Hydra Rising free porn video

Jessica Drew groaned as she opens her eyes, where am I, she wondered, looking around she found herself in a strange room. The wall directly in front of her had both a speaker and camera mounted on it when Jess tried to stand she couldn’t move. Glancing down she found herself strapped into a chair. She tried to break free of her restraints the attempt proved futile
Jessica sighed, it seemed that she wasn't going anywhere for the moment. She tried to remember how he got herself into this predicament, I got a text from Natasha or maybe it was from Carol? Jess frowned she couldn’t quite remember who the texts were from. It bothered her that she couldn’t recall who had sent her the text. She did remember going to the meeting place than she was ambushed. Jessica had been able to hold her own against her attackers easily until she felt something prick the back of her neck and then darkness.
Jess could hear the sound a footsteps coming from the hall she look toward the door just as it open. A man wearing a very familiar green and yellow uniform entered the room, he was holding a helmet in his hands and other devices that Jess didn’t recognize. She had no idea what hydra wanted with her, but she wasn’t going to stick around to find out. Desperately pulling on her retrains trying to free herself. Why can’t I break free?
“I see you are awake Jessica,” the voice came from the speaker on the wall, “It pointless to struggle the drug we used on you temporary blocks your powers.” Even though the voice was distorted there was something familiar about it to Jessica. “I’ll get to the point, by the time we're done, you will, spy on, kill or fuck whoever we tell you to because you’ll belong to hydra mind, body and soul.” Then the voice went silent. __
“Like Hell I will” Jessica snarled as she continued to struggle to free herself, knowing that they were going try to brainwash her maker an agent of Hydra again. The Hydra agent approached the chair that she was restrained in, without a word he placed the helmet and other devices on her, then left.
Submit, obey Hydra, serve Hydra, a voice chanted in her mind over and over, I will never, submit to Hydra. Jessica thought and when she got free she was going to make these Hydra goon regret this.
In the control room, two people were watching spider woman on the monitor, one of them was sitting on the controls the other one stood in the shadow. “Jessica can be very stubborn, begin phase two, and alternate between pain and pleasure.” The figure in the shadows watched as the man at the controls nodded and did as he was told. The figure looked back to the monitor watching, Spider-woman had been chosen as a “recruit” for a few reasons, she been Hydra at one time, so it made sense to bring her back to her roots. Also, she had at least one close friend in the Avengers which was something that could prove useful.
Spider-Woman screamed and withered in agony it felt like every nerve in her body was on fire as waves of pain pulsed through her. The voice was persistent in its chant of obedience to Hydra. “I don’t care how you much torture me I’ never sub…” “Ohhhhhh,” Jessica moaned softly as she’s hit by a wave of pleasure. Submit, obey, sever Hydra, the kept chanting in her mind relentlessly.
The cycle of pain and continued, “I won’t... I won’t give in” Jessica had said this many times, but this time was less conviction, in her voice. Another wave of pain pulsed through her this much more intents than the last, punishment for her defiance. Then the pleasure hit her again like the wave of pain, the pleasure that washed over her was much stronger than the first time . She moaned in pleasure squeezing her eyes shut. Jessica's nipples became erect and hard , her clit was beginning to throb. All the while chants of obedience and loyalty to Hyrda still echoed through her mind. _I will sub... No! Dammit, I will not submit can’t let Hydra break _me. Jessica thought. She just needed to hold out a little longer, someone had to have noticed she was missing by now.
“Won’t submit, can’t give in.” She said sounding, more exhausted than defiant. Jess wasn’t even sure how long she’d been here, it could have hours or day for all she knew. Constantly being hit with waves of pain and pleasure over and over again was making harder to think straight. She gasped as the pleasure washed over her again. “God it feels too good I.. I.. will obey,” she said “ I want to serve. Hail Hydra ” Her battle was lost Jessica Drew belonged to them now, she would do whatever Hydra commanded without question.
In the control room as a smile spread across the face or the shadowy figure, the process had worked, they hadn’t doubted it would. . “Tell our other agents to start finding other suitable recruits.” The figure told the other hydra agent in the room before heading toward the door the figure stopped just at the door “Oh, and after agent Drew has had enough rest send her to me I have a mission for her.” _This time there will be no stopping us. _The figure thought before exiting the room.

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