Shutter ReleaseChapter 55: Lie Down free porn video

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The morning Alana dropped me off, my reunion with Lara was delicious. We shared a long and happy hug. I’d made every effort while with Alana to do exactly one thing: be with my dear friend. But on returning, I let all that stored-up love for Lara emerge again, and I didn’t want to let go of her.

Of course, we eventually had to peel apart. She was due at the shelter soon, so after greeting my moms and Frej, we resumed our morning walks that she’d kept up in my absence. As usual, we didn’t speak except to say goodbye at the crossroads, knowing that we’d have our evening swim to catch up on the latest happenings. That didn’t mean we couldn’t share smiles, though.

After she split off to go to the shelter, I took a road that Joe had not yet walked along. I scanned the neighborhood, soon spotting a good target in the form of a house with a pile of dead limbs and other detritus stacked haphazardly against its side. The choice was made even more appealing by the sight of a handsome woman in her forties, presumably the resident, toiling in her garden. An easy ask: no doorbells, shotguns, or rabid dogs...

After chatting her up about her freshly planted flower row – a topic I actually knew something about since working at Clara’s house – I checked if she needed the scrap pile cut up and bagged for disposal.

“Oh, I’m hoping my kid will take care of it,” she said. “He’s promised for months, ever since the limbs came down in a storm. Missed the eaves by this much, I tell you,” she added, holding her fingers an inch apart.

“That was lucky! I’m happy to take care of it, if you’re tired of waiting. Kids these days, not doing their chores,” I joked.

She sized me up, reaffirming to both herself and me the fact that I was also a kid. Then she shook her head. “At this point, it’s going to turn into a lesson for him. But thank you for the offer.”

“Of course. Have a good day then!”

She looked up at me again. “Are you that guy that’s been going around town helping folks out?”

I shrugged. “I heard there were a bunch of guys doing that this summer,” I said, suppressing a grin.

“Is that so...” she replied, her voice full of doubt. “What kind of work can you do?”

“Um ... I’m still figuring that out. Basic stuff, for sure. Cutting, organizing, cleaning, stuff like that. Yard work. Clearing out piles that kids haven’t gotten around to taking care of.”

She seemed on the verge of rolling her eyes, but she kept it to just a grin.

“Anything more,” I finished, “I’d have to look at it.”

“What about painting?”

“Oh, I’ve done some, yeah. I painted a dance studio in town last year. But I’m no expert.”

“How about that nightmare?” She thumbed her porch, which sported an intricate railing that had seen better days.

I wandered over. The ancient white paint was highly chipped and flaking off.

“You want it stripped down and painted?” I asked.

“I’ve been meaning to get it done for some time now.”

I examined the rails for a bit. “Yeah, I could do this. Do you have the paint already?”


“Well, it’ll take me a while to strip all that old stuff off, but if you get some paint, brushes and all that, I can get it done. Probably in ... a couple of days? Maybe three.”

“That would work. How much would you charge?”

“I work for donations.”

“How much, though?”

“Whatever you feel like.”

She eyed me. “So you are that guy ... My friend told me about you. You helped her out with restacking some firewood. And just so you know, she later felt bad that she didn’t pay you.”

I laughed. “Like I said, it was probably someone else.”

The woman wasn’t fooled, but she was kind enough not to press.

“You’ll do a good job, right?” she asked, narrowing her eyes.

“I’ll do my best. And if it’s not good enough, I’ll pay to get it fixed up by someone better than me. Guaranteed.”

She pursed her lips. “No, no, that wouldn’t be fair to you ... Hmm ... I know, how about you start with the section there behind the bushes? If that hidden part goes well, you can do the rest.”

I grinned. “Now that sounds like a good plan!”

“Good. What’s your name?”

“Dwayne,” I replied. “And you must be Mrs. Hammond?”

Her surprised frown softened when she glanced at her labeled mailbox. “Yes, I am. Hazel Hammond.”

“Hazel Hammond ... That’s a nice sounding name!” I remarked.

“Well, thank you! I always found it so old-fashioned, though. It was popular fifty years before I was born, and the only Hazels I ever knew back then were all old grandparents. But I suppose that ‘kids these days’ wouldn’t know that kind of thing.”

I grinned at her. “No, they wouldn’t. And that’s why it’s a nice sounding name to a kid like me!”

She laughed, almost girlishly. “Fair enough. So, do you know what type of paint I should buy?”

“No. But I’m sure the hardware store will know, if you tell them what it’s for. Outdoor stuff, obviously, and a primer, since this looks like it’s down to bare wood,” I said, rubbing part of the railing.

“Okay. When can you start?”

I hummed. “In about ... twenty seconds?”


“No time like the present.”

“Why twenty seconds though?” she asked.

“So that we could have this little discussion we just had.”

She laughed heartily for a good bit. “You know what, you can go ahead and paint the whole railing. You don’t strike me as an idiot.”

If only you knew, Hazel Hammond ... Fooled you!

“I appreciate the vote of confidence. I’ll make it good, one way or the other. Where are your tools?”

It wasn’t long before I’d spread out an old sheet and was scraping paint with a spatula. It would work for now, but I asked her to pick up a smaller one as well. She soon drove off to get the supplies.

It was satisfying work, watching the flat metal dissociate the flakes from the smooth wood beneath. I thought back to my first random job with that couple that I’d met on the way home from Clara’s on that amazing day, loading those boards that also were full of peeling paint. Now I had the chance to make something nice of the same type of situation, rather than throw it all out at the dump. Cycles...

I’d finished most of the widest segment by the time Hazel returned. She handed me a couple of smaller scrapers. I immediately put them to good use on the sections of filigree where the larger blade hadn’t fit.

“The wood underneath is sound,” I said, rapping my knuckle against one vertical post, enjoying the percussive effect of it.

“Oh, good. You never know when wood rot will creep up on you.”

“No worries about that so far.”

“I’ll leave the paint in the garage until you’re ready for it.”

“Sounds good. If you flip it upside-down it will speed up the mixing.”

She pursed her lips at me. “Will do, Dwayne. Will it bother you if I keep gardening?” she asked.

“Not at all!”

It felt a bit like Christmas, watching the metal implements slowly unwrap the original wood from its dead covering. Since Hazel wasn’t in a hurry, neither was I, so I carefully worked each post and rail in its entirety, steadily marching down the line.

We made occasional small talk. I found it easy to make her laugh, which made the work even more enjoyable, particularly because I sensed that Hazel Hammond wasn’t quite the picture of gardening happiness that one might think at first glance. Mostly we worked in silence, and in those moments when I’d study her face and watch her movements, she was somewhere else, with someone else. Her fingers patted the dirt around the flowers, but it seemed to me as if she were tucking in a bed sheet. Maybe the laughter was necessary for her, then, to stay whatever course she was on. Then again, I wonder what Hazel sees in my work...

I was extra careful to keep my own drop cloth spread so that the bits of paint wouldn’t travel into her rich earthy beds. In the end, the scraping took less time than I expected, since the paint was hardly holding to the grain anymore. Only the occasional spot had needed slightly more effort. Eventually I pulled the sheet corners together for the final time and took the bundle to her trash container by the side of the house, dumping the last pile of old flakes away. With a broom I secured from the garage, I swept up the porch, gathering the few remnants that had flown outside of the collection boundaries.

When I returned from putting away the tools, Hazel was inspecting the work with decided admiration. Admittedly, the grayed wood appeared quite stately, in its own way, and I’d made sure that not a single speck of the old coat remained.

“This looks really good already,” she decided.

“It came off pretty easily.”

“Can I offer you some water? Lemonade? Soda?”

“Lemonade sounds great.”

“Please, come inside then.”

I followed her into the house, a cozy little place. In the kitchen, she pulled out two tall glasses for us and filled them with ice and pale liquid from a fridge pitcher, giving each one a spritz of fresh lemon juice before dunking the wedge into my glass.

“Thanks,” I said, taking a sip. It was tangy and hit the spot.


For lack of anything else to do, I glanced around her kitchen and my eyes got caught up on the photos she had on her fridge. I stepped close and examined one particular shot of three young kids sitting along a curb, lit by ruddy evening light. They had the classic appearance of having been out in the long daylight hours of mountain summer, playing hard and getting dirty. The girl, who seemed about ten, was in the middle and had her two arms wrapped around the boys, who looked to be a few years to either side of her in age.

“Are these your kids?” I asked, unable to help myself upon seeing the warm and nostalgic photo.

“Yes, they are.” Hazel came beside me and pointed. “Joseph, my oldest ... Jennifer, and Jonathan.”

I chuckled. “You must like the letter J.”

“Yes, but the names ran in the family,” she explained with a chuckle. “It’s Joseph Junior, and so forth.”

“Nice. I have a picture just like this, of me and my sister ... Really captures that summer feeling. They look happy.”

Hazel nodded. “Those were happier times. Joseph ... He was recently wounded in the Middle East.”

I felt a pang of pain. “Oh no, I’m sorry to hear that! Is he okay?”

“Not ... really. He lost one of his legs.”

I gasped, feeling like an idiot for pointing at photos that were none of my business. “I’m so sorry, Mrs. Hammond. I can’t even imagine!”

She gestured vaguely at the fridge. “He’s still at the Stratton VA hospital.”

“Is that down in New York City?”

“No, Albany. But it still feels like he’s half a world away.”

I sighed, saying nothing because my mind was whirring again, seeing things that had been hidden but now revealed in Hazel’s kitchen. Tucking sheets in the garden... Funny how the masks could come off in the most unexpected of situations, if you just knew how to look. And thankfully I didn’t call myself Joe today...

Hazel moved to her sink and messed with some dishes there. “Will you start painting today?”

“Oh, um ... I was thinking of getting the primer done, yeah. And then the actual paint tomorrow.”

“That sounds good. Feel free to take breaks as you need them. Help yourself to lemonade, as well, if you don’t see me around. I’ll leave the door open.”

I nodded. “Thank you, Mrs. Hammond.” I started for the front door, and then turned. “I’m really sad to hear that, about Joe. I hope he comes out of it as best he can.”

“Thank you. We all do.”

“So ... How was camping on the cliff?” Lara sang as we walked up to our pool that evening.

I smiled slyly. “It was really fun.”

“Obviously ... You were there long enough! But I knew it would be a good time. I really am kicking myself for not going with you!”

“Me too ... I missed you a ton.”

“I know,” she said, taking my hand.

“It was super laid back. I mean, that cliff overlook is insanely beautiful. I guess I don’t have much to say much about it right now. Still mulling things over.”

“Maybe you need to be stoned to talk about it?” she teased.

“Actually, that’s probably exactly it!” I said. “And I think I’m still feeling the dazed leftovers of that even now!”

“Well, I missed you a lot too, but I actually did have a great time here. The computer thing I’m doing at the shelter is as good as getting high, for me.”

I gave her an appreciative look. “Really?”

“Yeah ... And no dazed leftovers the next day! What I’m doing is kind of basic, with these posters, you know. But after seeing what Gwen’s guy made for our album, and now seeing how it actually is done, I’m really digging it.”

“Tell me you made a version of our album cover with dogs on it instead,” I joked.

Lara’s eyes widened. “Oh my god, that would be so funny!”

“You can use my guitars for them to pose with. But you’ll have to wait until Shannon is back to get the tree background picture from her. I don’t have a copy.”

She continued laughing. “I’m totally going to do that.”

We soon slipped into the pool and sighed at the comfort of it.

“So I started painting a porch for this lady.”

“Wow, that’s a bigger job than usual for Mr. Nameless!”

“Yeah ... It’s actually the biggest challenge I’ve had this summer.”

Lara eyed me. “Why, is it some giant rotting thing?”

“No, it’s a nice porch, and not too big.”

“Why is it hard then?”

I looked at her for a bit, swirling the warm water. “The woman’s son.”

“Is he giving you a hard time?”

I shrugged. “Nah. He’s going through hell. I’m just glad to be doing this job for her, though.”

Lara nodded. “Cool. But I guess the ‘fucking around town’ thing is going to slow down now.”


“Don’t you start Clara’s floor soon?”

“Shit, you’re right. What day is it today?”


“Yeah, Monday we start. Damn ... Time’s flying.”

“Spending half the month with Alana will do that to you!”

I sniffed. “Whatever. It was like, two days! Or three?”

“Four, bro ... You really do need to smoke less. Still wish I’d gone with you, though. And I keep thinking I want to go camping too, but then I’m like, why? I have everything I want right here!”

“True...” I looked around, an idea blossoming. “You know, we could set the tent up here.”


I gestured to an area on the bank. “Over there would work.”

“Really? Fine, but I call the uphill side! That way I’ll end up on top of you in the morning, and not the other way around!”

I sent a look her way. “No, we can level it. Carve out a flat spot.”

“Or we could set it up in the side yard where it’s already pretty flat.”

“Or we could sleep in our beds like normal people. I don’t know. It was just an idea.”

“Moms are going to think we’re abandoning them. I mean we basically live in the cabin now, and if we move up here...”

I pursed my lips. “In a way, we are abandoning them. We have been, for sixteen years.”

“Wow ... Deep thoughts, by Matt the Splat.”

I rolled my eyes. “I should never have told you that story.”

“But you did!” she teased. “And I’m never going to forget it!”

“You know what? Fuck it, enough talking. I’m going to get a shovel. You want one, to help?”

“What, you’ve had enough of me? Are we digging my grave now?”

“That’s ... morbid, Lara ... But yeah, maybe we are!”

“Sure, I’ll help!” she chirped happily.

We spent the waning hours of the afternoon moving dirt and stones around. It was tough work, given the rockiness of the area we selected and the size of flat space we needed. The tent footprint was a bit bigger than I remembered after all.

At one point during our labor, Lara came to a stop near me. “One of these days someone’s going to hike by here and be like, ‘What the fuck kind of crazy... ‘“ Lara remarked.

I looked her over, standing there stark naked save for her sneakers. Sweat and dirt covered her body, and her raven hair was rather unkempt from the effort of digging and hauling.

“Now that I look at you,” I said, “I’m even thinking that!”

Lara shoulder-checked me, before moving on with the boulder she held. “Like you look any better. Are you ever going to cut your hair or shave again?”

“I know, I know ... It is looking a bit dumb,” I admitted. “When I used Hazel’s bathroom today, I was a bit surprised that she even hired me on.”

“Hazel?” Lara asked.

“The porch lady.”

“You’re on a first name basis with her, huh? How old is she?”

I shrugged. “Like our moms’ age.”

“Maybe she’s into that rough and ready look.”

I sniggered. “‘Into’? I’m painting her porch, not dating her.”

“‘Oh Hazel... ? Can you help me with this pole?’” Lara whined with dramatically lewd emphasis.

“Shut up! That’s the lamest thing I’ve heard, since—Well, whatever. And I didn’t realize you stopped by Alice’s for a movie on the way home. Is that where you picked up that line?”

Lara sniggered.

“And no, she’s not into me,” I continued. “I just like her name. And I don’t call her Hazel, besides.”

“Is she married?”

“I don’t know.”

“Wearing a ring? Pictures of dudes in the house?”

“Lara, for fuck’s sake. You’re asking Mr. Blind! For all I know she had three husbands sitting in the living room drinking beer, watching a game, and I walked right by them all.”

She was far too amused now.

“Yeah, laugh it up,” I added, shoving the spade into the dirt again and containing my own laugh.

It was dusk by the time we had the tent set up. After spending some time to get clean in the pool, we dried off and crawled inside.

“Not sure if I feel like setting up the sleeping bags tonight, but this is not bad!” Lara exclaimed happily.

“We’ll need to level the ground a bit more tomorrow, since it’s still a little bumpy. But then we can have a place up here to hang out and sleep.”

She nodded appreciatively. “This is really cool.” She glanced out at the pool. “Too bad the stream wasn’t bigger, or we could even be fishing for our own meals.”

I laughed. “Sadly not, unless you think a couple of fried tadpoles will be enough for you.”

Lara made a face at me.

“Anyway,” I added, “Moms will want to see us every now and then.” I climbed out of the tent and stretched. “Speaking of, I guess we should see what’s up with dinner.”

Lara emerged and wrapped her arms around me from behind, hugging me tightly.

“Uh, what are you doing?” I asked.

“Hugging you?”

“We don’t hug when we’re naked,” I reminded her. “That’s like the oldest rule we have.”

“I don’t give a fuck about rules anymore. I want to hug you, and damn it if I’m going to put on clothes just for that!”

“All right,” I replied, laughing.

“Although ... I guess we do need to get dressed for dinner anyway,” she remembered.

“Mm hmm...”

“So I could have waited a minute...”


“But you know what?”


“I still don’t give a fuck!”

She held tight a bit longer, pressing the side of her head to my back in contentment. She hummed a little song while I caressed her hands and stared out into the dark woods of our glen. The sounds of the night started surrounding us.

A most beautiful place...

“Come on,” I finally urged. “I’m starved.”

I spent the following day at Hazel’s house. The painting was quite easy in the end, since I was in no rush and I made sure to be careful about keeping things clean. It was almost a trancelike state that I settled into, working my way around the porch. I finished in late afternoon, taking only a short break to eat the sandwich I’d brought. Hazel had offered me lunch, but I didn’t want to impose on her. She had plenty to think about already, besides trying to feed the help.

I was cleaning up when she emerged from the house.

“Finished already?” she chimed.

“I think so. Please check it out and see if anything needs touching up.”

I went to the garage to rinse out brushes while she inspected. When I returned, Hazel’s eyes were flashing. She came close to me and put a hand on my arm, giving it a very affectionate rub.

“Well, you’ve certainly exceeded expectations,” she gushed. “It looks really nice!”

“Glad to hear that.”

“Can I get you a lemonade?”

“Sure, I’ll have one before I go. Where do you want the sheets? They still have some wet paint drips on them.”

“Just fold them and set them on the garage shelf above the paint cans.”

When I’d finished with that task, I walked down the driveway and appraised the house from the sidewalk. The work had certainly freshened up the elevation and made her recently planted flowers pop out even more.

“Looks good, huh?” she called out to me.

I gave her a thumbs up as I returned to the porch. She handed me a glass and gestured to the chairs. I sat in one and she settled into the other with a Rolling Rock in hand. An envelope lay on the armrest of her seat.

“Are you good with building things out of wood?” she asked.

I finished my long slug of the icy liquid. “Not that I know of. But what do you need?”

“I’m hoping that Joseph will be coming soon to stay here for a little time. That’s why I’ve been trying to get the place looking nice. I want to make a ramp for the front steps, so we can wheel him up and down a little easier. Something sturdy but not too heavy, that I can move into the garage if I need to.”

“I’d love to help you, but I wouldn’t know how to build that. Sorry.”

She nodded. “I just thought I’d ask.”

We sat in silence for a time and I finished my lemonade.

“Just leave your glass there on the table,” she indicated. “I’ll take care of it.”

“Okay, thanks. I am helping someone replace a floor starting the day after tomorrow, so I’ll have more building experience in a few weeks ... But I know that doesn’t help you now.”

Hazel smiled at me. “I appreciate the thought. I’ll call around, though, don’t worry. You’ve been a huge help with the painting. Here, this is for you, for your time and effort. I hope it’s enough. Oh, and there’s an extra twenty in there from my friend who you helped with the firewood. When I told her you were painting my porch, she insisted on making things right.”

“I’m sure it’s enough,” I said, taking the envelope from her hand. “Thank you.”

The flap wasn’t sealed, and I could easily see that there was a decent amount of cash within. More than enough... I held the payment awkwardly, my mind whirring again. Hey, I’m old enough to donate blood now... ! The forgotten thought was rather random, but I made a note to look into it. Eventually... Then I held the envelope back out to Hazel.

She eyed it, and then me. “What’s wrong?”

“I want to give it back to you.”

She chuckled, waving me away. “Don’t be ridiculous, Dwayne. You earned that.”

“I know, but I want to help. With Joseph.”

She sighed. “You already have. And I can afford a ramp, don’t worry!”

“Oh, no, I didn’t mean it in that way, honestly. I want to donate it. For him, or for the VA, or whatever you’d call it. I don’t know the term, exactly, sorry.”

“No, that’s your money.” She pushed my hand away with finality.

With finality ... I chuckled, because I wasn’t done, though.

“Look,” I said quietly. “One of two things is going to happen. Either you can take this back and donate it to the right place, or you can let me try to donate it. It’s happening one way or another. But I don’t have a car and wouldn’t know where the best place would be, like you would. Hmm ... Maybe the right way to look at it is: will you please help me donate this?”

Hazel stared off at the road, twirling her beer in her fingers. She then set the green glass bottle between her thighs and pushed her face into her hands. I slumped down, feeling bad as I watched her shoulders twitch a few times.

“I’m really sorry—” I started.

“No, no ... It’s not you,” she murmured. “It’s just been a hard year, and ... Well, you got to me. I don’t know who you are, or why you’d want to do this, but you got to me.”

“Will you help me donate this then?” I pressed gently.

She sighed and pulled away from her palms, wiping her cheeks and shrugging helplessly. “It sounds like you won’t take no for an answer.”

“I can figure it out myself, if it’s too much for you to deal with. I didn’t mean to cause you trouble ... I just thought—I’m sorry, maybe I should go. Thanks for letting me paint the porch, and take care.”

I rose and started toward the steps, but she grabbed my arm gently as I passed her. “Are you sure about this?”

“I am.”

She took a steadying breath. “There’s a veteran’s group that you could donate to.”

“Would you be able to get this to them?”

“I can send them a check.” She looked up at me, her hazel eyes still moist.

I held out the envelope, and this time she took it ... With finality.

“I’m going to go home and get some dinner,” I said quietly. “Thank you, Hazel Hammond. And good luck with Joseph.”

I pulled my hand out of her gentle grip and gave her a little smile. She still seemed to be out of it, but she managed a nod.

“Thank you,” she called out.

I raised a hand and waved as I backed down the stairs. Then I turned and walked home. Immediately I was filled with excitement.

It’s time to make our bed!

The final leveling of the tent plot didn’t take long in the light of evening. We added some drainage moats and settled an old tarp onto the area to give some extra moisture protection. Once the tent was up again, we collected our sleeping bags, pillows, and some additional comforts from the house.

“Our moms are so cool,” I said, as we walked back up the rise.

“Yeah, I know right? ‘Hey, we’re going to start sleeping in the woods like wild animals... ‘ and they’re like, ‘Great, knock yourselves out!’”

“Now I’m even thinking of bringing my chest of drawers up here!” I joked.

She guffawed. “No shit, I thought of that too!”

Lara crawled into the tent and set about unrolling the bags.

“Make it cozy,” I said.

“For sure. Damn, I’m ready to go to sleep now!”

“Um ... It’s like eight or something. When’s the last time you went to bed at eight?”

“Probably when I was five. And I feel like I’m that old right now!”

I laughed at her childlike enthusiasm. “Just don’t pee the bed, all right?”

“Damn it, Matt the Splat, stop it with that!”

“Fine. As soon as you quit it with that name!”


I looked around for a bit, eyeing the trees. With a little work, we could probably get another tarp suspended above the tent for more protection from the rain. I made another mental note to stop by the hardware store for some long rope.

At dinner, we were like two impatient kids. By the time Melissa served out some watermelon for dessert, our folks were probably very glad that we were moving into the woods, what with all the joking around and going on about ridiculous possibilities for our camp.

At last, after having said goodnight to our folks and Frej, we made our way up through the trees.

“What I’m wondering is why we never did this before,” Lara remarked.

I shrugged. “It probably won’t be as fun when we have real lives again. Homework and getting ready for school and all that crap.”

“I’m willing to give it a shot. Hey, at least we can stay up here on weekends, right?”

“I’m game. Eventually it’ll get too cold, though.”

“I don’t know. With enough blankets, it could be really awesome to be in the tent with snow all around.”

“Let’s take it one day at a time,” I said, rolling my eyes.

“Do you think they’d let us move into the cabin at least?”

I shrugged. “We pretty much have moved there.”

“Well, I mean like for real, though. Move our clothes and desks up there, empty our rooms so they can become the new guest rooms, down in the house.”

“I’d feel bad about moving out like that,” I said.

Lara narrowed her eyes at me. “So you’re saying you want to wait until next week to move all your stuff, to soften the blow?”

I sniggered. “Yeah, pretty much! But like I said, one day at a time. If this tent thing works out, we won’t need to think about that for a while.”

“I think it’s going to work out.”

“You might get tired of me being right there.”

“Nah,” she dismissed. “Now that you actually bathe every day...”

“Screw you, sis!” I sang.

We stripped down and rinsed off in the pool. Lara wasn’t interested in lingering in the water, so we were soon dried off and lying in our sleeping bags. The interior glowed with warm light from an electric lantern, and I had to admit that Lara had set the space up very cozily. Layers of padding and comforters supported and surrounded the bags, and honestly it was at least as nice as our usual beds. Whatever those are these days...

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Italienische Groszligfamilie Teil 4

Fortsetzung des 2. Teils,wenn ihr den noch nicht gelesen habt, holt das unbedingt nach: war verwirrt und aufgewühlt. Vor wenigen Tagen erst hatte seine ältere Cousine Caterina, von deren Traumkörper er schon seit langem träumte, ihn unerwartet beim Masturbieren erwischt und fotografiert. Das Foto diente ihr jetzt als Druckmittel um ihn in die Rolle ihres absolut willenlosen Sex-Sklaven zu zwingen,...

2 years ago
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Spying On Samantha Hallie

"So, they're just friends from college?" I asked, dousing my hands in shampoo."Yes, we were like a trio; only I was the third wheel after a while. I don't know how long I was exactly, but just one Saturday night, I came back to our dorm to find Samantha eating out Hallie. I didn't even know either of them were into girls, but there they were," she explained as I got it in her hair. "And judging by your dick touching my butt, you like that. Well, at least we're in the shower.""Well,...

4 years ago
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Happy Birthday Kaylie

*Warning: contains some graphic scenes of gore or violence. It’s only PG-13 violence though really, so anybody on this sight should have no problems with it. However, if you really don’t like horror-type stories or violence, I wouldn’t read this. Also, if you could leave a vote and some feedback that would be great. Hopefully the feedback won’t be too bad.* * The night was cold, as it normally is in late October. The air was chilly and their breaths could be seen in the air as they crawled...

4 years ago
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Oliver and Emilie Wright

"For godssakes stop the silly crying, Oliver, and be a man. So Billy screwed me. So what? It isn't like it means a damn thing," said Emilie. "It made me feel good and didn't hurt you or us one little bit." "I'm not crying. I've just got something in my eye. But, as for the rest of it, it means plenty to me, and in case you actually give a damn it did hurt me. And also in case you actually give a damn there is the indisputable fact that this marriage is over," I said. "Oh, pooh,"...

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Hallie Kassie

Hallie and Kassie were both freshman; they were designated roommates by the apartment office for the complex in which they had chosen to live. The university did not have near enough dorm space so the local apartment complexes did a booming business renting to students.In a questionnaire that was part of their apartment application, Hallie and Kassie had each answered many demographic and personal questions. The apartment management had worked out a system to sort students into roommates based...

College Sex
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Aunt Tillie

Aunt TillieThis is a fantasy based on actual events in my earlier years. There was an “Aunt Tillie” whom I lusted after, but since she was mom’s best friend......…This took place in an established old, very religious northern city (read: prudish). Extremely conservative.Tillie, or Matilda was her birth name, was my moms best friend all through high school. Both of them married a year or so after HS, but remained close friends. Tillie was sort of an “Aunt” to me, as she came to our home at least...

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Hallies Story

Hallie –I really love my bff, Jessica and I am fond of her boyfriend, Jason, but sometimes she drags me into things that I would prefer not to do. Like tonight, drinks and dinner at Jessica’s with her second cousin from out East. Sure, I can be pleasant, demure, sociable, and all that but things like this aren’t really what I had in mind.But, I may as well look nice. I have a new dress and the neckline is lower than I usually wear, but the color and print screamed at me in the store. It is...

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Hallies Story

Hallie –I really love my bff, Jessica and I am fond of her boyfriend, Jason, but sometimes she drags me into things that I would prefer not to do. Like tonight, drinks and dinner at Jessica’s with her second cousin from out East. Sure, I can be pleasant, demure, sociable, and all that but things like this aren’t really what I had in mind.But, I may as well look nice. I have a new dress and the neckline is lower than I usually wear, but the color and print screamed at me in the store. It is...

2 years ago
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Learning From Emilie

-- Learning From Emilie --Early one Saturday morning I was standing at the bathroom sink in our government quarters brushing my teeth. My father had awakened me earlier than usual, getting ready to go on an overnight guard duty assignment. Once he'd left, I decided to go ahead and get up early, get cleaned up, maybe go out for a nice motorcycle ride.There was a movement at the open door and I turned my head, toothbrush still in my mouth, to see my stepmother Emilie walk into the bathroom. ...

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Learning From Emilie 2

-- Learning From Emilie - The Second Time --I stopped by my father's home on my way to a job interview. I'd just begun a very messy divorce and had decided to relocate completely to another city. I'd called to tell my father and my stepmother Emilie about the whole messy situation, and they were both concerned at how it had upset me, and they both insisted that I stay over with them during my trip. Emilie was particularly upset and sympathetic: she knew how much I'd wanted the marriage and...

3 years ago
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La dette de Julien envers Alex

Chapitre 1 - Julien et ses probl?mes financiers "Promis Monsieur Durand, je vous promet que je vais tout mettre en oeuvre pour r?gler ce d?couvert sur mon compte le plus rapidement possible. Je suis en train de n?gocier pour un nouveau job me permettant de doubler mon salaire et en finir avec ces petit probl?mes financiers... Laissez moi juste un peu de temps!" Le banquier regarda Julien un peu rassur? mais ce m?fiait un peu. Ce n'?tait pas la premi?re fois qu'il avait convoqu? Julien ? cause de son compt...

3 years ago
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Hallie the Slut I Had a Dream

Hallie the Slut - I Had a DreamSince she'd had a couple drinks that evening, both Hallie and Mark suggested that Jessica spend the night with them. She could drive back home the next day. Jessica admitted that was a good idea. On the way home, Mark told the two girls that he had errands to run the next day in a city a couple hundred miles away. He told them he would be getting up and leaving early and wouldn't be home until very late in the evening. So when they got home Mark excused...

2 years ago
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Everything For Tilliebyhoneydew©Tillie Smith is 18, and her and her Dad has been living in a big city for the last 12 years. After Tillie was attack, they moved to a small town of only 300 people, thinking that it would be safer than the big city. The house they got was an old two bedroom Farm house. Tillie took upon herself to redo the house, by the time she was done it was a three bedroom home. Her Dad Tony commuted to work 20 miles everyday. There were alot of men willing to help her around...

3 years ago
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At The Pool Kim Copies Kaylie

I was standing next to the pool, naked, with a hard cock sticky from cum, pussy juice, and the blood of Kaylie’s torn hymen. Kaylie was laying back on the chaise that she been on when she’d asked me to take her virginity; a painful experience for her that my daughter Kim not only helped set up, but watched. Kim was also standing there, eyeing my erection while she and Kaylie freely discussed the fact that my cock was apparently longer than any Kim had ever taken.Kaylie was in the process of...

4 years ago
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Carlie Came Through

The dusty wood shelf in the town grocery store always bothered me. Staring at it, I couldn't help but wonder when the last time someone might have cleaned it, if ever.I blinked and awoke from my daze, having no clear idea how long I'd been standing in the aisle, staring at bags of flour on that dull, unchanging shelf.Every Friday, I walked into town to get things my Mother needed for the coming week. I guess I didn't mind too much, since it gave me a break from being in the field, picking...

2 years ago
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Taylors Girlsquad III Tay Karlie

“Okay, that's the one, I think.”, Taylor Swift called toward the driver of her limousine. Once the car stopped she leaned back and forth to get a good look up and down the night-time street through the tinted windows, making sure there were no paparazzi camping out before the upper-class hotel a little bit outside of the city. Once she had made sure the streets were clear Taylor popped the wide lapels of her long coat, put on her sun-glasses and got out. For a moment she hesitated and leaned...

4 years ago
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Sweet Young Hallie

I still can’t believe what just happened. The young woman is sound asleep, facing me, her arm over my waist. My left hand is traveling up and down her smooth, naked skin, from the auburn hair to mid-thigh. Never have I loved a person more, and I figured that out, just before engaging in the most fantastic fuck session I ever had. …………… I had known Hallie for about six years, since she was sixteen. My wife, and I, met her in a local, small town grocery/general store. She was a...

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Emilie and Isabella

The London flat lay almost empty, containing just: stacks of books and papers in one corner, a violin case, a dresser with a suitcase on top of it stuffed with ratty clothing, a small kitchen, and a computer lying half hazardly on the floor, a statue of the Laughing Buddha on the counter in the kitchen with empty liquor bottles around it. The walls were lavishly decorated by skilled painting hands, and reds, purples and browns leapt out brilliantly, and in the centre of the room, a bed. Pillows...

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Princess Lien

Chapter I - Princess Lien's Breakfast treat Princess Lien yawned and thought is she bored or still waking up. She lay in her four poster bed, on a mattress made from duck feathers, covered with black silk sheets, with matching pillows. From each corner of the top of the bed were hung black drapes tied to the bed posts with black rope She looked out the window to try and judge what time of day it was. Soon breakfast would be arriving. She sat up in bed, stretched and revealed she was wearing a...

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Taylors Girlsquad II Karlie Kloss and Vict

Taylor's Girlsquad II - Karlie Kloss and Victoria JusticeVictoria Justice blinked rapidly a few times, her long, brown eyelashes caressing her cheek, and lifted a hand to her lips, painted in a subtle, pink lipstick, to yawn. She fanned air to her face and headed over to the coffee machine, her steps fairly uneasy, with a small grunt escaping her lips and her hand moving to her stomach to stroke it soothingly. She waited until the dark, steaming liquid had poured out of the nozzle and into her...

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Finding Mollies Lover When I Home Home Early

The screensaver activated on the phone sitting on our kitchen bench as I walked past it, and I saw Mollie posing with her boobs out on display, wearing the smallest triangle for knickers and a big smile. And a bow around her neck. I hadn’t seen this picture before. Whose fucking phone was it?“Hey Mollie, where are you? I’m home” I called out as I poured myself a glass of Australian red and spun the phone around so I could see the image more clearly. It needed a password to access the phone...

2 years ago
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Kylies Song Part 2

"Ughhh…" Kylie realized she was upside down before she'd even opened her eyes. The air felt cold, dry. She was in a basement of some kind. She was also completely naked. A chill raced down her body. Goose bumps rippled across her chest as she opened her eyes to see Brayden's muscled figure. He was wearing a dark skin-tight mask with openings only around the eyes and mouth, but she could tell it was him. "Good morning little cunt. You and your friend have been asleep, imposing on my...

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Kaylie Rides a Horse

It had all sounded so exciting when her mom told her that she had purchased a package deal at the nearby riding stables for her to have a beginner's riding class and actually ride a horse in the paddock and even out on the small trail behind Mister McArthur's farm. This was the big day! She put on the riding outfit her mother had bought her and looked in the mirror. She looked like a regular horse-riding girl from the country. Kaylie didn't quite know what to do with the tiny riding crop...

3 years ago
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HaremChapter 5 Hallie

While on a trip to Georgia I stopped at a small gas station and found a beautiful 19-year-old black girl with very short black hair dark brown eyes, and what I would guess to be a firm 38D-32-36 body standing 5'9" and weighing maybe 140 pounds. She was doing her college English behind the counter. The nametag on her shirt said Hallie I guessed her age from her looks and the fact that she was taking college freshman English. As I paid for my gas and snacks I commented on her class and joked...

2 years ago
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Rough Night With Mollie Chapter 1

“Hey, love!”  “Hey, babe!” Mollie replied, her eyes not moving from the TV. “Whatcha watching?” I said, hanging up my jacket.  “Shhhh,” she replied quickly, her eyes still glued to the TV. I sighed, knowing she was already too far into the show to be distracted. “Two to one she is watching Island of Love,” I thought to myself, although Love in the Tropics was the other contender. Either way I think she would throw me out the window if I changed the channel. I took off my shoes and sat down on...

4 years ago
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Sylvia meets Al and Rosalie Lombardi

I was singing in a club, a kind of folk music club the summer I was s*******n. I sang for tips and to practice getting my voice out in front of people. When I sang on stage, or in a productioon, with costumes and make-up and all that, I had a lot of problems with stage fright. I don't know why, but it wasn't getting better, in fact, it seemed to be getting worse. I was doing my best to try to not pat attention to how upset I was about it. WheLn I was at the Balloon Grove, a little hoie in the...

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The TreehouseChapter 4 Amelie

It took me almost until Noon Saturday to finish the Taylor's yard work. When I knocked on the back door Mrs. Taylor opened it and invited me in. She looked very pretty in a short skirt that stopped well above her knees. She also wore a loose and somewhat low cut peasant blouse. Though not certain, I thought that she wore no bra either. As usual she offered me a glass of lemonade. I sat at the kitchen table drinking the lemonade while she retrieved $15 from her purse to pay me. "Where are...

4 years ago
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Kylies Song

Would Brayden really do this for her? She had her share of doubts. 'He'll hate me after this for sure,' she thought. 'He'll think I'm disgusting.' Of course right now the 23-year-old looked anything but disgusting. Kylie's alluring beauty practically taunted her in the mirror. She wore only a deep magenta bra and matching panties. The deep purplish-pink set off her dusky skin tone perfectly. The push-up bra barely contained the swell of her breasts. She twisted side to side,...

3 years ago
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Lien the Fifth

A prologue of sorts. Firstly it's an adult story written by and for adult types. Secondly believeit or not it's fiction and so is the cast of characters. Any similarities toreal folk living or dead are just coincidental, honest. The only similaritybetwixt Lien Venrihet and Lord Vetinari is due to the resemblance of variousforeign phonetics. Mr. Pratchett's character obviously has too much characterto appear in this story and is much cleverer than Lien in any event. Pleasebe aware this story is...

4 years ago
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Amelie part 8

When she got home on Friday, she gotten a hand-written note in her mail-box at home. There was an address and the word “Tonight, 21.00…Be there on time…”… Amelie thought “NO WAY” and began to prepare her dinner. And after dinner, she showered and drank a single glass of red wine, still sure that she was NOT going to go. She had had enough adventure in the last few days for many, many months. And, as she poured a smaller, second glass, she knew that she would have to go, after all. The decision...

3 years ago
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Amelie part 8

When she got home on Friday, she gotten a hand-written note in her mail-box at home. There was an address and the word “Tonight, 21.00...Be there on time...”…Amelie thought “NO WAY” and began to prepare her dinner. And after dinner, she showered and drank a single glass of red wine, still sure that she was NOT going to go. She had had enough adventure in the last few days for many, many months. And, as she poured a smaller, second glass, she knew that she would have to go, after all. The...

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CarlieChapter 7

7 Bob’s turn: First step to recovery is admitting that you have a problem. I admitted it to myself before, reinforced it after this past weekend. I like having Carlie around. Check that. I LOVE having Carlie around. To the point that a week ago, BEFORE we found out about her financial situation, I turned down a six-month overseas contract. I told myself that it was because most of the overseas venues, now in sub-Saharan Africa, were less and less secure with each passing day. The real...

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Amelies Power Play

I was on a plane back home. It had been a long time since I had been home, and I wondered what it would be like. I was especially curious to see if anything would change between me and my sister, Amelie. My parents were sports freaks, and had named both of us after athletes: me for the great Terrapin, Tahj Holden, and s*s for the tennis player Amelie Mauresmo. It only took in her case, though. Growing up, even though I was 2 years older, she had always been bigger and stronger than me. She was...

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CarlieChapter 2

Still Bob’s turn: So I’m sitting across the table from a sad young girl who doesn’t have a lot of options and her eyes are starting to get moist. Those eyes bored into me. “What do I do, Bob?” “You get people to help you who know things, who intend to HELP you, not exploit your situation.” “Where do I find those people?” “You’re sitting across from one. Those people you met across my fence are a couple more.” “Why would you do that?” “Why wouldn’t I? I can. You need it. Seems like the...

4 years ago
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Nellie and the Diamond Gala

In this adventure, Nellie needs a date for a gala so she doesn't have to go with the one her father arranged for her. Desperate, she turns to the only person she thinks can help, but he wants something in return. This story follows the events of Nellie & The Professor.**"You've brought an appropriate outfit?""Yes, Dad.""Appropriate, Nellie."Sighing, I dropped my suitcase to the floor and unzipped it, removing the dress I'd packed haphazardly on top of my clothing."You approved this one last...

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Amelie part 9

She was one or two minutes early. The door was locked. As she turned to get up on the pavement, an old lady was passing by and mumbled “whore” under her breath and spat that way only old ladies do, more sound than spit. Amelie got back up onto the pavement and almost wished that she was smoking, a cigarette smouldering between her fingers would have made the picture complete. She walked a few meters in one direction, before going back again. Considered waiting there, with on foot resting on the...

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Amelie part 9

She was one or two minutes early. The door was locked. As she turned to get up on the pavement, an old lady was passing by and mumbled “whore” under her breath and spat that way only old ladies do; more sound than spit. Amelie got back up onto the pavement and almost wished that she was smoking; a cigarette smouldering between her fingers would have made the picture complete. She walked a few meters in one direction, before going back again. Considered waiting there, with on foot resting on the...

3 years ago
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Alexandra and Paulie

Introduction: A tale of an over-protective brother who only wants to make his sister feel better. Tell me why I cant go out with him, Alexandra said. Because I said so, Paulie replied, matter-of-factly. Thats not a reason, you jerk. Alexandra shot back. Alexandra was mad. She was tired of dealing with her over protective brother. After growing up with Paulie for all of her 16 years, she had learned there was no way of winning when it came to any of the fights the two of them had. He was only...

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P90SEX Allies squash tournament

“Ouch!” Allie yelped. “That really hurt." Allie began frantically rubbing her ass after receiving the full velocity of a squash ball right on her butt cheek. Dave rushed over to apologize and to assist her in any way he could. “I’m so sorry. I hope you’re OK," he said apologetically. “This is going to leave a mark on my ass for sure. I did not realize that the competition was so fierce in this squash tournament," Allie said with a smile as she continued to rub her ass to relieve the sting....

Group Sex
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Alexandra and Paulie

Alexandra was mad. She was tired of dealing with her over protective brother. After growing up with Paulie for all of her 16 years, she had learned there was no way of winning when it came to any of the fights the two of them had. He was only a year older, but he acted as if he were the wisest person on earth when it came to the welfare of his sister. Maybe that was true, though. Maybe Paulie really did know best when it came to the welfare of Alexandra. “It doesn’t matter if it‘s a...

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Nathalies Adventures 1 The Garage

This is the first story about Nathalie, a beautiful sissy who gets herself into all sorts of sc****s.Nathalie is shopping for clothes. In the changing room she tries on a very sexy mini dress and she shows off her fantastic tits as she tries it on. The tits cost a small fortune but were worth every penny. She looks at herself in the mirror. Her boyfriend will love this dress. She changed back into her skirt and blouse and took the dress to the till. "It fits perfectly" she said and the pretty...

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CarlieChapter 10

Carlie’s turn: I’m winging this, you know ... Never had The Talk, not the official one, from Grandma, nor Mom. And here I am lying in my bed on the last night that I’ll be a virgin, a single girl. I know a few things. I listen, even read a little. I know anatomy, and heaven knows, I’ve explored my own enough. The unknown is my partner’s parts. I do know something, though. Kinda pushed up the intimacy the last few days, just to get a handle (oh, is that oblique enough?) on arousal of the...

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On Being Juliette

On Being Juliette By Elaine copyright 1999. This story is the long delayed follow up to the Importance of Being Juliette. If you haven't read the first story it is recommended that you do that first. Now this story involves the feminisation of a teenage boy and if you are under age or likely to be influenced by such stories please do not go past this sentence. My email is [email protected] and any comments are welcome. This story is dedicated to Kim, a wee man with a big heart in...

2 years ago
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On Being Juliette Part II

On Being Juliette, Part II By Elaine copyright 2000 This second part is dedicated to many readers who emailed me to say how much they enjoyed the first 8 chapters. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. I hope it was worth the wait. You will let me know if it was, wont you? Copyright 2000, by Elaine email is [email protected]. This section is dedicated to some friends. Crystal the site owner who will have exclusive rights over this story. Joan who helped encourage me with some...

5 years ago
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Bente the Collier

Lotta, the daughter of Rune the Smith, looked up from her needle work when she heard hoof beat in front of her father's smithy. She sighed and stood up. She knew her father was busy this morning, harvesting the bloom from the renn furnace, and he had told her that Bente would come to deliver more charcoal. She stepped outside and there he was, all sooty, grimy, six feet five fingers and fifteen stone of him, his healthy teeth white in his smiling, blackened face. "Hello, Maid Lotta," he...

4 years ago
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The Secret Life of Rosalie Wren

“What..” famed race car driver Rosalie Wren began, but whatever she was going to say was cut off by a savage mouth. Rumbles reverberating through the pits drowned her protest. Even if logic hadn’t told her who it was, that kiss would have. There was no taste to it, only wetness and strength, and a hungry, agile tongue that slid around hers like a snake. It was Juan Pablo, whom she had twice thrashed already and would defeat again today unless, of course, she allowed herself to be distracted...

4 years ago
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Charlie Goes To College Charlies Adventures 5

Introduction: This has to be my favorite chapter yet, I hope you all enjoy. Please rate and review! And most of all, I hope I make you all as horny as I was when writing this. Enjoy ,) Thats the last one, Michael says as he stretches, putting the last of my and Alis boxes in our new on-campus apartment. Ali claps happily, wrapping her arm around her dad and then me, pulling us into a group hug. My heart stammers at my closeness to Michael, my ex-lover. I dont think you can really call him my...

4 years ago
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"Hey, Mike! Can you come over and babysit Kaylie for a couple of hours?" My buddy Dennis had just called. He and his girlfriend Jenny had just had a baby a couple of months earlier. I easily said yes. Not only is the baby cute as a button, I could engage in one of favorite activities. You see, I'm a combination transgender adult baby. So, not only could I indulge in the simplicity of baby things, I could also rifle the drawers of the bedroom. A few hours later, I found myself back...

2 years ago
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CarlieChapter 4

Bob’s turn: Trophy-grade kid there up the hall. Not a lay-about. When she IS laying around, there’s usually a book, either a paperback or on her iPad, involved. She helps around the house and in the yard. She keeps bringing home papers with great grades on them, often has herself somewhere with textbooks open, working over a homework assignment. It’s been three weeks now. She’s gone out a few times, a Friday, a Saturday, once on a Wednesday. We talked about curfew, she doesn’t push...

4 years ago
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Charlies Wild Weekend

Introduction: charlie, joe and leonard decide to experiment over the weekend This is the story of Charlie (14) penis size 5 and Joe(14) penis size 6 And their gay weekend together. Charlies parents were going away for the weekend so charlie asked if his best friend and secret crush Joe colud stay round. His mum allowed it. Joe arrived at 6pm 10minutes after charlies parents left. They were in for a dirty weekend. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Charlie and Joe were playing on...

4 years ago
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A Perfect Game Juliette Chapter 2

Dear reader, Who doesn't love games? Of course it's different if you are the player or the played. Well anyway, the mandatory gender transformation has occurred and all is not well with our protagonist. But then if it were, we wouldn't have much of a story, would we? Juliette (used to be Jules) remains in the hospital awaiting the arrival of the government officials who oversee the destruction of sexbot technology, which, Juliette has deduced, has something to do with her...

2 years ago
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Little Orphan Sallie

The big city was a lot different in the daylight than at night. Sallie Shadow liked it better at night because she could slide around everywhere and remain mostly hidden in the darkened corners away from the streetlamps at her own volition. Hardly anyone knew Sallie's last name was Shadow because she never used it unless she was caught in a situation that demanded she repeat her full name. Usually, that was in places like some silly soup kitchen or even a Police Station when she got scooped...

5 years ago
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kylies journal

kylie's Journal 16 Mar 2005 Since Mistress Kyren caught me dressed in girl's clothes last Wednesday she has kept this sissy in a bra and panties at all times only letting this sissy go out dressed as a girl. Yes, Mistress Kyren let this sissy go out, mostly to go to classes. Formerly this sissy was Kyle, a 19- year-old sophomore in college. Mistress Kyren said that this sissy could leave the apartment but only to attend classes and only completely dressed as a girl. Included in...

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Willies Legacy

Chapter 1 I'd always looked up to Willie, but that was nothing unusual in itself. He was two years older than I, and he was my brother. He had just turned thirty two when he started having pains under both his arms and a tightness in his throat. Having never had a real illness before, Willie did his best to ignore things in the hope that the discomfort, whatever it was, would soon go away. Two months passed by, and still the pain under his arms remained, and the throat tightness got...

2 years ago
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CarlieChapter 5

Carlie’s turn: Kind of brave of me, I think. I’m talking about taking Bob out of the normal surroundings, his house, his comfortable relationship with neighbors, Mister Art and Mizz Bekka, Jessica’s Dad and Mom; that’s Mister Chris and Mizz Jamie. Bob’s just nice to people, even when it’s somebody he’s probably not going to have to mess with again. I find it especially telling when we go out to eat, something we do quite a bit. “I get tired of my own cooking, okay?” he told me. “Well,...

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