Drei Freunde komplett complete
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"Hey, aufwachen.." flüsterte Yvonne. Philip grummelte irgendetwas in sein Kissen und zog die Bettdecke über seinen Kopf. "Du bist ja schwerer wachzukriegen als Dornröschen!" "Dornröschen wurde auch wachgeküsst. Und überhaupt ? wie spät ist es eigentlich?" "Halb sechs. Aber ich hab echt keinen Bock, den ganzen Morgen alleine in der Küche rumzuhängen. Marc hat nachher Rufbereitschaft, da soll er sich mal schön ausschlafen. Und du blockierst das Wohnzimmer. Also, raus aus den Federn, dann hast du...
Vor ein paar Tagen war Mike, mein bester Freund, endlich volljährig geworden. Und dieses Wochenende sollte die große Party bei ihm steigen. Schon am Nachmittag waren wir in der Stadt. Weil Mike jetzt der letzte in unserer Clique war, der die Volljährigkeit erreicht hat, gingen wir in eine Peepshow, so ein Laden, wo man nen Euro in einen Automaten stecken muss und dann geht so ein Vorhang hoch und man sieht ne Nackte auf einer Drehscheibe sich räkeln. Unsere Clique, fünf Jungs die für einander...
Der Hauptcharakter findet die Freundin schon scharf seit sein bester Kumpel mit ihr zusammengekommen ist und versteht sich auch super, aber rein freundschaftlich mit ihr. Trotzdem löst der Anblick ihres heißen Körpers immer wieder Erregung in ihm aus und er hat sich schon oft auf Fotos von ihr einen runter geholt. Ihre dunklen Augen, die so verrucht gucken können, der schlanke Körper mit den großen festen 75D Brüsten und dazu dieser wahnsinnig knackige Po über den schlanken Beinen bringen ihn...
Anna ist vor zwei Wochen 18 Jahre alt geworden und weiß, dass sie in den kommenden Monaten noch unendlich viel für ihr Abitur büffeln muss. Ihre Eltern - Stefan und Mareike - wollten ihr und ihrem Bruder vor dieser stressigen Zeit noch eine Auszeit gönnen und haben eine Woche Urlaub auf den Maladiven gebucht. Anna war überglücklich davon zu hören, denn ihr letzer Urlaub ist schon einige Jahre her und das warme Wetter auf den Malediven ist eine willkommene Abwechslung zu den eisigen Temperaturen...
I’ve never really been sure what I am, religion-wise at least. My mother called herself an Anglican, but that did not mean too much to me, since my father’s stance was well beyond run of the mill Atheism – he did not have a love-hate relation with the idea of God – he simply hated the mention of that word. It was not enough to deny His or Her existence. It was necessary to live our lives as if that word did not exist. I’m convinced that my father wasted a good 20% of the world’s oil reserves in...
I’ve never really been sure what I am, religion-wise at least. My mother called herself an Anglican, but that did not mean too much to me, since my father’s stance was well beyond run of the mill Atheism – he did not have a love-hate relation with the idea of God – he simply hated the mention of that word. It was not enough to deny His or Her existence. It was necessary to live our lives as if that word did not exist. I’m convinced that my father wasted a good 20% of the world’s oil reserves in...
Love StoriesEs war einer der wunderschönen Tage, an denen man einfach Freunde zu sich einläd und Spaß hat. So sollte es auch an diesem Abend beginne.Es wurde später und später. Die einzigen die noch wirklich nüchtern waren zu diesem Zeitpunkt war meine Partnerin, die Freundin eines Freundes und ich.Ab diesem Abend war meine Freundin mehr als scharf, sie machte mich und auch die Freundin meines Bekannten immer wieder heiß an. Dies blieb mir nicht unbemerkt.Ich hatte Glück und konnte meine Freundin einen...
Flo unterhielt sich mit seinem Kumpel Ben: „Mara die neue Schülerin hilft mir mit den Bio Sachen.“ Ben hörte nicht richtig hin er starte auf eine der Schülerinnen, mit einem enorm kurzen Rock. Also fragte er: „Hmmm wer?“ Flo sah die lüsternen Blicke seines Kumpels und sagte: „Mara, die Freundin von Sabrina und Kim. Und das Mädchen, was du anstarrst, ist übrigens Anastasia die Tochter von Frau Kaiser.“ Ben lies von ihr ab und sagte, ja jetzt wundert mich nichts mehr. Am Nachmittag klingelte es...
TeenMit der Zwillingsschwester und meinem FreundNach dem innigen Kuss, ist uns beiden klar, dass wir nun endlich auch unsere Sexualität miteinander teilen. Auch nach 26 Jahren gibt es etwas neues, aufregendes für uns beide. „Du hast doch vorhin gemeint, dass du auf Daniel stehst. Also fangen wir mit ihm an!“ Du schaust mich verwundert an. „Wir haben doch vorhin gerätselt, ob die beiden uns verwechseln würden.“ Ich schlage dir vor, unseren Männern vorerst nichts von unserem heutigen Erlebnis zu...
Mit der Zwillingsschwester und meinem FreundNach dem innigen Kuss, ist uns beiden klar, dass wir nun endlich auch unsere Sexualität miteinander teilen. Auch nach 26 Jahren gibt es etwas neues, aufregendes für uns beide. „Du hast doch vorhin gemeint, dass du auf Daniel stehst. Also fangen wir mit ihm an!“ Du schaust mich verwundert an. „Wir haben doch vorhin gerätselt, ob die beiden uns verwechseln würden.“ Ich schlage dir vor, unseren Männern vorerst nichts von unserem heutigen Erlebnis zu...
Endlich war es soweit. 2 Jahre hatte ich meinen besten Freund nicht mehr gesehen. Seid wir in verschiedenen Städten studierten telefonierten wir zwar regelmäßig aber die Entfernung war einfach zu groß, um uns regelmäßig zu sehen. Nach zwei Stunden Flug kam ich endlich in Heathrow an. Dirk wartete bereits am Fluhafen auf mich. Nach einer innigen Umramung machten wir uns auf zu seiner Wohnung. Auf dem Weg dorthin erzählte mir Dir, dass Johanna - seine jetzige Freundin, die ich nur von Fotos...
Meine Mutter ist Kellnerin und hatte einen Arbeitskollegen der war damals 28 Jahre alt und ich 23. Manchmal war ich bei meiner Mutter im Lokal und so habe ich ihn auch kennengelernt. Wir waren uns sympathisch und fingen an uns zu befreunden was trinken gehen und solche Dinge. Ich habe aber immer mitgekriegt wie meine Mutter über ihn geredet hat wie lustig er ist und wie sie mit ihm in der Arbeit geflirtet hat. Einmal waren wir was trinken und haben über Frauen gesprochen und irgendwie fiel das...
Einf?hrung "Hallo Paul. Willkommen im Leben nach dem Tod." OK. Diese Begr??ung bedarf vielleicht einer kurzen Erkl?rung. Ihr m?sst wissen, dass ich wirklich grade gestorben bin. Aber keine Sorge, ich hatte ein langes und erf?lltes Leben. Zwei Kinder, eine Frau und eine liebevolle Familie. Warum, so m?gt ihr jetzt fragen, sitzt du dann jetzt in diesem Sessel, an einem Computer, der genau wie dein alter Arbeitsplatz aussieht? Und warum sitzt neben dir ein Engel mit roten Haaren, de...
I was asked to write a fantasy about a upcoming visit, in which my slave andmyself will be bottoming to a Domme. My slave has played with her before; thisis my first time playing with her. The fantasy took on a life of its own andbecame this story, it has six parts and part 6 has two versions. The Meeting Part 1: Greywolf and tana have a unique relationship, even for people in this lifestyle.Most the time he was her strong, loving, caring, sadistic Master; while shewas his adoring, caring,...
I felt Nadine sliding off my cock, just as I was about to blow my cum. Then, I felt a mouth cover my cock and I knew it wasn’t her. Just the thought that Heather may have my cock in her mouth, made me blast her a heavy duty load into her throat. When I moved my right hand, I felt her feet and I knew then, it really was Heather who had my cock in her mouth. I pulled her left foot over next to me and ran my open hand up between her thighs until I felt her pussy. She moved her body toward me...
Life and Times of a Horny Couple - Chapter 6This is the story of our continuing real life sexual adventures. All of the events described actually occurred. We enjoy reading your comments and hearing from you. It had been a week since our encounter with Kevin and Linda. Erica had connected with Lacey again and arranged to meet them. We were to meet at a local hotel for drinks and some teasing in the bar.We met in the cocktail lounge. As soon as we arrived, Erica and Lacey headed off to the...
Wife LoversWhen Jenny arrived at work on Monday she was feeling elated about her weekend with Bob. However, her feelings for him created a major dilemma: now that she had admitted to herself that she was in love with him, she didn't want to date anyone else. Being in love was a first for her. There were times that she thought she was in love but for one reason or another, it turned out to be just fascination. This time she was sure it was love. That complicated everything and now, she wasn't sure how...
For a number of years now my wife Sarah and I have employed a cleaner, just four hours a week to blitz through the major PIA chores like changing the bedding and so forth. Unfortunately, all bar one, Amy, who was stunning but sadly way before we had began to introduce others into our sex lives, have been very un fanciable, including our current one, Julie. She has just turned 60, stands about 5 ft 2, which makes the fact she is a little overweight look like she is chubby, with mousy brown hair,...
I had just finished high school and was having a hard time finding a job. I had spent months going from place to place putting in apps but this damn Obama economy was making it really hard to get an entry level good job. I decided to head to the park and sit and watch the world go by and think about my future, yes I was depressed. As I sat there watching people, picking out the girls and moms I would like to fuck this man came up and sat next to me. He told me he was wanting to video a...
I need to tell about one of the hottest nights I had last night. First, I am a female to male trans man meaning that I identify as male and take hormones and have had surgery (top not bottom). I had posted an ad online for a guy who wanted to fool around with an FTM (he would have to know what that meant). I started sending dirty emails with this guy who really wanted to hook up with a guy, suck cock and fuck but was a bit nervous. He figured I’d be a great starting point and I didn’t care...
Favourite Shop I dressed to go to my favourite lingerie shop. Nothing too obvious, just pretty lacy panties and matching suspender belt and black seamed stockings under my normal clothes. The panties and suspender belt were black satin with lots of lace trim. The panties were almost like French knickers with satin front panel and lace sides, loose fitting with a sexy split up the side. The suspender belt, sitting almost hidden was simple, satin front with lace panels leading down to...
This is a story about cheating on your husband to prove how much you love your family. Have you ever been so down on your luck that you thought you would do anything to make some money? Well before you answer let me tell you of a story that proves the ultimate answer. My name is John I own a small plumbing company in a little town in South Carolina. I have a man named Simon working for me for the last five years. He started out as an excellent employee over the last year his work...
In early 2018 I was looking for a change. Sex with hookers was getting old. Sure, the girls were hot, and their skills considerable Some were true blowjob artists. But it always felt rushed. The clock was ticking, and there was no opportunity to get to know someone. Of course it felt completely fake. Amazing how many experienced women would scream with passion, claim that I was their best lover ever, that they had never cum like that with others. Were there really men who believed this...
It had been a long day for 16 year old Alex. She had been at school all day, and was going on holiday tomorrow. She was going away on her own to the south of France, and knew that she may get horny whilst she was away. She could probably get a good fuck whilst she was their. She had large breasts, long flowing blonde hair and fantastic long legs. As she walked through town, she noticed a new sex shop over the road. After a moments thought she crossed the road and entered. When she was in there...
As you all know Kat loves to have control over her ladys and when she doesn't get her way watch out.. To start this let me give you some back ground here first off the women in this story is Sally she is a mother of two girls one 12 one 16 years old she is a teachers aid and very envolded in her church, she had falling to Kat's powers about 8 months ago ( Kat tells me that Sally is very hard to keep her in control because she always feels so gulity afterwards )Kat worked on her for 2 1/2...
Johnny showed up to his friend’s house to meet up. Once inside, he called out to him but there was no answer. When he went to look for him, he accidentally saw his buddy’s hot mom totally naked and drying herself off. He could not help staring at those big beautiful tits. Suddenly, she realized she was being watched. Johnny runs off in embarrassment but the gorgeous cougar catches up with him in the living room. She tells him that she finds him attractive and then exposes her juicy jugs. The...
xmoviesforyouHe sits in the restaurant... waiting. She was supposed to meet him here... well, it seems like hours ago, but really just 10 minutes ago. Still, he is anxious to see her again. They haven't seen each other for a few months, and this little rendezvous is the only thing they talked about for months. They decided to meet in the restaurant in the hotel rather than in the hotel room just to add to the romance - even though they booked adjoining suites.He noticed that there was a door between...
Love StoriesI was sitting on the couch waiting for my daughter, Rachel, to finish getting ready. We were going to a gay and lesbian festival in the park – a fundraiser and luncheon - at the request of Rachel's new girlfriend Kate. So, as a show of support for my daughter, I said I'd come along. Almost two years prior to this, when Rachel was a freshman in college, she came home one day from school and, over dinner, broke the news that she was a lesbian. Or so she said. The only reason I had my lingering...
She disliked her name, Elvira, up until just recently. She always went by Elle, which helped her to avoid the references to the Oak Ridge Boys. Her parents named her after the character Elvira, Mistress of the dark. Tonight, she would embrace her namesake one-hundred-and-ten-per-cent.Christine, her best friend and the one that talked her into this party tonight, was helping her get into her dress. It was cut down nearly to her navel and had a slit clear up to her dark purple satin panties. As...
HorrorDo you know what a "gloryhole" is? Most people don't. But then again, most people don't hang around porn stores and peep shows like I do, either. You guessed it; I'm a pervert. Lock me up and throw away the keys I guess. Just don't tell my mother. Or my wife. Or my boss, heh heh. So anyway, a gloryhole is found in places like peep shows and men's bathrooms and the like. It's a hole drilled about waist-high which runs between two stalls or booths in an adult peep show. It doesn't take...
LeeAnne called me about 4:30 to say our dinner daye would have to be put off because her c***dren we coming home ahead of schedule due to not feeling well. She sounded very disappointed, and I told her I understood perfectly, and would be happy to reset our date for another time. "I deserve some time to enjoy myself after the past three years," she said, "And I was really looking forward to our date," We talked for a while, and I agin assured her I didn't mind the change in plan. To be honest,...
It had been a long winter and I hadn’t gone anywhere since the seminar I attended in Miami in January. Yeah, the seminar and the woman ….well one woman out of a couple thousand that had probably attended. Her name was Ann Mc Allister, but damn if I had even thought to ask where she was from, oh well. My mind was back in Chicago now, where my body was. Like I said, it had been a long, cold and rainy winter in the Windy City. My condominium was right downtown and overlooked Lake Michigan....
EroticWhen I was just eighteen, I fell in love with a girl named Jodi. She was the sweetest girl I'd ever known, and she told me that she loved me too. She was also the first to suck my cock, the first pussy I ever tasted, and the first woman I ever fucked. I was convinced that after college she was the woman I was going to marry, and we'd live happily ever after. Of course, that was before I came home one night and found her in my parents' living room on her hands and knees while my older brother...
Cassie stood and once again went into the kitchen to check the clock. It showed the time to be a quarter after nine, only ten minutes from when she last checked. She sighed and went back out to join her family in the conclusion of the movie. She smiled at her husband trying unsuccessfully to assuage his anger at her for interrupting the movie once again. Cassie couldn't help herself. She was dying to get to bed, to bed and with Paul. It had first started about 3 months ago. Cassie and her...
ExhibitionismThe next two weeks went by with little to talk about, although I had several jobs only one required me to use my skills. One of the heads of a large consortium had needed to meet with a young rival that he did not trust, as it turned out he was right not to trust him. Samil had been there as well. I stood at Lord Henrys left, Samil on the right. In the middle of the meeting and without warning the younger merchant Lord Jeffers had lurched forward with a long slender dagger. I had felt him...
"Oh no, we might be in trouble here..." he whispered to himself. He looked down at me and started gently rubbing my very sensitive pussy lips and turned the vibrator in my asshole up a bit more. "Now Jessica, dont make a sound baby, we dont want anyone seeing you like this. You know your parents would be very angry if you were having sex before marriage. You know mummy wouldnt like that and daddy would be very angry aswell, who knows what might happen." His smug smile after that made me...
You are wearing that outrageously sheer and elegant black top that I was shocked you would ever consider owning. My eyes were fed beauty the first moment I saw you in it. Your breasts looked luscious through the sheer panels down the center where it buttons. Your nipples are tantalizingly hidden yet noticeable in the less sheer sides. Your pants, a mixture of leather and sleekness, paint the curve of your ass like a panther coiled in the dark. All I could muster to say was a soft, ‘Wow’ as if...
The men returned from their bathroom breaks.”Now I want all you guys to stand as you did before,” Karen directed. They lined up oldest to youngest, about two feet from the girls. They sat on the couches and chairs, still naked, looking ready to fuck. “Okay ladies, are you all still in agreement with our plan?” She asked, looking at the others. They all said yes. Dan looked at Karen, wondering what on earth she had planned. “Okay, so what’s next, I’m afraid to ask?” Dan joked. “All you guys...
Best Jav Porn? What does it take to be the best? I guess it depends entirely on what you want to be the best at. I’m pretty well-established on the Internet as the world’s best porn reviewer, and that’s based on my impeccable style, wit, and my encyclopedic knowledge of the ins and outs of hardcore fuck movies: big dick goes in, girlcum squirts out. Elsewhere in the world of porn, people try to claim best status just by putting it in their name. BestJAVporn is one of the newest on this...
Asian Porn SitesWeekend in San AntonioDwayne sent Heather a message on xHamster letting her know he was going to be in San Antonio and would love to meet her but there were some rules she had to follow if they were going to move forward in their relationship which until then had just been an online relationship.Heather read the xHamster message from Dwayne. A chill ran thru her, she didnt know what to think. Sure they had talked about them possibly meeting if Dwayne came to Texas in November but the trip was...
*****This is my first work ever published years ago, my language proficiency, the skills of my writing and the level of profession was extremely low. However, I intend to keep it as it is. If you wish to see more, I am now publishing much more literally polished writings, and the brutal story arcs still remain ;) Rose is a 20-year-old college student; life has not been easy for her, her mother is the only one has been paying her tuition, and she has to work so hard to not waste her mother's...
"Get up! Get up! Get up!" Kara shouted as she ran into my room and bounced on my bed. I think somebody was a little over excited for six-thirty in the morning. Of course somebody had flown in from Italy, and her internal clock was messed up. I guess I should feel lucky that I got to sleep this late. "Should we go wake everyone up?" I asked getting into the spirit of things. She nodded with a gleam in her eye. I got up and went to put on my boxers. "No, let's go naked and wake them...
Note! This story is completely fictional! That damned bitch, Irene thought. How dare she deprive Dale of sex for a whole month, just to force compliance with her whims! Kathy, Irene's daughter-in-law, had been an absolute tease and shrew from day one, and it never failed to upset or perplex Dale's mother, who cared very much about her only son. She had given birth to him as a single mom, brought him up in difficult circumstances, and did her best to take care of him in his childhood, teaching...
Incest"Mr. Thompson will see you now," the attractive executive secretary to the Senior Vice President told Lesley as she waited outside his office for her two o'clock appointment. Lesley stood and smoothed her skirt before picking up her handbag and briefcase. She walked into the large office and extended her hand as Mr. Thompson, Brian, was moving towards the door to meet her. "Tammy, so great to see you today. I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long." The office door now closed behind them by...
When I was younger I had a crush on the guy that cut my hair. He was in his thirties, was short at only about 5'6, and was athletically slim. He had very dark hair that was cut short and always immaculately styled, a nice thick mustache and a permanent five-O-clock shadow. An olive complexion along with his last name led me to believe that he was of Italian decent. His shirts were always open at the collar which allowed a copious amount of chest hair to be visible, and he always wore tight,...
Please read ?Nancy?s Vacation Part I? for logical sequence. Introduction: He stepped into the bathroom to clean up himself while I ran to the mirror to retouch my make-up and wig. My heart was still accelerated from the emotions of the last couple of minutes. He had fucked me so good and made me feel so slutty! My legs were trembling and it was very difficult to stand on my high heels as I tried to clean up all the cumming from the back of my thighs. I wanted to look nice and...
Chauffeur I was hired by a very well to do man about my age to be his much younger wife’s driver. I was to keep a record of my activities and report anything out of the ordinary to him. I was provided with a cell phone, a pager, a suite in the servant’s quarters, and I got three chauffeur suits too. I got to drive a brand new big black stretch limousine too. At sixty years old and retired the extra money was very nice. Who am I kidding it was great. I got a great set of rooms, great...
Half an hour and another glass of wine later, with the aid of some gentle stroking, kissing, licking and sucking from both girls, Dave's and Steve's cocks were once again standing to attention and ready for some more action. Sue and Jane smiled as they slowly wanked each other's husbands. Both girls thrilled at the sight of the other holding their hard cocks.“There is one thing I have always wanted to try, but never had the chance,” Steve said, gently rubbing Jane's nipples until they stood...
Wife Loversgirly boy – boi – breasts – nipples – fucking – anal sex – crossdressingI'm really glad I had the good fortune to be working when you came into the library. I was pleasantly surprised that I was sexually attracted to you. You were at least six feet tall and trim, and breathtakingly handsome. I couldn't help but think you were a younger twin of George Clooney, and hot! Up until now I usually didn't think of men as being "hot", but at my five feet three inches you made me feel really small and...
Hi ISS readers this is Sanjay. I am going to share my experience with you. Please note that the title is only suit when u read it forth coming parts of the story… It was many years back when it was happened. I stayed in a house outside Chennai. I was staying alone and a maid used to come to do the household works. Her name was Rani. She was also staying alone. She was staying in the out-house. I had an eye on her. She was very beautiful girl of the age 20. I would admire her boobs whenever she...
After skipping her college classes for the day, Kira decided to stop by her friends house. However, once she arrived at his house. The only one home was her friend’s dad, Mr. Mac. She happened to knock at the door while he was in the middle of a jerk off session. Mr. Mac wrapped a towel around himself and headed to answer the door. After he told Kira that his son was not home, she noticed that underneath his towel there was a huge hard dick. Determined to see it for herself, Kira walked in and...
xmoviesforyouDo you have a wife that you wish that you could share with other people? Or do you just love the thought of getting off with other people’s wives? No matter the reasoning, there is an XXX subreddit make just for you. Isn’t that the fucking rule of everything though? No matter what you are into – whether it’s X-rated or for general audiences – Reddit has a community just waiting for you.The horny fucks like you that enjoy sharing wives and watching shared wives is no different. Hence the XXX...
Reddit NSFW ListEric pulled a beer from his refrigerator, rolling his neck, the muscles already starting to ache from his workout. At forty-nine years old he still enjoyed his workouts even if they were a little harder than they were twenty years ago, not that he would ever admit that to anyone.He stepped out onto the wrap around porch and lowered himself into the Adirondack chair, simultaneously taking a draw on his longneck and wishing he'd brought another one, making a mental note to load up his ice bucket...
TeenSydney Cole and Brick Danger are fighting over the washing machine when Sydney declares she’ll just do it all. Brick sticks around to watch his stepsister take off her shirt and miniskirt, and once she’s down to her bra and thong he makes his move throwing her clothes aside so that he can take the machine. Eventually she strips down to nothing at all and lets him know he’ll have to fight her naked. Brick tries groping Sydney’s tits and ass, then decides to fight fire...
xmoviesforyouHi to all ISS readers. Reading stories at ISS has made me very encouraging, Bold & horny. Some of the stories are really appealing. Now, I would like to share my first encounter with my maid which came few days back. My name is Raj & I am from Noida, UP & my age is 26. Geeta my maid servant was amongst few who can be really termed sexy. Silently i had always desired to eat her up. She was approximately that of my age. Her body contour is unforgettable. Unlike other maids she used to remain neat...
I'm not done with this story, I have run out of ideas for this story, if anyone would like to continue on with this story be my pleasure. The only rule is keep up with the story so it makes sense. I do not own the rights to any of the characters that appear in story. Harry Potter And The Gender Switch It was a normal day at Hogwarts, everyone has been in school for a couple of weeks now, Harry Potter along with his best friend Ron Weasley, they were eating breakfast in the great hall...
Leeza left me last August. It was inevitable I guess. In the beginning she was attracted to me because I hung around the rodeo crowd and even tried my hand at calf roping and bull riding, but I knew it wasn't going to be a life for me. I wasn't good enough at it, and going from town to town wasn't my idea of any kind of life. But Leeza was like one of them groupie girls who hung around the rodeo cowboys because in our part of the country, they were the closest thing to rock stars. And women...
Straight Sex