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Chapter 1 The first time Heather told me about the getaway I thought it was nothing more than a joke. We had just finished dinner and had started to rinse the dishes. This was always the time when our conversations became the most interesting. With the day nearly finished, it left only bed to discuss and always conjured topics of romance and eroticism; one of the many reasons I loved being in a relationship with Heather. Heather reached for a stack of papers sitting on the counter and shuffled through them until she found the one she wanted and handed it to me. 'Mensuality', a weekend of openness and new experiences that will forever change your life. Understanding, practicing and accepting male sexuality. An all exclusive retreat for men guaranteed to improve your sex life and happiness. "Where did you get that?" I handed the ad back to Heather. "It was in the newspaper this morning." She reached for it and placed the clipping back onto the counter. "Do you think you would ever go to something like that?" "No way. I mean don't get me wrong, I like freaky stuff as much as the next guy but this crosses the line. Not to mention I'm not gay or bi." "But that's the thing, it's not for gay or bisexuals. It says it right here that it's for straight men who need to expand their sensuality." "That's pretty weird. I mean what exactly is involved with something like that?" "Who knows maybe it's like camping." "Doubt it. Doesn't say anything about beer or fishing." "I want to look at the" she said placing the last glass into the dish washer and starting to head to the den. Heather reached the laptop first. She unplugged it and brought it over to the couch where I sat. As she typed, I could feel dinner starting to digest uncomfortably in my stomach. "What the heck brought all this on? Have I not pleased you well enough in bed? I could have sworn those orgasms you had the last three nights were real." "It's nothing like that Jim. I just want to branch our sexuality out and this just seemed to be an interesting way to try to do it." "What do you mean branch out?" "You know," she paused. I helped her thought along by circling my hand in the air. "Branch out. Maybe try some three way action." "Whoa. Hold on. I don't need to heighten my sexuality to be able to take on two girls in bed." I said with a smirk and half chuckle. "Exactly my point. I knew you'd have zero interest in trying a two guy threesome. It's my ultimate sexual fantasy Jim. I have been dreaming about what it would be like since I was a teenager." "Just because you dream for it, doesn't make it practical. I've always wanted to fuck Meg Ryan but it doesn't mean it'll happen. I mean it's a big deal adding a sexual partner into our relationship. What about STDs or the fact that you might end up liking him better?" "See though, those are minor things that are only small but realistic hurdles to overcome. You can't name me one reason why we couldn't have a threesome that is truly impractical other than the fact that you don't want to be around another naked man." "Sounds like a pretty good reason to me." I noticed she had finished pulling the website up. "Look at this," she said clicking a video on the front page. After a few seconds of buffering, a clearly early 90's shot movie started playing on the screen. A group of ten or so men appeared walking up a grassy hill towards a rich two story wooden cabin. Most of the men had theirs arms crossed and overacted looks of dissatisfaction as they approached the cabin. Lame pornographic elevator music played in the background as the men marched. They continued to move until each reached a glass window on the front of the cabin. Each man quickly unfolded their arms pressing their hands against the glass and the overacted frowns quickly became overacted smiles. As they peered into the cabin the men started to cheer as a shimmer of light peered from the glass and led into a cheesy screen transition effect. The next shot of the video showed the same group of men now walking back down the hill away from the cabin laughing and playfully touching each other. One man jokingly shoved another man which then led to the two embracing and laughing even harder. Two other men were shown with their arms around each other's backs, walking with almost a skip like motion. Quickly the screen faded to black and a white man wearing oversized glasses and and a bushy light brown mustache appeared on the screen. "Hello friends, my name is Dr. Frank Darby. I am a sexologist and the owner and co- founder of the mensuality retreat designed specifically for increasing male sexuality and comfort. People ask why would I want to participate in this often strange at first glance program? The answer is everything. No matter what facet of life you're from sexuality impacts it more than you realize. Sexuality directly influences your love life, your relationships, your career, your athleticism even your intelligence and health. It's amazing these benefits haven't been explored until now. There's nothing that should be stopping you from enjoying perks of increasing your sexuality. The program is designed to be risk free as well. I am so confident in my course that there is no payment required until the end. You are free to leave at any time without charge if there's anything to your dissatisfaction. To date we have not lost a single customer. Act now by calling the 1800 number at the bottom of the screen to book your position early. Course spots fill immediately so don't delay. And as we say here at mensuality, we've shown the door but now it's your turn to grab the handle and walk through. See you soon friends." "Whoa. Kinda intense if you ask me," I said lifting the laptop off Heather and placing it onto a stack of books littering the coffee table, "Seems a bit farfetched. I mean what's a sexologist anyways, that's not a real thing." "Honey, there's no danger in trying it. Like he said, if at any point you want to leave you're not out any money. Plus I didn't want to say this unless you were still hesitant but this is what I want from you for my birthday. I know you've been reluctant to get that pair of diamond stud earrings I've been asking for so here is your out. Something for you-- for us." "You'd be happy with just this?" Heather took a deep breath. "--yes, if it meant I might be able to have a threesome with my favorite man in the world." "What? You've already picked out the second guy for the threesome?" "Haha. Cute." "Fine, I'll go but not a word of this to anyone else. I don't need this 'man' retreat getting back to people at work or any of our friends or family." "Deal," she said clapping her hands and smiling. "You have no idea how happy you make me." She turned to give me a hug. "Come on let's go to bed before I change my mind." I sighed. Chapter 2 "This looks about right," Heather said slowing the car down to read the wooden sign on the side of the road, "mensuality resort and cabin." A gravel drive way led off from the road up a large hill, the hill I had seen in the video. "Why don't you just let me out here. I can walk the rest of the way." I said. "Jim, are you embarrassed?" "No, I just don't want people to think that you are dropping me off like some rehab place or day care center. I just want to go on my own. " She looked me in the eyes and could tell I was serious about what I had said. "Ok, well I guess I'll see you on Sunday." "Yeah, I'll be a new man, you won't even recognize me." I unfastened my seat belt and turned to the back seat of the car grabbing my duffle bag. My stomach started to churn a little as I reached for the door handle. Suddenly I felt a tug on the back of my shirt. Heather spun me around and planted a large kiss on my lips. "I'm so proud of you. I love you so much and this means the world to me. I'll miss you every moment your gone." "I love you too honey." I pulled the door handle and stepped onto the curb. Closing the door, I waved goodbye and watched as she drove off into the distance. I took a slow deep breathe. The air smelt fresher up here in the hill country. I looked at my watch it was only 11:30, the resort didn't start until noon but I started walking toward the cabin. I started to regret my decision for Heather to drop me off. The gravel driveway felt like it would never end. After my 1/2 mile hike i finally saw the cabin at the top of the hill. It looked no different than in the video. Two stories, bunch of large glass windows and a porch on on the second floor with a set of stairs connecting it to the ground. I walked up to the door and opened the screen. A message sprawled across the top read 'life restarts here'. As I knocked, my stomach began to churn even more. It only took 10 seconds for the man in the video to appear before me. "You must be Jim Hardgrove." He stuck his hand out to shake. "Frank Darby, welcome my friend, we are all ready to go and waiting for you inside." As I shook his hand, I looked at my watch, 11:52. Eight minutes early and I was still the last one to arrive great. "I didn't realize ..." "No worries my friend," he put his hand up to silence me, "there is no judgment beyond that gravel drive. One thing however, I must ask you to hand over any electronic devices such as cell phones, computers, pagers -- you get the idea. Our only policy is full attention and no distractions during mensuality. You can have them back anytime If you wish to leave or at the end of the session." I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone. I flipped it open to shut it off. "No signal, I wouldn't be able to phone anyone anyways. Once the phone was off, I handed it to Frank. I started to take a step inward before his hand went up again to stop me. "I'll need your watch too my friend. These days everything has a computer chip you know." "Oh, it's not electronic..." "No worries my friend, if it means that much to you, keep it, there will be little use for it I'm excited to say this weekend," he smiled. His smile and delicate tone eased my concerns. "I didn't mean to argue, it's really not that big of a deal." I said starting to unfasten it. "What a wonderful attitude my friend. I have no doubts that you will do great here," he said accepting the watch from my outstretched hand. Frank then stepped aside and with a tiny nod of his head, gestured for me to enter. As soon as I entered the cabin, my body was assaulted with the smell of incense and firewood smoke. I used my sleeve to wipe the tear that had formed on my eye. I walked down the entrance corridor into the main living room. Eight other men sat on a set of leather sofas and chairs each with a drink in their hands. As I walked in, all conversations stopped and quickly their eyes were upon me. A chorus of welcomes soon followed as the men returned to their individual conversations. I gazed around taking a look at each of them trying to see who else was crazy enough to partake in such an event. Most were Caucasian with two Asian men and 1 African American adding some diversity to the cohort. I was surprised to see most looked like ordinary folks. One or two in business shirts with the rest in either polo or t-shirts with khaki shorts or jeans. I navigated my way towards the back of the room and poured myself a glass of red wine from large selection of drinks set out. After placing my bag in the corner with all the other luggage, I took a seat on one of the couches. I shook the hands of the men sitting around me. Next to me was Josh. Across from us sat the two Asian men John and Andrew. Josh said he was also from southern Texas and that this had been a birthday present from his ex-wife. I as started to include the other two men in the conversation the room lights went dim and the fireplace in the front of the room lit up. Frank Darby walked to the front of the room. "Welcome my friends. I again am Dr. Frank Darby and I am extremely excited for you all to be here with me this weekend. This will be a journey unlike any you have ever taken. Before I begin I'd just like to ask if anyone has been to mensuality before." The crowd remained silent and not a soul moved. "As I expected, there are no repeat customers because after one weekend, your life changing experience will be all you ever need. I know that some of you will be skeptical at first and some more than others. I know that some of you are afraid, afraid of the unknown but mostly afraid of change. Do not worry my friends, in time you will all become believers and wash away all negativity." Frank then continued by giving us a tour of the facility. The cabin itself was huge. It had more rooms than I could keep track of. The main floor held the living room in which we were in, the kitchen, two bathrooms and a dining area. The upstairs had 4 bedrooms each with its own bathroom. Assignments had already been written on the doors to keep things simple but Frank said we were free to change them to however worked best. At the end of the tour Frank showed us a door near the back of the first floor. Hanging on it was a sign reading 'employee rooms'. "My friends, mensuality has very few rules. No electronics, positive attitudes ...blah, blah, blah...but this is important. Our thankless staff who work to clean the house while we are out and slave to make us dinner use the basement as their homes away from home. I ask that we all respect their privacy and keep out. You wouldn't want each week's set of new guests rummaging around your belongings either would you? The men, including myself, nodded at the request and continued to follow Frank out the front door. "As I stated in my introduction, mensuality does not have a rigid itinerary. This is what makes it unique for other programs. We specifically tailor it to each of our friends who visit. We ensure that it it optimally designed for maximum results. Yet our first activity is always the same. Please follow me to the grove." Chapter 3 The sun was bright in the sky, the herd of men walked out to an area behind the cabin which was a grassy field that was on the top of the hill. The view was spectacular and one could see for miles standing up here. Frank stopped the group and had everyone form a circle. "My friends I want everybody to take a turn entering the circle, slowly spinning and introducing yourself to all the members of the group. Tell us your name, why you are here and something interesting about yourself." He looked across the circle at the black individual. "Go ahead my friend you first." The man looked nervous but quickly entered the circle. "My name is Walter, he started to turn and face each person in the circle one by one, "I am here to explore my sexuality and I enjoy jazz piano." "Wonderful," Frank declared clapping his hands,"my friends let's welcome Walter to the group." Everyone began clapping their hands as Walter smiled and returned to his spot in the circle. Following this everyone took a turn. First Walter, then Josh, myself, Andrew, John. Then went Chris, Lucas and Peter. Finally Frank stepped into the circle. "My friends it is great to have met you all. It is now time for our first activity. Please pair off with someone." The circle of men quickly fell apart as pairs were formed. I turned to Josh and he looked at me as we formed a group. It only took 20 seconds for everyone to find a partner. "Wonderful once again. You are all such a perfect, obedient bunch. Now then, the first task we are to set sail on is what I like to call the 3 pillars of fear. As men, we each have an innate fear of other men. We worry that one another might steal your woman or vice versa and from this a cold wall and distance forms. Also from this fear and competition, we form the 3 pillars of fear. The first is touch. I want each of you to take your partner and hold their hands for 30 seconds. I want you to break down the first pillar of fear. Go ahead and when I ring my bell I want you to switch partners. Continue until I say stop." With that I looked to Josh and I suspect he must have had a similar look of discomfort on his face as I had felt on mine. I thought to myself 'what have I gotten into'. Neither of us took the initiative for the first movement. The awkwardness was broken by Frank. "Hurry on now, I can see some of you failing to let go. Listen to my voice my friends, you must let go of these preconceived notions of intimacy if you want to travel further on this journey. Now at the sound of my bell, those of you still not clasping hands will lift up your arms and find your partners hands and lock them tight." With that he rang his bell. As soon as I heard the bell, a sudden urge and sensation overcame me and I could begin to feel my arms lift up towards my head. I looked across and noticed Josh was doing the same. With our arms now at waist level we extended our hands and reached for the others palms. Before I had realized what had happened, we stood there with both our hands holding. Without much choice we stood there still in silence staring at each other's eyes. Within a few moments the awkwardness melted away. I saw myself in Josh's countenance. Although afraid, a sense of ease and peace was washing through my body. I could tell he felt the same. Minutes passed as we continued to exchange stares. "DING!" thirty seconds my friends, onto someone else". I shook my head not realizing only a few seconds had elapsed. I unlocked my clasp from Josh and looked around seeing Lucas walking in my direction. Again our arms raised to midline and we exchanged clasps. The same urge came across my mind as we embraced. It both scared me and relaxed me. I liked the feeling of having less control over the situation. I liked that Frank had forced us to go beyond our fear. This continued for another few minutes until I had paired with the last member of the group, John. As the last thirty seconds completed a final bell rang. I suddenly could feel myself return to earth and the slight daze of ease and peacefulness lightened. "This was fantastic; I have never seen such a group take to breaking down the first pillar so quickly before my friends. This leaves me with such great hope for the next pillar, 'nakedness'." Everyone started looking around at each other. A slight look of concern on some while others seemed to be chuckling. "Please follow me back towards the house my friends," Frank said turning to walk back the path we took to get to the grove. It only took a few minutes to get back to the cabin. There were an assortment of snacks and beverages waiting for us underneath the porch. We all stopped and grabbed something as the mid afternoon sun had already taken a toll on our hydration. "Not too long my friends," Frank called out from the stone walkway in front of the cabin, "please come as we have a lot to cover still today." As each man walked to Frank, he placed them into one of three groups. First Walter then Andrew and John. He handed each man a red blindfold. Josh and Chris went with Walter. Peter and Lucas with Andrew and I was placed in John's group. "I want each group to spread out among the walk here, but not too far my friends because I want you to still be able to hear me. This is one of the most important pillars and lessons we have this weekend together. To understand one's body is to be comfortable with everyone's bodies. The challenge again is to overlook societal dogmas and gender roles to explorer one another. Not in a sexual way, at least not yet, but in a relaxing, spiritual and calming way." Frank walked over to John and I. "This lucky group has the odd man out so they get the master to join them." As Frank approached us, he held his hand out toward me. And as if I knew what he wanted without saying, I reached out and placed my handkerchief in his outstretched hand. He whispered to both of us that he would demonstrate the exercise first for everyone to see. "To accept nakedness, one must confront it head on. One must ask for it and demand it. Only then can it be mastered and not feared. "Frank turned to John."John please place this blindfold on my face, my friend." John reached for the cloth and did as he was told. "It is important to note I asked John to place the blindfold. Nothing in his task will be done until it is requested by you and you alone. John and Jim please spin me a few times so that my orientation is lost." Again, we both did as asked. "Perfect, now massage my body. Use what we learned and apply it." I was fine until this point, but I looked over to John and his face matched my feeling. It's one thing to hold hands but its another to touch and massage another man. Especially a scrawny one like Franks. "I think I'll pass," I said as Frank repeated the request. "Not acceptable." Frank quickly ripped off the blindfold and shoved it back into my hand, "My friend why are you here? Tell us again." "For my girlfriend." "Yes, I know what you told us before in the circle but what else is there. What have you not shared with the group?" I shrugged my eyebrows. There was no way he could know why I was truly here. Not unless Heather had somehow told him, but I was the one who completed the registration online there wasn't a chance. "Umm...I dunno, my girlfriend wanted me to..." I stuttered. "Come on now Jim, my friend, my dear dear friend, tell us all why you came to this camp." A warm sensation came over my head, like a quick buzz from drinking a glass of alcohol too fast. I felt my mouth opening without control. "To better accept having a threesome with another man for my girlfriend's pleasure." "Wonderful, you see that wasn't so hard to do. Nothing's changed yet you are now one with the group in a way you weren't before sharing. There's an intimacy that has formed that only exists among this group. You must feel the warmth and tap into the pleasure that is building to go further into the training. Now then, my friend Jim, take this blindfold. I want you to hand it to John and ask him to place it on your head." The warmth continued and I took the blindfold from Frank. "John place this blindfold on my head please. " The warmth grew slightly stronger. I needed more, it was a pleasure I had not felt before; something deep inside, a calling, a need, an urge for more. "Ask him to spin you Jim" "John please spin me." My body turned as he obeyed. I soon lost orientation and could not tell which direction I was facing. Totally blind. "Ask us to massage your body Jim." My dizziness began to slow and I processed what Frank had said. Something inside me said to stop. But the warmth began to fade. "My friend..." Frank started. The warmth grew a little. "You know what it is you want. Don't deny your need. Ask for it." I stopped again thinking about my fears of not wanting another man to touch my body, but just then the warmth faded. I opened my mouth, "please...," the warmth grew a little, "please massage my body." It felt so good to speak the words, to ask for what I feared. The primal urge retook my body and mind as Frank began touching me. First my arms and then towards my chest. He stopped for a moment. "John my friend, please join us." I could hear John to my right release a shiver through his mouth. A footstep approached the same side and soon a new pair of hands began to feel over my body. I knew John was sensing the warmth as well. A connection was there with each movement of his hands over my clothes. A few minutes passed when I heard Frank speak again. "You know what you want Jim ask for it." I tried to focus on what he said but before I could think the words escaped my mouth. "Please remove my shirt." I paused in my mind. Did I really just say that? But the warmth dragged me in again. Soon I could feel a set of hands unbuttoning my shirt and lifting it off my body as the other set of hands continued massaging now reaching my neck and bare chest. The warmth doubled in ecstasy. A faint echo rang in my head, "Go on Jim, don't hold back." "Please take off my pants and shoes."I moaned. Again, a hand reached for my crotch, it was only a matter of seconds before my waste loosened, my zipper pulled and my pants unfastened. My shoes came off one by one followed by my socks. I was left with just my plaid pair of boxer shorts. Hands reached down and massaged along my underwear waist line. How long had it been? Where was I? Why did I care? The warmth continued to expand throughout my body, now reaching my legs. It was all I wanted and I wanted more. "Please take off my underwear," I screamed in pleasure. The shorts only took a moment to fall. My body completely free to whoever wanted to provide it pleasure. The hands massaged all along my legs and toward my crotch. Complete bliss. The last thing I remember was collapsing onto someone placing their arms under mine like a pair of parallel bars at the gym followed by two others each grabbing a leg. I was no longer standing on my own. The people supporting my body began to swing me back and forth and others in the group were humming a low chant. The swaying motion drew me deeper into the bliss. That's when I passed out. Chapter 4 The next thing I remember is waking up on the sofa inside the cabin. I slowly lifted my head off the leather couch pillow. A bit of drool hung from my chin. Surrounding me on the other couches and floor were the other seven men, each of which were awakening from a similar nap. "Dinner is ready in the kitchen, my friends," Frank called out from off in the distance. "My head is still spinning," John said looking around the room. "How did we end up back in here?". Chris threw the pillow from his lap on to the floor as he worked towards sitting up. "The last thing I remember was Frank putting us into groups and wanting us to see each naked." I thought to myself. I did remember that happening as well. The last thing in my memory was passing out after being blindfolded and molested by other guys. "He made us strip each other." I exclaimed. Walters' brow raised slightly, "He did what? I'd doubt that. Ain't nobody going to touch me like that." "Of course you did." Josh responded. "You were in my group. First you went and then I did and then Chris. We each were blindfolded, stripped and touched until we passed out." "I think I would remember something like that." Walter shot back. "Well what's the last thing you remember then Walter". "I remember doing the holding game...motherfucka...we really did act pretty damn gay." Walter reached down and grabbed his crouch. "Still got the family jewels though." "Did anyone else experience that sensation of bliss and peacefulness during the activity?" I asked looking around the room. A roar of 'yeahs' spread from each of the other men. "I remember now, it was unlike anything I've ever felt before." Andrew stated pointing his finger at me. "What was that?" Suddenly a loud and deep voice registered behind us. "It was not waiting two hours before going swimming in the pool." We all spun around to see Frank standing there behind us in an apron. "That's what happens when you drink wine and try to exercise immediately afterward. You all must have had a least two glasses before starting. You're lucky Andre our soux chef was able to help me move all of you back inside. Come now my friends, before the meals get cold." We walked to the dining area. Inside the room was a long wooden table covered with a white cloth and multiple candles. The room itself was dim and mostly lit by the candle light. We each took a seat and as if on cue the servers began bringing plates of food to each of us. I looked at the plate that eventually made its way in front of me; on it sat a piece of chicken, some asparagus and mashed potatoes. By time I had unwrapped the silverware from the napkin, a glass of red wine was also placed in front of me. "I would like to make a toast," Frank stood up and held his glass of wine out in front of him. "My friends I am so proud of you. The enthusiasm and potential you have all shown and the growth you have all made is breath taking. I really am proud and excited of each one of you. Please enjoy this meal, you have earned it today, plus you'll need the energy for our final activity tonight." With that, we all began to eat as though we had been famished for a month. The food was fantastic. I had never experience such moist and flavorful chicken before. The wine poured down my throat with such ease. With a mouthful of mashed potatoes I glanced over to Frank and began to ask about the strangeness of the earlier events. He stopped me before I could finish the question and poured another glass of wine in front of me. As I drank to wash down the mash potatoes the liquid encased my head with a carefree bliss. "There was something I was going to ask you Frank," I spat out after putting my glass on the table. "Sure what is it?" He looked back over to me. "Well I can't remember, that's so strange. I was just thinking of it and now it's gone." "No worries my friend it will come back to you if it was important." The men spent the rest of the dinner in silence as they finished gulping their food. Frank stood one more time. "Please follow me into the den for our dessert which is also our last event as well. As we all followed Frank back to the den, a group of employees made sure we walked in a single file line. Before entering the den we were instructed to remove our clothing in order to gain access. A strangeness overcame me as I realized I no longer feared being naked in front of other men. Was it the previous activities or the wine still in my system that made it second nature to slide my clothes off? As I took off my last sock, I realized it was probably a little of both. It was then that I was instructed to take a seat on the ground next to Josh. I looked around the room and saw that all the couches had been removed. The crew here must have worked as we ate our dinner. On the wooden floor now lay a large circular blanket with several three foot tall candle holders spread around the room each with some incense burning. Some faint ambient light and soft jazz filled the rest of the space. As the rest of the men finished unchanging, we eventually formed a circle in the blanket. All of us completely naked and in plain view of each other. Once we were all settled, Frank joined the group. He too wore nothing and was holding a wooden shaped penis. It looked like something a cavewoman might use as a pleasuring device. Frank stood in the center of the circle and slowly spun as he talked to ensure everyone was included equally. "This is a magic stick my friends. It is what gives us great power and yet we do not worship it like we should. Think to yourself, how many times have you personally masturbated in your life. 10? 20? 100? 1000?" He continued to spin slowly as he talked holding the magic stick out as if to entrance us with its hidden power. "I bet, that each of you, no matter what the number is, have one thing in common. You do it the same way each time. You know how I know this? Because of fear. Because fear has limited your ability to expand and observe. That my friends is the key to improvement, observation and lack of fear. That is why it is important to learn from each other and see how each man before you worships his own magic stick. Take it now, my friends, your own magic stick and masturbate as you watch each other and learn to pleasure yourself in new ways." Without hesitation we all followed on command. An urge overcame me to begin to play with myself. I felt a need to comply and to return to that state of bliss. I knew that by following Frank's directions I could experience it again. As I stroked myself, I watched the other men in the group do the same. Everyone had smiles on their faces, the same I'm sure I had on mine. I watched as some twirled their fingers with each stroke, while others gripped tightly. Frank was right we each had our own unique way. "Ok my friends, it's time to switch. Try a technique you saw someone else doing that differs from your own. I promise it will pleasure you like nothing before." I had just finished watching Andrew using a two handed technique as Frank spoke. I decided to try that method. Without pause, as soon as I had begun to use two hands, a wave of euphoria over took my body and mind. I began to stroke harder. I lost track of time and awareness of my surroundings until Frank spoke again. Instructing us to switch again and that this time the pleasure would double. He was right. I continued to pleasure myself. We switched a few more times and again with each switch the pleasure grew in intensity and my connection to the world blurred. "My friends,"Frank whispered," now for the final switch. I want you to pleasure the individual on your right. You can use any method or methods you wish. The more the other person moans in pleasure the more you will feel it yourself. We will build an overlapping chain of pleasure." Without looking at who was there I reached for the penis to my right. I began to twist it in my fingers as I stroked up and down. At the same time I began to feel the same being done to me. Moans came out in all directions. Our circle was complete. I closed my eyes and gave my soul to the feeling. It was like nothing I had felt before and with each moan it grew deep within me. Time stood still. I continued for what must have been at least 20 minutes until a soft touch on my shoulder brought me back to the living room. I was still experiencing the bliss but could appreciate my surroundings. Frank whispered into my ear. "Jim, my friend, you are ready, please follow Harold here to your final reward downstairs." I stood up slowly with my eyes still half closed. Harold placed a rubbery device on my penis. It looked like a strap on with a port for my penis to fit into. He reached around me to strap the device around my waist. Returning to the front, he flipped a small switch on the side that immediately began to make the device pleasure me. It sent me back into my carefree state of mind. Harold took my hand and walked me back towards the dining room. We stopped at the door in the hall way leading to the basement. Harold knocked in a rhythmic pattern on the door four times and it opened. A large man stood on the inside on the top step. He wore all black and nodded to Harold. The man then placed a set of large headphones on my head as we began to venture down into lower level of the cabin. Chapter 5 "Feel the pleasure. You love your cock. You love cock. It brings you pleasure. You want to be around it all the time." A soft sensual feminine voice spoke into my head. "Continue your journey. All you need is trust." My legs continued to walk down the steps into a dark abyss. Harold continued to guide me until we reached the bottom. There, a young woman met me and took the hand that was in Harold's. She pulled and directed me forward in the room at the bottom of the steps. As I walked with the woman, I saw the stair door open once more. I turned my head to see Andrew being lead down the stairs with another worker much in the same way I just had. The woman gently grabbed my chin and turned it forward. "This way," she spoke softly, "the pleasure you desire is over here." I continued forward without hesitation. The message in the headphones continued to replay. Over and over they embedded themselves into my brain. After time, I knew them to be true. We continued down the hall until we reached a large room that appeared to be a combination of a lab and a movie set. Shelves of chemicals and weird devices on one side and racks of clothing and makeup on the other. The woman brought me to a large white tub sitting on the cool concrete floor. She removed the headphones and placed them on the floor next to the tub. I looked around and could see that the room was set up into multiple stations, at least five that i could see from here. Each one seemed to have a device or seat. Some had curtains around them while others were displayed openly. I noticed my fellow group mates had been brought down as well and there seemed to be one at each station already with their own young woman, although I couldn't see into a few of them. The woman returned my attention to the tub by gently turning my head back towards hers. She gestured for me to step in. As I did, she began to speak in her soft tone again. "My name is Erica and I will be your transition guide." She bent down and unstrapped the device from my penis revealing a large erection. She then grabbed a white unlabeled bottle of liquid from floor beside the tub. She slowly opened the top and squeezed some of the pink shampoo like liquid onto her hands. She lathered the substance and began to apply it to my body. She caressed me from my head to my chest to my crotch and to my toes. "Turn around," she said spinning her hand," I have to get your back too." Her touch was as sensual as her voice sounded. As she moved her warm fingers over my penis, I could not help but moan as she caused a surge of the pleasure to radiate in my body. After she finished applying the liquid she motioned for me to exit the tub and walk to the next station. There I saw an identical looking tub. This one however was full of warm water. Erica looked at her watch. "Thirty seconds more." She said grabbing my wrist to keep me from entering the tub. Once the time had passed, I was directed to step into the tub. This time however Erica closed a large curtain around us and grabbed a silver pitcher from the floor and began to fill it with the bath tub water. "Close your eyes," she said moving the palms of her hands down my face. I did as instructed and closed my eyes. Next, I could feel the warm water from the pitcher being poured over my head. A soft loofa also worked to cleanse every nook and cranny my body had to offer. This continued for at least 15 minutes. "Open your eyes." As I did, I noticed the tub was full of body hair. My body hair. I reached up to my chest but there was no longer hair there anymore. I reached to my crotch and found the same. Finally I slowly lifted my hand to my head and touch the top of my scalp. It was as smooth as a baby's bottom. Erica then proceeded to help my step out of the tub and dry me off with a warm soft blue towel. I tried to speak but as my brain began to form words she started to dry my crotch. The newly hairless regions became remarkably sensitive to touch and Erica spent 5 minutes ensuring that those regions were massaged the best. The pleasure over took my urge to question the proceedings. She led me to the next station which consisted of a barber chair and a counter of cosmetic supplies. As I sat, Erica bound my wrists to the arm rests. "This is just a friendly reminder not to move or touch. This might sting a little." she said with a little giggle and grabbing my crotch once again. She then went to the counter and grabbed several needle looking devices. "Ok, close your eyes." It was the first time I felt nervous. "What are you doing?" Erica giggled again. She spun the chair around so that she was facing my back. "Oh, Sweetie, don't you worry about a thing." She then replaced the headphones on my ears. 'You love need brings the pleasure.' The recording started again. My mind melted with the voice. Simultaneously, Erica has resumed her initial activities. She gently closed my eyes and began applying eyeliner, eyebrows, blush, and lipstick. "This stuff is all permanent so you don't have to worry about a thing Sweetie". She said lifting her head up from the work. I watched her face as she worked. Her eyes focused on the task without any distraction. She was a beautiful woman. One I would normally be very attractive to but something in my mind had changed. I didn't feel that same hunger, that drive to want to fuck random beautiful women that i had experienced since puberty. A part of me was gone, washed away with the hair down the drain of the tub. When she finished, she held up a mirror to show me the results. I barely recognized my face in the reflection. My bald head and bone structure made me look like a cross dressing mannequin. My eyelids had a purple tint and a strong outline with black eyeliner. My cheeks looked a healthy pink and my lips matched in hue. She had also painted a thin feminine brow on each side. "Almost done," she said returning to the counter. She came back holding a bottle of mascara and quickly went back to work flicking at my lashes. She stopped after a minute and took a step back. "You look beautiful, my best yet, you should be happy." She looked at me and waited for a reaction. My head laid slouched at the side and resting on my neck. "Oh, yes, I forgot". She stepped forward and removed the head set again. "Sweetie, don't you like it?" I blinked a few times and licked my lips. A new set of sensations quickly rushed into my face; a heaviness I wasn't used to on my eyelids. I tried to spit out an answer but I was only able to mumble, "Do you like cock?" "Of course I do Sweetie, they bring great pleasure, don't you know?" She giggled and unfastened the restraints. "This way Hun, we are almost done". She directed me to my right and we walked to the next station. At this station a table resembling something from a doctor's office sat with a sheet of tissue paper covering it. "Hop on up, it's all for you." I climbed up onto the table holding on to Erica for support. I sat with my feet dangling over the side. Erica quickly reached underneath my legs and turned a dial lock on one of tables' built in drawers. After opening it, she grabbed a red box from within. The box had a finger print scanner on the top which she placed her thumb on top of. A few moments later the box beeped and it opened up. Erica took out a tourniquet, some gauze, an alcohol wipe, a few needles and an opaque test tube. She opened one of the needles and stabbed the rubber top on the test tube. She pulled back on the needle and extracted a green liquid into the syringe. She held it up to the light and spun it around carefully measuring the amount drawn. Setting it aside, She then grabbed the tourniquet and tied it snuggly around my left arm just above my elbow. She instructed me to squeeze my hand as she slapped my arm. She rubbed my arm with alcohol and poked the needle into the arm, I watched as she withdrew some blood first to ensure she was inside my vein and then quickly injected the entire contents of the syringe into my body. I waited, expecting something significant to occur. One minute passed, then two and three and nothing seemed to have changed. Erica then helped me off the table. She turned me again, this time to the right. "This is where we part ways for now Sweetie, it has been a pleasure working with you and although I doubt it, I hope you remember me. Just walk through that curtain," she pointed to a yellow curtain near where we had entered "and you will find that pleasure you so dearly crave." Chapter 6 I walked toward the curtain, still a bit off balance from all that had transpired. As I reached the portal, I lifted it to the side and peered behind. Only darkness was revealed behind the sheet. I stepped through and braced myself on the Plexiglas wall inside. I stopped for a moment not sure if I should continue but as I began to turn around, a light emerged several yards away. It was enough to see that a tunnel lay before me. I looked out through the Plexiglas wall and saw nothing but dirt. The same was on the opposite side of the tunnel. This must extend deep into the hilly terrain the cabin lies on. The whole setup must have cost Frank a fortune to build. I took a few more steps inward toward the light when a thunderous sound emerged behind me. I turned to see a large metal door slam down in front of the curtain. There was no turning back now. I continued down the corridor using the wall for balance. I occasionally glanced at my reflection in the glass, not sure who it was that was staring back at me. As I traveled further a sound began to grow that originated from the opposite end of the hallway. At first it seemed like the static noise from poor tv reception but as I traveled closer, it became clear It was not static but instead a group of voices. "Hello," I shouted, " can anyone hear me?" There was no response and the noise remained unchanged. I walked further and the noise grew in intensity until I reached the end. A second metal door met my hand, it was no different than the one that slammed shut by the entrance. My hands searched for any locks or handles but the door was smooth throughout. It was less a door than a barrier. I pounded with both fists, "I can hear you inside, I'm trapped in this coffin of a hallway. Please let me in". A few moments passed and no changes occurred. I kicked the door a few more times before starting to turn around, when the noise stopped. The light that had guided me flickered off and silent darkness was all that remained. I waited, thirty seconds passed and the metal door opened just enough for a ounce of light to escape from inside into this darkness. I walked to the door and opened it the rest of the way. Before my eyes was a small cylindrical shaped room, no more than 6 feet in diameter. Clear solid glass encircled me in 360 degrees except where the door lay. A rich wooden floor replaced the cold cement walkway of the tunnel. Once I had entered the room, the door closed on its own, sealing shut again. There were no handles on this side either which meant I was to remain inside this glass tube. Beyond the glass was a cement wall surrounding on all sides. I pressed up against the glass looking for something, a way out, but there was none. I sat down on the floor and waited. A minute passed before the outer wall began to move. It turned and lowered in a spiral motion downward, revealing a set of windows. Surrounding me were multiple viewing rooms, each with an occupant sitting in a large arm chair. A total of six but within one of them sat Frank with Erica at his side. She had a large smile and gave me a short wave with her wrist. I looked at the other 5 viewing rooms; two had women and the other men. They were all dressed with expensive business attire. Alcohol or cigars in most of their hands. "We'll get started." A voice projected throughout the room. It was easily recognized as Frank's. "This is subject 3-21b, a fine specimen if I do say so myself, and one the top prospects we have to offer tonight. 5'11, 180 pounds, and perfectly trained. Shall I start the bidding at 100,000 dollars?" I looked around at the strangers who all gazed at me as though I was an animal in a zoo. Each took notes while Frank spoke. One of the women reached for a button on the arm of her chair. "We have 100,000." Frank announced. "Do I hear 110,000?" From there the price quickly jumped. 250, 400, 625, the bidding continued. I slid to my knees and watched. So much happened so fast I couldn't contemplate it all. It was like being hypnotized to a movie screen. Suddenly, Frank's voice ended my trance. "Sold to Mr. B for 750,000 dollars, congratulations, your code will be delivered momentarily. The next round will start in viewing chamber 7 in 20 minutes." With that the outer wall began to spiral upward again, except this time, a space remained so that I could still see Frank and one of the strangers, who I assumed was 'Mr. B". He was slender yet muscular man probably in his late 40's or early 50's. He wore a black suit and blue tie, his hair was combed back and showed a hint of grey along the sides. He placed his glass of alcohol down to the side and stood up from the chair. He walked slowly to the glass window and stared at me piercing through my eyes and into my soul. "Hello there," he said in a deep and confident tone, "my name is Charles, what is yours?" I looked at him and stood up bracing myself against the glass, "Jim." I whispered. He reached down and took another sip of his drink before speaking again. "A strong name no doubt." Behind him, a woman entered the room and tapped him on his shoulder and whispered something into his ear. He gave a succinct nod and she left. Charles turned to his left and pressed a button on a computer screen. "Very good Charles, we've received the funds, your code will be delivered to the printer" Frank projected on the speaker from his room. I looked back at Charles who ripped a receipt like paper from below his computer screen. He quickly looked at it and folded it, placing it in his top suit jacket pocket. With another sip, his attention turned back to me. "Do you know why you're here Jim? The excitement this day has in store for you?" I looked at him. "Please help me, I am trapped in this room." I started tapping on the glass looking for a way out. "Not to fear, it won't be for much longer." He stared at me again and began to laugh. I looked around not sure of what was going on. I looked at Frank and Erica and they began to laugh with Charles. Fear began to build inside me, the room felt like it was crushing inwards and I felt dizzy. I looked back at Charles and soon began laughing myself. Charles reached into his pocket and pulled out the slip of paper again and held it up to the glass with his palm. I pressed my face up to read it. 'Welcome, my friend, to a life of bliss, (insert desired name here).' It read. I looked at Charles and he stopped laughing and began to speak the words on the paper. "Welcome, my friend, to a life of bliss, Nicole." With that my head spun and the room became dizzy. I passed out on the floor into a dreamlike state. The name Nicole running through my head. Images of dresses and makeup, of men and the color pink. The more these thoughts invaded, the better I felt. The bliss swallowed everything else, everything I once knew to be true. My name is Nicole, I am 21, 5'4" and 110 lbs. I love manicures and wearing sexy lingerie. My purpose in life is to please men. Sucking and fucking dick brings me pleasure. I tried to fight back but it was a craving a could not resist. Like a crack addict looking for that next hit. I needed to be Nicole, there was no turning back. Thoughts continued to race, with each passing moment they seemed to speed up. Weddings dresses, skirts, pantyhose, cute tight panties they all brought me pleasure, I desired them all. I found myself for a moment, enough to look around. Frank and Erica clapped as they watched me transform. Mr. B stood with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face. They were all enjoying this, watching me turn into a women. I looked down at my body, I was still a freak dressed in drag. How could I go on. But the bliss drew me back in, I thought about Mr. B and how big his dick must be under that suit. How good it would feel in my vagina. How I would shave my pussy for him just so that he could take me and I would feel every inch. I wanted him so badly, it hurt. The more I lusted for him, the more the bliss filled me with pleasure. I thought about kissing his tongue and then having it pierce my womanhood while he grasped and teased my nipples. He could tie me up and do whatever he pleased. I looked up again at Charles and threw my body at the glass trying to reach for him. "He should be right about there Charles." Frank spoke. Charles' smirk became a smile as he reached for another piece of paper from the computer. He turned to face me again and held up the paper to read it aloud. "You want me to take you but you are still not complete, sing for me my doll and finish your transformation." With the last word spoken, my body orgasmed in pleasure, the likes I had never felt before. Everything pulsated with eroticism. I couldn't keep my balance any further and found myself back on my hands and knees staring up at Charles once more. The pulsation began to grow, it started first in my head and radiated down my neck and into my back. "My head," I screamed as the pleasure grew almost unbearable. "Shoulder length blonde." Charles replied to my scream. The pulsation calmed and within a moment, blonde hair began streaming out of my scalp and down my neck, stopping just at my shoulder line. The pulsation restarted but this time in my face, I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore and I screamed out again. "Blue eyes, pearly white teeth." Charles stated My face began to wiggle and spasm as my bone structure changed. My cheeks and jaw adjusted and my nose shortened. A flash of light, followed by blindness for a moment I assumed meant my eyes had changed color. My chest pulsed next which led to Charles yelling out, 'size D'. My shoulders felt smaller as a weight formed on my chest. I watched as my breasts formed, perfectly symmetrical in design. The areoles formed next and finally two puffy nipples popped out both fully erect. Charles continued to shout out as the wave of pulsation moved to my waist. "36, 40" My muscles and belly began to flatten, my skin was silky smooth. My hips quickly took a feminine form sprouting a clear hourglass figure. When Charles yelled out 'Shaved, tight and pink' I knew what was next. My penis stood erect for the last time as it started to sink back into my scrotum. My testicles withered away and the remaining sack split in half, shrinking and forming an outer labia. I could feel a pressure deep within my pelvis as I assumed my vagina formed. It was definitely not the same sexual feeling as having a penis but one that I enjoyed nonetheless. The pleasure finally made its way to my arms and legs. "Yellow," he shouted as my finger nails and toe nails feminized and turning a bright sunny yellow. "Charles," Frank spoke, "her mind chose to become 21, 5'4" and 110lbs, you can alter that now if you wish." "No, I am happy with her just as she is, she is perfect." He replied. "Then finish the transformation." Charles grabbed the last print out from the wall. "Nicole, you are my doll, you live to please, from here-forth I am your Master and you live to serve me, rise and become mine." I immediately stood up and faced Charles. Although I had control of my body I did not want to stop it, the pleasure led me in the right direction. It made me feel safe and accepted. "Yes my Master, I am your slave, only here for your eternal pleasure." I spoke. "Very good Nicole, put on these clothes and we'll head home." "Yes Master." When I turned around, a small panel on the floor slid open and a pile of neatly folded came lifted up through the floor. I slid into a pair of pink thong panties and matching bra, a black mini skirt and a white blouse. I Pulled on a pair of thigh high white socks and buckled a pair of blue Mary Janes. The last thing on the floor was a ball gag, a cup of water and a blue pill. I picked it up and swallowed it with a sip of water. I placed the ball gag into my mouth and shackled it behind my head being careful not to get my hair caught in it. Just as I finished, the room went dark and I passed out.

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Good Neighbour

I was sitting in my flat (one of a block of four), reading Terry Pratchett's new book, when I heard what sounded like crying. I got up and opened my door, which lead to communal stairs. Sitting at the bottom was the girl from one of the upstairs flats, crying her eyes out. 'What's the matter' I asked, 'are you all right'. Before she could answer I corrected myself. 'Sorry! Of course you're not all right'. She paused her tears and just about managed a smile. 'It's me that should be...

2 years ago
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Owning Amber

Amber was very skilled graphic designer. And most of my clients were calling for Amber to handle their designs personally. I soon changed the dress code for the shop allowing the ladies in the design room to wear casual clothes on Fridays. Amber normally would wear jeans and tee shirts on Fridays. The jeans held her heart shaped ass as if she was liquid and poured herself into them. I was very happy with the way things were going with the print shop. The guys never missed a Friday and my...

1 year ago
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Back Door Lady Cop

It was late at night, on a Friday, and I had just left a long, boring party at my office. I was driving home to my apartment, struggling to stay awake. I was completely sober, but I was totally exhausted from a seemingly never-ending week full of meetings. While I was driving, at some point I must have lost my focus, because I glanced down at the dashboard and discovered that I was driving way over the speed limit. I immediately slammed on the brakes, and pulled over to the side of the street...

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My Maid

Dear readers, this story is of the time when I was working as a production manager in one of the factory at Mumbai. My age was 29y at that time and I was living in a house which was on rent. The house was having complete privacy. It was on the 7th floor. I was working in shifts which used to change every week. Sometimes, I had to work in morning shifts, sometimes in noon and, sometimes in the night shifts. I was having one maid servant whose name was Devki Bai, aged about 37y.She was the...

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the bull the legend

this story is about Henry, a Millionaire who genuinely wants to be a playboy. He has an abandoned Adopted younger brother who never really lived in the spoils of the parent. they need to deal with their issues and help each other. Sascha is a Russian mobster who is a 3rd generation Russian mafia who also shares the same luxurious dream as Henry since his new to money but an old school practitioner of his type of kink. though his a support character. we take roles in various ways including the...

4 years ago
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Threesome With Aunty Uncle

Hi. This is Jobin writing for ISS. After getting a full strength to write the story i am able to tell sex loving people that world is full of sex only thing is U have to wait for the right time. Now let me tell about myself I am 5.11ft, wt.68kgs. athletic body with a nice body shape. The story I am telling is the time when I was at my uncle’s house. Where my uncle with his wife & 4 daughters where living but when I was there already the elder’s had gone married & the third & fourth daughter...

2 years ago
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Fucked by huge MBA cock

To be honest this story is not mine but i do have fantasy like this story.When I was 18 after my examination, I went to my uncles house at Bombay. When I reached the station my uncle was waiting there for me. Then we went to and her in which our flat is situated.When we reached our flat I saw a handsome young man coming out from the very next room. I asked about him to my uncle. He told me that his name was Rahul and he is an mba student,he told me that rahuls parents were abroad so he is alone...

4 years ago
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A Friend in NeedChapter 6

Mandy woke up the next morning trying to remember something. She was snuggling up against her lover's back when it hit her. They had invited Traci over for brunch at ten! She rolled over and saw that the clock read nine-fifteen. She roused Greg, and then hit the shower. She was getting dressed when Greg moved toward the bathroom. She heard the shower start and she headed down to start breakfast. She had been eating more since she was past the morning sickness phase and the doctor told her...

1 year ago
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Before the EnergistsChapter 26 Id Do Anything for Love Before the Energists

Thursday, February 6, 2003 I was in my office grading some Motor Development lab assignments when I got a call from Bryant around 2:30pm. He wanted to know if I could get together with him later on today or Friday to work on our little Valentine's Day routine/song. He had few ideas about what to do but wanted to get my input on them. I told him Friday would be good, and we agreed to meet at Harry's Bar around 3:30 in the afternoon. He explained that Harry was good with us using his stage...

2 years ago
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A Bet to Lose Chapter 21

Both of Leslie's parents had taken the day off, of course, but she was just as confused as they were as to why the rest of the Squad wanted to meet her on the way into the hospital that morning. It was a touching gesture, but it would be a very brief meeting and didn't Caroline have work to do? It just felt very weird, although Susie shelling out for an hour's worth of paid parking for a five-minute visit wasn't particularly unusual for her. Leslie humored them, of course, telling them...

3 years ago
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You cant handle The Truth Pegged

It's been a long month, for both of us. It's late on Thursday night when you climb out of the car. I can see in your shoulders that you are weary. You look like you're carrying the weight of the world. But for the weekend, you are mine, and I have one goal: to make you forget about life outside the walls of my house.You approach the house, and I come down the steps and I put my arms around you. I'm tearing up with how much I love you and how much I know you've been through lately. I hold you...

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A Paladins TrainingChapter 20

“A Paladin’s life is love and respect. A Paladin bears the vala, and is above fear, above cruelty, above jealousy. Aros loves all equally, and who bears the vala is one worthy of doing the same. Paladins do not possess, they do not own, they do not close their hearts to those around them out of self-preservation. Love is the most pure of pleasures that exists, and a Paladin gives that pleasure freely, for it is the will of Aros.” - Transcribed from a lecture given to new initiates of the...

4 years ago
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Thanksgiving Treat in Texas

Thanksgiving is always a nice time of the year and I always look forward to it. Thanksgiving in Texas was unusually warm this year- about 75F, In fact, it was great, because it is still warm enough to wear shorts. As I raked the leaves in my front yard, after eating way to much earlier in the day, I noticed Jamie, the college-aged girl from down the street, getting into her Mustang. The wife had left to go spend the afternoon, doing some early Black Friday shopping, with some of her friends,...

Quickie Sex
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A Daughter Makes ScentsChapter 7

The following four days were a mixture of fright, apprehension, excitement, exhilaration, confusion ... You name it, and both father and daughter mentally experienced it. It was on that night that she let her father touch her breast while on his lap, that Michelle knew for sure what was going to happen, although she didn't know how or when; she was not about to try to plan that. She knew beyond a shadow of a doubt now that her father wanted to 'do it' to her and she had come to grips with...

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Love in the Age of Chemicals Ch 05

I awoke late on New Year’s Day, despite having gone to bed earlier than usual. But then I reminded myself that going to bed no longer necessarily meant going to sleep. Retiring to bed at nine o’clock used to mean falling asleep soon after. Last night, however, it meant getting into bed, enjoying the closeness of Miranda’s body, having sex with Miranda, talking with Miranda, and only then going to sleep. When I finally did wake up, it was to an empty bed, and I was surprised to feel saddened...

3 years ago
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Mayhem in a PillChapter 58 Hiccups are Unexpected

The locker room was quiet -- except for locker doors closing, cleats tapping on the concrete floor, and hushed, one-on-one meetings all over the locker room area. Tim Murphy was sitting in what had become his spot to prepare for the upcoming game mentally, but he was not thinking about the game in a couple of hours. Instead, he was going over the last, very unusual school week. There was no backlash from the fight with Tommy and his friends in the restroom. Tim expected to be called to...

4 years ago
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Fetters of Velvet

"We have fetters of iron there against the wall," the guard said. "But we're ordered to not put them on thee. Here's a bed; there's a fire. The baron will send more comforts down, I'm sure." They disappeared up the ladder. The floor was at least two manheights above him, and the trap about four fingerbreadths thick. If he got up there, and they'd remove the ladder soon, he'd confront at least two guards, armed, armored, and probably experienced in war for longer than the fourteen...

2 years ago
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Planned on the internet

As quickly this picture was replaced by myself knocking on the door and the sound of high heels approaching the door. It swung open and you stood in a short skirt and skimpy top, sex oozing out of every pore. All these thoughts created an urgency to get to you, to explore my basic instincts of wild passion and hard sex. Every robot seemed to catch me and no one seemed to know how to drive. My mind screamed and I was going crazy with frustration. Then without realizing I was so close...

2 years ago
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Notebooks on GirlMaking part 6

Notebooks on Girl-Making by Salomeee Notebook II: Full time slave Chapter 6 It was a rainy Sunday, and I couldn't agree with anybody to let me do her shift at the Cafe, so there I was, alone and bored. I wasn't at home very much, so I didn't even have a TV. I tried to keep sleeping until later, but I couldn't. I felt somehow nostalgic and a bit depressed. You know how bad Sundays get when you're alone and had nothing to do. I didn't expect to see you, either, as I know you...

3 years ago
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The Little Olympics A Little Shop Story

THE LITTLE OLYMPICS: A LITTLE SHOP STORY THE LITTLE OLYMPICS: A LITTLE SHOP STORY CONCORD, NEWHAMPSHIRE, JANUARY 5, 2006?Tuff-Cuff Disposable Satin Nickel Handcuffs??Check??Humane Restraint Nickel Finish Leg Irons??Check??Custodial Cuffing Lightweight Aluminum Handcuffs??Check??Tactical Hinged Handcuffs with Colored Coating??Check? Soapy looked up from his pad wearily at his very pregnant daughter Selma, now The Widow Vesuvio-Soaperstein, who was busily checking off...

2 years ago
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Snowed InChapter 6

With everyone feeling pretty good and somewhat revived, I along with my two sisters where actually quite anxious to continue playing mom's naughty little game. Even my cock had risen to some extent, though not fully taking on a "flag pole" appearance. But I knew that the moment things got going again, it wouldn't take much. "Ok, someone else want to draw one out?" she soon asked. "Before we do," dad began, I'd like to defer mine until tomorrow if that's ok with everyone. So ... if...

1 year ago
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NeighborAffair Blake Blossom 31049

Blake Blossom stops by her new neighbor’s house with some beer as a welcome gift. They get to drinking and Brad mentions that he has noticed her checking him out. He’s ok with that as he’s noticed her changing at night. If Blake knew he was watching she would of gave him a better show, so she decides to give him a close up look at what he’s been looking at by busting out her nice titties. Brad takes it from there and plays with her tits before giving her his thick cock...

2 years ago
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A Night at Marilyns

It was 11.35 and I rushed toward the tube station, desperate to catch the train on time. Embarrassingly, I tripped on the last step into the underground and was sent hurling forward into a man clutching a briefcase. I damned the high heeled shoes I was wearing under my breath and looked up curiously into the face of the man I had just run into. ?I’m so sorry? I said apologetically, only to find him laughing at the situation. ?That’s ok? he said cheerfully, ?It’s not every day I find Marilyn...

3 years ago
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The Bet Chapter 21

The Bet by Karen Singer Chapter 21 (Friday - week 3) In her dreams, she reigned supreme! She gave the orders and everyone ran to follow them. People danced to her tune like puppets, doing absolutely anything she said - for her own amusement - like crowds of court jesters. Those who tried to outwit her soon discovered that her mind was quicker and more devious than theirs, and one by one, they all fell to her superior abilities. Everyone admired her. Everyone praised...

2 years ago
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Family Invasion Ch 02

That Thursday Brandy arrived at the house and Robby was anxious to get things going. In his bedroom, he reached in Brandy’s shorts and fondled Brandy’s cock. Things moved quickly and within minutes Robby and Brandy were fucking in bed. As Jack watched the two of them fuck he felt his own cock harden in his shorts. He stripped off his shorts and his big cock sprung to attention. Jack walked around in front of Brandy who stared at Jack’s imposing cock. ‘Want a taste of this,’ Jack offered as he...

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Mummy Chudi Driver Se

Ye unn deno ke baat hai jab mai 11 class me padta tha. Hum log ek chote se row house me rehte te mere pita ek sugar mill kam pe teh mere mummy bahut sexy the.mai ne apne mummy bahut bar kapde badal te dekha hai.ek maine dhekha ki mere pita ne condom ka packet kapat me rakha hai.mai samaj gaya ki mummy ki choot chood ne wale hai aur mai raat hone ka intazar karne laga phir raat 11 baje jab humlog apne room chale gaye to maine socha ke sone ka natak karta hoon phir mai 11:30 minute per utt ke...

4 years ago
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Daddys Little GirlChapter 15

Later that evening, after Jim had left, Bill and I made love; slow, passionate love. Afterwards, as we lay in bed, holding each other in a lovers embrace, Bill whispered into my ear. "Gail, I love you so much. It's not just the sex - which is fantastic - it's everything about you; your strength, your personality, the way you care for me, the way you handle tough situations. I'm totally and hopelessly in love with you." The tears began to run down my cheeks, as I hugged him tightly to...

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Working Late

I spend most of my time out on client sites. I rarely get back to my head office: a big maze of a building in the centre of the City. But sometimes, when the pressure of admin and bureaucracy builds up, I have to go there for a day. I was recently back there for a day on a Friday. I had recently closed a massive deal and felt quite the hero, with people wanting to shake my hand. I also had a new-starter with me, going through the on boarding process, so we were kept busy. Towards the end of...

4 years ago
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The Sheriff and His StepdaughterChapter 5

As Rachel got older, we settled even more into a normal family life. Diane still worked at the restaurant but she wanted to improve herself. She began taking classes over at the University of North Carolina Charlotte in bookkeeping in hopes of getting into that line of work. Eventually she quit waitressing and started her own bookkeeping business. She had several clients all over the area and while she wasn't making a lot of money, she worked out of our home so overhead was very low. It was...

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Jenny and her Grandpa

Doug answered the phone, it was his daughter, Helen asking if she and his granddaughter, Jenny, could stay for a night in a couple of weeks. Jenny had applied for University in the town that Doug lived and needed to have a look round and speak with some of the lecturers etc. Doug agreed, he hadn’t seen much of either his daughter or his granddaughter in the years since his wife had passed away and it would be nice to catch up with them face to face rather than via E Mail every fortnight or so...

1 year ago
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My GirlsChapter 15

The next day, while at work, I visited the Microbiology laboratory at the hospital. I was shown into the director's office right away. After taking care of the obligatory condolences, I asked him what the conclusions were on the organism that had almost killed my daughter. He surprised me by saying they did not know yet. Surely, they would have had time to isolate and identify it by now. He explained that some organisms grow slowly in culture, and some in very specialized conditions, and...

2 years ago
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rich boys love 471

when i got off the floor i went into the living area and got the bottle of jack daniels and drank the whole bottle i got to my feet and went into are/my bedroom and got dressed i got my keys and walked to my parents house when i got there i knocked on the door and my dad answered he looked at me and said "why are you knocking leonardo" i just looked at my dad and said "hes left me o my god hes left me" crying again my dad cuddled me and kept saying "its okay son your be okay" my dad...

4 years ago
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Fucking my neighbours wife

It was a hot summer day,i heard a knock on my door ,i opened it to find my neighbours wife named Ann standing there covered in sweat and panting hard ,"are you okay i asked her",oh yes i just came from the gym and i forgot my keys inside! ,now i always had a fantasy like this ,Ann was an attractive woman in her mid thirtys ,about 5'2 ,130 lbs but she was a sexy 130 , 38dd breast ,blonde hair a sexy ass and pale skin ,"can i use your phone" she asked,yea sure i replied ,come in ,as she walked...

1 year ago
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CherryPimps Brenna Sparks Loves Fucking That Cock

Busty Asian babe Brenna Sparks loves having Alex D’s hard cock in her mouth but she really wants to feel it deep in her tight little shaved pussy! Alex gets her all excited and begging to get fucked after his tongue works some magic on her clit getting her all wet for that cock! She gets on top taking every inch slowly and grinds down loving how his hands feel all over her tits while she takes control and fucks him until she cums all over that shaft! She just can not wait until he cums...

2 years ago
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Women No Shirts Drink Free

The new sign read, “Men No Shirts, No Service. Women No Shirts, Drink Free.” It was huge and was just hung up on the front of my bar. I couldn’t wait to see how it worked. My ad in the paper came out today too announcing my new policy. This was a college town and an awful lot of underage girls try to get in all the time. In our state girls over eighteen can have their wrist tagged so that they cannot buy drinks. Then of course at twenty-one they can drink legally in this state. The...

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Catherine and Callie 2

"Bob, I have a favor to ask of you." Catherine and I had just finished a long and hot fucking session; now both of us were trying to recover our breath. "Anything for you. What is it?" I responded. We had been seeing each other for over a month now, and not only was the sex hot, but I could see this relationship lasting for a long while. "You remember that I have to be out of town for three days next week, right?" "Yes, three days that I'm not sure I can survive" I said with a smile. I said...

Straight Sex

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