Drei Freunde II free porn video

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Drei Freunde II Ricky Zimmermann "So koennen wir nicht nach Hause!" entscheidet Steve. Sie setzen sich zur Beratung vor das Zelt und beginnen zuerst mit einer Dreiviertelstunde des Schweigens, dass nur von wiederholtem Seufzen unterbrochen wurde. Carlos nestelt verstoert an seinem Pullover herum, der die aeusserste von all den Kleidungsschichten darstellt, mit denen er sich nach dem Schock bedeckt hat. Natuerlich nuetzt alles nichts. Obwohl man jetzt bei ihm nichts weibliches ausser seiner neurdings zierlichen Dimensionen von aussen erkennen kann, fuehlt er doch jedes neue Detail seines Koerpers. Der von Natur aus nicht allzu gross gewachsene und inzwischen wieder angezogene Steve sieht nun aus wie ein Maedchen, da der sehende Geist eines Beobachters automatisch den passenden Koerper zu diesem Traumgesicht unter die unfoermige Bekleidung interpretiert. Rob steht auf und sucht Feuerholz. "Der Doktor!" schreit er ploetzlich auf. Die beiden andern blicken in Robs Richtung, der nun schnellen Schritts ihrem Lager entgegenlaeuft. "Der Doktor!" ruft er wieder begeistert, als er sich bei Carlos und Steve einfindet. "Wie hiess er noch: Konstantin Wessel, ja. Der wird uns helfen. Auf nach Giesenweiler!" Wieder mit einem bisschen Hoffnung erfuellt, haben bald alle drei ihr Gepaeck auf ihre Fahrraeder gepackt und fahren los. Vorerst brauchen sie sich noch keine Sorgen zu machen, dass sie von Bekannten gesehen werden koennten. Trotzdem hat Steve die Kapuze seiner Windjacke ueber den Kopf gezogen. Allerdings kann man gleichwohl unter dem Tuch eine bezaubernde Stupsnase erkennen. An Carlos faellt einem in seiner vollen Montur fast nichts auf. ? Ausser vielleicht, dass ihm die Kleidung ploetzlich viel zu gross ist. Rob hat die AErmel ueber die Haende gezogen, obwohl das Wetter mild ist... Nach drei Stunden naehern sie sich ihrer Wohnregion und benuetzen nun nicht mehr die Hauptstrasse. Sobald sie jemanden kommen sehen, verstecken sie sich in den Bueschen. Zum Glueck wohnt der Doktor ein bisschen ausserhalb. In Giesenweiler angekommen wird Rob als Unauffaelligster dazu verknurrt, bei Wessels zu klingeln und ihren Trupp anzukuendigen. Er braucht ziemlich lange, sich beim Arzt verstaendlich zu machen. Schliesslich kennen sie nicht mal den Namen der Frau, von der sie bewirtet worden sind. Als Rob aber die Haende mit den dazugehoerigen Erklaerungen zeigt, daemmert es Doktor Wessel und bald danach sitzen alle drei in seiner Praxis. "So, ihr wart also bei Sarah und habt den Spiegel gesehen," stellt er mehr fest, als dass er fragt. "Hat sie euch nicht gewarnt?" Dann lacht Wessel auf und beantwortet die Frage gleich selbst: "Ha, wie ich sie kenne, hat sie euch so gewarnt, dass der Reiz, ihn auszuprobieren, einfach zu gross werden musste". Er weist die drei darauf hin, dass ihrem Problem mit der Schulmedizin nicht beizukommen sei. Er muesse Kontakt mit Sarah aufnehmen. Dazu holt er einen vergammelten Notizblock hervor und beginnt, darauf zu schreiben. Dann wartet er. Ploetzlich erscheinen unter seiner Schrift Buchstaben einer anderen Handschrift auf dem vergilbten Papier. Wort an Wort reiht sich aneinander. Aufmerksam liest Wessel mit. Ab und zu grinst er. "Ja, ja, die Sarah", gibt er einmal von sich. Dann fragt er die drei, wann sie zu Hause erwartet wuerden. Dann schreibt er ihr die Antwort auf das Blatt: in drei Tagen. Bei der Antwort scheint die Kuerze der Dauer nicht ganz zu befriedigen. Er teilt den dreien mit, dass Sarah mit Doris und Helene, ihren Freundinnen rueberkommen wird. Mit "rueber" meint er ins Hier und Jetzt. Sie muesse sich allerdings noch vorbereiten, um hier ueber die benoetigten Kraefte zu verfuegen, die es braucht, um das Problem zu loesen. Alles in allem scheint ihr die Geschichte groesstes Vergnuegen zu bereiten. Vorerst habe sie ihm, Wessel, eine Prozedur aufgetragen, die die heilige Geheimhaltung von Magie solange im Diesseits ermoeglichen soll. Zwei maennliche und ein weibliches Gesicht schauen ihn fragend an. "Es geht darum, dass ihr so nicht gesehen werden duerft. Allerdings darf der Inhalt des Wunsches, den ihr geaeussert habt, nicht angetastet werden. Die Auswirkungen waeren fuerchterlich. Wir produzieren also mit Magie eine diesseits unauffaellige Situation, in der niemand Magie vermuten muss. Dafuer brauche ich alle drei, aber vor allem Carlos, der am meisten Verwandlungsenergie abbekommen hat". Er fuehrt sie in ein anderes Zimmer. Ziemlich beunruhigt erblicken die drei einen Gynaekologiestuhl in dem Raum, wo sie nun hineingefuehrt werden. "Carlos, du musst dich ausziehen! Ich muss nur ins Wohnhaus, ein paar Sachen holen, die ich hier nicht habe." Entsetzt schaut Carlos in die Runde. Die beiden andern schauen beschaemt zu Boden. Zoegernd beginnt Carlos mit dem Ausziehen. Obwohl der Doc ziemlich lange braucht, bis er seine Utensilien beisammen hat ? wahrscheinlich weiss seine Frau nichts von seinem Hobby, magische Welten zu bereisen ? steht Carlos bei seiner Rueckkehr immer noch in Socken, Unterhosen und Hemd da. Als er den Vibrator in Wessels Hand sieht ruft er entsetzt "Nein!" und verkriecht sich hinter eine vorstehende Kastenwand. Wessel redet beruhigend auf ihn ein, ohne aber auf Fragen einzugehen, die seine genauen Absichten betreffen. "Das beste ist, du denkst ueberhaupt nicht und ich arbeite. Abgesehen davon befolge ich nur Anweisungen von Sarah, die mir ihre Absicht auch nicht im Detail erklaert hat", erklaert er Carlos. Mit der Zeit wird der Doktor ungeduldig und verlangt von Carlos eine Entscheidung. Entweder sie tun, was er ihnen sagt, oder er werfe sie hinaus. Rob, der eigentlich noch am glimpflichsten davongekommen ist, draengt Carlos am innigsten, alles zu tun, was ihr Problem loesen kann. Langsam kommt Carlos wieder hinter der Kastenwand hervor, die lebenslange Entstellung befuerchtend. Den Rest seiner Kleider reisst er jetzt ziemlich rasch von seinem Koerper, vermeidet es allerdings, an sich hinabzublicken. Rob und Steve verschlaegt es den Atem. Auch Wessel mustert den weiblichen Koerper bewundernd. Die Wirkung auf die Umstehenden bemerkend, dreht sich Carlos ab, um nur noch eine groessere Wirkung zu erzielen. Denn nun sehen die Maenner sein dickes maennliches Gesicht und seine Wurstfinger nicht mehr und haben die Rueckenansicht einer vollkommenen Frau vor sich. Da Carlos eher verklemmt und schon gar nicht breitbeinig dasteht, ergeben seine Umrisse ein traumhaftes Bild. Seine weichen Pobacken lassen den anwesenden Herren das Wasser im Munde zusammenlaufen. Und leeres Schlucken erfuellt den Raum. "Ahem, du musst da rauf," sagt Wessel und deutet auf den Gynaekologiestuhl. Zoegernd begibt sich Carlos in die angegebene Richtung unter den entsetzt mitfuehlenden Blicken seiner Kumpane. Wessel breitet ein sauberes Tuch auf der Liegeflaeche aus und Carlos setzt sich darauf. Er folgt den Handzeichen sowie dem seltenem Nicken und haeufigen Kopfschuetteln von Wessel, bis er sodann mit gespreizten Beinen die erforderliche Position eingenommen hat. Wessel heisst Steve, mit seinen unveraenderten Haenden einen Spiegel vor Carlos Gesicht zu halten, so dass Carlos das weibliche Gesicht von Steve sieht und Steve das maennliche von Carlos. Und er solle versuchen, dies hartnaeckig zu tun, egal was passiert. Rob soll auf der andern Seite des Stuhles die Schulter von Carlos mit seinen zierlichen Haenden halten. Es ginge aber nur um die Beruehrung. Wessel wolle von ihm nicht verlangen, in der Situation Haendchen zu halten, obwohl dies noch besser waere... Zuerst zoegert Rob, dann greift er mit seinen beiden femininen Haenden die maskulinen von Carlos und meint: "Besser ist besser." Die drei Opfer ihres eigenen Wunsches fahren erschrocken zusammen, als der Vibrator zu surren beginnt Alle drei werden von einer steigenden Erregung gepackt. Carlos reizender Koerper bebt vor Aufregung. Nun beruehrt die Vibratorspitze seine Vagina. Carlos haelt den Atem an und will die Beine zusammenklemmen. Die sind aber von Wessel in der gespreizten Haltung fixiert worden. Da nuetzt kein Zerren. Wessel massiert mit dem Vibrator die Schamlippen, was den Koerper von Carlos zu stimulieren beginnt, obwohl sein Verstand sich wehrt und er immer noch den Atem anhaelt. Er spuert ploetzlich die Feuchtigkeit, wie sie hinausdringt und seine Scham glitschig macht. Sein Atem setzt nun keuchend ein, waehrend der Vibrator beginnt einzudringen. Carlos schreit und stoehnt, stoehnt und stoehnt nochmal ? und hat nach ein paar Sekunden vermutlich den schnellsten Orgasmus, der ein weibliches Wesen je hatte. Carlos sieht immer das weibliche Gesicht von Steve im Spiegel, waehrend er von Wessel "behandelt" wird. Nach dem Orgasmus schiesst ihm der Gedanke durch den Kopf, dass das Gesicht so schoen nun auch nicht sei. Aber den Gedanken weiterzuverfolgen, gelingt ihm nicht mehr, weil der in ihm weiter surrende Vibrator schon wieder Wirkung zeigt. Wessel bewegt in sanft vor- und rueckwaerts, hin und her. Carlos Stoehnen wird schon wieder lauter, sein Koerper scheint zu schmelzen und als Pfuetze unter dem Stuhl enden zu wollen. Es bleibt ihm keine Zeit, sich nach dem zweiten Orgasmus zu entspannen. Der Koerper beginnt sofort wieder, Erregung afzubauen. Jetzt beginnt es im Schritt auch noch unanstaendig zu schmatzen. Jetzt ist er ganz sicher: Steves Gesicht ist entschieden nicht mehr so huebsch wie noch kurz zuvor. Der Geruch von Sex breitet sich im Zimmer aus. Carlos kann nicht verhindern, dass sich sein Koerper dem Vibrator entgegenwindet. Er empfindet seinen Leib als grosse feuchte Hoehle, in der ein Riesenwurm sich waelzt und windet. Sein Becken stoesst in schnellem Rhythmus auf und ab. Sein Unterleib will den Vibrator einsaugen und in alle Ewigkeit liebkosen. Er weiss nicht mehr, wieso er den Koerper an irgendetwas hindern sollte. Die Brueste wogen von oben nach unten, wackeln von links nach rechts, ziehen im Kreise schwingend an Carlos' Rippen, je nachdem welche Fliehkraefte die Bewegungen seines Koerpers verursachen. Nach vielen Hoehepunkten beginnt seine Kraft zu schwinden. So nimmt er im Spiegel das Gesicht wieder wahr, das er nun wieder als sehr weiblich und sehr schoen empfindet. Die Frisur scheint anders. Zwar immer noch knabenhaft, aber irgendwie anders. Wessel zieht den nassen Vibrator unten raus und Carlos bemerkt, dass das Spiegelbild den kleinen weichen Schmollmund genauso oeffnet wie er selbst das eben getan hat. Wessel schaltet das Surren ab. Im Zimmer ist es still. Als das Spiegelbild gleichzeitig mit seinem Blinzeln mit den langen schwarzen Wimpern klimpert, die die grossen blauen Augen darin umrahmen, bemerkt Carlos, dass es sich nicht um das Gesicht von Steve handelt. Der Spiegel ist voll auf ihn selbst gerichtet. Das bezaubernde Gesicht gehoert nun ihm und mit seinen nun zartgliedrigen Haenden, von denen er Rob erloest hat, streicht er seinem glatten, vollkommenen Koerper entlang. Nach kurzem Zoegern streichelt er sich zwischen den Beinen, streichelt seine Brueste und ist irgendwie erleichtert. "Das war's dann wohl," spricht er mit einer warmen und nicht zu hohen Frauenstimme und haelt sich ueberrascht die Hand auf den Mund: "Ups..." Die drei uebriggeblieben Maenner starren sie bewundernd an. Sie steht auf und zieht ihre viel zu grossen Maennerkleider an. "Ich muss unbedingt duschen." Dann kuendigt sich ihr lansam zurueckkehrender Humor an: "He, dann schlafen wir jetzt wohl in getrennten Zelten." Ihr Grinsen steckt die Jungs an. Nur klingen deren groelende Lacher viel unnatuerlicher. Ende Teil II

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Centaur Girls

Do you appreciate women with a lot of junk in their trunk? Well, that is basically what r/CentaurGirls/ is all about. This subreddit is designed for all the lovely girls with an inexplicably large ass and a tiny waist. I mean, as long as their build can be described as the ‘centaur’, they are perfect for this subreddit. I am sure some of you lads might be confused as to what the fuck I mean by that, right?Well, I shall make all this shit a lot more understandable in a bit. First of all, Reddit...

Reddit NSFW List
2 years ago
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Week 4 Class 1

Week 4, Class 1 (The Day Before) Jill had spent much of the weekend thinking about what Dr. Green had left them with on Thursday. ‘From here on out things will get much more graphic, maybe a little uncomfortable sometimes, and definitely a lot more real for all of you.’ The class had definitely become more real for her starting with her nude, midday walk around the school quad. But that was less about sex, and more about embarrassment, arousal, and personal confidence. Now she was starting to...

2 years ago
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Baileys BrotherChapter 11 Bailey Caught Red Handed

My eyes flicked open. It was light inside my little fishbowl. Peace and quiet that I knew would soon be shattered. I wanted to stay in bed a few more minutes. I wanted to dream of the nasty naughty things I’d done with Brian, but it was already getting late and I really needed to shower before doing anything else. I had to skip breakfast and run out with unwashed hair, sweats, a belly shirt and a zipped up hoodie. I’d have to keep the hoodie zipped with the school’s dress code, but whatever...

3 years ago
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Jindgi Ka Mazaaa

Hi Im Reetika Mehta 4rm Gujarat now live in Pune i’m widow last 13 years my age is 53 years 1 child mother, he’s live in Bangalore with him family Im single so, kahani padne se pahle aap sab ladies muje ye batao ki kya aap apne sath pura pura nyay kar rahi hai hai ya apne hatho hi pane ko hurtkar rahi ho? Kya ek aurat apni jindgi ka annand nahi le sakti q har aadmi koi bhi kare to usko koi kuchh bhi nahi kahta hai? q har bar aurat hi kasurwar kyo hoti hai? q har aurat apni khushio ka apni...

4 years ago
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A Naked Woman Ch 05

The story so far The two lovers find that they are sharing more of their lives as time goes by after that first meeting. The punishing sun beat on us as I pushed back my sun glasses on my eyes and I admired your naked back and buttocks. I loved the way that the sun caught the oil and sweat on your skin and the way it shone a dull bronze. I loved the way your skin tasted and how it felt like spun silk felt when I touched it. The sight, touch and taste of you excited and aroused me. We lay...

4 years ago
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The Seeingeye Dog and the Shy StudentChapter 2

Now that she was alone with the newly arrived guide dog, the young blind girl did her level best to calm down and pretend like it was a day like any other day. After all, even though her private domain was now shared with another creature, it wasn’t as if it were an actual human person. In a way, she was relieved that her new companion was a canine and not a human because she didn’t have to make silly conversation or try to civil or gracious or some other such foolishness that she generally...

4 years ago
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Pretty school nurse

Lisa was in high school and had noticed; as did a lot of other students, that the new school nurse was young and pretty. After hearing rumors that the nurse might be a lesbian, Lisa got excited. Of course she didn’t know how real the rumor was, it could be that the boys were expecting to get BJs during sports physicals and were disappointed that she had no interest in them. Lisa was just getting into the fact that she might be gay. She was at the start of her senior year and had not dated at...

3 years ago
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AdriftChapter 6

Although I'll never understand it, my sister went from a demanding little wench at 13 to a conniving gold fevered little wench at 13 and a half to the sweetest girl at 14. It was like there was a switch on the wall and she reached up and threw it. CLICK "Instant nice girl." "Jimmy? Will you please go with me to Frandor?" This from my sister? Please? I mean she'd used please before but it was always in a wheedling tone of voice ... or filled with sarcasm. I, on the other hand, seem to...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 913

This one is compliments of Capt. Zapp A man is hiking through the woods when he hears a female voice calling for help. Eventually he finds a naked woman tied to a tree. While she was dirty and covered in cuts and scratches, he could tell she was quite attractive. “Gee Lady, what happened to you?” The lady sobs and tells her story. “I was having sex with my boyfriend when my husband came home early and caught us. He threw both of us out the window naked and I landed in the rose bushes. I...

2 years ago
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Bayonettas AbuseChapter 8 Lurid Revelations

James' eyes opened for the first time in what felt like days, his pupils slowly adjusting to the light. He began to take in his dismal surroundings and immediately his memories flooded back. His kidnapping, the battle with Jeanne, and being hauled away by the mysterious colleagues of his lover and dominatrix, Bayonetta. He examined the small room from the top bunk of a prison bed and found his dark seductress sleeping soundly in the bottom bunk below. It was mostly quiet in the cage of...

2 years ago
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Girlfriend Ki Mami Ko Choda Barish K Din

Hi …Dosto mai iss ka bht purana reader hu…Daily logo k experience pdta or muth marta hu..M from shahbaad koi bhi bhabi ya aunty haryana ya Chandigarh ki mujhse milna chahe to plz mail kre..Full setisfaction gurrente k sth…..Btw mera nam ankush hai…Story thodi long but ekdum real hai jo story pad k pta lg jayega…..Bachpan se sports mai tha ab gym kr rha hu to stamina or energy full hai…Land medium size na jada bada na chota..Itna ki choot ko thokne k liye kafi… Chalo ab story pr aata hu…Meri ek...

4 years ago
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Holidaying with a school friend Part 1

It was the last day of the summer term and I was full of the holiday spirit. In less than a weeks time my parents and I were off to the Caribbean for a two-week break. For the last few days I have been talking about nothing else. Friends in my form must have been getting fed up with me, I am sure Cora was and told me as much. “Anna you might think the holiday sounds great, but you could have as much fun on an English beach.” Jealous or what? The bombshell was dropped during one of our rare...

3 years ago
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Dumb Shit

Betsy was just exasperated as she felt him awkwardly pushing his pecker into her pussy. She knew that in just a few strokes he would squirt and then pull out and fall asleep. That is not what she expected from a husband. It’s not that she was a sex queen herself, but the few guys that she’d experienced had known a lot more than he did. Especially the older married one that had convinced her to take off her panties the first time. She still had fond memories of what he did. What could she...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 939

This group is compliments of Unclepodger ANAL SEX! A woman went to the doctor for advice. She told him that her husband had developed a penchant for anal sex, and she was not sure that it was such a good idea. “Do you enjoy it?” the doctor asked. “Actually, yes I do,” She answered. “Does it hurt you?” he asked. “No, I rather like it,” she responded. “Well, then,” the doctor continued, “There’s no reason that you shouldn’t practice anal sex, if that’s what you like, so long as you take...

2 years ago
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Hot bhabh fucking ceremony

My first experience was with my girlfriend when i was 21, but my real good & satisfactory one was with my mami from gujarat. (mother’s brother’s wife, i call her bhabhi).i was 23 at that time & she is 6 months elder to me. She got married when she was 18 & my mama (mother’s brother) is 10 years elder to her. She looked very shy and homely girl when she got married in our family. I got close to her in all this years as we were of same age & attended many family functions together. To all about...

3 years ago
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Please Dont Tell Anyone

Her ass looked amazing. Liz, my coworker, was laying flat on her stomach, on top of the covers of her bed in only her white panties. Just like she promised. Liz and I work together and have for about 6 years. The first 5 years went by fairly innocently and always professionally. She is in her late twenties and single. I am also her boss. In the past year Liz and I have shared a huge office and since then have begun chatting more and more. She’s cute, about 5’ 9” with a skinny frame and long...

3 years ago
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Military DelightsChapter 11 Ebrahim And Abdur

Ebrahim always felt that as the youngest of the section, at only eighteen and newly enlisted in the army at the start of the campaign, he was always given the worst duties. He was right, but it was not the sergeant's intention in this case, it was merely Ebrahim's bad luck that the two houses he was assigned were empty, and had been completely stripped of everything of value by their owners. He searched them thoroughly and conscientiously, finding nothing, and went out to join his...

4 years ago
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Finnaly I fuck my mother

It was Monday night, I was watching Monday Night football,I received a call from hospital informing my dad has died from his long battle with cancer.Tuesday I went to the to the airport and flew back home for his creamtion.My mom very happy to see me.After creamation, few off closed family gathering at home eat and drinks.I wasn't in the mood for drinks, and so did my mom.After all our relatives departed, my mom take a bath. I went pass the bathroom, the door was half open. I stopped and stick...

3 years ago
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Finding my orgasmic focus

Denise's small breasts bounced up and down as I energetically slammed my erect penis in and out of her vagina. We were both nude. I was standing and she was laying on our kitchen table with her arms over her head gripping the far side. Her legs were draped over my shoulders so that she could comfortably hold up her legs with me moving inside her. As I listened to the slap of my groin into hers and watched the resulting jiggle of her breasts again and again—slap jiggle, slap jiggle, slap...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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A Picture Worth A Thousand Words

There is no way I’m attempting to portray any real life event, places, or people. This story mentions RSP’s and RRSP’s. To my American readers, these are synonymous to your 401K’s. Thanks for reading. WR A Picture – Worth A Thousand Words It’s the same old cliché, the husband is the last to know. Well, in my case perhaps not the last but I was well down on the list. I’ve always been considered fairly easy going. Not much got me really upset, even the stress of a network that wouldn’t...

4 years ago
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A Cloud Over BrenhamChapter 11 Meeting the King

We stood in front of the gates, which were firmly closed, and above us a group of guards looked down at us and jeering. "Just open the gate and allow us entry!" I used Al's megaphone facility to project my voice up to the guards on the wall. "His Majesty isn't seeing anyone at this time ... go away!" A sarcastic voice shouted back down. "You've no idea what I've gone through because of him; I'm not just going to turn back now," I said and concentrated, feeling the power build,...

3 years ago
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Taking the Class Part 4Chapter 26 Tuesday Afternoon 303PM

We should leave. Now. Alaina stepped forward and was immediately blocked by Taylor, who was trying to leave. “I’m taking off now that you’re all acquainted,” said Taylor, looking back over her shoulder. “Becks, give me a call when you’re done.” “Just like usual!” Becks said cheerfully. “Take care now,” Floyd called. Taylor waved and exited the room, forcing Alaina back. “See what you think after today,” Taylor said to the redhead as she started back down the hallway. Alaina followed...

4 years ago
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The BlemsChapter 3

Elizabeth was coming down from her orgasm. 'Shit, ' Ray thought if I get out of this without getting arrested I'll be lucky.' Looking up Elizabeth saw Ray and a huge smile lit up her face, that is, 'til she realized that they were both outside, naked, and both of them had just cum. Though a little embarrassed for the moment, Elizabeth didn't really give a shit, hell if she could feel like this every night she just might go for it. "Uh, Ray?" She asked as she sat up, where the hell am...

1 year ago
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IndianFirst fuck

Hi this is syam aged 24 only son of rich parents of south India. Like to share so many things of this lonely caged bird. Here I am recollecting my first experience at the age of 17. We have many servants in my house nearly {driver (46) his wife (37) and daughter (18), watch man (50) his wife (40), one cook (35)} who lives in our out house and watch room. My parents used to roam all places to look after their business (they used to go as couple to enjoy their other parts of life ex sex shopping...

First Time
2 years ago
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Scorn and ReconciliationChapter 3

Dad was a little groggy the next morning but Mom was bright and cheery. She was wearing a pair of navy blue shorts with a high, hidden-elastic waist. The loose legs were longish, to mid-thigh level, and a little baggy on the legs. But not on the butt. There, the material stretched tightly, clinging to Mom’s slightly sagging, prominent cheeks, making them stand out even more than usual—a treat for male eyes. Mom’s bare midriff was topped by a short-sleeved, checked shirt tied under her...

4 years ago
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What We Do for LoveChapter 7 Mistress Creates David

It was just so darned hard. I’m not a bad person. That’s what made it the hardest. All I could do was pretend that I was Samantha Grail from school. She’s a real bitch. She treats everyone the same - badly. Even the teachers avoid her. I wonder if she’s one of those kids that Kathy talked about. One of the ones that abuse other kids and blackmails teachers. I wouldn’t know now for at least a week, while my family trained. My poor dad put up with so much more than I could have. I knew I had...

1 year ago
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Hot Lecturer Became My Hot Wife

It happened a long time back when I did B.Sc. Computer Science. There was a lecturer named Lincy who was the beauty queen of the college. Even all male staffs try to act smart when she crosses them. She is 28 years old, lean and very attractive with cute boobs hidden inside sari. It’s the college rule to wear sari for teachers. So, all the students were lucky to have a sneak on their favorite teachers’ boobs during the class hours. Return to story; I am the poorest in studies and won’t study...

2 years ago
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The tar darkened to a consistent black under pregnant clouds as the highway stretched into the city, raindrops assaulting the midday traffic in its creep slowly toward the storm. Driving for two straight days beneath the merciless sun had left a new sprinkling of freckles on my hands and I was thankful for the coolness of the breeze seeping in through my half open window, and the light, cold droplets that found their way onto my steering wheel.A glimpse of the familiar skyscrapers beneath the...

4 years ago
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CFNM SPH Forced Nudity School 18 Chapter Two

The next school day begins. After yesterday's humiliation I was trying to keep a low profile now more than ever. I had not yet seen the girls from yesterday and nobody seemed to be reacting with anything other than indifference to my presence, which was the norm. My first class goes uneventfully, towards the end the teachers asks me to deliver a note to a teacher in another classroom. As I was trying to keep a low profile this was an inconvenience but I had no choice, something I was quickly...

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Roommates Part 4 Missys Magic Wand

It came as a big surprise the following Friday when my girlfriend Jane and I came in late and heard some moaning from both Missy and her date when we came home the following Friday night. Missy was our roommate. She was a petite little redhead, with a cute round face, small, lovely breasts and a bottom which set a standard for female backsides everywhere. Cute as button, and hot as a firecracker Missy had a date anytime she wanted. But for all her dating she hadn't ever brought a guy home...

2 years ago
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GIFT.Today is Hina’s 7th marriage anniversary; her friend called her to wish and told her to take care, as the magic of love dies after 7 years in most of the cases. But, for Hina the magic died in 7 months after her marriage, her husband Sahil was too busy in is work and his friends. Hina was a submissive Indian house wife; she tried to explain her liking for BDSM which Sahil never understood. Her ex boyfriend had introduced her to this life style and she was a natural sub. But, her parents...

3 years ago
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A Net of Femininity

A Net of Femininity By Jennifer White Part 1 The show On Friday night, Ken and Joan Winslow went out to see a show with their friends Pete and Betty Eastman. "The Amazing Annette" was a magician, conjurer, and hypnotist. The show had rave reviews in the newspaper, so against their better judgments, Ken and Pete were dragged to the show by their wives. At least it would be better than a musical or ice skating this time. They fought traffic downtown, waited in line to pay...

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