EverlastingChapter 5 free porn video

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The wind was howling and there is a light snow falling. School was out for the day and Alexis wouldn't drive in the snow, so the girls are spending the first "alone time" together in awhile.

Amie and Alexis were sitting on Amie's (and her father's) bed looking through some picture albums together. They were dressed casually in panties with a top and nothing else. Amie's back was to her best friend who has her arms around her and her chin on Amie's shoulder trying to see over her taller friend.

"Look at this one, Amie, you have that cute little yellow bikini on that certainly has your dad's attention. What ever happened to that bikini anyway?"

"Daddy started singing some stupid old song about a yellow polka dot bikini and I threw it away."

Alexis grinned, "Yeah, I remember now. You were so funny, I've never seen you so pissed. It certainly looked good on you though," Alexis ran her finger up and down the front Steve's shorts in the picture. "See, you can tell he was getting hard just peeking down your top."

"Stop that! You can see no such thing from that picture."

"Well, I can imagine if I want to," Alexis pouted.

"Besides, if he's looking anywhere, it's down your top. That bikini was an attention getter too. Pretty pale blue and shows so well on you. I wish I had of seen it first."

"Sorry, but you couldn't keep the top up," Alexis said as she turned the pages looking through the album. She stopped suddenly and said, "Look here are some pictures of that old house your dad took us to. Really old, but so pretty too. I could live there."

"Dad say's that we used to live there when I was really small. I sorta remember it. It had been in his family for years. He sold it to a friend when we left and made him promise to keep it for fifteen years before he sold it. Frank has been renting it out and keeping it up for Daddy. It must be worth a fortune now, I don't know how we could ever afford to buy it back."

"Is he thinking of doing that, Amie? Is he thinking of you guys moving back there and living in that beautiful old house? God, it's right on the beach too. I'll bet that your dad can find a way if he truly wants to."

"Wouldn't that be a wonderful place to raise the baby, Lex?"

"I would miss you so much Amie. I'm not sure I could stand being without you. Happy for you, but heartsick I think."

Amie leaned back and put her hand on Alexis' cheek, gave her a kiss and said, "You don't really think that we'd go anywhere without you Lex?"

"God I love you Amie, sometimes I can hardly stand it."

"Don't get all worked up now, Dad is just mulling it over. He would leave the final decision to you and me anyway."

Alexis laid the album aside, nuzzled Amie's neck, put her hands under Amie's top and rested them on her tummy. "Speaking of baby, you're beginning to show a little, sweets."

"I know, just wait, I'll be as big as a house pretty soon."

Alexis squeezed her tummy lightly and said, "Still so beautiful though." She moved her hands up higher and took a breast in each hand fondling them. "These will be all full of milk for it to suckle. Will you let daddy suckle too? Just to try?"

"Her. She will be a girl. I just know it. And sure, if he wants to he can try some of her milk," Amie responded.

"Me too?"

The hands kneading her breasts were stirring her hormones and Amie said, "Of course you can suckle me if you want to."

Alexis brushed Amie's hair back from her shoulder and kissed her neck just under her ear. "You've always loved me, Amie. Since we were very young, you were the one that loved me. It's my turn, will you let me love you?"

Amie closed her eyes and said in a low, throaty voice, "Yes, Lexi, please love me."

Alexis leaned back and pulled her top over her head and then reached back around Amie to unbutton her top. She unbuttoned the four buttons of Amie's short, white, low cut top very slowly. When she was finished, she pulled it past Amie's arms and threw it on the floor. Only Amie's white satin string bikini panties remained. Alexis moved aside, fluffed her pillow and guided Amie down until her head was nestled in the pillow. Amie's eyes were closed and her mouth was open. Alexis leaned down and kissed Amie's face. She kissed each eye, her nose, her cheeks and then settle her mouth over Amie's.

Amie responded to the pressure against her lips by opening her mouth and pushing her tongue past her teeth to Alexis' waiting tongue. A short, "uhh", came from her mouth into Alexis' when her lover's hand slipped under the band of her panties, down over her mound, and her fingertips touched the wet opening of her vagina.

Removing her hand from Amie's panties, Alexis sat up on her knees to view Amie's slightly pregnant body. Her eyes studied the pretty face and the growing nipples. Amie's tummy was not so flat as it was and the deep inset of her navel was starting to show her belly button. Alexis took the waistband of the panties and slide them down over Amie's long legs and over her feet. She felt the part of the panties that was next to the open, and very wet, pussy with her thumb and fingers, then threw them aside. Alexis covered Amie's body with part of hers. With her right breast lying just below Amie's stomach, Alexis kissed the young woman's neck and ears and kissed down to her erect nipples. She took the right nipple into her mouth and sucked gently, imagining the nipple yielding some of natures nectar. Amie flinched a little and Alexis eased her over anxious mouth off of the nipple.

The touch of Alexis' soft lips on her breasts and tummy was starting to make Amie squeeze her thighs together and release them, nearly masturbating herself. When Alexis pushed down on her mound with the palm of her hand, cupped her with fingers, and let the tips of the first two fingers massage her pussy and clit, Amie nearly orgasmed right then. She squeezed Alexis' hand with her thighs to force pressure on the fingers and let out a deep, and loud groan.

Alexis responded by moving her body between Amie's legs and forcing them apart. She keep her face away from Amie and just watched her body as she fucked her slowly with her fingers. The fingers would drive deep in and then slowly out, running them up and around Amie's swollen clit, then back in again. Amie's heat was driving Alexis crazy now and she was afraid that she might orgasm without being touched.

Rotating her hips to the rhythm of the girl's fingers, Amie was feeling shocks through her body from her breasts to her knees. When Alexis hit her clit with her tongue and rolled it around the clit, Amie yelped and took Alexis' head in her hands and pressed her mouth tight to her. She heard the sucking and wet sounds of wet mouth against wet pussy and felt the dull ache building deep inside of her.

With her two fingers still stroking deep into Amie's cunt and pushing up as she pulled them out, Alexis felt Amie tighten and squeeze her head until she could barely use her tongue against he opening. Fluid was beginning to flow past her tongue and fingers and down Amie's bottom. With a sudden jolt against her face, Amie released her cum. Amie's legs now over Alexis' back and her fingers threatening to take some hair with them, Alexis removed her fingers and put her mouth completely over her pussy to take the heat into her mouth.

After, the two girls lay facing each other with Amie's hands stroking Alexis' face. Amie smiled and kissed her full on the lips and pulled back smiling. "You love me good," she said.

"You make me so happy that I could cry."

"You make me happy too sweetie ... I love you," Amie said.

"Is it strange that we could love each other so much and both love the same man too?" Alexis asked.

"Some would say it's sick and perverted Lex, but I don't really care what others think. I think it's beautiful and wonderful. If the three of us feel that way, what could be bad about that?"

"How do you know Steve ... Ummm ... your dad feels that way, Amie? Has he said so?"

"He doesn't have to say so. At first it was because we were such close friends and now he asks about you all the time. He worries for you Lex. He knows that you're unhappy living with Mom and hates that you are sad. He say's that to me. He always mentions you as part of any plans that we make. He was so happy for you when Randy came along. He just assumes that we belong together I guess."

"Randy is leaving Amie. He's going to the Midwest for some big job that he really wants. He's begged me marry him and come with him."

"Have you thought about going?"

"Not for a second. We don't belong together in a relationship like that. I just think the whole thing is a test of my will for him. I guess this tells him where I am."

"It's too bad in a way. But you gave him fair warning from the very start, so you shouldn't feel bad," Amie added.

"I don't feel bad at all. We both needed something and got what we needed. Now it's time to move on."

"Good girl. God, my little sister is all growed up!" Amie said in a not so good hillbilly drawl.

"Right. I'm older than you. By two months, but older. I wish I were your sis for real though Amie."

"You are. Close enough anyway." Said Amie and they cuddled together like that, kissed, and feel into a sound and very happy sleep.

Part II

Steve came home a few hours later. Alexis had parked her car in the driveway (actually it looked like she slid in) and Amie's car was in the garage. He pulled his car in next to his daughter's and went into the kitchen from the garage. Except for the sounds of music from a country station, it was very quiet in the house.

After taking off his coat and hanging it on the hook, Steve went to the stove and turned on the coffee. "Aw, Amie," he thought, "you always have it ready for me."

With no sign of female presence in the living room, Steve headed for the bedroom. He started to say something and stopped suddenly at the doorway. There was a pile of bodies tangled on the bed. Well, actually only two bodies and that was a sight. Amie was lying flat on her tummy with not a stitch on and Alexis was lying on her left side with only red and white striped, cotton string bikinis on. Alexis had her arm over Amie's back and her nose was buried in Amie's the dark red and gold curls spread around the pillow and her back.

"Such a sight," he thought. "Two of the most beautiful people I think I've ever seen stretched out right in front of me. Amie thinks Alexis is Greek, but I've lived in Hawai'i and I know a Polynesian mix when I see her and Alexis is it." He stood leaning against the doorjamb just admiring the two sleeping wonders. He could smell the spicy odor of his daughter's sex and the sex of another that he wasn't familiar with. "They made love today." Steve whispered, as his eyes wandered up and down Alexis' golden brown skin. Her legs weren't as long as Amie's, but beautiful in their own and she still had a faint, lighter line where her panties ended and upper thigh began. "Sigh."

Amie turned her head and opened her left eye a crack. A big smile crossed her lips and she mumbled, "Hi, Daddy."

"Hi, Princess, I didn't mean to wake you. I'll go have some coffee," Steve whispered.

"No, no Daddy, don't go. Come in and sit on the bed."

Alexis woke up and looked over her shoulder. She rolled over without a thought of her breasts being fully exposed. She put her hands on the headboard, stretched, yawned and said, "Hi Steve."

"Hi Lex. Busy day you two?"

"Really busy, we made love and Amie wore me out," Replied Alexis.

Amie laughed and slapped her bedmate's tummy, "Shup you."

"Ooff. Well, we did butthead. Your dad doesn't care, do you Steve?"

"Of course not. I think it's pretty wonderful really."

"Bet you wanna watch too, huh Steve?" Alexis said with an evil grin.

Steve answered, "Participate maybe, just watching would probably require a call to 911." His eyes couldn't help looking at Alexis' full, round breasts with the large red brown nipples. He let them wander down over her beautiful stomach and her open thighs. Her panties were tucked nicely into the slit of her pussy. He was becoming hard and it was becoming noticeable through his fitted trousers.

"Come sit by us," Amie said, patting the spot just on the other side of Alexis.

Steve straightened up and headed to the bed to sit down. He made no attempt to try and hide his swelling, it wouldn't have been possible anyway. Starting to sit, he said, "I would have thought you girls would taken care of and satisfied by now."

Amie responded, "I am. Alexis did the satisfying and she's not," then said, "Wait, you can't sit down until you're dressed like us! That wouldn't be fair!"

"Alexis still has panties on."

"I think you know what to do about that, Daddy. Now get undressed with us please."

Steve did. He kicked off his shoes, almost stumbled taking off his socks, then unbuttoned his shirt. He reached for his belt and unfastened it, then pushed them over his legs to the floor. Steve just stood for a second to let the girls see the outline of his cock through his tight bikini briefs.

Alexis nearly choked. "Oh jeez Amie...", she croaked as Steve pushed the briefs down and stood back up.

As Steve sat on the bed, Amie put her hands inside of Alexis' panties and nudged a finger into her dampening hole. "I think that she likes you Daddy, here you feel her," Amie said taking her fathers hand in hers.

Steve put his fingers under the leg hem of the panties and touched Alexis' waiting pussy. Alexis opened her thighs to let his finger test her heat. As he pried the lips open and put them into the slick channel, Alexis closed her eyes and uttered, "unnn".

Amie leaned over, kissed Alexis and said, "Tell him that you need him. Tell him how much you need him."

"I need you Steve. I've never wanted anyone this badly in my whole life."

Steve put his hands on her cheeks and pulled her face to him. His mouth closed over hers and gave her a deep, and very long, kiss. When he parted, he sat up and rolled her panties over her thighs and down her legs. He sat for a minute and rubbed her legs while he looked at the dark, closely trimmed vee and shaved lips of the girl's pussy.

Amie put Alexis' hand on Steve's rock hard cock. Alexis put her fingers around it and ran her thumb over the sensitive tip. There was no need to stroke it hard, it was already as hard as it could possibly be. As she leaned forward to put her mouth over it, Steve whispered, "Not this time sweetie ... it's your turn." And he gently pushed her head back down into the pillow. He got on his knees, opened her thighs, pulled her knees up and took a tit in each hand to knead them.

Amie reached under the girls knees and took her dad's cock in her hand. She put the tip into the opening to get it damp and then rubbed Alexis up and down from above her clit to her anus.

Alexis could stand only so much masturbation with the man between her legs that she'd always wanted and his hard cock so close now. As she felt that cock slide over her lips, she thrust her hips forward to drive it out of Amie's hand and deep into her.

It was almost as if it were Amie getting fucked. The sigh from her was nearly as loud as the one from Alexis when Steve's cock opened the tunnel of her cunt and filled it with his engorged penis. Amie's eyes were almost shut and her hand was still under Alexis, she could feel the cock getting wet and slippery.

Steve had his hands on Alexis' pillow and was fucking her slowly and very deliberately, pushing hard the last inch or so. Amie had moved her face close to Alexis and the two were kissing as Steve worked. Alexis was still in severe heat from her earlier love making with Amie. It didn't take long for her to release her first orgasm. Steve kept the same pace through her orgasm and the girls didn't even break their kiss, but the look on her face and the groans from her lips told of her feelings.

"Oh, God Amie! I didn't know ... I just didn't know!"

Amie whispered, "That's how I felt the first time and every time since sweetie."

Steve continued to fuck her. He had to grit his teeth and slow down a little sometimes so he wouldn't come. Finally Alexis broke the kiss and put her legs around his back. She felt another orgasm and it was going to be like none other in her young life. She was going to fuck Steve back and fuck him hard.

Alexis had never had anyone touch her in this way or in some of these places except Amie. She felt things inside of her that only Amie could reach with her fingers. Steve was doing it with his cock and his eyes looking down on her as the slow pushing and releasing continued. She came again. She came hard and didn't realize that she was digging her nails into Steve's sides. She finally yelled, "Oh shit ... do it ... fuck me ... cum in me ... cum"

That was enough for Steve and, with one final great push, he let his balls empty into her hot tunnel and she her body tightened and then shuddered with the ecstasy of the mutual orgasm.

The girls parted and let Steve settle in between them sharing half of each girl's pillow. He had two, beautiful, glowing and smiling faces staring at him. He kissed each face equally and knew from that moment that there would have to be a lot of equal kissing. Other things equally too and if he survived, that might not be all bad.

"I rarely have orgasms with a man screwing me, Amie," Alexis gasped, "and I've just had two in a few minutes."

They laid there a long while gathering their thoughts when Steve said "Oh and by the way ladies, the deal is done. Frank has agreed to sell me back the old house for what he paid for it if I would promise to become his business partner when we come back. I told him as soon as the baby comes and you can travel we're on our way."

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Well, where to start. I have been getting birthday spankings for the past ten years from a wonderful family friend, Mike Wellby who lives just down the road. My Mom has asked him to give me my birthday spankings every year and every time I get more and more excited to see him come to the house, knowing that I will soon be over his knee feeling his stinging hand on my bare bottom. This year would be different though because this year I turned eighteen and Mike hinted to the fact that since I was...

2 years ago
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Hiring the Construction Managers Assistant

She read an ad online for a position that had recently opened up, Construction Manager’s Assistant. Though it was thousands of miles away, something about it sounded very appealing to her. Abbey’s a college grad, very intelligent, extremely organized and has excellent people skills. She grew up in a military family consisting mostly of brothers. As a result, she tended to be more aggressive, able to work with her hands, very mechanically inclined, disciplined and a very good athlete. Kind of a...

1 year ago
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Love Refactored

He took a sip of water and pressed on with the questioning. “So, Cristal, what is your earliest memory of a bad experience?”She wasn’t entirely sure why she needed these interviews, or even why she was being put forward for promotion. Sure, she could program computers in her sleep, it was that easy, but she was happy with that. She loved algorithms and she wasn’t looking for anything more.She looked at the top of his head, then at the plain white wall opposite. “Oh, that’s difficult. Let me...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Where Did I Put The Sex

I went on a ski-ing holiday in Austria and never put on a pair of skis, a snowboard, a sledge or used any snow sports equipment. The ski-train was great. Everyone was happy and excited and discussing snow conditions, previous holidays, what they had done last year and meeting friends that they only saw on holidays. We had hired a whole chalet for two weeks. I had felt slightly unhappy because I was going on my own and everyone else were in man/woman pairs. When we booked the holiday my then...

1 year ago
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The Complete Submission 7

PART SEVEN: TAKING MOM OUT; DOING DADDY 100% fiction! After a couple days of calm, it was time for me to really see what power I had over my mother. I got home from school and decided it was time to have fun with her on my own. I got home and mom was dressed in a very conservative outfit: a long black skirt, matching stockings and a white dress shirt. I said “I thought you got rid of all your conservative crap?” “It is Wednesday. You know it is bridge night at Mrs. Blair’s house.” “So?” “So, I...

2 years ago
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Cheryl Gets Used

Cheryl Gets Used I am a fourteen-year-old boy that lives with two women. One is my sexy thirty-five-year-old mother and the other one is my adorable thirteen-year-old sister Cheryl. Everything had been fairly normal in our lives. Mom works as a Real Estate Agent and is in and out at all kinds of hours. Dad got caught fucking his secretary. He pays dearly for his mistake with alimony and double child support. We got the house and he got the shaft. He even lost his secretary. Too bad,...

3 years ago
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White Slut Training Academy The Arrival

My Wife's First Day at the Academy My wife Julie when in her 20s had been obsessed with the internet, and all the possibilities of kinky sexual encounters that this new wonderful medium presented. She, at the time was a very attractive dark headed girl that looked much like a young Liz Taylor. She had 36”DD breasts, a 23” waist and an over indulged full 37” and very ripe round ass, the kind exactly like J'Lo's that would be just perfect to abuse. But her real...

1 year ago
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Humiliated by Mommy part 8

Humiliated by Mommy by Naughtieboys [email protected] © Julian Smith and Em-bare-assed Press 1999-2001. Revised 2014. THIS STORY IS PURE FICTION (or unpure friction) FOR ADULTS ONLY. NO REAL CHILDREN WERE HARMED IN THE PRODUCTION OF THIS STORY. BY READING FURTHER, YOU ARE DECLARING THAT YOU ARE A CONSENTING ADULT. This work is copyright by the author. Commercial use is prohibited without permission. Personal/private copies are permitted only if complete and...

1 year ago
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life is a beach

so there is this twenty year old girl i work with a very good looking girl with big tits and a nice round ass she is a good girl from a nice family. i talked to her a few times and i could tell she has alot of pent up sexuality. so we talk and we talk for months she has a boyfriend and dont want to cheat . she has only had sex with him....you kno the story...needless to say she cheats after about four months...she has unbelievable pussy and it needs to b beat up and im the man for the job..so...

3 years ago
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The Perversion of Lady Jane GreyChapter 8

Holmes awoke in the darkened room - what a dream his pipe had caused; maybe Hove was right, and the substance was too noxious? Holmes moved his right leg, it collided with something warm, soft and very undream -like. The body next to him stirred. "Dear lord, how did I? This is... What's the time?" Ruby's voice asked, in confused concern. "One moment," Holmes rolled over and retrieved his hunter from the bedside table, "Twenty past one." He answered. "What happened Mr Holmes? How...

3 years ago
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Going Black

Once a white female goes black she never goes back equals BS or so I thought, but I’m getting ahead of myself. I’m a forty-year old single man who has always been successful with the ladies, successful enough that I bagged the hottest lady in the firm of Sterns, Sterns and Schwartz (SSS) a top Law Firm in Minneapolis. The lady in question was the beautiful and sexy Mrs. Gloria Finch. Soon after Gloria and I became lovers, she left her husband of ten years and moved in with me. Luckily there...

1 year ago
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I Will Fuck You Part 2

"SO WHERE YOU WANNA PUT IT FIRST?"If it was at all possible, his dick got harder after my little pep talk and so I let gravity decide, where his dick would go as I slowly sat down. His cock brushed my ass hole and so I merely moved my hips and let the head find the centre.I started sucking his earlobe and his neck as I let his wet cock find my ass hole, his moaning started to get louder in anticipation.I slowly let the head go in."Ahhhhhh...You’re tight"I let a little more go in..."OOOOO my...

2 years ago
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A couple of years have passed and I began a full time practice of massage. Not all massages were of the special type. Most were straight on the up and up massages for the usual; relaxation, stress relief, minor aches and stiff muscles and just plain feel good massages. But early in my massage career, I did learn of a whole new kind of massage. If you’ve read my ‘beginnings’; it’s the kind of massage that is not mentioned in massage schools. It is the taboo of all Western massage...

3 years ago
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Mother Swapping ndash Part 2 Fucked My Friends Mom

The next morning I went inside my room. I saw mom taking a shower, and Suraj was sleeping in the bed naked. I could see plenty of torn pieces of condoms on the floor as if they had been fucking the whole night.I woke Suraj and asked him to go to his room and get ready. We had plans to visit nearby places. He went to his room. Mom came out of the shower wearing her night suit. I could see she was looking satisfied and happy. I was getting jealous.Now I could not wait to get my chance with Kavita...

1 year ago
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Winning Shawna Back

I couldn't figure it out to save my life, but I tortured myself frequently. I had her on my mind as if she plagued it. I just pictured her naked with me making sweet love to her. I moaned and even placed my hand on my cock. I scrubbed it right through my shorts and had my hand feel like it had a knife wedged in there. My schlong was as hard as a rock, and I loved that she made it that way. Although, I brought my hand off it a minute later. "Damn it; I want my sister back. Masturbating...

3 years ago
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My Sons Huge Cock Ch 05

I left Mike handcuffed up while I went to the bathroom and took a shower. When I came out I walked past my bedroom door. Mike had fallen back off to sleep, his arms still tied over his head, he was butt naked with his limp cock resting on him.I went into my closet and got a t-shirt and some shorts out, after getting dressed I went downstairs and tided the kitchen.About 11 o'clock I went back upstairs to check on Mike. He was awake but laying silently."Hey big boy," I said as I walked over to...

1 year ago
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My lusty mother in law

Hi ISS readers I’m with another interesting story. My name is crazy and I am with a good built personality and with good height. My mother in law is 5’6” with long brown hair blue eyes, 36 B cup. She is 59 years old and is average looking. If you saw her in the store you probably would not even give her a glance. She is not real flirty but every now and then she will make a comment that might be a little racy and flirtatious, but never does any thing more to truly give you a hint that she...

3 years ago
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She pounced on my slightly diminished erection, enjoying it like a kitty cat that just got a fresh plate of milk. She got me clean and pushed me on my back. She dropped her butt down on my erection, causing her to practically scream bloody murder. I threw her a pillow, as she performed at first a ‘Cowgirl’ then without stopping turned it into a ‘reverse.’ I pulled out and got her on her hands and knees and I plowed right into that beautiful butt of hers, again doing most of the work. Only...

1 year ago
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ThisGirlSucks Liza Rowe Braceface Fellatio

Liza Rowe is the cutest braceface around, and loves to suck cock whenever possible. She likes it when you hold her pigtails as she motions back and fourth down your shaft. She likes it even more when you make her gag. If she really likes you, she will use her feet to hold your dick while she slobbers all over it. This is a hell of a sight to see. Looking into those beautiful eyes as she stares into ours with a face full of cum was magical. Liza will stay forever in our dreams, and always on our...

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Arabelle Raphael 40 235000

Arabelle Raphael was born in Paris, France, on February 27th, 1989, to a family with French, Tunisian, Iranian, and Jewish roots. Needless to say, this bitch is light brown and racially ambiguous. What isn't ambiguous is how fuckable she is.When Arabelle was a young child, her family moved to Oakland, around the San Fransico Bay area of California. Belle eventually became a United States citizen and graduated from high school.Stop Thinking about Dick and Start Making Moves on DickAt first,...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Acceptance on aunty

Hi ISS readers this is Vijoo age 28 from Trichy (Tamilnadu) I am a great fan for this ISS sight since one year.wow all the stories are fantastic its really hot and great sight. Let me tell my story. It’s happened at my age of 20 I am finished my b.com and stay in my uncle’s house for 10 days to each my job. In my uncle’s house there is my uncle & aunty only on any issues for them. Now i explain about my aunt. She in her 32 at that time very colorful and size full women, she has the beautiful...

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Mandy The Complete Story Book 2Chapter 4

Mandy lovingly kept her hand on Bob's shoulder. He looked so peaceful lying there. Although the last few days had not been too peaceful for her and her silent wish was to climb next to her love and rest with him. But that was not possible, at least not right then. "I don't want to dwell on the present," she thought to herself. So she let her mind wander back once again to her happy times with Bob. Her friend. Her lover. Her husband! Mandy had never driven, never had her own car. Her...

3 years ago
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Helping out a friend part 2

Continued from part I. — I still couldn’t believe what had happened last night, I had swallowed a load from my boyfriend’s best friend! The worst part, however, was that I wanted more. But the rest of our friends were arriving that weekend, so I never thought I would get an opportunity. I laid the idea to rest, plus – I wasn’t entirely sure I could start cheating on Mike. Later on that afternoon, we were all lounging by the dock. ‘Hey Mike, I’m going to go canoeing, want to come?’ Ron yelled...

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Chubby legal male hooker

I guess one day somebody figured out that if it was legal to pay people to make porn, but not just to have sex, that the easiest way to 'legalize' prostitution was to have a camera running or take at least one picture at some point during the act. Since I am interested in all sorts of men this seemed like an idea with potential.I started posting on all the free bulletin boards about my new 'business', Versatile Services. Catering to discerning gentlemen it would provide playful companionship...

1 year ago
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Copyright© 10/31/2002 She reached over and turned out the light. Another night alone. Since his death she had found succor in time by herself. Sleep being her best release. She could still smell him in the bed clothes, still feel him in her sleep. They were so much of a couple, one came with the other. A kind of matched set. Her friends were worried about her. It had been a while since his death and she showed no signs of "coming out of it", and beginning her life without him. And yet she...

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It was a pleasantly warm May afternoon. So nice, in fact, that I decided to cut my afternoon classes and spend time down at the pool like any intelligent 14 year old boy would do. Okay, so it was not my pool. My family didn’t own a pool. I was swimming in the pool at an apartment complex about 3 blocks from our house. I didn’t let the little fact that my family didn’t actually live at this apartment complex keep me from sneaking in and enjoying the cool water. I’d long discovered that the key...

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Going on Vacation Pt 6

Introduction: Please read Going on Vacation pt 1 through 5 When we got back to the cabin, I ran right to the bathroom to turn on the shower. Its an old cabin and sometimes the hot water takes a bit to heat up. While I was waiting, I went back to the kitchen, where Aaron was making sandwiches for lunch. He made mine with turkey and cheese, a bit of mayo, and mustard. Yeah, I like mayo and mustard together. Dont judge, its good! After we were done eating, the shower was warm, and I hopped in,...

3 years ago
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PalimpsestChapter 37

"She's a little charmer, X. I had to blink twice a couple times to see her as a teenager. She seems more adult than..." said Aretha. "Us cops?" "Sometimes." "Is she going to be okay?" "Of course, but it will take a few sessions. I think she's in a good place with people who love her. She's never had that before." "You mean Joe and Marta?" "Yes. I can't really get into details." "Of course not." They sipped the rich red wine Aretha handed X to uncork when Margie...

2 years ago
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Sayak Sex Story Didir Bodnam Ghochalam

Ghum theke uthe Maa er kache sunlam Sutapa di asbe. Sutapa di amar masir meye. Amar theke 3 years boro. Soddo biye hoyeche. Jai hok sunei mon ta valo hoye gelo. O alo. Dudin thaklo. Kothai kothai masir chhoto meye mane amar chhordir kotha uthlo. O nurse er chakri korto Berhampore posting. Onekdin or sathe kotha hoini. Sutapa dir kachei phn no. ta nilam. Phn korlam kintu porichoi dilam na. Dekhlam besh provocative kotha barta. Sune valoi laglo. Tarpor porichoi dilam. Girl frnd sonno jibone tobu...

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Janes Initiation by a Strict Nun

Janes Initiation by a Strict NunThe blonde bombshell bounded up the steps to St. Monica's School forGirls. Her unusually large breasts bouncing up and down and side-to-sidelike small cantaloupes trapped in a bra. Her petite frame and figure wereidentical to Jenna, except her breasts were even LARGER than Jenna's. Withan easy pull she opened the large heavy wooden front door to the school andwalked in.Her firm tight ass swayed easily from side-to-side and each step caused hershort navy mini to...

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Sissies owner

I was caught and owned by a older Haitian guy who just divorced his wife and wanted a pet to leash up and train to behave like a good sissy boi slutIt has been only a week and he come at night in my apartment to train me to be the perfect little sissy girlAt first I was so nervous when he made me wear panty and frilly camisole , but now its just normal i cant sleep if iam not wearing one of the cute panty he bought memy ass was already trained to open up on my dildo all i needed was a little...

3 years ago
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Not all big cocks are black

The first time they had sex, John had raped her. They were out in back in the pool and he had torn her bikini off of her, pushed her down on the grass, forced himself between her legs and shoved his thin 5-1/2 inch cock into her in one thrust. He slammed his cock into her cunt rapidly for about a minute while she pounded on his chest and yelled for him to stop. He tensed up and filled her with his seed then he got off of his sister and ran into the house. The next day he quietly came to...

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No Contest Book 1 Learning the Rules the Early 80sChapter 4

The show went well. Better than Joe probably saw it, cringing at every mistake. Nothing anyone in the audience would see, it seemed. Their reaction gave him the view he needed to realize his success. A standing ovation. A couple people he knew who tended to react unfiltered to things. His sister. “Wow,” she said. Joe got a lot of that. He did get a view after. Joanne used connections to get competent videographers to record it, and even a local director of commercials to edit it. It wasn’t...

4 years ago
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Wish upon a star ch1

When I was about to turn in for the night, I looked up and saw a shooting star. I don't know why, but I decided to wish that I could be a girl for a week. Just one week. My wishes had never seemed to come true before so why should this one? The next morning my alarm went off and woke me up around 5:30. When I went to reach for the snooze button I felt something on my chest. I moved my hand to my chest to see what it was and I was astonished to say the least. I immediately jumped out of bed...

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Jims WorldsChapter 6

The spaceship was named "Aubie" in honor of Auburn University where this all started. Aubie was launched toward the nearest known Earth-like planet, some seven light-years away. It took 47 seconds for notice that Aubie was in geosynchronous orbit around the planet to arrive back at Earth-Alpha. Esther Hudson, one of Susan's friends, whom she had trained as a transporter operator, showed the planet on the screen. From orbit, the planet was a bilious beige-green color with splotches of...

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