot uebers ganze Gesicht. Er sieht nicht genau, wen er da sieht, aber mit Bestimmtheit nicht sich selber. Ein bezauberndes Maedchengesicht, das die gleichen Haare hat wie er blickt ihm entgegen... Nach dem ersten Schock greift er sich in den Schritt und an die Brust. Aber dort scheint alles wie eh zu sein. "Was ist das?" kreischt er. "Die grosse Kacke, ach du Scheisse", jammert er und starrt wieder in sein Spiegelbild. Er stuerzt aus dem Zelt und reisst sich die Kleider vom Leib. Alle hatten naemlich in ihrer mehrschichtigen Wanderkluft geschlafen. Der restliche Koerper sieht schmaechtig aber maennlich wie eh und je aus. Nur eben dieses bezaubernde Maedchengesicht ergibt in dieser Zusammenstellung ein monstroeses Gesamtbild. Inzwischen sind die beiden anderen auch rausgekrochen. Rob weist verlegen darauf hin, dass seine gespannte Hose von seiner ueblichen Morgenlatte herruehre und nichts mit Steve zu tun habe. Steve blickt ihn daraufhin an, als ob er ihn in der naechsten Sekunde umbringen wuerde. Carlos verdrueckt sich hinter einen Baum, von wo kurz darauf ein Schrei erschallt. Rob und sogar Steve schauen aufmerksam zu dem Baum, hinter dem sie ihn vermuten. Nun geschieht vorerst gar nichts mehr. Eine bedrohliche Stille hat sich ueber den Platz gelegt. Steve und Rob begeben sich zum Baum, hinter dem Carlos wie versteinert steht. Seine Hand im Hosenschlitz schaut er die beiden entsetzt an. "Was ist los?" fragt Rob leise und besorgt und fragt sich gleichzeitig, wieso er an Carlos nicht mehr hinaufschauen muss. "Mein Schwanz ist weg!" durchschneidet die hysterische Stimme von Carlos die Stille des Waldes. Nun beginnt auch Rob sich selbst zu untersuchen. Durch den Umstand, dass er beim Wuenschen seine Freunde zwischen sich und den Spiegel geschoben hatte, kam er offensichtlich am glimpflichsten weg. Er hat nun allerdings sehr zartgliedrige Haende, die ganz und gar nicht zu seiner muskuloesen Statur passen wollen. Waehrend er nun am hysterischsten von allen herumschreit, zwaengt sich waehrend der Phase der Beruhigung langsam eine Frage zwischen die drei in die malerische Waldlichtung: Wo ist der Rest der Frau? Steve und Rob starren nun ein bisschen genauer auf Carlos und stellen fest, dass dieser kaum noch groesser wie Steve ist. Die unausgesprochene Frage wird durch Carlos ebenso unausgesprochen beantwortet, als er beginnt, seine Kleidungsschichten auszuziehen. Entsetzlich wohlgeformte Brueste zeichnen sich unter seinem Hemd ab. Eine schmale Taille laesst seine Hose, die nur wegen der Hosentraeger ueberhaupt noch ihm dran ist, um eine sehr weibliche Huefte pludern. Ausser seinen Haenden und seinem Gesicht gehoert ihm nun der schoenste Frauenkoerper der Welt. Ende Teil I

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Walking the DogChapter 16

The thunderstorm had gone by morning and patches of blue sky were doing their best to pull apart the low drape of cloud that hugged the sea. We walked along the beach again though I swear we left no footprints. Some of the magic from the previous night seemed to linger about us still. It may sound callous, but I wasn't particularly worried about Niall. Angela made me feel immortal - that protection had to include my friends. It sounds lame now but I really felt that. Of course, there was no...

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Zaks GiftChapter 4

"Kim, what a nice surprise!" Victor said. "I had a day off." Kim replied. "I wanted to see you." Victor led her into the house, with his hand at the small of her back, just the way she liked it, and Kim purred with pleasure. "Kim, this is Penelope." Victor said. "She's staying with me until further notice." "Some kind of trouble?" Kim asked through a haze of arousal. "You might say that." Victor replied. His cell phone buzzed in his pocket. "Excuse me." He disappeared...

4 years ago
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A new Black Master in Savannah

Several months after moving to Savannah, my lust for black cock was so powerful; it was taking over, all I wanted was more…I was turning into a bitch for black cock who was letting her throbbing cunt make the decisions for her…I had met a new Black Master. He was called Darnell.Last Friday night my beloved hubby had flown away from town for some days, so I had called Darnell and he had picked me up to join him at his place.Darnell yelled at me after fucking my cunt and ass in his own bed:“Good...

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Bunnie Toy Must Die

BUNNIE TOY MUST DIE By Ingrid Halb Special Agent John Devon had a grim look on his face when he entered the briefing room. It was not often that he and his partner received an assignment call direct from the Deputy District Chief. This was almost certainly serious. His partner tagging along behind him, Special Agent Brad Simpson, had a much more placid look on his face. The two men were physically quite different. Devon was a tall, square- shouldered man in his mid-thirties. ...

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I was up early the following morning, but Bianca and Sheena only wanted a light breakfast of fruit and yogurt. Mother and I had Cheerios with banana. Jack and Beth slept in, coming to the kitchen around noon. I went to the study to work; Bianca and Sheena went to the gym while the caterer removed everything from the back yard. I spent more than an hour on the phone with New York’s two senators. There was something I wanted to do for my wives and I needed to know if I’d run afoul of the...

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Three Square MealsChapter 31 Raunchy encounters and revelations on their way back home

John and his crew of beautiful young women were up on the bridge of the Invictus. They had watched quietly as Alyssa had taken off from the docking bay, and then skilfully guided the huge spacecraft through the canyons underneath the vast shipyard, until finally she had them soaring away into the upper atmosphere of Ashana. “I got kind of used to having Ashana as our base of our operations,” Dana said wistfully as the arid reddish-orange planet’s surface grew small behind them on the...

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Magical Watches

Magical Watches By Stephanie W. Hi, my name's Brian and here's my story. I remember the night it all happened, when my life turned upside down. It was July 13 and on a Friday night. I remember it, because it was the hottest night of summer. My girlfriend and I decided we should stay in due to it being too hot to go out on the town, so I ended up at her place since it was a lot cooler than my place. Alisa had central air. When I called Alisa at earlier in the day to see what...

4 years ago
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Agent of Lilith Chapter 12

"Ughh, Lilith…" "Fuck, James, I'm so fucking close! Don't stop!" "Lilith, I'm cumming!" Moans and groans echoed through the Temple of Venus as James and Lilith made love. The perfumed air was heavy with sexual energy, and the two lovers emitted such powerful auras of lust that the very ground seemed to quake beneath them as they fucked. On their usual collection of opulent cushions, Lilith sat in James' lap, bouncing wildly on his cock. Her arms rested on his broad shoulders and...

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Dan aka Becca Part 2

By the time summer break arrived, Becca has gotten quite comfortable going out with Andrea, or by herself. She had become a regular at a few of the bars that catered to the LGBQT community and had become friends with several of the “gurls” as they liked to call themselves. She had also found and become friends with several of the female regulars, one of whom she was really starting to like quite a bit. Tina was helping her a lot with her makeup and styling tips as well. She also ran into Candi...

4 years ago
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mom and me

hi i'm Abhinav,20 i am currently doing my college in chennai,India.My mom is brindha,48.She looks a bit fat but even at this age is is really gorgeous.She has a nice pair of boobs they are D cup so obviously they are big and i love them.she does not have the perfect structure but still she is hot.i was in 6th standard when i started watching porn first i used to jack off regularly from then.but it was only during my 11th standard that i started having fetishes on older woman and also my mom.i...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Compensation From my Neighbor

One cloudy afternoon after school I arrived home after my team's soccer practice. As I approached my driveway I saw Ms. Ferguson, my neighbor from across the street. As I turned into the drive I gave her a wave and she reciprocated. I thought quickly to myself it'd been a couple months since I had seen her. Just before summer, her marriage hit the skids, and her then husband packed up and moved out. No one really knew the full story, but it did come out that he had started an affair with a...

3 years ago
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James Story Part One

So much for married with kids by 30. But, here you are. Sitting at a bar, drinking because who cares if you use this month’s last money splurge on getting drunk to numb the fact that all of this happened in two weeks? Right. “I’ll take a Tito’s & Cranberry on the rocks. Make it double actually, fuck it.”As the bartender prepares my overrated cliche beverage, I decide to take out my phone to see what’s happening on twitter.Nevermind, there are way too many “Ms. 20-something”’s celebrating the...

2 years ago
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Real Life Behind Shining 8211 Part I

My name is Sarapa, I will not tell my family name as I am from a richest and well respected families in India we are on top of the list of richest peoples in India my parents takes dinner with highest persons of India. We lives in Delhi in a huge villa well guarded by guards its shining with lights but inside is very dark nobody thinks of relations just and just think of money parents have no times for kids I am only daughter of my parents as my mom got some complications at My birth so no...

2 years ago
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Fixed IdeaChapter 7

They never talk about what happened in the bathroom. In fact, Rory vehemently denies it ever happening. After having that strange dream the night before, Chance isn’t all too sure it did happen either. It certainly felt real, but so had the dream. At this point, he isn’t even sure the incident with the bowl of oatmeal even happened. So for the rest of the day he decides to give his sister a bit of a break. This is the first weekend that he is here and the first of a long summer. He doesn’t...

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Sally was a hairdresser and worked in a salon right around the corner from my office. She was a dark blond, a little on the chunky side but with amazing blue eyes, late 20s, newly separated and from Ohio. She was proud of her Germanic heritage and interspersed her conversation with odd bits of German from time to time. As with any hairdresser, we exchanged comments, which is all one can really do when your interlocutor is standing behind you all the while. On the third time I went to her for a...

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A lucky day playing the lottery

I stopped at the local deli this morning to get an egg sandwich and a coffee. When I walked into the store the first thing that caught my eye was the fiftysh blond BBW going over scratch off tickets in the corner. I quickly checked her out, trying to be discrete,  I could tell that she was curvy and had big tits. I went and placed my order and went to pay at the register. While waiting for my order, the BBW came up to the lottery station (next to the register) and handed over a couple of...

Oral Sex
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Kalani Chapter One           “ A fter all that I have done for you!” Those words were constantly playing over in Kalani’s mind as she drove down Peachtree Street in her Range Rover. The vibration of her Palm Treo interrupted her thoughts, as she picked it up she smiled to herself, it was a text message from Danielle, Dani to her – and only her. I DON’T KNOW IF I TOLD YOU BUT JUST IN CASE I HAVEN’T – I LOVE YOU BABE! That message brought about a warm feeling for Kalani. Danielle Mackenzie...

1 year ago
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JamesDeen Sophia Grace Gets The Fucking Fuck Fucked Out Of Her

Sophia Grace invites James Deen over to her new house. She just moved in and has a specific type of house warming gift she wants. Sophia wants her tight teen pussy abused and pounded by the Porn Star’s big cock. She begs to be James’ little slut as he punishes her tight body. The teen is tanned and toned and wants to be boned… HARD! And that is exactly what she gets. James manhandles Sophia all over the room. Having her suck his feet, cock and asshole. He bends her over and...

3 years ago
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Milena need for seed

After milena posted a request on a cumslut adding site, in order to quench her thirst of cum, she didn't expect any answer so fast.A sex shop owner organize a cumparty for her. During the walk from her condo, she can't stop thinking about semen, thick veiny dick swollen with cum,spurting theirs man juice on her face, in her mouth.When she arrived at the backdoor of the sexshop, it was opened with a banner where it's wroten "Enter here, ye who is cum thirsthy"As milena was aroused by the banner...

2 years ago
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MasterPC Ch 14

MPC14: Julia Gets a Proposition It was snowing hard when they crossed into the U.P. Huge white flakes drifted down from steel grey clouds pregnant with moisture. On either side of the long straight strip of blacktop huge piles of snow had been pushed off the road in seemingly endless wind rows. And beyond the snow banks rank upon rank of balsam, hemlock, white pine, Norway pine, spruce, and an occasional oak, birch, poplar, or maple stood like silent sentinels covered in fluffy white...

4 years ago
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Unfireable Fucking My Boss

Today, a fan on Reddit asked me what was the most surprising thing that has happened in our two decades of swinging, cuckolding and FemDom. While Mike and I have had many interesting, intense and hot encounters over the years, the first thing that sprung to my mind was something that happened to us a few years after we started swinging.If you like my stories, please subscribe, follow and send a friend request!K----->MIn the early 2000s, we were occasional regulars at a swing club in western...

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Stop Running Renata

CHAPTER 1 Two hours before dawn, two hours after the cops had broken up the party, Renata Mead opened her eyes and blinked furiously, looking around trying to identify where she was. She eyed the stacks of winter wood and groaned, accepting she was in a garden woodshed. Somebody was sprawled over her. Dead or alive? Gingerly she reached down and was horrified to feel the guy’s flaccid dick was still in her. Oh god, this was this scenario her mother had often warned her about and it wasn’t...

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Jack and Jill

Jack and Jill by Vickie Tern ([email protected]) Authors foreword "Jack and Jill" is a novel in ten chapters averaging 30k each about a fictional cross-dresser like you or me in fact or fantasy or remote curiosity, or else why have you read this far, and how he or she became the person who is narrating the story. It's mostly TG and femdom, with forced or tricked or cajoled feminization, but of course also m/f and m/m and f/f in various u.c. and l.c. combinations, and also...

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I always get an A

A week ago I overheard the teacher telling her that if she did not get a b+ or better she was going to fail the class, and get kicked off the cheer-leading team. She left the school crying. I knew there was my opening. I texted her: Me: Amy - I can write the paper for you Amy: Who is this? Me: Brad Smith Amy: Who?? Me: Brad, the fat nerd who sits up front in Mr. Millers class (there is a long pause.) Amy: You can get an A? Me: I always get A’s Amy: What do you want? Me: ...

3 years ago
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Family Home Stay 3

Julia plopped down on the couch and flipped on the TV, scrolling through the channels until she settled on a music station. Then she muted the sound, another of her quirks. Most people he knew were either addicted to the sound and picture of TV or were incessant channel flippers. His mother preferred to just watch when she wanted, and only turn on the sound if it was something she really wanted to watch. That way, she claimed, she wasn't annoyed so much by the constant barrage of...

4 years ago
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Girlfriends RevengeChapter 10

Ellen turned where she sat on the mattress next to Billy's chair, and saw him glare at the vanquished, miserable form across from them with a contemptuous condescending look. He seemed to have no sympathy whatsoever, no pity for the girl at all, and Ellen sensed it was because he foresaw an equally harsh fate awaiting him tomorrow. He had struck her as colder than the others from the first, but she had never seen him so aloof, and she was glad--for some reason she didn't understand--that he...

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My stepdaughter and her father come to stay but was frightened by a storm

The storm was getting nearer the thunder was louder now than it had been moments ago. With looks of worry was on both their faces they decided to go to bed to hide from the approaching storm. I was pretty tired so I followed them up to my room shortly after I had been in bed about an hour when there was a clap of thunder over the house. I heard them moving about and there was a tap on my door, “Can we join you in here to hide from the storm?” They did not wait for a reply but both...

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My Nephew Is A Man Now

I showered and put on my robe. I walked out, my nephew had woken up and was waiting for me to get out of the bathroom. He was sitting on the edge of the bed in his boxers. For 16, he was well built. His arms were defined and his abs had definition. He was staring at my crotch area. I looked down and realized what he was staring at. John, school beings soon don’t you think you should get ready. Yeah I should. He got up and I noticed he was hard. He turned quickly and went into the...

2 years ago
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Walker Family Fun Part 03

It is about eight o'clock in the morning and time to get out of bed, so I pull the satin sheet away from my naked body, then look over at my daughter Krissy. She is still soundly sleeping on her back, so I decide not to wake her up until I get back from the fast food place with some breakfast sandwiches. I sit there for a moment admiring her perfect little breasts slowly moving up and down with each breath she takes. I should get out of bed right now, but the sight of her hard nipples poking...

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A New BeginningChapter 6

On my return I was just about to go into the tent when a loud "Hello!" stopped me. I turned and saw a slightly older lady in her mid-forties, small, slim and with a massive pair of glasses coupled with what appeared to be a massive case of the frizzies in her hair. "Hello," I replied. "I wonder if you can help us," she said. "We've just arrived today and can't seem to get our stove to work." "I'll be glad to have a look," I said and followed her to the tent next door and a...

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Rebel 1777Chapter 15 Ginny

I have thought about this, about her, for some time, trying to decide if I could even describe her, if I should try. I had never seen a woman take her clothes off so carefully or artfully as Ginny did in the upstairs room with the huge bed, piled high with soft, thin mattresses. I just sat and watched in admiration and surprise, mouth drooped open, as she peeled out of her worn garments and let me see her lovely, long body bit by glorious bit, turning now and then and letting the dim light...

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Emma Ch 46

XLVI Pregnancy was not a pleasant ordeal. In fact, as it came closer to giving birth, Charlotte came to more and more wish that it was over and done with. The weight of her unborn child had become more and more of a burden, and at times she almost resented its presence within her womb: a feeling that gave her feelings of remorse and worry whether she was really ever meant to do be a mother. After all, she was a lesbian, and children was something lesbians were not supposed to have or to worry...

3 years ago
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True sister in law story Pt1

This is a true story! (names changed of course)Almost 18 years ago, i met my wife (soon to be x-wife not due to this story though) while working at a local fast food restaurant. Her sister... We will call jan, also worked there. While both girls were very pretty I was especially drawn to jan, unfortunatly she had a boy friend that also worked there. I did ask jans sister (whome we will call susan) out at some point. She was young and innocent, I was not so innocent. Before long we ended up...

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Your Wish Come True revised Chapter 14 Anxiety

Your Wish Come True by Pol Roger Chapter 14 Anxiety Some friendships can be tricky ONLY two more days to the end of term, Mandy reflected happily as she put her blazer into her locker and retrieved some books that she needed for her Biology lesson later that morning. She closed the locker and headed off down the corridor. "Ow! Watch where you're going!" "Oh, sorry,"...

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Venus Flytrap Ch 03

(This is part three of a three part series. Please read the first two parts first. As always, your constructive comments and your votes are very much appreciated.) * Jessica stood almost naked, dressed only in her sheer g-string in the living room of her apartment, frozen with fear. Of course she recognized Gerald Hershberger from the many pictures of the Country Club board members that she had seen. And while Gerald was about the only man on the board of the Country Club who hadn’t hit on...

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