Time and Tide
- 2 years ago
- 24
- 0
The cycles continued.
On the day that our vision was restored, the most destructive girl I knew was creating the most delicious sounds in my ear, sensual kisses and playful bites.
“Good morning, my love...”
I opened my eyes all at once, because a faint orange glow was evident through my eyelids. It took me a while to recognize what was happening. Perhaps my retinas had gone into hibernation ... Or maybe I was still tired from the extended harvesting outing the previous evening. It seemed earlier than we should be rising. Rather slowly, the light sorted itself out and my brain reorganized the reappearance of this strange sensation. I saw the inside of the tent, and idly realized that it was bigger than I thought.
Good morning, my love? Oh god, she just spoke... !
I turned to Heather and shivered, staring at her with instant and overwhelming admiration. What a sight she was! She looked both ethereal and energetic as she materialized within my still-adjusting eyes.
“Good morning, love,” I murmured in a trance, finding the act of speaking to be both impossibly odd and rather unnecessary.
She smiled her perfect smile and caressed my cheek. “Welcome back.”
I wondered if I should feel some sort of momentous victory at discovering that my senses were returned to me. But the idea sank away very quickly. I realized I was just as happy to see her as I had been to be blind with her... It doesn’t make a difference...
Out of habit, I listened to the sea’s song for just a few seconds, before realizing that this wasn’t an early wakeup call after all. The waters were most of the way to being parted. “Sounds like it’s time to get to work.”
Heather’s smile broadened at my foolishly practical comment. “Not quite. We have to get Lara up first!”
“What else is new...”
She turned and gave my sister the same treatment I’d just received. I shivered as she gently kissed her earlobe. Lara stirred as she heard the sweet words in her ear. Then her eyes fluttered open to widen in surprise. I felt a flush of warmth and sent a silent thank you to Heather, for waking me up first and letting me see Lara’s reaction to the sensual revival.
“Good morning?” she said, her voice rising. “Whoa, we’re allowed to talk?”
Heather giggled. “Of course. You were always allowed to! I didn’t ever gag you, did I?”
Lara shook her head as she tried to sweep away the currents of sleep. “Didn’t gag us? I swear, you are the silliest, Heather... ! Wow, it feels really weird to say stuff.”
“I know the feeling,” Heather agreed. “When you first got here, I felt like I could barely get any words out correctly!”
We all stretched luxuriously, and a moment later we sank back into the bed and rolled around, hugging each other. As Lara took a turn to lie on top of me, she smiled at me both coyly and mischievously. It had been some dozen cycles of the low tide since that magical night when the rogue wave had crested. The period had been full of wondrous exploration mixed with the honest work of harvesting a different species of seaweed within the calm cove.
Now I looked into my sister’s eyes for the first time since so many waves had crested within each of us.
Heather pressed close to my side, watching us with interest. “Anything anyone wants to say?”
All of our smiles grew over the next little while, as we suddenly gave vision to many things that had happened in this tent in complete darkness, and contentment about certain things that had not occurred.
“Not really,” Lara said, caressing first my face and then Heather’s.
“What about you, Matt?”
I grinned, and then put my hand around Lara’s neck and pulled her down to me. As our lips met rather chastely and Lara’s eyes closed, I felt the rampant natural energy of the past weeks continue to overflow within me. We’d been unable to talk about it, Lara and I, given a certain girl’s absurd ‘rules’ – no matter what she said about not gagging us. And yet ... we’d figured out what we wanted of each other. It wasn’t to be lovers as coupled complements ... Instead, it was to be equal twins, in a way, such that we could feel everything we were both feeling. Twins, so that the energy was perfectly shared across us. I kissed Lara to open the connection of that bond ... A leveling of what we felt not for each other, but as each other. We touched each other not to deliver pleasure, but to understand the pleasure as if we were one and the same, making mutual the charged spark. And in all of this, Heather was the reflection, the mirror to us. We were both lovers to her ... And she to us, and so we loved each other perfectly.
We heard a small laugh, so we broke our kiss and turned to look at Heather, Lara resting her cheek on mine. “What’s so funny?”
“I was just wondering if the seaweed would get mad if we were an hour late to visit today,” Heather mused.
“An hour?” Lara echoed, smiling. “Is that really all you’ll give us?”
Heather playfully pushed Lara off of me, and then crawled over me to lay on top of her. Their noses were touching, and I could already see Lara releasing the holds on her desire as Heather gazed into her, pinning her arms down against the sheets. I watched raptly as Heather drew one bare leg along Lara’s.
“Is an hour not enough?” Heather whispered into Lara’s lips.
“A hundred days is not even enough with the two of you here beside me,” Lara moaned, her eyes fluttering into blindness again.
Heather looked at me rather happily as Lara writhed beneath her.
I grinned, ‘Lucky we had a big harvest last night... ‘
Her eyes narrowed mischievously. ‘I know, right? Amazing luck!’
I could only shake my head as Heather pressed her lips to Lara’s, much less chastely than I had ... The seaweed would have to wait, for a change—well, the seaweed never waited, of course. But still...
As usual, these were the idle thoughts of a fool. A calm voice reminded me of the eternal question... How long does an hour last, when you pause the world?
Perhaps surprisingly, there was little need to talk once we set out for the shortened harvest quite a bit more than an hour later. It was unnecessary effort to use words when it was so much simpler to communicate instantly with a glance or a gesture. The weather and the water seemed to know this, having conspired to prolong our recent state by producing a thick milky fog that clung to the sea despite the distant glare of the rising sun. So we went out in the trusty rowboat, quiet, mostly blinded, and with the sounds of the world muted by mists.
The harvesting was intimate; the fog prevented us from operating within the wide expanse of quietude we’d come to call home. Instead, it was as if only our boat and the patch of rocks and the algae existed. And the seawater of course, but that never changed. We sang Lara’s song at times, using it as an aural lighthouse whenever we drifted apart from each other. More than once I imagined some other sailor braving the poor visibility and passing near to the cove, hearing the peaceful siren song coming from within and wondering what mythical tale we may have sprung up from. Maybe Muireann could even write us an air about it all, someday...
We enjoyed each moment once. And so, the cycles continued...
I woke up one day to find Lara staring at me, a smile on her face.
“Good afternoon,” I murmured.
“Not quite,” she replied.
“I know, but soon enough.” I yawned and stretched. The previous evening’s harvest had begun a little before midnight, and from the sound of the sea I knew it was about time to don the wetsuits and go out for our next blessing from the waters.
“Sleep well?” Lara asked.
“For sure. I’ve slept so damn well since we got here that I think I could probably stay awake the next six months straight and not feel tired.”
Lara giggled. “Really? But somehow you still slept like a log just now?”
“I know, right? Nothing makes sense anymore!” I sat up a bit, surprised to see that we were alone. Odd, she never leaves the tent before waking us both... “Where’s Heather?”
“She’s gone.”
“No, gone for good. She went to Florida to collect seashells with Julie. We’ll catch up with her again someday.”
I sniggered. “That’s actually funny...”
“Well, who knows. It could be true, since she wasn’t here when I woke up.”
“Oh well, it’s just you and me again, sis. Nice while it lasted.”
“Hey, you do know the tent isn’t soundproof, right?” Heather’s voice intruded from outdoors.
We started laughing.
“Now get up, you lazy butts,” she called out. “It’s a long drive to Fort Myers, if you want to come with me!”
Lara and I rolled our eyes. “Whatever!” she sang.
We donned our bathing suits and soon emerged from the tent, blinking in the bright almost-noon light. We barely had time to react as our wetsuits flew through the air.
“So much for a lazy Sunday morning,” I moaned, even as I donned the frigid neoprene.
“I wonder if it’s really a Sunday?” Lara asked idly.
“I have no clue,” I replied. “Couldn’t tell you for a million dollars.”
Heather sniggered. “Well, it doesn’t matter. The seaweed doesn’t care about stuff like that.”
We were all smiles as we set out on the rowboat. Heather plied the oars. Since the reappearance of our sight some eight tidal cycles ago, we’d returned to work in wilder waters. Indeed, many activities had resumed. Our swims at the buoy, paused since the night the bell had gone silent, were back, as was ‘lobster season’. The closing of the trap had only been a temporary respite while we worked the harvest in the cove, so now we feasted anew.
A few hours later, we’d rinsed and hung each slippery strand up at the arbors, which were filling up again. Lara and I left Heather to handle the cleanup while we went to fish for a mid-afternoon meal. Fortune was on our side, and it wasn’t long before we hiked up the path to camp carrying the cleaned catch in our bucket. Our noses were soon filled with the aroma of the small campfire that Heather was sitting beside.
“Any luck?” she sang, grinning.
“Funny ... Why do I feel like I should kick the bucket over?” I quipped.
Lara tittered. “Don’t kick the bucket. Then I’d be sad!”
We joined Heather at the fire. The afternoon was quite cool. It was evident that fall was pressing its fingers further southward with each day.
“I was thinking that we—”
I stopped in mid-word, my eyes falling upon some clothes bags, sitting on the ground near a tree. It took me a long moment to remember that they were ours. Lara caught my gaze and gave them a funny look as well.
“What’s that about?” I asked quietly, as Heather placed the first fish on the fry pan.
“Frej got here last night. And he’s leaving in an hour.”
Lara and I glanced at each other, and for the first time in I couldn’t even say how long, there was a flash of concern in her expression.
“Seriously?” she asked. “Is something wrong back home?”
“No, no, everything’s fine,” Heather said calmly.
“Oh ... So you’re kicking us out,” I said.
Heather looked at us quite happily. “Yeah ... Unless you want to miss more than two weeks of school. Then sure, you can stay longer and catch the next ride to your house, but that won’t be for another while.”
Lara gaped at her. “Wait, we’ve already missed the first couple of weeks?”
Heather nodded, suppressing a satisfied smile.
“Damn,” I breathed. “Has it really been that long?”
“Well, either that or Birgitte and the rest of her crew have lost track of time. But the invoices in the office this morning say that it’s the middle of September. And you were right Matt, it is a Sunday!”
For a long moment, my stomach felt rather strange. Is this ... okay? Moms are going to be pissed! Then Lara and I grinned at each other. Yeah right!
“Like, when is the next ride back home?” she asked.
Heather shook her head and chuckled. “It’s today, Lara.”
“We can stay one more day,” I said. “I mean, if we leave now, we won’t get home until like, after midnight. Too late to then get up the next morning and go to school.”
“Or, you’ll be home just in time for the next sleep cycle,” Heather countered, her eyes glinting. “But you can always stay in a hotel somewhere, if you have to, and start school on Tuesday. Doesn’t matter too much. What’s another day, when you’ve missed so many already?” she teased.
“Okay,” Lara murmured, her tone drooping a bit. “I mean, I knew we weren’t going to be here forever, but ... I guess it’s time.”
“It’s time,” Heather murmured in agreement.
I glanced again at our bags, feeling unusually calm given the sudden uncertainty of the future that had been left in the wake of this discovery. How quickly the tidal waves can sneak up and sweep through...
Heather passed out the fish, at once crispy and tender. As always, we ate in silence, appreciating the flavor and the peace of the present. The second and third servings followed, equally as good, to the point that we ate every last white flake before dropping our paper plates into the fire.
Sated, Lara asked the question that was on both of our minds before the meal had paused all thought. “I take it you’re staying here?”
“Yeah. There’s a few weeks left of good harvesting. I’ll probably keep at it until the first week of October. But I’m packing up the camp tonight, and I’m going to stay with Birgitte for the rest of the time.”
“No more silent sea?” Lara asked.
“Nope! It’s time to get to know my aunt better. I owe her at least that much.” Heather gazed out at the cove for a long while. “Well, I owe her a lot more than that. But it’s a start.”
Lara and I nodded, and then we looked around at what had been our perfect home, feeling overwhelmed at the thought of it being dismantled before the next tidal cycle ... Everything was being swept away today.
“And then what, love?” Lara’s voice fell into a soft whisper as she spoke. “Which way will you be heading?”
Heather gave us an impish smile. “I’m not quite sure. There’s a few things to talk about first.”
“Like what?” I asked.
“Well, when I was up at Birgitte’s while you were fishing, I asked her for my messages.”
“Messages? Is that a joke?”
“Well, I thought it was a joke! Before I came up here, I told her that no matter what phone calls or letters came for me, I didn’t want to even know about them. Not unless I asked. And until today, I never asked.”
“I’m sorry we didn’t send you anything,” I said sheepishly.
She eyed us. “Oh, I actually was super happy to see not a single message or letter from you!”
“You’re just lucky we didn’t have your address,” Lara quipped, “or Birgitte might’ve had to rent a storage unit for all of Matt’s lovesick letters!”
We all laughed at the image.
“Well, I’m hoping I have Ireland to thank for that not happening,” Heather said.
“True,” I agreed, my insides warming at the memory of my friend. “So did you get anything at all?”
She nodded and indicated our bags. Lara shrugged at me and went over to them, soon pulling an obvious envelope from the side pocket.
“What is it?” she asked Heather as she returned to the fire.
“A really funny letter.”
Lara held it out to her, but Heather shook her head.
Lara glanced at the return address. “Do you know this guy?”
“Nope. Go ahead and read it, love. And let’s see what new horizon lines shake out.”
I watched as my sister pulled the contents out of the envelope, unfolded the stack of sheets, and started to read.
Dear Ms. Martin,
I apologize for the informal format of this letter, but I am traveling at the moment and I did not have my official stationary on hand. It was a wonder I was able to find a typewriter to use at all; Manhattan, this place is surely not. However, I did not wish to wait until I returned home to write this missive, the length of which I sincerely apologize for in advance despite not even having completed the first paragraph. But I am in a state of significant enthusiasm, and this invariably leads to excessive explanations.
I am a good friend of Chip Warren. He and I frequent some of the same arts and social circles in the City, and over the years our friendship has grown close not only because of his remarkable character, but also because of his taste in the visual arts. Though my primary interests lie in music and dance, I am also a collector of photographic works, particularly those that are taken of great artists in the aforementioned fields. More broadly, Chip and I share a similar appreciation for what we affectionately call ‘abandoned artists’, which I insist that you do not take the wrong way. It simply means that at times one encounters certain people who abandon themselves so fully to their creative work, to the point that whoever interacts with said work emerges from the experience transformed.
Last week I received a phone call from Chip, advising me of a project he’d had the pleasure to participate in, and he noted that he had commissioned a work in the series. This was noteworthy but not particularly unusual, as he has often done this in the past. What was unusual, indeed unique, was his assertion that he had finally found proof for his side of a debate that he and I have been arguing for years, if not decades by now. Indeed, to understand the thrust of my letter to you, Miss Martin, you must know that even as a collector of photography, I never believed in the technique of photography itself. This is a fine point which could easily wear out the ribbon on this ancient machine, so I will attempt to keep it succinct.
My long-running discussion with my friend relates to whether photography technique itself is transformative. It is clear that photographs themselves can transform a viewer; such a statement is undeniable. But without exception, for me, the photos with this rare power are the ones with transparent technique. The dancer, the musician, half-lit and held in contrast by the release of the shutter ... The question is whether the dance or the music is evident in their expression, and if so, then the technique has by necessity disappeared, allowing us to see the subject in their most exposed state. However, Chip always insisted that technique itself could be both apparent and transcendent; and yet he has never provided me with a single example in so many years. Thus the debate continued.
“Wow, this guy really likes to go on,” Lara remarked.
“Says the girl who wrote Other Side...” I teased.
Heather gave us a questioning look. I grinned after giving my sister a sidelong glance. “Lara wrote a song after you left, and it was like five-hundred pages long! We had to rent a storage unit to hold it all!”
Lara rolled her eyes and swatted me with the letter. “It was your idea!” she exclaimed. “Now let me keep reading.”
All of this discourse is pedantic and likely of little importance to yourself, someone who I assume sees the world in ways so very differently than I do. I will not try to convince you that my debate with Chip is even valid, but merely tell you that it existed in my mind and thus it affected how I understood photography.
But enough of the generalities. Chip was emphatic that I make the journey to the location of the exhibit, and therefore I hired a driver and car to take me out for a weekend to the far reaches of Long Island, where I would visit his new endeavor and then spend the evening at his lovely vacation house smoking cigars and partaking of his fine collection of claret. All told, a promising weekend, even if his boast should prove inadequate, as I assumed it would.
I departed late morning. Having not been advised of the nature of the exhibit, I believed the address to be mistaken as we pulled into the parking lot of what was clearly a rehabilitation center for people with vision concerns.
At this point, I once again will need to restrain myself to prevent the ink from running out. But it will suffice to say that my entire conception of photography was shattered within the first few minutes of entering that most unlikely place. The work I saw there was a view into a world I never imagined I would see. Leila’s world, of course, and that of several other persons who I’d never known; and yet I found myself involuntarily inhabiting their very being. (It has been some fifteen hours since I last stood before the display, and I continue to have physical reactions to the memory of it.)
“Hmm, ‘physical reactions’?” I mused. “Why do I get the feeling that we’re not your biggest fans anymore?”
Lara sniggered as she considered the multitude of pages that remained of the letter. “He could have just said ‘Hey, I really liked your exhibit,’ but then what would he have done with his time?”
“Oh, but read on, Lara,” Heather said, laughing.
Although I know Leila only casually, I am certainly aware of her condition and have always admired how she spoke so honestly of it. The tendency to see such a situation as a negative trait is instinct, of course, hearkening back to our basest origins. Survival of the fittest ensures that such things are rarely an advantage. This view is, of course, crude and cruel, and I abhor the thought of it.
Fortunately, we are more enlightened and can view her inherited condition as a challenge to overcome. This then is human nature, encouraging us to rise above those things that hold us down. Furthermore, we may simply see her as an equal, where the state of her vision is merely what it is: a part of her person, and while different than what we ourselves might observe, it is no unusual challenge, and no special benefit either.
I’d hoped, and even imagined that I fit into the latter category. Indeed, Leila always struck me as a talented young woman, with a formidable gift of empathy and a quiet sense of daring that went beyond what most of us would ever feel. But I need not tell you about her, a person who I am certain you know far more intimately than I ever will. No, my point is the following: for the past fifteen hours, I’ve been wondering if my own sight, surprisingly perfect given my advanced age, is the dullest possible option I could have been brought to life possessing. After inhabiting and wandering through the utterly remarkable visual landscapes presented on the walls of that gallery there, my own sight now seems a banal and coldly precise tool with which to observe the world.
This is, frankly, a stunning discovery, though I suspect you might feel I make far too much of it. But I can only speak of my experience; whether I make too much of it or not, it is what I saw in that room, repeatedly, as I stepped through each photographic doorway that was offered to me.
I will leave aside the radically new personal understanding you have given me of my friend’s daughter. That is a true gift for which I will always be indebted to you. And I will leave aside the depth and breadth of the work itself, a fact that becomes even more monumental considering it was done in some four months. (This feeling of incredulity was expanded further upon arriving at my host’s house and finding on display in his living room a sculpture - for that is the only adequate word to describe such an incredible construction of metal and glass - that was the physical manifestation of the visional transformation I’d just had the privilege of experiencing.)
Yes, I will leave all that aside, for those gifts have been delivered, from you to me, and I will hold them most dear.
What cannot be left aside is the most valuable contribution, the one that is not yet fully delivered, and indeed by its very nature will never be, until I am laid to rest in the earth: you have made me see photography itself in a completely different light. This is remarkable, considering my age and the opportunity I have had in my life to allow myself to be fully immersed in the creative world, even if it has mostly been as a dilettante.
I will never quite see things the same, Miss Martin. And not only will this apply to all I see from today going forward, but also to everything I have ever seen in my past. Indeed, I now have an intense fever to return home and look at every single photograph that I own with this new sight that you have blessed me with. Mine eyes may indeed be a cold and precise tool with which to take them in, but the true vision is found elsewhere, within the endless potential you have shown me. Until yesterday I hadn’t considered this to be a possibility, let alone something I would experience first-hand.
“Huh, he really is your biggest fan,” Lara said quietly. “What’s he getting at, though?”
“You’ll see,” Heather replied enigmatically.
“I think he’s going to ask you to marry him,” I joked.
She rolled her eyes. “Yep, nailed it...”
I am tiring, having hardly slept last night, and I fear that I am making little sense. I will soon arrive at my purpose in contacting you, but I must first explain my actions since leaving the gallery. Please bear no ill will against Chip or Leila; I asked them to put me in touch with you, but they said you were traveling and not to be contacted. Leila in particular was adamant that I not seek you out, though in the end she would not explain the reason for her insistence. This was quite strange, as a matter of fact: it was abundantly clear that she had a great and abiding admiration for you, and yet she would not answer any of my questions in that regard. Indeed, they both spoke so little of you during my entire visit that I began to wonder if you truly existed. You were the nameless artist, invisible, and yet you were gripping my heart and my mind as if you were in the room.
“Told you!” I said.
“You’re silly, Matt. Now let her read, or you’re going to miss your ride home with Frej!”
Lara folded up the papers impishly, making to put them back in the envelope. “Hmm, if that’s the case, I’m stopping... !”
“I actually do want to hear his proposal, now,” I said. “Or does the ink run out? That would be hilarious. ‘Miss Martin, will you mar—’ and it ends there.”
Heather tittered wildly. “You’ll just have to wait and see!”
Lara continued.
Again, my hosts are not at fault for my intrusion on your life. My persistence is both a virtue and a vice, and in this case, I hope it may yet turn out to be a virtue; should it not, then I apologize sincerely, profusely, and wholeheartedly.
Upon taking my leave of Chip and his daughter, I returned to the gallery, intent on finding information that should have been simple to acquire. And yet, it was with far too much effort that I finally discovered your name. The woman at the counter, while kind, absurdly had no inkling of it. The prints themselves appeared entirely unsigned at first, but even upon noticing a peculiar watermark common to them all, this was of no help. In the end, my driver proved invaluable again, discovering a small plaque that was effectively hidden behind the gallery doors, a most disadvantageous situation about which I lodged a serious complaint to the formerly mentioned attendant at the counter. She seemed disinterested, however, and I confess I did not escalate the grievance to a more senior person because of my desire to continue my journey. For this I apologize, but time was pressing.
I proceeded to take full advantage of my car, traveling to Montauk armed with only a single piece of information: a name. I arrived to this charming fishing village and I imagine I made a bit of a scene, asking every person I came across if they knew of you. I started with the art galleries in town, and then moved to some of the other establishments along the main street. It seemed a strange dream, that no one should know of you.
At last, I had some unexpected fortune. A young woman of Leila’s age overheard my question and mentioned that she attended high school with someone who shared the name with the person I was seeking. I was advised to visit the marina, where her family ran a fish market. This I did straightaway, though I had doubts that this could be the same person.
I reach the point in this excessively long letter where I must ask for your forgiveness once more. I do not know what situation I have blundered so blindly into, but upon reflection, I realize I should have taken the advice of my gracious hosts, particularly that of my friend’s daughter. Your parents were most kind, but I could soon see that something was gravely amiss and that you were not merely traveling for pleasure or business. But by then I was too far into it to give up. I pressed your parents for a way to contact you, and it was with some reluctance that they offered me the address to which I soon will send you this letter, even against my better judgment.
“Jeez, Heather,” Lara remarked. “Smart move, telling Birgitte to hold your mail. This dude doesn’t give up!”
“Yeah, but honestly, this wasn’t quite what I was thinking anyone would ever send me, when I told her that!” Heather replied with amusement. “Thankfully, it’s almost over, though.”
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Night Skies Hotel: The Unrelenting Tide By XXXecil Historian's note: This story is set in 1400 CE, 200 years after the fall of Gaia, the Sisterhood's primeline, to the Patriarchy. It is a dark time for the Sisterhood's remnant, less than 10 years after the end of the failed Second Campaign to halt and reverse the Patriarchy's expansion throughout the known timelines. Most of the remnant's allies have been destroyed, and other civilizations - fearful of the Patriarchy's seemingly...
An Explanation; This is a bridge between the concluding story in the Nylon Stalker series, and an earlier story yet to be published. But as odd as it seems, fans of the two previous submissions should be able to follow along quite easily, though some references will require a leap of faith. Hopefully, sooner than later, I'll have a wrap(ping )on the the third tale, which will bring clarity to certain items. Thanks for your trust. KOLCHAK: THE NYLON STALKER. ...
Swimming with the Tide by DKB We were lying down together and kissing. I moved my hand over her skirt, from her waist to her bum, and I put my other hand in her blouse and touched her bra. She seemed really cool about it and I was so excited I could hardly believe it was really, finally, going to happen. She was my first girlfriend. She was the most beautiful girl I knew and I was as near to her body as I was to my own. I felt myself tense up and a strange sort of buzzing...
Josef awoke, and soon realized that it was early and that today he was on duty. Already bright sunlight was streaming in through his window. He loved this time of day; so fresh, so full of opportunity and promise. As he lay there he caught the faint smell of lavender coming from somewhere. “Was it aftershave?” he wondered. Perhaps one of the officers from a nearby room had received a gift from a sweetheart of from his family. It was possible, although such a gift would be very difficult to...
Love StoriesHumorous, sexy, depraved, and tongue in cheek philosophy. I Hope Entertaining! Is the secret of happiness, audible, visual, sensual, cerebral? Or purely an emotional state? The Tide Rises: Chapter TWO “War Between Worlds” ( Inside my head ) “I will make it worth your while to listen, an offer you can’t refuse!” I’ll throw in some sex pots, my succubi daughters, Aphrodite and Venus!” Lou smugly declares. Now THAT sounds like a real hell of a father speaking. “Accept the deal, my nasty...
Humorous Parody, Sexy?, Depraved, and Tongue in Cheek. I Hope Entertaining! Conclusion. Closing this part of the story. A sequel, High Tide, takes the story in a new direction. C’ya later! Bye for now! Hasta la vista, Baby! Thanks for reading. Please vote and comment. Please? Please? Yob ????
In San Francisco, '77 was a great time to be alive if you were batting for the home team. People felt that they could do, say, or be anything they wanted. Every belief that had been held dear by the multitudes had been challenged in the previous decade and the world had collectively rocked back on its heels, trying desperately to catch its balance. Now it had and what's more, had begun to run forward. Stephan loved every minute of it. At the moment, he was trolling a bar. This was the third...
The day’s torture wasn’t over, since we still had to tell Heather about the state of things. She was supposed to be calling me that evening after dinner. Lara and I had discussed what we would say to her, but it hadn’t been easy to come up with anything. It felt cruel, now, as we remembered how inspired she’d been the past few days. Now we had to throw sand over it again and bury it away. Before dinner we went for another walk since it was easier to talk freely that way. It was dark, so we...
Colin and Shannon were still chatting near the door to Jane’s classroom, so I told her I’d grab our regular seats. When the bell rang a few minutes later, she joined me. “I guess we’ll have to check out the photos later,” Shannon said apologetically. “Tomorrow’s another day,” I said, grinning. “Nah, no school tomorrow.” I turned to her as Jane called for quiet. “Really? Why?” “Another big storm,” she whispered. “Whoa! They already cancelled?” “I don’t know. But we’re going to get...
After the successful phone call to Colin, Shannon was on cloud ten as we tramped through the deepening snow with the saw horses. Well, I carried the barricades; she badgered me about not being allowed to help. “They’re not that heavy,” I dismissed. “Which is why you should let me carry one!” “They’re crazy heavy,” I amended quickly, pretending to stagger. “This isn’t the eighteen-thirties, Matt. Chivalry is pretty much dead.” “Says the girl who dances in a show where there is literally a...
Friday. The last day before the masks went on, before Dad would have to sleep in my desk drawer for two full seasons, and before Truth was buried, maybe forever. We cleaned, we arranged, we considered everything to make our home normal. After dinner, the four of us were satisfied with both the house and the cabin. Our guests would be treated with respect and love. After dinner, Lara and I went for a walk. It was made much easier by the fact that Colin and Shannon had plowed our driveway at...
Given the unknown amount of potential baggage, Sarah decided to pick up the twins by herself. At best, one more person could have gone with her, but if it turned out that Muireann and Tommy were major packers then it would’ve been a tight fit and an uncomfortable ride. We knew from their letter that they’d likely be bringing some instruments with them. “Better safe than sorry. Besides, this will be my first and last chance to talk to them, I’m sure,” Sarah joked. “Don’t worry, we’ll let you...
I’d set an alarm for five, deciding that the lack of sleep would be better than leaving the twins stranded by themselves. However, when I slapped the sound off and staggered out into the living room, all was quiet. Figuring they’d be up soon, I grabbed my Walkman and stretched out on the couch to relax while I waited. As it turned out, I fell asleep and Lara ended up waking me up. I started, surprised to see her shaking me. “What time is it?” I asked, pulling the tangled headphones from my...
Figuring that the ‘warmest’ part of the day was passing, Lara suggested that if we still wanted to swim, now was the time. Tommy had not forgotten the offer and eagerly agreed, not put off by the frigid air temperature. We put away our guitars and returned to the house to don bathing suits. It was admittedly a bit odd, since Lara and I never did so; pulling jeans over the trunks felt completely alien. Lara had a giant stack of towels in her arms when we met up in the living room. Muireann...
“Well, last period is finally here. Enjoying the first day?” I asked, leading Muireann to some desks on the side of the classroom. I avoided my usual study hall spot, where Carl and a couple of other guys I usually sat with were already seated. “Aye, though it’s been a whirlwind,” she admitted. “Yeah, introducing you in each class ... I swear everyone has met you three times over!” Muireann sniffed. “At least that many. It felt a bit odd, all that. But everyone seems nice.” “For the most...
The morning Alana dropped me off, my reunion with Lara was delicious. We shared a long and happy hug. I’d made every effort while with Alana to do exactly one thing: be with my dear friend. But on returning, I let all that stored-up love for Lara emerge again, and I didn’t want to let go of her. Of course, we eventually had to peel apart. She was due at the shelter soon, so after greeting my moms and Frej, we resumed our morning walks that she’d kept up in my absence. As usual, we didn’t...
We entered August, the last full month of summer, of vacation, and of divine mountain warmth. I spent all my time at Clara’s; Lara increased her hours at the shelter since Chuck hired her more formally and started paying her for her computer work. Our tent became lived-in and undeniably welcoming the more we used it and adjusted our setup. With Frej’s help, we’d flown an oversized tarp above the area that gave us some dry space around the shelter in times of rain. It remained a heavenly...
Are you sure about this... ? Back down by the house, I found Frej in the garage. He was peering closely at a tangle of wires. “These new electronics...” he grumbled. “They are all so small and impossible to fix... ! Or maybe I need glasses.” I laughed as best I could with the tremors that seemed to be creeping into me from all sides. I haven’t been sure of anything lately... “Need a break?” I asked. He tossed the thing onto the worktable and grinned at me. “Yes, that is enough for...
We followed Heather down the pathway to the rocky intertidal expanse and picked our way toward the rowboat that sat patiently in the shallows. Between us, we silently pushed the craft into deeper waters, until it floated freely with enough clearance for the extra weight it would now carry. Heather held it steady as first Lara and then I got in. She joined us with a nimble leap. I studied the rowboat as I sat in the stern with Lara. Though clearly aged, it was sturdy and well-maintained. A...
Not even twenty-five hours into our new life, it became clear that our bodies were entirely unprepared for the relentless existence of sea-harvesting with Heather. When we awoke after that first night’s sleep, early morning’s glow was faint. What’s the rush? It was Heather who had roused us, and despite various attempts to roll over and slumber away the deep soreness that pervaded every cubic inch of my limbs, she would not allow it. I finally yawned, struggled to sit up, and gave her a look...
“Welcome to darkroom class,” I announced as Muireann followed me into the darkroom the following evening. She eyed me. “Are you going to lie on the bed again?” I grinned broadly. “I think I might, and let you do the work. Hands-on is the best way to learn, right?” “You’re going to give Tommy a run for the title of laziest boy.” “Am I winning yet?” Muireann just smirked and started blacking out the windows. “I have to admit something,” she said. “What’s that?” “I didn’t realize the...
When Melissa and I returned to the house after dropping off the order for the necklace, nothing much had changed. In the cabin I found Lara and Tommy at the table, intently studying a sheet of paper. They didn’t even glance at me as I closed the door. I could hear Muireann’s muffled fiddle playing from the darkroom, the sound of a slow Irish melody permeating the warmed air inside. “How’s it going?” I announced, taking off my coat. After scribbling something down, Lara turned to me, smiling...
I felt an arm grip my winter coat. “Matt ... I don’t know that we can do this!” “Of course you can. It’s not that hard.” “No, I’m worried about Tommy!” she whispered. “What if he falls? Or runs into someone?” I gave her gloved hand a pat. “He’ll be okay. It’s pretty soft, you know. Watch...” I let myself fall sideways like a cut tree, landing on my hip and shoulder. Muireann gave a little cry of surprise, but I just laughed it off. In another moment I was standing again. “You want to...
“We need to decide what song we’re going to audition with,” I announced, as the five of us settled into the cabin for some rehearsal. Colin looked at me. “Let’s vote then. What are the choices? We have a lot of songs that we know now. Some more than others.” “I’m thinking we should do an original,” I offered. “We have Four Days, Shell Game, Absinthe... And Please Don’t Stop, but since we played that one at the show last year, probably not a good idea.” “Don’t forget Gunkstomp!” Lara...
“What have we here?” Jane asked, coming to a stop in front of our half-dozen pictures. “Twins,” Muireann said. “Aha.” She examined our spread. “Did you do the project together?” “Aye, we tried something different.” I could hear the hope in Muireann’s voice, that this would be okay by our teacher. Jane pursed her lips. “Interesting approach.” “I know there’s only six photos, but we both did take six shots,” I explained. “There’s two exposures on each!” Jane gave me a small smile. “Yes,...
“Damn, I’ve missed you,” I whispered. She giggled. “Wow, I didn’t realize how much!” “Hey now! Hands above the waist!” Heather cuddled up closer to me on the couch as the hubbub carried on in the rest of the great room. After all the greetings and chats following our guests’ arrival, dinner was soon going to be ready. With Frej volunteering to help with what remained of meal preparations, we’d been told to go hang out. Not being one to deny my parents’ wishes, I didn’t think twice to drag...
I tried delaying our hike for a day. I really did. Although Heather’s ankle was sore after she removed the ski boots in the lodge, by the time we got home it was already feeling a little better. She could certainly get around, since it mostly hurt only when putting sideward pressure on it. Skiing was probably out for a few days, at least, but a walk through the woods was not worth postponing. Or so she said. I was of two minds. Twenty-four hours of extra rest would allow more time for her to...
The music store wasn’t too far from the jeweler’s shop, so Heather and I walked there. “I mean, I get it, now,” I said, still caught up in the surprising meaning of the Chinese symbol she now wore around her neck. “Oh, I think you got it a long time ago,” Heather said. “It’s just a word, Matt. It has no meaning on its own.” “I know, I know. It’s just ... most people would find it kind of...” “Weird,” she supplied. “You said it, not me,” I laughed. “It is what it is.” “Yeah ... Anyway,...
Three girls, three cameras... And me, tagging along, superfluous but certainly enjoying myself. I offered to be their model a few times, but they seemed to prefer photographing each other. And there was the teasing, of course. Endless. “Nice, Muireann!” Heather chirped. “You’ve learned a lot about photography, I can tell.” “She has a good eye,” Shannon agreed. “Matt has been teaching me.” “Which makes it all the more surprising!” Funny... But even there, I was given three cute grins,...
Admittedly, I was slightly apprehensive as we pulled into our clearing that evening after our day of skiing. Heather, alone with Tommy all day... The snow was falling heavily again through the headlight beams. Both Frej’s and the Martins’ cars were parked in the same positions they had been that morning, and they remained covered in several inches of snow. Oddly, there were no lights on in the main house. Maybe Muireann was rubbing off on me, because for a few seconds I had a panicked vision...
Mairead and Aongus left after lunch the next day, forced to end their vacation earlier than Frej and Heather due to the demands of the business they owned. I was indeed grateful for the Danishman’s generosity in allowing Heather to remain for another three days. The Martins’ departure left a rather obvious hole in our daily schedule. After dinner was cleared and we sat around the table, it suddenly seemed remarkably silent. The positive feedback loop between Tommy and Aongus had been...
I was grateful for the band. Heather’s departures were never a good thing for me, inevitably the start of a long slide down into wistful distance, but the fact that I could go from our final embrace to playing my guitar within fifteen minutes was at the very least a welcomed distraction. “So we need to start thinking about a set for the battle,” I said, once we’d played a few numbers to warm up and clear the farewell feelings as best we could. “We have six originals, so we’ll need another...
The week passed slowly and somewhat agonizingly, since Gwen couldn’t rehearse again until the following weekend, and the homework was being laid on thick. I was anxious to make as much progress as we could on the set, which we still hadn’t quite settled on. Certainly as the battle approached, I was imagining more and more how it might turn out, even though I knew that daydreaming about the glories of winning was a dangerous game. Things could turn out so many different ways, surely, but in...
If I hadn’t been sure that Tommy had Dr. Kendall in his back pocket, that was put to rest in study hall the following Tuesday. Carmen, Tommy, and I were walking along the outside of the school building, on our way to the fields as was our habit now, when the principal rounded the far corner and came toward us. “Uh oh,” Carmen said. “Caught.” “Principal alert,” I whispered, for Tommy’s benefit. The three of us laughed quietly, all of us wearing shades as was our other habit these days. “We...
Carmen was disappointed but seemed understanding when I called her to let her know that we didn’t have room for her after all. It was a bit strange to talk to her on the phone, something that I didn’t think I’d ever done before. Odd, considering we were together for a while. Then again, this fact was testament to how messed up that time had been for me. Saturday evening arrived, and it was not without some anxiety that we packed the gear into Colin and Shannon’s vehicles. While my moms...
“Hello?” “Oh hi, Mrs. Martin. How are you?” “Matt ... It’s me,” Heather said. I jerked in my chair. “What... ? No way! You said ‘Hello’!” “I guess I did.” This must be part of a joke... “Okay ... Where have you been? We were supposed to talk on Wednesday, remember?” “What day is it today?” Heather asked. I was quiet for a second. “It’s Friday? Seriously, is everything all right? You answered weird ... Well, you answered normally, which is weird for you. And you really don’t know what...
I was surprisingly alert when Tommy and I slipped into Frej’s car at a quarter of six, just as the light was starting to make itself known in the east. I let Tommy have the front so I could squeeze against Heather in the back. “Good morning, my love,” she whispered, and immediately I wondered if I was overdressed for the warmth she caused in me. Maybe forgetting all my clothes at home would be okay after all. Damn kissing ban, though... “Is your man coming with us today?” Tommy asked...
Lara responded so sweetly when I asked if she could entertain the twins, that I took her into a surprisingly hard hug. We were alone in my room, so I made no effort to hold back. “Easy there, bro,” she warned, even as she returned the tight embrace. “I’m so sorry about the underwater thing,” I breathed. “I still feel terrible about it.” “No sweat. I know you didn’t do it on purpose, because you hate doing laundry. And now you’re stuck doing it every day!” I laughed. “True. But it’s the...
It was strange to wake up. I was still on the couch, but Heather was gone, and I was horizontal and covered by a blanket. I could hear my moms and aunt chatting in the living room, since I was occupying their usual morning hangout spot. Then again, the sun was bright and the shadows on the porch floor were well past parallel to the wood beams, suggesting that my first meal of the day would be called ‘late lunch’ and certainly not ‘breakfast’. So, I really took their usual afternoon spot......
I think I’m half-Danish... It took me a moment, I’ll admit. It was perhaps like seeing someone on a distant hill make an odd movement, and only realizing a long second later that it was the head-on motion of an archer having released an arrow to fly forth from her bow. It took me a moment, yes, but then that five-word missile arrived, slamming into my heart with surgical precision. The world seemed to spin. I only knew one Danish person, and I knew him quite well. I struggled to hold her...
“Do you wish this never happened?” she asked quietly. I turned to look at Heather, her face illuminated by the fading twilight. Until now, Heather had not spoken in the half-hour or so since I’d silently confirmed her connection to Frej. I didn’t mind the quiet, because I had much to think about myself. The pier was strangely deserted, and we’d migrated to the gazebo to sit. “Why do you say that?” I asked. “Because it really puts a new light on everything.” “It does, it does,” I agreed....
I was just about to make a call when Lara poked her head into my room. “Back to the telephone life, huh?” she said, giving me a sympathetic look. “Yep. Hard times again.” “You could’ve been born a hundred years ago,” she observed, “and then you wouldn’t even have had the phone.” “If I’d been born a hundred years ago, I would’ve missed out on her completely. And on you too, sis ... But I’m glad for the phone either way.” Lara nodded thoughtfully. “True. Come up to the cabin when you’re...
On Monday, I was very relieved to get summoned to the principal’s office. Despite the amused looks I got from my classmates, I was feeling pretty high. Dr. Kendall had been silent since our meeting the previous week, a bit worrisome since the time before May wasn’t exactly abundant. But I trusted in his promise, and now it seemed we’d be shifting into gear. When I stepped into his office, another man was already sitting in one of the chairs. He looked vaguely familiar. I took the initiative...
“Sorry I stole your bed,” Lara said, giving me a sheepish grin as she wandered out of my room the next morning. I shrugged. “The couch is comfortable enough.” “I didn’t mean to fall asleep. We were working on lyrics, you know, and ... Yeah. Where is everyone?” “Colin’s not here yet, and Gwen came by a while ago but just grabbed Muireann and took off. And you and Tommy have been sleeping like logs.” “Where did Gwen take her?” “Beats me. She said they’d be back in a few...
“Hello?” Uh oh ... That’s not good... “I don’t like the sound of that,” I said. “The last time you answered ‘Hello’ was—” “Good evening, Matt,” Mairead interrupted. “Oh, hi, Mrs. Martin!” “Heather is not here,” she added, her voice quite amused. I would’ve laughed, except that I suddenly realized how close I’d just been to revealing Heather’s secret. Holy shit... ! Way too close. “I’m sorry about that just now,” I explained, my skin prickling. “Sometimes Heather, well ... She’ll...
The scene at Smith Park, when we pulled in around noon, was rather astonishing. The light scaffolds loomed over the stage, and for a long moment I stood by the car door in complete shock. We’re going to be playing on that... ! “Are you coming, lad?” Tommy asked, having already seized his guitar and equipment bag from the trunk. I snapped out of it and went to grab my own things. “Yeah. It’s just that ... it looks pretty damn neat, man.” He grinned. “I’m sure it does. Now let’s go set...
The post-concert went by in a rush. People came and went, to greet us, share their joy and emotions. The twins and Lara in particular were mobbed, which was fine with me. I’ve had just about as much excitement as I can take... After hugging the people closest to me, I slipped back up to the stage again, grateful for the banality of winding cables, collapsing mic stands, and the opportunity to help the sound and lighting crews get their work done just a little faster. They’d been amazing...
Away... From us... To say these words affected me would be a vast understatement. The massive upwelling that I’d seen a moment earlier in Heather’s eyes, that flood which would destroy everything around ... It suddenly burst out of the sea. Nothing prepared me for its impact. My throat constricted and suffocation beckoned, caressing me gently into blackening edges. “Why?” I tried to ask, but the sound was grotesque, a pitiful gurgle at best. “Shh, shhhh,” she consoled through tears,...
On the day that our connection was severed, I was roused by a warm hand caressing my face, the fingers leaving behind energetic currents. “Good morning, my love...” I opened my eyes all at once. The sun was just barely tinting the sky, and I was disoriented, wondering why the couch felt odd. It took me a moment to realize that I was down in the main house. Memories abruptly returned in a panicked rush. The night before, after partying for a while, the three of us had taken to Lara’s old bed...
The long work of pulling the concert together had fully caught up and crashed into me. That wasn’t the source of my problems, though, or I would’ve simply slept hard for a few days and been done with it. If I’d wanted to take a ‘sick’ day or two to stay home from school, no one would have batted an eyelid, for any of us. I wouldn’t have even had to fake a fever, holding the thermometer against a hot light bulb. I could just cash in on good karma. Instead, on Wednesday I’d found myself...