Drei Freunde II free porn video

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Drei Freunde II Ricky Zimmermann "So koennen wir nicht nach Hause!" entscheidet Steve. Sie setzen sich zur Beratung vor das Zelt und beginnen zuerst mit einer Dreiviertelstunde des Schweigens, dass nur von wiederholtem Seufzen unterbrochen wurde. Carlos nestelt verstoert an seinem Pullover herum, der die aeusserste von all den Kleidungsschichten darstellt, mit denen er sich nach dem Schock bedeckt hat. Natuerlich nuetzt alles nichts. Obwohl man jetzt bei ihm nichts weibliches ausser seiner neurdings zierlichen Dimensionen von aussen erkennen kann, fuehlt er doch jedes neue Detail seines Koerpers. Der von Natur aus nicht allzu gross gewachsene und inzwischen wieder angezogene Steve sieht nun aus wie ein Maedchen, da der sehende Geist eines Beobachters automatisch den passenden Koerper zu diesem Traumgesicht unter die unfoermige Bekleidung interpretiert. Rob steht auf und sucht Feuerholz. "Der Doktor!" schreit er ploetzlich auf. Die beiden andern blicken in Robs Richtung, der nun schnellen Schritts ihrem Lager entgegenlaeuft. "Der Doktor!" ruft er wieder begeistert, als er sich bei Carlos und Steve einfindet. "Wie hiess er noch: Konstantin Wessel, ja. Der wird uns helfen. Auf nach Giesenweiler!" Wieder mit einem bisschen Hoffnung erfuellt, haben bald alle drei ihr Gepaeck auf ihre Fahrraeder gepackt und fahren los. Vorerst brauchen sie sich noch keine Sorgen zu machen, dass sie von Bekannten gesehen werden koennten. Trotzdem hat Steve die Kapuze seiner Windjacke ueber den Kopf gezogen. Allerdings kann man gleichwohl unter dem Tuch eine bezaubernde Stupsnase erkennen. An Carlos faellt einem in seiner vollen Montur fast nichts auf. ? Ausser vielleicht, dass ihm die Kleidung ploetzlich viel zu gross ist. Rob hat die AErmel ueber die Haende gezogen, obwohl das Wetter mild ist... Nach drei Stunden naehern sie sich ihrer Wohnregion und benuetzen nun nicht mehr die Hauptstrasse. Sobald sie jemanden kommen sehen, verstecken sie sich in den Bueschen. Zum Glueck wohnt der Doktor ein bisschen ausserhalb. In Giesenweiler angekommen wird Rob als Unauffaelligster dazu verknurrt, bei Wessels zu klingeln und ihren Trupp anzukuendigen. Er braucht ziemlich lange, sich beim Arzt verstaendlich zu machen. Schliesslich kennen sie nicht mal den Namen der Frau, von der sie bewirtet worden sind. Als Rob aber die Haende mit den dazugehoerigen Erklaerungen zeigt, daemmert es Doktor Wessel und bald danach sitzen alle drei in seiner Praxis. "So, ihr wart also bei Sarah und habt den Spiegel gesehen," stellt er mehr fest, als dass er fragt. "Hat sie euch nicht gewarnt?" Dann lacht Wessel auf und beantwortet die Frage gleich selbst: "Ha, wie ich sie kenne, hat sie euch so gewarnt, dass der Reiz, ihn auszuprobieren, einfach zu gross werden musste". Er weist die drei darauf hin, dass ihrem Problem mit der Schulmedizin nicht beizukommen sei. Er muesse Kontakt mit Sarah aufnehmen. Dazu holt er einen vergammelten Notizblock hervor und beginnt, darauf zu schreiben. Dann wartet er. Ploetzlich erscheinen unter seiner Schrift Buchstaben einer anderen Handschrift auf dem vergilbten Papier. Wort an Wort reiht sich aneinander. Aufmerksam liest Wessel mit. Ab und zu grinst er. "Ja, ja, die Sarah", gibt er einmal von sich. Dann fragt er die drei, wann sie zu Hause erwartet wuerden. Dann schreibt er ihr die Antwort auf das Blatt: in drei Tagen. Bei der Antwort scheint die Kuerze der Dauer nicht ganz zu befriedigen. Er teilt den dreien mit, dass Sarah mit Doris und Helene, ihren Freundinnen rueberkommen wird. Mit "rueber" meint er ins Hier und Jetzt. Sie muesse sich allerdings noch vorbereiten, um hier ueber die benoetigten Kraefte zu verfuegen, die es braucht, um das Problem zu loesen. Alles in allem scheint ihr die Geschichte groesstes Vergnuegen zu bereiten. Vorerst habe sie ihm, Wessel, eine Prozedur aufgetragen, die die heilige Geheimhaltung von Magie solange im Diesseits ermoeglichen soll. Zwei maennliche und ein weibliches Gesicht schauen ihn fragend an. "Es geht darum, dass ihr so nicht gesehen werden duerft. Allerdings darf der Inhalt des Wunsches, den ihr geaeussert habt, nicht angetastet werden. Die Auswirkungen waeren fuerchterlich. Wir produzieren also mit Magie eine diesseits unauffaellige Situation, in der niemand Magie vermuten muss. Dafuer brauche ich alle drei, aber vor allem Carlos, der am meisten Verwandlungsenergie abbekommen hat". Er fuehrt sie in ein anderes Zimmer. Ziemlich beunruhigt erblicken die drei einen Gynaekologiestuhl in dem Raum, wo sie nun hineingefuehrt werden. "Carlos, du musst dich ausziehen! Ich muss nur ins Wohnhaus, ein paar Sachen holen, die ich hier nicht habe." Entsetzt schaut Carlos in die Runde. Die beiden andern schauen beschaemt zu Boden. Zoegernd beginnt Carlos mit dem Ausziehen. Obwohl der Doc ziemlich lange braucht, bis er seine Utensilien beisammen hat ? wahrscheinlich weiss seine Frau nichts von seinem Hobby, magische Welten zu bereisen ? steht Carlos bei seiner Rueckkehr immer noch in Socken, Unterhosen und Hemd da. Als er den Vibrator in Wessels Hand sieht ruft er entsetzt "Nein!" und verkriecht sich hinter eine vorstehende Kastenwand. Wessel redet beruhigend auf ihn ein, ohne aber auf Fragen einzugehen, die seine genauen Absichten betreffen. "Das beste ist, du denkst ueberhaupt nicht und ich arbeite. Abgesehen davon befolge ich nur Anweisungen von Sarah, die mir ihre Absicht auch nicht im Detail erklaert hat", erklaert er Carlos. Mit der Zeit wird der Doktor ungeduldig und verlangt von Carlos eine Entscheidung. Entweder sie tun, was er ihnen sagt, oder er werfe sie hinaus. Rob, der eigentlich noch am glimpflichsten davongekommen ist, draengt Carlos am innigsten, alles zu tun, was ihr Problem loesen kann. Langsam kommt Carlos wieder hinter der Kastenwand hervor, die lebenslange Entstellung befuerchtend. Den Rest seiner Kleider reisst er jetzt ziemlich rasch von seinem Koerper, vermeidet es allerdings, an sich hinabzublicken. Rob und Steve verschlaegt es den Atem. Auch Wessel mustert den weiblichen Koerper bewundernd. Die Wirkung auf die Umstehenden bemerkend, dreht sich Carlos ab, um nur noch eine groessere Wirkung zu erzielen. Denn nun sehen die Maenner sein dickes maennliches Gesicht und seine Wurstfinger nicht mehr und haben die Rueckenansicht einer vollkommenen Frau vor sich. Da Carlos eher verklemmt und schon gar nicht breitbeinig dasteht, ergeben seine Umrisse ein traumhaftes Bild. Seine weichen Pobacken lassen den anwesenden Herren das Wasser im Munde zusammenlaufen. Und leeres Schlucken erfuellt den Raum. "Ahem, du musst da rauf," sagt Wessel und deutet auf den Gynaekologiestuhl. Zoegernd begibt sich Carlos in die angegebene Richtung unter den entsetzt mitfuehlenden Blicken seiner Kumpane. Wessel breitet ein sauberes Tuch auf der Liegeflaeche aus und Carlos setzt sich darauf. Er folgt den Handzeichen sowie dem seltenem Nicken und haeufigen Kopfschuetteln von Wessel, bis er sodann mit gespreizten Beinen die erforderliche Position eingenommen hat. Wessel heisst Steve, mit seinen unveraenderten Haenden einen Spiegel vor Carlos Gesicht zu halten, so dass Carlos das weibliche Gesicht von Steve sieht und Steve das maennliche von Carlos. Und er solle versuchen, dies hartnaeckig zu tun, egal was passiert. Rob soll auf der andern Seite des Stuhles die Schulter von Carlos mit seinen zierlichen Haenden halten. Es ginge aber nur um die Beruehrung. Wessel wolle von ihm nicht verlangen, in der Situation Haendchen zu halten, obwohl dies noch besser waere... Zuerst zoegert Rob, dann greift er mit seinen beiden femininen Haenden die maskulinen von Carlos und meint: "Besser ist besser." Die drei Opfer ihres eigenen Wunsches fahren erschrocken zusammen, als der Vibrator zu surren beginnt Alle drei werden von einer steigenden Erregung gepackt. Carlos reizender Koerper bebt vor Aufregung. Nun beruehrt die Vibratorspitze seine Vagina. Carlos haelt den Atem an und will die Beine zusammenklemmen. Die sind aber von Wessel in der gespreizten Haltung fixiert worden. Da nuetzt kein Zerren. Wessel massiert mit dem Vibrator die Schamlippen, was den Koerper von Carlos zu stimulieren beginnt, obwohl sein Verstand sich wehrt und er immer noch den Atem anhaelt. Er spuert ploetzlich die Feuchtigkeit, wie sie hinausdringt und seine Scham glitschig macht. Sein Atem setzt nun keuchend ein, waehrend der Vibrator beginnt einzudringen. Carlos schreit und stoehnt, stoehnt und stoehnt nochmal ? und hat nach ein paar Sekunden vermutlich den schnellsten Orgasmus, der ein weibliches Wesen je hatte. Carlos sieht immer das weibliche Gesicht von Steve im Spiegel, waehrend er von Wessel "behandelt" wird. Nach dem Orgasmus schiesst ihm der Gedanke durch den Kopf, dass das Gesicht so schoen nun auch nicht sei. Aber den Gedanken weiterzuverfolgen, gelingt ihm nicht mehr, weil der in ihm weiter surrende Vibrator schon wieder Wirkung zeigt. Wessel bewegt in sanft vor- und rueckwaerts, hin und her. Carlos Stoehnen wird schon wieder lauter, sein Koerper scheint zu schmelzen und als Pfuetze unter dem Stuhl enden zu wollen. Es bleibt ihm keine Zeit, sich nach dem zweiten Orgasmus zu entspannen. Der Koerper beginnt sofort wieder, Erregung afzubauen. Jetzt beginnt es im Schritt auch noch unanstaendig zu schmatzen. Jetzt ist er ganz sicher: Steves Gesicht ist entschieden nicht mehr so huebsch wie noch kurz zuvor. Der Geruch von Sex breitet sich im Zimmer aus. Carlos kann nicht verhindern, dass sich sein Koerper dem Vibrator entgegenwindet. Er empfindet seinen Leib als grosse feuchte Hoehle, in der ein Riesenwurm sich waelzt und windet. Sein Becken stoesst in schnellem Rhythmus auf und ab. Sein Unterleib will den Vibrator einsaugen und in alle Ewigkeit liebkosen. Er weiss nicht mehr, wieso er den Koerper an irgendetwas hindern sollte. Die Brueste wogen von oben nach unten, wackeln von links nach rechts, ziehen im Kreise schwingend an Carlos' Rippen, je nachdem welche Fliehkraefte die Bewegungen seines Koerpers verursachen. Nach vielen Hoehepunkten beginnt seine Kraft zu schwinden. So nimmt er im Spiegel das Gesicht wieder wahr, das er nun wieder als sehr weiblich und sehr schoen empfindet. Die Frisur scheint anders. Zwar immer noch knabenhaft, aber irgendwie anders. Wessel zieht den nassen Vibrator unten raus und Carlos bemerkt, dass das Spiegelbild den kleinen weichen Schmollmund genauso oeffnet wie er selbst das eben getan hat. Wessel schaltet das Surren ab. Im Zimmer ist es still. Als das Spiegelbild gleichzeitig mit seinem Blinzeln mit den langen schwarzen Wimpern klimpert, die die grossen blauen Augen darin umrahmen, bemerkt Carlos, dass es sich nicht um das Gesicht von Steve handelt. Der Spiegel ist voll auf ihn selbst gerichtet. Das bezaubernde Gesicht gehoert nun ihm und mit seinen nun zartgliedrigen Haenden, von denen er Rob erloest hat, streicht er seinem glatten, vollkommenen Koerper entlang. Nach kurzem Zoegern streichelt er sich zwischen den Beinen, streichelt seine Brueste und ist irgendwie erleichtert. "Das war's dann wohl," spricht er mit einer warmen und nicht zu hohen Frauenstimme und haelt sich ueberrascht die Hand auf den Mund: "Ups..." Die drei uebriggeblieben Maenner starren sie bewundernd an. Sie steht auf und zieht ihre viel zu grossen Maennerkleider an. "Ich muss unbedingt duschen." Dann kuendigt sich ihr lansam zurueckkehrender Humor an: "He, dann schlafen wir jetzt wohl in getrennten Zelten." Ihr Grinsen steckt die Jungs an. Nur klingen deren groelende Lacher viel unnatuerlicher. Ende Teil II

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Haley joins Small Hands and I for a super fun threesome in this new scene. Small Hands and I indulge in touching, kissing, and licking all over Haley’s beautiful body before we take turns fucking her. Haley has an intense orgasm while we use a hitachi on her clit and have sex in a bunch of different positions. She surprises us and requests to have us both fuck her pussy at the same time. We rotate through a bunch of positions and end up finishing with Haley riding Small Hands as I fuck...

2 years ago
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Spied On By The New Neighbors

Cody: The Allerton’s home sold two months ago. We missed their step-siblings, Frank and Kate, with whom we had discovered the joys of of swinging. We kept looking for chances to engage in sexual relations when we knew somebody could be watching.The house was purchased by a youthful African-American married couple. He was tall and muscular while his wife was a petite light-skinned woman. One look at them and we entertained hopes of luring them to join us in carnal activities.After they had...

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The Lady Who Couldn8217t Wait Anymore

Hi, my name is Aryan and I m 23-year-old preparing for competitive exams in Bangalore. This is the experience that I had with one lady in her late 40s. She was beautiful stunning chubby and awesome to have sex with. Coming to the story, I have always been attracted to a mature woman. So I always prefer mature ladies with me as my compatibility with them has been high. Also, I believe that their sex drive is something I look for in a woman with whom I would love to share the bed. I would love to...

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Hotel Bang Part 3 final part

Introduction: This finishes our story Hotel Bang Part 3 This is the last part of our story, hope you like it!! What a sight I had now. Karen, fist up her pussy and cock in her mouth!! All four men were taking it in turns to use and abuse my sexy wife. If they werent fucking her pussy or her mouth they were sucking on those big tits of hers. Spunk dripped out of her cunt and her mouth till all the men were drained. My cock was so hard I was wanking till I shot over the wall in front of me....

1 year ago
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Buddies explore sex together

Scott and I had been best of friends since we were kids. We lived across a large lake from each other and spent most all of our time together. We went to the same school, looked the same with brown hair, brown eyes, both tall and skinny, most people thought of us as brothers. Now, at age 18, sex was our main topic of conversation every day, all day. It was summer time and almost every night, we camped out either in his neighborhood or mine. This particular night, we were camping out near his...

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Shower Stall

That night no cops came though, and the next day the fishing was great. I got back around the same time, but waited to hit the showers an hour later than I had the night before. They were empty thank heavens, but they didn’t stay empty; I was showering and relaxing when I saw the same boy from the night before come in through the doorway to the showers. He waved at me and I couldn’t help but wave back. The biggest shock came next, as then he turned around and pulled his pants down,...

1 year ago
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FapHouse POV

I know exactly what the fuck you're thinking. You need to find a POV site that won't set your money on fire, but you are also looking for life-like quality. What's the point of actually going out and meeting someone, right? No, fuck that shit. I found the closest thing to your hot stop mom or step sister coming in "to talk," but in this case, they suck your cock and do anal. This will save you from years of family embarrassment, and believe me, you don't want your family thinking you almost...

Premium POV Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Introduction: A night to remember It was a Saturday night, me and my husband sam had a couple of friends over the night before were we had played some cards and had a couple of drinks. This had come into a normal Friday night and was getting quite boring, so me and sam decided to have a little fun and go out tonight. I am just over five foot about a hundred pounds blonde hair and a very nice but with a b-cup breast. My husband is an avererge built man broad shoulders and a bit of an athletic...

2 years ago
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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 11 Pomp and Circumspect

The Noise of the celebration cascaded all about the palace, as it had done for the past three days. Her ability to endure more unbridled adulation of her fawning subjects long since exhausted, Ayeka finally sought relative peace and sanctity in her chambers. She bore no ill will, did not fault the common folk their desire to see, to speak and even attempt touching her! After all, they were her subjects and she, their new queen. Still clad in her flowing gown, Ayeka found the relative quiet...

2 years ago
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DevilsFilm Lola Fae Horny Old Men

Retired, old and horny, Jay Crew is getting weekly visits from a young physical therapist covered by his insurance plan. She is so cute and Jay is getting quite worked up. He is always very flirty with her and decides to give her a pinch on the butt. Lola Fae is used to these old pervs and takers it all in stride but when he pulls out a massive hard on and strokes it for her, she deices to go the extra mile and hop on for a ride. This is one big pole the old mule has. She literally fucks him...

1 year ago
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Tish steals a husband

"Hi honey" said Fred.Betty kissed her husband and got in his car. "What are we going to do tonight?" she ask."Get drunk and fuck" he laughed.The bar was full of people. It was Friday and everyone was drinking before going home. Betty tried to out drink her husband and got drunk in the process. She saw a sitting at the bar so she ask her to join them."My name is Betty and this is Fred" "Hi, my name is Tisha" she said sweetly. Fred looked at the girl and decided he wanted her. Betty often...

4 years ago
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Teaching Millie Shes Hot Part II Chicas Grandes

One Friday night a few weeks later, we sat down to our weekly poker game. It was late June, and warm outside. Millie was wearing nothing but nylon panties and one of my sleeveless undershirts, it clung to her huge tits like half-transparent paint, with acres of pretty white flesh exposed at the top and sides, and she looked wonderful. I estimated I was looking at eight inches of inviting cleavage. ‘Uh, Jeff, my face is up here,’ she laughed as I dealt the first hand. ‘Um. Sorry,’ I said. ‘If...

2 years ago
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The Island Final Part

The Island Final Part By Lauren Westley (Authoress Comment: All disclaimers to all my writings hold true here. If you think it was you or any character reminds you of someone then I hope it's with fond memories but it isn't about them but maybe me. To all of those who wished I would finish the Island here it is. I stopped writing this because I had some nasty comments about the scat. So,...

3 years ago
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MissSpelled Part 2

Miss-Spelled Part 2 I woke up with a groan. And it wasn't totally due to the fact I had a hangover. I was in a girl's room, in a girl's bed which I was sharing with the amazingly beautiful Becca, and the almost as beautiful Kayleigh and Sarah sleeping on air beds on the floor. This time yesterday I would have given my right arm to wake up with these three. Unfortunately, yesterday I was Phil Jameson. Today I am Sophie Jameson and in this new reality (due to a case of...

2 years ago
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My Heels

Another day, my lover is already on his way to work as a locomotive electrician for the railroad. The sun shines through the curtains of my bedroom and the birds are chirping. I am in a great frame of mind today, last night my lover told me what my heels do for him. The way he told me he, was getting me turned on! and his husky voice had a lot of feeling when he said,"Oh Sally, what would you say if I told you that those dress heels you wear at times, the black glossy ones with the bows, that...

3 years ago
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A True TaleChapter 6

The group was waiting for the old man to arrive. The tables had again been arranged in the corner to allow them all to sit around the old man in order to be able to hear his tale. The inn keeper was no fool he insisted on more money for the trouble of moving the tables together and serving their large group. The men all knew he was just taking advantage of the fact they all wanted to listen to the old man's tale. One of the more wealthy men suggested moving the group to his house which was...

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mature aunty my moms sis

I am 20 yrs old n doin my engg.i always fantasize mature plump women wid big ass.i am a great fan of big ass of married woman.so most of the time i search stories havin anal encounter of mature woman.Let me come to the story now,this story is between me n my aunt who is my moms elder sister.she is a mature woman of 54 yrs old n is a widow.she has two sons one who is workin in abroad n other one studyin here in a college.let me tell about her she is a plump woman well built havin nice flesh in...

1 year ago
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There is no perfect three way relationship just as there is no perfect two way one. But Aaron and Tom were near on perfect, the way that they related to each other and assured me a comfortable, a sensual world.But all of that was found the hard way, a grudging but necessary equilibrium. There were so many parties in Edinburgh, but there came one that made a difference for us, for Aaron, Tom and I. It was the one where we planned to slowly, hesitently come out. Our thing, our way of living had...

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The Wonderfully Naughty Wizard of Oz Ch6P3

Leandra screamed, as Kaliko pushed his whole cock down into her ass. His boney old hands, holding those cheeks apart for his cock. He watched as his pale cock pushed that green hole wide. Leandra threw her head back, his cock so deep and so good."Oh fucking god, don't stop. Feed my ass that cock".He smiled and threw his weight into the next thrust. Shoving his cock down to the base. Leandra could feel his coarse pubic hair rubbing against her ass cheeks and hole. He held his cock in her ass...

2 years ago
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WildOnCam Isabelle Deltore Bombshell Aussie Babe

Australian hottie Isabelle Deltore comees into CherryPimps with a bang! This busty babe is excited to fuck Ran Mclane and really gets your attention being a naughty girl in her button up shirt and super tight denim shorts! She shows off that ass that is begging to be spanked and lets her bra come off making your jaw drop as you witness those perfect tits and pierced nipples! Isabelle sucks on Ryans cock and he gets lost eating out that wet pussy! Isabelle wants that cum and Ryan will be sure to...

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EverlastingChapter 5

The wind was howling and there is a light snow falling. School was out for the day and Alexis wouldn't drive in the snow, so the girls are spending the first "alone time" together in awhile. Amie and Alexis were sitting on Amie's (and her father's) bed looking through some picture albums together. They were dressed casually in panties with a top and nothing else. Amie's back was to her best friend who has her arms around her and her chin on Amie's shoulder trying to see over her...

4 years ago
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Grains of SandChapter 2

Yakhir drank far too much the night before, and was trying to hide from the bright sunshine that had already heated up the air in his room. Today was his last day of freedom, and his lazing in bed wrenched his conscience that he was spending the first part of it nursing a hangover. He didn't remember drinking that much, but what he had slurped down must have been pretty potent. As he catalogued his body parts and their protests of pain, Yakhir realized that he was naked under the sheet. He...

3 years ago
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SKIN DEEP Urban Legend Chapter 2 Mikes Adventure Begins

SKIN DEEP - Urban Legend Chapter Two: Mike's Adventure Begins by Mark McDonald At some point Gary left my side. The shakes were under control but I wasn't feeling well. I was sitting on a small stack of phone directories. They still made them in limited supply for folks who couldn't use or didn't have in-house State Comp-Nets. My clothes were very uncomfortable I had to pee and the bathrooms were locked. I couldn't just go outside and hang it over the rail now. Life had...

4 years ago
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In Her Service 9

He awakes to her straddling him, pulling on his nipples as she teasingly grinds her sex against his crotch. The pain from his nipples is soon surpassed by the pull on the stitches of his growing member. She see's the look on his face and thankfully stops. "Oh yeah! I forgot you're still healing up." she remarks as she slips off him and begins to untie his feet and remove the braces/foot trainers. As she uncuffs his wrists she reminds him of what a big day he has ahead of him. He sits...

3 years ago
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Preteen Life

Introduction: This is a story of one of many events in my preteen life. I plan on writing more of not only my preteen but teenage life as well. Hope you enjoy. I had just gotten out of the shower and walked down the hallway to my bedroom. I closed the door behind me and twirled around. The towel wrapped around my body dropped to the floor and I admired myself in the mirror. I had never really taken notice of my body until I started puberty a few months before. I was 12 years old and loved the...

2 years ago
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MY Wife Will Only Jerk Me Off

My wife and I have been married for many years, and have probably lost some of the spark. We had talked before about the possibility of her being fucked by another man. Because of her long catholic background, she was reluctant to even discuss the issue. Over the years, she determined that she did not want to fuck me, or suck my cock. She no longer wanted to participate in mutual masturbation either. At this point, she agreed to at least masturbate me on Saturday evenings, and the rest of the...

3 years ago
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Spread Wide SecretariesChapter 5

The party was already off to a rip-roaring start, and it got even wilder when it was noted that the big boss, George Houston, was out of circulation up in the penthouse. Two long, well-stocked bars had been set up, and, as if that weren't enough, Clint Jones had mixed up two mammoth bowls of rum and vodka punch. Peggy had gone through three glasses and she was just woozy enough to follow everybody's lead. But, thankfully, not enough to pass out an ideal equilibrium. Already, couples...

3 years ago
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The Price She Paid

I would gratefully like to acknowledge Mr. Ram as my Editor. Without his suggestions and watchful eye, this story would not be as complete. To him and all of our volunteer Editors, Thank You! ************ The Price She Paid By: Anon Allsop With frustration, I looked back at the little girl running to catch up with me. I hated her almost as much as I did her brother, Jeremy. It wasn't always that way, we used to be good friends way back when. But when my girlfriend dumped...

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Modified Mother taught a lesson Part II

I rewrote this as well as Part I because it initially seemed like a highly offensive rape story.  Again, apologies that I didn't get the right point across last time.  Again, this is consensual sex.  I added a plot element to ensure this was clear, and that little element led to the creation of a nice little epilogue that wraps things up nicely.  Feedback and criticism welcome. Especially about the Epilogue, which I thought was cool but could have been better written. If you don't have time to...

4 years ago
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Breaking the Law BJ55mph

This is a true story Does any one remeber back in the day when cars still had bench front seats and your GF (now wife) could sit right next to you and kiss your ear or neck or open your pants and give you a hand job or blow job while driving down the road---those where the days all right---I would like to invite you on a ride my GF and I took back in the magical summer of 1979.Well I was in the army at the time and could only get home every other weekend and being a poor soldier could only...

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On 7th Heaven While Oral Sex

Hey this is Fuckb119 from Mumbai. This is a real incident about me and my smoking hot mom. This is the first time I’m writing something like this so please ignore my mistakes. This incident happened some days back and I decided it to share with you all. I am a 19 year old guy and to honestly I don’t have a big dick but a fat one, I am a bit healthy. Now I’ll come to real and horny stuff. My mom is 32 years and she got married to my dad at very small age and at the difference between my mom and...

2 years ago
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Young Stepmom8217s Transformation 8211 Part 2

I wanted to surprise Dad for his birthday. So I traveled to Singapore almost a year later. On arrival, though, I had a slight headache. So after checking in, I took a quick shower and dozed off. That’s when we got intimate with each other. It felt like a dream. There was a big-breasted girl on top of me. Her long hair pooling on my chest as she rocked back and forth with my penis inside her pussy. For an entire minute, it felt like a dream before realizing it was indeed true. But even Rashmi...

2 years ago
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Khel Khel Me Sex Fail

Hello dosto me jiya hu.Ye kahani bilkul sach h.Aisa aur bhi kisi k saath hua hoga lekin mere saath jo hua woh kuch azeeb tha. Mere ghar se kuch dur ek purana sarkari school tha jo hamesa band hi rehta tha.Uske aas-paas koi ghar nahi tha aur waha koi jaldi aata jata bhi nahi tha esliye mera bhai dev apne dosto k saath wahi khela karta tha.Us din me ek frock pehni thi jo mere knees tak thi aur kitchen me khana bana rhi thi ki achanak mummy mujhe bhai ko ghar me bulane k liye boli.Me mummy k kehne...

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