Natural Chastity 4
- 4 years ago
- 36
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“The ship that sailed from South America to Japan had people on it even less welcome than me by the rough sailors,” Nick began his Tale, bringing all his reserves to it. Though he smiled, it had to be his weakest smile yet. “After all, they didn’t do anything to assist the sailing. Only took from the limited supply of food and drink. At least they had no interest in rum.
“Thirteen missionaries in all, five of them were women. All the women and a couple of the men had added to the ones who had originally sailed from Portugal, veterans of missionary work if you will. Fervent in their conservative and asexual beliefs, adding women had been a forgotten necessity for the on board missionaries. How else could they add to their flock without fucking heathens? So, in a sense, the females got added for their wombs.
“It created a challenge to their dedication to faith. All the women were young and at least pretty. Loose missionary robes hid many erections.
“One of these women could be easily classified as beautiful, and her voluptuous shape added sexiness to her attractiveness. Neither aspect would have been her choice. She had hard eyes, and I suspected why.
“I had become a reluctant addition to the group. They needed my peculiar knowledge. I not only knew Japanese, but also the terrain on which they might find sanctuary and hiding on the archipelago. The more foolish of the men thought they could land in a city and begin converting in the open. I finally convinced them that Gaijin, especially those espousing a different belief system, would not only not be welcome in a well-developed civilization, but would be considered dangerous. This would not be primitive America. Nor would great numbers of conquistadors sweep through, leaving missionaries in their destructive wake. So, for both the needs of the crew, especially in terms of navigation, and the needs of their passengers as guide and translator, this dark skinned outsider became an unfortunate necessity.
“And in one case, the beautiful, sexy missionary, I became a friend. It turned out she needed me.”
As usual, Sister Serena sits away from her fellows, neither amongst the other sisters, or, most obviously, amongst the men. While others murmur prayers and seek meaning in their bibles, Serena sews. Strong hands wield sharp pins well. Though beautiful, this was no delicate flower.
Nick carefully sits near her. “What happened to you,” he asks quietly, almost a whisper.
She tenses. “What do you mean?”
“I know you don’t believe me now, but you can trust me. I will never harm you. Look to my eyes for any lust. You will find none, not even the kind that slips through your devout company so hard at fighting it.”
Despite her answer, she looks, “You’re a man aren’t you?” For some reason, his genuine smile relaxes her, at least a little, and his quiet chuckle even more. She hears no teasing in it.
“All I can say is I’m different than any man you have met. And I have to admit my reason for you to trust me will probably sound just as unconventional.”
“What would that be?”
“I have been successful as a lover. I have bedded women of equal beauty to you, though none with greater beauty.”
“And why would that make me trust you?”
“Two reasons. First, I have had the opportunity to taste such beauty, been sated by it, and haven’t the desperation to sample yours that these other men resist. Second, I do not need to force myself upon you or any woman. I only bed those who wish to bed me. It can never be otherwise.”
She looks at him skeptically and again gets moved by his gentle smile. “Again, you are a man, by nature a victim of your desire.”
“And again, I am not like any man you have met, or will meet. Please tell me what happened. Sometimes it helps to relive even the most terrible moments, if only to confront them head on instead of having them paw at you inside, like a hidden predator. It’s a lot easier to defeat a prey you can see than one hidden in the shadow ready to pounce.”
“And what would that do for you? Is this your seduction?”
“I would like to see the pain in your eyes go away. Or at least lessen. Call it my good deed. And maybe I shouldn’t say this. It probably doesn’t help my cause. But I like you. I like intelligent women.”
“You flatter me. I am but a seamstress and a missionary.”
“Who grew up listening and learning from a wise person.”
“Again, unlike most men, I do not presume gender.”
Her smile thrills him, even within its sadness. “My mother. She had ... similar problems as me. But she wanted me to be more than my beauty. To be smarter than that. Because intelligence breeds strength, especially for a woman. It can even, sometimes, protect me. And my grandfather, her father. The wisest man I have ever met. He had a sadness to him because he couldn’t protect his daughter at least one time, when she conceived me. He too wanted me to be as strong as possible. But even then...” she sniffles.
“Would you tell me? Perhaps later? More privately?”
“No. On deck. In front of others. Witnesses, even if they can’t hear us. But late? After your fellow missionaries sleep?”
“Do I need to meet you... ?”
“Just slip out of your quarters when you’re ready. Here,” he hands her a small knife. “In case you feel any need to defend yourself from me.”
“You give such an angry woman such a weapon?”
“Yes,” he grins, and her grin once again thrills him.
“Brave man,” she almost giggles.
He shrugs and leaves her.
When she steps onto the ship deck outside of her sanctuary below deck, she sees her guard and smiles. For some reason the captain has protected them with guards that may as well be eunuchs, preferring their sex exclusively. The guard smiles back and gestures to his right where she sees the tall, robust, dark, admittedly handsome man barely seen in the shadows of night. She approaches Nick bravely.
“Let’s walk,” Nick suggests.
“I trusted the man,” Serena immediately begins.
“That’s not good for us.”
“No. But I think I learned enough to see what I hadn’t wanted to notice before in that ... man, and that I don’t see in you. He was a cousin, a little older than a good friend of mine. My best friend actually, which gave him opportunity to get to know me. To tell you the truth, I desired him. He was handsome and cocky, which should have warned me off. But I guess girls like men like that.”
“He was a man?”
“Young. Around twenty I think. Four years older than me. His sister was almost three years older. She sewed like I did, which is how we became close friends. When she married, I asked her questions about ... you know ... mating. And she asked me about other things. She knew my mother, of course, and my grandfather and knew I was often with them, learning things. She too wanted to learn, but carefully, telling me her husband preferred her dumb. I guess I was her only outlet for her intelligence.
“Anyway, her brother would sometimes tease us about these conversations which he would overhear. Again I should have been warned with him hovering and him criticizing, but for some reason I found it cute. A girl’s lust I guess.
“One day, after finishing sewing with his sister, he invited me to walk with him. Somehow he got me talking about history of the Indians. Before and after we conquered them. I have a feeling he didn’t care, but he’d flash his cute smile and encourage me.
“Caught up in it, and his seeming interest in it and in me, I didn’t even realize where we ended up, at the edge of our village. ‘Thirsty?’ he asked me, and all that talking had dried my throat so I nodded. We entered the forest. He led me to a spring I never knew about. It was lovely. As I dipped my head to drink, he ... leaned against me. I ... immediately felt his desire. I tried to stop him. I told him ‘No.’ He didn’t listen. He held me, stronger than I could fight, but ... his hand ... had to open things. His clothes. My clothes. It gave me a chance. But another man appeared. And another. Fellow soldiers. They held me down to let him...” she sobs and shakes.
“No! Let me finish! It hurt like hell. But at least he didn’t last. And when the next one wanted to take his place, I kicked and I scratched and hurt them enough between the change in people holding me down to find a way to escape, putting all my strength to the test. And I ran, staying amongst the trees. I was naked below my waist and my torso might as well have been the way they tore open my blouse. I didn’t want to let anyone see my shame.”
“Your shame?” Nick growls.
“Yes! For tempting him! For letting him take my precious virginity. My gift to my husband, which no man would ever be.”
“He raped you. His friends held you down. They did not allow any permission.”
“The devil made me like this. Tempting men.”
“No! You made no display. You did not tease. They took you without provocation. And even the most tantalizing female, who wears her cloth to display what lies beneath, even she does not deserve to be raped. And you never even made the suggestion.”
“I was born with the suggestion.”
“It can be a curse, I agree. Especially to one as devoutly religious as you.”
“So many say it is a gift.”
“Not your mother, I wager.”
“Nor my grandfather. And those who say it, reveal what a terrible gift it is. Envy in women. Lust in men. I must have been cast by the devil to bring those deadly sins to the surface.”
“And yet you work against him, don’t you? To help bring heathens to salvation.”
“It is my purpose. But I sense your disapproval.”
“Then you have sensitive ears. I didn’t mean to mock. Yes, to be truthful, I find missionary work inherently condescending. To consider natives lesser people. I lived amongst them for many years, you know.”
“I didn’t.”
“Actually had a place of respect with them. That changed with the invasion of your people.”
“Wait. I heard legends of a black man. A sort of emperor. Your father?”
“Something like that,” Nick chuckles.
“What do you mean?”
“Doesn’t matter. All that’s gone now. They needed leadership of their own people to sustain any pride they might have. Not someone such as me, who may not look like you, but not them either. Even if I felt like one of them more than I felt like anyone else. I may look like a blackamoor, and people assume I have their faith, but I don’t.”
“You don’t believe in Mohamad?”
“Not any more than I believe in Jesus except knowing both lived and changed everything, if as symbols more than anything else. In fact I believe Islam to be even more repressive than Christianity. Especially towards women. Heathen and infidel stand at about equal prejudice and repressiveness.”
“Don’t you believe in anything?”
“I believe in myself.”
“That’s hardly a religious attitude.” When he laughs, she asks, “What?”
“Never mind. I guess if I had anything like faith, it would be more a philosophy than a religion. A faith in the mind to strive for greater things. Whether internally, to find a kind of peace. Have you heard of Buddhism?”
“I have heard of it. Some sort of eastern mysticism.”
“I suppose it can be mystical. It’s belief in karma and reincarnation. Both things encouraging doing good in one’s life to make things better for your future.”
“Like gaining heaven through good deeds.”
“Very similar, actually, but more material. Instead of heaven, they believe a soul can come back within a better being, and they have an eventual place to achieve called Nirvana which matches heaven. To reach it one must enter a state of enlightenment, which is a place of utter peace and acceptance. No longer fighting battles in your mind. Like allowing the flow of a river to send you where it will instead of fighting against it. It’s closest to what I think, because of the peace it brings. But I also believe in the mind as a thing to ameliorate. To figure things out. To continually improve.”
“Like better boats?”
“But also better weapons.”
“True. Another philosophy, born in China, has as its basic tenet, so far from Christians and Moslems, that the world cannot be just good and bad, but has balance, with good inside bad and bad inside good. But instead of those labels, which connote ethical values, I like to think of the masculine and feminine opposites. Less morality involved, and truer because of it.”
“You think a man has a woman inside him?”
“Yes. And vice versa. It’s how we can be compassionate and empathize with our opposite gender. Close your eyes.”
“Can you trust me?”
“Good. Concentrate on everything you think makes you a woman. Let your mind occupy those places unique to your gender.”
“You’re female, Serena. Nothing inherently dirty in that. Judgement makes it dirty. Just try, okay?”
“Good. Go deep with it. Remember, a woman has a womb. In a way, it defines our difference. ‘Womb-man.’”
“What do you feel?”
“Internal. A place to take in. And a place to keep guard. Other things ... find who to guard against and who to ... accept in.
“Good. Now imagine being male.”
She tightens. “I have only seen one example of a man’s ... maleness, and...”
“But there’s someone sometime you might allow in, because you want his seed in order to grow a child.”
“The asshole changed that.”
“But before...”
“Yes. In fact it let my guard down.”
“Imagine a man who you could trust. Who you could embrace without worry.”
“Good. Not at all sexual, is it, as far as a threat. Just his gender.”
“Imagine that thing that had been a terrible thing to be a good thing because it helped bless you with your mother.”
“Imagine you are him, a man. No longer female. Different parts.”
“It changes ... direction. Everything outward.”
“You can imagine it. It isn’t completely foreigner.”
“And yet it’s so different.”
“But you are of him. You have understanding. Your grandfather gave you understanding from his perspective, from the outward direction of his gender.”
“So, in a way I learned to be male from him.”
“And yet I didn’t learn enough, from him and especially from my mother. Exactly what happened to her I let happen to me, and as a male, in his desire, however suppressed, I could have seen the direction of it, the aspect of conquest so inherent...”
She collapses into sitting on her feet, clutching her legs in her arms and sobs. The abstraction, the exercise, the intellectualizing of the feelings has been broken by the rape once again.
He avoids touching her. To comfort her physically would be the opposite of what she needs. His maleness makes him the enemy. He waits for her to calm.
“Nick?” she murmurs into her knees, “Did everything happen the same as my mother?”
“Have you had your monthly visit since?” he asks her, carefully euphemistic.
“I haven’t thought about it. I’ve just been numb. I’ve just been escaping, ashamed.”
“Why the hell should you be ashamed?” he mutters, careful to hold back his anger.
“Mother and grandfather said the same. But ... I saw everyone looking at me and knowing ... Even my cousin.”
“Did you tell her?”
“I didn’t dare.”
“Then how could she know?”
“It seemed like everyone knew.”
“And if you had told her?”
“What do you mean?”
“What would she think of her brother?”
“I don’t know. He is her brother.”
“Do you believe she would have sided with your rapist?”
“My mother wanted to rip off his balls and feed them to him,” she smirks. Then she goes silent. Lifting her head finally she murmurs, “I don’t think she would. I think she would have hated him for what he did.”
“Maybe been ashamed of him being her brother.”
“But not of you.”
“We talked about what happened to my mother. What happened that created me. Some still think of her as a whore because of it, even though she has never slept with a man since. She ... There’s a woman...”
“I understand.”
“She deserves to be loved.”
“I’m glad you think that.”
“I do. I see the richness of their friendship and the secrets they must keep. I know what they do, even if I have never witnessed it. I guess I’ve heard it when they can’t quite keep quiet.”
“The opposite of what happened to you.”
“Would that be you? Safety in another like you?”
“You sound certain.”
“I am.”
She looks up at him and smiles. Her face tinges in a blush. “Because of the strength of my need. My need for a man. It’s why I let myself ignore the danger despite being warned of it since the beginning of my memory. I craved being intimate with a man. The man who might have ... seduced me ... because the desire makes me weak, and my faith struggles to assert itself and comes out defeated, turned everything to shit. But ... I look at you. I see a man. Most certainly a man. But one who looks at me ... I mean, I can see your attraction, but I also see the control. And the compassion. I don’t find that in other men. Not in any man I might want.”
“You want me despite the terrible thing that happened to you so recently?”
“I ... I don’t know. I do know I have never felt so intimate and at the same time so safe with any man before. And I know no one, even my cousin or my mother or my grandfather, who listened to me and talked to me with such equality. Always a dynamic to them. Older. Wiser. More experienced. Whatever. I feel like a person talking to a person who cares about me and what I say. Of course you’re a man and I’m a woman, and I feel that too, but the safeness...”
“So, do you remember if you have passed your normal bleeding?”
It takes a few seconds before she answers, “I think it should have been a week or so ago.”
“And the rape happened...”
“Less than a week before I made my escape here.”
“I have the ability to tell if you are pregnant.”
“Is that possible?”
“Not normally.”
“But you can?”
“Yes. But I’d have to touch you where it grows.”
She stands abruptly “What! Is that how it works? Soften the naïve fool before attacking?”
“No, but I’m sorry I made you feel that way.”
“You should be.”
“Go ahead to your cabin. I’ll keep my distance, but I’ll make sure you’re safe.”
She stomps off, and he hurries to keep close enough to protect her until she’s back inside her sanctuary. Though he knew the chances were against him, he senses her desire, which makes him offer the touch. Making sure gives him options to protect her and her child, and have her come to terms with her situation. Despite the anger, her reaction makes him smile. He loves strong willed women.
A week passes in which he keeps his distance from her. He lets her approach him when she’s ready, if she ever is. She does at week’s end.
“I think I am pregnant,” she whispers, sitting beside him amongst the missionaries.
“Emotions can sometimes delay the bleeding,” he tells her. “But the timing doesn’t help your cause.”
“Could you really tell, or...”
“I can. It’s one of several unique abilities I have.”
“Such as?”
“I would have to trust you completely.”
“Why would you want me to know?”
“Good question, and even my answer may be in that place of trust.”
“I know you’re different. You don’t seem so very old, and yet somehow you know the place we go, and the language they speak, and unlikely as it is, the captain fully supports your assertion. And how many other experiences? Like when you talked about that legendary emperor of our territory...”
“It’s like it’s me.”
“And that would be impossible.”
“It would be, wouldn’t it?”
“I know I stepped over the line when I offered to touch you in such an intimate place. I know trust, especially trusting a man, has never been easy for you, less so now. And yet...”
“You sensed I might accept it. Even welcome it.”
“I honestly wanted to be certain for your sake. I didn’t intend it...”
“Maybe not ... but I might have...”
“I know. It’s what might have allowed it.”
“Because of that ... permission, it would have been more.”
Nick chuckles quietly. “This is exactly why I do want to seduce you. You’re beautiful of course, but I find a clever mind to be the most attractive thing. But despite everything, despite why you would allow my touch, I would have resisted moving on past that touch. I suspected what happened to you, and when you told me, I knew I would be extremely cautious. It would take time, if it ever happened, that you would accept me so intimately.”
Her reaction, the most subtle of giggles, surprises Nick. If any more demonstrative, it would have surprised everyone in the chamber. Because Serena rarely smiles, let alone laughs. Her presence sustains a dark foreboding which keeps any sort of friendship from happening. If not for her usefulness, and not just her sewing, but her intelligence, making religious discussions more compelling, and even communication between the missionaries and the officers and sailors smoother, and done so subtly as to keep men’s fragile egos from being stubbed, she might have been ostracized.
However subtle her amusement, her smile transforms her. A pout soon follows, though her eyes remain twinkling when she warns Nick, “Don’t say it.”
“Say what?”
“My cousin always harps on me not smiling, cause she insists my smile makes me more beautiful.”
“I don’t know about that,” Nick replies, enjoying her surprise. “You are already exquisite, no matter the expression. But you’re ravishingly cute when you smile.”
“It’s breathtaking.”
She stands up and brings her hand down to help him stand, though she’s much smaller. “Come on,” she says.
“You want to be seen leaving with me?”
Ignoring the looks of shock on the missionaries’ faces, they walk hand in hand out of their presence.
“Where to?” he asks her.
“Your cabin.”
“You sure?”
They enter the tiny space, barely large enough for a bed, a table and a chair, that constitutes Nick’s room.
Standing in front of him, a look of determination on her beautiful face, she asks Nick, “You’ll protect me. Everyone knows I’m here with you. Everyone will think I’m a whore. Easy pickings.”
“I’ll protect you. No one will touch you.”
“Except you.”
“If that’s what you want.”
“That’s what I want.”
“May I touch your belly?”
“Yes,” she replies, bringing his big hand to her belly and lifting her blouse to give him access to her firm flesh. “Am I?”
“Why did you want me to know?” she asks, keeping his hand there.
“To keep him healthy. And you. I...”
“More unique attributes?”
“Ready to tell me?”
“Make love to me first.”
“Yes Ma’am,” Nick chuckles before leaning down and kissing her.
“Him, hunh?” she smiles after the first kiss.
“It’ll be a boy.”
She shrugs and pulls him down for more kisses. Her hands unfasten his shirt buttons. When he attempts reciprocation, she brushes away his hand. The kisses end when his shirt opens.
“Take it off,” she insists.
She studies the result, with eyes and hands. Hands move down to remove the rest of his clothes. When his long fat cock bounces free, she stops.
“It’ll fit,” he tells her.
“I’ll make you ready. I’ll always make it good for you.”
“You better.” She studies it thoroughly, eventually touching it. “It feels ... interesting. And hot. You sure... ?”
“A baby’s head comes out of your pussy. It’s not that large.”
“Almost,” she quips.
“You’re amazing.”
“You too,” she continues studying him.
“You can taste it. Put your lips and tongue on it.”
“People do that?”
“If they want to give extra pleasure.”
“Don’t you piss out of it?”
“It won’t be piss you taste.”
“You mean ... you want me to swallow your cum?”
“It’s one of my attributes. It’s an aphrodisiac. It also has curative powers. It’s what will make your womb strong for your baby.”
“I will never lie to you.”
She looks into his eyes and sees the deep compassion that, more than anything, although his manly beauty is close, has brought her here. Maybe that in itself has been his ruse. Maybe he’s the greatest actor in the world. Except she doesn’t care. She take his glans into her mouth. Lips squeeze and rub the edges. Her tongue tastes, and feels the giving hardness. Soon after, with warning, Nick fills that mouth with ambrosia. Like honeyed cream but better.
Somehow she swallows it down without choking on it. Her eyes look up at his with a combination of pride and delight which makes him chuckle. “Good girl,” he says, pulling her to her feet and kissing her. His hands quietly remove her clothes. He guides her gently onto her back on his bed, completely surprising her when his mouth descends on her pussy. Surprise becomes pure pleasure.
“Oh,” she moans obviously experiencing something new and unexpected. She welcomes the overwhelming feeling inundating her body. When he crawls over her, and his cock presses at her opening, she welcomes it inside her. Feeling hot spurts, and the throbs it causes just inside her, she knows what it is and its taste.
“It will make it less painful,” he explains before kissing her. His hands move to her breasts adding to the state of pleasure she seems to be awash in. Drowning in it, except she can breath, if gaspingly. His mouth moves to add pleasure to her nipples.
He hardens once more and pushes deep inside her. A brief tightening of her body expresses a last moment of fear. She lets it go, feeling the wide swathe he has opened inside her, and the intense rub it creates on the tight flesh pressing against his shifting cock. The more he thrusts, the higher her pleasure. And the faster too. And the harder. She lives in pure ecstasy that somehow gains higher and higher peaks. Until a flurry of short fast thrusts end in him pressing deeper than ever, and the spurts shoot into that depth, and only the first can be felt because her ability to cope with such absolute pleasure has been surpassed and her consciousness disappears.
Her name awakens her. She finds herself blanketing her lover. “You’ll protect me?” she asks him.
“Always. You were willing to sacrifice your place amongst your people for this?”
She giggles. “Soon enough they would have seen my belly grow. I just hurried my shame.”
“Ssh. I know. I no longer feel ashamed. It would be them ashamed of me. And now they’ll think it’s yours,” she giggles.
“You will be my shadow. But you’ll need more appropriate clothing.”
“Already done. While delaying this inevitably, I made pantaloons. I will fetch my belongings.”
“We both will. I should ask the captain for a larger room.”
“I don’t mind this if you don’t. Wouldn’t it make me a demanding bitch if you suddenly wanted something better now?”
“I suppose,” he chuckles.
If her fellow missionaries had been shocked by her leaving with Nick, they appear even more shocked when she returns with him and grabs her small bag of belongings. Shocked and disgusted. Except one of the women hides something else. A mix of envy and desire. Nick notices it and catches her stare and winks. She finally looks away, blushing.
Nearly a month goes by before anything comes of that look. Lit by a quarter moon, the young woman finds the cabin door, but inside sees only darkness. She can see a shape loom, rising from a bed and taking a step towards her. Suddenly a match fills the room with light, and a hurricane lamp gets lit by Nick. “Close the door,” he tells her.
“Nick?” Serena murmurs from the small bed.
“We have a visitor.”
Serena turns and smiles at the woman. “Come for me or Nick?” she asks.
“Uhm. Maybe I should...”
“You should stay,” Nick smiles. “You’ve been brave enough to come here.”
“Weak enough you mean,” the woman argues, bowing her head.
“I felt the heat of your eyes on me,” Serena says. “Have I become wanton enough to hopefully accept your desire?”
The woman sniffles.
“Ssh,” Nick comforts. “Sit.” He guides her to the chair.
Serena also sits up, uncovering her naked body for the woman.
“Beautiful, isn’t she?” says Nick.
“Nick said you might come,” Serena explains. “He also said I would need to accept his ways.”
“What do you mean?” asks a genuinely curious woman, though her study of Serena’s body continues.
“He can never be exclusive with me. His very nature prevents it. I never thought I would want to join him.”
“You must have been jealous.”
“What’s the point? Fighting against his nature would only make both of us unhappy. But he wanted to give me the possibility of joining him. To see if I might get enjoyment out of it. Turns out I just might. Guess who he imagined would be in bed with us?” She leans forward and begins stripping her former colleague. “Again I ask, is it him you wish to visit, or me?” She removes the blouse.
Chapter 1 Nadia lay back on her bed..., crazy thoughts in her mind. The drive home was torture. She had tried to alleviate the need she felt by squeezing her nipple but the yearning persisted. She pinched it harder inside her blouse, inside her bra. She tugged at it viciously, alleviating the need for...for....for what? She couldn’t explain. She scratched it and she gasped out loud. She broke hard just in time at the red light. She felt eyes on her and looked to the left. A woman...
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Months passed, and winter finally released its grip on the land, patches of snow could still be seen in places where there were significant amounts of shade during the day as well as up on the mountains where the air was colder. Only a handful of conifers were starting to show signs of budding and the forests continued to be bare of leaves except for the occasional evergreen dotted here and there.The winter had come and gone with little fanfare, only one bad snowstorm had made the two-hour...
Fantasy & Sci-FiI was fifteen when my life took a whole new meaning for me. From the age of fourteen when I had started having wet dreams and I started learned all about sex through reading about sex and watching porno films. I had dreamed about getting some young girl to have sex with me, but it just did not happen As a young boy I had always been well endowed so much so, that the kids at school called me "Donkey Dick." after seeing me dress and undress in the gym. I was seen by many boys not as well...
The smoldering rays of sunshine seeped through the beige satin curtains of the bedroom, glistening like pure crystals against the sheets and two nestle-chocolate bodies, one in a deep slumber while the other watched in adoration at the steady beat of his rising chest. The aroma smelt of sweet caramel, fresh strawberries and other islandy fruits, sugary cane and mouth-watering brown cinnamon lingered in their bedroom; it portrayed a sweet scent fragrance shop in every way. The sun rays of...
Love StoriesHi to all Indian sex stories readers after getting a huge response from my last 2 stories now I’m going to write my next real experience story which happened a month ago..I request all our members to send your suggestion and feedback through even though I don’t speak English properly I tried writing my story in English please excuse me for grammatical mistakes Now coming to the story…. I’m Arun from Chennai age 23 height 5.6 weight 75kg penis 6.5 inch This story is about how I fucked an...
Britney Amber is full of pep and vigor, which is why she decided to become the worlds greatest personal trainer. But beyond her unbelievable energy and zest for fitness, Britney understands how to motivate her clients. Especially the guys she works with. Today, our stud is fallings a little short of his goals, so she makes a deal with him. If he can drop thirty pounds, he can have her bodacious tits for one night. That is more than enough motivation, and when he finally sheds the excess pounds,...
xmoviesforyouThomas turned twenty and he had played every notable concert hall in the United States. He even did guest appearances on classical radio stations in New York, Boston, Chicago and Los Angeles. Anyone that had an appreciation of classical music knew of Thomas Taylor. Money was no longer an issue. Marlena demanded adjoining suites at the best hotels and a piano be provided for him to rehearse during their stay. Unless they had guests the door between the two suites was always open. Rich and...
Nobody rushed for an early breakfast on Wednesday morning but both Jerry and Emma were dressed when Zoë drifted in in her dressing gown at nine. She showed no reaction to Jerry being there just kissing them both good morning. Jerry rang the vicar. She said immediately that she would like to meet them promising them that she would not give them a lecture on the sanctity of marriage and their responsibilities towards each other. "As a remarried widow you two will have twice my experience,"...
When I was seventeen and in my final year at school, new neighbours moved in next door to us. It immediately became clear that Duncan, aged twenty-seven, and his wife Angela, aged twenty-two, were not exactly a happily married young couple. They had been married for six months and their relationship appeared to be a rather rocky one, if the screaming matches from next door were anything to go by.My mom was always one of those kind ‘do-gooder’ individuals and naturally went next door a day after...
Gay MaleHeller went into her room, it was hot. He quietly walked over to her bed and sat down at her sleeping next to Tanya. She lay there topless, her nipples were pink and were excited. Heller slowly removed her panties and spread her legs, lay on it and tearing the hymen, abruptly walked into the vagina ...
Kate's car was parked outside the apartment's courtyard. There were no other occupied parking spaces anywhere. The only other space was in the alley behind the building. That space was located beside the utility room. I parked there, but only after I looked over the whole courtyard using the images from the surveillance cameras stored on line. I went through the rear door of my apartment. Since it was the only apartment with a rear door there was no incentive for the other residents to park...
The Witch Doctor by Teddie S. Hi. My name is Brian, or it was Brian. It's now Brianna. And, this little story is of the changes that have occurred in my life. When I was young, I was confused as to who I was. I was a boy, but liked to play and look like a girl. I use to wrap a towel around my waist and pretend it was a skirt. When we played house, I wanted to be the mother. And, I had an aunt who was gorgeous and I wanted to be just like her. I was...
"Where did you and Jeff sneak off to last night," Sabrina said as they waited for the school bus the next morning. "I didn't see either of you out on the dance floor." She was a thin girl of medium height with natural strawberry blonde hair. She had practically grown up in the nudist resort her parents owned and operated. Some of the kids at school thought that made Sabrina a slut or something. A lot of the girls in school had learned otherwise. Devlin was the only one who knew that a...
—Set in New Zealand— INTRODUCTION The gnarled-faced woman, hair white and thinning without a hint of waves to give relief to her aged appearance, sat at ease, her pale violet eyes looked permanently saddened as if life had treated her cruely. The widow resident of the retirement home bearing her name, pulled out a cheque from her dressing gown pocket. It was signed and dated, the amount correctly entered as $38,000. ‘Thank you Mr Drummond,’ she said to the novelist. ‘Well done and spend...
Hello ISS readers, I am Rahul 30 years of age from Delhi. My special hi to all the sexy porn loving ladies. Today I’m posting my real first sex experience which happened 5 years ago. So let’s start: Ye incident jab mai engineering kar raha tha. Hamare pados me ek aunty rent pe rehti thi wo 35 ki age me bhi ek dum sexy lagti thi. Unki big ass or rounded boobs dekh ke mera manhood jump karna shuru kar deta tha actually ye unki galti nai thi friends actually mujhe hi big ass and round boobs wali...
A year ago, I stopped at the local book store/coffee shop and went directly to their washroom. There was a guy in there standing at the right urinal. I walked up to the left urinal and stood beside him. I could plainly see his dick. His pants were open and being held up by his left hand. His right hand held his urinating dick. And a fine dick it was too. I unzipped and pulled out my pecker and held it with my left hand. This way he could look at it if he wished. He was a cute guy, maybe 30 - 35...
For those who've been kind enough to ask, anther story of Simon's bar. This story may be posted to any free site. Saturday Night at Magees by Ellie Dauber copyright 1999 It was a busy night at Magees. Saturday is always a busy night for a bar. People want to be with other people. They can relax because they don't have to go to work the next day. For some, it's the chance to be with friends. Others are doing the preliminaries of meeing and mating. A few just like to...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Part 2 I wrote a little while ago telling you what had happened between my mother and I on the night after my graduation ceremony. I’d had the greatest blow job ever and it was from my mom. She’d then told me to get some rest as she intended me fucking her later. She’d kissed me and settled down to sleep. I’d lain there for a while not really believing what had happened but bit by bit I finally dozed off and went back to sleep. I woke with a start some...
IncestTHURSDAY, May 26, 2016 Love bread makes bakery a success Doreen Stein, Times Columnist When it was approved by council almost two years ago, some called it Strong's Folly. A strip of six small shops had become town property due to back taxes owing. Almost half the council wanted the building sold to a developer, but councilor Bill Strong fought to have the town retain the ownership of the property and use the strip as the base for the new west-end library branch. Critics said that...
Claire was relaxed in a luxurious bubble bath when her mind was wondering. She often had music playing while she spent an hour or two in the bathroom, this time she was listening to things such as Usher – Trading places and Kings of Leon – Sex on Fire, needless to say there was something on her mind, and it wasn’t what she was going to make for dinner that night. For the last two years Claire had been single, she was free from all of the dramas of a relationship but there was something...
The Magic Of Christmas By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers "Oh so you are awake?" said his mother poking her head in his room. "Morning honey. I hear the tv on." "Yeah, I didn't sleep so well," said Brayden rubbing his eyes. "Too excited about Christmas," said his mother coming in. "Well that and what I told you last night," sighed Brayden. "I still feel horrible." "Well not that I want to be negative on Christmas but you should honey," said his mother folding her arms....
She stands naked, feet comfortably apart so her legs don't touch. Waiting. He usually starts sex standing up, so he can handle her all around. And so she is there. Vulnerable. Waiting.Coming from behind her, he slides one hand down and around to her belly, the other upward to the breast. His handling is sure and firm. He pulls her closer and kisses the nape of her neck, and she has a sense of being taken by the man despite first offering herself. His handling is gentle, reverent. It is always...
Rebecca — Missing a Brother I ended up spending nearly a week in the hospital, and as soon as I was released, the authorities send me to counseling. George was going to permanently lose the use of his cock due to my attack, but as evidence piled in, the DA had decided not to waste time pressing charges against me for my attack. Photos from the scene with my face bruised by Tamara's fists and splattered by George's cum existed, which made it extremely unlikely that any jury would convict...
I’m a 33 year old stockbroker. I’m 5’11 and about 190, I consider myself above average in looks, and I work out to keep my body fit. After four years of married life, my wife decided she wanted to start a small used clothing business. I told her she would have to run it by herself, as I had a busy work schedule. She found a small space to rent in a popular strip mall on the other side of town. I told her the location wasn’t the best, but she liked it, and the rent was reasonable. The business...
As you know, Futanari are hyper sexual mostly female humans who have both cocks and vaginas. Because of their hyper-sexual, nymphomaniac natures, they are required to live in different areas far area from the general populace outside of work, especially for their education. Young futas are the most "dangerous" of futas given their developing minds, growing bodies, and near constant state of arousal. Here, at this prestigious academy, you will learn to control your natural urges while exploring...
TranssexualToday in Private Specials, Anal Threesomes by Private 3 we bring you the sexy Latinas Verónica Leal and Katrina Moreno, a spicy duo with big tits and asses who have come to to take on stud Nick Moreno in a scene of true private class, gonzo style! Watch these babes show off their incredible bodies as they get down and dirty with some quality deepthroat ass to mouth action before enjoying a spectacular anal threesome that has them taking turns fucking and screaming all the way to...
xmoviesforyouAll by myself George was a bastard. He only thought of himself. These were the thoughts going through Pricilla’s mind right at this moment. Why did it always have to be about him? She was finally going to get what she needed. Pricilla had been talking to her friend of ten years about her problems at home and her friend had mentioned masturbation. Pricilla had thought about that kind of stuff, but she thought it was dirty and had never tried it. The thought of touching yourself for pleasure had...
Introduction: This is the forth chapter in this story as Tori finally begins to enjoy her sexual experiences. At the same time she begins to give into the fantasy of love and romance but as this chapter nears its end her boyfriend Scott again arranges another sexual experience with someone else, this time another girl. What will she think of herself now. The next morning I somehow convinced my mom to let me go to Scotts for breakfast. We had a really nice breakfast and a good visit with his...
"No," I say and Saul looks crestfallen. Letting the two of them know my decision. "If it is to be, it will be the three of us." "Saul loves," I smile sweetly at his sad expression. "I can not take his time with you away from you," I turn to Saul, who is now looking shocked. He may be bisexual, but I can see no one had thought to share him with Nimrod. Nimrod seems to think this is funny as he laughs some more. "I don't do girls." He raises an eye brow at me in challenge. "But...
Jon's bought a little villa in Spain and I've just been there for the first time. Jon took me there for a few days then left me there for week on my own. It was great, and I'm really looking forward to spending more time there. As usual Jon surprised me by coming home and telling me to put a few essentials into a bag and us leaving within a few minutes. A few hours later we were getting into a hire car at Malaga airport. We drove down towards Marbella then up towards the hills. The villa...
I returned to my mom wanting not just sex but also love… didn’t turn out to the biggest mistake of my life, as she greeting me with a deep tounge kiss. How I missed that tounge. “Let mommy make you feel better.†I was just out of an abusive relationship and wanted to be in love again but soo soon. “Mom make love to me.†I returned to my mom wanting not just sex but also love… didn’t turn out to the biggest mistake of my life, as she greeting me with a deep tounge kiss. How...
IncestThe following additional pages from the diaries of the Nuns of the Church of Quiet Redemption were discovered at the site of the church's ruins after further excavation. Unlike the first set which handwriting and content analysis confirmed were all written by Sister Aryanna, this collection contains entries from multiple writers. ---- July 24th, 19xx Dear Diary, It has not escaped my notice recently, that Sister Aryanna has, with increasing impatience, urged us to convert new...
Jake had not joined the elite Ranger Corps to protect the worlds of the Stellar Federation or explore new alien worlds. He had joined because the white Star Ranger uniform with its green and purple piping looked really cool and caught the attention of women throughout galaxy which could open the way for exploration of more interesting and intimate alien vistas and curves. Passing the exhaustive tests and exams to enter the Star Rangers had been easy for Jake. It had also helped that he was...
Mera naam iftekhaar hai aur me iss ka reader hu meri umar 30 saal hai. Mujhe bhi aysa laga ke mai bhi aapni story aap se share karu me ab sidhe khani par aatq hu mere kuch collage friends bangaye the jo pune me padhne ke liye aaye the aur me kisi ka flat mere paas rent par dene ke liye aata to me use students ko dikhata us wakt ye kuch ladke ratnagiri ke the aur kuch akola ke the mene unko flat dikhaya aur ase hi humari dosti ho gai aur me unke flat par jata tha un ke flat par ek khana banane...
Danny sat down at his computer. He just got home after a twenty seven hour flight from Vietnam. Sighing, he clicked open his email in order to send messages to his family and friends that he made it home okay, but there was one person that he wanted to talk to, one person who’s voice he wanted to hear. There was something about Dawn that made him weak in the knees. Her long, lithe body combined with her sun-kissed[,] blond hair just made his heart beat a little faster. The first time she...
Let me start by saying I am a slut. I absolutely love sex, and if I’m caught where I am in an exceptionally playful mood, I will be whatever you desire. Whoever you desire. And that is exactly why three of my friends came to my apartment late on Saturday night with a proposal I could not refuse. *** It is a surprisingly cold night for Southern California, so I bundle myself up in a sweater and sweats as I sit on my couch and study…or attempt to study. That feeling starts to kick in, that one...
Shelby looked on still running tests, she wished there was more she could do to help Derrick, but as of yet she had also seen nothing that might help. Taking a break he needed to take his mind off the problem; it was the way he always solved difficult problems when he was concentrating too hard on something. Thinking a moment he decided he'd work on the limiting programs, he had them at what 8- 8 1/2 now? Looking in the access hatch he saw that he had 8%, though this time he was armed with...
It all started when Justin (my husband) and I were dating. I’d catch him staring at some girls when we were together and asked him how he’d like it if I checked out every guy I met. To my surprise, he said he’d love to see me with other men! Neither of us did anything outside the normal relationship bounds but did discuss it during sex. It turned him on when I would wonder out loud how big another man’s dick is or that other men were sexy. ...
Over the last four weeks my interviews, exploring people’s sexual nature, have been going well. Not only have friends and colleagues made suggestions by word of mouth, as you do, but I have also received many emails.Then there was the letter. I am not sure how they found out my address, but I arrived home to find a letter on my doormat. I normally just pick up the junk mail every evening and throw it in the recycling. On this occasion, the pink envelope stood out.I dropped my bag just behind...
Lesbian“Bugger it!” Lia shouted from inside her room. It was Saturday, around half-two after a detour from the schedule for teas, and she was getting ready for her first catgirl costume rehearsal, the orchard photo shoot having been arranged for 5am the following Thursday. “Problem?” I asked from inside her ‘studio’ where I was looking through the camera’s menus to see what the options were for shooting outside in possibly dim lighting. All I could see was that I was going to be hitting YouTube...
What happens under the covers…stays under the covers… “This will surely go down in the record books as the storm of the century.” The meteorologist’s voice bellowed from the 32 inch flat TV screen. That was the last thing Sarah Sheldon heard before the lights flickered, once…twice, and then everything went dark. Her body stiffened, paralyzed by her fear of storms. “Shit!” she shrieked. “Daddy…? The power’s out!” Of course he would have already figured that one out for himself,...
In the morning, after a quick breakfast, the three of them set off early to drive to the Daintree River crossing as they wanted to catch the 10:30am river train. For the next three hours it was a leisurely cruise on board a floating solar powered river train taking in the flora and fauna, while watching for crocodiles. Their naturalist guide kept pointing out items of interest and they were able to spot four crocodiles, sleeping on the banks, or in one case on a log. The birdlife too, was...
GOOD FRIENDAs I lay here listening to my husbands drunken snoring, I was getting madder by the minute.A friend of his had brought him home tonight and he and I had taken off his clothes and “poured” the drunk into our king sized bed, and he had passed completely out as soon as his head hit the pillow. He didn’t move at all.His friend had been drinking also, but nowhere near the amount my husband had, for sure. I convinced Charles that he had been drinking a little too much and shouldn’t drive...
Cassie Del Isla knows she’s a fine milf, and she’s about to use that knowledge to her advantage. Decking herself out in a bikini that shows off her big enhanced tits, tanned body, and firm ass, Cassie struts out into the living room where she knows her stepson Juan Loco and his friend Ricky Spanish are hanging out. Cassie claims she’s heading to the pool, which prompts Ricky to get up and grab some tanning oil. Not to be outdone, Juan argues that he should be allowed to oil up...
xmoviesforyouJessica Drew groaned as she opens her eyes, where am I, she wondered, looking around she found herself in a strange room. The wall directly in front of her had both a speaker and camera mounted on it when Jess tried to stand she couldn’t move. Glancing down she found herself strapped into a chair. She tried to break free of her restraints the attempt proved futile Jessica sighed, it seemed that she wasn't going anywhere for the moment. She tried to remember how he got herself into this...
It started very serendipitously. On a warm summer night in Bangalore. I had returned home from a long day at work. I took a cold shower to wash away the day's worries. Got out of the shower, with a towel wrapped around me and went into my bedroom to get dressed for bed. My standard sleeping garb in summers was a loose t-shirt (no bra) and shorts (no panties). As I rummaged through the closet, I realized that I was out of all clean shirts and shorts. Work had been keeping me busy for a while,...
olgun sevgilim ve havuz temizlikçileriGeçen yaz sevgilimle (Filiz) tatil için İspanyaya gittik. Sevgilim 45 yaşında ama dipdiridir. 1.55 boyunda 65 kilo balık etli iri memeli ve bakımlıdır. Onunla rahat etmek için de özel bir mekan kiraladık. Mekan bahçesinde özel havuzu olan ufak tek katlı bir evdi. Evin sahibi havuzun çarşamba günü temizleneceğini söylemişti. Bu nedenle biz de herzamanki gibi günün tadını çıkartıyorduk. Sevgilim yakın çevremizdeki evlerden görünmediği için havuza minicik...
Hello everyone, my name is Ajay, I am a student at Welingkar College in Mumbai pursuing my MBA as of now. I have an athletic body, I am quite young and energetic, and I regularly involve myself in a lot of competitive sports activities like football and cricket. I am quite a decent looking guy and have my own way with girls. I have had many girlfriends in the past but none like my cousin sister Sneha. I will jump to the story now. If you like it then do write to me and if you want some similar...
IncestWearing sheer lingerie and stockings, slender, lovely superstar Adriana Chechik reams her throat and asshole with a huge rubber dong, squirting in anal ecstasy. Next is an interracial threesome with studs Jason Brown and Jax Slayher. She gives deepthroat blowjobs to both big black cocks. The men ruthlessly fuck the slender white girl’s tight pussy, asshole and drooling mouth. Her butthole gapes as she squirts in orgasm! Adriana sucks dick ass-to-mouth and rims ass, and the studs stretch...
xmoviesforyouBy : Rakesh4u Hi this is Rakesh, I am a regular reader of ISS. After reading for all these days I wanted to share one of my experiences with you all. I added few things here and there to make it spicy coming to my background, I am a 25 year old guy working in Hyderabad in an MNC. This happened when I was in 18. I am from a small village in Andhra and I have a cousin sister Harika who is 1 year elder to me. Her family lives next to us. We both used to play together from our childhood. We both...
IncestCarol was a good friend and she had huge tits and had them from a young age. She also would do anything I asked and one day my brother, Tim wanted to see her tits so I told Carol to show them to him. Our parents worked so we had a lot of evening just to ourselves. Her globes were so firm and my brother's eyes got big looking at them. I told him to sit by her and touch those big hooters. He ran his hands over them and the nipples got hard. I had Carol arch her back and told him to kiss each...
I know I should be happy but I’m not. I am nervous, shivering, sweating and walking away from home. I know my amma (mother) is waiting for me. She has cooked my favorite, especially for today.But I cannot go. I feel my legs become weak whenever I start walking towards home. I can’t because today I am going to do something I have never done before. Today I am going to ask my amma to have sex with me. I loved my amma since ever, but I didn’t realize when that love changed to lust.I started...
Chapter 1 Lynn & Joyce The short & stacked Lynn was ramming Joyce's pussy with her long strapon dildo. Lynn loved it when Master Max let her explore her femdom side. This morning she eaten her daughter's Raven pussy & was very submissive to Mistress Raven before Raven left to go for work . Now she was drilliing the pussy of Max's stepmom who was groaning in sexual delight. Lynn spanked Joyce's ass as Joyce shouted fuck me harder, dont stop. As Joyce reached her first orgasm. Max led ...